#Why does she look so mad tho? 😅
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cloverandcrossbones · 1 year ago
I knew Namari felt kind of different when she appeared in the anime but I didn't really notice the changes until I saw the two depictions side by side
The anime adaption of Namari is...idk if I'd say "sexualized" or "feminized" but they made her more in line with mainstream beauty standards?
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Look at how her waist tucks in and how the undercurve of her breast are defined! It doesn't look like she's wearing sturdy and protective gear anymore it looks like a fabric shirt and a corset belt.
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I don't mind her arms looking more muscular, but it seems pretty obvious why they chose that over the soft chub she has to her arms in the manga. Those muscles were already there they just had padding that felt a bit more natural. But we can't have a female character with chubby arms of a thick waist :/
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I think they made her legs smaller too, it could just be the clothing was baggier in the manga, but either way it makes her character less heavy. It doesn't feel like she will have the same weight behind her moves, her center of gravity doesn't feel as low. She feels less dwarvish. (I just noticed they made her feet and stance narrower too so if she did still have the rest of her weight she'd look kinda top heavy instead of grounded)
They're not HUGE changes by any means, they haven't ruined Namari for me, but it is a bit disappointing and certainly shows our society's aversion to chubby women.
One of the things I really enjoy about Dungeon Meshi/Ryoko Kui's character designs is the variety of body types/character designs, and the result of that is that the female characters don't all have the same curvy, busty, figure.
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rose-riot-johnson · 8 months ago
Hello!! Can I plz request Kanto! Mikey x reader where he meets her for the first time and becomes obsessed with her? Like maybe the reader accidentally stumbled across their meeting area whilst walking home and some of his members tried to scare her off but she just beat them up and then looks at Mikey with boredom and is like "keep your dogs in place" before walking off home and things can go from there. It's ok if no tho! :)
Hi anon😃While I did have to think about how to write the fanfic about Mikey and reread the request a few times before writing it, this request does sound fun to write in general and I have written about Mikey before, so I definitely will try writing this fanfic about him😁👍I also did see hints about what gender you would like me to write the reader as, so Female Reader it is😃👍I have also looked up "Kanto!" through google in different ways, so hopefully I will be writing this fanfic about "Kanto! Mikey" well, anon😁👍
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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♥️Mikey Is Impressed and Obsessed With You♥️ ((Adult)Kanto!Mikey, aka, Manjiro Sano x Female Reader)
Genres: Mutual Gang Member Confession Fluff (Warning ⚠️: Stalkerish Behavior, Language(?), and Violence
On your way home from the gym, you accidentally stumbled across a meeting area. Some of the gang members told you to go home. Some tried to threaten to as their attempt to scare you, because you being in the meeting area.
A few minutes later Mikey made it to the meeting area, as you asked, "Are these people your friends? As he's grabbing one of the beaten up gang members by the front of this shirt. He replied "Yes... They are... I'm curious about why are you asking me this, why did you beat my gang members up and how you were capable of beating them up? ", as he's impressed about the fact you beat them up. You replied back, "You need to keep your dog's in place then! I was on my way home minding my own business when these friends of yours are telling me to go home and threaten to beat the shit out of me! I'm hoping they're not assuming that I'm a spy for another gang, because I haven't even been in a gang yet... I actually learned how to fight from some of the videos I saw and I guess going to the gym paid off honestly...".
Before you were able to leave the meeting area, Mikey said, "Before you do leave... Let's introduce ourselves and I do have an offer for you... Just atleast hear me out, then you can leave...", as you stopped walking then turned around, as you introduced yourself, "My name's (Female Reader Name)...". "Who are you? And what do you want with me?", you asked. Mikey happily replied, "Just call me Mikey... Anyways I'm impressed you were able to take out all of my gang members the way you did, so... And you were right... It was my fault... I should have known an accident like this would happen... I will keep them in place... Especially Kenny... Would you like to join my gang, (Female Reader Name)?".
You were surprised about what Mikey said. You were also hesitant at first for how the rest of the gang members were acting, before you beat them up and Mikey finding out about it, however you decided to accept Mikey's offer to be a new member of his gang and went home. After you got on your way home, Mikey scolded the rest of the gang members (as gently as he possibly was able to) about how he felt it was their fault for being in a situation of getting beaten up and they should have waited until he gotten to the meeting place to handle the matter of you being here in the first place, instead of getting mad at you about it, so it wouldn't of happened the way it did. The rest of the gang members (especially Draken) were shocked that Mikey scolded them, not just for being beaten up, however also for how they approached you and not waiting for Mikey to arrive on how to approach you.
After the incident, Mikey developed a huge crush on you and became very obsessed with you. His daily routine has been involving from finding out where you lived, to following you around from where you live, to anywhere you go, to when you go back to wherever you live, and is doing so in a sneaky way, because he wants to know a whole lot about you. One day you caught on to him be sneaky about following you around and stalking you, as you said, "I know you're following me, Mikey! If you wanted to know more about me and go anywhere with me, you could have asked or atleast let me know you're doing so!", before Mikey decides to show himself to you, while blushing.
You then asked, "Is there something you wanted you ask or tell me, Mikey?", as you continued, "You didn't need to stalk me or follow me without me knowing, you know... I wouldn't have mind you keeping me company...". Mikey then asked, "Before I confess, would you like to go out with me on a date?". He then continued, "You see... Eversince what you did to the other gang members for approaching you the wrong way due to them misunderstanding that you went in the meeting by accident, I have became impressed and I began to like you alot... I been feeling more about you than words can describe... I also love how capable you are with fighting, even tough I haven't witnessed you fight yet... You just seem like a cool kind of cutie... Anyways, (Female Reader Name)... How do you feel about me... Be honest!".
Before you were able to answer, a group of enemy gang members made their attempt to ambush both you and Mikey. Despite of you and Mikey being completely surrounded, both you and Mikey have fought the enemy gang members well, especially protecting yourselves, while protecting eachother and one shot wailing the whole enemy gang, full force. Once all of the enemy gang members ended up being outcold in the matter of minutes, you have been thinking about what he said and thinking about your answer for him.
You then, finally, answered Mikey as you said, "You might a pain for stalking me the way you did, however I will definitely go out on a date with you, Mikey... Seriously... I would be more than happy to... Eversince the first time I met you, you seem very cute to me, also... You seem to have made amuch better impression than the other gang members did. You're also the first person who would try to include me, without me having to ask or even hint about being included into something honestly... I also have feelings for you too, by the way...". Mikey was very happy to hear that you felt the same way about him, as he did about him. Before you and Mikey left the where the both of you were, Mikey quickly inspected all of the unconscious enemy gang members wallets, as he said, "I usually let Kenny pay for dinner... It's just that the original plan was that since it's a dinner date, I was going to pay for both our meals for our dinner date... However, there's change of plans, since the enemy gang members got their asses beat in one shot, by the both of us, I figured why not take their money to pay for both of our meals and what will be left of their money after our dinner date, I'm going use to buy you a nice present... After that's what they get for trying to ambush us!", before he smileed at you. You then agreed with Mikey, as you replied, "That's right Mikey! Those bastards deserve it for trying to ambush us, like that... Seriously... They've made a piss poor attempt to ambush us!", before laughing.
After the night of your dinner date with Mikey (And Mikey getting you a nice present you enjoyed very much), both you and Mikey decided to make the relationship (which is your relationship between you and Mikey) official. This became the most fun relationship you and Mikey ever had. Even your and Mikey's gang has improved from your relationship with Mikey.
♥️The End♥️
I hope this Mikey fanfic was as fun for you to read, as it for me to write, my Tumblr Peeps😁👍I also hope I did well with handling things with writing a fanfic about Kanto!Mikey, anon😅😃👍Anyways I didn't mean to take as long as I did with writing this fanfic about Mikey, especially longer than I atleast expected😅My schedule has been busy with changes in plans, and need time to be able to think😅However I honestly did enjoy writing this requested fanfic and attempting to write this fanfic request was definitely something fun to write when it comes to writing fanfics😁👍As for the genre I came up with, because of how you requested the fanfic and how I have been writing it, I figured why not use the genre I came up with for this fanfic, anon😃👍
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7-starboi · 2 months ago
This is kinda long so I applaud you if you actually read all of it but this is what happens when you drink soju and take notes on all your commentary for a new bl episode...good luck🫡😂
Brooo such a cute way to start the ep, they make me sick 😅
They're so sweet it hurtsss, yotha I don't wanna be mad at you later ugh 😭
Faifa is such a little shit "good morning bro🤠"
"my brother is about to have friends"🤣
Oh shit here we go 🙄
Honestly she can be sad, but she did this to herself
I want a hug from boom too🥺 but I know what you do sir and I don't like it!
