#World cancer day
icarusredwings · 17 days
Logan: It's Febuary 4th you know what that means?
Wade: Only 10 more days until vday baby!!
Logan: Happy World Cancer Day
Wade: oh fuck off
*is actually giggling and kicking his feet* He cares about me ❤️
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floridaboiler · 8 months
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barbielore · 8 months
February 4th is World Cancer day so I wanted to take a moment to briefly acknowledge this. As I have posted about before last October, Barbie has a history with the subject of cancer as her creator Ruth Handler was herself a survivor. As a result it is no surprise that Barbie has had tie-in dolls with the Susan G Komen foundation.
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Also worth noting is that Mattel has an ongoing collaboration with CureSearch, a childhood cancer charity. Mattel's contribution here is with Brave Barbie, a doll line now running for over 10 years.
To quote the Executive Director of Mattel Children's Foundation and Corporate Philanthropy, Nancy Molenda, as quoted in the linked article on the CureSearch website:
Brave Barbie is given to children that are going through difficult cancer treatments so that they can see themselves and feel comforted that they’re not going through this alone.
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Brave Barbies are donated to children fighting childhood cancer and depict either a light-skinned or a darker-skinned doll with no hair as well as a 'natural' coloured wig, a cute multi-coloured wig and a bandanna.
Mattel has also produced another doll in a similar range; friend of Barbie Ella, who was not for retail sale, but available only by donation to childrens hospitals, and depicted a friend of Barbie experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy.
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Cancer is a tragedy that affects many people and I am not going to ask you to donate to any particular charity or to engage in any particular kind of activism but I do encourage you to seek out a charity that suits you and that you personally would like to see support behind, if you are in a position where charity work or donations are right for you at the moment.
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pluto-wayward · 8 months
(tws ahead for mentions of cancer and death)
so its world cancer day which means i am legally obligated to make a cancer post
lets take a poll! (please read all the options before choosing)
yeah have fun!
this is for research
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science-sculpt · 8 months
A Journey Through Time: Exploring the History of Cancer
Cancer, a disease that has plagued humanity for millennia, holds a complex and fascinating history. Our earliest encounters with cancer date back to ancient Egypt, where fossilized bone tumors and descriptions in medical papyri like the Edwin Smith Papyrus (3000 BC) offer chilling glimpses. The "Father of Medicine," Hippocrates (460-370 BC), coined the term "carcinoma," inspired by the crab-like appearance of tumors. While treatments were limited to cauterization and surgery, these early observations laid the groundwork for future understanding.
The Middle Ages saw a decline in scientific progress, with cancer often attributed to imbalances in bodily humors or divine punishment. However, glimpses of hope emerged. Arab physicians like Avicenna (980-1037 AD) categorized tumors and advocated for early surgical intervention. Microscopes revealed the cellular nature of tumors, and anesthesia paved the way for safer and more effective surgical interventions. The 18th and 19th centuries witnessed a surge in scientific curiosity. Percivall Pott (1714-1788) linked scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps to soot exposure, marking the first identification of an environmental carcinogen. Microscopes unveiled the cellular nature of tumors, and Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) proposed the revolutionary "cell theory," laying the foundation for our modern understanding of cancer as a cellular disease.
The 20th century ushered in a new era of cancer research and treatment. Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895 paved the way for radiation therapy, while the development of chemotherapy in the 1940s offered another weapon in the fight against cancer. Screening programs and early detection strategies emerged, leading to improved survival rates for certain cancers.
Today, we stand at the precipice of a new frontier in cancer research. The Human Genome Project has unlocked the secrets of our genetic makeup, leading to targeted therapies and personalized medicine. Immunotherapy, harnessing the body's own immune system to fight cancer, is showing remarkable promise. The future holds hope for even more effective and personalized treatments, potentially leading to a world where cancer becomes a chronic, manageable condition.
Cancer's history is a testament to human resilience and ingenuity. From ancient observations to modern marvels of science, the fight against this formidable foe has been a constant struggle. The fight against cancer is far from over, but the progress made through research and innovation is remarkable. As we delve deeper into the complexities of cancer biology and explore novel technologies, the future holds immense promise for improved prevention, early detection, and personalized treatments.
While the journey through history highlights the significant progress made, it also serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle and the unwavering hope for a future free from this formidable foe.
As we mark World Cancer Day today, February 4th, 2024, it's a stark reminder of the immense global challenge cancer presents. This year's theme, "Close the care gap: Access is equity," compels us to acknowledge and address the disparities in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care that exist across different communities and regions. But amidst the statistics and struggles, there's also hope – hope fueled by the tireless efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals, and individuals like you and me.
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spooniestrong · 2 years
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I'm a childhood cancer survivor as well as a Spoonie. I lost my mom to cancer 4 years ago as well. I've lost a lot of friends and relatives to cancer, so on #WorldCancerDay, #SpoonieStrong honors all of you. 💙
~Stephanie // SpoonieStrong
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killyourfeelingss · 2 years
World Cancer Day…
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katjaschmitt · 2 years
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anthonyspage · 2 years
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thedigitalvale · 2 years
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ricisidro · 7 months
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LIVE: The Medical City’s National Cancer 2024
#NationalCancerAwarenessMonth #cancerawareness #WorldCancerDay
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inshortfacts · 8 months
World Cancer Day – Global Efforts for a Cancer Free Future
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World Cancer Day, observed annually on 4th February, serves as a global initiative to heighten awareness about cancer, fostering a collective commitment towards its prevention, early detection, and effective treatment. Guided by the Union for International Cancer Control, this impactful day aligns with the objectives outlined in the 2008 World Cancer Declaration.
World Cancer Day : A Pinnacle of Unity
This year’s theme, “United Against Cancer,” underscores the power of collaboration in the fight against cancer. From healthcare professionals to policymakers, researchers, and individuals worldwide, the synergy is palpable. World Cancer Day serves as a rallying cry for unity, emphasizing that together, we can overcome the challenges posed by this relentless adversary.
Initiatives That Define Progress
Transformative Research Ventures
In the realm of cancer research, 2024 stands as a testament to unprecedented strides. The year witnesses an influx of funding into transformative research ventures, exploring novel treatment modalities and diagnostic tools. These initiatives not only promise breakthroughs but also instill hope that a cure may be within reach.
Global Awareness Campaigns
The importance of awareness cannot be overstated. Global campaigns orchestrated by leading health organizations aim to educate and empower communities. Through a myriad of mediums, from social media to public events, the message of prevention, early detection, and available resources permeates every corner of the globe.
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gubbacciindia · 8 months
Unite for World Cancer Day Awareness | Gubbacci
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World Cancer Day, observed annually on February 4th, serves as a global platform to raise awareness about cancer, its prevention, early detection, and treatment. With millions affected worldwide, it highlights the urgency in addressing this pervasive disease, emphasizing the importance of public knowledge, preventative measures, and access to care. The 2022–2024 campaign theme, "Close the Care Gap," encourages individuals, communities, and governments to unite in efforts to mitigate the devastating impact of cancer and improve access to quality care for all.
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artistkaila17 · 8 months
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Today has a few holidays today. Today is World Cancer Day 2024.
Donate and support to any cancer organizations who are trying to fight against all types of Cancer, like americancancersociety and cancerresearchinstitute.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
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goodvibesatpeace · 8 months
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