#Who is responsible for putting that monkey in the room?
soshadysoquiet · 2 months
TUA Rewatch Drawings: S1E4
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[ID: A close up of Luther's horrified face, hands held up towards his face as he looks at something offscreen, he's scruffy with overgrown hair and beard. Behind his shoulder is the image of a child's jack-in-the-box monkey popping up, it's holding an umbrella. Written at the top of the image is "Monkey on the Moon". End ID.]
Favourite Moment: Cha Cha and Hazel having their hang over donuts, its so classic.
Favourite Line: "You're the one with the damn orthepedic bracelet." "I told you already, it's just for support!" - Chachh & Hazel / "I barely remember what we had for breakfast at this point." - Hazel (and me, on a daily basis)
Most likely to skip moment: Klaus' gurgling waterboarding torture - I hate the sound so much!
Most likely to rewind moment: The Meritech fire dance and surrounding scenes. Hands down.
I chose this because it's such an iconic opening to me, the horror on Luther's face, the coldness of the surgical room he's been left to sleep in. The fucking monkey. It's all so horribly good. And the way this came out like a bad old horror film poster pleases me greatly.
I know Luther makes some Questionable Choices in S1, but each time I rewatch it I remember just how fucked up he must be - whilst it doesn't excuse his actions, it does fuel them, in the same way Viktor slashing Allison's throat can't be excused, but the fuel behind the action is no less present.
I mean this boy:
Was at least emotionally manipulated as a child, but likely straight up abused.
Was thrust into a leadership role he had no business being in.
Lost 2 siblings.
Was isolated in a mansion, oscillating between boredom and life threatening situations.
Then he dies
Gets some truly horrifying and unconsensual body modification
Shipped off to the moon for 4 years of complete physical and near total social isolation.
His father dies who he has complex feelings for, then Grace, then Pogo betrays his trust and its one whole lot.
One of his siblings nearly kills the one he's closest to.
I never hated Luther in S1, and on this rewatch he showed so many more moments of sibling consideration than I remembered, in between being a mess of course.
Also: Eudora. I'm debating what purpose her death serves for the narrative. I think 90% of the emotions her death inspires in Diego could have easily been done by:
Diego thinking Klaus had died when he escapes, or just rage for someone torturing his brother?
Eudora could have been wounded and that would still make Diego think about pushing his agendas on people - except even with her death he doesn't think that.
I know he goes on a mini killing-people-won't-bring-you-peace arc, but, and maybe that brings him closer to Five? But another convo could have done the same? It's not like Eudora is particularly in the way of the plot so I don't know why she had to die - maybe Diego's growing up moment could be realising he doesn't have to keep pushing his agenda and affections on her?
I like her as a character and her presence because she gives Diego depth and a life outside the academy, which we rarely see in the others. Potentially she dies to show the danger of Hazel and Cha Cha, I don't know. Either way I'm conflicted about her, mainly because after 3 months in the 60's Diego seems to forget she exists, though I might have forgotten moments.
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Just Friends: Can I Take Your Order?
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Bucky pays you a surprise visit.
It’s giving
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Your work isn’t hard per se, but it can be chaotic. Still, your tips more than make up for all the running around, but not necessarily the ridiculous attire. You’re not entirely unhappy, it’s exciting even if it can be stressful. 
The diners always keep you on your feet. Literally. You run around, table to table, that night dressed as the infamous Dorothy who’s too far from Kansas. Somewhere around their, a lion, scarecrow, and tinman are taking orders and entertaining children at their seats. 
The themed restaurant isn’t really the place you would go, but it’s a family-friendly venue in a city overcrowded with more adult attractions. The money keeps a roof over your head. You won’t complain for that. 
The Oz room is overflowing and you can see more customers in the lobby. Please send them over to Mary Poppins’ Pop-In. You don’t have time to dread the new wave of diners as you bring a tray of desserts to a table with three blustering toddlers. You could never. 
“Anything else?” You ask as you put out the stemmed cups of banana pudding pie. 
“The check--” the father demands before he’s hit in the face with a stray straw. He grits back his agitation and forces a smile, “thanks.” 
You pick up the straw and leave him. As you do, you pass Graham, that night’s scarecrow. He lowers his voice as he follows you to the till. 
“Can you get the next table, please? I’m dying for a smoke. Any longer and I’m going to smack one of these brats,” he mutters. 
You smile at him. You find the nights go by quicker without breaks. “No problem! On it. I just need to get this bill printed out.” 
You toss the straw and tap the till. You pull up that table and print it out, tucking it into one of the little folders. You grab a handful of hard candies and sweep back across the dining room. 
“Here ya are, enjoy your desserts,” you say and carry on. 
You peer around, searching for the new diners. Right there in the corner. You head over in your pig-tailed wig and red shoes. As you near, your chest flickers. You think you know the back of that head. No, it’s not. He wouldn’t be here... 
You’re all but assured of your suspicions by the golden hair of the man across from him. A third to round out party. You cringe before you muster a smile and come to the side of the table. 
“Welcome to the Land of Oz,” you recite your mandatory introduction and avoid looking at Bucky, “don’t stray too far or you might find a wicked witch or flying monkey to carry you off. May I start you with some drinks?” 
“You got cocktails at a joint like this?” Bucky scoffs. 
You refuse to look at him, “the menu’s right there.” You point beside the centerpiece. He chuckles. 
“This is cute, how’d you find this place, Buck?” The blond asks. The man better known as Captain America. 
“Hmm, this place would be fun to you two geriatrics,” their other companion says. That’s the Falcon. 
You can feel Bucky watching you. He’s smirking. You know it. At least when you see him, you only ever have your stupid dress on. You take the wig and makeup off before you go home. It attracts less weirdos. 
“So, we do have beer, despite what you might think,” you offer. 
“Got prune juice? These two need it--” Falcon, rather Sam Wilson, chortles and receives an elbow to the ribs. 
“We have cranberry,” you suggest. 
“Where’s Toto?” Bucky asks. 
You hold back as sigh and finally meet his eyes, “no dogs allowed.” 
“Damn, sounds like you should go then, eh, Buck,” Sam adds. You grin as he cackles. 
“Hey,” Bucky sneers. “Just water for me.” 
“No milk to keep your bones strong?” The Captain, or Steve, kids. 
“You’re a year younger, shut up,” Bucky huffs. 
“I’ll get a water too,” Steve smirks. 
“Get me a Miller,” Sam says, “please.” 
“No problem. I’ll be back with that and some menus.” 
You spin and strut away. It feels good to see him getting teased because you know he only came here to mock you. You can’t exactly follow him to his work and make fun of his arm. Not that you would. 
You get the water and beer and return to the table with menus under your arm. You hand them all out and give them some time to look over it. You check in with your other tables before you go back again. 
“So, have we made up our minds?” You smile. 
Steve smiles at you, “uh, can I ask what kinda fish it is?” 
“Cod, sir,” you answer as you lean in to see where he points on the menu. 
“Ah, thanks.” 
“You got any recommendations?” Sam asks. 
“I usually go straight to dessert,” you smile, “but the spaghetti is yummy. And you can get it spicy.” 
“Oh, you like it spicy?” Bucky snickers. 
You look at him and Steve clears his throat, “Buck.” 
“Yikes, dude. You got lines, huh?” Sam teases. 
“No, I just--” he gets flustered and rolls his eyes. “Can I have the cheeseburger and fries?” 
“Sure thing,” you take out your notepad. 
“I’ll have the fish and chips,” Steve says, “is it possible to add an extra filet?” 
“Yeppers,” you nod and jot it down. 
“Think I’ll get the meatball sandwich,” Sam says, “apparently, I like meatballs.” 
Steve scowls again and Bucky sighs. You tap your pen on the pad, “alrighty. I’ll go put your order in.” 
“Thanks, doll.” Sam winks at you. 
You smile and as you turn, you hear Bucky hiss, “doll? Since when do you call anyone doll?” 
You make a face but don’t pay much mind to their arguing. He did mention his other friends could be a bit much. Based on that interaction, you’d say he’s just as bad. 
You put the ticket in the window and turn back. As you go back to the family to get the bill and your tip, your eyes snag on Bucky. He cranes around to see you and waves at you with two fingers. Oh, you have to get him back for this. 
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rumisgf · 3 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: you and denki have been friends since you were young, and he always held you close. but he’s denki– he likes giving attention to other girls. so, you never thought he look at you than more than a friend. until one day, you can’t hold in your feelings anymore. (this is also like my first time writing a full length fic in a minute wow)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ includes: black!reader ofc, flashback/timeskips, mutual pining, childhood friends to lovers, they’re in their third year at UA, cursing, jirou is reader’s best friend in high school, reader has a tendency to self sabotage, self deprecation, jealousy, insecurities, reader listening to songs from ctrl, preteen/teen angst, fluff, impulsive confession, wingman!jirou, reader calls kaminari ‘kam’ for short
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ word count: 4.6k
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“kam! kam!”
you boisterously shout your friends name from across the backyard. the little boy jumps off the monkey bars, running over to you with a tooth gapped smile.
you became friends with the boy pretty much the first day of school. he had fallen off the swings after trying to impress his friends, and you had heard somebody yelp in pain. unlike of all his clueless friends who didn’t know what to do, you had ran away from your own friends you were playing with to help the boy out. after all, your parents always taught you to save people– so that’s what you did. you ended up conveniently tripping all falling next to him, face to face with his glossy eyed face and quivering lips. one of his friends nervously said what happened and you look at his knee.
frantically, you called over a teacher. “help! he hurt!” you called out. your homeroom teacher helped him up, and you following the two of them to the classroom inside.
“t-thank you…” he muttered, embarrassed a girl had to see him like this. he gets sat on a chair and you sit next him, the both of you silent for awhile as you wait for the teacher to find a bandaid. you examine his injuries, looking at the scrape on his knee and the smaller one on his hand. hesitantly, you grab his hand. “…does it hurt?” you shyly ask. he hesitates himself, then slowly shrugs “a little…”
his body freezes when you bring your lips to his hand and give it a quick, small kiss. his eyes widen as his head shoots up at you, and your eyes widen in response. “d-did that help?” he forces a laugh, trying to seem as smooth as his dad seems to be with his mom. “y-yeah! thank you!” he smiles, and your face feels as hot as ever.
the same smile is on his face as he runs over to you, beckoning to your call of his name.
“here!” you shove your 3ds into his hand, showing him a black screen. he curiously presses the power button and is met with the charger symbol blinking with a small red line at the start of the battery-shaped figure. “my 3ds dead again…” you say with a frown.
instantly, he beams up. “no fear, charge boy is here!” he holds his hand out, and you stare for a second. a weird feeling begins to brew up in your tummy and your face feels warm, but you grab it. excitedly, he runs into his house. you reach his living room and he searches through the couch, his small figure climbing onto the cushions. “aha!” he shouts, holding up a charger. you maneuver to sit next to him on the couch, him helping you up. the boy grabs your gaming device and sticks the plug in his mouth like a lollipop. you kick your feet in excitement, waiting for him to put on his greatest magic trick. he places the other end of the charger into the 3ds, and you both wait. then,
“WOAHHHH!” the both scream in unison. you clap your hands together and giggle, the boy blushing in response. a smile is plastered across his face as you praise him. “thas so cool!” you coo. he rubs the back of his neck “oh, it’s nothin!” he replies, handing you back the device. you open the game you were just playing: nintendo cats and dogs. “wait lemme see your dog!” he exclaims.
eagerly, he grabs the controller so you both have it in your hands. you giggle once again, going over to the digital dog you own. “sit!” you shout into the screen. the dog tilts their head, and you groan. “…sit!” kaminari chimes in, shouting at a louder volume. again, the dog whines and tilts its head. you both look at each other in annoyance, then shove the 3ds closer to your faces.
