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fellowfights · 4 months ago
Y'all calling Viktor "Jesus" or the "Messiah" but I KNOW who Viktor reminds me of
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 8 months ago
Pick a Card: Who's been thinking about you? Why are you on their mind?
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Take what resonates and leave the rest behind, baby. But always be open to new experiences. Decks used are the necronomicon tarot, alchemy oracle, wizard tarot and the crystallary oracle.
🌊Tip your Reader🐋
Astrology: Taurus, Libra, Leo
Song: Taking What's Not Yours by TV Girl
Vibes: Blue, green, yellow, orange, overactive third eye, prophetic dreams, gold jewelry, masks, vulnerability, candles, 555, 7777, swings, volcano, picture books, Hephaestus, Apollo, Aphrodite
Cards: The Empress, Knowledge, 5 of Pentacles, 10 of Books, Autumn, Mystical Sister, Labradorite, Larimar
Hey, pile 1. I see 2 different people who have been thinking about you. I see one of them used to be your other half. Someone you felt close enough to they felt like family. I think y'all had a falling out of some kind. The second one is someone you only knew briefly. You met them right before they started to know themselves. You weren't destine to really know them and they weren't destine to know you. You may have worked with them or went to school with them. It looks like they have been talking about you to each other. It isn't gossip talk by the way. It seems very positive. They both feel like Leo's by the way. I could also see them as Aquarius's.
The former friend is telling this former acquaintance about you. The friend has needed to talk to someone about what happened between you two. They want to make up with you but are a bit too stubborn and prideful to admit they were wrong about whatever you two were fighting about. They miss you a lot. They think they made a mistake by causing such a fuss about this. They regret the falling out. They saw how gracefully you handled the conflict and they feel pretty guilty about acting so childish.
The former acquaintance is learning so much about you from the former friend. They knew little to nothing about you before they started talking to this person. Before, their view of you was very vague but they loved how you dressed and wanted to emulate their style. They really wanted to know you but were too shy to really ask to hang out or to ask where you got your clothes from. The more they learn about you the more they wished they had taken a chance because even though this ex-friend is the one telling them about you they aren't saying anything bad. They hear the stories of you and I think they feel envious of how close this former friend got to you.
You probably know these two are hanging out now. You don't really care because you have moved on from that part of your life. You would totally be open to forgiving your ex-friend and getting to know your former acquaintance but they won't take the chance. You shouldn't reach out either. They have to be brave enough to seek you out on their own. You are very forgiving and kind. I think the only reason they wont come forward is because of their own insecurities. They don't feel they are worthy of your light. They know you are a strong independent individual and they might not know how to handle how good you are at setting boundaries.
Astrology: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Song: Welcome to the Family by Watsky
Vibes: White, blue, orange, silver, apples, trees, storms, ex-christian, reflection, boomer, garden, moon cycles, sea gulls, POS, irregular periods, feminine, 222, 4, birds, Demeter, Hera, Persephone, Artemis
Cards: 5 of Cults, Shame and Decay, Growth, Ace of Wands, Tin, Dissolution, Almandine Garnet
Hello, pile 2. There is one person thinking of you. It is a family member. I feel a feminine energy but it could be someone of any gender. I feel that this person believes you inherited your power and your abilities from them. I don't think this is true, this is just a belief of theirs. They have a lot of believes about you that aren't true to be honest. When they look at you all they can see is a mirror and they see nothing beyond that pre-existing belief. They could be a Taurus or a Libra but I also see Leo energy here too.
This person does not like how you live your life. This person has a predetermined idea of how you should be living. They can't seem to get the idea that you aren't their copy. They think because you aren't following the life they think you should that you are somehow sinning or demonic. They can't seem to understand you are an individual. In their eyes you are an extension of themselves. This way of thinking is really cancerous. They make wild and outrageous claims about your life that are made with no proof or evidence. They are honestly just poisoning their own mind by doing all of this. I hear them praying for you but they don't really know what they are praying for. What they say they are praying for is your uprising and for you to "come to your senses" but they are just praying for your down fall. They gossip to their friends about you and honestly some of the friends that have stood up for you and said that this person was being ridiculous. This person immediately and immaturely cut off anyone who didn't agree with them.
Do not reach out to this person. If you are still in contact with this person I recommend removing them from your connections. They do not have your best interest at heart and I think contacting them would add more fuel to the fire. They are sick in the mind and refuse to admit that they could be wrong. They do not take criticism well and they do not like anything different than themselves. They surround themself with yes-men who will do anything they say. Please, stay safe and protect yourself from such a mean person. They do not deserve your light.
Astrology: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries
Song: Hey, Runner! by The Arcadian Wild
Vibes: Black, brown, rainbow, teal, tendrils, doorways, stairways, 6666, 1234, snakes, crows, ravens, dogs, squirrels, spiders, animals, burrows, wild, water, skeletons, halloween, keys, cats, Pan, Artemis
Cards: 10 of Curses, Rotation, Darkening, Smokey Quartz, Queen of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 6 of Books
Hi, pile 3! I see one person thinking of you. This person was not good to you. They abused you. It could be a former romantic partner or a family member. I also see you might have worked together. Either way they are not a good person. This person made you feel very helpless. I'm sorry they treated you so bad. You deserved better. They did something awful to animal you really loved. They somehow removed this beloved pet from your life. They didn't like that you gave more attention to this creature than them. They were jealous of this animal. They wanted to control you and your emotions. They took joy in your mourning. For some of the people reading, I think this person could have hid that it was their fault that this animal left your life. They could have acted totally innocent when you cried about your loss but for others I think it was very obvious that it was their fault.
The reason they have been thinking about you is because they have been feeling bad about themself. They used you to regulate their self hatred and emotions overall. They miss the power they had over you. They miss being a predator. It looks like you found an out from a life around them a while ago. You escaped their grasp like they always said you couldn't do. You made your own life and you made it beautifully. I don't think you have very active social media or at least not social media they have access too. They have tried to find you online but they can't seem to locate you. When they do find you they text you immediately and you block them like always. They don't like how you see yourself as equal to them now. They are such a piece of shit for real. They do not like that you live is flourishing without them. They are so pathetic lmao.
I'm proud of you for getting away from them, my dear. You have taken such good care of yourself since you left. You are a wonderful and lovely person who did not deserve to get fucked over by someone who was supposed to care for you. This person is tied up in knots about not having control anymore. They will never have control again. They used to feel powerful when they bullied you but now your power over your own life makes them feel weak.
Astrology: Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo
Song: Cherry Hearts by The Shin and RAC
Vibes: Iridescent blue, dark blue, turquoise, gold, cicadas, moons, spilled water, tears, 888, mountains, wings, snakes, mourning star, water, swimming, ocean, copper, eldritch horror, Ra, Horus, Aphrodite Urania, Mother Mary
Cards: Queen of Swords, Moonstone, Chrysocolla, Uranus, Virgin's Milk, Death, 8 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles
Hi, pile 4. So there are two separate people thinking about you. They are unrelated to each other and they do not know each other but they have the same reason for thinking about you. The first person was a friend that was crushing on you hard. I think maybe you had a one night stand with this person and it changed their life. I think they are probably an Aries. The other was a very close friend that moved away. Or maybe you moved away from them. I can see you guys being friends in college. I think this person is a Cancer or an Aquarius. They both were deeply and irrevocably in love with you.
The Aries person followed you around like a puppy. They are a very masculine person but you made them feel a lot different than they usually do. I think you might have been their first real crush or their first fuck. They put a lot of effort into getting to know you even though you made it very clear you did not want a relationship. They still attempted to get into a relationship with you despite your boundary setting. They were a fool. You taught them about their passions which makes me think you have a "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" kinda vibe to you. They really were head over heels for you. I don't think you are in their life anymore. I think this person will think about you for the rest of their life.
The Cancer/Aquarius person was a really close friend of yours. I think either you helped them through a break up or they helped you through a break up. Either way during the mourning process they fell for you so hard but they kept it secret. They didn't know if their feelings were real or if they were just because of the situation. This person might still be in your life but I don't see them ever telling you about their feelings. I think they see you as this really cool and independent person. They don't think someone like you could ever love them. They try to keep their feelings down. They tell themselves their feelings are not real but their heart always skips a beat when they see you. They still catch themselves imagining a future with you. They have some naughty dreams about you too. They can not get you out of their head.
Both of these people love you a lot, my friend. I don't know if it's just your personality but you are just a really lovable person. You might be accidentally flirtatious. I hope this gave you some insight on who was thinking of you, my dear.
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sandorsubs · 1 month ago
shiftblr/loablr is giving pathetic lately
first of all, dear fabricated "void success story 🌺✨" post owners, come here. i'm gonna have a friendly chat with you in a dark alley. posting same things in same templates, tagging SAME accounts...look, i don't care if your stories are real. they are probably bots anyways because i've seen tons of them.
just get the fuck out and stop promoting your accounts. no one gives a shit. i'm sick and tired of your ads. whatever you are trying to do, promoting, scamming, attention seeking, you are just being sus and i recommend others to block tagged people in those posts.
and you, success story addict, come here.
i'm watching some of y'all drool over those bloggers because they got what they want, they have shifted or they succeeded. seriously? if you are a sucker for people like this, then your subconscious must scream "i put success on a pedestal and this person is my savior because i can't do a shit" everytime you enter this app.
no one is going to save you, no one is going to manifest for you, not a single success story or account will MAKE you shift or manifest. all they do giving ideas for YOU(again you) to use. obsessing over them makes zero sense. plus it's not serving.
you are handing them power, you supposed to hold for yourself. it's pathetic. why are you addicted to success stories? they are not yours. why are you putting some shifters on pedastal because they shifted? they are not a prophet or god, they won't make you shift.
some of those accounts took it wrong when they heard "i am god" concept. you are no one's god, honey. be your own god and move on with your life.
