#uncaged edition
comicchannel · 3 months
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Jogo Midia Fisica X-Men Origins Wolverine (Uncaged Edition) para PlayStation 3
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/4cp2OQp
Buy here: https://amzn.to/45Nb3mJ
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valereth2 · 2 months
Remember that time Raven Software made a movie game that was much better than the movie it was based on?
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barilleon · 2 years
System Recommendations Based On What I Like About D&D
Sometimes you want to play a different system because you are looking for a brand-new experience. Sometimes you want to play a different system because you have an ethical objection to the one you're playing now. If you're the latter, you probably don't want to hear about how awesome games like Orbital Blues and Stillfleet are. They are awesome, but right now you're looking for a system to move to that can capture the magic you feel playing Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. This post is for you.
Here are the parts of D&D 5e that I really enjoy:
Involved Character Customization ("Build Creating")
Tactical Combat
Ability to use Magic
Appealing World
High Fantasy With Heroic, Upbeat, or even Comedic Undertones
Getting to be Gay with my Friends
Each of my recommendations has at least two of these factors and is intended to be played in a group setting over multiple sessions. So let's jump in!
Blue Rose (or The AGE System)
Features: Tactical Combat, Build Creating, Magic, Appealing World, High Fantasy, Gay
Blue Rose uses the AGE System, which might be some of my favorite tactical combat design. In particular, I love stunts. When you roll good in combat or other scenarios, you get stunt points, which you can spend to create additional effects, like setting up a teammate or taunting your opponent. There's a lot of options to choose from when building a character, and you can make some of that stuff synergize real well. This is all true of most AGE system games, so I'd also recommend checking out Fantasy AGE and the Dragon Age TTRPG.
Blue Rose in particular is all about Romantic Fantasy: humans going on fantastical adventures with magic talking animals, protecting the land and those who would harm it, that kind of stuff. The setting is also explicitly queer, and "relationships" are an emphasized part of character creation and development. Found Family all over the place.
If you liked The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, or the Uncaged anthologies, you might enjoy Blue Rose!
7th Sea
Features: Tactical "Combat," Magic, Appealing World
7th Sea is all about swashbuckling adventure, court intrigue, and intense action. There technically isn't a "combat" system in 7th Sea, so much as there is an "action" system. Swordfights, escaping a burning ship, high-stakes chases: all that stuff uses the same system, where you have to think about how to set up good opportunities. The combat is meant to be fast-paced. GMs are encouraged to not give players too much time to think.
The world is full of secret societies and shadow organizations, as one would expect for a game about gentlefolk and intrigue. One of my favorite parts in particular is the "Story," which is what 7th Sea calls a PC's backstory. There are guidelines for creating one, with expectations and progression hard-coded in, from the First Step to the ultimate resolution.
There's a lot here to do with Ship Combat. If you liked Ghosts of Saltmarsh or 3rd Party products like the Seas of Vodari, give this a look.
Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Features: Upbeat Fantasy, GAY
Let me start by saying that you can play this game in any genre. In the Advanced Lovers and Lesbians expansion there's even rules for playing a session as a pack of hyenas. But if your table is the type to really lean hard into developing your characters' relationships, between PC and NPC and PC and PC, then this is the game for you. Mechanics allow you to place strings on other characters, giving you "pull" with them to influence a later decision. Status conditions are extreme emotions, and the only way to deal with them is to lean on another teammate for emotional support or indulge them in a cathartic and destructive manner (you can relieve being angry by breaking something that has value to another person, for example).
If you are gay and you play D&D you are legally obligated to try TSL. I DO make the rules.
Court of Blades
Features: Magic, Appealing World
When folks say they like Eberron and want to do crimes, I tell them to play Blades in the Dark. When folks say they like fey magic and high society and doing dirty work for wealthy patrons, I tell them to play its sexy cousin Court of Blades. CoB is a Forged in the Dark game, meaning it uses the Blades system. Instead of a heist crew, you're a coterie, and you perform errands for your patron that run the gamut from assaulting a rival to publicly embarrassing them.
One of my favorite parts about FitD systems is how it handles the aftermath of your adventures. Different groups across the city might react differently to the news, and that propels future adventures. The City of Ilrien is full of hooks and briars for your characters and GMs to get stuck on.
Court of Blades might seem like the outlier on this list, but my favorite official 5e adventure was Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. If you liked that one too, and you're looking to lean into that WAY more, you should give CoB a look.
