#Yandere hetalia imagines
Can you do 2p Face family sharing a s/o
Yandere 2P FACE
To start, the fact you managed to steal the hearts of them all is an absolute surprise not only to you, but to them too. I mean, they all have different interests in partners, but here you are, breaking those interests for them and proving that they can love someone who isn't their "type" too.
It all started when James brought you back home, as his partner. You were a mature and educated individual, which surprised everyone that you ended up dating some hick from the country. It seemed that you started dating after you met him while volunteering at the local shelter that he was volunteering at. And everything else is simply history.
You were polite but didn't let anyone walk over you. You enjoyed being nice, but also knowing your own worth. Allen once tried to fuck around with you and make you seem worse than you were, but you put him right in his place.
That was exactly the moment he fell for you. Well, he fell for you before, but this was when he finally accepted that he was crushing on his brother's partner.
The next to fall was Oliver. See, you disliked Oliver, but you respected him. And that dislike made you something hard to achieve. And he wanted to get you now that he could not.
The last person to fall was Louis, the father figure of James. A troubled soul and failing artist who has fallen into some horrible habits out of despair.
Why did he fall for you? You were the only one who came to the art show that he had put on. You came with james to show his father figure support, but ended up moving him in a way that nobody else had managed to.
In general, life was quite easy at first, when everyone, besides James, felt like he was allowed to openly love you. For different reasons, all of them tried to hide their feelings for you. Allen because he didn't believe you could ever like him, Oliver because he couldn't believe he liked you, and Louis because he couldn't betray his son in such a way. But that didn't last long, of course.
James is not happy about sharing you, you're his partner after all. But it's better than having three rivals, and losing your family. He wished he could change things up so you were a bit happier, but sometimes, things like that can't be achieved and he accepted that not losing you is better than you being happy, but without him.
No matter what, James is near you, even if it's the time for others to be with you. He's your first one, your main man, so he has the right to be there.
Allen is the most unhappy about it and often gets into fights with James over getting alone time with you. Oliver and Louis, for different reasons, doesn't mind James tagging along.
Of course, all of them sneak alone time with you, when James is busy or not keeping an eye on you. There is always a way to trick James, as he was never the smartest.
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Yandere Norway headcanon if available
Yandere Norway Headcanon
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Obsessive and reclusive yandere.
He doesn't really show much emotion.
Lukas always sounds bored.
So it may come as a surprise that he is a yandere.
You piqued his interest.
Maybe you saw magical creatures too.
Others would send them to a mental institution.
But Lukas understands you.
Or you got Iceland to call him big brother.
It would make her happy.
Lukas is a little stalker.
He wants to find out everything about you.
He would use the help of magical beings.
Which is bad for you if you can't see them.
Lukas insisted Iceland call him big brother for many years.
man is patient.
And quiet.
So you probably won't notice when he kidnaps you.
Lukas really tries to take care of you as best he can.
YOU can leave at any time.
But you probably won't get very far.
It is difficult to escape from a house that is really deep in the forest.
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hellonerf · 5 months
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a snuff film, my slug record
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crimson-kisses · 6 months
Heyy, how about an platonic germany and prussia with a younger sibling? Like a micronation or a country!
Thanks for taking your time. we love your content, dont forget to rest!! 🌷🌷
Aw thank you so much for the lovely kind words :’) lifts my spirits up fr - I believe this concept has been done already, but nonetheless I will try and keep this rather short and simple. 🌻
Warnings: yandere themes, toxic relationships and the like.
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Perhaps you are a small protectorate state situated between Switzerland and Germany or between Austria and Germany. The region you represent is nestled amidst the aftermath of a war-ravaged battlefield, a testament to the turmoil that has unfolded. It is within this backdrop that Gilbert and Ludwig, two German brothers, stumble upon you, a young child in need of protection.
Recognizing the fragility of your situation, both Gilbert and Ludwig take it upon themselves to safeguard you. Gilbert, with a sense of duty and compassion, becomes your primary caretaker, ensuring your well-being and providing the nurturing support that you require. His presence brings a sense of warmth and stability, assuring you that you are not alone in this world.
Ludwig, on the other hand, takes a more reserved approach initially, keeping a watchful eye from the sidelines. His role extends beyond your immediate care, as he assumes the responsibility of handling any diplomatic tensions that may arise due to your presence. Aware of the delicate nature of political relationships in the region, Ludwig acts as a mediator, striving to maintain a delicate balance and protect the interests of your small state.
Both brothers understand the importance of their roles and the need to balance each other out. Gilbert's nurturing nature and hands-on approach provide you with a sense of security and guidance, while Ludwig's diplomatic prowess and watchful eye ensure the stability and political viability of your protectorate.
As time passes, Gilbert and Ludwig grow more attuned to the challenges and responsibilities that come with protecting you. They strive to provide you with the best possible future amidst the backdrop of the war-torn region.
Gilbert takes on the role of a tough mentor, providing discipline and rigorous tutoring. He has an obnoxious side to him, but he believes in pushing you to reach your full potential. He sets high standards and expects you to meet them, sometimes pushing you outside of your comfort zone. While his methods might be strict, they are aimed at helping you grow and succeed.
On the other hand, Ludwig, despite also being strict, has a gentler approach compared to his elder brother. He recognizes the importance of balance and ensures that you have time to relax and unwind. Ludwig understands the need for affection and emotional support, even if he finds it awkward to express it himself. He creates a safe space for you, where you can find solace and feel cared for.
As you grow older, Gilbert begins to loosen up his strict demeanor. He sees your progress and development, and he becomes more supportive and encouraging. He realizes that while discipline is important, it's equally important to have an environment that allows you to thrive and feel supported.
Both Gilbert and Ludwig work together to shield you from the feeling of isolation. They go above and beyond to ensure that you never truly feel alone. They create a sense of belonging and make you feel part of a loving and nurturing family, despite the challenges and isolation that may surround your small territory.
While you may not fully grasp the extent of your isolation, it is because Gilbert and Ludwig actively work to shield you from it. They make sure that you have a support system and a sense of belonging, so that you can grow and flourish in your unique circumstances. Their combined efforts create an environment where you can thrive, even in the face of isolation.
Gilbert also takes on the role of keeping you occupied with various activities, often in a random and chaotic manner. He teaches you different things and shares altered visions of what he considers necessary for you to know.
Ludwig, on the other hand, assumes the responsibility of handling more manipulative tasks. He deals with any external threats or individuals who might be prying too much into your affairs. Ludwig ensures that the surveillance technology in place is functioning properly, protecting your privacy and security.
Gilbert's focus is primarily on your education and keeping you engaged. He creates an environment of constant stimulation and learning, even if it may seem chaotic at times. Meanwhile, Ludwig works behind the scenes, safeguarding your interests and ensuring that your privacy is protected.
While their approaches may differ, Gilbert and Ludwig collaborate to provide a balance of education and protection. Gilbert's random and chaotic activities keep you on your toes, fostering a sense of curiosity and adaptability. Ludwig's surveillance and protective measures ensure that you are shielded from external threats and unwanted intrusions.
Gilbert and Ludwig provide you with a unique upbringing, where you are constantly learning, protected, and shielded from excessive interference. Their combined efforts create an environment where you can grow and develop, while also maintaining control.
Ludwig makes sure to keep reminding you of your young age, often making you feel anxious and worried about potential dangers in the world. He subtly plays with your mind, gently coaxing you to think negatively and suspiciously about your surroundings, it also brings about unease within you.
Despite this, Ludwig also provides you with an outlet for conversation, allowing you to discuss any topic you desire. Similar to Gilbert, he possesses a wealth of knowledge and diverse interests, which proves beneficial when you express your own interests. Ludwig's vast knowledge allows for engaging discussions and opportunities for you.
Ludwig's approach is tinged with a level of mental manipulation, the constant reminder of your vulnerability and the negative perspective he encourages fills you anxiety and a sense of distrust.
Both Gilbert and Ludwig still play significant roles in your upbringing. Gilbert keeps you occupied with various activities and teaches you, while Ludwig's conversations and knowledge expand your horizons.
Both of them provide you with access to various forms of entertainment and resources, such as books, movies, PlayStation, and games. They ensure that you have a means to satisfy your wants and desires within reasonable limits. While you won't be completely cut off from the outside world, they encourage a level of dependence on them for your wants and needs.
