#Windows 11 Memory Integrity Issue
helpvine · 1 year
Memory Integrity Enabled Windows 11
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blubberquark · 10 months
Share Your Anecdotes: Multicore Pessimisation
I took a look at the specs of new 7000 series Threadripper CPUs, and I really don't have any excuse to buy one, even if I had the money to spare. I thought long and hard about different workloads, but nothing came to mind.
Back in university, we had courses about map/reduce clusters, and I experimented with parallel interpreters for Prolog, and distributed computing systems. What I learned is that the potential performance gains from better data structures and algorithms trump the performance gains from fancy hardware, and that there is more to be gained from using the GPU or from re-writing the performance-critical sections in C and making sure your data structures take up less memory than from multi-threaded code. Of course, all this is especially important when you are working in pure Python, because of the GIL.
The performance penalty of parallelisation hits even harder when you try to distribute your computation between different computers over the network, and the overhead of serialisation, communication, and scheduling work can easily exceed the gains of parallel computation, especially for small to medium workloads. If you benchmark your Hadoop cluster on a toy problem, you may well find that it's faster to solve your toy problem on one desktop PC than a whole cluster, because it's a toy problem, and the gains only kick in when your data set is too big to fit on a single computer.
The new Threadripper got me thinking: Has this happened to somebody with just a multicore CPU? Is there software that performs better with 2 cores than with just one, and better with 4 cores than with 2, but substantially worse with 64? It could happen! Deadlocks, livelocks, weird inter-process communication issues where you have one process per core and every one of the 64 processes communicates with the other 63 via pipes? There could be software that has a badly optimised main thread, or a badly optimised work unit scheduler, and the limiting factor is single-thread performance of that scheduler that needs to distribute and integrate work units for 64 threads, to the point where the worker threads are mostly idling and only one core is at 100%.
I am not trying to blame any programmer if this happens. Most likely such software was developed back when quad-core CPUs were a new thing, or even back when there were multi-CPU-socket mainboards, and the developer never imagined that one day there would be Threadrippers on the consumer market. Programs from back then, built for Windows XP, could still run on Windows 10 or 11.
In spite of all this, I suspect that this kind of problem is quite rare in practice. It requires software that spawns one thread or one process per core, but which is deoptimised for more cores, maybe written under the assumption that users have for two to six CPU cores, a user who can afford a Threadripper, and needs a Threadripper, and a workload where the problem is noticeable. You wouldn't get a Threadripper in the first place if it made your workflows slower, so that hypothetical user probably has one main workload that really benefits from the many cores, and another that doesn't.
So, has this happened to you? Dou you have a Threadripper at work? Do you work in bioinformatics or visual effects? Do you encode a lot of video? Do you know a guy who does? Do you own a Threadripper or an Ampere just for the hell of it? Or have you tried to build a Hadoop/Beowulf/OpenMP cluster, only to have your code run slower?
I would love to hear from you.
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pictureamoebae · 2 years
Hi Friend! I want to say thank you for your willingness to help the community with Reshade. You are such an awesome person for that =)
I'll be paging through your Reshade resources for more help and tips. But, I wanted to ask, do you think my system:- A Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Gaming Laptop, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050, AMD Ryzen 5 6600H(Beat i5-12400F) , 8GB DDR5 RAM, 256GB SSD, 15.6 Inch FHD Display, Wi-Fi, Windows 11 Home, will be able to run Reshade? Also, what is the best version to go with? (Btw, I'm now kicking myself for not going with 16 gigs of memory *faceplam*)
Thx 🤗
Hi! Oh yeah, you’ll be fine. It’s just integrated cards that might have some issues, but then again idk what the latest of those are like these days so maybe some could handle it okay.
The important part for ReShade is your GPU. Your 3050 will be fine. While it’s not a high-end card it’s going to do just fine. I looked at some benchmarks comparing it to my ageing and grumpy 980Ti, which is 8 years old now, and in some instances mine performs better but in others yours does and there’s not much in it, and you’ve seen what punishment I put mine through!
People have been using ReShade-style tools for well over a decade on much worse hardware. I used to use ENBs (similar to ReShade but works in a different way on a game-by-game basis) back in 2011 on a bootcamped Macbook lol.
The first proper screenshot I ever uploaded (Skyrim, using Bleak ENB on my Macbook):
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As for the best version, the most recent. You’ll get all the most up to date improvements and shaders and if you run into any problems you’ll know it’s not because the version is outdated.
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bkdotblog · 2 years
"Trials and Tribulations," S3E14
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 3 Finale Recap
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My Title: "Everything's Coming Up [Wild] Roses"
My rating: 4 out of 5 Barbie scissor kicks
Support for Lisa Barlow: Strong
The season finale helpfully opens with a full inventory of ongoing plot-lines. They are: Heather's Bad Mormon book and misfit choir, the @shahexposed Instagram account, Jen being insane in San Diego, Heather's Black Eye, Jen's fraud trial.
We've had a very Heather-Jen season, unfortunately for us.
In the opening, Jen's tagline has reverted from "The only thing I'm guilty of is being Shah-mazing!" to "I'm fighting for my life, not your approval," presumably after United States government quoted the former to demonstrate Jen's flippancy about her case. It appears she's finally taking things seriously, only she's a minute late and 16 million dollars short: Last week, she was Jentenced to six and a half years in prizzy.
I sincerely hope that is the last we see of her for some time. Of course, it isn't, because we still gotta watch the finale together (and then the reunion which I am excited about.) Onward!
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It's not Heather's book launch party, but Heather's book cover reveal party — OK? The title of the book, Bad Mormon, will be frosted on the windows, and the Salt Lake City skyline will glitter above steam rising off the heated pool. I think the title is. great.
The other ladies and their husbands prepare for the event, which is apparently later that day.
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Wait... maybe it's starting immediately? The next scene is Heather, the Bottega Cuntessa, strutting back into the space after a costume change. I was physically unable to suppress the "YAS" that escaped from my throat!
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Heather is hoping for no drama. But she says if there is drama, she hopes it will occur in front of her Bad Mormon cover mockup, because she is a PR maven!
Not sure if it's 6 PM or 11 AM, but everybody is now rolling up to the function. Lisa greets Heather warmly and notes that her eye is almost completely healed. "Just like the memory of it, I hope," Heather jokes.
"The memory is never going away, Heather," Lisa not-jokes.
"I wanted it to not be an issue, and now it's the only issue," Heather straight up lies.
Enter Whitney, also wearing a skin-tight black dress. Her and Heather embrace, and all seems briefly well. We also see Bad Angie arrive. And Good Angie, whose entire personality is Greek-American, tells Whitney and Lisa that, in honor of Greek Easter, she is going to confront Jen about some off-camera comments later on.
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(If Good Angie isn't lying to seem more Greek, the date must be April 24th, 2022; a week after non-Greek Easter and three months prior to Jen's guilty plea.)
Allegedly, Jen told a man (gay?) (I guess it doesn't matter) that Good Angie was the one who punched Heather. "That's ludicrous," Whitney says. Up until this moment, Jen has conducted herself with the integrity of a house of cards, and the odds are high that this was either a reckless act of comedy — similar to her hilarious bit where she pours champagne on her friends' freshly-pressed hair — or an outright lie. Still, viewers of the show are forced to consider the possibility that Good Angie did whoop Heather in the night, and the idea is shocking. But not quite so shocking as the idea of Jen telling the truth for once in her life! This particular case is not yet closed.
It gets better. Angie ups the ante by suggesting Jen punched Heather after they had sex.
Crucially, Angie does not say they had sex. She says they were doing "Barbie scissor kicks."
Actually she does then immediately say she thinks they "had a sexual relationship, romping and bumping, and giving each other a black eye because somebody wasn't very good in bed in the end, who knows."
Whitney's reactions are truly perfect.
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[BK's Take: This is an official and notarized declaration of stanhood for Whitney Wild Rose. 1/12/23. For many reasons that I will have to elucidate in a future post—I simply haven't the time right now.]
Lisa makes a vaguely homophobic comment about not understanding how scissoring works. Lisa... I'm not mad, but I'm not happy!
Good Angie does a little demonstration with her hands, and it's unfortunately audible:
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And then Jen walks in!
Immediately Jen and Coach Shah approach Bad Angie and her fat fucking elf on the shelf husband. Aside, Coach Shah asks for an honorable apology from the man who created the @shahexposed finsta. Angie's husband says a couple words — no more than five — before descending into a very soft sob. What an utterly bizarre reaction! Bad Angie takes the wheel.
