#Will Bundon
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Bundon (Genesis Form), Dumbix, and Yunbia
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Elbistan Tarihi
Elbistan Şehri Nerededir?
Elbistan etrafı yüksek dağlar ile çevrilidir. Ceyhan nehri ise elbistan şehrine ayrı bir güzellik katmaktadır. Deniz seviyesin yüksek ve kırsal iklim şartlarına sahib olan bir yerleşim alanıdır. Elbistan türkiyenin 4.cü büyük ovasıdır; Geniş arazi ve bereketli toprağa sahiptir. Tarih boyuncada medeniyet ve kavimlerin yerleşim için sahip olacakları en ideal merkez olmuştur. Elbistan'a hükmetmek doğu, batı, kuzey ve güneye hükmek gibidir. Bundon dolayı tarihte elbistan ovası savaş alanı olarak ve farklı medeniyetlerin sahip olmak için yağmalayıp, yakıp yıktığı bir şehirdir. Elbistan'da günümüze kadar gelen tarihi eser çok azdır ve tarih önceside şehir yerle bir olup battığı için yaşayan medeniyetlerin eserleri bulunmamaktadır. Höyükler ve tümülüsler vardır. Elbistan şehrini en yakın tarih olarak anlatan ve en büyük savaşı yaşayan sultan baybars ve moğollar ile yapılan savaştır.
Elbistan'da Yaşayan Medeniyetler ve Elbistan Tarihi
Türk Tarih Kurumu tarafından bölgede 1948 yılında yapılan kazılarda çıkan tarihi değerler göstermiştir ki, Elbistan'ın tarihi M.Ö.4000'lere kadar uzanmaktadır. Bölge sırasıyla Hititler, Akadlar, Sümerler, Asuriler, Persler, Makedonyalılar, Romalılar, Bizanslılar, Araplar, Selçuklular, Memlüklüler, Moğollar, Dulkadirliler(Dulkadiroğulları), Osmanlılar hakimiyetlerini sürdürmüşlerdir. Ayrıca Elbistan ovasının Orta ve Batı Anadolu'nun geçiş alanı olması sebebiyle birçok orduların güzergâhı haline gelmiştir. Bu durum bölgenin yıkımının fazlalaşmasına sebep olmuştur.
Hititler, Elbistan Ovasında kurduğu muhteşem şehirlerin harabelerine Hüyükler (Höyük), Timilüsler ve Menhirler(mezarlar) olarak şahit olmaktayız. Bu yerlerde yapılan kazı çalışmaları Elbistan ve çevresinin Hitit tarihinde önemli bir yeri olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. M.Ö. dönemlere ait en büyük eser bırakanların başında Makedonyalılar ve Romalılar gelmektedir. Daha sonra Doğu Roma (Bizans) dediğimiz devletin hegemonyası sürmüştür. Yine bu dönemlerde bugünkü Elbistan'ın kuzeyinde eski Karaelbistan ile Hasankendi köyleri arasındaki düzlükte kurulu olan Elbistan, M.S. 587 ve 27 Kasım 1114 yıllarında birbirinden şiddetli depremlerle tamamen yıkılmıştır. Bunun sonucu halk yeni yerleşme alanı olarak bugünkü Şardağı eteklerini seçmiştir.
İslam Uygarlıkları döneminde de, Elbistan Arapların çok sayıda istilalarına maruz kalmıştır. Elbistan'ın etrafı 3000 metreye varan yüksek dağlarla çevrili olması ve her taraftan geçilmezi gayet zor olan derin, uzun geçitler ve boğazlarla kapalı bulunması, burayı doğal bir kale özelliği oluşmasına sebep verdiğinden, aynı zamanda da birçok isyanların merkezi haline gelmiştir.
