#X Reader Oneshot
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cryptidghostgirl · 1 year ago
The Love (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Description: Alastor is drunk and Charlie asks him if he has ever been in love.
Warnings: I don't think there are any but correct me if I'm wrong.
Word Count: 1,323
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N Y'all, I'm lowkey dying from the requests. I'm sorry for the last five or so taking so long, I just need a little break and mix in some of my own ideas if that is okay.
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Alastor was drinking at the bar with Husk, Charlie, and Angel. The day had been a lot, seeing Mimzy was always a lot. Yes she was trouble, but Alastor loved her. He loved her for the same reason he was trying to drink himself stupid at the bar. He loved her because she reminded him of Y/n. Mimzy had been her friend first, after all.
He sat off to the side in his own little world while Angel and Charlie chatted and Husk obediently poured the drinks. Normally, Husk would have joined the pair in the mindless, mundane chatter but after the events of the day, Alastor's presence kept him silent.
"No way!" Charlie exclaimed.
She and Angel were talking about some TV show they both watched or another. A mind numbingly boring background noise but, Alastor wasn't complaining.
"Yes! They are one hundred percent perfect for each other." Angel replied animatedly.
"Literally how. Name one thing that shows they have good chemistry."
"Uh, they’re constantly at each other's throats? If that's not love, I don't know what is."
"You don't know what love is."
Husk let out a short, sharp laugh as he topped off Angel's drink.
"Oh yeah? Well then, Princess, what do you think love is."
Charlie sighed, leaning her elbow on the counter as a dreamy look spread across her face.
"Love is... love is when you would do anything for the person. It's when they're your guiding star, your... your prayers answered."
"Uh, no? Love is when you want to literally kill the person but like, in a good way."
"Angel, what does that even mean." Charlie laughed.
"It means... it means there is passion. That spark everyone always talks about? It's violence."
"Hey Al!" Charlie suddenly called, leaning back in her seat to peer at Alastor behind Angel's back, "Who's right, me or Angel?"
Alastor looked up from his glass.
"I hate to say it, but neither of you are correct." he sighed in irritation at having been disturbed, "Love is neither a constant fight nor a blind devotion, though it contains aspects of both."
"Like you know anything about love, mister fancy talk creepy voice." Angel scoffed, turning to face Alastor as well now.
"Actually, I do."
Charlie's face lit up. She practically vibrated with anticipation.
"Alastor! You've been in love!?"
Normally, on a night like this, he'd be alone. He'd be careful to be alone, or at least have Husk as his only company. When he told Husk to shut up and pour, he listened. Other people, not so much.
Charlie had stars in her eyes. She inched closer to him.
"Are you gonna spill?" Angel asked after a moment.
"It was a long time ago."
Alastor took a long sip from his glass.
"Do you... do you not remember it?" Charlie asked, her excited smile slipping slightly at the notion
Maybe it was the drink. Maybe it was the long day, Lucifer, Mimzy, Husk. Those shark demons. Maybe it was just that secretly all along, he had wanted someone to talk to. He watched the liquor in his glass as he swirled it gently.
"It was a long time ago, but I still remember it." his smile softened as he spoke, "It's strange. I remember her laughter, her little quixotic tendencies. I remember the way her eyes would light up when she smiled and the way her perfume smelled. I know her favorite author, the way she took her coffee, the way she folded her clothes but, I can't seem to ever see her face anymore. I..."
He trailed off, taking a breath.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Charlie quickly said, not wanting to make Alastor uncomfortable.
Alastor shook his head.
"I've spent years not talking about her. Maybe... maybe something else would be nice."
"So, how'd you guys meet?" Charlie immediately asked.
Alastor looked up at her and let out a light chuckle. He felt like he was human again for a moment. It was odd.
"I don't know if you know this about me, but I was a radio broadcaster back when I was alive. A rather famous one at that, in New Orleans at any rate. Her family ran a restaurant near the studio that I went to get lunch at from time to time. She worked there as a server."
"And she loved you?" Angel asked, "Like, you weren't just delusional?"
"I was quite the lady's man back in my day."
"Uh-huh." Angel doubtfully replied, "Sure."
"Oh hush, Angel." Charlie shoved the spider demon slightly, "Tell us more! What was she like? Did you ever get together or were you just friends? Gah! I wanna know everything!"
"She was..." Alastor's gaze fell back to his glass, "you remind me of her in a way. She was so idealistic, so driven. So... bubbly. She worked hard and she cared deeply. I don't know how I swung her, despite my charms. We were friends for about a year. The whole time, I was trying to work up the courage to ask her out but she ended up being the one to ask me. We got married when we were in our mid twenties. I only had a few years with her as my wife before I died."
Unbidden ideas darkened the edges of his mind. Y/n had always been so good, so sweet. Alastor had no idea if she had ever learned of his... escapades. He figured she must know, considering the manner in which he died but it was a horrifying thought. He was grateful when Charlie spoke again, pulling his mind back to the present.
"Thats so cute!" Charlie exclaimed, clapping her hands as she looked between Alastor and Angel, searching for similar excitement.
"Can we meet this alleged doll of yours?" Angel asked, "Cause I am really not believing any of this bullshit your spouting."
Charlie gasped, suddenly struck by inspiration.
"Do you think she would want to be redeemed?"
"Oh dear," Alastor shook his head, meeting Charlie's eyes, "she's not here."
"Then wh-"
"She's in heaven?" Angel exclaimed, "You married someone who ended up in heaven?"
"Either that or she's over a hundred years old and still on earth." Alastor weakly joked.
"I'm sorry."
Alastor shrugged, downing the rest of his drink.
"No!" Charlie insisted, "You'll... you'll never get to see her again! That's so sad!"
"And here I thought you were trying to get us redeemed." Angel scoffed.
Charlie turned to him.
"I'm trying to get you redeemed cause you're a guest. Alastor isn't a guest."
"Right you are, my dear."
"But you could do that." Charlie said turning back to Alastor, "Angel's right, if you were a guest you could be redeemed. You could see her again!"
Alastor smiled kindly at the excited demon. He patted her back.
"I'm afraid I don't think that's an option."
"But why not!" Charlie insisted, "Anyone can be redeemed, Alastor."
"That's not the issue, my dear." he sighed, "I did some things on earth that she would most certainly view as... unfavorable shall we say? Things she most certainly learned of after my death."
"You're not even gonna give it a shot?" Angel asked.
"Yeah, come on Alastor. Let us help you. You never know how it could turn out!"
"It's alright. I have the time we spent together, the memories. I don't want to taint that." he slowly, unconsciously, raised a hand to his chest, his palm over his heart, "The love is still there, thats what matters."
The quartet fell silent as Husk poured Alastor another drink. Alastor sighed, grabbing the glass and examining it carefully, but not taking a sip.
"What was her name?" Charlie asked, her voice small and her smile long gone.
It had been years since he'd said it out loud. His tongue relished every syllable.
"Her name was Y/n."
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internetpuppetgxrl · 18 days ago
Sleeping in the Shadows - a Shadow Milk x Reader One Shot
au where shadow milk is a sleep paralysis monster, kinda like the boogeyman
You couldn’t sleep.
No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t sleep.
You had multiple instances of getting out of bed to get a snack, some water, go to the bathroom, or just do whatever. All in that order, over and over. Staring up at your ceiling, you let out a long and loud sigh. Your eyes fluttered a bit then you decided you’d try counting sheep. That always worked, right?
Oh, wait.
You suddenly remembered an old urban legend you heard told multiple times in multiple different ways. It even had an episode about it on an old tv show you used to watch as a kid that was all about scary stories. The story was about a strange cookie called Shadow Milk. Legend has it he’d come for those who couldn’t sleep, and counting sheep was one of the ways to summon him. Depending on how many you counted before you gave up, he’d appear to you and ask you which of the sheep you counted is real, and which one is just an illusion. If you guessed correctly, you’d be rewarded. If not, you’d be dragged either in your closet or under your bed, into his spire, and he’d turn you into his puppet to dance in his twisted shows forever and ever.
Some versions of the story would have him come to those who played card games at sleepovers, in some he’d come to those who were up past their bedtime, which was the version you watched in the tv show. In some you could just summon him by putting a joker card in front of your closet door, telling a good amount of lies and then sliding it under, and of course the game with the sheep would begin, with the amount of lies being the same amount of sheep that were present. Sometimes, instead of sheep, you’d have to answer questions, and if your answer was a lie, his appearance would become more and more terrifying, before he finally took you and made you his puppet. But no need to reminisce on the past, that’s just a little legend anyways. It’s a nice story, but it’s not real at all!
You smiled remembering that show you used to watch and the one episode that actually managed to scare you, which wasn’t the one about Shadow Milk, oddly enough. Your sweet nostalgic thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a bleat. You jolted up in terror and looked around, only to see there was nothing there. You calmed your breathing and laid back down. “Maybe I should stop thinking about that, for now, at least.” You mumbled to yourself as you stretched your back in your bed. After a moment of silence, you heard the sound of a music box. Only problem is,
You don’t own a music box.
And you’ve never heard that melody before.
Peeking out over your covers, you were too afraid to even move. You had no idea where that music was coming from, and you did NOT wanna find out anytime soon! You covered yourself up with the blankets and laid under there nice and still, covering your mouth with your hands. A blue glow was coming from outside, but no matter what, you’d never take them off. The music came to a halt after what felt like way longer than the minute it was playing for. You peeked an eye out from your hiding spot, and there was nothing there. You shuffled out of hiding and went back to sleep as normal, convincing yourself you were just sleep deprived.
“Well there you are…~”
What… was that? WHO was that? You opened your eyes, and a man in a blue harlequin outfit sat in front of you on the edge of your bed. He smiled at you and your closet in front of you was full of glowing blue eyes watching you. “There’s no way…” you thought to yourself. “A-are you… n-no… no it can’t be… shadow-“
“Shadow Milk Cookie? The great and powerful? Who else?” You lay there, eyes widened. You could not believe it! The very urban legend himself, right in your house, right at your bed, right now! “Yes, yes, hold your applause. I heard someone can’t sleep. Someone’s been a bad, bad cookie, huh? Good cookies should be put to bed right away, but look at you, all wide awake like it’s nothing!” Your voice was shaky as you replied, “I- I’m sorry, I, I promise I was trying to g-go to sleep but I-“ He interrupted and held a finger up to you, “Shhhhh… I know, Y/N Cookie, I know. Which is why… we’re gonna play a game! Since you know me so so so so so well, I think you know what you’ve got to do, yes?” You nodded “Yeah. I gotta figure out the sheep that’s not fake, got it.” He clapped his hands, “What a smart cookie you are! Oh, you must be a HUGE fan! Let’s see… what number did you count to? Five? Ah yes, Five!” Shadow Milk snapped his fingers, and on cue 5 sheep came out of your closet. You didn’t really want to think about how this was possible, you wanted to focus on figuring it out. “Think reeeeeal hard, Y/N Cookie. You got this!”
You looked real hard at each one, eyes scanning over the herd. Their blue eyes eerily glowed as you tried hard to spot the odd one out, but they all just looked so similar, you had no idea. Your index finger began to tremble as a tear formed from your fear. You really didn’t feel like being turned into a puppet. The idea of being bound to strings and losing all your will was… everything but pleasant. “Awww~ There, there, Y/N Cookie.” He began to pat you on the head, “There’s no need for those crocodile tears! You’ve got all the time in the world! Unless… that is, unless I get too bored waiting!” You swallowed, and went with your gut and made a decision. “That one! That one there!”
Your finger was pointed to the second sheep in the row. “I-it’s that one. I-I think that one is the real… sh-sheep…” You almost began to hyperventilate. There was no going back now. You looked to Shadow Milk Cookie, who was smiling. He stood there, watching you shiver with anticipation. The silence felt like an eternity till he began to slowly clap his hands and opened his mouth.
“So you HAVE been listening to the whispers of deceit!”
You sighed in relief. “So I… So I got it right?” He nodded his head, “Mmhmm, mmhmm, mmhmm! That’s right! Look at you! Such a good (girl/boy/cookie), doing the homework! I’m so proud of you!” He gave you a pat on the back, which made you flinch a bit. “Well, now that playtime’s over, I think it’s only fair I give you the sweet relief of slumber you crave.” He took a fistful of something out of his pocket, “But rest assured, I will be back, and I cannot wait to play with you again! Now then… Ready, Y/N?” You sighed and laid down on your bed, falling onto the pillow. “Heh! I’ll take that as a “yes” then!” He opened up his hand and blew a shiny blue powder in your direction. The blue dust made you sleepier and sleepier till you couldn’t help but drift off. Shadow Milk Cookie turned to exit from your closet into his Spire of Deceit. He turned his head to get a good look at how peaceful his new playmate looked all bundled up with their head in the dream world.
“I shall see you later~!”
