#trying to imitate the season 0 feel
sonicvoid · 2 months
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I've been dead
Have a warm-up sketch
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shiningstardan · 4 months
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• N E J I x H I N A T A • R A T E D E • 1 0 K W •
S U M M A R Y:
'Talk to her!' Lee's words still rang in his mind, and he wondered if he actually should. Shame and guilt have the tendency to consume one's soul. How far can a gesture or a series of them compensate for the sins of the past? And will the sufferer be able to accept the atonement given or will they succumb to the guilt and heaviness of those emotions? Could Neji and Hinata relink a relationship that is plagued by the ghost of the past? Prompt 1: Dry Humping
✦ A O 3 - F F . N E T ✦
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Peculiar Considerations For Atonement
Part 4: Allegreto
12:00 a.m
The big house was now in front of them, and as the gentleman he was. He walked her to her bedroom, a path that his feet could blindly trace by now. He knew he was blushing, he hadn't expected her to uncover his scheme.
“Thank you Neji”
“You've been thanking me quite a lot today”
“Well, I am grateful for many things. It's a special day after all, for many reasons” she smiled radiantly towards him “Come in. I have something for you” He trailed her silhouette in the dark.
“Here” she said, extending a fabric pouch. The colors were hard to distinguish in the dead of the night.
“Can I open it now?” He put the bag with the goodies on her desk, in order to handle the little sachet he had been handled.
“Of course, don't wait for me,” she said while lighting a candle on her desk. The warm light revealed the sky blue of the fabric, pulling out a hair ribbon in red tones.
“I'm afraid the colors might not be in season though,” said Hinata a little apologetically, walking to him once again.
“Thank you Hinata” he said, taking one of her hands and kissing the top of it. Feeling his heart full and fluttering inside him. His lips hovered over her knuckles for a couple of seconds .
She looked at him fascinated and swayed by his gentleness. In the motion of kissing her hand, his hair had moved forward, covering part of his face. But, she needed to see him. She pulled her hand down, sensing his intention to let go of hers. Not yet, she thought. Increasing the pressure holding his hand in hers, the force was greater than originally intended. She felt the adrenaline of her abrupt reaction coursing through her veins. But she couldn’t help it, she didn't want him to let go of her hand. He raised his head in confusion, for an instant the fear of rejection and uncertainty settled on her face. 
And then, came the understanding.
They both needed a moment to understand what had just transpired. To feel the pull that they had on each other. The need for closeness growing in their hearts. She took another step forward standing directly in front of him, his handsome features coming  closer. It was a special day. He had been so attentive, not only today, but also all these past months. He had little by little made that big house feel like home.
He put the bag and the ribbon in one of his pockets. Even with the low light she was able to appreciate the rosy tint on his cheeks, the brightness of his pupils, and the black headband covering his forehead. Their hands were now moving in a tantalizing manner. The tight grip started to soften, his fingernails grazing her palms, insecure of how to proceed, he slowly opened and extended his fingers, waiting for her to accept his invitation. She looked at him, never breaking eye contact. Taking deep breaths in and out. The soft raise of their chest is almost synchronizing. Tenderly she started imitating him, opening her fingers, extending them and slowly brushing their sides against his, feeling a jolt of electricity running through her forearm. She finally lowered her gaze trying to appreciate their intertwined hands in the low light, without success but feeling them connected nonetheless.
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ
She took one step closer, she needed him in her space, and although shy, she was ready to make the first move. She needed to know that the signs had not been misinterpreted.
“Tell me that this okay” she asked in a breathy way slowly standing on the tip of her toes, softly rubbing her nose against his, the warmth of her breath mixing with his own.
“It is” he said, feeling the angle of her neck changing. She was looking for him, and he met her halfway. A low rumble coiling around his stomach, making him squeeze her fingers tighter now that he could feel her warmth radiating towards him. He needed both her presence and her reassurance.
He wondered, however, if it really was okay.
She breathed him in, the forest smell of his essence woke up a fuzziness in her depths. Were they friends? That certainly didn't seem to fit them. Years of despair, confrontation, distortion and confusion had weighted them for longer than any of them deserved. The stark difference that the last three months brought to her mind, the stolen moments spared on the in between, felt more and more filling, more comforting. She started caressing his arms over the kimono sleeves, reminiscing of their kitchen encounters, the discussions and his guilt. He would never accept her forgiveness, not truly. But it didn’t matter. She didn't need him to. She would consume it, like a water drop constantly dripping on a rock, molding it over time. She would give amnesia to his pain until all of it had been extinguished. His persistence would crumble under her patience.
Hinata deepened the kiss, arms tangling around him, one holding his neck, making his proximity closer, the other one hooked under his arm, firmly placed across his muscular and defined back. She arched herself, pulling him down towards her. He felt the softness of her lips dancing against his. Feeling more daring, he invited himself to her mouth, the velvety wetness of his tongue pursuing hers, undulating it in a way that made the point between her legs vibrate, making her shiver in his arms.
The sharp inhale was heard while she bubbled in his arms. He could feel her lungs expanding against his chest in a short, quick motion. She lowered her arms resting them on his chest. He didn't mirror her, though; he needed her there, safe and secure within his. She kissed him once again, a chaste peck on his lips.  And then, he heard her giggled, the soft chime of her happiness infecting him. Lowering his hands, searching for hers. They stood still for a second, taking in the moment.
This was real. Despite the chilliness of the November nights, he felt the heat go through his body, feeling the need to shed at least his haori. Letting her hands go for a moment, not knowing if actually shedding the garment would be appropriate, not wanting her to misunderstand him, making her believe he expected more from what she was willing to give.
“It's ok. Come here” she said, extending her hands towards him, hugging him. Needing him to follow her voice, to let her guide him. He wanted to be there, but the pain in his chest reminded him of how he had treated her in the past “It's us” she reassured in a whisper “forget it all, forget our circumstances and the conditions that have shaped us” her arms embracing him tightly, her lips close to his ear, and his hairs on the back of his neck standing up “At this moment, it's just the two of us”
Tomorrow would be another day, tomorrow they could either face the world or continue as if nothing had happened. Tomorrow implied a bright sun in the sky.
Tomorrow could wait.
Would he be able to let go? Even if it was just for one night. Would he allow himself to shed the turbulence of their past and allow himself the possibilities of the unknown? He sought for the redemption she was talking about in her eyes. He took off the flower diadem that adorned her hair, needing to see her and only her. She smiled seeing him take the initiative, he was going to try, and that was more than enough for tonight. She raised her hand to his shoulders, sliding the white piece of clothing down his arms, revealing the black sleeves that rested underneath.
He truly was a handsome man, the warm light of the candle making the contrast between his clothes and his features more alluring than she had felt before, a strong wave of excitement moving her insides. His outfit almost matched what she had worn in a subtle way, the fact that it had been a coincidence only cemented in her mind that they were truly two sides of the same coin. It could only be obvious to the keenest eyes. It made her feel self-conscious for a moment, the feeling of her want overwhelming her. She looked down for a second, trying to regain control over herself.
“Is everything ok, Hinata?” He tried searching for her eyes once again.
“Yes,” she said, looking at him. A livelier shade of red was over her cheeks, visible to him despite the dimness of the candlelight. The hunger of her eyes engulfed him. He caressed her cheek slowly, pulling her to him and capturing her lips one more time. She came to him pressing herself to his firm chest, clutching her hands to the waistband of his obi, pulling him close while he caressed her arms, slipping his hands from underneath the kimono sleeves with an awoken need to feel more and more the softness of her skin.
He continued kissing her, feeling the wetness of her lips against his. Slipping one of his arms through the side openings of her hakama, wanting to feel the enticing curve of her lower back, his digits recognized the raspy friction of the fabrics as he dragged his hand between the layers. Pulling her impossibly closer, pooling the thick winter materials of her ensemble.
“Can I?” he asked. Her stomach tensed with expectations, giving permission with a slow nod. Her heavy breathing resounded in his ears. He untangled the ribbons, pulling them down, undoing the front bow of her hakama. He didn’t want the expensive fabric of her clothes to simply fall, so he pulled her closer to him, closing the gap between them, avoiding the skirt from simply falling to the floor when he was undoing the back ties. Swish. Swish. could be heard when he pulled the final ties that held the skirt together. Hinata could feel the tightness of her toes and the wetness slipping down her core. “You are so beautiful” he whispered before kissing her more intensely, still holding her, trapping the fabrics between their bodies and grabbing her ass. “So beautiful, I can’t believe I get to hold you like this”.
“Oh, Neji” she took his face between her hands. she needed to feel the bumps of his tongue rubbing against her and she also needed to explore the slippery underside of it. The muscle in her core pushing and pulling from the arousal, pulsing.
“Let me help you, your skirt should not simply be discarded, let me help you out of it” she felt dizzy with all the emotions coursing through her, she put her hand on his shoulders trying to stabilize herself. Neji crouched, feeling how she pushed her weight on his shoulders while balancing one foot and then the other. Before placing it on the chair. He stood up and Hinata pecked his cheek before undoing his hakama as well “You may have not intended for this to happen, but I can help but feel this way. Thank you for making these walls feel like home” said while pulling the ties of his black hakama. He could feel the blood filling out his member. He felt a little shy having Hinata’s hands being so close to his lower region but he tried to remain calm. Hinata started kissing his neck, knowing how to navigate the intricacies of the hakama knots. He stretched his neck, savoring the tingling sensation on his throat and collar bones.
“Hmph” he moaned which caused her to pull the ties more forcefully. He could feel his penis buzzing.
“Can you step back for a moment? I need you out of these” he repeated the motion she had done before. She also took the opportunity to take the haori that she had pulled from him before. “Sorry for discarding it before,” she said apologetically.
“It doesn’t matter” he could barely think straight. Breathing in and out trying to calm the force of his desires. He took a second to appreciate how she looked without the hakama. “Those colors are very flattering on you, the red brings out your eyes”
“Thank you” she replied shyly “Can you help me with my obi, please” she started lacing her hand over her own hair, pulling her waist length hair over her shoulders and fanning it over her back. “You also look very handsome with what you’re wearing” He started pulling the ties of her obi unlacing the front bow.
“You think so? I’m happy you like it” he said, pulling her closer, kissing her cheek before removing the obi, which needed several turns around her, in order to roll up the long fabric strip. “Would you mind you mind doing mine?” She smiles, working on his obi as well, feeling the sides of his kimono loosened on his sides. She still had a few layers to go down before getting stripped nude, and it made her feel self-conscious, it was not something one would necessarily considered practical, but practicality had not been in her mind when she chose her outfit. He saw her doubting for a second when she had been working on him.
“What is it?” He asked endearingly. “What’s in your mind?”
“Am” she said, insecure about how to approach the topic “I’m afraid, I still have a few more layers to go” she heard him laugh.
“So? What’s the problem?”
“It feels strange”
“Why? Why are you embarrassed to have this pretty ensemble on?” He said while freeing the most inner ties holding the last layers underneath it all. “You are a finely packed present, and I have the privilege to open you up” he said pulling aside the white layer, startin to kiss the creamy skin of her shoulders. He went along the collarbone leaving open kisses alongside it. Hinata could feel how her knees weakened, clutching to him. He balanced her backwards, holding her firmly from her lower back . She felt the wetness of his tongue when he lickied her, leaving a trail of saliva on his way.
“Mmm, that feels so good, '' she said, sighing. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been intimate with anyone, especially after everything that had happened over the last two years. “Can you take these off?” She asked, despite the trance that was filling her head. The last layers of their clothing coming finally off, left unceremoniously over the chair and desk. Where they had put everything on top of the other without regard to whom belonged what. Leaving both of them in their underwear.
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ
They were sitting on the border of her bed. His heart was beating fast, he was still trying to process the fact that he was in Hinata’s room and he desired her. She was looking down for a second as deep in thought as he was, probably thinking about the fact that they both were ready to blur the lines that had limited how they treated each other; how they interacted. She looked up and he could see that the sparkle was still there tinkling under the soft candle light. She was so beautiful. He felt the softness of her lips massaging his, not noticing the moment he had leaned forward, until his lips closed on hers.
His left hand was caressing her knees, sending chills to her ribs. She could feel his long fingers moving slowly up and down her thigh. Even when kissing him, she could visualize how his fingers contracted and relaxed, softly stroking her flesh. The soft edge of his nails activating vibrations that rumbled deep within her.  
“Hnngh'' She could hear the halting breaths he exhaled. His fingers went slowly up, but they didn’t go back down this time. She could feel the coarser part of his fingers digging, going under the fabric of her panties.
She bit her lips. Her eyes went up and down his torso.
“Oh god”
She pulled him down with both of her hands, desperation now palpable in the air, she went for an open mouth kiss and once she had him how she wanted, she bobbed her head back and forth sucking his tongue, using her lips to slurp on him. Smack . He had pulled the elastic band of her undies agasint her skin. The sound of the pulled waistband elastic and the sting on her hip exalting her for a second. It had been an unexpected and unpredictable movement.  How delicious.
Neji looked raw, his hair was in disarray, the traces of Hinata’s hand in his hair were now evident.
