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wolvertooth · 8 months ago
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(Giant-Size Little Marvels: Infinity Comic, issue #5 + #6 + #7)
i'd read a whole 50 issue run with these versions.....but alas....this is all we got of em
(highly recommend reading the actual comic, its a super fun goofy lil story)
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isntverynice · 13 days ago
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Thinking AoA/Exiles Victor and Clarice and also X-men Unlimited Infinity Laura and also Kyle in all of that and well. A dad and his kids.
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soviet-supersoldier · 21 days ago
So, originally when I heard this event was coming up, I wasn't going to say anything about the X-manhunt event. This event is about Xavier and it wasn't likely that Arkady would be involved at all. But then Rogue decided to make this comment in Uncanny X-Men #11:
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So now the gloves are off. And I am once again going to be putting a sharp focus on how the X-men are not acting like heroes and are really failing to actually do their jobs and get rid of the blight that is Greymalkin prison.
As the Raid on Greymalkin event had revealed, the mutant inmates, whose members not only include Omega Red, but also include other characters such as Blob, Siryn, Monet, and Wildchild, are all being tortured and brainwashed into mutant hunting "trustees." In previous posts, I have talked about those effects on the prisoners and how it is affecting those characters all for the worse. In short, all these mutant prisoners do not deserve to be treated as less than human. They should not be forced to say an anti-mutant creed that forces them to think of themselves as monsters. They shouldn't be imprisoned at all.
Every single one of these characters, including Omega Red, have previously been allies with the X-Men. Arkady himself was a member of X-Force during the Krakoa era and was very loyal and dedicated to actually becoming a better person during his days as a member. Given how Rogue has not seen Omega Red since his very first appearance more than 30 years ago, she may not necessarily be aware of the redemption arc he's been on since 2017, but it still seems very forced for her to lump Arkady in with characters who have been shown to be unwilling to change when he himself has shown to have made considerable progress as a character once the X-men started treating him like a person and cured him of his need to kill to live.
This impression of Rogue in current books doesn't get any better once you start reading the X-manhunt crossover. Despite previously going on a Raid of Greymalkin Prison, seeing the conditions of said prison, and getting threatened by Warden Ellis that she had a satellite weapon ready to blow up the X-men's home in Louisiana, Rogue still comes willingly to Greymalkin Prison and willingly works with the warden with no reservations. Instead, she stands in the same room and holds a civil conversation with the warden as if this harpy isn't responsible for the torture of mutants, didn't transform the X-mansion into a concentration camp or threaten to blow up entire towns.
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Rogue should not be meek and accepting of this situation. She should not accept that mutants need to be sent here and tortured. And she shouldn't be acting like this towards Warden Ellis after the threats she's made and the things she's done. But yet Rogue does. She and her entire team are condoning this place by working with Warden Ellis. It's sickening.
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And Rogue is sadly not the only X-men character who seems to think that Greymalkin Prison is necessary. Over in Storm's book, Both Cyclops and Storm seem to similarly accept Greymalkin as something that is either necessary or they can't do anything about. Storm's talk with Charles makes it seem that she is not against imprisonment of mutants, only offering Xavier different accommodations as a prisoner at a different site. Her promise of sanctuary for people in need apparently doesn't extend to people who are actually in need. Storm here doesn't want Xavier's presence to affect her and her standing with the authorities. She never considers if the "arrests" made of the mutant prisoners trapped in Greymalkin are even legal or if they were made in response to an actual crime. Spoiler alert: they weren't. None of the inmates in Greymalkin did anything wrong. All their "arrests" were illegal. And they have all been subject to cruel and unusual punishment while there. A lawyer like Jennifer Walters or Matt Murdock would have a field day if they got a chance to defend even just one of the prisoners of Greymalkin.
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Storm continues to point out statistics that only adds to the bleak situation mutant prisoners face when they are incarcerated. These are not good things to hear with regards to the treatment of mutant prisoners across the board and further show why the X-men should not be putting such blind trust in the system when it is proving time and time again to be a system that's actively harmful to mutants. Instead, like so many times before in this new era, the X-men do nothing to try to address these issues and try to prevent these deaths from happening when mutants attempt to escape prison. They are leaving the most at-risk members of the mutant community to fend for themselves.
