jazzchandler · 8 years
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The Bronze Medal - Husum Harbour Festival, Husum, Germany (09/04/2016)
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jazzchandler · 8 years
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The Bronze Medal - Rössli - Bern, Switzerland
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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Funeral - Mbela, Tanzania (December 2015)
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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All my smoke-trail imagery and other strange optical outings will now reside here - http://throughaglassdarklyblog.tumblr.com/ For all my ‘straight’ photographic work it’s business as usual. So expect a photo sometime before the next eclipse. 
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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FREE photography services, in exchange for charitable donation to International Citizen Service (ICS) & Raleigh International via my JustGiving page.
Both these causes do incredible and hard work in sustainable development, dismantling poverty and undermining discrimination. To achieve these ends both organisations work with young people in the UK and abroad, providing them with valuable skills, insight and training, which allows them to support themselves and play a proactive role as global citizens. These are the reasons I want to fundraise and aid their continued projects around the globe.
In September I'll also be heading to Tanzania for four months to co-lead such a project alongside local partners and Tanzanian volunteers. Based in rural communities where access to clean water and sanitation is rare, we'll be partnering with the communities to help address these pivotal issues.
In the meantime, I'll be training daily for the Wolverhampton Marathon. Please support me and donate generously. No amount is too small.
Thank you.
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jazzchandler · 9 years
Starting in September I'll be heading to Tanzania for four months to lead an International Citizen Service (ICS) / Raleigh International team, alongside local project partners and Tanzanian volunteers. Based in rural communities where access to clean water and sanitation is rare, we'll be partnering with the communities to help address these pivotal issues.
It's a great cause, enabling young people to learn whilst working towards a truly worthwhile purpose. Before I leave I'd like to fundraise for ICS's and Raleigh's continued efforts in motivating youth and dismantling poverty.
If the moral plea isn't what you're looking for, please donate and you'll see a middle-age shaped 25-year old struggle for 45km in the Wolverhampton Marathon. I've never run more than 5km.
Please support and I'll pull some more humiliating incentives out the bag. https://www.justgiving.com/Jazz-Chandler2/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Jazz-Chandler2&utm_campaign=pfp-share&fb_ref=Default
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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Dahre Pani, Nepal 2014 www.jazzchandler.com
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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Pylo http://jazzchandler.tumblr.com/
Thank you for your submission!
~The Photographers Society
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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Swimming Girls - The Nest, Bath 12/05/2015 website | blog | twitter | facebook
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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Dahre Pani, Nepal - 2014
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jazzchandler · 9 years
Humanitarian assistance, Nepal
Please provide assistance. There are many ways, here is one - https://www.justgiving.com/Jazz-Chandler1
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jazzchandler · 9 years
Nepal Earthquake Relief
I'm fundraising for Action Aid to provide support for survivors of the biggest earthquake to hit Nepal in eighty years. At the moment 876 people have been confirmed dead, with many more feared trapped under rubble. The country has declared a state of emergency in the affected areas, and the government has requested international assistance. Please help. https://www.justgiving.com/Jazz-Chandler1
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jazzchandler · 9 years
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X For print enquiries, please contact - [email protected] © Jazz Chandler
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jazzchandler · 10 years
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Pylo - The Nest, Bath (17/10/2014) For print enquiries, please contact - [email protected]
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jazzchandler · 10 years
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In aid of fundraising for Volunteer Services Overseas, I'm selling some framed-prints from my series Through a Glass Darkly. These images are technically first editions, displayed at my end of uni group show. They may possibly never be reproduced, so If you're crazy enough to believe the series will be a success once finished, these are the prints to get.
Each framed print (frame = 57cm - 47cm image = 39cm - 29cm) is going for £50 plus P&P. 100% of the money will go to VSO, helping to continue their efforts in eradicating poverty and motivating youth.
I'm working in Nepal on a three month voluntary placement starting in November. If you're interested, get in fast. First come first served. [email protected]
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jazzchandler · 10 years
The Bronze Medal - Album Launch
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The Bronze Medals album launch at Thekla, Bristol (03/10/14) They're performing tomorrow at The Nest, Bath. 
https://www.facebook.com/events/451058948365249/ For print enquiries, please contact: [email protected]
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jazzchandler · 10 years
No.2 Marco Kesseler
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This Land of Ours That Is Not Ours - Marco Kesseler Social documentarian, Marco Kesseler (b.1989), is a young buck making great waves in the photographic world. Born in 1989, he has already gained notoriety, partly thanks to his success with the Magnum Ideas Tap Award (winner); The Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize; New York Photo Festival; Magnets Flash Forward Award (highly commended); The Peter Kirk Memorial Fund; Renaissance Photo Prize (shortlist); Photo Ireland Festival and the MP Award, to name a few.
I'm giving him no favouritism due to his age, simply, his images supply the viewer with incredible insight, whilst expressing events in rich symbolism - Though I would like to stress, being the same age, kudos for the achievements and commitments to-date; Marco's projects could not be achieved by simply - and quickly - composing current affairs inventively with great aesthetic appeal, there's much more than that; Kesseler's work requires him to know the people he photographs, to understand the complex ontology of a given situation, and ultimately embed himself in the location.
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An Uncertain Winter: Valery Shankin - Marco Kesseler
An Uncertain Winter, which won him the Magnum IdeasTap Photographic Award, was my first encounter with Marco Kesseler. The photoessay chronicles citizens of Belarus, "the last dictatorship in Europe". Directly and indirectly he shares with the audience the subversion of free speech across the nation. Visually it's a beautiful series, with a deep ominous aura throughout. One solemn shot shows Valery Shankin, a veteran and human rights activist, whose own opposition party was dismantled in the rise of an autocratic power, holding his military uniform in a subdued stance against dwindling light. It's implication on the older generation of democratic campaigners being fairly obvious, however, juxtaposed next to it is a photograph depicting a child of a displaced family ambitiously climbing the furniture, atop a piano whilst wielding a book. Again the implication is fairly clear, there is hope in the next generation.
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Gjakmarrja: Albania's Revenged Blood - Marco Kesseler
The youngest child learns to walk, whilst watching a calf being slaughtered.
The precursor to this project, Gjakmarrja: Albania's Revenged Blood, is by no means a lesser series, or even an easier route into documentary for Marco. Dealing with blood feuds, an apparently commonplace cultural law (not legal) equivalent to 'an eye for an eye'. The practise forces many people and often children, into self-imprisonment for fear of murder, thanks to a family members past actions and an archaic belief held by some. For me, one of the most powerful images of the series is a heavily allegorical shot of a skeletal tree's shadow stretching across and around a small child, whilst out of shot a calf is slaughtered. To me, the tree's cadaverous state is synonymous with horror, whilst in a double-entendre it hints at family history.
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This Land of Ours That is Not Ours - Marco Kesseler
Kesseler borrows the acute title of his latest series, This Land of Ours That is Not Ours, from Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko. Poignantly, Marco documents the tension in the air in-between the Euromaiden protests of Kiev. Never showing much action, but always alluding to something darker; a situation about to erupt, parallel to the eye of a storm.
Please view his website, attend exhibitions and view the images in a context he intended.
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