#Yami writes
greenapplebling · 9 months
I was pestered with Jamikali thoughts so have a short fanfic that I might or might not continue 💖
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pair: fem Kalim Al-Asim x Jamil Viper
Hard to love
"Jamil", the heiress called for his attention. "Do you think I'm hard to love?"
The servant sighed. He just had to finish cleaning and he'll be free to go, but of course Kalim would take it as the perfect time to make an uncomfortable question.
Yes, he wanted to say. But he felt like that would open a can of worms he wasn't in the mood to get into so he avoided the question.
"Does that matter?"
Kalim jumped up.
"Of course it matters! What would I do if my future husband doesn't like me?", she puffed up her cheeks but then deflated. "I wouldn't want him to be miserable..."
Future husband
So it's that what it was about? He worried that she was referring to his overblot incident where he spilled all his hatred towards her...
Still, there was a strange weight in his chest that refused to go.
"... Why do you think you're hard to love?"
Kalim looked surprised at the question.
"Well, you said it yourself!", oh, there it was. "I can't cook, I can't clean, I can study on my own, I couldn't even dress myself until recently!"
She plopped down on her bed and started kicking like a child.
"... What kind of person would love an useless wife?" she lamented after she stopped her small tantrum.
"But that doesn't matter", Jamil insisted. "Kalim, you're rich and have servants. You don't need to do these things. I'm sure your husband will spoil you rotten anyway."
He thought he gave a reassuring enough answer but he got taken aback when he looked up to his mistress' face. She was red in the face, with puffed up cheeks and a frown. She looked quite silly but it was also the angriest Jamil has seen her so far.
"I don't want to be spoiled rotten! I want to be-", she cut off her yelling before looking at the side looking more sad than angry. "I want to be loved...", she said in small voice.
Jamil had half a mind to leave it at that and walk away but he decided to change tactic instead.
"Kalim", he sighed. "There's a lot of people that love you, your parents, your siblings", he avoided talking about the rest of her family. "Lots of students from the dorm like you and I'm sure the friends you've made like you. Does that sound like an unlovable person to you?"
Kalim hesitated.
"No?", but then she jumped up again. "But that's different! I want to a loving wife to my future husband!"
She grabbed her phoned and showed Jamil various tabs about "how to be a good wife".
Really, Jamil was feeling his patience running out.
"See? All these articles say that a good wife should be able to do all that stuff!"
"A good wife should greet her husband with his favorite meal."
"Kalim, that's-"
"A good wife should be able to take on the chores when her husband comes back tired from work."
"Kalim, I-"
"A good wife should be able to take care of her husband as much he takes care of her."
"A good wife should make her husband feel loved", then she looked directly at his eyes. "Like I couldn't do for you."
"Kalim, you- Wait, what?", he mumbled.
"Jamil", she said softly while looking at him with tearful eyes. "I love you..."
Suddenly he found it difficult to breath.
He knew that. Of course he did, it was obvious, way too obvious... And yet...
"I'm sorry I failed to make you feel loved."
Right there, he felt like crumbling before her confession. Like she did before his betrayal.
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yami268 · 7 months
The Frozen Mirror
While investigating on a terra, Aerrow comes across a mysterious fragment. Touching it causes him to see memories of a young prince much like himself. But as they play out, he slowly sees the darkness within him.
6 notes · View notes
yxamix · 1 year
The Devil That Dreamt Of Paradise - Chapter 1 : A Turn In Fate (X764)
As the will for freedom writhes deeper than you'd ever know.
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Note : This Jellal centric story is going to be a rather dark, psychological and gritty tale that follows Jellal through his life prior to his abduction to the tower , to his abduction , to his possession etc. I will be taking a twist on canon things and playing into different interpretations and themes I want to explore in regards to his ideal of freedom in a holistic aspect. I hope to those that follow this tale that it should be a gripping and depthful one!
She stood there. 
With strikingly long, dark hair cascading down her back as it was tied in a loose ponytail. Her arms were full of a small form of life cradled into her bosom whilst her gentle wide eyes watched over the calm night. 
Leaning against the open window frame supporting her, she hummed a sweet soft song as the moonlight breaking through the heavens bathed them both in a silver kiss once again.
“It’s clear for us to see the stars again, Jelly.”
She told her son softly as she tilted him away from her chest enough to get a better view of the sight before them. When she did so, the young boy squealed as the comforting sight of the magnificent stars and light-hazed sky appeared in front of his large, eager eyes once more.
“You love them so much.”
“Don’t you?”
She doted as she witnessed the touching sight of how his deep dark orbs would instantly brighten, just like a star amidst the midnight sky, whenever it was time for their beloved stargazing.
A giggle sounded from the boy in response to his mother’s sweet voice as his small chubby fingers tried to reach out towards the open heavens, trying to catch one of the stars for himself, which made the woman’s gaze soften at how adorable he was. 
“Awww, Jelly…”
She cooed as she used her hand to guide his grabby fingers towards the stars way out in front, trying to ‘catch’ them with him.
“Do you want this one?”
“Or this one?”
“What about this one?”
The woman joked as she played into her son’s behaviour, her eyes warm as she watched him and saw part of herself resonate in his actions.
With the way his eyes would lighten up and look around whenever it came to nightfall. With how he would routinely tug on her dress when it was time to watch the stars as if reminding her so she wouldn’t forget. And the way the most heartwarming smile formed on his little face when he got what he wanted as he watched the night with wonder. 
He was honestly just like her.
So fond of the stars and heavenly beauty in general. 
It was surprising really. 
She didn’t expect that Jellal would have such an avid interest in this from this much of a young age. Most children had to be taught to appreciate these wonders, especially due to the importance they had to their country. But perhaps, due to her position as the nation’s priestess and her having a strong connection with the heavens to begin with, this could have been what influenced her son to have an affinity for them too.
It wasn’t anything bad by any means though! 
Rather that made her happy beyond words! Since she and her beloved son could bond over doing the thing they both loved and it would keep them close. 
Watching the view of the mesmerising cosmos in all their grandeur with her adorable Jelly, what more could she ask for?
“Look, look!”
A gasp left her lips as she joined in his childish excitement and pointed towards different parts of the divine beauty in front of them. Her large, gentle green orbs widened from witnessing the myriad of heavenly wonder as the deep velvet hues of the sky folded on themselves whilst being adorned by endless points of glistening light. 
Through it all, the full moon took centre in the splendid sight, shining through the tones of darkness and attracting all to bask in its irresistibility. 
It was a sight she could never get tired of seeing.
Night after night, year after year, the awe always struck her as if it was her first time being this captivated.
And hopefully this wouldn’t ever change.
As she was enchanted by the heavens, the spell cast upon her quickly broke when she felt her thick tresses being pulled by the curious fingers of an azure-haired boy. 
It seemed he had had his fill for watching the stars tonight and was now getting fidgety again. 
“O-Ow ow.”
The woman winced in a playful manner, lowering her head slightly to close the distance between the chubby little fingers that tugged on her midnight strands.
“Jellal, I told you to stop pulling my hair so much!”
She scolded with a bit of a pout, her cheeks having puffed up like a little chipmunk to show her dissatisfaction with the child’s mischief. But her sternness quickly faltered as his wide dark orbs slowly broke focus from the hair he held to the eyes that watched him.
The two of them had a small bout of staring to see whose resolve would win over. But, it didn’t take long to declare the winner as Jellal solidified his win when he broke into an innocent, mainly toothless smile and gave a delighted squeal.
Whatever ‘anger’ could have been present on his mother’s face immediately melted away and replaced her frown with a tender curve.
“Oh…I can’t stay mad at you….”
“You’re too adorable!” 
“My precious blueberry.”
She giggled to herself, her eyes having never lost their warmth from watching her son’s sweetness as she planted a slew of kisses over the supple, moonlit skin of his face. A slight flush was created on his creamy paleish skin as she nuzzled her face into him. 
The boy babbled to himself from being showered with her affection.
Whilst he was occupied with his adorable incoherent sayings, his mother slowly pulled away from his grasp, trying to release her hair from his clutch and watched as his tiny fingers struggled to keep a hold of the blueish-black silk that was leaving his hand. 
“You’re really fascinated with my hair.”
His innocence caused her to giggle again in amusement as her own fingers, which were cradling his head, gently started to comb through his small sproutings of azure. Under her touch, she felt how the tufts moved against her fingers as if mimicking the ebbing and flowing of the sea.
“Your hair however,”
“Is more like Papa’s.”
She remarked, continuing to swathe the growing silky waves of her 7-month-old as she glanced over his features. Whenever she looked at him, something that never left her mind was the fact of how much Jellal resembled his father.
The most common feature they shared was the hair - vivid azure like the breaking sky revealed after a raging storm. It was something that stuck out brilliantly against the less vibrant and eye-catching colours she usually saw. 
And though the hair was a major resemblance, there were other features which her son possessed which also seemed to hold something similar to her husband too. She couldn’t put her finger on what it was yet, but the thought never went that whenever she looked at Jellal, she saw his father.
That’s not to say that her son didn’t share any form of resemblance to her. Rather between them, they had similar complexions; creamy-looking and light in tone. Also, Jellal’s eyes took a darker shade like her own compared to his father’s strikingly light, intense gaze. And his softness was alike to her’s rather than his father’s rugged and sharp appearance.
But that being said, Jellal was not even a year old yet. There was no knowing how he would turn out or whom he would resemble closer in the coming years. 
It could have been his father, it could have been her, it could be his features from the both of them could come to more of a balance or maybe he would look completely different from the both of them once he matured. 
Really only time would tell.
But regardless of who and how he would look like, she knew she’d love him dearly as he was a blessing bestowed upon the both of them through their love and trials.
And he was a blessing that the both of them deeply longed for.
Especially herself.
A sigh left her as she felt the heaviness settle in her chest from recalling the past seven months again. 
They had gone by somehow without the presence of his father. Actually, even before that, he was already out of the country, but it was in these seven months especially that she felt the most empty. 
Raising their son in the absence of the man who had given her him in the first place… 
It created a void inside.
And when that void would get too consuming, she’d try to satisfy her longing for his father’s company with the presence of their child. Excessively doting over Jellal to occupy her mind elsewhere so she didn’t pay too much attention to the hole in her heart that had grown larger with each passing day.
It had truly been such a long and…lonely wait.
But finally, that was all going to come to an end.
This was going to be the last of nights spent like this.
As she continued her soothing touches to her son’s scalp, her tranced attention was stolen again from a small yawn that sounded against her chest. It resonated deeply from the young boy as he nestled more into her lengthy satin nightgown. 
Whatever sadness had been there was instantly forgotten as her soft gaze watched the inevitable fatigue lull the small boy into a longed slumber.
“Sorry, Jelly…”
“You’re tired, aren’t you?”
“I shouldn’t have been keeping you up with me…”
The woman reprimanded herself as it wasn’t right for her to be taking her son away from the sleep he needed for her own comfort. Her slender fingers continued to comb through his sprouting waves as her sight cast downwards before another sigh left her chest.
