#Wills lawyer
ginapellettieri · 2 years
Law Office of Gina M. Pellettieri, PLLC
Some attorneys only focus on personal injury lawsuits. Others are only interested in helping you through a divorce, whether that is through serving as a personal attorney or taking on the role of mediator. At The Law Office of Gina Pellettieri, we understand that it is easier on clients when they can find the different services they need in one law firm. Rather than stretching your problems across multiple law firms, therefore having to form new working relationships at each one, we believe that a variety of legal services is necessary to give people what they really want when they hire an attorney. Some people are only looking for a single service, while others have several problems that need to be solved. We aim to provide legal solutions to the plethora of problems our clients face.
One area where many people could use a hand is real estate. Real estate law is tricky, it changes fairly regularly, and it can feel very high-stakes for our clients. For most people, buying or selling a property is the most expensive transaction of their lives. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars can be exchanged in a single real estate transaction, so it's easy to see why it is so important to ensure everything is done correctly and according to the law. If you are in the position to buy a piece of property, then The Law Office of Gina Pellettieri can help in a number of ways, from explaining the terms of a purchase contract to protecting you from hidden liabilities, reviewing real estate documents that relate to your title, mortgage, and taxes, register legal documents pertaining to your real estate transaction, attend your closing, and ensuring that the ownership documentation you are given is valid. If you're selling a piece of real estate, then The Law Office of Gina Pellettieri can help to ensure that your purchase and sale agreement terms properly protect your interests, deal with any issues that arise with your title, or represent you during negotiations with the buyer. While none of these services may sound very groundbreaking, they all aim to achieve the same goals: ensuring that your sale or purchase goes as smoothly as possible, preventing potential legal issues before they happen, and keeping everybody involved in the transaction honest.
Law Office of Gina M. Pellettieri, PLLC
171 Horseblock Road, Centereach, New York 11720
(631) 320-1493
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aplawoffice · 2 years
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The Pranzitelli Law Firm provides one of the best lawyers for wills. And we are a committed collection of great lawyers with multiple legal qualifications. Our lawyer takes on significant responsibility early on and works closely with supervising professionals in order to successfully complete the difficult but fulfilling work.
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dexter-erotoph · 7 months
nobody knows how much it tears me apart that outside of sm3 we will most likely NEVER see how dexter normally is we wont see how he used to normally speak or look or what he liked to do for fun or his talents or his friends any of the stuff he surrounded himself with to make him as content and happy as he looked on his last day living normally before he got forced to regress after likely having to work so so hard to earn a life he was comfortable with. like i need you to understand HOW much you have to go through and how deeply frustrating and tormenting it must be to have this happen LOOK
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kendallsroyco · 1 year
I'm sorry but I would apply to be a secretary at his law firm so quickly...🤤 (he wouldn't even have to pay me)
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Imagine this is him giving you a stern talking-to 😵‍💫 (absolutely not going feral about him towering over someone here)
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trans-axolotl · 2 days
the criminal legal system makes me want to fucking explode what is this shit!!!!
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natjennie · 16 days
listening to adam's statement as someone who only really got attached to nrb after adam had left, so I'm not personally invested in the situation nor did I even really know what happened and I've gotta say. he really does seem just like. genuinely forthcoming. considerate to the other parties involved. disappointed, obviously, that such a personal conflict has to be made public in this way. but handling it with grace. I am one of the top straight white man haters in the country but besties. he seems fine.
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songofsaraneth · 3 months
well the aquarium gig was fun while it lasted but unfortunately this might be the end. water conditions were great for a while, but after they swapped out some equipment a month ago things went downhill and now it's very dirty. the other mermaid and i expressed safety concerns over this, but now they've told us we have to get in and swim again/can't do the dry show option instead. and they've offered no proof that the water quality is safe or improving. sooooo might just end up fired i guess :|
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bafflement · 13 days
And Home, It Feels So Very Far Away [Can I Make A New One Amongst The Ashes?] [Deaged Oz AU]
Written for day seven of the @remnants-of-rwby-events Vytal Festival.
Still having a hell of a lot of fun! Poor Tip, he really doesn't think he deserves to be loved. :(
AO3 Link:
Plain Text:
Vale was always so beautiful during the spring. Tip had always loved that the most, the fresh air, the feeling watching new life flourish, existing life grow. His students were always at their best during this time, too. There was so much energy, so much potential in every one of them. Oh, but he missed Beacon so much at times, even more now than ever. Atlas was so cold at times, and he wasn’t talking about the weather. The people, the politics… he sighed. It wasn’t likely that he’d ever truly be comfortable here, for all that he’d been assured so many times now that this kingdom was technically his home. That it always had been.
