#Yamato kisagari
ath16blf · 2 years
Juu Kinjo (platonic) x Reader x Tsurugi Kinjo (platonic): adoptive family
This was not requested, I just wanted to write. thanks to Pizza Morgania ( @ultimatesinger ) for the help with Juu, Yamato and Mikako.
A little of angst and many of fluff
The Reader is gender neutral so I go by they/them
"Ugh" I sighed again at the umpteenth question of why I don't look like my father or my brother. I ended up saying, “It’s because I was adopted." the looks change to either disgust or sympathy or pity. Just pathetic, human pity keep it to yourself. The memories of that day come back to me all of a sudden and my world goes black leaving me alone with it.
I saw a lighted room that of my old kitchen and my family discussing something, I prick up my ears to listen. My father: “It can't go on like this! Why are we still feeding this thing?! My mother: “For child benefit, two children give a share after all…” My sister: “Yeah…. For what little it brings us." My grandmother in her old know-it-all voice: “They’s just unemployed ! At them age, I went to the mine and I brought money, I did not go to school to make friends that I would never see again when I retired." My sister: “Pfff and to think that grandfather always took them defense! I'm glad he's in a coma! Let him die! My mother in her honeyed voice: "Come on, we don't say that~ we say: ''I wish he slept forever.'' We don't know if we are really alone… »
This memory… came back but surprisingly I no longer shed a tear, the room becomes dark again and changes to give way to me crying in a corner and who is determined to leave this family. The past self eventually comes out of the house to seek support from the friends I have made. I watched her arrive at the door when suddenly a voice spoke with another person, I immediately recognized the voices of Ueshida Joji and Taji Tsuzi. My best friends…. Ueshida to Taji: "Listen, I've thought about it but I don't think we can stay friends…" Taji: "Are you serious, poor moron ?! After all I've done for you? That I stayed with the other one there that I don't love and that I never loved and that I put up with after all these years ! That I pretended to be her best friend all because you pity them ! » Ueshida: « No you didn't understand… In fact I love you and lovingly not like a friend but reassure you I don't like them either, I don't like (your name) you see they was just making me pity to stay alone in his corner but if I had never known I would have taken these steps. »
I saw after that the me of the past go in an alley without making noises with flowing tears and I had again these feelings of hatred, anger and sadness even of despair but this time, I am only spectator The past self starts screaming in anger with flowing tears: “IT’S JUST GARBAGE! ALL I WANTED FOR ME WAS FRIENDS! A FAMILY ! NO DAMN HYPOCRITES! HUMANITY? HAVE A HEART? WHAT A LOT OF BULLSHIT! ANIMALS HAVE MORE HUMANITY!" They paused to calm down and expressed himself normally: “They never wanted me? All right, I'll take my things and run away. »
The fade to black returns and this time I see the me of the past under a bridge with all my things in a ball, unfortunately I don't see any blankets since there was no more room because of the summer clothes and winter and everything I refused to let them, even if it meant selling them to get water, food and something to keep warm. I heard a familiar voice: “Hey kid, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? Are you running away ?" They lifts her head to see a man with red eyes and short blue gray hair with a beautiful scar over his right eye. This man is called Juu Kinjo, a policeman of an important section, quite famous besides in spite of his ideals. He seemed a little annoyed: “So? You lost your tongue ?" The past self nods, tears still flowing. Juu: “Well answer, then. What are you doing here all alone?" "…..I was running away from my 'family'" Juu: "Why?" They stares into space without reacting. Juu: "…Are you going to sit there still for a long time or…?" I see myself rubbing my arms irregularly and I remember that I was close to having an anxiety attack, it's quite strange to see the leader reach out his hand to the me of the past and say: "You will be warmer in a house." and me suddenly stepping back and hitting the wall behind my back. Juu: “…Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Come on, come on." Well, I finally get up, following him with the things and at a good distance.
A new fade of black arrives and then I relive the past me walking in literally looking everywhere and I remember again the lovely decoration and organization of the storage of this house even if they are super stuck. Juu: "Tsurugi" he calls his son who arrives in police uniform. He shows them: “We have a guest. » Tsurugi also looks at the guest: « Hello… » still not very talkative. Juu: “…I'll let you get to know each other. He goes into the kitchen.