“It’s just that I've been nervous…”
“Papa’s finally coming home tomorrow and…”
“I just haven’t been able to sleep myself…”
As she admitted her thoughts, she could feel her heart beating faster. Her fingers were restless, wanting to twitch as she thought deeply about the day to come.
It was still hard to believe.
After their reunion had been stalled month after month, one disappointment after another, they were finally going to be back together. The new chapter they both wanted would begin in a way that would be worthwhile. All these sacrifices and patience endured, from tomorrow it would all hopefully bear some fruit. 
Just like he had promised.
A sad smile wilted her lips as she thought about meeting her beloved husband again.
Truthfully…He was meant to be back a month before Jellal’s birth; however, some complications had happened and kept pushing their reunion back. 
It was unfortunate.
But she wouldn’t complain.
As after tonight, the wait would have finally come to an end.
And it would be worth it.
“I bet you’re excited too aren’t you!”
“It will be the first time you see Papa.”
“And the first time he sees you.”
“I can’t wait for you both to meet!”
She doted as she held the baby closer to her body, feeling his weight increase as his large eyes wavered between being open and shut. It wasn’t long until he was drifting off to sleep in his mother’s hold. As she caught a glance of the peaceful sight, she couldn’t help but smile.
“I bet he won’t be able to believe how cute you are!”
Gushing once more about her beloved son, she quickly took the chance to plant another peck on the side of his smooth face. Her delicate arms adjusted to hold him better as her grasp had faltered a bit over time. Looking up from the marble floor she had been peering at, she let out another deep sigh from her chest as she relayed her inner thoughts to the comfort of the night.
“This will be a new chapter for us…”
“We’ll finally be a proper family…”
Her last words left her with a noticeable degree of heaviness. Not that it was anything bad, but the mere notion that everything would change and that would be the new reality…it was still so astounding to believe.
After living a quiet life of her own for so long, with the premature death of her mother and only her ailing father to be of company, for there to finally be something different and revived, was truly a thing of excitement!
From tomorrow it would all change.
From tomorrow she would learn what it meant to be a woman and a wife.
From tomorrow she would learn what it meant to share her joy as a mother with her beloved husband.
And most importantly,
From tomorrow she would see with her own eyes how the course of fate would change now that the both of them would face it together, hand in hand.
She could feel her heart drumming away in her chest just at the thought of what the new day would bring. Her throat became tight as her large almond-shaped eyes glazed over with unshed tears, trying to imagine the bliss she would feel when she would finally see him again. 
And be rid of this loneliness once and for all.
Before the desire to shed her sorrow could take over, she let out a final sigh. Her mind came back to the present as she looked through the open window once more, finding the former luminescent star-lit sky had departed and was replaced by an approaching thickness. 
Murky shadows had cast over the city, beginning to conceal the heavens’ radiance and eclipse the moon’s glow. The sight of the light being tarnished before her was strangely disheartening to see.
“Oh, the clouds are back…”
Seeing this must have been a cue from the heavens themselves that their speculation should come to an end. And besides, it was the time for the both of them to catch some rest. 
“No more stars for us tonight, Jelly.”
She told her young child who was clutching onto the fabric of her gown as he nestled in deeper. A slight disturbance could be felt seizing the boy, making him fidget a bit in her hold, to which she started to bounce herself lightly in a soothing motion as her hand immediately went back to  combing through his tousled locks.
“Ah? Are you cold?” 
In response to those words, Jellal nuzzled into her further.
“Let’s get this window closed then.”
Without a moment wasted, keeping the baby boy cradled into her with one arm, the slender fingers of her free hand grabbed a hold of the open window doors one by one and brought them to a neat close. The crisp breeze that had been airing out the room came to perish, making her shudder from the remnants of it that still lingered.
“It’s going to start getting colder again.”
She mumbled to herself as she finished securing the lock of the window. After that was done, her free hand took a hold of the embroidered drapes around the frame and started to pull them to the centre of the window. Whatever was left of the moon’s illumination was soon broken, as the last of it’s silver rays faded out, and the room was cast into darkness.
As soon as it was clear that heaven’s light was no more, the boy stirred in his mother’s hold, as if showing his disapproval. Her eyes softened as she looked at him but she knew they couldn’t stay up any longer than now. 
Especially when the day tomorrow was so important.
“Maybe tomorrow, the three of us can watch them together instead, okay?”
“Me, you & Papa.”
She posed as she brought both her arms to cradle her baby securely into her warmth.
“You would like that wouldn’t you?”
“Mama would too.” 
A smile lined her rosy lips as she could feel the child beginning to settle down again. Also, the thought of the next time being the three of them doing this really warmed her heart. 
“You know Jelly, actually there’s a very special place I want to show you tomorrow when-”
In the midst of doting over her son, a strange chill seized with a presence, causing the woman to freeze up unexpectedly as she heard something which wasn’t usual. Her thin brows furrowed in confusion as her ears pricked up at what sounded like the pitter-patter of weight treading along. 
And from what she could tell, it seemed relatively close too.
Quickly fastening her hold on the baby with one arm, she grabbed the drapes again, pulling aside the fabric as she peered down from the window to see where such a sound could have come from. 
From what she was hearing, it was as if a horde of people were marching nearby. 
But to her surprise, nothing of the like was there. No presence or trace of a presence. The winding narrow streets that lead towards the city from their palace were deserted as they usually were on a night like this.
That reality spurned more confusion in her mind.
What was happening?
Was she just hearing things by any chance?
“I must be more tired than I thought….”  She justified to herself quietly.
Her fingers remained gripped against the pleats of the drapes due to how uncertain she was feeling as she scanned the view again just in case there was anything she had missed. 
There wasn’t. 
It really did seem like she was just being paranoid. 
‘It really must just be me…’
Her lack of findings solidified that train of thought and she sighed in relief, believing that it most likely was her imagination playing up. 
“Okay, let’s go to bed for real this time.”
With her intention now set, she turned to finish shutting the drapes for real. 
But, as she was bringing the pleats to a uniform close, the sound of a startling slam interrupted her, immediately freezing her on the spot.
Her blood started to pump wildly as this time her ears clearly distinguished the sound.
‘What’s going on??’
Fear began to take over as the hold on her baby tightened in apprehension. Her fingers crumpled into the soft fabrics that adorned the boy who had been stolen out of any approaching slumber due to the sudden ruckus.
Turning around in sync with the sound, she barely had a moment to process anything as the loud noise hurt her sensitive ears and a violent gust of wind blew towards them from the impact. 
Her blood became chilled from the unexpected entrance.
With no warning, the doors of the master bedroom were flung open and her eyes couldn’t help but stare ahead like a frightened deer at the group of hulking figures who began to crowd into the room.
What was happening?
Why were they all here?
Her heartbeats were rash, given the wholly uncalled presence of such beings in her private confines. However, it wasn’t long until she realised who these people were when her wide eyes caught sight of the detailed embroidered insignia on their clothing.
They were the second highest members of the civil force in Almeta.
All of them.
Dressed from head to toe in the standard plain, shadowy tones of the nation’s uniform with the main embellishment that stuck out proudly on them being the renowned coat of arms of the country that was stitched on the upper part of their sleeve and across their hearts. It depicted the revered goddess Seren, watching over them on her high throne whilst seven stars aligned around her to symbolise the same number of bloodlines which had been blessed with the privilege of overseeing and protecting their nation.
This was something all guarding members of the country wore with no exception, but these men present had something more which differentiated them from the ranks of standard watchman. 
Along with a more prominent design for their coat of arms, many of them also had a number of gold and silver emblems adorning their uniform, telling of their incredible merits towards the country and their level of servitude they had given towards their people.
Such things were not given to just anyone. These emblems were proof of the country’s unmistakable gratitude. And being adorned by them meant a great honour bestowed for the constant dedication these individuals had shown.
Despite the lack of lighting, she could still make out the presence of the polished metals that shone with pride against the dark fabrics.
Confusion played on her delicate features, unable to understand why guards of this calibre would come to her chamber at all, nevermind so abruptly. Really, with the level they worked at, their duties weren’t ever disclosed or even seen as opposed to the standard watchman. No, they were known to act in secrecy and take up only the most crucial operations for the country.
They weren’t ever seen to go anywhere openly unless dire circumstances called or a major threat had emerged against the safety of the citizens. 
So seeing them appear in front of her like this couldn’t help but make her question…
…Why did they come here?
The mystery troubled her from the inside and she couldn’t help herself from feeling a knot form in her stomach from their sudden appearance.
There was absolutely no reason for such people to be here.
She hadn’t done anything and nor was she even remotely related to anything that could be connected to their usual affairs. But somehow; she still couldn’t help but feel unsettled...Especially as the pang in her gut grew painful with the more she was left in the dark.
It just made no sense for them to be here.
So why were they?
The young child in her arms began to whimper and sniffle, evidently disturbed by the unforeseen change in the atmosphere. Although her fingers tried to soothe the child before he could erupt into a tearful mess, her heart that was beating hard in her chest made it difficult to feign calmness. 
She could feel the pound of it becoming more violent as the dead silence was finally cut with the announcement made.
“Kaileen Fernandes.”
The hairs on her skin raised as she heard her name being sounded in the dead of the darkness. 
What did they want with her?
She couldn’t even begin to tell what their intentions were since the stoic tone never betrayed their role. It all addled her further and had her heart drumming away impatiently as her throat felt like it was about to close in.
“Y-Yes, o-officer?”  She could just manage to choke out.
An answer wasn’t given to her immediately, her hushed and strained breaths were allowed to ring against her ears roughly as the horrid feeling in her gut continued to churn. Her wide eyes stared at the marble floor, trying to anticipate what was to come next but she was in no mind to be patient. 
In an effort to try and keep calm her hands fumbled with the soft star embroidered shawl wrapping her child up, trying to soothe both his stirring and keep herself from overthinking. 
Doing that only gave her a deceptive moment of relief.
Until what she heard next.
“You are under arrest for being a direct accomplice to capital offence” 
It was then she felt her whole body become exceedingly heavy. Unable to do anything other than feel her breaths scratch her as they crawled up her throat and somehow managed to leave her body. What bare breaths she could take in, grew shallow by the moment as her mind struggled to process what was said to her.
Capital offence? A capital offence? What were they on about? Why would she be someone to partake in a crime against their country?
She? The sole daughter that descended from the blood of their prestigious protectors and was the country’s current appointed priestess. 
She wanted nothing but good for her people. 
She wanted nothing but safety for her people.
So how could they accuse her of this?
“I-I h-haven’t-”
As things failed to add up in her mind another question blared, making her thoughts hazier than they ought to be. Because this horde of guards had come and made such a grave claim, but on what basis were they saying this on?
What capital offence were they even talking about?
The only one she had witnessed in her lifetime was the incident which had occurred eight months ago. It was an attempted attack on the country by a foreign party, which was believed to have been through the connections of their own. 
But other than that, there was nothing of the sort. 
She knew she couldn’t have any form of correlation to anything of the like to begin with.
So what was going on?
Her lips quivered as she remained struck with confusion. Her still, wide eyes looked up from the cold marble that she was looking at, searching for an answer. The shock still had yet to pass from her face as her features stood distraught and her trembling fingers gripped tighter to the young boy in her hold.
