lucidd-the-weirdo · 1 year
Bowtaco comic I wanted to make :3c
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The way you draw eua makes me sooo happy tbh 🥺
AA thank you!!! This means so much to me hfhfhf they way I've drawn her, at least more recently isn't very popular, some people don't like that I portray her older than she looks canonically but idk its just the vibe i get from her yknow? So it makes me really happy that you like it :3
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
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aaaaand done!
hobieposes 4 u <3
some ppl seemed to like the sketch i posted and then deleted so here u go ↓
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puppiiiowo · 5 months
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That scene from camp camp but five bears at fredding
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isjasz · 3 months
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[Day 282]
(wip) designs are being cooked please hold :3
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Hiii I just wanted to say that I love the game and the story has captivated me. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. Ever since I played the game I have felt the need to cosplay Ren, feel honoured Ren xD.
Consider him honoured! (and me ADKJASKF I'd honestly cry if someone cosplayed that yandere bastard (endearing) :')'But if you do ever end up making a cosplay, PLEASE tag me!! I would love to see it!)
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mblue-art · 7 months
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dooodle ft error bc it's my blog anniv 🎉
(may or may not be connected to this)
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kiisaes · 1 year
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they got charged for murder (it's killua's fault)
(original draw your ship prompt)
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avenarts · 29 days
they're real‼️
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deefighter2739 · 1 month
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aren't they such a pair of babygirls
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thatseitagremlin · 2 months
gremlyn's danganronpa: despair time x limbus company au (drdt spoilers under cut up to chapter 2!!)
i LOVE making aus with a target audience of one person (1) by blendering two of my current interests together. this truly was our despair time.
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everyone except mai's "sprites" are drawn based on official sprites, and they're meant to be height accurate! or, uh, a valiant attempt was made. at the very least i got to practice drawing everyone 🎉
(complete but constantly changing AU & character notes under cut: LOTS and i mean LOTS of yapping down there. spoilers up to chapter 2 and literature girl insane MV. content warning for "standard danganronpa stuff"; the hidden text in here is about the same level as drdt's hidden tumblr page quotes)
first up is a quick crash course on limbus company! that being said, i don't think i explained myself well at all, so i recommend just checking out the official website. or straight up playing it. i'm happy to answer any and all questions, though, whether here or in my limbus-centric main (@iamjustagremlin)!
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and now here are the character notes. i have a Lot to say.
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one more minor thing i'm 99% sure forgot to include and am too lazy to fix: the canon sinners are each assigned a color code and a cool descriptor (it doesn't even need to be an adjective. cool factor always wins), such as "oblivion yellow", "dreamy gray", and "inferno red". my brain won't let me tackle these yet, but my first attempt for xander was "courageous crimson", and my first attempt for teruko was "cursed clover".
once again, if you've made it this far: thank you for reading! and my askbox is always open for mutual brainrotting 👉 👈
(also, if you squint at the character notes for long enough, there might be even more to read... it's not much, but it's honest work. do note that it should be about as "heavy" as drdt's hidden tumblr page quotes)
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lesbiandardevil · 1 month
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daredevil in the box what will he do
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mogubeloved · 3 months
wu shi shenanigans!!
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swingstep · 11 months
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TODAYS the DAY!!! \o/
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jujucosmo · 5 months
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I believe in buff Taka supremacy thanks
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feraltwinkseb · 6 months
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September 13, 1998 - Italy Source: ERIC CABANIS/AFP via Getty Images
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