Daha sonra Orta Asya'dan ve Orta Doğudan gelen Türkmenlerin akınlarına maruz kalmıştır. (1018-1029) Elbistan, Bizanslılar ile Türkler arasında birçok büyük savaşlara sahne olmuştur. 1085 Yılında bu yöreye gelen Emir Buldacı komutasında ki Türk ve Müslüman birlikler, bölgeyi ele geçirmişlerdir. Birinci Haçlı seferi sırasında 1097 yılında Elbistan'a gelen Pierre D'aulps (Piyer Dalpus) isimli şövalyenin komutasındaki Haçlı ordusunun eline geçmiştir. Bu nedenledir ki Haçlı kuvvetleri karşısında Anadolu Selçuklu, ve Danişmendlilerin ittifakı coğrafyada kendini gösterir. Elbistan bu üç kuvvet arasında sık sık el değiştirir. Haçlıların bölgeden gitmesinden sonra Danişmendli Yağıbasan ve Selçuklu II. Kılıç Arslan arasında defalarca el değiştirmiştir.
1201 'de Anadolu Selçuklu Devletinin Hükümdarı Süleyman Şah, kardeşi Mugiseddin Tuğrul Şah'ın elinden alarak doğrudan doğruya merkeze bağlı vilayet yapmıştır. Elbistan uzun süre Konya'dan gönderilen valiler tarafından yönetilmiştir. Bölgede cereyan eden en önemli olaylardan bir tanesi de Memluk Sultanı Malik al Zahir Baybars ile Moğullar arasında 15 Nisan 1277 yılında Kalfa çayırında yapılan savaştır. Moğullar Anadolu'da ilk kez ciddi bir yenilgi almışlardır. Bunun üzerine Moğollar başta Elbistan olmak üzere çok sayıda Müslüman Türkmeni kılıçtan geçirmişlerdir.
1337 yılında Haşan Dulkadır Bey'in oğlu Zeyneddin Ahmet Karaca Bey tarafından Dulkadır Beyliği kuruldu. Bu devlet 185 yıl hüküm sürdü. Elbistan bu devlete 130 yıl başkentlik yaptı. Osmanlı Padişahı Yavuz Sultan Selim döneminde Turnadağ Muharebesi (1515) ile Osmanlı İmparatorluğuna katıldı. 1522 yılında Maraş bölgesi, özel yönetiminden ayrılır, sancak haline gelir ve Elbistan da Maraş'ın kazası haline gelir. Evliya Çelebi'nin Seyahatnâme'sinde bölge hakkında bilgiler verir: "Bu dağlar ve beldelerde hep Türkmenler otururlar. Lisanları (kendileri gibi) Buhara illerinden gelmedir. Bütün Türkler on iki çeşit lisan üzere konuşurlar."
1864 tarihinde, (Abdülaziz döneminde) Halep Vilayeti kurulunca, Maraş kazaya dönüşürken, Elbistan ve köy çevresi eski önemini kaybetmiştir. 1871 yılında da Elbistan'da ilk kez belediye teşkilatı kurulmuştu. I. Dünya Savaşı'nda Osmanlı'nın Halep'i kaybetmesiyle, Halep Vilayeti'ne bağlılık sona ermişti.
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Pi Theatre offers a surprise in Untitled Peter Tripp Project
Pi Theatre, adds a touch of intrigue to its next production. Continuing its Provocateurs Series with the next presentation, Untitled Peter Tripp Project, running from Thursday, May 4 to Saturday, May 6 at a secret location which will be announced to Pi Theatre ticket holders days before the performance. Peter Tripp, a once-celebrated radio DJ, performed a publicity stunt in 1959 wherein he broadcast continuously for 201 hours from a glass booth in Times Square. This act was his undoing – he suffered psychological complications from prolonged sleep deprivation, and his increased fame made him a target for investigators who would indict him for commercial bribery in the “payola” scandal of 1960. “Tripp serves as an aspirational (and cautionary) figure in our current thinking around arts practice. We find rich territory in the metaphor of the radio broadcast – the host sends performative energy into literal thin air, not knowing whether it is being received by listeners. Exhaustion acts as a character in Tripp’s story, as the ever present wolf-at-the-door threatening to consume the performer while simultaneously motivating his gimmick.” Says co-creators Johanna Bundon, Jayden Pfeifer, and Lee Henderson.
