#Wild Card Series
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ghosted-jazz · 3 months ago
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Soldier, Poet, Kings
Bonus wallpaper version with just Joel:
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mimefish · 4 months ago
nevermind everyone winner's symbolism cancelled. we cannot have another scar earth/mercury/comet situation again. I vote we all lay down our weapons and join hands in peace and accept that the one true symbol for Joel is the Car. wherever he goes whatever flavour of symbols you particularly enjoy. Car. Just Car. Because it would be really funny
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astrowarr · 5 months ago
every life series season has a villain, but not in the way you might think. it's always a symbol of some kind. it's not a person, but a concept, an ideal, an overarching force. that is, in every season except wild life
third life had circumstance. everything was new and hard to grasp, and no one knew what to do. the villain of third life was the world itself; think of the animal extinction, for example.
last life had brutality. both physically and mentally. it was rife with betrayal and isolation; reds had to abandon teams, and the boogeyman mechanic's paranoia forced everyone apart.
double life had love. love, and the fate it tangled itself in. it was a complex villain, but love killed them again and again, and rewarded the single person who didn't give in to it.
limited life had time. the passage of time itself was the enemy and everything was driven by that. they clawed their way to every last second, and time ate them all in the end.
secret life had the secret keeper. unyielding, unrelenting, unmoving, all-knowing. when the secret keeper forced them to do awful things, no one disobeyed, but hated it all the same.
wild life has grian. grian is representative of every wild card the world plays. he runs the command, and stops it at the end of the day. he is transparent about that. he accepts bribes for information, and unabashedly uses his knowledge to his advantage. he is Other. the players treat him the exact way they did the secret keeper; he's not a player like them this season, he's a symbol, and one of every awful thing that's happened to them at that
which is to say, wild life's villain is a symbol and an overarching force. it's just, for the first time, simultaneously a person, too. everyone else is realizing that too and are pointing their blades at grian, slowly but surely. it is SO fascinating
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verishii · 4 months ago
Absolutely incredible how a season based on chaos and trickery got won by the one of the most chaotic and impulsive players not through living up to that wildness but by doing the opposite and subverting it.
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vicprobably · 4 months ago
Oli's inclusions in Wild Life are so fun because it means that you can headcanon him as a Watcher but only if he's silly. All-powerful god-like figure but he only sends down snails and robots and superpowers plus cool music playing alongside them
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lunarcrown · 5 months ago
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Etho “Tuff Puppy” Slab
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valeriapryanikova · 5 months ago
a wild card
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myrathefarmer · 5 months ago
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It’s time for a WILDCARD 🃏💚💛❤️
My WildLife designs for ZombieCleo 🎲 +Individuals!
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sehaniine · 9 months ago
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ace of spades, hero of the wild
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ivys-garden · 4 months ago
Another season, a new winner, another card flipped over.
It is that time again, blessed listeners, to assign a winner a new Tarot Card.
For those joining us are previous cards in the Tarot Symbolism are:
Grian: “The Sun”
Scott: “The Star”
Pearl: “The Moon”
Martyn: “The Tower”
Scar: “Wheel Of Fortune”
Cleo: “King Of Swords” (liable to change if there's not another special one off event)
And so, what is the card of Joel? Why, it could only be...
In tarot The Chariot represents confidence, willpower and ambition, both if which Joel has had throughout the series. But it also represents balance between forces, much like how Joel has to balance his eagerness to win and his aggression with making friends and supporting allies in order to win, as in previous seasons where he lacked balance and was aggressive all the time, he lost.
The Chariot represents moving forward and forging new paths for yourself, such as with Joel forging his path with iron strong bonds instead of the bloody vengeance he's used in previous seasons. A new path for a new man.
When used in terms of relationship readings, The Chariot reversed means to take things slow, much like how Joel had to take things slow and not mindlessly attack people to win. Reacting instead of acting.
The Chariot represents trust and acceptance that we can't do things alone, fitting with Joel being so close with his team to consider them family. As opposed to previous seasons where he was more of a wildcard or lone wolf type
When The Chariot is reversed in normal readings it means aggression, impulsiveness, lack of control, indecision and inevitable defeat, which was Joel's experience for the series up until now. But now he has revered the card, becoming the opposite of these negative traits.
Oh also if we use The Chariot then his stupid bloody car can be on the card art.
So there you have it, Joel “Toretto” Smallishbeans is The Chariot
15 cards remain.
(To be clear I didn't mess up my math, The Fool is reserved for when Jimmy wins. That's why it's 15 left and not 16)
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mimefish · 4 months ago
proposal everybody. the chariot for Joel's winner's tarot card because. because the car. guys please hear me out
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ceratedfish24 · 5 months ago
There are SO many negative nancys this season. Y’all need to cut it out. You’ve gotten so entitled.