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"It wasn't personal!" Whatever. It all becomes water under the heated pool.
It's time for the choir to perform — all of the ladies participate with the notable exceptions of Whitney and Meredith, who cling to their husbands in the crowd. The song is "Amazing Grace," and it soon becomes clear that the rehearsal we saw but a few episodes ago was in fact the only rehearsal conducted. (Certainly you remember: Heather in the green vest? The Tom of Finlandesque choir director? Lisa asked Heather "Am I your friend?" and Heather said "Is that important to you?")
Clap clap clap clap. Heather takes the mic for her solo and takes her place beside the cover mockup, pre-reveal. She gives a speech about being a good friend — a ride-or-die, even. Interesting, seeing as her book isn't about friendship? Not even the choir is not about friendship, as more than half of it is comprised by musical theatre majors she imported from local universities?
Then she reveals the cover for Bad Mormon. In their confessionals, Good Angie and Lisa issue snarky remarks on the "book cover reveal party" conceit, calling it hollow, where's the actual book?, etc. They don't understand: It's all about the pre-sales, baby. (The book comes out Feb 7 — it's perfect promo!)
When the party continues, Whitney wants to speak with Jen. Not to smooth things over, exactly, but to get an explanation for her recent behavior. This is a popular social miscalculation: The idea that "talking things out" equals communicating effectively, or usually results in some form of understanding. Whitney wants a coherent, nuanced admission of wrongdoing from Jen, something Jen has shown both on-camera and in a court of law that she is unable to produce.
Bad weather. Heather is off-camera somewhere else, but the rest of the housewives seem to gather around Whitney and Jen like a storm. The conflict begins to escalate as Angie begins to thunder with her own anti-Jen talking points, overtaking Whitney completely.
Angie accuses her of spreading the "Angie-punched-Heather" rumor, which Jen categorically denies.
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She desperately calls out for her husband to come to her side. Good Angie goes in a very bad direction and begins questioning whether or not Jen survived a suicide attempt. Jen goes ballistic and walks off. Coach Shah assures Angie it was very real.
Jen is all "get the cameras out of my face!" and needs to cool down. Heather takes Greek Angie aside and asks her what her aim is with Jen, which Angie cannot communicate; it seems like she just wanted to lash out at her?
Jen decides to leave. Good idea! Meredith guides her out with the trademark sisterly warmth that has become her custom:
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It's clean-up time; we see empty champagne glasses and Heather bidding farewell to guests. And then... what's this?... the episode seems to end, with each housewife getting their little postscript placard. (None of them are good but I'm obsessed with the first half of Meredith's.)
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Of course, one housewife is missing from this montage. The screen goes black, and three words sear into view.
It's a clear, July day in Salt Lake City. Jen and her mother are enjoying the weather on Jen's front porch. Soon she'll go to New York for her trial, which is in a few days. "When I come back, I'll be guilty or innocent," she says wistfully. Her mom says, "You'll be innocent. Right?"
Both start to cry.
A spooky montage plays. We see that day at Beauty Lab and Laser, in the hours before Jen's arrest; we see her asserting her innocence at a restaurant; we see Andy Cohen at the reunion mentioning the New York District Attorney's 95% conviction rate, and Jen's response, "Because people take plea deals,"; we see her "I'M INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!" outside the choir auditions.
For those who are wondering how the cinematographers at Bravo decided to frame the final shots of this sequence, when Jen arrives in New York to enter a guilty plea, wonder no more:
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"Facing her future." !!
After a commercial break, we're back. My heart is racing. There are 20 minutes left in the episode, and all of them appear to be devoted to the events immediately pre- and post-guilty plea.
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Heather and Meredith are revealed to be with Jen for her trial. After privately expressing their worry, they go to Jen's suite, which is the size of Versailles. All of the women are wearing Brooks Marks tracksuits.
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In the blonde living room, the Shahs and friends have a solemn but supportive conversation.
The next day (?) Meredith and her husband dine with Heather. (The camera works very hard to make it seem as though they are at a chic riverside bistro, but they are eating at the Brookfield Place mall downtown, by the marina, in case you care.)
They discuss the gravity of the case, before discussing the case itself. Meredith was a lawyer, remember? (I don't know what her husband does but I think it's commerce related??) She points out the case isn't about the scheme itself, which we know happened, but about Jen's knowledge and involvement in it.
Meredith's husband asks: What if guilty?
Meredith says it would be a "huge problem" if she was proclaiming her innocence but turned out to be guilty.
Heather doesn't really answer. She makes a comment about how nice the weather is, and contrasts it with the grave circumstances of their being there to enjoy it. More like Bad Metaphor... am I right, ladies?
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Pajama party in Jen's room! Heather brought Sour Patch Kids. Jen continues to maintain her innocence. Talk about ride or die! She brings up her former assistant Stuart, who was also implicated in the scheme but plead guilty early on. Jen seems to suggest that he played her, the unwitting boss. In her confessional, Heather seems to suggest that this was a bridge too far. Blaming Stuart? Something's not right...
Very intuitive, Heather.
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The two people I want to discuss this matter most meet to discuss this matter.
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Heather has returned from New York mere seconds ago. She is reeling. So is Lisa. Both are horrified, astonished, grieving, angry, heartbroken. The most galling thing, according to Heather? She claimed innocence because she thought she could get away with it.
She goes a few steps further by invoking Coach Shah. "If my husband knew about it and was involved..." she says. "'I'll take care of the boys, see you in 15 years,'? That to me is a whole other tragedy."
That's all, folks. I'm looking forward to the upcoming reunion episodes, and am trying to think of different formats for covering them in a way that'll be fresh and funny. As always, if you made it this far, thank you for reading. –BK
Discussion question: When Whitney said that "they say every woman is three shots away from being a lesbian," did you think it was a little homophobic? The more I think about it, the more I don't think so — more of a comment on how inebriation can often lead to sexual experimentation. Then again, maybe it was homophobic of me to assume that Jen was speaking to a gay man earlier, even though I know in my heart she probably was. Also, who is the most homophobic SLC housewife? I believe I know the answer but I fear to utter it aloud.
Gay Imagery
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(Why did Angie look at Jen on the word wretch [sobbing emoji!!!!] She turned to her ON THE WORD. Was anybody else unsettled?)
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govindhtech · 3 months
Microsoft Recall Features Is More Hackable Than You Think
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Microsoft Recall Features
Microsoft has revealed a major update to its contentious Windows 11 Recall feature. Microsoft Recall’s continual background screenshot capturing, first seen in the Surface Copilot+ PCs running Snapdragon chips, raised a flurry of privacy worries. Microsoft has changed course and made Microsoft Recall an opt-in function in response to customer feedback and security researcher discoveries.
What is remembered?
Microsoft Recall is an artificial intelligence (AI) function that lets users search for anything they’ve previously seen on their computer in an effort to improve user experience. It does this by taking regular, background screenshots using the AI capabilities built into the gadget. This generates a database of your previous actions that can be searched, allowing you to locate particular programmes, files, or even graphic components that you have previously used.
Why is there controversy?
Microsoft Recall’s operation aroused privacy concerns, even though the idea of a “photographic memory” for your PC seemed enticing. It was found by security researchers that the search data and screenshots that were taken were saved in plain text, leaving them open to access by unauthorised individuals. This raised questions about possible abuse and privacy violations, especially in light of the frequent screenshot taking.
Microsoft’s Reaction and Modifications
Microsoft recognised the issues raised by the security and user communities. Microsoft Recall announced a number of significant adjustments to address these problems in a blog post by corporate vice president of Windows and devices Pavan Davuluri.
Opt-in Feature
The most significant change to the opt-in feature is that Windows 11 devices will no longer have Recall enabled by default. Microsoft Recall can be expressly enabled by users either during setup or subsequently via system settings, giving them total control.
Improved Security
To better protect the data saved by Recall, Microsoft is putting in place stronger encryption measures. This makes sure that the screenshots and search data you took are unreadable even if someone manages to access your smartphone.
Windows Hello Integration
Using Windows Hello for Recall capability is required and adds an extra degree of protection. Via PIN, fingerprint scanning, or face recognition, Windows Hello enables biometric authentication. This guarantees that the screenshots and search history inside Microsoft Recall are only accessible to authorised individuals.
Transparency and User Control
Microsoft wants to give users more control over Recall while also increasing transparency. The feature’s operation and the data it gathers will be made transparent to users through accessible explanations. Furthermore, they will always have the option to control and remove the search history and screenshots that have been saved.
