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keferon · 3 days ago
(Apocalyptic Ponyo Au)
I see your “Mer saves their humans from leviathan creature thing” and it’s good I enjoy, but now with the addition of poacher deadlock I raise you “mer being saved by human”
Deadlock in my mind has a modified tugboat. You ever watch timelapses of big cargo ships or ferries move around canals and ports and things? And sometimes they’re accompanied by little tiny boats? Those tiny boats are the tugboats. They are ridiculously strong for their size. (And also usually have firefighting capabilities, do with that information what you will)
Anyway where was I going with this. I’m just thinking of deadlock damn near single-handedly taking down one of those leviathan things using his boat. He’s a mer poacher too right? He’s used to big things recognising him as a threat and putting up a fight. His tugboat (built to push and pull around much larger ships) can take that strain
I don’t have a specific scene in my mind?? Nor do I have the skill to write it, but some (a lot) of my inspo is that scene from Avatar The Way of Water, where the humans hunt the tulkuun (big fucking armoured whale). It’s brutal, and downright cruel at times, and I wonder how ratchet and hotrod would react to seeing deadlock kill something in that manner with the amount of skill you only gain by immense practice.
Bonus bit of description of the boat that I couldn’t fit in anywhere is that the boat has these. Harpoon/ crossbow things. Idk how to describe them. Think the scorpion bolts from Game of Thrones except built to be used by only one person
This is all over the place and I apologise. Do you see the vision though
Drift is a lot of things and one of them is being absolutely feral when it comes to battle. Doesn’t matter if he uses a regular gun or a harpoon gun. His aim is amazing and his strategy is “win or die but never surrender” (thinking about that idw moment when he got mind controlled and when he realised he couldn’t fight it his response was to. Uh. Let’s say put his sword through his own chest.)
So yeah! I can absolutely see him fighting a giant sea monster!
Imagine if Ratchet watches him taking down the beast and has this little moment of cold creepy shivers because HUH. That human is DANGEROUS despite being smaller and weaker physically. That human looks like a sad wet kitten half the time but he used to hunt creatures much bigger than him and was doing that regularly. Fighting monsters was a part of his job. Not an emergency only thing. A fucking routine.
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fate-of-the-envious · 45 minutes ago
Awesome takes here!
I also just read the link to op's response as well. I was rather irked that she made it seem like I took the scenes out of context (I just put the concerning stuff in that scene in. The post is called "Concerning Snippets..." for a reason). I didn't really go very much into it, but I guess now I have the chance to.
Also, thank you op, even if you have a different opinion of Percabeth (which is totally fine, everyone can like or dislike a ship), you told people on the post to not go attacking me for having a different opinion as well. I definitely agree. Please, no one go attacking others for different opinions. This is simply a safe space to communicate and talk about things.
Alright, now, onto op's response. One of the things that op wrote that was jumping into the water was planned. It was not. It was talked about in two lines, that was it. Op also goes on to say how because Percy's powers, there's no need to worry. However, there are literally cases where Percy's had his control over water yanked away from him (i.e. in Sea of Monters with Charybdis, where Percy could barely keep the boat from capsizing, and in the MOA where Percy and Frank were put in a fish tank controlled by Keto and Phorcys). Sure, Percy eventually made it out alive, but that doesn't make him invincible. He's still very much able to be hurt and killed.
The PROBLEM here was that the water was UNKNOWN and Annabeth FORCED him into it (this isn't the sea controlled by Poseidon), and in fact, when op says how it was described as pristine and ready to be cannonballed into doesn't mean that Percy didn't know that water wasn't dangerous. In fact, the point of the water is how "clean" it is. It was never described as "dirty" and "filthy" like op was saying I claimed when I never did.
(I'm using my own book here, instead of a pdf online)
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Once again, like @cynthiav06 above, Annabeth talked about jumping in, and Percy didn't even agree to that. And yes, Annabeth pulls out a rope, but that problem soon is seen on the next page.
And now I show where on the very next page, Percy starts to get bad feelings about the water (that maybe he and Annabeth should come up with a plan). The funny thing is that op claims I took things out of context, claiming that the jump was planned. Emphasis on jump. Also, this isn't pushing someone off a diving board, it's pushing Percy off a cliff into an unknown territory.
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Percy could tell something was wrong; alarm bells were ringing in his head. He wanted a plan. Percy Jackson, king of impulsively and thinking on his feet, wanted Annabeth's help in coming up with a plan, and she pushed him off the cliff. There was no warning, nor PLAN.
Yes, Grover was in danger, but instead of allowing Percy to make the decision to jump as there was no time left. Annabeth took the decision into her own hands and pushed Percy into the water. Op claims that Annabeth simply put the plan to action. I wouldn't call pushing Percy off a cliff a plan, nor jumping off with a rope to climb up after. Percy wanted an actual plan. Yes, there was no time, but that doesn't mean that Annabeth should make the decision for Percy.
Op claims that Annabeth knows Percy would be okay in the water, but the fact in the matter was that Percy was not okay. She does not get to make the decision for him. Imagine if that was Percy. If Annabeth and him were in a dangerous situation, like there was an unknown cave with the marks of Athena on it, (parallel to Percy and water. And to make it more fair let's say they know those marks will heal Annabeth like Percy is healed in water. However, there is danger ahead, an uneasiness that Annabeth can feel), and Annabeth looks to Percy and asks, "Maybe we should plan this out a little bit first?" And Percy just shoves her in the cave and says, "Bon voyage."
Then, Annabeth is thrown around by an angry god but being healed by the marks of Athena and Percy is tapping his wrist as if telling her to hurry up. Then, she uses her wits and eventually wins, but that doesn't get rid of all the previous pain she just went through.
How is that in anyway okay? Even if they knew no matter what that they had to go in this dangerous area to survive, it's still not okay for a person to just force another person into the dangerous area. That choice was taken from them, and they had no time to adjust and adapt before being shoved.
Percy did not fully know about the river god, only just a nagging thought, and he was thrown into the situation completely unprepared. Sure, you can claim that Annabeth had complete faith in Percy's abilities but like @cynthiav06 said Percy might a one of the strongest demigods, but he is also a teenager. Sure, Rick writes that Percy was fine AFTER the fact with it, but that can also be attributed to Percy's forgiving nature. His fatal flaw is personal loyalty after all, and that means that what has the most potential to blindside and kill him won't be coming from enemies, but from people he is close to.
Then, we get into the above post where the fight is covered with Percy being thrown and scared and hurt, while Annabeth taps her wrist impatiently. @cynthiav06 goes really in depth above here, and honestly, I don't really have much more to add as of right now.
And once again, I want to reiterate that even though I was annoyed with op (for saying I was "spreading misinformation" in my original post. Which ironically is what they), that it's okay to have differing opinions. It's okay if you like Annabeth and Percabeth. Frankly, I have really good friends that do. However, what is not okay is claiming things that I frankly did not say. Also, I do not hate op, I'm just annoyed is all cause she talked about how I was manipulating the narrative and taking things about of context.
Here's proof of all of what I've said from my original post (it really annoyed me that op put words in my mouth):
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Ah, that's a good one. The source post that is. Not op's take on it. Nothing against the op. They have some good Percy takes. I am not sure why anon didn't send this to @fate-of-the-envious themselves considering they would probably have a more apt reply for this as the source post is theirs. But I will do my best to break it down instead.
Before we begin, to those who have been sending me similar asks may have missed my recent post on going on a hiatus again soon. It would be beneficial for both me and the anons/followers to use the navigation bar on my blog page to search all the posts relevant to anti percabeth tag or any other tag you want. Because I assure you at least for anti percabeth whatever post you think you want made chances are I have already made it. I have made a lot of posts so a nav page is a bit hard to make, I am in process of making it but please until then utilize this method.
Now, the post (which I implore you to check it out first) is about the scene in Chalice of the Gods where Annabeth pushes Percy of a cliff. Op links that to the Judo flip scene and says neither is abuse and normal rules can't be applied to demigods like Percy and Annabeth but she does agree that it was an inappropriate reaction from Annabeth both times so at least that’s something. Let's deal with this one at a time.
Let's get the Judo flip out of the way. I don't know why everyone focuses on the wrong thing with the Judo flip. Annabeth was high on emotions and the Judo flip was definitely a terrible response considering she was also unaware of whether Percy still had his Achilles curse or not given that she flipped him on the small of his back where his mortal tether is. Even if she knew the curse was gone that is in no way a response of someone who has been intensely missing their boyfriend and was in great pain without the said boyfriend. But I am willing to ignore all of this even because funny enough that's not the most concerning thing about the Judo flip. The MOST CONCERNING part of the Judo flip is that Annabeth BLAMES Percy for getting KIDNAPPED and having his memories BRAINWASHED. That's where I draw the line.
Also if op wants to point out the actual terrible implications in Chalice of the Gods about percabeth, not only does Annabeth do all of the above, she MAKES PERCY APOLOGIZE for what was clearly assault against him as evidenced by Percy's conversation with Grover.
She is putting her own distress at him being missing ABOVE PERCY'S PAIN AND PERCY'S SITUATION. We don't get a single scene where Annabeth comforts or consoles Percy about everything that happened to him. Being dropped in the middle of no where, constantly hunted by creatures that kept resurrecting, being in enemy territory with no memory and a thousand other horrible traumatic situations that PERCY HAD TO FACE.
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Okay now getting back to the scene in Cotg where Annabeth pushes Percy off the cliff.
First, the op goes on about how Percy was unhurt and fine, and he is powerful so he can heal himself and so on. Yes, obviously, yes, he's bloody Percy Jackson. But I think everyone's missing the point. Just looking at the start point and the end point isn't enough. What happened in between is just as important. Yes Percy can heal himself, yes he is the strongest demigod but he is also just a teenager who feels pain just as acutely as a human [mentioning this cause op says that we don't know if demigods feel pain the same way] and it's not just me. Percy himself mentions this.
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It was obviously painful. He goes far enough to call it worst case of heartburn. Sure it healed right after but it was very painful.
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And let's get to the worst part. Percy was quite literally having a very traumatic experience especially if it made him feel like his child self, scared and powerless.
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So we have disproved the first point which stated that he was completely fine and it wasn't painful. Yes he healed, but he wasn't at all fine and it was definitely painful. My guy was having a breakdown from it. Which part of that seems okay?
Now the op says that Percy had priorly said yes to a suggestion to jump, let me emphasize jump. Annabeth pushed him off without warning but I am sure she thought it was fine, Percy was a bit irritated but he let it go. We will let this one pass. What however should have been Annabeth's response is that she should have checked on Percy, she should have been at least a bit guilty that Percy was going to have to do all the painful stuff. Because as op says the river god was going to attack anyway and Percy was the only one who could deal with that but there's no acceptance on Annabeth's side for the gravity of what's she made Percy do. Because she was right there watching him being thrown around and beaten up heavily while having a tea party with the river god [not her fault it was a good distraction] but all she did was tap on her watch and tell Percy to hurry up. No consideration for his pain or what he was going through, not during the situation nor after it. Now Annabeth out of everyone should be attuned to Percy's emotional state. Given the sheer scale of his out of control response she must have been able to tell it was not an okay experience. Percy pulled the entire river bed off and completely rearranged it. So that should have been a clue but not Annabeth, she calls it GOING OVERBOARD later on.
Also let's go back to the part where she pushes him off. Percy wants to take it slow. He says he does but nope Annabeth just straight up pushes him off. Op says it's Annabeth being sarcastic or funny but it's obviously not what Percy wanted to do in that moment.
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And we all have seen Annabeth repeatedly getting physical with Percy, and it's completely one-sided to the point where Percy just has to tolerate and get used to her hitting him. There are various books where he says he was afraid she was going to hit him. Now the problem with that is Annabeth's medium for expressing rage is also her medium for having fun with him and that's not a healthy thing cause Percy obviously has bad experiences with physical abuse and latent trauma from it and he shouldn't have to get used to Annabeth's unhealthy ways of expressing herself at his own expense. Annabeth loves him, so she should do better because Percy has gone above and beyond for her every time. surely he deserves Annabeth being soft with him and surely a relationship should have healthy and positive emotional expression medium between them. Shouldn't Annabeth as a person deserve to be able to move on with some of her unhealthy coping mechanisms as a sign of recovery from her own trauma as well? For herself and for Percy? Between Annabeth teasing his intelligence and hitting him constantly, we see zero to none.
So yes it may not be outright abuse but it is heading towards it because at what point are we going to acknowledge Annabeth has a very bad way of expressing herself to Percy and it has consistently involved violence and or demeaning remarks? She literally punches him in the stomach in The Titan's Curse because Percy doesn't ask her to dance when she was the one who wanted him to do so while not giving him any hint and or idea that she wanted such a thing.
I know why everyone in Percabeth community gets defensive over the word abuse as they should because it's not a small thing but surely we can acknowledge that there's some disconnect between what Annabeth wants to convey and how she conveys it that stands contradictory to her orignal intention and also that she fails to see the harm in this?
Now we might have different takes on how a relationship goes but I firmly stand by my own. I have nothing against those who ship it but that does no mean those of us who do not ship it are doing so on baseless grounds.
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hauntingblue · 11 months ago
#nami put luffy in a cage.... dont let sanji see that.... again nami demonstrating how she is the strongest ever.....#why is franky the boat akshaksjskqjqk ROBIN NEARLY 1000 MILLION YEAAAAAHHHHH#sanji exploded </3 rip the smoking got to him..... luffys snapshot in the cage beaten up akdhsksjsk#jinbes theme is a banger.... buggy lmaoo chacho means president??? that is so funny... CHACHOOOO!!! also buggy owning croc money... banger#these two divas sitting cross legged on the couch bullying buggy.... ajhdkajsa buggys bounty akdhsksjsks#this whole episode was so funny lmao buggy....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1086#luffy wanted yamato to join the crew omg....... i mean of course but he was maaaad.... i kew yamato was a nakama for sure#marco telling luffy ace would be proud of him and smiling.... didnt that happen before and he got sad??? development#SERAPHIM?? THE NEW PACIFISTAS?? why tf does she look like hancock??? OMG MARGARET!!! FUCKING BLACKBEARD??? IN AMAZON LILY???#baby angel mihawk too??? what is this.... KILL BLACKBEARD YES!!!! THROW HIM INTO THE SEA!!! LET THE SEA RECLAIM HIM!!!#so pretty sure what garp was talking about were the seraphim pacifistas..... just keep making things worse old man sure#koby is gay confirmed see.... helmeppo got got... the downsides of being bisexual...#BLACKBEARD GOT HER!!! GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER!!!!#episode 1087#hancock lying on rayleighs legs omg... those are her parents ALSO SHAKKY EX KUJA CAPTAIN AND EX EX EMPERESS??? RAYLEIGH?????#why does amazon lily have a giant portrait of luffy on the palace facade akdhaksjaka i mean i DO know why.....#who tf is wang zhi and what did koby do.... and blackbeard is NASTY!!!! RAYLEIGH GET HIM!!! this reminds me of shanks in marineford... a lo#koby kidnapped by blackbeard?? omg kuma....... he is alright.... why the cherry blossom petals in between them ajdjsksjwk#see how sabo is alive.... but why does koala have blue eyes and orange hair now.... luffy having a crisis#i was thinking is carobou om that fucking barrel and YES why us brook crying akdhsk what do you know#zoro using luffy's words against him.... but i dont think ace is a good example of this.... zoro and sanji fighting about who is on top....#luffy asking robin for news.... BUT ROBIN I WANT TO KNOW!!!! omg this ending???? WHAT DID LUFFY SAY???? that was beautiful.............#he said he wants to give everyone freedom i know it... and he needs to be pirate king for that.... he knew since he was a child.....#omg....... the one piece is freedom for everyone and for some reason roger couldnt do it he wanted his son to do it.....#back on my theories grind....#episode 1088#LUFFY!!!! THE MAN THAT YOU ARE!!!!
