#Wills Trusts Carson City Nevada
handelinlawltd · 5 years
The Importance of Estate Planning For Your Peace of Mind
Estate planning is an important process, where you will be legally documenting your assets and property sharing decisions. Your 'Will' will be legally executed by your attorney after your death. Property planning can also be a crucial step to secure your financial future too, as almost all companies have abandoned the pension and retirement plans.
The estate planning can be of any type, such as a will trust, power of attorney, a power of appointment, property ownership and etc. At some point in time, it becomes important to decide what your descendants should get from you, after your death. It helps you resolve your worries regarding your assets, and it gives you the peace of mind in the golden period of your life, after retirement.
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Why Estate Planning is Necessary?
There is no individual on this planet who can predict death, as it is something that is not really in our hands. In the first place, it may seem less important for small estate owners. However, it is still important to secure your estate, whether you are a landlord or an intellectual property owner. A proper estate plan may help in reducing the taxes and other acquisition expenses after one passes away.
Estate planning is the process of managing and parceling out an estate to reduce the taxes owed and to transfer assets to beneficiaries after someone dies. The goal is that all of your financial wishes are met upon your death and are not determined by a court.
You plan your estate through legal entities like trusts, wills, powers of attorney, health care surrogacies, etc. These are critical legal tools that will help your spouse and your family after you die and avoid having your estate go into probate and be settled by a judge.
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The Right Person to Perform Estate Planning
The firm or individual who is going to plan your estate should be qualified and knowledgeable, and they should have the track record of professional experience in the field. They generally offer their services as financial planners, trust and estate practitioners, chartered financial analysts, estate planners, etc. However, you will need to make sure if they are certified and are licensed for the job.
Tips for Estate Planning
There are several aspects and key elements of planning your estate, which can help you to minimize the worries and maximize the inheritance benefits to the beneficiaries.
*Specific Declarations - Probably it is the most critical aspect of estate planning. The failure in planning may give rise to legal problems, and your actual beneficiary may not be able to acquire the estate. The declaration of property sharing should be clear and specific.
*Deciding the Plan for Spending -If you wish that your assets to be used for any other goodwill, like forming of trusts like colleges, then the allocated trustee is legally bound to make these plans. It means that they must spend the amount specified on the trust.
*Estate Planning Team -Your lack of knowledge on this matter may cause problems to your beneficiaries. So, it is suggested for you to work on it with a team of experts. The financial advisor will help you design appropriate investment plans.
*Minimizing Estate Taxes and Other Income tax - While choosing a financial advisory firm, make sure that they clearly understand your planning needs. They should also have tax professionals in their team, to advise you on the possibilities of minimizing the payable tax amount by your beneficiaries. The taxable estate can be gifted to the beneficiaries when you are alive.
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Being Open Minded
Estate planning is not a complicated process, but you are planning for things to be done after you are gone. Instead of thinking too much and complicating it, it is always wise to be open-minded and consider how best you can help your family members. You must believe in securing their future.
Also, make sure that you revisit the estate plan periodically, for ensuring if the names of your beneficiaries and their shares are still in line with your current thoughts or not.
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booklover4816 · 7 years
Nope. Sounds pretty good if to me so far. What about Florida, Nevada, California, Utah, Mississippi, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Montana, and Washington. Sorry, gotta curious mind.
It’s okay! This is going to be long. One thing that you’ll quickly notice is that pretty much all of the states are tied into agriculture somehow. That’s because every state is part of the agricultural industry in someway and it’s the easiest thing for me to write about and use to tie them all together. Also, rural America doesn’t usually get a whole lot of love in most State fics.
Florida: Florida admittedly is hard for me to write. I have family who lives in Florida and I don’t want her to have any of their personality traits (because they’re awful people). I also need to do a lot more research. So far, Florida is a tough girl who is afraid of practically nothing, except driving in the snow. She loves gator hunting and fishing, but she also loves things like amusement parks, beaches, and politics (again, swing state). She also can’t stand any temperature below 55 degrees. Florida’s favorite hobby is growing oranges and she and California are in the middle of a fruit war with each other (who has the best oranges). She speaks fluent Spanish (mainly Cuban). She has wavy brunette hair (that is extremely frizzy due to the constant humidity) and gray eyes. Like I said, her personality is still under construction.
Nevada: Nevada was is known as the Battle Born State due to joining the Union in the middle of the Civil War, and her personality shows it. She seems cold on the outside mostly because she was brought up in the aftermath of the Civil War and saw first hand, at a very young age, what it had done to her siblings. She seems kind of aloof and has a bit of a pessimistic view on the world. But, once she opens up to someone, you’ll find her to be a very loving and caring person. She’s smart as a whip when it comes to science and gambling (even though she’s not supposed to) and she’s also an excellent shot (always carries a gun, and has named it Las Vegas). She’s chasing New Mexico away from Area 51 (Roswell, so he loves aliens), but she’s also always looking out for him and shares his love of science and aliens.Other than that, I need to do a bit more research on Nevada. This is just the basis of her personality. Appearance wise, she has long black hair as a reference to her Native American heritage and warm brown eyes. She also speaks Spanish and Navajo and always wears a pair of sunglasses that she has affectionately called Carson City.
California: California is a little like America in this story: the way she acts depends on who she’s around. She’s a big sister and kind of motherly to Hawaii, Arizona, and Nevada. She’s rivals with Florida and Texas (though she wouldn’t hesitate to stand up for them if someone was bothering them). She’s agriculturally focused when she’s around the Midwest and Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana (California is the US’s number one producer of agricultural products). She enjoys being a nerd with Washington, especially concerning tech and business, and being an outdoorsy hippy-like person with Oregon. And of course to anyone outside of her family, she’s a complete airhead. She likes portraying herself to strangers as the stuck up, ditzy  Hollywood type, but in all actuality is extremely smart, focused, hardworking, and driven. She truly is America’s daughter.She’s extremely beautiful with glossy, wavy brunette hair (she’s lucky and always has a good hair day) and sapphire eyes. She also has a permanent tan and can pass a Mexico’s sister (Mexico is actually her aunt by blood, and they are very close). She’s also one of the only states that has a mother (the Californian Republic was briefly independent). She speaks Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, and a few other languages.
