#Worm Fic Ideas
kyliafanfiction · 8 days
As I may have mentioned before, I have seen a number of fanfics where the author describes Carol as Amy's 'Stepmom' which is... not how words work. I can only hope that it's an issue of an author not having English as a First Language and screwing up that phrasing, because otherwise, it makes no goddamn sense for anyone to make that mistake.
But I ran into another fic that did it today, and that gave me an idea. A cursed idea, but then, all the best ones that involve Vicky and Amy in any form are cursed, aren't they?
In an AU where New Wave isn't an unmasked team (Maybe they're still called the Brockton Bay Brigade, but I like the name New Wave more, so let's stick with that), as far as the public knows, Carol Dallon is just a really good lawyer, known for being aggressive in the courtroom. She has a daughter, Victoria, and a husband, Mark.
No one knows that she's Brandish, that her husband is Flashbang, that her sister is Lady Photon, etc. But one day, when Vicky is... let's say 12 or 13, Flashbang dies. Maybe it's an Endbringer, maybe it's a battle against some group like the Teeth or some other villain that doesn't care about the general custom of not killing other capes in fights, who knows.
Carol mourns, but after a year, maybe two, she meets a man. Handsome, charming, rich, invested in making the community better. Patrick Lavere. Good man. Has a daughter, Amelia, that he absolutely dotes on. Despite herself, she starts falling for him, they start dating, Amelia and Vicky seem to be okay with it and get along well and then they remarry and Carol and Vicky move into Patrick's very nice house near Captain's Hill or wherever.
And now, Carol really is Amelia's stepmom.
But of course, somehow, through the dating, Carol never finds out that Patrick is actually the crime lord supervillain Marquis, or that his daughter Amelia is the cape Duchesse (to borrow a name from @mechakingghidorah100-blog's fic The Problem with Shipping).
And to make it more fun, Amelia and Patrick don't know that Carol is Brandish or that Victoria is Glory Girl.
(Don't examine too closely how no one figures it out, it's a cursed fic idea :P )
Amelia, being gay, and Victoria, being, you know, Victoria *gestures at her* develops a crush on Victoria, which is less of an issue for her psychologically because it's not the same level of 'I'm a freak' to crush on a stepsister you never even knew until you were 14/15/16, (still not necessarily 'super normal', obviously, and Amelia would presumably not intend to act on it all things being equal) and she doesn't have most of the same baggage that she'd have from being raised from Carol in canon about her moral standing (not that she'd be either perfectly well adjusted or unrecognizable, she's still Amy and Marquis, actually loving parent aside, is still Marquis). Maybe throw in some Glory Girl and Duchesse rivalry for fun, or maybe they strike up an unusual caped friendship... even while Brandish and Marquis fight. There's a lot of places it could go.
More of a premise than a full fic plot concept but the idea of a fic where Carol really is Amy's stepmom just burrowed into my brain and I at least had to spit it out here for the rest of you all to see :P
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greenglowinspooks · 11 months
(DCxDP) The obligations of a rogue versus those of a parent (Pt. 3)
Tw: Vivisection mention, torture mention (GiW agent receiving), me not actually knowing how telegram works
Will be crossposted to AO3 eventually.
(Pt. 1 here) (Pt. 2 here) - (Pt. 4 here)
(Masterlist/subscription post)
It’s an average, ordinary afternoon in Gotham, and Jason is in hell.
Specifically, Jason is in hell because he’s been researching the GiW for the last week or so, ever since a cryptic message from Scarecrow of all people.
He still hasn’t gotten anything substantial out of it that Scarecrow hadn’t already provided. Most location data had been previously scrubbed from the database, weaponry details were apparently all stored physically, and the experiment logs seemed to be only accessible from within one of the bases, whose locations Jason did not have.
Apparently Babs and Tim were having similar issues with gathering information. He had sent a copy of the files over to them in a moment of weakness, but they were having the exact same results as him.
To make things worse, the GiW was more active than they had been previously, combing through Crime Alley and the rest of Gotham tirelessly. At least they weren’t harassing him anymore, he thought, but now he had even less of a clue what they wanted.
And to top it all off, the Joker had escaped Arkham a few days prior to Jason receiving Scarecrow’s note, and he still hadn’t done anything. That could only mean that he was planning something big, which meant more grief for Jason, because the clown was obsessed with him.