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alastor-simp · 1 year ago
"I See No Fear In Your Eyes." - Alastor x Reader
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(This story includes some of the pilot from Hazbin Hotel)
"Oh no, that didn't go as planned." Switching off the TV in the hotel lobby, you heaved a sigh. You had just seen the 666 news broadcast that showed Charlie explaining the hotel and redeeming demons. She had broken into song, and ended up being laughed at by the residents watching. It slowly became worse when Angel appeared on the news, during a turf war with some snake guy, making Charlie's situation worse. Soon after that the interview turned into an all out brawl between Katie Killjoy and Charlie, leading to the camera to cut off. Your name was Y/N, and you had just arrived in Hell five days ago. The fall you experienced was not pleasant, almost causing broken bones. Charlie happened to be in the area, and rushed you back to the Hotel. It took you a while to process it, but you soon realized you were in Hell, which confused you since you never sinned in your life. Charlie was nice enough to explain everything to you, as well as how she was the princess of hell.
Well that definitely shocked you when she told you that. How could the princess of hell be such a sweet and kind individual? Her personality was like a warm hug, very inviting. After she patched you up, she introduced you to Vaggie, her girlfriend, and Angel Dust, their first patron. Smiling, you introduced yourself, which caused a smirk from Angel Dust and a slight glare from Vaggie until she calmed down and shook your hand. Inspired by Charlies ideas, you volunteered to help with her dreams for the Hotel, earning a giant hug from her. There were many things that needed improvement here, so it was decided that advertising and handling the front desk would be suitable.
Soon the door to the lobby opened, where Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Charlie walked in. Vaggie clearly had a migraine, with the way she rubbed her head, and slouched on the couch. Angel Dust had grabbed a popsicle from the cooler, licking it. Charlie took a seat on a crate, appearing very distraught. Angel Dust made a comment about getting more food for the hotel, since there should be a boatload of sinners making their way here. "Not helping Angel" you thought to yourself. Charlie sunk down more on the crate, making Angel feel bad, but he wasn't good with comfort so he walked to the couch where Vaggie was staying. Moving closer to Charlie, you placed a hand on her back, rubbing circles. "Are you okay?" you asked. Charlie looked up and smiled, yet it seemed forced. She jumped off the crate and went to the door, heading outside. Wondering what she was doing, your feet carried you to the door. Leaning closer to hear her, it appeared she was calling someone. Her mom? It was a bit hard to hear, but you heard the lines of "Dad was right about me." Oh no, Charlie. The aching in your heart was painful. Once she came back inside, she was looking at the ground. Wrapping your arms around her, you pulled her into a hug. Charlie tensed, but eased into it, whispering a thanks. "You are trying your best Charlie. This project will be rocky, but its not impossible. Me and everyone here will support you. Trust me." Charlie squeezed back at your words, until she let go. The smile on her face was bright, vibrant. She appeared to be feeling better. Motioning your head to Vaggie, you told her to sit with her girlfriend. Nodding, she walked towards the couch, joining the others.
"Knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock" Sounds of knocking began to resonated from the lobby door. "Who could that be?" Opening the door, you look to see who it was. Standing in front of you was a very tall man. He was wearing a striped red suit, that matched his pants. His face adorned a monocle and a microphone was in one of his hands. The most noticeable thing on him was his smile, outstretched. to inhumane proportions. His eyes glowed a crimson red, as he gazed below to look at you. "Hellooooooo~!" came from his mouth, sounding like static. Opening the door further, you smiled: "Hello sir! How may I help you?"
***Alastor POV***
Alastor continued to gaze at the little demon in front of him, smiling widely back at him. "What a strange reaction!" He thought to himself. He expected a scream of terror or the sound of the door slamming against him, but not this. The eyes that peered back at him were sparkling, no fear contained in them whatsoever. "Is everything okay?" The demon in front of him, tiled her head, worried as to why he went silent. Shaking his head, Alastor remembered what he came here for.
***Your POV***
The man in front of you seemed to be thinking hard, before he bent down to your level. "Alastor my dear! Pleasure to be meeting you! Quite a pleasure!" His hand had grabbed yours, pulling you closer to his face, before shaking it enthusiastically. "Nice to meet you Alastor. My name is Y/N." you said, shaking his hand back. Alastor's smile got wider. "Ah! What a charming name!" His hand let go of yours, before he stood up to his regular height. Thanking him for the compliment, you moved to push the door back: "Would you like to come in?" you asked, moving your hand towards the door, motioning him to enter. Alastor smiled, showing more of his sharp teeth. "Why thank you my dear!" He entered inside the hotel, while you moved away from the door to close it. There was the sound of metal being drawn, causing you to jump. Vaggie had appeared in front of Alastor, holding a sharp spear. ""STOP RIGHT THERE! Cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game. And I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here! You pompous, cheesy, talk show shitlord!" Vaggie was glaring at the man, furiously as she held the spear against his chest. Stepping between the both of them, you raised your hand. "WOAH WOAH! Vaggie! What are you doing?!" The action you did was enough for Vaggie to drop the spear down, but she was still gazing at the both of you in anger "I'm defending this hotel! That's the radio demon, the most powerful being in all of Hell!"
***Alastor POV***
Alastor was left a bit in shock at what you just did. He had just met you and here you were, stepping in to stop the other demon. "Quite bizzare!" He thought. He had heard the other demon, Vaggie, tell you that he was the radio demon, most feared in hell. He observed you listening to Vaggie, letting you know who he really was. Excitement filled him, waiting for those eyes of yours to become struck with fear. Surprisingly, when you turned around to look him up and down, he saw no fear once again. Why? "He doesn't seem so bad." he heard you say as you smiled at him, before looking back at Vaggie. "Oh ho! I think I'm going to like this one!" The sharpness in his smile got bigger, as he walked a bit closer to the both of you. He placed his hand on your shoulder, giving you a closed eye smile, as he pushed you gently back, before turning back towards Vaggie. ""Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here, ̵̹̇͜I̸̻͆ ̶̰̏̍w̵̝̟͒́o̴̤̾ū̶̗͘͜l̶͚͂͝d̶̼͎̉͐ ̷̝̘͗̉h̸̫͌͊á̶͖͉v̶̺͚̋̇e̶̮̽ ̴̼̞͌d̸͙͚͋ǒ̸̤͎͑ň̴̠̟̕e̵̢̛̓ ̸̞͗͜͝s̶̺̹̾ǫ̷͋̚ ̴̼͋͋a̶̜̻̒̒l̸͓̙̃̉r̶̞͛ě̸̖̟̈́a̵̗͊d̷̦̔y̵̙͙̽͒.̵̹͝"
Vaggie’s eyes were glazed over with shock from Al's display of power. However, you were gazing at Al with slight fascination. A bit shocked, yes, but not scared. He apparently wanted to help out with the hotel, shocking both Charlie and Vaggie. Despite seeing it as wacky nonsense, he wanted to volunteer his services to Charlie while also getting some entertainment out of it. Husk and Niffty were added into the mix after that.
**Few Months Later**
It had been a while since that whole ordeal. It was still difficult to find new patrons for the hotel, but it was coming along. The snake guy you saw on 666 news, Sir pentious, had joined in the program as well. He was like an evil mad scientist/inventor, except evil didn't quite fit the bill for him. He was a softie and a gentleman, and you were glad he decided to give the hotel a try. The relationships you had with everyone grew the more you stayed with them. The relationship you had with Alastor was the most surprising to everyone. The two of you were like two peas in a pod. His mannerisms and dad jokes always brightened your day. The kindness in your soul as well as the genuine concern for his well being warmed his cold heart. Alastor was still baffled with how you were with him. It was an unusual feeling, to have a person who knew who he was and what he did in Hell and his past, and still treat him normally. There were moments where he imagined you were hiding your true feelings underneath the kind gestures and smiles you gave him, and he hoped that was the case, but at the same time he didn't want it to be.
Inside his radio tower, he was giving one of his signature broadcasts. The only difference in is that you were in the room. There was a small corner where you were sitting. Your irises scanned the book in front of you while your ears listened to Alastor's voice. Al was told time and time again that his voice was one of a kind by you, which left him slightly bashful. It led to you eventually hanging around his workspace, just to listen to him, but also to spend more time together. Taking a slight break, his blood red eyes beamed over towards you, observing you. There were still nagging thoughts in the back of his mind, and it was driving him to the point of insanity, if they were not answered.
"My dear, may I ask you a small question?" He turned his body around, chair spinning to face you. Looking up from your book, you smiled and set it down. Getting up, you walked closer to him: "Yes Al? What is it?" Snapping his fingers, the chair that you were sitting on before levitated to where you stand, motioning you to sit back down. As you did so, your eyes continued to look at Al. His smile never left his face, but his eyes held an emotion you couldn't decipher. Confusion? Melancholy? "This had been meddling in my mind for quite some time. I have been around for a millennium in hell and the fearful gazes were always common to see. However! Your eyes never shown an ounce of fear during our time together." After his dialogue, he waited to hear what you had to say. A bit shocked at Al's question, you looked at him, wondering what brought this up. Hesitantly, you asked for his hand. Raising his eyebrow, he pondered why, yet he still extended his hand out, like he was giving a handshake.
Laughing at his antics, you grabbed his hand, holding it upright in front of both of you. Webbing your fingers together, you filled the gaps between them, causing Al to tense a bit. "I'm sure since you are the radio demon, you were prone to being run from and feared. But, there is more to you then just the radio demon, feared overlord in Hell. Something about you intrigued me the first day you arrived. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I wanted to know more about you. The more I got to spend time with you, is when I started to learn more about you, the real you. You're gentleman, bit wacky yet polite. You tell funny dad jokes to everyone. You're handsome as hell. You are an amazing cook. You speak French. Your singing is incredible plus your dancing. The static nature of your voice is soothing. The confidence you carry towards your foes is admirable. The power you yield is dark, but has its beauty too. You have a kind heart, despite hiding it from others. That's the Al I have gotten to know and care for, and despite your past and misdeeds. I will never grow to fear you ever."
Stunned was the correct way to put what state he was left in after your small speech. The whole time he was listening to you, the faster his heart raced. All those words that came flowing out of your mouth was giving him goosebumps and an odd sensation in his stomach. His other hand went to cover his face before moving down to cover his mouth, failing to conceal his rosy cheeks. "I-I see." Words were hard for him at the moment. “Haha. This is the first time I have ever seen you speechless.” Leaning closer towards him, you admired him up close. His microphone played a laugh track after you said that, causing Al to become more flustered, darting his eyes away.
Getting up from your seat, you were still holding his hand. “Al, look at me.” A hand was placed against his cheek. Gazing back over to you, Alastor removed his hand that was covering his mouth. The signature smile was gone, and on his face was a very small grin. Moving slowly, your lips had made their way to his forehead, giving it a peck. Radio screech! You were going to be the end of him. Heaving a deep sigh, his hand laid upon yours that was attached to his cheek. His eyes looking back at you were tender. “Thank you, my dear.”
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked , @ghostdoodlen , @aceofcards0-0 -0, @jyoongim , @saturnhas82moons , @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah , @cookiekyo , @iiotic , @delectableworm , @91062854-ka @alastorsgoldie
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n0vazsq · 3 months ago
In love | Hector Fort x Reader
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pairing . . . hector fort x barca!femeni!reader
summary . . . When you make eye contact with Hector during one of the practices, you never expected that he'd compliment you
request . . . yes!! based on this request!
word count . . . 2.1k+
warnings . . . none!
faceclaim . . . N/A
alexavia yaps . . . so uh i blinked and suddenly there were 2k words?? also ignore how it goes from formal ahh shakespeare english to normal midway <33 hope you like it!!
taglist . . . @barcapix ,, @f1lover55 ,, @ilovebarcaaa ,, @ann6ella ,, @notm4d1 ,, @httpsdana (lmk if you want to join the taglist!)
part 1 | part 2
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. . . You were not one to demand attention.
Quiet and observant, you had spent the first few weeks at FC Barcelona Femení training with a single goal in mind; playing well and blending into the team. It was, after all, your dream opportunity, and you were determined not to squander it.
The others welcomed you kindly enough, encouraging you to open up, but you simply had not yet found your footing amongst the vibrant personalities surrounding you.
It did not help that the men’s team often occupied the adjacent field or sat observing from the sidelines. While your teammates would wave or occasionally chat with the men in passing, you remained distant.
It was not due to shyness, but rather a choice to remain professional. You did not want to appear unserious in a place you had worked so hard to reach.
Still, the presence of the FC Barcelona men’s team was not something one could easily ignore. Hector, in particular, seemed to be an everlasting presence in the area. He was among the younger members of the squad, but there was no mistaking his calm, collected demeanor both on and off the pitch.
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t noticed him during those moments of shared closeness. Yet, much like the others, you treated him as an observer and little more.
That particular day of training started off as unremarkable as the others. The sun beat down over the pitches, and your teammates laughed and chatted as you stretched in preparation for the drills.
Your focus remained steady, blocking out the sounds of the men’s team as they arrived to observe. Hector was among them, naturally, along with his teammates who took their seats along the sidelines.
You might have paid them no mind had it not been for the social media team.
"Could we borrow you for a moment?" one of the FC Barcelona media staff called your name, motioning you over.
You hesitated before complying, jogging toward them and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You had avoided the spotlight so far, preferring to build your reputation quietly.
Still, there was no refusing a request that was for a part of your job. The social media staff smiled warmly when you approached.
