#White Strap Roll
ompackstrap · 1 year
What is strapping material and types of strapping material?
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Strapping is securing and bundling packages and loads for storage and shipment. Different types of strapping materials are used to secure these cartons and other items. Various types of strapping materials are available in the market for different strapping and packaging needs. The strapping materials are made using different polymers, steel, and composite materials according to the need and demand. One should connect with the PET or PP Strap manufacturers in India according to their needs.
You will find strapping materials of various lengths, widths, and thicknesses to cater to different applications. The flexibility and tensile strength of the strapping materials also vary. All these qualities of strapping materials help in securely bundling several types of loads. Before buying the strapping materials from PP or PET Strap manufacturers in India, ask them about these qualities. Some of the most common applications of strapping materials are securing building or construction materials, securing products during shipping and transportation, securing finished goods for storage and supply, securing items at warehouses, and a few others.
Now that you know what strapping materials are and where they can be used, let’s know their types. After knowing the types of strapping material, you can choose the right strapping material for several applications. It will help you know which strapping material is used for which purpose, so let’s discover them.
Types of Strapping Materials
This blog shares the most common types of strapping materials used for multiple applications. They are:
Polypropylene Strap or PP Strap
Polyester Strap or PET Strap
Steel Strap
These three strapping materials are available with most PP strap manufacturers in India.
Polypropylene Strapping (PP Strap)
PP Strap is one of the most widely used straps for various applications. For applications that require light or medium strapping strength, polypropylene strapping is best for them. It is available in varied thicknesses, tensile strengths, widths, and colours. PP Straps are light in weight, making them suitable for bundling and sealing loads that are light in weight. They have several properties, like corrosion resistance, no deformation, and breaking strength. These qualities of PP Straps make them the perfect strapping material for holding products and items for a long time. Polypropylene Strapping material is mainly used in several applications like postal service, bailing hay, flooring, millwork, merchandise foods, and packing of frozen foods & meats.
Polyester Strapping (PET Strap)
PET Strap is the most common and highly durable strapping material among the multiple strapping materials. It is considered the best alternative to steel strapping because it is one of the strongest strapping materials with high tension. It is used to handle medium or heavy loads due to its several properties. It comes with several properties, like being resistant to UV rays, resistant to shocks, resistant to high temperatures, lightweight, and excellent stretch recovery.
Most PET straps are available in green colour as they are made using plastic bottles. But they are available in other colours too. You can ask the PET Strap manufacturers in India if they offer customized straps or not to get the desired colour. Most often, the PET straps are made using recycled materials only. Industries also use Polyester strapping because of their impact absorbing quality during the shipment. Some uses of polyester strapping material are in stabilizing heavy loads, palletizing heavy loads, and handling metals, bricks, tiles, pallets of bottles, and cans.
Steel Strap
It is one of those strapping materials used for a long time. We currently have several alternatives to steel strapping available in the market. Steel straps are mainly used for heavy loads or loads that require less stretching but high strength. Due to the zero stretchability, steel straps offer high tension, which is suitable for heavy materials. Like the above two strapping materials, steel straps are also available in different sizes, thicknesses, and widths. They come with different finishes like zinc-coated, glued, galvanized, and painted. Steel strapping is mainly used for several heavy-duty applications, like bundling metals, construction materials, securing metal containers, steel coins, railroad shipping, and packaging other heavy industrial equipment.
All these three strapping materials are widely used for packaging or bundling loads and items. If you need any of these strapping materials, go for OM Pack Strap. Being one of the best PET strap manufacturers in India, they offer heavy-duty, reliable pack straps at reasonable prices for several applications.
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ares857 · 21 days
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internet find
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screampied · 9 days
ʚ MILLION DOLLA BABY. ɞ ( n. kento )
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ᡴꪫ‎ sum. nanami gets dragged to a nearby strip club by his colleague gojo. he insists it’ll help him stop being so pent up and tense from work. there, he meets you—and for some reason, he just can’t keep his hands off your body. perhaps nanami wanted a bit more than just a dance though.
── ◜ ❦◞ wc. 6.0k
── ◜ ❦◞ cw. fem! reader, reader is a stripper, modern au, unprotected, semi-public, ōral (f! receiving), brief gojo cameo, vīrgin nanami, dry humping, lap dance, lots of praise, premature ejaculatıon, size kink, overstim, impact play, breedıng, whiny nanami, teaching him how to touch you, pet names.
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you were the star girl,
and the moment nanami had his eyes laid on you it was all over. with his hands buried into his work slacks, his eyes scan around the erotic club. the music blared an unfamiliar tune with salaciously explicit lyrics. he has a look of deadpan as he stands beside his eager colleague, satoru gojo. “c’monn. why so serious, loosen up, nanamin,” he jibes, slinging an arm around the blond. the entire club had pretty luminescence lights flashing in each area. his eyes dart toward the bar before back at gojo who had a scheming grin. “you work too hard, ‘s time you had a little fun, huh.”
“maybe,” he utters, bringing a hand toward his back to scratch near his faint undercut. part of that was true. nanami basically lives in the workplace. overtime was his best friend, and it was the only source of entertainment he had. until now. with a sigh, he skims around the venue full of women. “i’ve never been to these … things before, how do i even—”
gojo hums. “oh, what a coincidence,” and the white-haired male does a subtle waving gesture at a pretty dancer that was currently unoccupied, you. “excuse me angel. yeah, c’mere,” and you sashay toward him with a gentle smile. nanami eyes land toward you and you were so pretty. compared to the other dancers, your outfit wasn’t as revealing. it showed a bit of skin but had just the right amount, perfectly bedazzled and all. your heels clank and clank against the carpet floor before you peer at the revisiting customer. “would you be a doll ‘n take him near the back?”
“right this way sir,” you reply in a sweet coo, and it was a split second of eye contact. nanami felt a hitch in his breath. he’s never been one to be nervous, but it was something about your laid back aura. it was captivating. as you led him toward the secluded vip room, his eyes peek at your back. straps of your lingerie decorate against your skin before he turns away once you face him. “kentooo nanami,” you read his name tag that stuck against his shirt. once he sits down—you notice how stiff he was. with a sly smile, you strut a bit towards him. “is this your first lap dance?”
“is it that obvious?” he murmurs with a timid hum, an attempt to be playful back.
“to me,” you purr, and the locked eye contact makes him realize — you were definitely gonna be his favorite girl for tonight.
the air grew substantially thick, it was so thick that you could cut the invisible tension with a knife.
nanami laid back against the velour cushioned sofa, bringing his hands toward his thighs to allow them to rest on his clenched muscles. his eyes remain on you the entire time, your body and the way your hips slowly sashay and roll toward him.
your cobweb designed fishnets wrap and snake around your thighs like ribbon before you teasingly make him spread his legs a bit more.
“ease up, nanami,” you whisper, the thundering music in the room almost talking over you.
“kento,” he corrects you in a low husky tone, feeling himself get a bit turned on from your touch - your demeanor.
nanami couldn’t keep his eyes off you at all. you toyed with his tie that was neatly tucked into his shirt, literally wrapping it around your finger, wrapping him around your finger. after a second passes, he sighs. “you can call me kento, sweetheart.”
