#Woofie speaks
uarmyhusband · 6 months
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Looking for Fortnite Friends❕
I play bot lobbies, so we can get easy wins, get quests done stress free, and have fun
I also play bot lobbies so I can get awesome Fortography photoshoots
I also love playing Main Stage Festival and creative maps (d3athruns are my go to)
We could have themed skins or matching skins if you want 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Sometimes I do joke and sing so it’s like your own lil show
Don’t hesitate to send me your epic id or ask me for mine 💙
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miragemirrors · 10 months
just experienced a microaggression by the discord app
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katyawriteswhump · 6 months
power of love, part 15
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16
(also on AO3 here and as part of my steve whump fic series)
Steve’s back in the loggers’ cabin. He’s kissing Eddie stupid, and he’s loving it.
They’re both done with drinking bad beer, and even more done with pretending this thing between them isn’t real. They’ve gotten their arms flung around each other. Steve’s tongue is happily exploring the depths of Eddie’s mouth.
Kissing Eddie is totally unlike any make-out session Steve’s ever known. The scratch of Eddie’s lightly stubbled jaw against his is… Gnnng, mindblowing! Steve slides his knee into Eddie’s lap, wishing Eddie would jump his bones already. When Eddie snags his fingers through Steve’s hair, it sends literal sparks down Steve’s spine. The insistent brush of their lips is actual fire, until…
… it’s all too much. Steve moans with something other than dumb teen passion, and it feels like his head’s gonna explode. That familiar crimson tide washes through his brain, and then…
Robin’s voice wrenches Steve back to the present. Oh, yeah. They’re wading along some shitty little stream, hidden between high banks. Somehow, while getting lost in memories of that kiss, his feet shifted forward on autopilot.
She’s following behind. “I haven’t heard those woofy search dogs for a while,” she says. “You?”
I’ve not a clue, Robin. My head’s zoning in and out of Christ-knows-what-crazy-ass-shit, and I’ve gotten a boner from daydreaming about Eddie. Which is fading fast, because when I remember I might never get another shot at kissing him for real, I wanna stuff my fist in my mouth and bite down hard.
“Gonna trust you on that one,” he mumbles.
“We can get out of this disgusting drain then?” He shrugs, climbs up the bank to check all’s clear.  “See anything we need to worry about?”
“Not sure.” Steve frowns, surveying a few dumped cars and a burned-out trailer. It’s a familiar patch of wasteland, a known hang-out for pretty much every teen in the area. “We’re back in Hawkins already.”
“You’re kidding?” She scrambles up to join him and visibly pales beneath her grime and freckles. “Oh my God. We must’ve travelled at least ten miles. In less than an hour and a half.” She glances at her watch and nods emphatically. “Any explanations, Steve? Any cryptic messages from your water-fairy-godparent?”
“Gimme a break! You’re the one who said we’re off to Magic Camp. At this stage—boom! Whatever! Crazy is to be expected.” He sounds chill. Despite the fear jostling him from every angle over what the hell is happening now?  Their gazes lock, and… Jesus, he can read in her manic eyes how her last ragged nerve is about to snap.
“Okay, okay,” she says, “we won’t panic.”
“I’m not panicking."
“Well, I am! One plus side—there’s plenty of nice dry paths leading to Lover’s Lake in that direction.” She points to the wasteland. “Don’t you dare make me get back in the ditch. I am literally wearing duckweed for mascara.”
He considers her suggestion for a few seconds, before that stupid waterfall roars in his head. “Sorry.” He bounces back into the stream. “If we’re believing in this bullshit, then I gotta go the way I get told.”
With the biggest sigh ever, she skids down after him. They paddle onward, hand in hand. She’s shaking weirdly, gasping and gulping, like she’s giggling and crying all at once. Oh, and shivering too. He wants to check she’s okay, but he doesn’t dare speak. Sounds bombard them from every angle, including shouting, maybe a quad bike, and plenty of distant and not-so-distant sirens.
“Look, Robin,” he whispers, when it seems safe. “You’re not in deep shit, like me and Eddie. Maybe you should go home to your mom.”
“Nice thought. Mommy Dearest has probably rented out my room already.”
Steve hums sympathetically, while pausing to mindlessly kick off his trashed sneakers. “If it’s any consolation, when I was reported missing, nobody noticed my parents rushing back.” He’d asked Hopper, casually enough. “I’m guessing they didn’t bother."
“That sucks, though…means we could nip back to your place for a warm shower, clean clothes?”
“Trust me, I’d murder for that. You really should go, but—” The sound of way-too-close voices interrupts him. After a minute longer, shuffling forward, she wrings his fingers crushingly tight. 
“Uh, Steve? Look.”
Up ahead, the waterway flows into a culvert. The entrance is barred with a metal grid. 
“Oh, thanks a bunch, fairy-guardian-water-spirit-angel-parent,” says Steve. “Great short cut, just great!” A dog growls so close that they startle as one, resulting in a loud splash. He shoves Robin toward the opposite bank. “Go! I’ll try… something.”
“How’s that gonna help?” she hisses, letting him bundle her ahead. “It would be kinda sad if you lightning-fried the dog because it’s not the dog’s fault—"
“Scram, will you? I’ll give it a quick shot—mind the freakin’ dog—and be right behind.”
She scrambles into some bushes at the top, and he prays she keeps going. All he hears is goddamn barking. Christ, can it smell my blood? Still, he has to keep it together and come up with some damn heavy rain, and fast, to destroy her scent as she escapes.
He crouches down, conjures up their recent discussion about parents. Eleven told him to channel anger, so that’s a decent start…
Steve jumps up, whirls about. A foam-flecked mouth snarls at him from the top of the bank. He’s faintly relieved to see the canine owner of this huge and scary mouth is on a leash. Unfortunately, the leash is held by a tall guy in khaki, a semi-automatic tucked at his side.
He shines a flashlight directly in Steve’s face. Steve meekly raises his hands. He’s too stunned for real fright.
“You shouldn’t be here,” says army guy. “Woah, you’re filthy! You got papers?”
“Huh?” Hopper hadn’t been kidding about the military dictatorship.
“Got a name, kid?”
He glances down at his Hellfire Club t-shirt, cringes back into the dazzling beam. “Eddie Munson?”
“Outta the ditch. Keep your hands where I can see them.”
Steve doesn’t instantly obey. He’s still trying to figure out if this is really happening, and why exactly he said he was Eddie. To protect him, right? Then Eddie can get clean out of the state. Oh, and because he’s so obsessed with Eddie that he can’t stop thinking about him.
A second later, the dog-handler is in the stream with him. He grabs Steve by the arm, and snaps into a lapel radio: “This is MWD-handler 7. Inform O’Sullivan that fugitive 1 is apprehended.”
Eddie POV
The forces dragging Eddie home to Hawkins are suddenly spooking-him-the-hell out. 
It’s not all about Steve anymore. He’s hearing water. Loud running water, which draws him toward what turns out to be a nonsensically pathetic-as-piss stream. He jumps in and follows, even as he starts to panic for real.
Steve said he was hearing water. Now I hear it too. What does this mean? Wtf does this BS mean!?!
He presses on anyhow, finding he simply can’t stop thinking about THAT KISS. He’s reliving it over-and-over. At least, the good parts, before Steve fainted on him. Did Eddie daydream the delicious twisty, flirty things that Steve did with his tongue? 
Then he’s thinking about Steve’s butt. 
You never gave THAT BUTT the squeeze it deserved. Holy shit, Munson, you’re such a loser. 
Most torturous of all, the idea that it might be all over between them… Crap, it makes him feel physically ill. How can the idea of losing somebody he never really had hurt so much?  Oh, and when the heck did he kick off his sneakers and start wading bare foot? He has absolutely zero memory of doing that. Still, the cold water doesn’t seem to bother him.
As darkness falls, he spots some familiar landmarks, and realises he’s only a mile or so out of Hawkins. Which is also totally cuckoo, because there’s no way he should’ve travelled back so fast. For the first time since he set off, he stops dead.
Reality check, Munson—pretty much everybody in this dump you call home believes you to be a freakshow-turned-serial-killer. And you’ve come storming back for some douchebag rich kid who dumped you.