The silence is total, we can almost hear the flies flying and finally Tsurugi decides to show the house just to loosen up the situation a bit while his father, who is not at all talkative, prepares food. He finally finishes finishing the kitchen and setting the table when Tsurugi finishes the little visit. The past me arrives all trembling and pale when mr Psycho Cop arrives calmly. Dad serves them: "…So what's your name?" » I can see him asking me this question to which I answered trembling and being pale: « (your first name)…. » Juu : « … Delighted." It almost looks like a frightened little hamster who doesn't dare eat. Tsurugi: "….Good appetit." he begins to eat. Juu: “…You can eat, you know. Especially if it's been a long time since you've eaten anything." the past me really doesn't look good until it curls up with its hands on its head. Juu: "…How long have you been 'running away'?' " while saying to himself, since it's easy to guess, that it's not won, then he takes me gently in his arms without rushing, obviously not very good at hugs or gestures of affection. The me of the past ends up shaking strongly while murmuring: "……. I am not a criminal………….." very traumatized by what the little psycho cop while dad keeps them in his arms to try to calm us down while the past me cries until he falls asleep after a while out of sheer fatigue.
New black fade sign that there is a new memory either a few months after that of my memory, Juu ended up adopting me. I remember the day when my first meeting with the Kisagari family who came to the house where Hanzo talks with dad and Yamato and Mikako to hang out with brother. I see myself bothering my poor brother with the duvets, this memory makes me smile a lot and I see Hanzo talking with dad in the living room after his arrival and Tsurugi running to escape me, passes in front of Yamato and Mikako. Yamato: “Hey, Tsu! Mikako: "Oh, well, do you have a guest?" " " BRO ! YOUR DUVETS ! " the past self pursues Tsurugi who continues to run.
Yamato: “. . . Bro ? Ohhhh! “The inventive genius has just understood while his exorcist sister has not understood: “Hm ??" I keep chasing him around the garden: "It should be illegal to run away from your sibling ! » the inventor obviously wants to bother this poor Tsurugi so helps us to pursue him, Mikako has a slight amused smile watching Tsurugi run: « The poor." "Brother~ come on it's just two quilts! » continues to run, Tsurugi: continues to run, rather enduring until our inventor ends up catching up and intercepting Tsurugi who ends up pinning him to the ground, the poor guy is surprised while I do a: "Brother" and I jumps on his back while Mikako joins us. Tsurugi: "Nice to see you again, Yama' " Yamato: ". . . Did you have to tackle me to the ground, Tsu'?" the poor man is jaded while Mikako sneers: "Poor brother~ You're to be pitied~" Yamato: "Hush!" he ends up extremely jaded. Tsurugi: "Yes, so how are you? It's been a very long time since we've seen each other. » Yamato: « Well listen, as usual, it's fine, even if Mikako spends her time pissing me off » Mikako: « It's not true!" she crosses her arms, outraged. Tsurugi: “I have the same at home. "Brother, that's wrong! I am adorable !" snuggled up against Tsurugi's back. Yamato: “…I see that. Who is they, then? Mikako looks at us. Tsurugi: “My adopted sibling." the past self kisses Tsurugi on the head while cuddling him. Inventor: “Ooohhh. Well, welcome to the club, you'll see how painful it is to have an adoptive sibling~” Mikako ends up crossing her arms, blased: “He said while yesterday it was him who had fun doing my makeup like a clown. » Tsurugi: « I already know it, Yama' » gets up still carrying (your first name) on his back «…Don't give him ideas." Yamato sneers: "And besides, I still have the picture~" Mikako: "What?! Erase it!" the poor girl is red with embarrassment. Tsurugi: “Show~” Mikako: “I forbid you!" Yamato shows the photo to Tsurugi where we see Mikako with a beautiful clown makeup and who does not seem very happy. Tsurugi holds back laughter until a photo of Tsurugi in disney princess is shown to Mikako and Yamato who looks at the photo and ends up bursting out laughing: "Ooohhh, but it's that he's cute as that~” Mikako bursts out laughing: “I should do the same with you, bro~” “Anyway, who are you ?" to Yamato and Mikako.