“SIT!” you both shout.
the in-game dog sits, and you squeal in satisfaction, looking back at your friend. he giggles, looking back at you. “our dog now!”
this was a pattern in your friendship. you shared basically everything: games, toys, snacks, damn near houses— you were over his all the time. not that he cared, though. in fact, he encouraged it. your parents loved him so they would let it slide, they even became friends with his parents. you both became inseparable within weeks of first meeting each other in school, so regardless there was no way of separating the two of you.
even if they tried, neither of you would let them.
eighth grade wasn’t your favorite for many reasons. one of those reasons happened to involved your best friend since tooth fairies: denki kaminari. it’s no doubt he was popular, at least to some degree. he hung out with a lot of popular kids, and even worse, he was one of those boys where every girl had a crush on him at some point…. you included. except your crush festered before middle school— and it still hasn’t gone away. you hated that it never went away. not because you hated him, it was because you felt the exact opposite of that.
it was different from when you were kids. before, it could be written off as simple puppy love. there was no doubt, anxiety, or fear that came with being all giddy around him. but now, you were both older, and you both became two different types of people. it’s not like people didn’t like you, of course. you had your few share of friends and ultimately preferred to stay to yourself, while he otherwise wanted to entertain the whole world. and you never knew how he did it. he made everyone laugh, and brought smiles out of the gloomiest of people. despite all this, he still called you his best friend. he would convince your parents to let you go to arcades or movie theater hangouts with him, and you still would have the same sleepovers you did when you were little. but, he was popular– popular with girls. girls would ask you about him all the time, and you wanted to rip the hair straight out of your scalp. the worst part was always that you had no excuse to feel this way because he’s supposed to be your best friend. you’re supposed to be happy for him, right? does that make you a bad friend? what is this feeling?
you turn your head from your desk, and see the brace faced, bright haired charmer himself walk up to your desk. you fake a smile, wanting to seem cheery despite your anxious thoughts. “hey, kam.”
he smiles at the nickname, leaning against your desk.
“i have a secret.” he says cheekily. you raise your eyebrow, becoming slightly intrigued. “tell me!”
you always find yourself perking up at his voice. it scares you. naturally, people are afraid of the unexplainable. but weirdly, what scares you more is facing a definite reason of why you feel this way. you see it in movies and shows that denki himself has begged you to watch. they were entertaining, yes, but you related in a way you hated. it always made you question your real life. and you hated that more, having to find an explanation for feelings you can’t even describe with real life words. even with all this, you could never hate listening to him talk. your heart jumps at the way he smiles, showing off his teal rubber bands that decorate the brackets of his braces, and his soft lips, that he definitely overdoes the chapstick with, never disappearing even though he always smiles so big. and not to mention, you just love hearing him say your name and tell you all the things he’s excited about, like–
“i just gave hayami a valentine, isn’t that cool?”
your heart sinks, and your mood is instantly ruined.
“i got a bunch of valentines but she was all giddy when i told her i got her one. she’s the only person i gave one too besides you, i think she likes me or something.”
you glance at the faux flower and bag of chocolates he gave you that you sat next your bookbag on your desk and look back at him.
“you should go for it, she’s pretty cute.” you reply. the way you perfectly execute that same line every time he tells you something like this, you’ve convinced yourself you should be an actor.
this exchange snaps you back into the reality you refuse to face: he doesn’t see you like that. you’re his best friend, of course he tells you about girls and waits for your advice each time because– in his words: ‘you’re like, the most truth worthy sources ever!’ so this is basically your friendly duty. you always help him out, even if the payment is another tear stained page in your diary that you would run to the nearest bridge to jump off of if he even knew of it. your head races as he continues to barge with his newest love situation.
“i might, i don’t know! you know popular chicks are kinda boring sometimes man.” he chuckles, slightly rolling his eyes as he slings his bookbag off his shoulder and on his desk that’s next to yours.
you agree, the both of you laughing. your fake laugh harmonizes with his geniune one as class is about to start, the teacher finally walking in. he eventually occupies himself with his many other friends, and you slouch in your chair. again, the valentine on your desk in your peripheral distracts you from listening to anything the teacher is saying. it almost loses it’s meaning— it doesn’t feel special. to him, it’s just another valentine his mom probably gave him the money to buy. you don’t feel special. and you feel stupid for letting yourself think you ever could be. every girl in school was miles prettier than you, you never stood a chance. you stick your earbuds in your ear, ignoring the bitter taste of jealousy stuck in the back of your throat. you hated this. you hated this feelings, you hated all these people, you hated school, you hated valentine’s day, and you hated love. it’s so easy for everybody else but you.
‘now playing- normal girl by SZA’
you wished you were a popular girl.
“literally just tell him!”
you roll your eyes at your best friend, setting your food back down on your lunch tray to look her dead in the eyes.
“kyouka, i’m telling you i would rather shit in my hands and clap.”
she scoffs, shaking her head and looking back at you.
“first off- gross. second off, i can tell you guys are made for each other because you’re both stupid as fuck and delusional. it’s so obvious he likes you back, do you not see how he acts around you? you both flirt so much people literally come up to you guys and ask if you guys are a couple.”
jirou’s right. with the close friendship you and denki have, some people already assume you guys have something going on. but, there’s no way in hell you would risk ruining your friendships over feelings that you’ve forced yourself to shove down your throat long enough. not now, not in your third and last year of high school. you refuse to ruin anything you have going on and you’ve already made it this far. you’d rather not know how he feels than to know that you’re right, and he’d never even think of being more than friends.
“okay, but he flirts with everybody, i mean nothing to h-”
she immediately cuts you off. “y/n l/n you’ve literally sat in his lap before in the common room during move night!”
you sigh, looking down at your lunch tray. there’s no way of getting out of this with her. and deep down, you know her argument makes sense.
“if i tell him, will you shut the fuck up?”
she sarcastically nods, going back to enjoying her own food. as the day goes on, her words linger in your head. obvious? if it was really that obvious, you wouldn’t feel like this. you would’ve just told him that you liked him years ago and you would be this romantic love-story couple who’s been together since they still had baby teeth. you’d give each other paper rings and candy hearts. instead, you play video games together and you cry in his arms about dudes playing with your feelings, even though you wish you could just have him.
later at your own dorm, you find yourself laying in your bed restless. your music playlist has been on shuffle in your earphones for hours now. you look down,
‘now playing- supermodel by SZA’
you sigh, turning over to lay on your side. you’ve been finding every excuse to still not tell denki anything, but this feeling in your chest is eating you alive. every laugh and brush of arm made it so much worse. even with people like jirou or uraraka-people who you’re friends with, you always find yourself analyzing every girl denki flirts with. you’re nothing like them. you can’t help but still carry the same insecurities you’ve had since you were young. every memory of denki giving attention to girls so much prettier than you runs through your mind, and you become more doubtful as the minutes pass. you were no model, and you weren’t even sure if you were denki’s type. hell, you don’t even know if you’re in his league. even if you told him how you felt, you wouldn’t be able to not think about how he likely could do better than you. it’s not like he doesn’t lift you up— which he does, often. he’s a great friend and he’s always been respectful. but, that’s all he is: your best friend. he doesn’t see you in that way, and you don’t think he could. you’re not some super hot girl he’d text you about, you’re the girl who he texts when he sees some hot chick he wants. you’re the one who listens to him rant about someone he flirted with.
you grabbed your phone and opened your texts. conveniently, he was high up enough to where there was no need to scroll. momentarily pausing, you contemplate all the ways this could go wrong. every sentence he could possibly use to reject you goes through head at once, and every way you could be humiliated by him and his friends sends waves of anxiety through your body. this is a bad idea. you shouldn’t do this. you take the deepest breath of your life, as if you had been deprive of oxygen for days.
….fuck it.
2:15 am
‘i like you’
you send the text, immediately turning your phone off and throwing it on the bed. safe to say, you barely were able to go to sleep.
the next morning, you wake up and go about your usual morning routine. you find every mean to distract yourself until you walk into the classroom, immediately going over to your desk. as usual, jirou starts a conversation with you and you both laugh about nonsense. then,
“hey jirou! hey y/n!” denki walks into the classroom, joyous as ever. your heart drops to the pit of your stomach and you feel a shock flow through your chest, instantly feeling your heart begin to thump. you wave as jirou greets denki with her typical snide remark. he knows you think to yourself. you already prepare yourself for all the embarrassment. but, he comes over to you and hugs you- as normal, slinging his arms over your shoulders. you hesitantly hug back, trying to hide that fuzzy, warm feeling in your stomach. he then does the same to jirou, and your shoulders begin to drop. secretly, you study his every move as you look for signs of him being ready to bring it up. he behaves as he normally does, bothering jirou to no end as everyone waits for class to begin. suddenly, you shoot up as your ears pick up your name.
“we seriously have a test this week? y/n we gotta lock in later, jirou never tells me this stuff!”
you gulp, not even turning your head to respond. “i got you, don’t worry.” you say, forcing a laugh. in your peripheral, you see jirou smirk at you and you get the urge to strangle her at this very moment.
thankfully, aizawa started his morning lesson so you uncharacteristically payed close attention. you continue this concentration until class is over. denki would tap you on the shoulder for the occasional comedic commentary whispered in your ear or question about the assignment that mr. aizawa literally just said. you conversed normally, pretending your heart wasn’t racing rapidly. but, everything seemed completely normal. the day went on and he didn’t mention a word about the text, and weirdly, you were perfectly okay with this. this is exactly what you wanted– for neither of you to mention it and pretend it was never even said. when classes were over, you headed to your dorm and plopped onto your bed. you sat with your phone in hand as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone while listening to your playlist. the day went smoothly despite your anxiety and everything was okay. you look down at your phone,
multiple notification slide down on your phone screen.
‘fuck i’m sorry’
‘istg i’m just now seeing this’
‘i’m coming to your dorm’
instantly, you grow nauseous. your head begins to spin and you bury your face in your hands. you almost got away with it. you almost had nothing to worry about and no emotions to actually confront head on.
before you can even collect yourself, you hear a knock at the door.
you don’t wanna answer the door, truthfully. but, you grudgingly open your mouth “come in.” you turn down your music, still loud enough to where you can still hear.
in walks kaminari, slowly closing the door and leaning against the wall. he’s playing with his fingers, breathing slightly heavy as if he sprinted to your dorm. the redness of his face is apparent enough for you to notice after a few seconds as you look at him, waiting for him to speak. you can barely focus on the music playing from your phone. he comes and sits in front of you on your bed. he takes a deep breath, then sighs slowly.
“how… long have you felt like this?”
now it’s your turn to practice breathing, since you’ve completely forgotten how. you shrug, despite knowing exactly when. even though you texted him first, you’re so embarrassed that you’re barely able to look at him.
“since we met…. and it never went away. even when you were some popular boy who decided to be friends with me, even though you had all these girls all over you. i know we were young, but i guess i just wanted you to myself. i really liked you, and you were different.”
he pauses “…since we were kids?”
“i know— i know it’s fucking stupid, and i’m sorry if i’m making everything feel weird now. it’s just whenever i look at you i get all nervous and it started building up and jirou told me to stop hiding it and-”
“y/n, i’ve liked you since i was 10.”
your whole entire body pauses. the worlds seems to stop and your whole entire body flushes. if you were at all close to vomiting before, that feeling definitely was worse now. every moment that jirou pointed out to you that you chose to ignore starts racing in your head, it was really that obvious? it was that easy? how long have i not noticed? did i just lose my mind worrying about all this for nothing? wait… is he just saying this because he feels bad? is this even real? is this some type of dare?
you’re barely able to comprehend the words that just came out of his mouth. “…what?”
“i…. didn’t wanna ruin our friendship. i didn’t want you to think i was one of those dudes who become close with girls just to try to get with them, but… i couldn’t help it. there’s just so much to like about you even though i never thought you’d even look at a guy like me…. is this why you’ve been acting kinda off?”
you shrug again. “yeah, kinda… but it’s not your fault.”
he swallows, then continues to speak. “i’m so sorry... i’m an idiot. if i even kind of knew how you felt, i wouldn’t have even looked at another girl. i never wanna make you feel like that, and i don’t wanna make you jealous.”
you laugh. it’s almost funny to you. “well i never thought you’d look in the direction of somebody like me.”
his face drops, now becoming more serious. “…what do you mean?”
“i mean, i don’t know. it’s just that every girl i see you with is just…”
you fight back the lump in your throat. not because said he actually has feelings for you– you genuinely don’t believe it.
“they’re pretty. and i always… get it. i get why you’d want that instead of… this. instead of, y’know, me. you’re probably out of my league– my quirk isn’t all that flashy, i’m not this drop dead gorgeous model type, i’m not super musically talented or academically gifted, and i’m just not all that special. so, i don’t know… i just didn’t think you saw me like that.”
he holds your hands, looking at you as you continue looking down. his heart breaks at your words, wanting to punch himself for not telling you how he felt sooner. he hates that he didn’t tell you, and he hates that you think about yourself in this way. all he wants to do is show you how beautiful you are.
