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So, I did it again and got caught up thinking about some Wyrmclan cats, today's subject being Daisypaw who I have Feelings about and grieving is complicated when you're in his position so @wyrm-clangen pls feel free to let me know if I've totally missed the mark or anything but... yeah. I wrote another drabble.
“C’mooon Daisypaw, I haven’t gotten you sick? Why can’t I go see them???” Daisypaw rolled his eyes above the mask, careful not to let Ivyshine see as he sifted through the herbs in the carrier Ferretlily had given him to bring to the quarantine tunnels. Sparrowlight was wheezing a little as he laughed, and Daisypaw saw Wingpaw, settling into her nest carefully, smile a little at her uncle’s antics.
“You haven’t gotten me sick because Ferret and I cleanse thoroughly every time we leave this den and we’re both relatively healthy. Raggedspeckle just gave birth and the kits were just born so they can’t fight off illness nearly as well.” He responded, refusing to play in to the older tom’s nonsense, but regretted his shortness a little as he heard Ivyshine flop back into his nest and saw the sickly warrior droop in genuine sadness. “Turtlefreckle will be watching over her, and Icyclaw has been sleeping outside the nursery every night. You focus on getting healthy so you can get back sooner.” Daisypaw sighed as he turned back, nudging the slender black warrior with the hard surface of his mask. He turned away again when Ivyshine’s wet eyes looked up at him, seeming like he was ramping up for another round of dramatics.
“Don’t worry so much, Ivy, my littermates are watching out for her too!” Wingpaw mewed, her voice was hoarse from her coughing and while she was obviously trying to use her usual energetic nature to reassure, Daisypaw could tell the younger cat was exhausted. He made sure she took the lungwort and feverfew, hoping dosing her more heavily would help her fight off the yellowcough that had managed to sneak up on them. Thank Starclan none of her littermates or denmates had become ill as well. Between her and Sparrowlight, Ivyshine had been mollified, and Daisypaw gave the patients a final check before gathering up their supplies and slipping from the quarantine tunnel.
He hadn’t been joking about the cleansing, Daisypaw entered the tunnel to the cold underground river with only a little dread. The water was frigid, and clung to his pelt worse than the sap that had gotten stuck in his fur when Rookrise took him to gather pine needles.
Daisypaw carefully ignored the pang of pain that thinking about Mom brought. She’d been looking for more feverfew with Rattail and Willowdew one day and then… none of them had come back. It had been the kits all over again, search parties scoured the territory for them, but no one knew where they’d gone. Daisy had been trying not to think too hard about it, Ferret had told him it wasn’t his fault they weren’t found. That him being on the search patrols probably wouldn’t have changed anything.
It was easier said than believed.
Daisypaw shook the water from his pelt, taking off his new clean mask and rinsing the inside before leaving it to dry next to Ferretlily’s own, and padded tiredly back up the tunnel towards the main cavern. The faint light from outside filtering down reassured him he hadn’t lost the entire day in the quarantine tunnel so he set off through the varying burrows searching for his mentor.
Most of the apprentices were out training, he knew, the mentors had decided to keep everyone as busy as possible. Something about idle paws, Daisypaw didn’t really pay attention. The only one that really mattered was Bluepaw, to be honest. Turtlefreckle had been keeping Bluepaw extra busy, now that his own litter were apprentices, and Daisypaw knew his brother’s mentor was trying to keep his own mind off of the yellowcough outbreak as much as Bluepaw’s. He only saw the new apprentice, Goldpaw or whatever his name was, hanging out with Sunpaw and Midnightpaw. The two younger apprentices had been on dawn patrol that morning, so Daisypaw supposed it made sense that the three were here, talking about something or another over a rabbit and a shrew. Sunpaw gave him a small smile and waved his tail, but Daisypaw… well he couldn’t really bring himself to care as he passed the other young cats. He saw the brown apprentice’s tail flop back down from his periphery before he was into another set of tunnels, following the freshest hint of Ferretlily’s scent under everyone else’s.
“... can’t keep pushing them this hard. The fact Wingpaw got sick so suddenly makes me wonder if she was too run down to fight the illness off.” He heard his mentor’s voice from the leader’s den, and settled himself to sit outside politely. “I know leaf bare has been harsh, but we can’t afford more of the healthier young cats getting sick.”
