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I really liked this doodle, so I thought I would line and colour it :3
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frenziedfiend · 1 year
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desolateice · 2 years
Characters: Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso
Pairing: Lawrusso
Rating: General Warnings: None
Prompt: Magic for Amnesty week
He was desperate.
Johnny sat in the attic, lighting candles.
“What we doing?”
Johnny set out his cards.
“Future,” Johnny rasped, his throat hurt.
“Add your blood to the water.”
Johnny had plenty from the tournament.
“Blood tells a lot” 
Johnny leaned forward trying to focus.
“What will you be good at? Hexes? Luck?”
The cat howled in laughter as the image cleared.
“You? A love witch?”
Johnny frowned at the image.
“Good luck with that kid. That’s your future,” the cat purred, tail brushing against him.
Johnny felt his heart pound at the image of Daniel.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 6 months
Blessed Be: Prologue
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Pairing: Detective!Bob Floyd x Reader
WitchAU - Based on Practical Magic
Summary: Detective Bob Floyd is drawn by an unknown force to a little island he’s never heard of, only to fall for a woman he’s never met and to experience a world he never knew existed.
Warnings: Witchcraft, Swearing, Sexual Themes eventually, Slow Burn, Smut, Angst, Fluff, I think that’s it!
Since Bob was a young boy he’d felt a pull. To what he wasn’t sure, but something always felt strange, and when he described this feeling to anyone, asking if they’d ever felt it too, they would laugh him off and say he was probably coming down with something.
He felt as though a light pressure inside him was always pulling him in a certain direction. Every choice he made in life was steered by this entity. Every sport he played in school, every class he took in college, every book he read and job he applied for, were all predetermined by this pulling sensation inside him.
Bob tried to ignore the feeling when he was younger, when it told him to do something, but this only caused the sensation to grow stronger until he inevitably couldn’t ignore it any longer. Bob decided it was easier to just let the feeling guide him and his every decision, and ultimately the sensation was always right. It had never led him astray, and he was happy with every decision he (or the sensation) had made.
Bob believed that everyone had this guiding force and they just didn’t realise it like he did, so stopped questioning it early on.
That was until one day, when for seemingly no reason at all, he got into his car and began driving to the coast, leaving what little belongings he had, and his job as a small town detective behind.
Bob had no idea where he was going, so he just drove until the force told him to change directions, until he saw the sigh for Whidbey Island, and the pull became almost impossible to ignore.
“Here you go Mrs Hannaby, you rub this on your chest three times a day. It will keep the asthma at bay, and the lavender will help you get to sleep at night.” You smiled, handing the old woman a bag with your home made ointment.
“Thank you darling. I’ll see you next week for my top up. Say hello to your mother for me!” She waved as she left your little store.
You smiled as you tidied the shelves and re lit the white and green candles littering your shop windowsills. You hummed as you mulled around the quiet store, waiting for customers to come and go. You had a few regulars who frequented the store for your incredible home remedies and some just for the candles and soaps you made that had the most unique smells.
Most customers couldn’t believe the soothing effect that your lavender and chamomile sleep balm had, or how your Peppermint and Rosemary candles seemed to magically take away even the worst of migraines.
But it was your love drops that had everyone on the island going crazy. A concoction of fenugreek, arugula and bergamot (along with a little secret ingredient or two) that when dropped into a lovers wine would send their sex drive through the roof. This had single-handedly saved many marriages on the island.
You were flipping through one of your books and researching ingredients for a new candle you wanted to make, when suddenly the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You felt goosebumps rise and fall all along the length of your body, cold immediately followed by heat only to be repeated in waves again and again.
You turned around and your eyes scanned the empty store for anything strange. The air was electric and your heart raced for no explainable reason, seemingly only getting faster and faster until suddenly the bell sounded, and someone walked through the door.
Your skin was now on fire and you couldn’t breathe as the man walked in and closed the door behind him, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. If anything it felt like being overly excited for something you couldn’t explain.
“Hi.” He said gently, a crooked smile forming below cobalt eyes.
“H-hello…” you replied, suddenly at a loss for words. You felt like you recognised this man, but you couldn’t place where from. “Are you looking for anything specific?” You asked, trying to force yourself back to planet Earth.