Yamato finally calms down: “Yamato Kisaragi, Tsu's best friend." Mikako also calms down: "And I'm Mikako Kurokawa, her adorable adoptive sister~" Yamato jaded: "…Adorable but very boring." « Pleased then, I am (your first name) Kinjo~ » Tsurugi still flushed with embarrassment : « Yeah…. She took my last name » Yamato : « I see that. You should do the same with mine, Mikako. » Mikako : « Stop insisting, head of mule ! No is no ! " " She does what she wants. » hugs Tsurugi tightly for a huge hug. Mikako: “Exactly! Head of mule, go!" Yamato: "It's okay, it's okay, I just say it like that, no need to yell at me." » Tsurugi: « Yama', have you ever been Mikako's horse? Yamato: “Nah, why ?" Tsurugi: "…..Because I became their horse." » Yamato snorts: "Ah well okay." Mikako holds back a laugh. Tsurugi: "How are you, bro/sis ? Well installed?" "Yup~" Kisagari and Kurokawa snicker. I gently strokes Tsurugi's hair: "Let's go home~" Tsurugi gently lays us down on the floor. Yamato: "God…She looks just as annoying as you, Mikako~" Mikako: "I'm not annoying!" growls a little. We cross our arms: “I am not painful !" Tsurugi walks in with the other three.
Yamato: “Yeah~” Mikako crosses her arms, sulky “Naughty! one hits Yamato on the head. Yamato: “Ouch! " "No but !" Tsurugi: “Troublesome like your sister, I don't know but on the other hand, a bad temper if." takes them to his room. Yamato: "I see that…" Mikako snickers: "Well done, bro~" Yamato growls a little, jaded. Mikako: "Grumpy~" Yamato sits on Tsurugi's bed. Psycho cop: "What's up? » sits down. Yamato: “…Not much. And you ? Mikako sits down too. Tsurugi: “Other than my adoptive sibling, that's all. Yamato: “Oh, okay." "Brother, aren't you telling him about your letter?~" Yamato: "? Which letter ?" Mikako looks at Tsurugi. He gets up and looks for something on his desk. Yamato and Mikako stared at Tsurugi, wondering what you're talking about when talking about a letter. he ends up coming back with a letter well gives the letter to Yamato, this letter is the letter from hope's peak academy saying that bro has been accepted into the school as the ultimate police officer next year. Yamato has stars in his eyes all excited « Ooohhh, but that's great, congratulations, Tsu! » Tsurugi: « Yes. » we are totally jaded « And that idiot didn't even warn dad » Mikako: « And that surprises you? Yamato patted Tsurugi's head, happy for him. Tsurugi: "And you Yama'? "Nope but I feel like I'm going to tell him." Mikako: “. . . I know another one who didn't tell Dad either. I found the letter on his desk, he really needs to learn how to put his things away if he wants to keep secrets~” Tsurugi: “Good! Ultimate inventor? Yamato nods, a little embarrassed. Mikako pat pat Yamato's head: "There's nothing to be embarrassed about~ Or even worried~ I'm sure our comrades will be nice~" "I have an idea, we'll go see our fathers and we'll tell them!~" Mikako: "… That's good, I was just planning to say for Yamato at the same time as for me." Yamato: "I didn't give you permission!" all embarrassed. Tsurugi: “Me neither! we hold back laughter and I see myself going downstairs with Mikako: “Dad! Dad ! »
Mikako: “Daddyyyyy~! Yamato: “. . . Why am I so disrespected? » Tsurugi pat pat and goes to join them with Yamato. We arrive. Yamato embarrassed and follows Tsurugi: "…I wonder how I manage to put up with her…" Juu: "What's going on?" Mikako: "Dad, big brother and I have something to tell you!" We got accepted to Hope's Peak Academy” Tsurugi: “Courage. Hanzo: "Oh that's great!" "Brother got accepted to Hope's Peak Academy too!" Yamato growls a little and walks over, still embarrassed. Mikako: "Big brother was taken as the ultimate inventor~ And me as the ultimate exorcist !" Yamato: “. . . Wait, what?! You didn't tell me that, Mikako !" Mikako: "You don't need to know everything~" Yamato growls and crosses his arms: "Come on! Juu: "Really?" That's great. Hanzo: "I'm proud of you!" And I also have something to tell you finally, we have something to tell you. Mikako: “Hm? » hug to Yamato who is slightly