So yes, Jason wasn’t having the best week.
He got up from his computer, stretched, and walked over to the window.
The sky was Gotham’s usual grey, clouded with a toxic miasma made up of traditional pollutants and the aftermath of gas attacks both, which could generously be called ‘smog.’
The streets seemed busier than usual, or maybe that was just because Jason was having a hard time keeping his eyes focused.
With blurry vision and a dull ache in the back of his head, Jason paced through his apartment, going through everything he knew.
The GiW, or Ghost Investigation Ward, were part of a secret government project having to do with ‘ecto-entities,’ which were mostly made up of ghosts.
The GiW was able to kidnap and steal away anyone who was ‘ecto-contaminated’ to be dissected, and it was completely legal.
According to the non-censored patrol reports he was given, Jason himself was considered ecto-contaminated. So were Bruce, Damian, Steph, and Cass.
There were also several rogues that were in the same boat, but their names had been redacted, presumably by Scarecrow. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he guessed it was either for leverage or privacy. Knowing Crane, it could be both.
Anything useful about the GiW seemed to be stored physically within their compounds, or on an operating system that couldn’t be accessed outside of certain areas.
Anything useful about ghosts was conveniently removed by Scarecrow.
And, lastly, he knew from capture logs that they had numerous captive ghosts which were definitely being experimented on. One of these ghosts was named Daniel, last name redacted, and had been turned over by his parents in return for allowing them to run their own experiments on the boy.
From what he could tell, it had been around fifty two days since he had been turned in.
Fifty two days of experimentation and dissection.
Jason had to find him.
But first, he had to find the locations of the GiW bases, and plan his entrance carefully. He couldn’t let them get away because of a simple mistake.
The only location data he had been able to find was on a picture of the boy, Daniel, a picture of a vigilante in a red suit, and a quick note left about Daniel which hadn’t been transferred into the main database.
The note was…
Jason had been around crime for a very, very long time. He understood it intimately, in a way most people would never hope to achieve.
He understood hatred, too.
And yet, the words in that note were almost incomprehensible to him.
They were mockery of a child in pain. A child that was not seen as human. A child that was seen as a threat, a monster.
The man had detailed the security surrounding the child being cut back. Apparently, the kid had some sort of sonic scream. They were removing the muzzle that inhibited it because he had screamed himself hoarse, and he couldn’t make a sound anymore.
He also mentioned that the kid was cut open at least once a day, sometimes multiple times. He was opened up, played with, and sewn back shut.
The man joked that they should just put a zipper on him, so they wouldn’t keep wasting their stitches.
Jason really, really wanted to kill that guy.
The metadata on the note traced back to a newly-bought building in Gotham’s financial district, while the photos both came from Amity Park, Illinois.
Amity Park, Illinois did not exist in any official capacity.
Tim, who had taken the Batplane to check the precise location listed in the metadata, had reported that there was a town there after all, and it was on complete media lockdown from the rest of the world. He hadn’t even been able to use Bat, Justice League, or Young Justice channels to message anyone outside of the city until he left.
Jason had checked the building in the financial district firsthand, and found that the man who had submitted the note had done so while resting on a patrol of the city. He seemed to go there often to avoid his superiors, and Jason found it easy enough to get the drop on him the third time around.
His advanced interrogation techniques hadn’t been enough to get the man to name any locations. Worse, the man definitely recognized Red Hood, and would definitely tell the rest of the GiW about what had happened as soon as he left.
So, Jason did something about that. He couldn’t kill him, unfortunately, so he did the next best thing.
The GiW sent him to a public hospital within a few hours of finding him with shattered hand bones, broken arms, and a throat with near-permanent damage. The man wouldn’t be able to speak for a month at least.
He might never write again.
Jason, having read the note over and over until the words stained the backs of his eyes, thought it was the least he deserved.
Jason sighed, stopping his pacing. He wasn’t getting anywhere with this. If anything, working himself up was only going to lower the chances of him magically coming to a realization about where the kid was or what in the hell was going on.
He walked into the kitchen, popped some leftovers into the microwave, and started them up.
Once they were done, he brought them out to his desk, intending to eat as he continued to work on the GiW case.