"We’re doing a quick trend for the socials," one of them explained. "It’s nothing too demanding. Are you okay with that?"
You found yourself relaxing in their presence. "Yeah, that is perfectly fine."
As they prepared their equipment, you exchanged a few quiet jokes with the staff, earning surprised laughter that quickly turned infectious.
Though you were not one to show this side of yourself often, there was something about being in front of a camera in a controlled environment that brought it out.
You participated in their short clip; some trend that needed an enthusiastic and almost dramatic entrance.
It was the first time you allowed yourself to be seen laughing openly, your composure softening as you ran toward the camera with a wide smile.
You had not realized that the men’s team had a perfect view of the entire interaction.
Hector watched, his attention unwavering. The same player who had been so reserved for weeks was now smiling without clear happiness, her voice clear as she joked with the media staff.
He sat up straighter on the bench, exchanging glances with a few of his teammates who were already grinning knowingly.
"So she can speak," Lamine teased quietly, elbowing Hector.
"She’s just quiet." Hector replied defensively, though his gaze remained fixed on you. As you jogged back toward your teammates, you turned your head slightly. For a brief moment, your eyes met his.
Your breath caught in your throat. His expression was unreadable, though his stare was so direct that you felt heat rise to your cheeks. You quickly looked away, pretending to focus on rejoining the team. Hector smirked faintly as he watched you go.
"I think you scared her," Pau said, laughing.
Hector merely shook his head, though he could not deny the amusement he felt. There was something about you that intrigued him, not just the sudden glimpse of your laughter but the fact that you carried yourself so differently from the others.
The training session continued shortly after, with the focus shifting to some practice matches. You pushed any lingering embarrassment out of your mind, focusing instead on the drills.
Playing well had always been your safe zone. It did not matter who was watching or what they were thinking; on the pitch, you were simply you.
As the session progressed, you found yourself fully immersed in the game. The ball came to you cleanly, and your instincts took over. You made precise passes, quick decisions, and strategic runs that left even your teammates impressed.
Unbeknownst to you, Hector and his teammates remained glued to the sidelines, their casual commentary growing louder each time you touched the ball.
"Did you see that?" Marc exclaimed as you cut through two defenders effortlessly before delivering a clean pass to your teammate.
"She’s brilliant," Pedri added.
Hector said nothing, though his gaze remained fixed on you. Every movement you made seemed deliberate, yet natural. You played with a level of skill and composure that he found genuinely impressive.
When you scored a goal near the end of the match, a powerful strike that sent the ball soaring into the top corner, the men erupted on the sidelines.
"Hector, this is your moment!" Gavi shouted, earning a chorus of laughter. Hector shot them a warning look, though the corners of his mouth betrayed a small smile. His teammates, however, were relentless.
"You’ve been watching her this whole time," Pau teased. "Are you going to compliment her or just stare?"
"Mind your own business," Hector replied evenly, though he could feel his face heat ever so slightly. It was true, though. He had been watching you, and he could not deny the admiration he felt for how you carried yourself on the field.
As the match ended and the players left to cool down, you finally allowed yourself to breathe. The session had gone well, and you could feel the satisfaction that came from knowing you had done your best.
You took a seat on the grass, reaching for your water bottle when a shadow fell over you. Looking up, you blinked in surprise to see Hector standing there, his expression as composed as ever.
"You played really well today," he said simply, his voice steady.
You were momentarily caught off guard. Though you had been aware of the men’s team watching from the sidelines, you had not expected any direct interaction, especially not from him.
"Thank you," you replied, managing to keep your tone polite despite the warmth you felt rising to your face. "I appreciate that."
Hector tilted his head slightly, studying you as though he were searching for something unsaid. "Your approach to the game is impressive. I have observed you over the past few weeks, I've never seen such strategy."
You blinked at his unexpected honesty. "I try to focus on improving where I can," you admitted quietly. "There is still much I hope to learn."
He nodded slowly. "That mindset will pay you well." For a moment, there was silence between you, though it was not uncomfortable. Finally, Hector allowed a faint smile to tug at his lips. "You should smile more often. It suits you."
The comment caught you off guard entirely, and you felt your cheeks flush. Before you could form a response, Hector gave you a polite nod before walking away to rejoin his teammates, who were, of course, watching the entire interaction with great interest.
"Oh, he’s definitely in love," Lamine remarked loudly, earning laughter from all around.
You exhaled sharply, shaking your head at their behaviour, though you could not stop the small smile that crept onto your face.
From that day onward, something subtle shifted. You were still reserved, but Hector seemed to make a point of acknowledging you when their team was nearby.
Whether it was a simple nod of greeting, a brief conversation, or a lingering glance during training, it did not go unnoticed, by you or by his teammates, who took every opportunity to tease him for it.
As for you, it became harder to deny the quiet flutter in your chest every time your eyes met his. The once distant player from the sidelines was now someone who occupied your thoughts more often than you cared to admit. And though you were still focused on proving
A few days later, as you started gathering your things after another training session, you couldn’t ignore the subtle feeling of being watched. Sure enough, Hector was standing a little way off with the rest of the men’s team, their voices muffled by the distance.
From time to time, one of his teammates nudged him, whispering something that clearly earned a few laughs.
You rolled your eyes to yourself, amused but curious. You were just about to sling your bag over your shoulder when you noticed Hector heading in your direction. Again.
The rest of his team hollered softly behind him, their teasing unmistakable even from across the field. "Just go!" Marc called. Hector waved him off with an exasperated hand, but there was a faint pink tint to his ears as he approached you.
"You again," you teased lightly as he stopped a few steps away. "Should I start charging you for the compliments?"
Hector let out a short laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I’ll consider it, though I might run out of money quickly at this rate."
You blinked, caught slightly off guard by his response, but you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face. "Flattery will only get you so far, Hector."
"I’ll take my chances," he replied with a grin, his confidence returning now that he’d earned a smile from you. There was a pause, short but heavy enough to hint at something more, before he cleared his throat. "Look, the guys are unbearable when they’re like this, so I might as well ask. Would it be completely out of line if I asked for your number?"
Your eyebrows raised in mock disbelief. "Are they watching right now?"
He sighed, glancing over his shoulder. "Very obviously."
And sure enough, when you looked past him, a few of the guys were pretending to 'stretch,' hands over their mouths as if that would hide their poorly contained laughter.
"You might want to tell them they’re not as subtle as they think." you said, shaking your head in amusement.
"I’m well aware," Hector muttered before returning his focus to you. "So… what do you say? Maybe if I text you, they’ll leave me alone. Consider it an act of mercy."
You tilted your head, pretending to consider it. "I’m not sure I believe that’s the only reason you’re asking."
"Maybe it’s not," he admitted, his voice dropping just a little. "You’re full of surprises. I’m just trying to keep up."
For a moment, you felt your face heat up at the unexpected sincerity of his words. Finally, you sighed with exaggerated reluctance. "Fine. Give me your phone."
Hector’s smile was victorious as he quickly handed it over. You typed in your number and passed it back, shaking your head as you did. "You owe me now, Hector. Don’t let your friends think this was their idea."
"Trust me, I won’t," he said with a quiet laugh, already saving your contact. "But I can’t promise they won’t still claim credit."
"You’re surrounded by instigators," you teased, starting to walk toward the locker rooms.
"I know," he called after you, his grin lingering. "But they’re right about one thing, I’m glad I came over."
You glanced back at him, shaking your head but unable to stop smiling. "Goodbye, Héctor."
"See you soon," he replied, stepping back toward his team, where they were already waiting to pounce on him.
Back with his teammates, Hector was greeted with playful shoves and whistles. "She gave you her number, didn’t she?" Marc asked smugly.
"Yeah, and she didn’t even charge him for it," Lamine added, earning a round of laughter.
Hector ignored them, though the faint smirk on his face gave him away. "You all really need new hobbies," he muttered, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
"Admit it, you’re blushing," Pau teased, leaning in close.
"Sure," Hector replied sarcastically, but even he couldn’t fight the grin threatening to spread. As his friends continued their banter, his mind kept drifting back to you; your teasing smile, your quiet confidence, and the way you’d handed him his phone like you already knew he’d text.
And as far as Hector was concerned, he absolutely would.
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heavenlyraindrops · 8 months ago
“ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ.” | ᴋᴇɴᴊɪ ꜱᴀᴛᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | { ɪ }
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☆ Warnings: profanity, sports!photographer!reader, fem!reader, afab!reader, for future chapters: social media au, eventual smut
☆ 1.3k words | Available on: Tumblr, AO3
A career in sports photography was never something your parents wanted for you- they had decided your career path since the moment you were born. A surgeon. Bound to make them plenty of money, to make them proud. They wanted it more than anything else, and…
You decided that wasn’t your problem. 
You researched the job, the career path, and began building a portfolio. Taking pictures of athletes at games, major ones and others such as college games. Mostly baseball. In fact, it was almost all baseball.  
Oh. College games. Baseball.
You’d attended college in the States, attending the baseball games and snapping pictures. And, for some reason, you seemed to gravitate towards one specific player. 
You had no idea what his name was.
You didn’t share any classes. You saw him around campus occasionally, but you weren’t one for parties so you had no chance of running into him at one of those. Your circles barely even touched. You didn’t know each other at all. 
Correction: he didn’t know you at all, and you only knew him as the hot athlete guy you took pictures of. 
“Another one?” Your friend, Taika grumbled, another one of your posts coming up on her feed. “[name], this is the fifteenth time you’ve posted this guy.”
You rolled your eyes, laptop balanced on your thigh as you edited a picture. “I’m just building my portfolio.”
“No one’s gonna hire you if your portfolio is just a million pictures of the same guy.”
“It’s not, there’s other pictures too.”
“Yeah, like, two.”
“Hyperbole much?”
Taika sighed aggressively, setting her phone-face down next to her as she leaned forward, face turning serious. “[name], is this some weird fetish? Kink?”
“What?” You almost threw your laptop at her. “You’re so dramatic. Obviously it’s not. What kind of kink would that even be?”
“Just admit you think he’s hot.”
You pressed your lips together, slamming your laptop shut. “Okay, get out.”
And that was that. You kept taking pictures of Mysterious Hot Athlete Guy,, eventually veering away from him in the end to expand your name. Your portfolio grew, you gained jobs, and your parents got increasingly frustrated until the point where they threatened to cut contact with you. 
You didn’t care. This was your passion. You’d much rather be on a pitch, capturing the essence of exhausted yet still exhilarated camaraderie than in a sterile surgeon’s scrub, brandishing a scalpel, cutting into flesh to expose your patients innards. 
Unfortunately they went through with the threat. Oh well. 
With the little savings you had, the weight of college debt for a degree you’d never use on your shoulders and your rather expensive camera equipment for which you’d somehow managed to scrape together the money for, you decided to follow Taika back to Japan.
“There’s plenty of opportunities for you there,” she told you.
Taika, being a trust fund baby, had more than enough of her parents' money to support herself, and you in Japan. You slowly grew your career and by a couple of months, you could afford to move into your own apartment. 
And now you were a- somewhat-well known sports photographer in the industry, despite never actually having a stable job, and… that was that. 
That was your story. 
But not the end of it.
Because after a good few months deep into your path of sports photography, a baseball player rose to stardom. 
Kenji Sato.
“Oh my god!” Taika grabbed onto your arm, nails digging into your skin and making you yelp as she thrust the phone in your face. “Dude! That’s the guy you had a crush on in college!”
Your face burned with embarrassment, and your voice was grating. “I didn’t have a crush on him.”
He just had a nice… bone structure.
Maybe I should have taken pictures of models for magazines or something. 
You looked at the article. Newest player on the field sparks talk of the rise of a new baseball legend. 
Oh damn. Maybe he should have been a model. 
“Kenji Sato,” Taika read out the name. “Dude, I swear this is the guy.” Pulling up your instagram account, she scrolled all the way to the bottom, at your earlier days of shooting. “Dude. That’s him.”
“It’s him,” you said weakly. She grinned at you, a knowing smirk that made you want to tear her hair out. 
Another stretch of time passed, until the days where your life was immediately thrust into a direction it did not give consent into going. 
Firstly, Ken Sato made headlines by coming back to Japan. Secondly, you’d landed a job at a baseball game in the Tokyo Dome. Thirdly, it was the game which the Yomiuri Giants were playing. 
You were now on the corner of the pitch, equipment set up, game in full play. The heat of the crowd pressed down on you as you angled your camera at a figure all too familiar. 
Fucking focus, [name].
The ball whizzed through the air. He hit it, arm and bat lashing out, and-
You cursed, jerking away from the camera set up and throwing your hands over your head. It fell to the ground, shattered, and the ball rolled across the ground, hitting your knee. 
You looked up. The crowd was roaring. Your head was ringing, feeling faint as you stared at the broken camera lying on the ground. Oh jeez, you were going to faint. Fuck, those players hit the ball hard.
You looked up and saw Ken Sato hurrying towards you. 
And that was when you fainted. 
Kenji Sato was going to fucking jump off of a bridge.
Pacing his living room, he dragged his hands through his hair, muttering a string of curses under his breath. “Mina, I’m so screwed.” He paused, looking at her hopefully. “Am I? Screwed, I mean.”