Utah: Utah’s one that I need to do a lot of research on. The extent of my knowledge on Utah currently is Great Salt Lake, Mormons, honeybees, and skiing. It’s pathetic, I know but I’m planning on doing research before I write her chapter. So far, though, she does have a basic personality. Religion is a very important aspect of her life; however she doesn’t really identify with a specific one out of respect to all of the people in her state, so she’s more spiritual. She’s very active and outdoorsy; she enjoys skiing, hiking, and mountain climbing with the other Four Corners States. She also is a huge supporter of the National Parks, and hers are her pride and joy (Utah has a ton of National Parks). And then, Utah is the Beehive State, so I want to incorporate that into her characterization but I’m not quite sure how I want to do that yet. She has brown hair and green eyes.
Mississippi: Once upon a time, America tried to raise Mississippi like a lady (this was back in the early 1800’s), but then Alabama came along and that was the end of that. Mississippi is a tomboy, much like Ohio. She loves football and hunting and doing other stuff that would have been considered “boyish” when she was small. Still, she loves cooking with Georgia and Louisiana and hanging out with Alabama and Florida. She tends to be more conservative; however, she personally prefers making informed decisions and sticking to her morals. Again, I need to do more research on Mississippi, especially before I decide how I want to address the Civil Rights issues with Mississippi’s past.
Oklahoma: Out of all of her siblings, Oklahoma is closest to Texas. They really are two peas in a pod and share a lot of interests: ranching, rodeos, food, religion,(though both, like Utah, are non-denominational out of respect for all of their citizens), music, etc. She is actively involved with her Native American heritage and speaks many native languages as well as Spanish. She’s very sweet and kind and takes everything that America says to heart, always obeying what he tells her to do and taking his words literally. She has shoulder length brunette hair and green eyes. And again, I need to do more research on Oklahoma before I start tying history to her personality.
West Virginia: I get so many reviews about West Virginia and he hasn’t even appeared yet, but I get it. Many people write West Virginia as a stupid hillbilly, which I guess is kind of the stereotype outside of the state, and that’s just offensive. So, West Virginia is outdoorsy. He just loves being outside and being active. He also enjoys doing things with people he’s close to, and he doesn’t really care what it is: playing football with Ohio, spending a day in D.C. with Virginia, hunting with Pennsylvania. As long as he has fun and he’s bonding with one of his siblings, he doesn’t mind.He suffers from slight social anxiety, but once he trusts someone, he’s super friendly. He loves history and his favorite activity is touring abandoned mines (he used to work in them, but America wasn’t too fond of that and child labor laws…) He has light red hair (a nod to his Scottish and Irish heritage) that’s light enough to pass as strawberry blonde in some lighting, and brown eyes. He actually shares these traits with Virginia (as a nod to the fact they used to be the same state), though Virginia’s color is closer to brunette, but he absolutely hates this. He strives to make himself stand out from Virginia so people don’t mistake them for twins (they’re not) and he hates her constant mothering of him. But still, he’s closest to Virginia.
Montana: What can I say about Montana? Well, for one, America is the only one allowed to call her by her human name; everyone else has to call her Montana (her human name’s a secret for now; some of her own siblings don’t even know it). She has brunette hair and violet eyes (same shade as Canada’s). She’s kind of Canada-like in that she’s nice and polite to everyone, but she’s not afraid to stand her ground. She’s hardened due to the weather and terrain, but she loves being outdoors under the big sky. She’s a rancher, one of the few states that keeps the tradition alive. She likes to hunt and fish. Overall, she’s just hardworking and dedicated. I need to do more research on her history.
Washington: Washington’s kind of a nerd, especially when it comes to tech and business. He usually always has his nose stuck in a book and a coffee in hand. But that’s not to say that he’s not willing to get his hands dirty. If he needs to, he’s capable of and more than willing to do hard, physical labor. He and Oregon have this rivalry going on — it’s slightly reminiscent of the Ohio-Michigan rivalry (and those two egg it on; Ohio backs Oregon and Michigan backs Washington). I was actually told by someone from Oregon that their relationship is kind of Ohio-Michigan and it also has something to do with land. He’s also extremely professional. He has icy blue eyes and black hair. Again, I need to do more research on Washington.
Really, I still have a lot of research to do, which is why most of what I’ve given you is very non-specific. I really don’t want to offend anyone, and with some states, you get into some very sensitive topics that can easily and justifiably upset someone when they’re applied incorrectly.
Sorry for taking so long to answer. I meant to finish this earlier in the week, but I got distracted with school work. If you have any suggestions that you’d like to see, please feel free to let me know.
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newstfionline · 7 years
Wild Horses and the Inmates Who ‘Gentle’ Them
By Steven Kurutz, NY Times, Oct. 5, 2017
There’s a term in the horse world known as “gentling.” It refers to working with a wild horse until it becomes responsive to a trainer’s commands, meaning that it no longer wants to kick you in the face. If handled properly, it even bonds with its trainer.
Gentling happens every day at the Silver State Industries ranch in Carson City, Nev, a 1,100-acre property east of the Carson Range in the vast, harsh high desert south of Reno. Up to 2,000 wild horses are corralled there at any time; a good number are trained for adoption.
The ranch is part of the Northern Nevada Correctional Center, a medium-security prison that also houses minimum-security inmates. Twelve to 15 inmates, most of whom have little or no experience with horses, work under the instruction of a cowboy named Hank Curry. It is the inmates who do the gentling.
John Harris, an inmate who is taking part in the program, grew up on a family farm in Northern Iowa, so he wasn’t a stranger to livestock. A mustang is not a barn horse, however. Often they are terrified, skittish and incredibly strong willed from having survived in the wild.
“One time I fought with a horse for two hours to get him to walk three feet to a post,” Mr. Harris, 38, said, “I was worked up. The horse was worked up.”
When he started in the Wild Horse Program at the prison two years ago, “I was a lot more aggressive with my training,” Mr. Harris said. “I wanted something done now. That don’t work. You have to take your time.” He credited Mr. Curry for his softer approach: “Hank had to kind of gentle me.”
Mr. Curry, who is 67, no longer sees his job as strictly horse trainer, as he once did. Instead, he said, “I’m a counselor, a teacher, a horse trainer. You establish pride in the guy and pride in his job, he’s going to be a lot more successful when he gets out of here.”