Untitled Peter Tripp Project part of Pi Theatre's Provocateurs Series photo: Lee Henderson Untitled Peter Tripp Project is a physical and poetic interpretation of Tripp’s dilemma, created by artists Bundon, Pfeifer and Henderson, and performed by this trio along with artist Tess Degenstein. The work highlights the natural interdisciplinarity of performance by composing an atmosphere that activates space, breath, gesture, voice, light, and sound with equal importance. Endurance-based movement, improvisational and written text, image projection, radio frequency programming, and the fracturing/looping of sound recordings conjure hallucination, fugue states, and doppelgänger-paranoia. The work is imaginative and sensation-rich, and aspires to affect the collective nervous system of its audience through the performers’ embodiment of these heightened states of presence.
Stoic Trio ; Co-creators Bundon, Pfeifer and Henderson photo: Lee Henderson Audiences will encounter aspects of ‘Peter’ (or an imagined facsimile thereof) as they are variously inhabited and shed by the performers over the course of the piece. This multitudinous portrayal enacts the altered forms of consciousness that a sleep-deprived performer experiences. Narrative, in its broadest sense, is present, but steps aside to allow visual metaphor to lead the conversation. This ensemble of artists moves fluidly between the roles of performer and technician, activating the performance space for one another. They work in relay to create the images and performance actions, handing off the metaphorical baton to keep the momentum of both the technical aspects and performative actions. And, they enter the arena of Tripp’s myth to research their personal relationships to themes of exhaustion, public failure, and loneliness. Untitled Peter Tripp Project runs May 4-6, 2023 at 7:30pm (Matinee, May 6 at 2pm) at a Secret Location To Be Announced only to ticket holders. Tickets and details at pitheatre.com Read the full article
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hobbit names + english towns
Aboroury Acticast Alcold Aledigrint Alesdond Alestoneen Aleved Alstraung Anbury Anclesh Andasham Andins Andukin Andying Aplize Apstock Ardleigh Arrospens Asetted Assouse Aterton Atforn Athsey Attanks Balthaming Bandber Bannam Bareby Barenhon Bathancare Beboxet Beccley Becock Becupton Begnorn Belforon Belston Berthil Berwanham Bighbotne Bilborch Biling Billrotton Bilword Bitchroved Bittey Bittle Bobymouth Bodoney Boffor Borthich Bosearnar Bovend Bracks Bradle Bradleig Braham Brarnotte Brastert Braziong Bridevild Bridmosall Brielly Brimacull Bringue Briston Broaks Brouth Buckenches Buddunton Bundon Burcombove Burnbud Burned Burpar Burroe Burthourn Burydent Carlbor Carlow Caspet Castald Cehort Chadle Chalbage Chalington Chamerle Chamidstea Cheanth Chefor Chemoudoc Childa Chilize Chlecclo Choleye Chunksbuck Cington Cirforns Clendal Clesan Clestereld Cleston Clifna Clithra Colfortot Comexbra Corghtone Couthworth Cracle Crandover Craywated Crimand Crotend Dallydon Damdaugh Damger Deadenth Depord Dergod Dielweste Docklast Driddlan Driergan Dropelmon Dudhavere Dudled Dunmateree Durpenth Ealfook Elfield Eliatheled Ephadford Exbraorque Exhatter Extenderay Extread Fainsfospe Falton Fargon Farlbe Farrobury Fastreed Faxmuns Fazion Featen Feenham Ferledrow Fernand Fierkby Fivingtone Flamelitch Flihurnel Fongton Formanor Forpad Forpor Fortild Forton Fradighton Frienherd Frough Frougot Froury Fíridger Fírindworn Garnam Garrorby Garstes Gatermaled Gatess Gatterne Gelwyntins Gillive Gington Gleens Godorwick Goldisouts