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Then there's Cyclops. He shows up here in Storm's book as well to drag Charles back to prison.
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His argument here really screams of appeasement. He's willing to allow certain mutants be thrown to the wolves if it means the rest of the mutants are allowed peace. Just don't ask Scott to actually sacrifice himself or any of his teammates for such a noble cause. No, he'll break those teammates of his out with no hesitation whatsoever. Because his mutants are apparently better than the ones locked up and tortured in Greymalkin. Scott's X-men don't deserve that kind of unethical treatment. But apparently, he thinks that these mutants do. It reeks of double-standards.
Once again, the X-men are not seeing their own kind as people. They don't see what is being done to the prisoners of Greymalkin as wrong. They are all continually failing to protect mutantkind and are hypocritically only protecting their own teammates. Consistent morals have no place in this new era of X-men.
As I've said before, this is not the X-men that I know. These characters are not acting like they should, especially given what they know about Greymalkin prison. The X-men should be marching on that place in anger and razing it to the ground. Not playing around with people's lives and deciding who is worthy of being free and who isn't. They are not being heroes. They are all acting incredibly selfish and short-sighted. Something seriously needs to change in their attitude because, quite frankly, this is appalling behavior by them. They need to do better and do right by all the mutant prisoners.
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Do better X-men. Do better.
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deadb-0-dyman · 2 months ago
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They left my boy..my son..they left him!!!!
x-men better go back for the “evil” mutants before i crash out
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taintedarabesque · 1 year ago
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[Ultimate X-men] Logan/Colossus/Northstar
Gambit/Rogue PWP
[616] Nightcrawler/Sabretooth Revenge Noncon
[ 616 X-FACTOR ] Aurora/Polaris - Oral Sex, Use of Powers
[616] iceman/anyM popsicle oral
[X-Men 97] Cable, Sinister, possibly Bastion, non-con pet play
[616] Akihiro/Northstar - sex in a bathroom
[616] Quicksilver/Wolverine, spanking, discipline
[616] - Kitty/Lockheed, interspecies
[616] Kyle/Northstar/other mutants - voyeurism, mutant powers usage
[616 Krakoa Era] Omegaverse on Resurrection
['97] Kidnapped Magneto
[Any] Logan/anyone - size difference
[Movieverse] Logan/Stryker - dehumanisation New unfilled prompts
[616 - Krakoa Era] Aurora/Akihiro/Wildchild - Heat
[616] Black Tom Cassidy x Juggernaut - bondage
FILLED PROMPTS (If you want to make another fill you are welcome to do so)
[616] Nightcrawler/Logan -Diphallia (double penis)/double penetration
Pages where you can post your Prompts
X-men Kink Meme
Deadpool and Wolverine Prompt Post
You can also submit your Prompts through our anon box
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kitchencatposts · 2 months ago
New fic! >>Rises The Moon<<
Hyrule got injured and didn’t realise. It all fell apart when he finally does. Twilight has no idea what is happening. He has no idea how to help. Wild does. For Twilight, somehow that just makes it worse.
Gen little angsty one-shot from Twi’s POV. No one is having a good time today.
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xprojectrpg · 4 months ago
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Moment of Awesome - Kyle Gibney/Wildchild: In the aftermath of Behold A Pale Horse, two old friends have a serious talk.
“It won’t happen again." Finally, Marius dragged his amber eyes down to look at Kyle. "What would I end up as, that third time?"
"How about next time you just fucking tell someone, okay?" Kyle made deliberate eye contact. "Like, please, man, do I need to be in my feelings here? I will go get some more feelings if I have to. I don't get it, I don't get the relapse thing I don't get the medical stuff, I know, okay but I do get that, like, you can just say 'I think the hunger is back, please tell someone' and I'll tell someone else and never bring it up to you again if that's what it takes, as long as you tell me one time so I can make sure you're not doing this dumbfuck shit again, because I can't lose any more fucking friends. We've got a new Forge, and he's a complete asshole, we've got a new Julio and he's a kid and we've got a new Catseye and she's so fucking weird, and I can't go find a new Marius because there won't be one!"
Even through the fog Kyle's vehemence struck something in him. Marius' eyes widened, just a little, before he slid his gaze away again.
