renumuro · 1 year
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Repostober Day 2: Illustrations with Azaros and Kinilon, 2018
My favorite part of any elven story is pain.
Once upon a time, Azaros had the misfortune of being turned into a satyr, and Kinilon falling under the claws of a beast. But these situations led them to meet each other.
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da-zzi · 1 year
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hereisfufu · 3 months
Gay Xavius trying to seduce straight druids…
I made some funny stupid things on the last day of June, and it’s the follow-up of my last blog. See you soon in July! Love you all ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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captainkaprozyx · 8 months
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May she take away all the bad things from this year.
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lendasdeazeroth · 2 months
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A Ascensão e a Queda do Conselheiro Nas profundezas obscuras da história de Azeroth, poucos nomes evocam tanto temor e respeito quanto o de Xavius. Originalmente um nobre conselheiro da Rainha Azshara, ele trilhou um caminho de poder e corrupção que o transformaria em um dos primeiros e mais infames seres corrompidos pela Legião Ardente. Esta é a crônica de sua ascensão ao poder e subsequente ...
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azerothtravel · 1 year
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Lookin Gross, Buddy, Val'Sharah, October 22, 2016.
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atinyladybug-art · 11 months
More traditional sketches and concepts for an AU.
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Xavius Solution got like, really big and there's no Creepypasta. And like, Helos didn't die and ended up working as an engineer for the company. He maintains the servers of a district so the People-Turned-AI so that the servers get to function properly.
Ramona is the district manager (an AU Exclusive OC!). Very tech-core aesthetic. Strict and stern and does her job well. She is one of the youngest district manager ever.
And Dark Link has to be there because he's my fav and I have so many headcanons on Ben Lawman and Dark Link being brothers before their ascension (<- will make a separate post about this if asked.)
Anyways, Dark Link was one of the people who signed up for Eternity Project but never really found himself being happy in there and came across Helos who then proceeded to build him a whole, walking AI body for him to inherit so he can be an actual person again. They fall in luv and get married.
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skymagpie · 5 months
smash or pass xavius
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ladymariayuri · 7 months
Sleeper agent in my skull that activates whenever people mention satyrs. or nightmares. or druids. or malfurion stormrage. or thickets. A WELL EARNED VICTORY. WE MUST, HOWEVER, STAY VIGILANT
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makanidotdot · 6 months
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Lol ok so for Warcraft lite ppl- last art post was from Stormrage which took place after Wrath and before Cataclysm. So it's old stuff. The actual recent canon events for Tyrande and Malf was just that all their bad storylines from the past 3 expacs were mercifully wrapped up with a very cute and happy ending and they are retired now.
Spark notes for Stormrage is: Xavius is the nightmare lord, he's spreading the Nightmare out of the Dream and into the real world which is giving everyone nightmares and manifesting nightmare creatures everywhere, and he's captured Malfurion in the emerald nightmare who Tyrande has to go rescue, but he was rly just bait for Ysera.
If this sounds familiar, it's because the plot of Val'shara in Legion is literally just the plot of Stormrage repeated but worse.
Also if you've ever seen ppl talk about how badass "book malfurion" is they're probably talking about this book bc he has double dmg basically because the dream and the real world are merging, but the real Uhm Ackshually is that it's both him and Tyrande putting their powers together and they win bc they wuv each other soooo much uwwwwu 🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖
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ashtarels-archives · 3 months
Delving into Blackfathom Deeps
An excerpt from Glory to the Queen Born of Stars:
"Of the wonders our queen brought to this world, perhaps none was so great as Lathar'Lazal. As masons constructed the temple, Azshara shaped the waters around it with the Scepter of Tides. She spoke the names of the rivers and the seas, and they moved at her command. Salt water from the roaring ocean and fresh water from the mountain streams trickled to Azshara's side. With the flick of her wrist, the queen partitioned them into great lakes that hugged Lathar'Lazal's sturdy foundation."
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Blackfathom Deeps, as we know it today, was once called "Lathar'Lazal," or "Seat of the Sky" in Darnassian. Long ago, this was a temple to Elune built by Queen Azshara with the aid of Sharas'dal (her tide-scepter) in the ages before the Sundering. Pelagic imagery still endures in the architecture of these sunken ruins, described at one point to have contained "gem-encrusted bridges and effervescent lakes." Motifs of fish-head fountains, wave-inspired stonework, scale-like patterns, and ionic columns are repeated in the masonry and pottery of the forlorn halls. It is unclear what the seafoam-colored stone the temple is made of, though it is interesting to note that it almost bears a resemblance to a body of water's surface: like the way a pool shifts and shimmers with the light. Some kind of material borne of the sea, melded together with the queen's Sharas'dal, or a common mineral of the region? They could also simply bear cracks and signs of weathering considering the age of the temple, but watery stone would be fitting symbolically.