“Uhh… I’m really not sure what I’m looking for.” He said, looking as confused as you felt. “I just saw the sign, and I…uhm…” he trailed off, frowning at the ground, trying to remember what brought him here.
“No problem, maybe I can help you.” You smiled as you rounded the counter. “Shopping for yourself? Or a family member… wife, girlfriend?” You probed, suddenly hoping it wouldn’t be either of the latter.
“Uh…. Yeah, myself.” He smiled, making eye contact with you for the first time as you came to stand next to him. Your breath left you as you took in the colour of his eyes, and how they crinkled in the corners.
“Sure. Most of the men that come in here like this balm, if it’s something you’re interested in. You put it on your neck after a shower and… well… it’s supposed to give you energy and help with endurance.” You chuckled. You realised the man couldn’t be from the island, and wouldn’t know about your abilities, so downplayed the real power of your products.
“Endurance?” He chuckled as he quirked his eyebrow, “No, I don’t think I need this, but thank you. Got anything else?” He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
You smiled, biting your cheek to keep from laughing.
“Okay, how about… ah, so I don’t know how superstitious you are, but if you’re ever in a dark place, figuratively or literally, you light this candle and tell it what your hearts deepest desire is at that moment in time. You then need to clap twice and blow it out.” You explained, growing a bit red in the cheeks as you realised how ridiculous you sounded.
“Oh yeah? Like a wishing candle?” He asked, his crooked smile growing bigger.
“Yeah, sort of. It only works in a time of need, and only if you wish for the one thing you want more than absolutely anything. Can’t go wishing for a million bucks… unless of course that’s what you want most in life.” You shrugged, biting your lip to keep from smiling too hard.
He chuckled and took the candle from your open palm.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll take one of these.”
You beckoned for him to follow you to the counter and you rang him up, putting the candle in a small paper bag.
“Here you go. Hope it comes in handy. It was nice to meet you…”
“Bob.” He confirmed, taking the bag. An electric shock zapped through your hands as your fingers touched lightly. You both pretended not to notice. “What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you Bob, I’m (Y/N) but everyone here calls me Bree.”
“Why Bree?” He chuckled, realising it was nothing like your actual name.
“It’s short for Sabrina, as in-“
“Sabrina the Teenage Witch..” he finished your sentence, nodding. It made sense with all of the interesting balms and potions that sat neatly in your airy little store.
“Yup. I’ve had that nickname since highschool, and it’s kind of just stuck. I can’t remember the last time anyone called me (Y/N).” You laughed.
“Well, it sure was nice to meet you Bree. Hope to see you around.” Bob smiled, slowly making to walk out of the store with his little purchase in hand, as confused as he was when he walked in.
“You too Bob.” You smiled back as you watched him leave. Bob turned to look at you twice before he eventually made it out the door.
As Bob left the store, the same familiar tug urged him to turn back, and it was only once he reached his car and the tug grew stronger that he realised he hadn’t felt it in the store, for the first time in his life, the feeling was gone. He sat in his car for a long time, looking at the candle and thinking about what had just happened. A seemingly ordinary meeting with an extraordinarily beautiful woman, who for some reason felt incredibly familiar to him.
Bob shook his head and eventually drove away. But that night he wished he had bought a sleep candle instead. As he lay in the B&B bed and stared out the window at the night sky, all he could think about was how the feeling was growing stronger and how your face appeared every time he closed his eyes.
- Chapter 1 Here -
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ne-cocoa · 2 years
Special comic coming tomorrow I hope about how Witchau Mk met kitty Red Son! Basically mks clumsiness hurts his tail when they first meet XD
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
I'm kinda shy to ask this one so ill use anon. Do you have any song recs for dark fics? I'm kinda looking for ones that convey hopelessness and/or terror. but honestly ill take anything.
Here's a small variety, since I'm unsure what genre of music your tastes run toward! On the whole, I do highly rec anything from Alan Wilder's Recoil album, since it captures different flavors of existential dread very well - hence two recs from it. The rest are everything from indie, to witchaus, to heavy metal, depending on what you fancy<3
Recoil - Breath control
Recoil - Stalker
Sidewalks and Skeletons - Eternal Rest
Beach House - Stafany Spruil
I Wanna Kill Me - Alihan Yücel
Beyond Pain - Kaijushin
Belispeak - Purity Ring
Blackout Days - Phantagram
Sisters of the Moon - Fleetwood Mac
Paranoia - Music Box
Gang Of Youths - Achilles, Come Down
Tili Tili Bom - Russian Lullabye
Camille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre
Deftones - Lucky You
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klayr-de-gall · 4 years
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Some more Witch!Nines together with @melissarthomson Witch!Gavin! Didn't expect that dynamic, but this two make a very fun duo! Had a blast drawing them together!
