#Written by Me
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catostrofiqu · 1 year ago
Danny the Aggressive seamstress.
So I can see this as the justice league looking to hire both someone to help newcomers with costumes and also help fix up old costumes.
Batman finds out about Danny looking into Tailors and seamstresses. He decideds a retired superhero probably knows how costumes should be functional as well as comfortable.
I can see Danny as just an old mentor Esk figure for the younger age group.
Not many of the younger age group take him seriously until he beats up Darkseid with an L square ruler
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visionsofmagic · 1 year ago
✤ rougher please [yuuji + reader + sukuna] ✤
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―❛ age up yuuji, pussy eating, cum eating, vessel switch, gentle, rough, harsh, humiliation, pet names, swearing, slapping, licking, biting, eating, sucking, two tongues, porn without a plot [?] • 987 words • just came into my mind & couldn't resist the urge to write. • [masterlist]
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you watched how the pink hair disappeared between your thighs, leaving his black part visible more than before, after closing his sparkling eyes with excitement yet you paid attention to his tongue in your folds in the particular moment.
itadori yuuji was so good with his tongue, playing with your folds, licking all the juice your clenching pussy was making, chest raising up and down rapidly at how well he was fucking you with his hot tongue that entered inside, earning a yelp from you.
he chuckled childishly at the action, hands still holding your inner thighs, separating the legs aside so that the pink pussy of yours was wide open for him to eat out.
eyes closed, head thrown to behind only to kneel down closer to him when he began to make fucking noises that sent jolts into your slit. “mmmhh - aghhh mhh - fuc aggh! taste so gooood - shiii -“ his tongue began to go in and out in a slow yet effective rhythm. “aaagh pretty pussy - the fucking prettiest pussy!”
hand inside his hair’s folds, pulling it upwards - a source of balance to stay still after feeling so high because of his now wet tongue, leaving lewd sounds mixing with your pleases - moans and his. “yuuji!”
he chuckled once again, listening cute voices you make.
you stayed like that for a certain time before you put your legs on his wide shoulders, pushing him harder into your pussy so that his nose began to scratch the tip of your pussy - euphoric!
looking down at his face, you see him paying all his focus to enjoy the moment without hurting you.
smiling widely, you caressed his hair, making him look up around your face with his sleepy yet shining eyes. “rougher yuuji - fuuck - please please pleas - uh - oohhh -!”
you lost it when he began to work on your pussy again, only this time - it felt different and you were so high to understand the reason until he left a deep chuckle this time - the sound of it didn’t belong to yuuji, no, even the body wasn’t full of yuuji now - it was someone else’s and you see it when you look down after earning a slap on the pussy - what?
“slut,” he said, the fucking king of curses the moment you witnessed the marks on his face, eyes became four in an instant, crimson color had menace - not excitement, maybe a bit of it; lips that were covered with juice you made smirking devilishly. “the brat can’t go any rougher, but I can.”
the hands on your thighs got heavier, his grip got tighter enough to leave bruises, and the breaths you had no longer functioning.
“fuuuck!” you said, mind didn’t comprehend the situation you were in because how could it? especially after you earned another slap on the slit with the following bites. “yuu -“
a lick that took away the last brain cell from you with a slap on the thigh, “no fucking yuuji. that brat can’t do shit - not like me. did you forget whore?”
the difference hit you like a ball, yet, you showed no weakness, you just moaned his name this time when his tongue went from bottom to top until it reached the tip of the pussy, sucking the flesh as if it were the most delicious thing he can taste.
“sukuna - aggghhhh - ‘kuuna!”
he laughed at you without breaking the contact with your pussy, a hand reaching into your mouth and your messy brain couldn’t make a meaningful statement about it until the hand covered your mouth, bitter taste of the palm changed into something more - a fucking mouth of sukuna as he kept sucking, licking and eating your messed pussy.
