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dragonnarrative-writes · 5 months ago
Hi I just wanted to say reading your work has been one of the biggest motivators I’ve had to be brave enough to tell my own stories! I yap about how much you inspire me often to anyone who will listen lol.
I was a long time lurker on this blog and in the cod fandom until I read Transferrable Skills. I’m not just saying this to be dramatic but I literally gasped and teared up when I realized the reader character was black and fat.
For some reason even after 14 years in fandom spaces it never occurred to me that you can just write a character that looks like you without it being world ending. The way you write is so clean and uniquely yours, it really brings me so much joy to read your work and I hope to hone my writing voice in such a way!!
I'm so sorry this took so long to reply to. I've been sobbing over it.
I've been in fandom for just about forever, and I was with you. I couldn't imagine reader characters or even OCs that looked like me. There are too many writers for me to name who have helped me to see diverse experiences and, eventually, myself in these stories, and I'm so honored to be able to pay that forward.
(Seriously, there are so many writers, and I'm so nervous about tagging and missing people, and I'm so emotional right now. I know I'm blanking out on a million names, but Early (@/391780), @sentientcave, @mikichko, @kechiwrites, @kyletogaz, @mortuarywriting, @gemmahale, and @charliemwrites have all been so encouraging. I know there are more, and if I haven't named you, please forgive me!)
Every time people tell me they love Transferrable Skills, I feel a million feet tall. I didn't think anyone was going to care about my silly little story. But it's inspired you! My writing! You gasped!
(I'm gonna go cry again now)
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rememberwren · 5 months ago
HELLO GORJUS!! Been thinking bout domestic life with ghoap because im so down bad. What do you think is a bad habit of theirs that would totally cause fights?
I’m thinking Ghost leaves the toilet seat up and Johnny likes to take three hour long showers while bellowing songs at the top of his lungs
Ghost will drop his clothes right next to the hamper (he’s just got a lot on his mind okay). Johnny touched up his hair and leaves the trimmings in the sink for you to find (criminal). Both are quick to use sex to distract you from arguments (it works 9 times out of 10).
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sentientcave · 6 months ago
Hello hello! I’m interested in hearing more about your Rugby fic! What’s it about and who does it feature?
Hey there, howdy, hi!
Rugby is a Ghoap x 2ndPOV FTM OC/Reader (He's got a name and a nickname (Ripley/Ripper), but it's not clear if it's a first or last name). Astonishingly little actual rugby happens. It's mostly just silly boys being boys in love (Ghost and Soap are actively trying to date Ripper and he is like, hahaa they're such good friends).
Here's a lil snippet (There's also a few lil snips in the list of WIP Wednesdays listed at the bottom of my masterlist if you'd like to know more). This is mostly a texting bit that I don't think I've posted before.
You text Johnny and Simon as soon as Liv gets off you, opening the group chat that Johnny set up, which is mostly just Johnny sending you tiktok links and Simon sending pictures of dogs and cats that he sees.
Ripper: hey lads. Asking a big favour, but could you put me up for a week? Roomies got family coming and their accommodations fell through. No problem if you can't/don't want to, won't be pressed about it.
Soap: !!!!!!!!!!!
Soap: r u fukkin kiddin me rn Rip? Course ye can stay
Ghost: Only got one bed though.
Soap: Rip's just a wee feller we can squeeze him in
You laugh. As if you’re going to be choosy about the sleeping arrangements when they’re doing you a big favour.
Ripper: Lads, I will gladly sleep on the couch. Or the floor tbh. Bathtub even.
Ghost: Nah just kidding.
Ghost: We have a guest room.
Soap: we've got a playroom 2 if yed like to see it
Ghost: Johnny
Soap: Yeh LT?
Ghost: Shut up.
Soap: Get yer arse over here n make me
Ghost: In a minute. When do you need to come over?
"Hey, Liv, what day are they coming?"
"Wednesday, they'll be here in the evening."
Ripper: Wednesday. Could come home with you after practice.
Ghost: We'll pick you up so you don't have to lug your bag to the pitch. Be there 6:30.
Ripper: Thanks, lads. You're lifesavers.
Soap: nythin 4 u Rip.
Soap: n I mean ANYTHIN
Soap: jcudheiks
You figure that's Simon making good on his promise to make Johnny shut up.