"but they have proofs" oh i couldn't give a less fuck. that's not the point, don't you get it? point is why do you need them so badly? look at their asses skyrocketing because they are popular now, they try to scam people, they start CULTS, fucking cults to abuse people easily and they think they can tell you what to do or control you.
control my ass, make it bigger please, void prophet/master shifter because i can't do a shit 🙏🙏🙏
and fuck motivation, seriously have some confidence. motivation this, motivation that. you made a comfort zone out of motivation, don't get me started.
"so what tf am i supposed to do?" still asking me? still asking someone else? stop watching outside the window, you are driving. i'm not saying don't enjoy the nature but you keep pulling over to have ridiculous amount of picnics now.
for what? comfort, oh sorry motivation of c.ai? motivation of reading other people's success stories and imagining it could be yours? or daydreaming for 38 hours a day? if you find yourself searching for success story, a new post from your fav void prophet/master shifter like an addict, work on your confidence. get the fuck out of your comfort zone. why is it so hard to focus on yourself? because it's easier to watch people fail or succeed rather than yourself, eh? sorry, at the end of the day, you remain as watcher.
and let me tell you, motivation is not a poison but it's not the cure you are looking for.
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anamericangirl · 1 month ago
I never got the "Well Jesus didn't say X, so it doesn't matter that a prophet/disciple said X" logic. Like y'all know those people were chosen either by Jesus or God to speak on Their behalf, right? You're basically saying that They suck at picking followers and speakers and we shouldn't trust them to pick the right people. We are told EXPLICITLY that killing babies is wrong. It doesn't matter that Jesus wouldn't the one to say it, God The Father and prophets chosen by Him said it. (1/2)
(2/2) It doesn't matter if Jesus said "no homo" (even though He did say marriage is between a man and a woman, that's literally where the quote comes from) God and His prophets and Jesus' disciples that He hand picked, said it.
Exactly! when you're reading the Bible it's not just the red words that are important. The entire book is God's word.
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kikidoesthings · 3 months ago
the losers on twitter don't know what there talking about
there just homophobic and racist.
intergalactic: the heretic prophet is gonna be fucking awesome.
we got a main character who is diverse and cool af (fine af too lol)
very cool graphics and visuals
a seemingly nice story to tell.
there is nothing wrong with this game from as far as i can tell
there is no way that y'all are getting pissy over a TRAILER (not including the minecraft movie bc that movie looks like shi-)
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teriyakichop · 2 months ago
Hot & Bothered
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LOL! there's not even 10 active Draenei/Lightforged Draenei guilds COMBINED that delivers the best Draenei experience. Some guilds are new, other guilds are defunct, other guilds want nothing to do with the Moon Guard "Community." So, Anonymous Sensationalist's argument is amusing. because they can't tell you how they know that my guild doesn't offer the best Draenei/Lightforged Draenei experience. And then we have good ol @spinesubs working with outdated information as usual. According to Spinesubs, it's a crime for you to be an adult and make OOC jokes to other adults. As for Exarch Captain title, it was just a way to distinguish Yuli from the other Exarch RPers because they RPed as an Exarch so so SOOOOO wrong! And besides, EVERY TITLE that Yuli has, she earned. She went through her trials, she passed her tests, AND, SHE HAS AN ARMY DIVISION. It took her years to get the title of High Anchorite, as she earned the title of Anchorite years ago when the 4th was was coming to a close. Then the expansions along with the time skip, and a decade later in the lore, you're upset because she earned High Anchorite? A title, WHERE THERE IS NO LORE THAT SAYS THAT YOU CANNOT HOLD NUMEROUS TITLES, because by that Logic, what was Prophet Velen before he was the Prophet? Is it wrong for characters to study and train in a similar field they are in? Were you there when Yuli was doing all of this training? Since you know so much, Spinesubs, do you even know WHY she sought to be an Anchorite, and eventually earn the title of High Anchorite? Yuli talks about it all the time, SURELY, you would know.
...but damn...that High Anchorite ceremony got y'all pissed??? Why??? Why didn't you go to the ceremony and stop it? Why didn't you speak your peace? No matter. Get mad for the next public RP event we're gonna do. You're good at that. <3
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chroniclesinlavender · 7 months ago
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ENTRY 002: Dreams (Part 2) [with transcript]
"Isaiah embarks on a chase in the night. Aran helps someone in need."
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[Chronicles in Lavender. Art and Story by Koishi. ENTRY 002: Dreams (Part 2)]
[December 13, 2019. 3:33 AM]
ISAIAH: That was a new dream! A NEW DREAM!!! I've never had a dream like that before! But what does it mean? Is there even any meaning behind it?? What did that butterfly mean when it said it'd help me??? And why does it's voice sound so... familiar?
ISAIAH: wait WAIT HOLD UP!! [thinking] SHIT! I'm gonna lose it! [through text to Amaliah] headin out for a bit will prolly be back in the morning dont touch my shit
ISAIAH: [thinking] What the hell am I doing? Am I really gonna ride up a mountain just to chase after some dream butterfly? ...Goddamn sone of a bitch. Some horror movie-ass shit I'm getting myself into...
ISAIAH: No no NOOO UGH why couldn't you stay on the path... Okay... I guess... Since I already came this far... Where is that stupid-- Ahah! I see it! Why am I doing this?
???: Child Of The Moon, First Of The Descended, From Across A Thousand Lightyears And Ten Thousand Lifetimes You Have Been Led Astray. A Wrong That Must Be Righted, A World That Shall Undergo, A Great Change, A People Who Must Be Brought Home, With This, We Shall Mend What Is Broken And Burn The Bridge. Take On This Burden, And You Shall Be Given All That Has Been Promised.
ARAN: [unintelligible]
ISAIAH: uuuuuuugh... hmmmmg.... everything huuuuurts..... christ, my head... w-wha?
ISAIAH: hnnnk- hah... guh... w-where the... hell is the... fucking mirror?
PROPHET: Let me pull one up for you!
ISAIAH: Wait, who just said... that? yo wHAT THE FUCK!?!?
ISAIAH: Where the HELL am I??? What is this... shit on... my... FACE!? AGH-! ow ow ow... Is this some kinda weird prank? My head still hurts... I can't remember how I got here. I need to get my bearings. ...My journal! Please please please please... Oh thank GOD I still have my phone on me. No signal... That's... not ideal. Okay, I have no clue where I am or how I got here... But I ain't finna stick around and find out.
ISAIAH: w-whoa... WHOA!!! OW--! Okay, maybe... go at it a little bit slower... I need to get outta here before whoever brought me here comes ba--
ARAN: ...so if I leave now I-- Ah! You're awake! Thank the stars! I was worried for a beat that you weren't going to come to! Are you feeling okay? how's yo--
ISAIAH: nah nah NAH whatever you are you stay the HELL away from me!!!
ARAN: Whoa whoa, bug, it's okay! I just wanted to check that you're alright! I'm not going to hurt you!
ISAIAH: Yeah, sure, good for you. I'unno what kinda fucked up prank this is, but I ain't in the mood! Y'ALL HEAR THAT!? i AIN'T PLAYIN AROUND NO MORE!!
ARAN: M-Maybe I should've brought them to a professional... Here, I'll go and get you some water, and summon a skeeter to take you to a clinic-hive. Just wait right he--
ISAIAH: WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Where... am I, exactly?
ARAN: Oh, sorry! You must be so confused! You're in a spare cell of my hive! I kind of panicked when I saw you by the river, and your vitals weren't showing up on Prohet, aso I didn't know if I--
ISAIAH: Okay again, wait... "found me by a river??"
ARAN: Y-Yeah, you were lying there passed out on the riverbank. I was worried you were dead, but I felt you breathing so I thought I should bring you home until you came too, since it was so early in the morning.
ISAIAH: So... this ain't no kidnapping thing? I can just... up and leave?
ARAN: Uh... yeah s-sure! If you want! I'm not trying to kidnap you. You can walk out the front port if you feel up to it!
ISAIAH: Aight bet. L-Lemme just... aH COME ONE! OOF-
ARAN: Whoooaaa I've got you! Here, let me help you to the door!
ISAIAH: Why do my... legs feel so o-off?
ARAN: It's alright! We can go one step at a time. Wati there! I'll get you some water. I need a water dish, Prophet.
PROPHET: Of course! Here you are.
ARAN: Here, just in case!
ISAIAH: The... water's in a plate.
ARAN: Yeah, why?
ISAIAH: ...Thanks, but I'm good for now. As soon as I can stand, I'm gone. Taking this stuff off of me too.
ARAN: Are you... talking about your chitin?
ISAIAH: My what? I dunno, man! Whatever this shit is. ugh... what did you... glue all of this... hmmg... on me or... something?
ARAN: Hey, stop that! You're going to hurt yourself!! Just... let's go outside, alright? Up you go! Maybe some fresh air will do you some good!
ISAIAH: ...yeah, I guess. And... thank for not kidnapping me, um...
ARAN: Al-Aran, but just "Aran" is fine by me!
ISAIAH: Cool... I'm Isaiah.
ARAN: Nice to meet you! Now let's get you out of here!
