amethyst-halo · 8 months
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ive been doodling a bunch of this au bc its super fun
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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salamander-crimes · 10 months
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fuchsia equius, aka the world's wettest guy
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oldbutchdaniel · 2 days
tagged by beloved @armandology <3
tagging @vampelenovela @loumandivorce @hesitationmark @columbosunday @moppets <3
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epicdogymoment · 2 months
play in the craters on the moon by the mountain goats again <- no longer in the blind rage. just deeply afraid of people
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six-of-ravens · 11 months
okay fine I will pay they yt ad tax to watch alfredo diaz get the shit scared out of him on a haunted ship 😔
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
managed to get at least a couple hours of sleep. I’m obviously still exhausted and will be for the rest of the day. my poor Hunter doll once again being the MVP and let me just cling him to my face while I slept 🥰
more importantly, woke up to a bunch of nice messages from people. y’all are seriously the best. regardless of my opinion of the show, I’m so freaking grateful for getting to interact with this fandom. I’ve made some really great friends as a result, and just had some lovely interactions with people in general. other than the characters themselves, getting to be in the same space as y’all has been the best part of this 🥺💙
I’m still hurting, and I will be for a while. Idk what my status in the fandom will be going forward. despite what I said this morning, I don’t want to 100% give up on the show yet. I may be upset the show is ending after this season, but I’m willing to give it one last chance at redemption. until then, my main focus will definitely be on MLWTBB and making art. gifs and other “official” content will most likely still be made, but more sporadically. Idek when I’ll be able to make myself rewatch season 2 at this point, so yeah. but my personal content will continue for sure. the story and characters I’ve created for this show are extremely important to me, and I want to share them with others. also, I apparently have to continue to fix things more than I thought I would haha.
as I said before, my inbox is always open and I’d love to continue chatting with y’all. especially if you’re like me and need some reassurance, or just someone to rant to. seriously, I’d love to hear some rants; it’s cathartic for me to read/hear LOL
I’m not giving up. I refuse to give up. if this really is about “hope and redemption” like DBB said, then I’m not letting this fully destroy me. I love these characters way too much for that. and I love this community too. we’re gonna be ok guys 💙💙💙
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funky-little-equines · 6 months
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hasbro makes pride flag comparisons too easy, I love it-is it Sunny Starscout? Bright Glow? Scootaloo? Sew and So?
Anyhoo I’m nearly done now, I can’t wait to see these guys as keyrings :3
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eddiegettingshot · 2 months
buck invites eddie to have a threesome. eddie, in a phase of self-discovery, says. well ok. sounds like fun. so they're having a threesome. eddie's like, well i guess i better make sure i pay attention to this other guy, to make sure i'm doing it right (it's so the other guy won't get too close to buck but he won't admit it and/or he doesn't even know that's what he's doing). he's kissing on the other guy, he's touching him, they're going at it like they Should Be, eddie's having fun whatever. it's all a big whatever. unfortunately this has the unintended effect making buck feel insane. and buck's strategy is to pay attention MORE. to be BETTER. eddie why don't you SEE ME. now he's feeling eddie up too. and eddie is caught in a buck-and-other-guy sandwich which is nice, he supposes. and buck is like oh god. oh my god. he deserves this. he should be caught in a me-and-other-guy sandwich. but i hate it so bad. how am i touching eddie's ass right now but i still want to die. oh my god did eddie just call someone ELSE. BABY?! THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT. i am in hell. the thing is that eddie can never say no to buck, even subconsciously. so buck's literally vibrating and exuding a PLEASE LOVE ME kind of aura and eddie is helpless. he's been careful not to actually kiss buck on the mouth but buck's mouth is right there so he does it before he can think better of it. and buck goes YAAAAAAAY. YAY. YAY. and it's so over for the other guy. buck and eddie are too busy attacking each other like wild dogs. sort of absently at some point eddie's like uhhh you want me to—? and the other guy is like. um yeah sure. sure that would be. yeah. and buck snarls and goes WELL OR MAYBE YOU CAN JUST KEEP JERKING OFF IN THE CORNER OVER THERE. EDDIE LET'S GIVE HIM A SHOW. I'M SURE HE WOULD LIKE THAT BETTER. and that's what they do. they never have a threesome ever again. end scene.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 7 months
Lips of an Angel: Chaggie
Charlie: (flops face first onto the bar) UuuUUUuuUgGgGgggHh!!!