sulky and looks at his father. Juu looks away slightly, as if embarrassed. Hanzo: "Don't be embarrassed, Juju~" Tsurugi: "Juju? the past self stops laughing: “Juju? Yamato looks at his father, then Juu, then back to his father: “Really?! Mikako doesn't understand Juu is slightly red: "I don't see what you're talking about!" Slightly tsun-tsun. Hanzo: “Yeah, really. » softly takes Juu in her arms « We're a couple! Tsurugi passed out in shock. Yamato has stars in his eyes again “Oooooooohhhhh~~! Mikako also passed out, completely shocked, Juu blushed: "Tact, Hanzo, tact." the past self choked back laughter and tried to revive Tsurugi. Hanzo: “I should have told them, honey~”
Yamato: "Dad doesn't know the word tact, let's see~" tries to wake Mikako. Juu still red: “That's no reason. I still keep getting him revived. Hanzo tenderly takes Juu in his arms: “Silence my tsun-tsun~” Yamato ends up slapping Mikako to wake her up: “Get up, sis~” Mikako ends up waking up after a while: “Hmm. ..” Juu even redder: “I'm not tsun-tsun !" "Brother, regain consciousness." Otherwise I'll steal your gun~” Hanzo: “Yes! » Yamato : « Ah bah finally! Mikako gets up suddenly and looks at her father and Juu: "…It really wasn't a dream." Yamato: "Nope~" Juu still then growls a little. Tsurugi regains consciousness: "…..Don't take my gun!" Hanzo kissed Juu.
Mikako doesn't know how to react, Yamato: "How are you, Mikako? You don't look very happy. Mikako: "S-Yes, yes, of course, but uh… 'end… It's… It's just quite sudden." looks away. Juu totally red and responds to the kiss. I hold back laughter, Tsurugi: “…..So it wasn't a dream, my best friend becoming my stepbrother. doesn't sound happy about it. Hanzo continues to kiss him tenderly. Yamato: “…S-Sure. But at least dad will be happy, right…? Mikako: "…T-That's not what I mean, big brother…" “A problem, brother ?" Yamato: “Come on, don't you trust your big brother ?" Mikako: "I never said I didn't trust you, stop making up bullshit."
Yamato gently takes Mikako in his arms: “Hey… It's not because we're going to be a blended family that dad and I are going to love you less, you know." Mikako snuggled against Yamato: "If you say so…" Tsurugi: "No, it's fine." » take him tenderly in his arms « Bad liar." Tsurugi stares at Yamato without saying anything. I say, "Ohhhhh~" Yamato: "So what's wrong?" Mikako: “. . . Are you deaf or are you dumb? I said, t-it's just too sudden… Then there's way too much news all of a sudden, between that and then the fact that we got accepted to Hope's Peak, what's the next step ?!" I'm very happy and I'm going to see Yamato~ Mikako: "See, I'm sure even you find this too sudden." Yamato sighs: "No… the end of course is sudden, but… If dad is happy then why not… It doesn't cost anything to try to deal with… Yes?" “Hey Kisagari! » Tsurugi: « Nope! Nope !" covers our mouth. Mikako: "…How do you manage to be so positive?" Yamato: “I'm just trying to look on the bright side. Then all I want is to see the others happy, so if it makes my dad happy to be with Tsu's, I can't do anything but be happy for him. "Hmpf Hmpf!" struggles to talk to Yamato. Mikako: "…Sometimes I think we're really quite different, you and I…" Yamato shrugs: "Maybe."
Hanzo slowly pulls away from the kiss. Juu is still red. Hanzo puts him on his lap. Tsurugi: "Nope! Don't do that !" Hanzo: "We'll have to live together with the kids~" Juu still: "Give them time to get used to it, right?" Hanzo: "I never said right away" Juu: “I know. Hanzo: “We will give them time." Juu: “Good." Hanzo: "I wasn't going to settle down with you right away anyway~"
Mikako looks at Tsurugi and us: “What are you two doing ?" Yamato: "Hmm?" also looks at them. we wave our arms in a way to say: ''help'' Tsurugi: “Nothing at all !" Mikako removes Tsurugi's hand from our mouth and blocks him so we can talk: "Go ahead, please~" Yamato: "Wtf.. .” Tsurugi tackles Mikako to the ground: “NO! SAY NOTHING ! "Yay!~ so you see….." ~ to Yamato. Mikako holds Tsurugi down to keep him from moving. Yamato: “Hmm? I'm listening to you.