When he saw his screen, he froze.
Telegram had been opened to a new chat with someone he had never messaged before.
TooFine: who are you?
TooFine: why are you looking into the giw?
The messages were a couple of minutes old, probably sent while Jason was spiraling pacing. He just stared at the screen, dumbstruck.
Shakily, he responded.
RedDead: How the hell did you get my contact info
Whoever was on the other side of the screen paused for a second. Jason considered sending a quick text to Babs to tell her what was going on, but he decided that he could handle this by himself.
TooFine: got it from the backdoor I put into the giw system.
RedDead: Shit
TooFine: ok your turn
TooFine: why r u looking into the giw? seriously man
RedDead: I don’t have a single reason to tell you. Give me one and I might answer your questions
TooFine paused again. Clearly they both had issues trusting someone over the internet, and rightfully so. What they had both admitted to doing was incredibly illegal, and if someone turned them in, they would be in deep shit.
TooFine: ive been trying to take down the giw since it was created. I can help u if ur honest with me
RedDead: Oh yeah, because no one has ever lied to another person on the internet before
RedDead: But fine
RedDead: I’m looking into them because they’ve been shadowing me for over a month at this point, among other reasons
TooFine: other reasons?
Jason sighed. He shouldn’t have added that. He knew that the other guy would ask, but he said something anyways.
RedDead: They’ve got a kid. I don’t like it when people hurt kids
TooFine: Danny? he’s alive?
RedDead: From what I can tell
So he knew the kid. Or, at least, he was pretending to. It would make sense for him to be cagey about his intentions, and for him to be desperate enough to reach out.
TooFine: oh my god
TooFine: do you know what city? fuck
TooFine: fuck fuck fuck
TooFine: I need to find him man please
RedDead: He’s somewhere in Gotham
RedDead: I’ve been trying to find him for a week now but no dice. They keep everything important on separate servers
TooFine: listen man you’re a good hacker but you’re not as good as me. you need my help if we’re gonna find Danny
RedDead: Okay, what are you trying to get me to agree to?
TooFine: i’m coming to gotham and we’re going to meet up
RedDead: Hell no
RedDead: Stranger danger
TooFine: if I tell u who I am will you say yes
RedDead: ?? How am I supposed to verify if you’re telling the truth
TooFine then sent him what seemed to be a selfie. Jason’s jaw dropped at the kid’s sheer audacity.
RedDead: There’s something seriously wrong with you
TooFine: my name is Tucker Foley. i live in amity park. i’m in 10th grade
RedDead: ???????? WHAT THE HELL
TooFine: i can send u my address too
TooFine: i have to take that chance.
TooFine: Danny is my best friend. they’ve had him for over a month and no one’s doing anything to help. mr. Lancer was the only one who cared and he gave up after they blackmailed him
TooFine: they’ve had him for OVER A MONTH. I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD.
TooFine: Sam and Jazz and I are coming to gotham and we’re going to find him no matter what it takes
TooFine: you have to help us
Jason considered, for a second, the choices he’d made in his life that had led up to this moment. He also considered, if he was in this kid’s position at his age, if he would be doing the same.
He decided to throw the kid a bone.
RedDead: [4735.jpg]
TooFine: HUH
RedDead: I’m guessing you know me
TooFine: RED HOOD??????
RedDead: No I’m just a very dedicated LARPer
TooFine: am i gonna die for Danny right now
RedDead: If I were literally anyone else, probably
RedDead: But no, you’re not. I’m gonna help you find your friend
TooFine: your username is red dead and you’re. yeah ok
RedDead: Oh come on, it’s funny
TooFine: Danny would love you
RedDead: So Danny clearly has great taste in jokes
TooFine: nope. literally loves puns and wordplay
RedDead: Nevermind
They both paused for a second. Then, Jason had a thought.
RedDead: Wait you’re in the 10th grade and you’re hacking into government databases?
TooFine: please don’t tell my parents.
RedDead: And how are you supposed to explain a sudden vacation to Gotham to your parents?
TooFine: wait so you’ll help me?
RedDead: I really hate to say it but I’m not the best at hacking, and my usual help is busy trying to track down the Joker. So, yep, we’re teaming up
RedDead: God. I’m asking a 16 year old to help me take down a government agency and save another 16 year old
RedDead: I feel like the bat
TooFine: oh my god this is awesome. Danny is gonna flip when the actual real-life Red Hood comes to save him.