♦️Husker♣️: (mixes a Shirley Temple and slides the glass over to Charlie)
Charlie: (hand makes random grabby motions until she finds the drink and practically rips it off the counter so she can suck on the straw childishly)
Angel: What's got your panties in a twist?
Charlie: Thank you for not saying taco.
Angel: (shrugs) Meh. It's only funny to say that around Vags. But, seriously, what's with the theatrics?
Charlie: (whining groan) It's my and Vaggie's anniversary and I wanted to make it special by writing a song to sing to her, but I've been working on this for WEEKS and I can't think of anything!
♦️Husker♣️: (wide-eyed blink) Oh. Shit.
Angel: (sprays his drink all over the bar while coughing) Holy Fuck Biscuits, Charlie!!!
Cherry 🍒: I don't get it. What's the problem?
Charlie: (wails) Of all the things I can sing about, I should be able to write a full symphony about my own girlfriend!
Cherry 🍒: So? You literally had to worry about an Extermination-slash-war with Heaven and rebuilding the hotel. Just go online and find a song that matches how you feel.
Charlie: Isn't that a bit of a cop-out?
Cherry 🍒: Pshh! Hardly. (Pulls out her phone and pulls up a list of songs before tossing the device to Charlie) Here. Knock yourself out.
Charlie: Okay, if it's not really a cop-out, then I guess I can take a look. (Scrolls through the list before gasping with sparkles in her eyes) This one! This one's perfect!
Angel: What's that?
Charlie: Lips of an Angel! It's perfect! It covers Vaggie's angelic traits and how.... What's so funny?
♦️Husker♣️: (turning his back to the bar to hid his giggles by pretending to take inventory)
Angel: (snickering) I don't think that song means what you think it does, Toots.
Charlie: (cocks an eyebrow) What do you mean? (Reads from the lyrics while singing) 🎶"It's really good to hear your voice, saying my name. It sounds so sweet. Coming from the lips of an angel, hearing those words it makes me weak." 🎶
Cherry 🍒: (tamping down her snickers) I think what Angel's trying to say is that this is more of a rock ballad, not a cutsey musical. Not exactly something you tend to sing, babe.
Charlie: Oh... (kicked puppy face)
Cherry 🍒: (under her breath) Fucking Hell, how do you guys deal with this girl?
Angel & ♦️Husker♣️: (shrug)
Cherry 🍒: (sighs) Buuuuut, I think Vaggie might be into it. She seems like the type to like a good rock song about love.
Charlie: (eyes sparkling) Really?! You think so?!
Cherry 🍒: Uh... Yeah... But we're gonna have to change your outfit to match. You can't look like a 1930s businessman while singing rock, girlie.
Charlie: (blinks and stares at her suit) But... I don't know how to dress "rock".
Cherry 🍒: Oh, for fuck's sakes... Come on. (Grabs Charlie's arm and drags her away) I'm gonna get you punked out.
Charlie: *gasp* Yaaaaaaay!!!!
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sunspotmangafan · 20 days
A long ramble lmao.
It did the best it could do adaptation wise with regards to how it’s paced as a manga.
I think many who came from it just as a bl jdrama don’t realise structurally it can’t be the ‘slow pace’ yall expect it to be. In regards to the manga, they’ve only recently gotten together, at least officially (looking at you kohei assuming you be taichi were boyfriends until Taichi had to ask in four seasons 1 lmao).
I do appreciate so much that the drama kept the spirit of sunspot alive and didn’t push the romance aspect at the forefront. It’s about them as characters first. Not their romance.
Taichi needs sig-n as a professional environment where he finally feels heard. And I’m glad kohei has others like Maya (and later the deaf footsal team but that’s for later in the manga to let him challenge his own internalised ableism, especially ryuu) who he can relate to, spite towards the world and all, it’s nice that Kohei has the unfiltered version of him to bounce off of and feel understood on a disability basis.