He was panting.
“Lay back” he said hoarsely. Hinata could feel her blood warming her face again. She looked both ways before scooting back, as if she didn’t know her own bed,  momentarily breaking eye contact with him. She could feel her hands lightly trembling, excitement coursing through her veins. She hadn’t noticed how breathless she had become.
Neji was not able to look anywhere else. His eyes were fixed on her, devouring her, taking in her delectable creamy long legs as they flexed and straightened while moving backwards. Hinata stopped after scooting back and stayed there expectantly, her eyes on him. Neji approached her slowly, which had her core pulsing excitedly.
“Hi” he said softly after crawling over. His face was millimeters from hers.
“Hi” her eyes moved up and down, not knowing what to expect from him, but amused with his playfulness.
He descended, laying on top of her, trapping her underneath his weight. She gasped. Oh, that’s big , she thought, feeling his erection. His member was erected, the delightful pressure on her stomach was more than welcome. Her hands settled on his nape and neck once again, she needed to feel him close.
“I must return the splendid affections you’ve given me tonight” he started with a trail of butterfly kisses over her jaw, making her shudder. He felt her hands on his nape, softly pulling the brown strands on his scalp as he descended down her neck. Soft, open mouth kisses made her breath hitch. How would the people in the house react if they saw her sporting a vividly dark hickey? He could only wonder. He knew he couldn’t though, too many eyes were always following her; nonetheless, temptation almost convinced him of branding her as his, even if it was just for one night. Even if it was just an illusion. He continued on his way down, balancing himself with his right arm, not wanting to fully lay himself on top of her, while the left one was looking for her hands still tangled in his hair.  
The muffled sound was absorbed by the mattress. Her arms crossed laid over her head, both her wrists were strongly held under Neji’s tight grip. His left hand was encapsulating both of hers. The instinct to free herself settled in the back of her mind, while the excitement of being at his mercy was at the front.
He moved his hips back and forth a couple of times, grinding himself against her, and she enjoyed every bit of their contact. He felt so firm, all of him. Being on top of her feeling his abs, his pecs, his strong and muscular legs, she could feel all of him. How she wished her legs were not trapped under his, she really wanted to hook them up his waist and have his crotch slide up and down her. She wanted to. no . She needed him. She could only imagine how he would stretch her insides, opening her up, when he penetrated her. The anticipation coiled in her gut.
He was ready to devour her, to make her his, even if it was just for a moment, he wanted to pour his love for her into every kiss and caress. He wanted her to feel him, to feel his weight and his lustfulness. He knew she could stand his weight for so long before going numb. As enticing as the thought was, he would have to reposition himself. Especially if he wanted to have a better position to lick her all over.
He suspended his legs mid air for a couple of seconds, wanting her to fully feel him, undulating his hips one last time. His mind went blank for a second, his erection was really hard and full. She could see how breathless and  shaken she was, with her lips parted, and air escaping her throat. Her insides were queasy, melting from desire. An Oooh gooood , escaping from her, making him smirk. He lowered his knees, supporting his own weight on them, finally freeing her from the pressure he had put her under. He made sure his legs anchored him well, as much as he had enjoyed it, he didn’t want to suffocate her, even securing himself planting his right hand soundedly against the mattress. He wanted to make sure there was enough distance between them to maneuver above her.
He lowered his head, dragging his tongue languidly over her breast. The temperature of the night continued descending, but that wasn’t going to stop him, even if he felt the goosebumps along his spine. The coldness was also affecting Hinata, her nipples were now visible under the bra. The beautiful marbled skin was there for him to carve and mold. He went over her sternum, giving her more butterfly kisses along it and stopping over her heart. What was he going to do? She wondered excitedly, her legs rubbing against each other.
But then, all of a sudden he became still, so very still. It took her a moment to notice. He wasn’t moving. His forehead was still firmly placed over her heart. She tried controlling her breathing, avoiding the quick motions that preambled any panic. She had to control herself, and as such she breathed slowly. She had to think fast. What was happening? She couldn’t understand it. Maybe containing her breath could help her trying to listen and feel what he was doing, trying to understand what could have rendered him immobile. But there was nothing, she couldn’t feel or hear anything. She wasn’t sure what had happened. And that’s when she started to really get nervous. Her heart skipping beats, ringing loudly in her ears. She could feel Neji pushing his forehead even more, pushing her ribcage down even more.
She felt something wet falling on her chest, silencing her immediately. She clenched her eyes, fearing the worst. The most powerful ninja of the clan was in her arms doing something she had never expected. Especially not in front of her. He was crying. She didn’t know how to react. He was always so secure and assertive. The situation had caught her totally off guard. What could she do? She was trapped under him, and unconsciously continued restraining her. His hair splayed on her right shoulder, the dim candle light engulfed by his dark her, consuming the dim light of the candle.
“Please, Neji”, she begged, breathing harder now. She wanted to help him, but couldn’t even reach him. She could only talk to him. “Please don’t punish yourself”, she prayed. “Please don’t let our past define this moment”, a choking sound emerging from her throat. She breathed deeply, regaining a little of her composure, she needed to be there for him. “Please don’t go back down Neji, not now, not ever.”
She silently prayed in her mind. His tears continued falling, rolling down her cleavage.
He needed a second to recalibrate himself, he didn’t move an inch for what felt like an eternity. The cold of the night sleeping deeper into their bones, making him shudder. Her wrists were tightly gripped by his left hand, still holding her. He needed her, he needed her presence to soothe his heart. Her heartbeat was now a life line. He tried to regain his composure, but he also needed this moment. He wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it, and a part of him didn’t want to understand how she had forgiven him. Here, underneath her bones, was her heart, the very thing that kept her alive. It was the organ that pumped blood to her face, turning her cheeks a rose pink everytime she blushed and got nervous. How had he been so consumed with hate and anger? How had he been able to do it? It was supposed to be something comparable to a sports match, he had only needed to defeat her. But no, he had stepped into that match with clear intentions, he had been cruel. He had wanted to kill her.
“I’m sorry,” he said. She needed to breathe deeply. “I’m sorry” he repeated, a ragged breath was exhaled over her rib cage. She opened her eyes, looking to some unclear point in her ceiling, biting her lip, trying to ignore the sting on her own eyes. “I’m truly sorry”, he whispered, still holding her wrist tightly, and it was the most sincere apology he had ever uttered, she could feel her eyes watering a little.
She inhaled.
And exhaled.
He couldn’t remember how long he had been kneeling on top of her, he had barely noticed his hamstrings getting strained as he continued supporting his weight on his knees; his right hand clutched to her waist for dear life, his forehead resting over the beating organ, trying to use the rhythmic sound to find a light in the middle of the darkness.
He felt her moving. She flexed, elevated and crossed her legs over his. Firmly planting each foot on the outer side of his knees, locking her legs with his. He raised his head, trying to focus her face, confused by all the movement, vision blurry from the tears. She seized the opportunity, using the new position to anchor her knees against his butt, using his own weight to propel her downwards, sliding until their faces aligned. Both of them were breathing hard, both disoriented from the turmoil. He examined every detail of her face, and she examined his, yearning for the other one reflected deep in their irises.
His eyes were still moist from the tears, making them look glassier than usual. Neji was still paralyzed, still trying to regain his composure. She felt confined for a moment, it was overwhelming, but she knew he needed her, and she wouldn’t let him down. She desperately moved her arms, still strapped tightly in his grip, cueing him to finally release her. He opened his hand slowly, realizing that he had been relentlessly holding her this whole time. Releasing the pressure, feeling the blood rushing through his own veins, his fingers gasping for the oxygen that the red liquid carried.
He was still adrift. Hinata ever so gently laced their hands together, intertwining her fingers with his. She held his hand tightly for a second before relaxing the pressure. The other one moved towards his face, cupping his cheek with her left hand. She wanted to let him know that it had happened. That everything was now in the past, even if it still hurt to remember that horrible incident from 10 years ago. That it was ok to let go.
She raised her head, pecking him on the lips.
“Kiss me” she softly whispered as her head rested back on the mattress, encouraging him to come back to the present, to come back to her. To allow himself to enjoy their moment.
The softness of her voice finally gave him the anchor he needed to focus his eyes on her. Still moving mechanically, he lowered his face, pecking her on the cheek.
She angled her head connecting their lips once again, cutting him off before he could even finish speaking. Her free hand had pulled him into her, shutting him down. She wouldn’t allow it. She wouldn’t allow him to finish the sentence. She had forbidden him from calling her that. Even if his mind was not there to remind him of that fact, she wouldn’t allow it.  
It was a desperate move that had his eyes opened wide. He knew she had good reflexes, but with the stupor of the moment, he hadn't expected her to react so fast, still not realizing what he had almost said. The way he had pronounced her name distilling hurt, he was still repenting from the past. The confusion of the sudden moment had not allowed him to realize why he had been interrupted. Why she had cut him off. The suffix weighed on her, and the words would have hurt her as much as their past had. Desperation vaguely concealed her actions.
He could feel her tongue slowly tracing his lips. Her thumb going up and down his cheek.
His legs implored for rest, screaming for a stretch. He had continued kneeling all this time. The extended effort from supporting his weight on his knees had strained his muscles, the tension on his hips and tights a clear sign of exhaustion. Hinata had maintained her legs on each side of his, falling victim to the strained muscles as well. She untangled herself from him, allowing him to finally descend. To finally rest. Skin with skin coming into contact, even if he was not really thinking about what was happening, he was just focusing on her tongue, sliding along his lips, clinging to them as his lifeline. The sensations she was transmitting him, stirring his erection back to life again.
She pulled back from the kiss, enjoying how his weight rested on top of her, making her insides lightly buzz. Relieved to see that he looked more like himself now. He could feel her warm skin coming into contact with his. And that’s when he finally noticed, he noticed his own blood flowing back to his hamstring, letting his muscles finally relax. He noticed Hinata’s chest raising and falling rhythmically, almost panting. He noticed his member trapped against her, increasing the pressure on it.
He hissed, finally coming back to the present. His eyes looked at her, noticing how transparent they looked. Her cheeks were tinted red. The last slivers from the candle, allowing him to appreciate her beauty under the warm light before extinguishing. He went down to kiss her, properly kiss her now, with desperation, unrestraint, and need fed in that voracious exchange.
Hinata gently pushed his right leg, allowing her to pull hers from underneath his. Increasing contact of their sexes, bringing them closer, the juggling of their limbs and their positions increasing the sensations, the pulses, and the quivers. He thought his heart was going to pull out of his chest with how strongly it was beating. He continued sucking her tongue, creating a vacuum with his lips, pulling back and forth. He knew how much she was enjoying it by how her hips were dancing against him, erupting tingling spikes along his member, increasing the blood flow to his cock, hardening it. His fingers were being pressured by hers.
Gasping and panting; his labored breath could be heard coming in and out of his system. He set his forehead on top of hers. Taking in the reactions she erupted from him. He would compensate her, he had to, a life was probably not going to be enough to prove her that she deserved better. He was going to defend her and served her until the day he died. No one in the clan would be allowed to question her authority as clan Head. Determination now filling him, as vivid as the arousal he felt for her in that moment.
He had erred, and he was going to regret it every day, and he was conscious of that fact, but something about being so close to her heartbeat and listening to the constant thumping had broken him. He had taken many lives as part of his profession. But her? She was the leader of their clan, and he had wanted to kill her a decade ago. She had blamed her when she hadn't been at fault of the politics and the persecution to which she had been a victim as well. No, she deserved more. He knew she was probably not expecting anything out of this encounter, she wasn’t that kind of person. But he owed her, as undeserving as he was to be in her bedroom, laying on top of her in her bed. He owed her. 
He untangled their fingers, and pushed himself up, but he was not going away, no. He was just distancing himself enough to sit down. She laid back, looking at him expectantly, seeing him move, not knowing if he would leave her alone. She had never seen him disassociate like he had, much less expected to feel his tears wetting her breast. Neji hadn’t noticed that he had practically engulfed his face over her tits, and for a second she had thought he was going to ravage her. But now she was insecure about how to proceed. He extended his hand, helping her sit down in front of him. She incorporated, accepting his help, letting him pull her up. But then he grabbed her. She had just barely regained an upward position when he firmly held her, one hand on her lower back and the other on her ass. Making her jump. She could feel his open palm closing upon her buttock with gusto, which made her fluids slowly crawl down, reigniting the fires within her. She could feel them sliding down the inner walls of her vagina, slowly pooling on the fabric of her panties, cooling her outer parts. Oh, how glorious she felt at that moment! The coldness of the fabric and the fire she felt on the inside only served to increase her arousal.
He tightened his fingers around her butt cheek, his short nails clawing on her skin, pulling her forward. He stabilized her from the back with his other hand, cueing her to move forward, sitting her on top of his crossed legs. She shivered. He felt her anchoring her legs, circling them around his waist, holding him by his biceps. But the stability wasn’t enough, so she hugged him, gluing herself tightly to him. She fit perfectly in his body, his right hand softened its clutch and slowly ascended from her ass as she sat on top of him. The feeling of her curves as enticing as ever. She had always been a beautiful woman, but she was more than that now. She was their leader, the woman that he had loved for years, and now that she had insisted on it, she was his friend. Well, maybe more than friends at this exact moment. But for a second he believed that they could in fact be closer, truly be closer, he was going to honor their friendship. He was ready to support her every decision and to provide his opinions related to clan matters, maybe their effort and hard work could change the rules and protocols that had done so much damage to them.