There is, however, a single good side to his progress into Hell. He pulls out his walkie-talkie out of his pack, switches it on, and tunes into Dustin’s coded wavelength:
“Anybody there? This is a code-red. CODE RED!” Okay, being officially too ‘old’ for the Party, he’s not supposed to say that, but desperate times call for desperate—
“No way! Is that you? Over.” 
At Dustin’s reply, some dam deep inside Eddie bursts. His face crumples, and he shamelessly, softly weeps. “Yeah, it’s me, buddy. It’s me.”
“Roger that. What the hell are you doing? This place is overrun with wannabe Nazis.” The hairs on the back of Eddie’s neck stand suddenly on end, and not because of Dustin’s news. “It’s a warzone. You should be in the next state by now!”
Eddie drops the walkie-talkie and shoves his hands in the air. Some military-fascist-knucklehead is pointing an assault rifle at him, though he’s weirdly numbed to the horror of it all. He honestly hadn’t expected it to feel this inevitable.
“Roger that?” says the walkie-talkie.
Eddie grins, so manically goofy that his face aches. 
“Name or papers,” demands the son-of-a-bitch.
“Uuuuuh…” Okay, he’s blown this. Nobody with nothing to hide, blunders THAT answer. “Steve Harrington?”
He said that to protect Steve, right? If they think I’m him, they’ll… torture me instead. Oh shit. Oh Shiiiiiiit!
A big angry dude pummels into Eddie from the side, crushing him into the mud. 
Part 16
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology @finntheehumaneater If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know. Thank you for reading so far :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16
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riseofthespacecats · 3 months
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An Eddsworld Fan-Script: Part 15
SUPERLAD hangs his head out the window, eyes wide.
SUPERLAD Hey! Look outside, there's-
STEVE What? What could be so important-
STEVE (SuperGuy) is midway through a complex CROCHET ART. The entire apartment has CROCHET decorations.
STEVE -That you have to interrupt me? Huh? SUPERLAD ...It's just- STEVE Just what? Is it worth missing a stitch for?
SUPERLAD mumbles.
STEVE Speak up, I didn't hear you. SUPERLAD Yes you did! You always can!
STEVE takes a breath.
STEVE I'm not having this fight. Sit down, and get back to your sourdough. SUPERLAD But it's still proving!
STEVE glares at him.
SUPERLAD sighs and takes the dough out of the proving draw. He zaps it with his eyes, and it expands to full size.
Through the WINDOW, SPACESHIPS appear.
CAT SPACESHIPS descend down, green light illuminating the ruined city.
RINGO Dis is all my fault. EDD No, Ringo. Don't say that. It was also Tords. RINGO Twue. But... I weally let evewyone down. EDD That's my fault. I couldn't let you do what you were doing. RINGO But it wasn't just da king and da commandew. I awso let you down. And worst of aww, myself. I shoulda wistened to my heart. EDD Well, I guess you must have, like, two of them right? That's got to be confusing. RINGO Six, actuawy. EDD Oh. Which one did you need to listen to? RINGO Usuawy it's a clawmbination of one and three, but dis time I fink my fifth heart was da wight one. EDD Why? What does it say? RINGO It says... I didn't want dis. I didn't want any of dis. Dewe was so much pwessure fwom Commandew Woden that I had to do something. Dose fat cats onwy cawed about wesults! But I don't want da power or reward fwom defeating our owdest enemy. I just wanted to stay hewe and wive a small wife, with you. EDD Oh, Ringo. You should have just told me all of this earlier. Actually, no, if you'd said anything before all this I would have freaked out. RINGO Yeah, da wast time I said anyfing I had to bwame it on Matt.
MATT gasps.
MATT So you're the one who made the shorts comment! RINGO Dey were a swutty cut, what can I say? EDD Uh. Anyway. It's too late to worry about the past, what we need to focus on is the now. Ringo.
EDD puts a hand on RINGO'S shoulder.
EDD You said you needed to listen to your, uh, fifth heart. Well I named you after one of the bravest hearts I know, Ringo Wallace. RINGO I fought my name was Ringo Wingo Prigle Tingle Fwoofy Woofy Smoochy Smooshy Baby Waby Kitty Witty Beanie Weanie Pawsie Wawsies.
MATT and TOM raise their eyebrows. EDD looks embarrassed.
EDD What? No, I've never said that! RINGO But the only other thing you call me is Stinky! EDD You're a stinky cat! RINGO And pwoud. EDD Right. But my point still stands. When the Cat King and all his soldiers come here, we can tell him...
EDD is under a spotlight, music swelling.
EDD He may take our lives... But he can never take our freedom!
EDD punches his hand in the air.
MATT I don't want him to take our lives. I only just got this second chance! TOM Yeah, I'm with Matt. He can take my life from my cold, dead hands. EDD Oh. Yeah. Fair enough. TOM I need a drink.
TOM pulls his FLASK from inside his damaged suit and lifts it so his mouth. A DROPLET falls from a HOLE in the bottom.
TOM Oh, son of a-
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bobmckenzie · 1 year
I think....... Bob loves McDonald's hashbrowns and he's mildly allergic to coconut and loons are one of his favorite animals and he gets cold really easily and he's scared of heights. His favorite color is green and his favorite holiday is valentines day because he thinks it's romantic and has always wanted a valentine but when anybody asks he says it's christmas because he's embarrassed. driving makes him nervous sometimes even though he's actually a really good driver. he has a little scar at the top of his forehead from hockey and a big one on his shoulder from when he and Doug were rough housing as kids and he fell against the coffee table and had to get stitches. speaking of which he hates needles and gets woozy around medical stuff. he has a really worn-out little stuffed dog named woofy that he's had since he was born. he dislikes getting his hair cut because it's hard for him to sit still, so it gets longer than he means it to pretty often. he's a picky eater. he loves white chocolate. and all of this is true btw he told me 👍🏻
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woofie7 · 8 days
Dog Health Tips and Top Dog-Friendly Places in Northern Ireland
Understanding Germolene Cream for Dogs
Germolene cream is one of those familiar antiseptic ointments many of us have applied to cuts, grazes, and minor wounds. But can it be used on a dog? Well, yes, but with caution. Speaking about small-scale injuries of your dog, Germolene on dog wound can help reduce infection and soothe discomfort.
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However, it is important to use it sparingly and avoid letting your dog lick the treated area. If you really are not sure of the quantity or whether the injury is too grievous, always consult your vet first. After all, no one knows your pet’s health better than a professional.
How to Safely Apply Germolene on Your Dog’s Wound
Cleanse the wound: The recommended practice before applying Germolene on a dog’s wound is cleaning the area with warm water to remove any dirt or debris.
Apply thinly: Use a small amount of the Germolene cream for dogs and cover the wound; do not overapply.
Cover the wound: If possible, bandage the area to keep your dog from accessing and licking off the cream, since this could lead to stomach upset.
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Celeriac for Dogs: A Natural Boost to Their Diet
Natural dieting, while discussing wound care with Germolene for dogs, is one more thing that must be added. People try to give more vegetables to like celeriac for dogs, because of its high fiber content and its rich nutrients. Celeriac in itself is a non-toxic food for them, so it will help with a dog’s stomach and digestion to maintain gut health. Cooked and in small portions, it is better served mixed into the regular food.
When to Consult a Vet
While Germolene cream for dogs is quite effective when it comes to minor scrapes, deeper wounds, however, need veterinary attention. When there is apparent depth to the wound or your dog is in visible pain, it best left to the professionals. Similarly, if you decide to feed your dog celeriac and notice an adverse reaction or the dog is bothered with digesting the addition, then the ingredient should no longer be added to his diet, but rather the vet should be consulted.
Why Choose Bulgur Wheat for Dogs?
You might have heard that bulgur wheat for dogs is the new fad. A responsible pet owner should ensure that his dog is on the right track as far as feeding him the right kinds of food. A healthy fibre supply and other essential nutrients in bulgur wheat may form part of your dog’s regimen. It is just one of many options of healthy food you’ll find in Furbies Pet Supplies, which encourages the use of the best ingredients for your pup’s meals.