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miraclesabound · 2 months ago
"Taming" Miss Siggy
This was my excuse to write a little ficlet for @wraithdance's story "The Five Year Plan" as well as indulge my love of Shakespeare. Kyle and Siggy are much nicer to each other in this than in "The Taming of the Shrew" where I pulled some of the dialogue from - so if you like, you can imagine this is them messing around with each other instead of a full-blown Renaissance AU. Cheers!
Enter SIGGY. KYLE must take a moment to collect himself in her presence; she is indeed beautiful as her friends have told him. His silence confuses her, and she lifts a brow questioningly.
Good morrow, Siggy –  that’s your name, I hear.
Well have you heard, but somewhat hard of hearing.
That name you speak is used but with permission –
I’ve given no leave to speak to me thus.
That permission I would gladly earn,
So to increase the list of names I hear for thee.
I have heard thee called Siggy alone,
And Siggy the significant, Siggy the sage,
And sometimes even Siggy the storm.
Siggy, the mistress of her own fate,
And of her own house
And her own employment.
Take this of me, Siggy of my solace –
I, in travels of my own career,
Hearing thy intellect praised in all parts,
Thy virtues spoke of, thy beauty sounded,
Yet not so deeply as thou should deserve,
Myself am moved to woo thee for my wife.
SIGGY bursts into astonished laughter.
“Moved”, you say? Maneuvered, more likely.
You are excused from my presence
 – what man is this to propose the vows
 without even proffering his name?
KYLE bows in a manner appropriate to meeting a lady of SIGGY’s station.
Garrick, madam – Kyle Garrick.
Retired from the services of
Our most gracious sovereign
Both at home and in the commonwealth.
I seek both to rest myself and to be the rest
And safety to a lady kind and virtuous
As well as of good family.
So then you are a mercenary still.
You would ask my hand but then expect
That I should – what – be someone I am not?
I am no pawn, young Garrick, nor yet
A mere confection for your sample.
I’ve been used thus once before
By one who also jockeyed for my hand.
A sin indeed, to try to tame the wind!
In faith, good Siggy, I would never dare to
Take from thee thy lightning or your sun.
I heard talk of ferocity, ‘tis true –
But also that you turn that fury towards
Those who would exploit the frail and lost.
To take that from you? It would be a sin.
Then what is it that you would have of me?
In this moment? I would have thee walk.
Walk?? I am no dog, you strutting cock.
I do not prance or turn or gambol.
And yet I’m told you dance divinely.
Who told you thus? Miss Blue?
The woman is my soul’s companion
But she is far too kind by half.
I know only that which is needed
To not get a reputation as a fool.
I will not let you fall, I swear.
Again, I ask that you walk – with me.
He offers his hand – and after a moment, SIGGY takes it. He leads her around the room, never pulling her along, but never lagging behind either.
You step as well as any soldier
With whom I would have served –
And your posture would be the envy
Of my commanding officers.
A fountain of compliments you are,
But is that fountain, Garrick of Garrick Hall,
A fount for all to sample?
I aim not to dishonor my kin –
So while I remain polite with all,
My compliments are saved for those
With whom I would have acquaintance
How knowest I that this is not a jest?
Would the ladies – mistresses Estelle
And Blue and Vi – allow me near to thee
If they doubted my intentions?
No indeed – but anyone can lie, Master Garrick.
Then let me prove myself.
He drops to one knee, clasping her hand to his heart.
I vow upon my life and my honor,
Upon my service and my mother’s mem’ry,
To be thy safe harbor, if thou wilt be the same for me.
Enter the LADIES, who gasp in delight seeing the scene before them.
Then it is decided?
KYLE looks up at the woman he’s already starting to fall in love with, and she nods.
Indeed, friends – I choose him for myself.
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gemmahale · 6 months ago
Hiii! For the writers ask my question for you is: what keeps you on track when working out a story? Especially a story with intricate details that will pan out way later in the game?
Talk Shop Tuesday!
Ooh. This is a convoluted answer.
I have a summary at the top of my working document. Sometimes this has 2-3 iterations in bullet points, sometimes it's a few paragraphs, it kind of depends on what mood I'm in while I'm drafting. Sometimes it's a scribbled 3 sentence clusterfuck I have to decode.
All my key info is kept in the summary/character profiles near the top of the document for easy reference.
If I have a conversation about it in Discord or DM's I'll try and screengrab/summarize the takes from there too (or I'll search them if I need to.)
