fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Fun pictures I took wearing my cardboard head I made for my W.A.S.H. 3D class. His name is Fleam (named after the hylics character)
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monsoon-season-us · 3 years
W.A.S.H. - Stay With Me | BASSCVLT Records Release [Double Track Write-Up]
W.A.S.H. – Stay With Me | BASSCVLT Records Release [Double Track Write-Up]
Follow + Connect with W.A.S.H. [By Brandon Rafferty] W.A.S.H. completely obliterates the speakers with their recent banger titles “Stay With Me.” This track has some of the best and ballsy sound design i have heard in 2021! In a time with an over saturated market of mainstream riddim and brostep styled bangers with an 80’s styled Intro, it is nice to have a refreshing artist like W.A.S.H. who…
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W.A.S.H. & KY - No More [Trap]
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oneinanarmy · 4 years
#OurRemedyIsARMY: Join our campaign to help tackle Covid19 crisis
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Today, our world is fighting a serious battle with Covid19, also known as Novel Coronavirus, a global pandemic that has taken over 170K lives. And, the numbers are increasing at an exponential rate. This viral contagion has not just affected people's health but has also gravely impacted the economy and education, leaving people with uncertainty and hopelessness for their future. Considering the urgency of the situation, One In An ARMY has launched some campaigns to support relief efforts carried out by non-profit organizations.
For our April 2020 Project, we are reaching out to the non-profits we have worked with for our previous campaigns. These organizations are working hard to provide necessary medical, food, and other emergency supplies but due to shortage of staff and the ongoing economic crisis, they are in dire need for support. The detailed step-by-step process for the donation drive has been explained here. In this blog, you will get the details for all the non-profits we are supporting, their aim, and the minimum contribution you can make to help them in their social endeavor:
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Medical Teams International
In April 2018, OIAA collaborated with Medical Teams International for our inaugural campaign to support them for their relief campaign in Syria. With programs in the US, Columbia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Uganda, Liberia, Lebanon, and Bangladesh, MTI provides life-saving health care and supplies to people. 
To combat the healthcare crisis due to Covid19, Medical Teams International needs support to help local health systems in promoting good hygiene, ship PPEs, and repurpose Dental Vans to make them serve as drive-thru screening sites. Your contribution will help them complete their goal.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $2
Donate here: bit.ly/MTIxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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Thirst Relief
We collaborated with Thirst Relief for our July 2018 campaign. The organization provides clean water solutions to people in need, across the globe. Water is deemed to be a basic human right but a lot of people lack access to clean water, leaving them vulnerable to diseases. Thirst Relief collaborates with local partners to provide solutions ranging from Biosand Filters, Well Drilling, Well Repair, and W.A.S.H.
Covid19 crisis has made it mandatory for people to maintain their personal hygiene by keeping their hands clean. Thirst Relief aims to provide a safe way to wash hands and stop the spread in the homes of 120 at-risk children who attend a school in Kampala, Uganda. Your contribution will help the organization deploy safety measures and minimize virus transmission.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $1 ($5 Recommended)
Donate here: bit.ly/TRxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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Korean Kids and Orphanage Outreach Mission (KKOOM)
OIAA first collaborated with KKOOM for our August 2018 campaign. Organized as a corporation in the State of Michigan, KKOOM provides access to education, funding for pre-school and college scholarships to orphans. The organization also helps in providing clothing and household items at Korean Orphanages.
With Covid19 hitting South Korea and affecting a large part of the country's population, mandatory quarantine has been adopted as a safety norm. Placed in quarantine for the last 7 weeks, KKOOM is concerned about the well-being of the kids and aims to reach out to them with care packages. You can help the non-profit with donations to ensure safety to these kids.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $1 ($5 Recommended)
Donate here: bit.ly/KKOOMxCovid-19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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A wonderful organization we once had a chance to partner with, MindLeaps uses dance as a part of their curriculum to help their students develop cognitive and social-emotional skills, vital in school and work. During this pandemic crisis, they are trying to continue providing meals to their students at the Rwanda Centre. The organization is also making an effort to provide food and sanitation packages to vulnerable families. ARMYs' support will act as a catalyst to their present mission and help them reach out to as many people as possible.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $1
Donate here: bit.ly/MLxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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Cuatro Por Venezuela
In November 2018, we chose Cuatro Por Venezuela to help raise funds for their food & formula programs for infants. The organization strives to fight issues such as but not limited to hunger, malnutrition, and shortage of medical supplies in Venezuela, a consequence of the economic crisis. They run various support programs including Food Program, Health Program, Education Program, Formula Program, and some Special Programs.