Could he even consider himself as having a home, now? Beacon was all but destroyed, Vale was in disarray and he wasn’t even there. Couldn’t be there. Would they even welcome his eleven-year-old self, though? They hadn’t been happy when he first showed up, so disappointed in the fact that he was small and sickly. That he limped and had vision issues… that he was everything Ozymandias wasn’t.
Those issues were still there, for all that his aura helped. He didn’t yet have the stamina he had as an adult, he couldn’t even hide the symptoms as he could back then. He was more emotional now than he had been later, too, though that might have more to do with the fact that he almost felt safe, here in Atlas. It was strange, he had been welcomed so lovingly into the family he couldn’t even remember, offered so much. He didn’t deserve it, not really… how could he? They’d been so happy to have their missing member back, but though he looked more or less as he must have done when he was first snatched, he couldn’t be that child anymore. Too much had happened between then and now, and he was terrified that soon enough, they would all see it.
He wasn’t certain how he would deal with the eventual rejection, the hatred that he’d been expecting to have already received. The others had despised him for weeks, back in Mantle… how could his family love him? Surely he didn’t deserve it, he was putting them all in danger through his existence.
Oh, he knew that a lot of this was the nightmares speaking. The horrific images he saw sometimes, when he closed his eyes. Old images of those previous incarnations had loved, tortured and broken by Salem and her people. The same images, but bearing the faces of his family, his friends. Qrow, though he’d always been well represented in those sorts of dreams. At least Qrow could probably look after himself, even if he’d had to learn second hand about just what he’d gone through by Tyrian’s hands. He’d come so close to losing him, and he might never even have known exactly what had happened. He shuddered, thinking about that. It would have been Summer all over again. And just like Summer, he would have been blamed by the others almost as much as he’d always blamed himself.
How much of this was nerves about today? Willow had told him that they needed to visit the lawyer’s office, that there were things they needed to go through now Jacques was dead. That didn’t make any sense, though. His late, entirely unlamented brother-in-law had assumed that Tip was long dead. There should be nothing for him to sort out, unless Willow needed the moral support. But in that case, wouldn’t it be better just to take her children, or at least Winter? He suspected the others would be there, since they were Jacques’ children as much as they were hers, but still… why would they need to include him? Ah well, he’d probably find out.
He dressed quickly, grimacing at the inch or so of gap between the ends of his sleeves and his wrists. Things were starting to fit less well than they had in Mistral, but he wasn’t sure if he could justify new clothing right now. There were surely more important things than his growing pains? Though the idea of not being quite as small anymore certainly had its allure. He missed being able to be intimidating through height and presence alone. He could still flare his aura if he had to, but gone were the days most people saw hm as anything other than the child he currently appeared to be. Even his students sometimes seemed to forget that he wasn’t actually a little boy. Hell, even James had seemed oddly helpful since he’d arrived here, it an annoying and slightly patronising way. He doubted his friend meant to do it, but it was still galling after so long looking after himself.
Willow was waiting downstairs, along with Winter, Weiss and Whitley as he’d expected. That at least made sense, though he tried to ignore Winter’s raised eyebrow, tucking his hands behind his back in the vain hope that none of them would notice that he was growing out of the combat uniform he’d bought in Mistral. They were more or less his only clothing outside the set he’d worn to Jacques’ ball, but he couldn’t really afford a replacement. While he’d had a small stipend while he’d been head of Beacon, those funds would have been quickly reclaimed by the council, after all, they didn’t owe him money anymore. Not that most of what he was pretty sure was meant to be his salary had ever actually been paid out. He was all but certain that most of that had already been being rerouted, though he doubted very much if Glynda would stand for the same treatment in his place.
He really hoped they were okay, but it wasn’t like they’d welcome him either, like this. He was too small, too vulnerable. He shivered, thinking about it. Even with his aura, this less developed body presented a set of problems that he couldn’t fully work around. He was still sickly, got the same shakes he had as an adult with far less ability to hide them. His eyes were still very sensitive to any light, but he thought they might actually be slightly better at present? That was an odd thought, that his eyes could have gotten worse as he stayed at Beacon. He doubted the sunnier weather really did much to help that, though the way the snow reflected the light in Atlas wasn’t really much better.