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Azshara's Influence:
"Whenever she [Azshara] walked the bridges of Lathar'Lazal, nearby schools of exotic fish would array themselves in colorful patterns. She even kept a colossal sea giant bound to one of the lakes. She used her scepter to make him perform tricks and feats of strength, much to the delight of the watching Highborne. Curious night elves from the far corners of the empire journeyed to Lathar'Lazal to study the mythical creature and his habits."
Perhaps Lathar'Lazal was a bustling tourist attraction then in the days of the empire, both for education and entertainment. With such tourism drawn to the temple, I wonder if the nearby land/city of Zoram benefited from this economically.
The passage above seems to imply that the Highborne rather enjoyed the spectacle of the imprisoned sea giant, and this poses an interesting dichotomy to the original purpose of the temple: a house of Elune, simultaneously hosting a creature trapped against its will. Such an exhibition created by Azshara here speaks to her penchant for show and amusement, and possible disregard for the faith. If only a historical record existed of a priestess's personal journal or the like; and whether she would be disappointed with such behavior, or complacent in the suffering of other races/creatures as night elves often were during this era.
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Queen Azshara, even before her naga transformation, always had a fascinating dominion over water, both with her scepter Sharas'dal and the Well of Eternity. Supposedly Xavius was the one who actually gifted the queen with this ornate weapon that later shaped the temple:
"A night elf named Lord Xavius presented the queen with a jeweled scepter, etched with delicate magical sigils. He promised Azshara that so long as she kept it close, it would bring her prosperity and great power. Azshara held the scepter aloft, and the jewels shimmered in the light of the moons like brilliant stars. The sight of the queen and her gift was so beautiful that it brought many of the attendant Highborne to tears."
An enigmatic man of terrifying skill and power, I do wonder where Xavius procured this weapon in the first place; as its design does not appear to be of Kaldorei craftsmanship. Perhaps it hails from the ancient jinyu culture, the primordial titans, or some other past world power. Examining its details, what do you think of Sharas'dal's origins?
"Queen Azshara's enchanted scepter afforded her great power. Imbued with the Well of Eternity's potent waters, it held sway over the rivers and the seas, aquatic creatures of all kinds, and the life energies that stirred within Azshara herself."
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In the Tablet of Balancing Tides, it is stated that:
"The whispers of Elune and Neptulon play on the tides, their words etched in stone are a tribute to the balance of their power."
I find it interesting that Azshara utilized a form of magic half-intrinsic to the moon goddess. Did she derive some of her aquatic power from Elune, or use a different magick entirely? The descriptions of Azshara wielding the scepter use language that speaks to a command over water, rather than a unity with the elementals, spirits, and goddess.
This item's flavor text also mentions Neptulon--Elemental Lord of Waters--interestingly now a sworn enemy of Queen Azshara and her naga forces in the present day.
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The Moonshrine Ruins:
This place supposedly once hosted a moonwell, with an area known as the Moonshrine. The foundations here might suggest that before the Sundering, Lathar'Lazal could have been built just upon the shores, or expanded out into the sea itself with the tides embracing the temple all around. Swimming beneath the waters of the Moonshrine, there appear to be large pillars supporting the walkways here; much like a pier.
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The Inner Sanctum:
Crescent imagery is prevalent inside of the sanctum, as well as sets of 3 seats, perhaps symbolism of the triple moon (waxing, full, and waning or the maiden, mother, and crone archetypes) holding some importance in the rituals carried out here. These could also represent a large meeting space, high-ranking priestesses for ritual, a council of leadership, divisions of the temple, seating for observers, or something else entirely. They face partitioned rooms with crescent moon symbols.
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If we look at the central dais of the sanctum, (Azshari statue and cultist altar notwithstanding) there is a raised platform with a pyramid-like structure carved into the ceiling. Perhaps a skylight once existed here to let in moonlight for lunar rites, or this area hosted something of great importance to be kept safe inside the sanctum.
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The Moondoors:
The moondoors are an especially interesting piece, and the last apparent threshold of the Seat of the Sky. Upon passing through, there are only a handful of pillars flanking the sides of the cavern. They seem to accompany each other in pairs on each side - marking a possible entrance, exit, or some other pathway to the temple. While I am unsure of their true purpose or the mechanism to unlock them, the various square pieces are almost akin to a puzzle. This model is used in other Kaldorei architecture and I've long been intrigued by their possible uses. These moondoors are typically used as entrances to the tall, thin ivory towers of Kaldorei ruins. Perhaps Elunarian priests or arcanists weave (or wove) intricate spellwork rooted in the arcane, or the moon cycle in order to lock these types of barriers. What was intended to lie beyond them is anyone's guess: powerful artifacts, sacred relics, enshrined lore, or even concealed secrets.
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"The Great Sundering shattered the glorious temple, sinking it beneath the waves of the Veiled Sea."