She looked at him, calmer now that she could feel his previous uneasiness going away. He looked more serene, his cheeks looking fuller now that the tension he had been holding receded. She could see how every trace of tension was disappearing from his face. She could feel his hands slowly traveling up her back, making her column recoil, tense and relax as he continued on his way up. She shuddered right there in his arms, and he smiled, enjoying how responsive she was. He couldn’t blame her though, he was equally at her mercy; any caress from her, would be step closer in the path of ecstasy. But first, he needed to pay his dues. 
His strong arms had reached her shoulder blades, she felt his digits rippling sensations from one side to the other of her back to the other, his arms circling around her, pushing her closer, closing the gap between them, skin on skin coming into contact. She sighed. The sweet comfort of the contact was bliss. She tightened her arms around him as well, Tying them around him as if he was her lifeline.
Her head arching instinctually as he kissed her shoulder. His lips were so soft, she could feel them over her skin, his warm breath puffing over her, and the tip of his nose tracing short lines between each kiss. She could feel the wave of sensations building up her insides. He gave her some chaste pecks here and there. Making her sigh again. Every time his lips went down her shoulder she was more and more conscious of how he re-ignited the fires inside her. Her hands clutching harder to his back.
“Owwww” a pained moan escaped from her, biting her lips trying to contain the sound in vain, breathing hard. Neji had pulled her bra strap harder than she expected, the sting still coursing through her skin. And then, he pulled it down ever so slowly. Her breath hitching, conscious of how his fingers caressed her on its way down with tenderness. Hiss. He was making more room to explore her creaminess, lightly biting her. Her legs trembled around him.
Oh god. She could also feel his penis coming in contact with her core. His arousal, making his cock bigger, fuller, rounder. The fabric that separated them didn’t diminish the excitement she felt for him at that moment. Being so intricately tangled to the other, put her in direct contact with the warmth coming from his crotch. How delicious, how addictive. She needed more, moving her hips in a circle, testing the waters, trying to properly feel him. But coming short since the angle wasn’t ideal and his member was still encapsulated inside his boxer briefs. She whined, frustrated and annoyed that her need wasn’t satiated.
“Hinata” he whispered directly into her ear, sounding breathless, raising the hairs on the back of her neck “I need your hands” he said slowly. His voice was so delectable she savored how he pronounced every syllable “I need your hands, in my hair” His voice dizzying her. One of her hands repositioning itself on his nape, palm opened wide, trapping as much as possible from his brown locks between her fingers. She pulled gently, scraping his scalps with her nails. “Oh, yes, like that Hinata” his lips went back to her neck, tongue out licking a long steamy stripe up, going all the way to her earlobe. Hmpfs and ohhs were the only things pouring out from her mouth, reverberating on his ears, sending blood down to his erection.
“Can I take them off?” he asked. She could feel his finger sliding down the straps once again. Her mind needed a moment to make sense of what he had said.
“mmm.. yeah, yes” she replied half-heartedly, the numbness in her mind barely allowing thoughts to form. She tried grinding forward again, still not feeling him close enough. A mix of Irritation and desire vibrating vividly in her mind and core.
“Thank you” he whispered, ringing the nerves in her ear. She moaned halfway, in an effort to shut herself a little, not wanting her mind to move ahead, but he knew how to rile her up. If it weren’t for the fact that her legs were wrapped around his waist and he was holding her, she wouldn't be able to stay up, her knees were numb.
She could feel his lips moving around her collarbone, his tongue warms and wet while his fingers kneaded her back. Those long, slender fingers sliding sliding over, she could feel them individually, caressing her. She could feel how his index and middle fingers played with the elastic straps . His tongue and lips warmly suctioning her skin, arriving to the right siide of her neck. Her nails digging a little dipper. She tried remembering not to pull so hard but damn, Neji knew how to work her up. He lowered her bra straps down while liking, kissing and biting all the way from the base to the neck up to her jaw. She kinda wished he would pull the straps again, maybe a little harder this time. The myriad of emotions not allowing her to notice that Neji’s hands were now roaming over the hooks. Chest to chest still in contact. Her heart fluttered everytime she felt how her boobs pushed against his chest, fueling the arousal they both felt.
She could feel the fabric around her boobs tightening, before being set loose. He had unhooked her bra! She stiffened taking in what he had done, stopping any motion, breath and sound.
She looked down, searching for his eyes.
Neji had felt it, he had felt the electrifying tension straightening her back. He hadn’t asked if he could take it off, he just had, it was instinctual. Had he misread the timing? had he erred? He didn’t dare look at her. He was nervous, so he breathed deeply before raising his head slowly, searching for her eyes. She was not even blinking, and he could have sworn that the primal instinct he was feeling in that moment, the need to bolt that sat in his gut, was exactly how prey felt when hunted. He had always been the hunter, he had always been in charge. She was probably the first person to ever make him feel that way. The hunger reflected in her eyes, the fire on her pupils could have bore holes on his head if she really wanted. He felt he needed to hold his breath for a moment, while his dick spasmed.
“… it”
“Remove it” she repeated. No hesitation present in her voice nor her tone.
And so he did, without breaking eye contact, without separating, he started pulling it out. Slowly sliding out the item that was only held by the pressure by which she held him. He didn’t even look at the skin being uncovered, he was relaying on the sensations and feelings the direct contact brought them. Her voluptuous breast and nipples felt hard against his chest. Hmmm, she moaned. A sensation of relief washed over her, she hadn’t noticed how constricting the garment had been after wearing it for so long. The feeling of her skin coming in direct contact with Neji making her wet. She could feel the stream of fluids traveling down. Feeling the air with a heavy scent. Her reactions made his breath ragged. The blood on his cock was coming and going in waves, making his member vibrate. Pre-cum coming out of his dick.  
She couldn’t contain herself any longer, her heart was beating fast from the fantasies that plagued her, from all the things he wanted Neji to do to her. She pulled him to her, and kissed him with passion. Their tongues intertwined and danced, massaging each other, until they were out of breath, a string of saliva formed when she pulled back, connecting them. They both looked disheveled in the arms of the other. His right hands firmly grabbed her lower back, and then leisurely going up and down.
“Can you…” She fluttered her eyelashes while keeping eye contact, ready to do whatever he asked her.  “Can you get on your knees?” He straightened his legs giving her room to accommodate herself, allowing her to sit in seiza, trapping his crotch under hers, his thighs encapsulated between hers. He could feel the warm and moist fabric of her panties rubbing against the fabric covering him. Her heat, enticing him.
The new position gave her more elevation, getting her breast closer to his nose. His mouth watering at the new sight. They were so round and full. He needed to licking them so much, he had to gulp down the overflow of saliva. His hands were holding her firmly from her waist, digging his fingers on her skin, keeping her stabilized. He started in her cleavage, engulfing his face on her tits, going as deep as he could, feeling her nails now digging his scalp, pulling his hair. Fuck. His tongue consistenly went up and down her hardened nipple.
“My goodness” she said while he sucked, suctioning the air, creating a vacuum, his lips sucking, and sucking, and sucking the remnant air until his mouth was so full that he had to let go. Her skin got tender with every suction, increasing her sensibility; and then, he went back, his tongue circling and massaging her nipples.
He wanted her to feel as aroused as humanly possible, and he was not going to stop until she reached her peak. His lips could feel every sensation maximized, his tongue going around her nipples, just going around it rhythmically. Then, he closed his mouth in a tighter circle, pushing his lips forward, while continuing the circling motions. With every turn of his tongue around her nipples he shivered. “Hmm” he moaned loudly, breaking contact for a second, needing to breath and calm a little, trying to not get lost in the motions, he was not going to come before her. The sensations made him shudder, and the slippery soft wetness of his lips and tongue on her tense nipples made his pre-cum drip continuously, increasing the heat of his groin. Oh god, he was not gonna last much longer, especially when the new motion was pushing the nipple from side to side, dancing with every lap of his tongue.
Hinata moaned and panted from the suctions, massages and scrapes from his teeth.
She started pushing his head forward, wanting him to lick more, to take more, to suck more, to bite more. Fuck, he felt like he was going to come in his boxers. She was too responsive, too sensitive at that moment. He could feel her hips trying to grind him more successfully now, even if their position was still not the best to satiate the contact. One of his hands went down from her waist to her ass. He couldn’t think straight but instinct told him that some help would be the thing she needed to grind him better while maintaining their current position.
Her skin was tender, she was sure that if the night wind blew strongly enough in her direction, the cold air would be enough to give her a seizure, she was tipping the precipice. He languidly started circling her nipples again, moving clockwise and counterclockwise. She shuddered.
“Oh fuck Neji”
How sinful.
Hinata never swore, and he had just made her do that.
He grined, nipple still trapped between his teeth. Her profanity, tensing his gut even further. It was just too much.
The hand in her ass traveled back up now, caressing her tender boob. Hiss. He held her nipple firmly, rolling it between his thumb and index. Her nipple went up and down, between his fingers, and then he started coiling it, twisting it and releasing it. His hair was pulled even strongly. The softness of his fingers and the slight pain from each tug inching her closer. The pain was sharper than anything he had made her feel so far, she felt close, really close. Her core was beating incessantly, each contraction was stronger than before. She had been relegated to a quivering, wordless mess in his arms. Her hips continued rocking back and forth, needing to increase the pressure between her thighs. Neji hugged her from the waist with both hands, immobilizing her. He knew she wouldn’t last longer and he needed to reach her peak with precise timing.
So he did one last lap with his tongue around the nipple.
And then he sucked.
Sucking, Sucking, Sucking.
“HHHMMPPPFFF” She exploded, spasming uncontrollably, her insides coming undone, liquifying her.
She breathed hard, her mind going goey and jumbled, her mind breaking into a million pieces. Her knees contracting against his hips, her moist spread everywhere, her crotch pulsing continuously while coming undone.
She held onto him for dear life while he continued sucking her nipple, she pulled his hair, balling it in her fist. Hngh, he whimpered from the pain, finally tipping him over the edge. The convulsion she was having, too much to handle, his brain not standing the turmoil of emotions anymore. He trembled violently, knowing he had come in his pants. His load spurted out, coming even harder than he had expected.
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ
 He fell backwards exhaustion clear by their limpness, neither could move. He had brought Hinata with him on his way down. He closed his eyes, taking in all that had happened between them. He felt her breathing on his ear, still labored.
With their last slivers of energy  they untangled from each other and rolled around, the last thing he remembered was Hinata snuggling next to him and a blanket covering him.
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ
The dry stickiness in his pants pulled his skin down when he stretched, waking him up from his slumber , and for a second he didn’t recognize his environment. The air smelled floral and pungent. This was not his bedroom. When he finally opened his eyes, he had to flutter them a few times trying to understand the silhouette of the person sleeping next to him. Long dark hair was splayed all over the pillow, the back and the sheets. His arm was tingly and numb from having the head of the woman resting on it.
He tried pulling his arm discretely from underneath her, not wanting to wake her up. This was Hinata’s room. And she was there, laying next to him, asleep. He really was out of it. The reality of the situation dawning up on him, he had been making out and humping Hinata, his eyes opened wide with the realization. The zigzagging of his arm had awoken her. She turned around to face him. He was in bed with Hinata. Fuck. He didn’t remember exactly how, but they had ended up undressing and kissing each other. God he had made her orgamed, and he had come just seeing her. No wonder his underwear was so sticky. It was almost surreal, and he might have confused the whole thing for a dream if it weren’t for the fact that she was there, huddling against him, snaking one of her arms over his waist and hooking her legs between his. Her nose was now on his sternum, deeply breathing him in. She looked so comfortable, not even in his wildest dreams had he had her this close. His member stirring awake, which strained even more the fabric of his boxer briefs.
Ungh. She heard him whimper, which finally awoke her.
“Neji?” She looked a little disoriented, but at least she seemed to remember what had happened. He didn’t want to think about the possibility of her waking up in the middle of a panic attack, regretting what they had been doing before. But the tone of her voice allowed him to let go of a breath he had been holding. She didn’t sound alarmed nor regretful.
“I’m here,” he said.
“Are… are you alright?”
“I’m okay. Sorry to wake you. I just need to go to the bathroom” as the clan leader, she got the privilege of her own washroom. He just needed to go and clean himself. He didn’t want to impose on her more time than necessary, though. Analyzing whether he needed to pick up his clothes and go and walk uncomfortably through the corridors, or if she would allow him to use hers.
“Don’t worry” she said huddling closer, kissing his jaw while he caressed her back. “Please use mine” she said in his ear. He felt the electricity go down his limbs as she rolled off him. “I’ll try not to fall asleep again” she wanted to bid him goodbye in case he decided to go back to his room. It was still dark outside. She looked for the faint smell of wood he emanated on the sheet, she wanted it to fill her lungs.