Most of the inmates he works with are nonviolent offenders, with sentences of two years or less, and they signed up for the job.
“I’m fortunate,” Mr. Curry said. “I don’t have to deal with big-time punks.”
Everyone involved in the program recognizes the symbolism: the way the horses and the inmates are both penned up and how through the training process they rehabilitate one another. It was this aspect that appealed to Ryan Shorosky, a photographer who spent a week this spring documenting what he called “the beautiful parallel between the inmates and the horses, using each other to get to that next point.”
Wearing dusty Levi’s, work boots and hand-me-down chaps, the inmates clean stalls and repair gear. They water and feed the horses and undertake the slow process of earning a wild animal’s trust. It’s dirty, bruising work in blazing heat.
The men enjoy the sense of freedom, the fresh air and the camaraderie that develops among them and with the mustangs. “To take this horse that don’t want nothing to do with you and you get to a point where you can walk up, touch it, pet it, put a halter on it--it’s a pretty good feeling,” Mr. Harris said.
The Wild Horse Program at the prison isn’t unique. There are programs like it in Arizona, Colorado, California, Kansas and Wyoming. It’s one of the ways the Bureau of Land Management is dealing with a population of mustangs and wild burros in the Western states that, after the 2017 foal crop, could be as high as 86,000.
That is more than three times what the bureau deems a sustainable level, said Jenny Lesieutre, who, as the Wild Horse and Burro Public Affairs Specialist for the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada, oversees the program at the ranch.
The inmates’ work culminates every four months with an adoption day for the public. The inmates put on a big rodeo intro, waving flags and riding around a roofed arena, showing off to the bidders in the bleachers their horses and, by extension, their equestrian skills. They have a competition as to whose horse will fetch the most money ($15,000 is the record).
“There’s a lot of guys, they wish they could adopt out a horse themselves, because they’ve got that bond with them,” said Mr. Harris, who, when we spoke by phone, had 17 days to go before being released.
He takes a different view. “Me, personally, I just like seeing them getting adopted out,” he said. “I look at them like us: I helped the horse become a better person so he can make parole.”
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
How to Sell Produce to Restaurants: 11 Tips for Modern Farmers
Knowing how to sell produce to restaurants is another part of farming, says Wendy Baroli. “If you’re in the business of farming, you also have to be in the business of marketing. And that’s what a lot of farmers are really bad at.”
Wendy is owner at The Farmer’s Table at Girlfarm. She, along with farmers like Craig Frezzette of City Green Gardens, comprise a network of individuals driving northern Nevada’s local food movement. Whether they have Wendy’s acreage, or less than an acre like Craig’s farm, they have one goal: grow and sell to chefs within the area.
And the chefs want their products. Fine establishments such as Washoe Public House and 4th St. Bistro offer seasonal menus rotating around what is available locally. Diners want handcrafted creations that may have been picked from a garden just that morning. Operating within the locally sourced model — bringing in products … slicing and cooking … and serving it under high standards — requires that farmers amplify business tactics before jumping into the circuit.
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Have a Business Plan
Craig and his wife had gardened for 20 years, but going commercial required learning how to sell produce before competing within the market. They hit the internet and made a plan.
“I’ve watched small farmers. 10 new farms pop up … two or three years later, they’re not there. It’s more than just enthusiasm. You need to have a plan, even if it’s a small plan,” relates Wendy.
Do Market Research
“You have to be super nimble.” Wendy says, “Shishito peppers were the hottest thing on the market, but next year it might be those little piquillo peppers. Know where to get the seed and know what your chef’s market is.” Wendy picks up magazines and reads food blogs to get a head start on trends before growing bell peppers that might not sell well.
Craig added, “Kale was huge in early 2000s … and now it’s cauliflower. All different colors of it … purple, yellow, and orange.”
Salad at 4th St. Bistro with City Green Garden’s baby kale. Photo credit: 4th St. Bistro
Have Standards and Be Professional
In the “what not to do” category of how to sell produce, the chefs supply quick answers.
“The product needs to be presentable,” says Natalie Sellers, chef and co-owner at 4th St. Bistro, “not just ripped out of the ground with clods of dirt on them. That’s happened. But it doesn’t need to be triple-washed … I can prep them. But understand that they need to take pride in their product.”
Craig confirmed, “We pride ourselves on a high-quality product because the restaurants I sell to are on the higher end of the scale, so what I sell has to reach certain requirements. It’s much better quality than what you can buy from distributors.”
“It helps if you’re certified in what you’re doing,” says Brett Moseley, chef and owner at Washoe Public House. He explains that, if a farmer raising beef cattle sells to a local meat packing plant with USDA approval, the chef doesn’t have to worry about any of that. He recommends researching USDA certification. “My buddy can’t just bring out a flat of produce that he grew in his backyard.”
Know Your Product
Is it organic? Choice or prime? And are you charging a price that also allows the chefs to make a profit?
Natalie says, “I have farmers come and they don’t know what to charge, if they are going to sell it by the pound or by the bunch, prices at the store, what it costs to grow … certified organic or not? Do you use pesticides? These are all things that I ask them. And, ‘Why should I buy something from you?’”
Many of the higher-end restaurants only buy certified organic.
“I approached the first restaurant, 4th St. Bistro,” relates Craig, “with the knowledge that she only bought organic. I went through the process of becoming certified, strictly so I could sell to people like Natalie.” He adds, “Some restaurants really don’t care if you’re organic or not. And some do.” Once you show that you can use these organic methods, you can establish a certain trust.
Also, says Natalie, “Look on the internet to see what things are going to cost.”
Craig Frezzette with a superior head of lettuce. Photo credit: City Green Gardens
Hit the Pavement
Brett tells farmers to just get out there and start selling. “I think the biggest thing is to find those restaurants that would be willing to purchase from them beforehand. But there is also a market of just showing up at a restaurant.” Farmers will show up with extra melons, or make calls stating they have more produce, and Brett always says yes. “Not all restaurants are going to say yes when you walk in the door with a bunch of produce.”
That was how Craig began. “It started with a lettuce mix. Because I figured that every restaurant serves a salad. I sent Natalie an email and she said, ‘Sure, I’m interested.’ I said I would bring her a sample and she said bring it to the back door. Then I had enough lettuce to make a regular delivery.”