I also probably rely far too much on my own memory too. 😅 Does that mean I've lost some things? Sure, but it also means that I have new ideas that integrate much more smoothly. (Tagging things on Tumblr with the specific WIP tag and #Insipration or #Reference helps too.)
Now, if I were writing by hand, and not digitally? A lot of post-it notes, a journal with too many highlighters, and a corkboard with a lot of yarn. 😅
Spoilers below the cut. Pass at your own risk. Includes Reference to:
Museum Muse + Righteous Fury
Bury the Lede
Headers in Google Docs has been (and continues to be) the easiest way for me to navigate a story.
Take Museum Muse/Righteous Fury for Example. This is in my "Working Document" where I keep important information to reference later. V1 and V2 have two different POV's in it, for example.
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And this is in the working document for Righteous Fury. Chapters, then scenes, and scraps at the end.
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In Feylands, in contrast:
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But I have key info about all of the characters (though this has now changed and needs to be revised - oops) under their names. I have a direct line to the setting to make sure I get my information straight if I need to make a reference. (Tbh, this is a shoddy example because I need to clean it up and streamline the thoughts - but that's neither here nor there. It's a mess in my head and on paper until I write lol.)
Now, when it comes to long-term planning? Ehhhh...there's a reason I don't publish work until I'm happy with the whole story for the most part. That gives me the chance to go back, nudge details, account for something that'll pay off in spades later, make sure that my clues are set in the right place, etc.
With some stories, I'm running on vibes alone and I don't really have a plot sorted out. I spend time exploring the characters (Feylands has little blurbs for every character that I tweak as I find things out about them, for example), until a story begins to develop. Or I'll write as far as I can and then noodle on it for a while. (Sorry, Bury the Lede, I just can't figure out how to get into the next part yet.)
Usually I have the general plot (What if x happens? Shenanigans. is my go to.) figured out though. Specific details don't pay off until I'm writing and then it's a matter of rereading what I have and relying on my (sometimes questionable) memory/notes.
I told you it was convoluted, lol.
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hahaifolded · 4 months ago
141 x POC!GN Intelligence Operative - Not Your Savior Author's Notes: This was supposed to be short but I just kept writing. Also thanks to @wraithdance for helping me with this. Not very angsty in my opinion Warnings: MDNI, Angst?, Microaggressions/Racism
Johnny is a lover at heart. Sure he may be in the military, but how couldn't he? The world has always been kind to him. The least he can do is be kind to others.
Even if it's Americans who are trying to take the love of his life.
“Sweetheart, aren’t you gonna eat?” Johnny was going to gag. He should be focusing on his own work, but couldn't help eavesdrop on yours and Russ' conversation.
“Sergeant Russ, what have I told you about calling me sweetheart?”
“And what have I told you about calling me Sergeant Russ… sweetheart?” Silence followed before laughter came. Johnny hated it. 
In another life, maybe him and Russ could have been friends. But as of right now, Johnny just wanted to punch his stupid face. Because how fucking dare he get close to you. How dare he love on you when Johnny couldn't or at least shouldn't.
“I have to finish a few more things before I can eat.” Johnny could hear the distinct sound of your fingers tapping on your keyboard. He hears that more than your voice these days. 
“You know you can eat whenever you want, whether your work is done or not.” Your fingers stopped tapping. “You know that, right?” 
“Keegan, c-can you please leave?” Johnny was taken aback. He has never heard your voice break before.
Did Keegan touch a nerve? Did you really think you didn’t deserve to eat? 
Now looking back at it, Johnny didn’t see you much in the dining hall these days. You normally sat with the 141 but after walking in the rain, you started to eat in your office. Or at least, he assumed you ate lunch in your office. 
“Only if you come with me to get lunch.”
“Sergeant Russ, I already—“
“Yeah, no.” Johnny could hear some heavy footsteps. “Get up and let’s go.” The 141 sergeant distinctly heard the sound of your chair moving. 
“Keegan, let me go, you can’t just—“
“Stop fighting me and let’s go!” 
Even if Keegan has a point here, that doesn't mean he can just man-handle you. He shot out of his seat and rushed towards your office. However, before he could step inside, Keegan started to speak again in a much softer voice. 