By carefully managing your access to resources and creating an environment where they fulfill most, if not all, of your wants and needs, Gilbert and Ludwig foster a sense of reliance on them. They want you to view them as the primary providers and caretakers, ensuring that you turn to them for support and assistance.
All of you will have a house in the countryside, providing a sense of isolation from the outside world. They allocate a significant portion of the house to you, allowing you the freedom to shape it according to your preferences. They encourage you to make the space your own, to design and decorate it to your liking.
Within the boundaries that they establish for your safety and well-being, Gilbert and Ludwig happily support your decisions and desires for the house. Whether it's choosing the colors, arranging the furniture, or adding personal touches, they want you to feel a sense of ownership and comfort in your living space.
Since this scenario is set in modern times, it is likely that the relationship between you, Gilbert, and Ludwig would indeed have a lighthearted tone due to your young age, given your upbringing and the support provided by Gilbert and Ludwig.
Gilbert, as the caring and affectionate figure, would likely engage in various activities with you, such as games, adventures, or creative projects. He would create a cheerful and nurturing environment, where adventures are common occurrences. His goal would be to ensure that you have an enjoyable experience.
Ludwig, while potentially more reserved, would still find ways to interact with you in a lighthearted manner. He might encourage intellectual pursuits, engage in stimulating conversations, or introduce you to new experiences. Despite his serious nature, he would recognize the importance of fostering easement within you.
Though as you grow older, you might begin to question certain aspects of your upbringing and notice differences between your life and that of others. You may wonder why some of your friends are suddenly missing and why you don't attend school with other kids. You might also notice that you don't have the same possessions or experiences as your peers, leading to feelings of curiosity, confusion, frustration or a sense of missing out.
Your dear brothers are fully aware of the confusion you are experiencing and have already prepared to have a conversation with you when you turn to them crying about it. Always running to them for support and affection.
You truly were so naive, just as they preferred you to be.
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atom-writings · 5 months
Yandere ivan and tsundere s/o please. Like how he handle them and ofc his patience 😨
yandere! hetalia russia with a tsundere s/o
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0.5k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: typical yandere tws, unhealthy relationships
a/n: its britney bitch
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Ivan is typically quite a patient man. But when it comes to his darlings, his calm kindness is thrown out of the window. There’s only so much screaming and crying he can take before he’ll tape your mouth shut.
He expected you to despise him at first, he’s not that oblivious. He knows how prickly you can be on the regular, and being kidnapped would obviously… exacerbate that quickly.
But the longer you yell and push him away, the more violent he’d become. His first breaking point would result in his screaming back about how he hates you just as much, (followed by a night of desperately squeezing you and apologising), but his final breaking point would result in a bloody mess.
Don’t push him that far. You won’t be able to push him into killing you, but your “brattiness” may force him to get real close.
However, if you’re more willing to give in to his affection occasionally, you two would have quite a… strange relationship.
At the end of the day, Ivan wants a simple domestic relationship with you. But, he doesn’t mind a little challenge. He did choose you, even with your tsundere attitude, after all.
He’ll tighten his leash on you just because he knows you’ll resist and then happily take the opportunity to remind you who you belong to.
When you’re in public, he won’t protest when you slap his hand away, but don’t try to act like that when you two are alone. Going out in public is a privilege, after all.
“Don’t say that, my love… someone may think you are being serious.” He laughs, his gaze resting on your pouting face as one looks at a misbehaving child. He wasn’t wrong, as a couple of other patrons looked up from their shopping for a moment to look at you two.
“I am being serious! You- you’re so controlling, whoever said that I wanted you in my life anyway!”
His grip on your hand instantly tightens, very nearly crushing your fingers with his unnatural strength,
“Did I stutter when I said not to say that, dear? Or… perhaps you would like to see what happens when you do? I will warn you, I have had a bad day.”
When his violet eyes meet yours again, you know not to speak up again. Not today, at least.
Don’t reject his gifts. He would take that incredibly personally. 
However, when you start to warm up only to act like your tsundere self again, he gets less angry and more… hurt. He doesn’t mind playful inconsistency, but if you’re genuinely so hot and cold, he ends up upset. 
His being upset is the most dangerous thing for him to be. He’ll swing wildly between obsessive love and pure hatred, mimicking your own tsundere behaviour. 
But other than that, it’d go… alright. Whenever you get offended by offhanded comments he makes, he immediately apologizes. Even if the reason is silly, he never wants to see you upset.
He may be completely socially inept, but he can still tell the difference between you hating him and hating something he said. He’ll break the first case out of you, but even yandere Ivan doesn’t like hurting you (when it comes to emotional stuff.)
And when he finally breaks your bratty resistance, he’s overjoyed! Once you’re content being mindless and affectionate, you’ll be a perfectly happy couple.
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sosauced · 1 year
Nikolai, nyo!belarus nsfw Drabble
I actually used to be obsessed with an old friends OC that was pretty heavily based on Nyo!belarus but like…..creepier and sexier, so I used that as my reference for writing this.
Cw/tw: non-con/dub con, breaking and entering, mentions of stalking, female reader, female receiving oral, no real penetration but close, pet names
Minors DNI
Nikolai had never held a conversation with you longer than any other classmate. You were not well acquainted by any means, you had just been partnered up with him for a short project and you spoke to him from time to time since then. But it doesn’t take a lot for a man to fall in love. He’d been ghosting around your presence for months since your project, watching as you went about your everyday business, watching as you did everything.
A gentle thump woke you up from your sleep, you sat up lazily and pushed your hair from your face, pushing the drool from past your lips over your arm. You called out for your pet, thinking perhaps they jumped from the bed and that’s what had gotten you awake. But when your door slowly opened and closed, you watched. Terrified you watched as a man in black closed your door behind him.
It was silent for a moment, neither of you opening your mouths to speak until he broke the silence.
“Oh…you’re up.” He muttered, that thick Belarusian accent was so familiar.
“Who are you?” You asked in a panic, bringing your blankets to your chest as the terror began to set in.
“…” he puffed out a breath and sighed. “I guess it doesn’t matter.” His response was so gloomy and cruel. You reached for your lamp and flicked the light on.
“…Nikolai?” You sputtered, watching as Nikolai attempted to pull his hood over his face, but that white hair and his striking features were undeniable. “Nikolai what…what the fuck is going on?” You weren’t handling this well, confused and scared you cbegan to think ‘he had seemed so nice in class’ he seemed so…not weird.
He was fast to use your frozen fear as an opportunity to move toward you, kneeling at the side of your bed, his hands holding one of yours with so much force you couldn’t pull it away from him. You stared at him with disgust, only for him to smile so fondly at your gaze. “Don’t look at me like that.” He demanded, yet looked at you timidly, his blue eyes flashing at you from under his long dark lashes. “I just wanted to come and see you…”
“Get off of me.” You spat as you pushed him away from you, his grip pulling you to the floor on top of him as he tumbled backwards.
“I’m calling the cops, man…you gotta go.” It really came out as more of a warned you thought up as you tried to get up but his grip on your waist was just enough to hold you still. You looked at him, your head snapping so you could look him right in the eyes.
“Let me go.”
“…I don’t want to.” He sighed. His strength pulling you closer down to him so he could nuzzle his head into the skin of your décolletage, your night gowns straps slipping from your shoulders and he squished your small frame a little tighter.
His grip sucked the air out of you, and before you knew it, he was tracing his tongue over your skin.
“You’re so warm, darling…”
You squirmed and writhed at his touch, demanding he let you go but alas, you were left defenceless in his arms. His kisses pressed into your skin rampantly, peppering what he could in his affection. His white bleached hair was a mess, strands falling to his eyes as he shifted his grip on you. You may have had a chance if he hadn’t moved so quickly, moving you back up to the bed. He laid you out sprawled beneath him with your hair covering the pillows like a halo.
“My angel.” Nikolai was hardly able to contain himself from ravishing you then and there, but he’d take his time Gil he couldn’t anymore. You open your lips to protest, but he takes this as an opportunity, stuffing his middle and index fingers into your pretty little mouth. You sob at the feeling of his fingers rubbing together over your tongue, reaching further back. Tears begin to prick your eyes as he slips his digts deep enough to make you gag, you cough and sputter as he removes his fingers.