“okay, kento,” and the way you repeated his name back to him did something to him. your words, the undertone of it all - the smoothness. your delivery was as sweet as honey.
leisurely, you make your way onto his lap before you straddle him. his breath hitches immensely, feeling your silk woven attire grind itself against him. your arms wrap around his neck, teasingly moving up and down as you start up your regular routine.
your body, it moves with the constant repetitive beats of the loud pop track playing in the background. you’ve probably heard that same song for about ten times this entire night.
nanami grows quiet, gentle fawn eyes never leaving yours. you were so enticing, hitting every beat with your body as if it was nothing.
the man struggles to contain himself, tips of his stubby fingers desperately fighting the urge to touch you. he knows the policy, gojo rambled to him all about it and how the dancers weren’t supposed to be touched but you made it hard.
so fucking hard—
actually, you made him hard.
that was the point though, as tempting as you were. nanami ogles at your hips and the way it does a few simple twists and jerks. he grunts, and already, you could feel a bit of a hardened bulge.
the warm friction that clings from his pants to your lingerie feels like shocking static. it makes him hurl his head back slightly. you spot his adam’s apple bobbling in rapture before he bawls his fist. “good … god,” he grumbles in a gruff hiss.
the more you move against him, the more he gets a few sweet wafts of your scent. you smelled so good. so sweet, it’s almost peachy. as if your touch wasn’t enough, your aroma had him going crazy. driving him to the first street of absolute insanity. nanami has a nervous grin, eyeing you finally. “forgive me, sweetheart—but i can’t touch you .. like at all?”
you pause with a cunning smile, leaning up close to where you can spot his blond stubble through your peripherals. “hmm, well no. but i wouldn’t mind if you hold my hips, kento.”
you got a smell of his own cologne, it was strong and definitely not the cheap kind. the rich pricey kind that gives you a headache after a while. nanami gifts you a look of what seems to be lust. hesitating, he utters in a soft voice. “can i?”
“go ahead, ‘ken,” and you were just a tease, shortening his name like that. gradually, his hands grab ahold of your waist. you’re still rocking to the steady, booming beats of the song’s chorus before he huffs. you start to pant a little yourself, feeling the tepid heat of his fingertips ghost against your skin. with a playful simper, you lean into his neck, whispering into his collarbone. “that’s it, touch me more. don’t be shy, ‘s good.”
nanami was sober but he felt like his head was spinning. he’s never participated in something so erotic, so … lewd.
it was just a simple lap dance.
he was addicted to the way your hips gracefully went against him. you made sure to rub yourself against his obvious growing bulge, feeling him harden right underneath you. “f- fuck,” he swallows, making sure to not hold onto your skin too tight. he was gentle, a pure gentleman. you’re still moving swiftly before you turn around, having your back face him. he watches with bronze dilated pupils, feeling your rear bump and bump against his zipped fly. “mhm,” he takes a peak at your back again, the moving muscles so pretty that they could be easily painted into a sculpture. you had him enticed, the way you moved was just pushing him further and further toward the edge. “you’re s- so pretty,” he murmurs, his voice low but still had a bit of cute awkwardness underneath. you could tell this entire thing was new to him. nanami’s never had a girl straddle against his lap—let alone dance on him.
not in the way you do.
“touch me,” you mumble, grabbing his idle hands. he gasps, watching as you guide them toward your chest. you’re grinding against his lap with an impish closed-eye smile. he’s gingerly feeling you up, thumbs bristling against the glittery fabric that stuck on your skin like glue. “like that, yeah.”
nanami kento was a gentleman.
he made sure not to touch your breasts until you made a gesture that it was okay. he was respectful—something you weren’t that used to. it was a nice new touch. he was savoring your beauty right in front of him. you grabbed both of his broad hands, making him gently feel against your tits and he grunts. you weren’t making this easy, not with those hips.
it seemed as if it was only you and him in the entire world. as his fingers dance near your skin, he feels a faint sharp edge of dollar bills sticking out of your top piece. “so gorgeous,” he says hoarsely, and you found it cute how he didn’t know what else to say except to compliment you. “your curves are so mesmerizing.”
your breath gets caught in the back of your throat for a moment— feeling his warm breath tickle against your right earlobe. nanami was easing up a bit, though he was still a bit nervous. you heard a tiny tremor in his voice, his hands still roaming everywhere on your body from your guiding.
the lap dance lasts for a good ten minutes, though it’s as if time barely passed. it’s as if it was hours,
and as you’re finishing up, you feel a sudden wetness prod underneath your panties. glancing down, you stare at his pants and you hold back a smile. oh, perhaps you were a bit too good. nanami groaned, appearing worn out with blond strands all ruffled. “did you just … cum?”
“i— fuckk,” he swallows a lump in his throat, feeling the embarrassment take over.
nanami definitely came right through his pants. you saw the grey dampening mark - cute. looking at the man, he tried to hide his discomfiture by flashing a smile but it’s just adorable. “no,” he tries to play it off, but not even seconds later, throwing his shoulders down, he sighs with an almost pout. “yeah, i .. did. i came.”
“don’t be ashamed.” you sweetly reassure him, still taking a seat on his lap. you gently brush a thumb alongside his undercut, feeling the stain paint against the outer part of your panties.
nanami stares back at you, and for a moment, his eyes dart toward your lips. they looked so kissable,
he saw the crooked smile on your mouth about to form before you inch closer and closer. teasingly, you finally speak again and your breath fans against his lips. “do you want a kiss, ‘ken?”
you were gonna be the death of him,
he’s already panting. his eyes, mousy brown eyes were all shot and blown—never once leaving your tantalizing hips. “y- yeah, if that’s alright,” he swallows, and you hum. he was covered in nervousness. as if it was an attempt to stop the sudden heat in the room, nanami yanks his tie back and forth. you’re still straddling him, feeling against his prodding boner before strumming a thumb against his lip. “you .. won’t charge me extra for a kiss, right? not that i’d mind, hah.”
“don’t worry, this one’s on me, ‘ken.” you mutter in a sweet voice.
he grunts, the staticky friction scooting against his slacks was almost too much to bare. you felt the outline of his cock and it’s big. with a quick glance, he stares at your lips - shimmery.
the gloss that smothers against your mouth made him want to get a taste. just a tiny taste.
not now but right now.
you were slow, making sure to purposely drag every second. the music continues to blast loudly in the background before you finally close the aching gap between you and the businessman.
nanami groans, his hands having a mind of its own—grabbing and feeling all down your body. you rocked your hips in a playful rotation, swerving all against his lap as your lips crash onto his.
you tasted the sweetest you’ve ever been. his heart was racing as his tongue gently glissades near yours, creating a sloppy sultry slope. “mhm.” a raspy grunt escapes out of him, wanting more of you each second. you were a tease, shaking your body against him in such a coy manner.
his boner only grew and you felt it - all of it.
with his eyes flickering, you gingerly ghost a finger down his undercut to hear him moan gravelly into your mouth. it was as if just a little touch from you had him forming into putty.
nanami could taste the brief tang of what tasted like tequila roaming on your buds. so sweet, his head reclines back and you grab a fistful of his collar.
each sway had him lusting for you harder — you peep nanami reaching into his suit pocket, pulling out a fifty dollar bill before sticking it right between your pristine-colored straps. “damn, you’re so pretty,” he grunts, feeling the bulging sensation intensify. and yet, as he’s speaking between hot, wet kisses, he feels you run a finger down his chest. “i want a better taste, sweetheart,” and his hands trace down the curvature of your curves, stopping near your ass.
he wanted that kind of taste,
the taste where you’d be bent over the sofa gasping for air at the sloppy stripes of his tongue work.
nanami didn’t know what he was doing but one thing was for certain—he knew how to make you whine.
he’s never had a taste of something so sweet before. especially nothing a sweet as you,
just a few kitten licks and he was whipped. strands of satiny saliva dribbles past the naturally crooked corners of his lips and onto your cunt. you’re throbbing, failing to keep your legs open as he’s dug face first between you. the noises that echo out of his mouth had you feral — you moan, your own sobbing cries for more being tuned out by the screaming erotic lyrics. “k- kenn,” you huff, using two hands to grab onto his fawn strands.
you’re met with the kindest eyes but oh, the most pussy drunken expression imaginable.
it’s as if he’s been waiting for this day.
his tongue glides against your clit before it turns into quick succulent sucks. it’s loud, you’re panting heavily in irregular breaths before your head tosses itself back. nanami’s on his knees and you bite your lip at the expense of feeling such ecstasy. you’re met with delicate, mahogany eyes which were full of nothing but lust and desire.
usually, you weren’t one to just have a client propped up between your thighs, but if you were being completely honest, nanami was quite easy on the eyes. not only that, but he was patiently tender. his awkwardness only made him ten times more attractive if anything.
it seemed you were his first lap dance and it also seemed that you were his first taste of pussy.