He tried not to complain too much while getting up on the way to the lavatory, it was really fucking embarrassing, the fluids had stuck to his skin, gluing himself to the fabric of his underwear. Thankfully, as the lady she was, Hinata’s bathroom had everything one could need for every hygienic emergency.
After cleaning himself, he quickly put everything back in order, still unsure about how to proceed. Still unsure about whether he would be welcome back, or if he was expected to leave. He tried to calm his nerves down, but this was no casual hookup, this was Hinata for god’s sake. The heel of his hands pushing into his eyes, exasperation filling him. Hating feeling so unsure about the whole situation. He breathed in, turning the knob of the door. He hadn’t noticed he could hear the wind now. It had started picking up and was stronger than he remembered, the cold seeping deep within his bones. Thankfully the house had wooden floors, otherwise the coldness would have deterred him from even getting out of the bed. He wouldn’t have dared walking back and forth, if that had been the case.
Hinata had been laying face down, but turned her head towards him as soon as she heard the click of the door. He could see a smile welcoming him back, ‘don’t think too much’ he repeated to himself mentally. She probably would need another duvet at this rhythm, the blanket she had on didn’t seem enough.
“It’s cold, Neji, you should come back,” she said patting the side where he had been laying.
“One moment, I just need to get something,” he said, opening the side of the closet where he supposed the bedding would be stored. Luckily for him, his guess had been correct, since another duvet appeared in front of him. He could feel her gaze following his every movement. He tried not to feel so self-conscious about moving in her space. Treating the circumstances as if it was any other ordinary event. When he turned back around, she started stretching her arms and legs, scooting over a little, inviting him to occupy the space next to her once again. He placed the thicker duvet over her while still being unsure about getting back in bed with her.
“Common, it’s cold,” she said, extending her hand “You’ll get sick if you stay out much longer” She tried to encourage him.
“I can’t stay all night,” he said while laying next to her.
“I know, but it’s not that late, is it?”
“I don’t even know what time it is anymore”
“Then, just a little longer then…”
“Just a little longer,” he repeated. Sitting against the bed board, putting the pillow on his bag, he encouraged her to crawl on top of him. “Come here”.  He made sure that both of the duvets fully covered her as she straddle and laid on top of him. She was still sleepy, and sharing the warmth would help her go back to sleep quickly. He loved feeling the heaviness of her weight on top of him. He started caressing her, his hand going up and down the length of her back up and down, trying to lull her back to sleep. In turn, she tucked her head in the nook of his neck. Realistically speaking, this was not an ideal position for anyone to fall asleep, but they were both so comfortable that he didn’t want her to move an inch away from him.
His fingers evoked tingles on her back making her stir on top of him, pressing herself further into him. Intentionally increasing the pressure between them. “That feels sooo good” she purred, squirming on top of him, especially when his hand went up her spine. She licked his neck from the joint of his shoulder to the back of his ear. Oh, god. His hips buckled up involuntarily while throwing his head back, giving her more space to cover on her way up. She appreciated the view being displayed, she loved being able to wake those emotions in him. Being so relaxed and responsive. She went back down with open-mouthed kisses that sucked on his skin, biting him lightly from time to time.
“Oh god” his hands ventured down fully grabbing her ass with open palms trying not to dig his nails on here skin, specially when she started sucking the skin of his shoulder, prompting him to dig them in. He used his strength to really push her hips down, lowering them towards his manhood, rubbing and undulating her hips against his, circling his hips underneath her. She complied, following the rhythm he had initiated beautifully.
“Hnngh. Ah. Ah” he heard it resounding in his ears. She could feel his length getting firmer and fuller with every oscillation, engorging himself more and more against the swishing friction of their underwear fabric.
And then she stopped dead in her tracks. Breathing hard and labored. He could feel her hips firmly fixed on their spot, not allowing him to guide her movement.
He needed a few seconds before getting back to thinking capacity, trying to calm his panting.
“Hinata?” her eyes were difficult to read in the dead of the night but he still could assess her gaze. “Are you ok?” She didn’t answer for a second. They both smelled the heavy scent of sex in the air escaping the trapness of the thick fabrics.
“I’m ok. I just… Can you…Can I…” Hinata would never stop being herself. He found it almost funny yet very endearing. They had been all over humping each other, but she still got shy.
“It’s ok. Tell me” he encouraged her, caressing her tight in circles.
“Can I pull them down?” she asked into his ear.
“Am… y-yes, yes you can'' he could feel his heart pumping loudly. He felt her sitting up, bringing the duvet down with her movements, the cold air of the night penetrated the intimate space. He didn’t know if his shivering was because of the weather or her hands using him to balance herself while scooting backwards until she was straddling his knees. He raised himself on his elbows, curious to see what she would do. He was marveled by the sight he was beholding, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon, and he loved her dearly, even if he hadn’t dared to mention it to her yet. He could see her luscious breast raising up and down, her fingers twitching, insecure about how to proceed, and he was ever expectant about whether she would dare.
“You don’t ha-” her nails racked his stomach when grabbing the elastic band of his underwear. They both breathed in simultaneously. Braving each other silently. She couldn’t believe it. She had ventured and dared herself to do it, and now she had the front row of the most glorious view. Appreciating how turned on he got with every inch of his boxers going down. Her blood jetted through her arteries and veins. her heart pumping loquaciously. She could feel the beating ringing in her ears. He felt how inch by inch his skin was being exposed, his penis visibly twitching. It was almost torturous. The cold air and excitement clearly affected him. Her nails were now barely perceptible against her skin, gathering the fabric in her palms.
“Oh Hinata, please come here” he sounded almost wounded. The needy passion in his voice electrifying her. He finished kicking his boxer off, making them fell out of the bed while she climbed her way up. Once he felt her weight resting on top of him, he felt the wetness of her panties accentuated the cool contact with his raw sensitive skin. “Fuck”. He wondered for a second what it would be like to feel the contact, to be skin against skin without any barriers. A part of him really wanted to rip her panties off, but first he needed her lips and her warmth to protect him against the freezing night.
“I’m here now, I’m here” she said in a breathy way. Setting herself on top of him, her boobs pushing against his chest, making them both quiver. His pectorals were hard and the feeling them against her nipples, had her arching her back, and pushing herself down more adamantly. “Oh. Oh.” She moaned. She held herself up, using the headboard and his shoulder to stabilize herself. She needed to feel him, more now that he laid bare under her. She started moving her hips thrusting back and forth. “Oh Neji, I need you.” She panted loudly between wet kisses. Moving her hips more desperately, his girth deliciously sliding up and down her core, wetting her.
“And I need you” he was commanding her hips to move in synchrony with his. “Fuck!” The movement, as enticing as it was, was straining her muscles. She knew it wouldn’t be long before her legs started getting tired. The repetitive quick short jabs were driving her crazy, the tiredness of her legs was being surpassed by the need to pursue the primal urge. Building up and layering the desire nested within her depths. She wanted it to last for as long as possible, before the imminent eruption.
He couldn’t contain himself any longer, their movements were too desperate. And if he wanted to make sure that she reached her orgasm before he did his, he needed to slow them down. He took command of their dance holding her hips with a tight grip. They were both panting. Hinata’s face coming closer to his, her eyes were glassy and her cheeks puffed, he could imagine how red her skin would look if there was light. He kissed her, ravaging her, making her squirm. Mixing slow and fast movements while rendering her hips immobile, which tensed her muscles further from the need to buckle, being restrained.
She moved in tandem when he scooted down, and rolled on top of her, flipping them both. The tension straining Hinata’s tights was finally being relieved. She continued panting, searching for air.
He was, once again, on top of her. And, he was going to make things right by her, no hesitation in his moves or actions. He kissed her jaw, one, two pecks, before sitting in seiza between her legs while she laid on the mattress. When their eyes crossed, she smiled at him, a playfulness surrounding her. His erection oscillated from the view, she looked so delectable. But laying totally flat on the mattress wouldn’t do, he wanted her to appreciate the view. He wanted her to see all the things he was going to do to her. He leaned forward, her eyes were going up and down, trying to understand what he was going to do.
“Please, arch your back” and so she did, ready to follow every instruction coming from him. His hand traveled under her, supporting the small part of her hack. “Help me move you back” he proceeded to lift her, the blood pumping through him, making this veins pop in his arm. Lifting her also expanded the muscles around his neck and shoulders, making his shoulders look broader and more square. The sight leaving her breathless. She tried using her legs to move herself backwards, but her core was pulsing so intensely that the leg she was using to propel herself slipped up. Oh god, I can’t even move anymore.  Neji had closed the distance between them, he had changed his position, looking for a way to properly support her weight. She hadn’t noticed when his face had come so close to her.
He kissed and licked the front of her neck, going up her throat. God he really knows what to do to me. Her back went down, trapping his hand under the matters, she could feel how he slipped his arm further under her while she continued enjoying the flutters in her stomach. Her right arm had instinctively moved, hooking herself to him.
A panicked gasp escaped from her throat. He had raised her and pushed her back, his arm fully supporting her back, the unexpected movement, aiding her desire to grow. He placed her on top of the pillows where he had been laying. The new angle was not too steep, but not low either. Just perfect enough for her to see him, *all* of him. His cock dragged over her stomach as he slid his arm out from underneath her. Neji was going to be the end of her, that was for sure. Her insides were ringing from all the excitement.
He sat in seiza, she wished she could fully appreciate the muscles of his torso and his well formed abs, maybe… if he wanted to repeat this in the future. She wouldn’t dare to ask him, though. She was just happy to have him there, to be able to see this side of him.
She felt him pulling the fabric of her panties, slipping his fingers under the wet fabric, clit.
“Oh Neji” she moaned. “Yeeeeees!” it was coming, it was coming, she could feel her insides melting, turning into liquid, pooling side her. He was using his index and middle finger to rub up and down, slowly tracing its shape. She buckled vigorously. “Continue, just like that, just like that, do circular motions. Please! Please!” He stroked her from underneath the fabric of her panties, and once his fingers were wet enough, he went over them. The change in texture sent a stronger jolt through her body, making her squirm. “Oh god” She knew she would not resist much longer.
“Hold your knees apart please” her chest heaving up and down while he opened her knees further apart. “Hold them,” He commanded. He needed to be careful if he wanted her to last a little longer, he went under her underwear again, rubbing his fingers down to her entrance, trying to get as much of her moisture as possible. Then, he spitted into the mess of fluids and started rubbing everything all over his cock. “Oomph” he moaned, stroking himself, lubricating every inch of his length. The burning sensation that emanated through his skin was more pleasurable against the coolness the fluids made him feel. The difference between his internal and external temperature, pushing him closer to the edge.
He took a moment to appreciate the sight. Despite the low vision, he could see her hair was sticking to her forehead and neck, despite the coldness of the night. Her chest was going up and down, her breast still looking luscious and inviting, if either of them could resist much longer, he would suck them all over again. Her stomach vibrated and her arms tensed trying to keep her knees apart, her system almost overridden with ecstasy.
They were both panting hard.
With had continued going over her clit, sliding his fingers up and down making her hiss. “Please don’t tease me Neji” she was breathless “I will come at any time now. I can’t handle it any longer.”
“Don’t worry” he leaned for a second, just to peck her cheek. “I just want you to enjoy it. I need you to see the stars. You don’t deserve anything less” That was his promised, he wanted to overwhelm her. Engulfed her. Submerge her in a tumultuous wave of pleasurable emotions. He wanted to give her the best orgasm of her life, in case that this opportunity was never given again to him. He refused to waste this chance to show her how much he loved and cherished her.
He continued stroking himself, fully coating himself again in spit.
“Ready?” she nodded. “Keep them apart please” She breathed in and out.
He placed his hands over the joints of her tights, pushing them apart, making sure that he had them, exactly how he wanted them. Then, he scooted impossibly closer, putting his left hand on the headboard, seeking the best position to maintain the momentum to move his hips forward. His right thumb held penis down, exactly over her sensitive spot, and he pushed down, trapping his member against her panties.
“Oh kami” She could feel the freshness of the wet fabric rubbing against the warmth of their sexes. First, he reclined forward, hovering on top of her, moving slowly, weighing her reaction. He *needed* to know that she was enjoying it. He saw her face contract and expand as pleasure pent up in her body. His length moved from tip to base and from base to tip, rocking her. The first stroke had been tortuously slow and he continued that way, drinking in every hiss and moan she emitted. Then,  when he felt he had pulled as close to his own edge as possible, he started thrusting continuously. Thrusting, thrusting, thrusting. Eagerly moving his hips, making sure that his length was always in contact with her sensitive spot, until he couldn’t think or speak anymore.
“Hmm, Hmm, Hmm” he heard her panting, lost in his lust. A strong thunder wrecked her body, her legs bounced on her own, letting them go, losing the grip from her own hands thanks to the earth-shattering sensation. He continued thrusting in her aftermath, helping her ride her orgasm to completion. Her mind was suspended in the air, trying to process everything. Holy shit, she went limp, none of her muscles answering her commands.