RedDead: I already regret this
TooFine: too late.
TooFine: btw do u have any place for 2 teenagers and 1 adult teenager to stay in gotham? preferably without dying but yknow.
Jason groaned. He was really, really gonna regret this, and he knew it.
Still, the alternative was some overeager kid dragging two other idiots to Gotham to find their friend and getting themselves killed. At least this way he’d have help, and damn good help at that.
He really was turning into the Bat, wasn’t he?
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lizardinkart · 1 month
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A (really belated lol) birthday gift for @mewcoyote based on their Alec/Aisha fic you can read here!
This was really fun to do with a lot of fun lil things I got to put in. I love the genuinely weird but reciprical/oddly stabilizing relationship these two dumb teenagers have, and having the number 1 Alec Vasil stan (imo) to yell about them with. 💕 I just think they’re neat!!!
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birrdies · 3 months
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me when I flirt with a guy who’s got a gun to my head (scene from my fic)
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
no nope nuh-uh i do not have it in me to write a bestfriend!gaz fic where he lightly roasts the reader for having terrible taste in men and offers to set them up with soap as a way for them to get over their most recent terrible ex and slowly realises that he's in love with them both
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 2 months
Wiggly Worm Wednesday 🧠🪱
Thanks for the tag, @soaringornithopter! I’ve never played this game before, and I happen to have been recently attacked by gifted with a new story idea that I definitely don’t have time to write in the near future. So I’ll share it here!
It’s a Steddie omegaverse fic set after Season 2…
Steve Harrington is an omega without a pack. For most of high school he was in a pack with Tommy and Carol, but after things fell apart with them he and Nancy (an alpha) became a little pack of their own. But after they broke up she’d decided to end the pack as well; they’re still friends, but not packmates. Steve’s other friendships aren’t nearly deep enough to make a pack, and while the kids from The Party are great they’re too young to have presented yet, so they can’t be part of Steve’s pack.
And on the surface, that’s fine. Most people his age are still part of their family pack, and their pack of friends isn’t their primary one. Steve being packless at school shouldn’t be a big deal—except it is, because Steve’s parents are out of town so much these days that any pack benefits they once provided him are long gone.
Omegas have to be part of a pack to survive long-term, or go on medication to prevent isolation sickness. But that medication is tightly controlled because it has a euphoric effect on healthy omegas—thank you, Nancy Reagan. Steve’s parents won’t let him get a prescription (“It can’t be that bad, you have so many school friends, dear! What about your little friend Tommy?”) and Steve is too embarrassed to go crawling back to any of his former packs.
So, out of options, Steve goes to Eddie Munson, alpha and resident drug dealer, and pretends that he wants the isolation sickness drug just to get high. Eddie clocks the symptoms of an omega in distress right away, and he knows he doesn’t have a large enough supply to help for long, but he gets Steve the pills and keeps his mouth shut. After all, it’s none of his business what King Steve gets up to in his private life and Eddie has a policy of not getting too involved with his customers. It’s less messy that way.
But every time Steve comes back for more pills he looks worse and worse; they’re clearly not cutting it. One day he actually collapses in the middle of a deal, right there on the picnic table. Panicking, and with his alpha instincts clamoring, Eddie invites Steve to become a member of his pack with the Corroded Coffin boys. And Steve is just desperate enough to take him up on it.
Things are about to get pretty messy after all.
There’s more, but I’ll leave it there for now. Maybe one day I’ll actually write it!
Who wants to share their own brainworms??? I’ll tag @starshideurfics @mojowitchcraft @loverboy-havocboy and @violentcheese. No pressure, of course.
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yuureitheghost · 2 months
"I can save you." The spider told Martin.
The silver worms wiggled their way inside from every single crack and hole they could find. The ceiling, the vents, the cracks on the wall, the faucet...
There were even maggots coming out from the empty cans of peaches.
Though Martin couldn't tell if they were real or just the beginnings of a hallucination.
At this point, it felt like there was nothing else outside his apartment, just a black void full of worms slowly eating through the walls.
