#Worlds of Wonder Muppet Babies
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trnsocial · 1 year ago
Thrift Store Horde: Season 3, Episode 2
Adam, Kevin and Chris are back to share their recent thrift store and flea market finds which include vintage Jurassic Park posters, boxed Fisher-Price Adventure People toys, vintage Transformers, comics and more! Continue reading Thrift Store Horde: Season 3, Episode 2
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muppet-facts · 2 months ago
Muppet Fact #1320
Baby Bear's family is Jewish.
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Sony Wonder. Elmo's World: Happy Holidays! September 24, 2002.
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pilfappreciator · 1 year ago
This is very important. Mostly to me but maybe you guys have been wondering this too idk but anyways:
How does troll reproduction work exactly?
Cuz I'm genuinely curious. I dont think anyone on the series production team has said anything and so far I've seen absolutely no one touch on this subject but as someone who's always had an interest in the habits of creatures (both fictional or otherwise), I kinda sorta maybe NEED to know this otherwise I'll never be able to sleep peacefully again
Full disclaimer that I'm specifically talking about the whole egg situation, I am NOT ASKING HOW THEY GET IT ON IF I WANTED THAT ANSWER I'D GO TO DEVIANT ART OR TWITTER OR WHATEVER LAWLESS PLATFORM GOD STEERS CLEAR OF. This discussion shall remain STRICTLY educational, thank you very much
But anywho. Let's dive in
So trolls come from eggs. This is basic knowledge. First instance of this phenomenon (as far as I know, I've only seen the movies) is from World Tour.
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Egg pops out of Guy Diamond's hair, egg hatches and BOOM, (literal) baby. Now I understand that this whole sequence was probably just a gag and a way for DreamWorks to implement another (merchandisable) addition to the cast HOWEVER this sequence also raises a few questions
First off, as far as I know Guy Diamond has no partner (again: I haven't watched any of the spinoff shows). Either that or maybe the other troll was a sorta one-night-stand/no-longer-in-his-life kinda situation? Which is great either way cuz its shown he obviously cares for his son and we at Tumblr appreciate a loving single father no matter the circumstances, but if my former theory is correct than that would imply that trolls are capable of reproducing asexually. Like onions.
Now if that hypothesis is, as they call it, "cap" then that would mean that some sorta hanky panky has to go down before an egg comes into question. And if that's the case, does this mean that male trolls are traditionally the ones who carry the eggs?
But that can't be right, can it? Afterall, World Tour gave us yet ANOTHER egg scene later on in the movie
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In Cooper's flashback, we clearly see Queen Essence being the one carrying the eggs meanwhile King Quincy is eggless. Now, as far as i see it, this could be explained either one of four ways:
1) Quincy was the one who actually produced the eggs and Essence is merely holding them for her husband (since her hair seems more fitting to be a makeshift nest compared to Quincy's)
2) Female trolls are the ones who produce the eggs. Guy Diamond is just a trans icon
3) Troll reproduction differs from genre to genre
4) There is a... *sighs* a/b/o type of dynamic among troll kind where certain trolls are capable of giving birth/siring children depending on a secondary gender
In regards to theory #3, this could also explain why Guy Diamond seems to reproduce and hatch an egg in such a short amount of time (like 5 seconds I'm pretty sure) as opposed to Queen Essence/King Quincy who's eggs presumably went a while longer before actually hatching.
Actually, speaking off eggs, are trolls the only species in their world that reproduce that way?
Because now that Band Together has officially been released, we now know for certain that it's possible for different species to crossbreed. Biggest example? Resident DILF Bruce and his giant muppet wife
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(Credit to @captainunderkrupp )
When I saw these two... I swear...
And these two already have a shit ton of kids okay so like... either Brandi was the one giving birth or trollsona Daveed Digs was over here pumpin out eggs, which I mean-
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DO YOU SEE HOW BIG THESE THINGS ARE COMPARED TO BRANCH AND POPPY?? Believe me I am PRAYING that Bruce gave himself some serious maternity/paternity leave because my guy is honestly a trooper
But yeah any thoughts? :))
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raygirlramblings · 1 year ago
Did what they did with Jade and Pey'j in Captain Laserhawk bother you, too?
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All these muppets going ‘lol the Rayman fandom must be so upset about Laserhawk’ and NO.
In the first trailer for Laserhawk Rayman was an EASTER EGG. We didn’t even know if he’d have a role with speaking lines until the second trailer. AND WE WERE OK WITH THAT! If baby bean was just a background element to expand the world we would have been happy for the crumbs. But no! Our boy got a full speaking role with a CHARACTER ARC IN A SIX EPISODE SHOW. He got BACKSTORY and RELEVANCE TO THE PLOT. And he DIDN’T GET KILLED OFF.
All that for a character we were expecting to get NOTHING from.
But JADE?!
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They were front and centre from the first trailer. They were established as being as central as Dolph and Bullfrog and WHAT DID IT GET THEM.
Jade gets taken out in ep 2 of 6, and Pey’j goes down the next episode.
At LEAST Pey’j went down being exactly what I expected him to be. A kind protector trying to make the world better. Trying to stop conflict. Trying not to take his pain and suffering from the loss of a girl he loved deeply out on an unfair world. He died a noble if pointless death and from Bullfrog’s expression alone we can see how much it hurt.
JADE GOT NOTHING. Jade died when we barely knew her. We needed more of her. We wanted to see her shine, see more of this wonderful awkward tomboy with a gentle heart. We needed to see how she interacted with others. She DESERVED BETTER. SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET ANY FINAL WORDS.
In a show where I watched my favourite childhood character swearing, wielding guns and doing sushi and blow off a hookers back THIS JADE AND PEY’J SCENE IS WHAT MADE ME CRINGE.
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I am willing to forgive so much from this show. So much of it was a wonderful, ridiculous, beautifully animated rollercoaster.
But implying any kind of romantic sentiment between these two characters only to kill one of them off in the same episode was so damn weird. It was wrong on so many levels. There was NOTHING WRONG with their older mentor/young ward relationship. It could have been great. I don’t understand why they did this. It didn’t add pressure or gravitas to the situation, we KNOW Pey’j would do anything for Jade, HE DOESN’T HAVE TO HAVE A CRUSH ON HER FOR THAT TO BE REAL.
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And seeing Jade and Pey’j in Dolph’s VR dream sequence just felt so hollow. We needed at least an episode to establish any kind of team energy from these four, but we didn’t so seeing Jade give Dolph a pep talk about relaxing more came off as flakey and not good enough for a character who deserved better. They didn’t even establish what Jade and Pey’j were supposed to bring to the team. Pey’j is just ‘the tech guy’ in the same episode he dies. Jade has to play a femme fatale against her type but we don’t even get to see her being her best. To quote Rayman ‘IT’S NOT FAIR’.
Oh boy.
I feel a little better getting that anger out. I’m just sad. I’m sad we lost them. They deserved better.
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pigfacedbitch · 2 years ago
summary : what would your boyfriend do if you had a bad day at work/school?
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s : Modern! Gwaine / Merlin / Arthur (Soldier, Poet, King😂) x Reader
warning/s : asshole bosses / professors lol
here is my masterlist!
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Note : Why is life so tiring? Sometimes, I just want to lay down and sleep. Slight NSFW on Gwaine's part .
Gwaine is evidently high-spirited but pouts like a kicked puppy when he sees you sad.
He may be a little unfamiliar with comforting someone but he knows that having fun can revive someone's soul so as a way to comfort you, he will offer a night of distraction and pleasure (I know what you're thinking and yes, you are right 👀).
From here, it depends on what you want to do. Gwaine will enthusiastically go with the flow.
You want to stay at home and play games? He will gladly lose to monopoly, uno, scrabbles, or any board games you want to play.
Gwaine is also a reliable player two in online games and will shout with you when another player is performing poorly.
"How can you miss that shot?!"
"What my love said, you muppet!"
Want to watch a movie? A pillow fort with your favorite movies, snacks, and soda coming right up!
Warning though, if you want to go out and party, don't. As loveable as he is, Gwaine is a party animal who has little self-control. He WILL get drunk before you and you have no choice but to drag his ass back to your home.
Last possible activity? Doing the deed. Might fuck the stress and sadness out of you until all you can remember is how good he made you feel, just saying. Anyways, enjoy! 😚
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This sweet baby boy will serve you like a queen, no joke.
Merlin will immediately know you had a bad day as he welcomes you in your shared home, already wrapping his (big and strong🫢) arms around your tired body.
He won't say a word but you'll know that he offers comfort by how tight his hug is, slowly soothing your hair, and gently kissing parts of your face.
"What's wrong, love?"
And boom! Here comes the waterworks. He will let you cry and vent as he leads the two of you on the sofa, lying comfortably there until you are done.
You might even take a short nap. Merlin doesn't care if you covered him with tears, drool, or snot; as long you feel better.
He will wake you up with your favorite home-cooked meal prepared on the table then taking you to the bathroom for a relaxing bath.
There would be scented candles, bath bombs, mellow music, skin care products— the whole nine yards. And no, you don't have to move. Merlin will do everything for you unless you want otherwise.
He will give you a massage on the bed after that, saying words of encouragement and support.
If you ask him to use his magic, he will. He will show you anything you want; from the wonders of the world to the vast beauty of the cosmos.
He hates using his magical abilities on you but as you fall asleep in his arms that night, he whispers a spell that will surely give you good dreams and an even better sleep.
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Let's face it, Arthur can be... oblivious at times.
Unlike Merlin and Gwaine, it will take a little longer for him to realize you feel like shit.
The Pendragons are very wealthy, and it sometimes compensates for the other qualities they lack.
He may not be as cheerful as Gwaine or provide you a satisfactory service like Merlin, but he can give you anything you want.
You want to go to another country? The private jet is ready. You don't even have to pack a bag, Arthur will buy new clothes for you.
He will let you choose the hotel you'll be staying in and book all the activities you want to do such as tours in the wildlife, scuba diving, spa days, and many more.
You want comfort food? The best chef in Albion will be brought to your home at once, paid heavily to cook whatever food you fancy.
You want materials things, jewelries and dresses? Even stationery? You got it. Arthur doesn't care how much you spend, he's practically your sugar daddy. 😂
If you just want him by your side, he will let you hug him like a koala bear to a tree and listen to your complains.
However, watch your words or the people you mention. Because Arthur will see to it that they will be dealt with, money comes with influence after all.
"So that's why they are being overly nice to me!"