“Hinata '' Neji called up to her, squirming on top of her, his voice shaky “I can’t hold myself any longer” he was panting hard “Can I? Can I? Like this? Please. Can I?” she nodded once she was cognizant enough to understand his pleas.
“Yes” she was breathless “Neji. Yes” Three, four, five thrust, were all he had needed to reach climax, spilling his seed over her stomach. Grunting and gasping for air. He had pushed his thumb with more pressure, increasing the friction of the last jabs, riding as much as he could of his own orgasm. She had no energy left to move or interfere, she could only watch his face hovering while coming undone, panting. Her eyes opened wide, appreciating how devastatingly debauched he looked. Relishing on how delightful everything had been.
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ
He started picking up his clothes, she saw him slip his black boxers back on, the creamy skin of his ass disappearing from her sight. She sighed, still exhausted. She never diverted her eyes away from him, not even once, appreciating how he put his clothes half-heartedly.  He had cleaned her up, of course, and offered to put her panties with the rest of the laundry, but she hadn’t wanted to remove them. So he tucked in, making sure the duvets fully covered her, before exiting her room.
He had satiated her.
And she felt happy.
Happier than she could remember feeling after Hanabi’s death.
Maybe things wouldn’t be so dire from now on.
Maybe things could change.
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Next morning.
By the time Neji walked into the kitchen the sun was already out, it was later than usual. He could hear the noises coming from the kitchen, which brightened him up, a content smile came to him thinking about the lady he was going to see inside the room.
“Good morning Hinata” a slight blush could be seen on his cheeks.
“Morning Neji,” she was matching the redness of his features “I am finishing here, do you mind setting the table?”
“Not at all” he wanted to kiss her forehead, but wasn't sure if last night had been an exception to their usual interactions, or something more. “It smells nice”. She had decided that onigiris would be the perfect way to start the day, the triangular appetizers were perfectly symmetrical with rounded corners. The light smells of the fluffy omelets and the marine essence of the miso soup flooded the room.
They sat down to eat, but to Neji's surprise, Hinata changed the position of her dishes, sliding them next to his, sitting to his left. He could feel his own phalanges trembling lightly when handling his chopsticks. The breakfast happened mostly in silence, but he could also see Hinata glimpsing at him from time to time, making her blush a darker shade of red every time their eyes crossed. He complimented the crispness of the nori, the softness of the eggs and the umaminess of the miso, seeing how she was hiding shyly under her bangs with each adulation.
Sometimes Hinata was simply Hinata and he adored her for that.
“Thank you” he heard her say a little quietly.
“You have amazing cooking skills”
“I meant...” she said with a sparkle in her eyes “thank you... for everything. I really appreciate everything you've done (for me) these last few months”
Neji was trying to understand what she was trying to communicate “you don't have to thank me... it... was in part born from a selfish wish. I... I think I did it because I wanted to feel better about myself. So, please don't think too highly of me... I have done nothing that you don't deserve”
Hinata remembered what her friends had told her while they ate the sushi, and she looked at him a little quizzically, eyebrows furrowed and an expression of confusion clearly painted on her face.
“You said that in part you wanted to feel better with yourself... What about the other parts of you? Was that your only motivation behind it?”
“Well, no... I did it because I - I wanted you to be happy” to this other reason Hinata began to smile, feeling content
“I have been happy, so like I said, thanks” she was looking straight into his eyes, shyness at the back of her mind.
“So... what happens now?” Asked Neji, insecure about the whole thing, since even though he was feeling happy, it could bring conflict within the clan.
“Now, I think we give ourselves a chance” she said with affection filling every crevix in her chest.
“Are you sure? Would you like to try?” The guarded enthusiasm was contagious and the pink on his face adoring.
“Yes, I'd like this”
He took her hand in his, gently squeezing it, smiling back at her.
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Days after the festival.
“What now Lee?” said Neji in a sardonic voice
“Don't get all cocky with me Huyga, you know what I want to know”
“That is going to cost you another bottle”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I already told Mina to bring another one”
“It looks like I have a date”
“Did you invite her? or did she invite you?”
“We practically asked each other at the same time. What about you? How did it go for you guys?”
“Nothing much, you know. Sakura kissed me”
Neji was choking on his sip of sake.
He didn't want the other patrons to call him out for being disruptive, so he tried to stop the coughing trying to breathe normally again.
He could see the smugness in Lee’s smile.
“...it was after the fireworks and we are going on a date when she comes back from her current mission” Lee's eyes were shining now, happiness reflected in his eyes.
The server got to the table with a new bottle of sake looking at Neji suspiciously. If they weren't frequent customers she would have kicked them out instantly.
“Careful with the drinks boys” She cleaned the table, wiping the drink that poured out of Neji's cup.
“Apparently it was your fault that I was discovered”
“My fault? What do you me-”
“You're so naive in the art of subtlety. Only you would buy a package of envelopes! That's like 101, I thought you smarter than that“  Lee was chastising him with his eyes and then he started laughing, seeing the gears turn on Neji's head. He opened the bottle and served him some more.
“For our beautiful ladies,” said Lee grinning from side to side.
“For our beautiful ladies” said Neji a little quieter but with satisfaction painted on his face.
The End
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✦ N E J I H I N A F A N F I C D I R E C T O R Y ✦
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
Keeping up with TikTok pop while we still can...
Leah Isobel: I kind of want to be a hater about this. "Stranger Things star makes budget Ariel Pink pop about growing up, goes viral on TikTok" is an insufferable Mad Libs narrative pitch. The lyrics feel cryptic in a bad way, like Djo is aware that he's traveling well-trodden ground and straining to justify himself. And yet, his acting background comes through: his hammy Boris Pickett affectations lock him to the beat, keeping the song from feeling overly self-indulgent. It's still a little mushy, but that's not a crime. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: Djo has rightly seized on his captive audience in order to launch his pop rock career, but it thankfully hasn’t spiraled the way the Childish Gambino project did to the point where there are insufferable fans and detractors duking it out over its merits -- mainly because it’s too good to be dinged, but not good enough to be more than a popular actor’s passion project. Adam Thein’s limp drums, which have aged badly since 2022, can’t keep the overwhelming pace of the synth riffs or the lumpy bass left in the background of the mix. They support the toplines rather than drive the song, as many a baseline has done, but that then leaves the topline to hold everything up, which it constantly refuses to do. As for Joe Keery, he is no Childish Gambino before 2012. At least it’s short. [4]
Alfred Soto: The Stranger Things actor is too old by at least five years to have taken Twenty One Pilots seriously. [0]
TA Inskeep: Owl City 2024. [2]
Dave Moore: The verses are synth fetishism worthy of an awkward Stranger Things teen romance subplot (derogatory), followed by a pale imitation of a Sufjan Stevens chorus (complimentary). The ingredients sort of work on paper -- I am only human, which is to say a dork who was born in the '80s. But the song just sort of sits there, like it was designed to be vaguely apprehended floating through a pop-up beer garden. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: Are we just supposed to take these younger artists' word that their work is primarily inspired by genuine Nineteen-Eighties music, and not the phantasmal refractions of it that were being created between 2008 and 2015 (and beyond)? Because whatever points I take away for roteness and facelessness, I may give back for honesty. Anyway, check out Twin Shadow's new single "To the Top" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer. [4]
Katherine St. Asaph: This is by a Stranger Things actor and supposedly sounds like the '80s. What it actually sounds like is the driftier, understated parts of '90s alternative radio playlists. And as someone who owns the Carice van Houten album, I fully support TV folks making vanity albums that don't sound like what you'd think. [6]
Mark Sinker: He’s singing “tear to cry,” but I first heard it as “diddikai”, the Romani term for a traveler not fully Romani. Maybe you can make something of this – musician who fashions his artistic persona round not being the character he plays in a multi-season Netflix series! – but I’m not sure I sensibly can. The song is pretty and mannered and flimsy; he’s way not old enough to have the wisdom he thinks he has.  [5]
Isabel Cole: "I wave goodbye to the end of beginning" is a great line, capturing the moment when you might not feel particularly like an adult but understand, suddenly, that until recently you were very young, and now you are something else. I do remember twenty-four! Unfortunately the actual song is a plodding, soupy nothing. [0]
Will Adams: When you've got an admittedly gorgeous arrangement of languid, synth-smeared indie-rock, the last thing you want to do is sound like a try-hard; and yet, Joe Keery's delivery of clipping every syllable makes "End of Beginning" almost embarrassing to listen to. [5]
Ian Mathers: There are some choices here I kind of like (mostly around the lyrics and vocals), but the guitar tone, the chiming synth sound, and something about the production overall feels instantly dated, like I'm already looking forward to me five years from now hearing this and going "yeah, a lot of shit sounded like that in 2024." [5]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: An absolute nothing of a song – but I know, deep in my heart, that if I had encountered this as a college freshman it would have absolutely rocked my shit. Keery is seven years too late for me, but I'm glad this exists for those who need it. Will I still feel this warmly towards this mediocrity if I have to hear it out in the world for the next year or so? Well, that's not my problem right now. [4]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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erelavent · 3 years
My ranking of the F1 Vanity Fair photos from Worst to Best
There was a 2-way tie for last place, but this photo just makes me uncomfortable. The clothes are a part of it, but it’s not just that. The entire composition gives off an infantilizing effect. It’s the obsessive photoshop that removed all wrinkles coupled with the sailor boy outfit and the pose. I hate the entire direction. 0/10
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This photo is giving me Ali Baba and the Forty thieves set in 2022 and not in a good way. It’s giving Disney Hannah Montana and Shake it Up levels of layering. The floral harem pants with the gingham jacket and organic print button up could have gotten a pass IF they didn’t pair them with the gold loafers. It’s too discombobulated for all of it to work. 0/10
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I feel like I’m shitting on Este a lot but I just don’t feel like they put a lot of effort into choosing his looks. This look also ranks low because it looks like it's trying to be a modernized, formal version of a Canadian tuxedo seeing as it's imitating a distressed denim top and bottom but it lacks the texture of actual denim so it falls flat. It just looks like wrinkled silk. I also don’t know that anyone has ever looked good in a Canadian tuxedo (Britney and Justin included) so was there really a need to modernize it? I didn’t know people still wore Canadian tuxedos unironically. 2/10
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Mon petite pilote Pierre, they also did you dirty with this nautical theme. Not as bad as Lando but still pretty bad. All those in favor of banning horizontal stripes say I. Adding grandma’s pearl floral brooch doesn’t help either. 4/10
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I like this look. Shamrock Green is the color of the season (even though I think Valentino made an argument for Pink PP). It’s bold but also very simple. If I could find this look in my brother’s closet or Zara, it shouldn’t be in Vanity Fair. 4.5/10
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The jacket is the only thing giving this jacket a high score. I want to know what it’s made out of. The tailoring is immaculate. The texture is great, the crisp lines are *chef’s kiss*. 5/10
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Danny just lives and breathes bright colors. To me, I feel like this is the grown up version of Lando’s nautical look. The almost transparent cashmere knitwear with the ocean blue suit and the scarf that looks like it's supposed to imitate rope knotted into a belt makes me think of a sailor who opened a commercial cruise line lol. 6.5/10
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I’m a slut for asymmetrical suits. The strong shoulders are obviously very masculine but the single button and bell bottom pants soften the look. There’s an interesting aspect of innocence in the direction of the whole photo. I like it. 7/10
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I like this look. I don’t want to because monogrammed LV prints should have died in the early 2000s, and the shirt and pussy bow look like my deceased grandma’s carpets, but it just kind of works? Idk, I’m confused about it too, but it's such an interesting mix of very early and very late 19th century fashion that it kinda slaps. 7.5/10
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This look is everything. I mentioned how Pink PP instead of shamrock green should be the look of the season and this is why. The glorious bright pink, silk jumpsuit is what I wish race suits would look like (but I know hell would freeze over first). There is enough contrast between his jumpsuit and the vibrant violet blue socks that I don’t even mind the severity of his black oxfords (I think they're oxfords anyways, it’s hard to see). 8.5/10
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im rewatching jatp instead of studying for the 3 tests i have tomorrow and i thought i would share my thoughts and reactions with each episode so enjoy!!....
wake up
- hearing the “1, 2, 3″ at the start of the episode gives me more serotonin than my antidepressants ever will
- julie’s slippers...that’s it...that’s the thought
- that dry ass pasta the molina’s are eating for dinner??? someone needs to give my man ray some cooking tips or a cookbook... something
-the looks the boys give julie when she says it was an OLD cd she found. as if they could be old??
-the entire julie and luke kitchen scene i mean there are no words to describe how much i am in love with scene. the banter, the flirting, luke giving this girl he literally just met an actual PIECE OF HIS SOUL so she can get music back into her life. not a single time have i watched that scene and not felt my heart literally grow cause of how cute they are. 
-the entire scene when julie is singing wake up. that scene is what made me literally CRAVE watching the other episodes. like of course i was going to watch them cause i wasn’t gonna just stop watching a show after one episode, and yes the show was good already but seeing the lighting and her voice, and just everything about the scene,,,,*chef’s kiss* 
-flynn drinking seven sodas....SEVEN??? i would be throwing up if i drank more than like 2 and she drank seven,,,no ma’am.