ISAIAH: I think I've seen this place in a... dream? [coughing] Yo what the he-- oh. OH!!! It came off! Aran, how did you do that--
ISAIAH: ...wuzzat now?
[Ēzm̄fl īn-hōn pi-jalzègxa olsl… (To be continued in the next entry...)]
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mrmcsilly · 4 months ago
Y'all wanna hear me rant about my AOT OCs family line and how tragic they are? No? Well, why you still here?
Rant >
The fact Alexanor was the last truly human of the Dawnson line before becoming the first prophet is so sad. No other Dawnson will know what it's like to lose humanity, cause they will have never had it at all. Alexanor just wanted a peaceful world where he and Ymir could live peacefully (They can be perceived as romantic or platonic, depends on how you view Ymir and how you wish to perceive it as I don't have a confirmation on their relationship being more or just friends).
Jonas is so sad. He spent his whole life knowing he'd die young and never have a chance to see the surface, the one thing he wanted. Sure, his children could see it, but it's hard to feel better knowing you will never achieve the dream you always wanted. He was used for his whole life by a village who couldn't replace him, he never got to have a choice. It was just his duty. Besides, he wasn't human anyway. (I LOVE MY SON SM HEHEJABJS)
Apollo (Formerly hesin/no, he didn't commit identity fraud or change his name, I changed his name cause I liked Apollo more, sorry for sounding bratty) is so fucking strong. Mentally and physically. This man was able to survive 5 YEARS away from society, in a high anxiety environment, with only animals as companions. AND HE COULD STILL SPEAK, UNDERSTAND HUMAN GESTURES, AND DECENTLY PREFORM BASIC TASKS. He lived in titan territory for his whole teenage years, even with the guilt of murdering 2 people. He also had to keep the bunker he was staying in stable, with no previous experience in engineering, and only using blurry instruction. And he still survived. Mathematical genius or not, you cannot deny my boy is strong as shit in so many ways.
Now. We go to the big game. Adela fucking A Dawnson. I could rant on hours on end about her. She is so sad and tragic. Imagine you never had a father, were the runt of the litter, had to steal to survive, lost your brother, your mother, the now parental figures you have being the scout vets (you understand why that's bad), you are starting to have vivid yet quick visions, you are betrayed by your closet friends, you find out you are NOT HUMAN and were born wrong for your species, you think you'll lose everyone you hold dear, you are betrayed by the person you trusted the most, and because of YOU, THE WORLD IS ENDING CAUSE OF YOUR IMPACT. 90% OF THE POPULATION IS GONE CAUSE YOU TRUSTED SOMEONE. She is so sad and disturbed please let me hug her I know I made her that sad but JUST LET ME HUG HER PLEASE ‼️‼️ And the worst part is that in almost every timeline. YOU DIE. GOD, WHY AM I SUCH A TRAGIC OC MAKER PLEASE LET ME FREE RELEASE ME ‼️‼️‼️ RELEASE ME 🗣‼️‼️
Rant over<
Wow. You stayed the whole time. Thank you 😊
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f0xd13-blog · 8 months ago
Dis might sound like an excuse but I literally even called it layers y'all thought it was layers to destroy Rosalia but it was layers understament and history as well as political point of views none are entirely wrong just manages in shitty ways I didn't wanted to cancel that smelly butterfly I said it before but once she got too far I wanted to destroy her specially when I saw the manipulation game in trying to make me accept her using my faves like snoop it really made me feel like shit after why happened to me because I feel like she never got her sentence and I know she didn't because she will come back and I LL go back to my shitty life but anyways .... U fight fire with fire my entire life i was dememned and condeceed to this politics that only fucked up my future and this aint excuses it's just a curse of a white gypsy with Portuguese history that isn't even real btw people celebrate getting rid of roms and blacks sooimagine my point is only way to get someones attention is to make them feel a certain way and hey im a pro in making people feel like i felt my entire life specially when i couldn't have a fucking break it was abusive shit after abusive shit. Watching Mikey draw tickets to MMA while the next post was babies getting bombed and after the bomb framing thing was just like who tf in what side are u? It was a mess see my point of view and stop trying to make urselves look like angels . Imma snap next time u try to make it seem I was the one in the wrong . If u don like bad treatment don invent new age shit of doing it without having any chance f being ale to defend myself. What should i do stay in my room crying and jobless? Believe that Mikey was gonna help me ? Like cmon those are stuff that only cross ur mind later . Biden going all pro Jews wile Madonna was dancing like a gee seemingly supporting him ... Want me to believe in her? Great it was mistakes but it isn't a matter of apologizing ayre but not to crucify me for online interpretations who do u think iam amr algorithm ? Data? HTML prophet? To understand all ur intentions. Babessssss cmon . Woke culture is almost gone pls gimme a prize like a salad or something coz now I can only eat healthy stuff . Idk just gimme a prize kkkkkkkk another thing is I ain't anti LGBTQ i just don relate to that faction I be like d generation x and gay / bi. I'm an homosexuctious, not a homotheorist.
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randomclam24 · 11 months ago
Under the graphics card settings, antialiasing set to enhance application settings has been set emphatically to supersampling with morphological turned off
On actual effort to afford the required
If drama "lords" would speak historically - you don't have to uncover the 1900s
4/25 I've consistently failed to see the moves in play because I utterly fail to see the basic context around us. When you do a thing, it's in the form of requesting * foreign * aid. Nothing else ever at the behest of presumptive y'alling which manifests out of the uncanny valley, as we meaninglessly miss in trying to circulate this. If you're white, you've been given this already your whole *life*, so when it shuts off, it's natural we blame everyone but ourselves, but it's true! We are foreign agents
Update A thing literally sprouted out of my desktop like a plant. It said free weather updates and so much more - I've never had it do that before, but it spoke in my face like that
If you can *solve* this riddle, you get free etherium
When you see updated *cereal* box mascots, at least from Kelloggs, as the divine hand, you're supposed to *see* it like that. But that's just another clue; what *is*-
Just pre-9-11, people were acting like they could talk their shit. They told you *no*
but these are just relativist acts. - *no* these are the morals we follow (if anyone disregards these, everyone does, that's why tiktok had to - if you don't know the context you might as well not even say it)
4/26 Something about how if we can't even have a cabal, we can't even have a technologically-procured existence
The trauma that propels people - just arbitrarily out of a vacuum of reason to success in this artificial life happens entirely devoid of the gene pool
Update I mean, they say jews don't like to admit it, but their god is Lucifer, but speak for everybody
How do you think they *got* in this childbirth-beholden-to-sacrifice state? Hmm? *You* don't seem very willing
Update On the episode of Common Filth I stopped on, everything, again, he is describing about how women - he puts it, "girls", like to make their children into sociology experiments, is just the womanhood of my immediate family, in and of itself. There is nothing more. Again, "Money's Prophets" - that is a book about the Rothschilds. Do you really want to masturbate what has gone on? The procreation as the psychosis endowment with our selves is not what you think it is
Update Writing this before finishing, with Silent Hill 2 enhanced edition, the settings for the static and fog are actually extremely sensitive, to the point that it's going to piss me off You could say the two have a relationship, like how, when Sega allegedly even admitted that having Sonic release right now was dumb because of Mario Wonder, the static is Sonic while the fog is the Bowser castle Ideally, between James Sunderland and the trees at the very beginning, a similar effect should be achieved where Godzilla NES Creepypasta's dynamic of overshadowing Godzilla should be reflected - in fact I've seen audio uploads on YouTube accentuating that phobia but never felt it Static got adjusted to liking, which was just default without correction, then tried starting the game and felt like I had to shut off everything until I eventually adjusted the fog settings to [Restore 3D fog levels] switched off, [Adjust fog-of-war boundaries] left on, and [Natural fog movement] switched off. Now it feels like it needs static, but not the way I had it. One setting I left behind made the trees in the Rosewater Park feel like poking right into my thought process Yes it was ultra-fine with correction, and now you can't use keyboard - they will know
4/27 I'm what's wrong with trannies. That's dangerous to admit, because then that comes into play for communism and then the deck of cards just comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling do o own (.)<-it's the truth. You think you get *over* this shit("shit" being used for who knows what reason It's not just me acting not like but as the assclown as white people are so committed to * * evil * *
The relationship black people have among the rap games, "dog", being in origin our subservience to community or as we call it "communism", if they knew that, we would *never* be able to get over it. Never. We would have to disband 4chan's idiocy in its own filth and everything. The whole world would be on fire, in itself as what that in psychology would always have been in origin. QED and don't you walk no more <- But are you taking this seriously
Like sex, Denzel Curry adding "last days" in a latest rap song is just a *fashion* statement - everyone knows the world is beyond fucking
If that's how hopeless white things are, then we're going to have to make some understatement reparations - do I even know what those are? You're talking to me like I'm fashionable.
And there you have it - the reason 4chan says irony when it says become ungovernable - it really only means become unfashionable, which is why it never carries, it is not funny <- Are you paying attention
*no* they are not
Update I know well there's more under pressure with Dark Souls II right now than there is without
So I'd rather everyone get bored
4/29 I don't get it, but it always seems like the white identity jews even just kind of compulsively denounce as their identity masturbation is actually, as the book on Communism: Irresistible Revolution isolated, the Christian Democrats that made them possible
I was born too late historically, but we just consider those * your footsoldier * I know if you followed directions cue-wise, it was supposed to be as the boomers said.
Update Christian Democrats are the kid that jews turn into their sociology experiment. * They don't mind *.