Gookidge Gordiching Gorthitim Grablably Grablay Graven Greare Grixstong Grooldon Grugodon Hadentured Hailigh Haloth Hamsgred Hamskidge Harleastby Havacton Havisceney Heactered Headasibe Hearner Heaterwild Hebray Heldrovend Hemage Henhamge Henishily Herham Heridge Heshild Hesteford Hettow Hilibexled Hindawley Hinston Hipstong Honibs Hoplebown Horduisaff Horlbe Houghtout Hunton Hyddle Ilymorton Ington Irforth Jarents Joldill Kamextree Kesbole Kidgeladd Kidsham Kinewstle Kinglaby Kirksway Knortigre Ladelichip Lalloge Laravend Latches Ledroolly Leenknot Lenhald Lethwich Letone Libegraved Lotanley Lownepword Loyddleir Luddley Mactild Madeelpeld Mandword Maredfaray Marton Mashborton Materfort Matleed Mayleigan Mayous Meling Merigh Midgwort Mincen Minfle Mington Mirnam Mirtham Moolmes Morotfough Mossiden Mottle Moushors Mudidmord Mulacken Myaling Nalneham Nasham Nesfive Newken Newley Nielto Ninger Nington Nordes Nording Northo Oakepoin Offord Okinsyston Olbuck Oleigaldor Olymand Ontenam Orkhamed Orterfork Oscess Ournbline Outter Paitch Paltre Parannow Pealved Peared Pelcoughaw Penhene Pingdond Polker Poonds Porned Portedney Portle Porton Preeved Priddlet Prided Pridge Prinsury Proplyth Puttley Randock Ransbring Rawere Rawles Readdleyed Reaffham Reatey Restotham Rimard Rockson Rodbagging Romfor Ronsiss Rothamge Rottla Roughamon Rownemad Rowstenck Royate Ruffin Rulatown Rungton Saffer Salouttion Sangdone Sankroe Santer Santseada Scoury Searton Shaing Shairk Shamlister Shertlon Shoram Sibarly Silmemouth Sisbors Sisset Sitell Songtout Sonsixhany Soughfatoc Southobb Speodoc Sporton Sposellon Sprugh Staston Steric Stesey Stleighlo Stognmodod Stonam Stonas Stongmanch Stonhel Stotters Stoutham Strondying Surnalven Swateent Swickley Tabory Tantion Taunmosey Telburn Tellymay Terford Terthy Tessetion Tewmarding Thartond Thbrorton Thelay Thergoddle Thodon Tickby Tilstaske Tolneed Tonerch Tongestony Tontafth Townhorkby Twidgen Tworle Ucklad Undons Untston Venlow Vernstay Vesbored Waforther Walcot Warden Wareek Warming Watteligg Weensce Welcham Welstr Wesford Wester Whearam Whexmosel Whield Whilke Whirthe Wichleyned Wichung Wideek Widelin Wimpton Wington Wirbard Wisburnham Wivenry Woretton Workeleded Worpeopley Worthydd Worton Wracat Wympstle Yatearater Yeacher Youdleed
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Antim Raas...
Chaand pukaar raha hai mujhe, ae galib, lagta hai raat ho gayi hai,
Aaj ki mehfil aakhiri hogi, tumhare baare mei jo baat ho gayi hai,
Chaandni hai, tanhaiyaan hai, ek badi sangmarmar ki deewar hai jaha,
Kehne ko choti hai parvat ki, mehfil vahi hai, mera ye parivaar hai jaha,
Ye jo ghaav hai na dil par, ye gehne hai mere, mujhe inhe ab aur nhi seena,
Koi aur aarzu nahi hai, ae humnafas mujhe tumhare bina ab aur nhi jeena,
Bhar bhar pyaale, madira ke, jee bhar kar aaj pii raha hu mei,
Ta-umr ghut-ghut kar jee lia bahut, aaj khul kar jee raha hu mei,
Chaand sunn raha hai, neel nabh pr kaale megh chaa gaye hai,
Dastaan shuru bhi nahi hui, meri aankhon abhi se aansu aa gaye hai,
Ae humnafas, teri khamoshiyan aajkal iss tarah khalne lagti hai,
Mere ashq ghee ho gaye hai, jaha jaha girte hai agni jalne lagti hai,
Junoon bhara hai jo aankhiyon mei, vo lapte ban kar chalak raha hai,
Badi muskaan ke peeche dekho, kitna saara gam jhalak raha hai,
Ek kalakaar, aaj aashiqui mei, behad magroor ho gaya hai,
Mere kadam thirakne lage hai, shayad mujhe fitoor ho gaya hai,
Chaand ko mujhe rokne se, khud ba khud hee rok raha hu mei,
Aansuon se jali agni mei, khudko hee aaj jhonk raha hu mei,
Ye khud ka kya hashr kar rahe ho, pratyek taara mujhse keh raha hai,