(For the ones interested, my own AU version of Gavin is still a very human detective)
[My Social Media and Patreon Info]
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buboplague · 4 years
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witching zinru to go with @asuraaa‘s witching glad doodle 
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moiyra · 3 years
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As I was working a bit more on my #WitchAU , I started thinking what to do about #Kikoku. Since I didn't want #witchtrafalgarlaw to run around with his sword all the time, I decided to make Kikoku his familar and she can change between her cat sword form. If you want to know more about my WitchAU, you can join my Patreon and get exklusive insides, while I work on making this a comic! What would be your familar? 🐺🦊🐱 #lawonepiece #onepiece #onepieceau #trafalgarlaw #heartpirates #sketchbook #sketchbookdrawing #sketchbookart #sketchbookdrawing #sketch #pencilart #pencilsketch #traditionalart #comicideas #patreon #patreoncreator #patronsseeitfirst #madewithfabercastell #fabercastell #leuchtturm1917 https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5A2bZqZx8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ishipstarwars · 3 years
Great News Everyone!
Okay, so you know how I said I was going to wait until I had a rough draft of the whole story before posting? Yeah... I lied.
After seven months of intermittent writing, I’m pleased to announce that Chapter 1 of Winter’s Moon will be posting on AO3 next week! It’s a Reylo Wolf/Witch AU with tons of magic and romance! Please spread the word!
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vibing-and-writing · 4 years
A Grove of Trees
A/N: hi!! Apologies for my inconsistent posting but life has been a crazy time recently!!! Anyways, here is the piece I will be submitting for @gingerwritess​‘s writing challenge for the prompt “a grove of trees”. Congrats on 4,000 bby!! I hope you enjoy this fic!!
Warnings: N/A (just witch tingz) 
Summary: When Bucky is sent on a stakeout to investigate ‘suspicious activity’, he meets someone unexpected instead.  
Witch!Reader X Bucky Barnes 
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The day Fury told him he would be doing a stakeout, Bucky could feel the back pain coming already. Sam could call him an old man all he wanted, it still wouldn’t change the fact that Bucky hated stakeouts. Specifically stakeouts like this one that involved staying in a tiny hut in the woods, watching a cabin that has had, according to Fury, “suspicious activity” going on inside. Fury had refused to tell Bucky what “suspicious activity” had been happening, only that some of the plants of the cabin’s garden looked like something out of another realm. The plants overgrown, scoring the walls and fence of the garden, but well-loved by what seems to be a woman who only comes out once a month. Bucky found it hard to believe that one woman in the middle of the woods had caught the attention of SHIELD, so much attention that he had to be sent on a stakeout but nonetheless accepted the mission with a promise of a month-long vacation by the end of it.
It was two days into the stakeout that Bucky suggested he sneak into the cabin, but Fury strongly suggested against it saying “It’s too risky with how little we know.” When Bucky had asked about a background check on the woman, Fury said that not even their high-tech cameras could capture more than an extremely blurry picture, so blurry it couldn’t be traced. It was mysterious, to say the least, and by day three Bucky had just about had it. With a near-constant combination of a headache and back pains, Bucky was done. Putting his Avenger status to good use and a small argument with Fury, Bucky stood at the door of the cabin with strict orders to only engage if absolutely necessary. 
Bucky’s eyes settled into a glare, assessing his surroundings with expertise. The worn door has sigils and signs written with different colored chalk in a language he can’t recognize, but he goes to knock on it either way. Before his hand can touch the wood, the door swings open with a gentle whoosh. Hiding his surprise with a frown of his lips, he walks into the area with trepidation, senses on high alert. The cabin looks lived in, glass jars stand proudly near the windows, more sigils drawn on the sills. A counter is near the back of the cabin, a small cash register makes it home, with a tip jar and bell next to it. The walls are nearly filled to the brim with jars with different labels, some saying ‘protection’ or ‘luck’. Dried herbs are strewn on the rafters of the ceiling, filling the room with almost too many aromas as Bucky holds back a sneeze. Two signs near the cash register say ‘don’t see me? ring the bell!’ and ‘please don’t steal’, both seemingly hand-drawn with uneven smiley faces. Bucky walks closer to the counter with bated breath, his shoulders un-tensing without his permission as he rings the small bell. 