“t- that’s it, ‘ken,” you puff out a single breath, both hands digging into the thin roots of his scalp. he groans, leaning forward as he allows his tongue to do all the talking. nanami slurps against your swollen cunt, adding suction onto your sensitive nub. you’re a whiny mess, seconds barely pass and you’re already rutting your jagged hips against his face.
by now, it’s a shimmery snail trail of your sweetened slick racing down the chiseled areas of his chin. right near the bottom, he made sure to go slow because he wanted to savor your taste.
perhaps maybe this was what he was missing.
his nose gently thrashes against your folds, taking a brief whiff of your scent. your glacé-like scent drove him crazy. nanami grouses a tiny pout, he can’t help but slither a free hand down his beige slacks. you glance down, watching and the thought of him attempting to get off to your pleasure makes you throb. “f- fuckkk.” he grumbles, blond brows contorting together into a slight curve.
nanami was so pent up, his tongue plays with you for a bit, licking against your halfway torn fishnets. they were designed to make it look like it was a spider web . .
soooo pretty, tangled and all.
speaking of tangled,
that was the entire definition of your fingers. you comb each digit swiftly through his strands, yanking his face closer against your dribbling slick.
nanami’s tongue was fragile yet rough - once he started, it was no stopping.
you’re whining over and over until your voice was a broken record. your body slumps back against the fat cushion before you feel your tummy start to heave.
“mhm, look at me, kento. eyes up here baby,” and you’re staring face first with most sweetest eyes.
brown and full of care. a dirty kind of care though.
you continue to massage a hand through his scalp before positioning his head a certain way. “hah, stick out your tongue more. lay it a little flat,” and once he does what you say, twitching muscle collapsing onto your cunt, you moan. “good fuckin’ boy. suck it there, yeah.”
and he groans. lowly, it’s so low that it’s almost a snarling growl.
he didn’t expect for his dick to twitch again. this time it’s not from your taste or even your touch but your words. nanami’s stroking himself, fisting his fat cock with his bare hand before you could almost make out a whine from him.
“say it again,” he murmurs, nose deep into your pussy. and even still, his breath fans against your folds and you were already so so close. you were reaching the breaking point - it was inevitable.
nanami’s staring at you as if he’s pleading for you to repeat your words. pleading for you to praise him once more. “call me that again, sweetheart.”
with a sly smile tugging right onto your lips, you cup his face, giving him a teasing expression. squeezing his pink lips together for a moment, you hum. “oh, you like that?”
“a bit, yeah,” he sighs, feeling the strain in his pants tighten. you had him so hard, so fucking hard. nanami could have came just from the sound of your voice. once you drag his face away from your cunt, a bunch of saliva starts to trickle from the sides of his mouth. it pours out slowly in such a way, it’s as if he forgot what manners were. there was no manners when he was slobbering down your folds with your own slick following from his spit-slick lips. nanami leans into your touch, watching through his peripherals at how you strum a bit of spit away from his mouth before making him nod up and down. “your voice turns me on, pretty.”
“bet it does,” you play along, breath hitching from the rigorously circular rotations of his tongue. he’s so nasty, flicking and sliding it, allowing it to roam through the opening of your slit before sucking mercilessly. you whine, leaning back until you’re all spread with your thighs being pried open from his hands. “good boy, ‘s good. make me cum, ‘ken. can you be a good boy ‘n do that for me?” and you peer down at him, ruffling his already ruffled strands. “y- your tongue can be my tip if you want.”
with a dry chortle, he laughs against your cunt, sucking against your pulsating nub until you’re almost wailing out desperate cries. cool breath fans against your entrance and you swallow, looking down at him. “you’re too kind my love,” and his words were so smooth.
you’re haphazardly jolting and rutting back against the cushioned sofa and pretty much fucking yourself against his face as he’s slurping you clean. dragging his head against your wet cunt with your mouth open, dangling like an earring.
a strong ripple of waves surge out of you before you’re creaming. you’re laid back against the sofa, legs all sprawled open and he’s eating up your expressions everytime. he has a flustered look, tasting a nice amount of even more slick trail down your folds. nanami gulps, pretty long lashes fluttering as he’s relishing in the aftertaste of your candied juices.
your legs felt like they were about to fall off. your orgasm was loud, incredibly falling on deaf ears as the music remains to drown out your lewd sorrows in the background.
“f- fuck, fuckkk,” you drag out in a cute elongated syllable, so dramatic.
the air feels feverishly hot again and you start to fan yourself, glancing down to see a pussy drunk nanami right between your thighs. yet, you’re still riding out your release and he starts sucking your pulsing cunt again. you gasp, squirming with a hand gripping his strands, giving it a solid yank before you moan out his name in pleasure. “ken, oh my g- goddd,” and he’s making out with your pussy. a simple french kiss, tickling the slit open area with the pointed tip of his buttoned nose. “s- sensitive, ‘m sensitive.”
“so good,” he groans and you had to physically pry him face off of your pussy. his tongue, you could still feel it. as you’re looking down, he shoots you a sleazy grin, and removes his hand from his pants. “c’mere.” he huffs through full lungs. a sheet of your tasty arousal drips down his chin, coating his stubble before he leans into you. with your legs still wide and dangling over the cushioned furniture, you feel him go between your legs, softly cupping your chin.
out of breath and out of mind, your eyes become significantly half-lidded.
you moan, feeling his warm plushed lips make haste against yours. it’s sweet, bittersweet.
lazily parting your lips for him to gain access, he slides his own into your mouth, one hand gently caressing every part of your body. he feels against your attire, your skin. the plethora of goosebumps that sets against you, you whine into his mouth before feeling his bare cock rub against your soddened entrance.
it’s hard,
he grunts once you feel it because he feels it too.
again, his cologne gets louder and so does your own aroma. nanami’s session ended a long time ago, but no one could even care about the time limit. already, he started to gain a liking to you. perhaps strip clubs weren’t so bad, not if you were here.
your hand playfully runs down his buttoned up shirt, tugging him closer and you taste yourself on his tongue. for a concise second, it’s a bit sour but it turns …. sweet.
your brows furrow as you lock your legs around him, feeling his mushroom tip prod against your opening. he was growing impatient, so so impatient.
“god, i want you so bad,” he speaks between kisses. nanami’s voice was a low gruff. almost dangerous with how much baritone lingers on his voice. dangerously sexy,
he felt the familiar lump in his throat arise again. it’s as big as a saucer, making him find it hard to swallow down for a second. with your hands running down his chest, he felt a pang of chills surge all down his body. your fingers knew what they were doing, dancing against his body. with rough breaths mashing against each other, he finally breaks away and his forehead touches onto yours. “i need you.”
“what’s stopping you?” you reply breathlessly, and his jaw clenches at the slight tease in your tone.
a tease until the very end,
nanami’s now back to his current position, sat on the squashy cushioned material—once he falls back in defeated surrender, it slouches inward from the weight. all eyes were on you,
he could see a bit of shine glisten near your thighs. nanami’s entire mouth from the chin down was covered. he didn’t even care nor bother to wipe his mouth either, he licks it clean with his tongue, luxuriating in your candied taste. his new favorite treat.
the taste was just a reminder of how good he was devouring you earlier. right near the crevices of your legs, your fishnets were practically torn and he goes manspread. “don’t make me wait, princess,” he grumbles with a cute pout, already developing some kind of attachment to you. this entire thing was new, he’s never tasted something as sweet let alone run his fingers down someone’s pretty cunt that was even sweeter.
with arched brows, you watch as he wraps a hand around his fat base. “want another lap dance.”