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shankss-magnificent-ass · 8 months ago
How OP men would react after finding out you have an aggressive stalker || Katakuri and Rob Lucci
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Katakuri watched you dive into a bush as his chief of staff, Rock, entered the courtyard. He stared at you and asked, "What are you doing?" Only for you to shush him and swat at him to leave you alone.
"Ah, there you are, Katakuri. I just dropped off the list of candidates for new crew members in your office." Rock declared, approaching his superior. "I say..." He added, sniffing the air with his mousy nose, "Do I smell tuberose? Was your assistant just here?"
Katakuri eyed the bush you were hiding in to see you giving him a pleading look. The Sweet Commander sighed, "Yes, they were, but they had to deliver some paperwork to Mama for me. So they won't be back until tomorrow." The large man didn't like lying, but if it was for you, he'd do it, even though he didn't understand why you were hiding from Rock.
Rock's expression turned dour at the news, and he replied, "I see, well then I must take my leave of you, sir, I have a mountain of paperwork to attend to." The Minister of Flour's Chief of Staff gave him a quick bow, and he hurried out of the garden. Once he was out of sight, Ktakuri said, "Why are you hiding from Rock?"
You stuck your head out of the bush and grumbled, "Because anytime he's near me, he tries to smell me. It's so creepy."
"Smells you? Katakuri echoed in confusion, "Does he know he makes you uncomfortable?"
"Do you think I haven't told him to stay away from me?" You snapped as you stumbled out of the bush, "he doesn't listen and thinks I'm just playing hard to get. I've even punched him, but he just enjoyed it."
Katakuri crouched down, pulled leaves out of your hair, and hummed, "I'll look into it."
It took him two days, and quite a lot of resources, but Katakuri had a full background on Rock. The sweet commander could only read a few pages before he had to put down the report. Rock was a despicable man, and Katakuri did not want this vile man around him, let alone allow him a seat of authority. He leaned back in his office chair and sighed, he now needed to find a replacement for Rock, yet another task on his ever-growing list of things to do.
The pensive atmosphere in the Minister of Flour's office was shredded by the racket of someone scuffling up the side of the building. Katakuri got up and looked out the window to see Rock clinging to the gutter pipe by what, he could only assume, was your bedroom window and peaking in. When Rock had one foot on the pipe and one foot securely on your window sill, Katakuri watched in horror as Rock reached one hand into his trousers while peeping into the room. The sweet commander wasted no time using his mochi powers to yank the pervert backward. Rock lost balance and fell three stories to the gravel floor of the courtyard.
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Rob had just returned home from a mission, the sun was shining, and a crisp sea breeze made his hair and cloak flutter around him. He took a deep breath before he spotted you in the crowd. Rob huffed in amusement, you were always so insistent about greeting him the moment he stepped off the boat. Not that he minded, it just meant he could initiate his coming home ritual sooner. Rob scooped you into a tight embrace, taking a deep lungful of your scent, pleasantly noting that he didn't smell anyone else on you. As soon as he touched you, Rob felt eyes on him, some were just the people around the two of you, but one set in particular had his hackles up. These eyes felt like they were piercing him with malicious intent.
"Welcome home," you sighed into his shoulder, eagerly hugging him back.
"Are you hungry?" He asked, looking around for the owner of such a piercing stare. You looked up at him, resting your chin on his chest, and replied, "uh huh, where do you want to eat?"
"I was thinking Star Dancer," Lucci replied as he pulled away from you, "They have garden seating, and it's such a nice day, it'd be a waste to spend it inside."
You grinned at him and laughed, "You're only picking Star Dancer because they are okay with Hattori sitting with us out there."
Rob blushed and huffed, "That's not true, I know you love their food too. Plus, it's the only restaurant nice enough to take a stunning beauty, such as yourself." He kissed your knuckles and grinned at you. "So, can I take you out on a date to Star Dancer?"
You giggled, "Of course," and you allowed him to take your hand, and lead you to the restaurant. Rob tried to shake off the feeling of being watched, but it wasn't until you arrived at Star Dancer that the feeling dissipated.
When you and Rob finally got home, it was around midnight. The moment he stepped inside, Rob knew something was wrong. He could smell a stranger who had been inside. Lucci blocked you from entering and asked, "Has anyone been to the house recently? A workman, or something?" When you shook your head, he gritted his teeth and growled, "Go to the neighbor's house and ask them to call the police, I think there's been a break-in, I'm going to check it out in the meantime." He stood at the door of your home and waited until you and Hattori entered the neighbor's residence, before going in.
All the lights were off inside, but that wasn't a problem for Rob, thanks to his Zoan fruit, he could see quite well with just the pale blue moonlight flooding in from the windows. In agent mode, Rob took in his surroundings, the house was quiet and everything was still except a few of the sheer curtains fluttering in the breeze from the open window. Rob inspected said window, the lock was broken from the outside with a sharpened flathead screwdriver, that was discarded on the floor nearby. Rob sniffed the curtain, and a pungent smell filled his nose, he followed the scent trail to your bedroom, which had been ransacked. The contents of your dresser, closet, and laundry hamper had been strewn all over the room. Your bed was a mess and had a tangy sour smell emanating from it. Rob wrinkled his nose in disgust, who ever broke had made themselves far too comfortable in your home for his liking. He noted that in the heaps of clothing scattered around the room, Rob couldn't see a single undergarment.
Lucci's thoughts were disrupted by a soft clinking in the adjoined bathroom. The large man turned his attention to the door that stood ajar. His sharp ears heard someone distinctly mutter, "Come here, come to Papa, I'll wrap this cord around your pretty little neck before you even know what's happening."
Rob's skin rippled as he transformed into his Zoan form, anger causing his hackles to stand on end. He charged the door with such a force that it cracked in two. A scrawny man threw himself back with a shrill yell. The leopard man towered over him and growled, "Well, well, well, who do we have here?"
The man scuttled backward, and cried, "Don't hurt me!"
"I'd kill you here and now," Rob hissed, lifting a clawed hand that glimmered in the moonlight. "But that would make a large mess, and your blood would undoubtedly stain my tile floor."
"Your floor?... This is your house?" The man stammered.
Rob paused, wondering if this pathetic man had accidentally broken into the wrong house.
"I thought they live here alone?" The man added.
Lucci asked, "Do you mean the one whose photo hangs in the hall?" When the coward nodded, Rob sneered, "That's my partner, and you've fucked up big time."
"I've never seen you here before." The man countered, "If you really loved them, you'd never leave someone so special."
Rob grabbed the man by his collar and threw him into the bedroom. He grumbled, "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm a Cipher Pole agent. Now start cleaning while we wait for the police to show, everything better be back in the spot you found it by the time you're done." When Lucci flipped on the light, the intruder started to shriek at the sight of his Zoan form.
"Stop screaming!" Rob roared, smacking the man upside the head, causing the intruder to fall over. There on the floor, Lucci could see his favorite pair of your underwear, sticking out of this man's pants pocket. Rob could feel a vein throbbing in his temple as he yelled, "Empty your pockets!"
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creepycrawliesanonymous · 8 months ago
Addam had taken to calling you "wife," and you weren't about to correct him.
You weren't married, you could never find the time, and it wasn't like anyone was raring to go crying to the sept over it. The people of Hull, at least the people you interacted with, rarely made a fuss over such improprieties, and even had the decency to throw a groat or two in your cap whenever you put out a pot of stew for the dockworkers and looked the other way whenever you would curse burning yourself on the cauldron or hock some phlegm in the dirt or take a hearty swig from your flask. Some of the men told you they had never had fish stew that tasted quite like yours did, and you weren't about to tell them your recipe, so your infractions seemed small in the face of loosing out on the way the fish meat would fall apart in your mouth or how the potatoes were always soft but never mushy.
It had only taken Addam one trip to your little makeshift stand for him to start pining after you, gifting you that flask that you now took everywhere. It was made of sturdy leather, with a small seahorse painted somewhat poorly on one side, and it was given to you already filled with spiced rum. You had made sure Addam's portion had extra meat in it that day. The way his face broke into the biggest grin you'd ever seen told you everything you needed to know.
So yes, you weren't married, but he still called you "wife" and gifted you small trinkets and spent meals at your shack and kissed you when he saw you in the morning, as well as other things that were frankly nobody else's business.
Addam had set out early in the morning, just before the sun rose, with his sieve and other tools to go clam digging. You liked that he worked with his hands, and told him as much when he brought up how soft a lord's hands might be and how much nicer they might feel against your skin. You shoved your calloused palms into his, ending the conversation. He let you sleep in, careful to tiptoe around your living space as he collected his wares. He liked the way your kitchen always smelled like the spices he pinched from his brother's trading cog, and how you placed the small curios he gave you around the windows where you could look at them. He had heard of Lord Corlys Velaryon's Hall of Nine, displaying the treasures from his nine voyages, and thought it couldn't be better than the treasures you kept in your windowsill.
There was a chill in the air, a breeze that made Addam pull his tunic tighter around himself. He recalled how the blanket you used was starting to wear thin, and how the sea breeze would wake you soon without him there to keep you warm. The docks of the port town were already filled with men, loading and unloading boxes, taking inventory, haggling prices with the local merchants, the general bustle of seafarers and sailers. Cod and herring were the main catches coming off the fishing boats, and he knew you would stop by later to pick up some to take home.
The beaches were comparatively quiet, with only a few other men digging around for clams. Poking around, he found a few small depressions in the sand, before settling in and getting to work.
The sun was over the horizon by the time you had made your way down to the beach, slightly stale bread in one hand and basket in the other. Addam stuck out a hand to wave you down, and before you had the chance to say anything, he dropped a pale pink shell into your basket. You fished it out, dropping down to sit beside him as you thumbed over the ridges of the body and poked at the spire. You held it up to the rising sun to see the way the colors changed, before pocketing it.
You cut a piece of bread from the loaf, handing it to him. It would be no use in warning him of its staleness, he wasn't like to complain. He took the piece gratefully, as if it was baked by the cooks in High Tide itself, although you could see the effort he had to put in to ripping off a piece in his mouth. You took your thumb and brushed away the crumbs that stuck to his cheeks. His is a handsome face, you thought, one you wouldn't mind letting people think was your husband's. The chill stung at your skin, and you pulled your knit cape close around your shoulders.
Standing up, you shook the sand from your boots and patted down your skirts. You took a swig from your flask, letting the rum warm your chest. Leaning down, you pressed a kiss to your husband's forehead, and he leaned up to press his own to his wife's cheek. While he felt a pang in his chest as you picked up your things and headed into town, he couldn't deny the contentment in watching you. In those moments he felt like he understood the stories of sailors crashing their ships at the sight of beautiful women-beasts, although none of the sailors could ever hope to know the warmth of their hearth or the grit of their sharp tongue, and none could call a beast "wife," so what could the stories know of ship-wrecking love, anyways.
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lkfarrout · 3 months ago
I need everyone to understand that Stan and Mabel are SMART. Ford and Dipper are often portrayed as the smart ones while Stan and Mabel are the "stupid twins" but here's the thing: Stan and Mabel are just as intelligent as their twins, they just care about different things.
Alex himself, in one of the episode commentaries (Little Dipper, I believe) says that Mabel is just as smart, if not smarter than Dipper, and could beat him at chess if she wanted to. But she cares more about playing pretend with the cute horses instead.
Mabel is also a genuis when it comes to crafting. If you've never done something like knitting before, you have no idea how hard it is and how impressive it is for Mabel to make all the sweaters and things that she does. Maybe not all her sweaters are handmade, but the Waddles sweater and Goodbye Stan sweater are crazy impressive on their own. There's also Wax Stan, all the puppets, and many other examples. Those types of things take a lot of planning, math, practice, and expertise.
Stan is portrayed as being lazy and dumb in high school because he copies off of Ford in class and has a very lame science fair project compared to Ford, but Stan shows ambition in other areas during that time of his life.
For one, he builds what we can assume to be a sea-worthy vessel out of basically scraps of old wood ("Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!"). I personally don't know anyone - much less a teenager - who could do that, especially in a time before youtube. And while Ford definitely did help Stan with the boat, we can tell by their feelings about it that Stan really did put in most of the work and care.
Another example, and a more subtle one, is that Stan was able to save up and purchase a nice, new (7 or 8 years old at the most) convertible catillac by the age of seventeen. He probably spent a lot of time working outside of school to accomplish that, while Ford was more focused on work inside of school. It's highly doubtful that Filbrick would have bought the car for Stan. Stan was highly ambitious during this time in his life, just like Ford was, but in different areas.
In the Land Before Swine commentary, Stan talks about working on the portal and says he had to learn "high school math". He really thought that what he was doing all that time was high school level math when really, it was probably closer to masters-level theoretical physics. This tells me that he probably didn't struggle with the math parts all that much, and because it wasn't super hard for him, he assumed it must have been high school level because he's far too dumb to do anything harder than that. Yes, it still took him 30 years, but that's mostly due to him not having access to all the blueprints that Bill helped Ford create.
All in all, I believe that Stan and Mabel are just as smart as their twins, but it isn't picked up on because the areas that they like to focus on are seen as silly and girly (in Mabel's case) or unprofitable and a waste of time (in Stan's case). In constrast, Dipper's intellectual efforts of solving mysteries, cracking codes, and doing things like converting a CD into a record (impressive!) further the plot of the show and are thus seen as more important. Just like how Ford's academic efforts are seen as profitable and thus more worthy of praise.
I'm of course not saying that Stan and Mabel are better than Dipper and Ford in any way - all the characters have their strengths and weaknesses and I love that about them. I love all four of the Pines Twins so much - they all have so much to offer and are all so smart. I really love this show and they way it creates depth with the characters, and I love analyzing them and writing commentary on them.