Furbies Pet Supplies: Everything You Need for Your Dog
Finding good, reliable pet supply stores can be a pain; over time, Furbies Pet Supplies has built up a reputation one can depend on. Everything from toys to food and grooming accessories your dog will ever need can truly be found within this store. More so, their staff is always at hand to answer questions regarding your pet’s well-being.
Top Dog Groomers in Banbridge
Grooming is important to keep your dog healthy, and if you are in the Banbridge area, consider yourself quite lucky. These Dog groomers Banbridge offer excellent services that leave your furry friend looking and feeling great. From regular washes to full grooming packages offered by these professionals, your dog will certainly be well taken care of regardless of breed and size.
Finding the Perfect Dog-Friendly Restaurants in Derry
The great thing about having a dog is that you get to bring them wherever you go. If you are staying in Derry and need to find out what places you can grab a bite to eat without having to leave your dog behind, well, then Woofie’s list of dog friendly restaurants in Derry is just the thing for you. Be it a cafe with an open-air seating space or a restaurant allowing dogs their special nook to stay, your canine companion is welcome. These, to me, have been havens whenever I go on those spur-of-the-moment outings where I just could not bear the thought of leaving my poor dog behind.
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Why Dog-Friendly Venues Matter
Having a pet is just like having a member of your family, and you need to find places that treat your four-legged friend just the same as they would treat you. Be it the dog-friendly restaurants in Northern Ireland or leisurely hours spent in dog-friendly pubs in Northern Ireland; we make it pretty easy for you to choose the best. As for the health of your pet, all one needs to know is here within our directory for vets in Balmoral recommended by the residents themselves.
Finding Dog-Friendly Restaurants in Northern Ireland
Now, Northern Ireland has some fantastic restaurants that just love to welcome dogs with open arms, offering everything from doggy water bowls outside to seating and even treats for your canine pal. Here at Dog Friendly Britain, be it a family meal or a quick snack, our directory features the most accommodating dog friendly restaurants Northern Ireland has to offer. We have collated reviews from other dog owners so you can be sure to find the places where your dog will be able to enjoy the day out as much as you will.
Dog-Friendly Pubs in Northern Ireland: A Place for You and Your Pup
Nothing quite beats an evening out in a local pub, but this is even better because your dog can join in on the fun! From bustling city pubs to quaint countryside taverns, dog friendly pubs Northern Ireland that invite you and your furrier buddy inside with open arms. Many of these also allow special treats for your dog, so it can be an ideal means of spending quality time together.
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Finding the Best Dog-Friendly Restaurants in Northern Ireland
Some are casual eats, and some are fine dining, but whatever-when it comes to having a meal with your dog inside the facility-you’ll find plenty of great restaurants that allow them in. We have rounded up some of the best dog friendly restaurants Northern Ireland that can offer outdoor seating, water bowls, and even special dog treats.
The Barking Dog — Known for its warm atmosphere and dog-friendly policies, this restaurant is perfect for a meal out with your canine companion.
Paws & Pints — Offering a unique blend of great food and a welcoming environment for dogs, it’s a must-visit for any dog owner.
Coffee Shops for You and Your Dog
If you are a coffee lover, and still fall in the leisurely category, then dog-friendly spots will be a must. Whether it is a quiet café in the city with a view or a peaceful retreat in dense greens, Woofie.org presents a list of dog friendly coffee shops near me that will no longer make you need to leave your furry friend at home.
Café Canine — A haven for dog lovers, where you can enjoy a latte while your pup enjoys a treat from their special dog menu.
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The Dog’s Deli Café — A great spot to unwind with a coffee and catch up with friends, all while your dog gets some much-deserved attention.
Relax at Dog-Friendly Bars
Most of the places to unwind after work with a drink in them are dog friendly bars Northern Ireland. Then you can take your pet along. Many such bars provide good seating that is comfortable enough for both human and dogs, and so it becomes quite the spot to relax, socialize, and enjoy other dog lovers.
Dog House — Relaxed atmosphere, dogs are welcome too, so a good spot for a pint on the way home after a long day.
The Canine Corner Pub — A fantastic pub characterized with a friendly and welcoming ambiance where you can revel playing with, as well as taking good care of your dear canine.
Northern Ireland Pet Stores: Where to Buy for Your Furry Buddy
The best pet shop makes the difference in the life of your furry friend. It is therefore a list given to you by woofie.org on the best pet shops in Northern Ireland, capable of catering to any of your needs ranging from premium food, toys, and grooming services. Our directory shall be made accessible for an easier way to find pet shops which offer the best in terms of quality products and quality service in order for you to give your pet a high quality care.
Paws & Claws: Actually, this is a pet shop in the heart of Belfast. If you want to find any products for your pets, you can get a vast variety here. Be it food, toys, or grooming products; this is the place.
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The Dog House: Located a bit out of Derry, Dog House is a high-end pet accessory and treat store. Its excellent service to the customers and their pets makes the venture popular among locals.
Enjoy a Coffee Date with Your Pup: Dog-Friendly Coffee Shops
The ultimate experience: sipping your coffee as your dog lies beside you. The best places to visit in Northern Ireland with your furry best friend, relax, and enjoy a treat together have been selected and highlighted in our guide to dog friendly coffee shops. Not only do these coffee shops allow dogs but also offer extras like water bowls and treats, so they’re perfect for your next coffee date with your pup.
Unwind with Your Dog: Top Dog-Friendly Bars
For those who like to go out with their dog, the list of Northern Ireland’s dog friendly bars is exactly what you’d be looking for. The dog-friendly bars have created such an appealing atmosphere that you can enjoy your evening with your beloved pet. It may be some quite pub to meet over a drink or some very lively bar to go for a great night out; our directory will guide you to find the right dog-friendly bar.
The Wagging Tail: This bar in the heart of Galway is one of the favorite hangouts of locals who own pets. It happens to be a casual atmosphere with dog-friendly attitudes, making it the perfect place to get a drink while one has their pups tagging along.
The Pup’s Pint: Cork-based, The Pup’s Pint can boast of an excellent selection of beers and about being very dog-friendly. Go out and enjoy yourself, knowing your furry friend is too.
Here at Woofie, we are the perfect way to discover some of the best-rated pet shops, dog-friendly coffee shops, and dog-friendly bars in Northern Ireland. We’re committed to ensuring you and your fur babies experience the best with each other.
Q1. What does dog friendly pub mean?
Signage to advertise the pub is dog-friendly. A warm welcome for owners and their dogs. Special dog-friendly food offerings on the menu. Designated bins for dog poo (plus complimentary poo bags too!)
Q2. How do I choose a dog walker?
When choosing a dog walker, it’s important to consider factors such as their experience and qualifications, reliability and trustworthiness, compatibility with your pet, logistics and communication, and insurance and liability coverage. Checking client references, online reviews, and arranging a meet-and-greet can help ensure a good fit between the walker and your pet.
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the-hem · 9 months
"The Voice in the Wilderness." From the Gospel of Saint John, 6-9, 19-26.
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The Voice in the Wilderness is propesied in the Book of Isaiah, circa 800-700 BCE. Israel was conquered by the fiercely monotheistic and legalistic Assyrians and the first real prophet of Israel, Amos began to record his testimony followed by his son, Isaiah ben Amoz thereafter.
Solomon's sons and their exesses left the Kingdom wide open and in came the Assyrians with their Legal Code and life was never the same. The Book of Isaiah reminds the former people of the Kingdom of Israel their God and His Code, His Torah were every bit as good as that of the Assyrians and to take heart.
The Prophet John, circa 100 CE proclaims the Voice in the Wildnerness the voice of one longing for the unconditional, unmodifiied, inimitable Presence of God was speaking, prepare to heed it.
Following is how this process of speaking and hearing is recorded in the Fourth Gospel. First came the Light and the Witness to the Light, which is of equal importance in preparing for the Arrival of Christ. Without this process, whether through the eyes or the ears or the nose or the skin, or through taste, called Ha Shem in Hebrew, one cannot know God. One must prepare and then one may Know.