“do you want a lap dance or do you want me to give you a ride, ‘ken?” you tease, slowly working your hips toward him. he gulps, the bratiness hiding underneath your tone turning him on ten times more.
you knew what he wanted,
nanami’s dick was pretty. a mushroom tip with a bit of loose foreskin that peels from each stroke of his hand. his cock was hefty too — it had a bit of a downward curve, hanging just from how fat it was alone. you spot a few slanting veins that run down his shaft, decorating his cock and you couldn’t help but lick your lips. rolling your hips to where you’re doing an appetizing belly roll. your rhythm was hypnotic, he studies the way your abdomen curls in such a hot manner. and just like that, he’s hard … again.
as he’s deep in thought, having a little fantasm about you, you gradually take your seat on his lap.
he strums a finger against the beads that wrap around your waist, giving them a playful tug as they lightly thwack against your skin. the beads he didn’t even notice because he was too busy being enthralled by your beauty. “i… need to feel you.” he grunts, hearing the shudder in his voice.
pathetic, maybe,
but he desperately wanted to feel your warmth. his earns burn with torridity before you hover your entrance over his tip.
another song starts up in the background again and it’s loud. the same casual beats of some random tune playing, raunchy explicit lyrics from the singer’s voice. “you want me, baby. you don’t need me,” you purr, and you’re holding back a bundle of your own moans. his tip, it’s sweltering hot, a few splotches of pre-cum coating the top. you grind your hips slowly and he’s already about to lose it. nanami’s head was tilted back to a sexy degree angle and you fiddle with his loose tie some more. “mhm, you’re so tense, ‘ken. relax,” and almost instantly, his dick twitches.
it was barely even movement - barely any friction and yet, just your sloppy cunt was enough to make him cream. and surprisingly, it does.
he doesn’t even go in yet and he’s cumming. nanami groans, pulling you into his chest, hot breaths burying into your neck as he’s painting your entrance with a few spurts of pre. “f- fuck. ‘m sorry. didn’t know i was s- so turned on,” and it’s cute. whilst he’s babbling his sorries into the corner of your neck, you jerk your hips forward into his. slowly, your chaotic rhythm was doing nothing by driving him mad. “god, i- i— i want it. ride me, sweetheart.”
judging from his body language alone, you could tell he’s probably never done this before, experience this.
already, he’s came twice and he’s breathing heavy as if he’d ran a marathon. swiping a thumb over his undercut, you meet his lust-driven gaze. “you sure?”
“m sure,” he nods, entirely breathless. nanami’s unkempt strands of hair ran down his face, making him more attractive, more needy. his lips were glossed and sheeny, covered in your own natural gloss from earlier. his hands wrap around your waist, guiding you to feel him more from the inside. “take my stress away, baby. do your dance on me some more, p- please.”
“lie back ‘n relax, kento.” you whisper against his ear, teasingly licking near his lobe. your hands playfully shove him back. he groans, feeling his body collapse into pleasure against the sofa. it’s a long pause before he feels you starting to make your way onto him. his jaw tightens and he tries to relaxes, he tries but he can’t help but grunts.
it’s so warm inside, parched and hot. your walls were so welcoming, having him on a leash. your pussy gets ahold of him tightly and you’re only just a few inches in. your lips spread open from the stretch, it’s so big and wide that it’s literally hard to miss.
just a few,
inhaling a single three second breath, your arms toss over his broad shoulders and you moan.
nanami was a packer, it was really no secret. he had some girth along with the sides of staggering tall inches. you never give any other customers this kind of treatment so you wondered what made him so different.
nanami’s charm for one, and his adorable awkwardness drew you closer to him … teaching him how to touch you, how to feel you up in all the right ways made you throb regardless.
he sucks his teeth at the curt tightness that made an appearance. you’re getting a front row view of his russet blown irises rolling alllll the way back.
just a few solid inches and he was already drunk from your cunt. a hand trails its way toward the center of your ass - tenderly caressing it from top to bottom as if it was heart shaped.
“ugh, s- so goooood.” he drags out his words, delving his cock more into you. you’re slow, making sure he feels every part. the music grows louder, but even still, it’s like it was just you and him in the room.
the saturated squelches rang and reverb through the thin walls of the vip room - flashing flashy lights creating a type of pearly flash against the rhinestones that stuck against your half-on outfit. nanami’s hands resume to roam and wander everywhere, not missing a single spot of your curves. he was a thorough man.
a very thorough man,
once he’s fully in though, you hear a raspy pant get snatched out of his throat. nanami was finished, you defeated him with ease as if your cunt was the opponent. the second your hips start to rock against him, he’s already groaning. it felt too good. your pussy .. the insides, the heat.
if you squint enough, you could see a bit of drool pouring out of his mouth. “you’re messy,” you tease, leaning in to kiss the side of his lip. he grunts from the simple touch, feeling you dig your knees into his thighs for support. “does it feel good, ‘ken?”
“y- yeah, sweetheart,” he murmurs in a husky tone, eyes half open and a crooked pussy-drunken grin. again, his adam’s apple bobs and you shiver from a brief sensation of frigidness. the cold band of his pricey watch brushes up against your waist. you’re rutting your hips further into him, grinding slowly. nanami’s already feral - and for whatever reason, every time he addresses you as his ‘sweetheart’ it makes you pulsate. “so good, make me feel so mhm, good.”
“touch me more, ‘s okay,” you whisper, hearing his breathing pick up from your words. he was already sensitive and the sweet melodies of your voice was just enough to send him over.
nanami’s hesitant but you reassure him you want to feel his big hands slide down your luscious hips. you want him to guide your hips, you want nanami kento just as much as he wanted you.
maybe this was unprofessional and maybe, just maybe your boss would kill you, but you could honestly care less.
all you cared about was fact you were about to cream all down his thickset cock. your legs zealously rattle against his the more your body rocked. your hips fully matched the beats of the blaring song that played on the broken speakers. and god, you looked so pretty like this. hovering over him, a bill sticking out of your bedazzled bra.
nanami gruffly grunts, feeling his hefty base stick and smack against your ass. each thrust into you was so sloppy, so nasty, he was about to get milked. strands of cum stuck against your ass, occasionally departing as you lift yourself up and down, bounce after bounce.
he licks his lips at the thought, the thought of pumping his entire load into you raw.
“should have came here a l- long time ago,” he confessed, starting to come to the sheer realization that maybe satoru did him a favor. recommending him to one of the top strip clubs in the city. if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t be here right now. he wouldn’t be inside, inside of you, stirring and churning up your insides like butter. “fuck, ‘m gonna c- cum, baby. think ‘m gonna cum.”
leaning up against his ear, you slowly lick a stripe near his neck. “it’s okay, you can shoot inside.”
your words made him hard - harder than he already was.
you felt the sporadic twitch of his cock inside of your goopy cunt the moment you whine your last pre-orgasm words. nanami’s panting heavily, two bare hands gripped onto your waist like velcro. the room started to get cooler and he sighs deeply. “r- really?” he huffs, taken aback. he leaned into your touch, feeling your ass continue to throw itself back forward into him.
each time, every single time,
it makes his ears ring, his teeth shatter, his mouth growing ajar.
nodding, you kiss near his chin, a few blond strands from his stubble gliding against your lips. “yeah, give it to me kento. don’t miss, ‘s okay, promise.”