“You need to know the menu before you walk in to introduce yourselves,” warns Wendy. “Farmers say, ‘You know, I can’t sell anything.’ But part of building a relationship is knowing the menu.”
Respect Their Time
“Sometimes I’m busy and I can’t react to them in the way that they think I should,” says Natalie regarding that moment a farmer walks in with fresh produce. “They’re busy and so am I.”
Natalie recommends having a sales pitch ready. Brett recommends arriving with an invoice in hand.
And Wendy reminds farmers that chefs, “…Are menu planners, nutritionists. When you come in as a farmer, recognize those different hats so you’re speaking their language and they understand that you care about their business, as well.”
… And Yours
That invoice? For six years, Craig used hand-written carbonless slips purchased at office supply stores. When he discovered software that invoiced for him, he was amazed at the hours he saved. “I was spreading myself too thin by doing everything. Write down all of the tasks you are doing and see if there’s a way you can divide that out or make it more efficient.”
Because of time management, Craig only sells to a few restaurants within a three-mile radius of his farm. He will get requests from Carson City, 30+ miles away, and turn them down because travel would undercut his profits and result in substandard produce. He also used to run a CSA but gave that up because it was too labor-intensive. When he focused on how to sell produce to chefs, business took an upswing.
“Value your time,” says Wendy. “You wear many hats, too. When you figure out if you’re making money, are you legitimately counting your time for what it costs?”
But also, be available. Brett says, “I could plan all my produce ordering at the beginning of the week, but then I book an event I wasn’t planning on.” Farmers get the sale when their products are easy to order.
Farmer, Wendy Baroli, on her acreage. Photo credit: Girlfarm
Streamline the Modern Way
“Organization is super important,” says Wendy. “There are lots of resources available. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars to set up your website to sell your product.”
At Girlfarm, Wendy puts all her available products online so chefs like Brett and Natalie can order without hassle.
“The older farmers are either afraid of the technology or the new, young farmers are so caught up in the technology that they overdo it.” Wendy says, “Everything should be simple and streamlined. So, when you make a relationship with any of your customers, make it easy because their lives are jammed all the time.” Wendy says that farmers that can use modern technology, even just a smartphone, and use an app to send an invoice and it’s all integrated.
Be Consistent
Once you have that account and you’ve mastered how to sell produce to those chefs, don’t waiver.
“If you have a product one week, and the next you’re out, that is going to put sour grapes in their mind,” says Craig, “It’s easier for chefs to shop where they can get products consistently. He also says, “Don’t go in with a list of things that you think you can grow, and it turns out you can’t.”
Part of consistency is choosing products that are easy to grow and can be done well. For Wendy, that product is flat-leaf Italian parsley. It grows in a broad range of temperatures, is easy to pick, and easy to send out samples. “Pick something inexpensive that you know you can do 100 percent every single time.”
When learning how to sell produce, keep in mind that establishing standing orders and weekly drops also helps streamline business because customers only need to call if they don’t need more of your product.
Have Multiple Markets
Craig warns that things may change. “These chefs come and go. I might have a chef that I’m working with, who is wonderful, and the next day they change chefs. You are at the mercy of the chef or the restaurant owner. That’s just part of the market.”
Wendy experienced that firsthand when she profitably sold Berkshire pork to a local chef who runs several restaurants … and then another farmer offered it $3/lb. lower. It wasn’t the chef’s fault; he had to run his business. “But don’t put all the eggs in one basket. Have multiple accounts. Have direct buy, do farmers markets, have three or four restaurant accounts.” Those things keep her financially stable.
Also, she says, you can’t be everything to everybody. She will never grow bushels of carrots for pickling but she can sell bunches of different colored carrots to the specialty market.
Nurture Relationships
Though markets and trends change, all four professionals emphasize that building a relationship with the chef is crucial when learning how to sell produce to local venues. Natalie, who works with perhaps three farmers in the winter and 10 or more in the summer, states that farmers need to let her know what they have, and at what prices, so she can respond. Emails, texts, smartphone apps, and online networks allow that to happen during times when the farmer may not be out working the farm. “I order food online. I also order through DROPP (Distributors of Regional, Organic Produce and Products) through the co-op from various farmers. There are different ways that people can go about doing that.”
Craig recalls that when he first started out, he consulted with a farming couple that pioneered the area’s local food industry. “One of the tips they gave me was … when you go in, make conversation with the chefs. That’s how you find out what they want.”
Research trends and how to sell produce to chefs … streamline to make it easy for both of you … make that contact … then be consistent.  One or two accounts will grow into a flourishing business that benefits both parties.
  How to Sell Produce to Restaurants: 11 Tips for Modern Farmers was originally posted by All About Chickens
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newestbalance · 6 years
In age of Trump, evangelicals back self-styled top U.S. pimp
PAHRUMP, Nev. (Reuters) – He styles himself as America’s best-known pimp, a strip-club owner who runs multiple brothels and looks set to win a seat as a Republican in the Nevada legislature with the blessing of many conservative Christian voters.
Dennis Hof, a legal brothel owner and recent winner of the Republican primary election for Nevada State Assembly District 36, gets a kiss from Misty Matrix, his girlfriend and a legal prostitute, at his Moonlite BunnyRanch legal brothel in Mound House, Nevada, U.S. June 16, 2018. Picture taken June 16, 2018. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
Meet Dennis Hof, whose political rise reflects fundamental changes in electoral norms that have roiled the Republican Party and upended American politics during the era of President Donald Trump.
“This really is the Trump movement,” Hof, 71, told Reuters in an interview at Moonlite BunnyRanch, his brothel near Carson City in northern Nevada that was featured on the HBO reality television series “Cathouse.”
“People will set aside for a moment their moral beliefs, their religious beliefs, to get somebody that is honest in office,” he said. “Trump is the trailblazer, he is the Christopher Columbus of honest politics.”
When news broke that Hof had won the nominating contest for a state Assembly seat on June 12, evangelical pastor Victor Fuentes said he closed his eyes and prayed.
He did not ask God to deliver Nevada and the Republican Party from Hof, the thrice-divorced author of “The Art of the Pimp” who campaigned as the “Trump of Pahrump.” Although Christian groups have long rallied against the state’s legal brothel industry, Fuentes was willing to overlook Hof’s history as a champion of the flesh trade and gave thanks for his victory.
