#Wrong Place Wrong Time
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Apple Seed 8: Major Minor Irritations
Charlie: (completely exhausted as she shuffles around the lobby and strokes her pregnant belly that's the size of a beach ball) Sweetie, little apple seed, can you please stop dancing on my bladder and doing high kicks to my lungs so I can sleep?
Baby: (stops momentarily before dropping like a wrecking ball and slamming into Charlie's bladder before -Charlie swears to Satan himself- doing the worm)
Charlie: (accidentally pees herself in the middle of the lobby and just breaks down crying)
Alastor: (walking by) Oh, Charlie, dear, what happened here? You look absolutely a mess! Not to mention the little puppy piddle puddle on the floor.
Charlie: (crack)
Alastor: Hmmm?
Charlie: (Crack! CRACK!!! Creeeeeaaak!!! Horns grow, claws elongate, neck twists and turns, spine groans, tail flickers angrily)
Alastor: ......
Demon Princess: (growling as Charlie's voice overlays itself in three different pitches) Is this funny to you, Alastor? Making fun of pregnant women when they're at their low?
Alastor: (eye twitches)
Demon Princess: I. Am. EXHAUSTED. Alastor. I am in constant discomfort, starving yet unable to properly eat because of the baby cutting the space my stomach had in half, and I just PISSED myself in the lobby of my own hotel like a puppy who isn't housebroken yet because MY baby, YOUR FUTURE PRINCE OR PRINCESS OF HELL, keeps tapdancing on my bladder. I. Am. NOT. In. The. Mood. For. Your. BULLSHIT. You cheesy, pompous, dick and pussy averse, mama's boy bastard of a talkshow host who thrives on everyone else's misery because you grew up in a household where daddy didn't love you enough! Now, Leave Me ALONE!!!
-Fire explodes throughout the lobby-
Alastor: (watches as a single bead of sweat rolls down the back of his neck, the tips of his antlers on fire like birthday candles) Right-oh! I'll just fetch that wife of yours to help you out.
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aylish91 · 1 year
Nightmare finds/saves his Soulmate
I had a thought/daydream while working on the next request…
Killer feels his boss get back after being gone for a particularly long period of time. Being the gremlin man that he is, he decides to investigate and pester the dark lord. Shortcutting directly into Nightmare’s study, he is frozen in place by what he finds.
Sweat beads on his skull.
A very large form of Nightmare hunches over on his knees in the middle of the room, tentacles writhing around him and something, or rather someone, in one of his great arms. His free hand is splayed against the carpet, sharp claws slicing through the fibers.
The energy in the room is so overwhelming that Killer has to brace himself against it to keep his bones from rattling from how heavy the oppressing magic is. A clear warning.
His soul is overtaken by fear…
Nightmare slowly glares up from his hunch, bright slit of an eyelight quivering. His normal grin is gone, replaced by a gaping sharp-toothed snarl, an unearthly growl shaking the room.
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Even Killer wasn’t stupid enough to protest, shortcutting as fast as his ability allowed him. Appearing in the living room, he collapses onto a knee to grip the coffee table, Nightmare's magic still clinging to him.
Shakily, he looks up. “S-so. I’d recommend avoiding the boss for a while…”
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Prompts and starters A collaboration with @wormwriting
[Prompt Masterpost]
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“How much did you hear?”
Whumpee crouched and trying to stay quiet until they can slip away. Then the cool barrel of a gun pressing against the back of their head. Bonus for ~click~
“You know what happens now, right?”
Whumpee stumbling home, breath ragged and body in shock still. They stare at the liquor bottle - and without thinking, uncap it and start downing as much fire as they can stand. They don’t want to remember what they just saw. For everyone’s sake. 
Whumper shoving a bottle against Whumpee’s chest. “You’re going to want to forget that. I’ll check back in tomorrow to make sure you did.” 
Walked into the wrong bar at the wrong time - now they’re a vampire’s lunch.
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re the one who fucked up everything. Now I need to clean up your mess.”
The shaky hand Whumpee presses to their mouth to try to stifle their echoing breaths. Eyes squeezed shut so hard that they might press the memory of what they saw out of their mind.
“How’s about you and me go for a little walk, hm?”
“Sorry kid - boss said no loose ends.”