Unprepared for a pandemic like Covid19, Venezuela needs help. Cuatro Por Venezuela aims to fund protective supplies for health care workers and provide hand sanitizers and soap. ARMYs contribution to their campaign will help people gain access to sanitation products and fight this contagious disease effectively.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $1
Donate here: bit.ly/CPVxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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Purple Community Fund (PCF)
OIAA worked with ARMYs to help raise funds for PPF in their mission to support poverty-stricken families by providing them with education, health, and welfare programs to lead a financially stable life. Covid19 has forced governments around the world to impose lockdowns. The same happened in the Philippines too. 24/7 lockdown has left people with no jobs and as a result, with a shortage of food and medical supplies. PCF is working to provide life-saving supplies to them and your help will accelerate this process.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $3
Donate here: bit.ly/PCFxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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Children Healing Art Project (CHAP)
For Taehyung's birthday project, we collaborated with CHAP to help them continue with their art programs and support children and families facing medical challenges. The programs range from in-house, art clubs, and outreach and are provided free of charge to the families affected by pediatric illness, disability or special needs. 
In their mission to provide art for healing, CHAP is now working to build an online community for interaction and provide art supplies, to be dropped off at area hospitals and distributed by the nursing staff for children to enjoy.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $10
Donate here: bit.ly/CHAPxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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Playing for Change
Inspired by Yoongi's passion for music, we chose Playing for Foundation for our March 2019 campaign and helped raise funds for their music-oriented programs. Aimed for at-risk youth, Playing for Change provides classes in vocals, dance, instruments, and music theory. They work with their partners to support primary education and provide humanitarian aid such as clean water, solar power, food, medicine, clothes and much more. 
Playing for Change also provides tools and training to support micro-enterprise in vulnerable areas, facing a shortage of economic resources.
During this pandemic, they are running donation drives to help people and healthcare workers in Argentina by purchasing supplies required for the production of protective masks and providing hygiene items.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $1
Donate here: bit.ly/PFCFxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form
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The organization empowers kids experiencing challenges to use photography and tell their stories. The reason why we chose them for our January 2020 campaign! When Covid19 has forced most of us to stay inside, 100Cameras is working to support kids through an online program. This program will be suited to the individual needs and will aim to connect children with each other, without the need for physical presence.
Minimum Donation Requirement: $1
Donate here: bit.ly/100CxCovid19 Fill out this form: bit.ly/OIAACovid19Form 
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BTS in their latest album "Map of the Soul: 7" said, "we are only seven with you". ARMYs have time and again proved themselves to be a driver for change through their ideas, discussions, donations, and initiatives. Today, the world needs us more than ever. We have the power to start the revolution! So, if you are able to contribute to our campaigns, follow our guide. 
We completely understand that not everyone will be able to contribute financially. Therefore, we have compiled a list of some fun activities that do not require spending money and can be used to raise funds for social good. Check out our Ways To Donate Without Money post to learn more.
Let's work together to support front line workers, help people in need, and defeat this pandemic!
Written By: A
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mrsladyt2ly · 4 years
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W.A.S.H “We Always Say Hallelujah!”  # Live Praying & Chat Movement daily on FB @ 11 AM and 7 PM.
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obsidianarchives · 5 years
Episode 206 and 3/4 - What Really Happened to Hedwig and other #WizardTeam Canon
In this #WizardTeam bonus episode, Bayana and Robyn speak at LeakyCon Dallas, discussing #WizardTeam Canon from W.A.S.H. to everyone’s favorite fashion icon.