Juu: “. . . Anyway before you settle down you have to make room for everyone, baka~” Hanzo: "I have enough space in my house~" Juu: “You definitely have the answer~” glares at him. Hanzo: "Right~" Juu: "You know moving in with someone isn't a snap~ You'll have to be patient, dear~" Hanzo: "That's true but I have the money for~" Juu: "I wasn't talking about money~" Hanzo: "Hm ?" Juu: “I'm talking about time. A move is not done in three seconds, and even less in a single day, especially given all the mess we have. I know we have enough money, I'm not stupid either~” Hanzo caresses Juu's hands: "That's right~"
Tsurugi is the ultimate police officer, so he give Mikako an armbar. “My brother is in love with you !" Mikako: "Ngh." Yamato: “. . . What ? "Yeah~" Tsurugi quickly gets out of Mikako's grip: "Did you already forget that I'm a policeman?~"Mikako: "Hmpf, whatever, it's too late anyway, your secret has already been told~" Yamato becomes very quiet, not seeming to realize that it's the truth. Tsurugi becomes silent. We say, “Uh, are you okay ?"
Mikako looks at Yamato "Brother…? How are you ?" Yamato: "Uh… Yeah?" I believe ? I dunno ?" Looks totally lost, "I think your brother bugs" Mikako: "Surely… Or he's just afraid to put a rake on Tsu'… 'well I don't know, he doesn't really talk about his feelings so it's hard to guess…" Yamato looks at Tsurugi without saying anything. Us: “Probably. » Tsurugi remains silent
Mikako sighs: "If only he was better at showing his feelings…" Yamato opens his mouth to speak but ends up saying nothing and just looks away. We say: “It's clear….” fixed Yamato “…… Speak. Yamato remains silent Mikako: "Brother, if you don't express yourself, we can't guess your feelings, you know…" the past self says: "Speak." stares at him. Yamato is still silent. Mikako sighs, "…What's wrong, bro?" Are you afraid to tell him it's not mutual? Or is it something else? » I look at Hanzo and Juu who continue their kiss on the sofa: « Do your stuff in a bedroom not in the living room !" Yamato still doesn't answer. Mikako: "…Brother…?" Tell us…” Juu is totally red. Hanzo just as red: "…. They is right ! " takes Juu who turns even redder in her arms to go to the bedroom.
Yamato ended up muttering something incomprehensible Mikako: “. . . This is a joke, right ?" Tsurugi: "It's okay, Yama'" goes to his room. Yamato looks away. Mikako: "Brother? » Yamato : « I… I-I just don't want to break our relationship… » Mikako : « . . . the past me: "…..So you don't love him lovingly" Yamato: "I… I don't know… 'well… I like being with him." .. To see him smile… And piss him off… But… 'end… I don't know… I never really thought that I could see him other than as a best friend… Besides, I'm not really gifted with feelings…” Mikako tells herself that love is complicated. We say, "So you're not in love with him, you just love him as a friend" Yamato: "I…I think…" "…The unsaid is horrible…. Yamato: "…And how do you want me to tell him that?" He has already taken it badly to learn that your father and mine are in a relationship, if in addition I give him a rake it will not help things…" "He took it badly because he is in love with you! Yamato: “I know! That's why if I give him a rake it won't help the situation! "I'm afraid brother is imagining the worst things!" Yamato: "And I don't want to break him… He's already just learned that the one he loves is going to become his half-brother, imagine his reaction if he learns that his feelings aren't not reciprocated…” “I think he already knows that! Do you think he's stupid? Yamato: "I didn't say he was stupid and how could he know that when I don't show anyone my feelings? Even my own adoptive sister doesn't know how I feel !" Mikako: "…"