"I can save you." The spider repeated, cleaning its fangs. Its eyes were like big black dots of the cosmos, as if they promised a void with no worms, just a mesmerizing, peaceful quiet.
Martin had run out of food and water a long time ago. Even if the worms didn't reach him, he was sure to die before long.
"I can save you." The spider told Martin. "It will just cost you small price."
Did he have a choice?
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sugarpasteltmnt · 13 days
I know you did chapter one of paradise and it is amazing, absolutely adorable
But i was curious
Is there going to be more?
No pressure or rush but I was wondering because the Ao3 description leaves room for more, but chapter count is 1/1
HELLO i'm still alive i promise omg
and no worries!!! Purgatory Paradise is actually a series rather than a single fic, since i have have a collection of one-shots rattling in my brain that will most likely be written in random order. But right now it only has two-- "Paradise" and "Ice Cream Pizza Rolls Cookie Dough Potato Chips Candy Bars… and Mandarin Oranges"
i really hope to bust out a few more in the future! though right now i'm taking it a bit easy after finishing TNV-- but don't worry, I still have a lot of fluff i want to write for Leo 🩵
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cryptid-crow13 · 11 months
underground fighter
I have this idea and I can't get it out of my head so I am throwing it to the dpxdc tumblr wild.
Danny took a deep breath as he wrapped his left hand. He wrinkled his nose at the blood and grime he smelled over the cigarette smoke and alcohol. He ignored how his hand shook as he secured the end around his wrist. He heard the noise outside the room die down a bit and hopped up from the bench.
Danny ran himself through a few warmups before he heard the noise outside pick back up with an announcement.
"Tonight we have everyone's favorite, Wraith!"
People yelled out their bets and cheered when Danny stepped out into the cage. He blew out a slow breath and watched as the people in the seats above shivered. He kept a carefully blank expression even under the gaiter mask.
When Wraith stepped into his end of the cage he rolled his shoulders back and stared down his first opponent for the night.
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vi-enti · 5 months
something to hold onto
in which an ultimate yakuza doesn't know the word "touch-starved", and finds every other way to describe his annoying new craving for cuddles. too bad the only person he wants to cuddle is that guy who blew up multiple structures, who poisoned himself, who laughed like a child when he beat him at chess and pouted the same way when beaten, who knew exactly how much sugar he liked in his tea, who made his heart still with a smile, who—oh fuck, he was so far gone. how the hell had that happened?
something to hold onto - guravity - Dangan Ronpa Series [Archive of Our Own]
(inspired by this post by @hajihiko and thank you to @causeitsagame for all her help! ♡)
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zukkaart · 4 months
AU where the SWT (Hakoda) conducts a stealth mission into caldera bc he heard a legend of a FN relic that could end the war.
He finally finds the chest and sneaks past its guard (just a woman? Weird) only to find that the chest holds no scroll, no information, no spell even.
Just a black haired baby, barely older than his own son.
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kyliafanfiction · 2 months
If Vicky had Amy's power, she would handle it better, if only because she wouldn't have Carol being quite so hostile and she wouldn't have her fear of a villain dad and her incest crush making her fear changing Amy.
But Vicky would probably be at risk of working herself so hard she'd burn out. Vicky wants to help people, wants to make the world better, wants to be a hero. And I do wonder if she'd feel like she disappointed Carol (regardless of if she did or not) by not getting a 'go out and fight' power. So she might push herself more. On the other hand, she wouldn't have had all the reasons Amy pushed herself (fear of herself, wanting to escape home, fear she was evil, etc).
But, if all she did was heal, Shaper would still be pissed at her all the same.
Vicky probably wouldn't be so worried about brains, either, so she probably heals Mark's depression, or tries to, anyway, at some point. And she is prone to recklessness, so she might do something like that in a way that has consequences. I read a fic where Amy did cure Mark's depression once, and it led to Mark and Carol divorcing and Mark becoming a basically absentee dad, his personality quite different. Even if Vicky did it 'all right', there could be downsides and unexpected outcomes. And Vicky isn't stupid, so she'd understand fully how complicated the brain is, how much could go wrong.
If Bonesaw tries to recruit Vicky, I mean, anyone can break, anyone can snap, anyone can go bad, but Bonesaw would need a very different strategy to do it than what she tried with Amy.