As her heart beat violently in her chest, the bad feeling from before amplified by tenfold to the point it was genuinely making her nauseous.
So consumed by her own apprehension, she didn’t even realise that her feet had begun shuffling backwards, trying to find an escape from the shadows surrounding her. 
But, that had only made them come forward. 
Her whole body was seized by a shudder from a chill that didn't stop travelling down her spine ever since those words had been told.
Nothing made sense to her.
And to her misfortune,
“Given the evidence we’ve collected,”
With what was to be revealed to her next,
“Your husband Rais Fernandes,”
It would only get worse.
“Has been uncovered as the leading culprit regarding the attempted attack on Almeta eight months ago.”
It was then and there everything in her came to a vivid still. 
Her thoughts stopped racing. 
Her blood stopped rushing. 
And her breaths stopped crawling up her throat. 
The weight of this revelation had pushed any sense of motion out of her body. 
What was she hearing?
…Her husband?
…Jellal’s father?
…Him being the one who was behind the recent attempted attack on the nation?
And on top of that…
…The leading culprit?
“N-No n-no no…”
That was absurd.
“Under suspicion of collusion, immediate orders have been made to detain you and take you for further interrogation.”
Everything in her became light and dizzy.
Her vision felt like it was closing in as she was brought back from that ghastly stop in time. Her brain was overrun with all kinds of emotions, the predominant one being fear. She could feel her heartbeat pound viciously as she shook her head in denial.
“T-This has got to b-be a m-mistake!”
She tried to appeal as her voice was broken through the sheer terror and tears threatening to pull her apart. The distance started to be closed between her and the intruders as she could feel the weight created in her throat burn with a brutal choke.
The back thought in her mind made her tread backwards cautiously, away from the ill intentions she could sense as her quivering hold on the child tightened protectively.
“R-Rais w-wouldn’t have done t-that.”
“H-He couldn’t h-have done that!”
Everything up to now made little sense, and their claims about him made even less sense! 
“T-There must be something w-wrong!”
What they were claiming about her husband just wasn’t possible! Rais had been on an expedition alongside other members of the nation for a work ordained by Almeta’s governance itself.
So how could he have been the one to orchestrate a plan like that?
Why would he be someone to do something like that?
“H-He couldn’t h-have!” 
Any attempt to plead in response just fell on deaf ears, the men were in no mind to listen. 
Her feet shuffled back and the darkness followed. Soon she found herself cordoned off in a corner of the room. Her back hit against one of the many burly men surrounding her and she nearly jumped from the contact.
“We told you we have the evidence.”
“So shut the fuck up and don’t make this difficult.”
Evidently irritated, the words were literally spat at her. The uncalled aggression made her whimper as tears began to bead out of her distraughtly large orbs and down her increasingly paler skin.
“T-This can’t be true!”
Kaileen cried out in desperation but misfortune took over as her words weren’t even thought to be heeded. All her responses did was irk the tension in the room further. And it wasn’t long after that the brewing hostility was acted upon. 
With no warning, a pair of large, savage hands lunged towards her, making her jolt with shock.
“W-What are you doing-”
Alerted by their actions she drew the young boy into her closer. From where those hands looked like they were going, she could tell what they wanted and she wouldn’t allow it. Her hold on Jellal tightened as she felt his small fingers grip onto her nightgown with what strength he could muster.
He was aware of what was happening and that made her want to protect him even more.
But sadly.
Their efforts weren’t enough to stop the inevitable.
What one pair of arms failed to obtain, another from a guard nearby ripped the child’s body away from his mother’s hold. A shriek burst out from the azure-haired boy’s lips as he was broken from her warm and safe embrace. His little fingers desperately tried to cling onto her gown, but that was torn away from him too.
As her child was stolen from her arms, Kaileen could not hide her panic any further. Tears streamed down her cold face now her mind was reduced to a blur, unable to understand what was happening.
“W-Why are you t-taking my s-son?”
The question spilt from her lips in fright as her hands made every desperate attempt to try and attain her son again. As she reached for him in the midst of the guards, a merciless weight grabbed a hold of her arms and pulled her to the side. She couldn’t tell what was happening until the feeling of cold, bulky metal tightened around her wrists, beginning her punishment.
A gasp broke from her lips as she caught sight of the unforgiving steel that had been put on her without warning. Her delicate features twisted into a grimace as a bruising pressure was applied to her appendages with no sign of letting up soon.
Everything in the moment sounded loud. The clink of her cuffs, her ragged scratching breaths, the beat of her heart inside her chest. Her mind zoned in on all these sounds as she felt her panic working up into a frenzy. 
Her body began to shake violently, the sparse breaths she could just about take quickening by the second as she became disoriented.
The feeling only got worse when the sound of her baby boy erupting into a shrill cry stole what was left of her working thoughts.
The young boy’s voice pierced into the night as he was handled ruthlessly. Not even an ounce of care was considered for the child’s frailty. Simply being held as the bare minimum whilst they started escorting him out of the room. 
From there on out, his wails only heightened, raising in alarm, demanding his mother’s comfort in desperation.
“S-Stop p-please!” 
“Y-You’re h-hurting h-him!”
Her heart panged from hearing the levels of distress in her son’s cries. She had never heard anything like that from him before. His cries were never this shattering. They were never this heart wrenching. 
That alone had her trembling more from what could come at the hand of these brutes.
“P-Please!” She tried to plead once more.
Only for her request to be answered with a scoff.
“Like anyone could give a damn…”
Kaileen’s lips hung open, speechless and horrified at the lack of mercy they had shown towards a young child.
It was grossly disturbing.
How could they not have consideration for a child?
A young child?
He was such a small thing.
He couldn’t have been of harm to anyone even if he wanted to.
Yet they treated him like this?
Her shaking fingers balled into fists.
What kind of monsters were they?!
Aware of what threat was actually at hand, Kaileen’s struggle surged with passion. Her hands, which had been clamped down on, were now trying to free themselves from the bruising grip that grew tighter with each move she made.
Pain shot through her and fear battled against her adrenaline, but she couldn’t give up.
Listening to Jellal’s growing anguish was enough for the influence of terror to fail at crippling her once more. All that rushed in her blood now, was the will of protecting her beloved son. 
Nothing else mattered at the moment other than keeping him from harm.
Kaileen’s voice raised with demand as her actions were solely controlled by a mother’s promise.
She tried to fight her way against all the odds, thrashing and flailing about like a mad woman to make through the guards barricading her off. But all her attempts were proven futile as she was pulled back into a threatening hold and her mouth was covered in a smothering grip.
The rush in her blood came to a still as she heard a cruel tone whisper near her ears.
“I told you she would be a pain in the ass…”
Her hairs pricked up instantly from those words breathed against her neck. Her large eyes remained wide in agony as a near-crushing pressure was applied to her jaw. 
Though tormenting, it didn’t do anything to silence the cries she could still hear. 
Jellal’s piercing shrieks rang in her ears, replaying over and over as the sound moved further from her, and she was left looking on as her son was being taken away. 
Salty tears dripped down her frozen face as her vision became hazier.
It couldn’t end like this.
Tension seized her for a split second as the grip on her body became unforgivingly heavy.
She knew she couldn’t let this happen, and nor would she.
But the only chance she had turning this around meant doing something incredibly grave.
Possibly even incredibly foolish.
But in the given moment, 
It was incredibly necessary.
Without any sense of warning given, her mouth widened against the hand trying to hush her. Her teeth bared with obvious intent before clamping down like a vice through leather fabric and then the layer of flesh underneath.
From the yelp that came, she took that as a sign to bite deeper, trying to put as much weight as she possibly could into the attack. Hastily, her teeth dug shockingly deep into the hand of the guard, making blood flow plentifully past her lips and fill her mouth.
Not too long after her retaliation had done enough damage, she was finally let go. Sour blood dripped down her chin and onto the fabric of her gown, staining silky pure white with streaks of murky red. More blood was sprayed onto her as she threw her cuffed limbs against the faces of the guards in her way. 
Each attack she made was heavy and just as unforgiving or more than they had been to her, almost making her freeze up from her own brutality but she knew she could not stop. 
With the taste of bitter metal pervading her mouth, she spat the mouthful in the faces of those in around her, trying to get rid of her nausea and gain further advantage by blinding them.
On their own, her attacks were just about enough to disorient her assailants. Sadly, it wasn’t possible to do anything more than that, the circumstances now wouldn’t permit, it would be too risky. 
Still, with the rush reignited in her blood and the dire need to get away, she pulled her weight together and kept knocking her bound appendages against them as she had been, trying to keep her opponents in a haze of pain and confusion.
Eventually when she deemed right and had made a possible way out, her legs immediately started to dash towards where she could hear Jellal’s shrieks echoing in urgency. So caught in her child’s woe, she hadn’t even realised the quick recovery the battered guards made. Mercy was abandoned as her hair was brutally pulled and yanked her back into the space she tried to escape.
An ear-splitting shriek ripped out of her own throat from the violent retaliation. Whatever fire had been pushing her forward, was immediately about to be snuffed out by the angry shadows she found herself surrounded by again.
Fresh tears formed in her eyes as her body already wanted to submit to the new severity of pain and terror introduced.
But she knew she couldn’t.
Not when her son and she were in danger.
Not when she didn’t want to find out what fate was in store for them, should she let fear overwhelm her now.
With what strength was left in her that she could muster, she pushed on forward, pulling herself against the force which opposed her. The cruel sound of her hair ripping and her own intensifying cries of anguish filled her ears and of those present as her resistance heightened.
Her low ponytail became loose, flowing behind her in a dishevelled, knotted mess as she finally tore herself away from the hands violating her.
Her freedom was short-lived as she was punished severely.
No sooner had she freed herself from their clutches, a sharp pain was shot directly at her groin, the impact being enough to knock any breath clinging inside her out.
Her throat choked on the sudden loss of air as blood trickled down her legs in an amount which was alarming. She looked down and saw red beginning to coat her from the inside out, pooling at her feet as her vision began to shake.
Aware of the impact of injury she had suffered, Kaileen felt her body becoming uncomfortably light. The strike from the guard’s armoured kneecap at her pelvic region was enough to make whatever support her legs gave her falter completely, making her keel over in response.
Her throat began to burn with the presence of bile from how raw and deep the hit resonated. 
She gagged strongly as a result. 
The injuries she was accumulating were nothing short of worrying. Her being the delicate thing she was, the violence she suffered was taking a toll on her more than she could manage. 
Her body was turning in on itself, disoriented and confused. She could feel the adrenaline rush that had been driving her, disappearing as agony won over. 
Her vision, once frantic and alert.
Now grew dark and heavier by the moment.
But even so, she still tried to resist. As she could still hear her baby crying. Her sweet beloved baby boy. She could imagine his tears and distress. Calling out to his mother to rescue him, as she was his only hope now. 
She couldn’t fail him.
She had to save him.
She would save him.
And there was only one way she would be able to do that.
Her shaky fingers twitched with the presence of energy being channelled as she turned herself and readied into a stance. 
She was going to use it.
That which was generally forbidden.
That which was said to be evil.
That which was said to bring nothing but lawlessness.