Whumpee stepping around the corner to see people and blood and heads slowly turning toward them. Seeing them seeing what just happened. Seeing the blood. Seeing them seeing the blood. Whumpee slooooooowwwwwly steps back, eyes stricken with horror-
“Can’t talk without a tongue, right?”
Whumpee driving in the middle of nowhere - how were they supposed to know it would be fifty miles to the nearest gas station? At least they can cal-......they don’t have signal either…
Whumpee flinching at each echoing footstep, tucking further back into their hiding spot. “I know you’re theeeeerrreeeee~ Come out come ouuuut~”
“You know this isn’t personal, right?”
And escaped whumpee bumping into Whumper completely randomly years later. The  s t a r e. Aaaaaaand run-
“What are you so scared for? I don’t gotta kill you~”
“Wh-y me?” “You were the easiest to grab.”
Stepping into a bear trap. 
Whumpee getting mistaken for a target. Tortured in their place while pleading all the while that they got the wrong mark. Of course, no one believes them.
“Know what you are? A liability.”
The random guy the villain shoots in a bar just to make a point. 
“Don’t. Move.”
[Prompt Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
(a few of these arent working so if wibbly-wobbly-whump or hold-back-on-the-comfort changed their blogs please lmk <3
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letmebite-you · 3 months
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triptychofvoids · 3 months
*hands you a blue spy* do what you must, you funky evil doctor >:)
ahah one of my favorite playthings !!
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
He told himself he shouldn't be doing this to the inspector, who was just a clerk in the wrong place and probably wasn't a bad man. The trouble was, the trolls up in the plaza probably weren't bad trolls, and the dwarfs down in the square probably weren't bad dwarfs, either. People who probably weren't bad could kill you.
Terry Pratchett, Thud!
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sigurism · 1 year
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Boyd Holbrook The Fugitive 1.01 -Wrong Place, Wrong Time
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maineventpapiuso · 8 months
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Wrong place and wrong time for Jimmy
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elkk-en · 1 year
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WPWT update :] !!!
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fizzyxcustard · 12 days
Sorry to drop in unannounced!! Now you have me curious, Fizzy!! 😂💕💕
Out of the beautiful array of fics you have, which was your favourite to write and why?? 👀🥰❤❤
Hey, you’re always welcome to drop in, announced or otherwise. ❤️❤️❤️
My favourite fics I’ve written would definitely have to be Wrong Place Wrong Time and Covert Eyes. Both of them were so much fun being the first venture into the Pilgrimage and Spooks fandom. Those first fanfics are always the most exciting.
Thank you for asking, hun!
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stagnation-if · 11 months
You had me at this delicious enemies-to-lovers-in-every-life-it's-you scenario with Seth..........
Bonus: you can have history together prior to MC's death! 💕
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icy-watch · 11 months
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An appropriate reaction to seeing your son having gone through a... recent growth spurt.
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blossombreezesworld · 19 days