“fucking dumb slut,” his bitter words didn’t affect you- already got used to it as you kept kissing the tongue on his palm, closing your eyes, losing yourself in the moment; a mouth kissing you, biting the lips, tongue entering into the wet mouth that leaves salvia behind whereas the other one does the same with your pussy - biting it, entering it, getting wet in sync.
already lost in paradise and hell at the same moment, your moans no longer heard, shut down by the mouth you’re kissing.
that mouth left yours, hand traveled through your body from chin to neck, breasts to abdomen ‘till it reached its final destination to join the other one by licking and leaving salvias - a few bites too, in every place it visited on your body.
no matter how much you tried to hold decency, it vanished in thin air when sukuna began to fuck you with his two tongues after putting his palm at the bottom of your pussy. “agghhhh, mmhhhh - ‘kuna, ‘is soo muuch - I - I can’ - mmmhhh - fuuagghh!”
never listened, never left, never got gentle.
he kept going only to stop when you cum hard on his tongues, dripping into them and to the floor shamelessly, screaming louder - his name was the only thing you comprehend.
leaving you there, the body already collapsed into the bed under you, he rose up on his feet, fingers collecting the last drop of your cum from the lips, disappearing inside his mouth as he licked and drank it, saying ‘hmm’.
“tasteful,” he smirked, looking at the mess he made out of you with pride. “as always, my cute little whore,” he then put his hands on your sides, kneeling down to your level, smirk still on his face as he caressed your cheeks, “would fuck you now, makin’ you paralyzed for a few days but the brat is being so noisy. it’s his time to fuck you this time, but,” he winked - oh that bastard! “the next time will be mine.”
taglist • tagging: @snowprincesa1 ^^
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chairofchaos · 10 months ago
Stormy Night in the Library
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Summary: Cozy, stormy Night Court reading night
Vibe: fluffy fluffy fluffy (Apparently I’m in an Azriel mood so enjoy!)
Warnings: None? If there should be any, let me know!
The book was… incredible. Emerie was right, the gentle adventure was exactly what you wanted for a night like tonight. With the thunder cracking outside and rain pelting against the window, there was nothing better than the roaring fire, a warm blanket, and a good book.
The only improvement that could be made would be having your mate sprawled in your lap on the couch, but he hadn’t made it home before the storm hit. Despite his promise he would be home for dinner, there wasn’t anything he could do about the weather. You had asked the House to keep his plate warm when he hadn’t arrived for dinner with you, Nesta, and Cassian, and you were sure it was still waiting for him, along with a note telling him exactly where you would be waiting.
A few chapters later, you heard the door swing open, and then shut again.
“Sweetheart,” Azriel murmured, bending down to kiss your forehead.
“Welcome home,” you said, reaching up to brush his wet hair out of his face. “You made it okay?”
He grumbled. “I need to warm up, but I’m fine.” 
“Please tell me you ate your dinner.”
“Of course I ate dinner. That stew is my favorite, and if I hadn’t you would have dragged me back out there where it is cold. May I?” He holds the corner of your blanket up with a quirked eyebrow. 
“Yes,” you laugh, “but no funny business- I’m in the last chapters of this book and I want to know what happens.”
Before you’re even finished speaking, Azriel has knelt between your knees and then stretched out, his legs sprawling off the end of the couch and his head in the crook of your neck. His wings stretch over the back of the couch on one side, and to the floor on the other, creating a little tent of warmth for you both. 
“Hmm,” he kisses you gently. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
You kiss the top of his head. “You’re welcome, love.”
The storm slows, and for a while, the only sounds are the gentle exhales of Azriel’s breath, the turning of pages, and the roar of the fire. The main character has made a dumb decision- she’s trusting the character with the most dubious intentions instead of her best companion, and she doesn’t even recognize any of the tells which the author spells out. Your quick gasp draws a flutter from Azriel’s dozing eyelids, so you poke him in the cheek.
“Hmm…” he responds.
“Should we go to bed?”