I’m also so happy they let Maya have her time to shine. Show why she is the way she is. It’s so upsetting that people refuse to see her depth and just continue to judge her for being mean and ‘not trying enough’, making it obvious these are the same people the manga and adaptation are criticising, criticising for putting the burden onto Maya to bend herself for others, ultimately then giving in to the ‘bitchy’ attitude since she’ll never be enough, as taichi said, she can’t try harder than she already is but she always feels like she has to. And I’m so glad they also let Taichi say how Maya is still coping in an unhealthy way.
This scene is so important. And I am so glad they kept it in. They’re never gonna be on amazing terms, they won’t ever will be, not everyone gets along. But they’re closer to understanding one another and that important. Maya is starting to see that Taichi isn’t the ableist sponge/leech she assumed he was, that not all able bodied people are ableist assholes, that she can be understood and be sympathised with. It’s. It’s beautiful.
There’s some changes that I definitely think made the adaptation a bit… lesser. Which is when it tried to combine three scenes/moments from the manga into one. Which confused me.
At the end of book 1, Kohei and taichi watch a movie where Taichi sees how troublesome it is for Kohei to see the subtitles. Making Taichi ultimately want to help make Kohei’s life a little easier (a nice foreshadowing of sig-n helping him make his dreams achievable, letting Taichi find his calling in life). It was actually a movie adaptation of the story the girl who romanticised Kohei and his disability was talking about. Kohei said how he related to the guy learning sign language, since he is also starting to learn it. Leading Kohei to try and teach Taichi some sign, leading to them holding hands and Kohei being like “..I won’t do anything you hate” referring to the kiss. And the book ends.
It’s such a wonderful set up for what Taichi wants to do, to find his calling (and in limit to have Kohei think he and his disability is at fault for taichi dropping out of uni and leaving him.) making it an amazing way to bring in sig-n which allows him to make the change Taichi wants to be a part of. It’s a place Taichi belongs in. It’s not just there to create a wedge between Taichi and Kohei, it’s there to be an answer for Taichi who never knew what he wanted to do. It’s somewhere where he’s finally like “this is it. I feel like this is the place.”
In the manga, at the start of ‘theory of happiness’ taichi and kohei aren’t talking to each other because of a VERY rocky incident that happened.
Between the first and second book (around the camping episode) taichi once got very drunk at work while kohei was in the area. Kohei bumped into taichi and since taichi was like “YAAAAAAAY MY FRIEND”, so they let Kohei take him home. Taichi was of no help to Kohei finding his home so Kohei ended up taking Taichi t his own home to give him some water and such. While Taichi was falling asleep ok the couch, Kohei said “if you keep being like this I’ll have to kiss you. And I promised I wouldn’t do anything you hate”, leading drunken Taichi to say “what if I didn’t hate it??”
Making kohei be like “wait what???”, he climbs on top of taichi to try and get an explanation out of what he said, freaking him out. Taichi jumps up and tries to run away as Kohei grabs onto him. Taichi freaks out and shoves Kohei to the floor and runs away in shame, not really talking to each other for a while after that because it was all very awkward, Taichi wanted to at least but Maya was trying to protect Kohei from who she thought was a bad person. (That’s actually what the conversation at Taichi’s home was about originally. Both felt awful and like the other hated them for what they did to the other. But when they spoke then and realised they both felt bad and didn’t hate the other, kohei was like “oh thank god!!!” And fell to the floor in relief.). It’s either they tried to add it as a moment in between the two books they were adapting or completely ignored it which is WEIRD.
It…it also tried to combine the camping episode. After the main part of book 2, which will be after the 12th episode where taichi and kohei start to try (key word: try) and navigate their lives together more maturely. Sig-n has a camp out retreat and Taichi invites Kohei, knife drop and everything. It follows a good amount of the plot beats like with Taichi telling kohei it’s okay to just let out his laughter and joy and such. Maya and Taichi actually also get to exchange in some banter.
There was the cookout that Kohei was helping when suddenly his hearing just…..goes… he could not hear anything.