So when the crazy moms try to do the same and the kid would ever act *out*, they just say what world did *you* come out of - you came out of my womb
5/1 Before I forget, the analog horror PHEN-228, what does it really represent Especially at the photo with the kids' house, I tend to pause the video and then inexplicably the horror is gone I had a maturity as a kid to the point that my mother had a nightmare about her little boy going off already with briefcases This is the exact moment when the music starts reversing Also why I won't actually into a job
Update So that you won't fall into a grind being gay, I got Advanced education with Viktor Strobovski after looking up that theater creepypasta
5/2 You know how the in-game music starts to have this semi-royal feel to it, because it's Russian? You know how blacks consider themselves in origin kings? College campuses unite against Russia <-
When Drumpt talks about they're rapists, he's subliminally talking about, god forbidding, whatever that means,
I was going to add to that but then realized it's just this world's god *forbidding*
It's easy to overstep the boundaries of this world because it's so provincial. Mere sentence completion overdraws like a bank account.
That kid on diesel patches can't be left denoted as said. Soon the whole world will be terraformed so only the jew in-lineiant can partake in the economy oh wait that nu-male was all the time that? OKAY
Update Okay okay okay. The "province" in question? *Human* brain [*human* race (one race, the), in its origins?
The only reason leaders want to nuke is they're butt angered about their bulldozable [It was BBC.]state being a fundamentally ugly tax farm., and that should have a period on it and not a blank space. presidential address
oh no. If you're a defectant, meaning the height of these CEOs, you're supposed to not "change and grow as a person"; you hold the timeline *roots* - fill these jeans zoomers don't *have* what it takes to meander their trash bag
Alright *look*. The elites' front-and-center-talked-about plan that people are going to embrace fascism as soon as people are no longer worth salvaging as they will not be, that's been the case over 2003.
That takes place the most part, I don't really comprehend this, when you try ripping away from the microscopic province, they rip (...this was the *origin* of what was considered sex, I don't really comprehend this, a fetish) That Wiley thing I had, it said you didn't tell "that boy" to back off, I swerve They made that final <-huh?(alright this is the *origin* for Pride popping in the final top off.
And then Heather in SH3 can say I don't get it - you ripped off [too many people]?(the business owners(they're getting what they deserve
And I think - I know.
this is what business owners mean when they imply Boots on the ground. It means watching a shitty commercial
Alright the science says the brain has layers, down to such as the *reptilian* - were you to ever step foot out - well where is the rest of the world? Under America's *influence*
5/3 You could say, when agents talk, your kingship, which literally represents the anal retention - not nations - but people in natural context disregard jews just in - not historical context - ALL HISTORY - you have to say it compulsive as a liberal-prophecy like that, or else they'll think it's a joke When the state footsoldierhood speaks, as in Black Pigeon Speaks, your kingship meaning the shoes you fill just to - not work, but proceed beyond through bodily inhabitation - that's why we had the liberal prophecy. You don't even - not even get - care(if you don't add the period, we will
Update Catching my breath -
If you're a king, that means we're trying to get through to you.
See how that doesn't mean anything?
But behind closed eyelids, *every* world leader - insert "ahh"
update I bought Hexen just to play the Hexen Veil of Darkness mod (but Hexen comes before it) - I'm not keen to even TNT II on HMP has the current state of the Icon of Sin Unfortunately I think the actual reason for the Bible's "do not kill" when black people make it practically a virtue in rap is that jews' way of saying a jew's life is worth a thousand goyim Can't say it *That's where it would have count* But what's really happening is a bunch of liberals playing Dreamblood (also Cacowards 2023 implying that they can get it installed, with fastmonsters Also D Grapesofwrath stating he is the beast he worships means it's just the state
Update Next time you say fuck the police, remember that none of it would have existed if it weren't fueled by our intelligentsia out the ass The kid on diesel patches, taking the purple horseshoe, is only reminding what the police, and that can mean, but before the origin of my argument presumptive intelligentsia, confiscate- but this use of confiscate calls into severity the accusation of jewish monetary appropriation which comes with all nations. This is not a sound origin
I just said it - it's our intelligent! *We told them* you don't have account (accountability culture
alright when you go to a movie, what do they tell you? Look at the movie poster on the front. *That's* what tells you the conclusions of the content -they're not pulling a fast one on you with the content, *white boy religion*
Atheist logic (breach a conclusion through the social sphere, work to its conclusions) isn't unpreceded and - oh - this is where we inevitably get our dicks cut off for the *woman* of our dreams| it was *all* a woman all along
Why do we have to perpetuate to sex? I don't get [any pussy so I ]
5/4 What comes before a White Castle craving has even any need to be spoken about Scratch that because I just had seven; I hadn't eaten much all day We're speaking to the one who ate all ten
I think there(if you had to be told this and aren't of the top five tens like I asked, then you're not and I said 's a [crashed(landing.) [no you wouldn't have even gotten to that point pattern where since all life [me being like an Area 51 focus [See what you did. [everything about bad history man's saying they will not denounce their elites is just *implicating* me, except it's [except I won't get fucked and calm down, so I won't see Hitler was the enemy of internal jews such as myself and not the outward genetic ones whom anger was taken out on takes the form of surgery as implied by the TNT II Icon of Sin's entry *implied* by Quake 4's reminder [reminder is not present see normal normals wouldn't have even gotten to that point - they would have gotten hung up social texting over Doom3's bridge burning out [you're supposed to be empathizing with a child getting carried off - Mario 7/29 Build was them discount - *dis*credit-oOhwhataretheydoing The point of the lockdowns was to discredit
Edit: So it looks like since people won't get over the fact that they *are* being implicated, they'll never relax and see the reality that the accusation underlying was restant
Update alright I was trying to say They said zoomers aren't identifying with the associations to the horrors of the past, and yet when we tell them to learn to back up in a fight, the standard Krystallnacht is what they call literally
What precedes that is the internet went out according to the economy which would *implicate* a Charles Manson - their making fun of you is over a potential for you to rape kids, cast aside this forming a victim compl- something it's a bit more complicated than that. Take it a way office workers Okay. We said[wait see they're not going to do anything
Update Based on cumulation in experience and that alone, I'm going to guess and say Star Fox 64 in a very hyperreal sense is the big one (but it strictly has to be experienced analog
update This is going to sound weird Everything has gotten UNO card reversed so that you can beat Star Fox on entirely the base route If you can get to Aquas without anal fixation, the pollution they're speaking of beginning as a proposal to distance onesel[ves] from conflicts with the absolute common denominator of the crazy American which to great roller coaster is Kyle Rittenhouse starring in Moon II by Middlefingerman exclusively with the track d_moon7 set with the changemus command in console with the TNT II mod, on easy in itself except they're making fun of *me* and Monogatari manga thinks having a first time heterosexual relationship is usual
5/7 Okay. To pose as an emperor virginally in this time and age era you're going to have to play Veil of Darkness looking like Rubber Johny
*W*-what *class?*
Fighter class
Steven Hawking
left a few message tapes after his dæth, and they said "Brave": If you had - One Shot
5/11 Get back there When I was coaxed into with my mom, saying, one-off clinic in the hood stopping kid from going south was never *"solution"*, I meant, Dear White People America was never (and it's this wrinkling of psychosis here that I'm really wondered about, or something
...Whare have all the good men gon
5/13 I'm a corporate office worker; I've got a big time, I don't take time out for non-businessmen but I found a "frequency" I custom-made to prove that Doom's overall positive outlook despite the daemons remains even in sub-.2 gamma settings, which is creating a new contingency surrounding approach to now exclusively episode three, Inferno There's a narration in Doom, this floats above Hell itself, but to the Doom-consuming consumer, that's all just hogwash. No, skip all that. This is a leftist prophecy. Repeat it like a mantra (vid_brightness[even Family Guy, the early seasons themselves, said of the South, where there are a lot of Masons, as long as we share the same god, it's all okay, which is why the brightness.] .680302, vid_gamma 0.0503764 Donald Trump wouldn't shy away from a photo opportunity with Jeffrey Epstein, and those who speak from that vestige get listened without thinking The Pink Season album ending with "why can't we get along", coming after *its* album comes after the mostly peaceful protests in white America that have the, to gleefully obedient onlookers to my salvation through coming to terms - finally, - oh you don't even care - have the cameras turn so that when the Pizzagate harddrive shooter rushes in like a bat out of hell you don't see anything
Well, actually, that's what *I* would do. They're just having these crisis actors as a - they called it "shaming ritual" - that's okay, nobody cares
Oh and as a loving adage I called it the Four Comas frequency
The snake you can find as a sort-of secret in the map is the kind of freedom that constitutes our sense of moral affirmation
Update We as Americans want to have our osmotic revolution, already playing this on nightmare, to be the act when we hand-have saying France: Burn Until You Learn
I actually saw an anon who explained how he booby-trapped his house - do you think something's wrong when the amends he went to were so out of the average American's ordinary extent oh, it's [all][<-] immaterial - we already [it goes here: *all*]fell asleep
*Super* update The reason there's ever a focus on there merely being a *nonzero* amount of people is that when provincialism drops, and their trauma goes beneath what all that did, little Timmy seeing the Pope for private time is the *only* way
*minor* update The moon landing isn't fake, we just have to go through all this (It's called Sex Junk. (From Bill Nye?
Girls' Last Pedophile (It's yuri.) tour is trying to pass by God and ignore this.(Infact it wasn't worth its *salt*
pseudoupdateLook it wasn't hentai superceding anime, it was yuri(you almost gotta branch it out of him)look!That was your concept of Jesus.