Listen along and let us know your thoughts on Twitter using the #WizardTeam hashtag! We’ll be back from our hiatus with new content soon!
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yaboyblackwolf · 3 years
(Black Wolf)
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melispmx · 4 years
Todo lo que debes saber sobre las pilas
El Dr. Pravin Gore (MBBS, DNB en Cirugía General, FAIS, FACRSI) es un cirujano y proctólogo colorrectal exclusivo, el primero en la zona oeste de la India con una experiencia de 15 años. Actualmente, el profesional médico está practicando en Apollo Spectra. Es un super-especialista cirujano proctólogo-colorrectal y practicante. En Apollo Spectra, el Dr. Gore asegura la utilización de resultados científicos aceptados a nivel mundial. Aquí, nos ha dado una idea de las pilas y sus síntomas y tratamientos.
¿Qué es Piles? El cuerpo humano contiene vasos sanguíneos normales que suministran sangre al ano. Las pilas se conocen cuando estos vasos sanguíneos comienzan a perder su apoyo, se hinchan y se deslizan fuera del ano. Esto también se conoce como hemorroides o Bawaseer.
Síntomas Los síntomas de Piles dependen de la etapa de la lesión y la hinchazón de los vasos sanguíneos del ano. El paciente puede experimentar los siguientes síntomas:
1. Sangrado mientras pasa las heces en gotas o chorros. 2. Sangrado o hinchazón del ano que sale mientras pasa las heces, que puede o no volver al interior incluso tratando de empujarlo hacia atrás en. 3. Estreñimiento o heces duras secas que necesitan ser expulsadas del ano por la fuerza o la tensión durante la defecación. 4. Picazón debido a la irritación de la piel causada por el sangrado debajo de la piel. 5. Giddiness y dificultad para respirar junto con la vista ennegrecida temporal que es causada por la anemia debido a la pérdida excesiva de sangre.
Diagnóstico Una protuberancia alrededor del ano, junto con los componentes de la piel y la mucosa interna que aparece es la forma más fácil de diagnosticar pilas y ser capaz de diferenciarlo de fisuras (grietas en la piel), o fístula en ano (hinchazón con secreción de pus). Un análisis de sangre es esencial para conocer los niveles de hemoglobina en un cuerpo. El diagnóstico final es realizado por un Proctologist-Colorrecttal Surgeon.
Tratamiento médico Vamos a discutir el régimen de W.A.S.H y cómo usarlo como remedio casero para Piles:
1. W – Baño de sitz caliente. Aquí el paciente necesita sentarse en una tina de agua tibia durante 10 minutos después de cada movimiento. 2. A – Analgésicos y analgésicos. Usa los que contienen relajantes musculares. 3. S – Suavizantes y laxantes de heces. 4. H – Cremas hemorroidales para calmar la pared interna lesionada del ano debido al paso de heces duras.
Recomendaciones dietéticas Según los médicos, se recomienda una dieta rica en HiFi / HiFlu. Vamos a entender
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estos términos:
HiFi – Alta Fibra, que requiere que el paciente tome una dieta rica en verduras de hoja verde y ensaladas. También, frutas y otros comestibles que contienen una cantidad adecuada de suplementos de fibra, tales como copos de maíz, avena, granero, ragi y grano entero.
HiFlu – Alta ingesta de líquidos, que sugiere el consumo de aproximadamente 3 a 4 litros de líquidos en cualquier forma, como agua corriente, sopas, jugos, suero de leche, sorbetes, bebidas saborizadas (no alcohólicas) y kanji.
¿Cuándo debe consultar a un especialista? Los pacientes que sufren de pilas generalmente sienten una diferencia con los cambios en la dieta y el estilo de vida. También se sienten mejor con la adaptación del régimen W.A.S.H y otros medicamentos sintomáticos. Si el problema persiste, se debe consultar a un proctólogo super-especialista – Cirujano Colorrectal para un tratamiento más definitivo.