The Path Forward for Recall
Although making Microsoft Recall opt-in helps with the immediate privacy problems, there are still concerns about its long-term sustainability. Some users, particularly those handling sensitive data, may still find the basic feature of taking screenshots in the background unappealing. Microsoft Although making Recall opt-in helps with the immediate privacy problems, there are still concerns about its long-term sustainability. Some users, particularly those handling sensitive data, may still find the basic feature of taking screenshots in the background unappealing.
Here are a few current conversations about Microsoft recall:
Microsoft will have to decide how to satisfy users’ needs for privacy protection while still providing a useful search tool. Putting in place precise control over the kinds of content that Recall records could be one way to do this.
Effect on Performance
Taking screenshots in the background all the time may have an adverse effect on system performance, particularly for devices with poor specifications. In order to minimise resource utilisation, Microsoft will need to optimise the feature.
On-Device AI’s Future
Microsoft Recall is a creative application of on-device AI that improves user experience. It also draws attention to the difficulties in striking a balance between privacy issues and utility in an AI-driven future.
User experience impact
Although privacy is important, it’s important to think about the potential user experience effects of an opt-in recall. Will the lack of automated background capture make the search capability less useful for users?
The future of AI-powered search
Microsoft Recall offers an early look at operating system-level AI-powered search features. Finding the right balance between privacy and convenience will become more difficult as technology develops.
Microsoft has demonstrated a commitment to the responsible development of its AI technologies by addressing user concerns and making necessary improvements. Recall’s and related features’ future success will hinge on their capacity to provide a worthwhile user experience while upholding the strictest security and privacy regulations.
In conclusion
Microsoft took a step in the right direction by making Recall opt-in, in response to user privacy concerns. It indicates the company’s readiness to consider customer input and modify its features as necessary. Though it is unclear what the future holds for Microsoft Recall, this modification gives users greater power and allows for a more private implementation.
Remember that this is an evolving story, and that Microsoft Recall will likely undergo more improvements in the future. In order to build a more secure and user-friendly experience, Microsoft may add new features or alter current ones as they collect additional user data and input.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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techaipost · 6 months
Instruction at Referenced Memory Could Not Be Read or Write (Solved)
Getting "Instruction at Referenced Memory Could Not Be Read or Write" error while shutdown or restarting Windows 11. Also sometimes you may encounter this error when opening web browser, launching a graphics-intensive program, or even during gameplay. The complete error message like "the instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory at 0x00000000 . The memory could not be read". This error indicates a problem with a program or process trying to access memory that it doesn't have permission to access, or that the memory is corrupted. This error can occur due to various reasons, including corrupt system files, software conflicts, a temporary memory glitch, or technical issues with your hardware are common. This video explores 8 effective solutions to troubleshoot and resolve Instruction at Referenced Memory Could Not Be Read or Write error on Windows 11 and Windows 10. Sometimes, third-party services or applications running in the background can conflict with system processes, leading to memory-related errors. Performing a clean boot disables non-essential services and startup items, allowing you to identify if any of them are causing the problem. Corrupted or missing system files are another common reason behind this problem. Running SFC checks the integrity of your system—it repairs corrupted files and rebuilds missing ones. It often resolves most issues on Windows PCs. In addition, running the DISM restore health command helps restore the system's health by repairing the Windows image. File system corruption or bad sectors can affect system stability and lead to memory-related errors. Running CHKDSK ensures the integrity of the file system and resolves disk-related issues. Faulty RAM modules can cause memory-related errors like the one described. Running a memory diagnostic check helps identify if the error is caused by defective RAM, allowing you to replace the faulty module. Virtual memory, also known as the paging file, is a space on the hard disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM. Insufficient virtual memory can lead to memory-related errors. Allocating more virtual memory provides additional space for the operating system to use as memory, preventing such errors. Malware infections can interfere with system processes and cause memory-related errors. Performing a thorough scan for malware ensures that any malicious software is detected and removed, eliminating a potential cause of the error. System Restore allows you to revert the system to a previous state where it was functioning correctly. If the error started occurring after a recent change or update, performing a system restore can help resolve the issue by undoing those changes. Conflicts between software applications or drivers can lead to system instability and memory-related errors. Identifying and resolving such conflicts by updating or uninstalling problematic software can help alleviate the issue.
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turtletalk5 · 10 months
DaVinci Resolve アップデート 18.6.3
About DaVinci Resolve 18.6
The free version of DaVinci Resolve 18.6 includes all of the same high quality processing as DaVinci Resolve 18.6 Studio and can handle unlimited resolution media files. However it does limit project mastering and output to Ultra HD resolutions or lower. DaVinci Resolve 18.6 only supports a single processing GPU on Windows and Linux and 2 GPUs on the latest Mac Pro.
If you need features such as support for multiple GPUs, 4K output, motion blur effects, temporal and spatial noise reduction, multiple AI-based tools, HDR tools, camera tracker, voice isolation, multiple Resolve FX, 3D stereoscopic tools and remote rendering, please upgrade to DaVinci Resolve 18.6 Studio.
We hope you do decide to upgrade as your facility grows and you do more advanced work!
What's new in DaVinci Resolve 18.6.3
Support for syncing media from network folders for cloud projects.
Option to prevent sleep when uploading files or generating proxy for cloud.
Configuration dialog when importing projects to a cloud project library.
Cloud projects with no media sync now use proxy settings in preferences.
Deliver settings option to use proxy media for web presets.
Support for per output audio normalization during renders.
ACEScg support in RCM with combined gamut and gamma mode.
Support for decoding 4:2:2 HEIF and HIF clips.
Ability to close the current project from the file menu.
Ability to customize aspect ratio for Dolby Vision exports.
Improved sort order for Dolby Vision combo boxes.
Improved handling of inactive clients in collaboration projects.
Addressed an issue with copying projects across cloud libraries.
Addressed an issue changing source folder for clips with proxies.
Addressed a windowing issue on Macs with Sonoma 14.1.
Addressed an issue displaying flags on thumbnails of video only media.
Addressed restoring active local version when restoring removed media.
Addressed image quality issues with scene cut detected interlaced clips.
Addressed an issue with opening the take selector on retimed clips.
Addressed an issue changing speed for unlinked audio in the inspector.
Addressed an issue with deleting transitions with an in out range in edit.
Addressed a performance issue when ripple editing large timelines.
Addressed an issue with color picker in Resolve FX 3D keyer in edit.
Addressed gaps when ripple deleting interlaced clips with frame alignment.
Addressed multiple tracking and drawing issues for magic mask in Fusion.
Improved speed of transforming objects with MaterialX materials in Fusion.
Copying grade with mattes now prioritizes layer name over index.
Addressed incorrect saturation with HDR custom curve soft clipping.
Addressed power window flicker in dual SDI stereoscopic 3D previews.
Addressed gamut limiting issues on ACES ODTs with a P3 D65 gamut.
Addressed an issue with power bin timeline matte usage on node graph.
Pasted HDR Vivid trim presets now honor the selected mode.
Addressed an issue creating new HDR zones in the color page.
Addressed an audio sync issue when bouncing audio with voice isolation.
Addressed an issue with the arrange modifier in the Fairlight timeline.
Improved keyword manager layout.
General performance and stability improvements.
Minimum system requirements
Windows 10 Creators Update.
16 GB of system memory. 32 GB when using Fusion.
Blackmagic Design Desktop Video 10.4.1 or later.
Integrated GPU or discrete GPU with at least 2 GB of VRAM.
GPU which supports OpenCL 1.2 or CUDA 11.
NVIDIA/AMD/Intel GPU Driver version – as required by your GPU.
Installing DaVinci Resolve software
Double-click the DaVinci Resolve Installer icon and follow the onscreen instructions. To remove DaVinci Resolve from your system, go to the Programs and Features control panel, select DaVinci Resolve, click on Uninstall and follow the onscreen prompts.
Migrating legacy Fairlight projects to DaVinci Resolve
In order to import legacy Fairlight DR2 projects into DaVinci Resolve, download and install the following utility on your Windows system: https://downloads.blackmagicdesign.com/DaVinciResolve/Fairlight-Project-Importer.zip
After installing the utility, you should see an option to "Import Fairlight Project" in the Fairlight menu in DaVinci Resolve.
Additional information
Please refer to the latest DaVinci Resolve configuration guide for details on Windows support, including certified driver versions for third party hardware. It is available from www.blackmagicdesign.com/support/.