The stay in the creepy part of Pandemonium should have been extended to the point that it gets fecal. One pedophile location that got scanned by anons and forgotten about (unnaturally quickly - but to them that's not what it is(Period.) said "stay zaza" in a nearby location, a hotel That's the experience where all say, come *on*, we were having the time of our li[v confiscated]es quantumupdate
And that's where the tried-and-true-accurate depiction of the warlord who makes his victims work comes
alright we're not worker bees cause we're needed. We need it that way because otherwise all the paperwork files undone
Our economy of orbiting helpers is not to get the insinuation done, it's to convince ourselves that the work done through broadcasting is still keeping its power white. If you remove that pre-underlying mechanism, the thing{oh, some *bullshit* happens, I don't know
Alright if you haven't figured out, Ender's Game's ender game *is* projection - mountain out of every molehill?
you know how animals in the wild will tremor out trauma? When we affirm Lucifer Masonically through calumniation, that's just *anxiety* - that's all we see
But it's *more* than that. We can't tremor out a *penny* because when we do, the whole commercial popularity - it's like a promise, you broke ["Don't make a girl a promise" ? ?
"Yeah, and it's not just the fog either"
The way we are, if we denounce Lucifer as God, our mind will just reinstate it subconsciously sexually
what was Halo? some corporate dogma wrapped in a religious deligitimization disguised as a deceleration as, *as was original*, its disguise - not hard
update The original classic Doom, in reality being preceded by Doom 3, where not even that constitutes a reminder that the people related would be afforded a human element So they have a connundrum where they have to force Silent Hill 4's situation In reality, we can't force our dicks down everyone's throats - no that's where we have solitary confinemenf that's what republicans want
MGS, whinging over a nuke, not realizing that the regressive state is all that existed and all that can possibly exist, didn't realize what swept over was *everybody
I'm getting the blame because the way everybody thought the corporations would have them is *perpetuity
"Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski" is the real {whatever you want to call it because I don't care}because it thought that a flipped mouse (like spilled milk) could just be flipped haphazard however., let alone this unfixture.
vid_contrast is .367902. You have to be attuned to what people are doing in the *bedroom*, otherwise exploring the earth isn't even an overworld
Update! The reason for your mom's season is whatever *we* accomplish in the present, *you're*, without any expertise, going to be dragged along like it's the zombie in Zombieland. QED. If you're not doing it limited by your projections, well, it's not like the monsters in the games are things you identified with on some level anyway. It's all just spam.
5/16? Yume 2kki has a version of the early builds which was standard I think for the originals surrounding 2007 where the space entrance to the hospital had additionally some gore with it and I think they squeamished out of it
In reality, the wargame-defying reality of the Hitlers not crossing but attempting to enter the Russian world space was fucked before they went in. The failure was allowed because they drug out finding out so long. Russia has roots - as agents modern liberals hate so much - that go deeper in the origins of the collegiates' own liberalism that make them look bad, than just enough to make the throne of God seem finalized in actualizing itself in liberal.
And yeah Microsoft will try to subliminally eat this up
Alright. We're fucked, but we put the red flag on Microsoft. That's what's currently going in.
I'm sure if we all just watch Kangaroo Jack, it'll all be business
Essentially they told you, anything involving key symbolism occurs according to its allegiances already shown to you in advance when Google input to all those sites, not just Le Reddit
You all are looking for a tragedy to hand-have the act of anal worship, by worrying for the movement in its place because they're too blind to strike out, vicariously when whatever is next I *do* will have turned out to have already played out in the form of ("reparations"(what are, in the end, being all that we can or could have come just to ask
This is *not* what we came for. If we just interpreted the lyric "God is a living man" in its roots, that would already undercut our entire faith in world leaders, and liberals would have no roots but to mock us for the rest of our livelihoods until we *cede* the economies seeing that they're already in the pit we designated - look we're going to fast, just let them sit in the house we paid for them and figure They're not even doing that.
5/19 Alright the first rule of assuming white Americana privilege - you're carrying weights whether you are
The entire message, you don't hope for someone to get it right when they have a job you're paying them so much to do, is entirely favoring the establishment which we are inheriting (not in the sense of generational inheritance, but right now, like a class inheritance in object-oriented programming which for generally that reason I never wanted to get into
If you had finally acknowledged that as I inheretedly did even though I mislooked, to they, the onlookers', detriment (Freddy Freaker: "doin the *freak*(.)<-(it's that)")
Alright people who need anal fixation in order to carry weights are actualized *hereby* as insane; we just need to y'all to all people who already accept the hustle culture life and get all the dissidents dead - in *jail* cells! *all* of them
I didn't know the coffee would be hot
"I didn't know the coffe would be hot" *No* for you you gotta carry it the rest of * your life*
Update I don't know enough about Viktor Strobovski's advanced education to gauge the furries
(public education something)
I got referenced to bootleg_pokemon by VibingLeaf, and when it comes to the gameplay itself, right after the beginning, when a thing head pops up, the reception is a "no" like it was a kid of my own Then I realize my perception of "Liddle Kids" as the actual relationship with the elites and not just a one-off pedophile organization, is actually this
It wasn't public education: the fact that it was mandated
I just call it crappy pasta
5/20 I don't know why I kept calling it a blood transfusion, but it was time to get my blood test done, and the idea of True Blue Self, just keeps hammering me and hammering me - I can't *get* it to stop, and now that I'm home, it feels like the primordial proto-whiteness only spoken of in - Not even rich jewish families speaking in terms of their Romanized first names as namesakes
I can't into conversation even with my mom. It's all fucked "beyond comprehension". That's the basics.
Telling people their inherency of expression is just mandating that things are the way they are according to their true whiteness as this basic-bitchdom-ness, which is essentially read as fem-dom, as you can't fool a jew on their eyes
we're just going - *already* - united upon as *rapists* - exactly as *Trump* said! Oh no! Who could have said
My mom told me today in what might as well be the Silent Hill 2 *letter* by Christ am I *saved*(*cut* off. (*Don't* do that, or else (right-wing death squads - that's what they meant when they collegiately implicated the Republican circling of the wagons - that's a *shaming ritual* - you're all apes - on the pavement )))
I say it like it's beyond comprehension, but I *already* flagged it's (Microsoft) - you don't even know ("who we are" - McDonalds rap by Pink Guy)
No, Christian Christ is just the *sexual* attunement to which we get things like that dude in the movie having sexual realizations about what historical secrets are. That's not the permanence of Revelation or anything. *dies*
I think that's why they push homosexuality, because otherwise the American mind just frizzles when we say the conclusions have to be something other than the *consumption* relaxation
Even if the D. Grips fans scream "Jenny Death", the subliminal they're choking is that it's not just "it's all about money" in the end
from the beginning "money is the predifenition
money is the predefinetion" You can't have a worldsociety without a money fixation - and it's totally not Open Society but primordial formation
We didn't have modern mathematics when civilizations formed. They were considered among sacred geometry, and you're just treating them like un-sacred *bitches*. Bitches
Our concept of strengthening indicates *rationalizing* as in Build Back Better itself That's why when anal sex like with bodybuilders and old rich dudes We get all upset like we entitled to some world like China men
Update is a word I have the last three videos of VibingLeaf's sonic playlist set aside as a playlist, and I entitled it accordingly have chicken sex you incel. You are not allowed happiness until it is through these affirmations you punk
I will not do this as I am white supremacist as a CEO [swagger swag s That thing in the last video
If it isn't the correct date, off with your heads.
I mean it
If anything's what being at the "academy" of being gangstalked has taught me It's that if Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb without meming social distancing from heterosexually existing in that's simplicity started to manifest, the number of "20th-century witches" that would appear instantly beyond that instant would outmeasure the sun
update: I have no intent on doing the negotiating attempts like Death Stranding implies. Even though that's implied as instructions.
5/21, it's May again, heh
That's not some weird dissident- that's just the "anxiety" that came out of me every time I was posed sitting next to relatives or other people in general in a congregative-for-the-sake-of-insisting-upon-its-continued-existence congregation that wasn't the cousins that were my own age
I'm trying leaning here there isn't any reason for interacting *diverting* from this other than like one entertainment -okay
The Pigmasks in Mother 3 were asses and elbows, but this mediocrity forever was just preeminent.
Correction I think the focus here is that it was in everything. It *was* everything.
Update You're not allowed to have any reservations. Every time you reach the point in addressing traumatic inevitabilities that it's substantial, the reality coming out at the very seams of itself is that everyone before you who ever *did* this stuck their *dick* in it -only ever people did Christianity non-provincially to vampirically *leech* off the iniquity It's like a fire that breaks out. That's why I don't "trust" the Bible with placing this unholy brushfire of realization as the highest position or throne of God as always, because it doesn't. This works to the effect of making things not work, for its own sake.