Side note, pepper has been in everything lately and I'm all for it cause he's fine af like he honestly just has to sit there and I could stare at him all day(and yes, he's that pretty in person and he's just the sweetest🥹🖤)
Yothaaaa you can see he's upset you gotta apologize better come onn, you're lucky he's such a good friend 😭
I seriously didn't think I'd like perthsanta this much but here we are and I love it
The background actors for little scenes like this are always the best bro and their friends teasing them is sooo funny 😂
another side note tho, boom is still so hot tho like he's one of mine like forever 😍
I get why yotha was doing what he did but he doesn't just have himself to think about now and he's gotta think about what he wants and what he wants is gun and he fucked up🥺
I know they don't have the best relationship in this series but i love them so much together I'll take any fluffy crumbs I can get 😭 GIVE THEM THEIR OWN SERIES PLSSS BUT ONE LIKE WE ARE I CANT TAKE ANYMORE ANGST FROM THEM RN😭
Arm is such a good friend🥺
I can't wait til yothagun get to arcarms level
Gay people man...that's all I gotta say about arm in this scene 😂
That was one of the gayest set ups ever😅(also if we don't say Taylor again I'm gonna scream, I love him🫡)
Arm matches all of his friends freak and im sooo here for it like give me book and literally anyone and he'll nail it 😂
okay I lovee the kisses don't get me wrong like I feel like they've had more than arc and arm atp and they're not even dating yet but pls HAVE A CONVERSATION IT WILL FIX ALL OF THIS AHH GET IT TOGETHER(and yes i know from the outside it's easier to yell at them and they're young but they were doing alright with it before gun saw yotha kissing someone else but he's just shut down now☹️)
Side note to the end note: if Newton and po don't end up together I'm gonna be so sad like heart killers is starting something for them and I see it👀
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corvidae-00 · 1 year ago
Tsudere /sub touch starved Jax in heat that pretends to hate the reader but does things to secretly be with them x a fem happy but smart Uzadere that loves being in the circus.She loves adventures,animals,cute things,fighting,food ect! lots of energy too but can be pretty insensitive and a little selfish with a little crush on jax. I feel like at first jax would completely reject liking her then he would be extra mean,then Maybe subconsciously know he likes her amd hates the feeling lol. cus he copes by trying to not have feelings and tries to act "tough". its pretty obvious that the reader is in love with him but his dumb ass cant catch on . She gives lots of compliments which makes him flustered and mad ( he is mad bc he thinks nobody likes him that much, he is mean to her to make her go away but it doesn't work ) but he pretends not to care. the reader would definitely confesses first tho. Sorry for such a long request its just that not many people write jax in this sorta way so i had to be detailed lol. also if you don't wanna use female pronouns you can make it non gender ofc 😅tysm for even reading such a long thing! and you don't have to do this at all lr you can switch it up. Anything is VERY appreciated tho😊 also i feel like max would be a massive virgin due to how annoying he is...he definitely a horny bitchless rabbit-
AHHHH! MY FIRST ASK ;0; Thank you!!! And i personally LOvE Jax- like its an issue 0-0 but im so happy to write for him first! your request is amazing and i truly love it! i hope i did it justice!!! i hope you dont mind HCs! if you did want a story just hit me back up in the answer box and ill write a lil something for ya! ;)
MDNI BELOW THE CUT+ Warnings: Smutty smut themes, bottom Jax <3- Cussing, swearing, the norm
The Reader definitely brought light to the Circus, when she first appeared she was the TALK OF THE TENT, everyone was happy to finally have someone around to liven up the place- > besides jax- the little shit made it his sole duty to make sure Reader was the punchline of his jokes or somehow always "in his way" and the Reader often got the butt of the assult. > Jax being Jax when the feelings for reader started to arise- he got scared- a little worried- upset even. More at himself than you but still pretty pissy- this just made the tourment wose oh lord- > Reader found this fun, more ways to annoy and poke and proad at Jax, finding his constant target on the Reader absolutely hilarious > Reader always calling the oblivious rabbit pet names!!! *Toots, Fluff butt, Shnookums (Only because it pissed Jax off and everyone would laugh), babes, Etc Etc, > Jax STILL oblivious to the reader ;0; taking it as her teasing him and pushing him and oh no we cant have that!!!! Jax haaates it. Secretly likes it HATES IT- >Despite the tension between the two Jax would often threaten Caine or sneak the other circus members things of value to be around reader. not knowing why- HE IS MADLY IN LOOOVE he wanted to be around Reader!! SMUT >Jax in heat is something i dont think even he saw coming- like they are digital code- BUT DAMN- > Stuck in his room alone humping a pillow and pulling his ears over his face embarrassed beyond belief at his own actions > Reader was coming to annoy Jax concerned why she didnt see him at breakfast (His favorite meal of the day may i add- >Knocking on his door reader had a shit eating grin "Sleeping in pookie?" She calls through the door only a groan and a loud huff was the response she got >Thats rude. Reader thinks and just assuming he is having one of his man period days- Reader enters his room- and boy is the sight she sees amazing- Jax face down and ass up with a pillow under his hips, face flushed a deep purple and his overalls down to his waist- > Reader and Jax are just staring at eachother with wide eyes >"G-GET OUT!!" "Nah i dont think i will" >Lets just say reader helps the little bunny get the relief he was so looking for- >They dont argue as much anymore-
----------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU FOR READING!!! I hope you enjoyed your request and it was too your liking! im still getting back into writing so its a slow process!! let me know what you think!!! thank you so much!!! <3333
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wikitpowers · 8 months ago
This may seem like a bit of an impervious question, buttt I was wondering how you viewed Dru’s body type!
Imo a lot of the times in the book she’s described as being more chubby but in alot of the fanart that Cassandra commissions she doesn’t seem that way!! I remember a lot of where really mad at that Charlie Bowater art because it made her skinny! And there’s also that art of Ash and Dru in the faerie realm as well (where she has that pretty black dress).
I’ve always thought Cassandra leaned more into the curvy aspect of Dru in fanarts but it’s also something I’ve seen so much debate around I’m confused on what to think 😅😅
I can understand this is a bit of a hard question or uncomfortable to answer I’d understand if you don’t I’m just curious on your thoughts (btw: have to preface, not saying Dru is skinny because she isn’t !! That’s a fact :))
sorry but i gotta ask: did u use the word ‘impervious’ on purpose? bc that really reminds me of the dru quote “i’m impervious. i cannot be perved” and i think that’s SO fitting right now :’)
to me personally, she’s always been bigger and i adore the fact that she is! as a bigger girl myself i think dru is just such a cool character like she just represents how u can be an absolute fucking badass and also have some rolls! so yeah, whenever i imagine her in my head, i imagine her as chubbier! it’s about time we got a bigger shadowhunter (fr tho how did it take so long?) GO BIGGER GIRLES GO✊🏼
as for arts, i personally don’t mind how artists draw dru bc art is about interpretation and expressing your own thoughts and feelings! but it does kinda suck that a lot of the arts u see are of a skinnier dru bc that’s not what it’s like in canon ;( but for the commissioned by cassie arts, i don’t fully understand why she is on the skinner side if i’m being honest! bc if cassie is the one commissioning, then can’t she just say to the artist “hey! i love this art but could u please draw her as bigger bc that’s what she looks like in my book”? it’s a bit strange if u ask me🤷🏻‍♀️
but yeah! i hope this answered ur question! and i’m praying for more bigger!dru arts to come🕯️
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thepacifistrouter · 4 months ago
Imm-a back!! With more Demon Portal AU!!
I told you I'd be back very soon!!
Just a little side note before start: There is a +18 version of this AU where Wheatley is an Incubus, if anyone here is interested in that, then I might publish it too... maybe... I need motivation guys, never done NSFW before ._.
Now, let's skip more introductions and let's start already!
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First, a little reminder that this Wheatley, despite he is still Wheatley, is also a demon, which means he can be a little more reactive and aggresive.
Second, let's talk about the drawing on the left, okay? This is a picture that still needs some work cause demons are not supposed to be visible for normal humans, not quiet sure if interact with them. BUT this has a context that I can work with:
He caught a stealer trying to get in the house; he's been a while without eating, so he's starting to lose control over his worst instincts and since Chell is, at the moment, being too much of a challenge, he is hungry, frustrated and not holding back.
Demons like him can only feed on very specific stuff: Small living creatures, blood (specially human blood), vital energy and fear. Chell's going to need to think and act fast and the solution comes from an unexpected fount
You see, I really like vampires and some other super natural creatures so... yeah, I'll be mixing a few things with the demons from this AU (because is my AU and I say so) which would include the next thing
I think that would be the moment where she would not only actually talk to him, even saying long sentences, but would also call him by his name, even tho, he never told it to her.
I haven't decide this clearly yet, but I imagine a situation kinda like him saying something like he is sick of waiting and since she didn't allowed him do anything with her (I'm not sure if that would be it or he actually started to like her before this so he stoped himself a bit) he just captured another prey
They would argue since she clearly wants to stop him
"Oh come on, this is a thief, ain't them?!! why are you defending them?!!... psst, you know what? forget it. Come to think about it, this could be an even better treat than simple meal. Yeah you don't look that tasty mate... but you''re a robber, right? that's what you are, steal stuff, be a bad guy, but probably having one of those uhm... those human heartbreaking stories, probably you have some sort of fmaily behind? I can just smell it, I'm right, yeah?"
The thief nods scared
"Hah!! I knew it, even better!! so if I kill you... nobody's going to believe it was a demon... everyone will think it was you, right love?? yeah... sending you to jail over a crime you didn't comite... and killing a poor soul in misfortune, hehehe I'm winning my horn for sure with this"
Chell is mad staring at him
"I was right about you.... you haven't change a bit from the last time, have you?" he is about to take a bite "Wheatley"
Suddenly he stop himself after hearing that
"How did you.... how did you know my name!!? I'm sure! I could bet I've never told-!! you know what!!? It doesn't matter!! to be honest it doesn't matter at all!! I have a meal to take 😈 "
"No, please!!! help!!!"
"Stop it!!" she throws a salt jar to him, but, suddenly, in the middle of that, he actually and involuntarily, he does stop, to Chell's and his own confusion. There was not much time to think about it, Chell has a good aim and the salt hit him in all the face, making him to release the thief
Or something like that. Basically, in case I didn't made it clear 😅 someone can gain some level of control over a demon here IF they know and say their actual name. Neither Wheatley nor Chell know this, he is just surprise she knows his name.
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A few doodles more here
The upper one happens once a good time has happens since the start, they have a bigger bond now, he got a new level (and a horn) by that point, he is trying to protect her from something or someone
In the left one, do I need to explain? The eyeball's gonna get trapped.
The right one is just him staring at the night sky, I'm doing a little parallel with a movie I like a lot (Lilo and Stitch). Wheatley feels weird during a particularly calm night, a feeling close to "nostalgia", but, since he doesn't have any memory from his human life and his life as a demon is mostly short, he feels... weird, empty, but he doesn't know what to do about it, at the moment he doesn't trust anyone enough to talk about it.
(I made his wings too big there, but let's pretend I didn't)
Aaand last, but not least
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Happy Eyebat Wheatley dancing at the radio music while thinking nobody's watching!!
An that's it for this time, hoping for you to've like this
See ya
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rinamohn · 6 months ago
My Impressions of Danganronpa The After Extra: After The After 1~
The video has spoilers for chapter 1 and I make references to chapter 2 spoilers.
First section interview of Yukime and Ueda:
Yukime with Konoe and Chisa🥺
Also big oof at Kinji disliking Hatami and calling him the only dangerous person, but then wanting to be friends with and admiring Seki🙈
Yeah, I see why Kinji was so mad about the Seki reveals lol
He is so good at ruining all good impressions he made 😅
Yukime Ghost🥲
Second section Mini Drama:
Good News: Hatami can cook for himself and does not starve.
That misunderstanding with Seiha was worth gold tho. But sadly it ended with Instant Food for Hatami😔
The "…...........murder?" At the end😂
Third section VA interviews:
RIP to Yukime's voice actress for sudden Chinese. I'm glad she tried to look up stuff as best as she could tho.
Interesting that they told the voice actors everyone's fate from the very beginning.
Yeah, voicing the chapter 1 Trio must have hurt🥲
Her liking Issei!!!! And she knew he would kill Yukime! Yeah, you often end up liking characters you think about a lot lol
Marin Fan!!!
Kinji's VA next!
I wonder how the order of voice actors was chosen?
First audition February 2014!! Time flies huh.
Talking about the reality of Kinji's Outfit lol
Something different... His sleeping wear was very cute!
Sudden boob sizes discussion lol
Chisa good taste✨
No cutting the embarrassing question lol
Seki as a plain character! Well he is in for a surprise 😂
Issei would be very fun to voice!
Good job at the impression! He would've been great as Issei too!
Chapter 1 Trio is powerful!
Yeah, now that you mention it Kinji hasn't made real dirty jokes yet🤔
This was fun! I hope to see more voice actors interviews~
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Athena. Goddess of wisdom, strategies blah blah blah.
My new hyperfixation (or rather, a re-ignited one because she’s always intrigued me).
I’m going to admit she’s my favourite goddess not because of how nice or incredible she is- she isn’t. She’s a horrible person/goddess (no offense). And I think part of the reason why shes so intriguing is she actually has many layers to her and how different people interpret her is always so interesting.
People who know the myths will start to think she’s horrible and incredibly petty, always out for vengeance and stuff, yeah they’re not wrong.