"No one messes with the love of my life."
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astronoglow · 11 days ago
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Jim Henson, Dave Goelz and Rowlf with real puppy
Rowlf and his Puppy from What a Wonderful World, by Rowlf the Dog to a live Puppy dog, whom Rowlf is fond of in episode 201 - Don Knott’s - of The Muppet Show. Near the end of the song, the lyric “I hear babies cry” was appropriately modified to “I hear puppies cry”.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 5 months ago
Me roasting Sinnoh.
Turtwig: The most forgettable grass starter.
Grotle: Why aren't you ground type!?
Torterra: The weight of the world must weigh heavily on your back.
The cimchar line: Monkey...
Piplup: Noot noot!
Prinplup: Are the growths on your face painful?
Empoleon: The short king pokemon.
Starly: I don't see any stars on you.
Staravia: The fact that I can't think of any way to roast you shows how forgettable you are.
Staraptor: AKA, the emo bird.
Bidoof: I'll give you some respect for creating such a cult following.
Bibarel: How does it feel to be the most commonly used HM slave?
Kricketot: I think you're wearing your bib backwards.
Kricketune: And the reward for most ridiculous cry goes to...
Shinx: Holy shinx, I can't believe you're not a lion pokemon.
Luxio: Looks like this cat's going through an emo phase.
Luxray: The "why isn't this dark type" pokemon.
Budew and Roserade: Why were neither put in the same generation as your middle evolution?
Cranidos and Rampardos: Talk about total egg head.
Shielding and Bastiodon: How are either of you able to balance with those heavy shields on your face?
Burmy: You look really goofy without your cloak.
Wormadam: You can either have "Bigger Bush, Pizza slice, or "Why is this steal type? "
Mothim: How's stealth rock going for you?
Combee and Vespiquen: Finally, some bee pokemon that actually look like bees.
Pachirisu: Hide your seedots.
Buizel and Flotzels: I think these two got lost on their way to Sega.
Cherubi: The fact that the big cherry has to eat the small cherry to evolve is kinda fucked up.
Cherrim: Remember when this pokemon was impossible to catch in Legends Arceus?
Shellos and Gastrodon: Why do both forms have such beef with each other?
Ambipom: Ah, yes. The first of the many cross gen evolutions added to make weak pokemon stronger.
Drifloon: This pokemon is the definition of hide your kids.
Drifblim: Ah, a blimp, how scary!/s
Buneary: Its fur looks like it would make some top notch earmuffs.
Lopunny: This pokemon definitely wouldn't pass the censors nowadays.
Mismagius: This pokemon is the Whitney's miltank of the Paldea region.
Honchkrow: This pokemon takes the term neck beard too literally.
Glameow: Why would you give a cat eyeliner?
Purugly: Why are people calling this the ugliest pokemon when Loudred exists!?
Chingling: The first of the handful of random baby baby pokemon that were showhorned into gen 4.
Stunky and Skuntank: The fart joke pokemon.
Bronzor and Bronzong: These two have to be the most forgettable pokemon from gen 4.
Bonsly: Look ma, no hands!
Mime Jr: Was this pokemon really necessary?
Happiny: Why was this one of Brock's pokemon when it's not even rock type?
Chatot: Remember when you could make this pokemon swear?
Spirtomb: How does it feel having the fairy type take away your gimmick of having no weaknesses?
The gible line: I exist, so I must bite.
Munlax: Excuse me, but the Muppet show is auditioning in the other room.
Riolu: It is more useful than most baby pokemon.
Lucario: Gamer's first fur bait pokemon.
Hippoptas: How was Ash able to carry one on his head!?
Hippowdon: I wonder how many people mistook the female version for a shiny.
Skorupi: Sure, let's remove any scary aspect of a scorpion. Why not?
Darapion: Do the arms coming out of your head hurt?
Crogunk and Toxicroak: One Psybeam and you're dead.
Carnivine: It's incredibly ironic that this pokemon is weak to bug types despite also eating them.
Finneon and Lumineon: 💤💤💤
Mantyke: I can't get over how this pokemon looks high off its ass.
Snover: One ember and you're dead.
Abomasnow: I wonder if people decorate this pokemon for Christmas.
Weavile: Look at this Shadow the hedgehog wannabe.
Magnezone: I'm surprised this pokemon doesn't have levitate as one of its abilities.
Lickilicky: It's ironic that your tounge's shorter than your pre evolution's.
Ryperior: Insert Rhyferior joke here.
Tangrowth: This pokemon looks like it would be used by hippies.
Electivire: The electric yeti.
Magmortar: It looks like it has an easter egg for a body.
Togekiss: This pokemon has been arrested for joy dust trafficking.
Yanmega: This looks like it could be dragon/bug type.
Leafeon: Photosynthesis....Photosynthesis....
Glaceon: It's sucks that you can't get this pokemon until really late into the game.
Mamoswine: Mmm prehistoric bacon...
Porygon-Z: This is why you don't download Windows on your Porygon2.
Gallade: You know you only exist so that insecure men don't have to worry about their male gardevoirs making them question their precious sexualities, right?
Probopass: This pokemon is smashing.
Frolass: And you only exist to make the reason gallade exists less obvious.
Rotom: It's name is just Motor backwards.
Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf: These pokemon look more like mythicals than legendaries.
Dialga: So are they friends or enemies with Celebi?
Palkia: The "why is this water type" pokemon.
Hetran: Why was this pokemon the first legendary to have a gender ratio?
Regigigas: The pokemon with the most crippling ability.
Giratina: It has a worm form.
Cresselia: The most beautiful rubber ducky.
Phione: The most unnecessary mythical.
Manaphy: Why was this given a baby pokemon?
Dakrai: Definition of "Ow, the edge".
Shaymin: This looks like a chia pet.
Arceus: You'd think this pokemon would be a legendary rather than a mythical.
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tillthelandslide · 1 year ago
Insufferable Arsehole Part 12: (When In Rome) : I'm Just Fine 'Cause I Know That You Are Mine
Series Masterlist
(11) I'd Rather Jump In Your Bones
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @theoriginalwhatsername @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊)
a/n: hiiii, so i wrote the beginning of this chapter whilst listening to “Vacation Eyes” and “Summer In The Hamptons” by Jonas Brothers, it's cute, you should listen them it whilst reading :).... Also just a quick disclaimer: i do not know anything about George’s family including his dad, this was just all my imagination…. Okay now that's done, i hope you enjoy reading this, im so happy i managed to write a new chapter for this series i love so much, i love you - Lou
She dances around the living room of the villa, some old rock music plays from Matty's phone, they missed hearing it from a proper speaker but he didn't care. Not when she was clad in a pair of red lace panties and his shirt, all of the buttons undone. She'd spin and he'd get an eye full of skin, he could see the most intimate parts to her, covered by a single piece of fabric, one in which moved with her and allowed him moments of her.
He wondered when they had got here, completely unwavering in their love for each other, not scared or worried of being intimate with each other. It came so naturally now and he knew he would truly struggle without it, without her. He knew it would destroy him and he was extremely doubtful that he'd ever recover if he was to lose her. That thought sometimes creeps in, of what it would be like to lose her, although it happens less regularly now.
"You're beautiful love" he sits with a joint in-between his lips, hanging loosely as he talks. She spins as the last of the Italian sun which was setting, covers her form. It leaves him breathless, like someone had punched him in the chest, he had a sudden onslaught of emotions, flooding him. God he loved her, he knows now, more than anything, that he loves her, more than anything he's ever loved before, more than anyone. She was his everything. He would have never given up his dream that he was living, for anyone, but he would, for her, and them and their life together, their future. He wouldn't even see it as a sacrifice, more like an end of an era, one which allowed them to start their life together. He wonders if Adam wanted that for Carly and their baby, if he did, Matty understood why now.
He always felt like he was in this world alone, every force working against him instead of with him, always fighting his battles and those of the world, alone. But then there was her, taking his hand and helping him through all of it.
She steps towards him with a huge smile on her face and it's not long before she's draping herself over his thighs, legs resting horizontally against him, one hand hangs behind him, grasping the nape of his neck when she settles.
She easily takes the joint from his lips, weaving it into hers and he watches intently as she inhales. The joint is moved from her mouth and then she's exhaling the smoke into his which falls open easily, he inhales the smoke she lets out and they smile, in unison, before she weaves the end of the joint back into his lips. His mouth closes around it and she holds it as he inhales.
"You're beautiful love" she repeats his words back to him, removing the joint so she could press her mouth to his, she breathes in the smoke as they kiss, feeling high on the weed but also him. The Italian sun and air had done wonders for his curls, sitting in perfect corkscrews that would bounce slightly when she'd run her fingers through his hair. His eyes glistened with happiness and his skin glowed. Yeah. He was beautiful.
"Only you could find someone to sell you weed in Italy" she says as she pulls back. He takes the spliff from her, placing it on an ashtray and letting it burn. He pulls her tighter, pressing his mouth to her hair.
"I've got connections all over the world love" it makes her laugh, a loud, snorting kind of laugh, and it makes him laugh too.
"We've only got tomorrow left love, what do you want to do?" he asks and she shrugs, nuzzling into his chest and allowing him to hook his unused arm around her frame.
"I don't care Matty, as long as I'm with you" she confirms with a peck to his mouth, he doesn't let her move, keeping her there for a longer one.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you know that right?" she nods after he speaks and then he's smiling muttering "good" before kissing her again. She nuzzles back into his chest, eventually falling asleep there, with him humming a tune and the scent of weed drifting around the room.
The next day they go to the beach, her clad in a little bikini that Matty can't take his eyes off, him in a pair of black swimming trunks that barely hide him. They kiss in the water and they laugh, Matty grabs handfuls of her arse and she scolds him, reminding him that a very cute old picture (who have been taking photos of them unbeknownst to them) are watching them.
They remove themselves from the water when their skin starts to wrinkle. The old couple find them, and explain to the best of their ability that they thought their love was beautiful and that they took some pictures of them, that they wanted to send them to Matty and Lou. They agree. The pictures show up later that day, the couple look through them and smile, muttering I love you's to one another.
They leave the pictures on a coffee table and make love on the sofa. They're Interrupted by a loud knocking at their door. Matty’s been buried in-between her legs for what feels like a lifetime now, mouth glistening in her, pulling three orgasms from her from his mouth and tongue alone. He eventually leaves her, swearing as he walks to the door, she giggles when he doesn't even bother wiping her juices from his mouth.
