#Why is she so silly why does she have a cowboy group
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Monsters in the Dark | Nikto x Reader | Part 2

Second chapter of the Cowboy!Nikto AU. Written from the POV of Nikto this time. A reminder once again that there's a prologue and "part 1" is only the first full chapter. The original cowboy AU is owned and created by @ghouljams.
A/N: I'm a day late on my estimation for when it would be done, but life decided to get me sick, busy with uni work, and put one of my legs completely out of action. I also realized about 3 husbandry manuals deep into my research that the chapter would be a bit too long if I included that much information. Instead, the info will be sprinkled in among the next few chapters.
Warnings: Sputnik being a silly girl.
Masterlist: CoD Masterlist
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The weather is downright miserable. While one might assume the worst weather would be torrential rain or unforgiving hail, Nikto is firmly of the belief that there’s nothing worse than a hot, sunny day. It’s hard enough to be constantly covered from head to toe, but to then add on the Texan sun beating down at its full strength? He’s certain he’ll be nothing more than a puddle of sweat by the end of the day.
At least Sputnik seems to be enjoying the disgusting temperatures. She’s running around the front of the property, completely unfazed by the heat. She welcomes it, in fact, using it as the perfect excuse to paddle into the large dam for a cool swim at the day’s warmest.
Her paws are caked with mud and grass, so much to her sadness she’s been barred from entering the house, forced to wait until she’s dried off and all the muck has fallen off of her paws. If she’s still dirty by the end of the day then a quick hosing down will be in order, but she’ll likely consider that a fun game too.
For now, she’s content to lay stretched out on the porch, her side rapidly rising and falling as she pants.
The weather isn’t the only thing that’s miserable, however. Nikto’s mood has been foul ever since his forced trip into town for new supplies. A certain hyena had decided that she was bored while her owner was away and had decided to chew a rather large hole in the wall of the shed.
The hole was easily large enough for her to climb through and so, after having already spent most of the day hard at work, Nikto was forced to leave for the only hardware store in town. Some new planks of wood and a hammer not riddled with rust later, and he’s reminded of the invoice he received the vet clinic a few days prior and has also yet to pay for.
He’s not quite sure what possessed him to go to the clinic in person, but he was disappointed regardless with what greeted him. The receptionist was painfully cheery and seemed determined to dig into his business with her endless questions. He’d left feeling completely drained from only a single conversation with the woman. You hadn’t been there. He can’t fathom why that annoys him so much.
The hole in the shed was simple enough to fix, even under the intensity of the sweltering heat, but the issue of Sputnik remains.
Clearly, he can’t leave her unattended for several hours at a time just for work. She’s never had to entertain herself in such an environment and clearly, it’s stressing her out being without her only packmate. She requires both social interaction and physical activity, but above all of that, needs mental stimulation.
Like a toddler left without a guardian, Sputnik has decided that she can tear apart the house and garden while unattended. Plants have been torn out of the ground, wooden structures gnawed to bits, and most concerningly, large holes dug along the fence line.
The situation is far from ideal, but Nikto does not abandon his own. He isn’t like those bastards at the CIA who are willing to leave those loyal to them knowing full well they will perish without help. He made that decision a long time ago, and Sputnik’s very name is a tribute to that.
It was only three years ago, but it felt like eons. It started with a small enemy group hidden deep within the South African wilderness who were utilising spotted hyenas as guard animals. Nikto and his team had cut through the animals both outside and inside the building, even the ones hidden away in the basement below.
In the end, only a single cub remained; a tiny girl still nestled up against the steadily cooling body of her mother. She couldn’t have been more than a week or two of age, bright eyed as all hyena newborns are, and covered in scraggly fur.
The other men on the team planned on putting the animal out of her misery, but the sight gave Nikto pause. She was small and defenceless, and abandoned by her cowardly handlers to be killed by their enemy. It was a story he couldn’t help but find familiar. Picking up the infant, she snuggles into his vest, completely trusting of him despite not having known him for more than a few seconds.
She whines and licks at him as he tucks her into his shirt, safe and warm pressed up against scarred skin. No one says a word, when he leaves the compound with the cub and boards the waiting helicopter for the trip back to base.
His first thought was to name her Laika, but that name seemed a little too common for his taste, and so he chose Sputnik, the name of Laika’s space capsule and eventual tomb. A tribute to yet another stray who was left behind by those who should have protected her.
Sputnik would not suffer the same fate; she would never be disregarded like a broken toy thrown into the trash. She’s good, she’s loyal, she trusts Nikto unconditionally. Destroying a bit of property would never be a reason to break that trust.
Instead, he presses dial on your number and holds his phone to his ear. He’s been thinking it over for several minutes, finger hovering over the button with your contact listed, before forcing himself to press it. For a long while it rings and he’s about to give up when you finally answer with a bright greeting to whoever is on the other side.
He grunts out your name, listening as you happily chirp his own back at him in return. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” you ask. He can hear the soft rumbling of a car’s engine in the background and can only assume you’re driving somewhere.
“I require... assistance,” he says after a long pause, letting the conversation drift into silence. While it isn’t necessarily help he’s asking for, it still rankles deeply that he isn’t solving the issue alone. He despises being indebted to anyone for anything, but for some reason he doesn’t get the feeling you’re out to acquire favours from anyone. You’re a professional merely doing what you’re trained for and nothing more. He can admire that.
“What can I help you with? Is Sputnik alright?” You sound so genuinely concerned about her, so much so that it sounds like you almost drop your phone.
He glances down at the hyena laying happily at his feet, panting up at him with a broad grin. “She is fine,” he confirms, catching the relieved sigh you let out, “it is behavioural issues she is dealing with.”
You make a soft sound, clearly intrigued, “well, I’m on the road at the moment heading toward my next appointment, but I should have time to drop in to your place in a few hours. Will you be around then?”
“да,” he hums, “we will be here.”
“Perfect! I’ll be there in a few,” you confirm, and after offering an acknowledging grunt, he ends the call.
He goes to pocket the phone but pauses, glancing at your number. Mulling it over for a good long while, he selects the number and adds it to his contacts. There’s only two other people there, one of them his current workplace and the other one of his old acquaintances from before even his time in KorTac.
A rather dramatic huff from Sputnik draws his attention from staring at his phone, and he watches her with hidden amusement as she rolls over onto her stomach. She looks up at him with big, sad eyes and a pathetic whine. When he merely rolls his eyes at her she playfully snaps her teeth in his direction.
“Я не знал, что ты такая королева драмы,” he growls back, curling the undamaged part of his lip at her.
The hyena, fortunately, can tell he’s still joking despite his deadpan tone and leaps to her feet with a delighted cackle. She shakes out her coat, biting at the air. The moment he so much as twitches a finger in her direction she turns and leaps off the top of the deck, forgoing the stairs so she can sprint across the yard.
Nikto stands from his chair but doesn’t give chase, watching as the crazy animal spins around in circles before darting off toward the dam again. She dives into the water with a splash, sending muddy water in all directions. He cringes slightly at the sight of the hyena now dripping with muck. At least he was already planning on hosing her down. The rest of the afternoon passes slowly, with Nikto taking some time to rest while Sputnik causes minimal trouble.
When your car finally does pull up, the poor girl has exhausted herself again, laying in a pile of leaves while she happily naps away. The moment her flicking ears pick up the sound of your truck on the gravel she jumps up again, eyes wide as she takes in the familiar sight. She’s already giggling to herself with excitement, looking between Nikto and your vehicle.
“место!” Nikto calls, ignoring the sad whimper that earns. He approaches when you pull up, patiently waiting as you drop out of the front seat and close the door behind you.
When you spot him, you offer a wave and grin, “hey, Nikto!” You take a moment to glance over at Sputnik and he can see her near enough vibrating with how excited she is to come over and greet you out of the corner of her eye. “How’ve you been doing?” you stop just before him, looking him right in the eye, completely unfazed by the monster you’re facing down.
“We are fine,” he says, perhaps a little too firmly given the way you blink at him, “we require some assistance with behavioural issues.” He quickly amends his statement in the hopes of not immediately scaring you off.
Fortunately, you’re quick to bounce back, a smile returning to your face, “of course, what sorts of problems are you experiencing?”
“Спутник!” The hyena’s head shoots up upon hearing her name, “ко мне!” She sprints across the grass, very nearly crashing into his legs with her enthusiasm to heed her owner’s command. “She is getting bored when left alone,” he explains, watching as you reach your hand out for the hyena, “eating walls, digging holes, breaking everything she can reach.”
Sputnik snuffles at your hand, before whining and immediately shifting to lean up against you, demanding pets. You scratch behind her neck and Sputnik’s tongue lolls out of her mouth in delight. “I’m sure we can work something out to help prevent her from damaging anything else or accidentally eating something she shouldn’t be.”
“She struggles when left alone, especially during work hours,” he adds on, turning and starting to stalk toward the side of the house where the majority of the damage can be seen.
“Okay, well she sounds like she just needs some enrichment to keep her occupied while you’re away,” you nod to yourself as you follow Nikto around to the side of the house. Several of the small plants that had been happily growing in little spots around the yard have been either pulled from the soil or completely shredded if they couldn’t be moved.
You look at the scattered remains of the poor shed’s wall, but don’t look entirely surprised by the backyard warzone you’ve stepped into. You frown down at Sputnik, scratching her between the ears, “what a silly girl,” you coo, rubbing at her ears as the hyena grins up at you with half-lidded eyes, “you shouldn’t be eating all this stuff, it’ll make your tummy sore!”
Somehow, your baby-talk voice just serves to make Sputnik even giddier, and she eagerly licks at the tips of your fingers. Nikto almost rolls his eyes at the little heart eyes the animal is subjecting you to. It’s impressive, really, how she can remember someone is a friend from only a single interaction.
When you snap back from your babying of the animal, you quickly refocus. “Hyenas have very powerful jaws, and they love to chew things, so if she doesn’t have enough to keep her entertained then she’ll find something to destroy.”
“She was given an old tyre a few weeks ago, but it only lasted a few days.” To say he was deeply unimpressed with how quickly she’d torn it to pieces would be an understatement. He knew that Sputnik had quite the bite on her, but to chomp through nine millimetres of rubber like it’s cardboard? Impressive, if a little annoying.
“How big is your freezer?” you abruptly ask him, and Nikto suddenly worries where this line of questioning is going. Does he need to check the trunk of your car? Regardless, he offers you a nod.
“Perfect!” You clap your hands together, making Sputnik jump excitedly at the sudden sound, “it’s supposed to be quite hot tomorrow, so I can think of at least one idea for her.” You start listing out what the two of you are going to do rapid-fire with the same confidence and efficiency of any commanding officer.
You’re in your element, your passion for your work clear as day and you have him following your every instruction. You’re like a fount of knowledge when it comes to anything and everything husbandry related, suggesting changes to Sputnik’s diet, new toys to keep her entertained, and ways to prevent her from destroying anything she really shouldn’t be messing with.
When you finally end up leaving, it’s long past sundown. Sputnik has grown bored of watching the two of you working in the shed and has retired to her massive dog bed for a nap, so the two of you have been working in comfortable silence. He’s glad you don’t feel the need to fill the air with irritating chatter, only offering corrections here and there.
He escorts you to back to your truck, closing your door behind you once you’re settled comfortably into the driver’s seat. You roll down the window and offer him a grin, but he can see just how tired you are given how your eyes are slightly drooped. “How much do we owe?” he asks, quickly tearing his gaze from your sweet smile.
Little wrinkles appear across your forehead as your lips turn downward, an innocent, confused look on your face, “owe you?”
He resists the urge to roll his eyes and instead just huffs in mild amusement, “payment, for your work.”
Your eyes light up in understanding and you laugh, “oh, no, don’t worry about that,” you wave him off, “I’m just happy to help out.” You just smile up at him, as if you can’t see anything wrong with what you just said.
Nikto is forced to remind himself that you’re a civilian, not another untrustworthy operator. Not everyone does things purely for the pay they’ll be rewarded with, even if the very thought of not giving you something in return makes him uncomfortable. He holds his hand out to you, “phone.”
You blink at him for a second, but quickly do as you’re told, just like the good girl you are. He goes into your contacts and adds his number and details, hitting save the moment he’s done. He doesn’t bother adding a picture, passing your phone back to you, “call us when you require assistance.” He waits until you offer him a nod before he steps back from the side of the car.
You have an odd, flustered look on your face for some reason, but you’re quick to snap out of whatever daze you're in and give him a quick wave as you put your truck into reverse. He watches silently as you disappear back down the driveway and into the steadily darkening evening, waiting until you’re out of sight.
Sputnik is absolutely delighted the following morning when Nikto presents her with her blood and peanut butter ice block.
“да,” - “Yes”
“Я не знал, что ты такая королева драмы,” - “I didn't know you were such a drama queen,”
“место!” - “Stay!”
“Спутник!” - “Sputnik!”
“ко мне!” - “Come!”
#writing#call of duty modern warfare#reader insert#call of duty nikto#cowboy au#nikto x reader#fanfic
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Four
*the episode opens with a shot of Echo Valley Ranch. the sun sits low in the graying sky and the trees cast their long shadows across the ground.*
Devin, in diary room: "Tonight is our first group date and I'm so excited to get to spend more quality to time with the guys! I mean, I've missed them! Is that weird?" *lets out an unintentional snort laugh* "I know I just saw them all yesterday for the nectar making contest, but it's not like we actually got a chance to talk or bond or anything. So, yeah. I'm looking forward to tonight."
*next shot shows the contestants lined up in front of Devin. They are standing in the backyard of the house.*
Devin: "Hi guys! I hope you're all excited as I am about tonight because it's our first group date!"
*the contestants whoop in reply which makes Devin grin and blush slightly*
Devin (continues): "I know it's a little chilly out, but I have just the thing to keep us warm..."
Devin: "A weenie roast!"
*enthusiastic murmuring spreads among the contestants*
Devin: "Alright, why don't we head over to the fire pit and get comfortable?"
*everyone chooses a seat around an already roaring fire and looks to Devin expectantly. there's a beat of uncomfortable silence that follows.*
Devin: "So...you'll all have to forgive me if I'm a bit awkward. This is my first time going on a date with five dudes at the same time."
*chuckles ripple throughout the group*
Devin (continues): "There are dinner kits next to everyone's chairs if you're hungry. Otherwise, I thought we could just talk. Get to know each other better. To get things going I thought we could go around and all share something fun about ourselves. How about what's the silliest thing you've ever searched on the internet?"
*the group laughs again*
Stan: "Only if you go first, missy."
*more laughter, with Devin joining in*
Devin: "Alright, fair enough."
*she pauses a moment to consider her answer while the group looks on*
Devin: *chokes on a laugh* "Oh my Watcher. I can't believe I'm about to admit this to you guys. Okay. So, my cousin, Lacey, got me an AirTag because, and you should all know this about me, I am infamous for losing my keys. Well, needless to say, I lost 'em. But for the life of me, I couldn't remember exactly how she said the AirTag worked, so I pulled out my phone and searched," *pauses, covers her mouth with her hand, and squeezes her eyes shut* "Find my keys."
*the group howls with laughter*
Devin: "I know! I know! It was so dumb! But cut me some slack, okay? I'm not the most technically savvy!"
*as the laughter subsides, she turns to Houston*
Devin: "Your turn, cowboy."
Houston: "Hmmm....," *settles back in his seat and thinks for a few beats*
Houston (continues): "Alright. This one seems silly now, in hindsight. But, it was really late at night and I hadn't had much sleep and I had been writing for almost ten hours straight. But, I searched," *pauses briefly and smiles to himself*, "Does grammatical phrasing and ending dictate the relationship between syntax and the poetic line?"
*the group is so quiet the only sound are the crickets singing in the background*
Milo: "I don't get it."
*Devin looks slightly confused*
Houston: "Well, you see..."
Stan: "Don't even try, man. We're all too dumb to understand."
*the group breaks out into laughter again*
Handra: "I'll go next."
Devin: "Awesome. Let's hear it!"
Handra: "I'm kinda ashamed to admit, but this is something I have searched for on more than one occasion," *surprised hissing emanates from the people around him* "Yeah, I know. But, I can never remember which one is the damn salad fork."
*Handra laughs nervously*
Albert: "Wait, didn't you also work in a restaurant?"
*Handra's head droops*
Handra: "Yes."
Devin: "Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about that around here. My philosophy is one fork for everything."
Houston: "Who has time for all those extra dishes, am I right?"
*Devin glances over and grins at Houston*
Devin: "Nail. Head."
*the two share a moment of eye contact before Stan clears his throat*
Stan: "Well, mine was an almost search. I started to type it in and thought it was too stupid and stopped myself."
Albert: "Oh, I gotta hear this."
*Devin looks to Albert*
Devin: "*Bleep*, me too."
*Stan grins and chuckles to himself*
Stan: "As I'm sure y'all have figured out by now, I'm very fond of my coffee. Well, one day I almost searched caffeine overdose. Isn't that ridiculous? Can you imagine?"
*Devin glances around the group with a worried expression*
Devin: "Umm...Stan. Caffeine overdose is a real thing. I mean, it's not super common, but it even kills people."
*Stan's face falls*
Stan: "What?"
*His eyes search the faces of the other contestants who are nodding to him in confirmation*
Stan: "Well, *bleep*."
*Houston reaches over and pats Stan on his shoulder*
Houston: "Sorry, buddy."
Milo: "I guess I'll go, " *he sighs and leans forward, resting his arm on his leg*, "I don't have the best memory. Probably because I've been hit in the head too many times. But, to make a long story short, I couldn't member my Mom's phone number so i had to search it after I got a new phone," *buries his face in his hand and laughs* "Which is really, really sad."
*the group laughs meekly, almost as if unsure if they should or just feel sorry for him*
Devin: "Awww! I'm not going to lie. I've been there. I mean, not with family. but with someone else I probably should have known their number."
Milo: "Thanks, Devin. At least I know I'm not alone."
*Devin winks across the fire at Milo*
Devin: "You're up, Albert."
Albert: "Can you milk cowplants?"
*the group sits in stunned silence for a moment, processing what Albert just said*
Albert (continues): "That was my search. And I already know what you ranchers are going to say," *holds up his hand to use a puppet and takes his voice up an octave* "Of course cowplants don't product milk, Albert. They're not actually cows. They're aliens," *his voice shifts back to normal* "Thank you, everyone. I found that out when I searched."