“Bed?” he slurs sleepily. 
“Yes, Az. Bed. Sleep.”
He jolts suddenly, causing you to drop your book.
“I’m sorry,” he reaches to the ground, picking up your book where it fell. “Here.”
You chuckle. “You’re so tired, Az. Why don’t we go to bed?”
“It’s just so cozy right-” he kisses your chin, your jaw, the hollow of your throat- “here. What do you say we make a night out of it?”
“I’ll go grab my book and some snacks. We’ll make a whole night out of this storm.”
“Perfect,” you smile at him, his eyes filled with light and the slightest hint of joyous mischief.
“I’ll be right back,” he leaps up, making sure to tuck your blanket back around you before jogging out of the room. You shake your head, laughing under your breath at your handsome mate. He quickly returns, bounding into the room and kicking the door shut again behind him. His arms overflow with two books, one from your bedside table and one from his, and a couple pastries and treats from the kitchen.
“Here we are. Brought you your next book, since you’re almost done with that one,” he smiles, settling it all on the coffee table. He offers you a pastry, and your next book. You take them, tucking the book between your body and the couch back, and biting into the snack. 
The chocolate filling of the flaky pastry fills your mouth, and you hum, letting your eyes slip closed.
He snorts, lifting the blanket again to rejoin you in its warmth. “Should I leave?” he quips. 
“Ha-ha,” you snark in return. “Only if you want to keep your hair intact.”
Azriel mocks offense, his low laughter quickly following to join with yours. “You love my hair too much to do anything to it.”
“Of course I do. Just like I love all of you,” you kiss him gently, slipping the hand which doesn’t have chocolate on it around the back of his neck. 
He chuckles into your lips, kissing you back gently before sighing contentedly. 
“How’s your book?”
You smile, showing him how far you’ve gotten, even since he had gotten home. “I’m nearly finished. It’s good- but I think the author’s left it on a cliffhanger, and the next one won’t come out for a while which will be a hard wait.” 
“Oh no. Well, at least you have a whole library to choose from.”
“The only thing to mend my broken heart,” you tease. 
He presses another kiss to your lips, grinning. “The only thing.”
“The best thing,” you giggle. His grin widens to a full smile.
“Well, at least I know where your priorities lie. When you’ve finished with the only real remedy for your heart, come home to me?”
“Always,” you smile, bending to kiss him again.
As you both return to your books, the storm picks up once again, rumbling with thunder. You finish the first book, which Az takes from you and places on the table, hardly looking away from his own book. Instead of grabbing your next book, you take a few moments to admire him. These are your favorite moments- together, and yet in your own little worlds. His face twists with obvious reactions, the only time he’s unguarded when he’s engaged in the escapism of a good book. You admire the way the firelight’s flickering reflects in his dark hair, twining the ends between your fingers. 
Eventually you both slip into sleep, Az’s hair twined between your fingers, his arms around your waist, and an open book on the floor beside the couch. The fire crackles on, a complement to the thunder and pelting rain. Cozy against the cold, you and Azriel sleep peacefully, the joy of simple togetherness being entirely unmatched, content in each other's arms.
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eternalstarlitwonderland · 1 month ago
Stellaum ~Into The Starlight~
This Is an AI song for my Stellaum ~Into The Starlight~ poem
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applearchived · 6 months ago
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a new found peace shall accompany me
photo cr- pinterest
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caturnmoon · 7 months ago
Astrology Observations #4️⃣
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🍄Virgo Venus 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾 love language being acts of service.
🍄The Mercury conjunct your midheaven aspect gives me huge “networking for a living” vibes. You could thrive in sales, or a job that requires a lot of communication in some way; either orally or written. Like a columnist or someone in marketing!
🍄Whereas squares add tension to an aspect and planet, oppositions work against each other like same sided magnets; no matter how hard you try, planets won’t mesh unless there’s a balance between the two. It’s tension, but opposing tension. Like a blockage to the energies of that planet that needs working through.