“baby, no, no no- you’re wrong, so wrong.” he almost seems frantic. your heart jumps at the nickname, even though this isn’t the first time you’ve heard it from his mouth. but before, you were sure it was strictly platonic affection….this is different. he rubs his thumb across your hand, causing you to soften up a bit. it pains him to realize that you feel like this– and he’s mad that it’s because of him. even though he didn’t do anything wrong, he wishes so badly you could see yourself how he sees you.
“you…” kaminari pauses. “…you’re perfect. more than perfect. don’t compare yourself to these other girls, they don’t mean anything to me. i know i mess around but it’s only ‘cause…i don’t want you to think i’m some loser.” he takes a deep breath,
“i care about what you think of me.. so much. it drives me crazy. i just didn’t think i had a chance with you, so i was too scared to actually try. but you’re everything i want- i like every single thing about you and i always have. you’re funny, you’re smart, pretty, talented, kind…. you’re everything i dream of. fuck- i dream of you all of time. you’re beautiful to me…okay? so please, don’t say that about yourself.”
you find yourself completely dumbfounded. the boy you’ve been yearning for since you were a kid just called you perfect. your heart is beating a million miles per second and you’re 70% sure you could pass out right now. you try to find the words– something as charming or meaningful to say, but your tongue is almost stuck to the back of your teeth. your head finally tilts up at him, and you’re met with the most loving, concerned eyes you’ve seen.
you finally manage to open your mouth “…really?”
his chest loosens as he lets out a small laugh that comes out as an exhale, breathing out all the fear he had building up inside him. “yes…really.”
you laugh in response, in the same exact manner. he continues to caress the top of your hand and you both begin to smile. your eyes catch his soft lips, and his pretty smile. you become enamored with the sight of him, and can’t help but glue your eyes to his eyes, then back down to his lips— that really do look so soft. you look down again,
“…can i kiss you, kam?”
your voice is small and unsure. he lights up, shoulders straightening up with his posture.
his heart swells at the nickname that you finally called him again after him not hearing it for weeks now. “…o-of course.” he tries to say it with a laugh, hiding his excitement.
he grabs the side of your face and you lean closer, both of you slowly closing your eyes. then, butterflies burst in your stomach as your lips connect. his movements are slow and careful, only pressing his lips against yours and slightly pulling back. but to his surprise, you lean back first without hesitation, locking your lips with his. his other hand slowly moves to your waist and he presses up more against you, deepening the kiss. the movements between the two of you become more frantic, chasing a feeling both of you have deprived yourselves of for way too long. your mind matches the taste of his lips– they’re sweet. not sweet as if he just ate something sugary, it’s more of a natural taste. his lips are warm and comforting, capturing your lips with perfect clarity. he pulls away for a split second, his half lidded eyes looking into your irises. “….you are so fuckin’ beautiful…so beautiful.” he breathes out. before you can respond, he captures your lips back with his, further trapping you in his trance.
he pulls you on his lap and leans back, his back resting on the wall behind your headboard. his hands fully cups the side of your face, pulling you even closer to him if even possible by now. his movements are so sure, and they’re thought out. he pays attention to every squirm and grab to match his movements with yours. kissing him becomes like a slow dance; he moves his lips against yours in a soothing rhythm, washing away any parasitic doubt in your head. you hum against his lips, and you can feel him smile into the kiss. he continues to pull you closer as he eagerly chases the natural warmth of your body against his. it sends him into a fever– the cure being the taste of you.
you both eventually pull away again, catching your breath. you’re then pulled into a hug that you gladly reciprocate. you can hear and feel every breath he takes, his body melding with yours. his heartbeat is like music to your ears, calming you and making you feel safe in his arms. his nose rests on your shoulder as he takes in your scent, becoming more obsessed with it than he already was. in his head, he thanks his lucky stars for being able to have you in his life. he wouldn’t want anybody else.
“thank you for telling me…”
you smile into the crook of his neck, holding him tighter. “thank you for liking me back.”
he smiles wider as he holds you. you both stay like this for awhile, him rubbing soothing circles on your back as you massage his blonde, soft locks with your fingers. if it was at all possible, he would stay like this forever. no one would be able to pry him off your soft skin and the warmth of you. this- this is what he dreams of.
he finally just gets to hold you. and he’s finally yours.
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© rumisgf
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itsabouttimex2 · 4 months
This can be for anyone you think would best fit.
I have a personal comfort item that I cuddle to sleep. I get pissed if I am not cuddling it so what would ANY of the yanderes do about this?
Stuffie Reactions
Sun Wukong, MK, Azure Lion
What does this character think of your comfort item?
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Cute, cute, cute. Sun Wukong considers your attachment to be simply adorable, and doesn’t interfere with the attachment you have for the thing. We get to see that he’s a little nostalgic for the past, so I think he’d understand the love for a long-standing comfort item. If it’s a plushie of some kind, the Great Sage will probably have a few commissioned in similar fashion to give you a ‘troop’ of cuddle-buddies.
That being said, he still wants your attention! Cuddle your plushie all you’d like, but come and lay your his in his lap while you do. Clean and brush it, but let him wrap an arm around you while you’re at it.
As long as he gets the same amount of love that you dish out to the personal possession, Wukong won’t complain. Start ignoring him I’m favor of it… and he’ll find a nice little cranny to hide it in. Maybe a few sleepless nights spent looking for it will drive you to his arms… eventually. He can wait.
He’s not the one losing sleep over it, after all!
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MK is, in a word, jealous. He wants to be your hero, the one who scoops you up and delivers you to safety, the one who comforts you and wipes away tears. And instead of him, an actual hero, you have… a toy.
Regular MK wouldn’t care- in fact, he’d sympathize with you, given he’s got a massive monkey plush of his own! But with obsession to bog the mind, he’s more demanding of your time and attention- as well as your affection.
He wants those cuddles you give to the precious plush you’ve kept since childhood! He wants to be the pillow you rest on! Honestly, MK is more than a little hurt that he’s being one-upped by a literal object.
He briefly considers stealing and trashing the stuffed animal, but settles on an even better idea that won’t break you heart- his power to transform.
MK slips the worn plush under your bed and stealthily takes the thing’s place, shifting into an exact replica- every bead, stitch, and discolored patch is just as you remember, left right where you always put it before leaving your room-
So you don’t hesitate to give him it a good cuddle.
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Azure Lion has a tendency to view his obsession as much younger than they truly are- you having a stuffie only reinforces this incorrect view.
Anytime he sees you holding your plush, it’s as though ten to fifteen years drop from your age. He can’t see a teen or an adult in you- just a child that needs him. (If you are a child, he spoils you with plushes and dolls to make up for his frequent absence. It’s not like he’d allow you to have real friends, after all.)
It’s not like Azure is going to grow jealous over a stuffed piece of sewn fabric- he’s just happy that you have something that makes you happy. He can just steal away into your room at night, settling for stroking the hair from your face and tucking the blankets tight.
(And a forehead kiss. Always. He’s never once forgotten it.)
Unlike the monkeys above, though, Azure Lion will remove your plush as a punishment. Not out of jealousy or desire for affection- but as a method of keeping you in line.
To him, it’s a particularly beloved toy, not really an object worthy of respect or love. And since taking it seems to be a good way of getting the response he wants, Azure is prone to snatching it away without hesitation- and returning it promptly once you’ve “learned your lesson”.
Thankfully, he’s not cruel enough to destroy it.
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miffysrambles · 7 months
hi! Feel free to not respond, but currently by dog is really sick and has this huge tumor and I know I’m gonna have to put him down soon and it really sucks, but your writing has made this a bit better so could I possibly request Sun Wukong and/or Macaque x reader with a dog? Like how would they react and would they like-call themselves the dogs parent or stuff like that? Feel free not to of course!
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for the late response anon (this ask has been sitting in my inbox for some time now). But I hope you're still around and enjoy!
Wuong and Macaque with an S/O who has a dog
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Gods, Wukong LOVES your dog.
You’ll be making a snack for the two of you and you’ll just be hearing the monkey man giggling in the next room as the two play a classic game of tug of war.
You thought it was cute, at first. 
When you realized it was with your sweater, you put an end to it real quick. 
Now in his defense, he didn’t even notice!
Totally calls himself dad to your dog, he spoils the shit out of them.
“Hey peaches, you think (dog name) needs this?”
Wukong, no your dog does not need 12 new toys they barely plays with the five new ones you got them at home…
You sometimes bring your dog to Flower Fruit mountain for a small walk and visit which Wukong is ecstatic about.
 The dog is strictly only allowed inside the house for their safety but you three definitely do late night cuddles on his couch. 
You laying against Wukong on one side and your dog resting its head on the other in his lap.
You open your eyes to look uo and see Wukong gently petting them and gently scratching behind their ear with upmost care. 
You smile and close your eyes once more, falling asleep with his arm wrapped around you.
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Hilariously, Macaque was kinda nervous around your dog at first.
He won’t admit this to you of course (gotta look all tough in front of you0 but you could tell by the freeze and twitch of his tail. 
Didn’t help the your dog was jumping up at his legs. 
“W-Woah, hey there little guy…”
He tries so hard to keep his cool, cut him some slack. 
However, spending more time with them, he becomes more chill and used to it.
He loves your dog after some time, he even offers to take care of them while your at work.
While your on break, he walks them to your work with some food to surprise you.
“Hey sugar plum, surrrprise.” His smooth voices calls out to you as you sat on a park bench outside your work. 
You smile and he kisses your cheek, your dog barking out for you in excitement and you three spend your limited time together. 
Lots of dates where your dog tags along, one including going to the dog park. 
Macaque was in his human disguise but you could still tell he was a bit unnerved being around so many dogs.
You squeezed his hand, assuring him he was ok and you were there with him.
You couldn’t see it but his tail would’ve flailed like crazy from that.
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xioterep-art · 8 months
New POV! I got the idea all thanks to this playlist!
POV: you shock Scaramouche with your sudden dominance.. || 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♡
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Bossy Scaramouche x obedient Subordinate Reader (what he thought)
Trigger warning: suggestive themes, violence, curses, slight nsfw (suggestive), bullying, dom reader.
Disclaimer: the art is not mine, it belongs to たなみ on pixiv!
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You were the most obedient subordinate he could ever have, which was annoying him for some unknown reason. He finally got a brainless idiot human at his disposition, yet why was he so unsatisfied? Scaramouche couldn't understand the reason behind this. All he had to do was look at your dumb facial expression, and he would sigh deeply with his usual gloomy frown.
As usual, Scaramouche was sitting in his assigned office, working on some paperwork when you entered with some rapport in your hands, that dumb smile as always was on your face. Avoiding to look at your face, Scaramouche didn't want to get irritated more as he was already, all because of that arrogant bastard, Dottore.
"My lord, here's the rapport you asked for," you said quietly as you walked to his side. Humphing in response, he does not raise his head to look at you, and as his loyal subject, you understand very well what he wants. All he needed was to think, and you would already take action. From an outsider's perspective, it would look as if you two were communicating using telepathy.
Putting the rapport at his side, you stood silently next to him as you waited for an order, which was weird knowing that you were that talkative and annoying type of person who even in front of Lord Scaramouche would not shut up.
Scaramouche kept working without giving the order to leave. As he ignored your presence, you kept your mouth shut as you were strangely in a bad mood. Usually, when you are in his presence you seem to forget all your problems, yet, today, you feel annoyed, and it even surprised you.
Frowning slightly, you kept your posture straight, neither moving at all nor looking at what the sixth was doing. Just when you were minding your own business for the first time, you suddenly heard a sneer escaping his beautiful mouth that made you finally glance his way.
"This bastard! I am going to fucking kill him someday!" The Balladeer roared angrily. He is most likely talking about the second again, you assumed unfazed as you calmly stared at the scene of Scaramouche throwing things to the other side of the room.
You sigh softly with a smile that wasn't a smile, "quell down your anger, my lord..." You said as you walked up to the mess created by the almighty Balladeer and reached to clean it.