- flynn and her trumpet. talented queen
- “ i wouldn’t have given you the song if i didnt think you were gonna rock it.” lmaooo im crying:)
- i start tearing up every time julie goes to play the first notes of bright,,, and then i’m full on bawling when the guys come in and play with her cause...they weren’t playing to be seen they were playing to be there for her and play to comfort her. pls i love them<3
- nick vibing in the front row
- the tech guy deserves so much more praise
flying solo
- reggie’s little butt shake or whatever you wanna call it!!
- julie’s little laugh when she yells at the guys to stop it
- “and we’re on the runway again” GENUINELY one of my favorite lines of the whole show pls i love luke’s humor
-this is the first time i noticed this but reggie’s face after alex says “DONT TELL ME HOW TO GHOST!”
-WILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<3333333
-the slow mo helmet take off,,,,me too alex me too
-willie’s little giggles:))))
- “oh-oh!”
- “no clue” alex i love you baby<3
- next season better give us a scene of flynn throwing eggs at someone’s house because i think it’s safe to say we were robbed of that experience. 
- the flying solo performance is just amazing
i got the music
- just the whole opening scene is so cute ....the dancing, singing, happiness RADIATING from julie 
-nick in an all white suit and fedora
- carefree skateboarder bf and anxiety ridden drummer bf
- yelling. in. museums. 
-alex thinking he’s literally dying again because of the salt... zero braincells in this band.
- another scene we were robbed of that i need to see in season 2...reggie singing “home is where my horse is” while alex and julie sit patiently and attentively listen to him but luke looks like he’s about to commit murder
- i get SO MUCH second hand embarrassment for julie when she looks through luke’s songbook and says “ wow luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” julie baby i love you but...eekkkkk
- “he looks like a substitute teacher”- where did he come up with that like so many other things he could be compared to but a substitute teacher??
- “luke introduced you to rock” heck yeah it did.. literal soulmates
- would like to see a picture of the raccoon in Flynn’s backyard
- wee woo wee woo police sirens://///
- julie’s outfit ughhhh i love it
- the poster that im pretty sure says “sexiest role” behind caleb... why was that necessary 
the other side of hollywood
- i lose my absolute shit over this song omg literal chills
- the cape grab i cannot physically do this rn
- willie being so excited the entire performance and looking over to see alex’s reaction
- reggie being in awe everytime one of the girls performing does something.. me too reggie
-”well i wouldn't really call it mAAgiCcCC bUT”
- nick and his fedora again
- alex has a crush, alex has a crush on.....WILLIE
-the boys eating food for the first time in 25 years is honestly so realistic
-alex shoving a whole slice of pizza in his mouth
- lukes ‘OH MY GODDDDD’
- reggie kissing his meatball sub that looks painfully dry but also delicious 
- the continuation of the other side of hollywood performance and everyone dancing
-reggie imitating caleb’s evil laugh and owen trying so hard not to break
-me getting mad at the boys for not showing up for julie and being sad with her but at the same time i’m obviously not mad at the boys just...disappointed?? idk 
finally free
- how did julie get to the school if she missed the first three classes?? wasn’t she still at flynn’s house from the night before cause she slept over so did she walk to school or was she just sitting in flynn’s house by herself and one of flynn’s parents was like you gonna go to school or???
-dance class with nicky poo<3
-reggie fixing his amp in the rain
-julie’s blue dress outfit in this episode is my ABSOLUTE favorite 
- the birthday candle scene makes me sob like a little baby,,,and rightfully so
- julie smart, smart to be taking calculus as what a sophomore??
- all eyes on me yes queen iconic
- alex dancing is how i dance in my brain whenever the song comes on 
- finally free as a song is NEVER given enough credit and why not?? it’s my favorite song they do as a band AND the madison’s vocals and the echoing part omg i loveeeee
- and the whole performance with luke’s heart eyes. i count this performance as the moment luke like fell in love with julie...like full on just blown away with how much awe and admiration he has for her in that moment and all the time.
 - julie and luke singing “and you’re a part of me” while staring directly into each others soul,,,yeah that’s love kids
edge of great
- carlos being the ghost hunter he is and tía being done with him
- luke’s pouting face 
- reggie and ray making breakfast together is so wholesome. reggie really loves and seeks comfort in ray and i love that
- luke just waiting next to julie’s locker and his little “hey”
- the first time i watch this scene i thought charlie was from new york cause of the way he says “ i can't do this without you” and then i watched the cast interviews and just realized he is somewhat joey tribbiani 
- jealous luke hehehehehhehehe
- “well dont you look shARrP”- yes he does luke thank you very much
- “uh oh i think someone has a crush on julie” yeah you do you little shit,,, now admit it to her
- the proud look on luke’s face when he realizes julie is still paying attention to HIM even though she’s supposed to be having a full on conversation with nick
- the shoulder push ( as someone who has had their own shoulder pushed in the middle of a high school hallway as a weird way of flirting,,,,i can definitely somewhat attest to how luke is feeling in that moment and i too continued to flirt with the person who shoulder shoved me while we were still standing in the hallway)
- the flow from whatever the hell dance nick and julie are doing and the perfect harmony dance is so special to me and i love it
- i think people see my username and assume i like his hair in this scene but...ummm fun little fact i do not like it
- the dance is so good though ugh my babies
- the hair
- madison is gorgeous 
- another season 2 scene i need: julie teaching this dance to luke and they perform it in front of alex and reggie so they can see luke roll on the floor like that
-the hair
- the lift i loveeee
- the voices at the end of the song *chef’s kiss*
- the way julie spins out from luke and into nick omg so good
- “thAnKs pArTnER”
- luke denying his feelings for julie,,,babe pls
- the whole edge of great performance is so good and beautiful and the colors are SPECTACULAR 
-julie avoiding luke’s gaze lolz
- can't believe my mans really tried to deny he didn’t have feelings for julie like 5 hours earlier even though he’s getting upset because she hasn’t looked at him in 2 minutes
- when i finally learn how to play the electric guitar well enough to learn the guitar solo... it’s over for everyone
-nick just came to watch the girl he likes perform not watch her flirt with a hologram plssss can we give this man a break next season.
- “we have to say goodbye to julie”- that’s literally more important to luke than not playing music anymore because julie is music to him now
unsaid emily
-already crying and the episode hasn't even started
-willex in the orpheum
- alex literally being OVER reggie
- nope too emotionally unstable to watch this scene right now
- my therapist will be hearing about this tomorrow
- show us the baby picture of luke cowards
- this is such a beautiful song that makes me cry every fucking time gosh damn it
- everytime i watch the flashback scene of luke on his bike i think of “christmas song” by phoebe bridges and i cry even more
- i tried to learn how to play this song on my electric guitar (because i dont have an acoustic guitar) and i ended up crying half way through so i do not think i will be playing it anytime soon:/
- the harmonies *chef’s kiss*
- FAT tears rolling down my face
- there's literally not a moment i don’t cry during this episode
- interesting little relationship :0
- when i played percussion in 7th grade i used to lay down on the couch in the practice room at school ( which god knows what people did on that couch...ew) and stick my drumsticks up my nose too,,,, just another similarity between alex and i 
stand tall
- willie really drove a bus 200 miles into the desert for his crush
- i love willie no last name so much,,,i just wanna hold and protect him
- alex’s ballerina dance
-julie’s overall outfit i love<3
- “im swimming”
- the way carlos hangs up the iPad on tía makes me CRACK UP he’s just lmao bye girl
- another julie outfit i love
- “anything julie. you know that.” AHHHHHAASIDSJFPACISN love bitches
- the suits
- luke’s hair in this episode is so much better than the perfect harmony hair pls
- the way luke looks so restricted and confined in his suit... but at the same time he looks like a 10 week old puppy
-luke’s AGGRESSIVE but small foot tapping leading up to being on the stage
- the solos:)))))
- crying again over julie’s monologue to her mom
- julie really was brave enough to be ready to perform by herself
-the way Trevor looks at carrie when she says “been here before”
- this performance makes me cry
- especially the first time when i saw luke flickering...sobs
- he finally looks free in his suit:))
- alex’s solo is so pretty i love him
- reggie’s solo too 
- nick just straight up vibing the entire performance
- alex and luke holding hands...hehehe cute besties
- “thank you, guys” NO THANK YOU 
- the way julie begs for them to do something about the jolts for HER cause she knows luke would never say no to her
- “no music is worth making, julie, if we’re not making it with you,” I JUST SCREAMED AND IM PRETTY SURE I WOKE UP MY ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD...whoops
- going back to that line i could say so much about it but....for someone who’s life was literally MUSIC for the 17 years he was alive, and after finding out he could play music again even though he was dead and saying it made him feel alive, he would give that up- he would give up playing his guitar, playing in a band with his friends, give up writing and singing music- if he wasn’t doing that with julie. that’s more than saying i love you,,,that’s literally like saying i’d give up my ENTIRE LIFE and what i love to do if i dont get to do it with you
- i just made myself cry with that description...wow
-the hug<3
-also imagine how luke felt in that moment,,, hearing this girl, once again that he would give his life up for, saying in his ear that she loves them. i would motherfucking glow too, luke
- *passionately but gently holds each others faces*
- caleb’s outfit is....something
- the head turn plssss
this was so long and i am so sorry but if you read this far.....leave some of your own reactions or thoughts:)))
k goodnight im gonna, ugh, finally go study ://
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-It’ll all be worth it in the end- |M. Marner| [Part 2]
Here is Part 2!! Thanks again to @workhorsefromwhitehorse24​ for all her help on this! Love all the support on the first part, thank you!! Let me know what you think!
After the game, which the Flyers won 2-0, giving Carter a shutout, Grace and I convinced him to go out with us. Nolan tags along which means most of the boys will show up wherever we go. I was secretly hoping that Mitch and his friends would show up where we ended up but I figured it probably wouldn’t work out like that.
“Wake up Sawyer Mae.” Carter says, coming out of the locker room and snapping me out of the daze I was in. He obviously still wanted to know where I had been before the game.
“So now are you gonna tell me where you were before the game?” He asks, hugging Grace to his side. Nolan comes out, followed by TK and a few of the other younger guys.
“I got lost. I told you that. I don’t know this arena.” He crosses his arms and tries to hide a glare.
“I ended up over at the Leafs’ locker room and ran into one of their players. He showed me where to go.” This time, he doesn’t even try to hide the glare.
“You’re kidding me. Why can’t you just do what I ask you to, for once? I told you to stay away from hockey boys. Come meet me before the game so we can do our handshake. And somehow, you just happen to end up in the other team’s locker room?” Grace steps back, leaving the two of us. She’s been around for enough of our arguments like this to not get involved anymore.
“Hartsy, it’s not a big deal. She just got lost.” Nolan says, stepping up next to me. I glance up at Nolan and shake my head.
“Come on Carter, it’s nothing. You can’t control my life.” I say, stabbing my finger into his chest. I turn on my heel and walk away, linking arms with Grace as I walk past.
“Dude, she’s 21. I’m pretty sure she can handle herself.” Joel Farabee says, reaching up to pat Carter’s shoulder. Nolan’s eyes are on me as Grace and I as we walk down the hallway.
“You’re a good big brother, Hartsy. But she’s not a kid anymore. She can take care of herself.” TK says, nudging Carter.
“I’m the big bad brother who’s gonna scare all the boys away.” Nolan says, imitating Carter. Carter finally lightens up a little and laughs along with his friends.
“So what exactly are you planning? Does this involve the number 16?” Grace asks quietly, leaning towards me.
“Possibly...But you’d better not say a word to Carter. I’m not dealing with him throwing a fit again just yet.” Grace nods, but takes a deep breath. I pull out my phone and search up what little I know about Mitch. His instagram pops up and I click on it. Grace watches over my shoulder as we stand by Carter’s car. Suddenly, Nolan was behind me too.
“Uh oh...Another one?” He asks, pointing at Mitch’s profile picture, showing him in his uniform. I nod and press the follow button. Just as quickly, I type up a DM to him, saying hey and who I was. After I send the message, I hand my phone to Nolan to avoid any drunk messages or calls tonight. I’ll probably end up with Nolan taking me home tonight because Grace and I always drink just a little too much, leaving Carter and Nolan to take care of us. Carter finally gets to the car and we pile in, leaving Nolan’s car there for us to get tomorrow. It’s an oddly quiet car ride to Trilogy, the club we usually always start our nights out at. Carter hates it which means he and Grace will probably spend most of it sitting in a booth. Every once in a while, Grace can convince him to dance but he has to be in a really good mood for that.
“Your phone buzzed.” Nolan says, nudging me and handing me my phone as we park around the corner from the club. I follow him out of the car and check my phone as we walk in. His arm rests protectively around my shoulders, guiding me as I read what’s on my phone. Mitch answered the DM.