He returns a few minutes later, burying himself back in-between her legs, making her moan loudly as his tongue flicks her clit.
"What did they want?" She asks through a moan.
"Just a noise complaint" his words are accompanied by the curling of his fingers, hitting her g-spot perfectly making her gasp at the feeling and his words. It's funny how he doesn't stop, delving in deeper, determined to make her cum again.
"Matty we should stop then..." she says through a particularly loud moan.
He pulls away then, looking at her with blown out eyes, his hair a mess on his head due to her hands attack, and his mouth, the one that's glistening in her, falls open.
"Love they should feel lucky to hear you like this... fucking gorgeous. I saw we should be louder" he gets a mean, mischievous look on his face and an even meaner smirk and then he's diving back in, pulling more noises from her, loud ones that she couldn't even silence if she tries.
"We're leaving tomorrow anyway" he says when he makes her cum with a scream. She pulls him up, wrapping her hand around his aching member. They make love and fuck for hours, by the end of the night, she's sore and aching but blissfully so, they've had sex everywhere they possibly could around the villa. Lou laughs into Mattys chest when she thinks about the people who have to clean the next day, blissfully unaware of what they'd gotten up to in their short stay
They return home the next day. Pictures tucked away in one of Matty's books. They walk through the airport hand in hand, truly in love.
Their tanned skin is covered in goosebumps as they arrive back in their hometown, the weather isn't too cold but is reasonably cooler than Rome. They leave the airport hand in hand and Matty shields her body with his larger frame, hiding her from the flashing cameras as they get into the car.
They had agreed that they'd go their separate ways today, Lou needing to see her dad and Matty wanted to see his mum and Louis. But tomorrow, Lou's dad was throwing a welcome home party and had invited all the guys and their parents. George's dad had also worked with Lou's to organise it, buying a large amount of alcohol (too much as always), ready to celebrate the fact they had returned home. So the car pulls up at her dad's new house, having moved back to Manchester a few years ago when Mia moved out of their home in London, and he quickly presses a kiss to her mouth before walking round to her side of the car, opening it for her, making her smile widely.
"Will you let me walk you to the door?" Matty asks and she giggles before nodding.
"you know my dad is going to see you right?" She asks and Matty nods, pulling her to his side.
"Figured briefly seeing him now would make tomorrow less awkward" Matty says with a kiss to her cheek and she finds herself agreeing.
They step into the threshold of her childhood home, hearing her dad rush to the door and swoop her into his arms making her giggle before he's putting her back down, eyes finding Matty’s. Her dad was the definition of a teddy bear, a big softie at heart despite his hard demeanour.
"Denise's son right?" He asks, extending his hand out to Matty.
"Yes sir" Matty says making her dad chuckle as they shake hands.
"None of that sir nonsense. Phil is just fine" he says and Matty nods.
"How are your parents? Always got along well with them" he says, ignoring the fact that he knew Matty made his daughter's childhood less than bearable.
"Good... I think. About to go home and see them now actually" Matty says, smiling as her dad nods, before his eyes flick back to his daughter.
"How was Rome pickle? Have a good time" her dad asks Lou, matty smiles at the nickname.
"Was beautiful, Dad" she says. "Well Matty... We'll see you tomorrow I hope" he says and Matty nods again.
"You will, I'm looking forward to it, as are my parents and Louis" he says before saying goodbye and pulling Lou into a tight hug. She pulls back and places a quick peck to his lips making him blush in front of her dad.
"I love you" she says, making his face soften (and her father's)
"I love you too" Matty says before he leaves their house.
"He truly makes you happy huh?" Her dad says as he hugs her tightly again.
"He does"
"Okay, say no more. We will ignore the fact he was horrible to you when you were younger. I will resist from beating him up" he jokes.
"As if you'd lay a hand on him" Lou heard a voice from behind them, one she recognised all too well, it was Mia.
"What the hell?" She says as Mia walks towards her, the two girls hugging each other tightly.
"Thought you were going to be in London" Lou says, her little sister shaking her head.
"Got to welcome you and the guys home don't I?" Mia says and Lou raises her eyebrows.
"Oh yeah... I'm sure it's not because you want to see a certain bassist" she says and Mia is quickly shushing her. Lou then proceeds to spend the rest of the morning with her dad and sister, leaving around noon to see her mum. The two women go shopping and catch up on everything they've missed, her mother wanting to hear everything there is to know about Matty. After the much needed catch up, Lou heads back to her dad's house, eating dinner before heading to bed, not before receiving a phone call from Matty. The two speak about their days despite knowing they'd see each other tomorrow. She falls asleep in the comfy bed, finally feeling back at home.
The next day the house is slowly being swarmed by people, most of whom wanted to see Lou, pulling her into a tight hug before she's being tugged in another direction.Soon she's being thrown over someone's shoulder, recognising their voice immediately and the way they laugh as she giggles.
"Put me down you man baby" Lou says to the man who's holding her: George's dad. A nickname she had always called him because he was absolutely childish, one of the reasons she loved him.
"Seriously dad put Lou down" he hears George say, her head snapping upwards in the direction of the voice, eyes finding her best friend. They two of them smile at one another and soon she's put down onto the ground, George's dad hugging her tightly before she's pulled into the embrace of his mother, all before letting George pull her into his own arms.
"Missed you pumpkin" George says, despite it not being that long since they last saw one another
."It really hasn't been that long" she then hears from behind them, eyes finding Ross', who has her little sister tucked under his arm, holding her in a gentle but casual manner.
"As if you didn't miss me Macdonald" she says, his grip loosening on Mia, meeting her half way to hug her tightly.
"You're looking awfully cosy" she whispers into him, making him chuckle.
"It's good with you right?" Ross asks, the two not having spoken about the whole mia situation yet
"As long as you're happy" she says, she knew with Ross she didn't have to have the "don't hurt her or I'll kill you" speech, she just had to be supportive of the pair.
He pulls back to look at her, smiling widely at her before resuming his spot next to Mia, who smiles adoringly up at him as he holds her again.She's then pulled into a hug from Charli who she hadn't even realised was here, the pair jumping up and down at how excited they were to be with each other again.
"Pregnant woman coming through, need to see the little man's godmother please" she hears Carly say, people parting for her. Lou is quickly turning and running towards her, her arms wrapping round both Carly and Hann.
"The gangs back together then aye?" It's Matty who's speaking now, she didn't even know when he'd arrived but she'd recognise his voice (and scent) anywhere. He wears a plain white shirt which he’s rolled up, revealing his tanned arms, he adorns a black tie which she knows he will eventually loosen when it starts irritating him. He looks as good as ever.
"Guys it's really not been that long'' Ross says making everyone laugh "and since when have you decided who's going to be godparents?" Everyone is laughing again at Ross' words.
"You didn't know?" Matty jokes, eyes finding Lou's again and the both smile at each other. The group talk before they disperse, talking amongst themselves or moving to speak to others.Matty loses track of Lou as he's speaking with her dad. He eventually finds her in the garden, his own mother's arm wrapped around her small frame, the two women laughing about something.
"Well look at you two" Matty says, Denise pulling him into a hug before letting him go, of course he doesn't move away too far, scooping Lou into his side, his mother smiling at the sight.
"I'll leave you to it. Lou, I'll text you about that lunch, yes?" She asks and Lou nods. Denise leaves with a kiss to Lou’s cheek and then Matty’s, the later squirming and lightly pushing her away, making the older woman chuckle and roll her eyes at his girlfriend. 
"planning lunch with my mother? Wow you must really like me" Matty says, pulling her into his arms so they're facing each other.
"I must really love you" she emphasised the love part, making him blush. Her smile is one of the most genuine ones he's seen, perhaps it's because she's surrounded by everyone she loves, everyone wanting a piece of her (if not just a quick hug), or perhaps it's because of him.
"Hmm... You must really love me" he says and she nods as she leans up to press her mouth to his for a quick peck.
"Missed you" he says, despite the fact they had only been apart for a day. She felt it too though, she spent the whole day yesterday turning her head expecting to see Matty, to tell him something she thought of, but of course he wasn't there.
"Missed you too" she admits, closing the gap between them and kissing him again.
"Oi Healy stop necking someone who's far too good for you" they hear behind them making them both turn. They see Matty's younger brother Louis walking towards them and Lou almost gasps as he pulls her into a hug.
"What the fuck louis! You're like an adult now" Lou exclaims, making all three laugh."It's good to see you, looking amazing as ever" Louis says, he was always a little flirt, even when they were younger. She doesn't miss the look Matty gives him before he's shoving him lightly.
"Watch it" Matty warns before the two of them are jokingly fighting each other. She feels someone wrap an arm around her shoulder, looking at the person, revealing her mum.
"That's your boyfriend huh?" She says, the two women laughing before Lou smiles at the curly haired man.
"Yeah... What am I thinking aye?" She laughs. Lou and her mum spoke quite a lot during the tour and she told her mum everything Matty did to show her his true intentions and feelings. It was safe to say her mother liked him and he had redeemed himself. 
Lou coughs drawing Matty's attention towards them, he instantly snaps away from his brother.
"I am so sorry" he says but Lou's mum just laughs before pulling him into a hug.
"Nice to see you again Matthew. You've grown up a lot since you used to torture my daughter" she jokes but Matty frowns at her words.
"She's joking babe" Lou says, making the worry wipe from his face.
"Lou's told me all about the wonderful things you've done for her... So I say the past is the past and... Thank you for making my daughter happy" she says, pulling him into another hug. The four of them talk, the Healy boys talking about their respective lives, Lou watching and listening proudly.
Eventually all the parents find their way inside, leaving their 'children' outside with one another reminiscent of the old days.
Lou is sat next to Matty, clung to his side with her legs hooked over his lap, hand clasped on her inner thigh, the man thankful that the dress had a high slit.
Ross was sitting with Mia, his arm hooked around the back of her chair as her hand was placed in his lap, gently holding each other, their situation very new.
Carly was hooked under Adams arm, hands holding each other over her bump.Charli was sat in a similar way to Lou: legs hooked over George, head resting against his shoulder as his hand held hers in her lap.Louis was the only one on his own, not that he minded, he was sat near Hann and Carly talking to the couple about all things baby.
"Didn't tell you how beautiful you look tonight love" Matty says, his voice hushed keeping the conversation private. She's dressed in a brown midi summer dress, dipping at her waist before hugging the curves of her hips, the slit high on one side of her leg, revealing a large portion of her thigh.