The twinkling of the bell seems to make the cabin come alive as Bucky hears a muffled voice come from below him. “I’ll be right up!” Bucky doesn’t bother hiding his surprise when he hears the voice. Hearing some crashes and stomps his shoulders tense up again, but he nearly jumps in surprise when he realizes his back and head don’t hurt anymore. 
There is a flurry of movement from behind the counter, a small creek being heard from what seems to be an opening in the floor. Bucky takes a step back as a woman stands in front of him behind the register, a bright smile on her face. Bucky goes to speak before he’s interrupted by the woman. “Welcome to Grove Of Trees, how can I help you?” She says it softly but with an air of confidence as if she already knows why he’s there. Heat starts creeping up his neck and cheeks, but not because of the lack of air conditioning. This woman is beautiful, though he tells her later that it’s not enough to describe her. Bucky had seen plenty of beautiful women in his 100-something years, but none of them shined as she did. Her lavender sundress only enhanced her features, the flowers in her seemed like they belonged there. Putting on his signature ‘scary face’ as Sam called it, he tries to think of something to say to her. Her expression seems to change from investigative to understanding as her eyes widen slightly. 
“Oh, so you’re the one that they called…,” she trails off with uncertainty. She even gets on her tippy toes to throw a glance over his shoulder, her eyes questioning as they land back on Bucky. Bucky looks at her slightly bewildered, his senses feeling dulled and on overdrive at the same time. “The one they called?”, he asks, thoroughly confused. The woman shakes her head, fixing her face with a small smile as she starts grabbing some vials from one of the many shelves. “Nothing for you to worry about, I’ll just have to consult the cards again, you know how finicky they can be,” she says, voice sounding similar to the bell he’d rung when he got here. Trying to ignore the calm feeling invading his senses, Bucky tries to think of the things he does know: this woman is a potential threat, this appears to be some sort of shop, and this woman is… glowing? “Mhm, yeah, for sure,” he replies with a nod, trying to sound like he understands what this mystical woman is talking about. The woman grabs a small teacup from behind the counter and a tea kettle (where she got it from he has no idea) and starts pouring some of the liquids from the vials. When Bucky gives a slight raise of his brow, she gives him a small quirk of her lips. “Your back and shoulders are tense, no? This tea should help relax you a bit,” she says, her voice soft and calm. While her voice draws him in like a siren, Bucky tries to keep his senses on high alert, reminding himself this woman is a threat. 
“Thank you, but that’s not why I’m here,” Bucky says, trying to keep his face from relaxing too much. Her expression seems somber at that, the room seeming to lose a bit of its luster, and he feels his heart sink. Bucky soldiers through the air of disappointment. “I’m investigating some suspicious activity in this area.” Her expressions seem to go from bad to worse at that, her brows furrowing, the warmth in her expression fleeting. 
Looking Bucky up and down, her eyes widen a bit in recognition before she starts putting away the vials again. “Fury sent you here didn’t he? Blessed be, how many times do I have to tell him I’m not going to be his next Avenger,” she says, grabbing more vials before waving her hands in various directions. The plants seem to stand at attention, many of the herbs on the ceiling floating gently into her hands. Her motions are quick and agitated, brows furrowing more as she continues. “How dare he, after I was kind enough to send him and his stupid lab a sample of my plants, which are my mother’s by the way, for him to send me another agent.” 
She stops her rant to look at Bucky then, who is stood in a bit of awe and confusion a growing trend as her expression softens. “At least they sent a cute one,” she mutters to herself, unaware of Bucky’s super hearing. Bucky’s blush makes its home from his ears to his neck, the woman’s words affecting them more than they probably should. She slides the teacup closer to Bucky, expression calmer as more light filters through the cabin windows. “You might as well drink it since it’s been brewed. I’m sorry to have wasted your time,” she says, her expression apologetic, if not a bit embarrassed. 