And just as that happens of the kids Were messing about and accidentally nocked over a boiling hot pot. Taichi noticed and pushed the kids out of the way. Ultimately getting himself burned and gaining a scar in the process that haunts Kohei throughout limit. Since Kohei couldn’t hear Taichi getting hurt he only realised the man he loves was in danger only after he got hurt and was receiving help from Chiba-san (nasty furthering what was before a teeny bit of jealousy since it’s grown to always be Chiba there for Taichi and not Kohei himself.) This fucks up kohei a lot. That because he couldn’t hear he could not be there for Taichi. This plays so well into the main internal conflict of Limit where Kohei feels the need to distance himself from Taichi thinks he sees himself as a burden to Taichi and as a bad partner who can’t be there… because of his disability that could grow even worse.
I think that’s one of the main issues with what went on there. They left out the main showcases of how human and flawed these characters are.
They left out the main reasons the guys would he rocky around each other because of how much they care for one another but with their own flawed ways of going about it. It’s about being human first and a romance afterwards. So I think it may have confused the narrative. But that’s just an adaptational mishap. I still enjoy the Jdrama very much!! They still have trust humanity to it. They’re young adults, they’re just slightly younger than me, AND I FUCK UP ALL THE TIME, it’s the warts and all approach to this really lovely story about two people who ultimately fall in love and get together, but not have that define them as human beings. Because romance doesn’t define us, so romance shouldn’t define them. I’m really really upset for all the hate it’s getting just because it’s not like the other bls out there. Just because they’re stupid young adults with their own baggage trying to navigate their own world and themselves and their feelings.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
What if reader met tattooed Bucky this way? And later met Steve too?
(from the Howling Commandos fic)
Ooh, nonnie. If our reader met Bucky this way, it would be a completely different AU!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: Over 620
TW: Pining, drunk character, possible drugging
A/N: What If not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. ❤️
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Your date sucked. The worst you could remember. You didn't have enough to drink to forget about it. You didn't drink at all. The only reason you went was because you owed a friend a favor.
That didn't matter when you saw Bucky Barnes swaying on his feet not too far away.
The man you wished you had been on a date with.
He wasn't exactly a small man, practically towering over most people in town, so you wondered just how much he had to drink. And why the girl under his arm was snapping at him to just get in the car.
Your protective instincts kicked in as you walked closer and heard Bucky's slurred words as he tried to pull away.
"No. Wanna sleep."
It was the "no" that caught your attention. And that he wasn't trying to fight, like he didn't want to harm the girl he was with. But he clearly didn't want to go with her.
"Hey! What's going on?"
You weren't sure if it was your tone or your murder strut in heels as you stormed over, but the girl shrieked and rushed back into the bar before you could stop her.
Which was long enough for the gorgeous god adorned with tattoos to stumble into your arms.
How does a guy coming out of a bar smell so good?
"Mmm. My favorite person."
What? Fuck, don't let him fall.
"Bucky? You okay?" you asked, slipping an arm around his waist as you tried to keep him upright.
His eyes couldn't seem to focus, but he smiled a little. "M'tired."
"Can I call someone for you?" you asked as he groaned and sagged against you more, your legs almost buckling under the weight. "My car's right here. Is it okay if I give you a ride?"
"Yeah," he smiled as you slowly, but surely, got him to your car. "Mmm. So pretty, you know that? Wanna ink you."
That would be sweet if he wasn't hammered or worse.
"Okay, big boy," you said, humoring him as you buckled him in and ignoring how close the two of you were. He managed another smile as he sank into the seat. "I'll let you ink me one day."
"Yaaaaaaay. Don't tell Steve," he said, putting a finger to his lips. "Shhhhhhh."
"It'll be our secret," you said, putting a finger to your own lips to appease him.
He brought his fingers to your cheek in a light caress before his hand fell away. "Wish you were mine."
You ignored your racing heart as you shut the door and walked around to the other side. He was drunk and rambling. He probably thought you were someone else. That had to be it.
"So, your place is just a few miles away, right?"
Bucky passed out before he could reply. Trying not to panic, you assessed the situation. Thankfully his breathing was nice and even and he didn't get sick. You didn't even know if he had his keys on him though and you couldn't leave him on his porch.
Your place was the next best thing.