"Thank you" she says simply with a chaste kiss pressed against his mouth. “You look good” she says, making him smirk.
"Can't believe you're my girl" he says, shaking his head at his words "so lucky"
"So am I Healy" she says, and she can't help but kiss him again, not breaking away from each other until they hear George shout an "oi oi" like they were kids again.
"Oh my god, let's play truth or dare!" George then says and everyone either laughs or groans."Mate we're not 15 anymore!" Hann says and they all laugh again
."Oh come on, don't be boring! We're back in our hometown... Let's act like kids again" George says and his words somehow persuade the group to agree.
"In that case..." Lou says, grabbing her bag from the floor and collecting something from it, Matty chuckling as he sees what she's holding: two blunts.
"This might help things" she says, making everyone cheer, even Carly, who although she can't smoke the substance is fully supporting everyone else.
"Oh god... I remember the first time you guys made me smoke weed and I was sick all over George’s garden" Hann says, making everyone laugh.
"Wasn't that the night you got with Freddie West?" George says, pointing at Lou. Freddie was a guy two years above everyone else, someone who all the girls fancied and someone who Matty despised, it was truly the only reason she got with him. She hears Matty groan behind her as she lights the blunt, passing the other to George for him to light it, sharing his with Mia, Ross and Charli.
"Yeah..." Lou says, chuckling to herself at the memory.
"Fucking hated that guy" Matty says next to her and she looks at him as she inhales, before threading the end through his own lips.
"I only got with him to piss you off" she says, loud enough for everyone to hear. Matty coughs at the confession making everyone laugh loudly. Matty's eyes find Mia knowing she'd know the truth.
"Yeah she told me that... Said he was an awful kisser with a tiny dick" Mia said and she hears George laugh loudly before Ross is laughing along. Matty smirks next to her.
"Oh really?" Matty says and Lou rolls her eyes.
"Alright... You got with Melanie that night so you can't say shit" she says making everyone groan at the memory
."Didn't she try to suck you off in front of like basically everyone" Ross says and his eyes find George, the pair laughing loudly as they remember what happened next, Matty groans and his hand comes to cover his face.
"And then she gagged and was sick on my dick yes everyone fucking knows" Matty says making everyone laugh loudly.
"Never thought I'd hear my brother say that" Louis says, everyone's laughter increasing tenfold.
"We're not even playing Truth or dare yet and you guys are telling all the goss" Charli said, the group continued to smoke the weed, each of them feeling it more than usual due to how much they were laughing.
"Alright alright..." George says, everyone finally managing to stop laughing "Lou, truth or dare" he says and she smirks at the man
."Truth" "boring," Ross says, making everyone laugh again.
"What's the most amount of orgasms you've had in one night?" Charli says, making Lou laugh as George groans next to her.
"Stop being a baby, we're literally playing this with Lou and Mattys siblings you can deal with hearing about this" Charli slapping her boyfriends chest lightly.
"6" Lou confirms, everyone gasping at that, making her shrug, Matty smirking next to her as everyone cheered.
"Think it was more than that don't you love' Matty mumbles into her ear making her blush.
"Fucking hell you guys are feral" George says.
"Alright George, truth or dare" Matty says, eyes never leaving his best mates.
"Dare" he confirms.
"Swap clothes with Charli" he says and the whole group laughs as they do. "Truth or dare Ross" Louis says and the bearded man thinks for a moment.
"fuck it. Dare" he says and Louis smirks, his eyes find Lou's who nods.
"Dare you to kiss mia" and Louis, Matty and Lou all smirk as the pair look at one another, Ross swallowing, seemingly nervous.
"You two planned this somehow" Ross says before he focuses on mia.
His hand finds her jaw, holding her gently, he smiles down at her as she nods, letting him know it was okay, he gently presses his mouth to hers, making everyone cheer for the pair of them.
"I'm going to kill you" mia says to Lou making her laugh and mouth a
"thank me later"
They continue the game until it's Matty's turn to be asked. He opts for truth and Hann speaks up, surprising everyone with his words
"Did you ever think about Lou when having sex with someone else?"
Everyone oooos at that and Matty stares at her, squeezing the hand that was on her thigh.
"Oh all the time" he confesses, brutally honest, which makes everyone laugh but Lou can't help but press her mouth to his, making out for a minute or two everyone cheering, even George who was too high to care now.
"I love you so much" she laughs against his mouth, mainly because George had started to make fake retching noises, Matty throws a middle finger up at his mate and they all begin laughing as Matty kisses her again.
"I love you too darling" he says, pecking her lips once more before pulling away.
The game of truth or dare is forgotten and the group all begin talking about different things, like how the tour is starting soon and how they were all excited to be on the road together again.
Matty sits, watching his friends and his girlfriend. He knows, in that moment, that this is the happiest he's ever been, with her and his friends, the people who were his family now.
He couldn't wait for the day he could introduce her as his wife and maybe this family would have a few kids running around, their kids. Yeah... he knows he wants that. More than anything.
He loves her. Truly loves her. She was his everything. 
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hcgossips · 2 months ago
I keep wondering... What's passing through Henry Cavill's mind today, while this circus has gone for four years, with a lot of exposure on the internet and now, a baby plot to cope with the disaster, knowing there's no way to undo this bunch of lies and that they will remain for good, while they make fun of Hollywood PRs?!
Well, if gay, he might think it won't affect him and it won't make a difference in his life. But, it will. 'Cause or gay or straight, this plot dragged him to the worst place. Does he still think someone believes in that shenanigan? They don't act like a couple, they don't look like a couple, they don't have that chemistry you see in real couples and they don't convince as a couple. And a baby just makes this strangeness stronger.
Well, maybe he's deluded thinking that if they insist, people will end up believing. Or, maybe he just wants to prank people as a response for the amount of indignation his fans and followers are having with this, which became a bad publicity. But, putting so much effort in staged stuff only for that....? All they are doing is attracting bad vibes, negative feelings and destroying himself. Maybe, it's just stubbornness, thinking he will strike some undesirable comments on the internet.
Does he really believe he will combat all that indignation and disappointment people had with him using pranks, stubbornness and Viscuso? All he's doing is destroying himself and showing how people are right in their criticism, that there's nothing real about Henry Cavill whenever he is public, not even a smile. He ends up proving that, the idea people have about him now, is the truth.
It shows exactly what I have been saying: This man never existed, he's an Avatar, a character created to interact with the world and to promote his image in Hollywood so he can keep his status of celeb. Smiles are faked, speeches are scripted and all the appearances are staged. He's a Hollywood muppet, I guy who sold himself cheap through a PR contract that can and probably will remain for the rest of his professional, and why not, personal life.
But, there's something else: a bug keeps bothering. Something is odd about this whole thing. A detail missing. I am really confused about his real intentions: If he's trapped and has no way other than fulfilling this contract because of a detail we don't know or if he chose to take it for life for stubbornness, expecting to end comments, rumours and theories on the internet. Because, he can't be thinking this is somehow, going to bring him some kind of gain. Up to now, he only lost. And the worst loss was related to the credibility of his integrity and Character.
Because, the more this goes on, the more we see how staged these things are, how much effort he has to put into it and how much it looks pathetic. He knows we know. So, what's the point?
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popculturebuffet · 2 years ago
Pride Month Triple Feature: Monthly Muppets Madness: Muppet Babies 2018: Gonzorella
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Happy pride! Usually pride is a pretty big to do on this blog, with my first pride here being also my first pride publicly as a bisexual man. But with my move pretty much every review I had planned for this month got thrown around. So to make up for it i'm condensing my pride plans into one day. Two shorter reviews and one longer review that i've been trying to do since the first pride, and seems the most timely given everything going on. So with that it's time for Monthly Muppet Madnesss yayyyy. The plan here was changed as with a lot of longer reviews originally planned.. I just wasn't up to doing Return to Labyrinth quite yet. I still plan to, in or outside of pride, but I realized it didn't really FIT the season the way the original movie did. So instead we're going to daycare for this one as we look at the muppet babies reboot. I finally watched some with my young nephew a month or two back while watching him, and honestly.. it's a delight. I can't say how it compares to the original as I watched maybe two episdoes as a kid as it was before my time, though i'm sure i'll be covering some of it eventually, but the reboot is a lovely preschool show. Admitely like most preschool shows it has to be simple: our heroes have some sort of dillema young kids can learn from, they work through it, usually with the help of Nanny(this time played by the incomprable and wonderous Jenny Slate), and we all have a laugh or two. It's not bad, it's just not clearly meant for a 31 year old man, and that's fine. My 2 year old nephew, whose in the target age range, loved it. Not every cartoon has to aim for both adults and kids, and there's still a ncie nod here or there for the adults who do watch. As for this episode in paticular, this one I found while trying to see if the Muppets had done anything related to the Transgender community, as I felt i'd neglected them in previous prides and it was time to rectify that. They hadn't as far as I could tell.. but they did do this episode, in which Gonzo wants to wear a dress, and said episode is not only wholesome and heartwarming.. but also brings up a larger issue kids have been facing lately. As most of you reading this defintely know the right's faviorite new weapon is accusing trans and gender non conforming folks, as well as non binary, gender fluid, and genderqueer persons, of "grooming" children. Which is a fancy and douchey way of saying
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While the right has naturally captalized on this as their new boogieman. It's why gender affirming care has been banned several places and why the world truly and clearly sucks right now. So naturally a muppet preschool show just casually saying "it's fine to wear a dress if your a boy" without slapping a label on what Baby Gonzo is just yet... got a lot of the same bollocks. And it's just.. depressing honestly. Disgusting, horrible and hard to stomach, also yes, but mostly depressing that they can't just.. accept that gender has ALWAYS been complicated, it's just now many a person, many who likely always felt lost, know what to call themselves. This isn't some RADICAL NEW CONCEPT, it's just society finally acknowledging that gender isn't binary or assigned at birth. It's why i'm GLAD that more and more kids content like this is making it clear to kids whose parents may not be accepting for very stupid reasons.. that no, your normal.
So as for the episode itself like most Muppet Babies 2018 episodes the premise is a pretty simple dillema of the week: Piggy and Summer are having a princess party based on an old book that says just how it should go. For those less familiar with this version of the series, Summer is an original character, a purple pengy. She fits right in though and i'd honestly love to see her grown up self join the rest of the muppets someday. I mean Skeeter eventually got there via the comics. We also get Rizzo, who lives in the walls of the daycare and shows up ocasoinally to hang out giving us the story of cinderella.