“People want to know how an evangelical can support a self-proclaimed pimp,” Fuentes said in an interview at his home in Pahrump, an unincorporated town of 36,000 people that is the largest community in the sprawling, rural district where Hof is favored to win in November’s general election.
He said the reason was simple. “We have politicians, they might speak good words, not sleep with prostitutes, be a good neighbor. But by their decisions, they have evil in their heart. Dennis Hof is not like that.”
The pastor said he felt Hof would protect religious rights, among other things.
In Hof’s Republican-leaning district, seven evangelicals said they voted for him because they believed that he, who like Trump is a wealthy businessman and political outsider, would also clean up politics and not be beholden to special-interest groups and their money.
“I’m kind of rich, I’m kind of famous, and I’m surrounded by hot chicks. I don’t give a damn what anybody says about me,” Hof said.
The source of Hof’s wealth – he owns a strip club and five legal brothels – did not deter his supporters.
Legal brothel owner Dennis Hof (second right), who recently won the Republican primary election for Nevada State Assembly District 36, talks with political advisor Chuck Muth (R) during a birthday party for his campaign manager in Mound House, Nevada, U.S. June 16, 2018. Picture taken June 16, 2018. Legal prostitute Chantel Baby is at left. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
Nor did the allegations by several women that Hof sexually abused them. Hof denied the accusations, including a former sex worker’s claim that he raped and choked her several years ago, and the voters interviewed by Reuters dismissed them as lies.
Hof was reluctant to discuss his own Christian faith.
“I don’t share my beliefs with the public,” he said. “I don’t feel the need to go to church on a regular basis.”
For decades, evangelical voters have been a pillar of the Republican Party in the United States, using grassroots muscle to turn out votes and engage in political battles over hot-button social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.
But in recent years, many conservative Christians have lost trust in establishment Republicans, whom they accuse of not fighting for values they feel are under attack in modern America.
For them, Trump symbolizes a new breed of politician who is willing to upend long-held political norms — a quality they say outweighs any real or perceived moral flaws.
“It’s more important for evangelical voters that Trump is fighting for an idealized, white Christian, conservative America,” said Dan Cox, research director at the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan organization that researches the intersection of religion, culture and public policy. “Tribal values now supersede personal morality as an animating force.”
Convinced Trump would go to bat for them, a majority of evangelicals looked past the Republican’s two divorces and allegations of marital infidelity to provide him key votes in the 2016 presidential election.
Their support remains robust: 71 percent of white evangelical voters said they approved of Trump’s job performance, according to the nationwide Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted online from June 1-18, compared with 43 percent of U.S. registered voters overall.
Slideshow (26 Images)
Hof beat a three-term incumbent legislator even as party activists pushed to get Hof’s legal brothels shut down. Voters in Lyon County, where he operates four of his brothels, will be asked in November if they want the businesses closed.
Brothels have been permitted in parts of Nevada since the 1800s and were first licensed in the 1970s. They are not permitted in highly populated areas, including the counties containing the cities of Las Vegas and Reno.
Voter Debbie Thomas said she signed the petition to shutter brothels but also backed Hof, who campaigned on issues including repealing Nevada’s commerce tax, protecting gun rights, improving education and protecting residents’ water rights against the federal government.
Hof has gotten a mixed reception from Republican leaders. The chairman of the state party said it welcomed “fiscal conservatives” such as Hof. But Brian Sandoval, Nevada’s Republican governor, Dean Heller, the state’s vulnerable Republican U.S. senator up for re-election this autumn, and much of the party establishment have not endorsed him.
No matter, said Hof. He credits Trump as the torchbearer for a new era of Republican, eager to embrace the support of the religious right, eschew the establishment and break the mold of a traditional candidate.
Trump has not weighed in on the race. But Hof held a rally with former Trump adviser Roger Stone and said he would not be in a position to win the district without the president’s transformation of the party.
Some conservative Christian voters, however, were quick to note that their affinity for Trump did not extend to Hof.
Paul Goulet, a pastor who leads the International Church of Las Vegas, a megachurch, said he was disappointed the brothel owner had earned a spot on the general election ballot.
“For me, it goes back to faith and values,” Goulet said in a telephone interview. “Hof has a profession making money out of young women who sell their bodies for sexual favors. It’s demeaning to women. I can’t wrap my brain around supporting someone who does that.”
Others were willing to set aside the morality test of the past to back Hof.
Robert Thomas, a retired prosecutor and evangelical who along with his wife, Debbie, voted for Hof, said Hof’s brothels “bother me a lot” but that he was willing to overlook them.
“Dennis Hof seems to me to be a man of his word and he does what he says,” Thomas said.
Reporting by Tim Reid; Editing by Colleen Jenkins and Peter Cooney
The post In age of Trump, evangelicals back self-styled top U.S. pimp appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2MPOh4H via Everyday News
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
In age of Trump, evangelicals back self-styled top U.S. pimp
PAHRUMP, Nev. (Reuters) – He styles himself as America’s best-known pimp, a strip-club owner who runs multiple brothels and looks set to win a seat as a Republican in the Nevada legislature with the blessing of many conservative Christian voters.
Dennis Hof, a legal brothel owner and recent winner of the Republican primary election for Nevada State Assembly District 36, gets a kiss from Misty Matrix, his girlfriend and a legal prostitute, at his Moonlite BunnyRanch legal brothel in Mound House, Nevada, U.S. June 16, 2018. Picture taken June 16, 2018. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
Meet Dennis Hof, whose political rise reflects fundamental changes in electoral norms that have roiled the Republican Party and upended American politics during the era of President Donald Trump.
“This really is the Trump movement,” Hof, 71, told Reuters in an interview at Moonlite BunnyRanch, his brothel near Carson City in northern Nevada that was featured on the HBO reality television series “Cathouse.”
“People will set aside for a moment their moral beliefs, their religious beliefs, to get somebody that is honest in office,” he said. “Trump is the trailblazer, he is the Christopher Columbus of honest politics.”
When news broke that Hof had won the nominating contest for a state Assembly seat on June 12, evangelical pastor Victor Fuentes said he closed his eyes and prayed.
