#White-tailed deer
dk-thrive · 2 days
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White-Tailed Deer. 5:30 am. July 5, 2024. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT (@dkct25)
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vintagewildlife · 4 months
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White-tailed fawn jumping over a fence By: Leonard Lee Rue III From: The World of the White-tailed Deer 1962
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speakingofnature · 8 months
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White-tailed Deer
Freedom is a wide, sweeping prairie with room to roam.
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rebeccathenaturalist · 8 months
(Originally posted in this FB group)
That's a heck of a leap; gotta be about, what twenty-five feet or so? Wonder what it would have been with a clean, unimpeded landing? Hope the deer was okay after the adrenaline wore off. Ironically, the person pulling up in the SUV was there to buy the (apparently flawless pre-crash-landing) pickup, and the original post is full of people asking "But did they end up buying the truck anyway?"
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Sax Zim Bog, Minnesota
taken February 2024
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 months
Round Two: Epic Animals
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White-tailed Deer vs Gray Wolf
Remember, it's not a popularity contest- it's a fight to the death!
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cypherdecypher · 10 months
Animal of the Day!
Key Deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium)
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(Photo from Emily Michot)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Florida Keys
Size (Weight/Length)- 30 kg; 65 cm at shoulders
Diet- Leaves; Grasses; Fruits; Roots
Cool Facts- The key deer is a small subspecies of white-tailed deer that lives on a small set of islands off the Florida coast. These deer are proficient swimmers and can easily swim from island to island. They have very little fear of humans and can be found munching on lawn grass or decorative flowers on windowsills. Unfortunately, their tameness has resulted in an increased number of car collisions. Throughout history, key deer were hunted by settlers and native tribes alike. Hunting was banned in the 1940’s but poaching caused their population to plummet to only 25 individuals by 1955. Luckily, their population is slowing increasing with the help of better enforced laws and mass habitat protection.
Rating- 12/10 (Please, don’t feed wild animals no matter how friendly they seem.)
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geopsych · 1 year
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Saw a lot of these today but no fawns although they must be out there. 
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A white-tailed buck feeds peacefully at the edge of a frosty forest
(c) riverwindphotography
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adam-trademark · 2 months
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Blue River Parkway
(February 24, 2023)
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losttimpactt · 1 year
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i've been living too fast and i've been living too wrong cruel, cruel world, i'm gone
do you know how fucking hard it is to make a black scruffy coyote NOT look like a wolf
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dk-thrive · 1 year
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White-Tailed Deer @ Daybreak. 60° F. 5:00 to 5:15 am. June 15, 2023. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. (@dkct25) 
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vintagewildlife · 4 months
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Skull of a white-tailed deer with deformed antlers By: Leonard Lee Rue III From: The World of the White-tailed Deer 1962
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speakingofnature · 11 months
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White-tailed Deer
Nature lives in the present, yet always has future plans in the works.
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boy-warbler · 2 years
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Young buck in the Don Valley
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snototter · 2 years
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A White-Tailed deer buck (Odocoileus virginianus)  in Algonkian Regional Park, Virginia, USA
by Tom Black
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