Bucky snaps out of his confusion then, mentally cursing out Fury for making him do a stakeout for no reason, especially when the woman was clearly not interested. “‘S not your fault, Fury doesn’t normally take ‘no’ for an answer,” Bucky says gently taking the cup in his gloved hand. She gives a small huff then, her expression growing less exasperated. “He likes to think I don’t notice those cameras flying around, but I just don’t need that responsibility. I’m just a flower girl in the woods,” she says, her hands blindly grabbing a vial before bringing it up to her nose. Bucky looks at questioningly before she tips the vial in his direction, a distinct smell of eucalyptus wafting at his nose. “I don’t know anything about flowers, but I can see why Fury wanted to recruit you,” he says, his shoulders relaxing as he lets the aura of the cabin envelope him. She looks at Bucky questioningly, her eyes shimmering. “Why do you say that, handsome agent?” Her tone is a bit mischievous, her smile growing. Bucky lets his lips quirk into a smile as the blush returns to his face, his heart thumping in his chest. “We don’t have anyone on the team who is like you,” he says genuinely. The room seems to get a bit brighter, but she looks disbelieving. “Don’t you have the Scarlet Witch?”, she proposed. Bucky gave her a very obvious once-over, wondering how this woman didn’t know she was the most vibrant being he’d ever seen. Wanda was an amazing person but Bucky’s instincts were telling him this woman was more than what he’d seen today. “You seem to be more than just a flower girl in the woods,” he replied, the blush still present on his cheeks. Her eyes move away from his, her hand fiddling with the vial as her face grows flustered.
Suddenly her eyes widen and her posture stiffens, the room brightening as if a light bulb had been turned on. “Oh this makes much more sense…” she says to herself. Bucky looks at her questioningly before she straightens her back and looks at him directly in the eyes, narrowed but not maliciously. Learning from the past couple of minutes, he resigns himself to the fact that this woman will probably never make full sense to him. Many emotions show quickly over her face from confusion to surprise to understanding. Seemingly settled, she looks at Bucky almost appreciatively. 
“You can tell Fury he’ll see me very soon,” she says, her voice confident. Bucky stares at her for a moment before replying tentatively, “You’re not joining just ‘cause Fury is pressuring you right? You don’t owe him anything.” Shaking her head she gives Bucky a soft look, her posture relaxed but sure. “No, you could say I have a good feeling about being an Avenger,” she says, a smirk on her lips. Bucky stares at her for a moment, trying to figure out this enigma of a woman. A sigh escapes his lips as Bucky looks at her consideringly, “If you say so.” Turning his body to leave, he feels something warm touch his hand. His head snaps towards the source, the woman now a couple of inches away, no counter between them. 
“I’m assuming I’ll be seeing you again,” she says, the contact bringing back the blush to his cheeks. Bucky tries to get rid of the haze in his head, struggling to get back any semblance of control as his heart beats loudly in his chest. “I hope so,” he replies, his voice too eager for his liking. 
She gives him a sunny smile, her eyes crinkling, and nose scrunching as she drops her hand from his. Before Bucky can be disappointed at the loss of touch, she says, “Have a good day, handsome agent.” All coy and happy, Bucky couldn’t help but smile back, the blush on his cheeks coming back full force. Continuing towards the door, all he can muster is a small wave before he walks out into the woods. 
Not far from the door stands a very smug Nick Fury, complete with a SHIELD jet waiting behind. Bucky’s smile drops from his face, a frown taking its place. “Mission completed Sarge, time for that vacation,” Furt says, his tone overly cheerful. Feeling his headache coming back already, Bucky points an accusatory finger at Fury. “Why would you send me on a useless stakeout when the woman was clearly uninterested,” he asks, already having an inkling to what the answer is. Fury gives him a small nod before replying, “She ended up saying yes didn’t she?” He says it as a rhetorical question, but not without promptly waking into the jet. 
Bucky heaves a sigh before looking back at the cabin. Focusing his ears he can hear more clangs and crashes, the vibrant woman inside doing God knows what. A smile takes its place back on his face, his heart beating faster at the thought of seeing her again.