*Albert laughs and plants his face in the palm of his hand*
*the group bursts out into laughter, everyone except Stan*
*Stan has Albert locked in a steely stare, the hot dog he's been roasting now turning black in the open flame*
*indistinct conversation and laughter can be heard as a low buzz begins to fade in*
*conversations fade out as the buzz grows louder*
*Stan's glare begins shifting to each of the men around the fire*
Stan, in diary room: "I don't know what happened. I was just sitting there, and suddenly a wave of...intense jealousy came over me. Getting Devin's attention in this pack of wolves feels *bleep*ing impossible. This is going to be so much harder than I thought."
*the camera cuts back to the campfire. everyone is locked in their own conversations.*
Houston: "You know, I'm not exactly a fan of technology, either."
Devin: "Oh yeah?"
*Houston nods solemnly*
Houston: "Since the war."
*Devin's face softens*
Devin: "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."
Houston: "No. It's okay. I want you to know."
*she nods and leans closer*
Houston: "It's just, that I've seen what we've made technology into. What it's capable of. The horrors it can inflict. I guess, it's made me not trust it."
Devin: "I don't think anyone can fault you for that. Least of all me."
*the two lock eyes and share a moment of comfortable silence*
*after an obvious time lapse, the next shot is focused on Devin*
Devin: "Guys, this has been a lot fun but unfortunately, it's time to call it a night. I hope you had as much fun as I did."
*everyone gets to their feet, hug Devin, and begin making their way into the house*
*Devin begins to head inside when Houston hurries behind her*
Houston: "Devin! Wait!"
*Devin glances over her shoulder before stopping in her tracks and turning to wait for Houston to catch up*
Houston: "This is probably against the rules or whatever, but I don't care."
*he reaches out, takes her hand, and pulls her gently against him.*
*Devin smiles in surprise*
Houston (continues): "I've been dying to do this and I couldn't wait any longer."
*Houston wraps his arm around Devin's waist and as she drapes hers across his shoulder. their faces are inches apart*
Devin: "So do it, already."
*she now cradles his face, her eyes burning into his*
*Houston smiles down at her*
*after a beat Houston leans forward, eagerly kissing Devin for the first time.*
*she meets his lips with a soft moan*
*Houston gently tightens his grip on her*
Houston, in diary room: "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell. But, suffice to say, this is one of my most magical nights of my life."
Devin, in diary room: "He kissed me. He *bleep*ing kissed me." *swoons*
Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims Albert submitted by @bakersimmer Milo submitted by @belsasim Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras
#devinsduderanch#devin delaney#houston bloom#handra diaz#albert robins#james stanford#milo penn#sims 4 bachelorette#sims 4 bachelorette challenge#echo valley ranch#chestnut ridge#sims 4 horse ranch#simblr#the sims 4#sims community#ts4#sims 4 love story#sims 4 story#sims 4 screenshots
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what do you think writers who want to write a good accurate James should know? :)
Oohh I haven't done this in awhile I know I'm gonna forget some Huge Important Beats
He's like, legitimately(ish), friends with Catwoman. They are on non-murderous speaking terms, she respects him for as far as that word can stretch, and he was able to clock her by walking style alone but kept teasing her cause it was funny. The story ends on a positive note; they do not hate each other. He gets along with her.
Dude beat the devil, like, twice. He is on Neron's immediate shit-list cause he ruined his plans. He doesn't have special powers or abilities (will get back to this), he's just A Dude with a charisma dumpstat who lives up to his Trickster title. He also has a biological son with a direct path to a (good) God figure, so he's somehow managed to place himself square in the middle of "Jesus loves me, Satan hates me". (And with the pure headcanon he was raised religious and later dropped that whole thing cause he formed his own opinion as his parents were Italian(retconned to this, originally they were just white) in the like, 60s? this is very funny to me.)
and James isn't special. He's a tightrope walker and acrobat who is afraid of heights and opted to study antigravity in his freetime just to survive until he could blow that popsicle stand. He then turned to crime Only Because he wanted to be a little silly, and hey his name was James Jesse, he really likes Cowboy penny books, and Jesse James is pretty cool. It's gotta be fate.
James was, possibly, one of the youngest Rogues in the original unit. I'm talking like, Original Original unit. This isn't necessary understanding to a 'needed for writing' scenario, but it does add to it. It adds to the silly, and it adds to how Impressive he is for what he does/doesn't do, as he's hanging around with a bunch of blue collar con-men just wanting to slap around possibly The Strongest and Certainly The Fastest Hero DC had on it's roster at the time.
He's best friends with Pied Piper; you cannot take this from me. I have panels to prove my stance but they're generally seen hanging out together 'off shift' in comics (once Piper goes to his more heavier set, longer hair look seems to be a turning point for it). When the rest of the guys rag on Hartley for his gay status (Digger, mostly), James doesn't join in. He lets the guy into his house several times just to chat and gossip about the others. when James receives a phonecall that his ex-girlfriend's son has been kidnapped and is in danger, he calls Piper to come help. When James goes FBI, he gathers Piper (and Mick) to help. He tells Piper to his face he doesn't understand why Piper would give a rats ass about the others when they were so cruel to him before. They are friends, and Several headcanon-based reasons have been created over the decades for why James would've acted the way he did in Countdown (outside of just, "Countdown is a bad comic". Which it is. But if you're trying desperately to make it make sense, the 'attempted lore patching' flies)
Speaking of
James isn't a murderer; if he has a body count it's entirely on accident. He's not purposely running around trying to murder anyone and he certainly wouldn't join in on beating a child to death.
Leaving the bulletpoint categories; he's also "popular" in Hollywood, and i'm using """""Popular""""" with a lot of """""". On top of his (legit) devil/angel connections, he's also besties with the Blue Devil (the original one) and knew the Kid Devil before things happened. He was practically living in the (blue devil) man's house, hanging out at movie sets, casually tweaking his car to fly just because he could. They are! Friends! James is REALLY GOOD at making friends with an eclectic group of people!
He also canonically dressed in drag (it was like, the 80s, so 'drag' isn't what you're thinking) just to tease and harass Captain Cold, lying to the man's face with some goddamn Bugs Bunny looneytunes antics while in a cheap wig and cottage cheese, and the man bought it. He is SO GOOD at what he does. James is so good. He's a jackass and he's Not Kind and he will rob you blind for one corn chip if he's feeling up to it, but you'll survive the encounter. When Axel Walker stole his shit and started tying bombs to strays and the homeless, dragged the Trickster title through mud, he went on a war path and threw the boy in a dumpster as a threat. He cares for his name and reputation, cares for his (actual) friends.
Watering James down to some "Joker Lite" old man who is some kind of FBI's Most Wanted murder comes from the old, silly live action show that sold Hamill his future Joker roles and isn't James in the slightest; and writers looking at the DCAU, Original Flash Show, and Current Flash Show as "the best place for James information" need to be taken out back and slapped with the whole of Waid's run. It's such a disservice.
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We’re more ghosts than people sounds interesting af 👀
Okay AH again sorry this is a couple days late, but my work has been CRAZED, but I still wanted to get to this!!! Thanks for asking girl 🥰
AGAIN, if you have seen this prompt post that I wrote out, this was another one that had origins in what I wrote out in the AU section...
"Sorry I am on some Red Dead Redemption shit but I simply cannot help myself but to shove all of my favorite things together alright. Cal is apart of some kind of roaming squad (IF you chose a band of outlaws I wouldn’t be opposed), and they are in this one town for a bit. He starts to go to a general store where a Russian aunt and niece run it, and a lot of people just assume Merrin doesn’t even speak any English and dismiss her a lot of the time. But maybe he’s seen her at one of the saloons or tending to one of her horses and thinks that there’s more to her than what she is presenting to the world (and lol she is prettyyyy 😍) He goes into the store with Greez one day, and he ends up asking Merrin something, and Greez is like lol why do you bother she isn’t going to answer you. Cal is like pssssh this girl is trolling all of you I just know it. Merrin looks at him like he’s grown a second head, and then Asajj comes out and starts to put on the charm and Merrin just yeets right out of there. Perhaps Cal was wrong. Maybe she didn’t understand him, but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t want to get to know her. So he just continues to go to the store anyway and keeps talking to her all the time (We all know the boy can ramble let’s go). Maybe he even runs into her at other parts of town, or even on the outskirts where she’s taken her horse out, and he happens upon her while he’s on his. She does some target practice with a pistol and he’s impressed. He wished he at least knew her name. There’s a Russian woman in their group, and Cal asks her about a few Russian phrases, to which she complies, but then asks why. Cal is all SUPER red and is just like LOL NO REASON K THX BYEEEE! Cal goes into the shop, tries out a phrase or two, attempts a hello and asks her how she is doing. He feels like he is making a fool of himself, but then he swears out of the corner of his eye he sees her smirk. He asks her name in Russian, and she sighs…so Cal assumes he’s asked her wrong he clearly couldn’t remember it right and looks at the ground. “Merrin,” she says. His heart races. Asajj comes out and interrupts them OF COURSE. The gang wants to move on soon, but Cal isn’t ready to let go. It seems silly because practically every interaction they’ve had have been one sided conversations, but he still goes to the store nonetheless and tells her they are going to be leaving. She looks at him poignantly, and he still just doesn’t know if she’s pretending or really doesn’t understand. He dips his cowboy hat to her and tells her it was nice meetin’ ya milady dasvidaniya. Merrin shouldn’t be disappointed in the American man who came into her shop all the time to annoy her, really it doesn’t matter. How could it? He was really just a nuisance more than anything else, that Calvin ‘Cal’ Kestis. But, he was truly the only person that she could recall in what feels like a lifetime that looked her in her eyes, talked to her like a person, even if it was at annoying constancy. And GD he even learned some Russian just for her…but she tries to just forget about that handsome, redheaded cowboy all the same. Merrin is tasked to travel to a few towns over to pick up a delivery for the store, and after the long journey wherein she is going to have to spend the night anyway, so she decides to go to one of the saloons. She rolls her eyes as she sips at her whiskey because more than one man has approached her and thought she was a hooker. A brawl breaks out and she rolls her eyes harder. Stupid men. All of them were just children.
But then this man comes in the middle of it and tries to break it up. His voice sounds familiar, but she thinks he’s hearing things. She tries to tune it out, but notices he gets punched anyway, and his hat flies off. Yeah, no there was no denying that red hair. She wants to leave, but she can’t; she’s stuck on her stool. Once the fight finally ceases, Cal is with that small man he came into the store with sometimes as he retrieves his hat. He talks with the short man, and she thinks he’s going to leave, and he is just going to be lost to her again, but then he seems to stay for another drink, probably wanting to nurse that black eye he’s no doubt going to get. He sits at one of the stools and downs a drink. Oh lordt should she go up to him now? After everything she’s lost, it seemed ridiculous to do such a thing, but she finds her feet moving of her own volition. Oh GOD what is she even going to say. “That is quite the punch you took,” she says, sitting down next to him, “I probably have something in my supplies that could help with that.” Cal whips his head to her and quickly voices her name, which she was certain he was going to forget. And he seemed most certainly shocked that yes she does indeed know English and has this whole time. There’s smiles all around as he offers to buy her a drink and she accepts. But she also has to make fun of how terrible his Russian was."
So then there was this one fine morning on the Merrical server where @myfaenwy posted this photo shoot of Cam that was so very rude of him, actually...I mean...look at this slut wtf

(affectionate, obviously haha we love him)
I then liked begged @myfaenwy to write the prompt that I wrote out, but then...I just posed the idea of writing with her (something neither of us have done), and much to my delight...she was down.
Unfortunately, we've both been pretty busy with other WIPs, so we have not actually started writing, but we've been talking about this like since before JS! We are wanting to follow a lot of my prompt. And since both of us are also big fans of Red Dead Redemption 2, it will also be pretty RDR coded (which is the inspiration behind the title)...
We've had a drunken brainstorming session LOL that also involved:
Greez running a saloon, obvs. Cere is the bitch who runs everything as the wealthy widow. Aunt and niece duo Ventress and Merrin as Russian immigrants that run the general store in town, also obvs. Cal's gotta horse named Beauregarde Deaugustine the First, and I mean...look at fucking Koboh...it's all right there!!!
Basically, this fic is just kind of begging to be written! We are soooo very excited to start writing it and be able to show it to y'all!!!
Y'all think Merrin will want to save a horse, ride a cowboy?😏🤠
#sorry i don't have any preview to give...but i mean my prompt was pretty fucking meaty lol#i cannot wait until we start writing it!#guhhhhhhhhh i can never say no to plot ideas i get too attached to#i have a problem and i am making it all your problem too#esp because this fandom NEEDS more aus#TEEHEE#fanfic#my fanfic#merrical fanfic#merrical#wmgtp#wip title game
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Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. ♥
emopop song about feeling like an alien on earth because of your depressive tendencies?? in kpop no less?? Okay but firstly, my emo girl sensibilities just Enjoy it but I also ascertain that had he not been born too late (he's baby, only 23 and this song is 3 yrs old) I think Han would have been SUCH a hit with sad girls on myspace in 2008 like he's truly Babygirl....
I also hate to admit it. I also should just forget. my favourite thing about this, other than it being relatable for sad girl trust issue reasons, is certainly the fact he wrote it after one member left the group which 👀 but also bc he was literally so scorched earth about erasing the guy he had his group go back and re-record a bunch of their songs without the member who left, which isnt that common in kpop so like you know it was personal.... and for good reason! the member who left with no notice was accused of meeting up with fans and being. Let's say Creepy. so he really did betray his trust.... there's some tea for you, since you have been doing your posts about the metal scene 😇
GO ON AND CLOSE. THE CURTAINS. I dont know why this song has always had a grip on me but it just does- also! very majimako to me!
Dido!!!!!!!!!!! I have loved dido since I was a kid, I had 2 of her albums and i literally listened to them so much that they were scratched beyond repair- and then i bought them again. i feel like barely anyone remembers her outside Eminem putting the sample of her in his song Stan but I think she has this really nice, calm feeling to her music. I do always remember amy winehouse saying she made funeral music though, which was mean, but funny. I love this song, though- great break up song thats actually about reclaiming yourself, so I love the vibe.
Yeah this is the song where screaming cowboy meme came from and also the guy from that meme is australias equivalent of bruce springsteen. But the song is silly and fun! good for at least one listen to see where the meme came from lmao it's also about inclusivity lmao
thanks for the ask!!!!
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yet again im back on my bullshit so... (gazes with mixed feelings at the TV show Firefly) i could fix him.
my extremely long thoughts about my Own Personal Good Version of Firefly (with plenty of spoilers for the show and the movie) under the cut:
things that are getting axed first thing no question:
out with the whole “let’s add in a thin veneer of Chinese cultural aesthetics out of context for ~flavor~” deal. just no.
instead, let’s hire some actors from a bunch of different cultures and work with them to figure out how their characters would bring those cultures into space with them!! and also hopefully bring some experiences with immigration/alienation/travel into it, since the Whole Core of Firefly is about how humanity always brings our doomed and silly and stubborn and unique warmth with us even into the cold void where nothing is familiar or homey in the slightest.
let’s respect our sex worker character shall we?
i do appreciate that Inara’s work as a companion is described as legitimate and well respected in the show. however please stop having your captain and hero call her a wh*re every five seconds against her clearly expressed wishes and portraying this as just a totally acceptable thing
let’s be more respectful of our characters of color and also have some more diversity, shall we?
others have put it better than me but yeah, the way Zoe and Book are treated is very uncomfy, and the rest of the show is depressingly monochromatic. come on let’s do better.
stop the weird confederacy hat tips
again others have pointed these out with much more thoroughness than I could, but the names of some characters and locations, as well as some of the language used to describe the browncoats, has uncomfortably confederate vibes. instead i propose we very Clearly tip our hats to the Alliance equaling space capitalism instead! you can’t go wrong with space capitalism as a villain.
don’t! make! the! psychotic! character! violent!
listen i love River Tam with my whole heart. but you should absolutely not portray your only character with psychosis as violent because of that psychosis!!!!!!! and yeah, a huge part of her character is that her brain got fucked up by the alliance and so she hallucinates and is also a super ninja. but like. she doesn’t need to be a super ninja for her character to work, okay? the crew does not need to be scared of her for her character to work, okay??? more on this later bc it would take a lot of care and nuance to make her character work but i really think it can be done
things we are absolutely keeping:
found family tropes my fucking beloved
this should be self evident. this is why the show is as appealing as it is despite its flaws, at least in my eyes.
malcolm reynolds, the knight in dusty armor
there’s something so appealing to me about what Mal stands for. because at his core is this ridiculous, silly, stubborn, doomed devotion to what he thinks is important and right, a romantic idealism thinly covered by cynical cowboy platitudes that he thinks make his bleeding heart totally invisible. and he is so obvious and entirely incorrect. bless. this is a man who will do anything for his family, who charges into swordfights to defend his friend from a man who wants to turn her into an object despite having no clue how to hold a sword. at his worst, he starts brawls in bars just for the martyr’s thrill of being persecuted for supporting the right; at his best, he inspires downright religious belief from his crew because he represents a romantic and chivalrous and doomed dedication to the right thing over any practical concerns. and then he throws a “selfish” quip over it with 100% confidence that everyone fell for his clever distraction and believes him to be a dirtbag. he’s oblivious and ridiculous and god he makes me want to be a better person because he’s just so goddamned sincere. stupid, but sincere. 10/10 himbo. <3
Mal and Inara ultraslowburn friends to enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers to friends to...
there’s nothing i love more than a ship that’s just two people who know each other way too well, and they’re each the only one who knows the other well enough to call them out on their bullshit. the way Mal and Inara interact in the show sometimes makes me uncomfy but like. the core of their relationship has to stay.
space western aesthetic
i need the cows on a spaceship scene to stay like i need air okay
that sweet sweet religious shit
mal, who lost his faith in gd and a whole lot else during the war. who lost his faith in himself, and now feels he has to hide the part of him that still wants to be good, because he knows he can��t be anymore, and he feels like it’s embarrassing for a guy like him to want something so unattainable. who takes a preacher on board, and the preacher has lost something, too. the preacher has his own past, and his own questions. but not questions like the observant neurodivergent girl, the one who wants to interact with and understand this thing that’s so important to him, but it just doesn’t click with how her brain works and she feels like something needs to be fixed, either the Bible or herself. and Mal takes care of them all, and slowly, he begins to find gd again, not in a prayer but in humanity. humanity doesn’t need to be fixed, like the alliance thinks. the shining imperfect strawberry sweetness of it in his family’s smiles is something to be worshiped and served and devoted to. and he finds he has something to believe in again. (and his crew find that he’s given them someone to believe in, too. and maybe suddenly he’s a saint.)
