histrionicscribbler · 6 months
hi everyone i hope you dont mind if i
(hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws)
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ominouspuff · 6 months
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You know who you are
but for everyone else btw it was @razzbberry
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limelocked · 9 months
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[art by @beelzeebub ]
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vaspider · 3 months
I cannot stress enough how important it is that whatever you think of anything else, Trump Cannot Be President Again.
The "rip apart democracy and install an autocrat" group was not Ready for him in 2016. They didn't think he'd win.
They're ready now. They're teeing up for a second Trump president. Whatever your favorite current Thing, it would be worse under Trump, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they're going to try to make sure that they stay in power forever, by any means necessary.
SCOTUS basically just said, "If Trump sends the Army in to murder protestors, that's okay. If Trump assassinates a political rival with the armed forces of which he is the Commander In Chief, that's an official act, and there's no recourse."
Anything he can even vaguely justify as "an official act" - including installing people in the Justice Department to support his coup, including pressuring his VP to support his coup - is no longer a crime.
This isn't just me saying this, btw. Here's Robert Reich, lifelong public servant (and yes, dad of @samreich, since I know what's important to y'all):
Finally, the Republican-appointed justices have given a dangerous amount of discretion to presidents — broad enough, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted in her dissent, to protect presidents from prosecution for bribes and assassinations. A president already has the authority under the Insurrection Act to order troops into American streets. After today’s ruling, those troops would be under the command of a person who would almost certainly enjoy absolute immunity for the orders he gives them.
This is unbelievably terrifying.
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ca-dmv-bot · 5 months
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sing-you-fools · 1 year
me: this is a background character who's in one scene, has two lines, and is completely irrelevant to the rest of the story. i am going to stop obsessing over what to name him and use the random name generator on behindthename.com. i am going to accept the first thing it gives me and move the fuck on.
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soft-october-night · 26 days
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hotniatheron · 4 months
Not the Twitter intern at AMC beefing with fans
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elfgrove · 1 year
New Things to Beware on the Internet
On May 3rd, Google released 8 new top-level domains (TLDs) -- these are new values like .com, .org, .biz, domain names. These new TLDs were made available for public registration via any domain registrar on May 10th.
Usually, this should be a cool info, move on with your life and largely ignore it moment.
Except a couple of these new domain names are common file type extensions: ".zip" and ".mov".
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This means typing out a file name could resolve into a link that takes you to one of these new URLs, whether it's in an email, on your tumblr blog post, a tweet, or in file explorer on your desktop.
What was previously plain text could now resolve as link and go to a malicious website where people are expecting to go to a file and therefore download malware without realizing it.
Folk monitoring these new domain registrations are already seeing some clearly malicious actors registering and setting this up. Some are squatting the domain names trying to point out what a bad idea this was. Some already trying to steal your login in credentials and personal info.
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This is what we're seeing only 12 days into the domains being available. Only 5 days being publicly available.
What can you do? For now, be very careful where you type in .zip or .mov, watch what website URLs you're on, don't enable automatic downloads, be very careful when visiting any site on these new domains, and do not type in file names without spaces or other interrupters.
I'm seeing security officers for companies talking about wholesale blocking .zip and .mov domains from within the company's internet, and that's probably wise.
Be cautious out there.
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hawthorn-mori · 6 months
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Taking a brief break to record progress
The boop meter seems to progrsss on a scale of
30 > 100 > 300 > 700 > MAX > LOL > OMG
Of gives, the appearance only changes based on gives, but the revived seems to follow the same process
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Additionally there are two badges I’ve unlocked so far! Let’s see if there’s more, I doubt so since staff seem to have all the badges pre unlocked
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Yall don’t even know what fucked up shits been going on
Edit 2
Ladies and Gentlemen and Y’all else who may
We got a tumblr
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See it in its original splendour down there
The order seems to be
30 > 100 > 300 > 700 > MAX > LOL > OMG > WOW > *-* > WHY > PLZ > AAA > ;_; > 0_0 > T_T > <33 > TUM/BLR
edit 3
I didn’t use an autoclicker because I started at 2am when it dropped, had no idea it was April fools, got an instant adrenaline high that lasted for four straight hours (the blood pressure has not done my legs any good) and just went apeshit
If you do this manually like me, I thoroughly recommend using a gaming controller, or anything with a trigger input on pc, I have a steamdeck so I used that. You’ll also be there for at least 6 hours ngl.
I probably could’ve been more efficient but I didn’t want to over spam people and wanted to fairly distribute clicks, have fun!
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notamamiboye · 6 months
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Thank you again for the greatest April Fools of my life
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buggachat · 6 months
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Part 200 of my bakery “enemies” au!
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lambment · 7 months
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was just thinking about how Narinder probably hasnt experienced rain in centuries and Heket thought she never would again. fictional tragic siblings...
bonus leshy- because u know his ass would be out there
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caffeineheroes · 6 months
seeing blogs with no boop button
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thunderboltfire · 6 months
I have unwittingly witnessed a new level of the absurd. Behold, the AI-generated equine anatomy models.
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Ah yes, my favourite parts of the equine body. Paster and... *looks at the smudged writing on hand* boob. At least this one looks purely decorative and the being actually looks like a horse. But don't worry, it gets worse.
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If we completely ignore the hipopotamus musculature of this one, there's still a lot of things that don't make sense in this one, like a tail that ends in a series of bone spikes and a complete lack of molars. You could make a cool pokemon on the basis of this, but it's not even in the realm of being an actual anatomy help.
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I'm firmly convinced this is not a horse, this is something that really, really wants you to think it is a horse. The more you look, the more things look... wrong. The more details turn out to be shifted, bones crammed in to fill in the familiar form, its shape merely implied so that the human mind fills the gap. Of course the text seems like gibberish, because its anatomy is incomprehensible. it's either a parasite or a monster and in each case, it's an eldtrich body horror. I'm kind of angry at how well this joke writes itself.
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