He did not ask God to deliver Nevada and the Republican Party from Hof, the thrice-divorced author of “The Art of the Pimp” who campaigned as the “Trump of Pahrump.” Although Christian groups have long rallied against the state’s legal brothel industry, Fuentes was willing to overlook Hof’s history as a champion of the flesh trade and gave thanks for his victory.
“People want to know how an evangelical can support a self-proclaimed pimp,” Fuentes said in an interview at his home in Pahrump, an unincorporated town of 36,000 people that is the largest community in the sprawling, rural district where Hof is favored to win in November’s general election.
He said the reason was simple. “We have politicians, they might speak good words, not sleep with prostitutes, be a good neighbor. But by their decisions, they have evil in their heart. Dennis Hof is not like that.”
The pastor said he felt Hof would protect religious rights, among other things.
In Hof’s Republican-leaning district, seven evangelicals said they voted for him because they believed that he, who like Trump is a wealthy businessman and political outsider, would also clean up politics and not be beholden to special-interest groups and their money.
“I’m kind of rich, I’m kind of famous, and I’m surrounded by hot chicks. I don’t give a damn what anybody says about me,” Hof said.
The source of Hof’s wealth – he owns a strip club and five legal brothels – did not deter his supporters.
Legal brothel owner Dennis Hof (second right), who recently won the Republican primary election for Nevada State Assembly District 36, talks with political advisor Chuck Muth (R) during a birthday party for his campaign manager in Mound House, Nevada, U.S. June 16, 2018. Picture taken June 16, 2018. Legal prostitute Chantel Baby is at left. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
Nor did the allegations by several women that Hof sexually abused them. Hof denied the accusations, including a former sex worker’s claim that he raped and choked her several years ago, and the voters interviewed by Reuters dismissed them as lies.
Hof was reluctant to discuss his own Christian faith.
“I don’t share my beliefs with the public,” he said. “I don’t feel the need to go to church on a regular basis.”
For decades, evangelical voters have been a pillar of the Republican Party in the United States, using grassroots muscle to turn out votes and engage in political battles over hot-button social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.
But in recent years, many conservative Christians have lost trust in establishment Republicans, whom they accuse of not fighting for values they feel are under attack in modern America.
For them, Trump symbolizes a new breed of politician who is willing to upend long-held political norms — a quality they say outweighs any real or perceived moral flaws.
“It’s more important for evangelical voters that Trump is fighting for an idealized, white Christian, conservative America,” said Dan Cox, research director at the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan organization that researches the intersection of religion, culture and public policy. “Tribal values now supersede personal morality as an animating force.”
Convinced Trump would go to bat for them, a majority of evangelicals looked past the Republican’s two divorces and allegations of marital infidelity to provide him key votes in the 2016 presidential election.
Their support remains robust: 71 percent of white evangelical voters said they approved of Trump’s job performance, according to the nationwide Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted online from June 1-18, compared with 43 percent of U.S. registered voters overall.
Slideshow (26 Images)
Hof beat a three-term incumbent legislator even as party activists pushed to get Hof’s legal brothels shut down. Voters in Lyon County, where he operates four of his brothels, will be asked in November if they want the businesses closed.
Brothels have been permitted in parts of Nevada since the 1800s and were first licensed in the 1970s. They are not permitted in highly populated areas, including the counties containing the cities of Las Vegas and Reno.
Voter Debbie Thomas said she signed the petition to shutter brothels but also backed Hof, who campaigned on issues including repealing Nevada’s commerce tax, protecting gun rights, improving education and protecting residents’ water rights against the federal government.
Hof has gotten a mixed reception from Republican leaders. The chairman of the state party said it welcomed “fiscal conservatives” such as Hof. But Brian Sandoval, Nevada’s Republican governor, Dean Heller, the state’s vulnerable Republican U.S. senator up for re-election this autumn, and much of the party establishment have not endorsed him.
No matter, said Hof. He credits Trump as the torchbearer for a new era of Republican, eager to embrace the support of the religious right, eschew the establishment and break the mold of a traditional candidate.
Trump has not weighed in on the race. But Hof held a rally with former Trump adviser Roger Stone and said he would not be in a position to win the district without the president’s transformation of the party.
Some conservative Christian voters, however, were quick to note that their affinity for Trump did not extend to Hof.
Paul Goulet, a pastor who leads the International Church of Las Vegas, a megachurch, said he was disappointed the brothel owner had earned a spot on the general election ballot.
“For me, it goes back to faith and values,” Goulet said in a telephone interview. “Hof has a profession making money out of young women who sell their bodies for sexual favors. It’s demeaning to women. I can’t wrap my brain around supporting someone who does that.”
Others were willing to set aside the morality test of the past to back Hof.
Robert Thomas, a retired prosecutor and evangelical who along with his wife, Debbie, voted for Hof, said Hof’s brothels “bother me a lot” but that he was willing to overlook them.
“Dennis Hof seems to me to be a man of his word and he does what he says,” Thomas said.
Reporting by Tim Reid; Editing by Colleen Jenkins and Peter Cooney
The post In age of Trump, evangelicals back self-styled top U.S. pimp appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2MPOh4H via News of World
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party-hard-or-die · 6 years
In age of Trump, evangelicals back self-styled top U.S. pimp
PAHRUMP, Nev. (Reuters) – He styles himself as America’s best-known pimp, a strip-club owner who runs multiple brothels and looks set to win a seat as a Republican in the Nevada legislature with the blessing of many conservative Christian voters.
Dennis Hof, a legal brothel owner and recent winner of the Republican primary election for Nevada State Assembly District 36, gets a kiss from Misty Matrix, his girlfriend and a legal prostitute, at his Moonlite BunnyRanch legal brothel in Mound House, Nevada, U.S. June 16, 2018. Picture taken June 16, 2018. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
Meet Dennis Hof, whose political rise reflects fundamental changes in electoral norms that have roiled the Republican Party and upended American politics during the era of President Donald Trump.
“This really is the Trump movement,” Hof, 71, told Reuters in an interview at Moonlite BunnyRanch, his brothel near Carson City in northern Nevada that was featured on the HBO reality television series “Cathouse.”
“People will set aside for a moment their moral beliefs, their religious beliefs, to get somebody that is honest in office,” he said. “Trump is the trailblazer, he is the Christopher Columbus of honest politics.”