In between the self and the Self, is something called John:
The verb חנן (hanan) means to be gracious or to favor. Nouns חן (hen), חנינה (hanina), תחנה (tehinna) and תחנון (tahanun) mean favor or grace. Adverb חנם (hinnam) means freely or gratis, and adjective חנון (hannun) means gracious.
John-Natan is the gift:
The masculine noun מתן (mattan), meaning gift; marriage gifts (Genesis 34:12), offerings (Numbers 18:11) or presents (Proverbs 18:16).
The feminine version of the previous noun: מתנה (mattana), also meaning gift or offering. This noun is also used to describe the "gift of one's hand", that is one's talent(s) (Deuteronomy 16:17).
The feminine noun מתת (mattat), meaning gift or reward (Ezekiel 46:5, Ecclesiastes 3:13).
Together we get Jonathan, the name of King David's woofie:
"The shape-shifting verb נתן (natan) means to give in a broad bouquet of senses, from regular giving or bestowing, to setting or putting, to transforming one thing or situation into another.
This verb's three nouns מתן (mattan), מתנה (mattana) and מתת (mattat) all mean gift, again broadly ranging from a regular present to an offering to an innate talent (being "gifted")."
The Witness
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 
7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 
8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
A man sent from God is a sentient being who leads others out of the darkness of insentience, called the wilderness. We know baby John and Baby Jesus spoke in the womb, so one presumes that John achieved sentience in utero, and came to report on the circumstances as an adult about the adult version of Christ.
Sentience is transmitted. God gives us life, the Light behind one's eyes, but the real gift of life is sentience. As the Earthbound Spirit of God, Christ is the pre-eminent Cause of sentience in the modern world. He taught people how to be fully civilized after Rome caused the final remants of the Israelite civilization to fold. Fortunately remnants of His Christianity have remained with us.
As with learning to add or subtract, to sing or play the violin or fix a car or swim in the Olympics, God does none of these things. The real gift of life comes from other human beings, and we sell this short. Christ's Cause was the same- to teach people how to be kind.
For this to work, we need to see someone being nice, and we need to believe they are of God in Christ or the Testimony is just offal, it is rot.
The Values in Gematria for the above verses are:
v. 6: the Value in Gematria is 4541, דהדא, "the echo of dahda" "the echo of understanding back on itself."
v. 7: the Value in Gematria is 4658, דוה‎ח‎, a doh ho, "a report for the masses about Him."
v. 8: the Value in Gematria is 3914, ג‎טאד‎‎, gettad, "the gate to love."
The government of Rome wasn't exactly telling the world it was in love with it, nor did the people have any delusions about this, just as we should not, especially after the cuntlappers and President Biden gave Ukraine the big schcrew last week.
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John's message to the peopleof Rome and now to us about a God that demonstrates love for the universe was scandalous and outrageous. People gathered to interrogate him on the other side of the Jordan...that means they were grown ups with adult minds:
The Testimony
19 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders[c] in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was. 20 He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Messiah.”
21 They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?”
He said, “I am not.”
“Are you the Prophet?”
He answered, “No.”
22 Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”
23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”[d]
24 Now the Pharisees who had been sent 25 questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”
26 “I baptize with[e] water,” John replied, “but among you stands one you do not know. 27 He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”
28 This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
The Values in Gematria for verses 23-38 are as follows:
v. 23: the Value in Gematria is 7655, ז‎והה, identified, ‎‎‎"he crawled."
v. 24-25: the Value in Gematria is 8917, חטא‎ז, he sinned...
v. 26-27: the Value in Gematria is 12913, יבטאג‎, will be tagged.
To be tagged in Judaism and Christianity is to achieve unity between tagin and kether, and know oneself as pure consciousness, beyond all categories, timeless, a point that crystallises out of the Ein Soph Aur, the pure Balsam of the Holy Spirit.
v. 28: the Value in Gematria is 6010, סאאֶפֶס‎, saapes, at zero, at the ankle. To grab the future by the ankle, as Jacob did with Esau is to presume cannot ignore or forget the agonizing details of its origins.
John told the world it could, should and would be a better place, but first it was going to have to grovel and admit something unusual had to be done.
As in the Age of Isaiah and then the Gospel Era we have a Code to implement. Its rationale is above: an end to sin and cowering before God and the achievement full unity with His Hallow Spirit.
Here endeth the lesson called the Kabbalah of the Witness and the Testimony in the case of the Glorious Revelation of the forthcoming of the importance of the Christ.
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errrrgreatperhaps · 1 year
God’s Faithfulness Displayed
These past few weeks have been quite a whirlwind. It conjured up lots of emotions I thought I had guarded myself against but somehow it slowly maneuvered its way into my life. More importantly, this whole episode made me marvel at God’s faithfulness over and over again.
It all started out when G confessed to me a month ago. That was the second time he put himself out there and I thought why not give him a chance and give myself a chance to consider the potential of us. Later did I know there were so many things we had to work through. The main reasons why I was very hesitant about dating him was because of the fact that he can’t lead me in Christ and I cannot be super sure of his relationship with God due to his absence from the church community/ bible reading/ praying for over 3 years.
On my birthday, 16th August. It was a Sunday and the plan was to go to the newly opened cat cafe at rail mall with my church mates (yonk, astrid, heather & aden) before popping in for Sunday service afterwards. The day started out with a lovely Macky D breakfast that Alicia ordered and then I had bible study with Phoebe. I haven’t read with her for about a month now and there are many things I had to update her about my life. In addition, she is my CGL and I see the value of being accountable to one another and I really want to share/ consult her regarding my feelings for G. Honestly, I already knew what she was going to say but at the same time, I had an inclination to hear it from her in person. After my conversation with her, I felt very confused and a sense of helplessness overcame me. I immediately texted G because I knew I had to speak to him about all of it. He assured me that he is opened for chatting and that really comforted me for the time being so I could sort out my day before spilling the beans. I realised I was fighting the tension of wanting to obey the Lord and wanting to fulfil the worldly desires of the heart. However, at the end of the day, I feel that it was what I needed to hear....I really respect both R&P and knowing how wise they are in approaching a God glorifying life, so thank Go I can sort out their wisdom/ assurance in this matter. P is absolutely right that if I love G as a brother-in-christ, then his salvation should be more important than tis short term desire of wanting to be in a relationship. 
I had the most marvellous day. Despite the initial hiccup at the cat cafe which has already been fully booked, we ended up at Chow Cute cafe (credits to Astrid because her cousin works there). We spent the whole afternoon there in the outdoor cafe with all the different mix of chow chows and I must say, it was rather therapeutic. I got to see my favourite Brownie (he is a mixed of chow chow and german shepherd)! He reminds me of Woofie very much and he has such an endearing temperament, it’s hard not to adore him. We even had our regular zoom service together and making that a part of my birthday was something I truly value. My highlight of this whole trip was when we drove back to the West and everyone was just singing worship songs in the car while we marvelled at the beauty of the setting sun. I couldn’t help but feel God showing off His wonderful creation and my heart was filled with His praises. I could really sense His presence and see His faithfulness that is as constant as the rising and setting sun. In those moments, I teared up quite a bit because I was immensely filled with so much unexplainable joy. To internalised the truth that God is love. My brothers and sisters in christ are so loved and love each other with Christ’s love. Why then soul do you seek the love from a partner? God has given me these friends that love me with Christ’s love, that should be enough?
After dinner, Yonk sent me home and before I got out of his car, I was prompted to share with him my troubles. The talk I had with P really burdened my heart and I don’t think I can resolve it alone. Praise God for sending the right person at the right time. After sharing with him, I broke down from the guilt of feeling like an awful person who said yes to G the night before and having second thoughts the very next day...I want to call it off but I did not want to hurt him. I’ve gotten his hopes up and now I have to let him down. What a mistake! A costly mistake because it will hurt someone I care for so much. I felt pretty shitty. That night was also the first time I saw how emotional or gentle Yonk could be. He was so patient in dealing with me and he prayed for us before and after this whole fuss. It was absolutely humbling to be seeking God’s help first and foremost in this desperate situation. 