and finally, my brilliant ideas as to what i would like to add:
listen her femininity is so important to me okay? it’s so thrilled about everything that’s pretty, from dresses to the spaceship’s electric innards, and it’s so non-traditional and grease stained until it’s not and it’s pink and ruffly and twirly, and she never sees any of it as a contradiction, because none of it contradicts, it’s all just her! her gender is warmth and love and prettiness, feeling pretty and appreciating the pretty and making her friends’ days pretty too.
i want us to find out she’s trans in that episode with the ball, and i want us to find out alongside Mal who just never asked or never realized. Kaylee gasps and squeals at the dress in the shop window and Mal makes an off handed, ill considered comment, and then... someone yanks him aside and hisses a few very significant words in his ear. and suddenly he remembers what the blue white and pink she painted all over the engine room means, and he knows he has something to make right. so he buys her that dress himself and lets her know just how pretty she looks, and when he walks into that ball with her displayed on his arm like something precious, he looks the proudest out of any man there. and she notices. for a few seconds, of course, until there’s chocolate, and ‘nara, and a chandelier—and some horrible girls, but she’s used to that, until—suddenly, she finds her people. a group of old men who light up when she jokes about compression coils and whack presumptuous boys who ask her to dance. they adopt her as a treasured granddaughter, and Mal is beaming at her like a proud dad, and she finds that one of her new elderly friends gazes a little too long at her bracelet, and so she gives it to xem and teaches xem a few new words, and... it’s a good day, huh? it’s a really good day. (of course, then the captain has to go and punch somebody in the face, but it was a real nice party up until then.)
also she and Simon are both transhet t4t im correct and you know it
time for a better River Tam
the first thing we’ve established is that this version of her is not unpredictably violent and the crew is not scared of her!!!! it makes no sense to take a kid who’s primarily brilliant, experiment on her brain, give her telepathic powers....... and tack on the fact that she also has super strength and speed and dexterity and what not, AND say that they programmed her to be super violent. no! no. not only is that extremely harmful rep, that’s also just stupid.
instead!! my version of River is in fact not terrifying to the crew, but is actually the one they feel safest around. River has always been totally blunt, she was one of those kids you could tell realllllly early was autistic, and she doesn’t like being disengenous at all. so you can always trust her to tell the truth and not play weird passive aggressive games or have any hidden agenda, which makes her just a really chill person to be around. also, one of her longtime special interests is music and dance, so whether or not she’s nonverbal on a given day, there will always be some sort of beautiful sound when she’s around. she does have the singing voice of a dying crow unfortunately but that’s ok bc Simon’s is even worse and they’re both incredibly competitive so you’ll at least get free entertainment out of the affair.
my version of River does have psychosis and hallucinations because of the trauma of the experiments, and they are really troubling to her. she and Simon work together to find ways to cope and meds that help, and it’s a process, but there are some things that help.
the only thing she gained from the academy was the ability to hear people’s thoughts and sense the future a little bit. and yeah, that led to her picking up a few spooky secrets at the beginning, which, yikes. and for a while, it was hard to figure out which voices were real and which were hallucinations. but around her friends, she always feels safe to ask “did you just think about triple cheese burritos or was that just a me thing?”, and they’ll always tell her the truth no matter how embarrassing their thoughts are, bc it’s important to all of them to respect her and help her sort accurately through what’s reality and what’s not. and bit by bit, she gets better and better at figuring out what kinds of things tend to be telepathy and what kinds of things tend to be psychosis, and that each one feels a little different. and because of the trust and respect and support of her found family she’s able to do that in a safe environment!!!
trans man Simon rights
listen i wanted to keep him as just a side note on Kaylee’s list but he is my son and he’s important to my heart so here goes
out on the outer rim where Kaylee’s from, gender ain’t much of a big deal, there’s an individualistic quality to life out there, and so if the trail you blaze is the trail of a woman or a man or neither or both, that’s respected even in the rare cases where it’s not outright encouraged. but in the inner planets, where competition and connections and public faces and family names are everything, you have to be what’s expected of you to survive. you can’t change your brand, you can’t be anything other than what your family planned for you since before you were born, it’s incredibly hard to survive in such a hyper competitive environment, and so your very identity becomes just a tool in how to market yourself for better success.
needless to say Simon (just as autistic as his little sister and also very trans) fuckin hated it there. but he was very good at it. correction: he was very good at his very specific field of STEM, good enough to where people stopped talking about how cute he looked in bows and started talking about how impressive his work was from a very young age. and his work had no gender. he could be whatever he wanted to in equations. so that was where he could express himself, and gd, he got so much praise for it, he never wanted to stop.
not until he discovered that his sister needed him, and ran away, and needed a disguise, and realized... suddenly, every stifling rule and prying eye was a million miles away. he was freefloating, freefalling, with none of the charted paths he’d been following all his life... so you know what? fuck it. he’s always enjoyed the name Simon. and since it’s not on any legal records, it’ll make him just that much more untraceable.
and on Serenity, starting over with new people who never knew him before his transition feels like an unbelievable blessing that just dropped right into his lap. he has to keep up the secrecy, he has to make sure they never find out who he used to be, because gd, it’s so nice when they look at him and say his name right, and he doesn’t know if he can handle losing that, not when it’s so new and so important to the person he’s finally becoming. but then one day, the unthinkable happens, the wanted posters for his arrest have an old name on them, they’re looking for the Tam sisters, and... nothing changes. the crew of Serenity could not give even a tenth of a percent of a fuck, and it doesn’t seem like they even know they’re supposed to. huh. that’s new. Simon could get used to that, he thinks.
i’m sure there’s more i could add, but it’s 4:30 in the morning now, so if more occurs to me, ill simply add it in a reblog tomorrow. if you’ve read down this far, i am in love with you. please let me know your Better Firefly ideas, too, bc im always down to yell about this show!!!
#firefly#Serenity#in which i choke out joss whedon with my bare hands and rescue his characters and give them better homes#ollies fix it series#malcolm reynolds#ollies personal good firefly canon
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Roswell NM 3x11 Thoughts (I have a lot of thoughts!!!)
Contrary to popular opinion I really liked this episode. Yes, the science was so made up it was funny, yes certain character choices are hilariously silly, yes there was a lot of scenes filled with exposition dump, yes characters disappearing for episodes not to be mentioned as if they don’t exist is jarring & annoying, and omg yes, the Wyatt arc (if you can call it that) fell flat and was a complete waste of valuable screen time. So yes, I agree with most everyone’s assessment. That said still a very enjoyable and entertaining episode setting up the final concluding 2 hours of the season. Let’s get into it.
Jones is highly entertaining, overly good looking, and sometimes hilarious villain. Nathan shines bringing charm and depth to the role. Its important to note that Jones hasn’t caused any lasting damage to the group. Sure, he has tried to kill various members, he’s responsible for putting Maria in a coma & has kidnapped half the cast basically, kept our heroes busy all season. But when it comes to killing or destruction it’s really been focused on the dregs or racist folks of the town, the poor scientist in Santa Fe (I think it was Santa Fe) & the lady at the university last week. No one of any real consequence to our heroes. Now I have no idea if Maria’s vision arc has concluded because it hasn’t been mentioned in forever, but I’m assuming that there will be a major death by season end. Noah killed Rosa and the 2 other girls, abused Isobel for 10 years and destroyed the lives of all the mains. For Jones to be a real big bad there’s got to be some long-lasting consequences to one or more of our mains. Though I’m going into the final 2 episodes with excitement there is some concern. I don’t think any of the mains will perish but I do worry about Sanders and even Heath. (I’m really worried about Sanders y’all especially after that promo!!!)
Jones negotiation with Liz was bizarre. Why negotiate at all? Wouldn’t he just threaten to kill or maim people…what the heck is Liz’s bargaining chip against an all-powerful, evil dictator? If she doesn’t do what he wants he can just start killing folks she loves. It really is that easy. I get the whole creativity inspiration thing but fear for those you love is a great motivator. I was so amused that after hours of discussion Liz pulls out the big guns… free the sheriff. Was that her wild card? Really Liz? She may be a kick-ass scientist with a boatload of courage and sass, but I wouldn’t have her negotiating any of my needs anytime soon.
Isobel and Rosa scenes continue to delight. I think it’s clear Rosa won’t be in Season 4 much. As much as I will miss her, I’m glad that she will find some peace and joy at art school, she deserves it. Unlike Wyatt who does not deserve any tranquility because his redemption (if you can call it that) was not earned. Instead, his memories were wiped along with it any true feelings of guilt and remorse. How can we believe he has truly changed? What happens if his memories return? So silly and completely wasteful screen time (no offense to the actor who is quite good and likable).
The Dallas and Max scenes were wonderful. Don’t get me wrong I prefer the show not tell method. And Dallas conveniently having the entire Oasis history in a memory from his father then regurgitating those memories to Max (and the audience) was not the best way to convey the story. However, the actor who plays Dallas is ridiculously charismatic and I could listen to him recite the phone book (do those still exist?) and be entertained. Plus, for one moment I truly believe that Dallas had gotten through to the constantly self-sacrificing, martyr that is Max Evans. But as the promo for finale proves with Max asking Michael (why Michael?) to kill him, the words didn’t stick. Oh Max…
Speaking of, I truly feel so bad for Max. He’s had it rough. In a span of couple weeks, he’s been told he is a clone of an evil dictator, he isn’t the Savior but in fact a weapon to bring down the real Savior who also isn’t really a savior but a genocidal maniac (Michael’s words not mine) who slaughtered half his planet. Not to mention the “there has to be 3” doesn’t include him, as he isn’t part of the triad. And that because he is a clone, he doesn’t actually have biological parents or siblings or anything, well Michael, by DNA sort of, maybe? Oh, and he is the only thing tethering the evil, psycho dictator to life. I mean…
My hope for Season 4 is that Max gets to process everything he has learned about his existence. He hasn’t expressed how he feels the entire season and he deserves to. I hope the writers don’t have him get over it by season’s end with one scene or worse just sweep it under the rug. Like being a clone of an evil psycho, to be used as a weapon, without any real connection to Isobel and Michael? That’s got to have some lasting effects…please writers let me see it on my screen.
Speaking of show not telling, Michael’s new powers. I not a fan of Michael telling us a story of how he used his mind control powers accidently when he was 18. Can we please see these scenes so we can feel the true emotional impact?
As for these powers, strap in, this is a doozy (and might be controversial). I, like Michael, feel that taking someone’s free will, no matter who they are is not a good power to have; it’s not fun, it’s not cool. Michael is right that’s some dark shit and a power that needs to be used very sparingly and with a ton of responsibility.
I loved the scene between Sanders and Michael, but I have a couple issues with some of the dialogue. Sanders is the only living person (other than Jones) that knew and loved Nora. Thus, he can speak about her with authority. He is also the only person who is any kind of real parent figure in Michael’s. Thus, him saying Michael has no darkness can be believed. He knows Michael and he knows Nora. However, Sanders doesn’t know what its like to have powers, especially an immense power such as mind control. Though I appreciate Sanders’ perspective (and agree with him about the purity of Michael’s soul) I wasn’t a big fan of him brushing away Michael’s fears about having mind control powers and not wanting to use them. Yes, it’s important for Michael to recognize just because he has Jones’ power doesn’t mean he is or will ever become Jones. It’s not the powers that make a person. But the line about Nora not fearing her powers was not helpful. Nora’s powers were telekinesis, engineering (if genius is a power) and possibly miraculous crop growth. None of these powers take away a person’s ability to control their actions (well telekinesis to a certain point but in nowhere near actual mind control). So of course, Nora didn’t fear her powers.
I wish someone had validated Michael’s fears instead of brushing them away with a few words of you have no darkness or in Isobel’s case you aren’t like Jones/Noah. A person does not have to be evil or bad to misuse a power like mind control & for that misuse to have dire consequences. Can you imagine being able to make people do what you want them to do at any time? Even if your intent is to do good, it doesn’t mean it’s something that should be done or won’t have major consequences. Sort of like the ends justify means conversation between Jones and Liz. What is the line, do you recognize it and what’s to stop a person from inches towards the line and what happens if you cross it?
So, my wish for next season is for Michael like Max is given time to process what he has learned about himself and his powers. My wish is for Michael is to continue to struggle with when, how and if he should use the mind control power. That way even when faced with a racist sheriff that is holding a gun to his friends, he is careful, asks for consent and never takes advantage of this tremendous power. In addition, I do think it would be very interesting to continue to explore these powers and how they maybe could change a person? Take Max’s power to give and take away life force. He killed Noah and used that life force (and his own) to bring Rosa to back to life. Seems like a good exchange but ethically and morally having a person decide who lives or dies? And how would this all fit into religion with Dallas being a priest? These could make for some great conversations and strong character development. Fingers crossed we see some of it and not just get told in passing.
The music in the episode was amazing. The beginning with Nothing Else Matters and Jones is a tux… I mean… Also, the ending with the fight sequence, building the suspense, only for the reveal to be that Jones had wanted them all to come so he could trap Liz, Dallas, and Max along with Isobel and Michael (for extra leverage) in his mind. I’m confused about why everyone was sitting but Michael was standing? Is he able to move or is he able to resist his father’s mind control? I’m really looking forward to next week and for Team Human to come to the rescue (maybe).
Favorite lines of the episode:
Sanders to Michael: “You are just a pair of sad puppy dog eyes and a cowboy hat”
Jones to Team Alien & Liz: “Well, everyone seems a little tense” (LOL I love Jones!)
Dallas (or Isobel) writing on the wall to Jones: “KNOCK, KNOCK”
#roswell new mexico#michael guerin#liz ortecho#max evans#isobel evans#Dallas#Roswell season 3#Roswell nm#walt sanders#rosa ortecho#my thoughts
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My never ending list of what I want to see in Trollstopia
(It's really endless. Abondon all hope you who enter here)
1. Broppy
2. Friendship between King Peppy and King Osborne Trash. And maybe their musical duet. (Why do we still call them kings? They are like super retired)
3. Barb's queenie problems. I mean, she'd still feel lonely as a Queen, I wanna see her befriending with her rock subjects. She would looks for something or someone that makes her happy.
4. Dj Suki big rising from the dead
5. Broppy
6. Something like a giant performance of all of the tributes (like in the "New Anthem" from ttbgo, when every main character sing on the stage)
7. Some epic ROCK VS CLASSICAL (like in the deleted scene "Breaktime" from TWT)
8. Pop trolls telling others their history and then introducing Bergens
9. Poppy and Trollex friendship
10. Happy Carol in the girl group:)
11. Riff. Just more cutie moments with Riff
12. Broppy
13. Branch playing electric guitar
14. More Thistle and Branch just being buddies. I miss them so much
15. Keith and Tiny Diamond rap battle
16. Branch singing and playing country in the cowboy hat
17. Mr. Dinckle being Mr. Dinckles (meep)
18. More details about culture differences between trolls
19. Cooper and Prince D pranking everyone in every episode and then laughing dorkly together so loud and so long
20. Dickory yodeling happily in the branch's bunker so the echo makes his sing so loud and breaks all of the jar in the bunker
21. Branch and Growling Pete growling together
22. Poppy taking care of Gary like a professional babysitter (or loving mother :))
23. Barb driving VibeCity xd
24. I found Delta Dawn and Dickory's relationship pretty cute. I wanna see them too
25. Did I mention Broppy?
26. More techno trolls characters. And big techno party ones again, please
27. Trollazart playing hard rock. And then dropping the mic and leaving the stage
28. Specific foods of every gender. I wouldn't be surprised if Rock Trolls eat rocks xd
30. Royals scrapbooking together
31. An episode where poppy tries to solve her problem and it's something in which branch is really good and poppy is really bad, but she is so stubborn and she wants to prove branch that she can do it on her own. She does not say anything to branch and runs away from him, ask everybody for help, just to do the thing without branch helping, but it ends by broke poppy sitting in the woods, tired and sad. And then branch walks in and asks what happened xd
And then branch would comfort her like this: "Oh poppy, you're not weak because you can not(idk open a pickle jarxd). Don't be silly, i won't stop loving you just because you can't do sth. To be honest, I really like helping you. It makes me feel I'm a good boyfriend :D"
"Cause you are :)"
"Yea, and you are bad girlfriend cause you can't open a pickle jar"
"Okeeeey, maybe I was a bit over-worried about it"
"Only a bit, hm?"
"Maybe more than 'a bit'..."
"And you know what else is more than a bit?"
"Your silliness. And my love for Ya"
32. Switch-tributes day or ep! Xd
33. Barb discovering snow and having fun with it like 5 years old child
34. Branch and Poppy holding hands NOT because they are friends, but cause they love each other and they are a legit couple, and they just like it and they don't ashamed of holding each other hands public.
35. Good songs, good remixes, some Skylar Astin's solos
36. Kpop trolls finding Dickory and Hickory so cute and fangirling them every time they see them and the yodelins blushing a lot cause of them
37. Some lonely sad Chaz playing sadly smooth jazz to yourself...
And then Barb walks in, tries to comfort him so she pats him so hard that his face meets the ground. And then Barb "Oh, I'm sorry, man..." And chaz starts crying
I feel weird that I find it pretty cute and funny xd
38. Broppy first date. Especially I want to see Branch giving poppy flowers or kissing her nose. Aw
39. Poppy and Branch all alone in their bunny pajamas, their funny pajamas, their bunny pajamaaaaaaa
40. Many references to the movies and ttbgo
41. Dickory's big trauma because of the Trolls World Tour.
42. Trollex's parents or siblings or a whole colorful and glowing family!
43. Kpop trolls gang and Bridget girl self-care night
44. Branch in Poppy's crown. And then he runs away from poppy with it
45. Barb caring about her dad. I wanna whole ep only about it
46. King Gristle and King Trollex big buddies' performance
47. Some romance between different tributes
48. Poppy sleeping with a head on branch's shoulder
49. More Smidge and Milton
50. Guy Diamond and Trollex autotune voice duet or battle
51. Satin and Chenille trying to dress up Barb on the Hair Bal
52. Riff hugging Barb in the Hug day. Or Barb hugging her dad without any occasion. Just because she loves him
53. Branch's 'the Giver' factory
54. History of Fuzzbert's adventures
55. King Quincy and Queen Estesce Estes Ensteece Stacy Queen of funk waving aggressively their head up and down, listening hard rock
56. Archer Pastry big rising from the dead
57. More Branch and Peppy father-son relationship
I have more expects than that but I doubt anyone could read them all xd I appreciate that you read this all and went on the very end, you're the winner
And as praise, you can answer this question:
What do you want to see in Trollstopia?
#dreamworks trolls#trolls#branch#branch trolls#trolls the beat goes on#ttbgo#broppy#trolls world tour#cute#cuteness#queen poppy#queen barb#barbtrolls#barb trolls#riff trolls#king trollex#king peppy#delta dawn#trolls hickory#trolls dickory#keith trolls#tiny diamond#mr dinckles#trollstopia#waiting for trollstopia#bridget#king gristle#bergens#trollzart
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AEW Double or Nothing 2021
In which the spirit of WCW is alive in confusing and delightful ways and we are left to parse whether overbooking and extracurriculars are offset by having actually very good wrestling happening at the same time.
