#Wow that set list is brutal
femmemortes · 9 months
My top five most brutal SAW traps even though absolutely nobody asked for my fucking opinion:
5 — Pound of Flesh, SAW VI
I feel like this isn’t a trap that’s talked about often enough considering the actual shit you have to do to survive it. I mean come on. Cut off enough of your flesh to survive? And it’s not even like there’s a set amount anyway, it’s a competition between you and another person to see who can do the most. No guidance as to what specific body part to cut off either. You just have to take the knife and just start going crazy. It makes having the punishment for not doing it look not as bad but, then again, actually thinking about having screws drilled into the sides of your temples? Yeah, no thanks babes xxx
Simone was a total badass just hacking her arm straight off like that and living. Just sent it all the way and won, you love to see it.
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4 — Silence Circle, SAW 3D
If someone asked me to do this trap I would actually just kill myself instead. Gun in my mouth, bang, gone. Same with all of these to be fair but the fucking idea of the key on a fishing hook in your stomach? And that just raking up your insides as you’re trying to take it out? Fuck that. Fuck. That. I think the only thing that would make me do this would be the other person pulling out the string because if I had to do that shit myself? I’d just scream as loud as I could to make the spikes impale me instantly. I am not doing that shit.
This one gets bumped down a bit because we don’t actually see the visual of the hook going up through her? Which makes it an easier watch than the others on this list, but I still think it deserved a place here because of the sheer insanity of the entire thing.
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3 — Bone Marrow Trap, SAW X
Fuck. This. Trap.
Actually fuck it. In my opinion this was the most brutal trap in SAW X. Yes, I know some people make arguments for the brain surgery trap being pretty brutal and yes taking out your brain is just… Wow. And I’ll agree it is bad. But you don’t FEEL your brain.
CUTTING OFF YOUR LEG AT THE THIGH? WITH A GIGLI SAW NO LESS? The amount of blood loss, the fact if you want to live just have to take that fucking saw to your leg and just DO IT? And then once you’re done you have to take that stupid little fuckoff tube and stick it in your bone and get the bone marrow out, which is ALSO PAINFUL???
Also the part where she grabs the gigli saw in-front of her with her hands… Fuck, just fuck.
Valentina really didn’t deserve to die here, I won’t lie to you. She cut off her leg, was taking out the marrow. I believe had the tube thing for the vacuum to measure how much bone marrow or whatever the fuck had been shorter, she would’ve lived. Yes she started later but like, come the fuck on.
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2 — Venus Fly Trap, SAW II
I’m going to start this with, this trap being the first trap of SAW II is an actually insane tone shift from what we had in the first movie. Like, the only trap I really consider brutal in SAW is the reverse bear trap, but we don’t even see that one go off since Amanda survives it.
So seeing this shit right out the gate is just… Oh my god. Wow. Just wow.
This trap has always given me reverse bear trap vibes in appearance, it’s probably the whole thing of, it’s on the head, closes, shuts whatever. I don’t know but it’s got a similar energy to it.
First of all, the whole nails in your face thing? Yeah, hate that. But what I’m most concerned about is the KEY BEHIND THE EYE.
The visual of him cutting into his eyeball with the scalpel? And you actually just have to fucking go at it and just… ugh. I was pretty torn between either this trap or the Bone Marrow trap for this kinda reason. Cutting off a leg or cutting open your eye? And honestly the eye is just. Worse. Like just digging into your eye to get out a fucking key? Like all things given, at LEAST I can turn off my brain somewhat while cutting off my leg. Just back and forth with a saw. I don’t even have to look!
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1 — The Rack, SAW III
There is a reason why people think this trap is the worst one. There is a reason and it’s fucking obvious.
You’re on a mother-fucking crucifix looking ass thing, legs and arms out, and if this other guy doesn’t take a bullet for you, your limbs are going to be twisted.
Oh and the guy who’s taking the bullet for you? It’s Jeff by the way, stupid fucking Jeff. So you have no chance xxx
The visuals. I can’t watch this trap without looking away, I see the limbs start turning and my line of sight is directly away from the screen. No.
The image of twisting flesh and the fucking shot where you see one of his legs start to move?
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Honourable mentions under the cut:
Honourable mentions go to The Angel Trap and Ten Pints of Sacrifice. I didn’t include the angel trap because I feel like, while yes getting your ribs ripped out is horrific, you don’t really suffer much while alive? Which to me, the more they suffer while alive or trying to complete their trap, the more brutal it is. Ten Pints of Sacrifice isn’t on here because I was doing 5, had I been doing like 10 you would’ve definitely seen this on here. Oh and also, Needle Pit isn’t on here because I’m entirely unfazed by it. I hate to do Mandy like this but I just personally don’t really wince at it at all.
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thelesbianpoirot · 1 month
I know you have a billion tv shows on your rec list right now, but can I go off-piste and add something that I'm certain you'll enjoy but isn't quite what you usually seem to watch?
It's called "Tenko". It's a period drama set during the second world war, about British, Chinese, Dutch and Australian women in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. It's pretty brutal in that they don't shy away from the realities of just how harsh survival was, and I've never seen women on tv look as dirty and real as they do in this.
I think you'll like: the lesbians, the class and race discussions/manifestations, the female friendship and solidarity, the frank discussions about bodies and periods and birth and sex etc, the way a female society "builds" itself in the absence of men, and the personal journey they all go on from make-up'd girdled handbagged etc femininity to literally owning one item of clothing that's splattered with dysentery and blood and sweat. I remember watching this with my mum when I was off school sick, and it was the first time I ever saw women on tv talking about abortion. It was a very formative moment for me, and I always rec this show to women because it is one of the most unintentionally feminist tv shows ever created.
It has 3 seasons of 10 episodes + a film-length reunion special set 5 years later.
braflix dot ru has the 3 seasons available in their tv section and the reunion in the movie section.
THIS IS RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! I watched all of M*A*S*H, so I suspect this would be a rather serious take. Wow to like a show that discussed this to extent as a child must have been so formative in your feminist journey/outlook. Thank you so much for sharing with me. I have a million and one shows to watch but I won't like all of them so it would be good to have replacements.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 2 months
A list of some of my favorite quotes and short scenes from my OC named Shadow, a morally gray anti-hero who is the snarkiest, whittiest, most sarcastic and badass person in my in-progress fantasy trilogy. I just love her brutal personality so much!
Let me know what all of your favorites are! 😁
1. "Nice try, but that stuff doesn't work on me, you useless white crayon."