Vicky... I could see her having a name like Panacea, but she might not go with that. I'm not sure if Amy actually picked Panacea, or if Carol or Sarah or someone else in the New Wave adults did.
Amy with Vicky's power has all her Carol and villain dad and incest crush related problems, but at the very least, doesn't have any fear she can lose control and change Vicky... unless of course she fears that her Aura can do something (though officially, the Aura can't, so... let's say it can't and Amy knows this... but I can see Amy worrying about it anyway. Girl is an anxious mess)
She'd probably be more likely - until or unless something made her snap, anyway - to not end up crippling people the way Vicky did, her fear of herself and her powers making her hold back. She'd probably set strict rules to hold herself back, and god knows Carol would probably give her all sorts of lectures about responsible use of her powers.
Amy would not revel in her power the way Vicky does. She'd probably hate having the aura... though that also raises questions of like, how much of Vicky's personality is shaped by her power. But let's assume the core of her personality remains the same. She'd probably try harder than Vicky to restrain her aura because she wouldn't want to be center of attention. She would probably not earn a 'collateral damage' nickname, though when you have that sort of power mistakes happen no matter what.
Amy... would she put herself at risk of burnout going out and fighting criminals all the time? It's not the same 'people are dying if I'm not doing heroing all the time' that she had with healing powers, so she may not feel the same guilt if she isn't out all the time, but she would still feel scrupulosity and Carol's black and white view of the world and her own self-loathing over her knowledge of her father being a villain and her fear that Carol's apparent negative feelings towards her are well founded...
She might feel like she has to go out every night, has to do more, has to push harder, has to catch more criminals. And that still leaves her at risk of burnout. On the other hand, she might not be able to get away with that quite as easily, just from a practical standpoint.
So if she's not able to push herself that much, she might have the opportunity for a social life... but she still may not take it, because she'd still hate herself and her feelings for Vicky. But she might.
Amy definitely wouldn't have a name like Glory Girl, but I can't really imagine what it would be instead.
Of course, the Bank doesn't happen in this AU at all, in anything resembling the way it did in canon. Vicky's still likely to be the more outgoing of the two, so she's likely to be trying to arrange double dates (But do she and Dean still get together? Let's assume so, for the sake of argument). So it is possible that Amy could be in the bank getting money for the double date, but if the robbery attempt happens, Amy's strategy for stopping it is going to be a lot more direct, before Skitter gets a chance to put all her spiders on all the hostages.
If her shield works the same as Vicky's, then Tattletale still maybe figures out the way it works and the one-two of a shot and then the bugs biting her happens, but with Vicky not physically present during the robbery, Tattletale wouldn't necessarily be in a position to find out about Amy's crush. She would still be able to threaten Amy with knowledge of who her dad is, which might still be a way to stall her and mess her up, but not quite as badly.
I'm not sure what specifically might make Amy snap, and no matter what she's not going to be able to snap in the way she did in canon (i.e. messing with Vicky's brain and stuff, and then the Wretch).
My best guess would be that, after having managed to hold back her whole career, not killing or crippling anyone, because she's been more careful, and then something happens. She kills someone, cripples them - and maybe it's even, like with healing Mark's brain (and killing that one regenerating hybrid Bonesaw sent after Amy paralyzed Rat Murderer), fully justifiable, the only real option... but that still might be enough to make Amy believe she can't be safe to be around, that she's too evil, etc.
One way to really dig the knife in is that Vicky finds her after Amy runs off (though Amy's ability to fly here does change the dynamic) and Amy if says 'don't touch me' and if Vicky hugs her regardless, maybe Amy shoves Vicky off too hard and like, breaks a bone or something? that would definitely mess Amy up. Vicky's response would not be great either, though she might have been able to pick up Amy's brain chemistry enough when she hugged her to realize how freaked out and panicked Amy is, so she might be slightly more understanding.
I mean, it's almost too easy to say, and it's not like scenarios where things end up just as bad or even worse than canon in a "Glory Girl!Amy and Panacea!VIcky" AU don't exist, but it is also very easy to imagine things working out better for both sisters.
Of course, the tragedy of what happens to them in canon is that it was so avoidable right up until the moment it wasn't, so this isn't that much more special.