How much damage had it truly caused, his time in Vale? Things ached differently now than they had when he was older, but though they weren’t the same, he thought that they ached less. He hadn’t really noticed just how much things hurt, sometimes. He was aware that Qrow and Glynda likely had, but… as said, it was far easier to hide things when he was an adult. He never wanted any of them to worry about him, he really wasn’t worth the attention.
“Oh, little uncle. Why didn’t you say anything? We’re going to have to go shopping, you need fitting clothing!” Winter sounded exasperated, even as Tip felt his cheeks heating up in mortification. He knew that this would happen, Winter had never really managed to rein in her protective instincts around him. He suspected a lot of that was due to Jacques, too, but it wasn’t like he could resurrect the man in order to kill him again even more slowly. He really wanted to at times, though. He’d always hated him before, but now? Knowing what he knew of the mess he’d made of his family… he could comfortably list him on the same page as Salem, of people he actually hated. Even the death that Jacques had been given wasn’t enough to make up for things.
“It’s not really that bad? They still sort of fit…” He trailed off as Weiss turned to glare at him too. If both of his nieces thought that he needed new clothing, he probably couldn’t really fight them on it. It didn’t help that there was a steely look in Willow’s eyes, too. He winced, looking away.
Winter’s eyes softened slightly at just how cute he looked, not that she was going to point that out to him any time soon. It was bad enough that others did, without her joining in on it. Her uncle knew how others viewed him by now, it wasn’t really a good idea to try to rub it in.
As they entered the lawyer’s office, Tip couldn’t help but marvel at just how open it was. The whole building was, actually. Even though it wasn’t really that old, it was obvious that the architecture took after a much older style, some of the brickwork looking rather like it had been recycled from other, older constructions. He was almost certain that one of his previous incarnations had seem a specific carving before, there had been a sudden rush of shock, though it had quickly faded away again. That had been happening more and more recently as the merge slowly recombined his soul with what he was going to term Ozma’s. It wasn’t really Ozma anymore, but there was no way to explain it in any other way. At least he’d been more or less shielded by Ozymandias for a while?
The man behind the desk nodded at Willow, smiling at Winter, Weiss and Whitley before turning to Tip and freezing. Tip squirmed slightly at his gaze, he was really getting quite tired of people he didn’t remember reacting like that, though he’d expected a lawyer to at least be better at hiding it.
“The rumours are true then?” the man breathed, eyes still on Tip, as though transfixed. “You really are Winter?” There was a strange hope in his voice that Tip didn’t really understand. Why would this man be so desperate to find him? What was going on, why hadn’t he asked more questions before they got here? Whatever this was, it was at least unlikely to be a trap. He was fairly certain his family wasn’t likely to do that to him.
“I… used to be.” Tip replied, tentatively. From the slight widening of the man’s eyes, he hadn’t been expecting Tip’s Valean accent, either. He wondered what exactly he’d heard, considering that he was very aware there were various rumours about his survival. He blamed James for some of those, but it wasn’t as though he could easily have hidden his connection to his family. Sooner or later, questions would have been asked anyway. He couldn’t regret what he’d done during Robyn’s party, but it had certainly bought his existence to the notice of a lot of people that he really didn’t need.
“Well, welcome back. It’s an honour to remeet you, young Master Schnee. Has your sister told you why you’re here today?”
That was an odd question, if he’d been expected, why was the man so shocked. Was it because he was a child right now? That was certainly a possibility, though surely he would have been warned in advance?
“She has not. Might I ask why you’re so shocked to see me?” Tip was very curious now, none of this really made very much sense.
“Ah. Well, we were warned that you’d be here, however… there have been imposters in the past. None of them were ever backed by your family, but… the possibility existed.” He sounded deeply apologetic. “Would you mind if we took a geneprint, just to confirm your identity? I recognise that you appear to be Winter Schnee, but… it’s better to be sure.”
“Of course not! That makes sense, though… there have been impersonators? Why?” The fact that anyone had pretended to be him was even more confusing. From the things he’d learned over the few months he’d been in Atlas, he hadn’t even necessarily been expected to survive into adulthood at all. He silently thanked his aura, again, for ensuring that he had… but, there had been those who had pretended to be him? Why, what was the point? As the oldest child, surely Willow had been the only heir?