2. "Come on, leave the poor guy alone," Tanner sighed heavily.
Shadow rolled her eyes with an exasperated groan. "He's the kind of stupid, that if I left him alone, he'd probably set water on fire."
3. "I'm gonna kill him," Shadow snarled angrily.
Thomas quickly stepped in front of her. "Shadow, no, you are not murdering anyone on my watch."
"Then look away."
4. "Where are you going?"
"Anywhere you aren't."
5. Shadow: "Open says me." *kicks door down*
Thomas: "Actually, it's open sesame."
Shadow: "Nope, other way around kid. You'll catch on eventually."
6. "Are you always this sarcastic?"
"My level of sarcasm has gotten to the point where I don't even know if I'm kidding or not."
7. "What brings you here?"
"A series of bad choices."
8. "Half of the human city wants you dead," Thomas tried to emphasize.
"Wow, a month ago it was the whole city, things are looking up," Shadow drawled sarcastically.
9. "I am nice until you give me a reason not to be." Shadow's voice was icy and gruff.
"Since when are you ever nice?" Thomas groaned.
"...Eh, fair point."
10. "You give my migrane a headache."
11. "Touch my daggers and I will punch you so hard even Google won't be able to find you."
12. "Guys, we have a problem!" Thomas panted for breath, bursting into the room.
"And it's another Tuesday, what's your point?" Shadow rolled her eyes.
13. "So, what do ya think? Good idea right?" Thomas gestured at the blueprints laid our on the table.
"Whatever floats your titanic." Shadow shrugged.
"...But the titanic sank."
"Yeah, just like your IQ did when you came up with that idea."
14. "If I go to war -- risk my life -- it's going to be because the odds are in my favor. Not otherwise," Shadow rumbled.
"So... it's not because you miraculously feel compelled to be noble and good for once?"
"...You have far too much faith in my moral compass, kid. It's almost scary how naive you are."
15. "Shadow, you have to help me! I had an accident."
"Had an accident? Kid, you are an accident.
16. "Ugh. How do people stand you?"
"They sit."
"You're insufferable."
"No more than you are."
"Would you stop coming up with comebacks and making me look like an idiot?"
"But you are an idiot."
17. "Interrupt me again and I'll interrupt your breathing."
18. "Is two a lot?"
"Depends on the context. Corpses? No. Living humans? Yes."
19. Shadow glared at Thomas. "You know, you probably shouldn't think too hard. Wouldn't want that poor overworked brain cell to have a panic attack."
20. "Yeesh, guess he's not the brightest light bulb," Tanner said with a wince, watching on the security feed as the Jackal guard tried for the fifteenth time to pick the lock on the door to the room Shadow had trapped him in earlier.
"You kidding me? The light bulb isn't even screwed in!" Shadow snarked.
21. Thomas: disagrees with Shadow
Shadow: "You've officially been promoted to victim." *Punches Thomas*
22. "I may be mad, or I may be less mad, but my mood will never be in your favor."
23. "Is that blood?" Thomas paled as he stared at the red smears staining Shadow's leather hero suit.
"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question."
"Okay fine, yes -- but don't worry, it's not mine!" Shadow blurted.
"Is that supposed to be reassuring?!?"
24. "We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?" Thomas squealed.
"Actually, it's more like eight," Shadow corrected.
"Oh, sorry I wasn't specific enough!!"
25. "That's not a happy story," Thomas muttered sympathetically.
"Well I don't live a happy life," Shadow growled in answer.
26. "What are you so afraid of?" Shadow challenged.
"Oh... That's fair."
27. "If your crazy plan gets me killed, kid, I am going to come back and haunt you so hard."
28. Shadow pinched the bridge of her nose with an inward groan. "I am way too sober for this."
29. "Okay, what did I do?" Thomas threw his hands up in defeat.
"What do you mean?" Shadow frowned.
"You look like you want to rip my head off."
"Sorry, that's just how my face works."
30. "Ugh, people don't understand that I literally don't know how not to walk around like I own every place I go to. I'm a walking war machine. How else am I supposed to act?!"
31. "So, uh, there's some bread in the cabinets if you're hungry," Thomas awkwardly offered.
"I don't eat bread, it's usually poisoned." Shadow wrinkled her nose.
"If this is some gluten-free nonsense--"
"No, actual poison."
32. "Come on, Shadow. The city needs our help. You're the strongest of us all -- imagine all the people you'll help save!" Thomas badgered.
"Correction, it needs your help," Shadow said through gritted teeth. "Leave me out of it. Humans can save themselves for once."
"...Do I get wine after dealing with all the horrors of evil?"
"All the wine you want."
"Fine. But doing this is going to give me all the good karma points I'm going to need for the rest of my life."
33. "I'm not human. Remember that next time you want to punch me in the face."
34. "I guess I'll just have to be subtle about it," Thomas said.
Shadow snorted in amusement. "You are the least subtle person I know. Your "I have a secret" vibe is literally visible from mars."
35. "So, you're innocent?" Tanner raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"Innocent as a young child... the kind they use as pickpockets," Shadow said with a dead-serious face.
36. "It costs you absolutely nothing to keep those rude comments to yourself," Tanner snapped angrily.
"It also costs me absolutely nothing to say them, so I think I'm good," Shadow retorted with a smirk.
37. "Can I bother you for a second?"
"You always bother me, but go ahead."
38. "I've met toddlers with more spine than you."
39. "Use your brain, idiot! You do have one, right?"
40. "Come on, it can't hurt to shake things up a bit, don't you think?" Thomas wheedled.
"I'm not anti-change, I'm just pro keeping things the way they are," Shadow growled.
41. "I've seen more formidable foes in temper tantrums."
42. "I'm not shy. I'm just examining my potential target and enemy. Determining friend or foe, you know?"
43. "Look, he's smiling. He's totally fine," Shadow smirked.
"He's smiling because he's terrified," Tanner said dryly.
"...I'm off-duty right now. Your turn to save the idiot."
44. "Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal," Thomas grimaced.
Shadow glared daggers at him. "If you give me a 'Happy Meal', I will shove it down your throat to kill you and that is what will make me 'happy'."
45. "Shadow... did you have something to do with this?" Thomas cast her an accusing glance, and she bristled.
"Why is it that whenever something bad happens in the city, I'm always the first one you look at?!" She snapped indignantly.
"Because you're like... always sketchy and suspicious... and stuff..."
Shadow seemed to think about it for a second, before relaxing with a shrug. "Ouch. Valid, but ouch."
46. "This place hold a lot of memories for me. Some bad, some... No. No, no, all bad."