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forgottensaoirse · 5 months
Saoirse Half-Witch
ok so you guys know me one of my favvvv things to do is world build annnd ive been toying w thoughts about miss saoirse for some time now!
growing up, saoirse didn't shy away from her talents. though cillian (despite being a believer!) thought she was simply an ordinary little girl w an overactive imagination, ronan and their mother humored her more. saoirse as a v little girl was absolutely believed she could sense the presence of the guardians and would tell anyone who would listen that one was sitting just over there and they ought to be v respectful. most took this the same way cillian did, but some believed as well.
as saoirse became a little older, she began to doubt herself, but at times she simply couldn't deny what she was experiencing. she even questioned how real the guardians might even be. things were becoming more dangerous for seers, as well, as roderick was tightening his grip on world politics, and with the astairan religion being more generally cultural than faith-based by many around her, saoirse wondered what the good was in hanging on to these traditions. still, she maintained her practices and blamed herself for being faithless just as often as she doubted.
as saoirse approached her teen years, however, she had an experience while walking through the woods of malconaire. unbeknownst to her, poachers stalked the forest and, hearing something walking about, the poachers fired an arrow without seeing, assuming it was a deer. it was saoirse, and the bolt would have struck her, save that she felt something push her out of nowhere. stumbling away, saoirse watched the shaft fly just where she had been standing a moment before, and knew she had evidence she could no longer deny. her faith grew stronger from that day forward -- and more defiant, as well, as real danger began to circle astaira.
in lorcan, saoirse grew devout in her faith, doing her utmost to keep the failing religion alive and teach those around her to trust in and care for the guardians. bc of this, and the strange quirk of her unsighted sight, she began to be called saoirse half-seer by the locals...a thing which came to haunt her when was was joined and, eventually, arthur defied his father at kil-kennar, inadvertently causing roderick to react w the pyre walk.
though not a full witch, saoirse was still amongst those known to interact with the guardians and, thus, unbeknownst to her, hers was a name appearing prominently on the list of suspected witches to be burned. by coincidence -- smth saoirse still believes was no true coincidence, but the work of the guardians -- ronan's army was near lorcan, and, when ronan suggested it to the captain -- knowing smth of lorcan's defenses and supplies thanks to having a sister living there -- they diverted towards it.
THE PYRE WALK (lorcan edition)
tho the astairans did not yet know what was going on, varmont soldiers spread out, seizing ppl left and right and dragging them to the main highway while others pulled up trees and transported them there, as well. many fled to lorcan where they were sheltered, but many could not make it. it was, however, obv that varmont was up to smth terrible, and saoirse couldn't simply wait behind the walls while ppl were rounded up like cattle. when they opened the gates to welcome another round of refugees, saoirse ran out.
as the fires began to go up, saoirse realized with abject horror what was happening. rushing towards a make-shift cage containing more ppl to be burned, soairse shot past the guards and, with her pocket knife, cut the bonds to the cage, freeing those awaiting their fate. when asked, saoirse cites this as the moment she truly became a rebel.
now, however, they stood uncaged, but still surrounded by armored guards with nothing but saoirse's pocket knife (its purpose cutting reeds, not fighting) and a bulk of terrified ppl to defend themselves. for a moment, saoirse stood alone, a slim knife in her hand, between those ppl and those who wished to burn them -- realizing that she, herself, would be burned too when, inevitably she was overpowered, but at least she meant to ensure a few of these innocents got away.
suddenly, over the hill poured an astairan contingent -- ronan and his fellow soldiers had been attracted to the spot by the same thing that had brought saoirse there. tho the astairans were badly outnumbered by the varmonts, the element of surprise and the busy-ness of the varmonts (erecting stakes, strapping struggling ppl to them, lighting them, now one whole cage full of defiants set loose in their midst) was all in their favor.
while there were many they could not save, many too were saved as the astairan troops covered the civilians' retreat. the whole thing was a chaotic mess, fires flaring all around them as ppl -- troops and bystanders alike -- stumbled abt in confusion, but everyone saoirse had freed got away, as well as a number of others, as well. saoirse, herself, was seized and nearly hauled away but -- and she swears it was the guardian's interference -- ronan was there, out of nowhere, fighting for her, freeing her. "RUN!" he roared and saoirse, hearing her brother's voice for the first time in years, didn't question, knowing it for a sign, and fled, guiding the fleeing accused back to the safety of lorcan's high walls.