Hay algunos signos de bandera roja que pueden ayudarte a evaluar cuándo necesitas visitar a un especialista: 1. Sangrado deportivo mientras pasa las heces. 2. Movimientos dolorosos. 3. Pasar movimientos duros y secos más de tres veces a la semana. 4. Una hinchazón del ano que no se puede empujar dentro.
Una indicación que puede resultar fatal si no se aborda en el momento adecuado es el paso de sangre y moco pegajoso en las heces, que puede ser un signo de cáncer del recto y puede confundirse con pilas.
Estas son algunas de las principales preguntas frecuentes de los pacientes sobre Piles. Esta información le ayudará a conocer y tratar mejor con Piles.
Cuando un paciente siente la necesidad de referirse a un especialista, es importante que se le proporcione una consulta por un proctólogo super-especialista – Cirujano Colorrectal con el fin de evitar complicaciones futuras. En los hospitales Apollo Spectra, la infraestructura de clase mundial proporciona un cuidado óptimo y alivio del dolor de Piles. Nuestros expertos especialistas en colorrectales están equipados con las habilidades avanzadas para tratar el dolor. Aproveche el tratamiento de última generación con infecciones cercanas a cero aquí.
El Dr. Pravin Gore es un cirujano y prácticas proctólogo-colorrectal super-especialistas en Apollo Spectra. Ha realizado el estudio en profundidad y ha practicado en Proctología y Cirugía Colorrectal. Entiende a cada paciente individual y les adapta el mejor tratamiento internacional de vanguardia científicamente probado.
Opciones de tratamiento de pilas ( Piles Treatment Options) Dr. Sambit Patnaik de Apollo Spectra Hospitals Recuperación de la cirugía de los pilares: ¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda? Dr.
The post Todo lo que debes saber sobre las pilas first appeared on Brandon Konkle.
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seloverstudios · 5 years
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#W.A.S.H (at SHSU WASH Building) https://www.instagram.com/jawn_sullover/p/Bw245W_AKKS2SMxL3vz_igzEW0dxDyYVgmSoIM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19rfxtznboi7m
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wvyouthtrips · 7 years
Rwanda Day Four
It was an earlier rise for Team Rwanda than we were used to this morning. Our two hour commute to the Akagera District in the east of Rwanda was the reason for such an early rise. The theme of the day was water and learning how World Vision works to provide access to clean drinking water to the people of Rwanda.
Once we arrived in the the Akagera District our first stop was at the World Vision regional cluster office. At the office we learned about the many projects that are overseen by the regional cluster from the regional manager Dennis. We also learned about the Water And Sanitation Hygiene (W.A.S.H) program and the regional manager of that program, Alice.
From the cluster office we travelled to the nearby Kanyangese primary school. The WASH program had supplied this school with a water station on the school grounds so that the students didn’t have to constantly leave to get clean drinking water. Upon our arrival to the school a group of students greeted us with singing and dancing. We were all so grateful to be welcomed so openly and with such celebration. We chatted with the students about what the water station meant to them and also their aspirations for the future. It was a very humbling experience. We ended off our visit to the school with a volleyball game on the net that was set up in the courtyard. Some members of our team played alongside some of the students while many more cheered them on. The game was so much fun and at the end we donated the volleyball that we brought to the principle of the school so that the children could have many more games like that one. It felt nice to be able to interact with the children and give them something that brought them joy, no matter how small.
After the trip to the school we visited the well that was the source of water for the area since 2013. The water from the well is pumped to a water reservoir on the top of a hill where gravity does the rest of the work to distribute the water all throughout the region. This well that we visited provided clean drinking water for 14,000 people and had a water station within at least 500 metres of every household in the region. The goal of the WASH program is to have clean water available in every single household in the area. It was extremely inspiring to learn about how World Vision is able to work with local companies, community members, and government to create something so beneficial to such a large number of people.
Another activity that we had planned for today was to visit the Peace Tree. This is where perpetrators and victims of the genocide meet to reflect peacefully with one another and heal. Unfortunately we weren’t able to go because it began to rain.
Today was a day filled with plenty of joy as we celebrated how far certain areas of Rwanda have come with their clean water initiatives. There is still work to be done, but with the help of the WASH program and World Vision we hope that there are more success stories to come in the future.
