#Wojtek the Bear
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beifong-brainrot · 3 months ago
do you have any fun facts or not so fun facts about Poland to share with the class
Wow ok the pressure is on to represent my country lol.
Um ok here we go
This is Wojtek.
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Wojtek was an orphaned syrian brown bear cub, who was sold to the Polish army who were travelling from the Soviet Union to Iran during WW2. Reportedly he had a close bond with the soldiers, sleeping and playing with them and becoming an unofficial mascot. He was fed condensed milk from an old vodka bottle at first. Though apparently when he got older his diet expanded to fruits, marmalade and even beer. He seemed to have gotten very close to the soldiers of the unit that had taken him in, even apparently copying them when tehy marched and saluted.
When the unit was supposed to take a british ship that didn't allow mascots or pets, the Polish soldiers got around this by offically drafting Wojtek into the army as a private which somehow worked. He served under the battle of Monte Cassino, helping carry ammo, a scene which later became the emblem of his unit.
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For his brave service, Wojtek was promoted to Corporal. After the end of the war, Wojtek and his unit were stationed in Scottland ans became an honorary member of the Polish-Scottish association.
After demobilisation, Wojtek enjoyed his well earned retirement in the Edinburgh Zoo, often being visited by journalists and Polish soldiers. He recognised not only most members of his former unit, but also seemed to get excited to just hear the Polish language itself.
He died in 1963, at age 21, which is just on the shorter length of a syrian brown bear's life expectancy, which surprises me because I would've thought that a bear that went to war would have lived a pretty short life.
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I think what also makes me overly emotional is that the soldiers who took Wojtek in were mostly victims of soviet deportations, with several of them even being imprisoned in gulags. It was a harrowing time for these people, who evacuated the Soviet Union alongside civillians as well, and I can very much see why they would take comfort in befriending an orphaned bear cub.
Sadly, most of the members of Wojtek's unit were not able to return to Poland, as it was under Soviet rule at the time. So to a lot of them, Wojtek was a comfort even after the war, a reminder of something they were proud of.
One of the sons of the members of Wojtek's unit has a page on which you can learn more about Wojtek and the whole unit. If you're so inclined, I implore you to check it out:
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asexual-cat-furry · 6 months ago
So I only just now noticed Wojtek on Poland's shoulder YES PAMIĘTAJCIE O WOJTKU!!!
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Sabaton -Union!
(The day after tomorrow is liberation day , so I’m drawing some things related to it, haven’t drawn Italy in a while…)
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beardedmrbean · 6 months ago
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nautical-poe · 1 year ago
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Wojtek the Polish War Bear for my Illustration class! Prompt: Historical Event
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jurakan · 4 months ago
I just found out I passed a huge licensing exam (similar to the Bar, took me almost a year to complete all the parts) so I’d love to celebrate with a fun fact this week! Hit me with it!
Good job on passing! I was going to save this for a big occasion, and I think this applies, so! Today You Learned about Wojtek!
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Wojtek was a Syrian brown bear, orphaned as a cub in 1942, and adopted by Polish soldiers in exile in Iran after the Soviet invasion. After some time in a Polish refugee camp, Wojtek became a mascot for the 22nd Artillery Supply Company, and they were the ones to name him (his name means "Happy Warrior" if you're curious). They also fed him, which, uh... I don't know that they did a great job, as he apparently drank a lot of beer and ate cigarettes, as well as, like, actual food.
And during the Italian Campaign, he went with his unit to Italy, and served at the Battle of Monte Cassino.
That's right, Wojtek was a bear that fought the Nazis.
Okay, so Wojtek didn't see combat, but he carried supplies and ammunition. And being, y'know, a bear, he was able to carry much heavier loads than humans could. Some argued that his contributions were exaggerated by his unit, but there is a British soldier who admitted to seeing a bear carrying ammunition.
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After the war, he and his unit went to Scotland, where they were popular with locals. Wojtek eventually retired to the Edinburgh Zoo. He was a popular attraction, a national celebrity, and supposedly responded to Polish speech with visible happiness, and could recognize soldiers from his old unit.
He died in 1963.
There are memorials of him in Poland and Scotland, because, like... yeah, a bear who fought Nazis. Who doesn't want to see that?!
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Also there's a preschool in Warsaw, Poland named after him.
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chelseahotel2004 · 17 days ago
my great aunt is truly the most fascinating person ever and i always want to tell you guys stories about her but i fear that none of you would believe me. and it's not for a lack of evidence its just that proving everything would severely dox me
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doctor-bodacious · 2 years ago
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tashanimation · 2 years ago
Just back from Edinburgh for a private screening of A Bear Named Wojtek! I was a character designer for this film and I did a lot of the background characters. I'm really proud to have worked on this and it was amazing seeing how beautifully it all came together!
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cosmogenous · 1 year ago
i love you corporal wojtek
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limethechef · 2 years ago
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Proud Syrian serving in the Polish Military, ride on into Valhalla corporal Wojtek!
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ceilidhtransing · 2 years ago
I love it when animal statues become shiny from all the people petting them
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Wojtek Memorial, Edinburgh Princes Street Gardens
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
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That statue on the right!
That's in Duns and fun fact wojtek not only almost always has flowers on him or a flower crown of some sort but also at the summer festival we had this year there was an animated film about him airing called "a bear named wojtek"
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cicerosfavouritelistener · 6 months ago
Silly Game Time: Okay, I've recently been put in charge of raising a black bear cub (don't ask), and I need some help coming up with a good name for it. What do you recommend?
Corporal Wojtek.
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ultrafacts · 18 days ago
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Wojtek was a Syrian brown bear adopted by the Polish II Corps during World War II. He was officially enlisted as a soldier to ensure he could travel with the unit and was given the rank of private. He became famous for helping carry artillery shells during the Battle of Monte Cassino. Wojtek was also known for drinking beer, eating cigarettes, and wrestling with soldiers.
After the war, he was taken to Scotland, where he lived at the Edinburgh Zoo until his passing in 1963.
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highwirebad-apples · 1 year ago
wojtek for president 2025
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