You will also need to download and install the latest Blackmagic Design Desktop Video software for monitoring with your Blackmagic Design video hardware. Desktop Video is available from www.blackmagicdesign.com/support/.
© 2001-2023 Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. Blackmagic Design, Blackmagic, DeckLink, Multibridge, Intensity, H.264 Pro Recorder and "Leading the creative video revolution" are trademarks of Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd., registered in the U.S.A and other countries. Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems. Avid Media Composer and Avid Pro Tools are registered trademarks of Avid. Apple Final Cut Pro, Apple Motion and Apple Soundtrack Pro are registered trademarks of Apple Computer.
Updated November 14, 2023.
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lorentec · 11 months
Specifications of Refurbished Laptops
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Specifications of refurbished laptops can vary widely depending on the specific model and the refurbishment process. Refurbished laptops are typically pre-owned devices that have been returned to the manufacturer or a refurbishment company for various reasons, such as defects, customer returns, or lease returns. These laptops are then inspected, repaired (if necessary), and tested to ensure they meet certain quality standards before being resold. Here are some key specifications to consider when evaluating a refurbished laptop:
1.Processor (CPU):
Look for a modern and capable CPU, such as Intel Core i5 or i7, or AMD Ryzen processors, depending on your performance needs.
2.RAM (Random Access Memory):
Ensure the laptop has an adequate amount of RAM for your intended usage. 8GB is a common minimum, but 16GB or more is preferable for multitasking and resource-intensive tasks.
Check for the type of storage, whether it's a traditional HDD (Hard Disk Drive) or a faster SSD (Solid State Drive). SSDs are preferable for speed and responsiveness.
4.Graphics Card (GPU):
For gaming or graphic-intensive tasks, consider laptops with dedicated GPUs. Integrated graphics may suffice for general use.
5.Screen Size and Resolution:
Choose a screen size and resolution that suits your preferences. Common options are 13.3", 14", 15.6", and 17" with varying resolutions like Full HD (1920 x 1080) or higher.
6.Operating System:
Verify whether the laptop comes with an operating system pre-installed (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux), or if you'll need to install it separately.
7.Ports and Connectivity:
Ensure the laptop has the necessary ports and connectivity options for your needs, such as USB ports, HDMI, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.
8.Battery Life:
Check the battery life to make sure it meets your requirements for portability.
9.Cosmetic Condition:
Refurbished laptops may have signs of wear or cosmetic imperfections. Some are graded as Grade A, B, or C based on their cosmetic condition. Grade A laptops are in the best cosmetic condition.
Investigate the warranty offered with the refurbished laptop. Some come with a limited warranty, which can provide peace of mind.
Compare the price of the refurbished laptop to similar new models to ensure you're getting a good deal. Refurbished laptops are typically more affordable.
12.Seller Reputation:
Buy from a reputable seller or refurbishment company with a track record of quality refurbishment and customer service.
13.Return Policy:
Check the return policy in case the laptop doesn't meet your expectations or has issues shortly after purchase.
It's essential to research the specific refurbished laptop model you're interested in and read reviews or user experiences to get a better understanding of its performance and reliability. Additionally, verify the refurbishment process and quality standards of the seller to ensure you're getting a reliable product.
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mdshariful · 11 months
A new consolized PC with the identity of OneXPlayer OneXFly is placed inside. We discovered the highly effective AMD Ryzen 7 7840U processor with an attention-grabbing RDNA3 GPU. Overview of OneXPlayer OneXFly [content-egg module=Offer template=item] The new OneXPlayer OneXFly 7840U has a compact design and a 7″ FullHD IPS display, a more significant measurement than its rival Steam Deck. This console, weighing 580 grams / 20 oz, gives sufficient energy to run any demanding sport or emulator. However, as you will notice, it additionally has an excessive worth. This machine maintains the Gaming design of the model; we have a superb assortment of high-quality LEDS, triggers, and HALL joysticks to manage video games of all types without issues. OneXPlayer OneXFly Hardware The OneXPlayer OneXFly gaming laptop computer on this new model integrates as an engine the AMD Ryzen 7 7840U APU manufactured in 4nm. This chip is an Octa-Core with 16 threads that reach 5.1 GHz in turbo mode and have a base velocity of three.3 Ghz. Power is more significant than that of any regular mini PC. The built-in GPU is an AMD Radeon 780M with RDNA3 know-how that integrates 12 cores and a high velocity of two.7 Ghz, a graphics resolution far superior to the present RDNA2. By way of reminiscence and storage, we've built-in 32/64 GB of LPDDR5X RAM at 7500GHz Twin Channel and a PCie 4.0 NVMe SSD of 1/2 TB capability that may be changed by the rear space. Specifications Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 7840U Cores | Threads: 8 | 16 GPU: AMD RDNA 3 12CUs Memory: 16/32/64GB LPDDR5X-7500 Screen: 7-inch Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Refresh rate: 120Hz (60Hz tested here) Peak luminance: 450cd/m² Battery: 48Wh I/O: 2x USB 4.0 Type-C, 1x USB 3.2 Type-A, 3.5mm audio, MicroSD Dimensions: 264 x 98 x 23mm Weight: 580g Connectivity and Different Options The brand new OneXPlayer OneXFly has a 7-inch IPS contact display with a decision of 1920 x 1080 pixels. Through Wi-Fi connectivity, it contains an inside adapter with built-in Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2. As connectors, we have a micro SD card reader, a 3.5 mm audio jack, a USB 3.0, and a pair of USB Sort-C 4 ports that enable twin simultaneous video output, as much as 4K@60fps, to hook up with a monitor. By way of autonomy, we've 12600 mAh with a charging system of as much as 65 W, with a GaN charger included, and can perform as a Power Financial institution. This console has two entrance audio systems, two vibration motors, a built-in gyroscope, and a Home Windows 11 Pro working system. The size of the console is 263 x 98 x 25 mm, the load is 580 gr. A reasonably compact system inside its sector enables it to be transported with some consolation. Price and availability The OneXPlayer OneXFly 7840U Gaming laptop computer could be bought on AliExpress for just $969 with free transport and taxes included by the shop coupon. [content-egg module=Offer template=item]
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How to Fix BlueStacks Problems
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Error 1: Incompatible Windows Settings Error Message
While using the Android 11 (Beta) or Nougat (32-bit) versions of BlueStacks 5, you will get the “incompatible Windows settings”pop-up message. Also, you can get an error message that reads; your Operating System is not supporting Nougat 32-bit/Android 11 (Beta) when creating a new Instance. This happens on the Windows system with Hyper-V, which has enabled Microsoft’s hardware visualization product. 
Solutions to Fix the Issue
The first method is to utilize a different version of the BlueStacks emulator. Move to the official BlueStacks download page and hit the Download a specific version tab. Choose either Nougat 64-bit or Pie 64-bit; these versions support Hyper-V.
If you wish to use the latest version of Android (Android 11 Beta), you must disable Hyper-V on the system. Launch the Control Panel, hit the Programs tab, and pick Turn Windows features on or off. On the menu, untick Hyper-V, Windows Hypervisor Platform, Virtual Machine Platform, Windows Sandbox, and Windows Subsystem for Linux. You should restart the PC. Launch BlueStack to check if it works.
Sometimes, users might also need to disable Memory Integrity. Move to the Setting tab, choose Privacy & Security> Windows security, and tap the Open Windows security button. Next, navigate to Device Security, hit the Core isolation details tab, and turn off Memory Integrity. Note that this service helps stop attacks via malicious code, so turn off this service at your own risk. If you do not wish to take a chance, choosing a BlueStacks version compatible with Hyper-V is best.
A quicker method to turn off Hyper-V on your device is through the Command Prompt. Write “cmd” in the search box and tap the Run as administrator button in the menu. Then write “bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off.”
BlueStacks emulator also eases the procedure by offering a .exe file that users can download and use to disable Hyper-V.
Error 2: Device isn’t Compatible with this Device Message When Installing Apps
Sometimes, users may get a “device is not compatible with this device” message while downloading apps via the Play Store in BlueStacks.
Solutions to Solve the Error
The best method to solve this issue is to change the device profile. In the BlueStacks emulator, launch the Settings menu under Predefined profile, move to Device, and select another device from the list. You can try different options until you get a device profile where you do not see the incompatibility error.
Also, you can clear the Google app data to solve the problem. Launch the System apps on the home screen and hit Settings (note: these are Android settings). Hit the Apps tab and launch the Play Store. Tap the Storage button and choose the Clear app data option. After confirming the selection, you can install the problematic app. 