- Nathan Baker
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parameterchild · 7 years
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Illustration for UNESCO’s Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (W.A.S.H. Crew) campaign 
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jazzchandler · 9 years
Starting in September I'll be heading to Tanzania for four months to lead an International Citizen Service (ICS) / Raleigh International team, alongside local project partners and Tanzanian volunteers. Based in rural communities where access to clean water and sanitation is rare, we'll be partnering with the communities to help address these pivotal issues.
It's a great cause, enabling young people to learn whilst working towards a truly worthwhile purpose. Before I leave I'd like to fundraise for ICS's and Raleigh's continued efforts in motivating youth and dismantling poverty.
If the moral plea isn't what you're looking for, please donate and you'll see a middle-age shaped 25-year old struggle for 45km in the Wolverhampton Marathon. I've never run more than 5km.
Please support and I'll pull some more humiliating incentives out the bag. https://www.justgiving.com/Jazz-Chandler2/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Jazz-Chandler2&utm_campaign=pfp-share&fb_ref=Default
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monsoon-season-us · 3 years
BASSCVLT Presents: BLAZECVLT Featuring BENZO$, SPACE RACE, W.A.S.H., and MANY MORE! 4/20 Edition [Compilation Write-Up]
BASSCVLT Presents: BLAZECVLT Featuring BENZO$, SPACE RACE, W.A.S.H., and MANY MORE! 4/20 Edition [Compilation Write-Up]
Follow + Connect with BASSCVLT [Stream HERE] SPACE RACE | Tuna Melt | Chip E | Squachek | BENZO$ | INF1N1TE | W.A.S.H. | Universe | Pretty Sweet | H8ful Ape | Casinelli | Gainchanger | R/Ø/M | Ozia BASSCVLT Presents: BLAZECVLT Bass music comes in different variations, styles, and obviously (sub)genres; which is exciting! You can always find something in this spectrum of sound that is fit for…
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melispmx · 4 years
Todo lo que debes saber sobre las pilas
El Dr. Pravin Gore (MBBS, DNB en Cirugía General, FAIS, FACRSI) es un cirujano y proctólogo colorrectal exclusivo, el primero en la zona oeste de la India con una experiencia de 15 años. Actualmente, el profesional médico está practicando en Apollo Spectra. Es un super-especialista cirujano proctólogo-colorrectal y practicante. En Apollo Spectra, el Dr. Gore asegura la utilización de resultados científicos aceptados a nivel mundial. Aquí, nos ha dado una idea de las pilas y sus síntomas y tratamientos.
¿Qué es Piles? El cuerpo humano contiene vasos sanguíneos normales que suministran sangre al ano. Las pilas se conocen cuando estos vasos sanguíneos comienzan a perder su apoyo, se hinchan y se deslizan fuera del ano. Esto también se conoce como hemorroides o Bawaseer.
Síntomas Los síntomas de Piles dependen de la etapa de la lesión y la hinchazón de los vasos sanguíneos del ano. El paciente puede experimentar los siguientes síntomas:
1. Sangrado mientras pasa las heces en gotas o chorros. 2. Sangrado o hinchazón del ano que sale mientras pasa las heces, que puede o no volver al interior incluso tratando de empujarlo hacia atrás en. 3. Estreñimiento o heces duras secas que necesitan ser expulsadas del ano por la fuerza o la tensión durante la defecación. 4. Picazón debido a la irritación de la piel causada por el sangrado debajo de la piel. 5. Giddiness y dificultad para respirar junto con la vista ennegrecida temporal que es causada por la anemia debido a la pérdida excesiva de sangre.
Diagnóstico Una protuberancia alrededor del ano, junto con los componentes de la piel y la mucosa interna que aparece es la forma más fácil de diagnosticar pilas y ser capaz de diferenciarlo de fisuras (grietas en la piel), o fístula en ano (hinchazón con secreción de pus). Un análisis de sangre es esencial para conocer los niveles de hemoglobina en un cuerpo. El diagnóstico final es realizado por un Proctologist-Colorrecttal Surgeon.