47. "Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably."
48. "I don't know what your problem is, but I'm guessing it's hard to pronounce.
49. "Remember when I asked for your opinion? That's right, I didn't."
50. "Thomas, if you had half a brain cell you'd be dangerous."
51. "If you pull out my earphones, I will pull out your lungs."
52. "I'm trying to tell about--are you even listening?!" Thomas huffed a frustrated breath of air.
Shadow merely raised an unconcerned eyebrow, yawning dramatically. "Don't worry, I'm listening to you. I'm just not paying attention."
53. "I'm on vacation. Only call if the world is about to end."
54. "Hmph. Mangy feather duster..." Thomas grumbled under his breath as he stalked off, forgetting that his ally had superhearing.
"What did you just call me?" Shadow snarled after him.
"You clearly heard me."
"And you clearly don't want to take the risk of saying it again."
55. "Sharp as a marble, that kid," Shadow sighed before coming to Thomas's aid. The blasted human never stopped getting himself in trouble, to her dismay.
Masterlist #2
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump @otterfrost @sausages-things
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ponyguru · 21 days
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Day two of thrifting results! I took tons of photos, so even if half of them are blurry, they’re getting posted! 🤣 Buckle up for a huge ID list!! The Rainbow High doll is Bella Parker I believe, but she’s been sort of customized, along with the MTM Barbie. She’s in her alternate dress, which has a very cute thick weave! The other modern Barbie is possibly the Barbie Extra “Floral Fashion” with extra long hair… after a brutal haircut. 🤣 The vintage denim girl is 1979’s Feeling Fun Barbie, with all of her clothes! Wow! I actually thought this Moondreamer was Bucky, but the whole time I was mistaken - this is Sparky Dreamer, a girl inventor! 🤣 She’s missing her cute glasses and shoes, but she’s still one I was looking for! The two My Little Ponies are both repros, but I won’t deny the sudden racing heart when I identified Tickle hiding in the bag!! I saw Fluttershy first and assumed she was a real G3, but a quick squeeze confirmed she was the firmer Basic Fun plastic! These two came with lots of other random friends - two GiGo fakies (I think GiGo?), a baby doll in a unicorn onesie, a Belle doll with a squishy yellow dress in the style of modern Polly Pockets, a sadly chewed Elsa from Frozen 2 who still sings like a champ, and a mini Animators Ariel! Also an exciting find, a #5 Quints baby in a hair color I’ve never had, and an Our Generation mini! I bought the dino bag (with bonus surprise Safari Ltd tiger cub!) solely for the Breyer Stablemate, who hails from the 2018/2019 Dapples and Dots Four Horse Set. I also really like the glowing horses with their watermelon colors, most of whom look like copies of Breyer molds, and was surprised at the Nordstrom tag! I shudder to consider their original price! 🤣 And who did I forget? The little bobbling penguin! I assumed they were a wind-up toy, but I think they’re just a little bobbler! 🤣 Okay I think that’s it! Feel free to jump in with ID help if you see any errors, or if you know where these dinos come from! See you in six months for their post bath glowups! 🤣
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entropiceye1342 · 1 year
Spoiler free review for Netflix's live action One Piece!
A lot of stuff to love! I absolutely ADORE this take on the adventure of the Straw Hat Pirates!
The Straw Hats are all cast perfectly, the supporting cast is spot on. Everyone NAILS their characters!
Give the man a crown!
Iñaki Godoy as Luffy is goofy and oblivious in all the right ways. He sticks the perfect landing of the emotional intelligence that was crucial to bring the deeper side of Luffy to life, and doesn't neglect the hyperactive child side either! Seeing him gleefully bounce around - both in and out of fights- was special. The CGI was pretty good! Better than I expected, really. I appreciate making Luffy a little more level-headed, it's a good choice to tone down the chaos goblin for live action 🤣
It was magnificent to see Luffy grow into a "real" pirate in this arc, and he will be the KING!
Mackenyu as Zoro is a bit "too cool" but honestly I expected it to happen, people tend to overlook the fact that 90% of the time he's just as dumb as Luffy 🤷 but MAN is he cool. He really surpassed my expectations for the fight scenes, and did not skip on the brutality! 3 Sword Style was stunningly realized and incredible fun to watch- even without drawing a single blade!
His one liners and sarcasm are on point, ESPECIALLY regarding Sanji 🤣
Emily Rudd as Nami is INCREDIBLE. Smart as a whip and wily as ever, this cat burglar lands on her feet! In and out of combat, Nami is quick on her feet and with her wit. One Piece passes the Bechdel test once again, and her story is every bit the emotional powerhouse as its manga and anime counterparts- better in some moments! 'Nuff said.
Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp is delightful, though unfortunately he doesn't get as much time to shine as the others. When he does though, it's fantastic!
He really got the little things down about the character without needing to be as over the top as his counterparts- a bullseye from the sniper!
Sanji is perfect as well, you can SEE the training Taz Skylar went through for the part, from the mouth watering food to the killer martial arts. Every bit as fun to watch as the rest of the Monster Trio! My expectations for him were already high, and he kicked them into the stratosphere.
I'm glad they toned down the flirting, they found the right balance and played it well. Sanji matches Zoro in the bickering spectacularly, an absolute must that exceeded my hopes in both of their performances.
I'm not gonna list everyone but because I love this stupid fucking clown:
Jeff Ward as Buggy is an absolute TREAT, I am a huge fan of this take on the character. The perfect storm of bumbling dipshit who wants to be taken seriously, but still pretty intimidating at times. LOVE it. His jokes are GOLD.
Speaking of! Gold Roger, the man who started it all! *mwah!* Dazzling performances from him AND the Marines.
The few nitpicks I have are minor, the childhood acting ranges from ok to abysmal, Lily Fisher as young Nami is a notable standout. Some of the "minor" characters suffer from wooden acting, but honestly that's about the worst of it.
The Fishmen look a little low budget in their early appearances, but are absolutely PERFECT when they are the ones in the spotlight. Absolutely phenomenal work from McKinley Belcher III, my biggest fear from this was Arlong being done wrong and he CRUSHED IT!
The soundtrack was rousing, it truly felt like a call to adventure! And above all the SET DESIGN 😭
They TRULY brought the world that Oda Senseii has been drawing for us all these years, to life.
And now, anime One Piece is trending on Netflix.
Here's to hoping Netflix doesn't Netflix it 🍻
What did you think?