Sawyermhart: Hey Mitch, I’m the girl you tried to kill lol I just wanted to say hey and that I really liked getting to talk to you tonight and would love to talk to you more
Marner_93: Hey! Yeah, sorry about taking you out...Hope you’re okay. I wouldn’t mind talking, you do kinda owe me after the shutout your brother pulled on us tonight haha
Sawyermhart: okay okay Mitch. When do you guys leave to go back to Toronto? Wanna meet up? There’s a few of us going out tonight
Marner_93: Our plane doesn’t leave until late tomorrow night, probably around the same time your boys will leave. I’ll see if a few of the boys wanna come out. Where at?
Sawyermhart: We’re gonna start at Trilogy and then go from there. See you in a few?
Marner_93: Sounds good!
I look up as Nolan nudges me inside the building. Since it was early on a Tuesday night, the club wasn’t that busy. There were a few people wandering around, the music was pretty quiet too, for once, something Carter would be happy about. He always complains that when we go out that the music is too loud and he would rather stay home and drink there.
“Mitch and a few of his teammates are gonna meet us here.” I whisper-yell, standing on my tiptoes to reach Nolan’s ear. He looks down at me with eyebrows raised.
“You’re really gonna drive your brother insane Baby Cat.” I smile evilly and nod.
“Tell Travis to play nice.” I toss over my shoulder as I walk to the bar. I ordered Nolan and I both a Tequila shot, a little tradition I forced him to start with me a little over a year ago, which definitely started before I was legal. Before we can drink anything else or do anything else, no matter where we are, we have to take a Tequila shot together. As I’m walking back over, Carter is walking towards me.
“You’d better not get too crazy tonight, our flight leaves at 3:30 tomorrow and you still have to pack.” I nod as he passes me, then roll my eyes.
“I saw that!” He calls over his shoulder. As I walk back to the booth, I see a guy start walking towards me. Nolan sees this and stands, hurrying to my side. The guy saw Nolan and automatically turned around, I coughed, trying to cover my laugh as Nolan nudged me towards the booth. It was rare that I went out without Nolan anymore. He was the reason I had basically stopped getting hit on anymore, which sometimes sucked but it kept the creeps away.
“Cute boy watching you…” Grace said, sliding close to me as Nolan and I sat down next to her and Carter in the booth. I looked up and immediately saw Mitch and a few of his teammates who had just walked in the door. His eyes followed my every move. He waved and my stomach flipped. Grace practically had to shove me out of the booth.
“Go talk to him!” Carter overheard that comment and turned to look.
“No way. Sit down, Sawyer.” As soon as the words left his mouth, I turned on my heel and headed for Mitch. I could hear him getting mad like he always does and Grace having to talk him down while Nolan just laughed. I know Nolan is watching me, making sure he doesn’t have to step in and save me.
“Hey Mitch!” I say, sliding in next to him at the bar. He turns to look at me, a drink in his hand already. His eyes light up and he grins.
“Sawyer!” He says, nudging the guy standing behind him, who also turns around.
“Oh is this the hot girl you tried to kill?” The guy asks, looking me up and down. Mitch and I laugh as the guy watches, amused.
“Yeah, that’s me. I’m Sawyer Hart. And you are?” I ask, glancing up at his face then back at Mitch.
“Morgan Rielly. Mitchy calls me Mo.” He says, reaching his hand out. I shake his hand and then glance at Mitch.
“Mitchy? I like that.” I say, laughing and nudging him. He blushes and shrugs.
“You said your last name is Hart? Oh you must be Carter Hart’s sister. Kid put on one hell of a show against us tonight.” I nod, smiling and feeling proud of Carter, even if he is a pain.
“Yeah, he’s my wonderful big brother.” I ask, trying to hide the excitement that I have that Mitch actually showed up.
“Yeah, he did pretty good tonight.” I nod, watching Morgan walk away from us, leaving Mitch and I alone at the bar.
“So...What are your plans for the off-season?” I ask, pushing my hair out of my face and taking a sip of the drink Mitch had ordered for me, a few minutes earlier. I try to hide the face I make, already knowing I’m going to feel this in the morning. Mitch laughs and I smile.
“Oh right. Um, my family and I are heading up to Lake Winnipeg for the summer. My parents own a lake house up there so me and my brother and his family go up there for the off-season.” I nod, smiling. As I glanced around the room, which was still mostly empty even with how late it was, I locked eyes with Carter, who, if looks could kill, Mitch and I would both be dead.
“Hey Mitch, I wanna introduce you to Carter and a few people.” I said, taking his hand and leading him towards the booth that we were occupying. Nolan moved over and Mitch and I sat down, our knees touching.
“Carter, Grace, Pats, this is Mitch Marner. Mitch, this is Carter, my big brother. Grace is his girlfriend and Nolan is my best friend. The other guys are Joel Farabee, Travis Konecny who I think played with you back in the World Juniors, Travis Sanheim, and Phillippe Myers.” They all wave and Mitch waves back. Carter’s glare gets harder.
“Great game tonight by the way, boys. Carter, congrats on the shutout.” Mitch says, looking at Carter who doesn’t even try to hide the glare.
“Thanks.” He says, the word coming out as more of a growl than a word. Grace and I both roll our eyes and I look over at Nolan.
“Shot time. And then you can go get me some fruity drink with too much alcohol in it.” Nolan shakes his head at me but picks up the shot.
“Bottoms up.” We both say, tipping them back as everyone watches, amused. Nolan makes a face like always while I stay straight-faced. He gets up, goes to get my drink and whatever drink he’ll nurse all night and leaves me with Mitch. Everyone else has scattered to either the bar or out to dance.
“So your brother seems to be a big fan of mine.” Mitch says, tipping his head back and taking a drink from his cup.
“That’s just Carter. He’s convinced that every guy is out to get me, maybe even murder me, and that he’s the only one who can protect me. He’s definitely calmed down a bit now that Nolan is around more. But yeah, he sucks.” I say as Nolan brings me back my drink then leaves the two of us to go find Travis.
“Ah. I get it, I mean if my little sister looked like you, I would be pretty protective too.” I blush and smile. As Mitch and I sit there and talk, the more my heart starts to flutter. If this wasn’t all just a game to me, I would’ve fallen so hard, just from spending one night with him. He’s funny, sweet, charming and actually out drank me, which is hard to do. And as I climb into bed that night, I know that things between Mitch and I won’t ever just be for fun. I’m going to fall but will it all be worth it in the end? That night was just the beginning for Mitch and I. Mitch and I played our little game for months. The longer it went on, the more mad and protective Carter got. And as I watched this go down, I knew I couldn’t give up and have Carter win. But the problem was, I was starting to realize that things between Mitch and I were changing. He was starting to become a bigger and bigger part of my life, even from almost 500 miles away. I started to look forward to his texts, calls and pictures more. I scheduled my life around Mitch and the times he could call me. And the longer it went on, the more I started to realize that I was falling for Mitch Marner, the boy with the blue eyes. So I did what I did best when I started to have feelings. I shut down. Grace picked up on it right away, realizing that the bubbly, giggly and very very happy Sawyer that had been spending all my time on my phone, talking to a boy I obviously felt something for, started to shut myself away in my room and stopped talking to that boy. Carter was a lot more oblivious, just happy that I wasn’t giving Mitch the chance to hurt me. He didn’t care that I was making myself miserable. He just wanted me safe and protected, no matter what it cost. Even if it did cost me the one person I cared about more than I’ve ever cared about someone.
I had avoided Mitch’s calls for days. He had texted, called, snap chatted, even DMed me on instagram.  And I felt awful for doing this to him but I couldn’t let myself fall. But one day, about a week after I first started icing him out, I decided to answer a call.
“Sawyer!” He says as I answer the FaceTime call.
“Hi Mitch.” I say, sitting on my bed and tucking my hair behind my ear.
“Is everything okay? I’ve been texting and calling for a week and you haven’t been answering. Did I do something? Did something happen?” He asks, concern in his eyes. My heart cracks a little and I soften.
“No, you didn’t do anything. I needed some time to think things through. Mitch, what are we?” I asked, watching his face.
“What are we? Like friends or…?” He asked, as my heart sank. He thinks of us as just friends.
“No wait, Sawyer. We’re not just friends. I don’t think I could ever be just friends with you.” My eyes widen a little as he starts to talk again.
“When this first all started, I didn’t think it was going to go anywhere. I’ve never heard of something like what we had lasting. I mean, a relationship that was only able to exist over the phone because of the distance between us? Yeah that’s not going to work. But the longer I let it go on, and the longer I talked to you and got to know you, I started to realize that the flutter in my stomach every time your name popped up in my phone was because I actually cared about you. Hell, I like you a lot. And now we’re here and I...I don’t think I can handle not having you in my life, even if this is how things have to be.” I froze.
“So, no. We’re not just friends. I don’t know what we are but we’re not just friends.” He says, finally finishing his speech. I watch him, seeing the honesty in his eyes.
“Mitch...I-I don’t know what to say.” I say, playing with my lip.
“You don’t have to say anything, I just needed to get that off my chest.” And somehow, after his long, drawn out declaration, it made me feel better. But I still couldn’t let those feelings out. So instead of addressing it, I made a joke.
“Awe, is Marner going soft on me?” I said, teasing him.
“Shut up Hartsy. I don’t know why I even try with you.” He says, rolling his eyes and laughing. We spend the rest of the night on FaceTime, something I had missed for the past week. Around 11:30, he puts on music which causes Auston to come into his room and yell at him to turn it down. I laugh, watching Mitch dance around the room as Auston stands in the doorway, shaking his head, wishing I was there with Mitch yet again. Auston waves to me then exits the room again.
“Sawyer!” Carter calls, knocking on the door to my room. He pushes it open and instantly a glare covers his face.
“Why are you talking to him? You're gonna get hurt.” He says, pointing at Mitch.
“Grace come get your boyfriend!” I yell, rolling my eyes.
“I swear, you hurt her and I will...You don’t wanna know what I’ll do.” He says, pointing at Mitch. I push him away, trying to get him out of my room. Grace comes in and gets him out of my room. I follow them to the door and close it behind them, resting my head against the door before returning to Mitch.
“I’m sorry about that, Mitch.” He watches me, having ended his little dance party, his eyes soft.
“Sawyer, it’s okay. But I don’t want to come between you and your brother. I care about you a lot but I don’t want to ruin what you and your brother have.” I shake my head.
“No, it’s fine. He’s too protective sometimes. This happens to be one of those times. He needs to understand that I’m not a little kid anymore and he can’t run my life anymore.” Mitch smirks a little, his eyes on me.
“Hey, so I know we’ve been doing this little thing for a while now, and I was thinking that maybe you would wanna come spend the off-season with me at the lake? I’d really like to spend time with you, not over the phone.” He says, resting his chin on his arms. I freeze, unsure what to do.
“Uh...I gotta go. Nolan’s calling me.” I say, panicking and not even giving him a chance to say goodbye. I sit back, leaning against the wall behind my bed. Grace pops her head in my door.
“Okay I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but I heard…” I look at her, not even upset, and reach my arms out for her.
“This is...This is the farthest I’ve ever gotten with a boy without Carter completely losing his mind. This was all supposed to be just a game to see how far I could push Carter. But I fell. Hard. I fell so hard for Mitch and now I don’t know what to do!” I say, almost to the point of tears. Grace sits down on the bed with me and pulls me into a hug.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry. You know it’s only because he loves you and never wants to see you get hurt.” I nod, letting a few tears out and sniffling.
“Sawyer, you’ve gotta let him in. You need to let him know how you feel because I can tell, even from over the phone that he cares so much about you. Carter will learn to deal with it, even if it kills him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t meddle and doesn’t mess things up. Don’t worry about him.” Grace smooths my hair down and I shake my head.
“I can’t do that to Carter, Grace. I can’t hurt him that way. But I...I love Mitch. I don’t want to lose him over Carter. I wanna spend the summer with Mitch. I want Carter to not hate me because I chose to get involved with a hockey boy. Which I still think is so stupid. But I don’t want to be the reason everything falls apart.” I say, finally stopping the tears and sitting up to look at Grace.
“Sawyer Mae, you will not be the reason everything falls apart. Carter is an adult, he can get over it. You can’t let Mitch go just because you’re worried about what Carter will do. Honey, Carter isn’t your entire world.” Grace says, holding onto my hand as I stand up.
“Grace, I understand what you’re trying to do. But I can’t do that. I’m not doing that.” I say, shaking my head and crossing my arms. Grace sighs and stands up.
“I don’t think you’re making the right choice here, Sawyer. But it’s your choice.” She says as she walks out my bedroom door. I sigh and flop back on the bed. I pick up my phone and try to ignore the texts on the screen from Mitch. I found Nolan’s contact and press call. He answers and everything spills out.
“Mitch offered for me to come and stay with him and his family at their lake house on Lake Winnipeg. But of course, I panicked and told him you were calling. But now, I regret the decision.” He just shakes his head and tells me I’m dumb.
“Sawyer, you’re making a mistake. Go spend the summer with Mitch. You’ve been hiding it for too long. And I’m sorry Baby Cat, but you’re not even that great at hiding it.” I sucked in a breath, almost thankful that Nolan could read me that well.
“Nolan but I can’t do that to Carter. He...He would hate me forever.” Nolan shakes his head.