Error 3: Installation Failed or BlueStacks not Opening Error
Users may get error codes when installing or running a game on BlueStacks or launching the app. A few users also encounter a problem when installing BlueStacks.
Steps to Fix the Error
If you have issues downloading or launching BlueStacks, confirm that your computer fulfills the lowest requirements of the app. This includes an Intel or AMD processor, Windows 7 or higher, 5GB of free storage, 4GB of RAM, updated graphics drivers, and computer administrator access. Of course, the lowest requirements might not provide the best experience. BlueStacks suggests a computer with Windows 10 or higher, an Intel or AMD multi-core processor with a one-thread benchmark score of more than 1000, SSD storage, a Broadband Internet connection, and 8GB of RAM.
Confirm that you have enabled Virtualization on your computer. A straightforward method to check is by utilizing the Task Manager. Write Task Manager in the search box, or hit the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to open it. Move to the Performance tab, and you will see Virtualization: Enabled. If you have disabled it, you must enable virtualization to utilize BlueStacks. The procedure relies on your computer manufacturer.
If you cannot open BlueStacks, dedicate more RAM to the app and CPU cores. Launch the BlueStacks Multi-instance Manager and hit the Settings tab. Navigate to the Performance tab and choose High (4 cores) under the CPU allocation tab and High (4GB) under the Memory allocation tab. BlueStacks suggests the settings for the graphic-intensive games. If users can open BlueStacks but have difficulty launching a game, they can switch the allocation within the app. Launch the BlueStacks setting, move to the Performance tab, and select these settings. Also, you can pick the Custom option and allocate more RAM and cores, but confirm that you do not allow all the RAM and CPU cores to BlueStacks. Also, choose the High-Performance option from the performance mode list. Hit the Save Changes tab and relaunch the app.
The anti-virus program of your device can also interfere and create installation issues with BlueStacks not launching. 
Error 4: Error 2318 When Uninstalling BlueStacks
A few users obtain an error message (error 2318) when uninstalling BlueStacks. This issue generally pops up due to corrupted registry keys.
Solutions to Resolve the Issue
BlueStacks provides a dedicated Uninstaller program you will get in the installation folder. It may be better to utilize this program to uninstall BlueStacks instead of doing this via the settings menu on Windows.
 The Windows Installer program may be a problem, but users can restart it. Write “cmd” in the search box to launch Command Prompt and hit Run as administrator from the menu. In Command Prompt, write net stop msiserver to stop Windows Installer, then write net start msiserver to reboot the service. After this, try uninstalling BlueStacks like other Windows apps and check if it has fixed the issue.
If the issue is due to corrupted registry keys, users can remove them. Launch the Registry Editor (write reg in the search box). You may need to backup the registry to avoid the problems. Choose the Files options and hit the Export tab in the toolbar. Give the name of your backup file and choose the All option in the Export Range box. After this, hit Ctrl + F to launch the search window and write bluestacks. Delete every visible BlueStacks registry key.
Error 5: Hardware Decoding isn’t Accessible on BlueStacks
While utilizing hardware decoding, the GPU of the computer is essential to provide compressed textures and typically offers a better gaming experience. However, some users encounter the grayed-out hardware decoding option and are unavailable or do not utilize the dedicated GPU even when chosen.
Remedies to Fix the Issue
This could be an issue with hardware compatibility. Users of AMD GPUs report issues when using hardware decoding, while users of NVIDIA GPUs do not face this issue as much. Contact BlueStacks customer support to ensure whether the dedicated GPU will permit hardware decoding.
Settings issues can also be why the hardware decoding is unavailable.
Confirm that you have set up all for BlueStacks to utilize your dedicated GPU. Move to the BlueStacks settings, choose Graphics > GPU in use, and turn on Prefer dedicated GPU. Once you relaunch BlueStacks, you will see your dedicated GPU in this section.
Also, you can change settings via Windows. Look for Graphics settings in the search box or hit Settings > System > Display > Graphics and choose the Browse option under the Graphics performance preference tab. In the location search section, look for the folder where you have installed BlueStacks, choose HD-player.exe, and hit Add. When added, select BlueStacks on the menu and tap Options. Choose High Performance (with a dedicated GPU) and save the setting.
Hardware decoding is not accessible with DirectX. Move to the BlueStacks settings tab, hit Graphics > GPU renderer, and choose the OpenGL option. Select the Hardware decoding option from the ASTC textures menu on the Graphic setting screen. If your dedicated GPU is incompatible, you will get a “Hardware decoding isn’t available” error pop-up in this section.
Error 6: Google Play Store Login Problems
Users encounter some problems when logging into the Google Play Store on BlueStacks. While a few login errors have particular solutions, the best way to solve this issue is to clear the app cache. Launch the System Apps folder in BlueStacks, move to the Settings tab, tap Apps > Play Store > Storage, and hit Clear cache.
Having a problem on the loading screen when logging in or a ” Could not sign-in error: The anti-virus program in your device may interfere with BlueStacks running properly. Configure the program utilizing the right settings.
Black/white login screen: This occurs when your graphics setting on BlueStacks does not match the system specifications. Navigate to the BlueStacks settings tab, choose the Graphics option, and change settings such as Graphics engine mode, interface renderer, and Performance mode to other options. Reboot BlueStacks and check if the issue goes away.
“Authentication required/Validate it’s you” issue: If you get this issue, clear the Google Play app cache and delete the Google account before signing in again. To delete the Google account, move to the System app tab and hit Settings > Account. Choose your account and tap the Remove Account option. Return to the previous screen, tap Add account, and specify the login credentials.
“This device is not Play Protected” issue:This issue generally shows if you use a custom device profile. Navigate to BlueStacks settings > Phone, move to Select a predefined profile, and choose any of the phones from the list.
How to sign in without a Gmail account: You can access BlueStacks with a non-Gmail account but must open a Google account connected to that email address. Move to the Google website and hit the Sign-in tab at the top. Tap the Create Account button. Specify your information and choose the Use currency email account instead option. Provide the non-Gmail address and follow the validation procedure. After setting up the account, you can sign in to BlueStacks with this email account.
Error 7: BlueStacks is Slow
BlueStacks might be resource-heavy, based on what applications you are using, and there are situations when you find it laggy or slow.
Tips to Solve the Problem
Users can enhance the performance of BlueStacks by allocating more RAM and CPU cores to the app. Hit BlueStacks settings > Performance and select High (4 cores) and High (4GB). Also, you can choose Custom to select more RAM and cores, but do not allocate all RAM and CPU cores to BlueStacks. Confirm that you have set High performance in the Performance mode list.
Anti-virus programs can also create performance issues.
Ensure you have enabled Virtualization to get the best experience.
Also, you can enhance performance by empty RAM. Launch Task Manager by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Esc and close the idle or unwanted apps in the background. Apps such as Google Chrome are a notable issue in this regard. Choose the app you need to close and hit the End task button.    
Error 8: Can’t Install APK Issue
You can get a “Can’t install APK” error message if the app or game you are installing is not compatible with the Android version of BlueStacks you are using. It will happen if you use the older versions, such as Android Pie 32-bit.
Tricks to Fix the Error
The way to play a game or utilize an app that is not compatible is by opening a new instance with the latest version of Android. Launch the Multi-instance Manager ( a three-layer tab at the right, two above the gear icon), hit the Instance tab, and choose Fresh instance. Select the latest Android version from the available list, like Android Nougat (64-bit) or Android 11 (Beta). If you haven’t installed these, you must download a few additional files and choose settings like memory allocation, CUP allocation, performance mode, resolution, and others for this new instance. Tap Download to generate a new instance, then hit Start on the Multi-instance Manager page. Now, you must be able to install the APK with issues.
Some Common BlueStacks Problems
BlueStacks features a weekly running list of issues and bugs that it solves so that users can check to see the solution for their issues.
Users with Mac can encounter the “System extension blocked” error. Older Macs with M1 processors, MacOS 13 Ventura, and Macs running MacOS 12 Monterey do not support BlueStacks. Users can report an error by tapping the “?” icon in the BlueStacks app window and choosing the Report a problem option. Choose the issue type, specify other information, and hit the Submit a Report button. Also, you can download the BlueStacks 5 Log Collection Tool to offer an issue log if you encounter problems with BlueStacks not downloading or launching.