Or… had she? Was it possible that the father he only really remembered in flashes had left something for him after all? Willow had told him that he’d never given up on the idea that he was still alive, but the thought was more than a bit uncomfortable. He held out a finger for the machine, blinking as a tiny needle took his blood then the screen flashed green. He was hoping that was a good sign, as opposed to it just reading the colour of his aura.
The man relaxed, all the tension seemingly draining out of him at once as he stared at the screen.
“Right, then. Well, I’m Celadon Abbott, by the way. I expect you don’t remember me, but I knew you when you were younger. The first time, that is. I’m glad the scan showed a positive result, I would have hated to end this on a more sour note. To answer just why there have been impersonators over the years, were you aware that your father split the SDC down the middle? Half of it has been in trust for you for the last two decades.”
Tip went white, shock and horror combining in his gut. He really didn’t have time to have anything to do with the Schnee Dust Company, he had too many other duties, too many responsibilities for that. He had half been expecting something was off by the way nobody would tell him what the meeting was about, but… he turned a betrayed gaze at the others, noting rather sourly that Winter was working very hard to keep a straight face.
They’d obviously known about this all along. Maybe he could pass it to Weiss? Though that was less than likely right now, he was certain that the lawyer would claim he was far too young to make that decision.
He sighed, as half of the argument he’d had for not bothering to replace his clothing evaporated, though… what would those in Vale make of this? Would they try to claim it, claiming that he belonged to them? He couldn’t help but voice the question, blinking as Mr Abbott’s eyes hardened to flecks of grey ice.
“What your father left for you is What your father left for you is yours, young Winter. Nobody else has any claim on it, though I’d welcome them to try. It might be rather interesting…” There was a threat to his tone, yet Tip couldn’t help but be slightly comforted by it.
He’d been so used to nobody caring enough to protect him, was this what it was like to truly have a home? Could he build one here, even knowing that Salem was likely to try to destroy it, in time?
Did he truly deserve to be happy, for once? And what was he supposed to do with that sort of money, anyway?
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therealraewest · 15 days
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Jake's lawyer canonically being Matt Murdock is always my favorite
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My wills and trusts professor: “So here’s this really long tangent about how you need to add this in your will because of subsection (a)(b)(c)(d)…”
My real estates professor: “Before buying a house, you gotta take out the covenant 103.4 document, which you can get if you first file a Mortgage A31.4…”
My entertainment law professor: “Spawn, the superhero created by Todd MacFarlane, was once a man named Al Simmons who made a deal with Satan after he was assassinated and his soul sent to hell. Fun fact, Neil Gaiman was brought in by MacFarlane to write for Spawn, which led to the creation of Medieval Spawn…” (no joke, this was part of his lesson to explain work-for-hire contracts)
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zannolin · 1 year
(re-ish)watching ncis in 2023 is like came for the murder and crime solving, stayed for the absolutely unhinged tiva plotline
#zanna talks#ncis you beautiful mess of a show#like yeah it's blatantly nationalistic and Very post9/11 and us military propaganda#it likes to be misogynistic and xenophobic and try to play it as a joke#sometimes gibbs will do things that make me feel ill#and also it looooves praising cops and idolizing the maverick mentality and villifying defense lawyers#um point being it's got a lot of flaws and if i hadn't associated it with childhood nostalgia i'm not sure i could have made it far enough#in my rewatch to hit the point where it actually feels worth it past being a good distraction when i feel bad#like the point where you watch tony really start to grow and the plotlines get better and the relationships deepen etc#but man when it hits it hits#wild to watch it as an adult and realize actually the tiva stuff was there all along with effort put in and it wasnt just me making it up#75% of the time theyre just sniping at each other and being annoying coworkers but sometimes they give u a glimpse#not just of how good thye are as a dynamic but just the mcrt in general?#tony burning the letter from jeanne and trying to let go after realizing his team is like his family??#them being the ones to get ziva out of somalia and not her shitty bio dad and sticking up for her when she wants out???#them always believing in each other when they get framed ?? thanksgiving together??#coworkers as family is highly unrealistic in this day and age and maybe just in general but im willing to allow it bc man. they care.#sorry this got. away from me. what was i even talking about#ncis
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lewvithur · 2 years
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divorce ten times and your next divorce is on the house!.png
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Giant personal vent time
This guy stole somewhere between 3 to 6 MILLION dollars from my grandmother by conning my great aunt into signing over her estate and medical & financial power of attorney to him literally on her death bed
I and my aunt have been working basically a whole second job the last 3 months trying to get together a legal case to go after this guy. And now my grandma wants to drop it. And no one else has standing so what the fuck can we do.