“o- okay, ‘m not gonna miss, princess,” he swallows thickly. his thighs ached from underneath you. nanami literally couldn’t keep his hands off you. with the stumpy tips of his fingers gently digging into your waist, he groans.
it’s raspy, sloppy thrusts rut back onto him, ricocheting against his skin before within seconds, he came.
nanami’s brain short circuits as he’s emitting another thick load - this time, inside of you.
it’s gooey, sticky and hot, oozing into the very depths of your cunt, dribbling all from the inside. it shoots way up into your womb and you moan, gently biting into his neck. your teeth pierce into him skin softly and he grunts. “good girl, g-good,” he croaks, feeling your body weakly judder into him at full force. he’s short circuiting, feeling such amounts trickle into your sopping pussy. it’s so much that a few of it starts to pour near the sides of your thighs. plugged enough as you were, you suck against his neck in an attempt to suppress your whiney moans. “goddamn, ‘s much. saved so much for you.”
you were so close to him that you felt the numerous beats of his heart pulse against you.
his warmth, nanami wraps a beefy arm around you, pulling you close. still, he’s got his cock buried into your cunt as if it was a coffin, the stretchy clingy grip you’ve got on him has him in a chokehold. a single hand of nanami’s grabs the fat of your ass, giving it a firm squeeze before spanking it.
“you’re getting handsy,” you tease him, peppering a few kisses near the bridge of his nose. if you screw your eyes close enough, you could make out a few tiny freckles scattered across his face. “i think we’re gonna close soon, though.”
“oh r- right,” he swallows, glancing down at his designer quartz watch. in a deep voice, he lets off a throaty chortle and a cheeky expression. “ah, it’s almost midnight,” and he knows he has to pay you. he’d never forget. the man reaches into his dress shirt, pulling out his wallet before letting off a shaky sigh. “how much are your usual dances, princess?”
with a sly expression, you stroke a thumb against his chin, taking in his naturally pretty features. nanami was so handsome, especially up close.
he keeps eye contact with you, still having you stuffed full of inches. “i usually charge around twenty.”
quickly, his voice softens. you gasp once he picks you up bridal style, and he pulls out three sets of hundred dollar bills. the most expensive thing though was his smile, because he was whipped out of his mind. you could tell he wanted more.
“how much to take you home with me then?” and you hear a shuffle, he brings his pants back up to his waistline with one hand before pressing a kiss near your forehead. “i can treat you right. besides, i wanna .. spoil you after tonight,” and his voice remained smooth. “i’ll even give you a nice massage,” and he sticks more money right between your bra, still a jittery shake in his tone.
you watch as nanami still has you in his arms, bringing a thumb toward your shimmery cum-filled cunt before swabbing a nice amount of it onto his finger. with hazed eyes, he licks his thumb right off, savoring the taste before speaking in a seemingly teasing tone, still panting. “i’ve always been pretty good with my hands, sweetheart.”
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ghouljams · 2 months
Piercer!König who is sure he must have the wrong name when you stand up from the waiting room couch in your pretty dress. All white with little pink flowers, it barely scrapes mid thigh, innocent and yet... he can see the little pebble of piercings under the top. The thin fabric doing nothing to hide the piercings bracketing your nipples, and the fact that you aren't wearing a bra. Naughty little thing. You must want him to see them. He checks the sheet on his clipboard again, his eyes flitting over the words "vertical clitoral hood piercing." You smile up at him with every sweetness, and König feels as if his stare may bore straight through you. Predatory to anyone who knew better.
He ushers you back to his room and gets started setting up his piercing tray as you settle on the padded table. He glances over his shoulder at you, and you fix him with another smile. "You can undress." He tells you, looking back at his work. There's a very brief sound of shuffling before it stops, and the table creaks. König looks back at you again and finds you fully clothed still, your underwear neatly folded beside you. That won't do at all. "Dress too," he nods. Your uncertainty writes itself over your face, and he feigns ignorance, compassion. "I'd like to check your other piercings as well, see if you need to change the jewelry."
"Oh," your lips part around the sound, König wonders what they'd look like wrapped around his cock, "Alright then." You reach behind you to untie the thin straps behind your back that hold the dress together and tug the fabric up over your head. König feels his breath catch, held tighter with each inch of skin you reveal. If he'd hoped for more piercings littering your body he's sorely mistaken. Your nipples are pierced, he'd already seen those, but past that... You're practically a virgin. No other piercings he can see. He can't wait to get his hands on you.
"Lay back on the table," he voice feels rough, his eyes following the movement of your legs as you slip them onto the table. He snaps the black nitrile gloves onto his hands as he steps closer, runs them over your legs as you part them. You're so easy for him, so willing to spread your legs at the slightest touch. And such a pretty pussy. König runs his thumb up your slit, spreads your folds with his fingers and pinches your clit.
"Why do you want this piercing?" König asks, watching you giggle as he rubs over your clit.
"Sort of a joke, helping guys find it, y'know?" Your voice is so sweet. He wonders how many men have failed you, if any at all have. His thick finger slips over your entrance and he mumbles a soft apology when you gasp.
"I've never had any trouble," he mutters.
"I mean, I hope so, since that's what you're piercing." You joke. König hums, rolls his thumb over your clit to watch you shiver. Proof positive he supposes. "What-" he shushes you, rubbing your clit until you try to close your legs, then König is wrenching them open. He coos down at you, raising to hold your shoulder with his free hand, keeping you pinned to the table as you squirm.
"Need to get it hard for piercing," he smiles behind his mask watching you nod. What a stupid thing you are, still spreading your legs for him. König circles his fingers over your clit, watching you squirm and buck into his hand. He tugs his mask down when it's clear you're not going to try and get off the table, leaning to latch his lips around your nipple as he pushes one thick finger into your pretty cunt. He'll just make you come once or twice, then he'll get you pierced. Just once or twice.
Maybe three times if he's still feeling mean.
And once on his cock, just because you won't be fucking anyone for a few weeks with your new piercing...
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criminalamnesia · 5 months
that 141 x reader you just did was so good! i need to know what happens next. like after reader is better, do they stay in the military? stay in 141? or do they take a discharge? I’m not the original ask but it was just so good.
love your writing btw!
thank you! here’s part two :)
you were beginning to hate the infirmary.
the white walls. the moans of pain. the smell of bleach and blood.
the reminder of why you were here. of who put you here.
your friends. your family. your team. john. johnny. kyle. simon.
you’d told the doctor to not let your teammates in, and she had tried, but there was only so much she could do. she couldn’t monitor the door all the time, and so a week after waking up from your coma, john price is sitting at your beside once again.
his hands are clasped together, knuckles white with the intensity of his grip. he’s leaning forward, elbows resting on the bed, hands under his chin. his position conveys his regret and worry. he looks like he should be in church, knelt between the pews and spewing silent prayers to a god that isn’t listening.
you haven’t spoken to him since he sat down ten minutes ago. the second you saw him step inside the infirmary, you knew he was there for you. there to try and speak to you, to apologize.
fuck him and his apologies.
you turned your head to the side, eyes staring at the white curtain separating your bed from the next. you studied the stitching while you listened to him breathe next to you. he hadn’t spoken either— just sat down and watched you.
it made your skin crawl, how he thought this was okay. how he thought this would be the way to get back into your good graces.
he clears his throat then, a sound you’ve heard a million times before. it makes you want to gag now.
“love,” his voice is soft, caring. you want to hit him in the jaw.
“can we talk? please?”
you don’t turn over, don’t even spare him a glance. you keep your gaze trained on the curtain. the only giveaway that he has your attention is the fists you clench at your sides.
he takes the silence as an invitation, that bastard.
“what happened—” he begins, then grunts. stops. takes a second, then begins again.