“That would be an interesting topic of debate, Ken.”
“Give me a proper answer, dammit!”
“You’ll be fine.”
“What about the girl?” He stopped suddenly, freezing in place. “I feel awful, you know.” Mina stared at him. “Yes, I can feel regret. Shocker.” He ran his hand through his hair, again. “I already replaced her broken stuff, right?” He looked sick. “Should I apologize? In person? Over text?”
“You could apologize over text,” Mina said.
Kenji immediately fell into the couch, pulling out his phone. “What’s her instagram account name?” Pulling it up, he scrolled through the photos. “[name] [surname], sports photographer,” he read aloud, eyes flicking down to the pictures. 
“She has taken photos for teams, articles, and even major sports magazines.” Mina flew down, hovering near his head as he scrolled curiously. 
“How many photos do you bet she’s got of me?”
“Would you like me to run a search?”
Ken looked up, surprised. “I was just kidding.” He dug his nail beneath his other nail, considering the offer, but Mina was already doing it. 
“Approximately ninety-seven out of two-hundred and twenty-nine images posted on her professional account include your face,” Mina concluded. Ken stared at her blankly. She remained silent for a few more seconds, letting it sink in, then spoke again. “I suggest scrolling to the very bottom of her account, her earliest days of photography, Ken.”
“Ninety-seven?” He asked incredulously, and Mina simply repeated her previous statement. Scroll down.
He did. It took him a while, but he finally managed to hit it, and-
“I’m in college in these.”
His eyes scanned the pictures on the screen- most of which were of him. College games, every one of them. He’d never noticed her in the crowd. Had he?
And there were so, so many.
He could feel heat creeping up his neck. He didn’t find it creepy, or stalkerish- not at all, but instead dared to feel a tiny bit flattered. 
Oh, she was obsessed with me. That’s kind of cute. 
He wondered if she still was. 
Taglist: @moonjellyfishie, @lovingyeet, @aise-30, @scarasw1f3, @v1ennie im only doing taglist this once but I’d prefer it if people just followed me instead because they’re such a hassle
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strategistsfav · 1 month ago
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“So? What do you think?”
My mouth feels dry as I watch the scene unfold before me. The beast roars and growls, stumbling around the room, desperately trying to grasp any sense of orientation. But its attempts are fruitless.
Beside me, a low hum rumbles from deep within Dr. Sawyer. I shoot him a careful glance. As always, my superior stands upright, hands tucked into the deep pockets of his lab coat. An unusual smile lingers on his face as he watches the beast with quiet satisfaction. It’s subtle, almost imperceptible, but the slight upward tug at the corners of his mouth is undeniable. Dr. Harley Sawyer, satisfied. Not exactly a sentence I ever expected to think—let alone say out loud.
“Experiment 1166… a charming creature.”
I nod wordlessly. “Yeah.”
Dr. Sawyer tugs at his earlobe—a quirk I’ve noticed before. He does it when he’s lost in thought, the way some people twirl their hair or stroke their beards. In moments like these, it’s crucial not to interrupt him. The consequences of disrupting the doctor’s thoughts… well, no one in their right mind would risk it.
“Feed him.”
I choke on my own saliva. “What?”
“I need you to bring him his food. His feeding time is at ten o’clock sharp.”
My heartbeat pounds harder at the thought. I’ve read the files, tracked every single word. I know exactly how Playtime Co. handles casualties in the factory—especially those caused by their underground experiments. They turn a blind eye, every single time. I gulp. Better not end up on that pile of corpses.
My tongue is tied, but I know better than to argue. Dr. Sawyer’s word is law. The moment a protest threatens to bubble up in my throat, I clench my fists, digging my nails into my palms to keep myself silent.
The doctor turns away, clipboard in hand, flipping through his notes as he strides toward the exit.
“Oh, and [Name]—”
He stops just before the door, glancing over his shoulder with a cool, detached stare. My blood turns to ice.
“Don’t be late. He doesn’t like to wait.”
The door clicks shut behind him.
And I’m left alone in the dimly lit room, with nothing but a thick pane of glass between me and the huffing, restless beast.
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reds-fluff-extravaganza · 6 months ago
Alucard x reader
Requested on ao3! Reader finds a wolf dog patrolling the Hellsing manor and befriends him without knowing that it’s actually Alucard
Having finished your work for the time being, you decided to step out of the Hellsing manor to get some air and stretch your legs. As the sun was setting, you decided to take a little walk around the outside of the manor, occasionally greeting any other workers you had come across. You’ve been working for the Hellsing organization for a few years now, yet you tend to work behind the scenes instead of out on the field, and it was close to your apartment, so that was a plus.
You were brought back from your thoughts as you feel as if you’re being watched, making you look around to find… a fluffy black wolf dog staring right at you with red eyes. Red eyes? How odd. The wolf dog had been patrolling the outside of the manor, or at least, until he spotted you, now making his way over to you. You weren’t sure whether to run or stay, but… you had a feeling he wasn’t going to hurt you, despite how he looked.
Once in front of you, the wolf dog stopped and looked right at you, as if to get a better look at you. Curious, you held your hand out to pet his head, and surprisingly, he let you. You smiled faintly and kept petting his head.
“You know… you kind of remind me of someone.” You mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear you. The wolf dog simply tilts his head slightly out of curiosity.
“Yeah, you kind of remind me of Alucard, but.. that can’t be… right?” You chuckled a bit in response, pulling your hand back to your side. What you didn’t know… was that the wolf dog in front of you, was indeed Alucard. He had gotten bored of just being in his chambers, so he got out and decided to use his shapeshifting to see what was happening around the manor, and see who was around. You know about Alucard since you’ve seen him around a couple times before, and you have talked with him more than once.
“Shoot, it’s getting a bit late, I should get back home.” You spoke up, looking up at the sky as it started getting darker. Fortunately for you, your apartment wasn’t too far from here, but Alucard has now taken it upon himself to make sure you get back safely. Why? Well, not even he really knows. So when you started walking, he followed after you, keeping close to you to keep others from bothering you, while you kept a hand on his head/close to his neck as if to assure him that you were still there.
“Thanks for walking me home, you really didn’t have to do that.” You turned to face Alucard once you were in front of your apartment. He only nodded and turned to leave, giving you a glance before taking off.
“See you tomorrow.” You smiled faintly and walked into your apartment, getting ready for bed, hoping to see the wolf dog again tomorrow. Alucard, on the other hand, knew he would see you more often now. You were nice to him, and you weren’t scared of him, which intrigued him.
The next day, you had finished up your work rather quickly. Only because there actually wasn’t much to do, which was a little surprising to you considering there was usually a lot of work to be done, but you didn’t mind too much. You could use this extra time to look for the wolf dog from yesterday. You wish you had known his name so you could call for him. Though, it didn’t take very long for you to find him, as you saw him patrolling around a more shade covered area this time, so you made your way over to him, a smile on your face.
Since then, Alucard has been meeting you in the same spot just about every day, in his wolf dog form, as he wasn’t entirely ready to tell you the truth just yet. Plus, he was using this time as a way to get to know about you, and maybe to get a little kiss on the forehead and head pats here and there… but he wouldn’t admit such a thing, no.
However, he knew that he would have to tell you eventually, along with his feelings towards you though that was going to be a little more difficult than the first thing, so that’s what he was going to do the next time he saw you. Alucard waited for you in your usual meeting spot, looking over as he sensed your presence and heard your footsteps a few seconds after.
“Alucard..?” You were a little surprised to see him here instead of the wolf dog.
“You weren’t expecting me now, hmm?”
“Not really, but I don’t mean that in a bad way..! I’m just a bit surprised is all.”
“I know, you were expecting someone else.”
“A wolf dog, yeah! He has such pretty black fur and red eyes. Kind of reminds me of you.”
“Is that so?” He chuckled softly in response. “Well, about that,” and before you could ask what he meant, he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke and when the smoke disappeared, there stood your wolf dog companion.
“It’s you!!” You exclaimed, your eyes wide from shock. “Why didn’t I think about that sooner? Well, I thought he looked similar to you but I didn’t think it was you!”
“Ah, yes, there is still plenty you don’t know about me, my dear Y/n.” He changed back, a faint smirk on his face. “But I know quite a bit about you.”
“So you’ve been the one walking me home every day..”
“Indeed I have.”
“Well, I just want to say thank you.” You looked up at him with a soft smile on your face, “I really do appreciate that.”
“It was no problem at all, Y/n. I want to thank you for the company you’ve given me. You weren’t absolutely terrified of me, even in my other form.”
“If you really wanted me to spend time with you like this, you know you only needed to ask, Alucard.”
“I suppose.”
“But… you’re welcome. I enjoyed spending time with you, even if I wasn’t aware it was you in the first place. I’d still like to spend time with you.”
“Good.” He seemed a bit.. relieved? as though he was unsure whether you’d want to be around him anymore. As much as he wanted to tell you how he felt, he figured he should hold off on doing that for now. He held a gloved hand out to you.
“Now let’s get you home, shall we? It is getting rather late, hmm?”
“Yeah, let’s.” You took his hand into your own, a soft smile on your face as you walked with him, him keeping you safe from harm as usual, as you talked about whatever came to mind, whether it was about work or something else, Alucard listened rather intently as you two walked.
The walk was only about a few minutes, but as you approached your apartment, you felt a little… sad? You didn’t really want to leave him yet, but you knew he had things to do and you were sure Integra would need him for some mission soon.
“Y/n, you’ve gone quiet.” Ah, he’s noticed.
“Oh, uh, yeah, I was just.. thinking about something.”
“Well.. I don’t want this time to come to an end yet. I want to spend more time with you.”
“Is that so?” You nodded, looking up at him now, “I didn’t think you’d want to spend time with a vampire like me,”
“Well.. you see.. I really like you, Alucard. I know this may seem odd, or maybe even sudden, considering we’ve only really talked and spent time together a few times aside from the past few weeks, but it’s true.”
“You are an interesting one, my dear Y/n. For you see, I feel the same way.”
“Wait really?”
“I do. I was actually going to tell you sooner, but it seems you’ve beaten me to it.”
“This is wonderful..!” You turned to face him and hugged him, making him flinch a bit in response, but he hugged you back after a few moments.
“…come, let’s get you inside, where it’s safe.” He then let you go, but now holding your hand, as you continued your little walk back to your apartment, where you would spend the rest of the evening together.
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zapreportsblog · 2 years ago
Can you do a Paul Lahote X reader
Where it’s based off in New Moon
Bella and their sibling Reader go visit the pack after Bella found out about shifters (Thanks ti Paul shifting from anger).
And since Bella already told her sibling about the Cullens being Vampires, obviously she would tell them about Jacob and the rez being shifters.
And it fast forwards to Bella and Reader to officially meet the pack. When the two meets the pack Reader makes eye contact with Paul Lahote which causes Paul to imprint.
P.s. im pretty sure the pack can tell when someone imprints.
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✭ pairing : paul lahote x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the sister of Bella swan, when Jacob begins ignoring Bella, Bella takes it upon herself to find out and like always when trouble arrises where one swan goes the other swan isn’t to far behind
✭ authors note : firstly the girls picture I used looked so similar to Bella to me that I just had to use that specific one
✭ twilight masterlist
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Bella Swan had reached her breaking point. For weeks now, Jacob Black had been ignoring her, leaving her with a heartache that seemed to grow with each passing day. Desperate for answers, Bella decided it was time to confront him, even if it meant dragging her sister (Y/N) along with her.
The two sisters made their way to the Quileute reservation, where Jacob and his pack resided. As they arrived, Bella couldn't help but notice Paul Lahote and a few other boys standing outside. Determined, she approached them, her eyes scanning the group in search of Jacob.
"Hey," Bella called out, her voice laced with frustration. "Where's Jacob?"
Paul smirked, his eyes narrowing. "Why do you care? He's clearly moved on."
Bella's heart sank at Paul's words, but she refused to back down. "I deserve an explanation. We were friends, and he's been avoiding me for no reason."
The other boys exchanged glances, refusing to meet Bella's gaze. It was clear they were hiding something, but they weren't willing to share the truth.
(Y/N) had been waiting patiently in the car, but a sudden unease washed over her. Trusting her instincts, she stepped out and made her way towards Bella, unaware of the events that were about to unfold.
Paul's rude comment about Jacob pushed Bella over the edge. Without thinking, she slapped him across the face, the sound echoing through the quiet reservation.
Paul's body trembled, his expression contorting in pain. In an instant, he transformed into a massive wolf, his fur bristling with anger. Panic surged through Bella's veins, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from the creature before her.
(Y/N) sprinted towards them, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't let her sister face this danger alone. Just as she reached them, Jacob burst onto the scene, his own transformation complete.
"Bella, move!" Jacob's voice was urgent, filled with concern for her safety. He lunged at Paul, a fierce growl erupting from his throat.
(Y/N) found herself locking eyes with Paul, their gaze holding for a brief moment. And in that instant, everything changed. Paul's anger evaporated, replaced by a look of wonder and awe.
He imprinted on her.
Paul saw their future together, a life filled with love and happiness. He saw them dating, getting married, and even raising a child together. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his newfound emotions, Paul turned and disappeared into the depths of the surrounding woods, still in his wolf form.