When news broke that Hof had won the nominating contest for a state Assembly seat on June 12, evangelical pastor Victor Fuentes said he closed his eyes and prayed.
He did not ask God to deliver Nevada and the Republican Party from Hof, the thrice-divorced author of “The Art of the Pimp” who campaigned as the “Trump of Pahrump.” Although Christian groups have long rallied against the state’s legal brothel industry, Fuentes was willing to overlook Hof’s history as a champion of the flesh trade and gave thanks for his victory.
“People want to know how an evangelical can support a self-proclaimed pimp,” Fuentes said in an interview at his home in Pahrump, an unincorporated town of 36,000 people that is the largest community in the sprawling, rural district where Hof is favored to win in November’s general election.
He said the reason was simple. “We have politicians, they might speak good words, not sleep with prostitutes, be a good neighbor. But by their decisions, they have evil in their heart. Dennis Hof is not like that.”
The pastor said he felt Hof would protect religious rights, among other things.
In Hof’s Republican-leaning district, seven evangelicals said they voted for him because they believed that he, who like Trump is a wealthy businessman and political outsider, would also clean up politics and not be beholden to special-interest groups and their money.
“I’m kind of rich, I’m kind of famous, and I’m surrounded by hot chicks. I don’t give a damn what anybody says about me,” Hof said.
The source of Hof’s wealth – he owns a strip club and five legal brothels – did not deter his supporters.
Legal brothel owner Dennis Hof (second right), who recently won the Republican primary election for Nevada State Assembly District 36, talks with political advisor Chuck Muth (R) during a birthday party for his campaign manager in Mound House, Nevada, U.S. June 16, 2018. Picture taken June 16, 2018. Legal prostitute Chantel Baby is at left. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
Nor did the allegations by several women that Hof sexually abused them. Hof denied the accusations, including a former sex worker’s claim that he raped and choked her several years ago, and the voters interviewed by Reuters dismissed them as lies.
Hof was reluctant to discuss his own Christian faith.
“I don’t share my beliefs with the public,” he said. “I don’t feel the need to go to church on a regular basis.”
For decades, evangelical voters have been a pillar of the Republican Party in the United States, using grassroots muscle to turn out votes and engage in political battles over hot-button social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.
But in recent years, many conservative Christians have lost trust in establishment Republicans, whom they accuse of not fighting for values they feel are under attack in modern America.
For them, Trump symbolizes a new breed of politician who is willing to upend long-held political norms — a quality they say outweighs any real or perceived moral flaws.
“It’s more important for evangelical voters that Trump is fighting for an idealized, white Christian, conservative America,” said Dan Cox, research director at the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan organization that researches the intersection of religion, culture and public policy. “Tribal values now supersede personal morality as an animating force.”
Convinced Trump would go to bat for them, a majority of evangelicals looked past the Republican’s two divorces and allegations of marital infidelity to provide him key votes in the 2016 presidential election.
Their support remains robust: 71 percent of white evangelical voters said they approved of Trump’s job performance, according to the nationwide Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted online from June 1-18, compared with 43 percent of U.S. registered voters overall.
Slideshow (26 Images)
Hof beat a three-term incumbent legislator even as party activists pushed to get Hof’s legal brothels shut down. Voters in Lyon County, where he operates four of his brothels, will be asked in November if they want the businesses closed.
Brothels have been permitted in parts of Nevada since the 1800s and were first licensed in the 1970s. They are not permitted in highly populated areas, including the counties containing the cities of Las Vegas and Reno.
Voter Debbie Thomas said she signed the petition to shutter brothels but also backed Hof, who campaigned on issues including repealing Nevada’s commerce tax, protecting gun rights, improving education and protecting residents’ water rights against the federal government.
Hof has gotten a mixed reception from Republican leaders. The chairman of the state party said it welcomed “fiscal conservatives” such as Hof. But Brian Sandoval, Nevada’s Republican governor, Dean Heller, the state’s vulnerable Republican U.S. senator up for re-election this autumn, and much of the party establishment have not endorsed him.
No matter, said Hof. He credits Trump as the torchbearer for a new era of Republican, eager to embrace the support of the religious right, eschew the establishment and break the mold of a traditional candidate.
Trump has not weighed in on the race. But Hof held a rally with former Trump adviser Roger Stone and said he would not be in a position to win the district without the president’s transformation of the party.
Some conservative Christian voters, however, were quick to note that their affinity for Trump did not extend to Hof.
Paul Goulet, a pastor who leads the International Church of Las Vegas, a megachurch, said he was disappointed the brothel owner had earned a spot on the general election ballot.
“For me, it goes back to faith and values,” Goulet said in a telephone interview. “Hof has a profession making money out of young women who sell their bodies for sexual favors. It’s demeaning to women. I can’t wrap my brain around supporting someone who does that.”
Others were willing to set aside the morality test of the past to back Hof.
Robert Thomas, a retired prosecutor and evangelical who along with his wife, Debbie, voted for Hof, said Hof’s brothels “bother me a lot” but that he was willing to overlook them.
“Dennis Hof seems to me to be a man of his word and he does what he says,” Thomas said.
Reporting by Tim Reid; Editing by Colleen Jenkins and Peter Cooney
The post In age of Trump, evangelicals back self-styled top U.S. pimp appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2MPOh4H via Breaking News
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Psychic in Carson City NV 89713
  The following article goes into detail about psychic in Carson City Nevada 89713 After conducting psychic readings, numerology readings and tarot card readings for over 20 years now, I have gained a definite perspective not only as an advisor but as a client. As a client, I have been able to see exactly how psychics who are not real work their magic. After getting a psychic reading from dozens of so-called psychic advisors, you may find yourself intoxicated by the things that the psychic tells you. If it sounds too good to be true, most likely it is. You have to understand the origins and purpose of psychic networks. Their job is to make lots of money, not to help you. Granted, there are real psychics who are gifted and working on psychic network lines, but I have found that most of the people working as psychic advisors period, are not real at all. I'm sure you have heard by now that many fake psychics use scripts and certain formats in conducting their psychic readings, but for the most part, it's really simple what they tell you that gets you hooked. For example, if after getting a psychic reading, you find yourself feeling intoxicated almost, then they have done their job superbly. To be told that the one you love, loves you and that you will marry them and be together for the rest of your life is intoxicating. They give you hope that keeps you calling and calling until after you see that you have been lied to, you begin to face reality and the truth sinks in, you now realize that what they said was not true when they said it nor will it ever turn out to be true. You will find yourself hurt and disillusioned beyond the ordinary disillusionment experienced from your own life's complications. You may even find yourself broke or in debt. It's unconscionable that people could prey on others' vulnerabilities and pain in this way. But that is exactly what they do. And in the end, there is only more pain. And the inevitable distrust of psychics. It's this "fake" paradigm, which has its roots in the first elemental phone psychic networks, that dominates the public's perception and legitimate scrutiny is reasonable. But real psychics around the globe are out there and you should make it your business to find a foolproof way of determining who is real and who is not until such time as this paradigm is changed to ensure that your advisor is authentic by virtue of their credentials as it is for any professional practitioner.