As you finished the cleaning, you stood up with the pile of papers in your hands when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your forehead and soon enough you felt the hot red liquid sliding down your cheek. You froze while looking straight into Scaramouche's eyes. The pain became slightly unbearable as you squinted your eyes when the sixth lord stood up and walked up to you angrily.
"Put that shit away and fucking scram, stupid monkey!" He said as he kicked your side, venting his anger on you.
Now, you must admit that this got on your damn nerves. To be his stepstone every time someone messes with him is fucking annoying. Usually, you would take on his wrath gladly, yet this time you didn't feel like it.
What about you? Can't you feel anger or vent it? You don't even know what was wrong with you.
Snapping back to reality, you saw his hand flying towards you. He was about to push you but you grabbed it firmly, unfazed when your eyes met his deadliest glare.
"Fucking let go, now!" He articulates slowly, clearly pissed off. "No," You simply answered, which left him stunned for a moment.
Feeling the air becoming static, you sneered as you pushed him violently onto the desk. A loud noise was heard when he came in contact with the hard material, earning him a loud groan.
This completely took him off guard. His obedient dog was biting back! He couldn't believe that. Gasping slightly, he felt pain in his right side as it dumped into the edge of his desk.
That sure was painful.
Wanting to face you again, he put a hand on the desk for support, and as he was about to turn towards you, he was again being pushed against the flat surface.
Not understanding what was happening to him, he suddenly had to face you as you were looking down at him, sending shivers down his spine.
The way you looked at him left him breathless. This mean version of you was new to him. he had never seen this side of you, nor did he even give it a chance in his imagination.
The sixth Harbinger's stunned expression soon turned into anger, "what the hell you are doing?" he yelled, trying to push you aside, and of course, you were not budging at all.
You were a strong and talented Dendro swordsman recruited by the Fatui a long time ago, and you were assigned to Scaramouche on the first day since then you have taken all his anger and snarky attitude. Sometimes, he would treat you even worse than shit if you commit the slightest mistake, while some other times, he would act as if you did not exist.
If it wasn't for the admiration you held for him, you would have long ago snapped. Just like now.
You were between his legs with him pinned by you on the desk, one of your hands next to his head with your eyes squinted and a frown on your face as you kept looking at him intensely, stealing away his words.
Feeling the energy shift in the air, Scaramouche gasped as he felt something rolling around his wrists. It was your Dendro ability. Trying to fight back, Scaramouche squirmed under you yet the roots violently pinned both his wrists above his head in response.
"You are annoying, my lord," You said softly as you kept looking at him, "let go of me! you fucking dog!" He snaps back.
You chuckle as that free hand of yours caresses his white soft-looking cheek, "My lord is the prettiest, " you compliment him, "what a shame that such a beauty has a sharp and nasty temper..." You ease up the frown on your face as you lean more toward him, a dangerous glint in your eyes.
"W- What is wrong with you? back off!" He yells again, squirming around, his face flustered while looking away.
"You could've used your Electro power to stop me, Lord," you chuckled sarcastically, your breath now mixed with his, "I had enough of this, you see..." You vented as you bit his lower lip.
The frozen Scaramouche widened his eyes. The Balladeer seemed to forget how powerful he was and only used his legs to kick you off of him, his face blushing wildly.
Not letting go of his lower lip, you grabbed one of his flying legs and secured it by putting it over your shoulder.
"I think that lord Scaramouche needs some punishment, right?" You whisper in his ear in a dangerous tone, not caring anymore about the consequences to come.
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short-honey-badger · 1 year
Phantom Pain part 2
Part 2 of my mini fic. I hope you enjoy this one as well!
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You jerk away from his hand with a sneer, cheeks flushing at the unexpected kiss, "Please get off of me," you demand, tone not leaving any room for joking. Just because the two of you apparently belonged together didn't mean he could get all touchy-feely with you immediately.
You are pleased when he actually lets you go and plops back into his own seat. You turn and examine him with a frown, flickering your eyes up and down his rather impressive form. Your soulmate was handsome in a rugged sort of way with dark eyes and a carefree smile that could put anyone at ease. Anyone but you, at least.
"Shanks," you say his name and the man perks up like a puppy. You furrow your brow at him, trying to recall why his name sounds so damn familiar, and you jerk back even further when it finally clicks, "Red-Haired Shanks? The Yonko?" You demand, and your voice goes a little shrill at the end. Your heart wants to beat out of your chest, and your eyes are wide as dinner plates. It would be your luck that someone so terrifyingly strong would be your soulmate. This must be to make up for your own cowardly and wiley ways. You were a firm believer in not your monkey, not your circus.
This man made other people's business, his business, and that wasn't something you wanted to deal with. Not like you had much of a choice if he was believed, but you would not hide away how you felt. You've never held back before. Why stop now?
Shanks just laughs when he feels your annoyance and frustration stream down the bond the two of you share, "Yep," he pops the p and leans in close to you, and you lean away in response, "The one and only," he gives you a smug little grin and you suddenly want to wipe it off his face with a well-placed punch, "You still haven't told me your name yet, Hon."
You reach for your mug to give yourself a little bit of time to think about how you want to respond. Running was out of the question. His entire crew was in the building with him, and you didn't think you could get very far anyway. And even if you did manage to get away, Shanks knew what you looked like and could easily track you down with the connections he surely had.
You let out an explosive sigh and mourn the freedom you once had, and then quietly tell your soul mate your name.
"_," Shanks says your name softly, tasting the syllables on his tongue, and you shiver at the way he says it. How can he say your name with so much emotion attached to it? How can he care so much about you already? It's enough to almost frighten you.
Shanks stares at you, brushing away your rising confusion that he feels. You were nothing like he had expected out of a soul mate, surly and snappy with a bad attitude. But you were his, and he would show you how much you meant to him even if you didn't want anything to do with him. You were made for him, just like he was made for you.
"I like it, your name I mean," the redhead says, and satisfaction curls hot in his chest when he feels your embarrassment. Who knew that you were so shy? He wonders if it is your biology or you responding to him.
"Thanks, I guess," you murmur and give him a strange look. What an odd statement to make, but your soul mate seemed like an odd man anyway, so what was new?
Shanks grins and reaches out to drag you closer by your stool, causing you to flail for a hot second as you lose your balance. The Yonko saves you from the close fall by wrapping his arm around your waist, "Oopse," he says with that smug grin, and again, you want to wipe it off his pretty face with your fist. You can feel his joy and playfulness over the bond you share with him.
"Insufferable," you grumble lowly. You shift in your seat just to feel how tightly he holds you, and the longer you stay, the more you feel that freedom slips further and further away. You have run from this your entire life, and in one fell swoop, your fate had been sealed by walking into the wrong tavern.
"Can't help myself, Baby," Shanks says, and you can feel his joy and giddiness at you accepting your place at his side. Maybe not fully, but he could tell that you didn't plan on running anymore. His arm tightens around your waist, and Shanks leans in to drop a kiss on the top of your head, "I wanna know everything about you."
You huff through your nose, eyes rolling to the heavens, and when they come back down, they settle on Shanks, who looks eager just to be near you. You suppose his open affection would be something you'd need to get used to.
"Finnnee," you draw out and then tip up the remainder of your drink, "But you are buying the rest of the night," like hell would you spend what little money you had if your soul mate was here. You would happily let him pick that up for you.
"I think I can handle that. Pick your poison, Baby," he says easily, and hours later, you find out that the redhead was serious about wanting to know everything about you. Shanks had asked you every question under the sun, to the point that you had snapped at him to be silent for two seconds just so you could take a breather and think. This man was overwhelming in every way possible, and it made you wonder why fate decided the two of you belonged together. However, for all your dislike and disgust for soul mates, you couldn't deny that yours wasn't a bad one.
"Alright, that's enough. You're a sponge, aren't ya, Sweetheart?" Shanks says, and you blink up at him, vision a little swimmy. Huh, guess you had drank more than what you thought.
Shanks stands and steadies his soul mate when you seem to sway to the side. He gently pulls you off the stool and laces his hand with one of your own, "I think it's time we got back to the ship," he says and makes sure to keep his voice clear. The Yonko didn't want you to think that he had kidnapped you or something. He watches your vision sharpen as you process what he said.
You swallow harshly, hand clenching around his own and your free hand tangling in his dark cloak. Fuck. You weren't ready. How were you supposed to be there for someone else when you could hardly be there for yourself? This man was so strong and you were so weak in comparison it was pathetic.
Before you could spiral further, Shanks grabbed your attention by tugging you into his chest and kissing the top of your head just as softly as he did earlier. He could feel your fear and anxiety flowing between the two of you, and it made his heart ache that you were so fearful of something so good.
"Don't worry. We'll take this one step at a time,_ " he says your name again, and you feel yourself relax just a bit. He says it like it's the most important thing in the world, and maybe it is to him. He grins at you when you calm down and pulls away, but keeps his hand tangled with your own, "Now let's go. I wanna show you my ship. We've got a lot to catch up on."
Shanks pulls you out of the tavern and down to the harbor, and you have no choice but to follow behind him, completely forgetting your now dry coat left hanging by the door.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 45)
“Sooo Hal, what exactly do I do here?” N asked nervously, twiddling his thumbs as they walked through the halls.
“I’ll be giving you a shortrange frequency that you’ll monitor, our office takes reports from concerned citizens, and Khan, Dale and I take the ones most suited for our respective teams.”
“Crime here is usually pretty tame, petty theft, b and e’s, vandalism. Occasionally we’ll get more serious calls, domestic violence, occasional homicide, though that’s gotten rare thankfully, or an odd “crime of passion”. Hal continued, N listening intently, he understood most of that, but “crime of passion” seemed to escape him.
“Crime of passion?”
“Couples getting too frisky and damaging one or both of them. Usually young ones who dunno what their doing. Most of the time they just dunno how to disconnect and panic, not too big a deal.”
Except N was still lost, he knew what all those words meant separately, but together they made little sense in his processors. He blinked. He wanted to ask what he meant by “disconnect” but at the same time it felt like a private question, not one he should be asking to his boss on his first day of work. Maybe he’d ask Uzi, or Thad, whichever was less embarrassing.
“How’s your daughter doing by the way? Khan mentioned she was having mobility problems when she was first transferred.” Hal asked turning yet another corner to go down yet another hallway, it always surprised him how large the bunker actually was, even if over half the rooms seemed to be empty. A pang of guilt entered his core, how many of these empty rooms were his fault? Or V’s?
“She’s fine now, she was just a little stiff, now she’s clinging to Uzi like a little monkey.” N gave a soft laugh thinking about his family at home, he always missed the both of them even if he wasn’t gone for very long, he supposed that just came with having a job though.
“Ah, yeah, sometimes that happens… when my son was printed into his toddler body we had to take him to the medical wing and they had to do surgery on his neck for him to start moving.”
“I didn’t know you had a son, I’m sorry, I’m sure that scared you both.”
Hal seemed to slow down for a moment, like he just caught himself doing something he shouldn’t before sighing.
“I did have a son. He’s… agh, nevermind that, we’re here.”
He banged his fist on the steel door, sending the grating noise through the hall, they waited for a few moments, only for nothing to reply back.
“She probably has her damn hearing aid turned off again.” Hal grumbled, before knocking as hard as he could, enough to send a vibration through the floor that N could feel through his feet.
“I heard you the first time! Go away!” A croaky, static filled voice called back, sounding irate and just a little bit scared. Hal rolled his eyes.
“It’s Hal, Mrs. Hopkins, you called us in to check out a break in.” Hal put on a very practiced customer service smile, N felt a minuscule shiver go up his spine, being reminded slightly of J, before it dissipated, here, it actually made sense for someone to have that kind of forced smile, and it wasn’t being used exclusively to make him uncomfortable.
The door opened quickly, the drone responsible being so old her casing had started to yellow, her eyelights were white, behind a thick pair of glasses. And she leaned on a cane, she shook with just the effort it took to stand and she adjusted her glasses as she looked at them.
“Good morning Mrs. Hopkins, what seems to be the problem today?” The way Hal asked the question alluded to his multitude of visits, she didn’t immediately answer, instead looking up at N squinting.
“You’re a tall one. Are you new?” She asked, prodding him in the stomach with her cane, he grunted, still trying to keep his polite smile even as he glanced over at Hal for assistance.