fortunately, saoirse was never identified as herself by the varmont soldiers and, while saoirse half-witch had been slated to burn, this was more or less forgotten in the confusion of the pyre walk, itself, some records even erroneously stating that saoirse half-witch was, indeed, amongst those burned outside lorcan.
saoirse has more or less taken on the role of religious leader within the resistance, always making esp large offerings before they undertake missions and always ensuring as much as she can that the garudians' needs are all met wherever she may be.
recently, saoirse has wondered if perhaps some showmanship might not be a good idea. sure, she's no full witch, but -- both to inspire fear amongst the varmonts and hope amongst the astairans -- she wonders if she ought to make it known that a guardian-supported seer walks amongst the rebels, but so far ronan is categorically against the idea. he doesn't like the way it exposes her and puts a target on her back: she avoided the flames once, perhaps better not to tempt them a second time. saoirse, for her part, isn't quite so convinced...
at present, however, saoirse is abiding by this suggestion and no physical description nor family name being attached to the supposedly burned saoirse half-witch, while also having been in lorcan, few indeed know that saoirse half-seer and saoirse frost are, indeed, one in the same, save those around malconaire who still remember and make anything of the claims of a little child who claimed to sense the guardians...
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hellboys · 3 months
Sorry to be super annoying, but I’m in awe of the gifs you made of JDM in Uncaged. Where were you able to find such a good quality version of the movie to gif? The highest quality I’ve been able to find is lower than 360p and suuuuper blurry. Or is the quality all in the art of editing? (: Either way, your gifsets are amazing!
thanks babe! the version i have of uncaged is 480p i think? its pretty shit, i had to put lots of time and tears into editing just for it to look kinda ok. i have made previous tutorials on how to turn low quality movies into hd gifs however if that would be of any help 😅
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gifsf0rdays · 2 years
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan GIF pack | Uncaged (1991) | GIF count: 269 | CW: smoking, v*olence, domestic ab*se, guns, blood, kissing, n*dity, strip club, d*ath All of the gifs have been created from scratch by me. To access the gifs, please click the source link. Feel free to edit or use for whatever you like!
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yakultii · 6 months
If any1 around here wanted to know a bit more about you and you had some book or song you would recommend us for doing so, which what would be? Damn my brain is already exploding trying to answer that by myself lol #sendhelp
THAT’S SO HARD MY BRAIN CANNOT DO THIS HARD OF THINKING AT THIS HOUR 😭 but probably the big list of music a few questions ago would give you some sort of reference .. as for books my favourite books I’ve read in very recent years are:
1. All of the Heartstopper graphic novels by Alice Oseman !!!
2. “The Uncaged Sky: My 804 days in an Iranian Prison” by Kylie Moore-Gilbert …. I actually listened to the audiobook of this narrated by Kylie herself and I would recommend it to most ppl I know … I wish I could listen to it for the first time again. It’s a true story which occurred in 2018-2020 of an Australian academic who was falsely accused of being a spy and she retells her experience in prison in Iran… holy moly I learned so much.
Idk what any of this says about me tbh
ALSO if you wanna learn about contemporary Australian subcultures watch “Heartbreak High” on Netflix.. the 2022 version not the 90s version.. season 2 is coming out in April so perfect timing HAHA if ur not from Australia you won’t get a lot of references but you’ll surely start to learn :,)
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wheneclipsefalls · 1 year
hiii eclipse! how are you? do you have any plans to update ma neteyam soon?
Hi babe! <3 I'm doing great just nearing finals week at school which is partly why Ma Neteyam hasn't been updated in a bit. However, this is actually perfect timing because I have been working on chapter 13 for a few hours today and was considering posting a little snippet. So I will put a little piece of it below.
Be warned, this has not been proofread at all and could change in the editing process, but here is the raw clip.
(minors do not interact below the cut)
This zealous lust was primal, an uncaged monster that dissipated every other focal point into ash. A raging determination that convinced him he would die without the presence and claiming of an alpha. This was his purpose. This was his only salvation. 
Kxolo’s form overtook the small parted entrance, the expanse of his shoulder hitting each side of the woven fabric. His appearance effortlessly shifted Neteyam’s attention to him without another thought. His long hair was already tied back into a low ponytail, leaving his sharp jawline exposed in the pale moonlight. Jutted collarbones shifted with every heaving breath, drawing Neteyam’s ogling towards the sculpted pectorals and abs that stood out beneath his stripped skin. Even the long veins that stretched along the length of Kxolo’s hands and forearms elicited another pang of arousal to leak between Neteyam’s cheeks. 
Has he always been this handsome?