After Yonk left, I knew I had to get through this or not I will not be able to sleep, so I called him up and asked to meet. It was such a relief to know that he felt the same about the situation. He knew immediately that he rushing into things the night before when he asked for an answer. He was very apologetic about it and we had the longest talk that lasted till 4 in the morning. In conclusion, we have decided that we shall not be dating till he has place God at the center of his life (i.e, fruitful prayer life, settled down in The Crossing, serving in ministry) and he is willing to wait on God’s timing for us. This really showed his maturity in handling our hearts and how serious he is about building his relationship first with Jesus. Both of us agreed that we got a sense of peace in this decision. It’s not because we are certain of what’s to come in the months or years ahead, if we ever end up together or not but to know that what we did pleases God, that in and of itself is good enough. 
It feels like everything that happened in the day led up to this point...I had the courage to fight sin, to put on the armour of God and make Him shine in my weakness. My faithful Lord brought me through this and I can rest in knowing that I am walking in His will for me in my life! 
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questlation · 1 year
WOOFi, bullish on Layer 2s as it joins Hong Kong Web3 Festival https://questlation.com/prnewswire/woofi-bullish-on-layer-2s-as-it-joins-hong-kong-web3-festival/?feed_id=74809&_unique_id=643faebecb02c
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uarmyhusband · 2 years
I don't know how old the post was, not very old I don't think, but I'm sorry about your ex fiance dumping you. I've been there before too. My heart is with you friend.
Howdy! It’s about a couple of months old now, it all happened around late August and yeah… I’m doing better, though he showed up at my neighbor’s house the other day and started drama, and I had a mental breakdown. But, it was the first breakdown since it happened, so cheers I guess?
Anyway, sorry for rambling. I really appreciate the sentiments, friend ❤️‍🩹
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munsontm · 2 years
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this verse is completely seperate from the main ST storyline. there is an upside down to feature as further horror aesthetic, but the people of Hawkin’s literally think it’s Hell---and maybe it is. People with magical gifts can draw power from the upside down, but it is dangerous to do so, and can come with some unpleasant prices that vary depending on a persons actions.
This next fact is NOT a necessary fact to follow. It’s just out there to maybe make it easier to interact. A large majority of the folk in Hawkins are some kind of magic or monster folk, witches, vampires, woofies, whatever you want. As mentioned, people with magical gifts can draw power from the upside down. And monster people are naturally drawn to dark strength the upside down realm gives off, convinced it enhances their own strength.
The Hellfire Club is a coven started by Eddie, and it’s bigger than what we see in the show. The old ways governed that a coven had to be 13 witches, but Eddie has elected to ignore that much to the annoyance of many elders. The Hellfire Club is probably around 18-20. The name of the coven is a tribute to the of HFC started by the Duke of Wharton, a satirical gentleman’s club from the 1700′s, where they mocked religion and society and took pleasure in shocking the outside world with their unconventional ideas and thoughts. furthermore, it was the only version of the club that admitted men and women.
Instead of being a drug dealer, Eddie deals in spells, potions, charms , blessings and curses, tricks and treats. He’s rather advanced for his age which makes people more wary of him---but that’s all explained in the long ass backstory below...i’m sorry. 
NOTE:  i just pulled a lot of this out of my ass, and it will be refined as i go along writing in the verse.
Eddie is descended from a large but now ending line of Irish Witches on his mother Annie’s side. The ability has to come from the mother’s side to manifest, so there is no magic in the Munson side of Eddie. It all comes from the O’Connor side. Before Eddie was born, Annie was the last of the O’Connor bloodline. A curse put upon the O’Connor family during the 1700′s during a blood feud in Ireland with a family by the name of Murray made it so that those of O’Connor blood lived short and hard lives. The Murray’s died out during the 18th century smallpox epidemic, thus there was no one left to lift the curse, and every O’Connor blood or name related after died before the age of 30.
Annie grew up alone in an orphanage after her parents died in a car crash at the age of 25 and 27. During this time a disembodied voice started speaking to Annie, befriending her, and no one wants to adopt the kid that has “imaginary” conversations with invisible voices. It’s important to know that Annie is not particularly strong in terms of magical ability because there has been no one to teach her, and the O’Connor blood has thinned over the years because no one ants to get involved with a cursed fam. But as she ages and becomes acutely aware of the family curse starting to bear down on her. Her invisible “friend” begins to suggest there is a way she can break the O’Connor curse, and she doesn’t even hesitate to jump at the chance, doesn’t question. She is young and naive---around 18/19. The voice tells her of an equally cursed family in a town called Hawkin’s Indiana, The Munson’s, though they were unaware of their life-shortening curse. And then the voice suggests an awful thing to her---that if she were to bear a child with a man of the Munson family. That doubly-cursed and already doomed child could then be sacrificed to a Celtic deity such a Crom Crach or Donn, who would then break the curse on both families in return. :x
This was a lie.
Annie married Lawrence Munson within a year of the voice suggesting she do so, and was then pregnant with Eddie before a second year. She spoke nothing of the curse to Lawrence or any of the Munson family, but two members of the family died before Eddie was born, confirming that her “friend” surely wasn’t lieing about that. Unfortunately, for Annie’s “friend,” they hadn’t considered that Annie might become attached to the child in her womb. Not Lawrence, she hated Lawrence, who was a kind of curse all on his own, drunk and violent. Annie also befriended Lawrence’s brother Wayne, during this period, who would later become her son’s saviour. 
Eddie was born and suddenly Annie’s “friend” became a more prevalent force in her life. It was no longer whispers. She’d see shadows lurking around the house, over Eddie’s crib, in the shape of something large---with horns. Instinctively she knew the being was her “friend.” It never appeared before her in this form on purpose, the shadow was strangely only for Eddie. During the first few months of Eddie’s life, Annie finally took to looking into her magic ancestry because she was beginning to regret bringing a baby into the world only for slaughter. She made the unfortunate discovery that what her “friend” suggested she was to do in order to break the dual curses on hers and Lawrence’s family was a lie, Eddie’s blood would do nothing, the curse could only be broken by blood of the caster. Annnd, it only got worse from there. Many of the texts she read Celtic and non-Celtic related, spoke of The Devil’s voice that whispered to women, luring them in to a false sense of security for many years before taking something precious from them, their magic, their souls, their lives and wealth, and their children. If you were a witch or woman under a curse, then it was likely that the devil wanted for you to be the vessel for it’s own seed. Because the devil doesn’t want a pure child. Which meant that Annie had to consider that Eddie was quite literally the son of the devil. But she never looked into it. No one did. And Eddie isn’t aware of the potential connection.
Panic began to take over Annie. She didn’t know what to do. The Devil’s voice came to her more frequently, telling her it was time for Eddie to die, and that he’d be better off dead than living such a short life. This also turned out to be a lie and a trick. The Munson’s weren’t cursed at all. Just a bunch of drunks and criminals, the two that died before Eddie’s birth were all staged by The Devil to make Annie believe it, the other premature deaths were simple a weird coincidence. Eddie was only O’Connor cursed. The Devil’s plan all along had been to take the child into its realm and raise him as a Prince of Hell. But Eddie had to be dead for that, and had to die by a cursed loved one’s hand to drown his soul in darkness. Annie refused.
With nowhere to turn---there was only one person she trusted. Wayne. She left Eddie on Wayne’s doorstep in a box with a letter explaining everything, including that The Devil wouldn’t bother with Wayne because he possessed no magic---as far as she knew, and he wasn’t cursed. But she also did explain that she wasn’t certain of Eddie’s parentage---which is why she had to take Lawrence with her on the chance that the devil had been possessing him. By the time he’d read the letter both she and Lawrence would be dead...and they were. Annie had driven them off a cliff. Wayne would never know if his brother had been taken over by Lucifer itself. But he was instructed never to tell Eddie anything---apart from about the curse, of which Wayne was very reluctant to do over the years that next went by. Yet, as Eddie grew it became apparent that his magic ability was beyond that of someone from a bloodline on the verge of annihilation. And he grew an obsession with fictional monsters and demons, and devil imagery from metal music, which left Wayne constantly wondering. He never loved Eddie any less, though. Eddie never showed a capacity for cruelty---he was troublesome, yes. But not evil.