“You’re right. I’ll talk with the mentors later, see if we can set a better schedule.” Fiercechasm’s voice then. “Give them some rest time.”
“Thank you. I’ll try and do the same with Daisypaw, I’m worried he’ll run himself ragged.” Daisypaw frowned, flicking an ear in annoyance. Ferret was always fussing. “He’s not taking the time to process anything… sometimes I wish I had an excuse to send him out with the other apprentices, but with Rookrise gone I can’t spare him.” Daisypaw felt that annoyance fade a little at the guilt and tiredness if Ferretlily’s voice. He knew, objectively, he should be sadder than he was. Mom being missing. Mama and Panther dying last moon. But he just… didn’t.
“Has he talked to Zuva?” Fiercechasm was asking, and that bit of annoyance was back. He didn’t need a mediator, besides, what was Zuva going to do? Bring his moms and sister back? This wasn’t something the old molly could fix like a spat over the last bass on the fresh kill pile.
“No, and he gets irritated every time I ask.”
“Same with Bluepaw, Turtlefreckle has been trying, but now that Wingpaw is sick… I don’t want them to isolate more.” Daisypaw scoffed. Then realized both voices from the leader’s den had gone quiet.
“... Daisy, I know you’re out there. Come on, we need to talk.” He sighed, but got to his paws and padded in to the den. Fiercechasm was looking a little uncomfortable, sitting to one side, but Ferret just looked tired. “Eavesdropping?”
“Was looking for you, figured I’d wait till you were done, didn’t really care about the conversation at first.” He muttered as he sat opposite her. Ferretlily didn’t hold the same intimidation factor his mother had, Hornetrise could make a rogue back down with a single look purely based on size alone, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little uncomfortable under Ferretlily’s assessing eye. She always seemed to see right through him.
“... you know that’s part of why I’m worried, right?” Daisypaw nodded, feeling his ears droop a little without his permission. “I’m not mad at you, Daisy, but this not caring and only being around Bluepaw or me, it’s not healthy.” Daisypaw frowned. What did Ferretlily know? Did she lose both her parents and her only sister over the course of two moons? Daisypaw’s irritation sparked into anger.
“Who says it’s not? You? Fiercechasm? Zuva?” His tone wasn’t kind, and he saw the way Fiercechasm startled.
“Yes, yes, and yes. Daisypaw you aren’t the first cat to lose ones important to them.” Ferretlily started, her own irritation seeping in to his voice, and Daisypaw pinned his ears.
“So they get to say how I should handle it?”
“No, but you can’t just pretend the rest of the clan doesn’t exist-”
“Are you giving Midnightpaw the same lecture? He’s only really hanging out with Sunpaw and the Heartclan reject-”
“Enough.” Fiercechasm didn’t snap, didn’t shout, but her voice cut through their argument just the same and Daisypaw felt a little shame at the disappointment in the deputy’s eyes. “Ferretlily, maybe you should go get some air.” The senior healer frowned at the younger cat, but nodded and left nonetheless, leaving Daisypaw with the silent deputy across the leader’s den from him.
“... I’m not going to go play moss ball with the kits and pretend everything is ok.” He muttered after a moment, scowling down and to the side to avoid looking at her.
“I know.”
“And I’m not gonna go cry and pretend it will make it better.”
“Because it won’t.” Daisypaw startled, then, looking up at Fiercechasm and seeing her expression soften. “Pretending everything is ok and wallowing in sadness won’t make it better. But neither will pretending you’re a loner in a camp full of clanmates who love you.” The two of them sat quietly for a bit, only the faint sounds of one of the patrols coming back breaking the heavy silence, before Daisypaw finally heaved a sigh and let his hackles drop.
“I don’t want it to hurt like that again.” He mewed, and it felt a little better to say it, and even better when Fiercechasm nodded in agreement.
“I know. But holding everyone a taillength away won’t make it hurt any less when you lose one of them. I tried that, and it still hurt just as bad.” Daisypaw watched the deputy as she seemed to stare at something he couldn’t see, and wondered which of their lost clanmates she was remembering.