“Canon” Greek Myths:
One of the most iconic myths about Athena is obviously the myth of Medusa. But if you’ve been hyperfixating long enough you’ll know that there’s so many versions of the myths. The original one was the Medusa was born a gorgon, Ovid’s version was that Athena got jealous (some even more recent interpretations) / mad at Medusa for breaking her vow of celibacy then turning her into a gorgon. Or Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon to protect her. They sound like very different goddesses. Other gods always seem to have straight forward personalities, Hermes a prankster always mischievous he delivers mail sometimes, Apollo he does music, drives a cool car. Of course each god has minor differences when it comes to version but never as jarring as Athena’s.
My interpretations/headcanons:
(Hot take)In my head, Athena is a bad person. She believes she’s being wise, she’s doing things for the greater good. Sometimes she fails to notice whether things are for the greater good or her good. She’s selfish. She’s delusional. Maybe even a bit of a narcissist who refuses to believes she can be wrong. Which makes her even more fun to imagine!!!
Modern retellings/greek mythology ‘fan fiction’:
Aka Percy Jackson. Her show and book version is already a bit different. In the book, she can be seen as a bit of a deadbeat parent, absent, a perfectionist. But ultimately someone Annabeth looked up to (at the beginning, at least). In Mark of Athena, we (I) see her to be a bit of a bully, kind of guilt tripping Annabeth to do stuff. In the show, however, she’s hasn’t even made an official appearance and she’s already so cruel. Not helping Annabeth because she ‘embarrassed’ her. This slight change did make her more similar to the more popular myths, but slightly altered reader’s impression of her.
Which is what makes her interesting.
I can go on and on about stereotypes (what’s the definition of wise?), societal standards, the change in people’s attitudes towards different things as time passes, how time passes. Heck, if I keep going on I’m certain I’m going to end up talking about the scale of time and our insignificance in the grand universe. But I’m not going to because that draws away from the main point of the blog. Greek mythology.
To me, Greek mythology is something that is timeless and up for interpretation all the time. I love debating about Greek mythology so come debate with me 🥊 (ignore my headcanon part tho leave that niche part of my brain alone).
If you noticed anything I got wrong (or maybe this post is utterly wrong in your eyes, do tell but maybe word it nicely sorry 😅) , tell me cuz I’m always up to learn more about other people’s opinions and different Greek myths!
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lo1k-diamonds · 1 year ago
Call You Mine💜 Chapter 1
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PAIRING: idol!Yoongi x OC
SUMMARY: Freya despises everything soulmate-related, but one day her soulmate shows out of nowhere and turns everything upside down.
"Why didn’t you reach out to me?" Her eyes watered in response to his words and he was certain. "You knew who I was, how I was suffering." It pained him to say so, but he knew it was true. It had to be a conscious decision. And he had to know why.
A slowburn rejection soulmate story to make you fall in love with Min Yoongi (again).
WORD COUNT: 7.4k (Total: 297k)
GENRE: Rejection, Soulmate AU, s2l
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: angst, huge ass story that is an emotional rollercoaster, rejection (tho it has a happy ending), OC has a strong personality and flaws (all my characters do really), desperation, explicit sexual content, semipublic I guess?, riding, consensual but there's conflict, soulmate bond is inescapable and shit happens
(You can also read it on AO3, originally posted in December 2022)
A.N. I have this poll I've been meaning to do about my soulmate series and to do so, I thought I should probably introduce those stories first 😅😋Yoongi's story is the third of the Soul Palette Series (but the one that started it all). Again, it is a realistic rejection soulmate story because I wanted a story where the female character doesn't lose her backbone as soon as [insert soulmate] shows in the picture/has sex. Lots of angst and fighting until the stars align ;)
Masterlist | Masterpost | Scroll my stories on Tumblr | Schedule and WIPs
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"Poetry, music, a painting, they don’t save the world. But they save the minute. And that is enough.” Matilde Campilho
What were the odds?
“Freya, are you listening to me?”
“Yeah, I am,” she answered nonchalantly, looking out through the car window.
Her mood soured with the conversation and the woman steering the wheel sighed. “Whenever the subject of soulmates gets brought up you just become…” Freya gave her an ice-cold look from the shotgun seat. That made the woman mad, “Insufferable.”
Freya smirked through her pain and looked away again. 
The woman sighed again, “We’ve been friends for almost nine years. Don’t you think I know you by now?”
Freya placed her elbow on the car door, supporting her chin on her hand. Her fingers covered her mouth strategically. She knew the lecture that was about to happen, Lidia never missed a chance to try and change her mind about this topic. She didn’t have the heart or energy to fight it anymore.
“Soulmates are each other's halves,” she started and Freya just clenched her jaw. “You were born with one, two parts of a whole.” Freya couldn’t have heard it or learned it better if she was in primary school. Sarcastic thoughts like that would flood her every time Lidia pulled that sermon on her. “Just because barely half the population finds theirs, does not mean yours isn’t out there.”
“Sure, he might be out there, but I wish to be like the other half of the population. You know, the one that was able to live happily by being with the people they chose to be with,” Freya said with a hint of victory. 
“Fair, but it doesn’t diminish the fact that their soulmates are still out there. They might have never met, but that doesn’t mean one should just ignore it or—”
“I’m not ignoring it,” Freya cut, annoyed. “I told you, I never met that person. Why would I lie!”
“I don’t know, maybe because you hate the idea of soulmates so much!” Lidia yelled back, fortunately without taking her eyes out of the traffic. Motorcycles were insane, trying to get in between the moving cars to get ahead. Freya was happy it was Lidia driving them to the venue. Lidia took a deep breath, “If something happened to him, you know you can tell me…”
Freya sighed, feeling stuck in the same loop, “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never met him.”
She hoped that would be the end of it, for now at least. Lidia seemed fixated on the idea that she was lying about her soulmate, that something tragic had happened, or that she was avoiding the person. Which didn’t make any sense according to her own rules, for fuck’s sake! Wouldn’t she be sick and whatnot if that was the case?
“Fine,” Lidia relented, as she always did when confronted with Freya's bitterness. “I would just like you to be open-minded when you do.”
Freya bit her tongue to hold back her remark and let the car fall into silence. She hated that topic and now it was stuck in her mind. She had never met that person and she never wanted to. She had no open-mindedness to offer because she would never be okay with it. And she wished she could just yell it out until it got through Lidia’s thick sand castles and baby cupids and stupid pink heartshaped butterflies: meeting your soulmate was terrible.
Sure they were supposed to be your other half, but they could literally be on the other side of the world. With different cultures and upbringings, you could be paired with a terrorist, misogynist, psychopath, the list went on. Who was it to say that person would actually fit your personality and values? Absolutely nothing, as history showed. Quite frankly, the fifty percent of the populace that never met them were the lucky ones. Never meeting them meant never experiencing withdrawals of absence. Never bending or nullifying your beliefs and values for the sake of someone else that, though unique, was probably not even the best match for you.
Because let’s face it: though science had proven its existence, who was to say the bond meant the same to everyone, or that it should be the same? For scientists, it was perceived more as an absolute physical attraction that would lead to the best procreation. That had nothing to do with love, with fated partners, or whatever else was mediatized. It all looked more like a romanticized publicity trope used to sell way more chocolates, flowers, and cards than Valentine’s Day. Or to make people feel misfitted and incomplete until they did find that person, instigating them to consume goods, programs, matchmaking events, anything that could speed that along. Why should anyone live with the unrelenting weight of not having met someone they never needed? That could ruin them, their lives? It was all terrible!
She would have known if she had met that person. Though she in general avoided physical contact, the mere presence of the other person was supposed to be enough for the both of them to know. She of course had no idea what it would feel like, soulbonds were also reported with different intensities for different people, but she was sure she’d know if that fateful moment ever occurred. Moreover, she would feel the withdrawal. Though tolerable to some, especially with medication, it would be impossible not to feel anything. She knew that’s how it would always play out: even if she avoided them and ran through the nearest exit as soon as she felt the bond, the need would hunt her, both of them, for as long as they lived. That was something she was willing to endure, though she honestly hoped she never had to. If she never met him, she’d never have to. So, she wished she never would. Simple.
Freya glanced at Lidia, who was now pulling over the security of the event and showing them her badge. Lidia couldn’t possibly understand her standpoint, and as much as they would fight about it, Freya wasn’t interested in shattering her dreams. If Lidia could one day live happily ever after with her fated mate and actually be happy, Freya would gladly support her. She just couldn’t be deluded by the idea like Lidia.
Their nine years of friendship were very precious to Freya. Though the focus on her career had led her astray from many of her friendships, Lidia always stuck by her. She was one of her dearest friends. She would always call and catch up on her, whether Freya was at a fashion runway, strike, or in a warzone. Maybe that was why Lidia was the only person she ever gave two cents to in regard to soulbonding. Everyone else was free to be their own idiot, but Lidia was her idiot. Freya didn’t want to see her get hurt. Lidia felt the exact same way, she knew that. It was the only reason they fought about it in the first place.
Lidia parked the car in the underground parking lot and Freya was forced to move. They were still by the entrance of the arena, the lights from the streets made their way to where they were. Lidia opened the trunk and Freya got her material ready. There was noise in the air and she kept trying to figure out what it was.
Lidia closed the trunk when Freya gave the nod and Freya’s blue eyes widened in shock. Beyond the entrance, behind the security barrier, there was a sea of people. People chanting, jumping, and screaming. 
Lidia was smirking at the sight, “Not your typical warzone, is it?”
Freya pulled her camera that was hanging on her chest to her face, regulating the lens to focus on them. They were mostly girls shouting, around their twenties, some if that. They had colorful banners with letters stamped on them and sticks with a ball that seemed to shine.
She looked briefly at the photo on the view screen, then up again at them. She was surprised.
“No, but similar. What could it be that makes them act like that?”
Lidia was passing her her media badge to access the event.
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He woke up from his nap, dazed. He kept having the same dream. He had had it for a while and in the beginning, he couldn’t remember it properly. Now, he could. No faces or characteristics, but he knew it was always the same person he dreamt of. When he told it to the others, they thought it had to be his soulmate and he had found the idea hilarious at first, that was impossible. But then, with the years, he started wondering. Was it that far-fetched that there was a connection between them if they were two pieces of the same soul? Maybe their pieces had an incredible bond and that was why he could dream of her.
Her. He couldn’t remember much, but he did remember that, which brought more weight to the possibility of her being his soulmate since soulmates were always of the opposite sex. For him, love or a partner was always about the connection, the person, not about their appearance or gender. He never felt like he had a gender preference because he would always look at personality first, but his soulmate would be female and he was okay with it. Though honestly, despite dreaming of her occasionally, he couldn’t conceive a relationship — he hadn’t had a serious one in almost ten years.
Life made it that way, and he accepted it. His career had taken off in a way he had dreamed and actually achieved. He was surrounded by amazing people, professionals, friends, and family alike. He had his fans, who supported him and allowed him to live every single one of his dreams, from making music, to not worrying about money, to being able to support his family comfortably. Did he ever wonder if loneliness was a price to pay for it all? Yes. Did he think it was? No. He wasn’t looking for a relationship, or his soulmate. They would show in due time. He was living, bit by bit, in tranquility.