- Lessons learned from Revolution on the production side? Maybe just cool it on pyro, though the rappelling adventure in the Stadium Stampede showed some of that now-characteristic 'trust us it'll look better on TV' flair. Hot crowd tends to paper over most woes, and the crowd was pretty hot. My one gripe is that the casino theme is hanging around like yesterday's takeout containers. Nothing wrong with clinging to a theme, I just think it's time for season 2. My suggestion? Under the Sea.
*Pre-Card Serena Deeb (C) v Riho for the NWA Women's Championship (***1/2) - Serena Deeb's star has finally risen. She's a remarkably consistent technician and she can get a match out of anyone at this point. She's working at the level of Mercedes Martinez or Madison Eagles at this point, it's amazing that she was overlooked or considered fit only to be a coach for so long. With the NWA belt she has this new swagger, she's basically everything Tessa Blanchard might bring to the table with none of the downsides (Serena has a lot of friends and seems like a lovely person, even!) - Riho's back and here to stay. Her time in Stardom didn't do much for my evaluation of her, which is that there are many better wrestlers that would be better representatives of the joshi style and she's merely pretty good. - The match was very good. Serena showcased a champion's aggression against a sympathetic Riho, they really work well against each other, Deeb's technical prowess against Riho's flexibility led to a very dynamic finish.
*Main Card Hangman Adam Page v Brian Cage (***1/2) - Here the shenanigans start. Brian Cage is on Team Taz, Team Taz has nothing else much to do tonight, so why wouldn't Team Taz flex their muscles, bait us with HOOK, etc? (Because it would be nice to have some variety in the card in terms of a match where one competitor stands across from another competitor?) - Hangman is (checking notes) yeah, still over as fuck, as befits the Anxious Millennial Cowboy. Cage terrifies me, he's a child's drawing of a body builder. He do be very agile for a man of his immense musculature tho. They match up well, Page is biggish for a flyer, Cage loves to play catch. Nothing much to write home about, other than Hangman's beautiful moonsault to the floor and what was overall a very good curtain jerker. - Okay fine, I am curious about Cage's reluctance to lean on the goons, Starks can't come back soon enough.
The Young Bucks v Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston (***) - I will not be referring to Mox & Eddie as (The) Wild Things because it gives me 'he calls it the wacky line' flashbacks for some reason. - The Bucks have to cheat and abuse Rick Knox's attention span constantly to be on even footing with Mox & Eddie, which is a clever sort of thing that gets washed out by the appearance of LG and Karl Anderson, which again, is cool in a vacuum but was the story of the evening. - Pace was weird - repetitive in eliminating Eddie, then Mox fights back, failed hope spot, Bucks team up, Eddie saves x2/3 in a row. - Mox, unlike Cody (in so many ways,) will probably actually be taking some time off with Renee, which is the kind of thing I would prefer not to know in terms of booking, but they really uh, put him down on the canvas here, and it felt pretty finale-esque.
Casino Battle Royale (n/r, but on the balance pro) - Any changes to the theme of the PPV would likely include changing up the nonsense suit format of these largely joyless slogs. - Obviously anticipating a NJPW talent, or... I dunno, actually -- Lio Rush was a surprise. Got in a quick demonstration of his otherworldly quickness, and you know what, there's probably a fun place for him in AEW. He'll need some friends, of course, feel like Team Taz might fit his temperament. I wonder if he was aware of the Mark Henry news... - Christian does not need to win this kind of match to get a title shot, obviously, but that said it was super lovely to use him to give Jungle Boy the shine. Jungle Boy would be a license to print money if he was even as big as Hangman. - Could register some continued griping about how Penta is not getting his due in AEW but he also literally was dressed as the Joker so I'm low on sympathy on this one particular night.
Anthony Ogogo v Cody Rhodes (*) - I did not like this. It's hard for me to read jingoism as a face move to begin with, and Cody's was egregiously tone deaf and kinda silly yet delivered without a trace of irony because Cody doesn't do irony on purpose, ridiculous neck tattoo aside. - Great argument to be made that Ogogo just isn't experienced enough to be winning matches against Cody. But like, what are we doing here? Cody needs to take some time off, maybe. I thought that's what was happening when he had his mini feud with Penta that really just ended in quick decisive Cody win. I though maybe Cody was being turned when QT and The Factory snapped-- sure, they're a group of impotent player 2s, but Cody is an out of touch elitist with a callous and manipulative streak. Alas, also no. America #1. - Cody is approximately 8 times as tough as Billy Gunn based on his weathering of the one punch man. Match ran a bit long given how little there was to go on. Cody gigged? Quelle surprise. - Cody had the best match on the card like, 3 out of the first 4 AEW events or something, and that was all booking and storytelling. I do hope Cody follows Moxley's lead into a little sabbatical.
Miro (C) v Lance Archer for the TNT Championship (**1/2) - Card's hossiest hoss match, a quick burst reminiscent of a car wreck. Absolutely hit on what it should've hit on but a little slow moving considering it went all of 10 minutes. - I will not complain about Jake the Snake, who I love. And also the gimmick spot, with Miro very astutely yeeting what was definitely a snake in a bag (surely.) back down the tunnel.
Dr Britt Baker, DMD v Hikaru Shida (C) for the AEW Women's Championship (***) - Picked up a lot of steam toward the end but seemed a little toothless (heh) until the last five. - Shida 'deserved' some more time as champion in front of crowds but also it's time to let heel Britt reach her peak, I can't even imagine how obnoxious she can be as the champ, it's going to be great.
Sting & Darby Allin v Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky (***1/2) - Such is the power of STING that I feel like I might be underrating this match... I mean it was an okay match about very simply getting some revenge and the sixty year old man did a very subdued Code Red and a slightly less subdued dive. He's also Sting. They missed an opportunity in calling it the 'Scorpio' Death Drop, but the main takeaway here is you see something like this where it's The Icon and you start to understand why WWE trots out their legends to come out of incredibly still kick ass without bending their knees. - The difference, I guess, is that Sting is absolutely being used to build up Darby Allin, whereas it's not like the fed brought back Goldberg and his attendant aura to pump up... anyone but Goldberg?
Kenny Omega (C) v PAC v Orange Cassidy for the AEW World Championship (****) - Off the top I have to say I'm very sad that the rest of the Galaxy's Greatest Friends were seen only very briefly, nice of them to bring OC's backpack. - Also have to point out that PAC's promo featured one of my favourite jokes, that Kenny must be short for Kenneth as a sort of legal/birth name belonging to a professional wrestler. (See also: Samoa Joseph) - And Mr Cassidy certainly did try in this match, ragdoll sells and all. Kenneth and PAC are absurd talents who bring aerial, power and technical maneuvers in equal measure and OC is not doing any of those on the same level, but he picked his spots, showed his genre savvy and hung in there to the point that he wasn't just the fall guy. - The extracurriculars continue in a match that was already a little overboard for silliness due to asymmetry... I think if you're the Invisible Hand it would've made sense to save up all your tricks for this match, but who am I to question the golden goose? - Sure, Kenny and Don ran the classic heel manager interference spot and taking out the ref in desperation spot but having to take out the ref because PAC wouldn't break the hold is fun, as is the stupid/inspired sense in running the 'smash opponent with the belt' spot four times so as none of your heavy gold prizes feel left out. (I love that AAA Mega Championship, they weren't on TV so we get to see it?) - "Fuck You, Don," indeed.
The Inner Circle v The Pinnacle in 'Stadium Stampede II' (***1/2) - This one had to grow on me for two reasons, first that it's usually pretty unforgivable to co-opt the main event spot from the championship match, and second to law of diminishing returns on dumb gimmick matches. - But grow it did. There's a full on meat locker? Commentary will refer to a cardboard cut-out of Shahid Khan as Tony Khan's father (that's canon now,) and Jericho will lovingly pat it? Konnan happened to be the DJ at whatever night club there is a Jaguar Stadium? Spears surrounds himself dramatically with chairs and his hoisted by his own petard? - Ultimately it comes down to letting Sammy shine. His involvement with the Inner Circle has sometimes come at the cost of being able to showcase that prior to AEW he was an ascendant talent in PWG, on his way to Ricochet level feats of acrobatic excess. Still feel like Sammy could've/should've been the one tossed off the cage a few weeks ago, but even better is being the guy getting the pin in the ring.
#aew#aew double or nothing#kenny omega#jon moxley#sting#chris jericho#mjf#Sammy Guevara#orange cassidy#PAC#hikaru shida#britt baker#jungle boy#christian cage#darby allin#ethan page#scorpio sky#hangman page#brian cage#miro#lance archer#jake the snake#cody rhodes#anthony ogogo#eddie kingston#the young bucks#serena deeb#riho#wrestling reviews#aew spoilers
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day 11 - ranch au (thor/tony)
Tony frowns and squints against the bright Montana sun, bringing up a hand to shade his eyes. “When I said set up a company retreat, I didn’t mean for you to include me.”
“You said a work retreat for company leadership,” Pepper replies, seeming unfazed by the sun despite her pale complexion. “And you are part of the company leadership, for better or for worse.”
“It could have been a wellness retreat. A spa.”
Instead they’re at an honest to God ranch, one that’s supposed to promote team synergy and whatever other bullshit buzzwords they put in the brochures. All Tony knows is that there are horses around, and where there are horses, that’s a place Tony doesn’t want to be.
“Getting massages and mud masks doesn’t help improve leadership skills,” Pepper says.
Tony pouts outright now. “But I’d be happier about it.”
He never gets to hear why he doesn’t deserve to be happy or whatever rejoinder Pepper was planning to come back with because the owner of the ranch comes out to greet their group, and he and Pepper have to be polite and professional as everyone is introduced. The man in the oversized cowboy hat proceeds to tell them all about the ranch and what they’ll be doing here this weekend, but Tony isn’t paying attention anymore. He’s too busy ogling a cowboy.
Or at least he thinks the guy’s a cowboy, even though he’s missing the silly hat like the ranch owner has. No, this guy just emanates pure countryside ruggedness--and he’s also got cowboy boots on, which Tony doesn’t think anyone’s ever looked as good in as this guy has. Moving up from the boots, the man’s dusty, tight-fitting blue jeans and unbuttoned flannel shirt over a tight white t-shirt make him look like he belongs on the cover of some romance novel where a ditzy city girl ends up on a farm for a week and is swept off her feet by the competent, sexy yet wholesome farmhand.
God, Tony wishes he were a ditzy city girl right now.
He’s rudely interrupted from his intricate daydream by a pinch to the arm, and he looks around in confusion. “Sorry, what?”
“We’re splitting into two groups,” Pepper tells him in a way that implies this has been said several times already. “You’re in charge of one, I’m taking the other.”
“Right. Groups. Tally ho.”
They divide up into two groups and a spunky young lady in another cowboy hat comes over to take Pepper’s group away. Pepper and Tony have a brief non-verbal conversation with their eyes wherein Pepper tells Tony to behave before she’s whisked away with her group. Tony grins, but his gloating is short-lived when he sees the sexy romance-cover cowboy walking over to his group and greeting them with an enthusiastic wave.
“Howdy, everyone,” the tall, beefcake ranch hand says. “I’m Thor, I’ll be your guide for today. Now, who here’s ever ridden a horse before?”
Oh, no. He’d always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. Instead he’s going to die of embarrassment on the back of a pony.
A couple members of the group have apparently been horseback riding before, which distracts Thor for a little while and almost gives Tony a chance to escape. Unfortunately, some of the other ranch employees arrive and lead them over to the corral where they do the beginner horseback riding exercises, and Tony is forced to go along with them while Thor explains the basics about horses and saddles and a bunch of stuff Tony fails to internalize. Then they get to go see the horses, and Tony lingers near the back of the group. He’s going to kill Pepper for making him come to this.
“Everything okay?” someone next to him says, and Tony jerks his head up and looks around, startled to find Thor right there beside him.
“Horses don’t bite, right?” he blurts out. Dammit, what the hell was that?
“Not unless you’re planning on feeding one your fingers,” Thor replies with an amused look on his face. “Don’t worry, we only bring out the well-trained bunch for the retreat groups. They’re all real sweethearts.”
“Don’t think I’d ever call a horse a sweetheart, but right. Okay.”
Thor still looks far too amused for Tony’s tastes. “You don’t have to be nervous, Mr…”
“Stark. You can call me Tony.”
Thor’s smirk gives way to surprise. “Tony Stark?”
Tony shrugs. “I’m really only here because my PA made me.”
“Well, let’s see if we can’t make you feel better about the horses at least,” Thor says confidently, getting back in his groove pretty quick. “Come on, I’ll help you out.”
The last thing Tony wants is for the hot cowboy guy to see him be afraid of a horse, but he follows him over to a chestnut-colored mare that Thor says is named, creatively, Chestnut.
Tony snorts. “Who came up with that one?”
Thor stares blankly at him and Tony instantly stammers, “O-oh, I didn’t mean--”
Thor breaks out into a grin and nudges Tony in the shoulder. “I’m only kidding. I would never,” he says, laughing. “Why don’t you pet her to start?”
Petting a horse seems like a daunting task, but Chestnut is just standing there, and Thor is watching him, so he can’t fail step one without feeling like even more of an idiot. Thor even reaches out and pats Chestnut’s neck without any adverse reaction from Chestnut, so Tony reaches out too and does the same, carefully petting Chestnut’s neck.
“See? That wasn’t so bad,” Thor says with an encouraging smile, so bright and earnest that Tony is determined to do whatever Thor asks of him. “Now how about I show you how to ride her?”
Tony’s sweating metaphorical bullets at the prospect, but there’s that smile again, and Tony nods. If Thor thinks he can do it, then he can do it.
An hour later, he’s proven that he can’t do it.
All he’s proven is that he can fall off a stationary horse in such a way that requires he be carried princess-style to the first aid station by the world’s sexiest and most understanding cowboy. While this is very on point for the hypothetical romance novel protagonist he’s created in his head, it’s not a great look for Tony Stark, CEO.
Thor is being a good sport about it at least, even if he keeps trying to hold back his laughter.
“It’s just a sprain,” he announces, finishing his careful check of Tony’s ankle. “Not too badly either. You’ll just have to be careful for a couple days.”
Tony sighs deeply, watching Thor wrap up his ankle with an elastic bandage from the first aid kit. “So much for the amazing synergy-building business retreat.”
“Look on the bright side,” Thor says, glancing up at him with a smirk. “Now you don’t have to ride a horse. And there’s other activities you can join in on.”
“You think this is funny, huh?”
“A little bit,” Thor admits. “Okay, how about this bright side then? You can hang out with me more.”
“Oh yeah?” Tony grins. “Now that’s a synergy-building exercise I can live with.”
#thunderiron#thortony#tonythor#thor odinson#tony stark#thor x tony#my fic#alternate universe#mcu#2020 nano challenge#no twists or subversions with this one just straight up hot cowboy thor time
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Ready now; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
To the anon who requested this from way back when, I first wanna thank you for being SUPER PATIENT with me. I was going through a lot at the time you sent the request but I am slowly but surely getting through them. Eventually once I get the chance, I may open requests back up again.
Now there’s not really any serious warnings other than swearing, fluff, and angst. I hope you all enjoy this fic and until next time stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive.
*Oklahoma city, Oklahoma, 1976*
It was like every other Wednesday night at COWBOY’S. The live dancing, bull riding, and of course the famed karaoke night. I’ve been coming to this club for as long as I can remember, in fact I think I was a kid when I first came here. It was to see my mama sing for karaoke night and of course my dad is known around here as the world champion bull rider.
He kept that title from the time he was 16 up till just before I was born. And because of his reputation, I (and I hate to admit it) but I get special treatment every time I go to Cowboy’s. In fact the current owner, he was my dad’s longtime friend and fellow bull riding competitor.
As I walked inside I could already see the place was packed with people. Line dancing and really lighting up the dancefloor making this club a real Hoedown. I first went up to the bar and there running it was the owner’s son, Jensen. He and I go way back, even though he’s like seven years older than me, he treats me like his little sis. Always keeping the boys away.
“Well, well, well, well, well. Look who walked in. It’s the singing sensation (Y/n) (L/n). Can I just say I am a huge fan of yours!” He teased me at the end.
“Oh Jensen stop it. You know I’m not famous yet.”
“Not yet, but you will be soon.”
“I’m not so sure.”
“Okay hang on, let me get your usual and then you spill your guts.” He walked away and got my usual beer and filled it almost up to the rim. He slid it towards me and he said as he leaned up against the bar, “Alright now talk.” I took a sip of my beer before saying.
“What if no one likes my song?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Jens you know as well as I do that no one really sings original pieces here. It’s always covers of famous songs, and the last time someone did do an original he was booed off the stage.”
“First off, his song sucked and he kept screwing up on the guitar. So of course he was thrown off the stage. But you—you’ve got a serious talent in song writing. And your voice—baby girl the only other female singer I can compare you to here was your mom.”
“You really think so?”
“Coming from a Texas man forced to move here when we first met, you’re bout the only good thing in this one horse town. Hell you’re way better than just sticking right here. Especially since—well you know.”
“I know. It’s……it’s been rough. Ever since the car crash mama’s been—well not herself lately. Music is bout the only thing I can do to make her happy.”
“So you get up on that stage and knock these cow-folks right off their boots. Now go relax on the dance floor and I’ll let my old man know you’re here.”
“Thanks Jensen.” I pulled out my wallet to pay for the beer but he stopped me.
“No need, this one’s on my tab tonight. But expect to pay me back once you hit the big time.” I smiled at him and pocketed my wallet back into my jeans.
“Thanks Jensen, you’re like the brother I never had.”
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye on you yah silly little day dreamer.” He teased as he placed his cowboy hat on top of my head, teasingly rocking my head from side to side till I stuck my tongue at him and took another swig of my beer.
I then headed off to the dance floor to cool off (dancing always helped me calm down, especially when it’s with a group of people) and I danced with some of my old friends from high school, just letting my hair down as I danced the first hour of the night away before they would call up the performers for karaoke night.
*3rd Person POV*
Unbeknownst to (Y/n), it was also on that night that the most famous rock and roll band would also be there on that night to see her perform. Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon, otherwise known as the band Queen, had just arrived in Oklahoma city to do their two night concert they had scheduled for their “A day at the Races” tour.
