#X-Men Origins Wolverine
slashersthehorror · 23 hours
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Sibling Love
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editfandom · 2 months
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X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE, 2009 | Hugh Jackman as Logan
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scottxlogan · 9 months
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Wolverine Origins (2009) More gifs that didn't make the giftober cut :)
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hondafuckingodyssey · 12 days
So, worst wolverine:
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And worst wolverine movie:
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And taking this into account:
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My favorite wolverine was actually rescued from the X-men Origins Wolverine timeline.
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techwrecker · 9 days
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), nobody appreciates you like i do. 😔
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thingsasbarcodes · 5 months
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
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moldybonessmell · 1 month
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
I'm rewatching all the x men movies and when it came to Wolverine Origin I got the full realisation of how Logan was viewed in 2009 when the movie came out.
He's like the absolute image of masculinity: big and muscular, beard, wife beater top, leather jacket, motorbike guy avenging his girl and walking with explosions on background.
The epitome of "cool guy"..
...And now in 2024 internet sees him as a traumatised sad kitty.
Internet really can make the most stereotypical imagery of peak masculinity into a babygirl and I think it's incredible.
We all just collectively decided that, you know, there's a lonely delicate soul behind these gigantic tits and we should talk about it more and I love people for that.
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videogamepolls · 15 days
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Requested by anon
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Alright, y'all. Here's my foolproof plan. Here we go.
Alright so I took this super violent guy, right?
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He's a veteran of every single war there has ever been in human history and he kills everybody really good.
So, what I went and did, is I pissed him right the fuck off.
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So now he's out for blood. This primed him for the next phase of my master plan.
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Next, we're going to make this Infinity Soldier totally invulnerable. Just, absolutely unbelievably invulnerable to any kind of harm whatsoever.
Once that's done, we are going to immediately betray him. Like, while he's still in the next room, immediately.
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It's the perfect plan. I can't see anything going wr--
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SHIT! He didn't like being betrayed for some reason! Vice Dipshit Shooty McShooter, fucking shoot him!
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Oh, fuck me, that clever bastard....
We've been outsmarted by the best.
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nickisgirl · 8 days
AMG this cool person on Twitter did a fancam of Origins Wolverine with this song and it fits. (Their username is @ deadclawed.)
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spider-3ggs · 28 days
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after so fucking long i finally made a custom 3d render just to use for my steam grid cuz i hated how the other option was just some promo image slapped on and i wanted it to rlly show how its the game and not the movie
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slashersthehorror · 2 days
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valereth2 · 2 months
Remember that time Raven Software made a movie game that was much better than the movie it was based on?
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
Marvel Movie Showdown Round 1 -- Mutant Bracket : Match 2
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The Marvel Movie Showdown is a tournament of films based on Marvel properties. I've selected 64 films and put them into 4 Brackets. The films were seeded by their box office numbers. I'll release a new match up every night. BL Tag : Marvel Tournament
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redpool · 2 years
Am I the only one who liked Taylor's Gambit??
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
1845 Wolverine vol I
The following is inspired by the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie and the Wolverine Origin comic. There seemed to be a consensus that the war montage was the best part of the movie, so in the It's All Connected universe each war segment is at least a big portion of a Wolverine movie, if not the movie itself. And so...we begin with James Howlett's traumatic transformation into Wolverine.
James Howlett (13 year old Hugh Jackman)
Dawson Logan (17 year old Liev Schreiber)
Rose (Of an age with Victor, actor tbc)
Act I
James is sickly, but likes to horse around with Dawg (nickname, from Dawson) who is the son of the groundskeeper, Thomas Logan. He also befriends Rose, an orphan, trainee housekeeper and companion for James. They all become fast friends as they grow.
Thomas keeps Dawg in line with violence his whole life.
Dawg talks about running away and says James and Rose should go with him. They'd be free. But James loves his family and is too sickly anyway. And Rose doesn't want to leave James. Dawg is a little hurt by this.