Now you may frequent sites where the advisor is given feedback after your call. This is a good thing but, it is not foolproof. I have seen fake psychics who will have almost perfectly glowing feedback that goes on and on for pages. Perfect! You may wonder why this occurs. Simple. After you hear exactly what you want to hear or want to believe verified, well, this is where that intoxication comes in, you tend to reflect your glorious feelings with equally glowing feedback! But when things don't happen the way were told, you never come back. So, others following in your footsteps will call this advisor because "they too want to believe." Another thing to watch out for is fake feedback. This is also a tactic used by fakes to fool you. On sites where feedback is left, an authentic psychic advisor has to have a very high level of integrity in order to be comfortable telling the truth despite the fact of what the client wants to hear. If the psychic does not tell them what they want to hear in a reading, the client may leave very bad comments and a bad rating. It's the price you pay for being real. In my experience when I tell a client something they didn't want to hear, for the most part, they don't leave any comments. The fact is, they will most likely go find another psychic who will reflect their own feelings about the situation. A reading can be truthful and uplifting without bringing the client down but you have to ready to hear the truth. So how do you know who is real and who is not based on feedback! That is not to say that an authentic psychic is not going to have great feedback. They do, but sometimes they will be the ones to receive bad ratings and feedback mixed in with the good. Life is all about taking the good with the bad. Honestly, it's very hard to tell. The proof is really in the reading and outcomes and developing a relationship with a few trusted advisors who have been able to connect with you and your energy and have proven that their insights and predictions have been accurate for you. But, just remember, if it sounds unbelievably good, it probably is not really true and the psychic is not real and only setting up a line to take your money and setting you up for emotional failure. So be careful of perfect feedback. It's really not always an accurate gauge of the psychic advisors true abilities; except of course their ability to fleece you out of your dollars. Of course, really consistently bad feedback is a good indication that the advisor is probably just very bad and should think about going into another line of work.
Another point, you need to understand that even if you are speaking with a gifted, authentic psychic, you and that particular psychic may not connect that well. That is different from the psychic being fake. There a many reasons why a particular psychic may not connect with you. They may not be rested and ready to take calls, or you may not be relaxed and ready to receive truthful information or in some other way blocking the flow of what is being channeled thereby skewing the information on either side. Psychic readings are not an exact science. Intuition is relied upon to conduct an accurate psychic reading for a client. The reading goes much better when both the psychic advisor and client are relaxed and ready to receive. I personally find it difficult to connect with a client who wants to hear a certain thing. I have experienced many times my client trying to guide the reading. So see your authentic psychic advisor as someone who wants to help you and be ready to assist in the flow of information. To spot a fake psychic is not impossible, but if there was a way to quantify the statistic of fakes out there, I would be willing to bet that most (due in large part to large networks hiring script readers) are not real. Unfortunate, but through observation and experience, I feel this to be true. One of the Oldest Tricks in the Book. First Warning Sign That You Have Got a Fake! One of the oldest tricks in the book and something which continues to surprise me because people are continually taken in is when a psychic tells you someone has put a curse on you or there is a negative block on you which only they can remove for some exorbitant price, HANG UP! Say goodbye, because this person could not care less about you or your problems. Psychic parlors are notorious for this kind of activity. It is not for real, the curse nor the psychic. I have always believed that having a good doctor, a good mechanic and a good psychic are all professionals that are worth taking the time to assess their skill, experience and credentials to see if they are the one for you. There is nothing more satisfying than actually making a positive difference in someone's life and their continued use of your service over many years. A walking, talking testimonial is very gratifying for this psychic advisor.
Article Source Here: Psychic in Carson City NV 89713
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handelinlawltd · 6 years
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handelinlawltd · 5 years
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When you need a lawyer to help you with a matter of family law you are more than likely going to be emotionally stressed by the situation you are in. Do not allow your emotions to cloud your judgment. Research the law firms in your area and consider your options carefully.
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handelinlawltd · 5 years
Estate planning is an important process, where you will be legally documenting your assets and property sharing decisions. Your 'Will' will be legally executed by your attorney after your death. A proper estate plan may help in reducing the taxes and other acquisition expenses after one passes away.
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handelinlawltd · 5 years
Business law covers all aspects of a trade from the registration of business to hiring employees and selling goods across the globe. A business may need a lawyer to help with the relevant terms of agreement and sales and present them to the other parties.
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handelinlawltd · 5 years
Benefits of Estate Planning
Estate planning is an important process, where you will be legally documenting your assets and property sharing decisions. Your 'Will' will be legally executed by your attorney after your death. It helps you resolve your worries regarding your assets, and it gives you the peace of mind in the golden period of your life, after retirement.
There is no individual on this planet who can predict death, as it is something that is not really in our hands. In the first place, it may seem less important for small estate owners. However, it is still important to secure your estate, whether you are a landlord or an intellectual property owner.
The firm or individual who is going to plan your estate should be qualified and knowledgeable, and they should have the track record of professional experience in the field. Probably it is the most critical aspect of estate planning. The failure in planning may give rise to legal problems, and your actual beneficiary may not be able to acquire the estate. The declaration of property sharing should be clear and specific.
While choosing a financial advisory firm, make sure that they clearly understand your planning needs. They should also have tax professionals in their team, to advise you on the possibilities of minimizing the payable tax amount by your beneficiaries.
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