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anonymousewrites · 5 months ago
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 2) Chapter Six
Saiki Kusuo x Reader
Chapter Six: Seasick
Summary: Saiki gets stuck on a cruise with a bunch of bothers and Saiko. (Y/N) is there, but a mystery sickness means he has no time to spend with them.
            “Hey, pal, pinky,” said Nendou. He excitedly leaned over Saiki and (Y/N)’s desks.
            “You want to go on a trip somewhere tomorrow?” asked Kaidou with a big smile.
            “I made plans already, but let’s take a really long bike trip,” said Kuboyasu.
            Really? Saiki just wanted to go on his date with (Y/N).
            “I have a tent at my house, so we can camp out somewhere on the way,” said Kaidou. “Bring a sleeping bag!”
            “Sound fun? You should come, too, pal, pinky,” said Nendou.
            “I see. I’ll pass,” said Saiki.
            “Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            A loud laugh started behind them, and everyone turned to look at Saiko, the source.
            “What are you laughing at, Saiko?” huffed Kaidou.
            “Nothing. Sorry.” Saiko didn’t look sorry. “I was just thinking what a wretched vacation that would be. It’s just sad.
            “Don’t laugh if it’s sad!” exclaimed Kuboyasu. “What are you going to do, then? What’s your plan for tomorrow?”
            “Oh, me? Well…” Saiko smirked. “Maybe I’ll go on a cruise on the Pacific on my family’s ship. Do some fishing and reading on deck until I get to my destination. My family owns an uninhabited island. Then I’ll enjoy a drive in my family’s convertible. Then, I’ll eat French food while watching the sea and stars at my villa.”
            “You own too much.”
            (Y/N) smothered a laugh.
            “That’s about it,” said Saiko.
            “Well, your boat is going to sink.” Kuboyasu traded jealousy for anger. “That’s right. You’ll sink and be eaten by a shark!”
            “Wow, you have a ship?” Nendou smiled. “We want to go, too.”
            Slapping a hand over Nendou’s mouth, Kuboyasu glared. “Hey! Don’t say that!”
            “If you say that, we lose! Idiot!” said Kaidou.
            “So they’re back to that even after fawning over his house?” laughed (Y/N).
            “They’re all idiots.”
            “Well, I guess you guys can come, too,” said Saiko.
            “What?” Kaidou and Kuboyasu’s eyes sparkled.
            “You’re swayed so easily.”
            “But on one condition,” said Saiko. “You have to bring Kokomi Teruhashi! If she comes, you can bring whoever you want.”
            Instantly, Kaidou and Kuboyasu spun to (Y/N). “Ask her to come!”
            “No way,” said (Y/N), putting their hands up in an “X.” “I’m not asking Kokomi to come along with that guy—” Saiko “—so ask her yourself.”
            Kaidou and Kuboyasu looked at each other. They took deep breaths. They would approach the queen of the school. They stalked out of the room bravely.
            “They’ll stop bothering us, now.”
            “Do you really believe that?” said (Y/N).
            Sure enough, by the end of the day, Saiki and (Y/N) were surrounded by all of their friends, who were all going on the sleepover-boat-ride-cruise-thing.
            “There are a lot of you, but you did well,” said Saiko approvingly. Teruhashi had agreed to go, so he was fine with whoever else came. “I’ll give you losers a weekend you will never forget.”
            “Yes!” cheered Kaidou. “I’m looking forward to this.”
            “I hope they haven’t counted us in,” said Saiki. He and (Y/N) had plans.
            “I think they have,” chuckled (Y/N).
            “I never hung out with this many people before. I turned them down when they asked about the bike trip, but things got all confusing and vague.”
            “The nine of us all together,” said Teruhashi with a smile. “It’ll be so much fun, right, Saiki?” She sparkled.
            Yes. Have fun without me and (Y/N).
            “(Y/N), have you ever been on a boat?” asked Teruhashi, blushing from facing Saiki.
            “Nope,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Okay, everyone is here. Let’s choose when to meet up,” said Yumehara.
            “Wait a minute—” Saiki really was being counted. He sighed. It’s no use. It’s getting to the point where I can’t refuse. He glanced at (Y/N), who was smiling at Yumehara and Teruhashi. And they look happy. There went his precious weekend, down the dream due to his bothers and (Y/N)’s smile. At least he’d still be with them.
            “I can’t believe we have to leave at night,” said Kuboyasu as they walked down the pier.
            “Saiko’s island is far away,” said Kaidou. “If we don’t leave tonight, we won’t make it.”
            “What? Then we have to sleep on the ship?” said Yumehara.
            “Hey, what are you doing? Get on.” Saiko leaned over the rail of his gigantic yacht.
            “It’s huge!” cried Kaidou.
            “Impressed?” Saiko smirked—it was his permanent expression. “Only my family could own something of this size.”
            “You don’t need a private ship this big!” said Kuboyasu.
            “Come on in. The inside is even better with a pool, gym, cinema, and anything you want,” said Saiko.
            “Let’s get on!”
            Saiko watched with satisfaction. Even if his ship was supposed to get a little more maintenance, it would all be fun. And he couldn’t quit and just show his smaller yacht. This was his pride and joy, and he needed to impress everyone.
            Yare yare.
            “Come on, Kusuo,” said (Y/N), walking aboard with a smile.
            Saiki walked aboard, passing a black cat, a sign saying “666-13-13,” and stepping on a crack. Bad luck omens all around.
            Yare yare. The trip was going to prove troublesome for him, wasn’t it?
            “Amazing!” “Wow!” “Incredible!” Everyone stared and murmured their appreciation for how beautiful Saiko’s yacht was. “Are we really in a ship?” “It’s like a palace!”
            Poor people get easily excited, thought Saiko triumphantly. “Just wait for what you’ll see next.”
            “It’s like a luxury hotel,” said Yumehara excitedly.
            If I marry Saiko, this could be all mine. Teruhashi glanced at (Y/N). No, no! Remember what they say—wait for the right person!
            You actually listen to logic from them? Saiki wasn’t sure whether to be pleased or concerned that Teruhashi would get a crush on them. He would understand.
            “This could turn out to be a fine cruise,” said Kaidou.
            “It should be pretty relaxing,” agreed (Y/N). “Plenty of time for rest, snacking, and not worrying about things.”
            “Don’t jinx us, even if that sounds good,” said Saiki.
            On cue, Kaidou’s face turned green, and he collapsed.
            “Kaidou?! What’s wrong?” Yumehara knelt. “Are you sick?”
            “Yes. Just a little…seasick,” groaned Kaidou.
            “I’ll go get you some medicine!” declared Yumehara.
            She couldn’t find any—the one thing this ship didn’t have was the one thing it needed—so she kindly and happily took Kaidou to his room and let the others go on. Teruhashi and (Y/N) had exchanged looks, knowing Yumehara was about to dote on Kaidou, her crush, like no one had ever seen. Who could blame her for taking a chance, though? Certainly not them.
            “What the hell are you doing?!” cried Kuboyasu, watching Saiko as he tied up Mera.
            (Y/N) yawned. They had been awoken from a lovely dream by the commotion of a shouting Saiko and growling(?) Mera.
            “Hey, what’s up?” asked Nendou.
            “It’s all bad!” said Saiko. He gestured to Mera, bound among the wrappers and crumbs of the ship pantry. “This glutton ate all the food in the pantry.”
            “There’s like nothing left,” said Kaidou.
            “You’re still eating!” Saiko tried to pull the loaf of bread from Mera’s mouth.
            “Mera, sit! Mera, down!” said Teruhashi.
            (Y/N) yawned again. Their mind still wasn’t completely awake. “Why are we having midnight snacks?” They looked at Saiki. They tilted their head. “Kusuo?”
            He was breathing heavily and looked…ill. He fell to his knees, and (Y/N) knelt to support him.
            “Kusuo, what is it?” said (Y/N), furrowing their brow in concern.
            “A mysterious illness…” he groaned. I’ve never even had a cold before. I’m a psychic, after all.
            “I think he’s seasick,” said (Y/N), recognizing Saiki was trying to seem strong and seeing the same symptoms as Kaidou.
            “I feel like throwing up,” said Saiki, quivering.
            “You’re seasick, Kusuo,” said (Y/N). “Let’s get you lying down, and I’ll get you water.”
            “I’m not seasick. I can’t be seasick.”
            “You’re seasick.”
            (Y/N) tipped the water into Saiki’s mouth and then let his head fall back on the pillow of his bed. “How are you feeling?” They looked at him worriedly.
            “I hate this mysterious illness.” Saiki squeezed his eyes shut.
            “Try to sleep,” said (Y/N), grabbing a cloth and wiping the sweat from his forehead. “You’ll feel better when you wake up, and then we’ll almost be at the island.” They leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I’ll get more water.”
            “Thank you,” said Saiki.
            “Of course, Kusuo,” said (Y/N), smiling and walking out of the room.
            Saiki sighed and let his head sink into the pillow. As he fell into a comfortable sleep and escaped his not-seasickness, he thought he heard a door opening.
            (Y/N) must be back.
            He was wrong, and everyone paid the price.
            Saiki’s eyes opened, and he blinked. He was underwater. Looking around, it was easy to see that the ship had sunk, somehow. Either way, it wasn’t good. Additionally, he still felt incredibly weakened. He couldn’t teleport or push the ship anywhere. The only he could do—and did do—was teleport everyone to the nearest island.
            Saiki dove through the water and picked up (Y/N) as they drifted down in the water. In a moment, they were at dry land, and he put them down carefully by a tree.
            He just tossed the rest down willy-nilly on the beach.
            Saiki sat on the beach and stared out over the empty waters. Pieces of metal and wood drifted up beside him, the wreckage of the yacht. Everyone else lay about him, unconscious still. Saiki sighed and looked down at (Y/N), still knocked out but safely beside him.
            I should have realized the disaster that was going to happen.
            Now they were stranded on an abandoned island in the middle of nowhere.
            (Y/N) groaned and opened their eyes. The sun beat down on them, and they blinked. Slowly, they sat up. A sandy beach surrounded them, and the ocean stretched towards the horizon. Debris and their friends had washed up with them.
            “What the…” (Y/N) rubbed their head. “Where are we?”
            “Shipwrecked,” said Saiki.
            “Ah!” Kaidou screamed as he awoke. “The ship!”
            “Yare yare.”
            “What’s going on?!” said Saiko, jerking awake.
            “Huh?” Yumehara raised her head.
            “What happened?” said Teruhashi.
            “Where’s the ship?” said Nendou.
            “Where’s the food?” said Mera, worried.
            “The ship went down,” said Kuboyasu somberly. “We must have drifted to this island.”
            “What do we do?” asked Kaidou.
            “Let’s just wait until help comes. That’s all,” said Kuboyasu.
            (Y/N) glanced at Saiki. They wanted a chance to confer with him since he had the powers to actually help them, but they’d need to be sneaky about it.
            “Okay,” said Nendou.
            “No!” Kaidou stood. “That’s too vague. There’s no time for that. We’re stranded on a deserted island! Besides, the island is small, the size of our schoolyard. We won’t be able to find food. It’s only a matter of time before we lose someone!”
            “Shun, you didn’t see it?” Kuboyasu smiled.
            “What?” asked Nendou.
            Kuboyasu gestured to some of wreckage washed up on the beach. “It’s the pantry of the ship. Miraculously, this all drifted here with us.”
            (Y/N) glanced at Saiki with a smile. “What a nice miracle.” He didn’t respond, but he straightened at the thanks in their voice.
            “Mera ate all of it on the ship,” said Kuboyasu. “But we have plenty of water, so don’t worry.”
            “We’re lucky we have water,” agreed Kaidou. “But it’s going to run out. If we don’t get help soon—”
            “Help will come,” said Saiko. “It’s not like we drifted here on a raft. Right now, they are using the ship’s tracking advice to locate where the ship sank and are searching for us. I don’t know where we are, but we can’t be that far.” He grinned. “The son of the world’s leading financial conglomerate is here. I’m a world treasure. A giant search team is out there looking for me now.”
            “If anyone’s popularity is going to save us, it would be Kokomi’s fans coming to find her,” said (Y/N), laughing and rolling their eyes.
            “You’re not wrong,” said Saiki. Her fans were devoted.
            “You should thank me,” said Saiko.
            “Don’t push your luck.”
            “So, what, you’re saying we shouldn’t worry?” said Nendou.
            “That’s right, little guy,” said Saiko. “So let’s go swimming!”
            (Y/N) watched some of the men run towards the water and stepped closer to Saiki. “Kusuo, how much trouble are we really in?”
            “…Help isn’t coming,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N)’s head whipped towards him. “What?”
            “Why did we sink in the first place?” wondered Kaidou. “I can’t remember anything.”
            “Oh, that’s right, you and Saiki were sleeping,” said Kuboyasu. “You both were seasick—”
            “I wasn’t seasick.”
            “—and while Yumehara looked after you, (L/N) looked after Saiki,” said Kuboyasu. “They needed to get some more water, so Teruhashi looked in kindly to make sure Saiki was alright, and, thinking his hairpins might be bothering him and his head, she graciously took them out.”
            (Y/N) and Saiki sighed. “So that’s what happened.”
            “Oh, dear,” said (Y/N). They smiled. “She tried to do something nice.”
            “It happened right after that,” said Kuboyasu. “The ship started rocking, and the water was coming in fast. Then all hell broke loose. The crew escaped on a small boat. I bumped my head and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was here. It’s a miracle that everyone was saved.”
            “Thank you,” whispered (Y/N), and Saiki nodded to them, a soft look in his eyes. He wouldn’t leave any of them—especially (Y/N)—to die. “Now.” They put their hands on their hips. “Why isn’t anyone coming?”
            “I teleported everyone here, but because my powers are too strong after my limiter is taken out, I took us to South America.”
            (Y/N) stared. “Huh. That’s a problem.” No one would look for survivors of a crash from Japan near South America.
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hedwig221b · 3 months ago
Kinda a two part question? Do you have supernatural Stiles recs? (really craving mermaid stuff but all kinds is very loved) and have you thought of writing supernatural Stiles?
and anon asked:
Do you by chance have any creature Stiles or mermaid recommendations? Thank you so much for helping us find stories to read and for writing such wonderful stories!
First of all, thank you! Secondly, to the first anon: I do have a supernatural!Stiles fic, it's called Predators and it's one of my best fics 🖤 I do plan on writing oracle!Stiles, but otherwise, no. Maybe, in the future, I am open to the idea!