"….I think he suspects it but knowing him, I think he must be thinking that you hate him or something like that" Yamato: "Hate him?" But anyway, in what dimension could I hate him? He's still my best friend… Never in my life could I hate him or even replace him…” “….Tsu' is worse than paranoid. Once he shook me while I was sleeping because he thought I was dead. Yamato: “. . . Well, the first time I hear that…” all surprised Mikako: “. . . Oh yes anyway. » « When I finally woke up I punched him in the face and then I went back to sleep » Yamato: « Poor guy… » Mikako holds back laughter: « What violence ! »
"And then when it was time to get up, I…" her story ends. Yamato: "Do you have? "…..Imagine the rest~" Yamato: ". . ." Mikako: "…I don't know what you did but one thing is certain, brother you should go see him to reassure him…" "Exactly! During this time I tell the rest to your sister who must swear to me not to tell you » Yamato sighs: « Ok… » go see Tsurugi. Mikako: “I won't say anything, I promise. “Good” settles in the living room with her. “So I was saying, I saw bro in my arms. I saw that he had fallen asleep after crying a lot. That's all." Mikako: “I see… Poor Tsu'”
Yamato arrive at Tsurugi's room and knock… "Tsu'?" Yamato hears crying which I don't understand since it's supposed to be MY memory not Yamato's, coming from his room and moans of pleasure coming from Juu's room. Yamato enters Tsurugi's room: "Tsu'…?" the poor Tsurugi still continues to cry in bed. Yamato closes the door and slowly approaches Tsurugi: "Tsu'… I-I'm sorry…" Tsurugi still continues to cry. He gently takes Tsurugi in his arms: "… I… It's not mutual, Tsu', sorry… But that doesn't change the fact that I could never hate you or replace you… I promise…” The black fade is present again, end of memories….
Once the end of class bell rings, I go home until I meet those I loved and who didn't love me back. “My mother”: “What are you doing here?! Why did you run away? “My father”: “My adorable son/daughter, come! My sister: “H-hey well, it’s been a long time since we saw each other. What are you becoming, why did you leave? I just tell them, “….. Who are you? » then I leave, the one I called mom grabs my arm to prevent me from leaving: « Hey sir/miss! Not so fast, you have to go home! “I give her an armbar so that she lets go of me: “Let go of me, criminal b*tch !" Then afterwards I violently pushed him on the one I called dad: “I don’t know you !" I ended up running away so I could go home to join my lovely brothers and my only sister as well as my two dads who got married and moved in together.
Thanks to him, my adored dad avoided becoming a psycho commissioner and my brother stopped being a psycho cop even if they are still attached to justice and to eradicating evil, they finally understood that fighting evil by evil is not the solution, thank you very much Death Note and second dad.
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My fanganronpa crossover: Danganronpa Hope, Despair and Redemption
Don't judge me for having 2 Protagonists and 3 Supports
Protagonist 1 : Mikako Kurokawa/ Ultimate Excroist(DRA 1)
Protagonist 2 : Rei Mekaru/Ultimate Professor (DRA 1)
Support 1: Kokoro Mitsume/ Ultimate Psychologist (SDRA2)
Support 2: Emma Marogobi/ Ultimate Actress(SDRA 2)
Support 3: Kinji Uehara/ Ultimate Priest(DRA 1)
Antagonist: Celestia Ludenberg/Ultimate Gambler(DR: THH)
Chapter 1:
Victim : Ayumu Fujimori
Culprit: Chisa Komyoin
Chapter 2 :
Victim: Kaede Akamatsu
Culprit: Misuzu Aisaka
Chapter 3:
Victim 1: Mikan Tsumiki
Victim 2: Ibuki Mioda
Culprit: Shozo Asayoru
Chapter 4:
Victim: Kokichi Oma
Culprit: Akane Taira
Chapter 5:
Victim: Chiaki Nanami (Suicide)
Traitors: Kanata Inori and Kakeru Yamaguchi
Chapter 6:
Victim: Celestia Ludenberg
Culpirt: Sora Taria
Fake Yuki Maeda/Utsuro
Akane Taria(Survived her execution)
Junko Enoshima
Sacrifice(s): Yukari Kisaragi(Oc) and Utsuro
Rei Mekaru, Mikako KuroKawa, Yamato Kisagari, Sonia nevermind, Kinji Uehara, Tsurugi Kinjo, Kokoro Mitsume, Emma Margarobi, Kizuna Tomori, Marin Mizuta.