As the dust settled, Jacob's eyes softened, his focus shifting from Paul to Bella. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched into his voice.
Bella nodded, speechless, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and relief. But it was (Y/N) who held the weight of the revelation, her mind swirling with the implications of what had just occurred.
Jacob, his eyes filled with remorse and determination, took a deep breath before speaking. "I owe you an explanation, Bella. And (Y/N), I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess. But if you're willing to listen, there's a gathering tonight at the beach, we’re having barn fire. You'll hear the truth there."
Bella glanced at her sister, who nodded in agreement, her curiosity piqued. They both knew that this was their chance to finally uncover the secrets that had been shrouding Jacob and his pack.
As evening fell, Bella and (Y/N) made their way to the barn, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The sound of crackling fire and laughter filled the air, as the Quileute tribe and the pack celebrated their ancestral traditions.
Jacob approached them, his eyes sincere. "Thank you for coming. I promise, I'll explain everything."
The sisters found a spot near the fire, surrounded by the members of the pack and the Quileute tribe. Jacob stood at the center, his voice carrying through the crowd as he recounted the legends of their people.
He spoke of the Quileute tribe's ancient connection to the wolf spirit, and how some members of the tribe possessed the ability to transform into powerful, enormous wolves. He revealed the long-standing feud between his pack and the Cullens, the "cold ones" as they were known, who were vampires.
As Jacob spoke, Bella and (Y/N) listened intently, their eyes widening with each revelation. They were captivated by the tales of their battles against the Cullens, how they protected their land and loved ones from the vampire threat.
Paul, who had been nearby, approached (Y/N) cautiously after Jacob finished his story. "Can we talk?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of hope and uncertainty.
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect. But something in Paul's eyes told her that he genuinely wanted to connect with her, to explain the strange imprinting bond that had formed between them.
She nodded, and the two of them stepped away from the gathering, finding a quiet spot where they could talk undisturbed.
Paul took a deep breath, his eyes searching (Y/N)'s face. "I never expected this to happen," he began. "Imprinting is a powerful force, one that we can't control. It's like an instant, unbreakable bond that forms between two people."
(Y/N) listened, her heart pounding with a mix of confusion and curiosity. She had heard of imprinting before, but experiencing it firsthand was an entirely different matter.
Paul continued, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. "When I looked into your eyes, I saw our future together. I saw us dating, getting married, and even having a child. It scared me at first, but now, I can't deny the pull I feel towards you."
(Y/N)'s mind raced, trying to process the enormity of what Paul was saying. She had only just met him, and yet, this supernatural bond had formed between them. She couldn't deny the connection she felt, the strange familiarity that seemed to draw her towards him.
"I don't know what this means for us," Paul admitted, his expression earnest. "But I want to figure it out, if you're willing."
(Y/N) took a moment to gather her thoughts, her gaze meeting Paul's. "I don't understand it fully either," she confessed. "But I'm willing to explore this connection, to see where it leads."
A smile tugged at the corners of Paul's lips, relief washing over his features. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.
As they rejoined the gathering, Bella and (Y/N) felt a sense of newfound understanding and acceptance. The truth had been revealed, and their lives would never be the same again. They were embarking on a journey into a world of supernatural beings, where love, loyalty, and destiny intertwined in ways they could never have imagined.
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that1fanficwriter · 11 months ago
Fluffy Thoughts on Mike Faist
AN: I love these photos. I thought I was going to have to scour the internet for the perfect ones but I saw these right away and was like “yup, that’s it. Those ones.”
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He’s a morning person. He’ll wake up, give you a kiss, go for a run, and once he gets back he showers which is usually when you wake up.
You always oogle him when he comes out of the shower, just the towel wrapped around his waist. He blushes but secretly likes it. And let’s admit, he does the same thing to you all the time.
One of Mike’s favorite things is when you make breakfast together. You’ve just gotten out of bed; only wearing one of his shirts and a pair of panties and he’s wearing whatever comfortable clothes he put on after his shower. Usually a pair of loose shorts or sweats, occasionally a shirt.
Making breakfast together mostly comprised of each of you trying to distract the other. So it usually took twice the time it should’ve to make eggs and toast.
You loved how Mike danced. If you were both free in the evening, no scripts for Mike to read, no work for you, you would put on music and make him dance with you.
He always pretended to be reluctant for a few seconds but you both know how much he loves dancing, especially with you. You get so lost in each other that sometimes you end up dancing for hours.
When he’s rehearsing in NYC you often drop by on his lunch break with some food for him and you’ll eat together.
I personally headcannon that when he was in Dear Evan Hansen if he was having a particularly hard day that you would go over to the theatre before the show to cheer him up, repaint his nails, whatever he needed that day. You’d stay in his dressing room during the show just to be there for him. The walk home would be quiet and solemn but you didn’t mind, knowing that the constant companionship was what Mike needed in that moment.
Now, if you’re a dancer or a performer you and Mike met each other while in Newsies. I know it’s cliche but you both were in the ensemble and were the understudies for Jack and Katherine.
While in the show you would both often get to the theatre early to rehearse your scenes together or you would mime along to the scenes you weren’t in while the show was going. After a few months in the show and constantly rehearsing with each other you finally got up the courage to ask Mike if he wanted to grab drinks after the show one night.
The night at the bar you both only had a few drinks but you both were so caught up in the other person that you ended up going back to Mike’s apartment. Nothing crazy happened as some of your castmates, his roommates came home, but you both ended up falling asleep whilst sitting on his bed talking about your aspirations in life and whatever else you decided to discuss.
Once you move into an apartment together you both agree to have a weekly date night in. You don’t always do the same thing. If you’re both feeling fancy sometimes you’ll cook a meal together but most times one of you will pick up something, open a bottle of wine, and you’ll both sit on the sofa enjoying your time together, catching up, planning the future, or just watching a movie.
Mike is one of those people who is deceptively strong. It works much to his advantage because he’s also a hopeless romantic. Every time he sees you after being apart for even a day or two, he loves to pick you up on a hug and spin you around.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 2 years ago
Injured On Purpose
pairing: harry potter x female reader
warnings: just fluff, possibly obsessed harry, mentions of things like cuts/gashes and bruises, kissing
summary: you are a healer in training, one year older than harry, he keeps getting injured while you keep healing him. you start to wonder if he does it on purpose, to which you find your suspicions to be correct - requested by @ashdreams2023
a/n: i absolutely adore this idea!! thank you for sending it love xx (i also didn't know what age you wanted so i just made her a 7th year and him a 6th, hope that's ok :)
song: love me love me say that you love me - the travelling kisses
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Harry knew he was done for when he first laid eyes on you in the infirmary.
He had gotten injured during one of his Quidditch matches. He had taken a nasty hit from a bludger.
When he arrived, he figured Madam Pomfrey would be the one to heal him as usual.
However, it was a pleasant surprise when he heard a soft voice and looked up to see a beautiful girl standing before him.
So beautiful that he had to take of his glasses and wipe them clean to make sure he was seeing correctly.
You were oblivious to his dreamy gaze as you scanned over his papers.
"Hello, Mr. Potter-"
"Harry, call me Harry," he quickly says.
"Okay Harry, I'm y/n," you smile at him.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl," he whispers under his breath.
"Oh- um- nothing," Harry blushes.
"Alright, well it seems that your shoulder had been broken. But don't worry, I'll be able to fix it right up in no time," you explain.
You take out your wand and some ointments.
You say some different spells for fixing any broken or cracked bones.
"Do you mind sliding your shirt down just a bit so I can rub this on the bruses?"
"N-no not at all," he stutters and slides it down.
"You are new here? In the hospital wing I mean," he asks as you rub the medicine on him.
"Mhm- well, not that new. I've been here for almost two months. But I want to be a healer when I get out of here, so some of my professors thought it would be helpful if I worked here first," you clarify.
"Oh, well that's brilliant if you ask me!"
"Thank you," you grin.
"What year are you?"
"I'm a seventh year, you're a sixth year right?"
"Yeah," he nods.
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"Merlin Ron, you should have seen her," he dramatically sighs.
"Harry, stop being all lovey-dovey," he wacks his best mate in the back of the head.
"But you don't understand. Her hair looks so soft- I think I'm in love," he falls back onto his bed.
"Blimey," Ron shakes his head.
When they went to dinner that night, he let his eyes roam the Great Hall in search for you.
Finally, his eyes landed on your angelic figure as you talked with some of your friends.
He hadn't realized he had been staring until he felt Hermione hit his arm with a book.
"Gosh Harry, I think your drooling," she rolls her eyes and goes back to reading.
He quickly brings his hand up to his mouth to check if Hermione was right. When he realized she was just messing with him he shakes his head and puts it on his hand, resting his elbow on the table.
"Harry, you only talked to her for like ten minutes," Ron glances at you.
"Yeah but it was the best ten minute conversation of my life," he runs a hand through his hair.
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Since that day, Harry had purposely gotten injured from things like Quidditch, dueling, and any other things he could think of.
Why he did this, just so he can be sent to the infirmary to see you.
You had thought he showed up often because he was just a clumsy boy.
Over the visits you have grown to know each other well. You had become somewhat close.
Whenever Ron or Hermione told him that he should stop, he brushed it off by saying, "she's a pretty girl and a guy has got to do what hes got to do!"
He loved when you would have to rub any type of liniment on him, just to feel your warm and soft hands on his skin.
While you were busy writing things down, he would stare at your precious, pink, plump lips. He begged Merlin to one day be able to kiss those lips. He often dreamt about what it would be like as your boyfriend.
Today was another day where he had been hit with a spell that caused some gashes on his stomach.
He was laying in bed, waiting for his lovely healer to come in.
Soon enough, he sees you stroll through the doors as you make your way over to his bed.
"Harry Potter! What brings you here today," you greet with a bright smile playing on your lips.
"Hello, love, just some cuts on my stomach," he informs you.
You blush at the name and nod your head.
"Do you mind lifting your shirt for me?"
He happily complies and brings up his shirt, revealing his toned stomach to you. You tried your best not to look like you were checking him out, you were also glad no one else was in the room to notice.
"Oh Harry what happened," you gasp as your eyes land on the bloody wounds.
"Oh- uh- I was hit with a spell," he tells you.
"I'm sorry," you frown.
"No need to apologize"
"This might hurt a bit," you warn him as you get a medicine covered cloth to clean the injury.
You finish wiping his cuts and put a bandage over them. You sit in the chair that was next to his bed and look at him.
"You know, you come here at least twice a week," you start as he stares at your pretty eyes. "Is there any reason you are always getting hurt?"
"Oh- er, no, um..." Harry rubs his neck nervously as he suddenly avoids eye contact with you.
"You... you're not getting injured on purpose are you?"
"What?" Harry laughs nervously. "Of course not!"
Realization fills your head, it all makes sense now. Your friends told you he was always admiring you in the Great Hall, he always had a pink blush on his cheeks when you would look at him intensely, and you had heard him ranting to his friends over some girl.
You stand up and sit on the bed. "Are you sure there isn't another reason?"
"Well- umm- maybe there is one," he fidgets with fingers as he looks out the window.
"Yeah? And what would that reason be?"
"Isortakindafancyyou," he rushes out so fast you couldn't understand.
"I have no clue what you just said," you tilt your head with a small smile.
"I sorta kinda fancy you," Harry blushes as he looks you in your eyes.
"Do you now," you whisper as your face moves closer to his.
"Y-yeah," he mumbles while staring as you lips.
"Well, then I suppose you might want to know that I sorta kinda fancy you too," you say, glancing at his lips as well.
He can't take it any longer. He reaches a hand behind your neck and pulls your lips towards his.
He sits up while keeping your mouths connected. He cannot seem to get enough of your warm, soft lips.
His tongue slides into your mouth and you almost let out a moan from how passionate the kiss is.
Eventually, you slowly pull back, leaving his mouth trying to follow yours. Both of you are breathing heavy while wearing smiles.
"You are a great kisser," Harry says breathlessly.
"Not too bad yourself, Harry," you grin. "I'm sorry, I have to go, but we should do this again sometime," you stand up and go to turn around.
"Wait," he stays and he grabs your wrist gently. "Would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me sometime?" Harry kisses your hand.
"I would love to," you beam, bending down to peck his lips.
"Brilliant! How about this saturday?"
"Sounds perfect, bye Harry," you wave walking out of the room.
Harry licks his lips, wishing yours were on them again. He closes his eyes and falls back onto the pillows with a dreamy smile.
When Harry got back, Ron and Hermione never heard the end of it.
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parvulous-writings · 9 months ago
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin react to being stuck in close proximity with gn crush? - Fluff anon
Notes:  My requests are currently open, though limited! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Initially, Astarion is rather grumpy about the whole situation; being stuck in close proximity with anyone is going to initially make him a little frustrated. He likes having the freedom to move all his limbs as he pleases, thank you very much.
However, it doesn't take him very long to start flirting, or making risqué comments to you. He's of the opinion that, despite you both being stuck together, he might as well have a bit of fun with it whilst it lasts, right? What else is there to do, if not seize the moment to make a few cheeky jokes?