5/22 I have to say "abba" here so the Radar doesn't assume This is what we've lived as all it is for its sake all our life
From now on, our dissidents will be calmed with homosexuality direct- people don't seem to know this, so: this is the only origin of *Nintendo* Direct (People don't *think* like this)
In reality, in order to post, you have to assume gatekeeping - we don't even have to call it that because it's so unconscious in our case
It's hard to stay on live TV; they're not "gatekeeping", they're framing the situation in hopes - I had hoped(that has a dictionary definition-lookitup)- that you see the blood on the leaves(, or something, because that doesn't carry
From redirecting from the Common Filth social media which broadly speaking you should not browse, oh here we have what we have here: in the words of ghostler, "oh how quaint"
("hoo yeah")
If you want to go there, even the concept of heroism - as it's been portrayed up through the 80's, they don't even entertain that anymore because they knew it would be too much for people like Live Mas (I don't know what I'm talking about) If you want to go there, essentially the most recent that wasn't simply derivative was the Crimson Chin, and if you want to actually do that, it's kind of a dig at the idea But if you want to really go there, the entire idea of bodybuilding, the idea of strength is predicated in the roots of rich men who buy their bodies after the fact, not before
Oh, I forgot to say, it's about the holding back of shit when the projections the elites had in mind for your schenainegans eventually fall apart revealing the truth even when you didn't want to speak it - you can speak the truth accidentally and get killed just because you're autistic, and you wouldn't even know
Update Even XXXTentacion could only admit that he's lost and found by this society. He says it because I say it and in my case you arleady knwo
I couldn't even look up garfielf blows up the earth without it coming all over me, and that's a socially good thing no *look*-> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15352542
They know how you talk.
From now on, what I'm going to do is fered this worse
I said feed, but what came out was r, implying the logical conclusions have just happened as I tripped over this - this is why I stopped Death Stranding, because I knew when I saw the baked-in tripping animations it was telling me this artificially again like everything
The goons are in the house eating well? What Ghost thinks this movie is? That's it. "We In The House".
All of this ensnares before you have the effort invested to leave your parents' house. No one is talking about financial investing or weight lifting. It already is
I don't know what's going on, but as I review this, the vibe is that police can detect psychosis from a mileaway
Even Kndrick Lamar's fantasy about things being according to thoguhts and ideations in his head is not milestoneded, but is actual in Saturday Night Live making - *he* appread
Just another Repulibcan shil making it
Update And meanwhile this idiot is playing right into the grooves of the cinematic memery hook line and sinker because he's in cahoots obviously - that's why "imagine my shock" when he has *semen* in his farts
Same guy I got redirected to from that other time-isn't it time you show up? Stop watching these vids?
Basic diagram: When you have organic expressions, you're buying into the memery of the establishment like negroes on rap music when that music is branded music, and it stands, that's the dichotomy Everyone's investing in a slingshot effect, but in reality have you ever committed effort and dug deep to build a hole on the beach? What is inevitable? The ocean makes itself known
Update The way independent articulations outside of projected possibility interactions with mom fall into the uncanny valley of furry personas like even Doom's RAMP2023 had at the starting - you're going too fast, you're going to have to talk slower to them, they won't realize (and I just left, what that is! *what is that*) I'm not very honest. This is the realization culmination most people have looked up to their whole lives. They don't know what's beyond this, and I'm fucking this whole up. But if you were listening, what I was *trying* to say was that furry personas inevitability if you don't just fall into the well-made chasm that humans should just be disposed of as disposable trailer trash as Ghost does - see we're going too fast. They won't listen confirms the concept of the universal human race as liberal, we all were This pretty much sums the real divide where in black people's world they have the less-spoken-of divide between well-to-do black people and FUCKING NIGGGGGGGG
I walked away from humanity like the ocean. Walking *over* the words' guidelines, by existing in non-pre-concordance, I slut shame the validity of..."Fighting in the Name of".
I mean, a disposable Kanye with the Iron Man adaptation of such an accident of words would *relish* in the slingshot effects, and I would be ever the ignorant
Update *Upon * viewing the uploader of Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the 3D Doom adaptation's Twitter account to see for more versions, it turns out the apocalypse, based on a forward, is the *preeminence
and I don't even know what that means.
Settlements.wad? More like Israeli settlements. There's no open-ended question
Update Hero narratives hinged on the idea that the insistence of our true selves at the forefront of our minds solves everything. That's when "get woke" makes conservatives lose their profit, essentially forming the barrier to when Hitler denied the bankers *their* profits, that's when people form projections Are you going to actually run with this or are you just going to forget - they always They have no ability to remember.
5/24 Things gangstalking *can't* do (and it's not a gang, they're doing it to shame what's preconceived of us, forming the roots for the "I'M GANGSTER") I haven't heard anyone raise complaints, including myself, that comments from ten years ago are *also* according to my momentary thoughts which have to dip into the uncanny valley for Ha-Satan
Yume Shikki got really creepy, and I have to stay in a playlist in theater mode with a sock, doubled-over, on the top left of my screen
at all times
Update Pretty much over settlements.wad at all, Common Filth's former twitter take that neoconservatives have actually done well - you would have to read it - conserving the liberal state we currently see: that exact dichotomy of words came out the second I had a training program under this tech company and, after a question, I had a minor complaint about how they handled: a higher-up swooped in and had to rectify that she had made a *very* well-done job, pretty much as a sealing act within hand-having itself. It's *very* ingrained
Even the service I used, yt1s.com, switched to be shut down in 2021 so you have to used yt5s's selection of myriad sites, where iFlyDown as the hand-having for the swooping term
I don't think they actually mean submit to traffic when they say look out for traffic, but in the real world it never wasn't
5/26 The obvious (glaring) - glaring?
reason for this is that the nature of revolution in this country is correcting after-the-fact, which in itself is self-defeating in its image, that we were in the end subservient to the same as the Covenant in Halo, after this autistic "Great Journey" that we're all embroiled in as 9-5-job-pursuers and nothing else, naturally, as what we are.
If you have to *correct* in the middle of a defining statement, you were on a journey and not active. You might as well have been reciting something said as an announcement on a cruise ship. That's not a good example for how it goes, but that basically describes how casual it is something about how boomers thought cruise ships with playgrounds connecting different areas in them or something were the highest peak of human potential
Also the blue and white standard computer technical colors correspond with Epstein's island
0 notes
dewitty1 · 2 years ago
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Fic Recs Wrap Up - February 2023 (ノ゚∀゚)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis by Vukovich @vukovich
Harry’s assignment was simple. Close out Draco Malfoy’s missing persons case so he can be declared dead.
But who’s making withdrawals from Malfoy’s vaults? How is a death omen-turned-Unspeakable involved? Is an organization known as the Moirai to blame?
Harry brushes it off until he can’t. Until The Prophet is flooded with sightings of dead people. Until Robards throws himself on his sword. Until Ron turns on his own family. Until Harry scarcely trusts his own reflection in the mirror and trusts the stranger in his bed even less.
Until all that stands between war and peace is Harry, a name plate, a stadium of murderers, and Draco Malfoy.
God save the Ministry. Rec Post
Harry Potter and the Chariot of the Sun by Philosopherscribe 
Hot on the trail of a Dementor-worshipping cult, Harry plays a dangerous game with an old enemy. Rec Post
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy’s Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by dustmouth, nerakrose, art by dustmouth,  written by  @greaseonmymouth
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who’s definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry. Rec Post
The Garland Gay by Vaysh
Draco Malfoy has it all – sex, money, power. But a family secret threatens to become the undoing of the successful head of Malfoy Bank. His troubles bring him to private investigator Harry Potter, who lost it all – girlfriend, Galleons, Auror career – over a tenacious obsession with a certain blond. Both become entangled in the vengeful schemes of a stranger from the past. As much as Draco tries to resist, in the end, he must make a fateful choice for the man he is destined to love. Rec Post
Eagles in Truro (Alt: That filthy one that snuck in a plot.) by Vukovich @vukovich
Hermione Granger just wants to get laid and maybe someday become Supreme Mugwump. Ronald Weasley just wants to build a dubiously-criminal empire and hug everybody. Harry Potter just wants… he’s not sure, but it might be Malfoy. Draco Malfoy just wants to survive the post-war world. And snuggles. A story about four lonely people in a mineshaft in Cornwall, and blasting a home in bedrock when nothing else quite fits. Hermione: Excuse me. This is a political thriller, but it’s also how I ended up in a really complicated relationship. Ron: It’s not that complicated. And it’s a love story. Draco: He’s right. Harry: You always side with Ron. It’s an action story. I got stabbed. Draco: Sorry about that. But you’re all wrong. This is art. And SMUT. All: Oh… Rec Post
My Best Friend, the Serial Killer by trishjames @thusspoketrish
Draco’s best friend and flatmate Pansy Parkinson is a lot of things: she’s beautiful, intelligent, doting, and a bit unnerving…but Draco loves her all the same, even if he has to clean up after her bloody – ah, messy romantic breakups more than usual. He doesn’t mind, after all, what are best friends for?
But Draco starts to question just how far his love can go when Pansy brings home her next victim – ah, boyfriend, Harry Potter. Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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By the Grace by lettered @letteredlettered
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Away, Away by Aelys_Althea @aelysalthea
Abandonment didn't sit well with Harry. Not at all. After the calamity that was the end of the Triwizard Tournament and the dismissal of his friends over the summer, he decides: enough is enough. He's done. Done with it all. He just wanted to get away. But the Wizarding world, as it happens, isn't quite finished with him. No matter how far he runs, it always catches back up to him. Years after turning from those who left him, Harry is dragged back to that world once more. Many find him far changed from the boy who'd once known. Some - some very few - even like that change. Draco Malfoy just happens to be one of those chosen few.
In the Shadow of Your Heart by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) @lqtraintracks
And thus began the very strange circumstance of their fake dating in public and real fucking in absolute secret. It was, with no comparison, the weirdest relationship Draco had ever been in – which was to say, it wasn't one.
what husbands are for by softlystarstruck @softlystarstruck
To settle tensions between werewolves and vampires, Harry volunteers for a political marriage. But it turns out he's marrying Malfoy– cold, untouchable Malfoy, who he hasn't seen in ten years. Throughout contention and politics, werewolf pub nights and grudgingly shared meals, they have to make it work.
