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長久保公園 藤沢市 花のプロムナード ネモフィラ
富士フィルム X-T2 XF35mmF1.4R
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amselchen2 · 1 month ago
Bike on bridge 2017 @  Amstel, Amsterdam
Bike on bridge 2017 @ Amstel, Amsterdam by Marco Murata
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berlin-street-23 · 9 days ago
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Soft sky skyline
From my flâneur residency 2023
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studiofuntas · 1 year ago
DSCF9199 by StudioFuntas Via Flickr: Tokyo 2023
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6ghassan · 2 years ago
Villaggio Nubiano by Filippo Bianchi Via Flickr: Nubian village near Aswan, Egypt
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ssamupilled · 1 year ago
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Shibuya, Tokyo
The friendly face on my way home every evening.
27mm f/2.8
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aigle-suisse · 1 year ago
ITU Winter Triathlon QC - 2018 #12 par GilBarib Via Flickr : Lovisa Modig from Sweden in the snowshoes segment of the race, she will finish in first place COUPE DU MONDE ITU TRIATHLON D'HIVER S3 - ÉLITE 2018 - Québec,Canada ITU Winter Triathlon World Cup Elite S3 2018 - Québec City, Canada
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sheltiechicago · 2 years ago
Mirror images by Steve Warren Via Flickr: Shot on a mirror with the sky as a background.
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robin374 · 9 months ago
OMG HELLO, I'm not good with English so I'm sorry if it looks bad :((. I come to ask and request mercs for tf2 (or just snipers, scouts and medics) with an s/o who when they sleep together doesn't let them off, they are literally hugging each other from them and for nothing in the world does he want to let them go when they want to get up, thank uu byebye
"Don't go please"
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A/N: I'm back from the death. Don't worry pookie I've got you.
Characters: Scout, Sniper, Medic
Info: Gender Neutral Reader. Romantic.
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I was going to say that he's exaclty the same. However, we all know that this man canno be still while sleeping. He doesn't do it on purpose of course, he is just naturally energetic, so he does in unconsciuly.
He goes to sleep with you between his arms and always thinks to himself: "I won't kick them out of the bed tonight." Only to wake up with you, still asleep, grasping his ankle for dear life at the edge of the bed.
If he wakes up before you, he embraces you and he waits for you to open your eyes to tell you that he held you all the night. Of course, you two have a job to do, and a Soldier out of your room's door screaming for you to 'get your asses up'. Surprisingly, he's the one to get up first, after trying to free himself from your hold.
"Alright, toots, it's time to get up..." he says as he leaves sofy little kisses all over your face.
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It may not seem like it, but the moment he feel sconfident and comfortable with you and the relationship, he's exactly the same. i know that I always say it, but I will die on this hill: He's your wet cat man!!
He doesn't move while sleeping, he's usually very calm. There are times that you think he's dead because you can't hear his breathing. However the slight squeeze you receive when you move tells you that he's alive (thank god).
You two always arrive to breakfast late, because those '5 more minutes' become in 10, then 20, 30... Soldier has given up already.
He likes to feel your warmth and smell your unique scent. His tensed up muscles relax whenever he feels you near him, and more if you touch are touching him, even if you two are just locking pinkies togheter.
Whenever you don't let him get up from the bed, he just accepts his defeat and lets you wrap yourself around him. You remind him of a koala to be honest.
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Everyone thinks that he doesn't sleep...Honestly, I just think that he's the type of person that tells you to go to sleep early but he goes to bed at like 4 am or around that hour. Like he always tells you: "Y/N, you must go to bed early! Your body needs a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Now go to bed, I will be with you sooner than you think."
Even knowing that you are fast asleep and very comfortable in your shared bed he always wakes you up, telling you something really weird about his new experiment. "Do you want to see Scout's liver with legs?" He will ask you with a eager smile. Of course, he will drag you to his laboratory.
Everytime you hold his hand while you rub your eyes with the other. he's so happy to show you new things that he doesn't realize until later that you had been waiting for him. As an apology, he lets you hug him while you sleep. Then in the morning when Soldier knocks on your door he 'politely' tells him to shut up, and manipulates him into thinking that you need to have 8 hours of sleep to be fully focused on that day's battle. So he believes it and lets you sleep.
He's your silly mad scientist.
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twofreehamburgers · 2 days ago
Dimension 20: Misfits and Magic, "Code Crimson" (S02 E01)
"What I feel is the normal amount of admiration and adoration I feel for you normally. And like I haven't had water in two years."
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大庭城址公園 藤沢市 新緑 新緑の道 フジ 藤棚
富士フィルム X-T2 XF23mmF1.4R
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amselchen2 · 5 months ago
3:16PM by Marco Murata
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murrusauro · 9 months ago
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i was listening to rainbow factory while making this, it reminds so much of them
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a-thing-of-poetry · 9 months ago
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Photo by C.Jarvis
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my-b-side-life-aii · 22 days ago
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東海道新幹線 新横浜 小田原 N700系 紅梅 藤沢市 田園風景
富士フィルム X-T2 XF35mmF1.4R/ XF70-300mmF4-5.6R LM OIS WR C-PLフィルター使用
※近隣のラーメン屋でランチ:来来亭のラーメン 【刻みネギ・多め】※
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helluvatimes · 28 days ago
The Crimson Way
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A sub-adult Crimson Sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja) foraging amidst a clump of Brazilian star calathea in the National Orchid Garden. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
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