To let down some steam and relax after a few days on the road, Freddie had heard about this club from a friend of his and convinced the other three to come along and check it out. All four of them wearing cowboy hats, so that they wouldn’t stick out like sore thumbs, they entered inside and saw the whole place buzzing.
“Wow, this is even more filled than the Disco club Veronica and I met at.” Said John.
“Well Tony said this was the one place in America where you would get a traditional Southern treatment.” Said Freddie. “And I like it. It’s reputation proceeds itself.” He continued with a smile as he adjusted his hat.
“Remind me again why we had to wear these though?” Roger said.
“Don’t be such a party pooper blondie. Besides you see every man in here. Tony said that everyone in Oklahoma wears cowboy hats. Anyone who doesn’t is automatically labeled a stranger. And I don’t want no Wanted poster of me across the state for refusal to wear a cowboy hat.” Freddie said as he playfully shoved Roger.
“It’s not so bad.” Brian said as he fiddled with the string of his hat.
“You’re just saying that cause you can’t feel it on your head.” Quipped John.
“Alright, alright Deacy darling you’ve had your shot at Bri. Now I don’t want any more brawls tonight. I wanna enjoy this night, you three know how much I love to party. So don’t fuck this up for me.”
“If you wanted that Fred then you should’ve left Roger on the bus.” Brian said.
“You know what yah curly haired space poodle……”
“Gentlemen.” The four of them turned to see an old man around his mid-50’s walk up towards them. He wore a traditional brown colored cowboy hat, his grey goatee reflected off the lights, and the spurs off his boots jingled with each step. “Now I get it we all need to let off some steam, but if you’re gonna cause any trouble I’m gonna ask you all to leave.”
“No worries my good sir. You must forgive my friend here, he didn’t quite have him fixed yet so his testosterone can run him ragged like one of your bulls.” Freddie sweet-talked the man.
“Watch it Fred!” Roger sneered as he took out a cigarette and lit it up.
“Alright. I’m trusting you to keep an eye on your friend there. I get enough drunks brawling every night here, I don’t need another damage fee added to my billing. Bobby Singer, owner of Cowboy’s.”
“Pleasure to meet you Bobby dear. I heard about this place from a friend of mine and this place does not disappoint.” Freddie praised as he and Bobby shook hands with each other.
“Thank you son. Built this place myself with my own two hands before moving the wife and son up here.”
“How long has this place been here?” asked Brian.
“Well came up here around 51, bought this property at around 53-54 and the doors finally opened by the start of the 60’s so…..about 16 years this club has been around. And she’s still going strong.”
“Impressive.” Freddie praised.
“What kind of drinks do you serve here?” asked Roger.
“Well if you mosey on down to the bar, my son Jensen will lay down everything we got. We mostly do beer but if you can take something stronger, we got that as well. Enjoy yourselves boys.” As Bobby walked away, the boys bid him farewell.
“He seemed nice.” John said.
“A friendly old man, kinda reminds me of Miami. Firm, strict, knows when you’re starting trouble Rog.”
“Watch it Fred.”
“Alright come on, I think we can all do with a drink right now.”
“Or ten.” the band members walked over to the bar to see Jensen cleaning out a mug.
“Excuse me darling!” Freddie cried out to Jensen.
“Yes can I he—he-ha-ha……oh shit! You’re….you guys are Queen!”
“Yes. I take it you’re a fan of ours?” asked Brian.
“Y-Yeah.” Jensen squeaked. He then cleared his throat before continuing, “I mean yes. When I first heard Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time, it changed my life on how I look at music. Not even some of my favorite bands can do what you guys do.”
“Well thank you darling. Bohemian Rhapsody was a masterpiece.” Freddie said.
“But a complete nightmare to make.” Roger added in.
“So what can I get for you guys?” asked Jensen.
“What all do you got?” asked John.
“Well you guys actually came on a good day. Wednesday nights are our special’s night. Every drink at half price. We’ve basically got every beer imaginable, but we also do vodka, gin and juice, margaritas. And of course we have the basic water and soda for those sensitive to the strong stuff.”
“Well then my darling, we’ll go ahead and take three of your finest beer and a vodka shot please.” Freddie said.
“Coming right up.” Jensen walked off to prep the drinks for the four young band members.
“He seems like a nice chap.” Brian said.
“He does indeed.” Agreed John. Before another word could be said, Bobby soon came up on stage and said.
“And that was Carol Anne with ‘Sweet home Alabama’.” The crowd then cheered. “And now ladies and gents, it’s time to be graced by our very own special songbird. Please welcome our very own Southern Belle. (Y/n) (L/n)!” the crowd cheered and it was then the four English rockers soon saw a young woman coming up on stage.
She looked to be about John’s age, maybe a couple years younger. In her hand was a 12 string acoustic, she got onto the stool and adjusted the mic.
*My POV*
God my nerves were really starting to get the best of me. What if no one liked the song? Oh god I wish daddy could be here, he always knew just how to calm me down. I adjusted the mic and plugged in my guitar.
“Hello everyone. I uhh—” I cleared my throat. “Tonight I’m gonna do something a little different than my last few performances. This is an original piece I’ve been working hard on. Hope you all like it.” I turned towards the ensemble band and nodded to them. They nodded back and as I began playing the opening on my mama’s guitar, Aaron came in with the violin and Jack soon came in with the bass.
By the chorus, Daniel came in with a soft drum beat and as I passionately sung out the chorus, I could already hear some people cheering or whistling at me.
She was driving last Friday on
Her way to Cincinnati on a
Snow white Christmas Eve Going home to see her mama and her daddy
With the baby in the backseat Fifty miles to go, and she was running low
On faith and gasoline It'd been a long hard year She had a lot on her mind,
And she didn't pay attention She was going way too fast Before she knew it she was spinning on a
Thin black sheet of glass She saw both their lives flash before her eyes She didn't even have time to cry She was so scared She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus, take the wheel Take it from my hands 'Cause I can't do this on my own I'm letting go So give me one more chance And save me from this road I'm on Jesus, take the wheel
*3rd Person POV*
Everyone was involved in hearing (y/n) sing. Like her mama before her, the adults all whistled and cheered for the young girl for she truly did sound like her mama whenever she sang, maybe even better than her. But the one most intrigued by her was the leading frontman of Queen.
“Just who is that talented young lady?” Freddie spoke out as (Y/n) played a small instrumental break in the first chorus.
“That there is (Y/n) (L/n). Her parents were known in this club. Her mama for her singing and her dad, God rest his soul, he was the world champion bull rider. She’s got a gift with that voice of hers.” Jensen said as he cleaned out a mug.
“She does indeed.” Freddie muttered in awe as he continued to watch (Y/n) sing the next part of the song.
There was one point of the song where she held out a note so long, it felt like she was running on endless air. The crowd all hooted and hollered as she held that note before finishing the song. Everyone soon cheered as loudly as they could while (Y/n) smiled under the spotlight and stood up from the stool and took a bow.
“Wow she was amazing.” Brian praised.
“I’ll say, she held that note for like 10 beats. Not even I can do that.” Roger said.
“Excuse me, Jensen.” Freddie called out. Jensen who had just gotten done serving another round of drinks for a bachelor party, came back over and said.
“What’s up?”
“Where can we meet that talented young lady?” he asked him. The other three band members looked at Freddie confused.
“She’ll be out back. That’s where she usually goes when things get too hectic here.”
“Thank you so much darling.” He dowsed the last of his vodka and stood up and walked out of the club with the other three members behind him.
*My POV*
After the performance I went outside to cool off. I stared up at the starry sky and whispered.
“I wish you could’ve seen it daddy. It seems I really wowed everyone tonight.”
“You did more than just that dear.” I froze and slowly turned around and—pinch me I must be dreaming. Cause right there in front of me stood my all time favorite rock and roll band Queen. I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to wake myself up from this dream and found that I wasn’t dreaming.
Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor were really right in front of me.
“Yes darling we know who we are. But what I’m more interested in is who you are. How long have you had that lovely voice for?” Freddie said as he came up to me and actually wrapped an arm around me.
“Well I uhh—for a while I guess.”
“And that was an original song you sang back there?” Brian asked.
“Yeah just…..a little something I came up with. Was it bad?”
“Au contraire darling, it was unlike anything we have ever heard. And that’s saying something.” Freddie said.
“Absolutely. The way you managed to have utter control of your voice as you belted out certain words of the song. Only one other person has been able to do that and that’s me.” Freddie bragged.
“Umm hello what about me?” Roger piped in.
“Oh yes you and your dog whistle range. That takes skill too.” I softly chuckled. Man this was definitely not how I pictured this night would go (well except in my dreams). “Now then (Y/n). How would you like to be an opening number for our concert?” wait what?
“What?” I asked.
“What?” I heard the other three echo back.
“You’ve got the voice, the talent, you are too good for just singing at the clubs. What better way than to finally dive in and take this opportunity.”
“Uhh Fred can we talk to you for a second?” John soon spoke up.
“Just stay tight for a moment (Y/n) dear.” Freddie said as he bopped my nose before walking back towards his bandmates. Okay what the hell just happened?
*3rd Person POV*
Freddie and the boys walked a few feet away from (Y/n) so that she couldn’t hear them.
“Fred are you crazy right now?” Roger hissed softly.
“We can’t just go picking up random singers off the streets and ask them to open up for us!”
“I agree with Roger. No offense, but I don’t think Reid or even our tour manager Bill will go along with this.” Brian added.
“You don’t believe she’s worth giving a shot too?” Freddie asked.
“No, no it’s not about that. She is talented, beyond talented. We just—can’t do something like this. Picking up a random teenager and ask her to leave everything behind for the rest of our tour.”
“They do have a point Freddie. Plus how do we know she even wants this? I mean maybe she just sings for fun. To be honest I never thought we were that serious till our first album went on the shelf.” Deacy said.
“Okay first off that hurts Deacy dear. How dare you think that. And number 2, I have a feeling she does want it. She may not physically show it but there’s something in her eyes that show that she wants a chance at the real spotlight. And who am I to crush a fellow singer’s dream? Especially one as beautiful and adorable as her, just look at her!” they all turned towards her. “Who knows, maybe we’ll get an additional family member in our rag-tag band.”
“Whoa wait hold on now you’re saying we need another person involved with Queen?” Roger snapped.
“I’m thinking broadly Roger dear. Don’t be so dramatic about it darling. Now then, are you three with me?” Brian, Roger and John looked at each other and Deacy was the first to speak up.
“You’ll never let it go either way. I’ll say yes.” Fred smiled before turning to Brian.
“I mean—” he sighed heavily. “Okay fine, she can come with us. But only if her parents say it’s okay.”
“Well blondie?” Fred questioned as he turned to Roger. Roger sighed heavily and said.
“I’m already ruled-out even if I say no.” Freddie cheered and hugged his bandmates before heading back over to (Y/n) to discuss his brilliant idea.
*My POV. 1 year later*
If you had told me that on the night I would perform my first original piece live before the people at Cowboys and then told me I would soon be standing before Queen, who not only saw me sing but also offered me the chance to perform alongside them, I would’ve called you crazy and laughed in your face.
But it happened. With Jensen’s and uncle Bobby’s approval I was able to tour the rest of the North American tour with Queen. I’ll admit it was frightening to perform in front of my first crowd of over 12,000 people, but once I got on that stage and just sang it felt good.
We had just gotten done doing a concert at the Hammersmith Odeon. As par-celebration we all headed to a nearby pub the guys had rented out for the night and anyone who was involved with the concert was invited to come.
By 1am everyone was either completely drunk and were passed out on the floor, or they were having sex in the bathrooms. Wanting to perk myself up, I went to the restrooms to splash some cold water on my face but before I could walk around the corner toward the sinks I heard some girls talking.
“I mean don’t get me wrong Roger is amazing especially in the sack but why would he allow someone like her on stage?”
“Yeah all those songs she sings are soooooo boring!” I peeked around to see that the girls who were talking were some of Roger’s groupies.
“Queen is just being dragged by that little bitch who can’t sing for shit.”
“All her songs about Jesus or God or whatever. She doesn’t fit with them. I think they just pitied her so she could go on stage and sing her little country songs.” It was a stab to the heart.
I raced out of the bathroom and tried to contain my tears. But it only got worse from there. Walking pass the men’s bathroom were a few of the roadies who were talking about me.
“She brings to band down don’t you think? I mean her songs just aren’t up to par with where Queen is at. In fact I’ve seen sales going down at our concerts because of her.”
“Dorothy should’ve just stayed in Kansas singing for pubs. She’s nowhere near concert stadium material.” At that point a few tears ran down my face.
Was I? Was I really that bad? Did the guys really pity me? Was this all a big joke to them? I ran out the back way and just ran down through the streets of London.
Not caring where I was going, or where I’d end up. I just figured the father I ran, the farther I would be away from those people and their cruel comments.
The next morning I was at my apartment (technically it was Freddie’s old apartment that he and his ex-girlfriend Mary had) lying on the couch holding the couch pillow close to me. The things that the groupies and even some of the roadies said last night still rang through my head like a church bell.
Maybe I should give it up. I mean after all like they said, no one really listens to me perform. So I decided to pack up my stuff and go back to America, back to Oklahoma, maybe try to get a job at Cowboy’s or something. As I was packing up my last bag, the door suddenly opened and I heard Roger’s voice call out.
“Oi (n/n) you here?” shit why did Freddie have to give out spare copies of the keys?
“(Y/n) you in here?” I then heard Deacy’s voice speak up. Oh great, not one but two of the Queens are here.
“Is everything okay poppet?” Brian’s voice echoed out. Great could this day get any worse?
“Everything’s fine.” I called out to them. I quickly came out of my room and shut the door before walking towards the living room. “Hey guys what’s up?”
“Well you disappeared from the party last night darling so we came to see just why that was?” Freddie said.
“You didn’t sneak off with anyone last night did yah?” Roger teased.
“No! I—I felt kinda tired after last night’s concert so I just took a cab home.” I gave them a white lie.
��Why didn’t you tell one of us you were leaving? You know how dangerous the streets can be at night.” Roger said as he plopped himself on the couch.
“I’m not some fragile flower Rog. I can handle myself.”
“I know you can. I just can’t help it sometimes, you’ve become like another sister to me, plus Jensen made me promise to keep an eye on you less he shoot me in the arse.” I rolled my eyes as I chuckled.
“(Y/n) dear~” Freddie sang out as he peeked from the hallway. “If you don’t have anyone here, then why is your door shut?” oh shit. I quickly turned towards him and he just grinned as he raced towards my room.
“Fred no! Don’t!”
“Oh so there is a handsome beast you’re trying to hide from us!” I ran behind him trying to stop him from getting in my room. “Oh-ho-ho this must be serious then, he not dressed or something?”
“No Freddie there’s no guy now please don’t go in my room!”
“Technically it was my room first so I get first—” he opened the door and that’s when he saw the suitcases. “What’s all this?”
“I didn’t want you guys to see that.”
“So what were you planning on leaving without saying goodbye!?” By now I’ve seen Fred literally explode on some major temper tantrums but this—this wasn’t anger. This was disappointment, and when Fred lowers his voice, looks you straight in the eye almost to the point where it’s like his eyes are piercing your soul, that really tears you up.
And you never want to make Freddie Mercury disappointed in you. Cause let me tell you, it is the worst.
“No, no, no. Please I would like to know as well.” Roger’s voice soon rung out. I groaned internally as I turned to see the remaining three band members standing right outside my door.
Roger’s eyes glaring right at me with his arms crossed over his chest. Brian’s eyes in shock at seeing the suitcases, and Deacy—he looked like he was about to cry.
“Well!” Roger snapped impatiently.
“Hey Rog lay off on her will yah?”
“Brian are you not as upset as we are about this?!” Fred asked. At this point the three hotheads began screaming at each other. God this was a nightmare! I was hoping to just leave without any drama and now I’ve done and caused it! I held my hands to my ears and shut my eyes trying to drown out their shouting and screaming.
Next thing I know I feel a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and there stands Deacy. His eyes soft, not looking at me in anger or disappointment. He gestured with his head to follow him and the two of us snuck out of my room.
We both sat down on the couch, him sitting close to me as his arm wrapped around me.
“Do you want some tea?” he asked me. I shook my head no.
“Umm…..I don’t know if I’ve totally ruined this but—could I get a hug?” a soft smile spread across his face and immediately his arms wrapped around me.
“You know you will always get a hug out of me sis.”
Since Deacy and I were the youngest members of the band, we kinda clicked more than the rest. Guess our shy natures also kinda mixed in together so we kinda had our own special psychic bond with each other. We always knew what the other was thinking or needed, we would pull the other aside when things got too chaotic (just like now cause I never liked getting or hearing fights).
His fingers stroked through my hair as I adjusted my head so that it rested over his heart. We sat there in comfortable silence (well besides the still arguing hotheads in my bedroom).
“I’m not good enough for you guys.” I finally confessed.
“I—I heard some of Roger’s groupies and even some of your roadies literally talk about how I don’t fit with you guys. That I’m not even that good. Or that you guys just pitied me in order to help me get on stage.”
“I knew those tramps would be trouble.” I heard him mutter.
“But they’re right.”
“No they’re not.”
“Open your eyes Deacy!” I removed myself from his embrace. “My music and Queen’s music they just—don’t mix. I don’t do hard rock songs like you guys do. No rock fans are gonna wanna hear me sing just plain country or folk songs for 20 minutes. They’ll just be going out to get beer or go shag till you guys come up. I’m boring!”
“You’re not boring. Those arseholes are boring. If they can’t withstand a 20minute first act then they shouldn’t even be at one of ours. Because we most certainly perform longer than that.”
“Well you guys give a performance, not just a show. For me; it’s just me and my guitar. I mean yeah there’s people that may like a song or two from mine. Hell you guys allowed me to have a song on A Day at the Races and News of the World. But—in person I’m plain.”
“You’re raw.” I looked up at him confused. “I don’t mean raw in the sense of bad or disgusting. I mean you’re vulnerable. You don’t do the flashy lights, the loud hard rock of drums, or extremely, overbearing, long ass guitar solos.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “It’s just you up on that stage. Just you and your guitar.”
“And people should see you as that.” We looked up and finally ceasing their arguments, Freddie, Roger, and Brian now stood there. Freddie came up behind me, Brian knelt down in front of me, and Roger sat to my right.
“But they don’t.” Freddie began to massage my shoulders.
“Darling when I first heard you sing back in the states, It was like anything I’ve ever heard in a female singer. You have this rawness that can make anything a song. You could write a song about taking the piss and it’d be a hit.” I rolled my eyes.
“More like a flush down the sewers.”
“Oi you need to stop with the negative thinking!” Roger playfully growled as he took my head between his hands and playfully shook it, almost as if he were trying to shake out the negative thoughts out of my head. I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics as I tried to free myself.