Especially if this is your introduction to One Piece, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
lol yet again i missed doing my friday update schedule. in my defense, a lot's been going on. before I say anything else I should also say-- DMs on Tumblr currently do not work for me, the message thing shows me the preview but if I click on it, I absolutely cannot open the window, it will hang for literal days. I have the square blank in the corner of this tab as I am composing and no longer remember what I was trying to get it to open. So if you send me an IM on Tumblr I will only be able to read whatever of it is in the preview! So don't be offended if I never respond, because I can't write back because the window literally never opens. I got one to open yesterday but it was about 45 minutes and a lot of window reloading. I think it's safe to say that feature's just gotta be dead to me. RIP.
Anyway what's been up! my BFF from high school came thru Thursday night with her kids to stay in my cabin and i was a bit frantic getting the place ready, as it's not exactly listed on AirBnB. (She was like "oh wow this is a lot bigger and nicer than i thought" girl you were going to cram your children and yourself into a tiny half-finished shack with me? what??? jeez) and at the last minute Dude was like "oh i'm coming too" which, fortunately, I had put myself into a full-size bed on the pull-out couch so there was room for him to be there too but if this were any smaller a tiny house that would not have been possible. see, this is why i didn't actually build a tiny tiny house, it wouldn't have worked.
Anyway they left friday and i spent the day making sausage as fast as i could, and then in the afternoon dude helped me package it and then! i had! two full days! off! (ok i'm in the second of those days rn) so
saturday being My Birthday I made a snap decision that we were going to go see some art, so we drove over to the Clark Institute in Williamsburg MA (like a long half-hour away, it's not far) and saw some of my good buddies in the permanent collection.
(Mom used to take us kids there when we were little, and there are a lot of Renoirs and John Singer Sargent and some Frederic Rembrandt and Winslow Homer and whatnot, many of which I have seen so often as to consider old friends. (This Bougereau, Mom had a poster of on her bedroom wall, and I have always loved it. Apparently, my grandpa upon seeing it-- not the letters grandpa, the other one-- exclaimed of the one whose back faces the viewer "Oh Betty, it's you!" Betty being my grandma.)
I discovered quite by accident, while fucking around on my phone, that there was a Pokestop out in the courtyard, and the Pokestop was titled something about Jenny Holtzer, and i was like wait what and sure enough. There's a set of four white granite benches out there with Jenny Holtzer engravings on them.
This one is fucking brutal, as her shit tends to be:
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There was also a temporary exhibition of paintings and woodcuts/lithographs/prints by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, yes including a lithograph of That Painting. Fairly stunning! Running thru October, I recommend it if you're in the area!
ok idk what else has been happening. i am so tired. i might play some pokey mans today but i also might just. not. really. do much of anything. which is boring and dumb and won't make me feel better next week when i have to go back and do more work and have achieved none of my personal goals. but sometimes brain no worky, and that's that.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
Changing of the Guard
WoW Birthday Whump Event Day 6: Nonhuman whumpee / Reluctant Whumper / "Run!"
WoW Birthday Whump Prompts List
TW: chains, references to past abuse (magic whump), captive
The cavern was dark, cold, and wet.
This was nothing new, of course, but Arcturus had found that describing every little detail of his prison was better than wallowing in self-pity, as he had for the first few decades of his imprisonment. He had figured out the composition of almost every rock in the cavern wall, tracked the formation of a stalactite, and tested the mineral content of his chains many times over.
Arcturus also knew his captor quite well. When you spend years around the same person, even if you only see them for a few minutes, you pick up things about them.
So when the footsteps echoing from the cave mouth reached his ears, Arcturus knew that a changing of the guard had taken place.
Curiosity piqued, he rose from where he had been examining the most recent patch of wall and crossed the cavern in two bounds, pausing only a couple centimeters from where the mithril chains binding him would pull taut. He could only make out one pair of footsteps. If there was more than one, they would have to be moving in exact unison to trick his senses, a difficult feat for humans to accomplish.
As the footsteps drew closer, the faintest glimmer of light began to reflect off the tiny mineral deposits in the cavern wall. A soft yellow light, nothing like the harsh green of Arcturus’ previous Keeper, a brutal man by the name of Lars. Lars was quick with his spells and would retaliate at the slightest hint of provocation.
Arcturus’ new Keeper was close. He instinctively seated himself on the cold, stone cavern floor. It was a habit forced upon him early in captivity and strictly enforced in the following decades. No doubt the new Keeper had been already trained in the proper protocols in the weeks and months leading up to when he finally took over the position.
Finally, the new Keeper came into view. By the glow of the yellow light hovering above his hand, Arcturus could see he was young for a human. Clean-shaven, or too young to grow a proper beard? Arcturus always had difficulty guessing human ages, but this was unusual. He was much younger than any of his previous Keepers.
The boy wore the same white wizard robes, but his belt was blue instead of the usual black. Or perhaps it was from the color of the light? The same worn leather shoes covered his feet, and his light-colored hair was cut short, close to the scalp. It was a striking difference from his dark brown skin, even with the colored light distorting the colors.
Behind the boy floated the usual meager collection of items for Arcturus’ meals: a tub of water, a small assortment of fruits, and the corpse of a deer. Barely enough to feed a full-grown dragon for a day. But he was used to it.
It was clear the boy was not. At the sight of Arcturus, the blood drained from his face. The food, floating by the force of his magic, wobbled.
Arcturus sighed and muttered the words to a spell he had learned as a hatchling, catching each item before it fell to the floor. Concentrating, he directed everything around the boy, who stood frozen at the mouth of the tunnel, and set it all down within easy reach.
“Do you speak, child?” Arcturus said softly, delicately grasping a melon.
The boy blinked, and the ball of light flickered before brightening. “I… um… I’ve never seen an actual dragon before.”
The melon was a bit overripe, but it was still sweet. Arcturus licked the juice from his claws before responding. “Not many people have. Do you have a name?”
“I… uh… yeah… it’s Henry.”
Arcturus looked the boy up and down a second time. “Lars didn’t train you very much for this role, did he?”
Henry swallowed nervously before shaking his head. “The Dragon Keeper is… um… he’s very sick. Nobody knows why. I don’t know why I was picked to be his replacement—!” He cut himself off and backed up a step. “I-I-I I’m not supposed to be talking to you.”
“Don’t be silly, child,” Arcturus scoffed, “all of the Keepers talked to me. They spoke with cruelty, yes, but rare was the day I was fed in silence.”
“Oh…” Henry fiddled with the long sleeves of his robes. He might have only received them that day when the ‘honor’ of being a Dragon Keeper was officially bestowed upon him. “What’s your name?”