Jin haathon ne tumhe thaamna chaha, aaj unse rakt beh raha hai,
Lahu ki behti bundon se, sangmarmar par tumhari tasveer bana raha hu,
Antim nritya hai naa, raanjha tehra, mei apni heer bana raha hu,
Sach kehta hai sahitya, zindagi koi asaan jang nahi hai,
Mujhe poori tasveer banani hai, laal ke siva koi rang nahi hai,
Rang kar apne rang mei, iss chehre ka alakh jaga du aaj,
Badi tamanna thi, inn zulfon mei ek gulaab laga du aaj,
Jee bhar kar in komal haathon ko, main pakad lena chahta hu,
Jee bhar kar tumhe apni baahon mei, main jakad lena chahta hu,
Itna saara dil kaa bhaar, ek diwaar par kese tikaau mei,
Inn nanhi pyaari do akhiyon mei, saara sansaar kese dikhau mei,
Mujhe matlab nhi iss baat se, mene khud ka kya haal kar dia hai,
Jis maang ko bharne ki iccha thi na, mene aaj usey laal kar dia hai,
Jin zulfon ko kabhi sanwar nhi paaya, aaj jee bhar kar sanwaar deta hu,
Kahi ye chaand tumhe nazar na lagade, ruko tumhari nazar utaar deta hu,
Pighal pighal kar kaaya saari, bhasm hokar dhuaa ho rahi hai,
Teri salamati ki ae humnafas, khuda se aakhiri dua ho rahi hai,
Ki jaag kar, kya hee paa liya mene, mei sadaa ko sone jaa raha hu,
Jis nagri mei tum meri ho naa, uss nagri ka hone jaa raha hu,
Antim rachna kar, kalam ko, chaand ke haathon thama gaya mei,
Khaak ban kar hee sahi, ae prakritae, aaj tujhme sama gaya mei...🥀
#aesthetic#i want to be loved#books & libraries#dark academia#i love her#spilled ink#writers and poets#art#dead poets society#love poem#love poetry#poetic#poem#poetry#shayri#shayari#hindishayari#hindi poetry#hindi poem#lafz#alfaaz#spilled quotes#spilled prose#spilled poetry#spilled words#spilled poem#spilled love#spilled heart#spilled feelings#spilled tears
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HELLO!! I don't know if you are still doing the Johnlock Playlist, but if you are, then I wanted to make a suggestion. It's an Indian song. Mere Haath Mein by Sonu Nigam and Sunidhi Chauhan. It's from a movie called Fanaa. The lyrics are very beautiful. The male part in this can be from Sherlock's POV and female from John. Give it a listen, if you can? You can find the English translation on Google too. Thank you!! And by the way, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!:):):)
Mere haath mein tera haath ho saari jannatein mere
saath ho - 2Tu jo paas ho phir kya yeh jahaan tere pyar mein ho
jaaun fanaaMere haath mein tera haath ho saari jannatein mere
saath hoTu jo paas ho phir kya yeh jahaan tere pyar mein ho
jaaun fanaaMere haath mein tera haath ho saari jannatein mere
saath ho
tere dil mein meri saanson ko jagah mil jaayeTere ishq mein meri jaan fanaa ho jaayeJitne paas hain khushbu saans keJitne paas hothon ke sargamJaise saath hain karvat yaad keJaise saath baahon ke sangamJitne paas paas khwaabon ke nazarUtni paas tu rehna hamsafarTu jo paas ho phir kya yeh jahaanTere pyar mein ho jaaun fanaaMere haath mein tera haath ho saari jannatein mere
saath ho
rone de aaj hamko do aankhen sujaane deBaahon mein lene de aur khud ko bheeg jaane deHain jo seene mein qaid dariya woh choot jaayega Hain itna dard ke tera daaman bheeg jaayegaJitne paas paas dhadkan ke hain raazJitne paas bundon ke baadalJaise ?sahaq? sa chanda ke hain raatJitne paas nainon ke kaajalJitne paas paas saagar ke leharUtne paas tu rehna hamsafarTu jo paas ho phir kya yeh jahaanTere pyar mein ho jaaun fanaaMere haath mein tera haath ho saari jannatein mere
saath ho
adhoori saans thi dhadkan adhoori thi adhooren hamMagar ab chaand poora hain falak pe aur ab pooren
hain ham
(Lyrics from Google Lyrics, Translation in Video)
Hi Lovely!!
