bomnun · 1 year
so many unis want to be miserable and project their own worries without listening to what the members say at all its stressing me out and makes me want to rattle people a little bit
until everyone has signed renewal contracts AND cube decides to announce it OR the original ones have expired bc everyones leaving for something else they cant say anything solid... recently journalists have asked both manuel and jojin abt contract renewals and they both stress they cant say anything specific bc its still in the talks but the members have a good relationship. jojin says his possible debut in a phantom singer group wont prevent pitigi from continuing and manuel lich rally says this
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am i blindly optimistic for thinking that doesnt sound like disbandment At All?????? ngl when the aaa interview came out i was worried bc they didnt hint on new music at all (then it turns out they did mention it in the interview but it got out of the articles lol)
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snowstuckytrail · 2 years
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Ok so I'm in the top 0.005% of listeners for Pentagon... I mean what can I do when all their songs are bangers amirite?
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wollycobbl3-blr · 1 month
hello, mutuals of wumblr dot com, those i speak to frequently and those i see on my dash every now and then, hello!!
ive been playing romhack pokemon games (specifically pokemon pathways), and i've named at least a portion of my mons after my friends.. do you want in? i will level you all up to level 40 at best /j.. i'll even find specific pokemon you want heehee
taglist (aka my entire list, sorry for the mentions!): @wqnwoos @haowrld @hannyoontify @i-luvsang @kyeomyun @fairyhaos @3ninth @weird-bookworm @wheeboo @aaniag @woozvc @haecien @nonononranghaee !!!
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To criticize the people's shortcomings is necessary, . . . but in doing so we must truly take the stand of the people and speak out of whole-hearted eagerness to protect and educate them. To treat comrades like enemies is to go over to the stand of the enemy.
"Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art" (May 1942), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 92.
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sivavakkiyar · 5 months
anyway “creatives” and culture workers, you should still read the Yenan Talks. The org I worked in was an ex black power-largely turned liberal org and all the older people there still made us read it lol
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fairyhaos · 3 months
is it. ok to ask WHY your laptop got taken away ?? did it get stolen ?? hope ur gonna be alr, yenaners
; 🌂
nooo it wasn't stolen jshdhd but i had to give it to my sister bc she broke the one she's using for school so my mum gave her mine 💔💔
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ilhoonftw · 3 months
the way pitigi stans don't seem to give yutoto the same pass and understanding they seem to give yenan... since 2018 lol.
what is yutoto doing rn is same stuff he did since like march 2022 it's just that they money isn't going to blue box and he doesn't use the pitigi label anymore
and honk talking about their interpersonal drama was to me 100% 'hell i can finally speak about this stuff and fans don't have to do detective work like during my bday vlive in 2018' but ofc stans forget those grown ass men aren't their paper dolls and get upset
maybe i'm too old or too mentally ill for fandom anymore
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pen1ag0n · 1 year
so yenan, changgu, yuto, useog and hyunggu are leaving 🟦... can't say i'm surprised
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
✨ 👀 🤲
something something flattery gets you everywhere lol
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
uh... i have a very strong and distinct narrative voice. i think that translates into clear delineations between character voices in my fics
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
so, i don't have a definitive new wip and want to work on what i currently have. but! i was planning talks w @rozaceous to maybe think of a short multi-chapter naruto oc. very two-kids-in-a-trench-coat vibe.
hm... i guess it counts... there are a bunch of what-ifs one shots for ball is life. that's where i was practicing writing stuff. yknow 😏
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
(uuggghhh... so a lot of the 'later' stuff i have is either too far ahead and will be extreme spoilers, or are too far ahead and are now outdated... and i don't wanna give false promises)
so here's something from dream before daybreak ch 20
"Our last duel ended in a draw," Wei Wuxian called out in a singsong tone. "We should add incentives for this bout!"
I ignored him to stretch out my shoulders. Cultivation or not, it was still best to be gentle with my rotator cuffs.
"Let me call you by 'Zhu Lin' if I win - that is your birth name, right?"
The fucking audacity of it all had me turn my full attention back to him, stretching neglected. "Stakes should carry equal value. This one wants nothing that Wei-Gongzi can offer."