“How… how long have you been here?”
Arcturus cocked his head, thinking as he dragged the deer corpse closer. No mark was on its body, for it had been killed with magic. “Four human lifetimes,” he finally said before tearing into the deer.
It probably would’ve tasted better cooked. Or different. Arcturus had learned the hard way not to use his fire around the Keepers. Unfortunately, the Keepers did not leave until Arcturus had finished his meal, so no attempts at cooking were allowed. But food was food, and the deer was quickly nothing more than bones.
When he finally looked back at Henry, the young wizard had turned even paler, if that was possible for a human. A trace of changeling blood, perhaps? It would explain the hair. “What exactly have you been told that the Keepers do?”
Henry flinched, and the ball of light went out completely. Cursing, he quickly reignited it. “They… uh… they feed the dragon… and they punish it for disobeying. But you haven’t done anything.”
“Lars would’ve considered the floating spell I deployed a few minutes ago reason enough for punishment. Vera, his predecessor, would heat my chains if she thought I breathed rebelliously.”
Henry gaped at his words. “Wha…what? I’m… supposed to do that?”
Arcturus eyed the boy. How did this child, who couldn’t even fathom the punishment exacted by his predecessors, manage to get into this position? Perhaps the Order was becoming lax in its judgment. The conclusion was logical. He’d been their slave for longer than any of the current members have been alive. The most senior of them might barely remember when the valley shook from the force of the second Dragon Keeper’s preferred method of torment.
The boy’s question was met with silence as Arcturus finished his meal. It was all the answer he would need.
When Henry left, the iron tub and the bones of the deer shakily floating after him, Arcturus remained, unmoving, on the stone floor. It wasn’t the training that kept him there but rather the sense that the conversation was far from complete. Henry would be back, likely with more questions.
Arcturus would have little choice but to answer him. He had nothing better to do.
@fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds
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marthawrites · 4 months
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It's that time again 😁 Here's what I read during May! Thoughts below the cut!
Lone Women: This book was so refreshingly different! Wow! Set in 1915, the story follows our main character, Adelaide Henry, as she moves to Montana to try to make a fresh start (all by herself) on a homestead. She has a trunk with her the whole time and that's where the horror is. This story has monstrous humans, a haunting past, and a brighter future ahead. Historical fiction, women fiction, horror, this story was super interesting and had me hooked throughout!
1984: This is another "classic" book that I never read during middle or high school. It's been on my TBR list forever!! So glad I finally made the time for it. It was extremely creepy, unsettling, and horrific. The end had me both screaming with rage and laying in the rain crying. AGH. It's so hard to believe this was wrote in 1949! It hits a little too close to home on multiple occasions and... wow. Just, holy shit. Incredibly disturbing
Make A Scene: I keep an eye on the audible daily deals and bought this one for $1. It was a cute and entertaining read! It wasn't anything deep, or crazy, or thought provoking haha, but it was entertaining and sometimes I just love those kinds of stories so much!
The Serpent and the Wings of Night: Book one of the "Crown of Nyaxia" series. A mouthful of a title, I know! But dudes hooooly shit!!! I am OBSESSED with this book! I loved it so so so much and have NO idea why it doesn't get talked about as much as other books. I love the lore. It has brutal vampires, badass women, terrifying Goddess' (Nyaxia? Helloooo she's so scary and awesome!), and an epic story of all of them combined. HIGHLY recommend! Oraya is such a great character with layers of complexity, and Raihn is AHHH, I love him
The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King: This is the second part of the "Crown of Nyaxia". I loved it as much as the first! Book 3 when!?! I can't flippin wait to read more!
Slaying the Vampire Conqueror: This is a standalone book in the Crown of Nyaxia universe. With how much I loved the other two I knew I'd like this one also. I ate it up just as quickly! Again, there's brutal vampires, badass women, and you learn more lore about different parts of the world, Goddess', and characters. I'm invested in this world and will be reading any and everything the author puts out for it!!
Overall it was a great month of books and I recommend all of these!!
I've officially read 24 books so far this year and for me that's AWESOME. Loving it!
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crascet · 2 months
X-Men Movie Tier List Update- The Wolverine
Probably the most unique film from this franchise, The Wolverine is sort of a ronin-style story, a lone warrior previously lost from a past event now brought in and becoming the hero again sort of deal. Logan starts out as becoming a recluse in the Canadian wilderness post-TLS after killing Jean to save everyone, and it really hits him hard as he still sees visions of her in his dreams (although some said this might still be part of Pheonix affecting him maybe). But as he is brought over to Japan for saying goodbye to Yashida before he dies, is where the changes start, physically first when he is washed and shaved prior to meeting Yashida and later developing back into his heroics when protecting Mariko.
I'll be honest here, I don't like Lojean as much as personally I like Scojean more, no offense to any Lojean shippers out there though, but Logan being haunted by seeing visions of Jean does go well into the theme of this movie being how people stuck in the past affect how they live the present, be it with the death of a loved one or even approaching death, like with Yashida in the creation of the Silver Samurai mech to obtain Logan's healing factor to reamin young and healthy.
Honestly, the whole combination of Japanese history into modern Japan is really cool to me as a fan of Japanese cinema, especially samurai films. The previously mentioned Silver Samurai mech to seeing a ninja strike on the Yashida residence are some of the best parts of the film to me.
Another thing I love about this movie are the actions scenes here. Probably some of the best I've seen in this franchise, especially the bullet train fight scene. The climax is also good, but I think First Class's climax is my favorite.
Viper, or as she is mostly called in the comics as Madame Hydra, (boooooo Hydra!) is definitely one of the most memorable parts of the movie in how snake-like she is here with her fork-tongue, venom abilities, and how she literally sheds her skin when she was hit with her poison. Also wow her death is just brutal; broken neck while being hanged up in an elevator shaft via falling debris.
I also liked Yukio, she was cool, but her ability to see people's death is actually messed up, especially if one death you see is your parents'.
The shots that are taken in Japan are just really cool to see and makes me want to go there one day possibly. Also wants me to see more superhero movies set in Japan. Hell, give me my Daredevil movie where Matt goes to Japan and either trains with or fight against the Hand, that would be awesome!
Last thing to mention has to be the mid-credit cliffhanger where Erik and Charles approach Logan, wanting his help to stop a possible threat coming in the future for mutantkind, and a Trask corporation easter egg that would definitely not be a part of this whatsoever.