So, here are the recs (including merman!Stiles 🧜🏽‍♂️)
Predators (creature!Stiles)
He was born for this. Nature itself whispered into his ear where he should put his hands, how to twirl his tongue just right and when to bite. Stiles knew well enough that his saliva was currently working its magic on this unfortunate man, making him hungry, lustful, and insatiable. Soon, all his thoughts would be consumed by Stiles. And, just this once, Stiles would allow Derek to consume him.
Sui Tollech Gwanna Tach Omen by jackgyeoms (mer!Stiles)
Mermaid AU. Stiles was five when he first realised that not everybody grew a tail when they entered water.
No Oceans Left by zoemathemata (mer!Stiles)
Stiles has always been a merman. He just never knew how to tell anyone. He hasn’t shifted since his mom died.
It’s A-Boat Time! by Fae_vorite, isthatbloodonhisshirt (mer!Stiles)
He could hear the others talking outside, Scott and Isaac freaking out over something and Stiles snapping at them to shut up and help him get inside. “Dude, how the fuck can you expect me to stay calm right now! Seriously, that’s a fucking tail!” “We can talk about it later, just get me inside before someone fucking sees me! I don’t want to end up in a fucking aquarium!” “Christ, you’re heavy!” Isaac grunted. “How much does this thing weigh?!” “Shut up and walk,” Stiles snapped.
The Shells at the bottom of the Sea (mer!Stiles)
The one where Stiles is a seal merman trying to fit in with the sharks.
Mermaider by nothing_left_sacred (mer!Stiles)
“So what you’re saying is; you’re a mermaid princess.” Erica concluded. “Yes, clearly. That is what I am saying. Thank you for putting it so concisely.” Stiles sassed, frowning at her. He wasn’t fucking Ariel; this was so far from being a Disney movie it wasn't even funny. Or the one where a perfectly normal Beach Vacation escalates way too quickly, because this is Stiles' life.
Somewhere to Start by Lissadiane (fae!Stiles)
Stiles has always known that he isn't quite human - the plant life that tends to sprout around him whenever he gets upset or excited gives it away. He's never really fit in among the regular people in Beacon Hills and is determined to wait it out, go to college, and find somewhere to belong. He's forced to abandon those plans, however, after he desperately agrees to enter into an arranged marriage to save his father's life. An arranged marriage with an angry, sometimes furry dude with trust issues. It's all very Beauty and the Beast, without the singing candlesticks.
The Last Chills of Winter by LeeHan (fae!Stiles)
“He didn’t magically charm me,” Derek shot back in his defense. “Oh, so he just regular charmed you?” Laura said with a smirk. “What? No,” Derek growled. “Was he hot?” “No! He just—“ He just had a laugh like a sun shower. Fuck.
Faith, Trust, And Pixie Dust by Val_Brown (fae!Stiles)
Since he was a baby he had kept it a secret. Something that he shared with his mom. But when something comes after him and attacks his pack, he has to share his secret with them. He knows they won't judge him, hello, they sprout claws, fangs and some wicked sideburns. But he changes to the size of a gerbil and has wings and pretty much farts pixies dust on everything. Using his new alliance with Peter, Stiles charges in, pixie dust flying to rescue his pack when they are captured by renegade hunters with a strange vendetta.
Bite the Moonlight & Bleed Gold by raisesomehale (creature!Stiles)
He waits until he and Allison are the only two left in the room. “This is a joke.” Allison says, “Have you ever known my grandpa to have a sense of humor?” “Really?” Derek’s eyebrows are halfway up his forehead, as he gestures to the word that has been printed under Creature Type on the paper. “‘A Merman’? They’re a myth. No one has ever seen one, let alone caught one.” Allison leans forward to skim through a few pages and draws out a photo that she sets back down on the paragraph he’d been reading. In it, a marble white ribcage crests the dark, prussian blue of a midnight ocean, the only part of the body visible besides a thrashing, predominantly red tail, curved jaggedly through the waves. “This image was lifted from Deucalion’s personal channels,” Allison tells him. “His people are keeping the discovery all hush hush, which means they managed the photo, but probably haven’t captured the thing itself yet.” She gives Derek a significant look, “Gerard wants us to get our hands on it first.”
a dying breed that still believes by paxlux (wingfic)
He thinks, Mom, we can do this, we’ll fly.
Hot Pocket Ratio by ShippersList (incubus!Stiles)
At the threat of the alpha pack, all Derek wants is to keep his pack safe and alive. As the last resort, he tries summoning a demon to help with fighting the alpha pack. He gets a bit more than he bargained for. Or, the story where the classic demon deal of "Will you pledge your firstborn to me?" takes some unexpected turns.
There’s A Beast In My Heart (He’ll Only Bow To You) by RayShippouUchiha (creature!Stiles)
“Stiles.” Derek fucking whimpers and if Stiles wasn’t already dying he’d kill himself for making Derek sound so hurt. Stiles just wants to protect him so much sometimes because no one else ever seems to realize that Derek is so goddamn fragile and Stiles hates them all a little bit for not being able to see that. Or In an effort to expel the Nogitsune Stiles is given the bite but it all goes horribly wrong.
A Most Unusual Hoard by churkey (dragon!Stiles)
Stiles turns into a dragon and no one can figure out what he's hoarding…
My Childhood Spat Back Out The Monster That You See by rightsidethru (demon!Stiles)
Appearances can be deceiving. Caught by hunters, Derek immediately dismisses his gangly, fellow prisoner as a pressing concern. After all, the amber-eyed teenager couldn't be more than one hundred and forty-seven pounds soaking wet. What type of threat could he possibly be? (The answer: a large one.)
9/10ths of the Law by tsukinofaerii (demon!Stiles)
Stiles discovers the hazards of growing up a real boy when, at heart, he's not a real boy at all.
You Were Never Meant to Know by Mooneye (demon!Stiles)
“Not a fan of exorcisms, Stiles?” the figure asked as though he were enquiring about the rain. “Not really. I could spew black bile if you’d like more authenticity,” Stiles answered. “Stiles, what’s going on?” Scott demanded, unease growing. Stiles is a demon, always has been, and never intended for anyone to know. Unfortunately, his secret is forcefully revealed and he has nowhere to hide.
Blodrød by Onlymystory (demon!Stiles)
A demon possessing Alpha werewolves leads a crazed pack to Beacon Hills. He's been stuck inside werewolf minds, when all he wants is a nice human meatsuit. Humans in packs are rare these days and the demon is practically salivating at the thought of possessing Stiles. It's strong, and the pack was taken off guard, unable to protect Stiles before the demon takes control. But like the demon says…humans in packs are rare.
Blackbird by skoosiepants (shapeshifter!Stiles)
Stiles groans and drops his face into his hands. “I’m seventeen, I can kind of use mountain ash and I can explode houses when I’m mad enough. How am I gonna win any kind of magic fight?” “We’ll work on it,” Deaton says, as infuriatingly calm as ever. “The important thing to remember, Stiles, is that when everything else is chaos, you’re the port in the storm.” Or- Laura Hale never died, and Stiles is magic.
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut | hurt/comfort | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack | mafia | BAMF!Stiles + pt2 | omegaverse | witch!Stiles | bad friend Scott | magical!Stiles | unrequited love | werewolf!Stiles | dark sterek | single parent!Stiles | feral Derek | arranged marriage | Stiles is underestimated | mpreg w/o abo | accidental knotting | jock!Derek | jock!Stiles | alive Hales
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mistywaves98 · 11 months ago
Maybe he can turn into a human on land? I wouldnt mind hiding him from some hunters just for him to find us in our room/boat later <3
I've so many asks begging for more siren! Scara lmao, but I can't blame any of you, he is perfect 🙏🏻🙏🏻
✧・゚:* ->Siren! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ->¡Warnings!: NSFW, Pet name is used twice ('little captain'), Brief fingering, Sub! Reader, Dom! Character!
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That old hag of a sea witch was pretty sketchy, but at least he can traverse land freely now, is what Scaramouche thought to himself as he cautiously practiced walking for the first time on the shoreline. So this is how humans move about everyday? Scaramouche figured that being able to zip around beneath the waves was much more efficient, but he would have to get used to these legs for a while if he was hoping to meet you again.
Despite having a human lower half, that didn't change the fact he still retained most of his sirenic features. And of course that was bound to be a nuisance. And a nuisance it was as Scaramouche found himself being persued by a group of hunters who only saw him as a walking money bag. He barely managed to get away, ducking into a dark alley way as they ran straight past.
Coincidentally, the building also happened to be the same seaside inn he saw you staying at. Scaramouche glanced up and saw the an open window illuminated by the glow of a lantern that no doubt lead to your room.
The last thing you were expecting as you curled up on your bed, reading a book peacefully, was to see someone climbing through your window with a grin on his face which showcased rows of sharp teeth. It didn't take long for his identity to click in your mind though as your eyes widened, slowly placing down your book as you sat up, "Scaramouche...?"
His smiled seemed to widen at your recognition as he wasted no time in crawling onto your bed, hastily pinning you down with his body. He leaned down, licking the shell of your ear sensually as he whispered,"Yes, my little captain. It's me, surprised? I knew you'd be. I went through quite a bit of trouble to get you, so I don't suppose you'll let me reward myself a bit now, do you?" Scaramouche's eager hands fiddled with the hem of your pants, already hooking his fingers around the waistband to pull them down.
You blushed at his forwardness, still in slight shock that the siren who was supposed to be sea-bound was now pinning you to your bed and begging for your pussy. But you weren't complaining but the urge to tease him for his eagerness was too strong,"Oh— Not even a hello..? You know, it's pretty rude to just climb through one's windows without notice," Scaramouche chuckled at that, bringing up a hand to grab your face, nails digging into the soft skin as he spoke in a tone that contrasted his deathly grip,"Trying to tease me now, are you? It's all fun and games till I'm the one teasing you with the thought of cumming. Is that what you want? For me to edge you till you cry?"
Your answer didn't really matter to him, all his mind was focused on was getting to put his dick in your pussy. Before you could get another word out, he used his nails to slice away your pants and underwear, leaving them in shreds as your folds glistened in all their glory. His pupils narrowed at the sight, red splashing his cheeks as he looked up to meet your embarrassed face,"So you wanted to 'take it slow' while you're practically dripping for my cock. Ironic, isn't it?"
Scaramouche dragged his index along your slit, gathering your slick before bringing it up for you to see. The way he was taunting you about your own arousal made you bite your lip as you shifted uncomfortably, hands fisting the sheets. The siren revelled in your movement, it was like holding the little fish he would catch and eat for dinner, so wriggly and desperate.
Without warning, he pushed two fingers inside you, knuckle deep before pumping them in and out at a steady pace. You inhaled sharply, face heating up,"Scara—!" "Mm.. Yes, my little captain, say my name like that.." His fingers worked their way inside of you, occasionally doing scissor motions to try and loosen you up in preparation for taking his cock. When he decided that he'd done enough prep, he removed his fingers from your gaping hole, watching it clench around nothing as you attempted to protest.
A hand covered your mouth to silence you before you suddenly feel a stinging burn in your lower half as he penetrates you, bottoming out immediately. He groaned as your walls clenched around him, he'd never felt anything like it before. And he wants more, he wants to feel your walls convulse around him forever. Scaramouche holds your hip with one hand, the other moving from your mouth to push down on your chest as he thrusts into you, albeit a bit sloppy at first but eventually picking up a pace, going deep and hard.
Your breath struggles to stay even as you grab his shoulders to stabilize yourself. Each roll of his hips against yours sends you to heaven and back, the room filling with the sounds of your moans and skin on skin. Your orgasm is inevitable, and you let him know through gasps and cries for more,"Ahn...! C-cumming—! Nngh..—!" Scaramouche's grip on your hips tightened as he heard that, fins twitching with anticipation as he muttered huskily,"Do it. I wanna watch you come undone on my cock.."
He didn't need to repeat himself as you felt the knot in your stomach snap, cunt clenching around him one last time before coating the base of his length with a creamy white ring. The look of utter bliss on your face as you came made him come too, pace faltering as he buried his load inside of you. When his thrusts finally came to a stop, he let himself collapse on top of you, nuzzling the crook of your neck as he engulfed you with his arms.
Scaramouche didn't bother to pull out, preferring to just lay there with you as you both panted heavily, basking in the aftermath of your actions. Your body twitched, thighs trembling as you take a few minutes to process what just happened. His seed is still hot inside you, making your lower half feel warm,"That..that was amazing.." You managed to whisper, a low hum coming from him in response.
You felt a combination of his tongue licking and teeth nibbling a fold of skin on your neck, his face flushing as he tasted the salty tinge of your sweat,"Mhm...It's worth taking the risk to see you. I'll be doing that more often from now on.."
"So expect a lot of surprise visits from me. Maybe I'll even bother saying 'hi' this time.."
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finelinevogue · 2 years ago
paparazzi nerves
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summary - you get nervous around the paps
word count: >1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
You noticed the paparazzi before anyone else did
It had been easy keeping your holiday location a secret from fans, but somehow the paparazzi always seemed to be able to find you.
Harry’s tour had finished only days ago and now you were spending time together, relaxing and having fun. It had been hard to really dedicate time to one another when Harry had been touring every other day, but now it was time for rest.
Harry had rented a couple of small boats to drive over to a little island he had read about in one of his Italian travel books.
Now you were all arriving and soaking up the glorious sunshine, only to be rudely interrupted by the faraway lenses of the paparazzi.
Harry was on another boat, talking to James and Tyler, whilst you remained on a different boat with Gemma.
You and Gemma weren’t the biggest fans of the sun and the heat, so any opportunity to sit in the shade was taken instantly.
Gemma was sat in her pink dungarees, whilst you were sat in your yellow summers dress. The one that Harry said made you look like a summers dream.
As Gemma continued to read, you kept getting distracted by the paparazzi on a boat in the distance.
You’d never been one to really acclimatise to the constant clicking of photos. No doubt they would be focused on taking photos of Harry - especially when he’s sitting there shirtless, but part of you still remained uneasy.
“I might go and see if there’s a toilet nearby.” Gemma said, standing up and rocking the boat slightly.
You nodded, standing up too.
“I’ll go over there.” You pointed to where Harry was. “Just so I’m not alone.”
Gemma wandered to the front of the boat, but before she can clamber out Harry has made his way over and is now standing at shin length in the sea.
“Y’alright Gem?” He asked and you couldn’t help but smile at how much of a gentleman he was. Always keen to help out and lend a hand.
He offered his hand for Gemma to hold and step out of the boat, which she took gladly.
“Yeah. Just going to the loo. Your missus needs company, though.”
“Oh does she now?” He turned to look at you once Gemma was out safely. He smiled brightly at you, checking you over and admiring how much you were glowing in the Italian sun.
Gemma kissed Harry on the cheeks before leaving.