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This naturally comes into play given the title: the book says boys dress up at knights and girls as princesses, but Gonzo wants to wear a frilly dress. Gonzo also feels like the perfect charater to do this: he's always been the outsider of the group, someone who on the outside is full of confidence but on the inside is full of self doubt. So having him WANT to simply wear a dress but be too scared of loosing his friends to is a good narrative for him. We know they probably woudln't care or if anyone did the rest would stand up for him, but for a tiny child wanting to wear a dress when boys have typically not done that, it could be scary, not helped again by the many grown people telling them their brainwashed and they don't know what they know. Just as I relate to the adult gonzo, a small child can relate to Gonzo's fears of not being accepted. Hell when I came out as bisexual, i was terrified my family wouldn't accept even though I had zero reason to think they'd be assholes about this and they've been nothing but loving and accepting. It can be hard to be who you are for an adult who knows that most people in their life will accept them, I can't imagine what it'd be like for a small kid.
Rizzo becomes his fairy god rat, and helps him become gonzorella, but tells him the spare wears off at cake o clock, because tha't when they have cake and my brain will just accept that because i'm stretched for time.
The episode goes pretty stock from here: Piggy and Summer try to stick to the book, Gonzo does something Gonzo like make a chicken themed crown or bust a move on the dance floor during a boring ballroom dance, it makes it better, they see "hey being diffrent isn't so bad". It's as subtle as brick to the head.. but it's also for kids around 2-6, ones whose own parents may tell them nto to be so "different", so I can see why subtley isn't really needed and the show still treats kids smartly enough to not feel like it's talking down to them, which is something I feel is necessary in a kids show of any audience. It just tells a story with a moral and while the moral is obvious, it's one kids need to hear and MANY adults need to hear. Naturally gonzo has to run out, his neighbor has been kidnapped... and also the spell is running out. But I like the nice twist: instead of our heroes seeking out our cindy stan din, Gonzo realized he dosen't LIKE having to hide and Rizzo enrouages him that since they liked the other diffrent stuff.. they might like this after all, and Gonzo reveals he likes wearing dresses... and everyone accepts it. Most touchingly Piggy fully apologizes, realizing she made him feel bad and deciding
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We get a dance party ending and ew're out
So yeah this episode is good. I didn't have much to say because i'ts both short and not exactly something I need to deeply dive into to understand, but still VERY good for kids, and for muppets fans alike. Thanks for reading
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0averysillygoose0 · 6 months ago
I can still make the whole place shimmer (withe the skin of a killer, Bella)- Chapter six
Prologue and previous chapters are in my master list♡
Angelica Cullen was supposed to have died over 300 years ago, but now she gets to watch as her adoptive brother stalks some girl from Arizona.
Born in the 1600s to one Carlisle Cullen and his first wife- a woman whose name has since faded into obscurity, Angelica was never supposed to amount to much more than marriage and children. Now a perpetual sixteen-year-old who wants nothing more than to be able to paint her nails in peace to the Mama Mia soundtrack, she finds herself with little to occupy her time.
Her relationship with her family is growing more strained by the day. The cycle of high school has long since become dull and draining, and despite her desperation for something else, she's forced to stay stagnant for 'the good of the family'.
A family who's wearing her patience thin.
Then Bella Swan moves to Forks and Angelica's pressure is suddenly raised as the Cullen family is thrown into a potentially life-ending challenge every five business days. The Quillute are watching closely, as are the Volturi for any slip-ups, and in the world of the supernatural, Angelica has the grace of a baby deer.
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Chapter Six: Edward enters his deranged muppet era
“Oh my god, I totally forgot to ask, you met my cousin this weekend?” Lillian asked as they walked through the hall. They’d have to separate when they reached the end, Angelica for Biology and Lillian for Chemistry. It had snowed that day and muddy boots left bits of frozen sludge scattered around the floor.
Angelica was thankful that math was behind her now, but unfortunately that meant that history laid at the end of her day. Normally, she enjoyed the subject, however she shared it with Jasper and they were in the middle of recounting the civil war. He didn’t say anything, he never did in any of his classes, but seeing his brows purse in disagreement whenever the teacher stated a blatant fact made Angelica more than just a little concerned.
“In the woods?” Lilly added, confusion crinkling up her nose.
“Yeah.” Angelica said. “She was nice.”
Talking about Hailee felt odd, as the girl had been on her mind quite a bit since their meeting. Flashes of her understanding nods, easy smile and left dimpled smile kept darting through her head. “I thought you were sick though?” “I went out to get some fresh air and we just sorta  ran into each other.” She shrugged. Her eyes were trained on the ground as she passed by Jasper and Alice. She felt their eyes linger on her 
“Hm.” Lillian hummed, her curiosity satiated. “I gave her your number by the way, she said she’d text you sometime this week, but the reservation’s wifi can be pretty spotty.” Angelica nodded absentmindedly, offering a soft smile as Alice and Emmett passed by in the hall. Her brother offered her a friendly wave but Alice looked far too lost in her own mind to return any gesture.
They’d all crammed into Emmett’s white jeep that morning, sat sandwiched between Alice and Edward who kept sending each other flickering gazes over her head.. Edward’s Volvo was in the shop, Rosalie’s cars were off limits to anyone but herself, and after their unresolved disagreement, Angelica hadn’t been eager to catch a ride with her father. Not that Carlisle seemed to be aware of her lingering frustration, and if he was, he hadn’t acknowledged it. Once Edward had returned, her father had acted as though nothing was ever wrong, as he always did whenever an argument between them arose. 
She often wondered if he’d adopted the strategy in the hopes that she’d miraculously forget whatever they’d fought about. Angelica couldn’t even blame him, because it had worked before. More often than not, it was simply easier to go along with it and let bygones be bygones. She didn’t enjoy arguing with her father and it was unfortunately becoming more of a common occurrence as the years went on. She was starting to wonder if this fight in particular had even been worth it. 
She couldn’t deny that it had felt good when Carlisle had smiled at her that morning and asked if she was ready for school, as though everything was normal and their argument, her running off and subsequent grounding had never happened.  It would’ve been so easy to fall back into their daily routine and the familiar flow of conversation. She’d almost returned the grin, but instead she’d shrugged and pretended not to notice when his expression faltered and the look he’d shared with Esme from across the room. 
The only thing that assured Angelica that he did, in fact remember, was being told she was grounded for yet another week. Even then, she found it hard to feel that same surge of anger that had overcome her the week before, because he’d said it with a sympathetic smile that tugged at the guilty knot in her stomach. 
She wondered how long her resolve would last. 
“Girl, are you good?” “What?” Angelica shook her head, glancing at her friend. Lillian sighed and shook her head. “You’ve been quiet all day.” Concern flooded her warm eyes, and Angelica couldn’t help but be reminded of Hailee’s thoughtful gaze reflected in her friend. “Are you still feeling sick?” Lillian continued softly and Angelica almost asked the girl what she was talking about before she’d remembered the family’s cover story for their lack of attendance the week before. “No, I’m fine.” Angelica shook her head. “I just had a fight with my dad and I’m a bit stressed about it is all.” She shrugged. 
“Yeah.” “What happened?” Angelica hesitated for just a moment. “He just like wouldn’t let me go back to school right away even after I was fine because ‘what if it gets worse and no one knows what to do’.” She lied, “It’s not like anything big, he can just be a bit overprotective or whatever.”
“Oh, yeah, like how he doesn’t let you do sleepovers or parties and stuff?”
Angelica sighed, wishing it was that simple. “Yeah, like that.” 
“My mom is the same.” Lilly nodded. “Like anytime I go out, she needs to know where I am and when I’ll be back and then if I don’t call back she like freaks out.”
Now imagine that being your life for three hundred years. 
“Do you think you’d be allowed to come over today though? We never watched Mama Mia…” Her voice trailed off invitingly. “It might be nice, help take your mind off it. We can paint our nails.” She added. 
Angelica adjusted the shoulder strap of her bag. “I can next week. My dad wants me home this week so I can recover.” She lied, fighting off the bitterness that threatened to seep into her voice. It wasn’t like Carlisle to stretch out a punishment, but then again, it wasn’t like Angelica to run off. 
“Okay, but next week?”
If I beg.  “Next week for sure.” She promised as she stepped into the open door  on her left. Lilly waved a quick goodbye. Angelica had been the first to arrive in Biology class. She walked into an empty classroom, save for Mr Banner, who was busy distributing microscopes and slides to each table. He spared her a quick hello before returning diligently to his work. 
She crossed the room, choosing a table in the back, setting her bag on the chair next to hers, saving it for Edward. 
She opened her backpack, rifling through until her fingers eventually curled around her worn Biology notebook, which she set aside on the desk. Inside were summaries of Mr Banner’s lectures, with key points highlighted in blue. Color coded diagrams with corresponding penned in notes dotted the pages, as well as the occasional doodle in the margin. When she’d retrieved her writing utensils as well, Angelica zipped the bag back up and took to sketching out a small duck wearing rain boots on an empty page.
She barely registered when Bella Swan walked into class. She was a blur of brown hair and faded blue jeans, sitting a few aisles ahead. She’d given Angelica a clear sightline of her, which would make the Cullen girl’s job of keeping Edward in line much easier. (Not that anyone had told her to, but she figured someone needed to reign in the boy.) 
It would be easy for her, considering that Carlisle had asked all of her siblings to keep an eye on her for the week. She knew that Edward had no choice but to listen, and therefore had no choice but to sit by her. A nudge here, a distracting train of thought there, would surely keep him from doing anything too stupid. And, she acknowledged, a bit bitterly, if he did attempt to hurt the girl in any way, Angelica would be within an arm's length to hold him back. 
At the moment, she felt as though the boy was the largest threat to the life she had carefully curated in Forks. One slip up on his part, and they would be gone. Angelica loved having a plan and knowing what was coming next offered her comfort. The past two weeks had been filled with unpleasant surprises and twists, and she felt eased knowing that she had curated a system to prevent anything from slipping out of her control.
So when her brother walked into class, not a minute later,  Angelica watched patiently as his lumbering tall and slender frame cleared the doorway. She had begun to pull her backpack from the seat she’d set aside when she heard the sound of his footsteps fall short several feet away.
Bella looked up and Angelica felt her chest grow heavy. 
“I’m Edward Cullen.” He began, sliding down easily into the free seat beside the girl. “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella Swan.”