"Zhu Yunxun is known for his strict observance of propriety… among his peers, at least," Wei Wuxian said with mocking. "What if I offer 'Wei Ying' in return?"
"An unnecessary gesture."
"Ha, that's what Lan Zhan said at first, and yet the indomitable Second Jade of Lan was worn down." Wei Wuxian's cheeriness was endless. "If it is like that with Lan Zhan, then surely we're as close as that?"
What even was 'that'? In front of all my fellow sect disciples and honored master, you allude to a 'that'?
All the Shuangfeng kids were watching like vultures, and Hou-Shifu's earlier smile turned back to his normal sweaty grimace. And yet, here Wei Wuxian stood, with shamelessness that could only be topped if he stripped naked.
"At least, I'd like to think so," he continued, grin dialed back to a winsome smile.
My whole back itched as I turned away to position myself at a distance. He took my ready stance as a confirmation and readied himself.
Hou-Shifu waved off our start.
Like I said since my journeyman trip, Wei Wuxian didn't know how to fight hand-to-hand beyond messy brawling. Predictable, over- and under-committing in all the wrong ways and at the same time. Maybe it'd be nice to take this singular moment, this one fated chance, to deck the protagonist as hard as I could in the throat.
(… fuck, it was tempting.)
He stepped in and feinted a cross, hoping to take initiative. There have been enough punches thrown my way in this second life that I moved forward to avoid his attack, using his arm to guide me in rather than retreat with instinctive caution.
Then an automatic hook, swinging wide and already past my arm because of positioning, what would be a tight follow-up if not for his lost feint -
Wei Wuxian's wide-eyed look, as he tumbled over my feet from his fist being pulled forward, didn't bring me as much joy as I thought it would. It was like that instant you overeat an indulgent dessert - immediate loss of appeal and appetite.
My hand pulling him switched to stopping his collapse towards me with a forearm. The jab to the throat lost form and resulted in a flick across his Adam's apple with the back of my index and middle fingers. It would, at the very least, feel weird and annoying even if harmless.
For once, Wei Wuxian didn't need someone to call him off. He nearly tripped backwards, rubbing at his throat and coughing. "… then, this would happen to be the area of expertise for the Yenan-Gongzi," he said, looking ungratefully wide-eyed and doleful.
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onetwofeb · 1 year
On Ideology forms a sort of trilogy with Badiou’s other two solo texts published by Francois Maspero (Parisian leftist publisher) in the 1970s, Rational Kernel of the Hegelian Dialectic (1978), a commentary on a text by a Chinese philosopher, and Theory of Contradiction (1975), a collection of essays on dialectical materialism. These three books were reissued a few decades later in one volume in French under the title Les années rouges accompanied by an introduction from Badiou. Rational Kernel has been released in English as a free translation. One of the essays contained in Theory of Contradiction, “An Essential Philosophical Thesis: It Is Right to Rebel,” has also been published in English translation. Badiou’s contributions to the volume La situation actuelle sur le front de la philosophie (Cahier Yenan no. 4) (1977) have been translated in The Adventure of French Philosophy (2012). Badiou did actually publish a considerable amount of other material during his “red years,” but much of it was in UCFML periodicals like Le Perroquet and Le Marxiste-Léniniste which are unfortunately hard to come by and have not been reprinted or compiled anywhere. A partial archive of Le Marxiste-Léniniste (1972-1981) is available here. All three numbers of the short-lived La Cause Marxiste (1982-1983) are available here. Many other texts from the period are either collectively signed or were only edited by Badiou. In a 2005 issue of Duke University’s positions journal, Bosteels compiled a bibliography of UCFML publications.