You weren't sure if any neighbors happened to see you struggle to get Bucky out of your car, but you were successful after a minute. In your heels no less. Once you got him inside and put him in your bed, which was more like him falling onto it, you removed his shoes and put a glass of water and aspirin on the nightstand.
You brushed some of his brown hair back after moving him on his side, just in case he got sick. "Get some rest."
Before you walked away, a warm hand gripped your wrist to stop you.
Bucky's eyes weren't open and he likely had no clue where he was, but he still wanted you to be there.
"Okay," you whispered.
When Bucky unlocked his phone in the morning, you would call Steve.
But tonight, you'd watch over him.
Like you really were his girl.
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Love and thanks! 💙
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Merry Christmas! °☆•
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: It's Christmas Day - and Ella is more than excited to unwrap her presents...
Warnings: fluff, slight suggestive smut
Word Count: 2k
a/n: Merry Christmas, guys! 🎅🏼🎄 I've got a little surprise for y'all! 🎁💚
Thanks @fictive-sl0th for giving me some inspiration! ☺️💚
Tagging: @fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @simping-for-marvel @lulubelle814 @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @vbecker10 @theaudacitytowrite @lady-rose-moon @aagn360 @mostclevermiss @linaax
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The pitter-patter of small, bare feet on the parquet floor echoed through the hallway, as the four-year-old (soon to be five-year-old) Ella literally stormed towards their parent's bedroom. The winter sun was barely up, had just risen over the sky of New York. Actually, it was way too early for the small girl to be up, but this day, well... This day was different. It was Christmas Day - and that meant it was time to unwrap presents.
Ella was about to just storm inside the room, when she remembered that her parents taught her to knock, before just storming inside a room, to respect the person's privacy - and of course to prevent Ella from walking in on… something. A kid should never experience that. So, the excited little girl stopped herself and lifted a hand to knock - rather loudly, rocking impatiently back and forth on her feet. A sleepy, soft and clearly disoriented 'Yes' sounded from within the room, giving Ella permission to step inside. She wasted no time, literally ripped the door open and ran inside. "Mommy, daddy! Wake up! It's Christmas Day! Time to unwrap presents!"
A soft groan left your lips, as you saw your overly excited daughter jumping up and down. One look out of the window told you that it was definitely way too early for this, but well... Ella was a sweet, excited child - like every other child on Christmas. While Loki buried his face deeper in his pillow with a groan as well, you rubbed your tired eyes and sat up. "Really? Is it already time, sweetie?" Ella nodded quickly. "Uh.Huh! Santa was already here!" You cocked your head to the side, quirking up an eyebrow. "Did you sneak inside the living room?" The little girl's cheeks turned into a soft red, as she started to knead her fingers nervously. "I just peeked around the corner, mommy! I swear!" You then shook your head, smiling. Little Ms. Mischief... Well... The apple never falls far from the tree. "Okay, okay, I'm coming, sweetie. Just give me a minute, okay?" Ella nodded once again, grinning like a Cheshire Cat, before she redirected her attention to her father - of course. "Daddy, you have to come too!" Another muffled groan left the God's lips; head buried still in his pillow. But then he turned around, raven curls a total mess. His oceanic blues met the enthusiastic frame of his mini-me - and Loki could tell just by the look in her eyes, that Ella was literally bursting with adrenaline, serotonin and of course sheer over excitement. "Norns, princess, did you even sleep tonight?" It was actually a very unnecessary question, since the God actually knew the answer already. Again, Ella blushed and shook her head. "Couldn't sleep, daddy... Was way too excited." Loki sighed, but smiled softly, "Thought so." and already knew, that Ella was going to be knocked out by the end of the day, sleeping like a baby.