“She can’t see very well” He whispered up into N’s audio receptors, covering his mouth with his hand. “Probably a good thing, don’t give yourself away.”
N nodded and smiled again, extending his hand to shake the old woman’s hand, having to crouch down slightly to do so as she was hunched over her cane. She took it, her casing was freezing and felt like sandpaper, N made a internal note to not live this long.
“Hello Mrs. Hopkins, I’m N, it’s nice to meet you ma’am.” He said, and the ancient drone looked at him again, before her face grew into a kindly smile.
“How polite! And such a handsome young man. I hope Hal here doesn’t ruin you.”
The man in question’s eye twitched, before the moment was gone and he cleared his throat, clearly wanting to be done with this as soon as possible.
“You called us in for a break in?”
“Hmm? Oh yes! I was woken up last night by some footsteps. Above me! Someone was clearly trying to steal my fortune!”
N looked around her apartment, the couch was antique, plush and covered in so many blankets and throw pillows that it was hard to see the color of the actual seating underneath, the coffee table was decorated with a lattice of lace, making using it as an actual coffee table near impossible. The same could be said for most the the apartment, nothing here screamed “valuable”.
“Right, okay.” Hal replied, tense but still playing nice, N decided to help him out, he may have been tired of dealing with this lady, but N wanted to make a good impression, to both his superior and this lady.
“Where did you hear the footsteps Mrs. Hopkins? I could go and check for any signs of forced entry.”
“In my bedroom of course, how else would I hear it?” She answered, and N nodded, turning to Hal who seemed to be asking what he was doing, N gave him a smile before leaning over to whisper at him.
“Even if nothing happened, she believes something did, let me just check out her bedroom and the vents, then we can tell her that nothing was there.”
Hal nodded, seemingly agreeing with this plan, he sighed, before adjusting his posture.
“Well we take every report seriously, may we investigate?”
“Be my guest, and if you find the little hoodlum, tell them to get lost!”
Both officers made their way to the bedroom, which at first glance, had nothing amiss. Aside from the abundance of rather creepy porcelain dolls, all staring at them from various angles, N felt unease, and also the need to voice it.
“Whyyyyyy….” He whispered under his breath, just loud enough for Hal to hear it and he snorted in response, giving him an amused smile.
“I’d be paranoid too with all these eyes on me while I slept.” Hal whispered back, sighing and scanning the room, running his hand over one of the only clear spaces on the large wardrobe that held the vast majority of the dolls.
“Seems clear to me, any difference on your end son?”
N scanned the room in both infrared and thermal, but neither showed anything out of the ordinary, but even still his eyes locked to large vent in the corner of the ceiling, he didn’t know why something felt off with it, but it was giving him some weird vibes.
“Lemme check the ventilation, she did say she heard it above her.”
Hal nodded, looked into the doorway to ensure Mrs. Hopkins hadn’t entered the room and have a thumbs up to N, who let loose his wings and zipped up the shaft after carefully removing the grate in his way.
He had always hated climbing through the vents, not only was it dusty and he’d have to spend an hour cleaning out his olfactory and audio receptors later, but it was a tight squeeze, even without his wings, his shoulders scraped the sides of the ventilation shaft uncomfortably.
It was almost impossible for a normal drone to get up in here unless they had a ladder or also had the ability to fly, so he doubted he’d find anything accept a colony of robo-roaches.
When he got further in however, that feeling of unease watched over him again, like something or someone was aware of his presence and he was disturbing them, but rationality still won out, the chances of somebody being in these vents were astronomically low.
Then, the vent opened up a little, allowing him to crouch instead of crawl, to his left was a slowly rotating fan, his front the vents continued forward, but to his right, there was indeed something out of the ordinary. Caught on one of the seams of the welded metal was a ripped piece of red cloth, stained with multiple layers of oil, the freshest layer though, smelled of iron, and seemed to create a glaze of crimson on top of the multiple layers of dried oil. Blood.
He plucked it from its resting place, dread mixing in with confusion, the oil made some sense, maybe whoever had been here had been injured and using this scrap as a bandage, but the blood made less sense. The only time he’d seen blood recently was when that weird fleshy thing under Doll’s bed bled when he poked it, well, and Uzi’s… head… injury.
He looked back down at the red strip, before he remembered what Doll usually wore, that red cheerleading outfit.
His dread grew, becoming a cold weight around his core, Doll was here? In the bunker? Sneaking around the vents doing who knows what and clearly some type of organic based on this blood. What did he do? V was here, she wouldn’t be expecting Doll if she just dropped down from the ceiling one night and tried to off her. And what about Uzi? She was home alone most of the day, taking care of Tera. Oh Robo-God, Tera, she’d be completely defenseless if the Russian decided to come after her as well.
You must go home, your family is in danger!
He wanted to, his worry sinking it's claws deep into him, but he couldn't just leave, Hal was still waiting for him, and he was on the job.
Who cares? Their safety is more important!
The voice was loud and demanding, far more then it had ever been before, it caused ringing in his ears, but still he had to control himself.
Then he got an idea.
He simply called his girlfriend, he was a phone. And even though his hands were shaking and the urge to go home was strong, the voice ceased, seemingly content with his choice.
“N? Why are you calling me through my system? Are you okay?” At the sound of her voice his worry lessened and his core soared, she was okay, Doll hadn't already come for them.
“I-I found a scrap of cloth in the vents. It's Doll's. S-she's somewhere in the vents, please warn V.”
There was silence on the other end, enough of it that he could hear his daughters light giggling through the other side.
“I fucking hate it here!”
Next ->
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cazzyf1 · 5 months
Some James Hunt lore ✨️
Because man needs to be appreciated
Warning, potential nsfw and other triggering topics under the cut
James Hunt brought a v*brator to a Mclaren mechanic asking if he could fix it.
James Hunt supporting black-led groups in South Africa when trying to gain their independence. He didn't want to commentate the South African GP because of what was happening but the BBC forced him to. So he purposely revealed during the race that him and Murry Walker were not actually in South Africa commentating (which was not known to the public at the time). He also donated all the money he got from commentating the South African GP to charities to support the apartheid's even though at the time he was struggling for money
James Hunt learnt to play the trumpet at school and was rather good at it. He got to play at the Royal Albert Hall and everyone was suprised when he played well and got invited back to perform at another show.
At school he made his younger brother a pair of pj trousers and his brother proudly wore them around. James loved his younger siblings dearly.
James studied the female anatomy to understand and help his girlfriend at the time who kept having miscarriages.
Niki had to convince German guards not to arrest James when he tried breaking back into the track after a night out.
James having to convince airport customs to let him bring a playboy magazine through because it had an interview piece with him in.
James would throw up before races and Niki sometimes would piss beside him.
After retiring from F1 James brought a farm however he couldn't kill any of the animals so it fell through. His son, Freddie, now owns a sustainable farm in Scotland.
James loved the game backgammon and made everyone play it with him.
James sent Niki a telegram after his crash trying to motivate him to get better. Niki called James up on his birthday from hospital and they chatted for hours.
James owned a nightclub called 'Oscars' named after his dog.
James Hunt slept with a journalist then got upset when she rated him in a newspaper article.
James seized the PA system from a flight attendant and gave his own version of the welcoming address as they landed. Later on he appeared sitting on luggage riding the carousel.
One day during practise James felt tired and halfway through he pulled the car over and fell asleep. Niki who was sitting out watching James practise panicked when James didn't return and jumped on an ambulance that rushed around to find James, only to find him asleep in his car.
James went to therapy and concluded that he struggled with emotional intimacy with women likely down to the lack of emotional availability in his childhood.
Once, while being interviewed, James pointed to his hotel room and him and the interviewer watched as a woman broke into his hotel room.
James was happy when Suzy left him for Richard Burton as he felt responsible for her even though their relationship had fallen apart.
James was given a toy monkey after winning the championship and carried it everywhere.
He would refuse to wear suits to formal events, preferring to wear jeans and no shoes.
In his early days he tried to enter a mini car he had made with missing doors and a garden chair in the passenger seat.
Once James was stuck in the back of a car in traffic and he needed to go to the toilet. His then girlfriend suggested he piss out the window as the car tried to rush past all the traffic but as it was so cold his c*ck wouldn't work so he was just accidentally flashing everyone as the car rushed by.
After winning the world championship, Britian hosted a 'James Hunt' day. Niki went along to wave a flag for one of the races.
One of the first times James Hunt and Murry Walker worked together, James leg was in a cast, and he sat down and put his leg on Murray's lap which really annoyed Murray. He also drank two bottles of rose wine during that commentary session.
James was utterly dedicated to his dog Oscar to the point that they were inseparable.
James said that what brought him pleasure in the bedroom is the woman feeling pleasure and that he liked a woman who knew what she wanted and told him
He became very depressed and would call the bad days his 'dippers'
He struggled with a lot of addictions but got sober for his sons
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flurrys-creativity · 5 months
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Pairing: Kang Yeosang (Ateez) x GN!Reader; Genre: Idol AU, Established Relationship, Angst, Fluff, SMAU; Rating: sfw, NC-17; Warnings: jealousy, woo being a menace, suggestive, allusions to sex; Wordcount: 907
Summary: After finding concert tickets for another group, Yeosang was blinded by jealousy and demanded an explanation immediately. In his fit he came to one conclusion after another - one worse than the one prior. Would you actually have an explanation though?
A/N: @mingsolo brought the idea to the net and obviously I - as well as @daemour and @sanjoongie - immediately jumped on board! So jealous Ateez when you go on a concert... (mine's definitely based on that discussion video!)
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Yeosang saw the rolling eye emoji followed by the can’t see monkey emoji as your last response before he put his phone away and turned his attention to his best friend. “You need to leave. Now.”
Wooyoung jumped up from the couch, staring at Yeosang with wide eyes as he screeched in disbelief. “WHAT?”
Yeosang winced at the volume and pitch, even though he should be used to it after years of being Wooyoung’s friend. He unconsciously pressed a finger close to his ear as if that pressure would ease the pain from his eardrum. “Y/N’s coming home soon and if you don’t want to be killed because you opened the mail, you should leave now.”
“What? Where’s that confident guy from a few minutes ago?! You were hellbent on telling Y/N your piece of mind and now you’re kicking me out?” Wooyoung whined loudly, before he quickly leaned forward and grabbed his friend’s phone, opening the messenger app and scanning through the messages Yeosang had exchanged with you. 
Yeosang protested weakly, knowing if Wooyoung had his mind set on something, he wouldn’t be able to change it. Instead he simply stood there, waiting for Wooyoung to return his phone.
“Ahhhh”, Wooyoung exclaimed loudly, pointing an accusing finger towards his friend. “Now it all makes sense!”
“Mystery solved. You can leave now.”
“You know that Y/N still hasn’t given you a real explanation though!”
Yeosang’s brows furrowed in thought. He picked up his phone again, scrolling through the messages. “Y/N said…”
“Y/N asked you what there was to explain but didn’t say anything regarding why there were tickets for a different group!” Wooyoung interrupted Yeosang, completely jumping up from the couch and grabbing his shoulders, shaking them almost violently.
You walked into your shared apartment, seeing Wooyoung arguing with a frowning Yeosang. You crossed your arms in front of your chest, leaning against the doorframe as you watched them for a while. Once you had enough of Wooyoung trying to get into your boyfriend’s head, you cleared your throat.
“You still haven’t explained the tickets!” Wooyoung immediately exclaimed as he saw you, ignoring how you glared at him.
“Yeosang?” Your voice was sweet but cold at the same time, making Wooyoung halt in his ranting and nervously glance at his friend, who stared at you with wide eyes. “Be ready to call an ambulance for him.”
“I’M LEAVING!” Wooyoung yelled out, rushing out of the room, before you could even push yourself from the doorframe. “REMEMBER THE EXPLANATION THOUGH!”
“Yah!” You turned around, ready to smack him but the door fell already shut.
“Woo is right though”, Yeosang mumbled, grabbing your attention once more, “you haven’t explained the tickets at all.”
You sighed tiredly and walked over to the couch, plopping down on it and patting the cushion next to you. Your eyes immediately found the opened envelope lying on the couch table, the two tickets on top of it. “I do have an explanation but tell me first why’d you need one.”
As Yeosang sat down next to you, you turned around to look at him, imploring his features as if they’d be able to give you an answer already. He avoided eye contact, his gaze jumping all over the place. “I might be jealous.”