Angelica’s fingers gripped around her pencil so tightly the wood began to split. She felt a rush of red hot rage flood her.
What the fuck are you doing? She stared at Edward, trying to force her thoughts to be as loud as possible as her internal monologue was overtaken by frustration.  Why are you sitting beside her? You idiot- what the fuck was the point of you running off to Alaska if you’re just gonna pull this shit? What happened to your ‘monster within’?  
She ignored her, focusing intently on Bella.
Oh my god -s top looking at her like that, you look like a deranged muppet!  
“H-how do you know my name?” The girl stuttered.
You’re freaking her out, jackass! 
“Oh I think everyone knows your name. The whole town’s been waiting for you to arrive.”
Oh my god, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up! You sound like a serial killer! 
Angelica wanted to scream, but she forced herself to stay silent, her lips pressing together thinly. She recalled how on the girl’s first day, Carlisle had told her to stay clear of Bella, that getting close to the daughter of a police chief was a risk they couldn’t afford, even if anything happening was unlikely. Angelica wondered if Edward had received a similar speech, trying to determine if he was acting out of some unearned rebellion or mere stupidity. 
“No, I meant why did you call me Bella?”
Bella was petite, and based on what Angelica had witnessed in their gym class, athleticism wasn’t a strong suit of hers. It wouldn’t take Edward long to be done with her, if he wanted. The thought lingered for a second too long, turning unpleasantly in Angelica’ stomach. She felt something akin to nausea brewing as she watched her brother’s intent gaze, focussed solely on Bella.
A flash of a girl with long brown hair being pinned against a leaf scattered forest floor, her blood seeping through the layer of discarded foliage and into the dirt below darted through Angelica’s head and she steeled herself to retain her composure as she set the memory far away from herself. Her chest ached in wake of the thought but she pretended not to notice.
That wasn’t it. That wasn’t what was happening.
“Do you prefer Isabella?” Edward inquired. 
You Ted Bundy ass bitch! 
Angelica could see the boxes now. Her walls left bare, with all her posters and lights, everything that had made her room into a warm and alive space, packed away. The photobooth strips and polaroids dotted with her and her friends would be set away carefully in an album for her to stumble upon years later. 
Anger seared through her and the more she saw, the more indignant and irritated she felt. 
A week of sitting alone in her room, a week of isolation and boredom, a week of nothingness all because Edward claimed being near the very same girl he was now cozying up beside had been ‘too dangerous’. 
The buzz of electricity that coursed through the building seemed to get louder and the clinically white light of the fluorescents above seemed to burn when her gaze flickered upwards.
She stared in her brother’s direction, and below her desk, her finger flicked and his textbook fell off the table. His hand darted out quickly and he managed to catch it. Edward turned on her and she met his gaze evenly.
Stop being a little freak and use your brain for a fucking second.  She thought.
He pursed his lips and looked away, ignoring his sister as Bella continued with their idle conversation. 
She wanted to throw her textbook at the boy’s thick skull.
Angelica stood up, gathering her belongings in her arms. She crossed the floor of the class as she approached her teacher. She glared as she passed Edward, although he seemed too absorbed in the girl beside him to care. 
There was a swarm of guilt that overtook her and a newfound frustration, directed at herself this time as she drew closer to Mr Banner. She didn’t want to feel this angry, she wanted to be cool and collected, to be uncaring. A part of her wanted to turn back, to let the feelings stew and simmer. But it wouldn’t do any good. She could feel her emotions rising in the back of her throat but she swallowed them back down. 
“Can I help you, Angelica?” The biology teacher inquired.
The girl cast a final disdainful look at her brother, before quickly returning to her conversation.
“Mr Banner, I don’t feel well.” She mumbled. 
  Angelica felt defeated as she sat in the passenger seat of Carlisle’s car. He’d come within only ten minutes of the nurse calling, and she hadn’t been able to meet his gaze as they’d left the school. 
The firm sound of the driver’s side door slamming shut was quickly followed up with a sharp click as her father pulled his seatbelt into place. Without saying a word, Angelica did the same and soon after, the engine came to life, purring warmly as it cut through the cold January afternoon. 
Wordlessly, Carlisle shifted the car into reverse, pulling out of their parking stall.He spared a quick darting glance up at the rearview mirror and over his shoulder, before changing the gear to drive and turning out onto the main road.
“I’m sorry.” Angelica said finally. She shook her head. If she still had blood running through her veins, her cheeks would have been bright red with embarrassment. 
“Why are you sorry?” 
“Because I called you to come get me just because I felt angry.” She muttered. 
“Is that it?” He hummed. 
She nodded shamefully. “I wasn’t gonna do anything but like, I just felt shitty and I didn’t feel like I could be there anymore.”
“Don’t apologize.” Carlisle told her firmly, glancing in the rearview mirror. There was no one behind them. “I’d rather you call me than risk anything.”
“I wasn’t gonna do anything.” She repeated, frowning. Her doubts in his trust in her resurfaced once more. He seemed to sense her sudden reproach, because his tone had shifted when he spoke next. 
“I know,” He began carefully, “But knowing when to pull yourself out of a situation is a good skill to have and I’d rather you overuse it than underuse it.” 
They’d pulled out onto the highway that led home. Trees surrounded both sides of the road, the forest dark and damp, highlighted by the dustings of snow that clung to pine branches. Angelica kept her eyes focused intently on the yellow line that cut through the center of the pavement, separating the two sides of the road. 
“Yeah but, normally, I could have handled it. I just felt really overwhelmed for some reason.” Angelica fiddled with the sleeves of her sweater. 
“Well, what happened exactly?” “Edward sat beside Bella after everything he pulled last week.” She looked over, waiting for the disbelief to dawn on his face. “He was chatting her up like nothing ever happened.”
“So, he did sit beside her then.” Carlisle hummed. “Sorry,” Angelica paused, “Did you know this was going to happen?” “Yes, Alice told me.” Angelica stared in disbelief for a moment, her mouth opening and closing twice before she finally spoke. Carlisle cranked the wheel, turning them onto the small off shooting road that led back to their home.
“Why would you let that happen then- What happened to risk mitigation?” She demanded brazenly. “Why are we all just letting him chill out beside her when he had to run away to Alaska after being near her for two minutes?” “I understand that you’re worried-” “I’m more than worried, actually.” She snapped. “Has everyone lost their mind?”
“Angelica, take a deep breath.”
“No, cause that’s actually an insane choice.” Angelica continued. She crossed her arms and shook her head. “Like just wild.” 
“I think you don’t understand the specifics of the situation.”
“I understand that it’s common sense not to seek out people who invoke a murderous urge in you- or to let people with murderous urges be around murderable people!” She continued, his words falling on deaf ears. 
Carlisle sighed. “He won’t hurt her. Alice assured me of that.” “And that wasn’t information that you guys thought we should all know?” Angelica asked incredulously.
“We’re planning on discussing what’s going on later tonight with everyone present.” 
She shook her head and fell quiet. Angelica often felt as though Alice's 'gift' was often just used to fuck with her. Of course, it was always indirect, and logically she knew that it was simply how the girl was, but she couldn't stop herself from wondering why her sister's visions always seemed to either, hinge on something that wasn't at all notable, but something potentially lifechanging would go unnoticed. Her current theory was that Alice's real power wasn't foresight at all, but really just the gift of "brain fuckery" with the goal of leaving everyone around the pixie esque girl confused or frusrtated. It didn't help that the actual relevent 'prophecies' (if you could call them that), were often kept from Angelica, for seemingly no reason. 
“I know these last few weeks have been frustrating,” Carlisle began, “But if there’s anything I can do to make it better-”
Angelica didn’t hesitate, seeing opportunity in her father’s words.  
“Can I go to Lily's house with Anna next week?” She asked quickly. “Just to watch Mama Mia. I’ll be done at six.” “My shifts all end at 5:00 next week. I could get you at 5:30.” Carlisle contemplated watching as her anger melted into an eager, dimpled smile. He studied her thoughtfully. “Alice told me there’s a party coming up in a month you’ll want to go to.” Angelica’s mind raced through the possible events that she’d penciled into her calender for the next few months. “Lilly’s birthday?” Her father nodded and the modern slats that made up the latest Cullen home came into view as they turned the final corner. 
“It’s on the beach, apparently. Your friend Anna is bringing drinks, and it’ll go for most of the night.”
They pulled into the driveway and Carlisle’s hand reached out to hit a button secured to the dashboard and the garage door groaned as it pulled upwards. 
Angelica frowned. He’d never talked to her about social events before, unless he was telling her she couldn’t attend or how she was to behave at a (supervised) gathering. “Where are you going with this?” She asked suspiciously.
“If you can compromise on a few things, I’ll let you go.” “Wait, really?” “Yes, really.” He nodded, shifting the gear into park as they pulled into the garage beside one of Rosalie’s projects. 
 “But, if I let you, I need you to allow what’s happening with Edward to play out, and promise me you won’t let it get under your skin.” 
"Do you promise we won't move because of this?"
Carlisle nodded. "I asked Alice about exactly that." 
Angelica wanted to be the type of person who asked for all the details before she agreed to something. But the downside of having an undeveloped frontal lobe was a lack of impulsivity control. And although the deal sounded too good to be true, and she couldn’t deny she was a bit wary, the offer was far too inviting to turn down.
“Yes! Deal!” She exclaimed eagerly.
“But,” Carlisle continued, “This all really depends on how you handle the car accident.”
Angelica blinked.
“How I handle the what?” 
♡ ♡ ♡
I've been rereading the from the OG Twilight book to lift some dialogue for Bella and Edward, alongside Midnight Sun because lore accurate Bella and Edward is probably more whack than anything I could come up with and I forgot how fucking weird Edward canonically is in Midnight Sun because OH MY GOD??? My brother in christ oils miss swan's window so when he opens it to watch her sleep it won't creak??? Insane. Love it so much, it's fucking wild. Stephanie Meyer really was like "I can do whatever I want with these characters" and then had them cutely comitting felonies in the name of unrequited love.
Anyway, but we're FINALLY moving the plot along and I'm very excited for Bella to almost get hit by a car and for Angelica to do her best to hold it together.
It's the first week of uni classes so I'm trying to get more chapters prepped ahead of time so when all my homework starts piling up I can still have some time to write. However, that does mean updates are probs gonna be a bit spotty because I'm in five courses and like four of them have a writing component and the other one has a lab (#livelaughlovepsychmajor).