The primary task of these publications under Maspero, as outlined in the introductory editorial materials to Marxisme-Léninisme et Psychanalyse (Cahier Yenan no. 1) was to:
Demonstrate that Marxism-Leninism still lives, that only by putting it to work could one think reality, make advancements in theory, and be counted in the camp of revolution
Critique and denounce revisionism and its objective allies: the eclecticism of those who believe themselves able to butcher what they claim to be the corpse of Marxism in order to make their “new” theories, their uneasy positivisms, their speculative syntheses, far away from the class struggle, far away from history
Attack the temporary hegemony of the new idealisms which aid the ideological preparations of counterrevolution
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bomnun · 1 year
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kino asking universe to share illegal recordings with him
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bialtocom · 4 months
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Yenan - Pagode TR https://www.bialto.com/listing/yenan-pagode-tr/18303090
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ardl · 7 months
Indeed literature and art exist which are for the exploiters and oppressors. Literature and art for the landlord class are feudal literature and art. Such were the literature and art of the ruling class in China's feudal era. To this day such literature and art still have considerable influence in China. Literature and art for the bourgeoisie are bourgeois literature and art. People like Liang Shih-chiu, whom Lu Hsun criticized, talk about literature and art as transcending classes, but in fact they uphold bourgeois literature and art and oppose proletarian literature and art. Then literature and art exist which serve the imperialists--for example, the works of Chou Tsojen, Chang Tzu-ping and their like--which we call traitor literature and art. With us, literature and art are for the people, not for any of the above groups. We have said that China's new culture at the present stage is an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal culture of the masses of the people under the leadership of the proletariat. Today, anything that is truly of the masses must necessarily be led by the proletariat. Whatever is under the leadership of the bourgeoisie cannot possibly be of the masses. Naturally, the same applies to the new literature and art which are part of the new culture. We should take over the rich legacy and the good traditions in literature and art that have been handed down from past ages in China and foreign countries, but the aim must still be to serve the masses of the people. Nor do we refuse to utilize the literary and artistic forms of the past, but in our hands these old forms, remoulded and infused with new content, also become something revolutionary in the service of the people. Who, then, are the masses of the people? The broadest sections of the people, constituting more than 90 per cent of our total population, are the workers, peasants, soldiers and urban petty bourgeoisie. Therefore, our literature and art are first for the workers, the class that leads the revolution. Secondly, they are for the peasants, the most numerous and most steadfast of our allies in the revolution. Thirdly, they are for the armed workers and peasants, namely, the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies and the other armed units of the people, which are the main forces of the revolutionary war. Fourthly, they are for the labouring masses of the urban petty bourgeoisie and for the petty-bourgeois intellectuals, both of whom are also our allies in the revolution and capable of long-term co-operation with us. These four kinds of people constitute the overwhelming majority of the Chinese nation, the broadest masses of the people. Our literature and art should be for the four kinds of people we have enumerated. To serve them, we must take the class stand of the proletariat and not that of the petty bourgeoisie. Today, writers who cling to an individualist, petty-bourgeois stand cannot truly serve the masses of revolutionary workers, peasants and soldiers. Their interest is mainly focused on the small number of petty-bourgeois intellectuals. This is the crucial reason why some of our comrades cannot correctly solve the problem of "for whom?" In saying this I am not referring to theory. In theory, or in words, no one in our ranks regards the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers as less important than the petty-bourgeois intellectuals. I am referring to practice, to action. In practice, in action, do they regard petty-bourgeois intellectuals as more important than workers, peasants and soldiers? I think they do. Many comrades concern themselves with studying the petty-bourgeois intellectuals and analysing their psychology, and they concentrate on portraying these intellectuals and excusing or defending their shortcomings, instead of guiding the intellectuals to join with them in getting closer to the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers, taking part in the practical struggles of the masses, portraying and educating the masses.
Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art,
May 1942, Mao Tse-tsung
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Our stand is that of the proletariat and of the masses. For members of the Communist Party, this means keeping to the stand of the Party, keeping to Party spirit and Party policy.
"Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art" (May 1942), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 70.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
yenaners :(( welcome back but like r u sure ur ok? just asking for extra measure bc the tags in ur gm post were concerning, to say the least (im sayint that in the nicest way possible and the most jokey way possible),,,
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sending you these shuas + shua pinterest whisper for good measure (2)
; 💫
:’) i mean i Was doing okay but i ate something like half an hour ago and i feel sick again 😭😭 this is literally the worst pls i hate feeling like im gonna throw up <//3
thanku for the shuas all the same :(( and for checking in on me!
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ifntsummer · 3 years
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PENTAGON | Feelin' Like
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