🍄Venus square Pluto aspects could attract obsessive people and have issues with stalkers. Also, power struggles in relationships if you’re not careful!
🍄Aquarius mars and being the avoidant types when it comes to conflict. The nature of the water bearer is to work with the collective at its most evolved, so they’ll usually rise above petty conflict to get to a logical solution. Similar to Libra but not as passively. Or, they are known to rebel to make a shocking statement. They are the rebels of the zodiac after all thanks to Uranus! They get fired up for a cause that’s for sure.
🍄Having your sun conjunct your moon is a pretty awesome aspect in my opinion! If everything else supports this, there could be a nice balance between your ego and emotional self/inner world. They both act as a checks and balances for each other, which is oh so healthy. Could also signify a beautiful relationship between both parents! It’s harmonious and there wasn’t much fighting or toxicity.
🍄As someone who is on the autistic spectrum I love looking to my whole sign Aquarius Saturn in the 3rd house. It explains a lot.
🍄The 8th house not only resembles intimate relationships, shared assets, debts and of course death, but also inheritance too!
🍄Having a highly aspected Chiron indicates the potential for you to become a healer in this lifetime! Chiron is the wounded healer, and so its house sign and aspects can hint towards what needs healing within yourself in order to help others!
🍄A lot of physical therapist and medical professionals have a lot of Virgo in their charts, as well as Scorpio too I’ve noticed. Especially MC.
Until next time! 👽🖖🏼
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tiredtreebranch1 · 3 months ago
A Sea Apart
The storm that had forced them inside raged against the dingy hotel's windows. The cold crept in through the numerous cracks in the walls and Hero’s super hearing picked up the soft dripping of numerous leaks throughout the building. The hoodie that they hastily threw over their hero costume is soaked through, seeping the wet cold into their bones.
Hero followed Villain to the front desk, picking up the conversation they were having with the receptionist.
“We just need a room! Any room!”
“Sorry sir but we’re all booked out,” the receptionist said, the picture of exhaustion, probably having dealt with this all night.
Hero approached and carefully watched Villain as their expression darkened.
“This piece of shit hotel is booked out?” Villain snarled.
“I guess everyone is in search for a room, sir”
Hero puts their hand on Villain’s shoulder, pulling them away from the desk slightly. They angle themselves in front of the thunderstorm that had somehow found it’s way inside.
“Do you have any sort of room we can just stay in for the night? We don’t need beds, just a roof and walls,” Hero said calmly, ignoring the lightning crackling behind them.
The receptionist rubbed their eyes sleepily but seemed to lose the hostility that they’d responded to the Villain with.
“Please?” Hero tacked on.
The receptionist heaved a sigh, “I suppose you can bunk in the storage room.”
Hero grinned widely, “thank you. Villain say thank you”. Hero nudged the Villain slightly.
“Thank you,” Villain grunted.
They followed the receptionist through the hotel. Wet patches spotted the wall, bringing the smell of rain into the halls. Everything seemed to creak and wail at the storm. Slight noises from other patrons' rooms wiggled their way out of their closed doors.
The receptionist stopped in front of a door down a dark hallway, all peeling paint and dampness.
“You can stay here tonight. Don’t tell my boss.” The receptionist said before trudging back to her desk.
“Thank you!” Hero called after her.
Hero turned to see that Villain had already opened the door and entered the room. The scent of mildew and dust fell out of the doorway. Hero steeled themselves and entered the dim room. They held back a gasp of surprise when villain flicked on the single swinging light bulb. It’s dim and irregular light revealed a room piled with mattresses.
The room was practically mattresses. They were stacked high, teetering dangerously. The room was practically bursting with old, stained mattresses.
“I guess it’s better than a wet floor,” Hero attempted positivity.
Villain did not reciprocate, instead climbing over the piles of mattresses to get to the furthest away pile. They curled up under their coat.