“This was a bad wildcard” I don’t know how old you are, but I was in 3rd grade when I was taught how to give constructive criticism, and I was way younger when I learned that most people don’t like receiving unsolicited criticism. All of the players have loved the challenge of each of the wild cards. They have loved staying on their toes. If they genuinely hated it, they would have said something. Changes would be made. If it’s not interesting to you, then you can stay quiet and leave. You’ve gotten way too comfortable disrespecting people from behind a screen.
“The teams are unoriginal” Making sure that the players are having a good time is among the top priorities of this series. They are naturally going to link up with people they’re comfortable with. If you have a problem with that, then maybe you need to be put in a room with your best friends and some people you kind of know and be criticized when you gravitate towards your best friends. I don’t understand why you all are having such a problem with the concept of seeking comfort in a scary and unpredictable environment.
“Pearl shouldn’t be on a team with Cleo and Scott” well, she made her choice, didn’t she. That’s not up to you. She is an adult. She can choose who she hangs out with. Cleo and Pearl have not had significantly more of a rivalry than any other two players on the server. It seems like you’re just paying more attention to them because they’re women. Don’t try to take away from Pearl’s autonomy. Don’t try to conduct who she hangs out with. It’s really fucked up, what happened to Grian and Scar. Don’t let it happen again. Additionally, Pearl doesn’t care if you don’t think her character should be getting along with Cleo and Scott. The lore is made to fit the events of the server, and never the other way around. If you’re not creative enough to come up with a lore-reason for Pearl, Cleo, and Scott to be getting along, then I really don’t know how you’re still alive.
“Scott’s going to kill Pearl” why. Why would he do that. What record do you have of Scott betraying Pearl for no reason. The only reason he didn’t want to accept her as his ally in Double Life was because he just teamed with her in Last Life, and you all have proven just how much you’re gonna whine about a repetitive team. What history does Scott have of killing his own teammates. The biggest concern on that team is Impulse, who is notorious for holding grudges and betraying alliances. And yet your focus is on the catty two who are loyal to the core. Does that not sound like stereotyping to you? Do you even watch their perspectives? Cause you don’t act like you do.
It is a legitimate miracle that Grian is giving us another season. Be grateful, or we’re not getting another. You try coming up with balanced ideas that will last 6-8 episodes with ~15 people. See how many you come up with.
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bucket-of-amethyst · 4 months ago
now that the life series is over i can share what would be the best song ever for one of those animatics or montages about the entire season u know its right u feel it too u know it
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boatem-probler · 4 months ago
been chewing on this conversation between pearl and gem this week:
Gem: I know you didn't kill me!
Pearl: So what are you cranky about?
Gem: I'm just- you know, I wanted some drama! So, this is the drama, you're welcome.
Pearl: "This is the drama". You're telling me we could've been friends this whole time but you're just like "yoohoohoohoohoohoohoo... I hate you!"
Gem: Yeah, I mean, why not!
and i'm connecting it to gem in empires season 2, where like. in the context of the fiction everyone else had been living in that world their whole lives and that's their reality, like, it's real to them.
and meanwhile gem is just roleplaying. like, she was a being from another world who just came there because she wanted to play at being a human princess for a while. and then when she's called away she's just like. anyway i was never actually a princess or a mortal being from this dimension and we're never gonna see each other again, sorry for the existential crisis, bye!
and anyway i think she has a similar deal in the life series. like, everyone else is there because they're trapped in the Torment Nexus, gem is there because she wants to be.
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ender1821 · 4 months ago
It’s too much.
It’s all just too much. The aftershock of thunder striking not too far away. The chat log of each and every death so far. The wild cards that piled on and on.
Her heart, having now found a permanent spot in her throat, keeps on drumming.
And her eyes, welling up with tears that she can’t shed, fixates on her communicator.
GeminiTay was slain by Vex
Of course, a part of her can’t help but wonder why she’s even upset in the first place. Why, when all Gem has done this go around was push her away, does she even care? Shouldn’t she be happy that her enemy’s dead? Shouldn’t she be relieved? Glad?
Why can’t she breathe? Why does it feel like an anvil’s been dropped on her chest, or a sword’s been cleaved through her ribs? Why is she just standing here and staring and not doing anything—
A familiar fizzle starts in her ears, drawing her attention to the new line of text on her communicator.
A wildcard is active!
Before Pearl could even react, the musical accompaniment to the wild card announcement blares around her, getting her to jolt up. The groan building up in her throat can’t quite make its way out, fighting a losing battle with the sniffles and shallow breaths she’s forcing herself to take.
Guess she can’t even have some time to herself without the Game ruining the moment, huh?
Still, her instincts kick in with the help of the scare she’s just received. She… She has to keep going. Figure out what wild card got activated, find Cleo, and then…
Well, she’ll figure that out later.
Judging from the music that played after the new wild card activation, it’s probably that superpower card that got played. It’s definitely one of the better ones to be played at the moment, compared to having another crowd of mobs or a snail chasing her. Now, she just has to see which power she got.
Here goes nothing…
An uneasy feeling pools out from her gut, but she concentrates on using her power anyway.