And that which was a sin.
It was her final hope that she believed she could turn to.
The gods had blessed them with these divine abilities for the need to protect their nation, yet here she was about to use it for her own gain. It would be abuse of the blessing and she knew that, but Kaileen only wished that she would be forgiven for this transgression as it was the only answer she had to protect them both.
With her son being within the proximity before, her mind didn’t dare think of turning to such. It was too risky to use a spell in his presence, especially when it was not known what implications could follow.
Also, she would have never been able to forgive herself if her beloved son was hurt through her own doings. 
Even if it was for their own good. 
Even if it was to save them. 
She would be the worst if she harmed as much as a hair on his head.
But now, given the separation between them, there was more than enough space she needed to use her abilities without fearing for her son’s safety.
Trying to bring forth her power, her body shook awkwardly. She tried to close the space between her trembling fingers, trying to make a certain formation to cast a spell, but it was proving difficult. What was left of her mind, was failing to direct her magic potential the way she needed. 
With her stance wonky, her mind blanking out and her body feeling like it was about to collapse, her failure was already being spelt out before it could show.
The lack of reaction made her anxious, causing her to shake more as she begged the gods watching over her to please make her capable of using one spell, any, to save her and her son. 
Just one was enough.
It was then she felt a surge beginning to build in her, announcing the successful channelling of her powers despite her state. She could feel herself getting stronger and more stable as her shakiness reduced.
It was as if her prayers had been heard.
She would be able to save them.
She would be able to save her son.
Or so she thought.
Because the minute she believed favour to be with her, fate revealed it’s true intentions as she was thrown down violently onto the cold marble before she could commit a successful cast. 
Whatever light she had seen in that moment, died before her as it was killed thoroughly by the shadows.
Her head spun wildly as an immediate contusion formed on the side of her forehead. Blood seeped down her aggressively, making her body lighter by the minute as each breath she took hurt her more than the last. The sound of approaching footsteps rang in her ears, warning her of her woe to come as weak cries fell from her lips.
“Trying to use your blessing against the order of the gods?”
“And you claim yourself innocent…”
Before Kaileen could have a chance of interpreting what those words could mean, an unforgiving blow was imprinted into her body by the steel toed boots of the surrounding guards. 
Her quivering fingers were crushed under a punishing pressure until they fell limp and were rendered dead weight. 
Thick blood spewed out of her lips as her bruised and beaten body was kicked over and over, again and again, trying to beat out any sense of rebellion which could have existed.
“Fucking traitor.”
Her body was quickly overwhelmed by the harsh punishment. Blood stained all parts of her once pristine satin white dress and her porcelain skin. Where the trace of red did not exist, was where her tears had washed away the presence of cruelty and made her look easier on the eyes. 
Her hair became damp from the wetness of her tears and matted from the viscosity of flowing crimson. It stuck to her body uncomfortably. The heaviness in her eyes slowly came to a proper close as she could hear the sounds of her son coming to a silence as they succeeded in taking him away.
As her unconsciousness started to settle in, the final thoughts that remained in her weak mind were her baby’s fading cries.
And how she had failed him.
Burning blood spewed out of her throat as she croaked the last word she could manage in relation to her consciousness.
Dark red ribbons spread far and wide on the cold marble floor as her movements and voice ultimately came to cease.
And then…
Everything turned black.
Note : If anyone is interested in reading the what I have at the moment of the story without the rewrites, then I will put the links down below! On AO3 On Fanfiction.Net If not then all rewritten chapters will be coming on this blog.
Thank you so much to those who have read this far!
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kyokutsu-sama · 4 months
oohhh!! yami and reader get into a argument and reader decides to sleep on the couch. yami can't sleep without her cuz he's a clingy baby so he begs her to come into bed
Omg, this one was such a cute request and fluff writing It's been my weakness lately❤️🤧
I'm in my ✨️Fluff era✨️
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All the members of the black bulls, who that night, instead of supposedly being asleep, had their ears were wide open to hear the argument coming from the captain's room.
Everyone knew about your relationship and how you were always together and after of what their were hearing now, they got worried. Finral was even heartbroken to witness that, he didn't like seeing a couple argue at all, given that he was a romantic man...despite being a womanizer.
"Are these two going to break up today? No, it can't be. That would be terrible." He thought as his heart raced with anxiety
"But why are you being so stubborn?! Damn woman, you're a problem when you get mad!" The captain said, as he sat on the bed with a long sigh
"A problem? Well, in that case, I won't say anything else so as not to disturb you." You picked up the pillow and the blanket and he looked at you
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" He asked, standing up
"I'm going to sleep on the couch. Good night Yami Sukehiro!" You said goodbye to him with a hilarious smile, that quickly faded away when you turned your back on him and slammed the door
"YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, YOU IDIOT! GOOD NIGHT TO YOU TOO!" He went into the hallway and shouted back but you just gave him the middle finger. "What an insensitive woman!" He grumbled
When the captain turned around, all the squad members were looking at him, wanting some explanation for what had happened but he was too angry to say anything at that moment.
"Where the fuck are you guys looking at? Go to the bed now!" He ordered and everyone ran to their respective bedroom
At first, overcome by pride, he just lay down on the bed to try to sleep but the truth is that the captain couldn't sleep a wink all night. He missed the warmth of his beloved in his arms, he loved sleeping hugging you, no matter if it was summer and you were dying of heat in his arms, he didn't move an inch while sleeping.
He went around and around but nothing seemed to ease that pain in his heart, he knew he had messed up, he just didn't know how to get to you to apologize. Yami sat on the bed and took a deep breath before getting up and going to the living room to get you.
He came across your figure falling asleep so well on the couch that he even hesitated to wake you up.
He knelt next to you and ran a hand over your face while you slept, you felt the touch of his hand and opened your eyes to see him right there by your side. You knew he had regretted it bitterly.
"What do you want?" You asked with a sleepy and low voice, still carrying some resentment from the argument, moments ago
"The bed is cold without you, you know?" He whispered. "I'm really sorry for being an jerk to you and saying those stupid things, you didn't deserve to hear that." His voice showed regret and a desire for reconciliation
"Yeah, Yami, you were really a jerk."
"I'm sorry, baby, please..." He placed his forehead against yours as he apologized as one of his hands held yours. "Do you forgive this jerk here?" He joked and you couldn't contain a small smile, even though you tried not to
"Fine, I'll do it, don't cry anymore." You teased, getting up from the couch, still half asleep."Besides, it was just a stupid argument."
"I promise it won't happen again."The captain hugged you for a moment and picked you up, lifting you from the couch."Let's go to sleep together because it's too cold to sleep without you." He said, carrying you to the bed
"What do you mean 'cold'? You're completely naked!" You laughed
"But without you, my heart gets cold and soon after, my body gets cold too, got it?" Yami explained and you rolled your eyes
"Yeah, I see...So it means that I'm your blanket, is that it?"
"Something like that." He placed you on the bed and lay down next to you, putting an arm around you and hugging you tightly
"You're being to clingy to me today, I didn't expect a big guy like you to be so cute." You joked
"How not? I'm a man with a good heart!" He replied but you laughed
"Yeah, yeah, it doesn't even seem like you threatens to kill your squad members, every single day."
"I'm just fulfilling my role as captain, any objections?"
"Negative, captain."
"Good," He placed a few kisses on your nape and neck, snuggling there. "But for now, I just want to sleep with you in my arms and I want you as close to me as possible." He pressed you against him
"Even more?! You're almost inside me!" You said, trying to move away from the grip of his huge arms
"Well...I'm not inside of you but if you want it, why not?" He teases and you push him away
"Yami, I'm going to the couch again!"
"Oh no, you won't, I won't let you go again." He wrapped his arms around you and reached your lips to give you a peck. "You belong with me, not on the couch."
"Alright, Mr. Big Guy, you win. I'll stay, but don't push your luck, you hear?"
"Always at my princess orders... and good night to you."
"For you too."
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
ready to eat
pairing: Yami Sukehiro x F!Noble Reader
word count: 4.9k
contents: NSFW - minors and ageless blogs dni, I will hard block you. Takes place in canon universe, there is a slight age/experience difference insinuated between the pairing but reader is at least 25, reader has named magical ability (movement magic), so much banter, oral sex (f receiving and finishing and it's sexy)
cw: mentions of marriage and misogyny, virginity (reader is a virgin)
notes: brain rot has proven to be fatal so here you are. this is open ended and i would not consider it a oneshot bc i'd love to write more about these two. hope you enjoy! thank you for reading ♡ | crossposted to ao3, divider by @cafekitsune
you can find more about these two here, here, here and here 🖤
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Nighttime is your time, a lesson you taught yourself independent of your instructors many years ago. 
Movement magic allows you the luxury of blending in with your scenery, rushing unseen toward a capital district that is on the opposite end of where your family has made their name. Nobody here would recognize you even if you were less discreet, cloak gathered around your face and obscuring any unidentifiable features, and the freedom is indescribable; better than every sunny day or freshly made tea dessert. 
You are free to be yourself. Unmarried, unattached, unimportant, it doesn’t matter. You stumble into the usual inn you make your domain until the sun rises, ready to watch the way people you have little in common with live. If anyone knew you’d get reprimanded, probably rightfully, though you have never quite understood the scandal that lies in being a well informed woman. Your mother was a gossip and isn’t that another way to become informed? 
It’s society's acceptable way, anyway.
You slink into the corner table, away from the crowd gathered nearer the bar, and slip your hood off of your face. No glances of recognition from anyone else, too engrossed in their own drinks and their own conversations, and you sink down against the back of the chair you’re sitting in. It’s nice to be anonymous, you decided months ago when you began doing this. You aren’t certain you want to continue being so inconspicuous when you remind yourself why you’ve been doing this to begin with - to gain even the slightest bit of the life experience that continues to elude you. To love and laugh and feel joy that you’ve been told only comes with marriage, something you are too apprehensive about committing to. 
It’s why you come namelessly into a district that does not belong to you or your kind. You hope that someone will find you interesting, a beaten path off their life’s track. Someone to laugh with or tell stories to. It’s all you’ve ever really wanted, a romantic to your core despite the decidedly unromantic life you lead. Caretaking, getting earfuls from your father about being a responsibility that the family no longer wants to have when taking your age and failed proposals into consideration. So lost in your own thoughts, you barely notice when a man slides into the chair next to you, glancing down at your hands and then at your face.
“You need to stop wearing whatever is making you smell like that.”
The interruption to your quiet evening makes you jump, no longer dissociating and now in the present. You recognize the man sitting next to you, a captain of a Magic Knights squad. Their faces are plastered all over the capital and you’re shocked that he stumbled into such a low brow establishment though getting a look at him up close convinces you that he may not be in the entirely wrong spot.
“Captain Sukehiro,” you offer politely, formal as ever. “I regret having to request clarification from a man as esteemed as yourself but what do you mean?”
The captain snorts, shaking his head in response to you as though your manners are piteous instead of a courtesy that should be extended to all. 
“Don’t call me that, Yami is fine.” He sniffs, stuffing a cigarette between his lips. “I’m talking about the shit you’re wearing that is filling every corner of this place. People don’t wear things that make them smell like bakeries around here.” 