“Alright,” Hero sighed to themselves as they took the pile that was on the opposite side of the room, in the same level as Villain.
There seemed to be a metaphorical pillow barrier between the two, erected by Villain.
Hero sighed and turned onto their back to stare up at the dripping ceiling. They could barely believe that they were here with Villain. An hour earlier they had been bashing each other's skulls in. But Hero can’t handle the rain directly. Too loud. And before they knew it Villain had herded them to this hotel, the fight on pause until the storm passed.
Hero was grateful yet suspicious. Why had Villain not taken advantage of Hero’s lack of foresight? It’s not like this was the first time this had happened by any means. Villain had created a reputation for themselves as a fair villain just based on their refusal to take advantage of Hero’s tendency to overstimulation. But it was suspicious nevertheless. Every time.
They were supposed to be enemies!
God, Hero didn’t know what the logic in Villains mind was. They were too tired for this and it reeked in this room.
They turn onto their side to face away from Villain, closing their eyes.
They drifted off to the sound of Villains soft breathing and the raging of rain against the hotel.
They were warm.
Weirdly warm.
The kind of warm where it’s not coming from yourself.
Maybe it was the sun?
It takes Hero a moment to remember that the storage room has no windows.
They crack an eyelid open.
Nothing suspicious as of yet.
They look down at their four arms.
Hero’s other eye flies open and they take in the tan arms wrapped around their waist from behind. Only then do they feel the press of a chest against their back. The source of the warmth.
They tense. Shit.
“Shit,” they whisper.
How the hell had they ended up in Villains arms?! There had been like a million mattresses separating them when they fell asleep!
They needed to extract themselves.
They slowly, very slowly, pried villains fingers off of their waist. And then like this is some kind of bloody movie villain grabs them tighter and nuzzles into their neck in their sleep.
Hero sighs in frustration and tries again. They manage to peel back the fingers and then begins to loosen the arms.
They hear a sniffle behind them and they move faster, muttering curse words under their breaths.
“Hm. What?” They hear against their neck.
They feel Villain shift behind them, seemingly still figuring out what is going on. Villain sits up. Hero looks up. They take in Villains bed shake and ruffled shirt. Their eyes are narrowed and brow furrowed. Hero can practically here the gears grinding in villains head as they attempt to figure out what’s going on and why the hero is laid next to them.
“Hi,” hero says.
Villain just continues to look down at them. Their hand is still rested on Heros waist, gripping lightly. It’s the last tether of warmth between them. Hero shifts. Something flickers through Villains gaze. Something that looks suspiciously like-
The storage room bangs open, slipping against the wall. In similar fashion the Villains hand flies off of the Hero’s body and their gaze snaps away. Hero feels a wave of unfamiliar disappointment wash the through them. They tell themselves it’s just because the Villain is no longer keeping them warm. They forced themselves to sit up.
Illuminated in the doorway is the now sleep deprived receptionist. Her face is drawn and her hair is ragged, the professional bun that they had last seen her in has been ripped down, long locks now trailing down her shoulders.
“Out. Time for you to get out,” she says.
And within a minute Hero and Villain are ushered back through the soggy hallways and out of the hotel. They stand dumbfounded in front of the doors for a moment.
Hero looks at Villain, “should we uh go back to fighting? Just because that’s-“
Villain sighs in frustration but a glimmer of fondness strikes through their eyes, “go home.”
And with that they walk off. Hero stares after them as the distance grows between them. A distance that seems impossible to bridge.
But that had never stopped them before.
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tua-guiltypleasure-aus · 4 months ago
I love AU's in which technology actually DOES exist in the TUA universe
It would be very funny if they all had a YouTube channel together. Most would click in for Allison or because they were fans as kids but quickly, the fans' perception of them drifts away from the kids they grew up with.
They are just all so relatable to different kinds of people and it really shows how they're a family through and through because of the easy banter between them. They just also happen to have superpowers.