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superfan44 · 1 year ago
The 100 Favorite Movies Challege
As a huge movie buff, I thought I'd try something fun on here. I have decided to launch a new internet challenge: "The 100 Favorite Movies Challenge". The rules are pretty simple and straight forward. You create a list of 100 of your personal favorite movies in alphabetical order, post the list on your home page, then nominate other people/users of your choosing to do the challenge.
There is no limit to what movies can be included on your list. Films within any medium (live action or animated), genre, and decade are more than welcome. Whether it's longtime favorites you were introduced to when you were younger, favorites that you've picked up over the years, or recent discoveries or releases that quickly became your favorites, anything and everything is on the table here.
I'll start off by sharing my list. To be clear, I have way more than 100 favorite movies, but to have the number be anything past that may be a bit much for some people. Please don't judge me if it seems like there might be a few noteworthy titles missing on here. I mainly put this list together just for fun. Alright, here we go!
9 (2009)
Airplane! (1980)
American Graffiti (1973)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
The Avengers (2012)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Baby Driver (2017)
Batman Begins (2005)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Black Dynamite (2009)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Castle in the Sky (1986)
Chicago (2002)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Knockin' on Heaven's Door) (2001)
Deadpool (2016)
Death Proof (2007)
Desperado (1994)
Die Hard (1988)
Django Unchained (2012)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Dragon Inn (1967)
Fantasia 2000 (2000)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Flash Gordon (1980)
Ghostbusters (1984)
The Godfather (1972)
Goodfellas (1990)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
History of the World, Part 1 (1980)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
The Incredibles (2004)
Independence Day (1996)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
The Italian Job (2003)
Jaws (1975)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Logan (2017)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro (1980)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Meatballs (1979)
Men in Black (1997)
Moana (2016)
Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
Network (1976)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
North by Northwest (1959)
Notorious (1946)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Porco Rosso (1992)
Princess Mononoke (1997)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Ready Player One (2018)
Rear Window (1954)
Rio Bravo (1959)
Robin Hood (1973)
The Rocketeer (1991)
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Scream (1996)
Seven Samurai (1954)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Skyfall (2012)
Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Spaceballs (1987)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spirited Away (2001)
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
Surf's Up (2007)
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
Tombstone (1993)
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Treasure Planet (2002)
Tremors (1990)
Tron: Legacy (2010)
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
The Wind Rises (2013)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Yojimbo (1961)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Zombieland (2009)
Now, before I wrap things up, I would like to nominate @skygent, @is0gild , @firecraker-j, @mrcowboytoyou, and @piglets-not-so-big-adventure to do this challenge. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling so more and more people can join in. I look forward to seeing what kind of lists you guys will put together. Good luck!
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babybutlerarthur · 2 years ago
Little! Lips: 1 year old
Little! Animal: 2 years old
Floyd: caregiver
Dr.Teeth: caregiver
Today was a rare day: the Electric Mayhem had a day off.  Between working on their album, filming their show for Disney, touring together, and working for the frog, they really didn't have much time to just chill and let the world come at them in waves.  They were always chasing those waves.
Today, however, they weren't chasing anything.  Zoot was spending the day napping wherever he happened to land.  Janice was off at her aerial silks class.  Lips and Animal had regressed a couple of hours ago, and Floyd and Teeth were taking care of them.  
The two caregivers stood in the kitchen making lunch for the two Littles who sat peacefully playing within eyesight.  The peace was nice.  It made Floyd suspicious.  
A loud whining sound let him know that he was right to be suspicious.  As Floyd turned around, he heard Lips let out a pained sound.
Animal had a hand in the blond's hair and was pulling, trying to pry something out of the other little's hand.
"Mine!" Animal yelled, pulling the toy harder.  Floyd rushed up and untangled Animal's fingers from blond curls.  He sat in front of the red band member.
"Hey, now hey!  You know we don't pull each other's hair.  What happened?"  Teeth was right behind him, checking over the youngest little.  Lips had spit put his gold, sparkly paci. His bottom lip was wobbling.  He reached up for Teeth to pick him up.
"Animal, little man, what happened?"  Animal huffed and pointed to the toy, which was still in Lip's hand.  
"Mine!"  The two looked at the toy.  It was a little plastic tea pot. It was one that resided in the community toy chest, which meant that it wasn't anyone's.  
"Wild child, that's one of the community toys.  It belongs to everyone."  Animal seemed to get more frustrated.  Floyd could recognize a tantrum when he saw one, and this had the beginnings of a monster tantrum.  He pulled Animal into his lap and started rubbing his back.
"Breathe for me, wild child.  You're alright."  Animal took a few panting breaths, still glaring at the plastic teapot dangling from the trumpeter's hand.  
"Animal want that!"  The toddler's yelling caused Lips to let out another whine.  He buried his head into the doctor's shoulder.  Teeth rubbed the baby's back softly. 
"Well, little man, I think your bubby was playing with it first.  Ya gotta share with those you love."  Animal's face turned into one of confusion.
"Share?"  Floyd shifted the drummer's weight so he'd be able to hold him better before speaking.
"Yeah, kid.  It's when you let other people play with things with you when you want to play.  It's more groovy that way." Teeth nodded.
"Yeah.  Sharing makes for some harmonious and wonderful play time.  Why don't you ask Lips if you can play with the tea pot together?"  Teeth suggested, shifting Lips so he was facing his brother.  He held the plastic toy to his chest almost protectively.  Animal crossed his legs and leaned forward.  
"Bubby...share?  Wanna play together?"  The blond hesitated before passing the tea pot to Animal.  The red furred muppet grinned and took it.  He picked up the gold paci and stuck it in Lips' mouth.  
"No kiddo thats-."
"Might as well let it slide Floyd.  We're not getting that paci back until the star goes to sleep." The two climbed off their caregivers' laps and turned to the mismatched tea set.  The two redheads stood up with fond smiles.  
"There you go!  You two play nice, now." Floyd reached down to ruffle Lips' curls.  Animal glared and pulled the other to his chest.  He pouted at the two.
"No!  My bubby!"  The blond, not really grasping what was going on, hugged his brother back with a happy giggle.  Floyd shook his head, and Teeth let out a chuckle.
Just this once, they would let it slide.  At least they knew Animal loved his bubby.  
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radarsteddybear · 2 years ago
A Master Post
My Bad Things Happen Bingo Card. Prompts welcome!
Bullet point fics/ideas/meta:
Winter Soldier!Cosmo Brown
Winter Soldier!Tintin
Winter Soldier!Captain Hastings
Muppets Singin' in the Rain
What if Donald hadn't made up with Scrooge by the time Della returned from the moon?
The next "Indiana Jones" should be a woman
The Outsiders meta
Original fiction WIPs:
Cassandra | Minnow (the spy story)
↳Whumptober 2023
The Pirate Story
The Knight and the Princess Story (amnesia story)
My gifs
Other Places You Can Find Me:
Selected Fics:
Hogan's Heroes
Blood? What Blood? (G) What if LeBeau hadn't been shot at all making contact with Oskar Danzig…but someone else had?
A Hogan's Heroes Christmas Carol (G) When our Heroes need to distract Colonel Klink one Christmas Eve, Colonel Hogan comes up with a scheme that is particularly fit for the season.
The Last of the POWs (G) [Post-Apocalyptic AU] A world in which both sides came up with the atom bomb before the war's end. "The only thing we have left for sure is each other, and we're not going to let you lose that, too."
The Last Escape (Andrew Carter & Felix the Mouse, G) [Steampunk AU] London has ordered the men of Stalag 13 to return home. Meanwhile, Felix has a nasty run-in with the Kommandant's clockwork mouser. Written for Tumblr's AU Roulette.
That's a Lot of Blood (T) Once [the gunshots] faded away, the men cautiously rose to their feet, brushing off dirt and wincing as they shook out joints and limbs that had made rather abrupt contact with the ground. Nobody seemed to notice that Hogan was the last to get up, favoring his right side. Prompt: "Shit. Shit, that's a lot of blood." (I am not currently taking prompts.)
That's No Scratch (G) What if LeBeau's wound at the beginning of "That's No Lady, That's My Spy" had been more than just a graze?
Name, Rank, and Serial Number (T) Carter is taken in by the Gestapo for...questioning.
Sabotage and Anxiety (Robert Hogan & Louis LeBeau, G) What's going on inside Colonel Hogan's head as he and his men blow up a bridge.
Unwilling Pillow (Louis LeBeau & Hans Schultz, Louis LeBeau & Peter Newkirk, G) LeBeau is a little stuck.
A Small Price in War (Robert Hogan & James Kinchloe, G) Kinch watches over an injured Colonel Hogan.
Blue on Blue (Andrew Carter & Peter Newkirk, G) Someone gets a little trigger-happy on a mission.
That's Not a Kraut (Louis LeBeau & Peter Newkirk, G) "I-I mean it, Fritz! Reach for the sky!" The rustling stopped, and a big, dark shape emerged from the bushes. "That's not a kraut," LeBeau said, looking way, way up at two gleaming eyes.
Singin' in the Rain
The Baby Grand Piano (Cosmo Brown/Don Lockwood, G) Once Don Lockwood had become a bona-fide, certified movie star, the first thing he had done was buy a baby grand piano.
Ashes (Cosmo Brown/Don Lockwood/Kathy Seldon, T) Cosmo drinks his sorrows away after Kathy discovers that he and Don are more than just friends.
Ring (Cosmo Brown/Don Lockwood/Kathy Seldon, G) Cosmo comes home from Don and Kathy's wedding to a wonderful surprise.
Snow (Cosmo Brown/Don Lockwood/Kathy Seldon, G) Cosmo, Don, and Kathy wake up to find that it's snowed.
The Rat Patrol
A Blue Tin Kettle (G) A ficlet based on the phrase/idea "a blue tin kettle."
Insomnia (Jack Moffitt & Tully Pettigrew, G) Moffitt has trouble sleeping. Tully gives him a hand.
First Aid (Jack Moffitt & Sam Troy, G) Moffitt tries to patch himself up. Troy doesn't think it's a particularly good idea.
DuckTales 2017
Things My Heart Used to Know (a DuckTales Anastasia AU, G) (also known as The Fusion Fic) "We have to go," Donald said. Scrooge turned to Louie and pressed something small and solid and round into his hand. "Guard it well," he told him before disappearing into the smoke. Or, Louie gives a new meaning to the nickname "Captain Lost."
An Old Letter (Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse, G) The boys help Donald write a letter to an old friend. Written for Mickey Mouse's birthday (November 18). Happy 89th, Mickey!