He of course thought about what would happen if he met her. Seokjin and Hoseok had found theirs and they were exceedingly happy. They gave all others the hope of a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment, though none were particularly searching for it. ARMYs didn't know about their discovery, they had decided it that way. Not even necessarily because of the fans, but because of the sasaengs and paparazzi. The lack of privacy would be overwhelming and the men didn't wish to ruin their soulmates' lives.
If anyone had to choose who appeared the least interested in the whole soulmate trope it would probably be him. Yoongi was known for many things, he was aware, and the top included being snarky, lazy, and perfectionist. Some probably saw him as the most cold, obsessed with his music, a workaholic. It was somewhat true, he shrugged. Ideas were constantly in his mind and he was the happiest if he was putting them to life. That meant spending a lot of time by himself in the comfort and safety of his studio, space, and mind. It also meant he slept a lot. None of those characteristics meant he actually was cold or uninterested in finding his soulmate. Quite on the contrary, sometimes it felt it was the exact piece that was missing. He lived with it, but he wouldn't deny it or reject it if it happened. He would welcome her wholeheartedly, he had been waiting for some time now.
There was pressure to perform in front of thousands of people that night, as it was BTS’s last tour date in Europe, in Berlin. He was very tired, exhausted really, as were the others, but they were persevering. They had to, the quiet that would come after would be both a soothing balm and a curse. They had to make the best of it while they could, no matter what.
He was reflecting on that, at the backstage lounge after having slept a nap. The others were getting ready for the concert in other ways, though they were all quiet as the stress was building up. He walked out to reach the stylist's room and get his makeup done, knowing he would be the last one to do so when he felt it. He stumbled against the door awkwardly, completely taken by surprise. He looked around in shock, meeting the makeup artists’, hairdressers’, and stylists' surprised looks. 
She was there. She was there somewhere.
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He was there somewhere. Freya was certain of it. She knew she would know when it happened and she knew. She was terrified, petrified in place, but she knew.
“Freya, what’s wrong?”
Lidia sounded worried and Freya blinked blankly for a second. She had fallen against the wall and was now leaning against it. People were passing in between them in that corridor in both directions, oblivious to them, most speaking a language she didn’t understand.
Freya immediately forced a smile, dismissing her question. “I’m fine, I just tripped.”
Lidia accepted it because, in the turmoil of people running around backstage, that wasn’t surprising. Little did she know what happened. Freya was nearly sweating from nervousness, her body too hot to handle the May warmth. 
How could that be, she thought, while following Lidia. She had lived in Berlin her whole life, why would it have to happen at a boy band concert? It made no sense, at all. On one hand, she had been super lucky to never stumble on him her whole life. On the other, really, a boy band concert? What if it was one of the fanboys outside?
That was her worst nightmare coming to reality. She wasn’t one to wallow in self-pity, but for fuck’s sake she almost had it. She almost lived a life in ignorance, free of fated bullcrap and withdrawal symptoms. Now she was facing her options: to run away immediately, to finish the job and hopefully never stumble on him, or to search for him. The latter wasn’t an option, and to leave without finishing the job was unprofessional. Lidia had asked her to be there to photograph that piece, the last concert date of the boy band in Europe, and she felt obligated to carry it through. They had an exclusive interview for their culture magazine and those photographs would make the fans go insane. Her professional code was above all else, she had fought tooth and nail to achieve everything she had. She vowed to never let her soulmate change her and it would certainly not start now.
Avoiding the person would probably be impossible, she considered, still following Lidia. The stadium was packed with fans and crew, there was no avoiding whoever it was. Since people kept passing through her constantly, she thought their bond must be pretty strong. Otherwise, how could it be that the sensation wasn’t fading as the person walked past her? They probably weren’t even walking past her. They were just somewhere in the vicinity.
There was no photoshoot scheduled, just the interview. When they walked into the artists' backstage lounge it was relatively quiet. There were seven, distinctively sitting in the corner of the room that had been lit and specially prepared for the occasion. Freya was surprised the artist’s crew had prepared that small arrangement for the interview, as it would usually be up to the magazine to arrange it.
She stayed by the door and grabbed her camera, pulling it to her face.
Lidia walked ahead with a gorgeous smile, “Hello everyone! Are we late? I hope you didn't wait long.”
The question was rhetorical, they were well ahead of time. Freya was immediately immersed in seeing life through her lens. She would do what she did best, soulmate pull bothering her or not.
She did not pay attention to the conversation between Lidia and the publicists, managers, and whoever else. She was certain Lidia pointed at her because she saw it through her camera.
"Just ignore her," Lidia said with a smile, glancing back at the camera. Lidia knew she liked to work in peace.
She wasn't a photographer who would take a thousand pictures to be able to choose one. She would take ten to choose five. That meant being very conscious of every angle, light, positioning, and framing. Everything had to be perfect. She had won awards for pictures she barely had to edit precisely because of her attention to detail. In warzones, she was severely limited in time and supplies, she had to make due. It wasn't the same circumstance, but her work ethic applied.
She liked seeing the crew work around them tirelessly and she wasn't shy about snapping photos of them. She was certain then that the concert was only about 20% the actual musicians. Not to diminish their work, but the show itself was not of their making. They were just starring in it.
The interview was well underway when she turned to the artists themselves. That wasn't problematic, their smile wouldn't change between the first and last question. She actually believed they'd relax more as the questions progressed, making their photos portray their true nature better.
Those thirty minutes flew truly by. She quickly scanned the photos she took through the view screen to make sure she had all seven in perfect soul-capturing moments, but she frowned. There was one that was different. He was speaking in the photo she took, he had an honest expression, and a beautiful complexion, but she didn't feel like the photo was as good as the others. He wasn't captured as well.
She raised her eyes to look at him and her heart jumped a beat. He was looking down, hands over his crossed legs. His hair was beautifully styled over his forehead, he looked almost like a doll. He sure was frozen, but she knew he was listening. His bandmate was answering a question in English and Lidia laughed, not too loud but not fakely either. That man smiled, not out of politeness, but out of understanding. Out of deeper thoughts. Something more meaningful. 
She hadn't even thought of it, she had to capture it. Her stomach was twisting, she wasn't feeling too well. Damned soulbond shenanigans. She usually did very well in crowds, but she suddenly felt claustrophobic. She slipped through the entrance door and left. She was fighting hard for what was happening so as not to ruin her day.
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He was barely containing himself. He had an urge, an energy pulse that wanted to pull at him and take him somewhere. He was sitting as still as he could, respectfully listening to the interview and answering when appropriate. He felt his smile might give it away, so he kept looking down. Some of the others noticed and touched him soothingly in worry, patting his back or shoulder softly. He stayed quiet, he couldn’t tell them yet.
When the journalist left and the room emptied a bit in the last ten minutes before the final preparations, he was finally free.
"What's wrong, Yoongi?" Hoseok was worried.
"Yeah, why didn't you answer the next album question?" Namjoon’s tone wasn't of irritation, just curiosity. "It's your question."
"You were really stiff too," Jimim commented with a concerned pout. They were next to each other and Jimin had at one point patted his lower back.
"Guys, let him talk," Seokjin interfered, waving his hand in front of his face. Was he getting hot? Cause Yoongi was burning up, and sweating without the show even starting.
"Look at him, he's flustered," Taehyung commented, looking at him from real close. Yoongi scoffed and brushed him away.
"Here's water, hyung," Jungkook offered him a water bottle which he gladly took.
"Guys," his voice sounded weird even to him. Since when was it this emotional? "I feel it."
"Are you sick?"
"Don't push yourself too hard."
"Guys!" He grabbed Taehyung by the shoulders, who was still close and personal. He would have been annoyed if the occasion was different, he really didn’t care now. "I feel it. Her. She's here somewhere tonight. I feel it right now."
Chaos ensued, with some congratulations and some worries echoing throughout the room. They barely had a minute to discuss it with their manager Sejin, the first to be informed. 
They were rushed to the level underneath the stage and the manager just smacked Yoongi’s shoulder, "Focus on the show. We'll find her after."
He was nervous now, and not about the show. His mind was processing the facts now. The person wasn't in the crew, he would have felt it before. It had to be someone who entered the venue when he felt it. That could be anyone, from fans to workers, and little could be done to slim the number down from tens of thousands to one. That thought made him despair. How would he ever find her in so many people?
"Hey," Namjoon had his hand over his shoulder. His eyes had a glint of concern, but his expression exuded confidence. "She feels you too." Yoongi nodded, taking a deep breath. "She'll probably come forward after the concert."
"She's probably an ARMY," Hoseok winked. Yoongi just shrugged, he didn't care if she was. That was the least of his concerns right now.
"Just think this is for her, for all of them," Jimin added with a light smile.
Yoongi nodded and rushed to the stage, the same as them. He gave it his all. He was exhausted, but he wasn't giving up. He knew he shocked his brothers because he had probably never shown such a performance before. He couldn't explain it. He had newfound energy, and hope. Things would be different from now on, for the best. The thought that she was listening, and seeing him perform gave him an extra incentive. He teased the public way more than usual. He rarely displayed his English skills as openly, but the circumstances told him she couldn't be Korean. Whoever she was in that crowd, he wanted to make sure she knew they could communicate. Could she even tell it was him? She was probably as lost as he was.
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The pull was hard. Freya was facing the whole crowd from that spot, near the stage. She could easily take pictures of the stage, as well as the fans. She was trying to focus on her job, but something kept interrupting her. Sometimes she would feel goosebumps all over her body, though she did not know why. Maybe if that guy stopped talking on the microphone all the time, she could actually hear herself think.
She rubbed her eyes with a sigh; the show was almost ending, it would be over soon. She was particularly snappy because of the bond-induced tension, she knew that. She would be able to leave as soon as it ended, just a little while longer.
Or so she thought. The venue started emptying and Lidia insisted for them to stay. She didn't complain at first, taking pictures of the heartbroken fans when the show ended. Most of them were emotional, tears staining their faces, but they were smiling. For them, it must have been a life experience to see BTS on stage. If only Freya could have appreciated it as much. She also wanted to cry. She wanted to run away so badly.
The venue was nearly empty when a publicist showed up to call for Lidia. Apparently, there were some matters left to discuss. Lidia nudged Freya, saying how nice it was of them to let them experience the concert for free before getting back to business. Freya knew it was nice, but she just shrugged. She wanted to leave.
But she couldn't, Lidia was her ride. She could always run away either way, but it wasn't professional.
"Do you want me to come with you?" She asked, willing.
"No, it's just a meeting. Footage of the fans leaving, the empty poststage and backstage, or even the tired artists are more important. Make it count," Lidia winked before leaving. She probably didn't notice Freya’s expression, as excited as if she was sucking on a sour lemon.
She needed to calm down, she thought. She had to be professional above all else. She could not, and would not, have that stupid occurrence ruin her photojournalist reputation. Over her dead body.
She exited the designated area, aimlessly taking shots whenever she felt it was worth it. She had her bag with other lenses that she would switch occasionally. She got lost.
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Yoongi was despairing. He couldn't help it. He wasn't even listening to the argument anymore. He was focused on the feeling, on the internal drum. He was panicked that it was going to disappear in a heartbeat.
"There's nothing we can do! We can't prevent the fans from leaving the venue, we can't force them to leave one by one. Not to mention that just touching the subject would immediately destroy any option of privacy for Yoongi or his soulmate." Sejin was being reasonable, everyone knew that. But one glance at Yoongi's face said it all. It was not enough. 