"You know, darling... Things normally happen between two people who are so close..." His voice isn't much above a whisper, but you can hear it loud and clear. "I do believe there may be a game around a situation such as this..." He taps his chin in mock thought. "What say we give it a try~?"
He very much enjoys giving you little, teasing touches. Nothing too risque, they're usually feather-light, the only reason you know he's doing them, is because you can practically see the smirk in those red eyes of his.
Once the pair of you are free, the whole ordeal becomes a little inside joke between the two of you for him, something that he frequently will bring up during your travels together, usually at your expense.
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Gale is incredibly awkward about the entire situation - he tries not to be, he tries to play it off coolly, but alas, it does not work. He's jostling near constantly, his legs always moving in a bid to try and give you more space, and always failing. He just ends up kicking you, which he profusely apologises for every time.
"Oh- sorry, sorry... I didn't mean to- Ouf- Sorry, again-" He falls entirely still for a moment, trying to think of a way out of this little situation. He, obviously, cannot wriggle out of it, lest he bruise your ribs more, nor can he actually see a way out - it was far too dark to make out many details. He would have used his magic, but it felt like any movement only ended up in hitting you, and making the situation ever more tense - and he's not looking to upset you, not in the slightest, he wants the same thing you do! To get out!
After the two of you are finally let out - thanks to a very helpful Karlach - Gale tries to brush over the whole incident. He tries not to touch upon it too much, if at all if he can help it. If you mention it at all, he'll play along in the conversation for a couple of minutes, though his cheeks are bright red, before he excuses himself for anything he can think of - no matter how trivial, or outlandish the thing may be. He doesn't overly like remembering the time he kept accidentally kicking you.
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Halsin is no small man - entirely the opposite, in fact. Thankfully, though, he is very aware of this. He tries not to move too much outside what is strictly necessary to keep his joints from screaming at him, and he makes sure to move slowly, and with warning. He's constantly mindful that it's not going be easy, being stuck in a confined space with a man who is quite literally as large as a bear.
He's very sweet about the whole thing - constantly asking how you are, and if there's anything you'd like to talk about to keep your mind off of the current situation. He'll only make jokes if you start making them first - he doesn't want to make you feel like he's making fun of you for somehow getting stuck in here with him.
He doesn't try to bash his way out - knowing full well that it may likely hurt you. He just reassures you that all will be alright, soon enough. And it is! He doesn't bring up the incident unless you bring it up first - he knows that some may make comments or assumptions about the predicament, so you touching on the topic first tells him that you're comfortable to talk about it in that moment, and he will almost happily reminisce with you.
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cryptidghostgirl · 1 year ago
The Guilt (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader)
Description: Y/n was the one person he never meant to kill, but Alastor didn't have a choice. Years later, much to his surprise, they run into one another in the depths of Pentagram City.
Warnings: Murder, cannibalism mentioned in a metaphoric sense. Un-detailed descriptions of rotting bodies.
Word Count: 2,701
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N I promise I will get to the rest of the requests soon, I just wanted to write something that has been stuck in my head for a hot minute since I've like only been doing requests the past couple days. I think the only ones I have left are ones that have been sent in since February 15th so I hope that is okay.
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Alastor recognized her the minute he first saw her. It had been a year since his arrival in Hell and he was already making waves. Demons avoided him on the streets, shot him fearful glances over their shoulders. He enjoyed the privacy it afforded him, the padding of air around him.
He didn't pay the others mind, focused on his own goals and patterns of being. Friends, relationships, they were far from his top priority but still, Alastor recognized her the minute he first saw her.
In his years of blood soaked escapades in the world of the living, he had wreaked havoc on the world. In all those years, he had only ever made two mistakes. The first had been getting caught, getting killed by that hunter. The second? Had been killing that girl.
He hadn't had a choice. Normally, Alastor chose his victims carefully following a specific criteria. She had been an accident. He had gotten careless one night, cocky even in his streak of successes. Alastor had been transfixed, carving a man's intestines from the cavity of his stomach. The girl had had wide eyes, her mouth open. She had trembled.
Their eyes had met across the darkened street. She had clutched at her coat, pulling it tighter. She hadn't even tried to run.
Alastor never learned her name, avoided all reports on her disappearance and death like the plague. She haunted him. He saw her around corners, when he shut his eyes at night like a vengeful spirit. Always just staring at him with those big, knowing eyes. He didn't need more reminders, more facets of feeling, than he already had.
Alastor had recognized her the minute he first laid eyes on her in Hell. It had taken him a moment to realize she was real, she still looked so deeply human after all. He had never expected her to be here. He had never expected to see her again.
When he opened his eyes and she was still there, sitting placidly at the cafe table, it was like some uncontrollable force pulled him to her. He pulled out the spare chair, falling lazily into it. She looked up at the noise of metal against concrete, curiosity painting her features as she lowered her book onto the table.
"Hello?" she said after a moment, though it was more of a question than a greeting.
Alastor had never heard her voice before except for when she had screamed. It was melodious, it was soft and sweet. His smile grew.
"Yes, hello indeed."
She stared at him with those eyes, those same eyes that had haunted him for years.
"My apologies but, who are you? Do I know you?"
He was unable to keep the surprise from his features. It had been a long time since anyone had asked him something like that, he couldn't tell if she was joking. But then there were those wide eyes, earnest in their honesty.
"No, my apologies. I did not introduce myself. My name is Alastor, quite the pleasure to meet you. Quiet the pleasure."
He grabbed her hand from where it lay daintily across her open book, shaking it in his own.
"Oh!" Y/n lightly exclaimed in response to the action, "Oh, well, Alastor, I am Y/n. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well."
The contact broke and Alastor leaned his elbows on the table, resting his chin in his hands.
"Forgive me for saying this but, you seem a bit unsuited for all this mess. Prim and proper. What landed you here?"
"Is that why you've come to join me?"
Alastor nodded after a second's thought. It was an easy cover up for his true motives. Y/n seemed to have no idea who he was after all and to be perfectly honest, even Alastor himself was struggling to understand his motivations. Guilt wasn't an emotion he was familiar with. It was confusing, writhed in the pit of his stomach like a snake.
"Well, thats a rather personal question to ask someone right off the bat, isn't it?"
"I suppose you're right. How about this one then, what are you reading?"
After that day at the cafe, Alastor followed Y/n like a hurt puppy. He didn't rightly know why. It was a compulsion of a sort, he couldn't stop it. She was disinterested by radio, by the newfangled video boxes popping up. She knew nothing of his reputation, she just thought he was a friend. A fairly determined friend, but a friend none the less.
Alastor didn't understand it. He was a man obsessed, not with Y/n per say but with the opportunity she offered. She smelled like making good on past wrongs. That wasn't something Alastor had ever been interested in before. Y/n was the exception. She was always the exception, he supposed.
It wasn't long before their little lunches, their random rendezvous in the streets, carefully orchestrated by Alastor of course, not that she knew, became something more. Spending time with her calmed the raging sea of uncertainty in his gut. Being kind to her felt like salvation.
Alastor had never been concerned with that before, but it was such an intoxicating thing to hear her words of thanks, of praise. To witness her smiles and her apparently unending kindness. They would spend hours pouring over one another's collections of books. They would spend hours in deep philosophic discussion. It was Y/n who first brought up their previous lives.
"Do you ever miss it?" she had asked when they had been making lunch together one day in her apartment.
Alastor's hand had stilled, his knife halfway through the cut of veal he had been handeling.
"Miss what, my dear?"
He began to move the knife again, letting out a slight hum of thought.
"Not particularly. I take it you do?"
Y/n leaned over the pot, checking to see if the water was boiling yet for the potatoes. It wasn't and so she turned to him, leaning up against the counter.
"Sometimes." she admitted.
Alastor turned to her as well. The apron over her dress was stained with jam from the times they had baked together just a few days before. Y/n hair was tied up and away from her face. He felt his heart stutter in his chest.
That had been happening a lot lately when he looked at her. Alastor figured it was a progression of guilt, a giving away of it. He figured spending time with Y/n was helping it go away.
It wasn't like it was a burden for him. They actually had a surprising amount in common.
"What do you miss?"
"My mom."
And there it was again, the cannibalistic sickness eating away at his brain.
"Were you two close?"
Y/n nodded, turning her gaze to the window.
"Yeah. She... I didn't have a big family. Or a lot of friends growing up. I was shy, painfully shy. She was... she was all I had. And now she's alone up there."
"What landed you down here?"
Y/n looked back to Alastor, smirking.
"Back to this are we? Only took what, six months?"
"We're friends now, aren't we?"
"Shoot me, I'm curious."
Y/n laughed lightly.
"Okay, I tell you, you tell me. Deal?"
Alastor thought it over for a moment. He could always lie to her, make up some story or another but, she was bound to find out eventually. More than anything, he wanted to keep her from connecting the pieces. Y/n figuring things out felt dangerous, it pained him to think about how she would react.
"Okay, um," Y/n looked away again, her hands fiddling with the frilled edge of her apron, "I don't really like to talk about it. It's kind of embarrassing."
"You made a deal."
"Yeah, yeah. I know."
"So spill."
Y/n smiled lightly, meeting Alastor's eyes for a second.
"Well, I was kind of... maybe... sort of... a thief?"
Alastor hadn't expected that. He wasn't quite sure what he had expected to be honest but, it wasn't that.
"Yeah. Times were... tough growing up. Single mom with a kid in the early 1900s? Not everyone was a fan. It was hard for her to find work so I would... supplement. No one suspected the little girl, you know?"
There were two types of demons in Hell. There were the ones that had their demon forms, and then there were the ones like Alastor with more than one form, more abilities, more strength. It was the anger that fed it, the person they were on earth. Alastor had always assumed Y/n fell into the first category but, as she relayed her tale to him, her body began to change. She rotted before his very eyes, becoming a standing corpse with his bones all showing.
"I always felt awful about it but, we didn't really have a choice. You know? I didn't want to do it, didn't like it, but I did it and I was good at it. When I grew up, well, sometimes it is just easier to stick to what you know. I worked for a cleaning service, maids for hire, working parties, stuff like that. I, well, the people I worked for were rich. They didn't need the money but my mother and I certainly did."
It was then she seemed to realize her own changed appearance. Her eyes shot up to Alastor as she retook her original form.
"Sorry about that." she awkwardly laughed, "Guess the guilt is still eating me alive, even in death. So, what'd you do?"
Alastor took a breath, appraising the situation. The guilt, the sense of having truly sinned.
"I was a serial killer."
Y/n's eyes went wide.
"Really? You? But you're so..."
"So what, my dear?"
"So nice."
Alastor stilled.
"Nice?" he repeated.
Even in life, it was a word that few had directed towards him. Polite, yes. Talented, yes. Charming? Of course, but never nice.
At the sound of bubbling from the pot, Y/n turned his back to him.
"Yeah." she shrugged, opening the lid and dropping the potatoes in, "You probably one of the nicest people I've ever met."
The way Y/n saw him was intoxicating. Nice. He began to spend more and more time at her side. It was hard to keep the other half of his life from her but, he managed. It was a delicate balance, a game he knew well.
It was a day about a year later that Y/n approached him, blushing and unable to meet his eyes. It was a year later she told him how she felt and he realized he felt the same. They moved in together, did nearly everything together. It was a happy afterlife for them both. The first time they had kissed, she had tasted like redemption.
Y/n never questioned what Alastor did on his late nights out alone. She trusted his fidelity and when he said he liked going for walks alone in the evening air, she accepted it. When he said he was at work, broadcasting his radio show, she never asked why they didn't have a radio of their own. It was an unspoken agreement, he didn't ask where the money came from and she didn't ask what he did in the long hours he was away.
The guilt felt heavy in the pit of his stomach, growing stronger every day but still, Y/n remained blissfully ignorant. Alastor could practically hear the clock ticking. Every kiss felt like it might be the last, every caress, every meal shared at the kitchen table. He did everything he could, but knew one day she was bound to find out.
Alastor knew the day had come when he entered their lovely home on the outskirts of the Pride ring. He called his usual hello out into the house from the foyer, letting the door fall shut behind him. Y/n didn't come.
"Y/n?" he called, taking a step further into the house, "Are you home?"
All the lights were on. That was something she was careful about from the old days, making sure not to use electricity unless necessary. There was no way she wasn't in the house.
Tentatively, he stepped into the kitchen. She was sitting at the table, her head in her hands.
"Are you alright, my love?"
It was then he noticed the radio on the table.
"Yeah." Y/n sighed, looking up at him, "Oh."
"Where did you get that?"
"Someone dropped it off, left it at the door. I thought it was you originally but, now I'm not so sure."
Someone had left it for her? One of Alastor's numerous enemies was responsible no doubt. He had always been so careful to keep her protected, out of the public eye. It didn't make sense.
"You heard todays broadcast?"
"Oh you mean the screams of innocent demons mixed in with your stories about New Orleans?"
Alastor was silent. Y/n's eyes were rimmed with red, her hair a mess.
"They were far from innocent. Everyone is down here for a reason. Besides, I told you. I'm a killer."
"You didn't tell me you were my killer."
His heart stopped. He hadn't realized exactly how much she'd managed to piece together from the simple broadcast.