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newspilot · 1 year
Hp Pavilion X360 11Th Gen Intel Core I3 14 Inches Fhd Multitouch 2-in-1 Laptop(8Gb Ram/512Gb Ssd/B&O/Windows 11 Home/Fpr/Backlit Kb/Pen/Alexa/Uhd Graphics/Ms Office/Natural Silver/1.52Kg) 14-Dy0207Tu
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Price: (as of - Details) The HP Pavilion x360 14 convertible adapts to you so that you are productive at any angle. Stream your favorite series as long as you want with HP Fast Charge. Dual Speakers with Audio by B&O give this laptop the immersive sound and entertainment experience you crave. Designed with the environment in mind, the HP Pavilion x360 is made using sustainable, post-consumer recycled, and ocean-bound plastics Processor: Intel Core i3-1125G4 (up to 3.7 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology(2g), 8 MB L3 cache, 4 cores)| Memory & Storage: 8 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (1 x 8 GB) Upto 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (2 x 8 GB)| Storage: 512 GB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD Operating System & Pre-installed Software: Pre-loaded Windows 11 Home 64 Single Language| Microsoft Office Home & Student 2019 |McAfee LiveSafe (30 days free trial as default) Display & Graphics: 14" diagonal FHD, IPS, multitouch-enabled edge-to-edge glass, micro-edge, 250 nits, 157 ppi, 45%NTSC |Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics Ports:1 SuperSpeed USB Type-C 10 Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge),2 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate,1 headphone/microphone combo, 1 AC smart pin,1 HDMI 2.0 Features: Camera: HP True Vision 720p HD camera with integrated dual array digital microphones| Audio: Audio by B&O, Dual Speakers| Keyboard: Full-size backlit natural silver keyboard, HP Imagepad with multi-touch gesture support, HP Rechargeable MPP2.0 Tilt Pen| Alexa Built In | Battery: 3-cell, 43 Wh Li-ion, Support battery fast charge| Networking: Intel Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 6 AX201 (2x2) and and Bluetooth 5.2 combo (Supporting Gigabit data rate)| Fingerprint Reader| Why HP? What is good for the planet, is good for technology and good for us. Technology must be mindful of the environment and HP believes in sustainability. In an unlikely case of product quality related issue, we may ask you to reach out to brand’s customer service support and seek resolution. We will require brand proof of issue to process replacement request. Read the full article
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3 Habits To Improve Your Life & Magic Today
No matter how long you’ve been practicing witchcraft, you can always find new ways to integrate it into your everyday life. Witchcraft is incredibly versatile and there are many different magical tools you can use to support your practice. Some situations call for big rituals with elaborate altars. Other days, all you have time for is a quick spell before heading off to work.
When life gets busy, it’s easy to let self-care and magic take a backseat to more pressing matters. This can be a bummer because often times those are the moments when you really need your witchcraft to keep you grounded and connected to your personal power.
One way to practice witchcraft on a regular basis is to create habits around your spells and rituals. You can integrate different aspects of your witchcraft into your daily (or weekly) routine, so you’re always surrounding yourself with magic, no matter what is going on in your life. These witchy habits are meant to seamlessly fit into your life, so you’re performing magic as consistently as you’re brushing your teeth.
That being said, if you’re a witch who prefers to only practice magic every once in a while, that’s totally fine. You should only do magic as often as you like. Witchcraft should never feel like a chore. It should be joyful and organic.
Use these tips to enrich your own personal witchcraft practice. If you want to give any of these ideas a try, start with adding one habit into your life at a time. Experiment with doing that habit all month, and see how it goes. Perhaps you’d like to journal about the process to keep track of any changes you notice in yourself. Keep the habits that make you happy, and discard the rest. You know what’s best for you when it comes to your magical practice. Trust your intuition, and trust what makes you happy.
Witchy Habit #1:
Be Open To Signs: We live in a magical world.
Witches know this better than anyone. We see things, hear things, notice things that might seem random to most people. Sometimes, things aren’t all that magical, but some occurrences ARE magic, and a great habit to get into is staying open to whatever signs your encounter as you go through your day. Signs come to witches in all different ways. Sometimes it’s the number 11:11 on a digital clock. Sometimes it’s a song lyric that catches your attention. It could even be a gift from a coworker or a text from a friend.
Signs are everywhere, and the only way to tell if it’s a sign or not is to use your intuition. You might notice how it made you feel. Did it give you chills? Make you laugh? Give you a sense of peace? You might see something that jogs your memory or gives you new insight into an issue you’re working through. Whatever it is, just be open. You never know what messages you’ll pick up from the universe. Journal about any signs you notice. Maybe you’ll discover their meaning as time goes on. Maybe they’ll stay a mystery. Either way, it’s all part of your witchy practice.
Witchy Habit #2: Combine Magic With Things You Do Every Day
In the Evening:
If you want to improve your sleeping, create rituals around your existing evening routines.
Try diffusing vanilla or lavender essential oil in the evenings while you’re cleaning up after dinner, watching tv, or getting ready for bed.
Before you go to sleep, take a minute or two to sit by a window and admire the moon. You can keep a notebook by your window and write down a wish or intention you’d like to send to the moon at this time. Set the notebook by the window so the moon can shine on it overnight and use its energy to help you fulfill your desire.
Place a labradorite crystal under your pillow with the intention of a full night’s sleep and pleasant dreams. You can also use the energy of tarot cards or oracle cards to promote restful sleep. The Temperance card and the Four of Swords are excellent cards to place under your pillow for that purpose. If you find you have trouble sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about problems that came up during the day, you can place the High Priestess card, or the Hierophant card under your pillow to help you process the day’s problems overnight. The Strength card or the Sun card can be used if you had a bad day and need to call in a little positivity for the next day. If you use oracle cards, go through your deck and select the energy you think will be most beneficial to you. Try this habit out for at least a week if possible, and keep track of how you feel in the mornings. Make adjustments to your evening ritual as needed.
If you’ve been feeling a lot of negativity, consider adding a selenite window to your magical toolkit. This special crystal is a flat, somewhat clear piece of selenite that is both self-cleansing and self-charging.
You can build a variety of habits around this crystal. After washing your face in the evening, use your selenite window for energetic cleansing. Touch the crystal to the top of your head, the sides of your face and the back of your neck. (You can also do a version of this in the morning by holding the crystal between your palms and taking ten deep breaths before getting out of bed. As you do this, imagine a cleansing white light floating down from above, bathing you with positivity. Think of this as your morning shower, but for your spirit instead of your body.)
Place your cell phone, wallet, or car keys on the piece of selenite every night so that item can be cleansed of any negative energy it has picked up during the day.
In the morning:
When you’re taking your morning shower, whisper your intention for the day, and three actions you’ll take to move closer towards your intention over the course of the day. Perform a mini-meditation while showering by visualizing yourself doing those actions.
As you get dressed, bless an article of clothing. You can say something like, “May this sweater keep me warm today.” You can also use an affirmation such as, “This outfit makes a great first impression at today’s meeting.”
As you’re headed out the door, select a small crystal to take with you. Place it in your car or keep it in your pocket to give you positive energy throughout the day.
During your day:
If there are any parts of your day that you find unpleasant, brainstorm creative ways to use magic to make them better. For example, if you hate stopping at the gas station to fill up your car, ask yourself why you hate it. If the answer is that you dislike how much money it costs, use the time while you’re standing at the pump to say a money affirmation like, “Money flows to me quickly, easily, and abundantly.” or “I always have enough money for all my desires.”
If you loathe stopping for gas because you feel you don’t have enough time, use that time at the pump to visualize driving the rest of the way to your destination without any further delays. In your mind’s eye, see all the stoplights turning to green as you approach. Visualize clear roads and traffic flowing quickly and safely.
You can also do a fast safety spell as you’re finishing up at the gas pump. Simply look at how many gallons of gas you added into your car and say aloud, “May these (number of gallons of gas) bring me safe transit and joyful adventures.”
Witchy Tip #3: Set An Intention For Your Week
Every Sunday, pick an intention for your week. Then plan out spells and rituals to perform throughout the week to support that intention. (You can also do one intention for an entire month if that suits you better.)
If your intention is to strengthen your connection to your intuition and increase your psychic abilities, write down all the spells you know to help you with your intention. Pick several of these ideas and write them down in your planner (or wherever you keep your schedule) and commit to doing them.
For example:
Sunday: Spend twenty minutes meditating, journaling, and planning my intention for the week.
Monday: Set up an altar with my intention in mind
Tuesday: Carry an amethyst crystal in my pocket.
Wednesday: Light jasmine incense while I spend fifteen minutes meditating before my morning shower.
Thursday: Bring my tarot cards to my weekly coffee date and do readings for myself and my friend.