Scrunching your nose, you lift your wrist to your nose for a sniff. He’s referencing the perfume you spritzed on after bathing and the way it sticks to you, the smell wafting around the table with every move you make. It hasn’t caught any eyes yet, thankfully, but he can see how this will end if you don’t correct your mistake now. 
“What are you doing around here anyway? I figured women of your, uh, breed or whatever stuck to their own districts.” 
Bristling slightly at his insinuation that you find yourself too good to hang out here, you square your shoulders and clear your throat. A low chuckle rumbles in Yami while he lights his cigarette, raising his brows and eagerly awaiting whatever argument you are clearly cooking up in that little head of yours. 
“I’ll have you know that I enjoy exploring parts of the city that I rarely see. I am out here thanks to my own curiosity.” Your eyes shift from Yami toward the rest of the tavern, a small smile on your face watching the patrons laugh amongst themselves. “I think it’s really wonderful that people are happy no matter how they were born into this world and I’m thankful to be able to experience this side of life too.”
The captain could spend all night laughing at your naivety if you’d let him but he doesn’t wanna let you dig any deeper of a hole than you’re already finding yourself in. You’re clearly a fully grown woman, even the doll-like roundness of your eyes and cheeks can’t convince him you’re under 25 judging from the way you carry yourself. You aren’t the first noble girl he has ever seen sneak off in an attempt to find herself yet it strikes him as hilarious you clearly believe it.
“So you aren’t like the other nobles? You see people as people?” The brusque individual takes a long drink from the mug in his hand, Adam’s apple bobbing while he swallows, your eyes fixed on the sheer size of his neck and throat. “What do you want? A prize?”
Even the enticing muscles of his body (how can one person have so many muscles bulging off of them anyway?) cannot distract enough to forget that he’s insulting you. You place your hands in your lap and fiddle with the edge of the cloak that covers the simple nightgown you are wearing, covering it enough that no one is suspicious about why you’re wearing nightclothes in the first place. 
“No, I’m simply telling you what I’m doing here because you asked.”
Sipping from his mug, the man glances you up and down. He swallows and squares his shoulders.
“Okay? That still doesn’t tell me what you’re actually doing here, you’re only talking about feelings and shit.” Another sip and he places his ale down. “So what are you doing here? Isn’t it a little late for your type to be out with the rest of us?”
He considers you for a moment. Not bad looking. Pretty, even. Not plain in the way some overly manicured noble women can come across and you clearly aren’t using magic to enhance anything about you or else he’d notice. He’s a pro at sniffing out transformation magic in women having seen so many who have taught themselves to dabble in the arts to subtly tweak their appearances. You sigh and he finds it impressively naive to do so, your shoulders pinching in while you exhale sharply out of your nose. 
“I’m looking for someone to help me.” Now this is interesting. He raises a brow, glancing you up and down. You lean toward him, creating a veil of intimacy in a crowded tavern, elbows resting on the table rudely. “I, um, I fear I’ll be woefully unprepared for my marriage bed once the time arrives and I want to avoid embarrassment. I’m already too old to be considered marriageable to most and my heart could not take physical rejection from my husband as well.”
“You’re a virgin and feel weird about it and now you’re makin’ it my problem.”
Gasping, your eyes widen and you shake your head rapidly. Yami smirks when he senses how quickly your heart is pounding beneath those layers of fabrics most in this place could only ever dream of seeing much less feel against their skin, curious enough that he won’t just tell you to get lost at this point. 
“Please do not repeat my predicament so loudly, Captain Sukehiro.” You whisper hiss, fighting the urge to kick him beneath the table as you do the rest of your fathers’ unruly issue you are the eldest of. “It’s not something I’m terribly proud of.”
The captain scoffs, humming to himself and adjusting his posture so that he’s leaning toward you instead of on the back of his chair, cigarette dangling from his fingers. You’ve captured his attention, at least for now, and he’ll give you all of it that you can handle. Pursing his lips, he glances around the bar for a split second before focusing on you, gray eyes locked on your pouting mouth.
“Then why is it your situation in the first place? Thought you nobles were too proud for your own good.” He flicks the lighter in his pocket. “And don’t call me that. Yami is fine.”
You should find it very rude that you are being asked so many questions and being made to suit so many demands made by a lesser born to begin with but the curiosity feels like deeply personalized attention, causing you to bloom in response. Hunched shoulders stretch out, the graceful posture you’ve spent what would amount to months of your life if you stretched the hours out perfecting appearing. No one at home is this curious about you outside of when you will no longer be around to tend the younger children your father continues to spawn and it feels different to be the center of a man’s attention. 
Not a weak, defanged little noble whose only function is to act as an additional limb for his father. A man with rough hands and battle scars and overgrown hair down his neck. 
“I haven’t felt a spark with any of the men I’ve been introduced to. They’re lovely individuals with proud lineage but it has always felt so…” you search around the room, lifting your hand to your mouth to idly nip at the cuticle around your thumbnail. “Forced. I don’t want to be with them and they do not want to be with me. Four men and none of them made me feel like I could spend the rest of my life with them.”
Once again, Yami chuckles at your predicament. Your cheeks heat in response, ears tingling and burning as that familiar feeling of being mocked encourages you to retreat inward. The awareness that you do not have to put up with this kind of treatment from a man beneath your station 
“Sounds like you’re hard to impress, kid.” A plume of smoke is blown over your head, the cigarette he was holding now dangling from his lips while he examines you with narrowed eyes. “Little darling won’t settle for less than a fairytale.”
Retreating further into yourself, you move your hands from your lap to fold your arms over your chest.
“I’m no child, obviously.” 
Your retort is as petulant as your posture and the man smirks, the corner of his mouth jumping, tenting his fingers in front of him and leaning toward you. Despite himself, he likes you. Your willingness to shit here and just shoot the shit with him has impressed him but not enough to let you off easy. 
“You’re here beggin’ for attention like one so I dunno about all that.”
Scoffing, you shift in your chair but make no effort to get up. You won’t be picked off by him that easily. 
“You know nothing about me, sir.” You raise your brows and shift your head to emphasize your point, arms still folded. A grown woman behaving like a little brat shouldn’t draw a man like this in yet he considers himself intrigued, stamping out the nearly depleted butt of his cigarette on the edge table in front of him. 
“Can’t argue with that. Keep talking.” 
He leans back in his chair and sizes you up, boots stacked on top of each other where his ankles are crossed and his long legs are extended out in front of him. It’s one thing to be keeping him here against his will because you won’t stop talking, it’s another when he is a willing audience. Your mouth runs dry and you gradually unfold your arms, placing them above your knee so you can subtly rid your clammy palms of the prickling sweat across them.
“I want to experience the things that a husband and wife are to experience together though I do not have anyone to enjoy them with.” Even the way nobles describe sex is stuffy and uncomfortable, Yami realizes, brows raising slightly. He lets you continue speaking before butting in, letting his arms dangle from the sides of the chair. “Perhaps it’s wrong of me to believe it will change my luck but I won’t change my mind. I have to know how to…perform.”
Perform is such an interesting choice of word. All of the sex the captain has ever had has been far less of a performance and more of a two person dance, locked in repetitive motions and tangled up as one form. He isn’t much for the sappy, intimate shit you’re clearly insinuating you’d like though he feels like he could help you.
“I’ll tell you what,” he starts, leaning back toward you and closing the distance to once again grant you some semblance of privacy. “I can show you how a man should treat a woman but I can’t promise you it’s how a husband will treat his wife, you understand?”
Your eyes widen and you nod once, picking up on his meaning immediately. Impressed by your sharp wit he smiles although it’s nearly as unfriendly as the ones exchanged at court and only slightly less smug. Leaning in toward him, your brows knit together, and you bunch your skirt up in your fists.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for, you know…” you trail off, frowning slightly. He pretends like he doesn’t understand what you mean, shaking his head and staring vacantly at your mouth. “I don’t know if I’m ready for you to take me.”
Another snort from him and your face heats like a wildfire. The two of you remained locked in this strange posture, whispering but not quite, discussing the terms of whatever is occurring here. Blood rushes from your face to your chest to your stomach, a familiar tense feeling between your legs making you shift uncomfortably in your chair.
“The only one who would be doing any taking in that scenario is me and you don’t have to worry about that tonight.” He tips his mug and finishes off the last droplets of his ale, sliding the empty vessel across the table top where it stops just short of you. 
“What if we never see each other again after tonight?” That sappy shit he was right to assume you wanted has surfaced earlier than he expected. He shrugs flippantly, arching a brow. “Then we never see each other tonight but at least you can say you know how it feels when a man takes care of you.”
Inhaling loudly, you weigh your options. 
You can always get up and go home, turn tail and run to where you will always be viewed as something akin to a decorative sconce on the wall instead of a human being. Your opinion matters not, you’re a glorified caretaker for your younger siblings, some of who are your fathers rightful heirs thanks to the boyhood the Gods so mercifully granted them. You can retreat and continue wasting away waiting for a man who thrills you enough that you can ever see him as someone deserving of being your equal. 
Or, you can consider Yami’s offer. He’s rough around the edges and speaks with no formality or regard and you like it. At least you think you do. He doesn’t care who you are any more than the others around you do yet he makes you feel the most seen anyone ever has. He’s interested in your words, your ideas, and even your pleasure - a realization that makes the knot in your stomach tighten further.
“Okay.” You concede. “I think that I’d like that.”
The man rises from his seat, smirking, tossing some coins down on the table in front of him for the drink. 
“I know you will,” he finishes, words dripping with honesty but not arrogance. 
He begins to head toward the stairs that will lead the two of you upstairs and your breath catches when he looks over his shoulder and raises his brows, signaling with a wave that you should follow him. You toss a few more coins on the table in front of you, uncertain of how much a room in an establishment like this would cost to begin with, and rush to follow him with your cloak pulled tightly against your body.
This room is nothing like your quarters at home where everything around you gleams in gold and marble and silk. It may be decidedly less impressive though it’s twice as cozy if you’re honest. 
The bed is barely large enough for two and there’s a well loved desk pushed against the wall, magical light flickering from the wall. Shutting the door unceremoniously, you swallow and feel the captain at your back, a large palm covering the entirety of the space between your shoulder blades. You don’t recall him seeming so imposing downstairs, glancing upward to meet his eyes. He can tell you are inexperienced solely by how skittish you’ve become beneath his fingertips, an intriguing shift from who you were sitting opposite him.
Boldly asking a man to pleasure you has told him everything about the person you are beneath the skirts and the trappings of society. If he waits long enough he knows that hungry girl will once again show her face to him and while he isn’t particularly patient, he believes it would be worth his while to wait. 
“Go sit on the edge of the bed.” He instructs right above your ear and gently shoves you toward where he’s commanded you be. 
You follow directions and sit, legs dangling off of the edge, unfastening your cloak and letting it rest on the bed. The knot in your belly remains tight, keeping you on edge with all of your movements while your walls throb weakly, arousal and curiosity bearing down on you with similar weight. Sukehiro towers over you, slowly unfastening his belt and cloak, leaving the leather goods and his katana on the desk. 