"Am I now?" Alastor asked placidly, trying to remain calm as he clasped his hands behind his back.
He didn't know what he was playing at. He was grasping at straws. Y/n got to her feet.
"You never told me you were from New Orleans, just said you grew up in the south. I let it slide but, I shouldn't have. I should have known, the similarities in our experiences... god, I was such a fool! I should have known we grew from the same patch of dirt. Alastor, there was only one serial killer active in the city at the time we were both alive, at the time I died."
"And you think it was me, my heart?"
"Alastor." she crossed her arms.
"How could you not tell me?"
Y/n's anger mixed with grief, it misdirected itself, it got caught on the details. It hurt more that he'd been lying to her. The act itself was something to be dealt with later. Now was the time for the lies. They had spent years together, built a life together and the whole time, he had been lying.
"I didn't me-"
"Mean for me to find out?"
"Well, yes." he took a step forward, he tried to grab her hands but she pulled them away.
Y/n's skin was rotting now, she was taking on her other form. It was the first time he'd seen her do it when not remising about the past or telling stories about her mother. He had no idea what she was capable of when in this state.
"But also, I didn't mean to-"
"To what, to kill me? To marry me? To make me fucking trust you?"
The world was falling down around him. The one thing he couldn't lose, the one thing he cared about besides himself or his power. The person that meant the most to him.
"My darling, my heart, m-"
"No, Alastor. Just... just stop." she sighed, a hand to her forehead.
She rubbed her temples, exhausted and overwhelmed.
"I'm sorry."
The words were spoken softly but they crashed into Y/n like a speeding truck. They broke her ribs. She lowered her hand.
"I... I need some time."
"No, Y/n, wait. Please."
Again, she brushed off his attempts to hold her, making her way to the door of the kitchen. Alastor followed her out into the hallway.
"Y/n. Please. Please don't leave."
"What, so you can keep up your pity project?" she scoffed, rounding on him, "I am better than that Alastor. I deserve better."
"It... you aren't a pity project. You're my world, I love you."
"No, your world is this city. Your world is running Hell. I... Alastor, I'm leaving."
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verysanebsdfan · 29 days ago
Hey!! Could you do headcanons of Killua with a reader who's REALLY good with kids? She finds them cute but it's more about them always GRAVITATING torwards her n wanting to play all the time?
Hii!! so uhm it's been some time since this was requested hm? (yeah duh) I apologize, it took so long i know but i just didn't feel like writing it at that time...BUT I DO NOW
wc: none i belive.
cw: 321
Killua Zoldyck x reader
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» So firstly, I believe that he would not care too much. Like, children like you a lot. Cool, I guess… The thing is, it might get annoying or in the way sometimes, think effectively, right?
» First time he actually noticed was a little after you arrived at the Heavens Arena. A few fights later you were exhausted, not exactly from fighting but from hurting people, since ouchie. And you all decided to get a break (for your mental health I suppose) and went outside to explore the city. After getting some snacks, you sat at a playground, since it was still early, and the kids were probably in school anyway. The only problem was mothers with really small children judging you for not being in school. Oh well.
» The real moment came when you saw a small girl, who’s mom was on her phone, almost falling off a swing, she could not be older than 2 years probably. You of course caught her, because you are OP and have awesomesauce reflexes. And so, you end up with a little girl trying to spend time with you. You tried to entertain her, telling her stories from your adventures, and soon, it attracted a whole lot of attention from the other toddlers (and some of the parents too)
» It was obvious that this was not just because of the stories, you had a certain charm to children, well, you are a child yourself but never mind that.
» It was not a problem at all, it might be in the future, you know, if you were in danger and some kid decided they liked you and tried to tag along. Well for now it is okay! It might even prove useful in future if you know what I mean…. :3
» The kids are sometimes scared of Killua tho. For no reason, he just has an odd vibe sometimes.
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dvskf4llz · 9 months ago
Could I request a Xisuma x Reader(gender neutral if possible)?
I had a somewhat cute idea about how X doesn't take off his helmet and how it's kinda like a privacy thing (similar to how Etho doesn't take his mask off), so none of the hermits have seen his face, same with reader. So they've only recently started dating and, obviously, haven't kissed yet since X doesn't really like or want to take off his helmet (if there is a reason then you can think of something!) and the reader respects it. One day, though, X has to take off the helmet for whatever reason and the reader closes their eyes to make the admin feel comfortable and all that, but then he puts his hand over their eyes to keep them closed and finally kisses them, it being their "first kiss" (that isn't just the reader giving a peck onto his helmet)
Just overall fluffy and romantic with them being idiots in love :D
Oh my fricking god this idea is absolutely so adorable
A kiss?
𝑿𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒅 𝒙 𝑮𝑵! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Warnings ⚠: None :)
Relationship/s: C!XisumaVoid/Reader
POV: Second POV
Category: Fluff, Romance
Summary: Where after a few weeks of dating, Xisuma decides to finally let his beloved have a kiss after they give him a gift he absolutely adored; only, with their eyes closed.
Proofread: nerp
Have fun reading this cute little oneshot! :D I deeply apologize if I'm there's a bit of mischaracterization- I haven't been keeping up with hermitcraft as of lately so I'm not sure if I missed something important that was probably necessary to add- anyways, enjoy!
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(Let's start with a short backstory, shall we?)
Ever since you managed to get an invite to join Season ten of the infamous server, Hermitcraft, keeping up with the other players was a bit hard for you. You had joined in a bit late, so the others were much more ahead of you. Some of the Hermits would try to help you out and give you some stuff to help you get to where they were already, but you always politely declined saying that you had wanted to try and do stuff by yourself. They would be trying to convince you to accept, but they couldn't get through you no matter what.
However, there was one specific Hermit that was incredibly insistent on helping you. That Hermit was Xisuma, the server admin. He had noticed you struggling to keep up with the rest, he felt sympathetic and wanted to try and help you. He'd already heard from the other Hermits that you were a bit stubborn and would constantly deny help, but he was determined to help you. He'd try to sneak in something to help you in one of your chests, but you'd always end up catching him even if he used invisibility potions. You honestly began to adore how insistent he was on trying to help you, even if it was a tad bit annoying to deal with sometimes.
After probably a few weeks of Xisuma trying to help you, you finally cracked and gave in. Even if he had the helmet on, you could tell just how happy and relieved he was to see you finally accepting help. He'd help you out with gathering resources, getting better armour and tools and more. While he was helping you, the two of you got to talk to each other more and get to know each other more.
"Wait, so you've never taken off your helmet infront of anyone? Like, no one has ever seen your face?" You asked curiously, leaning against a workbench as you waited for the ores you had gathered a bit ago to smelt
"Nope! I sort of just never showed anyone, not even close friends. I've kept it that way ever since I joined the server." Xisuma answered giving a slight shrug, repairing a hole in the ground that was made by a creeper exploding
"Well, that's interesting to know." The two of you would continue to chat about different stuff aside from just Xisuma's mask, one of you would occasionally make a joke related to the topic and the other would either laugh or just let out a chuckle. Eventually, the whole gathering resources trip had been just completely abandoned as you and Xisuma were just bonding together at this point, not even realizing how long the conversation has been going for. You somehow never managed to get bored talking to Xisuma, that went the same for Xisuma aswell. The two of you were just enjoying each other's presence, chatting about life and fun little stories. At one point though, Xisuma would realize the time and would begin to apologize profusely for forgetting about helping you. You on the other hand was not too bothered by it, reassuring him that it was fine. You wanted to continue talking to him, but it was quite late in the evening so Xisuma had to go. It disappointed you just a tad bit, but you didn't complain or protest as you waved goodbye to the admin. Watching him turn and leave, a slight saddened expression forming on your face as you did
"Seems like someone's already missing a certain admin!~" A voice spoke from behind you, startling you extremely as you quickly turned around to see Skizz right there. It scared the living heck out of you to suddenly just seeing him behind you, you had to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down
"Skizz?! When did you get there and how long have you been watching?!" You were glaring at him, blushing from embarrassment after finding out that Skizz was there all along
"Passed by here a few minutes ago and heard some chattering, I checked where it was coming from and saw you and X chatting! The two of you looked so cute together I just had to keep watching! And from what I saw after he left, you seemed to be so sad, I had to speak up!" Skizz spoke in his usual enthusiastic voice with a twinge of teasing, snickering to himself
"I am not sad- I am perfectly fine, I do not miss Xisuma one bit!" You denied what Skizz was saying despite knowing he was right, you turned towards the crafting table and craft something that you remembered you needed for later
"Sure, whatever you say." Skizz teased with a shrug, he'd continue to tease you for a bit before he'd eventually have to leave aswell since it was late and he still needed to do something. You were thankful that he didn't tease you for so long, you did not enjoy his playful bullying one bit. You'd go inside of your makeshift home to go sleep already, it was probably best if you slept already so that you could get up early tomorrow to start working on your base already. However, as soon as you laid in your bed, your thoughts began to get consumed by the memory of your bonding time with Xisuma. It kept you awake for a while until eventually, you managed to push it aside and fall asleep.
The next day, you found out that Skizz may or may not have told some of the hermits about what he saw with you and Xisuma. And now, the teasing increased even more now with Hermits other than Skizz teasing you. Some of them teasing you about the fact that out of everyone, Xisuma was the one that got you to crack, jokingly saying that you had a little crush on the admin. This went on for days and days, Xisuma was completely oblivious to it as he kept helping you out and hang out with you. Even if you tried to avoid him to get the Hermits to stop bullying you, you couldn't help but always accept Xisuma's offers to hang out/help you.
With Xisuma helping you, you managed to get your base done within just a few weeks. Having someone help you definitely made things easier, Xisuma even taught you a few building tricks he knew. Within that amount of time that Xisuma was helping, you found out more things about him while also growing a close bond with him. You'd find yourself messaging him yourself, asking him if he'd want to hang out since you were mostly fine already. You'd always get sad when you watched him leave to either do something or just going back to his base since it was late. Hell, you'd find yourself thinking about him late at night and how kind he was. Okay, maybe you were developing a tiny crush on him now.. Oddly enough, you would tell a bunch of this to Skizz since he was mostly the first one to actually see you and Xisuma bonding together. He'd help you figure out just how big of a crush you had on Xisuma, and boy was it big. Skizz would begin to try and encourage you to confess your feelings to the admin, but you were too scared to possibly ruin your guys' friendship.
And oh boy, when the other Hermits found out? The teasing did not decrease at ALL. You had to deal with it every. Single. Time. you went to visit one of the Hermits. Even with all your denying, they knew the truth and saw right through your lies.
Eventually, you began to notice Xisuma seemingly avoiding you now? He'd often only have short conversations with you before abruptly excusing himself saying that he had to go do something, or he'd avoid bumping into you. You really felt upset now, you'd always be seen more down since Xisuma sort of stopped hanging out with you. While you were blind to it, the Hermits weren't. They knew damn well what was going on, and they honestly found it amusing on how both of you seemed to be so oblivious to one another's feelings. Despite how funny it was to watch, they knew that they had to do something about this.
Long story short, the Hermits send each of you a letter pretending to be the other and you and Xisuma end up meeting up. Confusion gets to both of you, but one thing lead to another and you both confessed at the same time, unintentionally of course. And yeah! You and Xisuma became a couple :3
(Moving on to the actual thing now.)
Ever since you and Xisuma got together, you two decided to connect bases so you two won't be too far apart from each other. Xisuma had actually suggested it since he would often miss you a lot when he had to go, same for you aswell. So, now that you two are living with each other, you guys got more chances to show more affection to each other. While you didn't get to kiss Xisuma on the lips, you still got to kiss over his helmet which was fine with you since you knew why Xisuma didn't want to take his mask off, and you absolutely respected him.
You never asked to lift his helmet up, you completely understood his privacy and you let him not take his helmet off so he wouldn't feel any discomfort. You'd always cover your eyes or turn around when he needs to remove it for a quick second, you really didn't want to make Xisuma uncomfortable which is why you were turning around and all. Xisuma was really glad that you understood instead of forcing him to take it off, you were so understanding and kind, that's why he loved you so much.
Despite you having already accepted that you're probably not gonna see Xisuma's face for a while, you couldn't help but wonder what he looked like. He's described some of his features already, so you tried your best to imagine how he looked like from what he's described so far. You can see his eyes atleast, that makes imagining it a bit easier for you.
Moving on, one day, you decided to make a gift for your beloved since you realized you never actually re-payed him after he helped you. You chose to build a teddy-bear that was holding a heart with banners on it spelling out "I love you", you don't know why but you decided to make this build quite big but not bigger than yours and Xisuma's base. You spent days gathering materials, telling your lover that you were just gathering some stuff for one of the Hermits. He was suspicious, but didn't question it too much.
Once you finally gathered all the necessary resources, you got up early in the morning and you built a box to cover up your building area so that Xisuma wouldn't see what you were doing. After the box was built, you got to work on the teddy bear. It surprisingly took only a few hours, guess you were getting used to building already. Still inside the box, you took a step back and looked at your work proudly, you honestly couldn't believe you managed to get this done in a few hours only but you were proud of yourself. You'd then send a message to Xisuma, saying not to come out of the base or look outside the windows for a bit. Once he responded, you quickly got to work on getting rid of the box which took you about ten minutes.