“Just look at you.” He growls. The blush covering your cheeks, your shining eyes and spit glossed lips. You move your head to the side, avoiding eye contact with him. Nikolai brings his fingers to his lips, they’re blessed by your heavenly saliva, he gives them a little kiss and lowers his hand down his pants. You can feel his aching cock pressing up against your thigh from behind his sweats. “I just want to make you feel good, angel.” He whines as he coats his cock in your spit, but it isn’t enough. He pumps his length with his fist, white knuckled and feverish as he looms his body over yours.
He leans down, pushing his lips to yours, at first it was almost sweet. They began soft and almost lovingly, his lips capturing yours over and over again as you wiggled and gasped for air. Soon they grew hungry, demanding, his tongue violating your own, wrapping his tongue around yours he brought his lips around it. He was practically lapping the spit from your mouth. “Kiss me.” Nikolai whimpered, he was nothing short of pathetic as he stroked his cock, engrossed in your shared moment.
“N…no.” You detested, even as his assault continued you could feel yourself getting dizzy from his kisses. He pulled away from you for a moment, removing his hand from his shaft he uses it to grab your face, squishing your lips so he could kiss them as they plumped up between his fingers. Another word of protest slips from your tongue and he nods his head. “I get it… I understand, you don’t want me to kiss you there.” He whispers, your eyes locked together. Maybe he’s understanding now. “Y-yes, exactly, so please get off… you’re scaring me.”
Nikolai can feel that hot white rage burn through his chest as those words run over and over again in his head. He wasn’t scaring you, he was pleasing you, what did he do to make you so upset with him? His voice grumbles incomprehensible words as he climbs further down your body. “If I’m scaring you…” he lifts the hem of your nightgown “then why is my angels pussy so wet?” Nikolai is purring at the sight, he can hardly believe it. All his touching and kissing had gotten you an absolute mess and it was all for him. The rise and fall of your chest, the red in your cheeks, your soaked cunt…that rage he felt toward himself suddenly dissipated. “Oh…oh my god.” He sighs, diving face first into your panties. He rubs and nuzzles his nose against your clothed clit, kissing the skin of your thighs as he tosses your legs over his shoulders, panties torn in half in a moments notice. He locks your hips into place with his arms. He lifts your waist from the bed, sitting himself up so you’re practically hanging off of him.
With your shoulders being the only anchor you had, you pushed them further into the mattress. “No no no no, don’t! Don’t! Please no.” You start to cry out to him. “I’ll kiss you-I’ll kiss you so please let me go!” The wiggle of your hips only entrances him, he watches your pussy glisten with each twist. “I won’t…I won’t do it too much if you don’t want, I just want to have a little bit, I just want to taste you once. Okay? I’m just going to do it once, I promise.” He gives you an empty promise, one he breaks just a second later as he flattens his tongue against your cunt, causing you to whimper out a precious moan. His lips latch to your clit. Sucking and licking and kissing every bit of you he can get. “‘Sho good.” He moans against your skin. His tongue pushes into your little hole, tongue fucking you as you twitch and writhe from his touch.
You can’t hold yourself up, you’re slipping from his grasp but he collects you back up into his arms, his little bundle of love. You’re gasping and holding your wrist over your mouth to keep from letting him hear how good it felt but as his tongue swirls against your tight walls, you let go. It was as if something possessed you, Your hands fly to the headboard, gripping its metal bars with your hands as you grind your pretty little pussy against his face. His hot breath floods over your skin, and you can feel your orgasm building. He flicks his tongue over your clit, circling and prodding it as you ride his face when all at once that tension snaps. You shake and twist as he lets you use him through your orgasm, slurping up every drip that gushes and oozes from your abuse cunt.
The air is still after you call out your siren song. Nikolai’s face is damp with your juices. “Let me go.” Your voice is weak and shy, defeated. He lays your body back on the bed, kissing your body as he works his way up to your throat. He nips your skin as he pulls the waistband o his pants low, his cock exposed to the air. His tip is red and wet from precum, that thick vein in his cock thumping with his heartbeat as he looks to your disheveled form under him. He could barely hear your plea. He presses his cock against your soaked slit, sliding his cock between your pussy lips. “I can’t.” He winces as he glides his length through. A squelch can be heard as he pushes his hips to yours a little harder. “‘won’t put it in… I won’t put it in I swear- I swear angel I won’t put it in I just need to feel you. Just wanna…I just want to feel your pussy. I won’t put it in.” He’s practically crying as his hips buckle and shift so he can get as close to entering you as possible. His hands grip the underside of your thighs, lifting them up over his shoulders again. Nikolais eyes are wide and focussed directly on the contact. He was so hungry for you he could have done this forever. But when the sound of your roommates coming home had startled you, he grit his teeth. He reluctantly pulled himself from your body and stuffed his length back into his pants.
“I’ll come back for you.” Nikolai promised before slipping out your window. He left you there, and it pained him, the last sight of you he had for the night was one for the book. You were wet, abused, and tongue fucked into submission, laying in your bed unable to speak as you caught your breath and attempted to regain your senses.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 9 months
Wow, I didin't know you write for 2ptalia! Not complaining tho, how would the countries (just pick your faves) react to darling choosing their 2p counterpart over them? And what will they do in retaliation to being the unchosen one?
Me: Gets 98% writing only to realize I answered it backwards. hahahahahhhh.  So here a twofer. Reader being rejecting both original and 2p! Hope you guys enjoy! 
2p America: How much Fall flavored shit do you need woman? *Shows pack of Pumpkin Jojo’s, Pumpkin pie flavored Oreo’s, and Caramel Apple creamer* Also the fuck is so funny? 
Me: Roast post. 
2p America: What? 
Me: Shut up and laugh dammit! *throws notebook that ask was written in* 
Characters: America (Obivious as fuck I’d pick him), Canada, England, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Russia. 
🍔🇺🇸America 🍔🇺🇸 “WHAAAAAAAT? YOU’RE INTO A MAN WHO’D RATHER FUCK HIS NAILY BAT?!?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? ARE YOU CRAZY?” He shouts into the early evening air. He was so loud with that last remark that it took a few moments for passersby to look away from you. 
“Alfred! Please keep your voice down! And please release your grip on my arm!” You shrug away harshly to keep space between the two of you. You disliked that he was spouting nonsense. 
“Y/N, please….” You avoid his eyes; you know they were a honey-laced trapped that you knew plenty of unsuspecting people fell for. 
“I’m sorry, Alfred, but he and I work better together and I don’t have to explain that.” Voice was shaky but you knew you’d be away from him soon. Still avoiding his gaze you say ‘Good-Bye’. 
After you’ve left him to be alone with his raw feelings, he will go punch a few brick walls to let off some steam. 
He’s going to go home and ugly cry and eat Half-Baked while he’s half-baked himself making him whole again after a few months pass. 
(Damn reader, you a savage, we now have a sad burger man.)
🕶️🇺🇸2p America 🇺🇸🕶️: “SERIOUSLY DOLL? You go for a man whose entire fucking shtick is eating a shitload of burgers! That bitch wants to be Nikocado Avacado so bad!” 
He’s grinning his teeth. The fury radiated off of him like a heater. He’s gripping the phone so tightly that small indents are beginning to form. He wasn’t interested in prolonging his suffering so he hung up in your face before you even had a chance to try and placate him. The phone meets its demise. The titanium, metal, and nanotech that once resembled a black brick now resembled black sand of sorts. 
He goes out drinking and partying for the night. Why not be hedonistic to high hell if he doesn’t have you? 
He complains about you to others in the FACE family, saying things like: What was there not for them to like about the blood-dusted roses? They show devotion and dedication or whatever bullshit Oliver was on about!
Oliver: “I heard that, you ungrateful tosser! Pay up in the swear jar!” 
Alex: “Fuck yo-” A knife nails his leg and he wails out in pain. 
He ain’t giving up though he’s going to attempt time and time again to get the McDumbass away from you and into his arms. 
🍁🇨🇦🐻‍❄️Canada🐻‍❄️🇨🇦🍁: Most of you reading this post already know he’s going to cry. 