“Cut it our Rog!” I laughed. He stopped then said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Forget about what those rotter’s said. Never, ever doubt your talent. Because you have got something that not even Queen could ever have.”
“And just what is that?” I asked doubtfully.
“Rawness. Like John said, it’s just you up on stage. Most of the rockstars like us come up glammed out to the max, prance about the stage and do the headbanging hits. You—you connect with the audience just as yourself. And if people can’t see that, then they’re fools.”
“So you guys didn’t pity me when you asked me to join you guys?”
“Absolutely not! Whoever says that you just tell me and they’ll be dropped like yesterday’s rotten tomatoes.”
“Thanks you guys. I—I really needed that.”
“Hey, you’re part of this family now. We look out for each other.” Brian said as he gently took my hands in his, his thumbs gently stroking the back of them.
“There’s just one last thing that needs to be taken care of to ensure you’re feeling your normal happy self again.” Freddie said.
Oh no. Please not that! At this point all four of them had the look of evil on their faces.
“No. Guys don’t you dare!”
“Too late lovie, we gotta make sure you’re back to your full-fledged happy self again. And we’ve got Jensen to thank for sharing with us your deep, dark secret.” I tried to make a run for it but it was too late, Brian trapped me in his long arms and soon I was gang tickled by Queen.
A couple weeks after that, we had just gotten done playing an arena in Houston, Texas. Wiping the sweat off of my forehead (after not only doing a few of my own songs, but also joining alongside Queen playing guitar or piano) I accidentally bumped into someone.
“Oh sorry I—wasn’t paying attention.”
“That’s quite alright. Say you’re the young woman who just performed alongside Queen correct?” this man had a strong Tennessee accent. From underneath his cowboy hat I could see sandy blonde hair and he had the most striking blue eyes. He looked to be about his mid-40’s.
“Yes.” I said wearily.
“Oh sorry I know this must seem a bit creepy, please allow me to introduce myself. Stan Singer.” Wait what? Oh my god!
“Wait, Stan Singer? The Stan Singer, manager of Glen Campbell?”
“The very same, you a fan of his?”
“Yeah. My—my daddy first introduced me to him when I was just 5 years old.”
“Man has good taste.” We both laughed. “How long have you been performing with Queen?”
“A year.”
“A year? Now that I don’t believe.”
“Well truthfully I’ve been performing on stage back home in Oklahoma for a few years at a bar a family friend of mine owns. Cowboy’s.”
“No kidding. I was just there last month.”
“Yeah. Quite a shindig that place.”
“Oh yeah, it gets crazy some days. But it’s the best place to go to.”
“Listen (Y/n), While I have enjoyed managing Glen and don’t get me wrong he’s a great guy and a great singer. I’m also looking out to see if there’s a next big thing I could help mold. And seeing you up on stage, you’ve got that special little niche in the realm of country singers. How about joining me for lunch so we can discuss a contract.”
“Me? You—you want to sign me up for a record deal?” I asked ecstatically.
“You’ve got something I’ve never heard from any male artist. Here’s my card, just give me a call whenever you’re ready to talk.” He handed me a business card and said his goodbyes as he tipped his hat at me.
Wow I—I can’t believe it. I’m actually gonna get a real shot with my own manager. And Glen Campbell’s manager, nonetheless. I can’t believe this is actually happening to me.
Wait….what about the guys? What would they say? Would they be mad if I took this deal? Left them when we’ve already grown so close with each other?
During our bus ride to the next city of New Orleans, I was looking at Stan’s card debating whether I should call him or not.
“What’s that?” Roger spoke up. He soon plopped down beside me with his arm over me. “Ooh a name and phone number! Already got yourself a groupie huh?” he teased as he nudged my shoulder.
“No Roger it’s nothing like that.” I nudged him back.
“Hey did I just hear (Y/n) got someone’s name and phone number?” Deacy soon piped in peeking his head from the curtains of his bunkbed.
“(Y/n) you sly little minx.” Freddie teased. Oh man was I really not gonna miss this.
“Alright you guys lay off of her will yah. Now just who was it that gave you their phone number (Y/n)? Will there need to be any—talks we need to do with this boy?” Brian said.
“I already told Roger Bri, it’s not like that.”
“Then what is it? I mean normally a guy wouldn’t give you his number unless he wants a date or something else.” Roger spoke. Deacy came up and slapped Roger over the head. “Ow! What was that for?”
“For being an idiot.”
“It’s a business card guys! For Stan Singer. Glen Campbell’s manager.”
“Wait I’ve heard of that guy. Yeah he’s like one of the best country singers out there.” Roger said.
“Yeah. Well Stan actually saw the show tonight and well he—he offered to be my manager. He wants to sign up a contract with me.”
“Oh my god darling yes!” Freddie cheered as he came up and embraced me tightly.
“Congratulations (Y/n).” praised Brian.
“But—” I started off. Fred separated from me and he said.
“But what dear? You’re finally on your way! This should be a celebration!”
“But what about us? You guys? What if—what if this is the last time we’ll ever see each other?” at that point the guys grew quiet. They looked at each other and that’s when Deacy spoke up.
“The future is uncertain. Maybe someday we will meet again. But (Y/n), if you don’t take this shot now you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”
“It’s like Deacy’s song says. Time to spread your wings and fly away.” Brian said as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked between the four of them and they all had the same look.
Acceptance and love.
I felt my eyes watering up and I choked out.
“I’ll miss you guys.” They immediately hugged me and told me they would miss me too. We remained in that group hug for the rest of the night till we arrived in New Orleans later the next day.
As soon as we got to the hotel, the guys sat with me as I called Stan up and told him that I would like to have lunch with him to discuss the contract. Stan agreed to fly down to New Orleans and once that date was made, the guys brought me in one last final group hug telling me how proud they were of me, that they loved me and knew that I would become big in my own way.
On June 27th, 1977 I preformed my last concert with Queen as their opening act and the following day, I met with my new manager Stan Singer and together we went over the rules of my contract.
By the end of the 1970’s into the 1980’s my name had flown to the top of the charts in country artists. So far in the 3 years of my growing career I had toured America twice for my 2 albums I had released under Sony records.
As I expected I was mostly popular in the southern states where country music reigned supreme on the radio. But I did have some fans in the northern, Mid-west and western countries but I mostly toured around the South.
I was now performing back in my home state of Oklahoma to an arena of 20,000 people. I had just gotten done preforming my biggest hit “Jesus take the wheel” and everyone went crazy for it.
“Thank you!” I turned and saw one of my roadies hand me a stool and I thanked him before setting it down right at the edge of the stage. I adjusted the mic stand as I sat down. “This is a new song that I wanted to do especially for you my home sweet home. So you guys will be the first to hear this song coming up on my next album.” The crowd cheered. “But this song is also dedicated to four special men in my life. Without them—I wouldn’t even be up on this stage before all of you. It’s called Ready now.”
Then with just me on the guitar I began to sing my newly finished song “Ready now”. As I sang the song, during the long instrumental breaks, I thought back to the guys.
All the fun memories I had with them while on the road with them. Being there with them during their recordings, getting to do a song on their albums, or hanging out at the bars together after the shows.
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You saw through me All this time I'd forgotten People are kind
I was hurting And you knew So you showed me What to do
You said, "I will listen Tell it all When you're finished We'll talk more"
But I didn't know how So we took it in turns And to my surprise We found my words
Feet firm on the ground We stood hand in hand The world seemed to tell me That I have a plan
Together we sang I'm ready now
Something new Something strange Ten feet taller I had changed
I believe you I'm not wrong Oh it suits me To feel strong
You said, "I will listen Tell me it all You don't like the ending Then we'll find on that's yours"
Oh, how did you know That's all we need A promise of hope Is enough to feel free
Feet firm on the ground We stood hand in hand And I told the world That I have a plan
Together we sang I'm ready now
By the end of the song, I heard the crowd cheer and as I looked up at the ceiling I did a silent thank you to the boys. Even though we would never see each other in our career’s again, I would always keep their memories alive in my heart and mind.
Without them, I would never have been ready to even get to this point. And I will always be grateful to Queen.
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similar to the last fankids i made a batch for my uh...universes i’ve been making. these kiddos are from an alternate. i’ll make the post in a bit but lets intriduce these kiddos first, including a returning face.
your name is lellek vantis. your the child of three of the founders of your world. your described as a crybaby and not good at making friends except for your moirail canope. your like watching ghilbi movies, sewing with your ‘auntie’ jade (not really sewing you just take a leftover felt and pierce the needle through it but it’s a nice destresser) or listening to lo-fi tunes with ‘uncle’ dave.
your name is july (jewel-ee) crocker. your the future president...of the crocker company. you have a facination in making sweets just like your mama and dad-uh-you mean ‘uncle’ gam gam, least that’s what they want you to call him...for now. when your not in your first grade class’s poking your sarcastic fun at misume your either dressing up with your cousin dandy and casey, at your mama’s bakery or seromoning gam gam’s church events whilst eating goldfish crackers and 7up...don’t tell gam gam he uses it for his converting events.
your name is misume serket and you wish to become an adventurer! your lussus gave you a couple stories of the famous mindfang, along with your auntsus (aunt lussus) when she’s back from her space adventurers to encourage your determination to get out by her own stories! you can’t now, but you hope to find her in your dream bubbles, cause hey dead people are there so that means she has to be too! meanwhile your busy doing boring first grade class’s and messing with july and your weird ass friendgroup that you only know cause of meetups.
your name is canope. you have a facination for the magics thanks to your auntie rox and mumsie reading your auntie’s books to you. your also a fan of all the wizard of oz movies, your not sure how some fear the second movie it seems fine to you. your the moirail of lellek and do your best as the older moirail to get her into nice situations to have some fun in!
your name is eonape leijon. you love to fly, which is funny cause your olive bloods aren’t known for flying unless their falling, but falling you do not want you feel the urge to fly! so your busy learning to become a mechanic with your unsus (uncle lussus) equius to help you out while your lussus is out and about on her job. your flying love goes all the way back to the troll show jayjay the jet and movie plane’s 2 which you’ll still watch from time to time. your the moirail of hosani and rather energetic in her antics.
your name is hosani nitram. your the school bully of earcth’s elementary and like to torment good ol lellek just to get a reaction...unless her creepy af moirail or she screams happens but thankfully she’s too dumb to remember to use it. sides your trying to show a message that you won’t give a fuck who mess’s with you, no god’s child no highbloods, you got shit to pay to those higher ups despite your pops and uncle telling you not to. but in your meantime your busy hanging with your bud playing fiduspawn in your treehouse for the coolest of low trolls and checking in on your neighborhood critters, mostly the squeakrrles.
your name is dandy egbert and your one fashionable dude. your well known in your class for coming in with different outfits everyday. somedays your a cowboy, others your sporting the sombrero, or feeling spicy you put in your trollsona’s cosplay. your a fan of many genre’s but you like the specific times they were shot like the 70′s and 80′s now THOSE had some sweet cinematography. your considered an ‘old timer’ despite almost being 10 but your pop’s kinda likes it, he says it’s a better hobby then clown figurine collecting...sounds familiar. your sister also gets in on it too dressing in attire related to the theme, she’s the true MVP as kids call it these days.
==> be the male seadweller. your name is eiseel english ampora and no before you ask their not together you just have a very weird family tree where mister ampora considers himself your ‘legal lussus’ but you spend most your time with mister jake and your matesprit’s ‘legal lussus’ aradia in the outdoors traveling and getting many injuries that makes ampora’s reactions humorous. you like the outdoor’s but your more of a tech guy if anything, carrying around a small electric line so you can chat with your bud’s and play match 3 puzzle rpg games. you wish you could live with your matesprit and his totally cool other guardian sol. you also have a weird facination for neon green, but ampora through a fit once so your sticking with an almost jade green, maybe mister jake’s fashion sense was getting to ya.
==> be the female seadweller. your name is reefay peixes. your a selectively mute girl who does fanfiction commissions...least for your moirail eiseel of his gold-blood self insert falling for his matesprit’s DnD sea mage character. you hope to become an author someday as your art skills aren’t up to snuff yet. your a fan of romcom’s and magical girl series bout friendship and subtle but obvious gayness, or maybe your glass’s count as shipping goggles who knows.
your name is anneck captor megaido and no your lussus’s aren’t together either...least you think? it’s simple but complicated just like mister captor who, despite being your caretaker your busy making sure he take his medication and help himself health wise as the pressing leader of earcth’s electrical unit of the whole world. thankfully not the universe otherwise you’d have bigger issues. despite some raising a brow at how you live in a humid basement full of electric units and one king bee (hehe) sized mattress you don’t mind really. your not one to go out for long which is why your not in the outdoors 24/7 with your actual lussus guardian, despite your matesprit wishing you would but most likely so you can bandage his reckless behind up.
your name is haileq strider. your usually on a husktop in your dad’s workshop when he’s busy constructing the new mechanical machinery he and miss harley work on. you don’t have a hobby other then scrolling social media’s boredly with your inability to make a friend without being awkward bout it, even worse try to confess your flushed feelings for yal-...wait she shouldn’t say it oh fuck don’t send-
your name is yale H attahock. your from an adopted carapacious family with two doting mom’s who have a habit of scratching your ears. your the ‘mom friend’ of your semi-blood family’s group of kids but it doesn’t help they keep running around town getting into mischief while the others watch from the sky, someone has to be eyes on the ground! otherwise you like to play soccorfoot in your school’s team the ‘hot dogs’ (funny your the leader but they made that decision to name it that.) or playing joystick games with your...’cousin’ who loves to banter in your playful family-esque relationship.
your name is jaspjoir also called JJ or ‘jasper jr’ on accident in some papers. your also from a carapacious family of your silly sweet pops’. your one for fashion thanks to your old mans and love for a good firework display and a hint of magic performances. you also like to have a good ol time teasing your cous with how lone of a wolf he is after certain events but you do have a soft spot for the kiddos he watches, especially lil ol july. you hope to play a game soon with your dear ol cousin and some of his lil friends sometime, sooner then later you hope ;3.
#homestuck#HS#home stuck#fan kids#fan kid#fan child#fan children#fan character#fan characters#fan character's#au#my art#my ocs#my oc#ocs#oc#bittersweet vers au#i made this
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Ace Attorney: Rise From the Ashes (part 1)
A couple of people expressed interest in a writeup as I play through the game, so I thought I’d give quasi-liveblogging a try. It might have come out to be too detailed - let me know if the result is amusing enough to go through the next part.
(I knew this already, but wow liveblogging is a lot of work. And it must take twice as much effort to do this for a show and to include screencaps.)
(I’ve tried three times now to put proper line breaks/spacing in, and they’re just not displaying, at least on desktop. I’m sorry.)
A brief, stylized opening designed not to give away much, except that a creepy-looking doll is involved.
Two months? Phoenix, you haven't taken a single client since Maya left? a) are you depressed, and b) how are you paying rent on the office?
Ookay, you're not going to tell us why you've been moping around. I don't think it's that you have a crush on Maya. Are you just not able to function without a partner? That's not great for your ability to survive, but I can sympathize.
New perky assistant, right on cue. (A partner who isn't a young girl would be a nice change now and then. (But not Larry. Anyone but Larry. In fact, I take it back, this girl with the pink sunglasses will do just fine.))
Oof, Phoenix still not being able to say out loud that Mia's dead.
In the first two minutes pink-glasses girl has asserted that he's his female boss, the coffee boy, and 'better than nothing'. Aha! The problem with all the clients he turned down was that they didn't insult him enough.
Kid, you can't be more than sixteen, and you have silly face buttons on your lab coat. You are about as much a scientific investigator as Photography Girl last episode was a journalist. ...But apparently you have a future job lined up in forensics, so you're more organized than she was. And this world certainly could use more competent crime scene analysis.
"I promised her I'd bring Mia Fey". Huh. Is Mia's murder not well-known to the public, then, even though the Edgeworth case apparently got famous enough to earn Phoenix a bit of a reputation?
A murder charge with an eyewitness, and an assistant who "kind of hates" her sister the defendant. Sounds hopeless, let's do it! Off to the Detention Center.
...Did we just overhear the defendant threatening their terrified guard with a pay freeze? Is she their boss? And if she's someone that high up, why doesn't she already have a better defense attorney?
I like Lana Skye's character design. She looks as though she should be starring in a Takurazuka revue show, swearing eternal star-crossed love to a princess.
She insists she did it. By genre convention we know that can't be the case; my first assumption is that she's being forced to cover for someone, blackmailed or coerced by someone higher up in the system. But it would certainly be interesting if it turned out she was covering for Ema.
Oookay. A prosecutor should certainly know ways to commit murder without getting caught, and this sounds like the opposite of those ways. WHY does she claim she did this? You're not even going to ask her, are you? *headdesk*
Ema: "Please ignore that totally gay statement by my sister, because I certainly plan to!"
Lana: "No don't help me, go away go away go away go away go awa-oh fine."
Hmmm. From Ema's description of the behavior change, Lana has been being blackmailed or coerced for a long time now.
Time to go investigate the underground parking garage.
Attorneys aren't supposed to examine crime scenes, and defense attorneys aren't entitled to a copy of the police investigation reports. What does a "normal" defense attorney in this world do for their clients then? Always assume a loss and try to negotiate a plea bargain? I wonder if we'll ever get to see one in action.
It's...a cop with a cowboy fetish? Do police not have dress codes here? Maybe they're waived above a certain level, and some people take pride in cultivating a unique style to show off that they can. It would explain Edgeworth.
You are dramatically pretending to shave in front of us. Also you just called Ema a baby cow. Although you know her and seem sympathetic - I guess Lana brought her little sister to the office sometimes? Not sure what I think of you, Jake Marshall.
I am revising my stance. Being Phoenix's partner on a case requires precise and narrow qualifications. Specifically, just enough sense to stop him from doing something breathtakingly stupid, but not enough sense to take the badge firmly away from him and do the job themselves. Ema fits the bill perfectly.
Ooh, new mechanic! And an ID card number for a Bruce Goodman who dresses like a white-hat agent in Spy vs Spy. (I was trained on games that would require you to write that number down and remember it later, but AA will certainly be more forgiving.)
Using the new mechanic on Phoenix's attorney badge, I deduce that at some point this game it will be stolen.
It doesn't explain Lana's supposed actions, but that red sports car does kind of scream "My owner is a jerk, stuff a body in my trunk." Instead of a chalk outline, they seem to have outlined the hanging body with string? Is that actually a technique, and how do they get the rope to stay put in precise outline?
And the cowboy gives them a hint. So he's on their side but constrained by rules?