“When Plum died, I shut down, didn’t want to be around anyone. Some days I could barely look at Sparrow and Swift knowing that they were all that was left of her, other days I clung to them like they were my last link to life… then Duskpaw was struck on the Thunderpath. And even though I thought I’d given up on opening my heart to the rest of the clan, losing her was like prodding an open wound. Watching Rattail and his kits mourn, then watching them do it all over again when we lost Seed to the twolegs the next moon? I realized that hiding away and pretending I didn’t care wasn’t protecting my heart. It was just hurting the ones I cared about.” Fiercechasm looked back at him, and Daisypaw was surprised to see her smile, even if it was tinged with sadness. “I know how tempting it is to hide away and pretend you don’t care. But there are cats who care about you. I know Swish has been worried, he can take Bluepaw on patrol when Turtle lets him, but you’re hidden away in the quarantine tunnel… Maybe start there?” Daisypaw felt another wave of guilt. He knew their older brother had been hurt too, but he’d assumed since Swishbeam was with Eddymist he wouldn’t care. Knowing that Swish had been trying… a little bit of warmth seeped back into his chest at that.
“... Thanks Fierce. And sorry for yelling.”
“If you need to yell and be mad, that’s ok Daisypaw, but know that your clanmates are here for you. If you want to be mad or get out of the burrows for a bit to do something that isn’t looking for herbs, just ask.” Daisypaw nodded and gave a weak smile as he slunk out of the den, noting Riftstar standing further from the den in a way that told him the leader had heard, but wanted to give them privacy. He turned a little to give Daisypaw that gentle smile he always did before heading in to talk to Fiercechasm.
“Daisypaw?” He startled a little, looking up at Sunpaw as he approached. Midnightpaw and Goldenpaw were still near the apprentice’s den, but the quiet brown apprentice was looking at him in worry. “I know it’s kind of silly to ask if you’re ok, because I know I’m still not okay about Mom, Heron and Burdock, but… do you want to come sit with us? Goldenpaw was telling us some Heartclan stories, and you always told really good stories when you would watch me in the quarantine tunnel.” Daisypaw blinked, a little surprised, looked between Sunpaw and the other two apprentices watching them before that bit of warmth he’d felt talking to Fiercechasm came back. He didn’t fight the little smile that came to him as he nodded, seeing Sunpaw’s expression light up before they went to join the other two apprentices. He told himself he’d swap stories until Bluepaw got home. But by the time his brother joined them, not only was he in the midst of telling the younger apprentices about the time Ferretlily had started an argument with Agavepelt of Nightingaleclan in the middle of a Gathering that had led to a three-clan screeching match and ended the Gathering early.
“Good to see you out of the tunnels, Daisy.” Bluepaw mewed, tucking up next to him and giving his own tired smile. Bluepaw didn’t sleep well these days, dreams filling with howls and snarls where Daisypaw’s were haunted by coughing and gasping, but with the rest of the apprentices settling around them, Daisypaw wondered if maybe, just maybe, they’d be okay. It wasn’t okay now, but it might be, someday.
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Dropping in to announce I'm a Mistyfish stan even if their parents aren't lol
AAAAAAAAAAAAA ITS MISTY!!!! ITS HER!!!! i got SO excited when i saw this you have no idea. i love her so much its unreal and im so glad other ppl love her too <33333333 and dw her parents do love her very much!!! she was actually very close to beating sleepycloud as bluefern's favorite, she was only down by like one bar
ANYWAY. i just wanted to say i am a big fan of wyrmclan so i used this as an excuse to draw FogRain <3 your cats have such unique designs, i did my very best to do them justice and i wish them well...
#fallenasks#fallenart#art#clangen#clan generator#mistyfish#wyrm-clangen#wyrmclan#his gf has so much fur he is trapped in it. for 5¢ a day you can free him.#i love his snaggletooth <33
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Wyrmnclan fanart ><
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Prev | Next Part 2 of 3
Hi, welcome to the longest fucking moon ever.
Merry Christmas. : )
#clangen#wyrmclan best clan#pricklekit#heronkit#burdockkit#timberkit#ferretlily#fogtail#raggedspeckle#this moon was meant to be#even LONGER#but i just. couldnt lmao
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Hoping to get the next update out soon, but for now, have some kitty fanart!!!!