Namjoon kept arguing, but Yoongi turned around to face the mirror, closing his eyes. He felt someone behind him.
"Do you still feel it?" Jungkook’s kind voice asked. 
He nodded with his heart tight in his chest. He did feel it, he felt it better now, if that made sense. It was called a pull for a reason. He felt pulled, compelled to move, to go somewhere. He didn't know where, he didn't know if it worked and it was probably not safe for him to leave that room. But he felt it as though he was a compass with an arrow juggling around. No one was going to find her but him. And he absolutely couldn't lose her.
He opened his eyes and confidently walked out, not paying attention to anyone. He didn't notice his brothers calling or manager Sejin telling them to let him go. The venue was nearly empty, maybe one-fourth of the fans were still around. He still felt her, so maybe they had a chance.
He walked to the higher levels completely on a gut feeling. He hadn't even changed outfits or showered yet, he was straight out of the stage with a gray hoodie and black tight pants. He had a black headband over his hairline that kept his short dark brown hair from falling down his eyes and the sweat from dripping. None of it mattered though, he didn’t have time to look presentable, he needed to find her.
When he reached the higher level, he wasn't even afraid to meet fans, the thought didn’t occur to him. He just stumbled, numb. He could barely feel it anymore, it was like a pulled elastic at the end. It was still there, and so was she. Yet, for a second his chest filled with anguish and it physically hurt. He had no sense of direction anymore. Nothing made sense anymore. He was failing and it was useless, he had no idea of what to do.
People were starting to mumble around him and he was brought back to reality. He needed an escape, to hide the repressed feelings that were starting to make his chest hurt. There was a door in front of him. He entered the room, slamming the door behind him.
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Freya was walking aimlessly, completely lost. There weren't that many people around and she wasn't really interested in taking pictures anymore. The moment had passed. She hoped to catch the band leaving, knowing that was the kind of shot her magazine could appreciate for the online version of the article.
The more she kept going, the more sure she became that she was going the wrong way. She was effectively ignoring her surroundings and just going. The crew was going in the opposite direction, the fangirls and security too. She tried convincing herself that was totally normal. It was totally her own will taking her somewhere in order to snap more pictures. It was not that gut-wrenching pull telling her she had to be somewhere.
She was walking down a corridor when she suddenly froze. Her body was burning up, her heart racing out of control, but her gut clearly knew that was it. No need to go further. She was deaf at that point, the bond so strong it was a deafening physical energy current around her pushing her in only one direction: the door in front of her.
Everything else was muffled and unimportant. Yet from the outside of the door, she could already feel she shouldn’t open it. The force was so strong it was numbing. Her hand hovered over the door knob and she wondered how it wasn't vibrating with the resonance of such a powerful pull. She wanted to fight it with all of her strength, and her hand trembled. It would change her life forever if she opened that door. She didn't want that to happen.
But she wasn't strong enough, it was just so much stronger than her. She succumbed to it, fatefully so. She grabbed the doorknob and tried to rationalize it. It couldn’t hurt to see him at least once, or at least to tell him she wasn't and wasn't ever going to be interested. Yeah, that's it. That was why she had to get in there. It wasn't that person's fault and she should at least tell him that.
She entered the room quickly, a small meeting room, and closed the door without turning. Inside, the pull became like a magnetic field, all around them like walls, instead of a single string. She turned slowly around and saw a man standing behind the center table, having risen from his chair, staring at her in shock. He was different than she expected, though she expected nothing. He looked tired, that was her first thought. Why was he so tired? His dark brown hair was wet with sweat and falling over his headband. His eyes were smaller than she would expect, and darker. His skin was so pale she wondered if it was porcelain; was that makeup? He was her height it would seem, though bulkier than her. That hoodie did not give much away, but he looked comfortable. She was somewhat happy he was comfortable, despite his tiredness.
Her eyes were glued to him like nothing else existed because nothing else did. She was walking slowly in his direction, completely unaware. She had heard of the trance but she never thought it would be that strong. Her body moved on its own, her mind clouded as if she was high on drugs. She was such a strong-willed person, and yet it seemed all her convictions evaporated. Her legs were jello and would only move in his direction. She argued that it was only physical, her mind was still alert. Yet they were a step away from each other when she recognized her own lie. Her mind was as interested as her body, especially because she recognized him. But from where?
They shouldn't have touched, she thought. As soon as their hands did there was no denying it. There was no reasoning that could explain what was happening, except soulmating. Her chest filled with cheer bliss while her whole body warmed up like crazy as if she was a firework ready to pop in a million colors. And it was strange to recognize the same sort of emotion in such foreign eyes, in a stranger's face. She felt endeared by that face, propelled to care for that person with the clear consciousness that she did not know him. And her heart, or should she say soul, was at peace with it. 
She struggled with that thought. First, because she thought they would instantly love each other blindly or something, and she didn’t want that to happen. Second, because it confirmed her own theories that soulbonding would erase her sense of self, her autonomy, and her individuality. She would be damned if she’d ever let any of that happen.
She knew nothing would ever feel the same or compare to him. However, knowing it in theory or feeling it in practice were very different things. Every particle of her body and soul agreed that was it, her other half, and no other person, relationship or bond would ever replace it. She looked at her hands in his and she had to close her eyes for a second to control her emotions. The urge to hug him was making her toes curl.
“What’s your name?”
Her eyes jumped to him and widened. She knew him, she heard his voice a lot tonight. She pictured him without the headband in a pretty black suit and she gasped. He was one of the guys from the band! She was completely shaken to her core; how was that possible?! Weren’t they from the other side of the world? 
Then she shook her head, but of course he was. He didn’t live in Berlin, or else they’d have met before. He only happened to come to Berlin, and she only happened to be invited to work that piece last minute. Lidia would call it fate.
“What’s your name?”
His voice gave her goosebumps. He was saying it in English, not German, but she was totally fine with it. Despite the slight demand from his voice, he was using a loving tone. A soft caress to her ears meant to not trouble her. But she was troubled, deeply. She fought to keep her mouth shut, clenching her teeth and looking away. She saw his chest heave to take in a breath before insisting on knowing her name and she panicked. She couldn’t deny him if he kept asking, her soul wouldn’t allow it. So she kissed him.
She censored herself for a millisecond before their lips touched. Kissing him went against everything she stood for. First and foremost, because she was invading his privacy, his personal space. She was attacking him, sexually assaulting him for fuck’s sake. Soulmate or not, that couldn’t be taken lightly. Second, because it was disrespectful as a whole to kiss someone without knowing if they consented. What if he had a girlfriend or was married? Third, because she wanted to keep her distance from her soulmate. They were never supposed to have met, let alone touch or kiss. She wanted to leave, run away, and never look back. No matter the pain it would cause them both. That was too selfish of her and the more they dove in, the more she would hurt him, wound him. His soul, the other part of her. He was an unlucky bastard to be fated to be her other half.
Despite the flawless logic in all of those thoughts, she couldn’t stop her lips and he didn’t seem to mind. He was surprised for a second, before supporting her waist with his hands carefully while she grabbed his head in place. For someone who wanted to run away as soon as possible, she sure was keeping him firmly in her grip.
She forced him to walk back until he was against the wall. She did so because now he had nowhere to go, she could press her body against him. She felt absolute ecstasy running through her blood. She could not stop kissing him. She could not be stopped. She vaguely thought the only way would be for him to ask it, and she doubted he ever would.
His hands stayed respectfully at her waist, frustratingly so. It was infuriating in a way how he seemed to be more in control than she was when she was the one who didn’t want this to happen. She should be outraged that they were kissing without her consent. She didn’t have the mind space to think about that though, she would reflect on being a hypocrite later.
For now, his lips tasted like heaven. She was going into all the corny tropes because they fit exactly how she felt. She was riding the wave of a rush and it was divine. She had never been high on LSD or cocaine, but she imagined it came close to that. Her tongue had no problems invading his mouth, provoking hot waves of pleasure to reverberate through her whole body. The way he just accepted it, as if giving her the full reins of it, stupidly turned her on, egged her on. He was the only one who could stop her, why didn’t he?
She fought hard to stop their makeout session and pulled away, panting uncontrollably. She was eating him alive. So much for saying ‘goodbye, let’s never see each other again’.
“You… What's your name?”
Their faces were still glued together, his arms around her. She pushed herself away and turned to the side, covering her mouth with her right hand. Somehow, pulling away from him exhausted her. She felt like even gravity was against her. She stayed like that, panting at a short but safe distance, looking at him.
After a moment of silence, he walked to a chair and sat down. The corners of his lips were raised in a small smile, he looked calm. He had all the time in the world, it seemed. Well, she didn't, she had other things to do. Like running away and never look back. Stupid soulbond was too heavy, her legs were stomped.
He pointed at the chair across from him, on the other side of the table. "Please, sit."
She wanted to scream. He was being so gentle, so condescending. Was she an idiot that couldn't keep herself away? Y- No. She wasn't a fangirl. She was a hard-working adult. An award-winning photojournalist. She was in control. Mostly. She couldn't even look away from him, that empty chair had nothing on him.
She tried calming herself down. She took her camera strip out of her neck, letting the camera sit on the table, and then she also dropped her lens bag on the floor next to it. Her breathing was stabilizing and she swallowed dryly. He was patiently waiting for her. He looked like a mythological God observing her, a mere mortal, to cope with his presence. And she had all the intentions of kneeling and begging for whatever mercy he could give.
She scoffed and pulled her copper hair back, out of her face. It was good. That soulmate thing… It was strong. She never thought it would get to that point. She knew when to admit defeat. And that was certainly, still, not the time to. 
She took a step forward, convinced that she was in control. She was going to put her hand on his shoulder and say, ‘I’m sorry it had to be me. I’m not interested. Let’s forget this ever happened.'
Her hand actually hovered over his shoulder for a moment, when her blue eyes deviated to the exposed skin of his neck. Her hand trembled while she struggled between her wills, visceral thoughts opposing one another. He must have seen her inner battle because he extended his hand and guided hers to his shoulder calmingly. It tipped the scales.
Her hormones, body, whatever it was took control. What she wanted beyond him didn’t matter, no one beyond him mattered. She felt like everything in life was secondary, a faded background, dim against his brightness. There was only one thing she wanted.
Her leg heaved to the other side of him and she sat on top of his legs. He seemed to be expecting her lips when she leaned forward to greet him. His hands went to rest carefully by her waist while hers kept by his neck. He was taking her kisses fully, meeting her passion without ever imposing. But she was hungry. She started grinding herself against him and as soon as she could feel his hard-on clearly through his pants and her shorts, she just couldn’t stop anymore.
Her mind became foggy and nothing else but their pleasure meant anything. There was something at the end of the rainbow and she wanted it. Not want, want. Like the need to breathe. He grunted and parted their lips, trying to look around, at them, at her. 
She got up with a weird sense of ease. She unbuttoned her shorts without ever dropping her eyes from him. His, however, accompanied the fabric’s descent down her naked legs. She pulled her panties down in the same motion and he seemed to understand. His expression was now serious, as she imagined hers. She wanted it, like oxygen. Like daylight. He could stop it though. One word and her world would crumble.