Harry then jumped the boat and you bit your lip to hide a laugh when he nearly lost his footing. The idiot was trying to show off, not that he had to for you.
“Y’need me, do you?” he asked, walking over to you where you were still standing in the shade.
“Didn’t want to be sat here like a loner. I’d have been like that one photo of Taylor where she’s sat on the back of a boat by herself.”
Harry laughed at that, finding his arms wrapping around you to pull you in for a hug. He squeezed tight and you sighed into his warm chest. His hugs were always the best. Like your own personal teddy bear.
“Never would let you feel lonely, baby.” He kissed your head.
“I know.” Your lips kissed his chest as you spoke, due to how smushed against him you were. “Have you put suncream on?”
“Yes.” Harry whined.
“Oi, I’m just making sure you still look appealing when we’re older and not some wrinkly ball sack.” You explained, making Harry laugh again.
“Is that all I’m here for? Huh? Appeal for you?”
You tilted your head back to face up at him. “I thought you knew that already.”
Harry squinted his eyes and shook his head at you playfully.
What’s worse is that he brought his large hand down to your bum and gave it a pinch through your dress. The moment only lasted a second, but it was enough for you to step away and push him off of you.
“Harry, don’t.” You said sternly.
Harry knew you meant it too, because you used his actual name and not some other endearment.
“Hey, baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He said.
You sat down where you had been sitting before and huffed. You ran your hands over your face and tried to breathe slowly.
“No, i’m sorry.” You shook your head.
“What for?” Harry was confused. He sat down next to you, but made sure you had your own space until he knew what he was in for.
“I noticed the paparazzi here before and now I’m just paranoid. I mean, y’know I don’t deal well with them.”
Harry looked around you and only then noticed the small boat of about five photographers. Luckily he was wearing sunglasses to hide his dark stare, but he was severely pissed that they were here. Invading his private time.
What’s worse is that they were making his girlfriend uncomfortable.
“Hey, look at me. Y/N, honey. C’mere.” He twisted your legs to dangle over his and moved your body so that your back was to the paparazzi. “I’m here. Just us.”
You looked at him and noticed how he was only focused on you. You reached to move his sunglasses and pulled them down for a second to look at his eyes. His pupils were dilated slightly with the look of love he had for you. You pushed his glasses back up and settled in closer next to him.
“Just us.” You nodded.
Even though it wasn’t just you and the paparazzi would be taking photos of this moment no doubt, including the one of Harry pinching your bum, it was settling to know that Harry was here and he was doing this with you.
“Screw them. If I want to touch my girlfriend in public, I will.” You gave him a look. “W-with consent of course.”
You laughed then. “Harry I don’t care when, how, why you touch me. I.. I just… Let me know beforehand if we’re in public settings or if the paps are around. Please?”
“Promise.” He nodded seriously.
“Love you.” You reached for his hand and held onto one of his fingers with your entire hand. His hands are massive compared to yours - something the fans are always pointing out and crying over.
“Love you too.” He encompassed your hand with his and rubbed small circles into the back of your hand.
“Can y’kiss me now?”
“Never going to say no.”
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lietogirlsss · 1 year ago
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neteyam x fem!metkayina reader
✧ summary : a certain sully boy can't admit he's smitten by one of the daughters of the olo'eyktan, but why would he? he's calculated and discerning and she's everything he wished he was.
✧ warnings : swearing (that's pretty much it LMAO)
✧ author's note : neteyam's 15, reader is older than tsireya by a year or so, some much needed lo'ak and neteyam brotherly bonding (after the trauma inducing hellscape that was atwow), lo'ak talking like a regular teenage boy, and in honor of it being December again, may i present to you, a neteyam fic that has been rotting in my drafts since April 🤩
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A gravelly groan escapes your lips as your hands managed to shield your face, almost to hide yourself from the undisputable truth that you, along with your sister Tsireya, and your older brother Ao'nung had been roped into the evident mess that was to teach the children of Toruk Makto the ways of the Metkayina.
You weren't as prejudiced as Ao'nung, sneering at the Sully children whenever he'd run into them, so meticulously influenced by your mother's dislike towards Skypeople, let alone the Omaticaya.
You weren't as welcoming as your younger sister, who had greeted them with big grins that only further accentuated her dimples and her devout willingness to help Toruk Makto's family in any way she could. While you had resorted to mirthless smiles and polite nods whenever you'd come across one of them, it was unnatural, yes, Ao'nung was quite unfair with his treatment towards them, yes, but Tsireya's overall cheer and joviality was something you could not for the life of you reciprocate.
You were fine with them being here, although you couldn't say the same for most of your people.
The only real thorn in your side was the oldest.
Oh how your blood boiled whenever you'd spot him in the crowd. Always so eager to help, so eager to please, so perfect, so good, it made you want to punch the living daylights out of him... Well, only slightly, that may be an exaggeration. Your hate for him might be particularly irrational but valid in all the worst ways.
"Can't you tell them I've been bitten by something?"
"No." Tsireya snorts.
"I've slipped collecting coconuts and dislocated my ankle."
"Stop moving so much sister, or I will mess up your hair." Tsireya says. "You are lucky I am doing you this favor."
It was like he was so anxious about keeping up the golden boy facade, what a show off, you thought. Going out of his way to help any way he could, helping carry baskets of dried fish across the village, pushing heavy boats off to sea, weaving baskets, seeing to the ilus, even the tsuraks at one point. It infuriated you. What did he had to gain?
If there was one thing you despised, it was try-hards.
And Neteyam Sully was the bane of your existence.
"Oh!" You had exclaimed, snapping your fingers. "You can tell them I have fallen off my ilu and got ripped apart by an akula!"
Tsireya laughed. "Yes, like they would believe me."
With another scoff, you stare st your sister through the mirror, so engrossed in the braiding technique you'd requested for her to do on your hair. "I don't see why you're bringing me into your affairs sister, it is clear as day you only want to help out the Forest People because you like the way that boy kept looking at you yesterday."
Tsireya tugs at your half-finished braid, making you swear and rub at your head, bringing Tsireya some amusement out of this. "Now, be quiet, be still, let me do my job."
With a sour mood, you allow Tsireya to thread the shells you requested she put in, sitting up straighter. "Your job in being an absolute nag?"
Tsireya sighs again, feeling her slump in frustration behind you. "Do you think it is so easy a job for me to constantly deal with your attitude? You're older than me, it is exhausting!"
A smirk comes to your face as Tsireya knots your braid off. "Don't worry, all your efforts will be seen by Eywa, she might even make the boy tell you your hair looks nice today."
"Enough, Y/N." Tsireya says, standing up from her seat.
You stood as well, hooking your arm around Tsireya's as you left your pod. "Oh let me have my fun."
A dozen morbid thoughts suddenly flood Tsireya's mind. "If we do that I am afraid there will be nothing left of Awa'atlu when you are finished."
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When you arrive, you immediately spot both the brothers sitting on the edge of the woven platform, their long legs dangling just above the water. They looked to be so immersed in a conversation that neither of them noticed you or Tsireya approach them, only when they were about 4 feet apart was when you clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
"Oh great mother, is it just the two of you?" Says you, making both the boys stand up like springs.
"No, our sisters are coming, they aren't exactly good at being early to things." says the younger one, his eyes flicking to Tsireya every now and then, making you dizzy trying to hold eye contact with the boy.
"Hey, Tsireya." He finally says, nodding at her sister who laughs again. It took everything in you not to start dry-heaving in front of them.
"Why do you sound so disappointed?" Neteyam wonders, another smirk playing at his thin lips as he looks at you.
Your forehead creases. "I am nothing of the sort, what about you? What has gotten you so chipper?"
"Nothing all that special, really." He replied, not even convincing himself.
You heftily exhaled through your nose, moving away from the group and walking up on the platform, taking one of the seaweed bands on your arm to bunch your hair up just to get it out of your face. Once you'd pull your hair through the band the final time, you turned around just to see Neteyam's head turn away, almost like it was a chain reaction.
You placed your hands over the dip of your hips, facing the odd group. "Now, where has our dear brother wandered off to? It's almost noon and he is nowhere in sight."
This makes the rest of them look around for Ao'nung, even the two brothers who you'd assumed wanted nothing to do with him after your brother had showed his blatant contempt towards them after he'd ridiculed them during their arrival.
"He must still be with Rotxo and the others, we must be patient." says Tsireya.
Your mind remained closed, throwing your hands up in the air only for them to land on her hips with a thwack. "We both know Ao'nung does not move like the tide, he is too stubborn, too hard in the head ." you found yourself saying, prodding a finger at your forehead.
"Patience, sister." Tsireya admonishes calmly, making her way towards you as you placed your hands on the identation of your woven skirt. "We must not rush things, we allow things to come to us at their own pace."
"Alright, alright." you tell her half-heartedly.
"Hey! Sorry, are we late?"
You turn her head to spot the two Sully sisters jogging up to the beach, the youngest out of all of them went straight for Neteyam, watching as he scooped her up with no hesitation. "Where in Eywa's name were you two?" Neteyam wonders, eyeing his sisters curiously.
The older girl rolled her eyes, pointing her chin at the youngest. "Couldn't decide on which skirt she wanted to wear."
The little girl pouts. "I didn't know which one I wanted!" She protested, her ears drooping down.
"She had two to choose from." the older sister groaned. Eyes finding yours as her grin widens, you chuckle to yourselves, having sisters was never a dull moment.
You two had bonded over that when you first helped her with her chores, although she seemed reluctant at first she accepted. Neither of you got anything done as you both found that snacking on dried seaweed and exchanging stories about your lives proved to be more fun.
"Maybe he isn't coming." says Neteyam's younger brother, subtly inching towards Tsireya while keeping everyone under the impression that he was trying to find Ao'nung just like she was, but in truth, all he wanted was to stand beside her. Tsireya didn't pick up on it at all, being the oblivious person she was, but Neteyam did, quietly chuckling to himself as he puts Tuk down, watching as she sprints towards the sand at full speed.
You shook your head at the sound of Tsireya's giggles and walks off the diving platform as well, making your way towards the beach to stretch your legs, walking along the coastline trying to kill time. That is until something tugs at your skirt, you turned around to see who it was but then looks down to see Neteyam's youngest sister, proudly holding a small conch shell in her hands, beaming up at you.
"They look just like the ones in your hair!" She exclaimed, a gigantic grin spreading across her face as you crouched to her level, taking the shell from her hands to study it. "It's a light purple, you don't have any purple shells yet."
"You're right, I don't have any purple shells in my hair yet do I?" You say in genuine amazement, holding it up against the sun, feeling the little girl scoot closer to you, but the shell had suddenly started to sprout 6 legs and you dropped it, startled by the animal and by the little girl's scream, you watch as it scurries back into the water, gone forever.
You turned back to the little girl who was visibly upset, another frown slowly forming on her face before you placed your hands on the little girl's shoulders. "Hey, we'll find another one around here somewhere, don't be upset."
She huffed, her shoulders rising and falling. "I didn't know there was something inside it, I really didn't."
You shook your head. "Neither did I, we both didn't know." you assured the younger girl, cupping her round face as her frown slowly started to shift into a smile. "Look, if we need to do this properly and find shells for my hair, I'm gunna need to know your name."
"Tuk!" She says. "My name's Tuk!"
"It's very nice to meet you Tuk."
"Really?" She giggled as you nodded. "What about you? What's your name?"
You beckoned her closer with a simple gesture of your fingers as you whispered your name into her ear.
"You've got a very pretty name." Tuk whispers as well, hiding her face behind her hands as she giggled.
"So do you." You had whispered all the same.
Tuk then looks back at the diving platform, and then back at you. "Y'know I think my brother is staring at you."
"Oh yeah? Why do you think that is so?"
The little girl scratches her head. "I don't know, he only stares at things he thinks looks nice or looks weird."
You grinned. "Does your brother think I look nice or weird?"
Tuk blinks. "I don't think you look weird"
"Would he think that?" Ka'leia emphasized.
"Probably" Tuk replies honestly, looking back at the diving platform again. "Why else does he keep staring at you?"
It made you think, it made your mind spiral into the bottomless void of memories in which you had caught a pair of warm amber eyes catch yours, and every time you did it made your heart stutter, however unfortunate it may be. "I'm not so sure either."
"Neteyam's weird." Tuk deduced.
You snort. "Yeah, he's weird"
Silence settles between you, but not for long as Tuk takes your hand and pulls you up. "Can we go and find shells now? Then we can put them in your hair! Then you'll look pretty!"
"Am I not pretty now?"
"No, not really." says Tuk, swinging your interlocked arms back and forth as her wide eyes scanned the sand.
"No?" You wonder almost scandalised, "alright. " you nod.
You and Tuk spent a good couple of minutes digging holes on the beach to fish out the shells that had been buried underneath the sand, conch shells, shards of shells, fossils, rocks, bits and pieces of coral, if it was pretty enough for Tuk's standards she's adding it to her pile.
5 minutes later you're following her around with an armful of tiny shells, half the beach full of holes from Tuk and her makeshift shovel that had originally been a branch, with her screaming in delight when she's spotted another one, hurriedly running to you to add it in with the rest.
Lo'ak abruptly places his hands on Neteyam's shoulders, purposefully trying to scare him but Neteyam does not flinch at all. "Yo bro, you got a staring problem or something?" He wonders in English, stepping beside Neteyam to look out into the beach too.
"You done flirting with Tsireya?" Neteyam shot back.
Lo'ak huffed. "Pfft, me? Tsireya?"
"I know your tell, your tail's a dead giveaway."
Lo'ak laughs, punching Neteyam's shoulder, finally making the older boy turn to face him. "Yo! Shut your ass up!"
Neteyam chuckles. "No one else here understands English bro, we're fine!"
Lo'ak shook his head. "I'm not worried about the Metkayina, I'm worried about that devil right there." He says, pointing at the beach.
Neteyam looks at the direction where Lo'ak was pointing. "Who? Tuk?
"She's got spot on hearing, incredible memory," Lo'ak listed. "If I'd have known how much of a tattletail she'd be I'd have abandoned her in the forest when she was a baby."
Neteyam frowns, laughing. "Yes, and when I'd get home I'd find your extra finger in my stew."
Lo'ak grimaces, almost gagging as Neteyam wiggles one of his fingers at him. "Disgusting!"
Neteyam cackles loudly, watching as Lo'ak covered his mouth. "You're overreacting!" He tells him.
"Nah bro, you don't get to fill my mind with those kinda thoughts." Lo'ak says.
Neteyam places a hand on his back. "Face it baby bro, i'm in your head."
Lo'ak pushes it away, chuckling. "Lay off!"
"Will you two ever go a day without fighting eachother?" Kiri asks, giving them a look.
"Not sure," says Lo'ak. "But I wouldn't hold my breath."