Tratamiento médico Vamos a discutir el régimen de W.A.S.H y cómo usarlo como remedio casero para Piles:
1. W – Baño de sitz caliente. Aquí el paciente necesita sentarse en una tina de agua tibia durante 10 minutos después de cada movimiento. 2. A – Analgésicos y analgésicos. Usa los que contienen relajantes musculares. 3. S – Suavizantes y laxantes de heces. 4. H – Cremas hemorroidales para calmar la pared interna lesionada del ano debido al paso de heces duras.
Recomendaciones dietéticas Según los médicos, se recomienda una dieta rica en HiFi / HiFlu. Vamos a entender
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estos términos:
HiFi – Alta Fibra, que requiere que el paciente tome una dieta rica en verduras de hoja verde y ensaladas. También, frutas y otros comestibles que contienen una cantidad adecuada de suplementos de fibra, tales como copos de maíz, avena, granero, ragi y grano entero.
HiFlu – Alta ingesta de líquidos, que sugiere el consumo de aproximadamente 3 a 4 litros de líquidos en cualquier forma, como agua corriente, sopas, jugos, suero de leche, sorbetes, bebidas saborizadas (no alcohólicas) y kanji.
¿Cuándo debe consultar a un especialista? Los pacientes que sufren de pilas generalmente sienten una diferencia con los cambios en la dieta y el estilo de vida. También se sienten mejor con la adaptación del régimen W.A.S.H y otros medicamentos sintomáticos. Si el problema persiste, se debe consultar a un proctólogo super-especialista – Cirujano Colorrectal para un tratamiento más definitivo.
Hay algunos signos de bandera roja que pueden ayudarte a evaluar cuándo necesitas visitar a un especialista: 1. Sangrado deportivo mientras pasa las heces. 2. Movimientos dolorosos. 3. Pasar movimientos duros y secos más de tres veces a la semana. 4. Una hinchazón del ano que no se puede empujar dentro.
Una indicación que puede resultar fatal si no se aborda en el momento adecuado es el paso de sangre y moco pegajoso en las heces, que puede ser un signo de cáncer del recto y puede confundirse con pilas.
Estas son algunas de las principales preguntas frecuentes de los pacientes sobre Piles. Esta información le ayudará a conocer y tratar mejor con Piles.
Cuando un paciente siente la necesidad de referirse a un especialista, es importante que se le proporcione una consulta por un proctólogo super-especialista – Cirujano Colorrectal con el fin de evitar complicaciones futuras. En los hospitales Apollo Spectra, la infraestructura de clase mundial proporciona un cuidado óptimo y alivio del dolor de Piles. Nuestros expertos especialistas en colorrectales están equipados con las habilidades avanzadas para tratar el dolor. Aproveche el tratamiento de última generación con infecciones cercanas a cero aquí.
El Dr. Pravin Gore es un cirujano y prácticas proctólogo-colorrectal super-especialistas en Apollo Spectra. Ha realizado el estudio en profundidad y ha practicado en Proctología y Cirugía Colorrectal. Entiende a cada paciente individual y les adapta el mejor tratamiento internacional de vanguardia científicamente probado.
Opciones de tratamiento de pilas ( Piles Treatment Options) Dr. Sambit Patnaik de Apollo Spectra Hospitals Recuperación de la cirugía de los pilares: ¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda? Dr.
The post Todo lo que debes saber sobre las pilas first appeared on Brandon Konkle.
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monsoon-season-us · 4 years
W.A.S.H. + EGalas - Jump: Be Weird Be Original Release [Track Write-Up]
W.A.S.H. + EGalas – Jump: Be Weird Be Original Release [Track Write-Up]
Follow + Connect with W.A.S.H. Follow + Connect with EGalas (stream/download link) [Arizona-based] duck-duo W.A.S.H. and [Peru-based] audio-aficionado EGalas team up this holiday season to gift you, ‘Jump’! Be Weird Be Original is the culprit behind the release of this waddling wonderment, and the [Mexico City-based] label is ecstatic to add this surefire heater to their immense catalog. This…
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