#Women Power
returning-to-her · 10 months
Whenever someone says, “Humans are the most destructive species on Earth,” remind them it's not humans. It's men. Men are destructive. Stop blaming women for men’s failings.
Watch my matriarchal sermons at
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shisasan · 4 months
I love this current era of women discovering their divine worth and recognizing their true value, creating a culture of mutual support and empowerment, all while honoring men and their sacred power.
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balkanradfem · 9 months
The story of a broken christmas toilet
So the first thing that happened to me on the christmas morning, is I went to the bathroom, and toilet didn't work - no water. Weirded out by this, I opened up the water tank, and the water poured in as soon as I messed with the floatie. I thought this fixed it, only to realize minutes later, that the toilet is now leaking water.
I've never fixed the toilet before, especially not a leaking one, opening up the tank and peering inside was the height of my knowledge. But, I was ready to figure it out. I tried to mess with the parts that were leaking and make them tighter, only to immediately make it leak worse. Panicked, I quickly found the valve that shuts down the water in the bathroom. Now the toilet doesn't leak, but I also can't use the shower or the basin.
Looking at more youtube videos, I concluded that the valve that lets water into the tank, has loosened and broken inside, and there was no fixing it, I'd have to buy a spare part. But as it was christmas, all stores were closed, and would be closed for tomorrow as well.
I had some wrenches I acquired while fixing my own bike, and none of them were big enough to dismantle the tank, but comparing the size, I could tell which sizes I did need. I would ask a friend if she could lend me the right tools, but as my friend wouldn't be visiting for a few days, I had to make do with a non-functional bathroom.
Luckily I love the old methods of washing - using a sponge to bubble up and then pouring heated water from a jug to rinse, that is a very gentle way to experience warm water. I would sometimes wash that way just to not have to use the boiler - because it's a great energy saver.
Anyway, my friend brought the tools to me, and I set on to dismantle the tank. She stood outside the bathroom saying 'I don't know anything about toilets', too intimidated to join in. But I wasn't having it, I called her in to look because, armed with my youtube knowledge, I recognized the broken part, and now knew for sure what I had to replace.
That afternoon, I headed to a hardware store, and since it way my first time there, I asked an employee if he could get me that exact part - I had the original with me. He told me they were 'all the same' and handed me the cheapest one. I pointed out it was important for the brass part to be the same width - and he said it was.
So I bought it, and upon installing it in my toilet, the toilet was now leaking from the outside, where the new part was fixed into the wall pipe. I got confused, dismantled it and put it back together a few times, but nothing worked, it only leaked worse each and every time. Devastated, I went to check how others were doing it, and if I maybe lost a part, or forgot to do something, or had to play with the pressure more, or maybe my arms weren't strong enough. But every other person was fastening it in the exact same way, I wasn't doing anything wrong.
I dismantled the thing again, and compared the new and the original part. The metal part that goes into the wall pipe seemed the same width, and I had to stare really long to notice, but there was the tiniest, millimeter difference in how big the waves in it were. Pissed, I went back to the store, to ask the employee if they had any correct replacement parts, and he had absolutely no idea, so I asked him to unpack multiple ones until I found the exact same size I was looking for. I had to go through the lengthy and annoying process of exchanging the part, but once I got home, I put it together in 20 seconds.
And it worked. My toilet works again. I can now fix toilets. Self-assigned plumber.
I had to do a lot of following my instincts and believing that I can notice what is wrong, and when someone who is supposed to be more expert than me, is giving me false info. Most of this was just about confidence! It is absolutely no-brainer to fasten one pipe to the other if they're the correct size, any kid could do it if shown even once.
If I can do this, even without prior knowledge or tools, with other people giving me negative amounts of help, then anyone can! Any house-repair we usually think m*n can do, are just putting puzzles together, created to be simple and intuitive, and we are very well equipped for it, all it takes is confidence and curiosity in how it works.
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tilbageidanmark · 28 days
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Women Power
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undergroundrockpress · 8 months
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My first "Not you" meme ever!!! (except it's a little inverse because yes)
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ravencrow133x · 1 month
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This 🖤
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higherselfff · 20 days
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katerynka-art · 2 years
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I decided to post Lapis fan art which I drew probably in August… BUT LOOK AT HER. She is my kin number 1 😭💙💙💙💙
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returning-to-her · 6 days
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Females are Gods. We should act like it.
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serenagaia · 10 months
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“I love being me, it pisses off all the right people.”
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grrlscientist · 2 months
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Preferred presidential🇺🇸 candidate amongst women ...
you all know what this means, sisters? all we gotta do is #VOTE #BIDEN #HARRIS
#VoteBlue #WomenPower #politics #DemocratsForDemocracy
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captainxcarter · 2 years
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🌸 Happy international women's day ★ *. ⋆
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hebrewbyinbal · 7 months
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With International Women's Day fast approaching, let's take a moment to recognize the strength and resilience of women everywhere.
In Hebrew, we use the term אֵשֶׁת חַיִל /'e-shet 'kha-yeel/ to describe a woman of valor, someone who embodies strength, wisdom, and compassion. This term has been used for centuries to honor the powerful role of women in society, culture, and family.
This year, more than ever, it's crucial to lift up and support the women around us. All women! Recent events have brought to light the challenges and injustices women face, some more than others.
Sadly, in these trying times, too many organizations that should stand up for Israeli and Jewish women have remained silent, leaving those who have endured and still go through unimaginable experiences be left alone and unsupported.
Let's use our voices to highlight and celebrate the incredible Israeli women who inspire us, whether they are well-known public figures or unsung heroes in our own lives. These women could be your family members, friends, people you saw on the news, heard about, public figures, or national leaders — anyone who has made a significant impact on you or your community.
Please share in the comments below the names of the Israeli women who inspire you. Tell us their stories, their achievements, and how they've influenced you. By doing so, we're not only honoring them, but we're also reinforcing the network of support and recognition that all women deserve.
Let's come together this International Women's Day to celebrate every אֵשֶׁת חַיִל in every form, acknowledging the strength, courage, and resilience of women in Israel and around the world.
Your stories and voices matter, now more than ever.
Let's uplift each other and stand united in solidarity and respect.
I look forward to reading your tributes and stories in the comments below. Let's make this International Women's Day a powerful testament to the spirit and resilience of women everywhere!
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hannahleah · 1 year
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Helmut Newton - Poster Project for Wolford Photograph, 1995
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ayahuascadiaries · 1 year
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As skejinawe apid, an Indigenous woman, I have been taught that the women nurture life into being; we are the creators of life and the protectors of the life that we create. Women possess a unique magic. As women, we are able to call forth life from the other side, and cultivate that life in the quiet space below our hearts. Within our bodies, we hold an opening to the divine, a portal that allows souls to enter into this world. Because we are connected to the divine through the space governed by our hearts, we are also the keepers of divine intuition and heart-based wisdom. Thus, the teachings that we carry are essential for keeping our societies spiritually healthy and emotionally balanced.
Quote from the book Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change of sherri Mitchell
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