And so, when there was no more box, you went inside the base and told Xisuma you had a surprise. He was confused but also excited to see his surprise, he asked why you decided to surprise him with something, to which you responded just saying that you wanted to repay him for helping you out back then.
You lead him out the door, covering his eyes- or well the part of his helmet that allows him to see with your hands so that he wouldn't see the surprise immediately. You brought him over right in front of the build you made, waiting for a few seconds before lifting your hands off the area on his helmet to let him see the surprise. Xisuma looked at the build for a few seconds, seeming to be absolutely in awe of the teddy bear you built. He took a few moments to admire it, also seeing the banners spelling out "I love you" made his heart warm. He'd eventually look back to you
"You made this for me?" Xisuma asked in slight disbelief, to which you nodded
"Yep! Like I said, I wanted to kind of repay you for helping me catch up to everyone else. You always help me even if I keep declining your help, and I really wanted to show you just how much I appreciated it by building this." You explained with a smile, you could already tell just how happy Xisuma was on how you made this for him. He'd stay silent for a few moments before suddenly putting your hands on your eyes, without having time to react, you felt a pair of lips against yours so suddenly. Was.. Was it Xisuma's lips? Of course it was. Once you realized it was him kissing you, you happily kissed him back. You couldn't see, but you didn't mind since you finally to feel your sweetheart's lips against yours. Sure, it wasn't the way you imagined how your guys' first kiss would go, but this was better to you either way. It was better than probably having to wait for years for this to happen anyways.
Eventually, Xisuma would pull away panting and trying to catch his breath. He saw the dumb smile you had on your face, which made him smile even more. He'd place his helmet back on and take his hands of your eyes, revealing your eyes being filled with love and adoration as you saw him again. You honestly could care less if you looked like an idiot, you just got kissed by your lover and that was all you wanted. Xisuma would hold you close to him, keeping you in an embrace as he leaned his head on yours
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Even if you couldn't see his face right now, you could figure he probably also has the same dumb smile you have on your face. You may not be able to see his face, but you will still always love him. Gods, you two were truly idiots in love. <3
Yippee! You reached the end! This is probably one of the longest ones I did. I think I made the background a bit too long- but anyways
Hope you enjoyed reading that :D
My writing skills are a tad bit rusty so I hope you guys don't mind if the writing is a bit odd!
Have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening reader! See you again next time <3
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n0vazsq · 4 months ago
What would you do? | Hector Fort x Reader
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pairing . . . hector fort x reader
summary . . . After seeing it on Tiktok, you decide to try the 'What would you do?' trend on Hector
request . . . yes!! based on this request!
word count . . . 1.2k+
warnings . . . none!
faceclaim . . . N/A
alexavia yaps . . . i wrote this a few hours ago but just started proofreading // editing rn so yeah thats why it took a while! also finding pics for the little moodboard legit takes me 293 centuries!!!! also im proofreading this at 1 am my timezone so if some phrases or sentences dont make sense just ignore it or comment so i can fix it!
taglist . . . @barcapix (lmk if you want to join the taglist!)
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. . . The soft hum of music filled the air, blending with the golden hues of the late afternoon sun streaming through Hector’s apartment windows.
The two of you were sprawled across his couch, limbs tangled under a worn throw blanket. Outside, the city bustled with life, but inside, the world felt quieter, softer. Just the two of you, alone.
Your phone rested on your lap, the screen open to TikTok, where you’d been scrolling aimlessly. A video caught your eye; it was of a girl teasing her boyfriend with the trend, 'What would you do if another guy did this to me?'
You glanced over at Hector, a mischievous smile forming on your lips. His focus was on the ceiling, eyes half closed as if he were lost in thought.
Typical Hector, always calm, always composed. It was moments like these that made you want to annoy him, just to see him open up a little.
You nudged him with your shoulder. "Hey."
He turned his head slightly, one eyebrow raised. "What 'Hey'?"
"I wanna try something."
That eyebrow quirked higher, suspicion obvious in his eyes. "That sentence never ends well."
You rolled your eyes, trying to suppress a grin. "Relax. It’s just a game."
He stretched, one arm draped lazily behind you on the back of the couch. "Alright. What kind of game are we talking about?"
You shifted, facing him fully."It’s this trend on TikTok. I ask you what you’d do if another guy did something to me."
He smirked, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, I see how it is. You wanna test me?"
"Maybe." You leaned closer, your voice dropping to a whisper. "You scared?"
He let out a low laugh. "Of you? Never."
You bit back a smile, then gently bumped his shoulder. "Okay, first question. What would you do if another guy did that?"
Hector tilted his head, eyes narrowing slightly. "Depends. Was it an accident, or should I be worried about this guy’s future?"
You laughed, shaking your head. "You’re so dramatic."
"Am I?" His eyes softened, but the hint of protectiveness lingered. "Try me again." He smirked, his arm now rubbing circles in your shoulder.
You looked around, pretending to think. "Alright, what if... he said I looked pretty?"
His smirk faded, replaced by something more serious. "I’d thank him for having good taste. And for not being a blind bat." He leaned in, his voice dropping a notch. "Then I’d ask if he’s lost."
You couldn’t help but laugh, the warmth in his voice making your heart beat faster. "You’re ridiculous."
Hector’s eyes never left yours. "You’re the one asking the questions."
You felt a blush creep up your neck, but you continued asking. "Okay, what if he tried to hold my hand?"
The playful glint disappeared. His jaw tightened, his fingers tapping against his knee, his other hand clutching your shoulder. "Then we’d have a... conversation."
You raised an eyebrow, trying to hide your smile. "A conversation?"
He leaned closer, his voice low and serious. "A very short one."
You burst into laughter, the image of Hector trying to intimidate someone in his calm way too much to handle. "You’re terrible."
He grinned, but there was a flicker of something more intense in his eyes, something that made your heart skip a beat. "Next question."
You took a breath, steadying yourself. "What if he brought me flowers?"
Hector’s gaze softened, but his expression stayed serious. "I’d buy you a bigger bouquet. And another one with thorns. For him."
You bit your lip, the protectiveness in his voice sending shivers down your spine. The room seemed to grow quieter, the playful conversation fading into something deeper.
You hesitated, then asked the question that had been lingering on your mind.
"What if..." You glanced down, your voice barely above a whisper. "What if he told me he liked me?"
The air shifted. Hector’s eyes locked onto yours, the teasing smile gone. He reached over, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers lingered, his touch soft but deliberate.
"Then I’d make sure you knew how much I do."
Your breath caught, the weight of his words settling in your chest. The room felt smaller, the space between you charged with something unspoken. For once, you were the one flustered, the usual banter replaced by a quiet intensity.
"Hector..." You couldn’t find the words, your heart pounding in your ears.
He smiled, the corners of his lips softening. "Any other questions, or did I win the game?"
You shook your head, a laugh escaping despite the lump in your throat. "No more questions."
He leaned back, his arm slipping around your shoulders, pulling you closer. "Good. I like winning."
"I love you, you know that?"
You could feel Hector's breath near your ear, warm against your cool skin. His arm had now moved from your shoulder to your waist, gripping it tightly.
"I know that. And I love you too. More than anything." His voice was a tiny bit deeper, but boy, it made you go insane.
Hector's hand cupped your cheek, his touch gentle like the soft brush of a breeze against your skin. You could feel the warmth radiating off him, pulling you closer, as if the distance between you had never existed.
"I'll make sure every single guy knows you're mine, yeah?" His eyes locked onto yours, dark and intense, like they held a thousand unspoken words.
Then, slowly, his lips brushed against yours, hesitant at first, like the first raindrop on a parched earth.
You melted into him, the kiss deepening as he leaned in, his lips moving against yours with a tenderness that made your heart race, like a fire igniting in the cool night.
His fingers threaded through your hair, pulling you even closer, until there was no space left between you, and you felt as if the world had disappeared, leaving only the two of you.
"You're mine, mi hermosa amor."
"I know, Hector, I know. And I wouldn't want to have it any other way."
"Good, because I'm never letting you go away."
He said it with such sincerity that it made your heart melt in your chest. You looked up at him, eyes searching his face, looking for any trace of doubt. But there was none.
His gaze softened, and a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips, one that was all for you. It made your breath hitch.
The way he said it made you feel as though nothing else in the world mattered, like he had found his happiness in you and wouldn’t let go. But Hector did find his happiness in you, it was that you were too clueless to realise that.
You could see it in the way he looked at you, that quiet, deep affection, the kind that didn't need words to be understood.
You rested your head against his shoulder, feeling him tense slightly but then relax. The silence stretched out, comfortable and warm. Outside, the city continued on, but in that moment, it didn’t matter.
You already knew who’d won.
He always did.
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tyunphoria · 2 years ago
🌪️ wearing something that turns skz on — lee know, hyunjin
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INCLUDES: AFAB! reader x dom! lino and hyunjin, booty hunter lino, hyunjin stuffing y/n full with his fingers🤭, spanking, mentions of choking(lino), mentions of voyeurism(hyun), slightly jealous and protective hyun.
other part(s): bang chan + changbin
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Lee Know
you always forget that wearing gym tights around lee know is a goddamn risk. doing yoga always results to getting a harsh smack on your ass, the soft flesh jiggling under the force of his hand which leaves a stinging print on your skin that can last up to hours. the first time you wore them, his members started snickering as they pulled you outside to warn you of your boyfriend’s odd antics of smacking peoples ass. they would complain about it everytime. except, your case is much more special. when you first started dating, he was always so respectful (and he still is!) but ever since you started doing yoga, it gets harder and harder for him to hold back his urges.
“I can never finish my lessons because of you.” you grunt as he bends you over on the mat, your head pressed up against the yoga block with your back arched perfectly. not to mention your behind already being abused and squeezed by his impatient hands through the thin fabric. he pulls the tights down to your thighs, eyes lighting up as your ass spills over the waistband.
“then stop wearing these tights.” he scoffs. you can hear the sound of a belt unbuckling behind you. “then what am i supposed to fucking wear? jeans to yoga?—“ he cuts you off as he fully sheaths himself inside you. the motion makes you gasp, and your voice is suddenly lost due to the feeling of him. he thinks you look pretty with the look of ecstasy on your face right now as his cock hits all of the parts of you that make your toes curl.
his hand slides up to the column of your throat, tears brim in your eyes to the feeling of another harsh stinging sensation brought on your left cheek. he brings his hand down again, then again, then again. until there’s a huge blush covering your ass which made him almost come from such pretty sight. your knees buckle due to the pain and euphoria, the stimulation you were receiving was too much as his hips continue to move faster with his cock slamming into your cunt. you walls squeeze around him as he savors the delicious moans spilling out your mouth. “lino, ‘s too much…” you reach a hand behind you to swat the hand that was gripping onto your ass and tell him to slow down.
“then don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“Wait! Hyun, your group’s about to come on stage!” You say, barely above a squeak as he trails his slender fingers up your skirt. hyunjin plays a smile on his lips, swiping his tongue around the hickey he painted beautifully on your neck. “Such a pretty little thing…” hyunjin was chosen to be one of the MC’s of Inkigayo. when he found out that your group was performing on the show for your comeback stage, he couldn’t get any happier and was eager to see you perform. hyunjin took note of the way your short skirt would ride up every time you moved and swayed your hips to the song. he bit his cheek throughout the whole performance. the performance was broadcasted live for thousands and thousands of fans watching; and the thought of thousands of perverts probably drooling over his partner made him furious and accidentally dig through the leather cushioned seat. “You good?” changbin asked but hyunjin only excused himself to use the restroom but instead he quietly trails behind you backstage. they tell him to hurry since they’re performing next but sparing a few minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?
he moves your underwear aside, thumb circling around your clit as he hungrily attacks your lips. “this skirt looks so beautiful on you, baby. but it’s a bit short, don’t you think? do you enjoy having people watch your ass jiggle on stage because of how slutty this skirt is? it makes really angry, y/n.” You part your lips to apologize but it was replaced by a moan as hyunjin plunges his ring and middle fingers in your already sopping wet cunt. “m’ sorry, hyun…”
He twists his wrist, pressing his long fingers into you–reveling against the shaky moan you let out in response. “fuck, baby. you’re getting so tight. how am i gonna stuff you full with my cock if i won’t be able to get the tip in?” Your mouth hangs slack as he meanly flicks his wrist, pressing his two fingers even deeper inside you and spreading them in a scissoring motion. he tucks his nose against the crook of your neck, sucking a mark against your skin, you can’t help the way you clench around him. 
hyunjin finally takes his fingers out, a whine leaving your swollen lips from biting down onto your bottom lip too hard. his thumb presses down on your swollen clit, as he begins to softly rub over the aching nub. the new feeling of pleasure is mind-melting, and the urge to grind against his hand is overwhelming. you watch as his eyes fixate on the mess between your thighs, how he finally took note to how his cock is stiff in his boxers. he sits on the vanity chair , pulling you on his lap.
“let me watch you bounce on my cock, pretty baby. keep your skirt on and try to be quiet.”
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