jpegbasic · 5 months
World Naked Gardening Day
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We are celebrating World Naked Gardening Day today on https://anaturistworld.com we have written a new blog post about naturist gardening with lots of relevant links around ANW.
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Come by & be inspired to get naked in your garden today & all summer long.
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poppyave · 1 year
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alovelyepilogue · 5 months
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Everybody have a lovely day!!
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Nurturing Naturism
The sun is shining. An ideal time to take a break from the computer & https://anaturistworld.com to enjoy the latest H&E Naturist Magazine & pages inspiring naked gardening. I am in it discussing the need for naturism to be more proactive in promoting itself as family friendly.
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floridaboiler · 2 years
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poppyave · 5 months
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World Naked Gardening Day WNGD
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absolutefreedom001 · 2 years
Happy World Naked Gardening Day!
Per WNGD.org, "Gardening naked is not only a simple joy, it reminds us--even if only for those few sunkissed minutes--that we can be honest with who we are as humans and as part of this planet."
These flowers are a ground cover called Mimosa strigillosa. When I bought my house years ago a few popped up one spring. I loved them and mowed around them. I have continued to do so, along with sparing any other spring flowers so that each spring I have a beautiful menagerie of flowers, butterflies, and bumblebees. Only after the reproduction process is finished do they get mowed down until the next blossoms appear.
The Mimosa strigillosa is also called the sensitive plant as when you touch the feathered leaves they respond by curling up towards your touch. Tiny Leaf Finger Hugs! 🤗
This photo is also why I needed to climb my column and half wall last weekend while trying to activate the remote shutter! I seriously need a photographically inclined nudist friend or girlfriend!
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saya1984 · 3 years
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Today: Happy (belated) World Naked Gardening Day!
Wei Ying is trying to grow some siblings for A-Yuan. Lan Zhan is not exactly thrilled about this ‘holiday.’
(my first mdzsnet submission :D)
tin-foil shovel ftw :D
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itttsarkanyokvannak · 3 years
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espercr · 3 years
✶ - @wngd​ has enabled me , hence a starter !
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       this might be the fastest she’s ever flown , the harsh frigid wind bringing tears to her eyes that cloud her vision - this isn’t sustainable , & he’s still gaining on her . . . rapidly . with reluctance , she slows to a gentle stop . ready to face the conversation she’d been avoiding . ❝ OKAY ! ❞ she concedes , ponytail whipping wildly as she hovers - suspended in an aura of light , hands glowing at her sides in the form of tight fists . ❝ you have my attention ! let’s just talk about this ? i’m pretty sure we’re on the same side . ❞
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at-hauntrcss · 3 years
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manandmachines · 3 years
@wngd​​ said: “  you’ll be the death of me for sure  ” ( to scott )
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Fire Emblem Starters || Accepting!
“What?? A guy can’t celebrate his teammate’s success? You were amazing out there!” Giving a gentle shake to Sam’s shoulders to further emphasize his excitement.
In truth, he owed a lot to Sam. He could’ve easily forgotten about Scott after their first meeting all those years ago at the Avengers compound, especially since how things went. Yet because of him, he’s an Avenger, out doing what he once could only once dream of doing. Because of Sam, Scott went from ex con to fighting alongside both Captain America’s. So forgive him, if he’s more than a little excited at the moment.
“And that speech I heard you give? That was beautiful. You’re really good at those.”
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wdova-archive · 3 years
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𝚂𝙷𝙴  𝚆𝙰𝚂  𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙽𝚃  𝚃𝙾  𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚅𝙴  𝙰𝚂  𝚂𝙾𝙾𝙽  𝙰𝚂  𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝙸𝚂𝚂𝚄𝙴  𝙶𝙾𝚃  𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙾𝙻𝚅𝙴𝙳.  No  more  super  soldier  serum  and  karli’s  early  demise  meant  she  had  no  more  reasons  to  stay  around,  it  lead  nowhere,  only  one  small  lead  about  the  power  broker  most  likely  making  plans  to  deal  with  russia  and  that  only  meant  one  thing;  the  red  room  might  not  be  as  gone  as  she  thought  it  would  be.  The  widow  keeps  her  composure  at  the  thought  of  the  room  being  out  there  and  wanting  her  back,  or  preparing  to  arm  themselves  back  into  business.  
What  she  doesn’t  expect  is  to  have  Sam  Wilson  ready  to  back  her  up  in  whatever  mission  she  is  preparing,  she  is  not  convinced.  It’s  not  something  about  him,  she  had  seen  him  in  action  and  she  knows  his  worth  as  a  fighter  and  a  team  member  (  but  that’s  the  thing,  she  doesn’t  do  teams  ).  She  had  agreed  to  work  with  him  and  Bucky  only  to  get  information  about  the  serum  and  that  was  all  done.    
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“You  don’t  have  to  join  me,  Samuel.  Not  your  fight.”  Russian  accent  slips  with  comfortable  ease,  eyes  shifting  toward  the  man  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  plane.  No  turning  back,  but  he  could  go  back  if  he  wanted  to.  “Russia,  it’s  not  America.  We  have  other  rules.  Or  no  rules  at  all.”  A  curved  smile  upon  her  lips  as  she  drops  the  little  information  they  had  about  the  room  and  whoever  was  interested  in  russia  about  super  soldiers  again.  
“I  thought  you  and  the  soldier  were  friends  now.“  Perhaps  the  soldier  is  not  ready  to  go  back  to  russia.  He  too  has  a  history  in  the  room.  Neither  is  willing  to  share  just  yet.
started plotted for @wngd​
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spydered-arch · 3 years
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“ are you sure you’re okay? ” / @wngd​
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The words were heard, but even if she wasn't Natasha wasn't about to admit it out loud. "Mm." that was all she could muster as she picked herself up off the ground. So the widow didn't land how she wanted to, or maybe it was the fact that she got batted to the side like a gnat. Either way, she sucked in a breath through her teeth. Natasha had a high pain tolerance, she had to after all the training and torture she went through, but that didn't mean she was numb to it and dislocating her shoulder just happened to be something that didn't feel very good. Without answering further, she moved over to one of the crumbling cement pillars in the room they had been fighting in. Green eyes just stared at it for the longest time as she tried to get this over with because she knew that this was not going to be fun. 
Even for her.
A deep breath taken in through her mouth and out her nose before she ran her shoulder into the beam hard enough that it crumbled slightly but soon after came that tell tale sound. That dull pop of her shoulder relocating itself and she bit down hard enough on her cheek that she tasted the copper pang of her own blood. Knees weak, but she didn't scream nor make any sound at all except a heavy exhale when the pain was sharp and immediate. But she raised her hand and flexed her fingers. "I'm all better now, Samuel. Thank you." Her whole arm ached, but that she could live with so long as she could draw her gun or a knife if needed. Not that she needed to worry about a dominant hand when she was ambidextrous, but she did have a favorite. "Come on, we have to go."
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rblc · 4 years
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Upsz. :D
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