He knew Kyle considered him to be someone worth keeping in his life, and always had. They wouldn't have kept in contact for all these years if not for that. But now, in this moment, Marius couldn't understand why. He looked at the determination on Kyle's face and felt only a great emptiness.
Mate, you think I'm so much more than I am. You all did. But I've never been like the rest of you, however much I wanted to be.
But he could pretend. He owed Kyle that, at least.
"Right," Marius said aloud. "Well, no worries. I feel as if I've caused everyone enough trouble, eh? Consider this a lesson learned."
Kyle shut his eyes very slowly, in defiance of Marius' false even-handed tone. "Uh huh. Yeah, this isn't gonna be that. I had to take classes on this shit, I teach teenagers." He pulled a phone out from the depths of the terrible lime basketball shorts. "This is me texting Terry, and god I hope you like bread because expect she'll be showing up a lot to make it. The catering kitchen's still fucked. Whatever room they put you in, you get a roommate until, I dunno, I decide you're not gonna go toss yourself into a volcano." His voice finally had expression, firm stubbornness and a break as he said aloud the fear he had, that Marius would consider suicide. "We don't have any volcano kinetics here right now, don't get any ideas. You get me, my grading papers at 5am and Shamu sleeping on your butt."
"Eh, sorry?" Marius said, unsure whether he'd parsed the rush of words correctly. "I'm going to . . ?"
"You're going to be living with me until such a time that someone decides you're not actively fucking suicidal." Kyle said, eyes still closed, voice on the verge of a growl. "Which means my girlfriend is going to show up at all hours to make food, because that's what she does, and you're going to tolerate my cat who probably is going to sleep on you because he loves everyone more than me."
"I wouldn’t hurt myself," Marius protested, although even he could perceive the frisson at the end of the sentence that implied an unspoken 'here'. He shook his head dismissively. "Look, I appreciate the concern, but this isn't necessary. It's just . . . it's hitting me all at once right now, all right? Once my head's straight again she’ll be right. I'm adaptable. It's one of my few redeeming features."
"I don't believe you." Kyle said. "My ears still work, you were all 'what would I end up as the third time', and you're assuming it'll happen and assuming the platelets are fucked, and man, of everyone I'd think you know I'm not as dumb as I pretend. I'm the... " He cut himself off. "It doesn't matter, you get a suitemate for a while. If nothing else, it means if your platelets are fucked, you're safe. Consider me the emergency parachute."
Marius opened his mouth, then shut it. Finally he met Kyle's gaze, and held it.
"Never in my life have I thought of you as dumb," he said.
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months ago
Nahita as the Talisman was introduced in Alpha Flight 80 with a cover date of January 1990. Nahita was created by James Hudnall and John Calimee. "Counter Moves", Alpha Flight 80#, Marvel Comic Event)
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thecontrarianlibrarian · 3 months ago
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Day 16 "wild" For day 16 I drew Maran origins, or as close as we'll ever come to them. Upon investigating reports of a wild beast ,and the strange magics phenomenon that seem to follow it, the royal magician discovers this "Wild" thing not to be a beast at all but a feral child, with wild magic I her blood. (The symptoms of wild magic being unpredictable seizures accompanied with random outbursts of magic, it's thought that those exposed to the chaotic plane of limbo may develop the wild magic condition) The royal magician adopted this child and named her Maran. The elderly magician set about teaching Maran everything she would need to know in the royal courts of Nebelwald. Her best guess as to Marans origins is that she was exposed to Limbo via a rift in the planer fabric, or even came out of the rift and may hail from Limbo. Maran was too young to remember anything before living in the forest.
Oct 17 2019
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wolvertooth · 1 year ago
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(Mutant X, issues #3 + #12 + #20)
THE PACK!!!!! i loved this au(ignoring issue 28 where they gain back sentience and creed is like. super evil. boringggg) cuz i really like the idea of logan n vic taking care of kyle…..like i NEED them to be a family together so fucking bad man arghhhh ):
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waspfanclub · 6 months ago
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Wild Child, Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P.
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aikycosette · 2 years ago
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taintedarabesque · 4 months ago
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Emma is serving Effy Stonem
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allamericanb1tch · 2 years ago
i yearn for her
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shes my mom
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myth0mani-art · 8 months ago
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"Who Am I?"
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