mananak07 · 1 year
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art dump loll
also i hc widow n tracer as wasian! widow is french/cambodian and tracer is filipina/british! also t4t4t widow x tracer x emily :3
also wasian hcs for moicy!
mercy: filipina/cambodian/swiss
moira: irish/cambodian/chinese
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wildissylupus · 1 year
My favourite OW ships (not in any order)
Bapssidy/Cowboy Medic - Baptiste x Cassidy
Cashe - Cassidy x Ashe
Yeehan - Cassidy x Hanzo
Spuriken - Genji x Cassidy
Liassidy - Cassidy x Mina Liao
Reaper76 - Reaper x Solider 76
Anahardt - Ana x Reinhardt
Widowtracerly - Widow x Tracer x Emily
Tracily - Tracer x Emily
Raptoramaker/PharahMaker - Pharah x Widowmaker
Mercymaker - Widowmaker x Mercy
Spiderbyte - Widowmaker x Sombra
Jethack/SecurityBreach - Sombra x Pharah
Meihem - Mei x Junkrat
Symbra - Symmetra x Sombra
Symarah - Symmetra x Pharah
Gency - Genji x Mercy
Symrat/Junkmetra - Junkrat x Symmetra
Sneaker GFs/PharahKiri - Kiriko x Pharah
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nozomigayase · 2 years
me getting back into overwatch in 2022 means i’m just gonna reread all symbra, spiderbyte and widowtracerly content available all over again
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solarbird · 2 years
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Dominion Edda 25: Across All These Emptied Lines Chapter 5: The Stars Around and Above series by solarbird and bzarcher
The war is won. Oasis and the Concordat are at peace. Overwatch has been folded up again, this time made into an intelligence arm for Helix, under new - and the UN hopes better - leadership. The Gods are free - largely - to do as they will.
What are Tracer, Widowmaker, and Oilliphéist doing up on the roof, anyway?
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Dominion is a continuance of The Arc of Conflict, The Arc of Ascension, The Arc of Creation, and In the Beginning, There Was an Armourer and a Living Weapon. To follow the story as it appears, please subscribe to the series.
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senshi-9 · 5 years
So here's a random question: What video games do Lena, Amelie and Emily play? It tickles my heart thinking about them gaming on the couch.
Hmm…let’s see…With Lena being an adventurer and all, definitely action-adventure. This also segues into action-RPGs. Hana also introduced her to shmups, and she has a blast with those too - Mushihimesama, DoDonpachi, Ikaruga, etc. I feel Emily would hands down be into survival horror games. Classic Resident Evil, even some Fatal Frame. It’s always a blast having Lena do co-op with her for RE games. With Amelie, she takes a bit of convincing to get her to play, but when she does, she’s actually really good.
Amelie…Animal Crossing. I can just see it.For all three of them? Just Dance. Lots of rhythm games, actually. Some Rock Band/Guitar Hero, Taiko no Tatsujin, etc.
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theakaning · 7 years
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Just something I wanted to draw.
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snarkysciurus · 8 years
fic rec
It’s been too long since I did one of these (and I still have a huge queue I’m reading through). As always, read the tags/completion status/update schedule. And please give kudos/comments to these awesome writers!
gera's step-sister au and your hand in mine by geralehane @geralehane
More Women than Warriors by steklir (SilentStars) @steklir
Mystic Coffee by blindwire @blindwire
Sisters by commandmetobewell @a-class-act-president
Assemblé by bzarcher @redcap3 ?
Break My Heart, Break Your Heart by thesilvergoddess @tracersgayass
Half Life by Luthor @luthorao3
Messenger by hundredhanded @hundred-handed
Overwatch Emergency Communication Channel (I Swear, It's Emergency Only) by ArcaneAdagio @arcaneadagio
Ticket to Ride by smokeopossum 
Mass Effect
A New Forever by RaeDMagdon @raedmagdon (Dammit Rae, I still can’t believe you made me cry. Kudos)
Melds and Matter Manipulations by MargravineB 
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tiredmop · 8 years
Overwatch Fanfiction
Characters: Emily, Lena Oxton/Tracer, Amelie Lacroix/Widowmaker
Relationship: Emily x Lena Oxton/Tracer, Lena Oxton x Amelie Lacroix, eventual Emily x Amelie Lacroix, Emily x Lena Oxton/Tracer x Amelie Lacroix/Widowmaker
Word Count: 377
Summary: Lena wants everyone to get along, and both her girlfriends are willing to make it happen.  AKA I just want Widowmaker to be happy and I really like Emily and Lena.