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Good movie here that not a lot of people talk about, solid B placement here. Next up, what people will say is another choice for best X-Men movie with X-Men: Days of Future Past, where we follow up on this mid-credit scene and a glimpse back in the past with Charles after First Class.
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laurenkmyers · 5 months
(1/2) Hi, Lauren! Would you recommend me to watch Two Worlds? I'm debating with myself for a few weeks now, watching all these gif sets on tumblr. The things is... I find most of the BLs quite cringy which is a big no for me. Usually I like the BLs you're watching (I've really loved KinnPorsche, Not me, Kisseki, A Tale of 1000 Stars, ...), but there have also been shows you really loved but I wasn't able to finish - main example being Love in the Air (i just wasn't able to get past episode 3).
(2/2) Next shows I've tried but didn't finish are for example: Naughty Babe, Cutie Pie, Pit Babe. Could you advise me on which scale do you think the Two Worlds are? It looks intriguing but I'm afraid of a possible cringe lurking in the background. Looking at the BLs I've loved and the ones I didn't finished, would you be able to guess how I would feel about this one?
Helloooo sweet anon! Thank you for your messages!
Firstly, I must say, the bl's you listed that you enjoyed are superior. Well done on your immaculate taste. And the list you provided that you couldn't finish is also hilarious and accurate and I'm agreeing wholeheartedly on your opinions.
In terms of Two Worlds...I'm gonna be honest with you, I only started watching it for Max Kornthas. The man has a hold on me that I can't explain. So I may be slightly biased, however, that doesn't stop me from telling you that the show has surprised me in so many ways. I'm thoroughly enjoying it as a whole and hope more people watch it once it's finished. (Learning that it wasn't a domundi/mandee production also helped massively.)
Where it stands on a kp/notme level vs cutiepie/naughtybabe/pitbabe level, let me try and break it down for you:
Production level isn't quite kinnporsche WOW, but it's also not naughty babe cgi tiger TRAGEDY. It tips more on the kp side of production value. The locations are gorgeous, and the cinematography is pretty as hell. There are some dodgy camera tricks being used, but nothing to worry too much about.
The acting: As a whole I would say it's definitely better than your average thai bl. It's absolutely not Gun Attaphan level good. But I will say that Max is kinda killing it- and I'm not saying that from a particularly bias lens. His acting has improved an incredible amount since cutie pie/naughty babe. Nat, bless him, still has a little ways to go to really impress me, but he's also improved so fucking much I have to commend him. The guy playing the 2nd love interest is definitely the weakest actor of the bunch, but overall the acting is pretty good. No major complaints from me.
The narrative: I think this story in particular is incredibly interesting, it's unique, it's angsty, it's romantic, it's brutal, it's exciting, and a little bittersweet. The pacing can be a bit all over the place at times, but if you just go with it, you'll catch up quickly enough. The one major flaw for me in thai bls in general is that sometimes the story seems way more complicated then they actually are. This story really isn't that complicated if you don't think too hard about the details. Are there plotholes? Ofc there are. But it's nothing too glaringly obvious that I want to rant about it.
Another plus is that there is no quick-how-can-we-promote-this-thing-that-has-no-relevance-to-the-show product placement, which is something I only noticed two episodes ago but am highly grateful for.
The thai bl cringefactor: There are moments where I thought I would be cringing up a storm, but so far it's been pretty tame in terms of typical bl cringe moments. There's no guitars or singing (praying it stays that way), but we have had a few 'oops i tripped and fell into you and now we're staring into each other's eyes' moments, but honestly? They didn't bother me in the slightest. Maxnat pull off the elongated looks very well.
Spice level: We've only had one NC scene so far, it was definitely more on the romance side of the fence than the spicy one, but it lasted 7 minutes long...do with that information what you will. We've got more to come from both Maxnat and our side couple (who I'm also enjoying greatly, btw) Maxnat know how to fucking de-li-ver and from the looks of the trailer, our side couple also get a pretty steamy moment too.
The only potential downside to the show is the hefty trigger warning list. If you want to know them you can message or dm me and I'll make a separate list for you.
This response probably didn't need to be as long as it did, but I wanted to give you the facts. Do I think you should watch it? Yes. Do I think you'll like it? I think so. But is it to the standard of bl you seem to really enjoy? No. Do with this information what you will! And please feel free to tell me if you do start watching it and enjoying it because I'd love to hear your thoughts!
ps. (the CACKLE I let out reading that you couldn't get past episode 3 of LITA was wild because you're so valid. I skipped episodes 1-7 because I also couldn't handle the cringe, but if you did want to try it again- episodes 8-13 are much better- still a little cringe, I won't lie to you- but it's definitely the stronger of the two stories.)
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victimeyez · 1 year
DUDEEE this brings back memories of when I was 11 and my history teacher let us have medieval torture day as a reward for good behavior or something, we spent the whole day learning abt the different methods and devices… I was thrilled, obviously… combining three of them tho, damn… so wonderfully brutal 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌 if you want another idea for a device for Darwin (Arthur?) to use (if he ever comes back, that is) the Spanish tickler is a fun one…
WOW well ig he knew what the kids want lol. I actually had a whole list of different torture methods he’d be using and the Spanish tickler was on there! I also had some big plans with a prayer cross…
As I wrote, I was trying to capture what it would feel like and how they would work, and suddenly it was quite long with only three tools utilized. I decided to throw a cattle prod in there for extra misery and shelve the rest for another time.
Since Tommy will be visiting different clients, I can explore lots of different types of torture depending on what the next client wants. He very well might have some more playtime with Darwin in the future.
I had an idea of a creepy museum curator who’s into all the old torture stuff, and that gave me a ton of room to play around with medieval torture techniques while still in a modern setting.
I’m finishing up a third chapter, and I am so excited to see the responses I’ve gotten. I hope my full design for the story will become clear soon, because I’m looking to make this a very interactive story - so people can submit prompts, vote for short descriptions of clients to choose who Tommy sees next, and people can even put in their own whumpers as clients.
Thanks for the ask!!!!
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mylifeincinema · 2 years
My Week(s) in Reviews: January 29, 2023
Reading The Count of Monte Cristo this month really left me little time to catch many movies, but I did get a few new ones in the past couple weeks.
The Whale (Darren Aronofsky, 2022)
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I had some major issues with this one, especially the disgusting screenplay and Aronofsky’s direction in the latter half of the film.