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archiebuns · 10 months
"azk me abt my auz"
i wnana hear >:]] tell me any of em i dont mind+! :DD
I'm gonna talk more about Yuki vs the NEW!Void:
Yuki is an orphan that was adopted by Shinji after he was rescued from a fire that killed his parents. He was left on his care and trained as another agent along with other kids.
The reason Shinji joined the Kisaragi Foundation is to find his daughter who disappeared when she was 12, the police says she's dead but no bodies were found on the accident so he knows she is somewhere.
The Kisagari foundation here is an agency in charge of keeping the world safe from evil, but has a different name in every country. It's named Kisagari after Yamato's father (duh)
Some agents choose to go by code names to protect their personal lives, Akane and Sora are one of these, since Akane besides an agent is also a housekeeper for elite families, and Sora goes to highschool
Yuki is a freshman in the agency but has proven to be more capable than many seniors, it's why he thinks the mission on Valley High to spy on the NEW!Void is denigrating and too easy and boring.
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Bonjour et Salut ma copine! May I please request Yamato Kisaragi dating Headcanons please? I’m sorry for wasting your time or if you don’t do these types of requests
I have no idea what that intro says but welcome back. You got your request in on time hon don't worry. As stated in my rules I do headcanons as well as many other things, so don't fret mon amie.
Yamato Kisagari Dating Headcanons
- Hope you have the energy to keep up with him in conversation, because his mind literally jumps all over the place
- This man is a literal burst of sunshine, he's the best person to come to when you're upset
- Very affectionate, intonates PDA a lot
- Inventions as presents? Inventions as presents (don't worry he tested them first!)
- That being said he would be the type to give you presents on a weekly basis, not all are things he made, but most of them are
- Clingy, constantly wants you to be near him, he will not hesitate to trap you in his arms
- Can and will try to fight people who flirt with you, even if they're his "friends"
- Will always make time for you, sometimes dropping phone calls and canceling meetings in the process
- You have to deal with the aftermath of his dumb decisions, whether that be patching him up, paying a fine, ect.
- You never have to worry about him dumping you, if there's an issue with your relationship, he will try to find a compromise (unless you hurt him, (ex: cheating, injuring him on purpose))
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These headcanons are brought to you by Mimikyu!
What were you expecting one of the Doki's again?
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ath16blf · 1 year
Dra Tsurugi Kinjo x Female!Reader with Divine Luck (6/7)
Ask by @ultimatesinger
I hope you likes it
Tsurugi Kinjo, ultimate police officer also known as psycho cop. Ask anyone in Class 79 and they'll tell you it's a logical psycho cop with past events and… him
Yes… Him…. Utsuro…who was among you under the identity of Yuki Maeda and his submissive Akane Taira is clinging to his ankles, squeezing them very tightly. " You disgust me !" you stare at him with anger and contempt. “And it says possessor of Divine Luck because the gods chose you ?! You are contemptuous, rude and heartless. You just deserve to burn in hell! » if the look could kill, Utsuro would have been dead for a long time, he answers you totally jaded: « I did not choose this curse…. Ah the hope for something insignificant and useless…. Isn't it Otori ?~" Teruya lost, looking at Utsuro: "Uh? » Utsuro : « When he believed that his dear little child was dead, he ended up breaking down and sinking into despair to then finance the executions. Congratulations dear heir of the Otori Mark, you have the blood of your friends on your hands." the poor ultimate merchant ends up sinking into despair. “As for you, Mekaru. Your parents wanted their daughter to be happy, what a shame they couldn't afford it. That's why they wanted to entrust you to your uncle and your aunt. Who knows ? Maybe things would have been different. When they found out their daughter was dead, they…. Hm… No I'm not going to say it, nothing imagining is enough for your imagination to work to throw you into despair~” looking very satisfied when Rei also ends up in despair. “As for you my dear Kinjo, your best friend's leftovers were apparently delicious. Poor Juu when he knew that his beloved son was dead he immediately wanted to eat you to stay forever with him while descending into despair and a chain reaction caused the entire police department to be entered into it. Logic coming from the infiltrated remnant leader. You can be proud of the one whose blood runs in your veins and who taught you so many things~” you end up breaking down and planting Utsuro several times who ends up dying in excruciating pain and also killing Akane for all his crimes.