You were kind enough to let him down gently when you video-chatted him. “I’m sorry, Matthew. I’m just really feeling this other guy and I do it with sincerity that you find someone who suits you.” The pregnant silence was deafening but nothing compared to the pipes behind his violet orbs about to burst. He said, “Okay, farewell, Y/N. I hope you and Matthieu will be happy” before he ended the call.  God, that was a cursed sentence. The pipe had burst and tears spilled through his darkened lavender pools. It takes him about 45-minutes to get off the floor and he opens his Tim Horton’s app and gets a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and a few Canadian maple and honey crullers. Once it’s delivered, he will devour his meal and sink onto the couch, watching whatever random thing he’s put on Netflix. All while soaking the couch in his copious amounts of tear-soaked Kleenex.  
He’s going to stress-bake pastries while listening to some podcasts to do his best not to think about it. 
He’s also going to turn off his phone intentionally and put it in a phone jail for 78 hours so he doesn’t accidentally waste 5 hours looking at your cute face and the man that has always gotten in his way ever since he came into existence. 
🐻🇨🇦2p Canada 🇨🇦🐻: 
His right eye twitched in frustration over the text message being the only thing he got. His anger swelled the more he thought about it. It was like a boiling pot of water that went from a mildly active simmer to raging waters supported by the heat of a recently awoken volcano. He snuffs out his 4th cigarette, only halfway done and just thinking about his sickly sweet 1p receiving your attention and love. 
He gets crossfaded for the night, so he can numb the stinging pain of rejection. Once he’s done with being on his drug and booze-filled bender he’s going to get to plotting to get you back. 
Even Kuro was high-key annoyed that the snow-colored bear also had your affection. An aggravated growl leaves the beast as his owner reassures him that in time: you will be with them… permanently.   
☕️🫖🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🫖☕️: He’s in his tea room drinking scalding hot Earl Grey. The burn on his tongue felt better than the rejection he received. You picked the pastel palette psychopath with cannibalistic tendencies. 
‘Why y/n why? Why in the world would you want to date that Nutter? Is it because I can’t cook for shit?’ Will be some of the thoughts that echo around in his mind as he blankly stares at his tea until the early hours of the morning. 
‘Dodgy Oliver’ ‘What the fuck?’ ‘Bloody hell, has the world gone mad!?’
He considers making a love potion to make you love him. (Since this is the normal 1p we’re talking about Arthur’s code of ethics hasn’t been entirely yeeted out the door.) 
He will lurk on your social media profiles for a couple of weeks before he picks himself back up again.  🧁🎀☠️ 2p England ☠️🎀🧁 Mans has been sitting in his elegant pastel library while rage, sadness and disgust are spilling from his eyes. His heart crumbled into his stomach. When his shiny bright baby blues darkened in hue after reading your text he couldn’t help it. “Hey Oliver…. I know this will be difficult to read but I’ve decided that I’m going to be exclusive with Arthur. I really do hope you can find someone for you. Goodbye.” After a few minutes of letting the river flow onto the desk and pages of his prized cookbooks his mind wonder about how you came to the conclusion to go steady with Arthur. Were you daft? Were you under a spell? Did Arthur trick you? Regardless, Oliver was beginning to crave a special sweet treat that will require him to pay the tsundere British man a visit.
💪🇩🇪 Germany 🇩🇪💪: He’s going to be dumbfounded that you picked Lutz. Like bro has to stare at his phone for 5 full minutes re-reading your text. He tries to make scientific sense of how in fuck you came to the conclusion to like Lutz. After this, he’s just going to curse in his mind for a few hours while he pets his German Shepards while he has maybe a dozen or so cold ones. Ludwig will stare into the void and be like ‘WARUM!?! Auf keinen Fall! Das gibt’s doch nicht!’ 
No matter what, it will never make sense to him. He will be despondent for a while but with the help of Prussia, Italy, and Japan (and his two favorite things Beer and Schnitzel) he’ll be fine. 
You live rent-free in the back of his mind though. While ‘Why for the love of god would you pick someone like him?’ 
💤😴2p Germany😴💤While staring at the screen with bloodshot eyes…he won’t shed a tear, whine, or break things to let out his frustrations. He does nothing. He knows it’s not worth it. He knows he’s not what many would call a “catch”. Sure he has a rugged charm of sorts but that doesn’t mean it makes up for his mentally unwell state of working for Luciano. He will simply stare at the text message that read: 
Hey Lutz, I think it’s best that we just be friends. Ludwig and I are going steady. I just wanted to be transparent with you. I’m sorry.
Even as empty as the words felt, he stared at them with a mixture of regret, sadness, and self-pity. After a while, he releases the phone to fall onto the bed. Well, if there’s nothing he can do, he may as well just jerk it to someone who looks like you. 
🍝🇮🇹Italy🇮🇹🍝 Let's be real he takes your rejection like a champ. He'd been rejected by tons of people before. He’s a professional flirter what do you expect? He’ll go to another bar and snag more bitches. 
This doesn’t mean that later he’s going to realize: WHY ARE YOU DATING A DANGEROUS MAN???????
(Yes, I took this angle for him. Feliciano can be baby but ooooooh lawd he can be a player. He got that 🌟✨duality✨🌟)
🔪🇮🇹2p Italy🇮🇹🔪: His favorite switchblade is tossed back and forth like an acrobat during a finale. Rage is spilling through his pores. His ears burn as honesty comes spilling from you. 
“Maybe it’s best if we can be friends. I’m romantically intertwined with Feliciano and he’s a really sweet guy and I have to take a chance with him.” Your honesty was charming just as it was brutal. It was horrible for him to think about losing you. Your melodic voice was like hearing a live chorus from the musical Baroque of the 1600s. His dream of having you with him was shattered by the idiotia constantly waving a white flag. He stabs the right arm of the chair that he was seated in and drags the knife backward. Cotton and alligator leather were ruined in the blades' wake. 
He was going to give the bastard something to cry for. 
Bro is going to be wine-wasted for the rest of the night and become a little violent towards anyone who is within range of him. Kuro and Lutz 100% know to stay the hell out of his way until the storm has passed. 
👹👺🇯🇵2p Japan🇯🇵👺👹: Oh fuck. You essentially set off an entity that’s similar to Slenderman. Kuro is silent and brooding and his plans are gruesome, slow, and violate the human code of ethics. You were brave enough to have the conversation with him over tea. The air is tense, filled with discontent, and hate. What a waste you’d fallen the evenly keeled Kiku. He cared too much about cherry blossoms, respect, blah, blah, blah. Why would you ever date someone with a massive tree up his ass? His hand will itch for the blade. He wanted to rid the world of Kiku’s existence right that second. 
“Kuro, I’ll be honest I’ve found someone who matches my energy and I’m going to work it out with Kiku. We just work well together.” His eyes shot daggers at his green tea in an attempt not to scare you. He believes he still has a chance he’ll just have to convince you. However, he couldn’t suppress his vibes which could be cut by a plastic knife it was so thick. You bit your lip and gather your nerves. You pull out some yen from your bag to cover your drink and you leave in a huff. You knew from that point onwards that nothing in your life would ever be the same. 
It takes Kuro an hour to finally end his staring competition with his tea. He’s never been so bothered in his life. He blocks you on all social media and uses his alt accounts to gather intel. He isn’t going to let you go, nor will he let Kiku win. 
He definitely goes home that night to destroy a few trees and maybe even a few of his own men who dared to look at him the wrong way. 
🇯🇵 🌸 Japan 🌸🇯🇵 He’s stunned. He will have few words in response.
“Okay, farewell Y/N… and it really was nice to meet you.” he will politely bow and walk away.
his heart will take a while to recover through because you a catch!
☠️🇷🇺 2p Russia 🇷🇺 ☠️Jesus Christ or Holy Fuck are the only phrases that are appropriate for the bitter resentment he has for Ivan. The normally just frigid atmosphere transformed into a bitter frost that could give anyone uninitiated to the cold instant frostbite. Ice on the window appears and freezes over behind him while he grips your written letter explaining to him why you made your choice. He’s nicer, his scarf was warmer and a much more inviting light pink than his confronting red one. 