Firstly, Thank you for your kind words about my blog!! That makes me so happy that you enjoy it here!!
Secondly, yes, of course I’m still doing the playlist! Until I don’t get anymore suggestions or I leave, it’s here LOL.
Finally, WOW this is such a beautiful song, and I’m so happy that the english lyrics were in the video
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Barish achi nahi lagti... (Not fond of the rain anymore)
Original Poem (#Nazm): Barish achi nahi lagti... (Not fond of the rain anymore) https://alisohani.wordpress.com/2022/11/08/barish-achi-nahi-lagti-not-fond-of-the-rain-anymore/ #UrduPoetry #Rain
. Poem: Mujay barish achi nahi lagti…Mujay gili mitti setere jism ki khushbu aajati hai. Phir wahi bundon meibundein shamil…teri yaad ki neharkhul jaati hai. Jaise jaise parti hai chehray parbhigone ko usay…Wese wese tere lams ki yaadtaaza hojati hai. Chhitiyaan jo teri chhupaithi badlon mei kabhi,sab ghirne ko aati hein��� Jun Jun pohanchti hai pardon tak aawaz mereus k garaj k utarne…
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Zindagi banjar zameen to tum barish ki bundon jaise ho..
Zindagi kaali raat to tum taaron jaise ho..
Zindagi gehra dariya to tum kashti jaise ho..
Zindagi subah to tum ugte suraj jaise ho...
Lafzon me bayan karu tumhe to zindagi beet jayegi...gar khud mehsoos karlia to mere kirdar se sirf tumhari hi khushboo ayegi..!!!
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30 Barish Shayaris That Describe the Beauty of Monsoon and Love
30 Barish Shayaris That Describe the Beauty of Monsoon and Love
1.Barsat Ka Maja Tere Gesu Dikha Gaye, Aksh Aasman Par Jo Pada Abra Cha Gaya...
2.Ghataaa Hain Kaali Aasmaan Mein, Sard Baarish Ho Rahi Hai, Rah Rah Kar Muskuraa Rahaa Hun, Aur Teri Gujaarish Ho Rahi Hai.
3.Baarish Ki Bundon Men Jhalakti Hai Tasvir Unki, Aur Ham Unse Milnen Ki Chaahat Mein Bhig Jaate Hain...
4.Bas Ek Tere Sang Bhige Ham, Mujhe Us Baarish Ki Talaash Hai...
5.Har Saavan Kaa Apnaa Taraanaa Hotaa Hai, Har Bund Mein Yaadon Kaa Kha Jaanaa Hotaa Hai, Hahne Ko To Sirph Barsaat Kaa Paani Hai, Par Kisike Lia Ye Saari Jindgaani Hai...
check the full list here.
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All of Bundon's forms (Original Form)
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"Ajeeb ho gayi daastaan main pareshaan hun... Na gavaara kyon huaa ke main hairaan hun. Tod gaya umeedon ke ehsaason ko mere... Lage ab rah gaya zakhmon ka main nishaan hun. Tum hi to sirf tamannaon kee chaahat thi... Jo tha ehsaan nahi..meri mohabbat thi. Khuli aankhon ne sapne dekh liye the jaise... Lage ab khwaab me dbaa main armaan hun. Aankhon kee baaten na aayi lab pe teri... Yakeen mujhe kahti jo..nahi khushi ye teri. Khud me hai uljhti..tadap ke hai tadpaati... Ke lage ab teri adhoori si main pahchaan hun." - @preetirajkotiya
"Baarish kee bundon me yun aansuon ko ghul raha... Bheeg kar khud me apne hi waadon ko dhul raha. Ban gaye faasle ab ke dekha na mudkar maine... Rah rah kar phir kyon khud ko khyaalon me bhul raha." - @preetirajkotiya
"Paas hai gar to lage hai zindagi ke khubsoorat har lamhen... Nazar mein meri tere hi aksh ka aaina dikha dun tumhen. Bahut pyaar hai tumko mujhse bhi..hai ye aitbaar mujhe bhi... Chaahkar bhi na ho juda ke baat dil kee teri kah dun tumhen." - @preetirajkotiya
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* A bundprofilozás folyamata. Jobbra egy megsíkolt bund látható, balra pedig egy profilozás alatti, ami közben a bund tetején kiszélesedett sík felületet tüntetem el a bund keresztmetszetének félkörívesre való visszaalakításával. Ennek azért van jelentősége, mert akkor pontos az intonáció, ha a húr a bundon egy ponton fekszik fel, nem egy szakaszon.