“what we did,” he says, and you roll your eyes. “it wasn’t right. the intel was from a trusted source. we—” he sighs then, and you can tell he’s rubbing his temple. he did that when he was stressed. when he was anxious.
“we were wrong to believe them over you, love. and im— im sorry.”
silence ensues. you don’t give him any indication that you’ve heard what he said. he sighs again, inhaling deeply.
“you’re still part of this team. johnny and gaz, they’ve been sitting outside this damn room like sentries. can barely pry ‘em away for drills.” he chuckles then, but it’s sad. pitiful. mournful.
“there’s nothing we can do to make this right,” he tells you. you’re still mulling over what he said about johnny and gaz. still hung up on the fact that he didn’t mention simon at all.
simon, who did the most damage to you, both psychologically and physically. simon, who shared your bed. simon.
simon, who is too much of a coward to face you for his crimes.
“but we want to try,” price is speaking again. “if you’ll let us.”
he stops talking. waits a beat, then two. then, you hear his chair scrape. he’s getting up, and that’s when you turn your head to face him.
he looks bad. bags under the eyes, skin pale, beard overgrown. you think he deserves this. deserves worse than this. his eyes meet yours, and they widen the tiniest bit at the attention you’re showing him.
your voice is full of venom as you speak.
“nothing,” you seethe, angry tears blurring your vision. “will ever undo what you did to me. what he did to me.”
price knows you’re talking about simon. the whole team knew you were a thing. hell, when they’d strapped you to that chair and debated who would ‘interrogate’ you, they hadn’t even thought to include simon. why would he want to torture the person he loved?
to their surprise, he had volunteered to take point.
“when i get out of this bed,” you continue. “im gone. and i never, never, want to see any of you again, or else im putting a fucking bullet between your eyes.”
the captain doesn’t speak. you can see the remorse on his face. you couldn’t care less about his feelings.
he gives a short nod, and without another word, he turns and leaves the room.
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after john’s visit, no one else tries to visit you. you no longer catch glimpses of kyle or johnny outside the infirmary door. you’re glad they’re starting to get the hint.
but you’re still getting flowers. you don’t know where they’re coming from. sometimes they’re dropped off by a nurse, other times they appear in the morning after a restless sleep. there’s never a note. never anything to suggest who would be leaving them.
you know it’s one of the 141, but you don’t know exactly who. you feel certain it’s not simon.
but, unbeknownst to you, it is him. he knows you don’t want to see him— to see any of them. price had told them all about what you’d said to him during your talk.
price had also told them that he’d already started preparing your transfer papers. that had caused an uproar from soap, who’d quickly been quieted by a saddened price.
simon had expected it. expected worse, actually. he knew that if the roles had been reversed, he wouldn’t have been as merciful as you. it made him hate what they’d done to you so much more.
there had been the tiniest doubt in his mind when all the evidence pointed to you. he hadn’t believed it at first— and then things became damning. everything pointed to you. trusted sources were pointing their fingers at you, and everyone listened. he had listened.
he had volunteered to torture you because he’d been angry. rage he hadn’t felt in years bubbled to the surface of his skin, and he wanted to tear you limb from limb. how dare you come into their lives— his life— and betray them so substantially?
simon didn’t trust easily. he was battered and broken and scarred. shattered and malformed pieces hastily glued back together. he let the team in. let you in. let you see his face. let you into his bed. let you into his fucking heart.
and you turned around and drove a dagger into him. or so he thought.
he thought his anger and actions had been justified. thought he was doing the world a favor by butchering you. but he was wrong. the team was wrong.
he finds himself regretting how he hadn’t listened to your pleas, but there’s nothing he can do about it now.
he knows the chances of you forgiving him, of letting him back into your life, are slim to none. but how could he not at least try?
you’d know each other for years. been together for years. all of it thrown away because he still knew the hurt of betrayal all too well. because it was too easy to fall back into the mindset that it was him against everyone. that the only person he knew, the only one he could rely on, was himself.
so he left flowers. your favorite ones. and he did so without making you face him, without apologizing or groveling. it was the least he owed you.
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a month after your coma, you were finally allowed out of the infirmary. you were still healing, skin still tender and bruised. pink, jagged scars lining your skin; eternal reminders of the pain you’d been subjected to.
you’d been given a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, which you’d pulled on with much fuss. every time you struggled or stumbled, you found yourself getting angry. angry at the men who did this to you.
the anger was going to eat you alive, at least that’s what the psychologist that had been dropping by to see you had said. she’d told you you need to let it go, and you’d laughed in her face.
how do you let something like this go?
you didn’t know. you didn’t think you were strong enough to do that. not a good enough person to forgive the men that had carved into you.
once you had dressed, you shuffled out into the hallway. you’d profusely denied an escort, and the doctor had reluctantly acquiesced. she’d let you go, with just the promise that you’d keep your iv hooked in.
so here you were, trudging down the halls of the base, iv pole rattling along behind you.
you could feel eyes on you, but no one dared to get too close. you were glad. you didn’t want more empty apologies and sympathetic words.
you still remembered the way to price’s office like the back of your hand. you doubted you’d ever forget it.
time and time again you’d found yourself here. sometimes, getting reprimanded. others, congratulated. a few times you’d shown up in tears, and price had let you in without a word.
now you were standing outside his door, trying to contain the rage in your veins.
you raised a hand. knocked once, firm and loud.
“come in!” price called from inside.
you were already twisting the door knob, pushing into the room.
your eyes found price first. he was leaning against his desk, arms crossed over his chest. his hat was absent from his head, instead resting beside him on the desk.
and then you noticed simon.
he was wearing all black. his hands were covered, bones decorating the black gloves. gloves you’d seen many times before. gloves that had been pressed to gunshots, trying to stop the bleeding.
the lower half of his face was covered, allowing you to see from his eyes up. his sandy blonde hair was ruffled.
you quickly turned your attention back to price.
“love, what are you doin’ here? you should be in bed—” he began, but you waved a hand as you stepped further into the room. you pulled your iv pole in behind you, then kicked the door shut.
“don’t talk, just listen. i still mean what i said when you came to visit. the only reason im here right now is because you haven’t put in for my fucking transfer.” you hissed.
the captain’s eyes widened, his face taking on a sheepish expression at the revelation that he’d been caught. simon stood quietly beside him, eyes trained on you. you ignored him.
“love, i didn’t want to do anything before you were ready—” he began. you cut him off.
“bullshit! you didn’t want to do anything because you don’t want me to leave. you want me to forgive you, right? hear you all out? come back and be a happy little family again?”
the room fell eerily silent as you stared at the captain. your heart was roaring in your ears.
“put in the fucking transfer, john.” you finished.
he reluctantly nodded. he inhaled, his eyes glancing at his lieutenant briefly, before he spoke again.
“of course, love. ‘m sorry.”
you didn’t say anything else. you turned to go, your back to the men, when simon’s voice cut through the air.
“you should be respectful to your captain, sergeant.”
you froze as you took in his words. was he fucking serious?
you didn’t turn around. you trained your eyes on the door as you spoke words through gritted teeth.
“you should watch your tongue, lieutenant, before I fucking cut it off.”
with that, you pulled open the door and stepped into the hallway, slamming it loudly behind you.
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author’s note:
apologies for the wait! I hope everyone enjoyed! (this is being posted before proofreading, so I hope it’s okay— I’ll read through it later, it’s just late and im tired lol)
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fairy-angel222 · 5 months
𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑’𝐒 𝐀 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
—the popular trio at school seem to have a thing for you
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pairing: gojo x fem! reader x geto x shoko
content: smut, foursome, mommy kink, daddy kink, oral (givin n receiving), double penetration, all holes stuffed, choking, pet names, praise, spit, use of strap on, fingering
wc: 2.5k
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Gojo, Geto and Shoko always had a soft spot for you. Despite being the popular group of the school, they always wanted to be by you. To hold your hands or place small kisses to your lips when you least expected it. You were just so cute. And the trio couldn’t help but to love you, crave you, need you. That is why when Shoko invited you over, you thought nothing of it. Accepting the invitation with that pretty little smile of yours.