He extended his right hand for her to take. She took it and got closer. He meant to get up, but she stopped him. She unbuttoned his pants herself while her heart drummed in her chest. It wasn’t even about what he was going to look like or anything of the sort. She just had to feel him.
She got on his lap and immediately pulled his erection out. It was hard and shiny, extending proudly upwards. Their eyes met and no words were spoken. His hands were on her hips and she just did what she was supposed to. She sat down.
It had never felt that way before. She was never the most sexual person, but it was not supposed to feel like that. If she had a will, it vanished then. Her completeness could not be described. It was like an explosion of color, like a gust of wind, like the stars on the black pane of the universe. She was a boat looking to anchor, he was the nest she came to sleep in. 
Once the cosmic waves were done resonating in her nerves, she opened her eyes, aware. It was like seeing everything blurry and then putting on glasses. She understood. She could barely think, but she knew she understood. And looking at his eyes, she knew he did too. His arms raised around her in a tight embrace to keep her close while her hips started rolling. She felt embraced, and accepted, like a promise was being made. Their bodies were giving something to each other because that was the only way their souls could be one again. That pleasure making her skin stretch was the extent their souls would ever touch each other. That was sad in a way, making her feel anguish. Yet he kissed her chest, right over her heart, making her come to an almost full stop. He was promising. She started moving again. That promise would only be real if they committed. If their souls actually touched and joined.
She had never felt pleasure like that. She thought she would reach her orgasm very soon, but somehow there was more. Like an endless staircase to heaven. He grew impatient with kissing her shirt and forced it out. She gladly helped. His lips on her skin were everything, and she moaned through clenched teeth at the shock. His tongue darted out to feel her breasts, contouring her bra edges and sneaking in as much as he could. She was still going, jumping as low as possible so he could do it. She grew impatient and her hands reached her back to release the bra when he stopped her.
He grabbed her hands, “No, don’t stop.”
It was a catalyst, if there could be one. His hands groped her firmly everywhere while she got lost in the feeling of riding him. She was now moaning with every motion, so ready to reach him whenever he was.
He grunted from the back of his throat, “Fuck.”
She nodded approvingly and felt the instant he was ready. She forced his hands on her breasts to squeeze hard while she sat down strongly a few times, making him go so deep it nearly hurt. 
Only it was pure bliss. She closed her eyes and all she could see was golden. Golden waves with particles of light. Her body trembled in spasms, her voice muted without breath. Her body felt like it was hovering in a breeze, floating. She could feel his hands, his body, inside and out. She felt warm and safe. Home. 
It lasted maybe fifteen seconds. Then, the golden waves receded, the lights disappeared like stars in the morning sky, her body floated softly to the ground, and it was done. Her head fell over his shoulder and his hand came to rest on her hair. They were both panting. They promised, it was done. She was hugging him as tightly as she could. She was scared to open her eyes.
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You can go here to keep reading [ao3] (this story is finished) 💜
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xiuminscheeks · 1 year ago
WOOO new ep yet again :D and im on time too! Last ask i sent was a couple days after the ep aired, cos it took me a while to get round to watching it 😅 anyway ok so:
-How did mr lee get away w that. How did mr jin just accept him pulling a sword on him like WHAT sldjksk. in what world would he not be terrified or at least concerned. Or call for help or something? He just walks off????
Then when he does bring it up its like ahhh he just seemed kinda off yknow? LIKE YEAH he threatened to kill you with a fucking sword in his hand T.T
-GIRL cover your mouth when you cough...
-The snuggling is so soft goddamit, and im a sucker for a sick character being gently taken care of >.< theyre so endlessly sweet ARGH i need someone to cuddle. Where is a guy supposed to find a man like eunwoo in this economy tho. Sigh
-Please..PLEASE cover your mouth when you cough i beg. The whole lot of them theyre just as bad as each other help
-Yul: "ah with your superior instincts youve sensed theyre dating 😌 theyve been trying to keep it a secret, so keep quiet please 😉"
Min ji: "😐"
Yul: *silently, but with a lot of emotion* "..fuck"
-Are we finally gonna get the backstory... i bet its gonna be a misunderstanding plot how much do we wanne bet its a miscommunication plot. They've set up mr lee/mountain spirit too kindly to have him be a full villain i feel. Like they show an equal amount of moments that paint him in a positive light to ones that portray him as a villain. So its gotta be something like a miscommunication plot or a 'redeemed at the final moment of death' or some shit, i can feel it.. (and if im wrong. Well fuck me lol)
-Aw even back in time they were fucking adorable. But I have to say the mountain spirit romance plot takes the cake this episode for me, the tsundere storyline always wins 😔 im easy to please,,, now if only they couldve stayed happy on the mountain with the puppy kid T.T altho it feels weird when translated to the modern day cos while she was a married woman in the flashback shes a whole student in present day 💀
-But i am endlessly charmed by the mountain spirit and his pretty brown eyes and his trying so hard not to get attached to the fragile mortals <3 Also i think i reaallllly vibe with the historical aspect so ill pick up a historical drama from your list next (i still havent started another one yet sksjsk)
-My misunderstanding plot theory gains momentum! Mountain spirit looked away for literally the exact second she got stabbed and just assumes it was the dude like. I mean i get it but gAHHhhh!!
-Now now mountain spirit. Step away from the dog. Please dont kill the dOG-.... Ah.. Too late ... (unrelated but why is the vet sleeping at the animal hospital sksjsj? Protestant work ethic strikes again)
-So anyway this episode was made just to make me fall deeper in love with mr mountain spirit 😔 and im really looking forward to confict and confrontations next episode >:] (also thank you for the new recs!!! Ive added them to my list ^.^)
- 🌱
henlo! its always so fun reading your asks!!!!
pls, the coughing with the mouth open had me so mad afsfgsg i cant stand that. at least we got cute ass snuggling tho, so I felt better
the flashbacks had beautiful cinematography and we finally got some answers! the mountain spirit is cute :( he really has such pretty puppy eyes.
I agree that something major happened when he looked away. my theory is that she shaman girl will remember what really happened and let him know, and end that 200 year beef.
also, I'm pretty sure that the uncle wont die. I feel like he wll return to his human form, cause the mountain spirit will break the curse.
2 more days for the new ep!!
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jujuliabautista · 2 years ago
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Still you.
Hey. How are you? Are you happy? I wish you were because i am not to be honest. I'm trying but i can't. Yet?
Happy birthday to the both of us. Its our 25th Birthday. Were old enough. 😅 i know you're happy now. And im glad you were even tho its not me the reason behind those smile of yours.
Thank you for the unforgettable memories that we've shared in our elementary days. And i'm sorry for leaving you soonest as i could that time.
Year 2018, i never thought you'll message me back then because we both knew we were so awkward on our last reunion. We never talked or looked at each other on that party. No one even remembered that we were exes back then. No one except us. But that reunion brought painful memory which i accepted already. And that is you were remembered as one of the exes of my so called best friend. Yes. My best friend.
Damn this 3am thoughts. Haha i have no one to tell this as of my writing so yes. Here i am. Writing on tumblr of what i am thinking rn to my unrequited love.
Does first love hurts this much? My mom thought you were just my puppy love since we were in grade school that time but for me it wasn't. Even though we broke up too fast, i was on my happiest that time. The butterflies i felt, the i love yous' , being taken care of and so on. Damn. I missed that.
What went wrong? What happen to us?
I lost myself the moment i lost you. I tried so hard to bring myself back but i think i failed until to this day.
I was a quiet, shy, grade conscious girl not until you tranferred to our school. I admired you the moment i saw you. Fun fact, my best friend (5th grade best friend) and i had a crush on you that time. We don't know but we admire you.
I have no plans of telling you that i have a crush on you. It should be a happy crush since school must be my top priority on my plate. And sucks to tell you but im not good on balancing education and lovelife as well. So it should be HAPPY CRUSH.
But things didn't go as planned. That happy crush thing vanished the moment you said you liked me. I may not be so sure as of this writing but that time you asked for my number and you said you liked me. That was the happiest day for me that time. Who would've have thought that the person you admire likes you back.
Knowing that feels surreal but at the same time knowing that my bestfriend (other friend) likes you too, i had a second thought. I told her everything but lucky me she supports us. She backs off. But she left after that year and never had a chance to talk again. So i dont know.
Things escalated so fast that the moment you asked me to be your girlfriend, i said yes quickly. But asian thing, i asked you to hide our relationship since my parents and sister won't allow me to do relationships until i graduated college.
We were so happy back then. But we were too early to play on fire. Not that kind of fire but you know what i mean. We were at our happiest not until i fucked up my grades which alarming to our professors since they knew that i have a smart sister. So this teacher reported me to my parents after knowing about us.
And worst, my dad saw our conversation which should not be shared. They got mad and won't let me near you again.
I tried.
We never had the proper break up. We just didn't talked after they forbids us to talked to each other.
Days. Weeks. It was hard for me. And hopes you had a hard time too.
Im trying but it wasn't enough. I lost myself a bit which causes me not to focus on studying so i kept on having bad grades that time.
I tried. But i totally lost myself the moment i learned that you were dating my other friend. Which also i considered bestfriend.
I'm hurt is an understatement. I am deeply hurt. I thought of trying to get us back but i guess im too late.
I know this friend knew about us but what i couldn't understand is of all the boys on our batch that time. Why you? My EX.
And i'm trying to be understanding here but why her? You knew we were friends. I couldn't accept the situation so i fucked up over and over again.
I dealt with the pain for a year. I tried. I had a thing with one of your friend which i assumed you knew about us. You thought I easily moved on and easily had a thing with your friend. Naah. Hate to say this but he was my rebound. I can't take the fact that you were happy and i'm the miserable one so i said yes to be his girlfriend.
But hey! He is a good guy. Shy and sweet type of person. We never dated in actual nor being together alone. We were just flirting on our phones. Haha. Silly. But then things happen. Worst scenario, he two-timed me. Im not sure. Not interested as well that time.
The pain is still there everytine i see both of you together. Im in so much pain that made me decide to transfer school 6th grade. So i wait. I pretended to all of our friends that i am cool with the situation for a year.
Then our graduation day came. It was the moment i've been waiting. And i do believe that time that when i transferred i'll get to move on. But jokes on me. I didn't.
But i guess i have to let you go now like for real. I've already done my part. I tried so hard to meet you and explain every thing that happen and seek answers on questions that i had years ago. I thought everything deserves a better closure but i guess not all needed closure. Maybe our relationship doesn't need closure.
I love you. And i will always will.
I like you still first love.
Hope this would be my last letting go moment. Its hard you know.
So yeah. I wish you the best in this lifetime.
Thank you.
- J.
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kyra-writes-too-much · 2 years ago
Boiling Rage - Part 2
GUESS WHO FINALLY POSTED PT 2??? Call it a Valentine’s Day gift lol
(i know i’m so late i’m SORRY. school and softball and theater are killing me 😅 we’re supposed to have a play next month but we’re so behind pls forgive me)
ok so part 1 stuck mostly to the canon storyline but this part does not. umm… enjoy
tw: descriptions of injuries (nothing major tho)
— — —
Sokka frowns. “He’s kind of in a cooler right now?”