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So True 👍
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x-heesy · 1 month
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I bE aT tHe WrOnG pLaCe
At ThE wRoNg TiMe, YeAh
AyE, yEaH, aYe
I bE aT tHe WrOnG pLaCe
At ThE wRoNg TiMe, YuH
yUh, AyE
i Be At ThE wRoNg PlAcE
aT tHe WrOnG tImE
aLl ThE tImE, oLiVe ViNe
KeEp A dEvIl On ThE sIdE
i Be At ThE wRoNg PlAcE
aT tHe WrOnG tImE
aLl ThE tImE aNd It’S fInE
sEe My DeAtH a HoMiCiDe (YuH, yUh)
I bE aT tHe WrOnG pLaCe
At ThE wRoNg TiMe
AlL tHe TiMe, InNeR sPiNe
HoLdIn‘ MeTaL iNtErTwInEd
I bE aT tHe WrOnG pLaCe
At ThE wRoNg TiMe
Go AnD dIe, ShOwIn‘ FiRe
FuCkInG mEnTaL oN tHe RiSe
AyE, tRiPlE sPlIt
In ThE sTiCkS wItH mY bItCh
PsYcHeDeLiC dOuBlE dIp
DoUbLe DeAtH, eGo SlIp; SlIt
HeAvY wHeN i GeT oN tHe MaChEtE
lEt It FiX, cUt It StEaDy
YeAh, AlReAdY tHeY rEgReTtInG i ExIsT (yUh, YuH, yUh, YuH)
dOuBlE tHe CaSh, DoUbLe ThE hItS
dOiN‘ tHe DaSh, DrOpPiN‘ tHe ViS
sTaTiC aTtAcHeD, aLl ThAt I sPiT
fUcK iN tHe BaCk, FuCk It AgAiN
bRiNg HeR tO fAtE, bRiNg HeR tHe K
cRaCkIn‘ A fLaSk, GeTtIn‘ EvIcTeD
i’M iN yO‘ fAcE, wHaT dO yOu SaY? (tHrOwAwAy)
FoRgEt ThE fAcTs, FoRgEt YoUr KiN
I bEeN rUnNiN‘ hItS sInCe DaY oNe
RaY gUn
RiPpIn‘ EvErY cLiQuE tHaT dOnE sAy NoNe
YuH, yUh
PsYcHoPaThIc DiCk I lEfT tHe VeYrOn
TaKe OnE
i DeMaNdEd ShIt ThAt ThEy AiN’t MaDe Of
i DeMaNd It ShIfTeD wItH tHe BrEeZe
GeT tHe ChEmIcAlS eDiBlE
i BeEn SpInNiN‘ ‚rOuNd ThE tReEs
MeTaMoRpH, tHeN dEcAy
I rEpLiCaTe ThE dAtA kEyS
fRoM tHe SkY tO tHe GrOuNd
I gEt ArOuNd WhEn ThEy AiN’t SeE (tHeY aIn’T sEe ShIt)
DeViL, a SyStEm
I’mA dIe SaDiStIc (CuTtInG mY wRiStS)
tRaUmAtIsEd, He WiTnEsSeD
nOw He FiNd It DiFfErEnT (nUmB, i ThRoW fIsTs)
IlL oF mInD, tHe ViCe HiT
kIlLiNg TiMe To SpItE sHiT (i DoN’t ExIsT)
yOu’Ll Be FiNe, DoN’t LiKe It
YoU’lL bE fInE, dOn’T lIkE sHiT
i Be At ThE wRoNg PlAcE
aT tHe WrOnG tImE
aLl ThE tImE, oLiVe ViNe
KeEp A dEvIl On ThE sIdE (yUh!)
I bE aT tHe WrOnG pLaCe
At ThE wRoNg TiMe
AlL tHe TiMe AnD iT’s FiNe
SeE mY dEaTh A hOmIcIdE (yEaH)
i Be At ThE wRoNg PlAcE
aT tHe WrOnG tImE
aLl ThE tImE, iNnEr SpInE
hOlDiN‘ mEtAl InTeRtWiNeD (yAh)
I bE aT tHe WrOnG pLaCe
At ThE wRoNg TiMe
Go AnD dIe, ShOwIn‘ FiRe
FuCkInG mEnTaL oN tHe RiSe, AyE
yEaH, i AiN’t GoNnA sToP
‚tIl I’m GoAtEd LiKe GuTs
YoU oVeRbLoAtEd, HoPe It LoAdEd
‚CaUsE mY cOaL ‚bOuT tO bUsT
tHe FiRe SeEk A pRoPhEcY
i’Ll DiE wHeN i PeAk
DiViDeD sTrEeTs, EnTiTlEd BeAsTs
GeT cUt DoWn To DuSt
YoU kNoW
tHeY aIn’T nEvEr GoNnA sEe It
LiKe Me, LiKeLy
ThEy AiN’t NeVeR gOnNa Be WhAt
I bE, hIgHkEy
StAcKiN‘ tHrOaTs, CoMaToSe
AlL tHe RoAdS i ExPoSe
LiTtLe RaCkS, lItTlE rAtS
sNoRt ‚Em Up, DrOp ‚Em LoW
Wrong Place by Faceless 1-7 @len0r 😂💀
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I just realized the reason the Fire Temple was so unstable when they went to get the Fang Blade is because of Wrong Place, Wrong Time when they destroyed the Mega Weapon at the Fire Temple
Which means that if Garmadon never went to the past, the temple wouldn’t of been dangerous, and Kai and Lloyd never would have been trapped, and nobody would have realized Lloyd was the Green Ninja
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agameofbooksblog · 1 year
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Got two new books at the library book sale! I’ve read Wrong Place, Wrong Time but I wanted my own copy to annotate with. I have not read Hangsaman but Shirley Jackson is great so I’m sure this will also be great.
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