Otterslip: @fallenclan
Heronpaw- @juniper-clan
Bleakpaw- @dawn-clan
Goldrun- @castaway-clan
Fogtail- @wyrm-clangen
Foxspeckle- @sporeclan
Wood kit- @ash-clan
#clangen#warrior cats#art#warrior cats art#dc fanart#fallen art#sporeclan fanart#wyrmclan fanart#juniperclan fanart#ashclan fanart#castawayclan fanart
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belated happy new year 2025!! 🐍🐁
#satsuhart#dragalia lost#hideyoshi#<- see tag for unreleased wyrmclan leader hcs#mitsuhide#nobunaga#shingen#yoshitsune#seimei#ieyasu#yukimura#um the gist is that snake leader has not gotten over the ancestral mitsuhide-nobunaga conflict unlike those 2 have#hideyoshi being nobunaga's ally who defeats mitsuhide as revenge...#drgl shouldve let me have this. toxic wyrmclan yuri
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Year of the Dragon
#dragalia lost#dragalia lost kenshin#dragalia lost fanart#happy lunar new year!#year of the dragon baybeeee#my year!!#i will never forgive eos for robbing me of kenshin#and the other wyrmclan leaders too#i just know he would’ve been insufferable#and i wouldve loved him#anyway still messing around with digital#its a learning process#forgive any janky art from here on#i am gathering new skills >:)#and experimenting >:)
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Figured I could post fanart of other ClanGen blogs to hold everyone off between moons, so! First up: @wyrm-clangen!
Once I found WyrmClan I IMMEDIATELY had to read the whole thing in one go, it's super engaging and I love the art!!
Bonus shitpost of Frozentangle and Fogtail because I am obsessed with whatever they've got going on:
#warriors#warrior cats#clangen#not story#other clans#do you know how weird it is trying to figure out how a cat wields a stop sign
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Dragalia Lost in GBA Fire Emblem: Hinomoto Wyrmclan Leaders + Retainers. Happy (EST) 2025!
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Swordswoman showdown Round 1 Part 1
Nobunaga (Dragalia Lost) vs Windblade (Transformers

(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
she's the leader of a wyrmclan and a candidate for shogun. she has an ambition bright enough to inspire even the laziest of wyrmclan leaders, and seeks to bring her country into a new era free of the shackles of its stuffy old traditions; she deserves it because she's so passionate and strong-willed. also she can dispel enemy buffs with her force strike when she has a combo of 15 or higher
She's got two of them on hand at all times and can use them in combination with a cute little fan attack to, uh, set people on fire. (Don't ask.); One of the strongest lesbians I know. ...Coincidentally, most of the other ones are also Dragalia Lost characters.
she wield sword and she's one of the 12 wyrmclan leaders based on the chinese zodiac (she's the horse) and her dream is to conquer the world to create peace; I like Dragalia Lost
she sword and she horse; her girlfriend is a mouse
She was voted on by the fans as part of the first ever Fan Built Bot poll! She was voted to have swords as her signature weapon, and oh boy does she. While some aspects of that poll had been dropped or reworked, she is well-known for her sword prowess.; Honestly haven't seen MUCH of the media with Windblade in it, but she immediately came to mind as Transformers rep. And if I can submit a Transformers character to a poll, you bet I will! She's cool.
Official character that was made in a series of fan polls. The community gave her yhe sword :)
she has a sword as a main weapon in most media!; she's pretty and i like her :3 plane girl
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Do you think you'll ever do a crossover with Wyrmclan and Havenclan in a comic?
I mean, probably nothing serious lol I imagine that HavenClan are water locked and have the run of some island out in the middle of nowhere, but now I'm just imagining Riftstar popping his head out of the ground like Bugs Buggy.
'Ah shit, took a wrong turn at the fork.'
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Have you drawn any cats from the other clans then? Like the leaders, I know other leaders have shown up before but I wanna see their designs and colors.
I HAVE drawn some cats from other clans before! :D An Archclan medicine cat here, some Cricketclan cats here and here, Antlerclan here, Gooseclan here and here
Also, they aren't TECHNICALLY canon to the FCU (fallenclan cinematic universe) but I also drew some Wyrmclan cats here, and a Newtclan cat here!