And in the midst of it all, Harry finds something he already gave up hoping for.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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brown-little-robin · 2 years ago
Hi Lockwood & Company Girls! I know I enjoy seeing outsiders' perspectives on things I'm obsessed with, so here, have the POV of Robin, who never heard of this series until a few months ago when y'all got obsessed:
Lockwood & Co. is... a tv show. Based on a book series. The show hasn't caught up yet, which makes you sad.
There's a group of ghost... investigators...? Who wear kinda old-fashioned clothing? I think this might not be set in modern times. I bet this is in the 1900s. That century. (I'm not a historical fashion buff, I dunno sldkfjlskdjf)
The ghost investigators are kind of a disaster trio (quartet?) who have that good good Weird Kids Chemistry.
There's one (1) girl main character and her name is Lucy. Lucy has an important necklace. It is probably cursed because she fainted about it. Y'all seem to really like Lucy. The impression is that she's maybe a little headstrong but also tries her best.
There's a few boy main characters. One of them is George. I actually can recognize George by face; he's uhhh not white? I think? Anyway, he has a nice round face and he's a little insane. He's... comic relief? He really likes Lucy, I hope platonically (I adore a good platonic weirdguy/weirdgirl friendship) but whatever. I think if I was watching the show, George might be my favorite. He gives Stiles Stilinski vibes: seems like the Sane OneTM except for when he's doing the crazy board conspiracy thing.
A lot of people have a crush on a guy called Kipps. ??? Apparently it takes a while to warm up to him? I get the feeling that he might be kind of mean or distant at first. I'd give him a fair shot if I was watching the show. We love a good prickly character who eventually gets better.
There's a character with terminal Tired Raccoon Eyes. He looks like a languishing poet and I love him. Cold wet kitten on the unforgiving city streets. I feel like he should be some kind of doomed prophet but maybe I'm just associating him with Fiver Watership Down too much.
The group.... lives together? In an old house? Maybe? Are they actually a found family, or is that just the vibe I'm getting? I think they're all human, no magical or supernatural powers, but I'd love it if they did have powers 👀👀👀
Feel free to tell me if I'm right or wrong about this stuff!
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Hey y'all! So here I am with the first Encanto story since last summer I believe? I've had a lot going on and nothing at the same time, it's been weird to say the least! I've been to Australia, come back, looked for work, met my girlfriend, there's been a lot!
Now, before I bid you adieu, I want you to know that Elena doesn't belong to me. I wish she did, but she doesn't, she belongs to @prophetic-hijinks and is the wife of Bruno and mama to Pedro and Catalina and eventually Ramiro! She's a singer from the city and I love her so so much, so I couldn't not do something about it! The song she sings at the end is a Spanish version of 'Dream A Little Dream Of Me' however, it may not be accurate, I got the lyrics from YouTube and had to faff around to get them un caps locked, but I got there in the end!
Hope you all enjoy it and check out the hijinksverse if you haven't already! It includes pissed off bouncers, Bruno being chased by Antonio's friends and Casita being more than a little sassy! Stay safe and take care!
Charlotte :) x
Elena and Bruno groaned as their sleep was interrupted by the shrill cries of...Catalina? Wait, no. Pedro. Yup, definitely Pedro.
"I got it," Elena mumbled as she sat up, stretching her arms above her head and groaning at the stiffness. She blinked sleepily and groaned again, with her husband putting his hand on her shoulder in solidarity. One thing he had learned quickly on was to never get in between Elena and sleep. Approach the sleeping siren as you would a sleeping capybara; very carefully with snacks at arms length or not at all.
Bruno shook his head and was already out of bed. "It's okay mi amor, you stay there, I'll see what's wrong, si?"
Before she could protest, there Bruno was, ever the diligent husband and papa, making his way over to the nursery corner that casita had created for the twins. In comparison to the main area of the bedroom, it was very similar, shelves and cupboards seemingly carved out of the rocks and it being cordoned off by a never ending cascade of sand, but that was where the similarities ended. Casita opened the sand curtain for Bruno and his face softened as he saw that yes, it was indeed Pedro who was crying for attention. This made a change as usually it was Catalina who would wake them up with her shrill cries.
Smiling softly, Bruno leaned over the crib, picking his son up. The movement and noise coming from her brother made Catalina stir and cry out as she gradually woke up. Bruno sighed a little and smiled tiredly at his daughter. "Ay, you too? Alright then mi flor, all aboard the papi express." With an over exaggerated grunt, Bruno picked her up as well, making sure both babies were comfortable. He kissed her black whisps of hair and pretended to nibble on them as a late night snack. Whilst Catalina inherited his hair colour, it was Pedro who had gained the telltale Madrigal curls and with his brown hair, he reminded Bruno of when Camilo was his age. He told this to Elena one night and she could see his point, but she thought it was more akin to a birds nest. "Fitting considering you're my woodpecker," she giggled, kissing her husband on the nose. Her woodpecker, his songbird. He would never tire of that for as long as he breathed.
As soon as he was picked up and held against his papa, Pedro turned his head and made tiny grabs at the hairs on his chest; oh yeah, he was hungry alright. As for Catalina, she too was trying to latch onto Bruno without success. Tandem feeding it was, then. It seemed that, for the babies, anything that resembled a breast or nipple equaled food. Not technically wrong, but not technically right either as proved by Catalina last week when she took a shine to Mariano only to be bitterly disappointed when nothing happened. In her disgust, she not only cried so much she vomited over her prima's novio, but quelled said prima's current desire of having the five babies she lied about Mariano wanting two years previous.
Bruno glanced at the clock on a nearby stone shelf and saw it was a little past two in the morning. This was going to be a long night. "Alright mi bebés, shall we see about getting sorted? Yeah, you'd like that, I know you would." Walking back to the bed where Elena was, Bruno continued to talk to the infants, explaining in great detail about his newest telenovela that he was working on. "...and well, he's in the hospital with amnesia, so he can't exactly do a whole lot." His wife let out a soft laugh and shook her head. "Is papa telling you one of his stories, mis pollitos?" she asked as the first hungry baby was passed over and adjusted in her arms. Bruno shrugged awkwardly and gave his wife their daughter. "Well, I wouldn't call it a story, more plot devices for the next telenovela."
She smirked knowingly and raises a single eyebrow. It was totally one of his stories.
Just as Elena was about to comment when there was a whimper of annoyance from Pedro as both of her babies fought for space, kicking each other with tiny cries and trying to get the best spot. "Now, now, there's more than enough to go round," Elena muttered, starting a little as Catalina latched on, followed by Pedro a few moments later. As soon as she felt the gentle tugging sensation from both sides, she relaxes and leans back into the bed cushions. "There you go, is that nice? It's mama's secret recipe, all for you and Catalina."
Her children, her twins, her babies; so little yet so full of life and personality already! Catalina with her fighting spirit, never one to back down, always had to have the last word, but oh, so fearless and so loving. Bruno commented on how she was clearly a resistance fighter in a former life and Elena found herself agreeing. As for Pedro, he was a sensitive soul with hazel eyes that seemed to bore into you and was fiercely protective of what he loved. Given that he was only three months old, this was his comfort ruana and a toy rat that Mirabel had sewn for her new cousin.
Both parents watch in a silent rapture, the only noise breaking the illusion were the grunts and mewls of the babies, along with their rhythmic suckling. Without even thinking about it, Elena begins to sing. An older song, one she sung countless times that had resulted in many a patron being left under her spell when she was on the billing. A song that she had sung to her children both in and out of utero and calmed them down right away. Bruno instantly recognises it; the song she was serenading the crowd with when he first laid eyes on her three years before.
"La luna allá en el cielo,
Susurra y me trae tu “te quiero”
Y un bello sueño me hace sentir,
Que ya estás cerca de mi
Solo sueña un poquito
Suspira y envuélveme en besos
Dame la mano y yo soñaré
Que volvemos a vivir
Las luces del alba nos llaman
La noche comienza a morir
La luna se funde en el cielo
Despierto sin tí..."
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fallimentiquotidiani · 3 years ago
Hello, new world, all the boys and girls
I got some true stories to tell
You're back outside, but they still lied
Whoa, oh, oh, oh (yeah)
Take off the foo-foo
Take off the clout chase
Take off the Wi-Fi
Take off the money phone
Take off the car loan
Take off the flex and the white lies
Take off the weird-ass jewelry
I'ma take ten steps
Then I'm takin' off top five
Take off them fabricated streams
And them microwave memes
It's a real world outside (take that shit off)
Take off your idols
Take off the runway
I take off to Cairo (take that shit off)
Take off to Saint-Tropez
Five day stay, take a quarter mil'
Hell, if I know (take that shit off)
Take off the false flag
Take off perception
Take off the cop with the eye patch (take that shit off)
Take off the unloyal
Take off the unsure
Take off decisions I lack (take it off)
Take off the fake deep
Take off the fake woke
Take off the I'm broke, I care (take it off)
Take off the gossip
Take off the new logic, that if I'm rich, I'm rare (take it off)
Take off the Chanel
Take off the Dolce
Take off the Birkin bag (take it off)
Take all that designer bullshit off
And what do you have? (Bitch)
Huh, huh, uh, you ugly as fuck
(You out of pocket)
Huh, two ATMs (hah, hah, hah, hah)
You steppin' or what? (You out of pocket, huh)
Who you think they talk 'bout?