At first, nothing changes about her. No goggles, no invisibility—
And then everything goes dark.
She yelps as her line of sight reduces to what’s within her arm’s reach, unable to catch her breath as something— no, multiple things rumble beneath her— the ground shakes, crumbling away to welcome a cacophony of gurgles and grumbles.
“What the heck—” Pearl mutters to herself, blinking furiously in an attempt to clear her vision.
She stumbles backwards.
Her back hits a body.
So, she whips around to face whoever—
And it’s not just Scar. It’s Lizzie, and Jimmy, and Scott and Impulse and—
Had her mind been given some time to actually think and process everything that’s been happening, she’d have most likely made some comment on how the Game just had to mock her one last time by giving her the power to bring her allies back from the dead. The cruelty of it all would certainly fall in line with what she’s been through so far.
But she can’t even get a word out. A whole group of corpses are staring at her, waiting on her.
Waiting for a command. That’s what Cleo did with Mumbo and Skizz, yeah? Give them a command, and they have to follow it.
“Uh,” Pearl starts, her heartbeat reverberating in her skull. What can she tell them to do? She doesn’t even know what she’s supposed to do right now, let alone instruct a whole band of zombies! Oh, and their gazes do not help at all, by the way.
What would someone else do here? She’s seen Cleo summon their zombies a handful of times, maybe if she just copy whatever they did before, it’ll work?
“Kill, um…” Pearl bites her lip. “Kill Joel. Go kill Joel.”
A couple of the undead cheer at the command, immediately running off to who knows where, because Pearl has no clue where Joel is. Or why she even picked Joel to begin with.
What she knows is that the command worked, and the zombies are dispersing. Honestly, she could care less about whether or not the zombies achieve the task or not. It was more to get them moving, get them doing something. She’s got to make some use of them, after all.
It’s also nice to not have all her friend’s rotting bodies watching her. She doesn’t have to look them in the eye and think about how she’s failed them again. That’s always a plus.
Alright, she sighs, enough of that. Time to find Cleo.
Pulling herself out of the daze she’s found herself in, she properly scouts out her surroundings. There’s her group of zombies bumbling about trying to find Joel, and there’s the Tuff Guys off in the distance, then there’s Gem—
Then there’s Gem.
Gem, with her head of fiery orange hair dampened by grime, a splatter of dried blood stuck on her cheek, her clothes grey and her skin lifeless.
Gem, who died mere minutes ago.
Gem, who makes Pearl feel as though a hand’s been plunged into her chest, when in reality she hasn’t laid a single hand on her.
“Kill Joel,” Pearl repeats, knowing full well how frantic she sounds as she does so. “I said— I said kill Joel. You’re supposed to do what I say.”
Gem’s eyes are greyed out as well, devoid of that glint that flashes whenever she makes a snarky comment, or the hatred she’d used to aim directly at Pearl when she visited, or anything that makes her stand out.
“Can you just— go?” Pearl makes a step towards Gem, but it gets no reaction from the body. “Go, okay? Just go somewhere else. Shoo.”
Barely suppressing the whine in her throat, Pearl resorts to drawing out her sword.
“Oh, you just had to come back and do this to me, didn’t you? I get not wanting to kill Joel, but this—” Pearl makes a wild swing through the air, missing Gem by a wide margin. “This isn’t funny, alright? You go weeks pushing me away, hating me when I’ve done nothing to you, and when you’re red you wanna be friends again? And— And you couldn’t even follow through on that.”
She rushes forward, bringing her blade a hair’s breadth from Gem’s neck.
“Go.” Pearl holds her sword as still as she possibly can, but even then, she can’t stop the trembling of her hand. The wavering of her voice. “Go? Please?”
It’s pathetic how she can’t even command her own minion to follow her instructions. It’s just pathetic. She can imagine Gem making fun of her already. If she put more energy into it, maybe she could warp the taut line that Gem’s lip forms into a smirk. Just a hint, a corner upturned or an amused huff. Gem would be laughing at her. Teasing her. She knows Gem would be.
She tilts the handle of her sword just slightly. The blade kisses the body’s pale neck.
Why can’t Gem just react? Why won’t she listen to her? Why couldn’t they have tried a little harder?
“Why’d you have to die on me like that, Gem?” Pearl chuckles, a bitter thing that she swallows back down as she drops her sword. There’s no point in killing her now, anyway. There’s nothing more she can do.
Gem doesn’t say anything. Not that Pearl was expecting her to.
It’s pathetic, but Pearl slumps onto Gem’s body, burying her head into the decaying shoulder.
A pair of stiff arms wrap around her, awkwardly moving with death’s rigidity to attempt a firm hold on Pearl.
The embrace is cold.
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vicprobably · 4 months ago
everyone say thank you grian for not including the "everything is food" wild card in the finale because if they'd been starving/poisoned on top of all of the other wild cards, episode 8 would have lasted like 20 minutes tops
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