Wayne didn’t intend on telling Eddie about the O’Connor curse. But he slipped one night after a 16 year old Eddie waa arrested for joyriding and then crashing said car with his friends. They’d come close to going off the same cliff as his parents. So, Eddie is sadly aware he is destined to die before 30, and instead of holding back and staying safe. He becomes more reckless, does stupider things. Because what’s the point if he’s going to die anyway? But even then there’s still that gentle kindness to him. He starts the HFC coven as a place for outcast witches to gather and feel safe. 
And yet, weird things do occur around Edward Aidan Munson, that get him labelled as a freak----besides how he acts. People whisper that they see weird and mishapen shadows in place of his own sometimes, or that his eyes look entirely black one second, then baby cow eyes the next. People that physically try to hurt him often meet “unfortunate” accidents. He has heard disembodied whispers throughout his life, but they’re not often, and they don’t make sense. And sometimes, he sees things out the corner of his eye that aren’t there when he looks fully. But he never takes these things seriously. He lives in Hawkins where weird shit happens all the time thanks to its residents and The Upside Down. It’s basically normal, right?
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The DA Y/N OC Hunger Games Part 8
Part 1 | Part 7 || Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Round 8 time! Round 8 time! Ring ding ding! Ring ding ding! It's time for round 8! And hey! Look at that! That's the number of contestants we have left in this little game of ours! What a coincidence! We really are getting down to the wire here aren't we? Well, soon we shall have even less people to worry about! So without further ado, let the round begin!
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William tries to kill Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm ), but Dylan's knight armor diverts the blow!
RUDE! First Mark, and now you too, Will? I expect better out of you! You two really are becoming birds of a feather aren't you? Well, at least Dylan's armor keeps them safe from your murderous asses!
Athena (Pre-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite )'s lifeless body writhes with maggots.
Lovely. Just lovely to hear. I definitely needed to hear that! Thanks, game! Also second round in a row where Athena (Pre-WKM) is seen rotting, body full o’ maggots.
Seth ( @who-killed-the-da ) calls arcane fury down on Veridia ( @ask-the-femaleda ), their ancient scepter beaming with an inner rage. For a second, nothing happens. Veridia ( @queenaxyn ) opens her mouth to say something, then starts peeling away, layer by layer.
Oof. Woof. Woofy oof. Oofy woof? Veridia's mun demanded that she do something interesting and... Well... That's certainly an interesting way to die! Gotta hand it to you Seth, that is a creative and yet slightly horrifying way for you to have killed someone! Thanks for the terrible mental images and nightmares! Looks like even vibing with Daffodil could do nothing to stop Seth from doing some murder immediately afterwards! Ah. Such a shame.
Dylan ( @indic0lite ) stands proudly in their knight armor. Daffodil ( @shattered-da ) is being adorable as always. Gray ( @without-celine ) looks around maniacally, seething. (Actor) Mark wonders about the future. Celine reloads her shotgun, just in case. 
Huh. Well. This party of people hanging out together, chilling, not doing anything is certainly an interesting one... Can Dylan just be standing over Mark like, "You tried to stab me and failed! Hah! Take that!" ... Please...? Just. Gotta. Really rub it in the bastard's face. Alright. Yeah. You're right. That's probably not what's happening. It's not really in Dylan's character to do something like that. But least I can always hope, right...? So Daffodil's still vibing over in the corner like usual. Looks like Gray is just really REALLY upset that they didn't get to kill anyone this round! Heh. Amusing. Or maybe they're just mad about having to sit next to the actor. Speaking of... It looks like the Actor is being introspective for once. Interesting... Didn't think he knew how to do that. And Celine... Well, she's being Celine. That's about what I expect out of her. Please shoot your ex in the face, Celine! He’s right. THERE! Sitting next to you! Please blast his face off!
So that was a quick round! One more contestant down, dead, and gone. In fact, it was so short that guess what!?! Today's part is a double feature! So strap in buddy! It's time for round 9 as well!
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The pile of flesh that used to be Y/N ( @dormats-town ) writhes with maggots.
Nice. I hope you enjoy the mental image, Town! Whispers your child is DEAD! DEAD I tell you!
Celine creeps up behind Gray ( @luckyloto / @spect-era ) and shoots them point-blank with her shotgun!
Oooooh! Aaaaah! The betrayal! Half of you getting shot in the face by your own sister! If they ever do actually find Celine, this is obviously what's gonna go down, right? But just... Brutal. Brutal, brutal fratricide. To be fair, someone had to stop Gray before they killed actually everyone, right? They've just been rampaging like a rabid dog! Three dead! Someone had to put them down! And who better than Celine?! With a shotgun! Yeah... All things considered, Celine with a shotgun is probably one of the few people remaining who could take down a crazed Gray... The one best suited to do the job out of our remaining contestants, certainly. Still brutal tho.
(Actor) Mark is only looking out for himself. Daffodil ( @shattered-da ) wearing leather scraps is a sight to behold.
Mark. Always looking out for himself and only himself. AND WHAT A SHAME TOO! If Mark would stop doing that for just a second and turn his head a little to the right, he would see Daffodil in their fabulous leather outfit! His loss, I suppose.
Are you kidding? Seth ( @narratorcryptii​ ) just found a flamethrower! See if anyone gets in their way now!
Uhhhhh... Uh oh. So... I think that Seth has officially beaten Dylan in terms of having an OP inventory... Just.. Jesus Christ... WHO DECIDED TO GIVE MX. 4 KILLS A FLAMETHROWER! Well... Let's see if someone, anyone, can stop Seth now... Better tread lightly with them... O.O (Seth’s really out here living like, “Who needs defense when you have a fuckin' FLAMETHROWER!?”)
Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm​ ) gathers ammo for their slingshot.
Yeah. That's gonna help you soooo much with going against the MOTHERFUCKING FLAMETHROWER! I'm glad that you're preparing for the future, Dylan. I'm just not over Seth's find...
William feels strong enough to handle anything.
Yeah. Sure you are. You have a foe who has a flamethrower and an ex with a shotgun in this forest with you. Meanwhile what do you have? You have squat! That’s what! Good. Fucking. Luck with taking them on! Somehow I don't think your muscles are enough to stop bullets or to keep you from BEING SET ON FIRE!? Appreciate your optimism tho!
So. Exciting stuff, huh!? Two more dead. 6 contestants remaining. Right at the end here SOME people are getting incredibly lucky with their item drops! At least we don't have to deal with any rampaging beasts running about anymore...? At least not in the way of contestants that is. But that's all for today, folks! Next time! Part 9! Including rounds 10 and 11! How exciting. So until next time... BYEEEEEE!
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azure-steel · 4 years
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Title speaks for itself!
If ya’ll wanna play with the AU woofy boy, click dat lil heart in the corner. Multi’s please specify a muse.  And if you’d prefer to plot a thing, comment below and I’ll come invade some IM’s!