Outwardly he might be tame / measured inwards he’s brooding and plotting revenge on his counterpart….Only to execute none of it. He knows what he wanted is gone and he’s far too depressed to do something about it. 
He’ll stay in his office while he writes out a complex seven-point plan placing a dead a dead gladiolus flower next to each. He imagines his rival in a pool of blood to make it easier for him to sleep at night. 
🇷🇺🪆🌻Russia🌻🪆🇷🇺He does his best to choke back tears. He won’t lie you sent ice-picks straight to his heart. Thoughts about being lonely swarm his mind. It hurts him because you’re a mortal he’s grown fond of that didn’t have ulterior motives to be around him. He fiddles with his scarf to avoid your lovely (eye color) hues. 
“I’m going to leave Y/N, farewell.” He leaves in order to keep at least some of his pride in tact. 
‘Why Viktor? He’s even more terrifying than me!’ While he mulls over not winning you over, over some Vodka on the rocks a thought crosses through him: 
‘Wait a minute if that psychopath can have a lover so can I! There is still hope!’ 
Thank’s for reading ya’ll !
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write-a-circle · 2 years
A pretty strange ask, but... can you write some soft yandere Russia headcanons, please? People mostly imagine him as a very cruel yan, but I think its not close to reality at all. He just wants someone to with him and I highly doubt that he would want to hurt his loved one.
Also, your writing is great! I enjoyed reading everything you wrote, awesome job!
soft yandere russia headcanons
content warning: unhealthy obssessive behaviour, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, violence and mentions of death
thank you for requesting! though this may not be to your expectations, as i'm not the best with yandere content :') also this turned out to be general yandere headcanons for him oops-
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At first, you two were total strangers who only ever saw each other at international conferences and meetings. But you began helping him with small things, giving him the slightest well-meaning attention and he is enamored with you. This desperate need for love stemmed from the fact that everyone he’s ever had left him - his sisters, his fellow Soviet members. Russia is a lonely nation.
Stalking. It’s actually impressive how well he does this without being found out despite his big frame. Russia thinks this is actually an act of love.
Isn’t the type to actively spoil you, but will give you anything that he can afford. Once, he ripped out his own heart and hands it to you, fresh and bloodied. He also rips out his other body parts, though mainly organs, such as his liver, lungs and kidneys. Also nearly ripped his own left eye out to give it to you (was fortunately stopped). Russia thinks that it’s a show of devotion, to sacrifice one’s own flesh and blood for one’s partner. While it’s very sweet and all, you wish he didn’t take it so literally…
And you’re absolutely right about him never wanting to hurt his darling - after all, they’re the love of his life! Why would he ever want to make an angel cry? However, he will hurt others who get in the way.
People notice that Russia stops hovering over his “friends” (i.e. Lithuania, Czechia, Latvia), and they take pity on you - Russia’s latest victim. You don’t believe this, because in your eyes, Russia has been nothing but kind to you, and on some degree you felt like you have to take care of him because Russia’s such a poor soul, isolated from the rest of the world, for the world rejects him, and no one deserves to suffer like that. And yet it’s your own kindness that’s your undoing, as Russia only falls even harder every time you show him the tiniest touch of kindness.
Of course, Belarus, too, notices his sudden interest in you, and begins to get suspicious, as she knows that look in his eyes all too well. It’s the same one that she sees every time she looks into the mirror - of longing, of sickly, twisted passion for her beloved. But you? Her darling brother harboring feels for you out of all people?
Belarus seethes with rage, clutching all the hidden blades she has on her body. She is more than ready to slit your throat right then and there. Honestly, Belarus really doesn’t want to waste her time with someone like you, but obstacles were obstacles. Nothing personal.
You begin to notice the strange salty taste in your water. The feeling that you’re being watched at night. Eyes boring holes in your back in the shower. Your clothes going missing, then returned full of scratches, holes and dripping red. This is another downside to having Russia obsessed with you, because you get a 2-in-1 package. Not only you have to deal with one yandere, you get two after you for two very different reasons.
Russia finds out, and does not ignore her like he usually does, no, he yells at Belarus. His voice thunders through the room, and Belarus flinches, but she doesn’t falter. There are tears streaming down her eyes, as she screams at him. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why?
Russia tries his best to control himself, but before he knew it, his sister’s white, porcelain skin has turned into a violent shade of blue. He looks down. His hands were on Belarus’s throat, pinning her against the wall. She claws on his large hands, choking out his name in disbelief.
His heart stops. Russia lets go of his sister, and she crumples down like a rag doll. His mind races a hundred miles, but nothing registers in his mind, not even Belarus’s violent, hacking coughs as she tries to breathe just any bit of air at all in. The entire world seemed spun, and Russia closes the door behind himself - closing off his sister’s cries from the rest of the world.
At times, Russia doesn’t even notice his own behaviour - intimidating others, promising to do… things to them should they interfere with your relationship. You may notice Estonia giving you the cold shoulder after this, along with your close friends, who blabber half-hearted excuses to get away from you.
Hushed voices hang in the air, whispering about how Russia found himself a new toy to chew on and spit out later. Poor thing. They don’t deserve such misery, they don’t deserve to be with such a monster.
There have been several attempts to, ah, warn you of your current predicament. But you’re always left confused of what they were all about, as before the nation could say anything, Russia will always be there. Always. With his usual bright, angelic smile, pressing a soft kiss to your temple and then disappearing along with a nation to have a little talk. The nation never meets your eyes again.
It’s honestly laughable. You reach out to save him from loneliness, and now you were the one facing ostracization. But you don’t know that, do you? All you saw was everyone in your life leaving you - everyone but Russia, who stays and comforts you, just like how you’d come into his life with open arms.
You find yourself staying inside all the time, because what is there outside? Nothing. No one is there anymore. No one but Russia, who comes home every day, always with a welcoming smile for you no matter what he had to endure outside.
He wipes your tears away. It’s just the two of you against the world now. What’s that? A speck of red on his coat? Oh, he was being clumsy and cut himself earlier, there’s no need to worry about that. Just focus on breathing slowly now, you’ll be safe in his arms.
Safe forever.
Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed. Raindrops banged and crashed against the windows, but they were nowhere near as loud as the sound of your heart pounding noisily inside your chest as you tiptoed down the hallway, the gift well-hidden behind your back. Watering them before plucking seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the backside of your shirt was soaking wet.
Your eyes darted around. Just there on Earth was he? The carpet would be drenched if you couldn’t find him soon. Yet you let out a small giggle. The surprised look on his face when you show him would be glorious…
“Доброе утро⁽¹⁾, (Name).”
You shrieked and turned around to see none other than the light-haired man smiling at you sweetly. “Ivan! Good morning to you, too! The, um, weather today’s very… nice… isn’t it?” Forced laughter left your throat.
Russia giggled. “You do know that there is storm outside, да⁽²⁾?”
“I- yes, I do, I- well…” Cat’s out of the bag. No point in trying to hide it anymore. You showed him the flowers, fresh and teeming with life. The vibrant yellow did not fit the solemn atmosphere, where Victorian-esque walls loomed, suffocating you with the dark of the storm.
Russia’s smile faded. You could see the gears in his head turn as his eyes grew bigger and bigger. “Sunflowers,” he said. “My favourite.”
The bouquet shook in your hands. Your eyes trained on the ground. “I grew some for you,” you admitted. “Of course, that may be the reason why they look kind of sad compared to the ones at the flower shops- Actually, thinking back about it, I should’ve bought the sunflowers instead of growing them myself because while doing it yourself makes the gift feel more special, the recipient doesn’t always necessarily want your lousy handmade gift, so- Mmph!”
Russia practically lunged forward to swipe you into a hug. He didn’t seem to mind the flowers getting crushed. “It is the thought that counts, (Name). Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“I…” Warmth flooded your cheeks, and you buried your face into his touch. “Yeah. Thanks, Rus.”
Water from the flowers soaked into the fronts of your shirts, but you couldn’t care less. All that mattered was you being in Russia’s gentle arms. So warm and kind. If only you could stay this way forever…
Latvia’s voice echoed through the halls. You looked over to see the small man in the doorway, nearly stumbling over because of the enormous stack of papers in his hands.