A Phone Call and a Visit (Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse, G) After a year of letter writing, Mickey Mouse calls Donald on the phone and they arrange a visit. Sequel to "An Old Letter." Written for Mickey Mouse's birthday (November 18). Happy 90th, Mickey!
Just Christmas (Donald Duck & Family, G) Scrooge doesn't quite bring the kids home in time for Christmas, and Donald can't help but be upset about it. Takes place right after "The Impossible Summit of Mount Neverrest!"
Mother Hen (B.O.Y.D. & Gyro Gearloose, G) Yep, that was Gizmoduck, launching rockets at Mark Beaks in an effort to keep him at bay. And there was 2-BO flying around, blasting lasers from his eyes. ... And there was 2-BO flying around, blasting lasers from his eyes. OR B.O.Y.D. is damaged and Gyro just about loses his mind.
Lullabies (G) If you ask Donald, he'll tell you that the very moment he lost control of his life was when he found himself up at 2:00 in the morning trying to figure out how to clean up the lyrics of the old sea shanties he knows to make them suitable to sing to his boys.
Ducktober 2017 A collection of short one-shots for "Inktober for Writers" (Writetober?) 2017. Mostly fluff with a little bit of whump here and there.
Ducktober 2018 A collection of short one-shots written for Fictober. I'm using a whump prompt list that can be found here. Prompts might not be written in order. Most (but not all) will be Lena-centric, and those that are (for the most part) take place at some vague future point after Lena is freed from being Webby's shadow and returns to her corporeal form.
Fictober 2019 A multi-fandom collection of short one-shots written for Fictober. I'm using multiple prompt lists this year, including this year's Inktober prompts and these two Whumptober lists.
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brookston · 2 years ago
Holidays 5.11
Aso ote Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Azores Day
Blow Bubbles For Your Cat Day
Bob Marley Day (Jamaica)
Day of the Military Police of the National Armed Forces (Indonesia)
Feynman Day
Human Rights Day (Vietnam)
International Strange Music Festival
Joan of Arc Day (Orleans, France)
Lokadagur (Iceland)
The Long and Winding Road Day
Mata Tirtha Aunsi (Mother’s Day; Nepal)
Miskolc Day (Hungary)
Mixed Race Irish Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Deer Association Giving Day
National Foam Rolling Day
National Girls Learning Code Day
National Hairy Nosed Wombat Day (Australia)
National Wear Red Pants Dy
National Technology Day (India)
Richard Feynman Day
Sex Difference in Health Awareness Day
Somerset Day (UK)
Tubeless Tire Day
Twilight Zone Day
Victoria Sponge Day
Witching Day (Isle of Man)
World Ego Awareness Day
World Keffiyeh Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Ball Day
Eat What You Want Day
Eat Without Guilt Day
Hostess Cupcake Day
National Mocha Torte Day
2nd Thursday in May
Dress in Purple Day (Texas) [2nd Thursday]
Keller Williams RED Day [2nd Thursday]
Lanimer Day (fka Landimere’s Day; Lanarkshire & Aberdeen, UK) [1st Thursday after 6th]
One Day Without Shoes [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Imvrassia (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Minnesota Statehood Day (#32; 1858)
Feast Days
Anthimus of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Gangulphus of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gengulf; Christian; Saint)
Ice Saints (Europe)
Majolus of Cluny (a.k.a. Maieul; Christian; Saint)
Mamertus, the first of the Ice Saints (Christian; Saint)
Ma Zu (Goddess of the Sea’s Birthday; Buddhism, Taoism)
Nimnim (Muppetism)
Nisga'a Day (Nisga'a Nation/British Columbia)
Paulus Aemilius (Positivist; Saint)
Radunitsa (Ancestors’ Veneration Day; Belarus, Russian Christians, Thomas Sunday Slavs)
Salvador Dali Day (Artology; Church of the SubGenius; Pastafarian; Saint)
Syn’s Blot (Pagan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 2 of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry.]
Prime Number Day: 131 [32 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Ahab the Arab, by Ray Stevens (Novelty Song; 1962)
Cats (UK Musical Play; 1981)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2013)
Dark Shadows (Film; 2012)
Firestarter (Film; 1984)
Fox-Terror (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
Higher Ground, recorded by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1973)
A Knight’s Tale (Film; 2001)
MacArthur Park, by Richard Harris (Song; 1968)
The Natural (Film; 1984)
Penny Dreadful (TV Series; 2014)
Road Trip (Film; 2000)
Sniffles Takes a Trip (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
Tales of Brave Ulysses, recorded by Cream (Song; 1967)
Turn Coat, by Jim Butcher (Novel; 2009)
Water Babies (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Woodstock (Soundtrack Album; 1970)
Woolen Under Where (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Today’s Name Days
Gangolf, Joachim, Mamertus (Austria)
Kiril, Kirila, Metodi (Bulgaria)
Franjo, Mamerto (Croatia)
Svatava (Czech Republic)
Mamertus (Denmark)
Leevo, Liivar, Liivo (Estonia)
Osmo (Finland)
Estelle, Mayeul (France)
Joachim, Mamertus (Germany)
Argyris, Armodios, Dioskouridis, Methodios, Olympia (Greece)
Ferenc (Hungary)
Achille, Fabio, Fiorenzo, Marziale, Stella (Italy)
Karmena, Manfreds, Milda (Latvia)
Mamertas, Miglė, Pilypas, Skirgaudas (Lithuania)
Magda, Malvin (Norway)
Adalbert, Benedykt, Filip, Franciszek, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Lew, Lutogniew, Mamert, Mira, Żegota (Poland)
Chiril, Metodie, Mochie (România)
Blažena (Slovakia)
Fabio, Francisco (Spain)
Märit, Märta (Sweden)
Asa, Ervin, Erwin, Irvin, Irving, Irwing, Marlo, Marlon, Marlow, Marvin, Merle, Merlin, Mervin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 131 of 2024; 234 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 22 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 20 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 20 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 10 Bīja; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 28 April 2023
Moon: 59%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Caesar (5th Month) [Paulus Aemilius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 53 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 22 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years ago
Holidays 5.11
Aso ote Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Azores Day
Blow Bubbles For Your Cat Day
Bob Marley Day (Jamaica)
Day of the Military Police of the National Armed Forces (Indonesia)
Feynman Day
Human Rights Day (Vietnam)
International Strange Music Festival
Joan of Arc Day (Orleans, France)
Lokadagur (Iceland)
The Long and Winding Road Day
Mata Tirtha Aunsi (Mother’s Day; Nepal)
Miskolc Day (Hungary)
Mixed Race Irish Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Deer Association Giving Day
National Foam Rolling Day
National Girls Learning Code Day
National Hairy Nosed Wombat Day (Australia)
National Wear Red Pants Dy
National Technology Day (India)
Richard Feynman Day
Sex Difference in Health Awareness Day
Somerset Day (UK)
Tubeless Tire Day
Twilight Zone Day
Victoria Sponge Day
Witching Day (Isle of Man)
World Ego Awareness Day
World Keffiyeh Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Ball Day
Eat What You Want Day
Eat Without Guilt Day
Hostess Cupcake Day
National Mocha Torte Day
2nd Thursday in May
Dress in Purple Day (Texas) [2nd Thursday]
Keller Williams RED Day [2nd Thursday]
Lanimer Day (fka Landimere’s Day; Lanarkshire & Aberdeen, UK) [1st Thursday after 6th]
One Day Without Shoes [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Imvrassia (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Minnesota Statehood Day (#32; 1858)
Feast Days
Anthimus of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Gangulphus of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gengulf; Christian; Saint)
Ice Saints (Europe)
Majolus of Cluny (a.k.a. Maieul; Christian; Saint)
Mamertus, the first of the Ice Saints (Christian; Saint)
Ma Zu (Goddess of the Sea’s Birthday; Buddhism, Taoism)
Nimnim (Muppetism)
Nisga'a Day (Nisga'a Nation/British Columbia)
Paulus Aemilius (Positivist; Saint)
Radunitsa (Ancestors’ Veneration Day; Belarus, Russian Christians, Thomas Sunday Slavs)
Salvador Dali Day (Artology; Church of the SubGenius; Pastafarian; Saint)
Syn’s Blot (Pagan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 2 of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry.]
Prime Number Day: 131 [32 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Ahab the Arab, by Ray Stevens (Novelty Song; 1962)
Cats (UK Musical Play; 1981)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2013)
Dark Shadows (Film; 2012)
Firestarter (Film; 1984)
Fox-Terror (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
Higher Ground, recorded by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1973)
A Knight’s Tale (Film; 2001)
MacArthur Park, by Richard Harris (Song; 1968)
The Natural (Film; 1984)
Penny Dreadful (TV Series; 2014)
Road Trip (Film; 2000)
Sniffles Takes a Trip (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
Tales of Brave Ulysses, recorded by Cream (Song; 1967)
Turn Coat, by Jim Butcher (Novel; 2009)
Water Babies (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Woodstock (Soundtrack Album; 1970)
Woolen Under Where (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Today’s Name Days
Gangolf, Joachim, Mamertus (Austria)
Kiril, Kirila, Metodi (Bulgaria)
Franjo, Mamerto (Croatia)
Svatava (Czech Republic)
Mamertus (Denmark)
Leevo, Liivar, Liivo (Estonia)
Osmo (Finland)
Estelle, Mayeul (France)
Joachim, Mamertus (Germany)
Argyris, Armodios, Dioskouridis, Methodios, Olympia (Greece)
Ferenc (Hungary)
Achille, Fabio, Fiorenzo, Marziale, Stella (Italy)
Karmena, Manfreds, Milda (Latvia)
Mamertas, Miglė, Pilypas, Skirgaudas (Lithuania)
Magda, Malvin (Norway)
Adalbert, Benedykt, Filip, Franciszek, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Lew, Lutogniew, Mamert, Mira, Żegota (Poland)
Chiril, Metodie, Mochie (România)
Blažena (Slovakia)
Fabio, Francisco (Spain)
Märit, Märta (Sweden)
Asa, Ervin, Erwin, Irvin, Irving, Irwing, Marlo, Marlon, Marlow, Marvin, Merle, Merlin, Mervin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 131 of 2024; 234 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 22 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 20 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 20 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 10 Bīja; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 28 April 2023
Moon: 59%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Caesar (5th Month) [Paulus Aemilius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 53 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 22 of 30)
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