It would spawn so many fun memes, like they already exist in our universe (think the "driving past and looking at each other confused" meme or "how many more rock bottoms do you have to it?")
For example, Viktor and Klaus are making a video together and Viktor goes in, saying "Today I'm here with my family member, Klaus". To which Klaus responds with "Family member? You make it sound like I live at the other side of the world and we only see each other every third Christmas and didn't literally grew up together."
And Viktor says that he didn't know what else to say because Klaus is very fluid in gender representation and doesn't really care about labels, so he was unsure what to say and that was what his brain decided to go with.
So in another video, Klaus wanted to call Viktor 'family member' as a 'remember when you called me, your sibling, simply family member?'. But he slips up and accidentally says 'family Viktor' instead.
"Family 'Viktor'?" "I wanted to say family member!" "What's a 'family Viktor'?" "Why, you of course, you're our family Viktor."
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scensitive · 5 months ago
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vexaris · 10 months ago
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Grief can destroy a man.
It will leave nothing but an empty shell, unable to move forward, always stuck in the past. Everything becomes a devastating reminder of what once was and never will again be.
Grief can kill a man.
It will take a man and it will push him to the end, and when it finally sets in, there will be nothing left. It's violent and unforgiving, a test of faith and the doubt of trust. It's the companion of exhaustion and sleepless nights, a permanent heartache that forever lingers in the soul. Grief becomes a wedge between the ones that understand and the ones that don't.
pose by @/yunfei xu
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mystery0028 · 5 months ago
frieren manga spoilers
The time-travel arc actually made me feel so sad for Himmel. Here he sees his crush, from 80 years in the future, focus on him in a way he never expected but maybe hoped. Their shared dream is of a wedding to each other and then she's gone.
His Frieren meanwhile goes on a solo journey around the central lands and doesnt see him for 50 years until the Eras meteor shower.
As he grows older and Frieren doesnt come back, he has to deal with the fact that its not his life that brought about the change in her, but rather his death.
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lokavisi · 8 months ago
Beloved Shapeshifter, Drag Mother to Outcasts Young and Old; we thank you for granting us the ability to see who it is we truly are. Guide us as we continue our journeys of self-exploration and expression. May our example light the way for others and lead them to our blessed found family. Hail Loki!
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visionsofmagic · 1 year ago
◜ mk1 men using their powers while f*cking you ◞
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▸ includes: reptile, sub zero, scorpion [mk1 versions] ◂
▸ tags: nsfw content, explicit language, inappropriate usage of power/abilities, f!reader, kind of drabble, short, canon as possible as I can, licking, watching, petnames, fingering, edging, human form!syzoth, rude and sharp!sub zero, lover!mk1 characters, brat!reader, heat, cold. enjoy! ◂
▸ notes: watched 4+ hours cutscenes of mortal kombat 1 game and well, kind of fall in love with 80% of mk1 characters, so, couldn't help but write for a few of my fav characters from the game. requests open for the mk1 characters as well & have fun while reading, thank u! ^^ [can publish part 2 of this if you would like too!]
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REPTILE is a shy lover. he finds himself trying to hide his nature whenever you two have sex not to hurt you because he knows you’re still fragile even though you try to believe otherwise. he never transforms into his reptile form while fucking you, so hard for him to do that but he would rather endure than hurting you in any way. however, that doesn’t mean he lacks fun and any sort of kinks in sex, no, contrary to that, syzoth has a kinky personality that allows him to like watching you, both as general and in bed - he can’t help, especially not when you’re so beautiful leaning on the bed you two are sharing, trying to give yourself pleasure with your fingers while screaming his name because he is away for a mission as you still believe - not knowing when he will return but here he is, standing right in front of you, watching how your fingers disappear inside your folds, going in and out, mouth agape, moaning his name over and over again as if they’re his fingers - or even his cock inside your walls. he likes how you miss him enough to do all of these. 
invisible to your eyes, he watches you until he’s sure you’re so close to the edge, then, chuckling teasingly, he appears slowly, giving you a heart attack right there but you forget all about it when his fingers replace yours, smirking like a brat, green eyes position on your pretty face as he looks at you fondly. 