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Some more WitchAU - CPC doodles, because it makes me happy C:
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As much as I love GwenxFrederick, I love an awkward/dorky friend dynamic X3
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polarstarquote · 4 years
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Redraw of Witch AU Princess Peach!  Literally all of my aesthetic in one design. Man i love art OTL
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tybalt-tisk · 4 years
It’s spooky season! I’m having a lot of fun with the bikerAu. However, I want to give attention to the WitchAu. Decisions, decisions.
Prompts are welcomed for either! Help me out, Fam.
Also. I have something (or two) special coming for the Spooky Month. So. Stay Tuned for that.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 6 months
Blessed Be: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Detective!Bob Floyd x Reader
Summary: You get to know Bob better, and your mother drops a bombshell.
Warnings: Witchcraft, Magic, Swearing, Sexual Themes, Smut, Alcohol, Angst, Fluff, Slow Burn, I think that’s it?
-Prologue Here-
You were flitting around your kitchen when you felt it again, the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight. The goosebumps followed not long after, and you stopped what you were doing to look out into the dark garden. It was no use, the night was black and the new moon did little to illuminate anything. You snapped your fingers and the lanterns in the large garden flickered on.
“Moooom!” You called upstairs. Sally, your mother, thundered down the stairs, her reading glasses slipping down her nose.
“What Bree?” She hissed. You had clearly interrupted her spells, again.
“I have that weird feeling again, and I can’t figure out why.” You pouted.
Your mom sighed, and closed the distance to the kitchen, pulling her cardigan tighter around her.
“Ok do you think it was definitely that man-“
“Do you think it was definitely Bob that made you feel that way?” She asked, arms crossed but her gaze tough but loving.
You nodded, “Yeah, I mean I think so. I’ve never felt anything like that before, so… it must have been.” You shrugged.
“Well maybe it happens when he thinks about you, the aunts said that certain witches have the ability to sense when they’re on someone’s mind.”
“Ok but then why hasn’t it happened before? I’d like to think he’s not the very first person ever that’s at least had a fleeting thought of me.” You smirked.
Just then a broom in the corner of the kitchen fell with a loud clatter on the stone floor.
You and your mom both looked at each other with wide eyes.
“Company.” You said in unison, and made your way to the front door.
It was only you and your mom now, your two sisters had moved away, Aunt Gillian had decided to travel the world, and the aunts had retired to a beautiful cottage in the French countryside. Your father, Gary, had sadly died not long after in a boating accident, and your mother blamed the curse that befell all men who loved an Owens woman.
You supposed that you should start your own life, being an adult woman and all, but when your sisters left and your father died, your mom needed you, and truth be told you needed her just as much. You took over the shop for her so that she could focus on her spells, something she stopped altogether when her world fell apart.
You reached the front door and you both stood on the porch and waited.
Waited for whoever was about to drive up to the big white house on the cliff.
You waited for so long that the soup on the stove bubbled over and hissed against the open flames, and you were about to chalk the broom falling over to a gust of wind, and go back to your cooking, when suddenly two headlights pulled up the drive and the car parked in front of the garden gate.
You held your breath for whoever was going to step out of the car, however you already knew it was him. You could feel it.
Bob had given up on sleep long before he grabbed his keys and climbed into his car. He didn’t know where he was going but the pull was too strong to ignore and he decided following it was his only option.
He drove through the darkness slowly, the quiet streets dotted with cosy houses, illuminated by late night tv watchers or new lovers talking at dimly lit kitchen tables into the early hours of the morning.
Bob knew it was nearly midnight, but he didn’t know what else to do. The only way to describe the feeling was that it was similar to an intense hunger, one that he couldn’t ignore, only it wasn’t hunger he was feeling. He was starved for something he couldn’t understand.
Before he knew it, Bob was pulling up to a big white house on a steep cliff side, glowing from the inside with soft yellow light, beckoning him, comforting and warm. He felt like he was in a trance when he parked the car, no longer in control of his actions.
He climbed out of the vehicle and stared at the giant house, not noticing the two women staring at him from it.
“Bob?” One of them suddenly called, it was you.
Bob snapped out of his trance and his eyes found you.
“Bree?” He asked, confused. “You… you live here?” He stuttered.
You nodded, a silence filling the garden between you as you both stood wondering what he was doing here. “Wanna come in for dinner?” You asked kindly, sensing his confusion was likely more than yours.
“Uh… it’s- it’s Midnight though?” He chuckled nervously.