“I don’t know what these fucking Brits told you but you deserve to be here.“ Johnny heard you take a deep breath. “They might not care about you, but I do, so please let’s just—“
“Keegan, respectfully, fuck off.” You cut him off. “You‘ll never get it, okay? You’re a white man. You've never needed to prove yourself. So don’t come in here on your high horse and try to be my hero. I don’t need saving, I just need teammates who’ll let me do my job.“
Johnny could hear you breathing heavily, but he couldn't understand why you were so worked up? Keegan was just trying to look out for you... what's so wrong with that? Also what do you mean he didn't have to work hard? Johnny had to work hard and he's a white man.
Johnny tries to peer inside your office but had to quickly pull back as Keegan walks out. His eyes followed the American out.  
“Sergeant MacTavish, do you need something?” Johnny jumps a bit after hearing your voice. He couldn't help but stare at you. It's been awhile since he's had you so close. Maybe this was his chance to show you he still cares.
"Y-y-ou should eat," he stutters out. Your eyes widen and you ask him to repeat himself. So he does. Johnny explains that despite Russ getting on his nerves, he's right. You should eat. And that you also should have been a little nicer to the guy, he was just looking out for you.
You weren't sure whether to scream or fight Johnny right now. Instead, like you always have, you take a deep breath and just leave. You didn’t have time for this anymore. You hear Johnny call out your name, but you ignore him. You just shut your door. Maybe this time, they’ll let you work. 
An hour goes by and to your joy, no one bothers you. A small part of you hoped Johnny would come in and ask more questions, but you quickly pushed it down. He hasn’t cared about you in over four months, why would he suddenly care now? Now with that report done, you rush to the restroom. 
As you walk back to your office, you fight the urge to look into the temporary office of the allied task force. They were an… interesting trio but you honestly didn’t want to entertain them. You were not going to make that mistake twice. 
You swing your office door open and stop in your tracks. Sitting on your desk was a plastic bag with take-away boxes clearly in it. You slowly approached it and grab the note stapled on the bag. 
It read: eat it now or later, totally up to you. The boxes are safe for the microwave.
Sorry, your teammate, Keegan. 
You really couldn't believe it. You pointed out this man's privilege and told him to go fuck himself. Any one else would have had a fit and probably reported you, but instead he bought you lunch and apologized.
This had to be a trick… right? No one is that mature. You grabbed the bags and marched to the makeshift office.
And as you fly past a certain Scotsman's office, Johnny couldn't help but peak outside his door. For a moment, he was ecstatic to see a bag of food in your hands. But when he realized you were headed towards the new guys office, he couldn't help but feel nervous. What were you going to do?
"Sergeant Russ?" Johnny floats close to make sure everything goes well.
"Everything okay, sweetheart?"
"What's this?" Johnny connects the dots and realizes that Russ must have bought you food. Fuck. Why didn't he think of that?
"Lunch... or dinner. Up to you."
Your scoff rings out the door. "Why?"
Johnny hears Russ take a deep breath. He's probably annoyed. Now Russ is going to lash out when this could have all been avoided if you just had accepted his --
"Because you were right." Johnny hears a chair scrapping the floor before Russ continues. "I won't ever get what it's like to be you. And I can say all that I want but it won't change the fact that the rules are different for you and I."
"Keegan, I--"
"Please let me finish here." A heavy silence fills the air before Keegan continues. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to try to help you. And no, that doesn't mean I'm going to try to save you, because I know you can do that yourself. You've been doing that. Just... just let me help my teammate in any way I can." Johnny hears a few heavy steps. "Is that okay with you sweetheart?"
Johnny couldn't understand what just happened. Keegan was just trying to be nice and you get annoyed. Keegan leaves, buys you lunch, and then apologizes. What was going on here? Did Johnny miss something here?
He must have, because he couldn't understand why you would just say,
"Well, Keegan, help a teammate out then. I'm feeling like an early dinner tonight."
Word Count: 1231
More Thoughts - Next Thought
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cynicalrosebud · 6 months ago
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@devil-in-hiding @glossysoap @sherriesherbet @gemmahale @wraithdance @dwarvenagenda @ghouljams @391780
(I’m fully aware that I’ve never seen pics of some of you but I feel it in my gut, ok?)
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devil-in-hiding · 6 months ago
@wraithdance whatever you do, do not think about Price looming over you, arms crossed and head cocked as he listens to you sass him
and when you think you’ve finally won you’re backed into a corner, firm hands tilting your chin
“you done now? Gonna let me speak?”
that is all just don’t think about it
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hxnneydew · 3 months ago
ITSV Picrew game?