Brendan Fraser, though... Wow!! He takes this character and ignores all of the ugliness to bring an empathy to a man who’s all but given up entirely. There’s a sincerity to the way Fraser plays up the character’s flaws that never makes it seem like judgement is being passed or fun is being made (that’s left for the Aronofsky to do, for some reason), and how he blends those flaws with the character’s heart makes for some moments of overwhelming emotional richness in a film otherwise devoid of it. Fraser’s co-star Hong Chau and Sadie Sink are pretty damn fantastic, too. It’s a shame the film they’re in is so judgmental and ugly. - 5.5/10
The Woman King (Gina Prince-Bythewood, 2022)
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Not very good... at all. No, Prince-Bythewood didn’t even deserve Oscar consideration, never mind one of the five spots, and hell no Viola Davis didn’t deserve a nomination alongside powerhouse performances like Cate Blanchett and Michelle Yeoh’s. If anyone deserved awards attention, it was Lashana Lynch, who stole every second of screen-time she had. And even then, the film surrounding her is so painfully formulaic and dull that it made her great performance less memorable by association. - 4/10
A Man Called Otto (Marc Forster, 2022)
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I LOVED Fredrik Backman’s book. That being said, while the film stays mostly true to the heart of the book, some of the bigger emotional moments lost some of their heft in the adaptation, as did the excision/changing of some of the material in the flashbacks. Thankfully, the cast - especially Tom Hanks, who while not quite as curmudgeonly as Ove in the book, was really damn good - and Forster’s ability to maintain the balance of humor and emotion throughout made this book fan happy with the final product. - 7.5/10
All Quiet on the Western Front (Edward Berger, 2022)
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It’s been sitting in my Netflix queue since like a month before it even dropped, and for some reason it just kept slipping through the cracks. After its impressive showing in the Oscar nominations last Tuesday, I figured it was time I gave it a go. Damn. Let’s just say I’m glad I did so before I locked and posted my Best Directors and My Top 10 Films of 2022 lists.
This is one bleak, filthy, visceral, and brutal anti-war film. It’s focus on the people fighting makes even the bigger set-pieces feel intimate, yet no less exhausting. The direction and camera work is just stunning, patient and unforgiving and technically impressive. The makeup is so effectively grimy it had me wiping mud out of my eyes sitting warm and comfortable on my couch. And the performances were chock-full of a hope-tinged desperation that made each and every inevitable death all the more soul-shattering. - 9/10
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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The Mandalorian s3 e4 Review
I don't know how, but the show got even worse. I made a list of everything I had a problem with while watching the newest episode and put it all together into a cohesive essay for you guys. (This is a long one btw)
Spoiler Alert!!!
So chapter 20 was basically filler, but can I just point out exactly how stupid the plot of the episode is.
First, when Paz's kid initially gets taken by big bird we are told that the Mandalorians were already fully aware of the creature that was flying around (because they mentioned that others had been taken) but, even knowing that they were vulnerable to attack, they didn't bother setting up sentries or keeping a keen eye on the kids? Or how about just finding a safer spot to train since that beach has been attacked on two separate occasions now, both incidents having plenty of close brushes with death. But, no. They just stand around and let their precious little foundlings be carried off by a danger that should have been brutally executed after the very first attack. No wonder they're almost extinct, they're so fucking stupid.
Then, Bo-Katan says she followed the creature back to it's nest and then she just... came back to the covert? Like, why didn't she take care of it then, while she was there? But whatever, what do I know.
She and the Armorer round up a team and the way that they go about planning the attack irks me. The reason why they didn't just assume that the kid was already dead and just plan the entire excursion around getting rid of the pest now that they knew where it's dwelling was is beyond me. I find that, if they would've changed the stupidly optimistic rescue mission to a revenge plot, it would've been much more believable and interesting because then we'd get to see what they do to anyone or anything who hurts their foundlings.
And then, if they really wanted to, the writers could introduce the fact that the kid is still alive as a kind of surprise or something instead of his survival just being expected. Besides, having the Mandalorians just assume that the kid is still alive is dumb and unrealistic because the writing had already set up the episode with the narrative that the creature kills every Mandalorian it gets it's claws into.
So then the team takes Bo-Katan's ship and get as close to the base of the mountain as they can before walking the rest of the way in order to avoid losing the element of surprise. They get there by nightfall and then they actually SET UP CAMP. I am honestly floored. They chose to wait a whole 12 hours (at the very least) before going into the nest, and now it's just insane that any of the Mandalorians could possibly think -after over 20 fucking hours- that the kid is still alive.
Din sees a heat signature in the nest, but conveniently doesn't mention that the blob is way too big to be the kid -since the three chicks revealed to be in the nest are fucking huge and that would translate to their heat signature size- and Paz recklessly climbs in while yelling for the boy. Wow. We went from Din and his people being established as thriving, tactical badasses in the first two seasons to all Mandalorians becoming useless, floundering idiots.
The writers really went and ruined an entire fucking race in just one 30 minute episode. Now that's impressive.
The babies freak out and the creature shows up again and spits up the kid which it had apparently swallowed (okay, how the hell did this kid survive being in its stomach for god knows how long? And how is he even conscious?). Meaning that the creature had flown back to its nest, did nothing?, swallowed the kid whole at one point and left again, then conveniently came back right as the Mandalorians get there. What? That timeline makes absolutely zero sense.
Then a chase happens and Din ends up saving the child and killing the creature by proxy when he sends it careening into the water and it gets eaten. But when they return, somehow Bo-Katan is the one to get all the glory? Even though her plan went to shit beacuse they got impatient and sloppy and they were forced to improvise? What? How? I get that the show is trying to set her up as a character that the audience should root for, but does it have to come at the expense of downplaying what other characters have done?
Din obviously made the heroic save, there were other witnesses among the team (and it was right there on the screen) so why didn't anyone set the facts straight? And besides, anyone who's done even an ounce of research on Bo-Katan knows that she's a trash human being with questionable intentions at best. So no, I will not be rooting for your shitty ass character with no redeemable qualities.
Also, I was actally surprised to find that I was genuinely disappointed in Din and his questionable parenting this episode because he was so shitty to Grogu. He actually forced Grogu (yes forced since it wasn't like Grogu could speak up for himself and refuse) into a fight -despite how small and inexperienced he is- with a kid like six times his size (that also outweighed him by a good 70 lbs). Thankfully, they only dueled using paintballs but wtf Din, the kid's so tiny that a small projectile hitting him in the chest winded him.