“Baby Cat, stop it. I’m tired of you worrying about doing things that make Carter upset. It used to not bother you but now, it’s the only thing you worry about. I want the Sawyer who could care less about what her big brother thought. I want the Sawyer who purposefully pushed Carter’s buttons, just to get to laugh at how mad he gets. That’s the Baby Cat I want back. Not this sad sack.” He says, pointing at me.
“So help me Sawyer Mae, if I have to come to your apartment and drag you to Mitch’s house, I will.” Nolan says, staring me down.
“I’m...scared. I’m scared that he won’t want me. I’m terrified that everything we’ve had, the phone calls, the texts, the pictures, is just happening by accident and isn’t reality.” Nolan shakes his head.
“Nope, you don’t get to do that. You’re going to Winnipeg and that’s final. Start packing, Baby Cat. I’ll be over in a few to make sure you are.” He says, ending the phone call. I lean my head back against the wall and sigh. Nolan gives me no choice. I have to go, but that also means calling Mitch and telling him that I’ll go to the lake with him for the summer. So instead of facing that reality, I choose to text Mitch instead.
Me: Hey...I’m sorry for my freakout and hanging up on you. I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me something like that. I’d love to spend the summer with you and your family. Thank you for asking me.
Mitchy: Really?!? Are you sure?
Me: Yes, Mitchy. I wanna spend the summer with you.
Mitchy: Great! I’m so excited for you to meet everyone!
I smile at how his obvious excitement comes across my phone screen and wander out of my room and head towards the hall closet where my suitcase is stored. Grace is sitting on the kitchen counter, Carter leaning against the counter next to her.
“Um...I’m going to Winnipeg for the summer.” Grace’s face lights up and Carter’s clouds.
“What’s in Winnipeg? We don’t know anyone in Winnipeg.” Carter asks, standing up. Grace presses a hand in his chest, trying to keep him in place.
“Mitch. Mitch is in Winnipeg. For the summer.” I say, crossing my arms, ready for another fight.
“You’re kidding me, right? You’re going to Winnipeg to spend the summer with Mitch? How? Why? Explain this to me, Sawyer, because I’m having a hard time understanding what you’re trying to do here.” Carter says, his finger stabbing in my direction.
“Carter, I care about Mitch. We have something good and I’m not gonna let that go. I know you love me and I know you only do this because you care about me, but so does Mitch. He won’t hurt me the way you think.” I say, looking up at Carter, pleading with him with my eyes and my words.
“Sawyer, I don’t want to watch you get hurt, you’re right. And I’m never going to stop protecting you. I don’t think this is a good idea. Grace, what do you think?” He asks, turning to look at Grace who’s been quiet this whole time.
“Carter, Honey, I understand Sawyer’s your baby sister. I know you love her. She loves you. But she is a big girl. She can take care of herself, and I know from all the phone calls and texts I’ve seen from Mitch, this boy is head over heels for your sister. I would never pick sides between you two, you know I love you both so much. But Sweetheart, I think you need to let Sawyer do this. If she needs you, she’ll come back to you.” Grace says, rubbing Carter’s shoulders.
“I’m not having this discussion with you two anymore. Sawyer, do whatever you want. If things go south, have fun with that on your own.” Carter says, walking out of the room, brushing Grace and I both off. My head drops into my hands and Grace sighs.
“I’m sorry, Sawyer. I tried.” I nod and try to smile at Grace.
“It’s okay. He’s just being a stubborn jerk right now. Maybe by the time I get back, he’ll stop being such an ass about everything.” I say, wincing as the door to Carter’s room slams. Grace shakes her head again and I leave the kitchen, grabbing my suitcase out of the closet as I walk past. I knew Carter wouldn’t speak to me if I really decided to go to Winnipeg with Mitch. And to be honest, after years of failed relationships because of Carter and Carter controlling every little aspect of my life, I didn’t care. I was going to make things work with Mitch, with or without Carter’s support. I dragged my suitcase back to my room and started packing.
“Grace! Can you come help me?” I called down the hall.
“Grace is doing something that I’m not entirely sure what she’s doing. I’ll try to help.” Nolan says, pushing my door open. I glance up, smile and nod.
“So you decided to go?” Nolan asks, taking the stack of shirts out of my hands and sets them in my suitcase.
“I’m going. Carter’s pissed and I honestly don’t care anymore. Grace tried to talk to him but he won’t listen to anyone.” Nolan rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“It’s gonna be fine. I’ll come and visit you when I go home to visit my family. Carter will come around eventually.” I nod my head, hoping that Carter will see through the fog of his own protectiveness and see how happy Mitch does make me, even if I’m still refusing to admit my own feelings for him.
“You’re making a good choice.” Nolan says, gently squeezing my wrist, forcing me to look at him.
“Don’t doubt that, Baby Cat. It’s the choice that makes you happy. And that’s all that matters.” He says, smiling. I nod.
“I sure hope so.” Nolan nods and the two of us pack in silence.
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I am just thinking about Haru, Asahi and Ikuya friendship, I just love their friendship so much, like I feel they are best friends (beside their actual best friends obvi):
Like they spend most of their waking/free time together in their first year of middle school! They have so many stories about each other probably!
And post season 3, I just love imagining them spending time together, like Haru and Ikuya purposely singing in their heart at the Karaoke to pissed of Asahi lol.
Asahi: hey Ikuya remember when you imitate Haru back in middle school? Ikuya: I DIDN’T imitate Haru! Haru: Yeah sure, you can’t stop lying Ikuya
Watching tv show while eating pop corn or other things and argue about the plot and everything lol or gushing about the same things
Now it’s canon they all know butterfly and free, they do race from time to time (of course Asahi and Haru win respectively butterfly and free since it’s their best stroke, Ikuya try to make them do a breast but since Asahi doesn’t know they don’t lmao)
Ikuya and Asahi bringing back embarrassing stories of Haru and telling everyone lmao
Stupid contest and bet lol
Making jokes together and laughing for the stupidest things.
0 self control they are stupid together
Idk I just love their friendship (with Makoto too, but I feel the fact they were also in the same class make them a little more closer)
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samclownchester · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch 04x14
Sex and Violence
(Next Episode | Masterlist | Previous Episode)
Ah yes, the Siren episode where Dean has a male Siren :0 surely this is proof that he is attracted to men!?!!?
*deep sigh*
Listen, I think Dean is bisexual, I really do, however I hate when people point to this episode as proof of that because it is clearly doing something very different, and subversive in its own way. If you see him as being sexually attracted to Nick then … I mean, I guess. Whatever. Everyone has their own interpretations. But Sirens are not necessarily sexual beings, that’s what they’ve been painted as by a lot of media, but they are just supposed to lure you in with your greatest desire. What this episode tells us is that, as much as Dean likes sex, it’s not his greatest desire. Or, on another level, romantic love is not as important to him as platonic love is.
The idea this episode plays with is that the most important person in the world to you doesn’t need to be a romantic/sexual partner, which I think is GROUNDBREAKING.
It establishes early on in the episode that the siren doesn’t differentiate between different kinds of devotion. The one guy’s mom wasn’t a romantic threat to the Siren, but she was the most important person in that guy’s life, and so she became the Siren’s target.
“But Ray,” you say “the siren didn’t try to give that guy a new mother figure. It was still establishing a romantic/sexual connection with him! So why would it try to imitate the brotherly bond with Sam instead of just drawing Dean in with sex/romance?”
And the answer is: because Dean wouldn’t have responded to that. The guy who killed his mom surely loved his mom, but he probably still had a desire for romantic connection, hoping to get married and have his own family someday or something like that. I don’t think Dean has that. Sure, he wanted Cassie to understand him, and he has dreams of settling down with Lisa and Ben (and I’m not saying he has no romantic attraction to those women but you can also attribute that to amatonormativity) but at the end of the day what matters to Dean is connections that parallel his relationships with his father and his brother.
SAM You poisoned him.
MUNROE No. I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string. It was you. A little brother that looked up to him, that he could trust. And now he loves me. He'd do anything for me. And I gotta tell you, Sam, that kind of devotion? I mean, watching someone kill for you? It's the best feeling in the world.
The Siren makes it clear that what it wants from its victims is not romance or sex, it’s devotion. It wants people to kill for it. That’s what it considers “love.” It saw that Dean was more likely to kill out of a brotherly devotion rather than a romantic connection, so that was the angle it went for with him. Dean would never prioritize a romantic relationship over his brother, he just wouldn’t.
And the thing about Nick is that … he’s not a carbon copy of Sam, instead he is everything Sam has never been, accentuating the things Dean wants that Sam lacks. He bonds with Dean over cars and music, two things that Sam has never really had an interest in, and, crucially, he doesn’t push for Dean to explain himself; he easily trusts his plan, and we know Sam has always pushed to understand the why behind everything they do.
DEAN It's kinda hard to explain, but I have my reasons and they're good ones, so you're just gunna have to trust me on 'em.
MUNROE Yeah. OK. I guess.
DEAN Thank you. That's actually nice to hear.
And, especially because Dean has already been feeling distrustful toward Sam, he falls for it.
This reminds me of in 3x01 when Dean is cornered by Lust, one of the seven deadly sins, and she isn’t able to have any affect on him. Like, we all know that Dean likes sex, but when it comes down to it, when he faces monsters who literally prey on people based on their sexual desires ... it doesn’t work on him. Lust got her head dunked in holy water and the Siren had to find a work around. 
The Sam/Cara subplot is obviously supposed to be a red herring, to make us think we know who the Siren is, but is also tells us a couple of interesting things about Sam and how his attitude toward relationships has changed.
First of all, we know he’s back in contact with Ruby, but we can also assume that after 4x04 they had some sort of break-up and we don’t know what their dynamic is currently like. There is also the possibility that they’re not/never were exclusive but given how monogamous Sam is I find that hard to believe. But who knows? That being said, he doesn’t seem to have any qualms about having a one-night stand with Cara.
DEAN You gonna say goodbye to Cara?
SAM Nah, not interested.
DEAN Really? Why not?
SAM What's the point?
DEAN Well, look at you. Love 'em and leave 'em.
Remember in season 3 when Sam said that he was going to become more like Dean? Remember last episode when Sam said he needed to “grow up”?
So, what I think is going on here is that Sam thinks he’s setting aside his kinda “childish” desire for relationships to last. Obviously, this isn’t actually a childish thing to want, but our society kinda paints one-night stands as like … I don’t know a masculine and mature thing to do? And Sam feels like he needs to become this … tough, masculine, unsentimental person. (You know, go against that gentle nature of his).  (also the demon blood is affecting him.) Additionally, this ties in to the idea that building connections isn’t worth it in their life. It’s something he pushed back against in Season 1, but Sam has started to learn that making any kind of relationship last is basically impossible in their lives, and he has stopped trying.
Now, the only reason the Siren had any luck turning the brothers on each other was that there were already issues arising between them.
Dean’s issues with Sam
Dean covertly finds out that Sam has been calling Ruby and lying to him about it. He pretends to have not heard Sam’s phone call and gives him an opportunity to just tell him who he was calling, but instead Sam lies, and Dean hates being lied to.
DEAN Well, I don't know when it happened. Maybe when I was in hell. Maybe when I was staring right at you. But the Sam I knew, he's gone. … And it's not the demon blood or the psychic crap. It's the little stuff. The lies. The secrets.
As a type 8, betrayal is a very difficult thing for him, and he responds pretty extremely. But it’s not just the betrayal, he also feels like his little brother has fundamentally changed. And he’s … not wrong? Sam is changing, he is a very different person than the faithful, sentimental, nerd that we met in season 1. Dean is scared of those changes.
Sam’s Issues with Dean
Sam has always hated being controlled. He didn’t like being ordered around by John and now he has Dean breathing down his neck and disapproving of everything he does.
SAM So I need your say-so to make a phone call?
I do understand why Dean is angry that Sam is hiding from him that he is talking to Ruby, but also Dean has a tendency to hate the idea of Sam having a life outside of the two of them and that’s not cool. I’ll probably talk more about this later. 
SAM OK, fine. You know why I didn't tell you about Ruby, and how we're hunting down Lilith? Because you're too weak to go after her, Dean. You're holding me back. I'm a better hunter than you are. Stronger, smarter. I can take out demons you're too scared to go near. … You're too busy sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Whining about all the souls you tortured in hell. Boo hoo. … You're not standing in my way anymore.
Hey, remember in Season 3 when Dean said “you’re stronger than I am” to Sam? Remember how I said that was gonna come back later?
Obviously later in the episode Sam claims this was just the Siren talking but ... we all know this was coming from somewhere. But it’s something Sam, in his normal state, would never say. (Like, taking that dig at Dean for his guilt about Hell?? Man, that’s cold.) But on some level it’s things Sam really believes. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something Ruby had told him though … But anyway, this episode shows us that, somewhere inside Sam considers Dean a burden, and feels like he’d be more successful without him. This obviously doesn’t outweigh the love that Sam has for Dean, but especially at this point in his journey, when he’s all messed up by Ruby and Demon Blood, they’re thoughts he’s been entertaining.
W*nc*st shippers DO NOT interact
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