Lady put the boobs away. Why are you selling sushi in a negligee under a fur coat, at a crime scene? And why would anyone trust food from someone whose nickname is "the Cough-Up Queen"?
Angel Starr, dominatrix lunch lady. It says something that this is not the weirdest witness in an AA game so far.
She hates prosecutors, and therefore especially Lana. Not a trustworthy witness. But it's probably no fun to cater for a group of (relatively) wealthy and powerful people you despise. Especially if they're smugly giving awards to each other as they eat lunches. (Eeeevil lunches. She probably coughs on them.)
"The rhythmic beat of Lana Skye's knife"... very poetic, but didn't Lana say the victim was stabbed only once?
We can't get back to the car, phooey, so up to the prosecutor's office we go.
Pink...everywhere...no question whose office this is, even if one of his outfits wasn't framed on the wall. (why do you frame an outfit?) I see a very ugly trophy on the sofa, so he's the one who won the award.
Ema: "this is the kind of room that just screams 'I can do the job'. Actually it screams 'I don't need to pretend to be heterosexual', but the two aren't unconnected.
Is it just me or is that trophy broken off at the top?
Edgeworth did you just roll with being insulted and make a joke about it? I'm so proud of you, you've clearly relaxed since your murder trial!
BWAHAHA of course it was Edgeworth's car.
Wendy the security guard from the Steel Samurai case is sending Edgeworth expensive presents?? a) that's both funny and a little sad, b) how can she afford it, and c) he keeps and displays them which is very courteous.
WAIT did you - did this game just heavily suggest Gumshoe hangs out in the office a lot? Twice, once when you look at the shelves and again when you look at the desk? I don't ship it, but this is the point where I start to see why people do.
Awwww he's embarrassed about the trophy, that's cute. So he's the one who "devours the evillest lunches of all", hmm? I wouldn't have thought the Cough-Up Queen's weird not-even-fresh lunches would appeal to Edgeworth's refined tastes.
Ema actually has a bit of a crush, from the way she's rhapsodizing about Edgeworth sleeping on the sofa. d'awww. And I definitely want to know the story behind the outfit. Made by his mom and too precious to wear?
Edgeworth, no one thinks you did it. Sheesh. He certainly doesn't sound happy about having to prosecute Lana, even though he believes she's guilty. His car, his knife... it almost seems like this is a plot aimed at him, or perhaps a plot against Lana with a healthy dose of fuck-you-too-Edgeworth to it.
Huh. Maybe it *is* aimed at him. I've been assuming all this time from his behavior on the stand that Edgeworth has indeed been messing with evidence to convict obviously innocent people, and also assuming that it's common practice in this corrupt justice system. (Much as it is in Japan and in the US). But the way he's talking about rumors right now, it sounds more like he's being slandered. And he thinks the award he was given was out of mockery. Ouch.
So yes, the trophy is broken. (In RWBY, you assume everything is a gun; in AA, you assume everything is a murder weapon. It probably broke when it was used to hit someone over the head.)
Evidence transferal day, huh? Was the murder timed to draw attention away from a case being closed? And Edgeworth parked his car only three minutes before Goodman was stabbed and thrown into its trunk? No way. He was there for the murder, or more likely that's not when the murder happened. (Is he being coerced like Lana? I don't think so, but it's possible.)
Enter an idiot mailman with a bandaged hand. And exit, with sniveling. What was that about?
And a hint to go investigate at the police station. Is Edgeworth being friendly, attempting to signal something, or merely aware that the most efficient way to get rid of Phoenix is to give him a clue to chase?
The police department entrance, with some sort of plywood jester figure in front of it. We're offhandedly informed that it took 30 minutes to get there from Edgeworth's office, which means that will be important later.
This is the creepy doll from the intro! It's clearly meant to be a mascot. Was it made by the sniveling mailman? There's a certain resemblance...
No, I should've guessed that Gumshoe made it. I mean ... mechanically it's pretty clever for someone who's not a craftsman or engineer? Moving articulated limbs and all. It's just the aesthetics and design he shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near.
Yes, yes it is odd that only the top-ranked people are being allowed to work on the case. Are they all in on it? A patrolman in charge of the crime scene instead of a detective - that suggests Marshall is part of the conspiracy. I'm thinking the dominatrix lunch lady is too.
Gumshoe is so happy about the prosecutor's award - Edgeworth probably didn't have the heart to say that for him it's a mockery. Daww. (Also there's something endearingly cheerful about his hopping-caterpillar eyebrows.) He's also being much more helpful than his superiors would want, probably just because he thinks of Phoenix as an ally in general now.
Back to the parking lot, with a letter of introduction in hand this time.
I genuinely can't tell if the lunch lady is a sex worker, if she actually has multiple boyfriends, or if that's code for her professional contacts in whatever she's really doing here. (And that's an interesting cultural bit, isn't it - any of those options seem possible, and I'm not expecting any of the characters to question her competence or morality because of it, not even in court. If this was a US-made game my expectations would be...different.)
"Good men always die young"...I see what you did there, Marshall.
Autopsy report confirms one stab wound. Lana and the victim worked together on "a case a few years back", ding ding ding. Someone didn't want the evidence for that case transferred. Or looked at.
Marshall used to be a detective but got demoted? And he's lying about why he was assigned to the crime scene, and telling us Gumshoe is off the case because he's friends with Edgeworth. The police chief, whoever he is, is now at the top of my suspect list.
Happily, the game will let me do dumbass things like show off Goodman's ID card without consequences. Marshall seems very uninterested in it and why it was found so far from the spot of the murder, which I take to mean "we have our official narrative, don't go messing it up with facts or evidence."
Finally we can examine the car! First up, Lana's cellphone. The whole business about hitting redial and somehow not knowing that Ema's phone rang was weird. Phoenix’s lie couldn't possibly have fooled Marshall, who is bizarrely claiming there's no way to know who the last call was made to. It's an odd thing to conceal, even given the “no facts please we have our narrative” stance. Maybe he's trying to protect Ema somehow?)
Marshall said the rumors about Edgeworth came from Lana. And we have a note found in the trunk: 6-7S 12/2, on a piece of Goodman's stationery.
Er, yeah, Ema, why didn't you mention your sister called you 3 minutes after the claimed murder time? If Lana hung up right away that's hardly incriminating for either of you.
End of Day One! We are, as usual, completely unprepared for tomorrow morning's trial.
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It’s All in a Hat
Otherwise known as Five times Michael told people off when they touched his hat and one time he didn’t Also known as the fic I wrote @christchex to show her my undying love and gratitude for being who she is.
And also completely written because of this post by @monluna-dreamer
Small note of warning for Wyatt Long being a class a racist douchebag
1. Michael’s hat is a no go zone. Everyone knows this, and everyone respects it, because if they so much as lay a finger on the black cowboy hat Michael will either a) tear you a new one or b) outright punch you.
Liz Ortecho, however, has been gone from Roswell for ten years, and as she wasn’t there when Michael got the hat, she doesn’t know just how attached he is to it. Which is why she casually picks it up one night they’re in the Pony and starts to look at it, turning it in her hands to look at the seams and inside, frankly curious about the hat that spends so much time on Michael’s head.
“Where did Mikey get this hat?” She looks up, looking for someone to answer her but instead freezes at the way they’re all looking at her in shock. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because, Ortecho,” Michael says behind her. He does not sound pleased. “There’s three rules about the hat.”
“One, don’t ever touch the hat.” He plucks it out of her fingers and places it on his head. “Two, don’t make any kind of remarks about the hat. And three, don’t ask about the hat.”
Her eyes follow him as he turns around and walks out of the Pony. From the look on Isobel and Maria’s faces this behavior when it comes to the hat isn’t new, though Max looks like he’s slightly annoyed. Probably because Michael just left when they were there to discuss important things.
“He’s not kidding, Liz. Don’t ever mess with the hat.”
She looks at Max. “Why, though?”
“We don’t know,” Isobel replies. “He never told us where it came from. Just that it’s sacred.”
Her voice turns nasal when she says the word sacred. Liz frowns at that but doesn’t say anything. Maria just looks pensive. Like she has an idea but doesn’t want to share for her own peace of mind. Liz is curious, maybe one day she’ll get the story. Until then; point taken.
2. Kyle Valenti likes to use the same excuse, he hasn’t been in Roswell for ten years so he doesn’t know things. Never mind that his mother is the sheriff and keeps him apprised on all things Roswellian, no matter if he wants to or not, he will still live by the “I didn’t know” if he can. Luckily for him he’s charming enough that it usually works when he does do something wrong.
Of course there’s people that don’t buy it. Arturo is one, Alex the second, and Rosa the third. Isobel will give him the benefit of the doubt if in a good mood, Liz is to kind not to believe him, Maria just shakes her head and Max just frankly doesn’t care.
Then there’s Michael Guerin, who sees through all kinds of bullshit Kyle talks about, so much so that Kyle has started to test the limits of what he can get away with. He’s tried it with cars, he’s tried it with alcohol, he tried it with the Evans siblings(which did not go well) and he’s tried it with the Airstream. The number is currently 0-1 in Guerin’s favor, but he still tries. He likes the challenge.
He decides to try it with the hat, because he’s had a few beers to many, sitting at the junkyard with Alex, Guerin is being a broody shit, and he’s bored without any alien shenanigans to deal with. Which is something he never thought he would think.
“Hey, Guerin, what’s actually up with the hat?”
“None of your beeswax, Valenti,” is the reply he gets. Rude.
“No, tell me, what’s up with it?” He asks as he reaches out a hand towards the hat on Michael’s head. He doesn’t expect the mighty punch he receives to the shoulder. “Ow! What the fuck, Guerin?”
“Kyle.” The disapproval in Alex’s voice is enough to let him know how much of a brat he’s being.
“Sorry, Guerin.”
“Whatever, Valenti.” He knows Guerin isn’t done being pissed off, but he still hands him a beer so he guesses he’s sort of forgiven. For now.
He realizes he’s wrong when he gets up to pee about 15 minutes later and he falls over because his shoelaces are tied together, to Guerin’s roaring laugh and Alex’s coughing that means he’s trying to hide a laugh. Stupid telekinesis.
3. Wyatt Long is a douchebag, it’s known, it’s heard, it’s just a fact of life. He’s a white privilege, New Mexico 1st born son of the worst caliber, who spews racism like it’s fact, slurs like they have meaning, offence like it’s the law, be it against latinx, black or native people. He doesn’t care who he hurts, who he offends, who hates him.
What he does care about is who he hates, and Michael Guerin is on the near top of that list, just underneath Max Evans.
Stupid fucking Michael Guerin, who runs around like he owns Roswell in that stupid, fucking black cowboy hot.
Only good, proud, ranger sons like Wyatt should be allowed to wear hats like that. That Michael Guerin, whore and drunk that he is, runs around in one is a disgrace.
One night in the Pony, Wyatt decides to do something about that after a bourbon of eight. Guerin is sitting at the bar as usual, flirting with the DeLuca chick. She’s hot as fuck, but a bartender is beneath his standards. Even if he would like to fuck her to check if she’s up to par.
“Hold up guys, I’mma get Guerin’s hat,” he tells his group of friends, grinning as they holler and yell after him as he walks up to the bar. He might be a little unsteady, but who the fuck cares.
“What do you want, Long?”
“Well I could always do with a night in your bed, gorgeous,” he replies, giving DeLuca his most winning smile. The look of disgust on her face just fuels the rage, as does the snort Guerin lets out. “What, you think you’re so much better than me, Guerin? At least I have a house, not a tin can.”
“That the best you can do, Long? Cause that’s just sad, I happen to like my tin can, and guess what, so does Maria.”
Wyatt completely misses DeLuca’s hissed out “Guerin!” Or Guerin cringing at the tone in her voice. All he can hear is the angry rush of blood in his ears.
“The fuck do you have this hat for anyway, Guerin? You ain’t no fucking ranger and you don’t fucking deserve to wear it.” He picks up the black hat and crunches his fingers around the top of it.
He doesn’t realize he’s been punched until he’s already falling backwards with a hell of a pain in his nose, his head this close to smacking into the ground as he lands, hard. He can already feel the blood starting to gush from the broken nose.
“You wanna talk smack about where I live, go right on ahead. But don’t you ever fucking touch the hat, or question why I wear it, Long.”
He’s too busy trying not to cry from the pain to notice as Michael steps over him, hat on his head, and leaves into the night.
4. Maria DeLuca is not a woman who doesn’t know herself. She has far to much of a psychic ability for that, has had far to many struggles in her life for that and has sacrificed too many things for that. She knows who she is inside and out, she knows what she’s worth and she knows that she deserves. She doesn’t have to fool herself into anything. Even if she did, her ability wouldn’t let her for long. Most times it’s a gift, sometimes it’s a curse.
“You’re never gonna let me touch it, are you?”
She knows it’s the wrong question when Michael leers, drunkenly, at her. “Gorgeous, you can touch it any time you want.”
“Your hat, Guerin.”
She watches him quickly pick up the hat from the bar, putting it into his lap instead of anywhere near she can reach from behind the bar. It’s all the answer she needs, isn’t it.
“Don’t.” She smiles at him, a small smile she knows is full of sadness. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” Michael answers. His eyes, though drunk, mirrors her sadness. It makes her feel a tiny bit better because she knows they both do want this to work, in their own way.
“Yes, it is. You can’t help how you feel.” The words Liz told her echoes in her head. She knows Michael likes her, truly likes her, but she can never compete with Alex. And while she knows Alex is fine with Michael and her, she doesn’t know how fine she is by always coming in second place. Even if Michael chose her out in the world, she’s very rarely first in his head. “Did he give you the hat?”
Michael just looks at her. She won’t be getting a reply any time soon. For some reason, she’s okay with that. Maybe because she knows it would hurt more if he did.
“If there’s any woman in the world I would let touch the hat, it would be you.”
She surprises herself by laughing. For Michael Guerin that’s the perfect endearment and she adores him for it. Especially since she feels how much he means it.
“I need some time.”
Michael nods, unsurprised but still saddened by it. “Text me, yeah?”
Maria nods in reply, maintaining a smile on her face as Michael, and the iconic hat, leaves her bar. It’s only when the door closes behind him that she lets herself feel the sadness of what could have been.
5. Arturo Ortecho is used to tourists. It’s the one big thing you have to deal with owning a diner in New Mexico, but as they are his biggest revenue stream, he doesn’t mind them. In fact he welcomes them gladly, with his alien themed menus, alien themed outfits and antennas. He loves their ooo’s and their aaa’s, he loves giving them genuine mexican cuisine that they all seem to enjoy, he loves his old jukebox with silly old songs that adults fawn over and children thinks are stupid. He loves it all.
The only thing he might have a slight issue with is when they come in and don’t respect other people’s property. He’s far to used to people trying to destroy the diner after… But he doesn’t negotiate when it comes to leaving his other customers things alone.
“You should leave that hat alone before the owner sees you,” Arturo says with a look at the three teens who are now frozen by Michael’s hat, one of their hands reaching out towards it. “He doesn’t take kindly to it being touched, a true cowboy never does. The hat is what makes the man, you would do well to remember that.”
The kids look from the hat to him, to the antenna on his head (which is fair), before they nod respectfully, leaving it alone and walking back to their seats. Funny, it’s been a while since anyone nodded respectfully to him. Especially kids.
“Thanks, Mr. Ortecho.”
“Bah.” He turns towards Michael, who’s coming out of the kitchen wiping his hands. “You fix my fridge?”
“Needs a new part, but I got one at the junkyard so I’ll be back later.”
“Good. Take some meatloaf with you when you go, you’re too skinny.”
He doesn’t need to see Michael to know he’s smiling as he picks up the meatloaf, and the hat, on his way out the door. He’s a good boy, that one.
+1 “Has anyone besides you ever worn or even touched the hat, Michael?” Isobel asks, one night as the entire group sit in her living room, bottles of tequila and bourbon cluttered on her living room table. They’ve been celebrating life, just because they can, just because everyone is alive and just because they want to.
“Why is everyone so damn curious about the damn hat? It’s just a black cowboy hat.”
Maria snorts. “That’s a damn lie and you know if. You start fights over that hat. You punched Wyatt Long so hard he broke his nose over the hat.”
Michael sighs, and looks down on the floor. “Long deserved it.”
“Long deserves a lot of things. But he’s not the first you’ve punched over it,” Max interjects, giving Michael a look when he looks up from the floor.
“Come on Mikey, just tell us,” Liz says, pouting as Michael’s gaze swings over to her. His eyes does the round after that, from Isobel, Kyle, Rosa, Maria, Jenna, Max and finally landing on Alex. Alex doesn’t do anything but smile encouragingly. Because Alex Manes, last son of Jesse Manes, current Captain of the United States Air Force, resident of Jimmy Valenti’s cabin in Roswell, New Mexico, is the only one, besides Michael, who knows the origin story of Michael’s hat. No one has ever asked him if he knows and he would never tell anyone.
“Oh my god, Alex knows?” Isobel asks, shock and delight on her face. They all look curious now, even Maria, who’s been the biggest advocate of them figuring out their shit since her and Michael broke up.
Michael smiles, and gives Alex a small nod. Guess he is telling someone after all. “Of course I know. I bought him the hat.”
There’s silence for a second, before questions hurtle at them from everyone in the room. How and why and when but Alex and Michael doesn’t answer any of them, they just look at each other and smile, remembering a dusty, hot weekend in Kansas when Alex was on leave. A weekend without cares, without fear and without worry, where Alex found the perfect black cowboy hat while out buying sustenance, and brought it back to their motel room. A weekend that like all others ended on a sad note, but was perfect the way it was.
“Does he let you wear it?”
Both Alex and Michael look at Jenna, before they turn back to one another. A second later the black cowboy hat floats from the hallway and lands on Alex’s head. It’s still a bit big on him, but it still makes him smile.
“Yeah, I do.”
They only have eyes for each other, as the room explodes in a symphony of joyous noise.
#roswell new mexico#roswell new mexico fic#michael guerin#the hat#malex fic#liz ortecho#kyle valenti#maria deluca#arturo ortecho#alex manes#mentions miluca#christi is a gift and as such she deserves gift#i hope you like it
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Wanted: Dead or Alive
This is for TiltheendwillIwrite’s 6k Challenge (Congrats Lady)
Prompt: Wanted: Dead or Alive
Pairing: Bank Robber/Cowboy Bucky x Female Reader
Summary: A trip to the bank ends up more exciting than you planned. Wild West AU. Lots of background MCU characters
Warnings: Guns, Illegal Activities, background consensual non-con (not graphic), Bad People, Fluffy Smut (What a weird list of warnings).
Ding. The bell sounded as you pushed open the door to the bank. Your skirts dragging along the wooden floor were the only other sound as the establishment’s eyes came to rest on you.