“Could you come here for a moment? I need you to fill out these docume-” His eyes widened at the sight of your current situation. “Oh! Good morning, Mr. Russia, I see you’re kind of busy hugging (Name)- Wait, no, nevermind, I’ll leave you two alone!” He scrambled out of sight, papers flying everywhere in the halls.
You tried to move, but Russia’s grip on you suddenly tightened. “Russia…?” Your voice faltered. “The flowers are going to get crushed…”
“Stay with me,” he mumbled.
“I’ll give you double the hugs when I finish,” you insisted.
His lips trembled on your neck. “Promise?”
His embrace only got tighter, like a cage closing on around you, yet you still managed to wiggle out, even just by a bit. “Dip them in water, okay? I’ll be right back.” You gave him a small kiss on the cheek and ran after Latvia.
Russia stood with only your sunflowers to keep him company as he watched your form grow smaller and smaller until you were finally gone. He looked at the gift. Some were crushed beyond recognition, but others were completely fine. These flowers carried the color of joy, the color of warmth, the color of sunshine. The color of your love for him.
He pressed a kiss to the bouquet. Latvia was going to regret this later.
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⁽¹⁾Доброе утро: Good morning
⁽²⁾да: yes
Last edited: 4/12/2022
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Can we get yandere france headcanons? if you do yandere i mean, no pressure if you don't :)
This takes place in an au since I find it kind of hard to slot the yandere stuff in canon I personally don't see the appeal with Yandere stuff, but this shit is so fun to write, it like a crime drama, so if you want it, I'll deliver lol
TW// I did not soften this, he's a manipulative stalker who's enamored with you and I treated it as such, so this could potentially be triggering for those who have been in a controlling/abusive relationship, if you feel you could be affected negatively by reading that, please do not read it, your mental health is far more important than Tumblr likes
Yandere France Headcanons
He's very idealistic and sees the best in the object of his affection
He sees you as a perfect, delicate flower to be protected and admired, he believes you can do no wrong and puts you on a pedestal high above everyone else, you are his petit(e) ange
In his mind, you two are together, and have been for a while, in a passionate whirlwind of mutual attraction, love, and romance
He swept you off your feet from the very first day he saw you in his little corner café and ever since then, you two have been madly in love
Realistically, you've only had some light surface level conversation with him, asking him about his day while you order a drink and pastry
François' coffee and pastry shop, named Fleur de Café, is place you visit rather regularly, the cozy vibe and aesthetically pleasing food and drinks make it the perfect place to study or do work, especially since the nice, pretty owner has the habit of giving you extra baked goods (which he started doing the third time you came in)
When you visit the cafe, he often compliments things like your smile, your outfit, and your makeup (if you wear any), he comes off as very genuine and unassuming
If you off handedly express that you're looking for a job, he would jump at the chance to offer you an interview, keeping it under the guise of simply "helping one of his sweetest, most loyal costumers"
He would be over the moon if you agreed, using the opportunity to get to know you more, learning more about you; like your hobbies, interests, dislikes, and the details of your private life
Because he views you as flawless, he would be incredibly shocked if he found out you did anything that differed from his dreamy, fantasy view of you
Any bad habits like smoking, drinking, or doing drugs would leave him astounded, anything 'heavier' would make him completely speechless
While you may think this could potentially be a dealbreaker for him, he views any behaviors that don't fit in his picturesque view (including if you were to turn down his advances) as minor hiccups in the road to your beautiful relationship, minor things that can be worked around
If you were to fall into his rose scented trap and begin a relationship, he would seem like the perfect partner, always showering you with compliments and gifts and taking you out on frequent dates
Pretty early on he would offer to let you move in, he gets lonely without you after all, so your constant company would be wonderful
Suddenly you find yourself spending less and less time with family and friends, the majority of your time would be spent around your wonderful boyfriend
While he might be an obsessive stalker, he doesn't view it that way in the slightest and wholeheartedly believes that whatever the two of you have is a healthy, nurturing relationship
He would never use force against you and would get incredibly defensive if anyone implied otherwise
No, instead he would use his charisma and charm (Read: manipulation) clouded in flowery words to keep you by his side and reliant on him
You can't find your phone? He will help you look for it when he's done with this croissant batch, you're so silly for constantly misplacing it, why don't you help him in the meantime?
You're upset that he doesn't want you to leave the house today? Well, it's a dangerous world out there, he's just protecting you, how about you go out with him tomorrow when he needs to go grocery shopping?
He's being too overbearing? Ange, he loves you, how could you say something so hurtful like that to him?
Any issue you have about his behavior, he'd wave it off, insisting that he just cares about you so much, and clearly he does, he's done so much for you
Some people would describe the way he loves you as "overbearing" or "dangerous", but he just likes to call it devoted
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allthehetalia · 2 years
hey Kimmy have you thought about posting your old works here? like the old yandere hetalia with male readers from your old quotev? I was a huge fan of them and just wondering if you would ever bring them over here as well
Ehhh IDK to be honest, those are years old and some of my first yandere writings so I don't feel as though I gave them the justice they deserved. Plus gorey writing was nice but I'm now more into the unhinged nature of being a thirsty ho. Here's the link starting at the first chapter in case you can't locate them tho!
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Yandere 2p Japan headcanons?
2P Japan/Kuro Honda
Kuro is similar, yet very different from Kiku. Kiku is more reserved and shy when it comes to other people because of his politeness and the way he was raised, meanwhile, Kuro is calculative and shrewd ( I learned a new word :)))) )
When Kuro met you, he had decided to pursue you for one reason and one reason only, you would bring something to the table.
As a wealthy middle-aged individual, you had money, connections, and power, and Kuro needed that. He needed someone to be on his side, someone who was hired up. What he didn't think was that he would fall for you.
To say the least, Kuro was absolutely head over heels for you. He was in love. You were intelligent, charming, and oh-so caring. You treated him with so much care and love. Was it that bad that he wanted to keep you now?
Every gentle caress, kiss, and hug was engraved in his mind. He wanted to lock you up and keep you far from the world. If even he understood how precious you were, then... Someone was going to try and steal you away eventually. He needs to prevent that.
At any cost.
"Repeat after me, my golden bird, 'I'm your'"
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Yandere Italy with an S/O who likes to playfully bully him
Yandere (north) Italy
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Oh poor boy.
Feli is definitely not mentally prepared.
Maybe your kidnapping was a bad idea.
This would be an emotional roller coaster.
more than 60% of the time downhill.
You can be really sadistic.
( Sadistic = you don't give him hugs. )
You are really creative.
Feli always doesn't understand sarcasm and that you enjoy teasing him.
Although he grew up with Romano.
However, Feli will take it.
He won't punish you either.
This is part of your personality and he loves you for it.
But once you went too far.
You cut the pasta before you started cooking it.
Feli was really shocked.
This was indeed wrong.
You must have been punished for this.
Don't mess with his food.
They are a good thing for him.
In addition to you.
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darkwaltz-blog · 2 years
Yandere Russia smut hcs please
Warning: +18 Content; mentions of non-consensual relationships; manipulation.
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Ivan Braginski [Russia]
Since his beloved is a prisoner with him in his remote and enormous mansion, Ivan has been in charge of suffocating her with affection. During the first weeks he never showed himself as someone with much sexual interest, to tell the truth, he always limited himself to hugging, kissing and snuggling with his S/O with no other intention than to be close to her. Ivan is not someone who is enormously lecherous, he simply conveys his affection through physical closeness and sweet words of love.
Naturally, as the days went by, the signs of love he was used to were not enough, he felt he needed something more "intimate"; he had a strong need to show how much he loved his S/O in all existing ways, however, his sick adoration towards his beloved limited him to do certain "things"; to him, his S/O is sacred, like a God who must never be corrupted by anyone, not even him.
To calm his carnal desires, he began to pleasure himself (something he rarely did before) while mentally punishing himself by calling himself "disgusting" or "fucking pervert".
The day came when his imagination was not enough for him, the desire to perform sexual acts with his beloved ended up driving him crazy. That day he was stickier than usual, he started with a light caressing session, then with a few minutes of kissing, until he ended up drying his S/O's terrified tears while whispering sweet words.
"Let me show you how much I love you, my little подсолнух".
"Every inch of your body belongs to me, and if you want it, my body can belong to you too".