This man has absolutely done this to other ppl before, there is no doubt in my mind. I’ve seen his property records for just what’s publicly available in my county and it’s sketchy as hell. I am never going to get over this but there’s nothing I can do.
Gonna put like a million more thoughts in the tags because I’m losing my fucking mind.
#it’s not like we don’t have the money#the estimated legal fees are like $100k but we’d definitely get it back from the estate in the end#but grandma doesn’t want to look like she’s going after her sister’s money#and she won’t admit she has dementia so I’m not allowed to tell the lawyer that she can’t handle testifying#so he just thinks we’re being wishy washy#and my aunt is so conflict avoidant she won’t tell the lawyer anything that’s happening that he could absolutely be helping with#and my dumbass step cousin is so conflict avoidant he’d literally rather let the family business go bankrupt than actually deal with this#why the fuck did she make him ceo#I know why she trusted this guy but jfc whyyyy did she trust him#god if only I had a time machine I’d go back 6 months and make sure we kicked him out of her house#I really really didn’t think he’d go this far. I just thought he was a weird dude she was being too nice to#but no. actual con artist#the more we learn the worse it gets#and grandma just cannot handle it. even though she has the money!! I’m so mad#I wanna email every reporter I can think of until I find someone willing to publish an article about this guy#so that at least that way someone would see how fucking sketchy he is when they Google him#so that maybe the next person won’t fall for it#is there some kind of legal action you can take that’s basically just like#hey we’re not willing to spend years to prove that you’re evil#but just for the record we need everyone to know you suck and we hate you#like just so ppl know#maybe I should ask our pastor to send out a PSA to all the other little old ladies at church#since that’s how my great aunt met him in the first place#I could get at least 3 good books out of all the drama in my fucking family I think#one for this whole thing. one for my dad’s insane parents. and one for all the bad decisions I made in Seattle
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fideidefenswhore · 3 months
re: that last quote, i feel like there is this predominant take that the boleyn downfall was inevitable in one guise or another, always, due to anne's unpopularity specifically, which i feel like underrates...that her unpopularity, as it were (at least, outside of court) seems to have...for lack of a better word...plateaued? by that year.
#im sure it reached a spike in the aftermath of fisher and more's and the carthusians' executions#and yet at the same time her progress with henry that year was considered very successful; and has been so by historians as well#coa had died and so her adherents focused their efforts on promoting the interests of her daughter#and the legitimacy of more questionable marriages had been grudgingly accepted in similar circumstances; historically ; before this#(ie; yes there would always be some that would assert theirs was illegitimate because it took place when coa was alive#but they had what many canonists and lawyers would have considered a common law marriage by that point for years#and coa was no longer. so.#retroactive legitimacy is kind of a thing; again depending on who judges it ; of course#but the reason henry's annulment was not granted in the final judgement#was that he had lived with her for so long as to 'deprive himself of the right to protest against it'#ie lived on the assumption of the soundness of that dispensation for long#and he had been granted a similar dispensation to marry anne (of course; only to be applied in the case of either coa's death or the#annulment of that marriage)#(one that elizabeth would ask for a copy of later...btw)#he had not been living with her as his wife for nearly as long; of course#but diplomacy and the need for allies meant that conceivably some european powers were likely going to be willing to either...#airbrush out those technicalities or ignore them#of course he would not have had an actual marriage ceremony with anne which would've been what the papacy would require ; in 1536#because that would suggest elizabeth's illegitimacy and that he'd been an adulterer for three years and that wasn't his belief#but it is all very...things that make you go hmmm
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housefinches · 5 months
no one talks about how if you want to work in law you have to choose whether you wanna be poor or evil :(
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idvmelucci · 5 months
What did you use to make your Freddy Riley Roblox avatar? 👀
Hiii there 👋
For the freddy avatar i made it from a game where u can adjust the placements and positions and sizing of accessories so you may not get the results you may want (the original adjustments are bad the bangs dont even align with his hairline 😭) but I DO have an alternative which may be able to work
(i dont have him as an avatar on my account bc not much robux and also I also recommend getting the black torso chibi doll bundle if you want the black to blend with his classic clothes)
At the bottom is a demonstration on how he would look like so yeah, i hope that helped sorry for the yapping, i just felt like I needed to clarify because I wouldn’t want you getting items that would botch the character appearance :<
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