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
do you have any web kdrama recs? I'll do a trade and recommend Banana Actually- the whole series is 20 minutes long (at most) very good, digestible, and has some ~good~ kiss scenes.
i’ll check it out!! i do have lots of webdrama recs hehe ^^ i recommended most of them yesterday but here is a larger list of only webdramas !! it’s kinda long, so i put a keep reading !!
like- a korean webdrama that you can find on youtube starring kim yu an, kim kangmin (maybe, maybe not), yoo jungwoo (love after school), and seo ji hye- about a group of students who create a film club to make youtube videos and the dumb shit they get into, plus there’s some romance, betrayal, and fuckboys.- so so so so cute honestly. the dynamic between the characters of the club is so cute and funny, plus the love triangle has me wheezing. also the asshole fuckboy gets what he deserves which is super satisfying. it hasn’t finished airing yet, but so far it’s really cute
failing in love- korean webdrama  you can find on youtube starring son sang yeon (triple fling), yang hye ji, and shin yoon seop- about a group of high schoolers who deal with falling in love, crushes, rejection, etc.- ok so the summary i gave was pretty vague but that’s because any more and i’d be exposing the whole plot. there is humor and fluff but also teenage angst, and the characters are all more complex than they first appear. i would highly recommend this show !!!
want more 19- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung ha joon, sin gi hwan,  jeon yoo rim, nam yoon soo, and lee jungha- a story of 5 friends in high school. A mutual crush, a one-sided love, and a rough patch for sweethearts, all taking place right around the end their senior year- OH GOD i can’t breathe this drama is so cute. it had me squealing every single episode, and it’s very lighthearted with hardly any angst
triple fling (s1)- a short choose-your-own-ending  korean webdrama on youtube starring jung bomin, son sangyeon (failing in love), themanblk’s jeongyou, and themanblk’s eom sewoong- lee sehee accidentally becomes friends with the three most popular boys in school and ends up in a love square with them- alright im whipped for stuff like this so naturally i loved it. i also really liked how viewers could choose their own ending as for which boy she chose. there is a second season that i haven’t seen yet that focuses on another girl in ANOTHER love square (containing one of the guys from sehee’s love square) in which it shows which boy she actually did choose (and it was my favorite so . yay!)
when you love yourself (s1)- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung mingyu (sweet revenge 2) and saet byeol .- about a girl who is heavier than her classmates who struggles with self-love and self-acceptance, and along the way finds love- god. i can’t even explain how much i loved this drama. the message is wonderful and there’s no moment where she glows up and loses weight and then gets the guy’s attention or anything: he simply loves her as who she is, no matter what weight she is, and is supportive. there’s also an episode that focuses on the queen bee girl who also struggles with weight and self-love and it’s just beautiful
my woofy poofy love / my dog-like dating- a short korean webdrama you can find on youtube starring chae ji an and kim do hoon (your imagination becomes reality)- a girl who has recently been cruelly dumped by her boyfriend brings a stray dog back to her home and wakes up to find that instead of a dog, there is a man! she happens to be looking for a roommate, and so this man (who can turn into a dog) becomes her new housemate- literally adorable. female lead is stunning and the relationship is so cute and fluffy and innocent, but the kiss is steamy as hell.
ok to be sensitive (s1)- a webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim da ye and kim youngdae (extraordinary you) and others im too lazy to put- focuses on feminist issues like sexism and sexual harassment in a college setting, which each episode focusing on one particular incident and the characters dealing with it- listen so like . this show had me emotional at some points bc of how amazing the message was. it dealt with sexual harassment, sexism, how females are expected to act, stalking, pressure to have sex… etc and basically every episode was like . you can stand up for yourself. you don’t have to “take it” just bc you’re a female, etc. also there was really cute romance uwu
ok to be sensitive (s2)- season 2 of otbs, also can be found on youtube, starring yoo hye in and lee shin young, as well as others but again im too lazy to list them all- same thing as season 1, but a different cast of main characters, and set in an office workplace. (original cast makes a cameo at the end)- the issues in season 2 were definitely a bit darker because it was set in a work place, where the main characters were worried about getting fired if they stood up for themselves, but the way things were handled was really admirable imo. also the male lead in this one is ABSOLUTELY adorable
go back diary- a 4 episode webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ye ji and lee jong won (jaemin’s webdrama how to hate you)- about a boy who sees a girl at a karaoke bar (?) and instantly develops a crush on her. she then transfers to his school, and it tells the story of their love story after 10 years.- i’ll just say it right now. the whole drama was adorable except for the ending, which fucking sucked. literally was horrible. boycott episode 4 pls i was SO UPSET. otherwise, great webdrama
love after school (s1)- korean webdrama that can be found on youtube starring park so eun and yoo jungwoo (like)- about a couple who fell in love in high school and their story, told from 5 years later when they meet again- i love love love this bitch. LOVE. season 2 … we won’t speak of her lol. but season 1 is super cute and the ???? kiss at the end(ish)??? DEAD. literally anything with yoo jungwoo will destroy me but omg. it was fantastic
maybe, maybe not- a webdrama starring kim kangmin (like) and gong yoorim- a girl who can read minds and is an outside bc she knows what everyone is really thinking meets a guy that she can’t read the mind of- so fluffy. so cute. oh god. pls watch it’s so soft and cute
what to do with you- a korean webdrama - that is actually literally an ad for a facemask - starring lee hayoung and kim youngdae (extraordinary you)- saerom and geun are friends, but it feels like they’re something more. will they ever take the next step?- yeah this webdrama is super cute and that’s really all lol. also the bitchy girl in love after school is the best friend in this one oho
your imagination becomes reality- a webdrama that can be found on youtube starring oh se young, kim dohoon (my woofy poofy love), and jin ho eun- soram has a crush on a mysterious upperclassman, and wishes to see him again: she does, soon after. each time she makes a wish, it seems to magically come true. - yeah so like . it’s not a supernatural thing or anything, it’s just a cute college romance that’s basically every girl with a crush’s dream lol~! 
crushes reverse- webdrama on youtube starring kim shi eun (miss independant jieun s2) and jung hyojun- yoo somi has a huge crush on her older sister’s longtime boyfriend, and her best friend at school happens to be his younger brother- i find the beginning hard to watch bc of the second hand embarrassment i feel when i do watch it but . it has a super cute ending and the main girl reminds me of shin hye sun so much it’s wack 
how to hate you- webdrama starring nct’s jaemin, jim ji in (extraordinary you), lee jongwon (go back diary), and kim yoojin- oh miri meets her ideal type while working as a part-timer, but right before she’s about to confess, she realizes that he is her best friend’s mystery boyfriend. she asks han daekang, her new friend, to pretend to be her boyfriend for the time being. - the summary i gave was terrible but ITS RLY CUTE . also the main girl in this plays dan oh’s best friend / juda’s bully in extraordinary you and THE CHARACTERS ARE SO INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT DUDE . Legend. anyways its a bit cliche and we dont get any actual lip on lip action but its still cute lol
have a nice dessert! / drunk in good taste- drama special / webdrama starring kim hyanggi (sweet revenge 1; moment at 18) and kim mingyu (just between lovers ((as the crippled best friend’s anti fan turned romantic interest)))- chongnam loves desserts, and even has an instagram dedicated to taking photos of various deserts she eats. when her college life starts, she mistakes a classmate as an upperclassman, only to find out they’re the same age, and they become friends- listen . this shit was adorable. as when every single kim hyanggi drama, the kisses are cardboard flat and terrible but ! BUT ! the couple is super cute
a-teen (s1 & s2)- 2 season webdrama starring april’s naeun, shin yeeun (he is psychometric), shin seungho, kim donghee, kim soohyun, and ryu euihyun- about a group of friends who go through various troubles and grow closer as a group, as well as fall in love- ok so ... technically i haven’t even finished season 1 yet but !!! i know it’s a good show bc i did watch a lot of it !! plus in s1 episode 20 at 10:35 there’s a nomin cameo LOL SJKFSD there’s also a webdrama called “the guilty secret” i haven’t watched yet starring victon’s subin and others that is set at the same school as a-teen 1 and 2 and features the original cast in cameos !!
i have 3 boyfriends / boyfri3nds- short webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ji eun, park sungwoo (produce 101 season 2 [that 30 year old dude who danced to rain’s song OMG], moon jihoo, and lee jungsik- when la hi gets in a car accident and wakes up with amnesia she finds that she has 3 men all claiming to be her boyfriend.- OK LISTEN . this show is so funny and cute. let me just say: you MUST watch to the end. that’s all i’ll say. pLS WATCH
lily fever- a short webdrama starring kim hyeyoon (just between lovers) and jung yeonjoo (witch’s romance)- kyungju needs her passport back, which her ex boyfriend has, but it turns out he left it at a friend’s place. when she arrives, the friend is leaving but says she can go inside: just be mindful of the houseguest inside...- yeah this is lesbian as fuck . it has like . hardly any plot, has a shit ton of crackheadery, and lots of STEAMY AS FUCK kisses. it literally makes like no sense though skdfksjd but if ur in the mood for some easy to watch girl pairing stuff, this is it my dude ! 