Actually, the God planned on having a nice sleep in with you, enjoying this cosy morning, maybe even indulge you in a round of sweet love making, but Ella caused his plans to go haywire. He couldn't be upset with her though. Not when he saw the shining in her sweet eyes. The pure joy and happiness. Seeing his daughter happy, was all he needed. Besides you, of course. So, the God decided to give in to Ella's request. "Alright, princess. Let's unwrap presents." Loki said, getting up. "Yaaaaaaay!" An excited squeal left the girl's lips. With a snap of his finger, Loki was dressed in the ugly Christmas jumper you gifted him last year and a pair of grey sweatpants. One hand ruffled his luscious curls, while the other reached for his daughter's hand. "Come on, princess." All Ella was able to do, was giggling like mad, as she tightly grabbed her father's hand, who led her out of the bedroom. "I'll join you in a minute!" You shouted after them, before a big yawn escaped your lips. Yes, you thought. It was way too early. Still hearing your daughter's small giggles from down the hall, you stretched and stood up as well. Your eyes met the big window pane, saw how the big blanket of snow glimmered in the soft morning sun. You smiled. What a beautiful Christmas morning.
Slipping into your dressing gown, you left the bedroom as well, following your husband and daughter; walking straight to the living room, where the Christmas tree stood with all the presents underneath. Ella was already seated on the floor, first present in hands, while Loki sat on the sofa beside the tree, an amused smile on his lips. You walked over to sit beside your husband, watching your daughter excitedly rip open the first wrapped Christmas gift - on which her name stood.
It was not a very big present; yet you knew exactly what was inside it, because you wrapped it. It was your gift for Ella. Usually you and Loki bought her a gift together, but this year the God insisted to change tradition for once - and by the Norns, you didn't know why. Though, you supposed you were going to find out soon... "New crayons!" The little girl exclaimed suddenly, shining oceanic eyes meeting her father's identical ones, then your Y/E/C ones. You smiled and nodded, knowing that the crayons she had were on the brink of being unusable. "Do you like them, sweetheart?" She nodded. "Very much! From who are they?" Ella asked, handing you the wrapping paper. She was able to read her own name and a few single words, but not every name of the whole Avengers team. You smiled even brighter and told her to have a look for herself, promising her that she was able to read the name. Small eyebrows furrowed in concentration, as Ella tried to read the 'name'. "Ma... Ma- Ohh... Mama! It's from you?!" "Yes! Well done, baby!" Quickly, she threw the wrapping paper aside and jumped up to hug you, tiny raven curls bouncing wildly. "Thanks, mommy!" You engulfed her in a big hug, squeezing her tightly and pressing a kiss on top of her head. "You are very welcome." Loki just watched the scenes unfold in front of him with a smile. He would never get tired of seeing his little girl so excited and happy. The God would die to make sure Ella never ever stopped smiling in her whole life. It was his glorious purpose now. To look after his wife and daughter, make sure they are safe and sound - and happy.
Loki got pulled out of his thoughts by the bright voice of Ella announcing that his present was the next she had come across. "Daddy! I think this is your present!" Loki's eyes wandered to the small rectangular box in the little girl's hands, which was wrapped in shining green wrapping paper and a black bow on top. Yeah, there was almost no mistaking, that this was clearly a gift from the God of Mischief himself. So, Loki nodded. "It is. Go on, open it, princess. I'm excited to see if you like it." Well, now you were curious. You had absolutely no idea what he was going to give his daughter for Christmas. Excited giggles left the girl's lips, as she unpacked the present. But her giggles died immediately down, as soon as she opened the lid and saw what was laying inside the box. The little girl's eyes widened and a gasp left her small lips. She looked up to her father once again, who smiled brightly. "Daddy, is that...?" He nodded. "It is, princess." "Wow... Thank you, daddy!" "You're very welcome, princess." Now you really wanted to know what it was. To your luck, but also sheer horror, you didn't need to wait long. Ella reached inside the box - and retrieved a mini dagger??? Your jaw dropped in shock, taking another look. Just in case your sight had betrayed you. It hadn't. That was clearly a dagger. Your husband had just gifted your four-year-old daughter a weapon. Sure, the dagger was absolutely beautiful, with a silver blade and a black handle, clattered with tiny emeralds - and the cherry on top was the engraving 'Princess', but.... It was a dagger! Yes, it also was absolutely a Loki thing to do, but nevertheless... A dagger! "Babe..." You said, scooting closer to Loki, as you watched Ella still ogling the dagger. "Did you just gift our four-year-old a weapon?" You more or less hissed, clearly worried that she was going to accidentally slice herself up with it. Loki just chuckled, shaking his head. "My darling wife... You should know me better than that." He started, tugging a loose strand of Y/H/C behind your ear. He understood that you were worried, but he was Loki, wasn't he? "I enchanted the dagger. Ella is not able to hurt herself with it. And besides, I am going to tell her, that she is not allowed to play with it. She's only allowed to use it, when I'm teaching her how to use it." You clapped your mouth shut, somehow speechless at his words, as the realisation hit you. Of course, he would make sure of that. You were married to a God, who had magic abilities... The mischievous God had become a responsible father. Okay, he had always been. Since day one. How could you doubt that?