Tags: polyamory, no angst, fluff, i am uncreative and cant come up with a title help me
��Emily, it’s time to meet her!”  The sniper winced at the optimism in the Brit’s voice, no to hopeful for this encounter. It was a long and hard road for Amelie, trying to fight past the conditioning and clinging onto what little memories she could pull out.  But she made it through for the most part, and Lena decided that she wanted to make her relationship public, and hopefully Emily would join with them as well.  It had surprised the widow that Tracer was polyamorous, and the guilty part of her was so relieved yet jealous.
The flash of red hair still was eye catching, no matter how many times Amelie saw it.  The woman with a striking resemblance to her name, yet the two of them lived in worlds apart.  She was like the sun itself, blindingly bright, like a match made in heaven for the runner.  On the other hand, Widowmaker was like a chasm, dark and dangerous.  People avoid it to avoid death.  They avoided her to avoid death.
“Oh!  Is this Amelie?  She is gorgeous, Lena.  Hi, I’m Emily, but you know that already.  Lena has told me so much, and I can see why she’s so in love with you.” The kind words and flashing smile made the sniper uneasy as she took the outreached hand.  Pale skin met purple and Amelie felt sick.  The dread was shocked away as she was pulled into a warm embrace, the soft material of the sweater pulling her out of the fog. Looking down, her face was met with locks of red hair.
“Let’s get along, Amelie! I’m counting on you to make me fall in love with you as well!”  The joking laugh trickled through the air of the hangar and it was like all of Amelie’s worries left with it.  Tracer smiled like a light at her two lovers, feeling like the luckiest pilot this side of the world.
“Let’s get some food, yeah? I’m starving!”  Lena hopped as she linked her arms in the two women’s, dragging them to the cafeteria.  Emily laughed as she tried to keep up, and Amelie had to laugh as well.  She was already falling hard for the red head, and harder for the speedy time traveler.
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femwatchthezine · 6 years
Creator Spotlight #22
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Name: yossarian359 Age: 18 City of Origin: Singapore.  Are you producing art or fic for the FemWatch Zine? Fic.  If you’re a writer, what medium do you use? Gdocs.  Who are your favourite artists/authors? Who is your inspiration? Cormac Mccarthy, Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan (if it counts XD).  How do you deal with art/writing block? Usually when I have writers block, I find I lack motivation. Took me a while to understand that motivation rarely appears out of nowhere, and that productive action usually begets motivation. So I found if I force myself to write a paragraph, even if I feel like hell, is most usually followed by motivation to write more. If you could make one ship canon, what would it be? Widowtracer most likely. I do have a soft spot for Widowtracerly so maybe that. Though *all* of them if I could. Who do you main in Overwatch? Tracer, Zen, Winston usually when I'm not doing awful.  Do you do commissions?  Maybe. Social Media: https://archiveofourown.org/users/yossarian359/works
Quotes? Nothing comes to mind at the moment, it would most likely consist a lot of old man things and angst. Thought the one time I produced a shitpost Nox found it somewhat amusing so I might just quote that out of context. “Do not leave me alone with balls ever again.” “You promised a little face-sitting adventure?” “Hi,” he said, in a rather soothing voice with a hint of femininity, “I’m God, but, you may call me Jeff from the Overwatch Team.”
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campcampfanfan · 4 years
Max and harrison ùwú
Max-What’s your favorite trope?
Opposites attract. Is that even considered a trope? I think it is. All my favorite ships include that. Gwenvid, Widowtracer, Catradora. Also, I’m a sucker for a “I’m a werewolf, and I must keep it from you, but you’re a werewolf too. Help me figure this out.” If you read Alpha, then you know where I’m coming from. I also love Wings Au with a passion, and my favorite CC one hasn;t been updated in years.