Until you found yourself laying naked on her bed. Your head in her lap as she kissed down your neck. A wide grin on her face at the small whimpers bubbling in your throat. Gojo kissed down your chest, his smirk never faltering as he sucked your nipple into his mouth, swirling his warm tongue around it. You let out a soft moan, your hands finding their way to grip onto white strands when he let go of the pert bud with a pop.
Gojo continued kissing down your stomach, his hands on your hips as he reached your puffy folds. The man chuckled, “so wet for us already, hmm?” Your face flushed, the room seeming to only get hotter when Gojo licked a stripe up your pussy. You moaned loudly when he began to lap at your wetness, his tongue switching between dipping into your hole and flicking at your sensitive clit.
Shoko cooed, running her hand through your hair as you whimpered and moaned. A loud mewl falling past your parted lips when he thrusted two fingers into you, curling the long joints so that they pressed against your gummy spot with each movement.
“You sound so pretty baby, taking his tongue so well. Open sweetheart.” she smiled when you complied, your mouth parting wider as you allowed her spit to hit your tongue. A soft groan leaving her mouth as she watched you swallow, running her finger along your bottom lip to wipe off your drool mixed with her spit.
Lewd squelching filled the room when he thrusted his fingers even harder into you, his mouth latched onto your clit as he sucked. You began to moan loudly, your thighs twitching as they threatened to close. Gojo scowled against your skin, biting down softly while using his free hand to shove your legs back open. “Behave.”
Your eyes filled with pleasurable tears. Your toes curling and your legs getting shaky as you felt the coil in your stomach intensify. Moaning uncontrollably as your hips lifted off of the bed. Shoko’s hand caressed your cheek, “look at you, gonna cum baby? Go ahead and make a mess for us yeah.”
You let out a broken mewl, crawling away from the torture of Gojo’s hot tongue before a hand around your neck held you still. “Be a good girl and take it baby. You’re almost there.” Shoko encouraged, her hold on your neck tightening as she watched your eyes roll back. Your mouth hung open in pretty cries as you squirted. Long fingers still thrusting into you despite the flow of your wetness.
Gojo’s tongue lapped up your sweetness, groaning against you as he drowned in the gushing liquid. You panted as you came down from your high, your bruising grip on his hair loosening for your hands to fall at your sides instead.
Shoko leaned down to peck your lips, a smile on her face as her small hand left your neck. “Did so well, hmm, you want him to fuck you?” She teased with a smirk. Your breathing still heavy as you nodded. Her head tilted, “Gonna have to do better than that sweetheart.”
“P-please.. please fuck me.” You begged softly. She looked at you to continue, “What else..?”
You gulped softly, “Please— daddy, p-please fuck me.”
Gojo smirked, “As you wish.”
You yelped as you were roughly flipped onto your hands and knees. Shoko smirking as she spread her legs in front of you. You let out a whimper, feeling Gojo rub his thick tip along the slit of your leaking pussy, Shoko bringing your face down to hers at the same time.
Shoko whimpered when your muffled moan sent vibrations through her clit. Your warm tongue beginning to lick up between her sopping folds, a loud incoherent cry slipping past your lips when Gojo bullied his entire length past your tightness. His hips molding perfectly with the flesh of your ass.
Gojo threw his head back with a loud grunt, his fingers digging into your fleshy hips as he rutted into you, his fat veiny cock grazing your sweet spot with every roll of his hips. You let out a string of babbled moans into Shoko’s wet pussy, slowing the movement of your tongue as your hands gave way beneath you. Using them to grip her soft thighs with your chest flat on the sheets.
Shoko began to grind her hips against your tongue, high pitched moans leaving her mouth as she used her hands to shove your face even deeper. Her slick coating your nose down to your chin as you curled your tongue inside her.
“F-fuck— baby, your tongue feels so good.” she moaned out, her legs trembling when you inserted a much too short finger inside of her. Just knowing that it was you in between her thighs was enough for her, she had already been imagining it for so long.
You only moaned in response, your tongue swirling around her clit as Gojo continued his merciless pace, the loud slamming of his hips echoing off the walls of the brunette’s room. “You’re so fucking tight, shit— squeezing me like a fucking vice.”
You whimpered and cried into her slit, Gojo’s cock hitting deep inside you as he bounced his hips off the fat of your ass. “Taking me so well, go good for daddy and mommy— yeah baby?” your pussy clenched at the praise, your eyes closing and your tongue losing its rhythm as you licked at her wetness in random motions.
“Would you look at that. Hottest thing a man could walk into.” A deep voice groaned. Geto leaning against the frame of the door, a particular purple item hanging from his long fingers.
Shoko’s head shot up, making contact with it purple as another moan left her. “T-took you long enough.”
Geto rolled his eyes, peeling off his shirt to expose rock hard abs as he stalked toward the bed. Throwing the long strap to Shoko before taking a seat near your head. His hand combed your hair back softly, a smirk on his face as you looked up at him through your lashes.
Shoko cursed, her eyes rolling back as her thighs squeezed around the sides of your neck. Her body trembling as her hips arched up into your mouth. “Fuck baby— mommy’s gonna cum for you. So good.” she cried out, her pussy tightening around your curled finger as she gushed onto your awaiting tongue.
“Awww, you look so cute baby.” Shoko squealed, stretching to take her phone on her nightstand before snapping a picture of your drenched face.
You let out a loud whine, feeling your orgasm wash over you as your body shook. Burying your head into the sheets only to have it yanked up by Geto with a warning look on his face. “Nngh— d-daddy.” Your cry had the man swallowing hard, standing up to discard his sweats and reveal his standing dick. His large hand beginning to fist it at the same pace you were being fucked.
Gojo’s hand found its way to your clit, rubbing small circles until you were babbling chants of his name loudly. “Come on sweetheart, cum for us.”
You didn’t need anything else to let go, your legs going weak as you gushed around the man’s cock. Your constantly flowing slick threatening to push it out. Gojo’s abs tensed, abruptly pulling out in an attempt to stop himself from breeding you full.
Your breathing was rapid as you calmed yourself down, blurred eyes watching with a whimper as Shoko finished strapping on the monster of a fake cock.
“We’re not done with you yet.” Geto’s deep voice rumbled out, his tip red and leaking as he single handedly lifted you out of your position. His thick muscles flexing as he forced your smaller frame into the one he desired.
Geto kneeled on the bed, your legs spread onto his arms as he held you up against him. Your back pressed flatly onto his broad chest with his soft lips kissing down your neck. “Ready baby?”
You nodded, feeling Geto’s dick collect your wetness from between your folds before lining up with your ass. “This is gonna sting okay?” You let out a silent scream as he forced his thick girth into you. Your ass stretching to accommodate him as he bottomed out.
Your small hand gripped onto his arm, tears falling onto your pretty cheeks when he began bouncing you on his cock. His tip reaching deep in your guts as you tried to take it all. “H-hurts— “ you whimpered, small sniffles filling their ears as you let your head fall onto his shoulder.
“Shhh baby, it’s gonna feel better soon.” He whispered, nodding to Shoko who crawled over to you immediately.
Shoko kneeled in front of you opposite Geto. Using her fingers to gather your slick before stroking the purple toy and lining it up with your fluttering pussy. Your eyes widened, shaking your head warily as more tears welled in your eyes. “I can’t— i can’t take it,”
Shoko frowned, her other hand caressing your face before gripping your cheeks. “Come on baby, do it for me okay? Make mommy and your daddies proud yeah?”