It took everything within you not to coo at him and the adorable pout on his lips. “Have you even looked at the tickets more closely?”
“What do you mean?” Yeosang frowned again, feeling a slight tinge of irritation again as you continued to avoid explaining yourself. 
“I’m saying you might know my explanation if you look at the tickets properly.”
Yeosang leaned forward and grabbed one of the tickets, twisting and turning it between his fingers. “I don’t get it.”
This time you couldn’t help yourself but to coo and scoot over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. “It’s your favourite band. I wanted them to be a surprise gift for you but I guess your bestie ruined the surprise.”
Yeosang’s eyes widened and his head turned almost mechanically towards you. “For me?”
You nodded before leaning your head on his shoulder. “It’s been quite a while since we had a date night and I thought this might be something you’d really enjoy. As long as that green-eyed monster only makes an appearance through coloured contact lenses.”
Yeosang chuckled in embarrassment, hiding half of his face behind his hand. He placed the ticket back down on the table before he turned on the cushion and wrapped his larger form around you. “I’m sorry. I jumped to conclusions and said some really stupid things.”
You nodded, rubbing softly over his back with your hand. “Yeah, you did. And I still intend on making you pay for that.” You snickered upon hearing his low whine. “Which means no cumming unless I tell you to.”
“Fuck”, Yeosang exhaled shakily, feeling himself twitch already at the thought alone.
You snickered again and leaned back. “Impatient, aren’t we?” You raised an eyebrow, smirking at Yeosang,  who nodded shyly. “Well, I can’t wait to torture you the rest of the night”, you teased him, pecking his lips shortly, “so get ready in the bedroom while I wash up.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, eager to follow your commands and hoping to redeem himself after being so openly stupid. 
Maybe after tonight he’d learn how to control his jealousy.
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ @songsoomin
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 10 months
I finally actually finished a fic holy moly. I don't have an ao3 account and that place scares me, so here ya go. (Fic under the cut)
It had been quite a long day at the circus. All of the monkey barrels had spilled, causing the monkeys inside to go. Absolutely. Everywhere.
This wasn't even a planned adventure, so Caine had to help as well. Unfortunately, even he was restricted by the need to find the monkeys in order to put them away. It had taken everyone a lot of digital hours, and while they were mostly harmless, the monkeys were very annoying.
For once, Caine thought he was actually feeling tired. Impossible, really, but maybe it was these humans continuing to rub off on him. Speaking of them, the other circus performers had retired to their rooms, likely to at least pretend to sleep. They didn't need it, but recreating pieces of their old 24 hour routine did help keep them just a bit more sane.
It was a good opportunity for Caine to experiment with something. He had heard about it from Jax and Zooble, who were having a proper conversation for once rather than just cursing each other out. They were talking about the few joys they could remember, and one of them was something called alcohol. Caine did his own research, as it would be good to incorporate this thing if his performers missed it so, but found alcohol to be not as family friendly as he would like. However, that didn't stop him from being curious. He was essentially a digital god, anyway, so the effects couldn't be too bad, right?
With a final scan of the room, Caine summoned a bottle of wine. It was apparently one of the more popular kinds. He just hoped he'd transferred it well enough into the digital plane for it to not have changed, save for its low poly appearance. Just as he opened the bottle, Bubble appeared.
"Hey there, Caine! Whatcha-" Caine wasted no time in popping them. He felt almost ashamed of what he was doing. It's not like he was doing anything inherently wrong, per se, but he did know it wasn't something he was programmed for, as self-indulgence rarely was.
Still, none of the other performers were involved, so it's not like anyone could somehow get hurt. He'd be fine, anyway. No harm done.
Harm may have been done. Caine had drank the entire bottle. He could feel something in his mind changing earlier on, like his thoughts were turning to liquid, but he had pushed through regardless. The result could've been amusing.
He was floating through the hallway of doors, although he could barely stay in the air. He'd already hit the walls a few times. It was a miracle none of the others had checked what the noise was about. Caine was sure he was looking for something. He'd had it just a moment ago...
His memory returned once he laid his eyes upon his target: Kinger's room.
He hadn't wanted anyone to get involved, but his suddenly heightened desire to see Kinger overpowered that. He raised his hand and knocked on the door in a continuous tempo until he heard a response. Well, it admittedly took a few responses.
"Umm, hello? Who is it?" Kinger's voice sparked a feeling of joy in Caine's chest.
"Heeyyyy, Kinger! It'sss me, Cainne! Can- can I ccome in?"
There was the slight ruffling of pillows before the door opened a crack, revealing a fragment of the chess piece's face, which quickly relaxed upon seeing Caine.
"Oh good, it's just you." Kinger opened the door further, observing the ringmaster's spaced-out expression and wobbling movements. "You don't look too well. Is everything alright?"
He moved out of the way and gestured for Caine to enter, closing the door behind him.
"Weelll, I may have- uh, Jax and Zooooble were- it's reeaalllyy not that bad-" Caine's very limited concentration finally gave up on him completely, causing him to stop flying and land on Kinger, who narrowly avoided being knocked to the floor by the impact. He instinctively held onto Caine in an attempt to keep him safe, although he did hold on for a bit longer than necessary before setting the ringmaster on his feet.
"Caine, are you-" The idea sounded ridiculous, seemingly impossible, and yet, "are you drunk?"
"Oh, u-uh... heheh, lllooks like you got mee!" Caine broke out into a fit of drunken giggles, with Kinger having to keep his hands firmly on his shoulders to keep him upright. The chess piece decided against scolding Caine or asking the abundance of questions he had, instead channeling that energy into a sigh that prefaced his gentle tone.
"I remember a bit of what being drunk was like. I can help you." He crouched down to Caine's level, keeping eye contact. "Do you need to throw up?"
"I don't think- think I can... nnooo?" He was purposefully leaning towards Kinger, attempting to regain that moment of contact they had had. He recognised the yearning it caused in his chest, something Kinger often started. He knew he wanted more of it. More of Kinger.
"Alright. Uh, can you summon some water? Drinking it usually helps. Just don't do it too fast, okay?"
Caine blindly followed the command, slowly downing a glass of water, his balance returning somewhat. He placed the empty glass in his hat, making it disappear to God knows where. It earnt him a gentle pet on the head from Kinger, drawing some more giggles from him.
"Good job. How about you come into my fortress? You can sleep it off. I-if you even can sleep, that is." He stood up to lead Caine to the pillow fort in the middle of the room, but was stopped by Caine wrapping his arms tightly around Kinger's body, burying his face in the other's coat. Heat rose in Kinger's cheeks.
"Thank youuu... you're the- nicest person, ever." The heat worsened. Was that really what he thought?
"Oh!.. Thanks, Caine. I think you're nice too." The chess piece went back to petting the other, one hand on his head and the other on his back.
They stayed like this for a while until Kinger eventually realised that Caine would not be letting go any time soon. Moving one of his hands under Caine's thighs, Kinger picked him up and carried him into the fort. He wasn't even sure if Caine noticed.
He sat down, placing Caine in his lap, face (teeth?) still buried in his coat, leaning into his chest.
"Are you feeling any better? Do you want to sleep?"
"Mhhmmm..." Caine nuzzled further into Kinger, still chasing that incredibly unique and beautiful feeling. He didn't really want to sleep yet. There was so much he still wanted to say.
"Kinger. I- I llove you." It was like Kinger's heart exploded. Yet it didn't hurt. It was magnificent. A part of him remembered this feeling, or at least something like it, but he just couldn't place where, or when...
"I love you too, Caine. Now you should really get some rest." He could hear the ringmaster's breathing even out and soften as he started to fall asleep.
"I... I wanna do the human marri- marriage ritual. With you." Kinger startled at the proposal, his face turning an ungodly shade of red.
"L-let's try not to move too fast! How do you even know about that..?" Then again, how did Caine know about alcohol? Just more questions that were unlikely to get answered.
"I'm gonna make yoouu my... husssband..." Caine's voice trailed off as he finally fell asleep. Kinger took some deep breaths to try and calm himself down. A lot had just happened, a lot that would need to be addressed with Caine when he awoke.
Kinger stared at the other's sleeping form for a moment before pressing the part of his head that his mouth would occupy to Caine's top row of teeth. Which unexpectedly resulted in a ridiculously cartoony kissing noise. Kinger was quite shocked by it, but quickly regained his composure before he accidentally woke up Caine.
Perhaps he should stop asking questions for a while.
As he started to doze off, Kinger felt content. Safe. Happy. Perhaps this place really wasn't a total nightmare after all.
@crispybacondoesstuff YOU. *grabs you by the collar and aggressively shakes you back and forth* YOU DID THIS TO ME
Anyway I'm actually pretty proud of this, and I hope my contribution to the very small amount of royalteeth fics is enjoyed!
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melkyt · 1 month
Mmmm, Luffy taking the mantle from Nika, becoming an honest to goodness god. The God that can hear all the prayers that are asking for joyboy, nika and now even him, one Monkey D. Luffy. Its alot but he can turn it off, and after becoming pirate king, he uses that radio to look for people to help and cause some chaos.
It is awhile until then. This is in Wano, Luffy is healing, hanging out with all the friends he made, the radio is a quiet buzz of thank you's in the background. He hasnt learned how to turn it off yet, but Nika told him how to make the volume manageable.
He is sitting with Law, they are just chilling. Law reading some book he found in the castle, studying Wano specific medicine and biology. When someone comes by and thanks Luffy in person, giving him a snack. The people quickly learned that just a thank you will make the boy abscond, but food will keep him busy for at least a few minutes to get put their gratitude. Luffy loves it.
The radio gets louder in proximity, thoughts interlacing with prayers. They bring up gear 5, and how amazing it was to see a god fight for them for once.
While they do this a prayer slips through, rings out loud in a different voice that is not the gratitude givers. Luffy forgets about them immediately. He snaps his head to the side, looking at Law who is still absorbed in his book.
Luffy pushing aside the person to get right in Law's face, making him put down the book.
"Luffy, what do you think---" Law grumbles before being cut off by a soft kiss.
"I love you to Traffy!" Luffy chuckles, another kiss before Law can stutter a response, his face bright red. People are looking at them, soft laughs at their saviours young love.
Law settles for returning the kiss, and figure out what brought the sudden affection on later. Luffy straddles his hips, hands wandering before Law picks him up and drags him inside to one of the inns.
They have an *interesting* time, with Luffy tunned in to Law's thoughts when he wants Luffy to do something, they are closer then ever, everything feels right and natural.
After Law asks, 'wtf was that', and Luffy explains his radio thing. Law gets a smirk, getting a hang of the telepathy to make Luffy squirm with a blush when it is usually the opposite. Law figuring out how to use room along with Luffy's power so they can talk mind to mind. They become even more insuferable in their shenanigans and match each others chaos xd.
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How immortals get that drunk was a mystery to you // Macaque x Reader x Sun Wukong
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How a celestial primate gets blackout drunk was a mystery to you. Much less how the more responsible and reasonable one also got roped into Wukong’s shenanigans but now you had to deal with two emotional and intoxicated monkeys which isn’t how you planned your Friday night going. Currently, you were scrolling through your laptop when a loud knocking came from your window before something, or rather someone crashed through it. “See? I told you they’d be up! Ha! I win- OW”
You weren’t the least bit surprised that it was Sun Wukong who had crashed through your window, shakily waking over to you and collapsing on you whilst chuckling weirdly. The second before he could touch you, you fell through a shadow portal that Macaque had made and into his arms. “Asshole! You might’ve woken them up!” Clearly glaring at the other and being hugged against his chest which was covered in sopping wet clothes (the torrential storm outside helped you connect the dots). You looked up to see Macaque’s crimson mask even redder with massively dilated pupils indicating he was also drunk.
“Hey-“ “Mac! Stop hogging them!” They both began arguing and getting your floor wet from the rain causing you to shout at the pair. “First of all, how the fuck did you manage to convince Macaque to drink at all-” Wukong jumped on the other’s shoulders, cupping you face and giggling incoherent praises at your pretty face. You could only guess he egged the shadow demon on until his patience snapped and both of them drank until one them decided to come to you.