A pure depiction of sexual appeal in alpha form. 
Neteyam’s heels dug into the woven floor, hips pushed towards the ceiling as a pain whine fell from his lips. Kxolo’s tail swayed in satisfaction, savoring the needy display of submission and desperation. Brooding steps carefully drummed against the hut floor, prowling forward to close in on the helpless omega. 
The bag of fruit and supplies was carelessly thrown to the side, hitting the ground with a thump that made Neteyam flinch. 
Kxolo’s features were contorted into jagged edges with the shadow of night. The blown out pupils holding storms of passion within them. His gaze seared the squirming boy till that burning fire beneath his skin rolled off of him in waves. 
The mask was gone. 
He was unleashed.
And nothing could save Neteyam from the primal being that stalked forward to claim his very being. 
“Look at my pretty little omega.” Kxolo purred.
Taglist @theunfortunateplace @4ashes-stuff @perfectprofessorloverapricot
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torishasupremacy · 2 years
i really need to write that “hawk turns into an actual hawk and the karate kids run around trying to turn him back while hiding the aforementioned hawk from the adults” crack fic so the ck fandom can have two Hawk The Literal Hawk fics, silly edition and scary edition (@afurioushawk’s uncaged)
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twwpress · 1 year
Weekly Press Briefing #67: October 1st - 7th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from October 1 - October 7, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
There are no open challenges/prompts that we know of this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 3: A Proportional Response aired on October 6, 1999.
Season 2, Episode 1: In the Shadow of Two Gunmen Part I aired on October 4, 2000.
Season 2, Episode 2: In the Shadow of Two Gunmen Part II aired on October 4, 2000.
Season 4, Episode 3: College Kids aired on October 2, 2002.
Season 5, Episode 2: The Dogs of War aired on October 1, 2003.
Season 7, Episode 2: The Mommy Problem aired on October 2, 2005.
Here’s what was posted from October 1 - October 7:
Amy Landecker posted photos of herself, Bradley Whitford, and their former Transparent co-star Jay Duplass at the Documentary Emmys.
Amy Landecker posted photos of Brad and herself at The Broad Museum.  
Janel Moloney posted a photo of her twin sister Carey along with a birthday wish. 
Josh Malina posted an infographic encouraging people to donate blood for the American Red Cross, as well as a photo of himself donating. 
Josh Malina posted a photo of himself celebrating Sukkot. 
Josh Malina posted a photo shoot of himself in a furry coat in support of SAG-AFTRA.
Josh Malina posted a photo of Israel with the caption “Thinking of ישראל”.
Marlee Matlin posted a photo of herself with her dad along with thoughts of him on the tenth anniversary of his passing and a photo of a tattoo she has of his handwriting. 
Marlee Matlin posted a video of herself in Love Sign ASL Chicago Bears gear.
Marlee Matlin posted an image that said, “Pray for Peace” along with thoughts for people in Israel.  
Mary McCormack posted photos of herself and her daughter Rose at the Leelanau Uncaged festival in Newport, Michigan, along with a video of Rose performing there. 
Mary McCormack posted a photo of herself on the SAG-AFTRA picket line with Allison Janney and Richard Schiff. 
Peter James Smith posted a selfie from week 12 of picketing for SAG-AFTRA. 
Rob Lowe posted a TBT photo of a star-studded list of cast and crew hotel assignments from filming The Outsiders on location.
Donna Moss Daily: October 1 | October 2 | October 3 | October 4 | October 5 | October 6 | October 7
Daily Josh Lyman: October 1 | October 2 | October 3 | October 4 | October 5 | October 6 | October 7
No Context BWhit:  October 1 | October 2 | October 3 | October 4 | October 5 | October 6 | October 7
@twwarchive: October 1 | October 2 | October 3 | October 4 | October 7
#joshdonna: i’m not moving by @hvnleia [VIDEO EDIT]  [Ed. Note: There was an edit by Twitter user @carolshathways we were going to share but unfortunately their account was suspended. You can find them now at @abigailbrtlet.]