Harrison- What’s your favorite ship to read about?
Gwenvid. I love Max and Neil, or Max and Nikki, but I prefer my sweet children. They just deserve to be happy! It could also have Undead! Counsler! Jasper in it. I don’t support the child! jasper thing, that’s not cool. Also, Widowtracer. Although, I just learned Widowtracerly is a thing that exists, so I might cross over to that.
Thanks for the ask! UwU
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solarbird · 3 years
The war is won. Oasis and the Concordat are at peace. Overwatch has been folded up again, this time made into an intelligence arm for Helix, under new - and the UN hopes better - leadership. The Gods are free - largely - to do as they will.
Someone is a very bad dragon. A very, very bad dragon.
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Dominion Fragment s21,1: Marked by the Dragon solarbird and bzarcher
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Dominion is a continuance of The Arc of Conflict, The Arc of Ascension, The Arc of Creation, and In the Beginning, There Was an Armourer and a Living Weapon. To follow the story as it appears, please subscribe to the series.
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theakaning · 7 years
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New Addition to the family! Now imagine how panicked Lena is gonna be when Emily actually goes into labor.
As requested from a fellow Deviant!
Note: Right to Left! D:
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Tracer is really really gay and really really loves her gfs
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solarbird · 4 years
We started this one literally two and a half years ago. Two and a half years ago. Having it out at last is just... holy fuck. It's out.
Overwatch - or what is left of it - is at war with the Gods of Oasis. Russia is in a parallel war with itself, Katya Volskaya's government against the popular uprising led by the Aleksandra Zaryanova, the Goddess of Russia. As winter sets in, Zarya's March to Moscow has slowed to a crawl.
Overwatch Dolphin 102 - carrying Brigitte and Lúcio flight back to Germany from Watchpoint Nepal - has experienced a major malfunction just north of the Russia-Kazakhstan border.
Now, the consequences unfold.
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Conflict Edda 19: Quartz-Eyed Brigitte, and Lúcio, His Eyes Like Mirrors and Smoke solarbird and bzarcher
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Conflict is a continuance of The Arc of Ascension, The Arc of Creation, and In the Beginning, there was an Armourer and a Living Weapon. It will be told in a series of eddas, sagas, interludes, fragments, texts, and cantos, all of which serve their individual purposes. To follow the story as it appears, please subscribe to the series.
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solarbird · 4 years
Katya Volskaya's government in Russia has destroyed the omnium Koschei, and held their own against the Gods of Oasis. But with Jesse McCree having upset a precarious balance, Lena, Hana, and Sombra have intervened in Russia's rising civil war. Now, what little stability Overwatch had managed to maintain seems on the verge of disintegration...
...as Lena Oxton needs her mother's help to sort out what had been from what could be, now.
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Conflict Fragment s17,1: What happened before, and what happens next solarbird and bzarcher
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Conflict is a continuance of The Arc of Ascension, The Arc of Creation, and In the Beginning, there was an Armourer and a Living Weapon. It will be told in a series of eddas, sagas, interludes, fragments, texts, and cantos, all of which serve their individual purposes. To follow the story as it appears, please subscribe to the series.
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solarbird · 4 years
Katya Volskaya's government in Russia has destroyed the omnium Koschei, and held their own against the Gods of Oasis. But with Jesse McCree having upset a precarious balance, Lena, Hana, and Sombra have intervened in Russia's rising civil war. Now, what little stability Overwatch had managed to maintain seems on the verge of disintegration...
...Torbjörn is relieved that Reinhardt is leaving Nepal, and particularly relieved that he is taking Brigitte with him.
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Conflict Saga 17: The Knight, the Squire, and the King in His Castle solarbird and bzarcher
Of Gods and Monsters: The Arc of Conflict is a continuance of The Arc of Ascension, The Arc of Creation, and In the Beginning, there was an Armourer and a Living Weapon. It will be told in a series of eddas, sagas, interludes, fragments, texts, and cantos, all of which serve their individual purposes. To follow the story as it appears, please subscribe to the series.
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