“I’m going to lick your pussy. Do you know what that means?”
Cheeks warming, once again surprised by his lack of decency, you nod once. You have read about this particular act more than once and have also heard about it secondhand from some of the married women you call friends although their reviews have been mixed. Books have always made it seem far more interesting, an exchange in the same way a kiss is between a man and the paradise between a woman’s legs. 
“Good, at least I won’t have to explain all the technicalities.” He approaches you slowly and squats down, now face level with your middle. You glance down at him and wonder if you should touch him, if he’d like it, if he’d want you to. “Lift your hips.” The next command gives you reprieve from overthinking and you do as asked, raising them enough that he can pull your nightgown from beneath your thighs, spreading them to fit between.
“If you don’t like something, speak up.” He glances up at you, holding your nightgown halfway over his face. “If you do like something, speak up and I’ll keep goin’.”
The linen of your nightgown stretches and tents in the shape of Yami’s head and shoulders when he pulls it over himself, too big to be fully covered by the fabric. His back is curled into a C shape and the muscles ripple while he positions you, hands that you can feel but cannot see gripping the outside of your soft thighs to keep you from deciding at the last minute you are feeling shy. 
It’s too late for you to fall back on the shy act now, your panties dangling off of one of your ankles. Even if you attempted, you know the man currently fixated on spreading you open with his fingers would surface from beneath your skirt and laugh at you. Your heart simply could not take the open derision and ridicule, already feeling overextended thanks to this evening’s excitement.
“Alright, you’re about to feel something different,” he warns kindly, puffs of his breath fanning out against the slickened skin of your labia. The low rumble of his voice sends another rush of wetness seeping out of your cunt, excitement mixing with terror while you await the pleasure you were promised. 
Your hips shift impatiently on the edge of the dingy inn bed, legs on either side of his still dressed torso. His tank top is untucked from his pants and he no longer wears his belt, discarding the unnecessary while remaining firmly in control of the situation. There isn’t much that makes his mouth water but the sight of warm and just for him pussy is doing just that, his tongue darting out to wet his lower lip.
His thumbs massage the outside of your thighs, keeping you as relaxed as possible, and he leans in to kiss the temptation he can no longer deny himself. A simple smack, loud enough that you can both hear it, yet the moan that escapes you is positively sinful. High pitched and breathy and immediately obscured, clapping your palm over your mouth to keep yourself quiet. 
“Nope,” he simply responds from beneath your nightgown, hand reaching up to remove yours from over your mouth. “What’d I tell you? Half’a the fun is hearing how much you like it.”
One of the thumbs that was rubbing circles into your thigh now does the same on the back of your hand, calloused digit occasionally catching over the surface of your smooth skin. It’s no shock that your hands are soft like your body and your hair and your eyes, it’s what your life was meant to be like the minute you assumed the role of it.  Soft and easy, no roughness to throw you off track.
Yami chuckles and lets his tongue feel you this time, dragging the wet muscle through your folds, rewarded with another of those breathy moans. You do not rush to cover this one, tilting your head backward and letting your eyes flutter shut to focus on the sensation of another lick. He takes his time to get to know you slowly, brushing the flat of it over your hole and dragging the arousal he receives as a reward upward toward your clit.
He doesn’t release his skills on your sensitive bud so quickly but a simple brush of the side of his tongue against it is enough to make you squeal, shoulders rounding in momentarily. Repeating the motion, you squeal again and arch your back, thrusting your hips forward into his face and dragging every bit of you he can see across his mouth.
“W-what are you doing to me, Yami?” You ask breathlessly, elbows propping you up on the bed and keeping you grounded. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”
Your head swims with unfamiliar pressure, sparking a line from your brain to between your legs, all connected and you fight the urge to slump back onto the bed, too curious about the way that the light linen covering the man between your legs shrouds him. 
“Eating, obviously,” he mumbles against your body, tongue lapping against your clit. Your body reacts to each touch, thighs tensing on either side of his face, hips slowly bucking in pursuit of the feeling again and again. Your back arches and your moans are staccato babbles, elbows finally failing to hold you up when he gives your clit full attention.. “Oh my, wh–,” your back arches off of the bed before you can finish your thought, another rough lick to your throbbing clit followed by the warmth of his mouth while he sucks it between his lips, flicking the bundle of nerves with the tip of his tongue. 
There is no denying that you may be prissy and perfectly pampered but he was clearly correct in his assumption about you being more than meets the eye. The way your body responds naturally to his ministrations, hips grinding and toes curling and lips keening, tells him every little secret you’re too demure to spill. You want to have sex for enjoyment, to chase your own pleasure and have your own fun. 
He’ll never fault someone for that although he believes he can get you to admit it’s the truth. Maybe not tonight but eventually he’ll convince you to drop the “good wife” act. If he weren’t enjoying himself so much he’d grumble about considering a future where the two of you will meet up for this again, too lost in his own enjoyment of your pretty noises to realize how unreasonable this was to begin with.
“Please keep going,” you beg, a tearless sob thickening your voice. 
Yami doesn’t look up, well aware of what he is capable of, but he keeps his hand over yours and continues rubbing gentle circles into it. You flip your hand and face your palm upward, loosely tangling your fingers with his, your hips now dragging across his lips wildly. It’s messy and you are dripping like a peak season fruit, drenching his chin and sending little droplets down onto his tank top and chest. Moans increase in pitch when his tongue dips inside of you, lapping at your sweetness and drinking it down with satisfied grunts, though he can tell you’re close solely by how you ride his face alone.
You lack the words to describe how you feel, not that you are a stranger to self pleasure, but it’s different when someone else is showing you the maximum of how you can feel. Every inch of you buzzes with a pleasant awareness, nerve endings sparking like celebratory fireworks, and you lift yourself up with your elbows to glance down at the man making you feel more than you ever thought possible, your nightgown no longer around his head. You were so lost you didn’t even realize he shifted to holding your nightgown up above your belly button with the hand you aren’t keeping occupied, those astute eyes appreciatively watching your chest heave and face twist.
“Yami, I think,” you start and he chuckles, sucking your clit between his lips again, sending you over the edge and effectively making sure you know how exactly it feels when someone else makes you cum. 
Dots of light spark in the corners of your vision and you slump down onto the bed, too spent from the strength of your orgasm to remain upright. The perpetrator of your current state untangles your fingers from his wordlessly and he rises to standing, leaning over your exhausted body and propping himself up with his forearm.
“Good as you thought it would be?” 
Giggling, you nod. It’s all you can think to do, truly left wordless and thoughtless, grateful that what you read on the pages of the books you hide amongst your more chaste picks were somewhat accurate to how the experience feels. There has been no insinuation that he expects reciprocation so you don’t bring it up, quietly glancing up at him and noticing that the distance between your face and his decreases every few seconds.
“Now taste.” 
He closes the little distance left, tongue pressing against the seam of your lips. You grant him entrance and whimper when your mouth fills with the taste of his tongue, a mixture of acrid tobacco and ale and something you could only recognize as yourself. 
“Pretty good, right?” All you can do is nod dumbly, still splayed awkwardly across the bed. Should you leave? Should you stay? Is that pesky reciprocation going to come into the conversation now? Yami glances down at you with something you’d almost mistake for warmth in his cool irises, rolling onto his back beside you and folding his arms over his chest. “Are you going to head home now or what?” 
You shake your head, letting your flipped up skirt rest against your belly, the air of the room cooling your heated skin. “No but I’m not going to expect you to stay if you have other business to attend to. I will stay the night and leave before sunrise.”
It’s what’s polite. You did pay for an entire night, after all, and your raising will not allow you to be rude. Pushy and precocious at times but never outright disrespectful. The man next to you sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, turning his face to look at you. 
Maybe you are as pretty as he originally thought. It could be all the blood rushing from his head to his dick, a problem he is attempting to solve mentally by envisioning anything but the satisfying contractions of your cunt while it cums for him, but you glow even in this low light. 
“Only thing I have to do is go downstairs and drink and then I’ll just end up running my mouth and losing money.” 
You giggle at his honesty, turning your face to look at him. The gruffness only adds to his aura, as unrefined as a man can be, yet you really do like it. Even if the two of you sit here in silence for the rest of the night, there’s much you feel you can learn by simply gazing at him, a quiet battle of wills unfolding between the two of you like the mist that fills the city on a summer morning. 
Permeating, inescapable, potentially trouble.
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nightmareonslvtstreet · 4 months
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Not Tonight
| Nanami, Kuzan, Fatgum, Smoker, Macro, Katakuri, King, Benn, Rayleigh, Aizawa, Yami, Shanks, Mihawk, & Anyone else
☆⋆·˚ ༘ *________________________☆________________________⋆·˚ ༘ *☆
Looking out the coffee shop window, you take in the lively scene. The shop usually closes around the late evening hours of seven making it the perfect time to see the night come alive. You watched as the calming sun-kissed sky slowly turned into a mystical night. The streetlights turn on illuminating the dark streets. Taking a slow calming breath, you relax and sip the remaining coffee in your cup before returning to work. Lost in the scenery, your eyes gazed towards a man outside the shop’s window.
Your attention was taken by a man who dressed in the finest suit you have ever laid eyes on. Eyes continue to pan as you take in his height. The calming demeanor he carries is reciprocated through his style of dress and the way he takes care of his appearance. Your eyes couldn’t detach from the man as he walked into the store. Adjusting his suit, he orders a hot cup just before the shop closes. The staring must have become noticeable as he turns in your direction to see who is looking. Embarrassed, you turned your face only to realize that you were standing in a sea of nothingness, being the only person in the direction he was looking in.
The slight smile he gives sends an arrow through your heart. He motions you to come over, but your body betrays the command. You begin to feel as if you’re strapped down to the ground. Feet heavy as boulders refusing to move. The words you want to say remain trapped by anxiety and paranoia. A shower of terrifying thoughts and the smell of dread wash over you as you start to fantasize about the different possibilities that can take place. Your heart races as the thoughts run rampant in your mind, “*What if he doesn’t find you interesting? Attractive? Time worthy?*” the criticizing words flood my mind. Overwhelming to the point of no return. Your face flushes red as you notice him finding you in this position feeling like a fool. Looks of concern take over his face as he begins to question his actions.
Defeat raises more in both of you as hesitation sets in. Losing breath with every passing second, trying to figure out what the next move between the two of you is going to be. Your courage is hiding deep inside as you barely must use it. You’ve never been in a relationship, and always find yourself backing out of it for fear of being reminded of the cruel past of failed attempts. You want to scream just one word, a simple "*Hey"* would be enough for you, but you can't bring yourself to it. Choking on words and crumbling deeper into yourself. Forgetting your surroundings, a light hand places itself on your shoulder while the other engulfs your tense hand. His voice was just as attractive as his looks, "*Are you okay?"*. All you could find yourself doing was being wide-eyed and embarrassed that you couldn't speak in his presence. He smiles to bring comfort. Your eyes close as he embraces you and tells me I have nothing to be afraid of. Sinking deeper into his chest, you melt as you’ve never felt this before. Especially from someone who doesn't even know you. Blood rushes to your heart as you muster the courage to utter a, *"Thank you."*.