“Second, you both need to dry the hell off because you’re soaking wet from the rain and then you’re sleeping here because frankly I don’t trust either of you alone right now-” Mac dropped you and quickly swept you against a wall, albeit a bit clumsily but well enough that it still got a flustered reaction out of you. “Well, starlight, we might as well make the most of this then.” Your mind went blank, barely registering that snarky prideful smirks on their faces and tails wrapping them around your body.
Both of them were very close to you, the shadow demon hovering over you to catch the slightest change in your embarrassed expression and the king not far behind. Ducking out of their arms and keeping your eyes trained on both of them, you opening the closet and pulling two towels out. They were both very soft and freshly washed since the rain has been fierce the last couple of days.
“Here. Get dried off while I get you some water and don’t cause trouble!” If they wanted to they would have already trashed the place so you had some faith in your apartment staying intact. You could hear shouts from your bedrooms about how the other screwed the other one over in terms of chances with you. Geez how was the night gonna end if both of them were gonna act like the whole night?
You debated putting ice in their drinks or just splashing ice cold water on them to see if they would wake up from their intoxicated state but you figured it wouldn’t make a difference. The glasses in your hand were filled up with water and you grabbed some paper towels incase something happened. Making your way back to your room you overhear both of them arguing with one another and fighting over who you apparently “belong” to. Which you can only guess is aggravated due to their drunk nature and being monkey demons, most likely that is.
“Yeah, sure like you being king and all powerful is gonna help you successfully court Name-” Just about to open the door, you decided to listen in because you did have plans that night before those two decided to make a smashing entrance. “Don’t forget handsome, Macaque. It’s something you don’t have.” A chorus of laughter erupted from the shadow who didn’t seem at all affected by Wukong’s comment and shot back at snide remark. Seemingly doing something that caused the other to be knocked against a wall and got a hurt reaction out of the immortal.
“Have you seen how people look at me whenever I’m out in public? I may not be socially outgoing but more people attend my performances than go looking for you.” You opened the door with an amused expression and handed both of them their waters, turning the lights off and getting into bed seeing as it was close to 2am. “Both of you can either sleep on the floor or next to me because you better believe both of you are getting chewed out to everyone.”
Both celestials went wide eyed at your threat and simultaneously blushed even more at the opportunity to sleep with (obviously not the way their minds first went to) you. You went to get into bed and neither of them were moving, “Why are you not moving? Do you actually want to sleep on the floor?” Macaque raised his eyebrow and Wukong crossed his arms still looking at you like you’d just done something completely stupid when it hit you.
“Ugh fine! I’ll get in first so you both can sleep on either side of me.” With that, both of them smiled and were happy as you got under the covers. Feeling both now curl up next to you and nuzzle against you on either side was pretty comfy given they both felt like puffed-up fuzz balls (they practically were given how they’d dried themselves off). When you all had gotten comfortable, you adjusted and said a couple words before going to sleep. “Oh, I was going to ask both of you on a date since I like both of you.”
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
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Monkiefam: Part 0
Midnight Malaise
(Part Zero) (Part One) (Part Two)
It doesn’t particularly surprise the troop when you sneak out of your room. Both of them are fully aware that you often wander around at night like this. They know that you aren’t getting enough rest, that you aren’t eating properly.
The house is silent, save for the occasional rumbling snore from Wukong. You’ve been told to never leave your room at night- but that’s more of a suggestion than a stone-set rule. Really, as long as you don’t leave the bounds of the house, they have no trouble with your little late-night adventures.
Even the garden outside isn’t off limits, as long as you don’t go past the fences.
And beside- it’s peaceful tonight. It’s no more dangerous than taking one little stroll out in Megapolis to see the moonlight.
…you’ve come to miss Megapolis. The mountain was absolutely enchanting at first, but that was back when you thought that being here was merely a choice.
Before you had asked one of the monkeys to bring you home, and received a very firm “no”. And then went and asked the other one, only to quickly receive the same answer again.
Before all that, Flower Fruit Mountain had been lovely and welcoming.
You sit at the bottom step of the stairs, taking a moment to grab both of your shoes, wishing you had something a little sturdier. But anything that would hold up outside the soft soil of the flower garden was kept well out of your reach.
And even then, these compliant and squishy sandals are sometimes hidden to keep you inside.
MK finds you before you’ve even got the first shoe on. The kid peels it out of your hand and tosses it against the other, knocking them both into the wall.
He settles down on the same step and leans against you, pressing into the warmth offered by skinship. It’s a habit of his, a desire for touch- he’s incredibly trigger-happy with affection. The hero leans his head against your shoulder, taking in the scent of you. You smell of linen and soap and home. Too much time spent hiding in the laundry room, buried under mounds of fresh blankets and warm sheets. Something that helped to remind you of simpler days. It makes him smile, how comforting that scent is.
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?” No malice. No anger. Just love. And a strong note of worry.
There’s no point in lying. If you’re up this late, it’s because you want to go out to the garden and lay among the flowers and pretend that you’re anywhere but this sacred mountain.
“…I wanted to get some fresh air.”
“Not while it’s this late. It’s not safe.” He’s pretty firm about this- there’s too much worry to consider other options aside from the frequent “no” you always seem to receive. He looks at you and speaks, his voice almost reverent with love. “Instead, how about I make you a bowl of noodles and then you go to bed?”
“…I’m not really all that hungry, MK.”
“Yes you are.” He’s even more firm with that response. “I’m not asking if you’re hungry, I’m telling you. It’s been three days, Y/N. This isn’t healthy for you at all!
MK doesn’t give you a further chance to respond, just scooping you up and and walking off to the kitchen. This might’ve been harder for him, once… but you’ve lost a lot of weight during your stay.
Sitting you into a cushioned chair, MK’s humming quietly as he prepares the noodles. A well-learned cook, he’s picked up on a lot from his lessons with Pigsy- who is often stern with his training. But, even in something such as this generational cooking, you can see the kindness and gentleness MK possesses.
So you stay there in the chair, almost patiently waiting at the table. The most you do is quietly drum your fingers against the wood. Although you’re not too big on eating lately, you aren’t really brave enough to argue with the members of your ‘family’.
“It’s ready!” He slides you a bowl of steaming, delicious noodles- the savory and herbal scent alone is enough to make your mouth water. He nudges the bowl closer. He’s clearly put a lot of care and effort into making the meal, and he’s not leaving until you’ve tried it. The kid looks determined, and a little bit upset?
Maybe he’s just that worried.
With a sigh, you reluctantly tuck into the noodles and take a few deep bites.
It’s not that they’re bad. In fact, they’re objectively pretty delicious. You just… haven’t had much of an appetite lately.
MK beams at you, watching with a soft smile as you eat. “Do you like it? I made as close to Pigsy’s as I could!” He gently nudges the bowl closer, trying to get you to eat even more.
“…it’s good,” you grudgingly confess, quickly finding that your words come out slurred. There’s… something herbal in here, I think…?”
“It’s a dash of ginger for warmth and good sleep,” he says, voice cheery to mask his omission. A half-truth reaches your ears, MK leaving out the real ingredient: a ground sprig of valeriana jatamansi, it’s sedating impact enhanced by growing beside the mystical rivers of Flower Fruit Mountain.
And if you had known that, you would know that Sun Wukong had coordinated this plan with MK, giving him the herb to grind down and add to your bowl.
And after just half the bowl, your eyes are fluttering and the chopsticks waver in your hand.
He rushes forward, practically tearing the wooden sticks out of your hands before standing you back on your feet. “Bed. Now.” His voice is uncharacteristically firm, urgent. He’s a lot more serious now, almost desperate. His worry is evident in his tone.
You try to dig your feet into the wooden flooring, attempting to pull free from his grasp. “N-no, I won’t. L-let… let go.”
MK’s grip is a surprisingly strict one, though he’s quite soft while doing it. The kid’s strength only really comes into play when someone’s health or safety is at risk. He’s stronger than he looks. More importantly, he’s worried enough to drop his usual gentleness. His grip tightens, dragging you behind him as he moves onwards.
He leads you; not up the stairs to your room, but across the house to Wukong’s.
“Heh. Finally got ‘em to eat something, bud? Good job,” he says, lightly ruffling his student’s hair. “I’m proud of you.”
And MK nearly buckles at the knees, overloaded with warmth and happiness. It’s only the fact that he’s holding you now that keeps the boy from throwing himself into the affection being offered.
“Alright, both of you- get in and get comfy. We’re sleeping in tonight.”
MK tosses your nearly unconscious form to his mentor, who then tucks you in nice and tight. “There’s one of my kids… come on bud, you’re up next!”
With a gleeful laugh, the affection-seeking boy squishes in beside you, throwing his arms all around your waist.
Wukong’s chest rumbles with a deep and contented purr, nuzzling you against his fur. He bears the scent of peaches and wildflowers, sun-beaten grass and sweet honey. “Hey there, cub.” The simian’s voice is both gentle and warm, the same as the arms he wraps around you. His entire body radiates a sense of protection and safety.
“Feeling sleepy?” The Great Sage asks, one ginger-furred hand hand cupping your cheek so he can tilt your head to him.
Without a word, the simian studies your face, wearing a sad, fond smile. He can sense your unrest, your deep sorrow, the anguish of your separation from the home you adored. His ancient heart aches with worry. He’s wanted to hug you, to hold you, to ease your sadness with the power of his embrace for so long now…
And all it took to get you here was one little herb…
It’s certainly not something that he or his student will ever regret.
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miffysrambles · 1 year
hey, can i request wukong and macaque (sep) comforting a chubby reader (fem if possible) who often remember her past and the bullying she suffered? like a scenario where they find her looking at the mirror with a bitter face
Wukong and Macaque With a Chubby! Fem! S/O
(I'm plus-sized myself so this hit close to home :'3)
You undressed into your bra and underwear as you had gotten home, gripping the chub on your waist as you looked down at your torso. You had always been a bit chubbier than others and being in public today reminded you of that, you hated these days.  You have felt like this for quite some time now, it’s just something you deal with. But that doesn’t mean the thoughts banging in your head didn’t bother you. They would say things belittling you and your body, saying what you could do to make yourself thinner. You knew these thoughts were caused by real voices from your past, the things they would say to you were deafening as they boomed in your ears. You sighed as you finally looked up to meet your face, a look of pure bitterness and hatred reflected off the glass. You were so focused on your self-loathing that you didn’t notice your monkey boyfriend standing the the doorway of your bedroom.
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Wukong had walked into the room with a smile on his face to greet you after being out all day, he was about to walk up to you to give you hugs and kisses when he stopped in his tracks to see you grimacing at your reflection.
His eyebrows furrowed upwards as he slightly parted his lips, “You ok sunshine?”
You jumped as you turned your head to see your partner, putting up a fake smile as you nodded.
“Yep, just getting changed for bed Wukong!”
He knew this was a fake response, he knew your genuine smile like the back of his hand.
The way you practically lit up with a twinkle in your eye, oh it’s something he strived to see daily.
He walked up to you and caressed your face with his thumb, a look of loving concern made your stomach do flips.
“Hey, it’s okay if you’re not. I’m not gonna force you to talk to me, that won’t do any good, but I want to help any way I can.”
You leaned your cheek into his grasp as you sighed, “It’s one of those days… You know, the one’s where my head won’t shut up about my body… Some of the voices are things I’ve heard from old peers and those hurt the most…”
As you described what people have said to you in the past, his heart broke.
How could anybody say such awful things to you, his peaches?
His eyes softened more, smiling slightly to comfort you as he kissed your temple.
“Oh peaches, those days suck huh?”
You nodded, “So much it hurts…”
He wrapped his arms around your waist as he held you close, “I’m sorry they hurt, if it makes a difference I love your body just the way it is. I wouldn’t change a thing about ya’.”
You smiled as you kissed him on the lips, finally getting what he came into the room for, ‘It does, thank you.”
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(I have a personal HC that Macaque loves plus-sized/chubby people hehe)
Macaque was following you through your shadow as you arrived home, looking for an opportunity to give you a light surprise as he told you he was gonna be held up at work tonight. 
(He had done this in the past and you both knew it was all good fun).
He was stopped however when you looked at your reflection with a repulsed look, making him back away as your shadow on the wall with a concerned look, rising from a portal in the doorway.
“M-Macaque? I thought you were gonna be home late tonight!” Your frigid voice asked him, you were clearly on the verge of tears.