“Ah! You’re right, I better get the midnight margaritas started.” Your mother clapped, running back inside.
Bobs eyes were as wide as saucers, his mind going a mile a minute. He wasn’t sure why he was here, or what had drawn him to you. He didn’t understand why you seemed so calm about everything and why you were inviting a total stranger in for dinner and drinks at midnight.
What confused Bob more than anything is that his feet began to move before his mind caught up, before he had even agreed to come in. He wondered if the internal force had suddenly overpowered him, or if he really just wanted to see you that badly that his body made the decision for him, but he wasn’t fighting it anymore.
You closed the door behind Bob as he smiled at you and took in the inside of the house.
“Your house is beautiful.” He mumbled, his large hand running through his hair in an attempt to neaten the unruly strands as he looked around the warmly lit interior.
“Thanks. It’s my moms. Let me introduce you properly.” You beckoned for him to follow you into the kitchen.
“Mom, this is Bob. Bob, this is my mom, Sally.” You smiled.
Bobs eyes went wide as he realised the woman beside you was your mother. She had barely aged a day since you were born and looked more like a slightly older sister. He realised he was being impolite and gave your mom a smile, sticking out his hand to shake hers.
“Nice to meet you ma’am.” He said.
Your mom chuckled and pulled him in for a hug. “Please, call me Sal.” She said, then released him and turned back to where she was stirring the soup.
Your face went a bright shade of crimson and you wanted to remind your mom that you’d only met Bob once, and not to get too comfortable, but something inside you stopped the thought in its tracks when Bob turned to look at you again. His soft blue eyes burned heat into your skin and again, he felt so familiar you were suddenly overwhelmed with comfort.
“Shall we go sit on the porch while we wait?” You offered gently. Bob nodded and followed you out to the back, the sound of the waves below and crickets chirping made for a calming ambiance alongside the still lit lanterns.
You beckoned for Bob to sit on the swinging chair and you took to a rocking chair next to it, close enough to see the freckles that dotted his tanned cheeks but still far enough to be deemed respectable for a stranger.
“So what brings you here Bob? Need more candles?” You joked, a soft smile adorning your lips. You wrapped your cardigan slightly tighter around you as a cool breeze wafted across the porch.
“I… this is embarrassing but, I don’t actually know why I’m here. The last few days… my heads been all over the place, you know? I just up and left my job, my home, and just drove. I ended up here somehow and something told me to walk into your store yesterday. Then tonight, I couldn’t sleep and I got in my car, and…” He chuckled nervously as he rubbed his stubbled jaw, fully aware of how crazy he must have sounded to you in that moment.
You smiled, “That’s not embarrassing. Sounds like you just have a restless mind and curiosity for things.” You shrugged, sitting back in the rocking chair. You downplayed what you really thought was happening, you weren’t about to scare the handsome man away with your spiritual ramblings. Surely a sane man such as himself wouldn’t actually believe in fate, magic and spells.
Bob smiled back at you, then shook his head lightly. “Thing is, both times I’ve ended up in front of you. Think that’s just a coincidence?”
You bit your cheek and thought for a moment on how best to word what you were thinking, “Ok, so you’re just a stalker then?” You joked, eliciting a loud chuckle from Bob, his eyes sparkling at your unexpected humour.
“In all honesty Bob, I think there are certain pulls and pushes in this universe that we can’t really explain. Who are we to question them?” You said earnestly.
Bob nodded, you had just summed it up perfectly, the feeling he’d felt his entire life. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Before Bob could say anything else, your mom popped her head out the door and handed you each a margarita. You both thanked her and she disappeared back inside to finish dinner.
“So midnight margaritas huh?” Bob laughed. “Is it a special occasion?”
You laughed back, “No, we just do this sometimes. It’s sort of a family tradition.”
Bob nodded and you spoke for a while about your family and his. You learnt he was a detective like your dad, and that he enjoyed the beach, gardening and actually wore glasses most of the time, if he couldn’t be bothered to put in his contacts.
He listened to you speak about your love for animals and botany, and that the store was a family business.
After a while your mom called you both in to eat, and the three of you chatted while you did so.
At about 3am you walked Bob to his car.
“Thank you again for tonight, it was… different, but I really really enjoyed myself.” He smiled that crooked smile, his eyes burning into yours.