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The Russian boy never knew the meaning of the word "consent", everything he does, he does based on what he believes his beloved enjoys.
From the day he began to have relations with his beloved, he became even more affectionate to the point of wanting to show his affection at all times, since, according to him, he managed to climb one more step in what he calls "relationship".
This is only in the back of his mind, but Ivan has a fantasy that his partner will one day dominate him and praise him while showing him how much he needs him. Feeling desired and loved is a dream.
Ivan has learned over the years that humans have certain sexual needs and these can be easily manipulated. The Russian is smarter than he seems, he just needs the help of a few psychology books, and soon his mistress will be after him, asking to be touched to get rid of her frustrations.
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I need to write more of this, if you want me to write this with any other character (from Hetalia, obviously), feel free to let me know◞♡
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crimson-kisses · 5 months
Ok umm. Yandere god Canada, America, Russia, Austria, Germany, and France with a nature Goddess reader.
🤡💧anon ~
Technically, I have already done this ask in a way so this will only contain some drabbles!! Hope you liked it. Austria is a new one, tho!
Warning: Contains usual yandere themes, toxic relationships and the like.
Tangled vines
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Canada || Matthew Williams 🇨🇦
Sitting atop a grassy hill, surrounded by vibrant blooming flowers, Matthew watches you with an admiring gaze. The calmness you give off brings a sense of peace to his soul, and he could spend hours simply observing your serene demeanor.
However, beneath your calm exterior, a storm rages within. Containing your seething fury, you make a decision not to show Matthew the extent of your anger. He had held you captive, subjecting you to his relentless beasts—creatures both mortal and immortal, magical and fierce.
His mighty wolves encircle you, seeking solace and warmth, as if yearning for a mother's touch. But you are far from their mother, yet you dare not push them away, lest you lose half of your body.
While your injuries may heal, the pain would prove burdensome, and that is the last thing you desire.
Matthew has succeeded in breaking your spirit through fear, ensuring your submission to his will. Meanwhile, delicate creatures flutter around you, drawn to the beauty of the blossoming flowers, as if inviting them into an embrace.
Sitting on the hill, you keenly sense Matthew's loving gaze upon you, his watchful eyes drinking in every detail of your presence.
"Your presence brings me a tranquility I haven't felt in eons,"
He murmurs, walking closer to where you sit, his hands clasped behind his back. He stalks towards you, paying no mind to the flowers crushed under his boots as he positions himself besides you. In his outstretched palm, a delicate butterfly finds solace.
His eyes, a shade of soothing lavender, gaze at you with a glint of delight. He reaches out, intertwining his fingers with yours, binding them tightly together. The fluttering creatures find respite around both of you, creating a delicate barrier.
You manage to suppress a shudder at his words, a bitter irony lingering in your mind. For he has brought you nothing but misfortune after misfortune. Trapped in this place, guarded by unfathomable creatures, you find yourself drained and wearied. His clinginess, has only soured over time, leaving you with a distaste that grows stronger with each passing moment.
At the very least, he hasn’t taken you far away from your domain.
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America || Alfred F Jones 🇺🇸
The palace of the divine king stood in all its splendor, a spectacular sight of celestial marble adorned with magnificent statues. Pearls of various kinds adorned every corner, while golden rings encircled the ceilings, creating an ambiance fit for the heavens.
Yet, for you, it was a personal hell.
Alfred had positioned you on his lap, gripping you tightly as he attended to his duties and other matters, leaving you unable to attend to your own responsibilities. Your connection to your own domain felt distant, slipping through your fingers like sand.
There was no solace to be found within these walls.
But of course, Alfred was busy with showcasing you, parading you around, while purposely disregarding your legitimate concerns. It often felt as if he intentionally sought to provoke you, to ignite his wrath within you.
Perhaps that was exactly what he desired.
There is no piece or a leaf of your domain to be found near his castle, his territory, his domain, because his insufferable pride wouldn’t let that happen anytime soon. Instead, he to claim you as his, not as an another immortal being, but his wife, his woman, his lover. That’s the only identity you ought to have in his eyes.
Except for the garden, a sprawling expanse adorned with lush nature, you were forbidden to enter without his presence by your side. He would lead you beneath the thick foliage of the trees, that’s where he pleased you as he so wished, over and over again, until he was satisfied. The flowers bloomed with an ardent passion, glistening with dewdrops that adorned the garden like delicate jewels. It was a place solely dedicated to your pleasure, a sanctuary of sensory delights.
As if he was saying without telling, that even in this sanctuary you cannot have solace or peace without him by your side.
His hands were now inching towards your thighs, the dress slipping away smooth as milk as goosebumps raised on your skin, he stared at you with a lustful gaze, sitting between your naked thighs.
"It’s always a pleasure to be on my knees for you".
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Russia || Ivan Brangisky 🇷🇺
He was more than aware that the frigidness of his domain did not suit you well and often clashed with the climate of your domain. Frost clung to your delicate skin, causing you to tremble ever so slightly in the face of the biting cold breeze.
He inhaled softly through his nose, a smile slowly spreading across his lips as he imagined you snugly wrapped in his coat, finding warmth and comfort within its embrace.
Sadly, you had politely refused.
Ivan set a steaming bowl of hot soup before you, urging you to partake as he settled into a seat across from you. His gaze, filled with intensity, roamed freely over your form, appreciating your beauty. You were indeed a stunning woman, a captivating sight that was truly a feast for the eyes.
He held a special fondness for the moments when you brought life and beauty to his desolate domain, watching nature bloom in all its loveliness and delight. It was a sight that touched his heart and filled him with a rare warmth, a feeling he rarely experienced within his own realm and in his life as a whole.
And it was precisely because of this profound connection that he felt compelled to carry out what he was about to do.
With deep violet eyes sparkling with delight and a hint of amusement, he watched as a vibrant cluster of sunflowers flourished around his house. Your cheerful laughter and radiant smile tugged at his heartstrings, bringing warmth to the depths of his being.
You were undeniably enchanting, blissfully unaware of the healing power you possessed. In your presence, the scars that tore at his heart and the wars that ravaged his immortal soul seemed to fade away.
It was you, and only you, who had the ability to mend the shattered pieces and bring solace to his troubled existence.
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Austria || Roderick Edelstein 🇦🇹
Glowing bluebells sway delicately from fragile stems, emitting a soft, ethereal glow. As you run your fingers tenderly across their petals, a melodic serenade reminiscent of piano keys fills the air. With a sigh, you become aware that you are under the watchful scrutiny of keen plum-colored eyes.
You have long stopped caring about such things, focusing on the peaceful arrangements of nature around you, swaying with their own set of tunes which was such a joy to hear.
Emerging from his hiding place, Roderick would reprimand you about the seemingly chaotic music that resonates in the surroundings. Swiftly taking control of the situation, and in response to his commands, the flowers obediently bloom and unfurl themselves once more. The melodies that fill the air follow his guidance, harmonizing in a more orderly manner.
At the very least, you would be near your domain and Roderick, as much as judgmental he is about some things, whether it be how your too much of a carefree woman or being agitated by your chaotic domain, he had no qualms about separating you from your home.
You supposed you will take what you get, as he exclaims that it is now time for dinner and grabs you inside his mansion by gently placing a hand on your waist and demanding you to clean yourself up.
It wasn’t all that bad, you supposed with an exasperated look directed towards him and go ahead, to wash yourself up for dinner.
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Germany || Ludwig Beilschmidt 🇩🇪
You swim around the extravagantly colorful reefs with a burst of speed as dozen fishes follow your trail. Playfully, you swirl around and watch as they circle around you, filling your heart with warmth unlike the cold water which was your home.
Your tail, looked like a part of the nature itself, scales glistening with shades of green, mimicking hues of lush moss that clung to ancient stones, delicate tendrils of seaweed and aquatic flora intertwined with the moss-like scales.
It shimmered vibrantly in the ocean, as you glided through the vibrant reefs, leaving a trail of luminous pearls in their wake, so you could be easily tracked by the Deity of the twelve Oceans.
You feel the sudden change of current in the ocean, as he swims near you skillfully, his powerful tail a deep shade of forest green, with a golden hue.
The water lilies swim above you, blooming in your presence as they gently make way for the sunlight to fall upon you both. Following your and Ludwig's command with perfect harmony.