Never do this but like found such a good picrew!! Make your own spider oc without mask and with mask (or just have fun tbh) <33
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No pressure taggies: @jackrabbitem @glossysoap @wraithdance @buttdumplin @chaosandmarigolds @all-purpose-dish-soap and anybody else who wanna do it <3 (sorry if you didnt wanna be tagged T-T please lmk)
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stellewriites · 3 months ago
original piccrew link here ->
thank you @incorporealmoon for the tag, this was so fun!! i can’t reblog the original so i’m starting fresh :’)
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npt: @pricetagged @dwarvenagenda @pricegouge @w00lgathering @ohlawdthebirds @fairyboygenius @mikichko @wraithdance @lewistoferrari @disgustingtwitches @gloard @jackrabbitem @buttdumplin @bluemoonrover
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disgustingtwitches · 2 months ago
Thanks for the tag @lewistoferrari !! I love doing these:3
tag 9 people you want to know more about
last song listened: oops!...I did it again by Britney spears //ya girl has to hype herself up in the morning//
last movie watched: 50 first dates
currently watching: oblivion playthroughs
currently reading: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
currently obsessed with: not to be basic but... Simon
tags for the baddies: @wraithdance @stellewriites @pricegouge and anyone who'd like to join!!
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rememberwren · 6 months ago
Sooo…. About this double penetration fic… who is taking part in this horny man’s Eiffel Tower 🫣📝
Ghoap all the way baby. Though now you’ve got me thinking of a Soap/Gaz Eiffel Tower…this Ghoap fic is going to be pretty soft but I also love the ‘good cop/bad cop’ dynamic in a threesome (especially when you think you know which is which but you’re not quite right), and I think Gaz and Soap would fit that dynamic so well.
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sentientcave · 4 months ago
Hm hello October Scorpio, how many Walmarts have you considered burning down… 👀🤭
For legal purposes, zero. But between you and me, I wouldn't be sad to see them all go up in flame.
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lewistoferrari · 2 months ago
thanks for the tag @ethereal-night-fairy 🩵
How Pinterest Sees Me
Go onto Pinterest and select the first image the pops up when you search the following: Breakfast, Weather, Drink, Jewelry, Quote, Hobby, Clothes, House, Car
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no pressure tags: @wraithdance @ungodlybre @superhoeva @devil-in-hiding @stellewriites @disgustingtwitches @pathetic-girlwoman @hotgirlmeg and anyone else who wants to do this
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wraithdance · 10 days ago
Uhhh a PSA about wraithdance era 2.0?
I’m still working on updating my blog/intro post but as more people figure out I have a new blog/follow me since I changed my username, I do wanna give fair warning that I’m still not fucking with the call of duty fandom because of the insane racism I and my mutuals faced.
As bad as this will sound, I will not be yapping or interacting with a lot of fandom blogs in general, especially those ran by white people because I am traumatized by the way I was treated and the racial gaslighting/mammy-fying.
Plus my last blog just got so big, so fast that it was very overwhelming to be be put on a pedestal and experience the lack of self awareness or internet etiquette from so many strangers who liked me/my content
I’m very thankful to the few mutuals I re-followed on here while I was incognito for respecting my wishes and not advertising I remade. Thank yall so much, I fuck with you fr because I needed this time to deal with my personal shit and with how bitter I was about not feeling safe on my last blog lol.
But anyways, I probably shouldn’t have to give a disclaimer but I just wanted to communicate there’s no hard feelings or anything if I’m not as friendly as you may know me to be, or I don’t follow back anyone/publicly answer asks!!
I’m just trying to figure out how to have better boundaries online so please don’t take it personally 💖
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waves-against-a-cliff · 2 months ago
:/ Sharing all this positivity in the fandom but you still reblogged aspicpis tidings or whatever the fuck they are called, ignored my last ask telling you that they did harm to the people of color in this fandom, and your reblog is still up :/ funny how that works huh?
Last I checked they apologized, learned from their mistake and fixed their portrayal of all the black characters they wrote for that story. I'll ask @wraithdance, the person who originally called them out if they are uncomfortable with me reblogging them since
And may I remind you the block button is right there so you don't have to see what I post and reblog? Because it's my favorite button, in fact I might see if I have that old ask because I might just do it for you 🥰
Edit: blocked auspicioustidings, please leave me alone. I just like these little pixel guys and I'm trying to exist as unracist as possible while unlearning the racism I was taught.
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