Still, Amy does seem like she has less chance of snapping in this scenario, and certainly wouldn't snap in the same way, or with the same consequences. And as for Vicky... I mean, with Shaper being Shaper, god knows what happens. Vicky being less prone to being afraid of herself and her power, maybe she actually does experiment with it from time to time, in some sort of controlled manner, she is possibly willing to do brains, at least for healing concussions and brain cancer, etc then it's possible Shaper is actually less of a dick to her.
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
my personal pipe dream is that one monday the egg statistics drop and flippa (and maybe tilin) are just there. at the end. with one heart, and one gray checkmark.
what i imagine is the server flips their shit. alive!!! alive!!! but they log in and they don't see the eggs. instead they get a message. i do not care who it's from or how it's delivered. they're told the eggs are being held captive somewhere, but they're alive. all that's left is to find them, before sunday at midnight pst. bc if their tasks aren't done, they die (one checkmark, one quest set. once rescued they become triple check like the other eggs)
slimeriana come CRASHING back into the server, they don't know jack shit, ESPECIALLY mariana who doesn't recognize 90% of the island anymore but holy fuck, flippa is alive somewhere and they have to find her. and maybe mariana's still in the old server days mindset of raising his kid alone but slime's slowly been indoctrinated into "it takes a village" and honestly the absolute second mariana logs on, someone's gonna be in chat already like HEY MARIANA CAN I TALK TO YOU? be it baghera or cellbit or forever or bad or I DON'T KNOW, COULD GENUINELY BE ANYONE LMAO but like mystery and eggs in danger is chumming the water for this server
which is great bc A) mariana has a concrete goal for logging into the server (finding his daughter) and B) he would be interacting with the rest of the server along the way, because he's not going to be doing this alone (he wouldn't even be allowed lmfao the rest of the server would be at his doorstep asking to help him in like 15 seconds flat) which means C) he might get reasons to log in extending outside flippa and slime. bingooooo
i call this a pipe dream bc i can poke so many holes in this even rn (does cc!mariana want flippa back, like fr? i'm not up to date) but can you IMAGINE. LIKE DAMN. i'm putting this idea into the public domain fr go nuts with it.
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kyuohki · 13 days
Thinking about what Zale and Valere told Ninja before they gave him the Key of Love...
Why did they tell him that they had been watching over him since he was born? Is it unique to just him, or to all the Messengers who had the potential to gather the notes for the Music Box? Or all Messengers, and not just Ninja?
Despite the fact that the world was cut off from the stars, people were probably still being born under the solstices, having extra powers from those special days even if they couldn't recognize it and weren't being trained to develop/use them? Was Ninja born under a solstice, and as a result, has a link to the Guardian Gods? (Are Messengers special *because* they're what's left of the Solstice Warrior system, but because so much information has been lost, no one remembers it or it's just a moot point now??)
Or could he be descendant of Garl? And that's why they were watching him so closely? Knowing that this Messenger is unknowingly continuing in his ultimate ancestor's footsteps, their best friend and family, and striving so hard to save the world?
Their light is so faint in the Sunken Shrine, too, so how much energy were they expending to keep an eye on him? And telling this young, tired, and determined Messenger that even afterwards that they will be watching over him...*cries*
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icyblogs · 1 month
something something The Tarot AU where Johnny is the astrologer and Ghost acts out the curses— and reader watches all their friends die something something reader doesn’t do their own fortune so it’s just them being the last one alive and being thrown into researching back into Johnny’s life and why they are the last ones alive?? throw in some summoning circles gone wrong and bam ruh roh congrats on the hell you just let loose
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bibewilderedandbuck · 4 months
so TK must be getting horny at random shit. Carlos doesn't even blink when TK starts making out with him meal worms still in hand. HE FULL ON SAYS IT TOO "even the meal worms?" before going for it, "ok....?"
TK just comes stomping out of the bathroom, pointing a brand new toilet brush at Carlos, "come here I just thought about your bicep and I need it."
TK drops a bowl and Carlos comes running and TK is holding broken ceramic shards and goes "It was just a plate, something Paul left over cause he hated it. Oh wait Carlos you smell amazing..."
Tarlos go to a cat cafe with Nancy and Mateo and TK has to pull Carlos in the bathroom by his belt loops bc he held a kitten so softly it made TK want to cry
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