I hope you enjoyed these musings! There's something equally fascinating and solemn looking back at the remnants of the Kaldorei Empire - in the shadows of glory that once eclipsed the continent.
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gulb0 · 4 months
But ı'm still not sure about the story but let's just begin
Norman was living with his grandparents one day he met with a boy named Spencer L. (Yes this is Duskworld) they became friends in a really short time. His grandparents wanted Norman to learn life on his own, so they didn't pay much attention to him unless it was a major situation. One day Spencer invited him to cult and Norman accepted his offer. Norman became one of the MoonChildren. He was a calm and loving child but one day he noticed that a several members were missing and didn't return for days. One day, he took Spencer with him and hid in a bush next to the cult house and tried to explain the situation they were in to Norman Spencer.
And then they saw a few people they didn't know leaving the Cult house. Those people were talking about ascension and they tried to listen them.
But they started to walk away from the house, Spencer and Norman followed them. And they saw a car that has a logo on it. İt was Eternity Project's logo but they didn't understand what was going on. Then Norman started to pull Spencer and they followed them. While those people were talking they got in secretly in the back of the car. When they finished talking and started to move.
And they arrived at Xavius ​​Solutions corporate building, the same building where the Eternity Project was discovered. They sneaked out of the car and started exploring the building. It was only a matter of time before they were caught but then they decided to hide in a room with files in it. They were terrified because some people were walking in the hallways and talking about the topics that they don't even understand. After a few minutes they decided open some of the files.
They started looking through the files and noticed that one of them had the name Moon Children on it. They wondered what was inside and started reading but they noticed that the names of all the members who disappeared due to the ascension are here.
Their hands were shaking after they noticed what happened to the others. Norman's eyes filled with tears and he was about to cry out of fear. Why did they come here? Couldn't they return home? Spencer was also very scared, he took a step back and took a deep breath. He tried to calm down. Then Spencer took Norman and he opened the door a little and peeked out. Then he turned his face to Norman and said "We will get out of here and save everyone." Norman nodded his head they walked out of the room.
And as soon as they turned the corner, they encountered a man they did not know, who appeared to be around 28-30 years old. They started to tear but the man look at their necklaces and noticed they were from the Moon Children Cult. He took them and asked "What are you doing here guys?", "We were just- uhh just searching-" Spencer said. The Man took them into the car again and tried to talk with them.
M:so guys tell me what were you doing in the room that has files in it?
N:Uh- we were just- wondering.. -
M:wondering what? Did you checked the files?
Norman was holding himself but he couldn't cry he just nodded his head. The man looked in the mirror to check the back seat and said "I see.". Then man stopped the car then turned his back.
M:So you guys are thinking we killed them?
S:What are you talking about- Of course you did! You killed them and lied all of us!
Man took a deep breath and continued
M:We didn't kill them, your goddess told us she wanted to see them this is the reason.
N:So everything written in that file was a lie?..
s: ... So they will return soon?..
The man nodded and continued driving. Norman and Spencer relaxed a little, after a few minutes they came back to the cult house and the man said to them "This will be our little secret okay? Otherwise your goddess will be furious..". They approved of the man and entered the cult house again. But they we're still terrified.
A few days later one of the members came and told them that their ascension will be tonight. They were excited they thought they would meet with the Goddess at least their thoughts were on this way..
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Dearest Goddess, mother of the Moon.. Please save me.
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da-zzi · 9 months
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ephemxras · 1 year
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Day 2: New World | @khoc-week
Here’s day 2! A redraw of one of my old pieces for the previous khocweek event! (Note: Xavius still doesn’t know how to speak Hylian LOL)
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captainkaprozyx · 2 years
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Multiple layer drawing with Xavius. Last time I did something like this in university. 
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nixalegos · 1 year
On Up, for Gorgok.
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"And nothing can compel you to stay then?" The hooded man asked to the demon, knowing the answer full well in advance. "We both knew the arrangement." The demon replied. "And while it has been my delight working with a fellow gourmand, it is time. My flock seeks rich new worlds to devour. The Great Dark beckons, and I will not miss another chance to gorge myself." It said hungrily, spittle forming at the corner of its wide too mouth. "Very well." The Sin'dorei said, coming to reach into his robes, and withdrew a singular dagger, its edge crystalized in bloodstone. "The ritual athame, wielded last by a druid who had succumbed to the Nightmare." The demons too many eyes widened in actual surprise. It had been their favorite type of magic to rend, and all but impossible to indulge in after Xavius's defeat. "You jest!" The demon said, coming to float up closer. The warlock grinned, and came to hold the weapon pommel facing the creature of magical hunger. "Think of it, as for the road Gorgok. You will let me know, if ever, I can call upon your assistance again." It was not asked like a question. The demon couldn't help itself, coming to bite and swallow the dagger down as expertly as any Darkmoon worker. It hardly even drooled as it did so. "Oh yes....Boss." The demon said as it faded from view.
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