Kiri rolled her eyes and Lo'ak turns to Neteyam again. "If Ao'nung isn't coming then we might as well fetch him, if you catch my drift."
Neteyam shakes his head, his braids swishing from side to side. "No, we will do no such thing."
Lo'ak half shrugs, already moving away. "Fine, if you won't then I will."
Neteyam grabs his arm, stopping his brother in his tracks. "Hey, what did dad say?"
He pretends to think. "Not sure, something about you being the next poster boy of the clan?"
Neteyam flicks a finger on Lo'ak's forehead, making the younger boy hiss. "No, you skxawng, he wants us to be on our best behavior, and I don't want to be stopping you from pulling another shitty stunt that'll get you in trouble."
"Fine," Lo'ak says. "I'll go check up on Tuk." He tells Neteyam unconvincingly, scratching the side of his head. "What's up with you and wanting to stay on the beach?"
Neteyam's jaw tightens. "There's nothing that's keeping me here except my promise to dad."
"Uh-huh" Lo'ak nods, eyes flicking to you and Tuk. "Nothing or no one?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Lo'ak frowns, pretending he understood. "She's pretty hot."
Neteyam pays him no mind, only scoffing.
"She still avoiding you?" Lo'ak asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yes, and I can't seem to find the reason why." Neteyam huffed.
Lo'ak snickers. "Maybe it's cuz you're coming off a little too strong."
"I don't know how else I can get her to talk to me without her insulting every fibre of my being or making up some excuse to leave, I've tried everything." He replies desperately, causing Lo'ak's eyes to go wide, a whistle leaving his mouth. "Damn that bad??? What the hell did you do to her to make you hate her this much?"
Neteyam rakes his face with dread. "I don't know baby bro, but you have no idea what I would do to find out the reason why."
His brother was too down-bad to be saved, Lo'ak knew that much, looking across the beach as he studies you with his little sister. Neteyam looks at his brother, his eyes seemingly trained on you as it flicks up and down, he slaps his brother's arm. "It's rude to stare."
"Yeah, go tell that to them." Says Lo'ak, pointing at a handful of Metkayin boys passing by, giving you stolen glances as they talked amongst themselves, chuckling and hooting.
Neteyam's eyes narrow into slits. "They're irrelevant, we must not let ourselves become like them."
Lo'ak glances at him, clearly unconvinced. "Yeah, okay, so stop looking."
"Fine, I won't." Neteyam replies quickly, watching Lo'ak turn around and walk to the edge of the platform. But he dosen't stop looking, he hated himself for it for it and the way that it was practically eating himself alive.
Wasn't it such a simple task? To turn his head around and look somewhere else? Well it should be, but Neteyam couldn't bring himself to pry his eyes away from you, you, oh Eywa. Your eyes were the colour of the sea, your hair shiny and black, your smile making his stomach twist itself into knots, your laugh making shivers run up his back, the way you dressed alone would make people turn heads, but your attitude was what drew Neteyam in.
You didn't feel the need to keep up this respectful facade, treat him like a guest because it was expected of you as the daughter of the Olo'eyktan, no, you treated him the way you thought of him.
You were rude, you were impolite, and you were blunt, because you didn't like him. You didn't feel inclined to tolerate him just like what was expected of you. He wished he was that brave.
"'Teyam! 'Teyam look what I got!" Tuk squealed as the pair of you walked up the diving platform carrying mountains of shells on your palms. "Y/N told me she and 'Reya could put these in my hair after diving lessons! Isn't that cool?!?"
"Oh Tuk, you didn't force her into braiding your hair did you?"
Tuk looks back at you for moral support. "But she said she would-"
"-Neteyam let her be, if she wants me to braid her hair then I'd be happy to" you had jumped in, siding with Tuk whose ears flicked upwards at her statement. "I hope it isn't too infuriating that I favour your sisters over you."
Neteyam wanted to scoff, but instead stifles it with a tight smile. "Nonsense, my sisters have that effect on everyone" He tells her, looking at Tuk. "Don't you?"
Tuk simply gives him a giggle, a swift nod, and then runs to Kiri, shouting her name over and over again before the older girl groans in acknowledgement. "Here," you say, handing him a conch shell with yellow and brown patterns ruminating on its surface.
"What's this for?" He wonders.
"Your sister practically dug up the entire beach, you deserve at least one." you chuckled.
Oh. He stares at the shell in your hands, then looks back at your face. "If I take this does this mean we'll be friends?" He asks, a sly smile breaking on his face.
"Oh you wish," You reply, smirking as you narrow your eyss at the boy. "Taking this won't change anything."
"Yes it does," He replies as a matter of factly. "this is the longest conversation we've ever had without you leaving or insulting me."
"No it dosen't," You shook your head, insistent. "I'll still hate you after this."
He hums. "I think I can live with that," He smiled. "I did get a gift from the daughter of the Olo'eyktan after all." He laughs when he hears you scoff.
You leave right after he takes it and right before he could say thank you. Walking off to find a basket to store more of Tuk's shells in.
Neteyam looks at the shell in his hands, about 2 and a half inches long, smooth, shiny, perfect, it was perfect. He loves it. He closes his fist, a smile breaking on his face before he could even relent it, a light purple tinting his cheeks as he places the shell in one of his pockets.
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years ago
everything i loved about "the little mermaid" live action
Ariel's melody being her siren song!! that little new bit of lore!! i also really liked that it added more depth as to why Ursula wanted her voice in exchange for her becoming human
the way Ariel became almost angry during the bridge of "Part of Your World", she was so frustrated that she couldn't do the things she was dreaming about, like YES let her be mad!!
full body chills during "Part of Your World" + the first reprise
Ariel helping Max onto the boat 😭😭😭
I've mentioned this before, but Ariel hearing Eric's voice before seeing him!!! hearing him sing before seeing him!!! agh!!!!
Eric holding Ariel's hand on the shore after she rescues him 😭
the detail put into each of Ariel's sisters was so stunning, i'm so excited to read more about them in the books! i loved that they each had their own specific vibe
"For the First Time" being a voice over, as Ariel's thoughts, and then the scene shifting to complete darkness except for her to represent us being in her head and hearing her thoughts, and the way it gets cut off when she realizes she can't say "hello" to Eric? i cried
The Jodi Benson cameo and her giving Halle!Ariel the fork 😭 literally her passing on the mantel of Ariel 😭😭
Eric and Ariel being total nerds with each other??
The way Ariel "told" Eric her name using the constellations???? and him saying it was written in the stars???? hello????
Also Eric saying "my little mermaid" made me so soft wtf
Eric and Ariel running around and giggling in the castle and being the definition of puppy love like they're so goofy and in love i adore them
the "Part of Your World" reprise after Ariel sees Eric with Vanessa shattered my heart, the MOST heartbreaking song
Grimsby kicking the ring away after it falls near him, my man knew exactly what was going on, he's known Ariel for three days and is already a ride or die
just Ariel and Eric holding each other so tightly after she gets her voice back, and Eric refusing to let her go until Ursula literally has to throw him away
i like that they added a chunk of time passing between Ursula's death and Eric and Ariel reuniting, it added a little extra drama and emotion when they finally saw each other again!
listen i'm an absolute sucker for a "hug before kiss" reunion and i was SO happy that Eric and Ariel had that, it fit them and their relationship perfectly, the way Eric just clung to her, and Ariel's happy smile as she hugged him back 😭
The mermaid statue and the dress representing the land vs. the sea???? and both returning back to where they're supposed to be but having new meanings????
Ariel's wedding dress being pink to (probably) pay homage to her pink ballgown in the animated movie was such a good touch, and i loved the length!!
Triton and Ariel's goodbye, where he says "you shouldn't have had to give up your voice for me to hear you"???? hello my father issues jumped tf out and had me sobbing in the theater
literally the entire movie was so beautiful, i could talk about it for hours, this is the best live action remake honestly, and Eric and Ariel (specifically the live action version obvi) have moved up to become my favorite Disney Princess/Prince pairing, just behind Belle and Adam (bc let's be honest, nothing can top them)
@queen-with-the-quill bc i know you're seeing it soon! more things i forgot to tell you lol
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rose-petal123 · 8 months ago
love love LOVE the shells and tides au and all the designs you have been putting out for ittt waahh… definitely it is on my list of things to draw at some point …. :>
in your king post though you mention the au being no time loops. for my own curiosity, IS there a plot you have in mind? or general story? 👀 or anything ur willing to share?? vv interested…
Hello yes! I do kind of have a storyline of sorts! Mostly basic background info on what the au is about etc.
Mirabelle quite literally found Siffrin hiding under a rock! They are extremely unfamiliar with waters outside of where they come from. They don't know surface customs etc, So Mirabelle teaches them the primary language! Though being merfolk they also can communicate with little whistles and clicks etc. Mirabelle teaches Siffrin a lot about what places are safe etc. The two are basically inseparable until Mira is comfortable with Siffrin swimming off on their own and not getting themself into trouble!
Mirabelle and Siffrin live in a sunken ship together! They both like to collect any trinkets and shells they find! Nille and Bonnie are friends of theirs! (They live in a nearby underwater cave)
When Siffrin is in the middle of becoming fluent in vaugardian, they notice a boat above! Mirabelle explains the concept of humans to them and such. Siffrin, being a curious little fella swims up there and discovers Odile, who's a pirate captain, and Isabeau! Along with the rest of their crew. Siffrin, who likes giving gifts like shells to his friends, starts leaving shells for the crew in attempt to make friends with them. Isabeau starts collecting the shells because Ooo pretty!!
One day Isabeau catches Siffrin putting shells on the deck. They make awkward eye contact with each other and then Sif swims off. Isabeau tells Odile about what he saw, and against Odile's warnings about Sirens, Isabeau decides he's going to try to befriend Siffrin! (Which is very successful)
Isabeau definitely helped in Siffrin's ability to speak fluently. They tend to exchange gifts with each other!
I don't want to make this post ridiculously long so that's what I'll give you for now along with these last couple points of info,
Siffrin introduces Mira to Isa, they become friends
Odile finds out about Isa befriending merfolk and hesitantly over time warms up to them as well.
Odile tells Mirabelle and Siffrin lots of stories! She'll read books to Mirabelle
Siffrin lost their eye protecting Bonnie from a smaller sea monster. Nille killed said sea monster
Mirabelle was given a starfish from Siffrin as a sign of their friendship! Sif has one too! Siffrin also made the bracelet Isabeau has ❤️
Nille found Loop, known as Sandy, while gathering sea urchins with Sif and Bonnie! (I plan to make a mini comic page with this.)
Yes that's right. I made Loop a sassy albino sea urchin named Sandy that can talk. They sit on a crate in the sunken ship and make fun of and or give advice to Mira and Sif.
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alexa-yukiyu · 1 month ago
So this is going to be oddly specific, so pleasssse bear with me.
Sanji x Platonic!mer
Sanji and Zeff had found/rescued a very young mermaid, and ever since, theyve done their best to try and raise her near the Baratie (shes not one of the mermaids that can go between legs and tail). Sanji always goes down to the docks by the Baratie, visiting her before/after closing, bringing her food, talking with her, etc. In return, she brings him and Zeff ingredients from the sea. Shes 14 -15ish now, and still quite curious, but not bubbly.
Could I have a oneshot about them? Ill list a couple prompts in case you get stuck, but do whatever you want!
Just what a normal day looks like for them
The conversation he has with her when he decides he is going to join the Strawhats
A close call with a hunter
Thank you, but no pressure to write this one if youre uncomfortable or dont want to!
Have a good day <3
Thank you for visiting the confectionary! Here is your Monster Cookie Bar with Marshmallows
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Fintastic Begginings Ft Sanji and Zeff
A/N Okay first of all sorry this aint’t really the greatest work, I think it’s jumping all over the place with timeskips not done correctly but hey! Just like promised I finished it 👊🏼
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stabds for reader in japanese for the enjoyment of both reader and oc character readers.
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The Baratie sailed on, the vessel gently riding the waves of the East Blue. It was a tranquil day, perfect for smooth sailing. The people aboard the ship could agree as gentle chatter and laughter rang around the dining halls, with the harmonic sounds of chopping and sizzling food echoed in the kitchen. Yes, everything was tranquil. Everyone was enjoying such a day—except one blond boy, it seemed.
“Ugh! That old man doesn’t know what he’s talking about!” The child yelled as he bolted out the door, slamming it behind him as he stomped his way to the deck.
“Always the same boorish recipes! He’s a damn caveman!” He groaned out, kicking at a small piece of debris that had fallen on the deck, following its path as it rolled down the platform and into the sea; it wasn’t this that took his attention, however, as hanging into the pier of the boat was a smaller child, face masked in pain as she struggled to hold on.
“H-Hey!” he cried, running towards the girl, dropping to the ground as he pulled her to the deck. His words escaped him as, rather than legs coming out of the water; a large tail followed as he pulled her out.
“I-It hurts,” she cried, gesturing to her tail. At this, Sanji broke out from his trance at her cries and took in the sight of her tail or what was left of it. Alarmed at the situation and fearing for her life, he took no time to lift her into his arms, hauling her into the baratie’s dining room as he cried for help.
The next hour passed in a blur in his young mind. Struggling to piece in what had just happened, he could only recall the sight of the old man running to meet his pleas for help, taking the girl into his own arms as he ran into the kitchen. Sanji hurried after him. He placed the girl on one of the counters, and the pirate tended to her until she was stabilized.
“What happened to her?” Sanji questioned, looking up at her
“Fish Rot,” Zeff muttered as he applied a mixture of herbs and ingredients to her shredded fins.
“What are you putting on her?”
“An old sailer’s remedy for infections out at sea, the honey and garlic in it will help her fight the bacterial infection that’s causing her fins to erode. The Oregano-” he started putting aside the concoction he had prepared as he placed his hand on the girl’s face, frowning at the heat emitting from it.
“You put Oregano on her?! What is wrong with you?!”
“What are you on about?” the chef growled, annoyed at the sudden hollering coming from the ten-year-old
“The oregano will strengthen her immune system and allow her to fight it off”
"It’s for savages. How could you use it on her?!” he cried, horrified.
“Shut up and go do something useful! Empty one of the tanks in the kitchen,” he yelled, sending Sanji flying out of the room with a swift kick.
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Dokucha groaned, opening her eyes only to shut them again as the light overwhelmed her eyes, blinking to clear her vision, her confusion growing as she pushed herself to the top of the aquarium, head peaking out of the tank.
“You’re awake!” A voice cut in; looking down, she easily found the source to be coming from a blond boy who sent her a grin that she mirrored with her own smile
“Where am I?” she questioned as she looked around in awe at the bustling kitchen.
“You’re in the Baratie!”
“What’s a Baratie?”
"it's a restauraunt!"