“He’s where?” 
“The coolers are a sort of… container that firebenders are put in. They’re insulated, and kept too cold to use bending. The warden came after him for some reason, but I don’t know why!”
Your eyes are wide as Sokka explains, and at the end, something clicks. Mai. 
“That little… okay. Okay, let’s get Zuko, we can figure out the escape plan together.”
Sokka shakes his head. “We can’t. He’s under guard. But I did find someone else that you might like to see…”
“Who?” You’re upset, but can’t go bursting into the cooler by yourself. 
“Suki. She was arrested, but she’s here!”
“Suki’s here?! Really?”
Suki was the leader of the Kyoshi warriors, and your best friend. You haven’t seen her since Axula attacked you all in the forest, when you had been the only one to escape. 
“Yeah! Zuko and I saw her in the yard, right before he was taken away. I went to visit her, and we were trying to come up with an escape plan.”
“Okay, that’s actually good news. But I want to go find Zuko, before…”
“Before what?” Sokka prompts. 
“Before Mai does. If I know her at all, she’ll be here soon… and she’ll be mad. At me, mostly, but also at Zuko.” 
“We have to get rid of the guards first… if you can cause a distraction, I can get him out.”
You grin. “That won’t be a problem.”
— — —
You and Sokka are quiet as you approach the four guards, trying not to attract too much attention. Neither of you have a weapon, but the guards appear unarmed as well. You’ll just have to be wary of fire. 
“Excuse me! The warden sent us. It’s your turn to have dinner,” Sokka lies. 
One of the guards looks both of you up and down. “We were ordered to keep at least four guards on this post at a time. Two of us will remain here with you.”
You had expected a problem like this. “Of course, sir.” Sokka gives you a dubious look, but you have a plan. As soon as two of the guards saunter off, you give the other two guards a smile, then realize that they can’t see it through the helmet. 
“Hi! I don’t think I’ve seen either of you around before,” you say brightly. 
“Oh. I’m usually in the prison yard,” one of them, a younger-sounding guy, says. 
“And I’m new here,” says the other, a middle aged woman.
“Well, it’s good to meet you guys,” Sokka says, going along with what you’re doing. 
“Yeah! Hey, even though you’re new, you’ve tried the fruit tarts in the food court right?” you ask, addressing the woman.��
“Fruit tarts? No… why?”
“They’re incredible! You have to go grab one before they’re gone,” Sokka replies enthusiastically. 
“Fruit tarts? I didn’t know there were fruit tarts here,” the other guard says longingly.
“Really? How? You guys should get them now, they usually run out fast,” you tell them. 
“Yeah, we can watch the cooler for a while,” Sokka assures. 
“You know what? That sounds amazing. We owe you,” the guy says to you and Sokka. He and the woman walk away down the corridor, debating on the best type of fruit tart.
“Enjoy!” you call after them. 
“That was genius,” Sokka tells you when they’re out of sight. 
“I know, right? Ok, how do you open this thing?”
Sokka spins a key ring around his finger. “You’re not the only one with tricks up your sleeve.”
You grin at the Water Tribe boy as he twists the key in the lock and slides the cooler door open. 
“Zuko!” you greet your boyfriend. “Oh, what happened to you?!”
Zuko is huddled on the ground, trying to keep warm. A dark violet bruise has formed around his right eye, and dried blood splatter is visible on his clothes. 
“I got punched in the face. I’m f-fine, Y/N,” he says, but not very convincingly. 
“Okay, I hate to break up the reunion, but we need to get you out of here,” Sokka interrupts. 
Zuko grimaces. “I don’t know if you can,” he sighs, shifting to reveal one of his ankles shackled to the floor. 
“Sokka, give me the keys,” you order. He complies, and you try to open the lock with each of the keys. When none of them work, you panic slightly, going through all of them again. “Why aren’t they working?”
“The warden probably has the key,” Sokka realizes. 
“You know what? You’re right. Both of you stay here. I’ll be as quick as I can,” you tell them. 
“Y/N, are you c-crazy? Don’t risk going after the warden for me. I’ll b-be okay,” Zuko insists. He looks absolutely exhausted, and is shivering. 
“Yeah, sure. Don’t lie to me, Zu. I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“…okay. I’ll see you soon.”
Sokka nods at you. “Good luck. Be careful.”
“Am I not always?” you call over your shoulder. 
“No!” both of them reply as you leave. 
— — — 
You (kind of) know where you’re going, so you make it to the warden’s office without getting too lost. 
Hearing footsteps from around a corner, you take a breath and try to act natural. The warden steps into your line of vision. 
You can see the keys in his pocket, barely sticking out. Your fingers reach out, and you barely catch the key ring with your pinkie. Closing your fingers around the keys, you smile under your helmet, and start your way back. 
— — —
Part three will be the final part!!!
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doberbutts · 2 years ago
Your post abt how male victim sa is treated as a joke in media really resonates w/ me. like i dont watch drama tv shows, i watch like sitcom/comedy stuff and so its extra apparent to me in a way?
Because while in a drama tv show you can have both male and female sa victims, sitcoms will rarely if ever try to make jokes about female sa (or at least now anyway, i dont watch older sitcoms) they absolutely do make male sa jokes.
For example, in Parks and Rec theres this episode where April and Andy make a lot of doctors appointments in one day and in one part Andy is listing out all the doctors they've seen and Andy says like "One guy looked at my weiner, touched it, that was weird" and April says "And that guy wasn't even a doctor" and Andy says "...What" with an uncomfortable look on his face and then it just moves on.
And its supposed to be a funny haha moment but everytime I see that clip I get really uncomfortable bc like its never clarified if she was kidding or not but also why would you joke abt your husband being sa'd???
And thats just one example, theres plenty of others. (The whole thing with Barney and Rhonda French in HIMYM makes me super uncomfortable even tho its played as consensual, it gives me bad vibes)
But it feels like no one ever really cares to talk abt it, so it was nice to see someone bring it up. Sorry for the long ask 😅
The comedy I watch is normally yes about equal to Parks and Rec or Brooklyn 99 and yes, there's a lot of jokes that fly under the radar because they victimize one group or another that isn't seen as "in danger". The amount of prison rape and prostate exam (hinthint wink wink not performed by a doctor though teehee) jokes really stand out the more you pay attention to it. And maybe it IS time to pay attention to it, because clearly this is a symptom of a bigger issue, one that endangers everyone.
Going back to stuff I watch more of because I haven't seen more than a clip or two of HIMYM, but I remember when I was watching Buffy with my ex [then boyfriend] and he pointed out that Xander had a really good reason not to like Faith and it's because Faith rapes him (forced to penetrate) and how Xander really... never seemed to forgive her for it and always seemed uncomfortable around her after. And while I was not part of the fandom during the show's heyday, being that I am a relatively recent watcher only maybe about 6 or 7 years ago, he told me it was very frustrating to him that the fandom seemed to focus more on the wrongdoing of Spike's *attempt* to rape Buffy, than the *actual rape* Faith did to Xander.
Even with my Witcher example, I'm seeing people shipping Yennefer and Jaskier because they had a moderately improved friendship in season two, while not at ALL touching on the fact that Jaskier's first memory of her is a blatant sexual assault and maybe that's why he's increasingly aggressive to her every time they see each other for the remainder of season one and when seeing her again in season two. It's more than "he's somewhat jealous of her closeness with Geralt" when I know for a fact she pinned and grabbed him by the penis and I wouldn't fault anyone for not liking someone who grabbed their genitals without consent. I'm not yucking anyone's yum but it's really frustrating to me to see people skate right by that.
(again, books/games fans who follow/reblog, your faves are not immune, I present to you one Triss Merigold who rapes *Geralt himself* by means of a love potion in the books and who does it *again* in the games if you let her manipulate Geralt into sleeping with her when he has amnesia, do not even start with 'wehweh this is why the show sucks' when your favorite adaption did it too and Triss/Geralt is a possible romance path in the third game, AND Yennefer is mad at Geralt for... letting Triss rape him while they were together, because she considers it cheating, if you talk to her about it in the third game she dumps you in the lake to punish you for defending yourself)
Big sigh.
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nattinatalia · 3 years ago
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Liked by jackharlow, yourbestiename, druski2funny, and 7,800,300 others
urbanwyatt Blurry nights with my baby girl 💖
View all 1,400 comments
druski2funny We’re insta official?
urbanwyatt 🤔 Always were
jackharlow 😂
yourbestiename Always? haha ok please don’t lie. I witness 4 months of sexual tension and I’m just happy ya are finally together.
yourusername What did we learn?
urbanwyatt Don’t
druski2funny Please do……
yourusername A woman can play a man’s game better 💅🏼 🤪🤭
urbanwyatt We’re not discussing this anymore.
jackharlow lmao because we all know you lost this game 😫😤
urbanwyatt I’ll loose every game to her 🫡
yourusername 🥺💖
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Liked by yourbestiename, princeroyce, jackharlow, and 9,700,300 others
yourusername In-N-Out dates with him 💖
View all 9,300 comments
yourbestiename 😱
urbanwyatt What? Why are you surprised?
yourbestiename Y’all are really together together if y’all are posting each other.
urbanwyatt You thought I was letting her ass play out there in Miami? Hell no. That ass belongs to me.
druski2funny Does it though? It took you 4 months to realize 🤣🤣
yourbestiename Ok I’m happy to see you don’t stir the pot with only Jack and me 🤪
yourusername He loves to stir shit up between all of us. He better watch his ass.
randomchick 🙄 He’s literally a player. Ur dumb if you think he’s gonna commit to you
yourusername Just admit you’re mad it’s not you. It’s fine, I understand 😚
randomchick Girl he was literally in my friends dms not too long ago 😅
yourusername He can be in anyones dms, wanna see mine? Plus he’s inside me every night so we’re cool.
jackharlow A YOOOO 😳😳🥶
randomguy How did he bag such a hottie tho
urbanwyatt With my monster dick, you wanna see???? I’m also pretty sure she said something about my mouth and tongue 👅
randomchick I’ll give this wanna be relationship 2 weeks tops and that’s putting it lightly.
yourusername Sit down little girl, you’re trying too much. Tell you what? I’ll ask him if he wants to fuck you, I don’t mind sharing, but know that I’m in control when it comes to three sums 😉 shit, we can all have an orgy if you’re all up for it.
yourbestiename I’m out ✌🏼 😬
jackharlow No orgys anywhere
druski2funny Is this an open invitation because I accept 🤭🤭
urbanwyatt She’s down to share, but I’m not so no wtf
yourusername Babyyyy, but we used to share all the time 🤪
urbanwyatt Stop spilling all our secrets 😅
randomguy and after you’re done with him I’ll show you what a real man looks like.
yourusername Ewwww 🤮
urbanwyatt Na my guy, you wouldn’t know how to handle her. My baby is a freak through and through, too much for you. We’re good, she’s good with me.
randomchick I bet they’re not even together just posting old pictures
yourusername Bitch why do you care? Shit I’ll go on live right now and spit in his mouth so all of you can shut the fuck up. Wait, don’t tell me you want a video of him cumming in me and on me????? Holy shit you worry too much for a guy you don’t even know.