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
Change Has Gotta Come by Shonio | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
I Have This Friend I Call by Juliethebibliophile | Rated T | Josh Lyman & Sam Seaborn, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
Errors and Omissions by Chinesepapercut | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
i believe in you. i believe in us. by wootcanal | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Snow on the Beach by MatthewsMary | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete [Editor’s Note: While this fic is listed on AO3 as complete, it has continued to update and appears to be a WIP]
Worst Case Scenerio by Tyrols | Not Rated | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete 
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this by imawkwardlysoc | Rated G | Sam Seaborn/Original Female Character | In Progress
The First Lady by GlitteringNiffler | Rated G | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | In Progress
A Stranger Here Myself by JediAnnieScrambler | Rated T | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete
I'll Call by youvebeenlivingfictional | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Reader | Complete
Multiple Pairings
do you think there’s someplace we could go? by fleurfemme | Rated M | Abbey Bartlet/C. J. Cregg, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Jed Bartlet/Leo McGarry | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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sonybaloneyart · 2 years
Get your own copy of Uncaged Goddesses today!
#UncagedGoddesses Stats 
Copper Bestseller: 50 min
Silver Bestseller: 3 hrs 
Electrum bestseller: 12 hrs 
Gold Bestseller: 1 week 
Platinum Bestseller: 2 months
Nominated for: Best Adventure, Best Cover & Interior art, & Product of the Year 
Silver Award: Best Cover
Gold Award: Best Adventure
TRAILER CREDITS  Featuring artwork by: @gwendybee @DavidMarkiwsky @MinaDI_Art @sonybaloneyart @artofelaineho @Kata_Kemi @Aszith @morrighancorbel  Featuring adventures by: @laurie_eee @100thingsilove 
 Audio mixing, video editting, and voiceover: @sonybaloneyart
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maximuswolf · 2 months
Is the Uncaged Edition of X-Men Origins: Wolverine much different to the standard version?
Is the Uncaged Edition of X-Men Origins: Wolverine much different to the standard version? https://ift.tt/b9ihHkE Submitted July 12, 2024 at 06:08AM by jorddansk https://ift.tt/pkzrXPx via /r/gaming
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playstationgames876 · 8 months
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Uncaged Edition online multiplayer - ps3 #video #videogames #playstation
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ljaesch · 2 years
AeschTunes Revisited: May 9, 2006
This is the playlist for the May 9, 2006 broadcast of AeschTunes Revisited: D.H.T. featuring Edmee – “Someone [Furious F. Radio Edit]” The Beatles – “Across The Universe [Take 2]” C + C Music Factory – “Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) [Clivilles & Cole DJ Mix]” Neuropa – “Mortality [Uncaged Mix]” System22 – “Bound [Version]” Aqua – “Barbie Girl [Extended Version]” Win Marcinak –…
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daisylikesmedia · 2 years
Series 7 Episode 9: Cold War
Hii everyone, today I’m going to be tackling Cold War, featuring the return of the ice warriors! Last seen in season 11 of the classic series, we’ll have to see if these truly classic villains can work in the modern era.
And y’know what, they kinda do? Emphasis on the kinda, but Skaldak does work in this story. I love when villains come back and are then expanded upon, and seeing Skaldak escape his shell and hunt the humans was a refreshing new take on the Ice Warriors. Sadly though, I did feel that despite this he was rather a one-note baddie and so didn’t linger around in my memory for too long.
I also feel the ending of this episode comes out of nowhere. Skaldak is primed to set these missiles off and despite the Doctor & Clara’s claim to their empathy, Skaldak is just beamed off of the ship and flies away with his martian friends. It feels like a bit of a miracle and like a bit of a lazy solution? I’m not exactly sure what I would have preferred but it feels like a hell of a coincidence.
My biggest issue with this episode though is simply that it feels incredibly run-of-the-mill. I honestly can’t recollect any of the side character’s names bar the professor, I had to google the transcript to figure out just how this episode ended, and yea it felt like this episode flew by without a second thought. It wasn’t the kind of bad where I get very angry and go on a big long rant over it, but it still wasn’t an experience I found super enjoyable either.
THO there is a lovely bisexual 11 moment with the professor where he asks to kiss him and they’re like maybe later yea that bit was fun I remember that :3.
TL:DR/Overview: This is a much shorter review than usual and it’s because I simply don’t have much to say about Cold War. It’s use of the Ice Warriors is fairly interesting, leaning into a fresh new idea with them being able to escape their suits (unless they did this in the episodes w/ them I haven’t watched sdgklhj), but the contrived ending and general lack of focus that I could muster watching this episode leads me to the conclusion that I’m placing this in C tier.
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EDIT: Just wanted to mention that this episode also has a rly fantastic atmosphere. The claustrophia of being trapped on a sinking Russian sub with an uncaged Ice Warrior chasing ya about is rly good. Was gonna mention it in the main review but I forgor..
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ohno3do · 7 years
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