#i think there's more but i scrolled thru like half the blog and my page reset lmao#fallenasks#cat anon
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i pulled a wyrmclan and im trying a drawing tablet :]
i miss my finger lol
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Moons 85 - 96
Moon 85: Crowpaw, Cranepaw and Antpaw become apprentices, apprenticed to Webstone, Sparrowwhisker, and Mintbranch respectively.
Gorgepaw tries to convince Damp to run away with them
Archspeck finds a cicada wing to wear on their pelt
Minkthroat and Boragenut move on from their grief
Thistletail has the tiniest hint of a crush on Boragenut, though she doesn’t reciprocate.
Boragenut and Minkthroat have had 14 children, six of which are deceased
Butterscotchmask has a crush on Milkbite. She has zero feelings towards Butterscotchmask
Boragenut and Milkthroat stop for a heartfelt moment on their patrol
Thistletail and Shimmershine have a moment while collecting herbs, and Sunblaze stands awkwardly in the background.
Wildstar and Otterhollow have a moment as well <3
Oatdapple and Fleetmask lead a large dog from the territories
Moon 86:
Springnight wears crow feathers on their pelt
Skybird thinks about kits
Shimmershine envies the deputy’s position
Asterpounce plays mossball with the kits
everyone thank Neilfur for not making Frostshine the next Hawkfrost
Frostshine and Springnight fall in gay love
Mintbranch and Greenwind think about kits, while their littermate Butterscotchmask is being lectured yet again by the deputy
lore moment
Frostshine kills a fox
Moon 87:
Briarpaw and Buckpaw become apprentices
Briarpaw is assigned to Asterpounce, and Buckpaw to Smoothieears
A kittypet brings their kit, Cone, to the clan.
Butterscotchmask wears a crow feather on their pelt
Gannetpaw has beef with Minkthroat, and Asterpounce climbs trees for fun without completing his chores
Swallowfur finds an abandoned kit, Pansykit
The loner Hopetuft joins the Clan
The loner Apricot and their kit Almondkit joins the Clan
Frostshine is killed by a large dog
The kittypet Bebe joins the Clan
The abandoned kit Burntkit joins the Clan
Skybird is killed by a group of rogues
Moon 88:
Slatewillow becomes a full warrior for their cunning
Webstone is expecting kits
Milkbite and Swallowfur are taken by Twolegs
Burntkit becomes an apprentice to Brackenfeather
The loner Cress has joined the Clan
The loner Dogfern has joined the Clan
A kit joins the Clan, but grows weak and dies a few days later
Bluffspeckle, an injured cat, joins the Clan
Hopetuft is killed by a gang of rogues
Sunblaze is nearly killed by the same gang, but manages to escape
Moon 89:
Voidpatch tries to solve some hunting disputes, but none were made
Webstone thinks they will have 6 kits
Gannetpetal becomes a full mediator, while Heronpaw becomes Heronstem for their selflessness
Almondpaw becomes Minkthroat’s apprentice
Owen and his two kits join the Clan
Butterscotchmask and Gorgepaw are swept away in a storm
Jubiemark and Fringekit join the Clan
Bebe is killed by a rogue
Thistletail gets an intense vision
Jubiemark manages to evade the rogues
Moon 90:
Archspeck takes Conekit as their apprentice
Webstone and Rainpatch have SIX kits
and Tipkit:
WyrmClan and MartenClan go to war
There are now 53 cats in the Clan
Greenwind is killed by the rogues
Cranepaw is swept away by a flood
Minkthroat is killed by the rogues
Burntpaw is killed by the rogues
Crowpaw is killed by a dog
Briarpaw is killed by a dog
Moon 91:
Wildstar lost a life
Fleetmask grieves Greenwind
Brackenfeather, Mintbranch, Boragenut mourn Minkthroat
Thistletail mourns Briarpaw
Rainpatch mourns Cranepaw
Antpaw becomes Antleaf for their skill:
Wildstar loses a life to the rogues
Oatdapple is killed by a dog
Conepaw gets a sign
Blazeleg is swept away
Moon 92:
Voidpatch solves some border disputes with MartenClan
Buckpaw is killed by a dog on a patrol with their mentor
Almondpaw is killed by the gang of rogues
Otterhollow is killed by the gang of rogues
Moon 93:
Pansypaw is apprenticed to Shimmershine
Thistletail, Wildstar, Springnight and Gannetpetal mourn Otterhollow
Boragenut’s grief lessens
Minkthroat chases rabbits in StarClan
Dogfern is killed by a dog
Sparrowwhisker is almost killed by the gang of rogues
Wildkit, an abandoned kit, joins the Clan
Shimmershine is killed by the gang of rogues
Antleaf is killed by a dog
Boragenut and Damp cheer each other up
Moon 94:
Boragenut moves on from Minkthroat
The loner Mistle has died recently
Brackenfeather and Frankenstein hunt together
Archspeck and Toadpelt discuss StarClan
Boragenut kills a squirrel
Moon 94:
Hollowpaw is apprenticed to Owen, Peatpaw to Sparrowwhisker, and Fringepaw to Brackenfeather
Voidpatch was burnt alive trying to save Apricot from a fire
Boragenut tries to convince Thistletail to run away with her
Thistletail and Shimmershine break up
Cress is killed by a wolverine
Moon 96:
Conejump becomes a full cleric, for their boundless energy and courage
Quailpaw, Piperpaw, Snakepaw, Berrypaw, Bogpaw, Tippaw, and Wildpaw all become apprentices, to Slatewillow, Springnight, Toadpelt, Fleetmask, Flintlake, Mintbranch, and Webstone.
Boragenut leaves fresh-kill at the grave of Minkthroat
Allegiances time!
clangen time - block the tag bc im addicted
welcome to WyrmClan!
Living in the tunnels of a huge mountain are these tenacious and smart cats.
Our leader:
Curlystar wasn't the cat who started the clan: that honour belongs to Flipstar, who gave Curlyclaw her new name: Curlystar, giving her the gift of leadership through the darkest times. She'll need it, the Clan is currently in the grip of a famine, with only two warriors, the Clan is barely skating through. She's determined to lead her Clan safely out through the other side of this famine.
Our deputy:
Owlspeckle was born and bred in WyrmClan, and she knows the danger the Clan is currently in. Desperate to prove herself to Curlystar, and to herself, she's quietly plotting her next move.
Our cleric:
Asternettle is worried about how the Clan is going to pull through this famine, but she has faith that StarClan will help them. How? She's not quite sure, but she remains hopeful.
Briarears was desperate to become deputy, but he's begrudgingly accepted that until Curlystar's death, he'll be allocated to the role of helpful senior warrior. He's jealous of Owlspeckle's status as deputy, and is already plotting to get on her good side should she *mysteriously* become a leader overnight.
Ramblingpatch is uncertain about her role in the Clan, and is slightly suspicious of Briarears. The way he talks about Curlystar puts her on edge. However, she's pushed her fears to the side for the sake of her apprentice, who she's already very close to.
Minkpaw is keenly aware of the shambling status of her Clan. Close friends with both Ramblingpatch and Fallenpaw, she gets all the gossip. Regardless, she's determined to protect her Clan to the best of her ability.
Fallenpaw is a bit more relaxed. He doesn't mind what pronouns get used for zem, or how close Ramblingpatch and Asternettle are. They're very close to Minkpaw, and know how easily she gets passionate about something. Sometimes, she feeds Minkpaw fake gossip, just for fun.
Boragekit's parents died when his was very young: his mother of blood loss after giving birth, and his father of starvation after giving his prey to Boragekit. He doesn't remember his father very well, just that he was very kind, and had very soft fur. He's mostly being raised by Ramblingpatch and Asternettle at the moment.
That's WyrmClan! I'll probably make posts every 12 moons, or longer if nothing happens! :]
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Thank you. I'm sorry. I love you. Good-bye, king.
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#clangen#wyrmclan best clan#bluefeather#stempaw#larchpaw#owlpaw#turtlefreckle#raggedspeckle#waterstep#wheatstalk#french#butterfly#garlickit#rosemarykit#mushroomkit#ivyshine#tw: animal death
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