And Din was so neglectful. We see it when, after the foundling was snatched up, he immediately left the beach to go after the creature instead of going to Grogu to make sure the kid didn't get trampled in chaos (you don't understand, he's just so fucking small) or just in case there was more than one in the area (cause he didn't know much about the creature at that point). It's been established in previous seasons that Grogu's wellbeing is Din's number one priority, so much so that he'd break his creed and remove his helmet in front of -not only strangers- but the enemy as well, without any hesitation. So you understand why I was frustrated when it seemed like Din's initial instinct was to go after Paz's kid without even bothering to secure Grogu's safety first.
Then when Bo-Katan returns with the location of the creature's nest he goes with the team in order to retrieve the kid, leaving Grogu with a bunch of strangers that have - up to this point- basically just shown how incompetent they are. Like, in the opening of the episode, various Mandalorians and foundlings were just shooting their guns into the breeze as "training" when they should've been aiming at targets.
But the main problem I have with this season is the lack of an overarching plot. There is absolutely no established drive for why the characters are doing what they do. Like, at first I assumed that the entire season would be dedicated to Din going to Mandalore, the finale closing out with an impactful, emotional moment as he goes to the desolate planet to bathe in the living waters and maybe even say the adoption rights to officially name Grogu as his son. But no, he already redeems himself in like episode 2. Well then is Bo-Katan going to be an omnious enemy lurking in the background of the story? A looming threat that she could, at any moment, challenge him to a duel for the darksaber since they left off on such bad terms? Nope, wrong again. Then it has to be about Din accepting the role of Mand'alor and deciding to use the fact that he wields the artifact that gives him the right to rule in order to round up what's left of his people in a quest to re-inhabit Mandalore, build their numbers back up to their former glory, and preserve their culture? Of course not.
Then what the hell are we doing? If you don't immediately establish a clear directive for the story, then the audience has nothing to get invested in and nobody to root for. Oh, Din rejoined his convert, cool. But I wanna know why we should care. What does it do for Din? Are there any repercussions? What is he risking? What does he gain by re-attaining the favor of his covert? And all of this isn't even touched on, what could've been a very meaningful moment is instead brushed off as yet another side quest and completed by the second episode.
We don't get to see Din struggle. We don't see the emotional aftermath of him being essentially cast out from the covert (the only family he's ever known other than Grogu) or watch him slowly realize that being a Mandalorian is more than just keeping his face covered or even confront the fact that the "old ways" that his covert practice are archaic and dehumanizing. There's absolutely no character development, so there's no reward when Din completes his mission, leaving the whole "redemption" arc (if you can even call it that) feeling hollow and lifeless.
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laresearchette · 4 months
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 7:00pm: Jays vs. White Sox (TSN2) 7:00pm: Dodgers vs. Mets (SN Now) 9:30pm: Yankees vs. Angels
2024 MEMORIAL CUP (TSN/TSN3) 7:30pm: Round Robin - Drummondville Voltigeurs vs. Moose Jaw Warriors
POW WOW CHOW (APTN) 7:30pm: It's a race against the clock to cross the swinging bridge at Little Current and get set up on Manitoulin Island; Bob and Shawn along with new recruits have big expectations for the first post-pandemic powwow at Wikwemikong First Nation.
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 8:00pm: Game 4 - Rangers vs. Panthers
NBA BASKETBALL (SN360) 8:30pm: Game 4 - Timberwolves vs. Mavericks
MAYDAY (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): After Flydubai Flight 981 nosedives into the runway at Russia's Rostov airport, investigators uncover one of the most lethal traps in aviation.
THE GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE (Makeful) 8:00pm: Sara Pascoe welcomes the four semi-finalists into the sewing room as they get to work with utilitarian clothing, with a place in the final at stake. Judges Patrick Grant and Esme Young challenge the sewers to make an office staple: the trench coat.
WHEN GHOSTS ATTACK (DTour) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): The Settle family's perfect new cottage in West Virginia quickly becomes a nightmare when they encounter the home's violent past; an evil entity attacks a woman and her daughters.
MOVIEPASS, MOVIECRASH (HBO Canada) 9:00pm: Exploring the company's founding and the implosion that occurred after outside investors took over, rendering the company bankrupt and under investigation.
SLEEPING WITH A KILLER (Lifetime Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The story of 18-year-old Jay Sewell, whose life was taken in a brutal attack orchestrated by the jealous Daniel Grogan, who had heard that Jay was seeing his ex-girlfriend.
FASTER WITH NEWBERN AND COTTEN (Discovery Velocity) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The guys take a big-block '57 Bel Air to compete in the autocross at Cruisin' the Coast in Miss.; with a complete overhaul of the suspension in the event's parking lot, the guys find out how much lap time they can shave in a weekend.
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satoko567 · 10 months
Wrote a screenplay for a sci-fi short, will sell the rights for $1 million
Setting: a brutal cyberpunk dystopia thats basically modern day america but more dystopiaish Me: Wait so was the Harvest King really Mayor Thomas all along? I can’t believe thi- Booming Voice: CONGRATULATIONS CITIZEN! YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO PROPOGATE THE SPECIES. SELECT A HUSBAND AND/OR WIFE Me: I don’t want one Voice: SELECT A HUSBAND AND/OR WIFE Me: My genes are dogshit and I’d be a wildly irresponsible parent Voice: SELECT A HUSBAND AND/OR WIFE Me: Okay look can I just like ask a friend but then we don’t actually date or have sex or live together Voice: UH I GUESS THATS TECHNICALLY ALLOWED Me: Okay uh how about () Voice: I’M SORRY. PLEASE SELECT A HUSBAND AND/OR WIFE FROM THE LIST OF PRE-APPROVED HUSBANDS AND/OR WIVES Me: Look can you just like find one of those incel dudes who lives with their mom and posts on bodybuilder forums and give the husband and/or wife to them? Voice: SELECT A HUSBAND AND/OR WIFE FROM THE PRIOR AUTHORIZATION LIST OR ONE WILL BE ASSIGNED TO YOU Me: I’m just gonna kill myself Voice: WOW! YOUR STATE-MANDATED HUSBAND AND/OR WIFE HAS SAVED YOU FROM DYING! PLEASE EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE TO THEM!
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f1-obsessed333 · 1 year
they don't list daniel on the chicago show run page yet like they do for nashville so maybe he's not set in stone for that one yet? b/c wow that japan -> chicago -> qatar in three weeks would be brutal.
Yeah I saw that. The guy who tweeted it seems reliable enough but I guess we’ll have to wait for additional confirmation.
For my fellow Daniel fans that might have the opportunity to see him there I hope it’s true but for Daniel’s sake I hope it’s not. That travel schedule seems insane.
But wait, when in October is Nashville? I totally forgot about that one😳
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