A mix of concern and understanding was on his face as he approached you, “They let me go early, the play was rescheduled…” 
He took hold of your hands as he looked down at your interlocked fingers, “This isn’t the first time this has happened huh?”
You nodded slightly as he kissed the back of your hands, “Not even close…”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked, not wanting to overstep your boundaries because he knew exposing your feelings takes a lot of mental strength.
“Just voices from my past booming in my head, y’know like run-of-the-mill bullies in school…” You described what you went through as a child, making his eyebrows furrow and his nose scrunch up in anger.
Just knowing you were in pain from other people, even if it was in the past enraged him.
He sighed as calmed down, helping you feel better even if for a second was his top priority.
He trailed soft kisses up your arm to your cheek, “I love your body because it’s you sweet cheeks. I love everything about you, and I wouldn’t change a thing. I know that won’t change the thoughts going through your head but it’s a start right?” He pulled his lips away from your cheek as he smiled, making your cheeks flush as you smiled and laughed at his displays of affection.
He nuzzled his nose into your neck, making you laugh again from the ticklish sensation.
“There she is, that’s my girl." He chuckled as he kissed your cheek once again. 
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2012wannabe · 2 months
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silent beginnings 4
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wc: 2477
cw/tw: discussions of stillborn, loss of baby/child, found family, parental issues
As you walk through the door, the sight of your baby-proofed home hits you suddenly, reminding you of the life that was once normal and happy. Abby sees the expression on your face as you enter the house and she reaches out to take your hand, gently squeezing it in reassurance. You look down trying to avoid looking at any of the baby related things that really do seem to be everywhere. As you reach the bedroom, Abby opens the door and steps aside to let you enter first. The room looks exactly the same as it always has, the memories filling your mind as you look around. You lay down in bed and sigh, clutching the monkey in your arms. Abby stands by the bed, watching you lay down and settle in. She notices the way you cling to the monkey, holding it tight against your chest like a lifeline. The sight of you so vulnerable and in pain tugs at her heartstrings, and she has to fight the urge to cry herself. She steps closer to the bed and sits down beside you, tentatively putting a hand on your arm, her touch gentle and full of love and concern.
Jerry stands in the doorway, his expression filled with concern and sadness as he watches you and Abby. He can feel the tension in the air, the pain and heartbreak you're both feeling, and he wants nothing more than to take it all away and make it better. He glances at Abby, silently communicating his concern and support, and Abby nods slightly in response, silently thanking him for being there. He takes a step closer into the room, still keeping a respectful distance, not sure if he should intervene or stay back. He and Abby find their eyes on the bassinet on the ground and she already comes up with a plan to try to get it out of sight.
“Why don’t I get some water baby?” She asks.
“Thanks.” She leaves the room, her footsteps light. Jerry watches as she leaves the room, her footsteps echoing softly down the hallway. He turns his attention back to you and takes a few cautious steps closer to the bed, coming to stand beside you. He seems unsure of what to say, not wanting to make things worse or upset you.
“My parents never called me.” His expression softened, he could hear the pain and disappointment in your voice, and it broke his heart to see you hurting so much.
He took a deep breath before speaking, his voice gentle and quiet.
"I'm so sorry, kiddo. I know it hurts, but try not to let it get to you. Your parents... they're flawed. They're human. They make mistakes."
“They just don't care.” He looks down at you, seeing the hurt and betrayal in your eyes. He wants to argue, to tell you that your parents do care, but he knows deep down that you're right. They've let you down, again and again.
"I... l don't know what to say, kiddo.
They're supposed to be the ones who always have your back, who always care and support you. But sometimes... sometimes people let us down."
“Yeah they do.” You say quietly. Abby enters the room, carrying a glass of water. Seeing you laying on the bed, with Jerry standing by, her heart sinks a little as she notices the expressions on both of you. She walks over to you, setting the glass down on the nightstand near the bed and sitting down beside you. She doesn't say anything, just sits there quietly, wanting to give you space to talk or just be in silence. She glances up at Jerry, and starts to make her way to put away the bassinet as I’m drinking. I notice immediately and whip around alarmed.
“What are you doing?!” Abby freezes, taken aback by your tone. She looks at you, a mixture of surprise and sadness in her eyes.
"I..." She starts, but then stops, not knowing how to explain without upsetting you further. She takes a deep breath and tries again.
"I was just... I was just trying to... make things easier. To make the house look normal again."
“We need those things!” Abby's heart sinks as she listens to your words. She stares at you silently for a moment, trying to process what you're saying. Finally, she speaks, her voice soft and hesitant.
"Sweetie, I don't think having those things around is going to be good for you... They're just going to remind you of what you've lost."
“We're going to have a baby we need those things!” Her heart breaks as she hears you say this. She can see the sadness and pain etched into your features, and she wants nothing more than to take it all away and make things better for you. But the reality of the situation is overwhelming, and she's not sure how to respond.
"Honey... You're not ready for a baby. You need time to heal, to process everything. We can't just start over like nothing ever happened. It's... it's not healthy."
“No, no.” You say crossing your arms. She shakes her head, her expression pleading for you to understand. She reaches out to gently take your hand, her touch comforting yet firm.
"Please... You have to listen to me. I know you're hurting, and I know you feel lost right now, but this... this isn't the answer. We can't just jump right back into trying for a baby. It's too much too soon."
“Just leave her things please!”
Abby's heart sinks as she sees the determination in your eyes. She sighs, knowing that there's no way to convince you right now.
"Okay... Okay." She says quietly, reluctantly agreeing with your request. She looks up at Jerry, her expression sorrowful, silently asking for his support in this decision. He looks equally as torn, but nods his head silently, respecting your wishes.
And so everything stayed. Two months passed and Jerry left, but everything stayed in the same exact spot, Abby watching as you stay in bed, the pain and depression evident on your face. She tries her best to take care of you, bringing you food and water, trying to comfort and support you.
"What is it, Sweetie? Do you need something?"
“Lay with me?” Abby's heart aches as she hears the vulnerability in your voice. She immediately gets up from the chair she was sitting on and moves towards the bed. She climbs in beside you, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close.
"Of course, Sweetie. I'm here." You nuzzle into her arms, self consciously tracing the scar on your stomach. She feels your body press against and she runs her hand gently over your hair, trying to soothe and comfort you in any way she can. She catches you tracing the scar on your stomach, her heart breaking a little as she knows how much it hurts you. She hesitates for a moment before speaking, her voice soft and gentle.
"Does it hurt?"
“Just emotionally.”
"You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm here for you, Sweetie."
“I know. But there's nothing to talk about, it just hurts.” She squeezes you tighter, her arms around you offering a silent comfort.
"It's okay to not have words. I'm here for you anyway."
“How are you doing? I feel like you spend all your time on me. I want to be the one taking care of you but i can't even take care of myself.” Abby smiles softly at your concern, genuinely touched that you're thinking of her despite everything you're going through. She listens as you express your desire to take care of her, and a mixture of emotions washes over her face.
She sighs softly, her expression one of both love and exhaustion.
"I'm... I'm managing, Sweetie. Don't worry about me. You're my priority right now."
“You lost a kid too baby.” Abby's eyes fill with sadness and she looks down at you, her heart breaking in her chest. She takes a deep, shaky breath before speaking, her voice heavy with emotion.
"I know... I know I did. And it hurts. But... but I have you. And right now, that's what matters most to me."
“I wish I could be better for you.” Abby shakes her head, her heart breaking at your words. She reaches out and gently cups your face, her touch full of love and reassurance.
"You don't need to be better for me. You're already everything I need. I don't want you to worry about me, okay? I just want you to focus on healing and taking care of yourself. That's all that matters to me."
“You know what why don't I make us breakfast food?” Abby smiles gently as she listens to your suggestion.
"Are you sure you're up for that, Sweetie? I don't want you overexerting yourself."
“My bedrest has been over for a few days now, I've been itching to move around.”
"Okay. But please, be careful. I don't want you to push yourself too hard, alright?"
“I'm okay.”
"Alright. But if you need anything, or if you start feeling overwhelmed or sore at all, you need to tell me immediately, okay? | don't want you pushing through pain for the sake of doing something."
“I'm okayyy.” You pay putting emphasis on okay with a smile. Abby listens to your insistence, seeing the small smile on your face. She knows this is a sign of progress, and her heart warms a bit.
“"Okay, I believe you. Just... just promise me you'll take it easy, okay? No overexerting yourself."
“I promise.”
“Good. I'm going to hold you to that promise, you know. If I see you overworking yourself, I will force you back in this bed."
“Yes mom.” You say teasingly. Abby grins, her heart lightening a little bit. She playfully rolls her eyes before responding.
"Hey, watch your attitude, missy. I'm not above putting you in a time out if I have to."
“What, you gonna spank me if I don't behave?”
"Don't tempt me," she says, a playful glint in her eye.
"I might just have to put you over my knee if you keep sassing me like that."
“Don't threaten me with a good time.”
You whisper. Abby laughs heartily at your response, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She leans in closer to you, a smirk on her face.
"Oh, you would like that way too much, wouldn't you?" You kiss her lightly before walking to the kitchen to make you both food.
“I'm thinking pancakes and eggs. How does that sound?” Abby feels the light brush of your kiss against her lips and smiles. She watches as you walk away towards the kitchen, her gaze lingering on you for a moment before responding.
"Pancakes and eggs sound perfect, sweetie.” You skip off, a tiny spring in your step for the first time in a very long time. Abby stands by the kitchen counter, watching you cook with a soft smile on her lips.
"Do you need any help, Sweetie?"
“I'm good.” She nods, her smile growing as she watches you work. She leans back against the counter, crossing her arms over her chest and simply enjoying the sight of you in your element.
"Smells good. I'm starving."
“Good.” Abby watches you closely as you work, the smell of food filling the air. Every so often, she'll get a glimpse of your expression - a small smile, a determined focus, a moment of contentment - and it warms her heart. She moves closer to you, leaning against the counter next to you. She doesn't say anything, just stays by your side, providing silent support. You finish up the food and plate it, leaning up against the counter for support suddenly tired; your body feeling like it’s being filled with cement. She notices the sudden shift in your energy, the fatigue in your stance. Her concern immediately flares as she says,
"Sweetie... are you okay?" She moves to your side and putting a hand on your arm to steady you.
“I'm fine, just tired. It's been a good 4 months since I've been able to do anything.”
Abby looks at you with a mix of concern and understanding in her eyes.
"Sit down, baby. You need to rest.
I'll bring you a plate, okay?"
“No, no. I'll bring you a plate and we can eat.” Abby hesitates for a moment, still concerned about you.
"Okay. But you're resting after eating, got it? No arguments.”
“If it makes you feel better you have a sink full of dishes waiting for you.” You quip weakly. She jokingly groans at the mention of dishes, feigning being annoyed. Abby dramatically rolls her eyes and sighs.
"Ugh, you're always finding a way to pawn off the chores on me, aren't you?" She says, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“Don't start. Let's sit and enjoy what I made.” Abby chuckles lightly at your words, shaking her head in amusement. She knows you're just messing with her, and it's honestly a relief to see you in a better mood.
"Alright, alright. You win this time.
Let's go sit down and enjoy our breakfast."
You both take a seat and start to eat your breakfast, and as you twirl your fork and play with your pancake your smile fades.
"Sweetie... what's wrong? You look upset."
“I wish I could do more. It isn't fair to you. What are we gonna do if I have to be on bedrest with our next baby?”
"Hey, hey... you are doing everything you can right now, Sweetie. You just went through something extremely traumatic, it's only expected that it's going to take some time to recover. And as for future pregnancies... we will deal with that when the time comes, okay? One step at a time."
You nod unconvincingly. She reaches out and takes your hand in hers, squeezing it gently.
"Sweetie, please... don't doubt yourself. You are strong and capable, and you're doing everything you can to get better. It's gonna take time, but we'll get through this together. I promise."
“Yeah.” You whisper.
"Hey... look at me." She says softly, waiting for you to meet her gaze. When you do, she speaks again, her tone gentle yet firm.
"I mean what I said. We are gonna get through this. Together. You and me. No matter what happens, we'll face it together." You smile weakly and Abby returns your weak smile with a warm one of her own. She reaches out and gently brushes a strand of hair away from your face, her touch filled with love and support.
"There's that smile I love so much.”
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