Friday: Use runes for divination on my lunch break.
Saturday: Light a purple candle and journal about any messages I receive from my intuition or spirit guides.
These spells can be as simple as changing the password on your laptop to whatever your weekly intention is, or they can be more involved like an hour-long ritual bath with herbs, crystals, and sea salt. Whatever magic you pick, try to write it down somewhere and schedule it in like you would a hair appointment or a work meeting. If you have a busy week, keep your magic short and sweet. Habits are about consistency. Seven days of small magic gestures can create powerful momentum.
Rather than doing this weekly or monthly, you can try setting intentions by other natural cycles you notice in your life. The moon offers about a twenty-eight day cycle, split up by different phases. The four seasons are another cycle you can use.
Maybe you prefer to set intentions by cycles in your personal life like a school year, or your ninety-day performance review at work. You can create intentions by events in your life like tax day, your birthday, or your anniversary. The key is to look for patterns in your life—things that repeat, and embed magical habits into those patterns.
Finding Balance With Your Magical Habits
With all the ways you can infuse your daily routines with magic, it’s important to find balance. You might find that scheduling magic into your week takes the fun out of your practice. If that’s the case, don’t do it! The same magical habit might feel joyful for one witch and tedious for another. You might also find that certain habits work well for a while. Then over time, the habit becomes restrictive. That’s totally normal—you’re growing and changing every day. Don’t be afraid to change or let go of habits that no longer serve you. Create new ones. That way your habits change right along with you.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The HP Pavilion x360 14 convertible adapts to you so that you are productive at any angle. Stream your favorite series as long as you want with HP Fast Charge[4]. Dual Speakers with Audio by B&O give this laptop the immersive sound and entertainment experience you crave. Designed with the environment in mind, the HP Pavilion x360 is made using sustainable, post-consumer recycled, and ocean-bound plastics Processor: Intel Core i3-1125G4 (up to 3.7 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology(2g), 8 MB L3 cache, 4 cores)| Memory & Storage: 8 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (1 x 8 GB) Upto 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (2 x 8 GB)| Storage: 512 GB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD Operating System & Pre-installed Software: Pre-loaded Windows 11 Home 64 Single Language| Microsoft Office Home & Student 2019 |McAfee LiveSafe (30 days free trial as default) Display & Graphics: 14" diagonal FHD, IPS, multitouch-enabled edge-to-edge glass, micro-edge, 250 nits, 157 ppi, 45%NTSC |Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics Ports:1 SuperSpeed USB Type-C 10 Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 1.4, HP Sleep and Charge),2 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate,1 headphone/microphone combo, 1 AC smart pin,1 HDMI 2.0 Features: Camera: HP True Vision 720p HD camera with integrated dual array digital microphones| Audio: Audio by B&O, Dual Speakers| Keyboard: Full-size backlit natural silver keyboard, HP Imagepad with multi-touch gesture support, HP Rechargeable MPP2.0 Tilt Pen| Alexa Built In | Battery: 3-cell, 43 Wh Li-ion, Support battery fast charge| Networking: Intel Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 6 AX201 (2x2) and and Bluetooth 5.2 combo (Supporting Gigabit data rate)| Fingerprint Reader| Why HP? What is good for the planet, is good for technology and good for us. Technology must be mindful of the environment and HP believes in sustainability. In an unlikely case of product quality related issue, we may ask you to reach out to brand’s customer service support and seek resolution. We will require brand proof of issue to process replacement request. [ad_2]
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pictureamoebae · 2 years
hi!! so i recently got a new computer and it runs on window 11, i can play base game sims 4 just fine but when i try to run a preset on reshade the game crashes. i also cant even open the game unless the reshade is at least version 5.0. i also open through ea app and my specs are intel integrated graphics, intel 12th gen i3 core and 8gb ram !! im wondering if there's a problem to fix or if i just can't run it and what presets to maybe use on reshade 5.0 and higher
Hi there!
Integrated graphics cards aren't always powerful enough to handle things that use a lot of graphics memory. When playing games in general, with or without ReShade, it's always advisable to have a discrete GPU alongside your integrated graphics and to set your games to use the discrete card.
Now, I can't be certain that's what is causing your crashing, but it's certainly a red flag.
Take a look at this forum thread on common ReShade issues, there's a section on crashing, it might be helpful. For example, check you don't have software like MSI Afterburner running in the background, perhaps disable any overlays EA App uses (I still use Origin so I don't know if it does use anything), check you have the correct NET framework etc.
As for what presets to use, any made with 4.x should work just fine in 5.x, and even those made in 3.x, although some things (like MXAO) may need to be tweaked slightly.
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milkymith · 2 years
Best Laptops Under 50,000 in India {2023}
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2...Acer Aspire 3 (Intel Core i3 1215U Processor/ 8GB/ 512 GB SSD/ Windows 11 Home/ MS Office ) A315-59 with 39.6 cm (15.6") Full HD Display /1.9kgAbout this item High Performance : Encounter high speed processing with Intel Core i3 1215U processor Dual-channel DDR4 SDRAM support:8 GB of DDR4 system memory, Upgradable up to 32 GB 512 GB, PCIe Gen3, 8 Gb/s, NVMe Intel UHD Graphics 15.6" display Full HD 1920 x 1080, Acer ComfyView Style name: Ci3 12th Gen/8/512/MSO Ci3 12th Gen/8/512/MSO Ci5 12th Gen/16/512/MSO Ci5 12th Gen/8/512/MSO Brand Acer Model Name A315-59 Screen Size 15.6 Inches Colour Silver CPU Model Core i3 RAM Memory Installed Size 8 GB Operating System Windows Special Feature MS Office Graphics Card Description Integrated CPU Speed 3.3 GHz
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3...HP 14s, AMD Ryzen 5-5500U 14 inches(35cm) FHD, IPS, Micro-Edge Display Laptop (8GB RAM/512GB SSD /Radeon Graphics/Windows 11/Alexa/Backlit Keyboard/MS Office/1.46kg, 14s-fq1092au)About this item Do Check Partner offer section for Exciting offers from HP. Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5500U (up to 4.0 GHz max boost clock(2i),8 MB L3 cache, 6 cores, 12 threads)| Memory & Storage: 8GB (1x8GB) DDR4 3200,Upto 16 GB DDR4-3200 SDRAM (2 x 8 GB)| Storage: 512 GB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD Operating System & Pre-installed Software: Pre-loaded Windows 11 Home 64 Single Language| Microsoft Office Home & Student 2019 |McAfee LiveSafe Display & Graphics: 35.6 cm (14") diagonal, FHD, IPS, micro-edge,250 nits, 157 ppi, 45%NTSC |Graphics: AMD Radeon Graphics Ports: 1 SuperSpeed USB Type-C 5Gbps signaling rate,2 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate,1 headphone/microphone combo, 1 AC smart pin,1 HDMI 1.4b Features: Camera: HP True Vision 720p HD camera with integrated dual array digital microphones| Audio: Dual Speakers| Keyboard: Full-size, backlit, natural silver keyboard | Alexa Built In | Battery: 3-cell, 41 Wh Li-ion, Support battery fast charge| Networking: Realtek RTL8821CE-M 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (1x1) Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2 combo,MU-MIMO supported, Miracast compatible Why HP? What is good for the planet, is good for technology and good for us. Technology must be mindful of the environment and HP believes in sustainability. In an unlikely case of product quality related issue, we may ask you to reach out to brand’s customer service support and seek resolution. We will require brand proof of issue to process replacement request.