"Right... Of course, sure. I'm sorry, Lokes, I, uh... I didn't think of that. All I saw was a dagger in the hands of my baby..." Loki shook his head, giving you a loving smile, before he took your hands into his. "I know, my love, I know. Don't you worry. I understand." He was about to lean in to kiss you, when Ella's voice cut through the air once again. "Strawberry Pop-Tarts!" Both, yours and Loki's eyes snapped down to the squealing child, holding up a large box with the delicious, but very sugary candy. You and Loki didn't even have to ask or read from whom that gift was... Thor. Who else? It was his fault, that Ella discovered Pop-Tarts in the first place. After almost having a sugar shock, you and Loki prohibited her from eating too much of the candy.
"One at a time, Ella, okay?" You jumped immediately into action. Sweet, puppy dog eyes looked up at you. "Uh.Huh. I promise, mommy." "Good." She smiled and got on her feet, looking up at the ceiling. "Friday, is uncle Thor here?" The A.I responded immediately. "Mr. Odinson is in the gym, little Ms. Lokidottir." "Thanks, Fri!" Ella lowered her gaze to face you once again. "Mommy, daddy, can I go, say thank you to uncle Thor?" "Of course, sweetie." A sweet laugh escaped the little girl's lips, as she run out of the room and down the hall. Mere seconds later, the door to your apartment shut close.
A big sigh left your lips. "Why has your brother such a sweet tooth, huh?" The God sitting beside you shrugged his shoulder, a mischievous smile on his face. "Perhaps because he's extraordinarily greedy in general?" "Lokes!" "It's true, isn't it?" You rolled your eyes, but smiled and nudged your shoulder with his. "And you are not greedy?" "Oh, I absolutely am, but..." He started, moving his body around. "There's a difference, you know, my darling..." You arched your eyebrows. "A difference?" Loki nodded. "Well yes." "Between?" A seductive chuckle left his lips, as he flipped is leg over, caging you between the sofa and his body. "Between craving food-" He leaned closer; his luscious curls falling into his face. "And the sweet taste of you, my queen." Loki purred in your ear, causing goosebumps to spread all over your skin. "And I am positively craving you." You felt how your knees turned into jelly by only his words. Oh gods... Loki noticed your body's reaction of course immediately, causing another low chuckle to rumble through his chest. "Seems like your body is agreeing with me." He said, as he run his hands down your hips, causing you to buck into his touch. Within one snap of his fingers melted your dressing gown away, leaving you just in your panties and a sleep t-shirt underneath him. Loki reached for the hem of the unnecessary piece of clothing and pulled it over your head. His greedy eyes devoured you, as he licked his lips. "Christmas Day, indeed."
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strawberry-selfships · 3 months
hey guys tonight im thinking a-
hey what ? who are you
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um. ok im gonna have to put you in your own tag. because originally my "the master" tag was just for the war master. because i guess i didnt really think id get another incarnation on this blog. sorry. so now im gonna put yall in your own tags. ok? ok
buuuuuut ummm yeah hi guys. im im im dating the ainley master now. yaaaaaaay :)
since 6/30/24
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nebblesmakesthings · 6 months
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Yaaaaaaay yippeeee i made some references for everybody's (<- My) favorite silly little Durge guy, Vaine!!!
I've been working on these designs for a like a week now lowkey hated trying to stylize all the armor/clothes from the game BUT!!! I did have lots of fun putting my silly little guy into a bunch of outfits plus I was kinda happy w/ how these turned out! <3
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loawillow47 · 11 months
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he finally made it guys! Yaaaaaaay!
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