The folks in this town were quieter than the last, but you still heard their whispers as you waked to the line for the teller.
”There she is…”
“Richest woman in the country…”
“She’s more beautiful than I heard…”
“I heard she’s British, actually a Countess…”
“Her dress is worth more than my Pa’s house…”
You tried to keep your smile down, but the rumors seemed to grow like a tumbleweed.
“Ahem, ahem.” You brought out a kerchief as you cleared your throat, then addressed the groups one at a time. “Not a countess, far from the richest woman in the country, and that’s just plain silly. You can’t live in a dress can you?”
“Ah, Mrs. Strange I presume, we have been awaiting your arrival.” A man in a black coat walked out from behind the cage, he was nondescript, looking like any other banker in any other town. “I received your letters and the people have been bustling since your arrival last night. How have the accommodations been treating you?”
“Like I am tempted to purchase the hotel rather than build a house.” You held out your hand while the banker placed a kiss on your knuckles.
“Your letters stated you were considering our dear town as a possible home. Does that mean you’ve decided?” The banker held his arm out, signaling you toward his desk.
“New York has grown boring, especially since my dear Stephen’s demise.” You dabbed at the corners of your eyes. “I want the fresh air, peace and quiet city life lacks now that I am a widow.”
“I will admit, I had never heard of your husband, but you said he was a top surgeon? What an admirable profession. I am sure he is missed by many.” The banker eyed you up and down, no doubt wondering where your traditional black mourning garb was.
“Well, it has been eighteen months.” You smoothed out the forest green frock as you sat, pushing your arms together and straightening your back to make sure your cleavage was on display for the man. “Before I pick my future home, I want to ensure my money is protected. Can you offer those services?”
“Of course. We have a top of the line vault.” The man’s eyes were glued to your chest. “We offer safety deposit boxes as well. Anything you could need to ensure your riches.”
Your eyes looked behind the banker to see another employee nailing a piece of paper to the wall. You got up from your chair and rounded the desk, going straight for the notices.
There were five men, each their own sign. Their pictures all showed eyes only, faces heavily covered by bandanas and cowboy hats. The words of the top read the same: WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE. Even with the taupe color tone, you could tell the newest addition had big blue eyes. It almost made you smile.
“That’s the Stark gang.” The banker was right behind you. “Don’t you worry about them. They’re far from here. Last spotted over three hundred miles away. Federal Marshalls are hot on their trail. Won’t be long until they’re on the noose.”
“I’ve heard stories.” You tilted your head. “They kidnap a girl from each heist. Threaten to murder her if the law is called. Nobody ever listens and the women are never returned, probably bones in the desert now.”
“It is a shame, but nothing for you to worry yourself with.” The banker touched the small of your back. “Can I give you a tour of the vault?”
You didn’t like his hand on you and tried to step out of the way, but he moved with you so you grinned and bared his touch.
“That’s why I’m here, after all.”
He nodded in return and guided you behind the teller cages. When the banker’s hand finally left your back you fought the urge to wipe the spot down. He pulled out his keys and slid the first one into the vault.
“This vault is uncrackable.” The man swung the door open, proud of his room.
BOOM! BOOM! As if on cue gunshots sounded from the door. You plugged your ears as you turned to see four men walk in, all with cowboy hats and bandana’s covering their faces.
“NOBODY MOVE.” He blasted the gun two more times. “THIS IS A ROBBERY.”
Your heart jumped at the realization of what was happening. You looked at the banker with shock who seemed as dumbfounded as you did.
“NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE A HERO.” The main one spoke.
Your eyes snapped back to him, even with the bandana those eyes made it clear that was the legendary Tony Stark. Two blue-eyed men began attaching ropes to the teller cage. That must have been Steve Rogers and Thor Odinson.
A fourth man was patting down the men in the bank, disarming them. It was Sam Wilson. That left one of the gang unaccounted for.
“Don’t even think about closing that door, you hear?” The click of a gun made you turn your head to see the newest member’s blue eyes locked on the banker. “In fact, why don’t you raise your arms nice and slow away from those keys.”
He was inches from you. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You took a step to run when A hand gripped your upper arm.
“Now where do you think you’re going you little heathen?” A strong tug pulled you back into the man’s chest. “Woah, what’s your name Darling?”
“Get your hands off me.” You pulled your arms, but it didn’t budge from his steely grasp.
He chuckled as he looked down at you.
“Unhand her.” The banker seemed to spark too.
Bucky spun around and twirled his gun, so the butt was in the lead as he smashed it against the man’s head in the exact right spot, sending him falling to the ground with a thud.
You gasped and covered your mouth.
“Relax darling, he’s just taking a little nap.” Bucky winked, still holding on to your arm. “THAT’s THE LAST WARNING. ANY OF THE REST OF YA GET OUT OF LINE WE’LL USE THE OTHER END.”
Bucky squeezed down harder and you ran to get out of his grip. He yanked you back with ease.
“You’re a fancy lady. I can tell, but that doesn’t give you the right to behave so poorly.” Bucky gave a tsk tsk. “HEY BOYS, I’M GOING TO TAKE MISS FANCY PANTS IN THE VAULT WITH ME FOR A QUICK LESSON. She can help empty too.”
“QUICK,” Tony yelled back.
Thor and Steve were tugging on the ropes and the teller cage was seconds from falling over.
“What?!?!” Again you tried to run. “NOOO!”
He hoisted you over his shoulder and walked into the vault. You screamed and kicked, hitting him in the back as he pulled the door almost all the way shut.
“ENOUGH!” He screamed before dropping you on the sack of money.
Your eyes scanned the vault. There was no safe.
“You’re doing so good baby girl.” Bucky whispered in your ear.
In made you jump, but then his lips were on yours. He opened his mouth and you parted yours welcoming his hungry kiss just as eager.
“STOP!” You screamed.
Bucky pushed his forehead to yours and gave you a wicked smile.
“YOU’RE HURTING ME!” You yelled again with an exaggerated cry.
Bucky turned to the safety deposit boxes and went to the side, using the master key to unlock all of them. It was such a stupid set up. What was the point in the things if they could be opened like that?
You turned and started gathering the bags of money, your adrenaline flaring.
SMACK! You let out a true scream as you jumped forward.
“OH SHE LIKES IT ROUGH FELLOWS!” Bucky yelled out the vault door.
You turned over your shoulder to look at him and rubbed your ass.
“Fuck you that hurt!” You whispered.
“Oh, I’m going to fuck you alright.” Bucky grabbed your waist and spun your around, pulling you against him.
You melted in his kiss, your heart racing from the adrenaline of the robbery. He reached behind you and pulled out your hairpin, running his hands through it as he made you look more disheveled.
When he pulled away from the kiss he bit your lip, dragging his teeth hard enough to make you wince.
“AHHHH!” You gave an over-exaggerated scream.
Bucky spun you around and ripped the back of your dress slightly.
“Hey, I like this thing!” You had to push your hand against your chest to keep it up.
“That banker man had his hand on it. I did not like that one-bit Y/N.” Bucky turned back to the safety boxes and started emptying the contents into his bag. “We’re burning it when we get home.”
CRASH! That meant Steve and Thor had the teller counter’s down. Bucky waved his hands at you. You nodded and took a few deep breaths before the tears started to well. You blinked rapidly and they came down, smearing your make up in the process.
“Big finish Y/N. You ready?” Bucky beamed at you with pride.
Bucky put his bandana back on and wrapped his arm around your waist. He pulled you next to him while he hooked the bag from the boxes to his belt. Then he pulled out his gun and held it up to your head as you walked out of the vault.
Everyone on the floor looked up at you. Their fear was soon replaced with pity as you kept the dead-eyed look on your face, trying not to make eye contact with any of them and continuing to sniffle and cry.
“Take a look at this beautiful woman.” Bucky pushed you out in front of him, keeping his hand on your shoulder. “Hasn’t she been through enough? Do you really want to see her dead? Because that is what will happen if a single one of you notifies the law. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
You brought your arms up and sobbed silently, scared your dress was going to slip and you were about to give the bank patrons a different sort of show.
BOOM! BOOM! Tony fired two more shots.
“My man asked you a question!” Tony fired again. “If you’re going to rat on us, let us now know and we can put this sweet thing out of her misery. Or else keep your traps shut and we’ll cut her loose in a few days, better than we found her. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
The gargle of yesses came from the bank.
“Why don’t you get our little hostage on the horse and get out of here.” Tony kept the gun pointed on the crowd. “We’ll catch up.”
“I don’t want to die.” You pinched your eyes shut.
Bucky pulled you back against him and put the gun to your head as he led you to the door.
“You won’t have to, as long as these people keep their word.” He marched you outside and straight to his horse.
You climbed up with ease and Bucky jumped up right behind you.
In ten seconds you were on your way out of the town. In twenty seconds you felt safe enough to drop the act.
Lips pressed down on your neck, as you both galloped away on the horse. Bucky’s mouth went next to your ear and he whispered:
“So proud of you baby.” He kissed your ear and you went warm with his praise.
By the time you got off the horse your thighs were quaking and the sun was down. Bucky jumped off first and then grabbed your waist, lifting you off. Even in the twilight, you saw the approval on his face. You were finally one of them.
“How did it go?” Jane was the first to walk outside of the cabin.
You took one look at her pants and almost moaned in jealousy.
“Y/N was a pro.” Bucky wrapped both arms around your waist and pulled your back to his chest.
“I knew she would be.” Pepper appeared in the doorway. “It’s kinda fun, right? I mean the first few times at least.”
“First few times?” Peggy walked out behind Pepper. “How long ago was your first time? Still seems like you have fun to me.”
“It’s been so long since we did the rich widow bit though.” Pepper sighed.
“That’s my favorite because of the dress. And the night in the hotel.” Jane looked up longingly. “The worst is new teacher because then you actually have to live in the town alone for a month.”
“Do you think the Marshalls would believe us if we told them that the ladies were actually the brains behind this whole operation?” Bucky had a playfulness to his voice.
“I think if they spent two minutes alone with our ladies they’d ask where to sign up.” Thor appeared out of the darkness, holding a few bags of loot.
Jane went right for the greeting. Steve, Sam, and Tony appeared behind him carrying money. Steve and Tony each got their kiss.
“I’m the only single one?” Sam shrugged. “Less competition. After dinner, I’m going into town.”
“I’m starving. Did you make dinner?” Tony put his arm around Pepper.
“You know we did.” Pepper led him inside. “And single or not, nobody is going to town. Tradition. We eat, we celebrate, we divide the money, and we go our separate ways until the heat dies down.”
“Good job newbie.” Tony looked over his shoulder at you and gave a nod. “But what sort of name is Stephen Strange?”
“A guy I dated a long time ago.” You shrugged.
“Oooooo.” Sam and Steve let out exaggerated teases.
You rolled your eyes.
“Do you want to change before we eat Y/N? That dress looks ruined.” Pepper held the door open.
“Bucky got grabby.” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Didn’t like the way that bank man was touching you.” He kissed the top of your head. “And I might not have been the first she dated, but make damn sure I’ll be the last.”
That brought a round of awwws from the group.
“I can fix it.” Jane was right behind you.
She gathered the dress together and did some sort of tucking to make it stay in place.
“There. Not perfect, but won’t fall down.” She sounded pleased with herself.
“Thanks.” You glanced over your shoulder at her.
“Good job today Y/N.” Thor nodded at you.
It was a strange thing, being good at deceiving and robbing people, messing with their emotions. But none-the-less you enjoyed the pride it brought you. You might be going to hell, but at least you were all going together.
“Welcome to the gang!” Steve downed the last of his drink before standing up to join Peggy. “Again, great job today kid.”
“Really Y/N.” Peggy beamed down at you. “Happy you’ve decided to join our little family.”
“Thank you.” You looked at the ground, a little embarrassed by all the encouragement.
“Don’t be shy.” Bucky pulled you closer, the crackling of the fire and the sound of the crickets the only thing for miles. “You really did do well, especially since it was your first time.”
Peggy and Steve went into the house, leaving you and Bucky alone at last. Today was dangerous, but you felt safe. In fact, you never felt anything but kept when you were with James Buchanan Barnes.
“What?” He smiled at you when you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I keep thinking about one thing.” You spun yourself so that you were facing him, your hands going behind to your split dress.
“Alright fine, I apologize.” Bucky looked you in the eye. “I’ll buy you a new dress, hell one-ninth of that money is yours. You can buy yourself one.”
���That’s not it.” Your fingers undid Jane’s fix and this time you let the bodice fall forward. “I keep thinking about how you promised to fuck me.”
Bucky’s eyes dropped to your exposed breasts. That look of starvation crossed his face and he was on you in a second. Grabbing your hips and lowering you to your back as he climbed on top of you.
Your hands went to his hair as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, flickering his tongue until it hardened into a peak. His hand went to your other breast and he began kneading it.
“Fuck.” You tried to flex your hips up. “I’ve been wet set the bank. I need you Bucky.”
He grunted but didn’t stop teasing your breasts. Then he lifted his weight and you wasted no time lifting your hips and shimming out of the dress, undercoats and all, no longer caring about saving the piece of clothing.
Then your hands went to Bucky’s belt and you helped him undo the buckle and pull his pants and underwear down.
Bucky sucked harder without warning and went from kneading your flesh to pinching.
“Ahhh!” You squealed underneath him.
“See?” Bucky lifted his head. “You do like it rough?”
You pushed at his shoulder and he took off his shirt. When you continued nudging he rolled onto his back. The only ceiling for the both of you the stars above.
As you climbed on top of him you grabbed the base of his cock and slowly lowered yourself onto his thick shaft.
Bucky reached around and grabbed your waist as he sat up, moaning as he slid deeper inside of you.
His mouth was on your chest again and he resumed teasing your nipples, but now it wasn’t a tease as you took more and more of him inside of you until he was buried.
You rocked your hips back and forth, knowing full well this brought you more pleasure than him. But you’d been turned on all day and were desperate for the release. With each movement, the tip of his cock brushed your G-spot bringing you closer to the rush you craved.
Bucky urged you on, flexing his ass up every time you rocked forward, making your clit brush against his pelvis. Soon you were working at the perfect pace and your orgasm began to crest.
It was beautiful, bringing your body to life with a wave of sweet pleasure. Before you could ride it out Bucky flipped you over.
The missionary position gave him the control to throttle into you at full force. It turned the sweet orgasm into an overload of pleasure as each thrust brought it back to life over and over again.
Soon you were a mess underneath him and all the while he spoke:
“Good girl. You were such a good girl today. Made me so proud.”
The praises only made you come further undone until your head and being were nothing but fireworks.
With one final thrust Bucky pulled out of you and ropes of his cum hit your belly. He pressed his forehead to yours as you both tried to control your breathing.
Then he rolled over, so his head was next to your, offering you his shirt to clean yourself off with. Instead, you grabbed the ruined dress.
“I thought you liked it?” Bucky opened his arm for you to come cuddle on his chest.
“Na.” You took your spot and gazed up at the stars with your beau. “Bucky Did I really do good today?”
“Na.” Bucky repeated and you popped your head up to see him grinning at you. He tilted his head to the side. “You did the best.”
You dipped your chin and went back to his chest.
“Wanted: Dead or Alive.” The image of the poster came to the mind.
“Welcome to the club darling.” Bucky kissed the top of your head.
You weren’t scared of anything. Not when his arm was around you. The two of you could conquer the world if you wanted.
#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#marvel fanfic#bucky fanfic#bucky x you#wild west#wild west au#t6ksongfic
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I’m gonna get to The Greater Hater, just not yet!
The Wanders episode is pretty imperative to his story arc, so I wouldn’t make it not about him. But Spinel being there would be pretty big!
This would be later on in their story as they’ve all gotten to know each other a lot better, and had a ton of bonding experiences, with some Spinel episode ideas thrown in that I haven’t gotten to yet. But Spinel still only knows Wander about as well as Sylvia does (maybe a little less), so this whole thing still comes as a surprise to both of them. Seeing so many aspects of the little guy kind of hits her full force with a couple ideas to contemplate. See, seeing Wander and his unapologetically happy and fun demeanor helps Spinel in a couple of her own qualities. It’s more difficult for her to dissolve into self-hatred when thinking of her own silly traits and how they lead her wrong, because she sees how Wander puts them to good use, and how much better he makes life, even if he gets knocked down occasionally. Seeing so many aspects of his personality kind of makes her realize her own differences. Gems are supposed to be ONE thing, and this whole time Spinel had assumed that it was the same for organics, that they were all trying to find their own purpose. But Wander doesn’t have a specific purpose, or a specific personality trait, he’s got hundreds, and he chooses what he wants to do. So, is it the same for her? What about other Gems?
Unfortunately, it’s a little difficult to consider all of these complicated thoughts when you’re surrounded by hundreds of Wanders. Spinel tries to help catch the Wanders, but although she can stretch and catch them with ease, she can only hold so many, because they start to interact with each other and get wild, and then Bad Guy Wander notices the great amount of them and starts causing havoc and they all get scared and squirm away and she’s back to square 1. I think there would be a scene where Spinel stretches her arms out and pulls them all into a giant pen, where Sylvia proceeds to imitate a cowboy and try to wrangle them, but is out-wrangled by Cowboy Wander, the personality trait whose whole purpose is to be a cowboy. You KNOW that there’s one, come on (he isn’t to be confused for Yeehaw Wander, whose personality trait is being excessively southern and saying yeehaw a lot).
Spinel DOES help, though. She does things like join Sylvia’s Girl Tea Party to catch Bad Guy Wander, run on the accumulating ball of Wanders and maneuver them to catch more, attract a bunch of them to her like a magnet by offering a big group hug, and etc. (Unrelated but why are there so many Sad Wanders in the Sad Wander Pit, that part makes me sad).
Anyhow, for reasons, the Wander That Runs Off When Sylvia Tells Him Not To freaking HATES Spinel. He refuses to show himself when she’s around. It’s not that Wander hates Spinel, it’s that Spinel HAS prevented Wander from wandering away before by just stretching out and dragging him back, and this Wander remembers that and refuses to be caught. But obviously, that doesn’t work. Spinel hides while Sylvia catches him and returns him to Wander, and after Sylvia has that interaction with Incomplete Wander, Spinel calls her over, because she found Helpless Wander first and had been trying to convince him to let her pick him up. It doesn’t work until Sylvia shows up, and the rest of the episode proceeds in about the same way, but Spinel has a lot to think about. She has no idea what Wander went through, just like we have no idea, but whatever it was, it changed him completely. Spinel can relate to that, and this is helping her realize that even though she was really badly hurt, she can prevent other people from being hurt in the same way...
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