That is really mind blowing when you think about it
Do you ever think about how doctor who started before the moon landing. Like bro, humans hadn't even been on the moon when this show started....and it's a show about travelling in time and space
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Bring back the Doctor never landing where they promised
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Man I don’t know if any official Doctor Who artists know Doctor Who like Alice X. Zhang knows Doctor Who. Like lots of people are technically skilled but hot damn Alice X. Zhang always understands the assignment.

God the fucking emotion in all of these pieces.
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There's a great big threatening button next to it that must absolutely and immediately be pressed if Gallifrey ever comes close to surviving
the doctor who studio has a big sign saying 'X days since gallifrey destroyed', and their mission is to never get that number over 100
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It's rotten work, but it's worth it.
DOCTOR WHO — The Zygon Inversion (S09E08) directed by Daniel Nettheim | written by Peter Harness and Steven Moffat ››› Jenna Coleman as Bonnie ››› Peter Capaldi as The Doctor
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My hearts have been so full of joy since the 60th anniversary specials. I was extremely skeptical of how they'd make Tennant's return work, but by the gods they pulled it off!
There is absolutely nothing in the world like doctor who when it's good
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He got a little grumpy, so they need to carry him back to the ship.
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And there are people who choose to forget how queer RTD1 was and it's infuriating

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Happy pride month maybe I’ll start watching Doctor Who again
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What if Sasha James became the Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London?
Sasha the Archivist Season 2 Rewritten is finished! All chapters out on Ao3 (sophscribbles)
Sasha The Archivist (s1&s2)
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I just had another weird thought about my fave spooky podcast and most recent hyperfixation.
The Five Seasons of The Magnus Archives Seem Thematically Parallel to the Stages of Grief.
Season 1, Denial - Jon feigns skepticism as he reads the statements and hides that he's scared of whatever monsters lurk in them
Season 2, Anger - Jon takes the offensive in that he begins to investigate Gertrude's death and starts spying on his coworkers in an increasingly antagonistic fashion. Everybody rightly gets very upset with Jon's behavior.
Season 3, Bargaining - Jon learns (part of) the truth; okay, how does he fix this? Look into the Stranger, save the world, maybe that will validate the fact he's becoming less human? What does he have to do to be safe?
Season 4, Depression - And I quote, "Boohoo, I'm so alone and a monster". He has lost a larger piece of his humanity and is going through the motions, nobody he can trust or talk to and sinking into the addiction of hunting victims.
Season 5, Acceptance - John has come into full power and, while he still doesn't like the fact that he does, he enjoys the perks of avatarism and being the harbinger of the change.
(If this observation has already been made I apologize but my late night thoughts need an outlet.)
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To be fair, this would purify more air than trees -and be less of a damage risk to infrastructure in inclement weather. At the same time, it feels VERY dystopian 😬 ape brain want tree
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