"You have been wandering quite a lot, I can’t help but be worried about you. I suppose the pearls were a good idea after all".
Solemnly you nod, as the former giddiness you shared with the fishes fades away into an empty space in your chest. Ludwig takes your hand and together you both take a dive, deeper into the ocean.
The pearls would make a fine jewelry for a more fortunate woman someday, you think, as Ludwig can’t help but collect few in with his hands.
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France || Francis Bonnefoy 🇫🇷
A necklace adorned with a delicate array of ethereal feathers, gracefully embraced your neck. In the mirror's reflection, you could see the reflection of Francis, dreamy expression adorning his face, captivated by your appearance.
You swiftly avert your gaze from his, he gently takes a hold of your hand, pressing a series of tender kisses upon the top of your knuckles, his affectionate gestures ascending to graze your neck.
You don’t bother saying anything, not that he would listen to what do you have to say. Staying still, as he presses kisses across your collarbone, his hands inching towards the sides of your bosom.
In your divine beauty, you stood as a celestial masterpiece, crafted from stardust that cascaded across the vast expanse of the universe. With a single glance, you effortlessly ensnared his heart, drawing him into a realm of enchantment from which he could never escape. Your allure was irresistible and mesmerizing, leaving him forever spellbound by your radiant presence.
His adoration for you knew no bounds. He was madly in love with every curves of your body, his hands tenderly skimmed through the strands of your hair, cherishing each delicate strand. A shudder comes through you as he pushes your dress down, and then presses a passionate kiss on your lips, hands grabbing whatever they could find.
You were the nature's most precious treasure, indeed.
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atom-writings · 1 year
Can i req yandere canada, japan and russia do after s/o failed escape? (Bonus if they want to take care of their s/o wound, up to you)
(HWS Canada, Japan, & Russia x Reader) After S/Os failed escape!
(Gender Neutral) Scenario ~ A/N u guys should req more yandere stuff bcs it is so fun
Trigger Warning: Typical Yandere TWs, (domestic?) violence, being held in captivity, unhealthy mindsets, self harm.
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Of course. You want to leave, just as he anticipated. It’s his own fault for allowing that, he knows, it’s not entirely your fault. But… it did show that you’re not as exceptional as he thought. Maybe he shouldn’t have treated you any differently than anyone else.
Your knees hurt, more than anything else. The burns on them were only getting worse as you pleaded on the floor. You’d been begging for hours now, but it felt like days. Days of sobbing and asking for mercy. But whenever you dared to lift your head to meet his cold gaze, he revealed to you absolutely no signs of slowing.
Before you could cry out another appeal to whatever kindness remained in him, he silenced you with another sharp kick into your stomach. His steel-toed boots made you keel over in pain again. Was your shirt wet because of your endless tears or because his shoes were still dripping with snow?
You waited for another blow to come, bracing your whole body as you were barely able to hold yourself off the floor. Your muscles ached, your eyes stung, your knees burnt, and you knew… knew that none of this would’ve happened if you hadn’t taken your first impossible chance to escape. But that’s what he wanted. Although he hadn’t spoken since he’d dragged you kicking and screaming back into his cabin; you could hear his voice telling you this is your fault. It was… in some sort of twisted way… but of course, that’s what he wanted you to think, rather you than him.
He had really found his way into your mind, hadn’t he? Even when he was completely silent, he controlled you. But it was worse in your own head. Maybe his voice could provide some sort of relief, you thought. You hesitantly looked up and flinched as he looked back down at you. His face still betrayed nothing, but he stepped back, walking away from you.
“Mercy, at last?” That was the last thought you allowed yourself before you saw him open the door to the basement.
Immediately you stumbled back, trying to crawl away as his heavy footsteps drew closer to your cowering form. Your knees stung before… but they stung worse as he dragged you by the back of your collar towards the door. 
“Maybe you’ll learn to appreciate me now. If not… well… there’s always other ways.”
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How ungrateful. How brutish. He would have never thought his darling capable of being so awful. But there you go away, rejecting his help… maybe you’ve forgotten how much worse your life was without him? 
It had always been quiet in Kiku’s house, but never like this. Even in the darkest days and nights, you could faintly hear a steam passing by the house, birds still awoke with you each morning. But since he had tied your hands to the wall, providing you only a pillow for comfort, you had heard no such thing. Maybe it was a different room in the home. Maybe it was a different home. Maybe the world outside of you two had simply… stopped.
You knew it was an irrational thought, but it was becoming harder and harder to remember reality. Your reality was this plain room, with your pillow, and occasionally a plate of food which would only appear when you slept. You had accepted that quickly. Mostly because, well… accepting your fate had worked with him in the past. But no matter what you did, no matter how much you cried or starved yourself or screamed or rubbed your hands raw on the rope so horribly your arms became covered in your own blood, the room never changed and it never became less silent.
If he wanted you to want him, it had worked. It had worked weeks ago. But yet, he failed to show himself no matter what. Your only way of knowing he hadn’t abandoned you was the meals he brought in. God, if he brought you food while you were awake, you would beg. No matter how embarrassing it was, no matter how ashamed of yourself you were, you would plead for as long as he wanted. Because even his abuse was better than this. Better than nothing.
No matter how much you hated him, you hated this blank, meaningless, silent existence more.
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Why… why would you ever want to leave him? He keeps you safe, he gives you everything you could ever need, he LOVES you… what did he miss? What did he do so horribly wrong that you have to run away?
You had expected punishment, abuse, and isolation… but not whatever the hell this is. The first thing you had awoken to after your first escape attempt was… sweet smell. Like bacon, a little bit? And once you sat up to see the source of it, you noticed how your clothes felt. Like your normal pyjamas, but softer. Infinitely softer, brand new, and in your favourite colour too. All while you’re in his bed. You hadn’t been rejected to his guest room, or his basement, or the freezing outdoors.
As you walked downstairs to investigate the smell, you were immediately greeted with an… unexpected sight. Ivan in the kitchen, cooking your favourite breakfast, in an outfit that you always liked on him. When you approached, he jumped in surprise, looking at you terrified for a moment. But he quickly regained his composure, rushing forward and wrapping you in a tight hug.
“Моя любимый!” he coos, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, “You’re awake!”
Now you were the one being startled. What was going on? Where was the awful, childish monster you had known? Why was he being so nice to you?
“I didn’t realize you would be awake so soon. I hope you slept well,” He tells you gently, smiling all the while. But then you realize, nothing but his lips are smiling. He was forcing himself to appear all happy-go-lucky, just for you. But the closer you look, the more you see… including his shoulders, which were shaking.
But then he notices your face, which notably, isn’t smiling with him.
“What’s wrong? Are you upset? Did you not want this?” He asks frantically, his smile falling as quickly as it appeared. He desperately rubbed your arms, trying to force his grin back.
“Please, tell me what’s wrong, why aren’t you happy? I’ll do whatever you want, please, моя любимый! Please... Don’t be mad with me…” He pleads, struggling to keep up his facade as his eyes start to glaze over with tears.
You step away, looking at him in shock as he lurches forward. You shudder as he does so, gripping onto the front of your shirt as he cries, “I’ll do whatever you want, anything to make you happy! J-Just don’t leave! Don’t leave!”
What’s worse, a controlling, homicidal maniac, or an unstable, controlling, homicidal maniac?
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imaginesforeons · 7 months
I'll write SFW or NSFW. I'll write for JJK, JJBA, AOT/SNK, MHA, HXH, Hetalia, and Mo Dao Zu Shi. Most scenarios will be short, probably not over 2k words, and if I'm uncomfortable writing a specific imagine or character I reserve the right to deny requests.
I refuse to write anything underage or anything to do with necrophilia.
This page is 18+
Jujutsu Kaisen
The thing with the tongue (Yandere!Geto x Reader)
One Word (Yandere!Toji x Reader)
A Late Breakfast(Toji x Reader)
Night Whispers(Gojo x Reader)
Bubble and Foam(Yandere!Nanami x Reader)
Not Your Room (Yandere!Nanami x Reader)
Yandere!Nanami x TouchAvoidant!Reader
Yuji and a Reader who is insecure about their body (Yuji x Reader)
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