“Thank you for coming. It was nice to have company for once.” You smiled, your arms wrapped around yourself to keep the cool spring breeze from freezing your skin.
“Drive safe, Bob.” You said, but it was more of a spell to ensure he really was safe. You turned to walk back to the house.
“Bree, what are you doing tomorrow?” Bob asked suddenly, a tinge on nerves in his deep voice.
You turned to face him.
“Not much, why?” You queried.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go to lunch, with me? I still don’t know the area much, would be nice to have a tour guide.” He chuckled.
You grinned at the night sky as you contemplated his offer, but it didn’t take you long.
You nodded as you looked back down at him, “Sure. Pick me up at 11.”
Bob tried to stifle his smile by biting his lip, and opened his car door. “See you then.”
You watched as he drove off, leaving nothing but dust and excitement in the air.
You walked back into the house and found your mom reading at the kitchen table.
“Hey.” You said with a grin as you sat down.
“You didn’t tell me he was a looker.” She grinned down at her book.
“Yeah, he is handsome as hell. He’s a detective like daddy was.” You smiled, your chin resting longingly in your palm as you rested your elbow on the table.
Your moms eyes lifted from her book suddenly and she shot you a look.
“What?” You asked, straightening defensively in your seat.
“You don’t remember?” She asked.
“Remember what, mom?” You mirrored her expression with your own look of confusion.
“Honey, when you were little you summoned a true love spell, just like I did when I was little.”
Your eyes suddenly lit up as you remembered.
“Amas Veritas.” You both said in unison.
“Oh no.” You breathed.
“You wrote down that your true love would be a detective just like your daddy was.” She confirmed, putting her book down and taking off her glasses.
Suddenly the memory came back to you, and you clasped your hand over your mouth in realisation.
“And that he would wear glasses, love the sea, and someone who would enjoy gardening with me.” You whispered almost to yourself.
Although you didn’t write your spell so that it would be impossible to find your one true love, like your mom thought she had done when she was young, you hadn’t expected your spell to actually have worked. You had written down the features and requirements of your dream guy at the time, a cute, shy, nerdy kid. Over the years your idea of the perfect man had moulded and changed, but at the back of your mind you had always preferred the shy bespectacled man you’d dreamt of as a kid.
“I guess that would explain why he’s in town.” She sighed.
“No, I can’t do this. Not with the curse, mom.” You suddenly wanted to cry when you realised what this had meant.
The curse on the Owens women was still very much alive. Your mother had thought she’d broken the curse when she met your dad, but sadly he still befell the same fate as all men who love a woman in your family. The moment the ticking of the deathwatch beetle sounds, their fate is inevitably sealed.
“So what do you think you’re going to do? Just live your life not knowing what great love you could have had?” She asked, sadness in her eyes and a disapproving frown on her lips.
“If that means I don’t cause the death of some poor unsuspecting man, then yes, mom. Especially Bob, he’s far too kind to be subject to something as horrible as that. Plus, we don’t even know for sure he’s the one.” You lied, you knew without a shadow of a doubt that Bob Floyd was the man you’d dreamt of your entire life, the man you’d inadvertently linked to you for all of eternity. You knew him without knowing him, the familiar face of a stranger.
“Fine, suit yourself honey, but I was like you once. I told myself after my first husband died that I would never again subject myself or anyone else to something like that. But then your dad came along, and believe me when I say there’s no hiding from it. You will know when he’s the one, because you won’t be able to stop it.” She warned softly, flicking through the pages of her book.
You excused yourself and said goodnight to your mother, before ascending the stairs to your bedroom. You sat on your windowsill and stared down at the winding road below that led to the little town, some lights still aglow, and wondered if one of them was Bobs room, and if he was still as wide awake as you were. You had decided that after your lunch date tomorrow, you would say goodbye and make it clear that you could no longer see him. You were sure he’d be fine with this, as he was probably just a lonely tourist after a little friendship.
Little did you know that Bob Floyd was not planning on leaving any time soon, at least not without you by his side.
- Chapter 2 Here -
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twin-books · 4 years
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FINALLY IT IS DONE!! Guess who will be doing all the MarichatMay prompts a day late? THIS GAL :D For @marichatmay  May 1st prompt Witch. I like the simplistic nature of it and though the hat makes no sense, I had fun. I hope you people like it. <3
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