Letting go of the warm embrace, you stare at him again. Lost in his eyes, a new emotion you find unrecognizable creeps in. As you open your mouth to speak, he cuts you off. Slipping a piece of paper in your hand before bringing the hand up to his soft lips and kissing it gently. He looks you in the eye and smiles one last time taking his coffee and leaving with a nod of his head. Coming back to reality, you mindlessly stroke the kiss stain on your hand and look at the writing on the note, *"Whenever you're ready. -XXXXXXXXXX.".* The words on the paper float around in your mind as they bring ease to the overbearing thoughts. You begin to ease out any lingering worry and find breath again.
You scold yourself one last time for not speaking up as you become grateful for being granted another chance to speak to the lovely man. Running your fingers over the handwritten note as you look back at the night through the window. You wished he had come back, so you could go right up to him and tell him how you feel but you assume tonight is not the night for this princess to find her knight in shining armor. Smiling at the note kissing the same spot on your hand as he did you whisper, "I'm ready, but not tonight.".
A/N: Thank you all so much for taking time out of your day to read my first short story. I really want to do a part 2, but I'm sure if I should. Anyways thank you again!
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jhonny · 8 months
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"stop talking like that boy you're ruining my tboy swag" - yami bakura, probably
or, when both bakuras are trans but only one of them has perfected the trans voice.
+ bonus thief king (as a treat)
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sonicvoid · 2 months
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I've been dead
Have a warm-up sketch
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kuro-ousama · 2 months
Kaiba is so gay that he make other gays looked straight
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Imagine Taking A Relaxing Bath With Yami
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Yami Sukehiro X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Suggestive themes, mentions of nudity, flirting, and I believe Yami is a warning in himself
Word Count: 1k
(A/N:) Oh my gosh y’all! The Black Clover movie is sooooo good! It made me realize how much I miss the anime! I’m keeping up with the manga and reading the chapters as they are released but man there are so many things I want to see come to life! Hey Black Clover studio new season when?! Anyway my magical husband is back (he needed more scenes but honestly I can’t get enough Yami anyway) and I need some self-indulgence stuff! XD So bear with me as I go insane! ~Countess
The Black Bulls had been your home for awhile now and you had seen many battles. Some tough. Some easy. The other members felt like family and you grew closer to each and every one of them every single day. Yami was a different story as you were in a relationship with the dark haired captain. While he seemed rough and crude, he was actually a caring man that showed how much he cared in different ways. He always seemed to in tune to your needs or how you were feeling. While he wasn’t much into PDA, in private he made sure to make up for it tenfold. You couldn’t complain about your life and you enjoyed all that being a magic knight had to offer. But it wasn’t easy all the time. Missions were rough and you did get hurt several times. It was the aches the next day that had you trying to rest to get well enough before the next mission.
Your body was covered in scratches and bruises were beginning to mar your skin. Yami had been out the majority of the day as he had a meeting with the wizard king. He took the loudest Black Bull members with him as well, leaving the base quiet enough that you could get some much needed rest. 
Night was covering the sky and still Yami had yet to return. At first you had been concerned that he was hurt or finding the company of other women. But you were quick to find out Yami was strong and not that type of man. Though he did enjoy gambling too much and if you went to look for him, you normally found him gambling all his earnings and then some, away in some seedy tavern. So instead of worrying, you decided to ease the aches by taking a much needed hot bath. Grabbing the few supplies you kept for your personal use, you went to the bathing room of the base. There was two different areas, one for the women and one for the men. Naturally you went into the women’s bath and the steam that greeted you had you relaxing just from the feel alone. 
All the tension melted away as soon as you hit the hot water and in mere seconds you were submerged up to your neck. You hummed softly stretching your joints and wiggling your digits in the water. You hadn’t been soaking long when the door opened. You weren’t facing the doorway and you couldn’t really see due to the heavy fog of steam, so the only option was to call out the name of the person you thought it could be.
The clack of a wooden tub and a rough chuckle split the air, “Not even close sweetheart.”
You couldn’t get turned around before Yami was kissing the back of your neck. His large hand keeping your hair out of the way of his affections.
“Yami,” you whimpered.
“This is the women’s bath you perv.”
Yami only chuckled and you braved turning around. Relief flooded you at seeing he was a little decent with the loincloth still wrapped around him. Though it made you realize your situation as you were naked as the day you were born. While he was occupied you grabbed the towel you’d brought to dry off with and wrapped yourself in it, to save a little bit of your womanly modesty. Yami had rinsed himself off and didn’t take long on getting in himself. Like you he was tired and sore and the hot water was doing wonders for his body. While you were happy to see him you stayed on the far side of the bath giving him enough space. Yami didn’t like you so far away, so while you were occupied lathering a cloth with soap he made his move. You squeaked when you felt his large hands grasp your waist and unceremoniously plopped you into his lap with a splash. You fought causing water to go over the edge of the tub, but Yami held firm refusing to let you go.
“Do your thing I’m not even here,” he grinned before nibbling at your bare shoulder.
“It sure feels like you’re here,” you retorted. 
You couldn’t be mad at him though as you felt safe in his arms while the warmth of the water seeped into your bones. Yami continued to kiss you while watching you scrub at your arms and legs, getting yourself clean. You rinsed off, splashing Yami a little in the process. You were about to get up when he opened the back of your towel. Before you could protest he shushed you quickly, taking the cloth you had used and started to wash your back. You melted into his touch as he got where you couldn’t reach. His fingertips blazing a trail down your spine, you shivered despite the heat. When he was done, Yami spun you around so you could face him. Your towel barely holding up as you kept a hand pressed to your chest. His warm gaze lingered on your lips before he leaned in and took your mouth. You moaned loudly, clinging onto the giant of a man that you called yours. Your senses filled with Yami. His touch, his breath, his skin, everything. You begin to lose where you ended and he started as he starved for your taste. The water suddenly became too hot and you couldn’t take it much longer. Yami sensed your desperation and pulled away. He chuckled at your dazed look while helping lift you from the water. He got you a dry towel and turned away, leaving you to change into something decent. When you were done, Yami had changed into a fresh pair of sleep pants. He took your hand, leading you out of the room and towards your and his shared bedroom. Your aches had finally left your body and you were ready to go back to work. Though you were sure you were going to need another bath to ease yourself of the pains if Yami had his way tonight. There was a high chance he would get what he wanted, as you couldn’t say no to your beloved captain.
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greenapplebling · 6 months
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I finally wrote chapter 2 of my fanfic! Yay!
This is a extract from a self-indulgent fanfic I'm writing about Jamil and Kalim meeting alternate female versions of themselves from an AU I created. You can check it out here
Btw, I'm considering changing fem Kalim's name bc I kept getting confused between her and the other Kalim 😅
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yami268 · 11 months
Night of the WereSloth
Cyclonia is being terrorized by a savage beast, one that is too strong to be stopped. The Storm Hawks come to help. But will they be able to stop this ferocious monster?
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artemisadore · 2 months
Engaging with fandom as an adult is so strange having grown up on message boards and fanfiction.net and RPG forums 😭 But Dead Boy Detectives has a hold on my brain and won't let go! And actually has me writing fanfiction again for the first time in over a decade!
But it has me thinking, likeeee...I was nine-years-old writing self-insert ATLA stories in between episodes (S1 Zuko ignited my love of villains lol). I was eleven role-playing Yugioh characters with Real Adults with Real Jobs and would be like, "Ah yes, I too understand stress," but I was talking about studying for a social studies test. I was twelve entering fandom shipping one-shot contests voted on by readers (and doing alarmingly well), but I insisted in my author's notes that all the queer ships "could be seen as friends...or maybe something more if you squint" (and then consequently did not realize I was queer for another seven years lol, but that's a different story). I would write grotesque horror tendershipping fics at night and then wake up and go to Catholic school without batting an eye 😅
As funny as it is to look back on now, fandom is also the first place I explored queer relationships through my reading and writing. Enjoltaire fanfiction during college gave me the words I needed when I realized I wasn't straight. It taught me to take (and give!) constructive criticism at a young age. It has always been a safe place for me to learn and explore and enjoy and create, and maybe it's no wonder I've found my way back to it now as a twenty-seven-year-old with a wife and a house and a job and so much more life lived since way back then.
So all that ranting to say -- fandom is really cool, I was a dark preteen, I'm writing Catwin fanfiction as we speak, and maybe other queer adults can relate!
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kyokutsu-sama · 5 months
"What is it like living with them?"- Captain x f!reader
A/n: I'm at my creative peak for the Black Clover fandom and I have a lot of drafts to post here about it. I hope I can post some more this week.
Tw: slightly suggestive
Yami :
Living with the captain of the black bulls is like a complete married life, with children included (in this case they are his squad members) You won't have a minute of peace because he'll always be teasing you here and there and he won't have peace either because the brats always call him to train and when he doesn't, it's Julius who's calling him on a mission again. He, in turn, can't wait to get back to HQ to be with you. Yes, he loves to see you opening your arms to welcome him back. He will ask you to bring him toilet paper in case Asta forgets to put a new roll in the bathroom. You're the only one he lets into the bathroom when he's there. Needless to say, he will kill the poor boy for forgetting about it. The squad members see you as a motherly figure and whenever the captain tries to slice one of them, they run away and hide behind you and you always defend them. Yami doesn't like to get into trouble when you're around and he quickly changes his personality to someone calmer. He likes to go out with you to drink and gamble, he teaches you a lot about card games. In relation to drinking, if you are resistant to alcohol this only brings advantages as he likes someone who can accompany him when drinking. There will be many nights when you wake up on the living room floor after a night of drinking. You almost don't argue because he doesn't like doing it and often prefers to say that you're right just so there isn't a big fuss between you both. Still regarding arguments, this man also has his bad days so if it's something superficial where you're just making a film, he picks you up and takes you to the bedroom to solve the problem. You can be sure that you will forget the reason for the argument. If you want this man's attention, take the cigarette from his lips or hide the pack. You can also steal his sword. He teaches you how to fight with it but don't you dare break his beautiful sword. He's going to have a heart attack (we all know that he has a little fragile heart🤏🤭) just thinking about having to pay for a new one without even having paid for the previous one.
Julius :
Apart from the part where he has to be away for a long time because he is the wizard king, everything is perfect. It turns out that most of the time you have to walk behind him so he doesn't torment someone random because of their magic. Yes, he lets go of your hand in the middle of a walk to see magic. He starts sneaking out of the office more often than before just to be with you. He loves you and it's hard for him to be away from you. In his free time, he takes you for walks, holding your hand and visiting different places. It is worth remembering that he will often have to use magic to change his appearance since if he appears as a wizard king among people he will quickly attract their attention to him. You'll also have to get used to the fact that he always arrives late because of the amount of paperwork he had to sign. He's always teasing you and it only get worse if you're not paying attention. Please, this man needs attention. Of course he also likes to make you laugh if you're sad. You are his queen and like a good king, he needs to take care of his wife. He always makes a point of having meals with you since it's one of the few times you're together. And if he comes home early from work and you're waiting for him, you have long conversations about everything and everyone before bed. (This man loves gossip and tea and no one can convince me otherwise🤭)
As you are the wife of the wizard king, you are greatly adored and respected by the people and when you accompany him to a ceremony in the castle, there will be many eyes on you. If you are not a member of royalty and those looks are disdainful towards you, he will hold your hand and like to show everyone that you are an incredible person and that he is very proud of you.