“You’re going to cook me?!” She wailed terrified
It had been a few months since those events had occurred; during that time due to the state of her tail she was unable to hold herself in the water much less swim against the strong currents of the sea, and had to remain on the aquarium that Zeff had provided to her; despite the small size of her temporary home, she didn't mind as the staff aboard the ship constantly kept her company.
She never had a dull moment with Sanji; he constantly kept her entertained for hours on end as he talked to her about anything and everything he could come up with, usually his ideas on new recipes or the repulsion he felt towards some existing dishes. Although the chef would deny it and scratch it off as having to work near that area, Zeff also kept her company, watching out for her her and ensuring her conditioned did not worsen. Despite this, it did not make her eventual return to sea any less exciting, jumping over the waves in glee as she could finally use her tail again. She remembered the Captain’s grumbling of ‘Do what you want’ when she stubbornly insisted on following the Baratie.
“What is that?” Dokucha questioned, as her crossed arms lay on the platform of the Baratie, her head placed lazily above them
“Oh, it’s my notebook. I’m trying to make a new recipe, but I don’t think I will be able to find the ingredients any time soon,” he sighed, sitting next to the mermaid, his feet absentmindedly kicking the water beneath him.
"What are you missing?” She called, trying to glance at the paper on his hands
“It’s a type of algae,” he replied as he flipped the paper around, showing the mermaid a rough sketch of said ingredient.
“Oh! That’s sea truffles!” She beamed as she dived back into the water, ignoring Sanji's confused shouts as she disappeared beneath the water.
“She must have gone exploring...” Sanji muttered, preparing himself to retire for the day as his waiting had reached the hour mark, only to let out a small squeak in surprise as Dokucha shot out from the water
“I’m Sorry! I didn’t know how much you needed, and I wanted to get enough for you.” She apologized as she shoved a small bundle of wiry bushes into the hands of a still-stunned Sanji.
“Y-You found it?” He gaped, glancing from the algae to the nodding girl
“I can finally finish the recipe..” he called as an excited smile broke on his face.
“Ne, can I try it then? Your food is always so yummy, Sanji-nii!” She gleamed with a mouth-watering grin as she thought back on all the past recipes he had allowed her to taste.
“Yeah! You will be the first one to taste it!”
“Promise?” she asked, extending her pinky finger to him, which he happily wrapped around his own
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“You came back! And you brought it!” She cheered, watching as Sanji jogged his way to her, a small dish on his hands as he crouched next to her
“I promised I would!” he called with a laugh, offering the dish to her, watching as she happily dug in, a squeal escaping her as the taste settled on her tongue.
“It’s so yummy!!!” she exclaimed as she made quick work of the dish, a pleased look on her face.
"Thank you Sanji-nii!" She yelled, wrapping her smaller hands around his neck in a sudden show of affection.
“W-Wait, Dokuch-” He started only to stop as the sudden embrace caused him to lose his footing, falling face-first into the water, sputtering and gasping as he righted himself.
“Ah, sorry,” she called, letting out a giggle, quickly growing into a cackle; Sanji following short after
“I couldn't do it without you; the algae are pretty rare, so I was about to toss the recipe.” He grinned as he, too, beamed in excitement
“Here you are, little eggplant, slacking off,” Zeff’s gruff voice called as he made his way to the two.
“What did you say, old man?!” Sanji piped up, annoyance quickly feeling him
“Has the water clogged your ears?” The man called with a frown
“Come at me then, you old fart!”
“Don’t Fight!” Dokucha boomed, using her power to send a splash to both men in an attempt to halt the growing argument between the two
“I don’t like it when you two fight,” she muttered nervously as she caught the glare of the head chef
“S-Sorry, Dad,” She apologized, tilting her head confused as the man paused at her words
“Dad?” she called concerned.
“You’re on berthing duty for a week,” he ordered. Although his words had a bite to them, a watchful eye could have detected the softening in his tone and stance after the young girl’s words.
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What do you think? I’m not sure about it
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fizzyapplecandy · 11 days ago
The one where you fall in love with a pirate
Maknae line: San and Mingi
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Ateez San x reader, Ateez Mingi x reader
Genres and warnings: pirate au, fluff, mature language, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, pirate Ateez
Word count: 3.9k
Hey guys! I decided to post San and Mingi today, Wooyoung and Jongho tomorrow. I kind of went overboard (I don't know how to write short scenarios, my bad), but I hope you enjoy the two stories.
See you tomorrow with the last part
Lots of love, and happy reading X
It was a quiet day on the ship. San was about to fall asleep on the deck hammock, but a sudden shout from above turned his plans around.
"Trouble ahead! Gear up people!" Yunho's voice boomed across the open sea, and they soon sprang into action. It took them about two minutes to gather their supplies as an enemy boat approached them from the front.
There weren't many people who'd mess with the Ateez crew, but Captain Hansung was an ambitious man.
"There you lads are! It's about time I caught you! Come on now little boys, let me show you how it's done!" He shouted.
His Captain, Hongjoong, only smirked.
"Let's go fellas."
It didn't take long for them to throw Hansung along with his crew overboard. The pathetic man yelled after them while trying to swim to safety.
"This isn't over! You hear me?! This won't be the last of me!"
San chuckled, wiping away some sweat that formed on his brow. It was a hot day after all.
"I'd like to see you try!"
The boys decided to explore the enemy ship, taking inventory of the weapons, along with food and drinks. However, as they were about to leave the lower deck, San heard shuffling in the corner. He quickly pulled out his dagger and made his way over.
"Who's there? Your silly Captain is long gone, it's best if you get out."
Then he heard it clearly. The unmistakable sound of someone crying. For some reason, it pulled at his heartstrings. Once he rounded the corner, his eyes softened. There you were, knees pulled towards your chest, shoulders shaking from the sobs raking through your body.
"Hey there... I'm sorry, I must have scared you. Who are you?"
You slowly lifted your head, and San's breath got caught in his throat. You were probably the most beautiful person he's ever seen in his life, and he traveled far and wide with his crew.
There wasn't an answer coming from you, so he crouched down to seem less intimidating.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to know what you're doing here. Are you Hansung's crewmate?"
At the mention of the Captain's name, you stiffened.
You shook your head, coming out of the corner and sitting on your knees in front of San.
"P-Please don't take me to him. I'll do anything, just let me run away. Let me drown for all I care, just please..." You whispered, voice thick with tears.
"Please don't let him take me again."
San's eyes softened. What did that bastard do to you?
He calmly sat down, making you pay attention as he put his dagger back into his pocket.
"See, I won't do anything. And I certainly won't let you go back to that maniac. He's probably still flopping around in the water we just threw him in, so don't worry."
Your eyes widened. Were you finally free?
"I-I can go?"
The gentle man smiled. "Yes, once we reach land, you're free to go. Where are you from?"
You told him the name of your town, and he assured you that was their next destination. You'd have to wait about a week until they get there, but he'd secure you a bed on his ship. After convincing you to get out of your hiding spot, the two of you made your way up. He noticed the slight limp in your step, and he felt sad all of the sudden.
Who in their right mind would take someone like you by force?
San made his way out first, letting the other boys know about the situation. They didn't want to overwhelm you, so they let San take care of everything.
Sometime later, you were sitting on your own bed in a small cabin, arms and legs bandaged up, and a set of San's clothes hanging from your frame. After making sure you were settled, he left you, wishing you a good night. There was still tension in the air, and you knew he'd question you some more about your time with Hansung, and their Captain Hongjoong wanted to talk to you as well.
The exhaustion soon took over your body, and you fell into a much needed sleep. There was a faint scent on the clothes, and it made you picture San's face as you closed your eyes.
It wasn't a bad picture at all.
When morning came, you were woken up by a knock on the door.
"Y/N? Are you up?"
You slowly lifted yourself and leaned against the wall, making sure you looked a little decent.
"Yeah... You can come in."
San's head peaked into the room, and he smiled at you. Your hair was all over the place, but you looked so sweet in his clothes, it made his heart race.
"Sorry to barge in like this, but we need to talk. Hongjoong said he could wait another day, but he wanted me to come in. Is that okay with you?"
You nodded, patting the spot next to you. He made his way to the bed, sitting down by your legs. He didn't want to get too close, in case you felt apprehensive still.
"So... Want to tell me how you ended up in that asshole's hands?"
A small smile made its way onto your face. Asshole is too light of a word to describe that horrid man.
You cleared your throat, glancing at San.
"Well... He came into my town about a month ago, I think. I worked at a bar, and his crew barged in, taking our money. I thought that was all they wanted, but he grabbed me as well. I tried to get away, but there was no point."
San nodded along, feeling bad about your situation. He had to ask a more delicate question next.
"Did he... Did they... Do anything to you? You know?"
You shook your head, looking at his concerned face. The little furrow of his brows made your heart clench.
"No... They were rough, but they never did anything. I was like a maid to them, but things sometimes got out of hand, especially when they drank. They forgot to lock my door yesterday, that's how I got out, but I heard the noise outside so I stayed hidden."
In the heat of the moment, you placed your hand on top of his, squeezing lightly. His eyes went wide.
"But then you came. I can't thank you enough, San. You saved my life, and you're taking me back home."
His gaze softened, and he turned his palm around to take your hand in his. He gave it a light squeeze, and he loved the way your hands fit together.
"You're welcome. It will be a couple more days until we arrive, so bear with us. We aren't a bad bunch to hang around. Be aware of Wooyoung though, he's a bit rowdy."
You laughed, feeling better all of the sudden. The conversation was light after that, you talking about your home town, San telling you some stories about their journey so far. You felt like you could trust him with your life, which you were doing in a way, and it kind of scared you how fast everything happened.
In the days following your arrival, you spent all of your time by San's side. After talking to Hongjoong, giving him all of the information you managed to gather during your time with their enemy, he thanked you and told you he'd make sure to speed up the journey as much as possible.
You were currently on the deck, leaning against the railing and gazing out at the sea. The view was incredible as the Sun was slowly setting, and you could see yourself traveling like this in the future. You loved the ocean, you loved seeing those big ships passing by your town. Sometimes you felt jealous about the people on board. You wished you had the chance to travel on your own terms, not by force. Before you could get lost in your thoughts, you felt a pair of hands resting on your shoulders.
"Hey there."
You turned your head and came face to face with San's grin. His smile was one of his best features, and you loved seeing it on him.
You turned around, and he put his arms down.
"Hey San. What's up?"
San placed himself next to you, letting out a sigh.
"Well... We're expected to arrive tomorrow afternoon. I just wanted to tell you to prepare. Once we reach the dock, you're free to leave." His head hung low, and you felt like he there was more he wanted to say, but he stayed silent.
"Oh... That was... Quick, I suppose."
"Yeah, too soon."
Silence enveloped the two of you. There was tension in the air, but neither wanted to continue the conversation. You didn't want to think about home now. There wasn't any special waiting for you there. Your parents died a couple years ago, and you only had two friends. Maybe you could visit them, but other than that, you didn't know what else to do.
San was in an emotional turmoil. He knew the right thing to do would be to let you go, but he felt like he just got you. He didn't want to part from you.
"You know, I once dreamed about travelling on a big ship. Hansung ruined that dream for me, but you brought the joy back, San."
He glanced at you, seeing how you looked out at the sea. Your eyes held so many emotions behind them.
You turned towards San, smiling brightly.
"Thank you, San. You're truly an angel."
With that, you took a step towards him, placing a light kiss on his cheek. He didn't even have time to process it, because you made you turned around and made your way down, probably to your room.
You just kissed him, and he stood there like an idiot. How could he mess this up so bad?
"Y/N, Y/N, look! There it is!" Wooyoung was more excited than you. For some reason, seeing your hometown made you feel uneasy. These were your last moments aboard, and San was nowhere to be found. The other boys gathered around you, joking around and making you miss them already.
Wooyoung's laugh, Hongjoong's stories, Jongho's singing... You were about to part from all of that.
You were about to part from San, and you couldn't even say goodbye properly.
"He's devastated, you know." You turned towards Wooyoung, never seeing the man so serious before.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"He doesn't want you to leave, but he feels it wouldn't be fair to keep you here."
The shock was so clear on your face, it made Wooyoung laugh.
There wasn't any time to make him explain further, because you reached the dock. The boys hugged you, telling you to have a great life. But you could only think about one of them, and he was nowhere in sight. You turned towards Wooyoung, grabbing his hands.
"Tell him... Tell him that I..."
Wooyoung smiled.
"I know. I'll make sure he knows what an idiot he is."
As you made your way down the steps to the dock, you felt awful. You felt like it wasn't supposed to be like this. Like you were supposed to be...
"Y/N! Wait! Please wait!"
You turned around, seeing San rushing down the steps. He jumped from the last few, running towards you.
Before you could question him some more, he silenced you with his lips on yours. His hands grabbed your cheeks, body trembling from excitement.
You were shocked at first, but managed to pull yourself together, wrapping your arms around him.
One of you pulled away first, but you quickly went in for another kiss, and before long the boys were cheering from above.
San somehow managed to push you away enough to look into your eyes and ask you an important question.
"Y/N... Come with me. Stay with me. You... You belong with me, don't you think? Please?"
You hugged him, placing your head on his firm chest.
"Oh San... I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
"Well, well... Isn't that my favourite pirate?"
"Y/N, I'm the only pirate you know. And lower your voice, please, unless you want to cause me trouble?"
You chuckled, smiling up at Mingi.
"It would be my pleasure to see you being chased after, but not today. Look at what I've got."
You pulled out a big wooden box, opening the lid and turning it towards Mingi. The tall man gasped.
"Wow, you managed to outdo yourself. How can I pick?"
Your and Mingi's story started a year ago when he stumbled upon your jewellery shop on a day off. They'd just arrived to the town, finally having some free time to explore. Mingi loved rings, necklaces, bracelets... Basically anything shiny and expensive. You provided just that. Everything was handmade, and he appreciated the pieces even more after you told him that.
Your craftsmanship was impeccable, and he sometimes sent you precious stones he managed to acquire. You made him custom rings, and now you had a box full of them.
"Hey, I know I'm good, but not that good. Come on now, you're hogging the spot in my shop, people don't come in when they see you."
He chuckled, sifting through the rubies and sapphires.
"Okay, okay. I didn't know you wanted me gone so soon. Who knows when I'll see you again after this?"
Ah, yes. He told you some details about their next journey, and he mentioned how it would be longer than any other they've had. You've gotten used to seeing the gentle giant, and he made your days feel lighter every time he visited. You'd never admit it out loud, but you felt like he knew it already.
There wasn't much for you to do in this town. Apart from your little store, you had no other hobbies or interests. Sometimes you admired Mingi's way of life. He could travel to any place he wanted, and he always came back to you.
Maybe you had a small crush on him, but you knew it was impossible to make anything happen.