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ac3has6l00d · 5 years
Shit my band director has said
I have been keeping track of a bunch of the funny shit my Band Director has been saying to us since like, halfway though the school year-last year. Here is what I have so far. If it is in reference to a person, I will put their instrument and if It's a song I'll put the song (if I remember it). He is referred to as Barr (an ironic last name). Also don't clock me for spelling I'm not meant to have my phone out during band and yet here we are.
-Highlighter of a thousand suns
-YESSS, Cole (a french horn player) no, BUT YESSSSS
-Dee dee, I'm part of a drum set
-He dead, but a surprise ending
-Haha, I am the sailor, you fell in love with
-Santas Depressed (Minor Alterations)
-Though the woodwinds I heard the buuuRR
-It's the best of all possible worlds, and then they get invaded (Candid Suit)
-harcan back to the yesterday of your, when we had counting issues
-horns, a little more, yes, I am sure
-let it ring
-no, no *disgusted face* no
-do it again!
-can I hit you with some scary knowledge
-this is good enough, thanks, this is never wrong (talking about Dr. Beat)
-the raseing of the prevorial oooohs
-goodjob Joel (a trumpet player), you rythemmaster you
-i can say this because I am one and I'm raising a girl, but boys are weird
-Alright, Angelic fruity boy (in reference to a trumpet player)
-Horns... the heroes instrument
-i actually didn't hear you at all
-did they take your triangle?
-Right notes are also important
- Teacups? It's a small world? *Ian (a french horn player)- Mt. Everest* You got sasquatch on the brain?
-morse code people
-a shade under the tempo
-woofie woofie woofie all the way around
-That isn't our Forté in the horn section to play lightly (He played french horn)
-can I get a rallintado amen
-tess (flut/piccolo player), Jordan (percussionist) - Jordan tess, Piccolo tambourine, - tambourine Piccolo
- we have plenty loud in this piece, enjoy the soft
-thats when they get invaded (Candid Suit)
-thanks trumpets... yah yeah yeahh
-flute hanger-oner
-Bold, Underlined, and in all caps
-music land
- *impersonates Kristin chenoweth* (Candid Suit)
- coming in from the basement
-were you trying to roast me? i will defend myself
-all a Twitter about arby's or something I dunno
-that was also a bold, all caps email
-unicon has a limp
-where have you been all my tambourine life
-can we agree on right notes then?
-melody melody melody, finnaly finnaly finnaly (trombones getting the melody)
-slip the surely bonds of earth
-ah please, decapitate all the invaders
-good for you... breaking norms
-christmas arrived early for you but not for anybody else
-ill write you an invitation next time
- but shut up
-stare out the window
-you may be alright young man
-seniors is theirs enough of an amen? (Chosing to Play Angel's in the Arcatectur by Frank ticheli)
-if I see that guy in a dark allyway...  I'll play him a recording of Angel's in the arcatectur (To they Guy that gave us a bad score on our MPA)
-whah whah what is like a bad joke on the trombone
-gone fishing be back in a hour 
-im just music roasting you
-i dont like this key HAAAAAAHHHH
-empty that spit
- everyone is still standing, so that's good
- im monolouging, you get that input later
- that's a really anticlimactic chord trumpets
-three f's. And your all thinking rainbows and unicorns
-Joels (a trumpet player) paying attention
- twirling the wherlys (tubes at the beginning and end of AitA)
-i dont mess with my post-its
-dropped mute isn't apart of my score
-i wanna see fire coming from your nostrils... like GOT IT
- it's muddy but we're getting there
-alive and well
-i would expect guys from he middle school band .... that's the only roast I have
-rob (a percussionist), we need to do spinning practice
-the devils intervals
-we can end on an amen
-it's like a great dane with crippling anxiety, its scared of everything. So what do you do, you put it on a treadmill and start popping balloons around it... this is training
-if I cant trust you then give it back to me.
-it's about me not you, me not you.
-for trombones, not toilets
-im going to let the trombones use their new toys (some trombones got plunger mutes (I was not one if them, Bass trombone life, bro))
-like... poof
-the devil in band
- satan himself... in the form of your phone
-welcome to band
-it's kinda hard, if you havent noticed.
-please hold for your next representative
- you are playing the elevator muzak version
-some of you are counting... and some of you play the alto. Sax (actual shade ngl)
-the best bond song from one of the stupidest bond movie (this nerd had us playing James Bond music at the end of the school year)
-jordan, finally, a use for your whistling.
-the first thing ella (his daughter) said to me, was flower
-impeckable german
-im going to save you all from this and mute it
- for those of you unitallans
- they chuck 'em
- bread and butter band keys
-there is no humor in marching band
- the fads you kids are into these days.
- our boiiis
- instrament of mass destruction
-ahoy mates
-is there a pre malone
-the newest version of mac... high Ciara (a chick in my Music Production Class)
-your in your pre stages
-thats a great beat son
-were on a bus my child
-if you don't music speak
-where is the beat, I am trying to adjust accordingly
-Ich Bin confused
- if you use the word angelic I will come back there (One of the Horns said it as a joke)
-it's like the piccolo of the percussion section
-mr. Barr is now in his office
-boys, why and no
-why are you whistling Hawaii 5.0?
- yeah, I need a highhat to subdivide too
-we got new old bessy back there (about the new bass drum frame since the old frame broke during the MB season)
-oh I've used dumpsterfire, I've seen quite a few in my day
-dumpsterfire? (I used it and he picked up on it)
-you went even alive, why am I telling you?
-do I sound hip?
-thats the right answer
-if I don't do that to yours, it doesn't mean you are not a great person
-you found 8th position (I'm pretty sure this was him talking to me about bass trombone stuff)
-i see what I did there
- don't get old, you wake up and then you can't feel your leg.
-the sparks were there but it's not raging yet
-long live the king
-i will brb
-thats annoying
-its quitten time y'all
-Barb Peterson (Our lovely Colour Gaurd instucter) Hotline
- please escort this out, I hate it
- is Seth's (Clarinet and Pit) head one of those two way mirrors?
-that's incredable seth
-should I not make spinal tap references?
-nevermind a reference I will put away for this class.
-i now live in fear of that.
-this is bumpen
-im having some real memory issues.
-death star trench run
-think the towel, be the towel
-dont poke the barr
-my wife watches garbage tv when I'm not there
-the most dramatic little people show
-soundtrack, moving on
-twiggles (there is a teacher with the last name of Twig)
-saf to say
-i like you, but not that much
-im going to give you the confused dog look
-this is not open roast time
-i love how it creeped into your subconscious
-what a quick roast of me annie (a very, very, very good clarinetist)
-it's like the end of the commercial where they add all the legal stuff.
- the flex tape tape
-am I going to have to sound really aloof and do commercials
-i love how you are all responsive
-let me finish!
-don't juule
-i have my box o' toys (MTP we were recording sounds for a project so he pulled out a bunch of percussion stuff)
- if i squint I can hear the right thing
-I feel like hot garbage
-if only we lived in the information age
-were hitting the gym annie... I don't know what that means
-the gong is in the room
-i blew up the death star
-25% of people who conduct this come down with this crazy illness
-your like the studio aduiance for like QVC, "what do you do?" "SCRATCH IT OUT!"
-i dont understand your generation
-youve poisoned me. I hope you are happy
-weight not wait
-oh wow
-shut up
-you just lead your sled into a ditch (Midnight sleighride)
-i love his vocal signature, like "I did this song and I'm jason derulo"
-the power of pan
-wait, what's tic-toc
-shut it
-its like a hippo with Ballarina shoes on
-it's thick with a whole bunch of K
-im trying to throw him a gong bone
Yeah I have no clue if he knows he is saying that stuff
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blairwitchapologist · 6 years
animal death tw /
my mom is still so upset about woofie dying and that was almost a year ago and now her brother is trying to push his dying dog on her bc he doesn’t wanna put him down but doesn’t wanna take care of him anymore and he’s 100% taking advantage of my mom bc they only recently got back on speaking terms after like years and he knows she won’t say no and risk him not speaking to her again but like he 100% knows what having another dog die in her care will do to her bc she thinks woofie dying is somehow her fault (he was like 13 and she took such good care of him but she still thinks so) and idk i’m mad abt it
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