Fuegoleon :
Living with this man is a dream. He's the husband material and is always kind to you and always tries to meet all of your needs. He spends most of the day busy either in the office or training his magic knights, so if you want to go there, feel free, he loves your visits. You know you've won in life when you're his brothers' protégé. Leopold loves you and calls you to train or do something else. He adores you for being who you are and for taking care of his brother. As for Mereoleona (How I love this woman😫), she easily drags you to the hot springs to talk to you. She may seem harsh about everything but I assure you that she cares about you. Proof of this? She always asks if your brother has taken good care of you and if not, she'll kill him for that, even if the poor guy would never be able to neglect you. I'm not even talking about the part where every time she comes home after being away for months, she always asks you if you're already carrying her nephew. Yes, she is waiting for this and don't make this woman wait. If he has free time, he will look for you so that you can both go out somewhere, be it for a walk or to eat. He also trusts you enough to tell you if something isn't going well at work even if he prefers not to because he doesn't want you to worry. He is very selfless and he doesn't want this to bother you in any way, even if you assure him that this doesn't happen. Just like Julius, if he comes home early, he will immediately look for you. You two also talk a lot about different subjects and besides, he likes to hear your points of view too. There are also frequent cuddle sessions before bed.
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
nsfw - mdni. yami x f!noble reader. cw age gap (reader is in her 20s, yami is in his 30s), virginity loss, smoking. piv intercourse and he calls reader girl 🙂‍↕️ | wc 2k, divider by @cafekitsune
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You have heard many stories throughout the years about this particular moment being painful or emotional, an overwhelming feeling of abandonment as what is believed to indicate your girlhood is no longer yours to keep. This feeling is nowhere to be found within you.
Yami has taken care to prepare you. He’s stretched you out with his fingers, kissed every inch of you with his tongue and lips, encouraging your arousal to drip so freely from you the sheets beneath your hips are damp.
You are a woman parting ways with a burden she no longer wants to be responsible for, the one thing that still made you valuable to a parade of men you want nothing to do with.
You are free.
The sensation of your body stretching to accommodate him overwhelms all else, no tearing or ripping or pulling as has been described to you, merely your muscles attempting to stretch wide enough to allow him to slip his girth inside. His tip rests snugly between your walls and he grunts above you, strong arms on either side of your head.
“Feelin’ alright?” He whispers, gray eyes searching yours for any sign of pain. You smile up at him and nod, already breathing heavily. It’s hot and sticky in this room, his weight is bearing down on you, and he’s only just entered your body and you swear he’s in your throat.
“I…I want more,” you don’t quite ask but offer, allowing him the opportunity to slip a little deeper. A gasp is ripped from you, salacious enough that anyone walking through the hallway on the opposite side of the door would be scandalized. Yami smirks, leaning down to press his forehead against yours.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Heat flushes your body from your cheeks to your chest to further down, his baritone giving you as much stimulation as his cock nestled inside of you. “You’ve figured out so quickly how much I like to know how good of a job I’m doing, smart girl.”
Your walls clamp down around the head of him when he praises you. Of all the things that can be said about this man, astute is at the top despite his aloof exterior. He recognized the first time the two of you ever touched one another that you enjoy being praised - it takes one to know one, after all. He enjoys praising you to feel your body respond, the grip of your walls around his fingers and now his cock, just as much as he enjoys hearing you ask him for more and whimper his name.
“Feel that?” He asks, slipping past any resistance left in your sopping cunt easily, burying himself halfway. There’s a little further to go until he’s fully in but even this slight bit forces a deep groan from him, forehead still pressed to yours. “Perfect fit. Think you were made to take me, what do you think? Were you saving yourself just for me?”
That filthy mouth causes you to squirm beneath him, your parted thighs squeezing his sides, knees digging into them. A slow rhythm develops, a gentle rocking of his hips against yours that is more of a grind than a thrust. It reminds you of the ocean, wave after wave hitting shore, the coarse hair covering his pelvis rubbing against your clit and labia. The sensation is near overwhelming, your eyes fluttering shut, mewling beneath him.
“I want it all.”
In response to your plea, Yami kisses you unexpectedly. He closes the distance between your faces, capturing your soft lips against his rougher pair, gnawing on your lower lip in the way he knows makes your back arch and your tits press against his chest. His tongue slips between your lips and you moan, following his lead by greedily mapping out every corner of his mouth, swallowing his taste. While you’re distracted, he slips the rest of himself in and you both break the kiss to groan, staring at each other with heaving chests.
“Fucking hell,” he hisses, hips stilling so that he doesn’t spill inside of you. He’s no virgin killer or stranger to pussy but he has been going through a dry spell since he met you (at least that’s what he tells himself when he turns down his usual offers, as he has been since that first fateful night he stumbled up on you) and his balls tighten enough he worries he won’t even last a single stroke if he doesn’t calm down.
“Do you feel good?”
The tables are turned enough that he feels like the vulnerable one, a pair of doe eyes blinking up at him curiously. A little smirk plays across your lips and he nods, kissing you chastely, secretly hoping to brush away that smug little look despite the effect it’s having on him. He doesn’t take losing the upper hand well and the gentle rocking becomes a slightly rougher thrust, one of his hands sliding to rest at the dip of your waist.
“About to feel even better in just a second,” he mutters, catching his breath and giving you another thrust. You wait for pain to appear but it never does, just mind numbing pleasure, your head falling to his shoulder while he gradually increases his pace. You’re holding him inside of you, refusing to allow him to fully withdraw, and he exhales sharply through his nose.
“Hope you feel as good as I do, kid. Pussy’s so tight I might never, ah, leave.”
The pause in his words, broken up by his throaty groan, awakens a feeling in you that only arrives when he’s around. Your heartbeat speeds up, palms prickling with sweat while they dangle over his shoulders. Of course you know what this feeling is, it’s a building orgasm, but you feel it even when you aren’t having sex with him - when he laughs at your jokes or playfully tugs at the laces of your dress.
You can’t explain it so you chase it, canting your hips slightly to meet his thrusts. Clearly this catches him off guard and he squeezes your waist, stilling you.
“Nuh uh, not yet.” He’s not out of breath but he’s panting, the lone arm resting on the side of your head shifting so that he can grab the back of your neck, pushing you upward toward his mouth, making it easier for him to kiss you again. “Really are too smart for your own good.”
His praise has the same effect it always does on you. You cling to him, his pace fast enough now that his balls swing against your ass, the steady sound of skin on skin and the slickness of your cunt the soundtrack to your mutual mouthiness.
“You don’t like it when I do that?” You ask, canting your hips upward again. He squeezes your side tighter this time, shooting you a narrowed eye warning glance. “Think I might like it too much, actually. Knock it off.”
If he weren’t knocking you breathless with each thrust, you’d giggle and continue to give him a hard time but it feels silly to do anything but enjoy this. When he’s confident that you’ve followed his directions, his hand slides from your waist to between your bodies. He presses the pad of his index finger against your clit, eliciting a truly delicious near shout from you.
“Tell me,” he reminds you, low voice all but hypnotizing you into doing anything he asks. “Tell me how much you like it.”
You nod, dragging one of your hands from around his neck to your chest, placing your palm between your breasts.
“Think I can feel you here, Yami.” Your heart, in more ways than one. “I’ve never felt anything li–”, you are cut off when he thrusts even deeper, clearly overwhelmed by your vulnerability, the wind knocked out of you.
There is nowhere else he can go. He’s buried as deep inside of you as he can be right now, his own heart rattling its cage, beating as hard as he’s breathing. If he looks down at you for a second too long he’ll be a goner, your lashes fluttering and mouth half opened while babbles and half formed thoughts spill out. He’s making you feel so good, you feel him everywhere, at least that’s what he can sort of make out in his hazy mind.
“Keep going,” you plead, grabbing onto his bicep and squeezing. “A little...a little harder, please.”
Oh it takes every ounce of strength for him not to cum, gritting his teeth and fucking into you so hard that the bed bangs against the wall. He knew from the moment he met you that you’d be just like this, that innocent face hiding a lot more than you ever let on and almost well enough you had him fooled. There are worst suspicions to have confirmed although he wishes you would’ve done so while he wasn’t inside of you, holding onto the snapping threads of his control.
You cum with a cry of his name, face buried in his chest, thighs twitching around and spasming him. He wishes you would have let him see you yet that feels a little more intimate than he feels comfortable asking. He closes his eyes to picture it, though.
Those pretty lips opened into an o shape, eyes and pupils wide and drinking in every flex of his muscles above you. You’d look him over and shut your eyes tightly, fingers grazing over every part of his body…
Before his fantasy can run wild, he feels his cock kick and finishes inside of you, thrusting with every spurt, pushing it deeper and deeper into territory he has now claimed as his own. Perhaps it’s a bit barbaric to ever see sex this way but he can’t help what his urges are telling him to do and he slumps over slightly, body halfway pressed against yours.
“Everything okay down there?” He asks, noticing you’re quieter than usual, and you nod with a blissed out smile on your face, reaching to brush his hair off of his forehead. As badly as he wants to back away and pretend that didn’t happen, he lets you do it again, dark strands pushed backward and no longer dripping with sweat and dangling in his face.
He sits back on his haunches, finally unsheathing himself from inside of you. A low whistle is his reaction when his eyes drop to between your legs, a rush of his release dripping down your ass. “Messy, aren’t we?” He reaches to rub his thumb along said mess, your sticky arousal all over your labia and clit and his spend mixing together.
“Sign of a job well done if you ask me.” You giggle, remaining happily boneless with your legs spread, accepting his thumb when he lifts it to your mouth. Your tongue brushes the length of it and you moan appreciatively, tasting the efforts of what you’ve both done as a reward for the job well done.
Removing his thumb with a pop, he glances down at you for longer than either of you are keeping track of. Dark brows remain furrowed, a little scowl on his face although it’s arguably far softer now than it usually is, and he finally slumps down onto the bed, collecting you against him.
He knows you’ll begin chatterboxing while he dozes off soon, as you always do, but for now he’s content with the silence. It’s giving him the opportunity to consider what any of this means, if he was only babbling lovesick fool shit to make your first time good or because his aching dick was overwhelming his brain.
You shift between his arms, flipping onto your side, facing him with a smile. “Thank you.”
He chuckles, a hand resting on your ass.
“You didn’t do half bad yourself,” he commends, leaning down to press his forehead against yours again. “Might have to test you out again.”
Giggling, you shake your head, wrinkling your nose when you look up at him.
“I hope you do for a long, long time.”
The weight of those words would be heavier if you didn’t immediately dive into a conversation about the cat you found in the garden, leaving him to nod semi enthusiastically while reaching for his cigarettes, puffing while quietly contemplating every word you say.
For a long, long time, he thinks, half listening to you.
He could do this every night if you didn’t live so far away.
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squashberri-art · 11 months
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3am thoughts
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