Yamato appears on the screen after clearing Monokuma: "That's enough Utsuro !" he ends up seeing that Utsuro and Akane died side by side on one of the two thrones. "Oh, I'm too late." the little virus ends up saving the other three survivors while the former ultimate police officer's mental health has deteriorated to a critical point. You are the last thread before he sinks completely into despair, his love for you is mixed with many other feelings such as hatred, regret, guilt and the desire for revenge to the point where he always clings to you, worried that you're leaving him.
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ath16blf · 1 year
Dra Mikako Kurokawa x Female!Reader (4/7)
Ask by @ultimatesinger
Tw: angst at the end and a little bit of violence and spoils
Mikako Kurokawa this ultimate exorcist nice and very talkative. She help you a lot with your shyness and your difficulties in expressing yourself since you are shy by nature but she doesn't force you to talk if you don't want to, you are the ultimate medium, a rather useful talent and in agreement with his and his adoptive brother bothers you too much to the point that you ended up l Totally avoid when your friend is not around.
Yamato to you: "Hey, it's not very nice to avoid me like that. "Y-just stop bothering me." I-I'm getting fed up! L-leave me alone. Then you end up leaving. Yamato: “Wait. he finally grabs your arm gently. "It's not what you think, I just want to tell you that-" BAM, your hand left on its own and crashed into his cheek leaving him with a nice red mark and shocked eyes then you finally end up leaving in tears, annoyed.
Mikako finally arrives: “Hey, I saw what happened. Don't worry now he'll stop bothering us. she ends up taking you tenderly in her arms. "You are no longer alone, I love you (your first name)" you end up snuggling up tenderly in his arms, very happy. " I love you too. »
Unfortunately your happiness didn't last long since there was the Tragedy and a killing that ended up being born with your class and you were among the first victims, killed by Mitch after he killed Kiyoka in strangling her and hanging her in the toilet, you ended up with your throat cut and put in the washing machine.
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ath16blf · 2 years
Dra Haruhiko Kobashikawa x Reader x Satsuki Iranami (1/7)
Ask by @ultimatesinger
The Reader is gender neutral and its platonic because you don't say if it's romantic or platonic.
Haruhiko and Satsuki after the events where Utsuro and Akane Taira were beaten up and put in prison, moreover, will quietly decompress at an amusement park during their working time at the Kisagari Foundation so much that they are fed up with Tsurugi seeing that he ended up becoming a leader even though everyone thinks he went under his best friend Yamato's desk to become one.
Haruhiko: “Free at last !" Satsuki: "Yes, too bad we couldn't bring Teru' here since he still has to work with food storage, the last time we got yelled at because we ate more than necessary…" Haruhiko: "Not our fault if we eat more than the others and-" The little pilot finally sees someone before going all silent and red. Satsuki: "Haru, are you okay? the young clown ends up seeing the someone in question: “Ohhhh~ I understand better." she ends up taking him to this someone: “Hello! What's your name ? » « (your last name) (your first name) and you ? » Satsuki: « Satsuki Iranami, former ultimate clown and this is Haruhiko Kobashikawa former ultimate pilot! » « Delighted then Iranami and Kobashikawa. »
You end up spending time together until this happy event is stopped by a creepy blue-haired man in uniform: "Iranami, Kobashikawa!" What are you doing ?! Satsuki: "Uhhh…." We took leave, Kinjo! Haruhiko: "Y-yes!" It is not forbidden to take leave and what are you doing here, Kinjo?!" "Kinjo ?" Satsuki: "This is Tsurugi Kinjo, former ultimate police officer our leader…" "He's scary, let's go." » you end up taking your new friends elsewhere and away from this scary psychopath to continue enjoying the park until the evening when Haruhiko and Satsuki were forced to return to the Kisagari foundation where they were already garlanded for having lied but moreover for not having warned that they were going out to have a good time.
In short, a good time is good but warning before leaving is better and really avoiding lying. At least Satsuki and Haruhiko have understood the lesson and will avoid making the same mistake twice even if they have benefited well and in addition have met someone interesting.
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