Talk about us (you out of pocket, shoot, shoot, shoot)
Who you think they copy off? (Brrt, brrt, brrt, brrt)
Copy off us (get back in pocket)
The world in a panic
The women is stranded
The men on a run
The prophets abandoned
The Lord take advantage
The market is crashin'
The industry wants
Niggas and bitches to sleep in a box
While they makin' a mockery followin' us
This ain't Monopoly
Watchin' for love
This ain't monogamy
Y'all gettin' fucked
Jumpin' on what the hell is that?
I gotta relax when I feel (huh, facts)
All of my descendants
They come in my sleep and say I am too real (huh, facts)
I'm done with the sensitive takin' it personal
Done with the black and the white
The wrong and the right
You hopin' for change and clericals
I know the feelings that came with burial's cries (bitch)
Huh, huh, uh, you ugly as fuck
(You out of pocket)
Huh, two ATMs (hah, hah, hah, hah)
You steppin' or what? (You out of pocket, huh)
Who you think they talk 'bout?
Talk about us (you out of pocket, shoot, shoot, shoot)
Who you think they copy off?
Copy off us (brrt, brrt, brrt, brrt)
Servin' up a look, dancin' in the drought
Hello to the big stepper, never losin' count
Ventin' in the safe house, ventin' in the sa-, ahh
Can I vent all my truth?
I got nothin' to lose
I got problems and pools
I can swim in my faith
Camera's movin' whenever I'm movin'
The family suin' whatever I make
Murder is stackin', the president actin'
The government taxin' my funds in the bank
Homies attractin' the feds
When I'm brackin', look at my reaction
My pupils on skates (hold up, hold up)
Let's think about this for a second (let's go)
Tell me what you would do for aesthetic (let's go)
Would you sell your soul on credit? (Let's go)
Would you sell your bro for leverage? (Let's go)
Where the hypocrites at?
What community feel
They the only ones relevant? (Let's go)
Where the hypocrites at?
What community feel
They the only ones relevant? (Let's go)
You outta pocket, yeah, you outta pocket (this shit hard)
You entertain the mediocre, need to stop it (this shit hard)
You entertainin' old friends when they toxic (this shit hard)
What's your life like? Bullshit and gossip (this shit hard)
What the fuck is cancel culture, dawg?
Say what I want about you niggas
I'm like Oprah, dawg
I treat you crackers like I'm Jigga, watch
I own it all
Oh, you worried 'bout a critic?
That ain't protocol (bitch)
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theyarebothgunshot · 4 years ago
this is exactly how it went down in my head.
misha: hey, everything okay? do you need me to do something?
jensen: no, lay low. we’re figuring it out.
misha: got it.
— the next day —
misha: things settled. should i say anything? draw attention? stay neutral?
jensen: you don’t have to, but if you want, tread lightly. we’ve had enough chaos.
misha: say no more.
when nobody got your back you KNOW dmitri got your back.
ANYWAYS i turned my back for TWO MINUTES and y'all went the fuck off in my inbox so, you know the drill: more under the cut
NO BUT JENSEN’S RESPONSE LMAAAAAO honestly fallout theory is so on oh my God I can’t stop-
on god they are so loud like-
Worst damage control i've ever seen. god bles.
so true bestie
I think Jensen probably just wants to be done with this petty little drama, so if he has to pretend everything between them is okay he is going to be the bigger man and lay it to rest. Whatever is going on between them he definitely doesn't want to sort that out on social media and the earlier he pretends everything is sorted out the earlier people will forget about it again.
Also it's kinda funny how J*red Tweet was like implying they had a misunderstanding but still talk to each other regularly, while Jensen went full on the we grow apart a little bit, because we were busy, let's catch back up. Makes me wonder if they actually talked or if there managers just said hey that's not good pr, let's put that to rest. Also did J*red know before yesterday that they had a falling out or did he just not realize.
- 🐌 anon
literally jensen went out of his way to say 'uhhh we never talk, worstie' god if pr management is involved then they did a bad job. also j*red still does not realise they have fallen out. jshfjdsfh
Jackles was like God bless but we ain’t talking like this worstie
good for her.gif
csdsc heeft gevraagd:
All I need now is for Misha to tweet “ is it safe to come out now?” And I’ll be complete lmfao 😂😂😂
that would have been better than what we got lmfao
I have one fear and it's Jensen being forced to add j*red to his show and his other projects because he couldn't stop whining like a baby,,, ugh i hate him
i pretend i do not see
Kinda selfish of me tbh but i don't want them to be "friends" again, Jensen sweetie run as fast as you can
Ok Jensen's answer to Jared tweet made me feel so bad for him. Like, I can see it's damage control and public relations (obviously) but there's stuff behind it. I can't name it, but idk, I felt terrible for texas man this time, I don't think that reply was written with a "love and light energy" or even without much care. I felt some heavy vibes.
- 🌻, who is now a fortune teller and a prophet apparently
yeah i feel hella bad for him to, for having to deal with this shit. nonnie please if you ever have anything to predict, lemme know sjdfhs
You know Jensen's tweet has the energy of like kindergarten wenn an other kid started a fight with you and the kindergarten teacher wants you to forgive each other and hung it out and you really don't want to, but your kindergarten teacher is being annoying and he isn't worth the annoyance either.
- 🐌 anon
you are not wrong
Incredibly thankful that I have the day off from work 😂 I'm with hatching chick anon, the 3 dots read as passive aggressive/insincere to me, and I love it! I haven't spent this many hours on tumblr since I first discovered cockles! (On a side note, the lack of fimmf posts today has me feeling like it's not friday lol) -🐢
i, too, miss fimmf but alas things happen, they do they do they do
I was right. :(
It got almost romantic...
nonnie you know i love you but this is really not the case, like, at all??? idk how you could look at those tweets and think it was almost romantic. it was THEE most scripted, pr bullshit ever. it was staged and fake. idk what else to tell ya
Danneel liked Jensen's tweet
i saw
That is so so awkward I feel so sorry for all of us being exposed to this and so happy I chose to leave the Internet for half a day - tea anon
god bless your stance on that cause i would have hated missing out on this lmao
You know what? I think it’s okay being a 38 year old moron if you’re bringing us this type of content
im happy with the food but still think its not okay tbh
pspspsps Misha this is the perfect day for you to drop the gay Cas essay pspspspsp it is still pride month pspspsps
you know you want to king pspsps
So that JIB6 link (I think it was from your post, right?). I went and watched that bit, and a little more.
Jensen makes a comment about Jared being first on the call sheet because Sam was supposed to be the main focal character.
And that him nor Misha cared about what number they were, so in all that time it never changed.
And I’ll be… if that just doesn’t perfectly sum them up and their feelings on things. And how a certain someone can be petty… 🦚
idk if it was from my post? but maybe? my analysis probably? but yeah things are making more and more sense huh
Ohh that's also an alien? Welcome to the extraterrestial family then, purple alien anon!
Also it's probably because I'm coming off the high this drama gave me but I'm not looking forward to them trying so hard to convince us everything is normal between them. Even though we now Know, they will have to keep pretending. Today (yesterday?) was a shitshow but some masks fell off, at least for a moment and I kinda wish Jensen was less professional 😂
oh for real, fallout theory IS confirmed and nothing they said today will change my mind, it only made me believe in it even more lmfao and with that in mind i am just gonna sip my tea if they try to be buddy buddy on main again
yeah he now answered them sjdfhsjfhsf instead of rt
I just know Misha’s process was oh crap I have to let people know I’m supporting them and I can’t choose sides. Ok. Retweet. NO. Delete. I love both of you. Yes, good.
sjdfsdfh this makes me think of that post that dissected jackles' birthday post for misha where he used the heart. 'call him bro, that makes it less obvious. nailed it.'
Lol I'm off for a few days and come back to total chaos... God I missed it here
Like the "et tu... #bravo" tweet? Made my day! Frikking hilarious (every time I see it I picture J*red with a pissy frech accent saying it out loud lol) it's just such an incredibly petty hissy fit he threw (I know he tweeted more later on but... Really all that stuff coming afterwards just sounds like damage control)
Missed you Rose
LOVE the french accent detail im gonna do this too sdjfhsjfh missed you toooo!!!!
Oh man Misha is really gonna get hate for that I KNOW IT
sigh well. nothing he isnt used to by now, unfortunately
i mean i believe they feel like brothers, but constantly falling back on the “brother” thing to keep up appearances is really starting to feel like “#spnfamily” at this point.
honestly brothers can be very annoying, or so i have heard, so it fits with the fallout theory lmao
They actually said if we’re gonna make this gay we cannot have Jar*d Pad*lecki involved
oh my God this is the funniest timeline to ever exist God bless I’m just waiting to canon bi Mary
king shit tbh
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janiedean · 2 years ago
suuure the gods wish to show their favor
we totally buy that don't we
viserys that's called having a shit day I suppose
at least viserys is sticking with his heir choice go viserys that's nice of you that ain't gonna work out but we appreciate it
can y'all like make her pick a suitor
viserys you're a mood
also I understood now that rhys ifans is otto hightower god i really am out of brain juice
... couldn't these people have written the main show THIS WHOLE EXPOSURE IS DONE SO MUCH BETTER THAN GOT EVER DID
yeah lord strong you ain't wrong also they can get paramours anyway so I'd say heed that counsel
poor ser criston he's trying
let this man sleep he looks like he needs it
yeah that was a bad idea but okay rhaenyra just go off on that boar great way to relieve tension
aw poor viserys tho
lizards and their prophetic dreams can y'all please not
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