Thomas has been drinking more and more because he is harbouring a secret. He marched up to the house with a rifle and Dawg in tow telling his dad to calm down. His dad threatens him with violence, you can't hurt me anymore, remember Dad. He finds Rose and forces her to let him in the servants entrance. Dawg is adamantly opposed to his involving Rose and gets physical with his father so Thomas knocks him out.
James witnesses the confrontation and murder of the man he thought of as his father (John Howlett) by his biological father (Thomas Logan). Dawg rushes in trying to stop his dad.
Thomas kills John.
James's mutation is activated by anxiety as his biological father approaches, causing his boneclaws to emerge for the first time. James kills Thomas Logan (accidentally?).
Then (from the wiki)...'After Thomas died, (Elizabeth Howlett), horrified by James' mutation, cast her son out by calling him a freak as she questioned James as to what he was. Confused about what was happening to him, James flees (freezes in my version, Rose helps him flee and they run into the woods, with Dawg following behind them). After running away, Victor (still Dawg in my version) who was also a mutant with healing powers like James, caught up and overtook James. Victor (Dawg) said that they were brothers and vowed to stick together and that they would look after each other no matter what, eventually leading them to a life of rage and violence. As Victor (Dawg) was truly his own family, as they shared a father, James started going by the name "Logan"'
Dawg says 'somebody has to look out for my little brother' (even though they are actually half brothers) at some point. He obviously didn't care for his violent father.
They choose new names, Dawg becomes Victor Creed and James just takes the family name of his biological father, Logan, and they run to the middle of nowhere. Rose keeps the name Rose because she doesn't think they'll be looking for her.
Montage detailing how they survive in the wilds for a time, Vic and Logan going wild hunting, and how they eventually need money.
Act II
A few years later Victor and Rose have found employment but Logan has never found anything permanent. 
Vic has become a horseman. Logan tries it and is no good at it. He tries several times and actually dies temporarily after being trampled, so Vic advises him to try something else.
Rose has gained steady employment in a mine, so he goes to seek work there.
He becomes a barrow boy, then a miner where his resilience and tenacity serve him well. Despite still physically being a teenager he can swing his pickaxe all day with just a few seconds of rest here and there.The foreman, Smitty(actor tbc), takes him under his wing, giving him a new job involving dynamite. But pathetic Cookie (actor tbc), the boss's former favourite, is jealous and bullies him. Logan goes wilderness hunting on his own, bringing the spoils back to camp. All in a montage.
Cookie secretly shortens the dynamite fuses to kill Logan, but he survives and saves a miner's kid and Smitty likes him even more.
Logan sees Smitty talking to Rose about leaving and needing money for the farm she wanted. He realises they've been in a secret relationship and is jealous.
Angry, Logan signs up for a fighting competition and his first opponent is Cookie. Logan still isn't strong like Vic, so he takes a beating but keeps getting up and slowly wears Cookie down then absolutely pummels him in the last few rounds, stopping the fight, struggling to resist the urge to pop the claws. His next opponent is Smitty, who needs the money to leave with Rose. The fight goes the same way, but Logan lets him win as he thinks he is a monster and Rose will be happy with Smitty.
Rose and Smitty leave, naming Logan as the new foreman.
He had been getting used to his new family unit and feels betrayed by them so refuses, wandering off into the wilderness, Rose calling after him.
Logan now hunts and fights for money.
Under Vic's tutelage, Logan becomes a good fighter and makes extra money off of it.
They learn that Vic (Dawson Logan) has been blamed for the murder of his father and the kidnap of James Howlett.
American Civil War (1861-1865) then follows Logan and Victor in the civil war. Vic and Logan kick ass. Logan finds all the death difficult, Vic is nonchalant.
They rescue Smitty's unit and fight alongside them. Smitty is killed. Logan receives Smitty's letter from Rose where she wonders and worries about James, obviously having shared the secret with Smitty.
He writes a letter back. He commiserates with Rose about Smitty in the letter, but tells her that James Howlett is dead.
Logan and Vic age around 1 year for every 10 calendar years. If Logan is 13 at the start of the movie, he would look 14/15 when war breaks out.
mid or post credits: Nathaniel Essex (actor tbc...Luke Evans?) finds En Nur Sabah's tomb after searching for years.
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