yourbestiename Spit in his mouth? What nasty shit are you guys into 😳 babe pick me up, I’m scared.
jackharlow Mamas, we do more freaky things than that.
yourbestiename What are you talking about? I’m a saint. Mom, don’t believe him!!!!!!!!
jackharlow SHIT I forgot she’s on here 😫😫
jackharlow Wait, how does she think her grand babies got here????
druski2funny Can we go back to the sharing and spitting in peoples mouth????
urbanwyatt 😂😂😂😂😂
yourusername Druski, we don’t share with our close friends 😏 has to be strangers because we don’t like shit to be weird. Why’d you think I haven’t done round 2 with y/bestie/name? she doesn’t share Jack and that’s like my brother.
urbanwyatt Wait round 2 ??
jackharlow Round 2, y/bestie/name what does she mean with that?
yourbestiename 🤭🤭🤭 See what had happened there was… ummmmm, wait do you hear that? the kids are crying……
jackharlow Ohh naaa, I’m getting answers. Let’s go get the kids and you’re telling me this round 1 thing..
druski2funny Y/n spill the tea sis
urbanwyatt Yea tell us 🧐
yourusername 😂🤭 What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Also we were 19, drunk and experiencing. She will never do that again especially sharing her man, and I’m pretty sure her man wouldn’t share with just me and Urb 😂😂😂😂 
druski2funny Jack and Urban used to share all the damn time and now they’re against it? 😏😏😏
urbanwyatt No one is sharing anyone anymore!!!!! 😤😤😤😤😤
yourusername Boringgggg 🥱
urbanwyatt You know us in bed is far from boring.
yourusername Yes I do 🤤🤤🤤😋
druski2funny so I guess that’s a no on sharing and posting a video of you spitting in his mouth????
urbanwyatt oh the spitting video can be send to you in a little 😏
druski2funny Please don’t, I was joking. That shit sounds disgusting. Ya into some weird ass shit.
yourusername 😂😂😂
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 10~
(just realised that the old man is called '晏无师' like 'yan….without master'??? is this??? his actual NAME or?? bc i feel as tho this wouldn't be terribly auspicious?? and parents wouldn't be happy if the name were suggested to them, would they?? so could it be a second name? an alias?? another title??? i wonder if shen qiao has got a courtesy name?? maybe he just doesn't like it lol. NAMES ARE. VERY CONFUSING. i like them a lot bUT THEY CONFUSE ME ;A;) ANYWAY ahhh chang'an looks like a very nice place!! pretty treessss omg ;A; OH FUCK THE OLD MAN'S SPOUTING POETRY 😳 HELP I'M HAVING AN EMOTION 😵 yws: heyyyy u should hang out with meee, want this flower?? shen qiao: no :/ new friend unlocked!! yuwen qing!! and his concubine yuzi!! wonder why he brought her along?? she cute tho ;A; BAI RONG TAKE A FUCKING HINT CHALLENGE. NOBODY LIKES U. GO HOME >:V lol the old man is beating this lass and somehow i'm on HIS side lol, what has my life come to?? 😩 it's THE CHAIN GANG. THEY'RE A GANG. OF CHAINS 🔗🔗🔗 bai rong: UR A BIG MEANIE. i told on u and shizun sent big tough guys >:( yws: *yawn* i'm too old for this shit. it's past my bedtime. xiao se??? and who might U be?? that's a nice fan. made of knives 👀 i'm so glad they're taking the time to quibble about sect matters like this while shen qiao sits in his cart and yuwen qing tries desperately to carry his gf away from danger THE SUBTITLES HAVE 'QI' ROMANISED AS 'CHI' AND I DON'T LIKE IT, IT'S CONFUSING ;A; shen qiao's got the shillelagh, everyone back UP!!! WHACK EM, SHEN QIAO!! GIVE HIM A GOOD WHACK!! >:V i love these martial arts sequences so much ;A; OH NO IT'S THE WHITE LADY!!! nobody likes U either, missy, so sod off unless u intend to kill bai rong 😤 xiao se: SHIMEI HELP MEEEE ;A; bai rong: *running away in the bg* OH SNAP. SNARED HIM LIKE A FISH ON A SPEAR 🐟 lol yan wushi tormenting his victims before killing them is very funny, for some reason. he's like the 'chasing u down the corridor' meme lol OH NO WAS HE STRUCK??? damn i can't believe she got a hit on him ;A; she didn't even face him in honourable combat, what a coward 😒 yws: *happy smile* OH A-QIAO!! COME HAVE TEA WITH MEEEE :D shen qiao: ….there was an assassination attempt yws: soooo is that a yes? :D '我们家阿峤' SIR U ARE IN PUBLIC!! UR JUST!!! SAYING THIS IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!! WTF yws: where are u going?? :((( is it something i said?? :((( shen qiao is the best, he cares about the fate of missing handmaidens even tho nobody else does ;A; ALSO he's fucking BLIND, and still it's HIM who goes looking for her?? nobody else can be bothered?? these fecking ppl lol white ladyyyy, the old man was just returning ur needle!!! why are u mad??? 'if u want somebody to love, u can love me :D' exCUSE ME shen qiao: if SHE'S not good enough for me, what makes u think U are?? >:( lmao roastedddd got emmmm!! 🤣🤣🤣 OOH A TOWN!!! look at the cute shops!! look at the cute lanterns!! look at the cute re-used character models!! :DDD ....aaaand the old man's disappeared again! i like to think he jumped onto the passing cart and rode away with it 🤣 shen qiao does a tiny smile bc he's CHARMED by these antics now lol BAI RONG??? UR BACK??? i love this donghua but the pacing is WACK in places tbh 😅 ohhh that shen qiao, always trying to believe the best in everyone.....….even the tart who keeps trying to kill him 😌 bai rong: tee hee ur so cute when u smile~~ shen qiao: do not touch me :) her outfit is fire tho!! cute shoes!!!!! idk what they're talking about rn. sometimes the subtitles are very cryptic. im just gonna nod and smile 😊 is she is she trying to WARN him?? was that a WARNING from bai rong?????? that's so weird o_O wait who is OH OH IT'S RUYUAN KEHUI OH DAMN HE IS WOW HE'S UH gOODNESS HE'S CERTAINLY ahem. he's. inch resting. what a voice 😳😳😳 OH HERE'S THE OLD MAN. TO CHASE AWAY SHEN QIAO'S SUITORS!! wait they're going to fight why are they going to what ok shen qiao is used to ppl constantly fighting over him i guess it's probably not very shocking anymore smh poor shen qiao 😔
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wishful-soda · 3 years ago
overall an absolutely INCREDIBLE chapter. I cannot even believe you would claim it’s going downhill their soft friendship/not rly platonic vibes are EVERYTHING and their fight, despite the pain, was believable and defnecessary for the plot so i’m OK W THE SUFFERING!!! Incredible i’m on the edge of the seat for the next chapter and for the MAKE UP SEX 😭
- OBSESSED with picking up where we left off i NEEDED to know more so it’s PERFECT
- the way she called a date “gross”…. sure queen we all see through you
- HE MAKES HIS VACATION PLANS AROUND WHERE SHE WILL BE? so much for enemies that idea is REALLY dead and gone now…
- HE MAKES HER FEEL SAFE OH MY GODDDDKEKKESKJSKEJEK. she didn’t even say just that night she said HE CONSISTENTLY DOES IT?!?! i nearly jumped out of my bed when i read this
- Can’t stop thinking charles must be ROLLING HIS EYES in the background from their final conversation before she closes the door like? they’re so obvious about how they feel it’s???? ridic?????
- i just know they were also smiling like idiots that whole convo and it WARMED MY HEART
- she wanted to HUG HIM after not seeing him for just a few days… these people are INSANELY STUPID and i LOVE TO READ IT
- they’re so risky kissing around the corner at max’s place…… i wonder when they’ll be caught….. 👀
- Daniel is SO happy he can officially say they’re friends like he has wanted it deep down way longer than her i just know it 🥹
- he picks up the phone with how’re ya going… the fact he remembers every thing she has ever said to him i’m weak
- the way i almost fainted at “i want to fuck you in my clothes” 1) reader living the actual dream 2) SO HOT
- “makes you look like mine” i don’t think he can even be denying this to himSELF anymore the boy is in SO deep
- daniel wants to cuddle so badly i wish she didn’t have to get in her own head 🥹 and also ofc what comes after hurts so badly
- I know it’s painful but the image of daniel trying to get dressed to chase after her was SO FUNNY
- he loathed himself 😭😭😭😭😭 i cry!!! Sad ending but totally worth it for all the dynamics at play here and i cannot WAIT FOR MORE OMGGG
Hi my love!! It’s always so good to hear from you!! I read the first chapter of SotD and for some reason I felt like the quality of that chapter compared to the one I just posted was just like unreal. Maybe that’s just me being nostalgic? LMAO. Either way, I appreciate your words, it makes me feel a little better to hear that I’m the only one feeling like I’m on a steady downward trend 😅
Okay it’s rare for me to start a chapter where we left off the last one right? I don’t know why but I suck at that but this time it felt necessary so ta-daaa! 
She’s over the top with her ‘gross’ comments and we’re all starting to see that aren’t we…😏
I’d like to think that he wanted to go to LA for his break but he couldn’t stand the idea of being that far away from her for that long…of course he’d never admit that tho
I LOVE THAT YOU CAUGHT THAT!!! That she didn’t say he ‘made’ her feel safe that night, that he ‘makes’ her feel safe consistently because that was a very conscious choice I made when writing it so I love that you picked up on that!!! 
Charles is like so unimpressed with them. He’s like going along with the ruse because he promised that he would and hes trying to help his friend, but he lowkey is so over their bullshit, like JUST TELL EACH OTHER YOU LOVE EACH OTHER ALREADY SO WE CAN ALL MOVE ON WITH OUR LIVES.
Did you catch how she wanted to hug him and then he called her out for ‘not really being a hugger’....Sigh, oh Daniel…
They will continue to be risky because they’re idiots, you’re spot on.
Okay the ‘“I’m acquired taste” I felt like that was SO Daniel. Like I could hear him saying it. 
You’re so right!! Daniel has just wanted to be her friend for so long, like probably from day 1. 
HE IS USING EVERY WEAPON HE HAS OK. Pretty soon he’s just going to consist of backwards hats & ‘how’re ya goin’
Listen. I am so glad that you said something because I was writing him chasing after her and was legit GIGGLING at the thought of him trying to hurrying to get dressed and apologize for being such a fucking moron so THANK YOU FOR LAUGHING WITH ME. 
You are SO RIGHT. HE HAS HAD A GLOW UP. He’s thinking about the fact that he made her feel shitty and not about himself!! OUR BOY!! 
We’re slowly building to them actually addressing the beginning of their relationship and I’m trying to decide how the fact that he never actually wanted to be her enemy at all is going to come out. I’ve actually thought about having Max point it out to her, be like uh do you not realize the dude has been in love with you for two years or…?
I’M SO GLAD YOU LOVED IT and I always always look forward to hearing your thoughts so thank you for always reading and always sending me multiple pages on what you thought because it makes all of the frustrating moments of writing 100000% worth it so thank you so much bby. Seriously. ILYSM. 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
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