“you’re so needy for me that you can’t wait for a few hours until I return, is that it, pretty?” he chuckles, head tilting and he listens to your pleases like they’re the prettiest sound he has ever heard. he makes you cum, more than once because he says, “if that is the case, I will fuck my pretty girl so deep that she will never forget it even when I leave.” 
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SUB ZERO is not gentle at all when it comes to having sex with him. he prefers to make you remember who you belong to, whose name you’re screaming, and who makes your legs shake in weakness because he fucks you that good. he doesn’t think about what a kink is in detail but he knows he has a few and he uses them with you without hesitation. you like them as he understands from the voices you make, the expressions your face has, and cumming all over him without announcing because you can’t hold them any longer.
he knows he shouldn’t use any of his abilities while fucking you but he can’t help. he breaks his discipline side and uses them anyway from time to time while having sex with you; decreasing his body temperature when he fucks you behind, kneeling down until your naked back touches his bare chest so that you get close to cum, feeling a sense of chill.
he does that with some parts of his body either; his fingers when they travel on your body, in your mouth, between your thighs and holes - the tip of his tongue when it enters your pussy, making you lose your mind. he even changes its temperature from time to time only to earn the sounds you can't think you're making. he doesn't stop with his attempts of fucking you 'till you have a non-functional brain because of only him - his thick cock, the way he fucks you into oblivion and not holding himself back from using his abilities to his advantage to make you realize only he can fuck you like this. he's fond of your screams after all, begs that want him to stop because it's too much for you to handle go to deaf ears - not even when it's as cold as under a frozen surface of a deep sea.
"so cold, huh?" scoffs, humiliating your pathetic condition, "what were you thinking anyway whore?" he asks, poison in his voice, deep. "think that I would hold back because you beg so nicely?" laughs, holds your hair tightly as he fucks you from behind. "they're only praying for me to go deeper, my pretty slut." and he does - going deeper and colder each passing time and you only can take it all - you're his own pet to enjoy in the end.
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SCORPION is a cute lover. he doesn't hurt you in any way as possible as he can, protecting you at all cost, keeping his fire at a minimum level whenever you're around - except while fighting of course. he never uses his abilities against you but oh, he can't deny that he loves it when you are a total brat, asking him to do such naughty things in bed, including using his fire to make intimate sessions more intense than it is needed - you both need it as you say, believing you can endure it and in the end, he accepts your pleases, allowing himself adjoining a few things he can do without hurting you.
firstly, he just uses it on his tongue when it enters your wet pussy, licking from your inner thighs to inside, giving you euphoria. he makes sure not to burn you, enjoying by himself too after seeing how turned on you are in these moments. he is a man who wants to please his lover more than himself in the first place - a gentleman. then, it begins with these simple pleasure times - it evolves into something that even you can't imagine happening and it takes you a long time to realize how scorpion has begun to his abilities on you in order to turn you on often; the cute lover discovers how you're affected by heat - in general, so, he thinks a way to make your heat go up without noticing he's the one who is doing it by increasing his body's heat as he comes near you, giving you hotness you can't ignore and start taking off your clothes one by one.
of course he acts innocent, asking how he can help you, and then smirking, saying how he makes you hot by just standing beside you. catching you in a trap with all his desires to have you, he reaches his plan's top point when you have a sports bra and shorts on your body and nothing else. oh, how he feels a kind of achievement when you agree with him, being naked and having one of the best fucking in your entire life to get rid of your heat after getting horny because of being exposed in front of the man you love. 
"my love, you give me a heat even my own power can't give; you have no idea how I am burning for you." he smiles down at you, eyes burning with sparkles of fire, "oh - beautiful, the most beautiful thing in the whole universe I have ever seen. let me burn you the way you are doing to me, my love."