"Choose Mingi. If you don't, I'll choose for you."
He smiled, pushing the box towards you.
"Maybe that's a good idea. Pick two."
You knew exactly which two to give him, and he was impressed with your choices.
"Wow, good job princess. How much for the beauties?"
You hoped the blush on your cheeks wasn't extremely visible. You told him a price, but he frowned.
"There is no way they are worth so little. Come on, give it to me straight."
"Mingi, that's the price. Now pay up or give the rings back."
He laughed out loud this time, used to your antics and jokes. He handed over the coins, putting in more than you said, and he refused to take them back.
"Y/N, you deserve even more than this, but I know you won't take it. One day, I'll bring you the most precious stones on this planet, I promise you that."
Your eyes softened, heart already pounding wildly.
"Thank you Mingi. Here, take one more. This one is on the house." You grabbed his palm and placed another ruby ring in it, squeezing it shut with your hand.
His protest were cut off by your hard expression, making no room for him to argue.
"You're truly an angel. Thank you, I'll cherish them forever."
The two of you talked some more before you shood him put. You knew he'd be back tomorrow.
Mingi was up in the clouds for the rest of the day. Not only did he get new rings, he got to see you as well. If there was one thing he loved in life, that was his freedom out at sea. However, he sometimes wondered how things would go with you if he stayed for longer periods of time. He knew he could never stay on land forever, but the connection you had was worth exploring. So, he decided he'd come clean tomorrow. It was high time you knew for he felt, and maybe you'd return his feelings. If not, he could run away for some time to let you forget about it. That was the magic of having a pirate ship.
Once he got back to his crew, Yunho was there waiting for him.
"Hi Romeo, finally got the girl or just some more shiny stones?"
Mingi glared at him. "Ha, ha, very funny. For your information, I got three new shiny stones, and I decided something."
That made Yunho curious. "Oh yeah, what's that?"
His best friend looked excited.
"I'm telling Y/N how I feel about her tomorrow. How about that?" There was a moment of silence before Yunho flung himself onto Mingi.
"Atta boy! Finally!" They jumped around, attracting the attention of their other friends, who soon joined the celebration.
The happiness of the moment was interrupted by a loud bang heard in the distance. The men froze, turning to look at the town. Smoke was forming out in the distance, followed by another loud noise.
Chaos erupted, and there were multiple bangs ringing out in the air.
"What the hell?" Yeosang mumbled.
"Captain, I think we have to leave now. This doesn't look right." Seonghwa said.
Before they could all agree, Mingi's heart stopped. Smoke was coming out of the direction of your shop.
"Oh my God! Y/N! I have to go!"
"Mingi! Wait a second!" Yunho wasn't able to stop him in time, and Mingi rushed down the steps, sprinting towards you.
The other men looked at each other, deciding to go help out as much as they could. It was clearly an ambush, and the town needed them.
Mingi's heart was about to pop out of his chest. What if something happened to you? It wasn't supposed to go like this. Life couldn't ruin this for him.
As he came closer to your shop, he could see the absolute wreck the bombs have caused. His breath stopped when he finally reached your street.
There was glass everywhere, and the door to your shop, as well as the windows, were ruined.
"Y/N! Can you hear me?! Y/N?"
His clawed his way through the enterance, and there you were. Your body was sprawled our on the floor, head bleeding. You were clutching something in your hands, and he felt tears brimming his eyes.
"Y/N? Princess? Come on, you have to get up."
He lifted you into his arms, and you stirred in his embrace.
"M-Mingi? Is that you?" You grabbed at him, trying to crawl closer.
"It's me. You're going to be okay, you understand? You're coming with me." He lifted you up bridal style, and made his way out.
"I'm never leaving you again, got that?"
You nodded, feeling yourself come in and out of consciousness.
"Mingi... I..." You coughed, the wound on your head throbbing.
"Shhh... Don't speak, you're injured. Stay with me princess. You still haven't made me enough jewelry."
You managed to let out a laugh, but winced afterwards.
"You... And your rings..."
The next time you opened your eyes, you were on a bed, with a hand holding yours. As your vision cleared, you saw Mingi sitting on a chair beside you. He was asleep, his clothes dirty and torn. He probably didn't change after the disaster, and your heart clenched. How long were you out? How long was he sitting there, holding onto you?
You wanted to pull yourself up, but it was difficult to do. Mingi stirred, slowly waking up.
"Y/N? Oh, Y/N!" He stood up, helping you lean against the headboard.
"Are you okay? How's your head? Do you want some water? Yunho! I should call Yunho, he'll check on you."
He stopped in his tracks, a foot already out the door.
"Mingi, come here."
He snapped out of it, realising how worn out you were, and he wasn't making it better.
"Sorry... How are you, really?"
You sighed as you watched him return to his chair.
"I'm tired, and my head kills. But I'll be okay. I don't even know what happened."
He grabbed your hand again, caressing it with his fingers.
"Someone attacked the town. It was probably a group of thieves, and they made a lot of damage. We managed to drive them away, and we're on the ship now. I don't know our exact location, I haven't been up since we got here."
You glanced though the window, watching the waves crashing around.
"How long was I out?"
He shrugged. " A day, maybe two. I don't know exactly. It's all kind of jumbled."
As you watched him get lost in his thoughts, you realised something.
"You came back for me."
Mingi's head snapped up, eyes widening.
"You came back to get me, even though it was dangerous." You clarified.
He almost looked offended.
"Of course I came back for you? What, did you think I was going to leave you? I could never do that! I love you, don't you get it?"
As if he realised what he'd said, he quickly shut his mouth, looking away.
"You love me?" You managed to say.
It was now or never, Mingi thought. With a deep breath, he continued.
"I love you, Y/N. I truly do."
"I love you too, Mingi."
He stood up and sat beside her on the bed, hand never leaving hers.
"You do? You're not just saying that?"
"Yes, Mingi, I do. I love you and your jewellery obsession. I love your stupid smile, and crooked tooth."
"Hey, don't attack the tooth, he did nothing wrong."
You laughed, trying to come closer to him. He noticed your struggle, so he wrapped his arms around your waist to help you.
"You silly, silly man." With that, you placed your lips on his, and Mingi almost fainted.
He always imagined your first kiss to be amazing, but this was mind-blowing. It was like you were made for each other, and nobody could convince him otherwise.
He never wanted to stop kissing you, but he could tell you were still hurting, so he pulled away.
"Come on princess, down you go. We can do this again once you're rested."
"We can?" You whispered.
"You're mine now, we can do this forever." His crooked tooth made an appearance, and you almost melted.
You realised something in that moment.
"Oh, did you find a box with me?"
He nodded, going over to the cupboard and taking it out.
"Here you go. What's inside?"
"Open and see."
Mingi's breath stopped once he lifted the lid. There was an arrangement of rings inside, each and every one different and unique. They were all made out of the stones he brought you over the months.
"You like them? I spend a lot of time on them, so you kind of have to." You chuckled, nervous about his reaction.
His eyes glanced up at you, gaze intense with emotions. He closed the box before coming over to you again. Without a word, he placed his lips onto yours. The kiss was more intense than the last, as if he couldn't get enough of you.
He pulled away, hands caressing your face.
"Thank you, Y/N. I will cherish them forever."
His lips now met your forehead.
"I'll cherish you forever."
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girlgenius1111 · 1 year ago
i love you... it's all i can think
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love you anyway part 2
alexia x reader proposal
Alexia was freaking out. She didn't think she'd ever been this nervous before, in her whole life. Not before the UWCL final. Not before the World Cup final. Not before her knee surgery.
She knew, realistically, that you'd say yes. You'd talked about marriage before, and both of you had expressed your desire to get married. Still, as she walked with you, hand in hand towards the boat, she couldn't help the waves of anxiety washing over her.
You were only slightly suspicious. She'd told you she was planning a surprise for the night, which looked like it was going to be a evening on the sea with her. This trip was partly a birthday trip for you, though, so you chalked it up to that. You'd never really let yourself believe that Alexia would propose. She was so perfect, in every way, it seemed too good to be true.
"After you, mi amor," she murmured, reaching a hand out to help you onto the boat. You smiled at her, pecking her cheek as you passed her. She preened at the gesture, smiling softly to herself. Once you were on the boat, she put her bag down, pulling you in by the hand for a hug. Even when the source of her anxiety was asking you a question, Alexia couldn't resist the comfort she got from your embrace. You held her tightly, enjoying the feeling of her warm, tanned skin against yours. After a minute you pulled back, placing your hands on her cheeks.
"Are you alright, baby? You've been quiet today," you wondered, studying her closely.
"Si, I'm fine, just a little tired. Excited to relax," she replied, just a hair too quickly. Still, you nodded, letting her go, and reaching for the bag she'd put down. She stopped you though, grabbing it and pulling it out of your reach. You looked at her questioningly.
"What do you need? I'll get it for you," she said, voice a little strained. You gave her a weird look, but requested a bottle of water. She pulled one out, handing it to you, before placing the bag on the table, across the boat from you.
She was only wearing a light, flowy, sundress, and there was no where else for her to hide the ring, but in the bag. The whole day she'd been resisting cracking and just asking you before she had planned to. In bed this morning, when the sun had been streaking in through the window, painting you in a golden light. In the kitchen, during breakfast, when you'd come up behind her, wrapping your arms tight around her abdomen as she whisked the eggs, pressing a few kisses into her shoulder blade. In the car, when you'd put on her favorite playlist, and began singing along easily, head bobbing along adorably to the beat.
Still, Alexia held strong, knowing that you wouldn't mind any of those options. However, she didn't think she could take the teasing if everyone found out that she couldn't wait a few hours to propose to you. Her teammates already teased her relentlessly about how absolutely soft she was for you.
Driving the boat to the little private beach, she watched you out of the corner of her eye, hair flowing in the wind. You were wearing white linen shorts, and a cropped black top. You looked so relaxed, so at peace, so fucking beautiful. Your girlfriend added this moment to the tally of times she almost slipped up.
The beach came into view soon enough, and you could just barely see a picnic set up on on the sand, a blanket carefully laid out, a picnic basket and a bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket.
"What's all that?" you asked, confused as she hadn't said anything about a picnic.
"You'll see." Alexia said coyly, smirking at you from behind her sunglasses. She pulled up to the dock easily, and you swore the way she drove the boat was one of the hottest things you'd ever seen. Turning the motor off, and securing the boat to the dock, she looked at you, an expression on her face that you'd never seen.
"There's one more surprise, but you have to close your eyes, vale?"
You shut your eyes tight, reaching your hand out to her. She chuckled, grabbing the little box in one hand and you in the other, guiding you off the boat, being incredibly careful not to let you fall. She walked you to the end of the dock making sure your eyes were still shut. Off the end of the dock, the sun was setting, a splash of colors lighting up the sky. Pinks, oranges, purples.
"You better not be about to push me into the ocean," you warned, only half joking. She laughed nervously, and you held tighter to her hand. She instructed you to open your eyes, one hand behind her back, holding the box. You opened your eyes, looking around curiously, only seeing your girlfriend, and the sunset, both of which had been present before you'd shut your eyes. Alexia caught your confusion.
"Alright, it's less of a surprise and more of a question," she said nervously, all of the things she'd thought up to say escaping her brain. "I love you," she blurted out, pausing, clearly not sure what else to say. You'd never seen her this flustered before, and decided to help her out. It was becoming clearer to you where this was headed, and you couldn't wipe the grin off your face.
"I love you too, baby, but that's not a question," you said softly, squeezing her hand.
"Right," she said. Alexia was slightly -very- humiliated at how lost for words she was. She'd had a speech, she'd practiced it; in the mirror, to her mom, to Alba, to Mapi. And now the only words she could think were I love you. Honestly. You were looking at her like you didn't care though, like she could simply present you with the ring and you'd say yes, even if she didn't say a word. She looked into your eyes, your captivating eyes, and opened her mouth, the words suddenly flowing.
"I love you, so much. My love for you surpasses what words can describe. You changed my life in ways I cannot explain. I didn't know that I could feel things so deeply until I met you. The way I feel about you, it makes my chest ache. I can't comprehend it sometimes, how everything I want, everything I need, comes back to you," Alexia's voice was starting to break, and she cleared her throat, determined to hold it together.
"There are so many things I want to say; I could spend hours here with you, telling you all the ways you make me a better person. You make me happier than I've ever been, and I want to spend every minute for the rest of my life, doing everything I can to make you just as happy." At that, she got down on one knee, holding the ring out in front of her. You were crying, tears streaming down your face at her words. Alexia wasn't an especially expressive person; you knew she loved you, her actions told you every day. You'd never expected her to make such a big verbal statement though, to tell you exactly how much you mean to her.
"Y/n, will you marry me?" she asked, smiling up at you through trembling lips, and opening the box.
You let out something that was between a sob and a laugh, reaching out desperately for her arms, and pulling her to her feet. Throwing yourself into her, she caught you easily.
"Yes, Alexia. Yes," you cried into her ear, and you felt her whole body relax against you, as she let out a sigh of relief. Pulling back, you pressed your lips hard against hers.
"Did you think I wouldn't say yes, Ale?" you asked incredulously. Alexia blushed.
"I knew you would, but I was still nervous. You know I hate keeping secrets."
"There is no universe in which I say no to that question from you, Alexia. You could ask anywhere, at any time, and I'd say yes," you promised, rubbing your thumbs over her cheeks to wipe the tears away. Alexia pulled you back into a bone crushing hug, picking you up and spinning you around, much too dangerously for 2 people fully dressed standing on a narrow dock. You laughed in her arms, feeling her grin into your neck.
She put you back down, holding her hand out, wordlessly asking for yours. You gave it to her, and she pulled the ring out of the box, slipping it onto your ring finger. It was breathtaking, one large ovalular diamond, 2 smaller ones on either side. The band was lined with smaller diamonds, that sparkled in the sun light. Your jaw dropped looking down at it, before you raised your eyes to Alexia's. She was smirking at you, knowing very well she'd picked the perfect ring.
"You like it?" She asked smugly. You nodded, completely speechless. Alexia pulled you in again, kissing you in a much messier way, her hand lacing through your hair. You pulled away, lips puffy, breathless, and pressed your forehead to your... fiancee’s.
"Picnic time, si? And then we can go back to the villa," she said suggestively, and you threw your head back, laughing.
"Anything you want, baby. After that speech? And this ring? Anything you want." you whispered into her ear, and Alexia shuddered. She'd never been more in love with you, than in that moment.
okay so... obviously i need to write post engagement smut but i'm in more of an angsty fic mood rn and i don't want to half ass it so part 3 will be filthy, i promise. I am actually, seriously, begging people to send in requests of what you want to see smut wise; if you ask i'll probably write it :)
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