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4...Dell Inspiron 15-inch Laptop (39.62cms) | Windows 11, MS Office H&S 2019 | Intel i3-1115G4 | 8GB DDR4 SDRAM, 512GB SSD | FHD Screen, WVA AG Narrow Border | 3511 - Carbon Black (D560842WIN9B) About this item QUICK AND SEAMLESS - The Dell Inspiron 3511 is equipped with 8GB of RAM and a max boost frequency of 4.1 GHz, which together make for efficient and smooth multitasking and accelerated loading times. HIGH QUALITY SCREEN - This device is equipped with a 39.62 cm screen with a display quality of 1920 x1080 p, with improved video output quality thanks to the integrated graphics. MODERN, THOUGHTFUL DESIGN: Styled in carbon black a classic look, where you can connect with confidence with a built-in HD webcam that makes you look great. EASY-TO-USE TECHNOLOGY: Ready, set, charge: Comes with ExpressCharge capabilities that minimize the time you spend tethered to an outlet and will recharge your battery up to 80% in 60 minutes.Brand DellSeries Inspiron 3511Screen Size 15.6 InchesColour Carbon Black CPU Model Core i3RAM Memory Installed Size 8 GBOperating System Windows 11 Graphics Card Description Integrated CPU Speed 1.7 GHz Hard Disk Description SSD REVIEWTOBUY
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5..Honor MagicBook 14, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U 14-inch (35.56 cm) FHD IPS Anti-Glare Thin and Light Laptop (16GB/512GB PCIe SSD/Windows 11/Fingerprint Login/Metal Body/Backlit KB/1.38Kg), Gray, NobelM-WFQ9AHNE
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specfication; Style name: 16GB/512GB PCIe SSD 16GB/512GB PCIe SSD 8GB/512GB PCIe SSD 8GB/256GB PCIe SSD Updated other options based on this selection Brand Honor Model Name NMH-WFQ9HN Screen Size 14 Inches Hard Disk Size 512 GB CPU Model AMD Ryzen 5 5500U RAM Memory Installed Size 16 GB Operating System Windows 11 Home Special Feature Fingerprint Reader, High Definition Audio, TrackPoint, Backlit Keyboard, Anti Glare Coating Graphics Card Description Integrated Graphics Coprocessor Intel UHD Graphics About this item: 【 Stylish Appearance】 Honor Magicbook 14 has a Premium Aluminium Metal Body with 15.9MM Thickness, 4.8 MM Narrow Bezels, and the weight of the laptop is only 1.38kg, which allows you to carry it easily, making it very convenient for travel and work【Eye Comfort Mode】 It has 14” FHD Full View IPS Anti-Glare Screen. And has the Support of TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light Certification, and Flicker Free Certification. It Protects your eyes at all times, and your eyes will no longer be fatigued when working 【 65W Type-C Fast Charging 】HONOR MagicBook 14 has a large battery capacity of 56 Wh, which can power local video watching for about 11 hours. The 65W portable charger can supplement about 65% battery capacity for HONOR MagicBook 14 in 1 hour 【Fast Speed Laptop】Ryzen 5 5500U Processor, 2.1 GHz base speed, 4.0 GHz Max Speed, 6 Cores, 12 Threads | AMD Radeon Graphics. 16GB DDR4 RAM & 512GB PCIe SSD, making it perfect for your office and study needs. 【Security and Privacy】2-in-1 Fingerprint Power Button save you the trouble of entering passwords. Webcam: 720P HD Pop-up Camera with Privacy Mode, always protecting your privacy. 【 Backlit Keyboard 】 Honor Magicbook 14 comes with Backlit keyboard that allows you to type comfortably even in low-light & dark conditions 【Operating System】Pre-Loaded Windows 11 Home 64-bit Read the full article
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govindhtech · 8 months
AI’s impact on PC memory and storage
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Practical Benefits of AI’s impact on PC AI abounds. Nobody goes a day sans hearing or seeing AI. AI is transforming our interactions, from smart devices to self-driving automobiles. What about PC? Can AI’s impact on PC quicker, smarter, and personalized? This blog will discuss how AI’s impact on PC memory and storage. At CES 24, AI dominated coverage more than 50%.
AI relies on big language models (LLMs) created from humans’ massive unlabeled text. Artificial brains with billions of variables and often many networks create material for spoken queries that mimic human replies. ChatGPT and DALL-E, which generate realistic and imaginative text and graphics from user input, are popular LLMs. Although amazing, these LLMs demand a lot of computer power and data. Most run in the cloud to leverage huge computing and network capacity.
AI may happen anywhere outside the cloud. Moving some AI processing to consumer devices might be helpful for numerous reasons. Edge AI can optimise latency, privacy, network costs, and offline functionality. Imagine using your PC to create high-quality content, edit images and movies, transcribe voice, filter noise, identify faces, and more without the cloud. How cool would it be?
Why PC? Edge AI benefits more than just PCs. AI can improve smartphone, tablet, wristwatch, and other device functionality and performance. But the PC has unique capabilities that make it a good edge AI platform. PCs feature huge screens that show more information and improve user experience. Second, PCs’ big batteries can sustain longer, more demanding AI work. Third, PCs can handle more complicated AI models due to their superior processing.
These benefits are observed by chipmakers and software developers. Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, Mediatek, and Nvidia are incorporating strong computational engines and/or integrated graphics in PC CPUs and chipsets to give tens of TOPS of AI performance. Microsoft also plans to optimize Windows 11 OS for CPUs with integrated AI engines this year.
That’s hardly surprising given Microsoft’s drive on Copilot, an AI-powered service that helps users create code, troubleshoot issues, and recommend improvements. Some of these companies are partnering with ISVs to allow AI-optimized apps including video conferencing, picture editing, voice-to-text conversion, baseline noise and noise reduction, and face recognition. Whether these in construction apps will impress or whether the killer app is yet to arrive is unknown. However, major questions remain. How can we run AI models on PC effectively? And …
How does it affect PC hardware? Model size is a major issue when running AI’s impact on PC. AI models, particularly LLMs, need a lot of data storage and memory to store and load billions or trillions of parameters. Our internal investigations reveal that a state-of-the-art LLM for natural language synthesis, a 70 billion-parameter Llama2 model with 4-bit precision, requires 42GB of RAM for loading and inferencing and outputs 1.4 tokens/second. A average PC lacks this much memory. This outlines the issue and future path. Function-specific models will reduce size without compromising accuracy.
There will likely be a bifurcation: huge 70 billion-type models can execute chat completions and optimized conversation use cases on premium systems with enormous memory and storage. A local on-device personal assistant may also require a huge parameter model. A model with less than 10B parameters may be utilized on common devices, require less memory (~2GB), and be used for language tasks such as text completion, list completion, and categorization.
At least PC RAM is affected by model size. Equally crucial are bandwidth and energy efficiency. Both dimensions benefit from PC (especially mobile) switching to LPDDR from DDR. In comparison to DDR5, LPDDR5X uses 44-54% less power during active usage and 86% less power during self-refresh, with a bandwidth of 6.4Gb/s against 4.8Gb/s.
If AI’s impact on PC swiftly, LPDDR5 transition will be faster. Research is underway to increase energy efficiency by putting certain computation into memory. That will take awhile, if ever. The software stack must be established when industry converges on a common set of primitives to offload to memory. A collection of primitives may not suit all applications. Thus, PC memory processing now raises more concerns than answers.
Where will AI models find their sweet spot? Can memory be reduced and portion of the model stored if model sizes remain large? If so, model rotation will need more storage bandwidth. This may hasten the adoption of Gen5 or Gen6 PCIe storage in mainstream PCs. In a recent Apple paper, “LLM in a flash: Efficient Large Language Model Inference with Limited Memory by Alizadeh et al” suggests a way to perform LLMs on devices with excessive DRAM. The authors recommend storing model parameters in flash memory and calling them from DRAM.
They also suggest optimizing data transmission capacity and read throughput to boost inference speeds. The paper’s main parameter for assessing flash loading solutions is latency, which takes into account the I/O cost of loading from flash, the overhead of maintaining memory with freshly loaded data, and the compute cost for inference procedures. The research solves the problem of running LLMs that exceed DRAM capacity by storing model parameters in flash memory and bringing them to DRAM on demand.
AI will advance. Start of integrated NPU integration into CPU and discrete GPUs. Kinara, Memryx, and Hailo AI accelerator cards can offload AI’s impact on PC. Function-specific, smaller, optimized models may also develop. These models must be cycled from storage to memory on demand, but the storage implications are comparable to operating a big model.
Benefits of discrete NPU include: They use less power and heat than CPU and GPU to run complicated AI models. They speed up and improve image recognition, generative AI, chatbots, and other AI applications. They may boost CPU and GPU performance and user AI experience. Lenovo’s ThinkCentre Neo Ultra desktop, launching in June 2024, says these cards deliver more power-efficient and competent AI processing than CPU and GPU alternatives.
The merit number TOPS alone might be deceiving. Number of inferences per unit time, accuracy, and energy efficiency matter most. A generative AI may achieve tokens per second or steady diffusion in seconds. Benchmarking these will be necessary for industry acceptance. For instance, He visited all CPU vendor exhibits and discrete NPU player demonstrations during CES. Every demo claimed their implementation was better.
PC AI is eagerly anticipated. OEMs see this as an opportunity to update PCs and add higher-value content. Intel aims to enable 100M PCs by 2025, or 30% of the PC TAM. Consumers have something to look forward to in 2024 regardless of adoption rate.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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