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sa-sa-blogger · 1 year ago
Nếu thực sự bạn không đủ củi để nấu sôi một ấm nước đầy, thì hãy bỏ bớt nước đi, và đừng cố gắng chạy đi kiếm củi nữa. Cũng như cuộc sống đôi khi quá mệt mỏi không đủ nghị lực để tiếp tục, thì bớt lại sự tham cầu ước vọng, bạn sẽ thấy tâm mình nhẹ nhõm hơn.
Thật ra, không phải lúc nào cố gắng cũng là tốt. Với những thứ phù hợp, cố gắng sẽ đem lại giá trị. Nhưng với những thứ không phù hợp, càng cố chấp thì càng đau lòng. Đôi khi phải chấp nhận rằng mình sai, mình thua, để giải thoát chính mình.
Đường đời vạn nẻo ngàn lối, nếu lối hiện tại không tốt không hạnh phúc, đừng do dự nữa, đã đến lúc phải thay đổi tất cả rồi... ✌️
📸 unknow
Retouch: Sa
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eternalstarlitwonderland · 1 month ago
Can she see the luminescence of the starlight?
Can she see the magnificence of it?
Can she see that the starlight is not the source of her suffering?
Who knows, But maybe she needs to reconcile with the Starlight
Before it's too late
Her heart begins to ache
Suddenly, she shed some tears
When she sees the brightly lit stars
Negatively affecting her
Streaming down her face
The flickering lights constantly reminded her of her past faults and mistakes
Her memories are wiped clean
When it comes to the starlit nights, her memories start anew
It's a miracle that she didn't take her own life
Instead, she repeats the same series of events that causes her so much agony
She couldn't break the cycle no matter how she tried, she couldn't break it
Now, she is enmeshed in an endless abyss
Every time it's a starlit night
She feels dread and even curses it
Her pain slowly but indeed gets worse
When it's a luminous starlit night
Her tears begin to stream down
Her body beginning to ache all over again
Again and again, over and over again
It's like a repeating cycle
STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star
Her suffering is now our suffering...
STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star
Her sorrow is now our sorrow...
STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star
Her heartache is now our heartache...
STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star
Her tears are now our tears...
STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star
Her anguish is now our anguish...
STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star
Her woes are now our woes...
Now, her fate is sealed
As she basked in the starlight
Being illuminated by its soft glow
Her tears are glistening like diamonds
Creating a reservoir of tears
Her silhouette is reflecting and floating in the starlight
Softly whispering
Now, she has the decision to make
To reconcile with her past faults and mistakes Or let herself be tormented by it
Recognizing her role in the events that led her to a place where she has no one to blame except herself
Struggling to come to terms with her poor life choices
She's delicate
Trying to keep herself together
But she has to come to terms with her prior faults
No matter how much it hurts her
She has to for the betterment of her well-being
She reluctantly approaches her reflection
Silently stood there staring at herself in the starlit glint
She was stunned by its glimmer
Again, can she see the luminescence of the starlight?
Can she forgive herself and them as well?
One way to find out
Now, the curse has been lifted off of her shoulders
She felt relieved afterward
She's content with the starlight
Every time she gazed at the brilliant stars above
The starlit glow gives her genuine solace
And reassuring her that she wouldn't be hurt again
Directly and indirectly through or by her past omissions
She has been finally redeemed by the stars above
Eventually, she has her happy ending
Underneath the twinkle of the starlight
STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars
Her reconciliation is our reconciliation…
STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars
Her redemption is our redemption…
STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars
Her realization is our realization…
STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars
Her happiness is our happiness…
STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars
Her strength is our strength…
STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars
Her smile becomes our smile…
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applearchived · 6 months ago
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as if i have stumbled into a loophole
photo cr- pinterest
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