* The fret profiling process. On the right it's a leveled fret, on the left, that's under profiling. With this work I turn the fret's cross section back to a half circle shape by filing down the flat surface on the top of the fret. The point of this is to reach clearer intonation. If the string is pressed to a flat surface on a fret, it's likely to be out of tune.
#bundprofilozás #fretprofiling #intonáció #intonation #hangszerész #luthier #gitárjavítás #guitarrepair
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☺Teri Bundon ki aahat, 💗mere kaanon me padte hi☔ 🌧mere hothon pe bhini si👄 Muskaan de jaati hai☺
#poems on tumblr#monsoon#rain quotes#hindi rain#rain hindi quotes#rainbow#missnaturequeen#miss nature queen#urvi kosambi#weather quotes#missingquotes#saudade writer#my writings
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Norman Reedus & Austin Amelio | King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Show
When you meet Daryl from the walking dead while chilling outside variety playhouse 💀 || 📷 Tim Lo || C. Charlene Photography
I about died when I saw the love of my freaking life and he even waved at me. I'm so happy I was front row at tonight's Gizz show!!! I don't think he's ever been to a Gizz show, he was watching the crowd act crazy and was laughing the entire time lol. We look like a bunch of lunatics on the floor. || 📷 Cidney Bundon
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In this monsoon I m going crazy, everything is getting so beautiful and I can't get enough of it. Very confusing for me to where should I have my morning Tea in my tropical balcony or in my forever green balcony or with my outdoor plants or with my water lily 😂🤣 I want be everywhere all the time 😬. . . Look at the beauty , raindrops on the leaf. This is the actual peace. . . . I felt like to thank monsoon so wrote this small poem, if like it please comment 🙏 . . . Sawan der se hi sahi aye to tum, Thode hi waqt liye kaali ghata ban kar chhaye tum. Tumhe kya pata kitno ke man bhaye tum, Der se hi sahi aye to tum. Ab aa hi gaye ho to thoda ruk ke jana, Thoda or garajna thoda pani or barsana. Meri bagiyan ke foolon ke khilne tak Apani bundon ka jadu or chalana. Bada yaad Kiya tujhe maine may ki tapti dupahari me, Dil khol kar swagt hai tumhara meri bagiyan ke har kone me. Sawan tumhe kya pata kitni khushi laye tum Der se hi sahi per Khush hun mai ki akhir aye tum. . . . #organicgardening #cosyquirk #mylvngrm #beautifulhomesindia #MyDesiSwag #indianhomedecor #miradorlife #indianhome #styleithappy #cornerofmyhome #hyggehome #livingwithplants #dogswithplants #indianplantgang #plantblogger #plantsathome #pocketofmyhome #waterlily #flauntyourleaves #petswithplants #chickensofinstagram #furrybotanist #plantsmakepeoplehappy #pausewithplants #botanicalwomen #girlswithplants #chickswithplants #crazyplantlady #everydayindia #greenyourfeed https://www.instagram.com/p/CD21OUtg1Tc/?igshid=8k94lbfqwljb
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Sou Victor, moreno 1.76alt, 75kgs, cabelos pretos, olhos escuro, bumbum redondinho e durinho, corpo atlético... Casado com minha primeira namorada Rosângela, uma mulher linda, gostosa e tem uma bundon... Continua source https://www.contoerotico.com/conto/153542/943132/noite-de-sabado-na-casa-de-swing.html
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