Your lips quivered as you nodded slowly, Shoko’s frown turning into a grin as he lined herself up with your cunt once more. You let out a short scream as the dildo pushed into you, feeling the two cocks pressing against each other in the middle. they were both so deep. Your mouth hung open in loud mewls and cries as they found a steady rhythm.
Shoko roughly thrusting into you every time Geto pulled you off his cock. Then Geto slamming you harshly back down once Shoko pulled out. You were a mess, being roughly ravished on two thick, long dicks as you moaned out their names.
Gojo’s hand gripped your neck softly, turning your head towards him as he placed the tip of his fiery red cock against your lips. You opened eagerly, running your tongue from his tip to his base along the vein. Gojo groaned when you took him down your throat, breathing through your nose as your lips touched his pelvic region.
“Holy f- fuck— who taught you how to- fuck.” You looked up at him with innocent eyes through wet lashes, bobbing your head up and down while swirling your tongue sloppily around his tip. Gojo’s face was reddened as he groaned loudly. His hands falling to his sides as he began to thrust his hips into your mouth, your tongue still pressing against the vein’s length.
Geto grunted as you clenched down impossibly harder onto him, his eyes finding Shoko’s who watched you with pure desire. Geto smirked, leaning forward over your shoulder to latch his mouth onto Shoko’s breast, his teeth lightly grazing her nipple as she moaned loudly.
“F-fuck— don’t stop.” She groaned, her fingers tangling in Geto’s hair as he continued his pleasurable torture. You let out a muffled whimper onto Gojo’s cock. Drool sputtering past your lips as he held you down against his white pubes.
Loud noises filled the room as sweaty bodies rubbed up against each other. Geto groaning around Shoko’s perky nipple every time you tightened around him. Shoko’s head thrown back with her hand in Geto’s hair as she kept up her rough pace of fucking into your sopping cunt.
Gojo’s mouth opened in short curses and grunts as he fucked your warm throat, your lips puffy and swollen around his throbbing length.
“Nngh— ‘m gonna c-cum,” you let out an incoherent mumbled cry, black clouding your vision as a slender finger reached down to rub your clit. It was too much, the pleasure was so intense. Your tears stained your flushed cheeks as you were fucked to your high. Your jaw slackening around Gojo in an attempt to moan out freely.
The hands in your hair tightened, Gojo using your throat as his personal flesh light while the other two rocked you on their cock like a tight pocket pussy. You let out a mewl, your body trembling as you let your orgasm wash over you. Your brain empty and your head fuzzy as you came. Clenching down hard on both ends as you drooled onto your tits.
“F-fuck, come on baby, give it to us.” Geto groaned.
You let out a string of high pitched broken cries, your body now shaking as your cunt gushed once more unto Shoko’s thighs and the bed below, the mere pressure so close to pushing her strap out of you. “Good fucking girl,” Shoko cooed, slowing down her pace before pulling out of you. Your pussy fluttering at the new found emptiness.
Gojo’s thrusting stilled, holding you tight against the base of his cock as he spilled into your throat. You gagged slightly, coughing as you felt the thick liquid go down.
Geto let out the loudest groan, his head thrown back as he bounced you even more roughly on his cock. “Fuck—“ he grunted, his thrusts sloppy as he allowed ropes of his hot cum to spurt into your ass.
Pulling out of you, Geto allowed your legs to fall limply onto the bed, his arms now wrapped around your waist as he held you onto him. Gojo sat next to him, placing your wobbly legs onto his lap while Shoko sat in front of you, placing kisses to your face as she smiled teasingly, telling you about how good you were.
“Such a good girl for us, so cute. Took us all so well, hmm.” she hummed, snuggling her face between your breasts making the two men laugh as you giggled.
Geto’s hot breath fanned against your ear. Gojo’s hand running over your legs as he let his head rest onto Geto’s broad shoulder. “I would suggest we all shower together but I know that no showering would take place.” Geto laughed, placing a wet kiss onto your forehead while Gojo placed small kisses to your cheek.
“Can’t wait to do this again, and again, until you can no longer walk.” Gojo grinned. “Gonna mold you to take our cocks and our cocks only. Ruin you for anyone else.”
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lovelyghst · 5 months
craving consensual somno with (slightly intoxicated) simon riley and his (extremely heavy sleeper) girl. take this as ur warnings.
just him coming home late at night as usual, the bourbon in his system keeping him loosened up and tranquil, yet ever so cognizant as he enters your shared bedroom. those familiar creepy-crawlies invading his stomach with boyish excitement to see you, and quickly turning towards his dick when he lays eyes on your pretty body.
it’s nearly a routine at this point; you purposely fall asleep in these skimpy, two-piece pajamas, usually some sort of small berries, cherries, or flowers adorning the thin, white fabric that leaves little to the imagination, knowing it’ll get him all worked up. the curtains are left pulled and the door cracked open, you kick the covers off and lay with a pillow hugged tightly in your arms beneath you to give him the best view; infinite signs telling him you want it just as bad as he does. it is routine, but it gets so him riled up, each and every time.
he trudges over, as quietly as the tipsy man can manage to the end of your bed, and with tunnel-vision on your exposed thighs. even his jaw fallen slack just a bit in hunger. desperate to get his hands on you after being apart for so long, and wanting to soothe that ache in his cock he hadn’t even realized he was palming through his jeans.
you barely stir when he kneels on the foot of the bed, and neither when he crawls above you and places a kiss right behind your ear.
he presses a cold palm to your shoulder, attempting to urge you onto your back to give him a visual of your features. to let him see your curves in the raw moonlight, how the dainty material of your pajamas becomes a tad bit see-through around your tits and incidentally rides up past your bellybutton, endless thoughts running through his dazed mind as he eventually manages to flip you over successfully.
though, your sleepy hum suddenly alerts him to a standstill, his worst nightmare being to wake you from your serene rest. not now, anyway.
“shhh, sweetheart,” he gently coaxes you, and he can’t help the grin spanning his lips when you mumble the first syllable of his name in that questioning, dreamy tone. he clears fallen hair from your face, slipping his pillow from your grasp as he mutters, “yeah, dovie, s’only me. you’re okay, you’re safe… jus’ go back to sleep for me, now.”
your unconscious mind obeys like clockwork, the smallest of smiles curling your lip corners in contentment, and it’s only a matter of seconds before he’s returning to his endeavors.
kissing all across your exposed collarbone, thoughtlessly slipping a finger or two beneath the strap of your little pajama shirt and carefully allowing it to glide down your shoulder as he repeats the process on the other side. peppering kisses to your soft skin, before rolling the fabric upward from the bottom so he can properly pay attention to the rest of your chest and tummy.
lips grazing your sternum with short, controlled breaths fanning your sensitive parts; aware of how easily ticklish you are and attempting not to light that fuse, equally straining himself in not turning too feverish as he takes your hardened nipple in his mouth and paws at the other in his hand.
he works his way down slowly but surely, until he’s pulling your shorts off with tender hands and unveiling your bare, soaked pussy, and he can’t even think to suppress the low groan pushed from his lungs at the sight in front of him. he inches forward with nearly crossed eyes, taking incisive ministrations in lifting your legs up and over his back.
your breathing hitches a bit in your slumber when he licks an almost reluctant yet long stripe from your hole to your clit, unable to give himself a moment to savor it before he’s diving back in for more.
“missed this pretty, little cunt on my tongue, baby… christ,” he chuckles lightly to himself, “good girl’s gonna be the death o’ me.”
he sloppily makes-out with your pussy, any and all devotions of rhythm and precision thrown far from his intentions. he only gets to be selfish when he has you like this, and he’d be damned if he doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity as it’s laid out on his bed. moaning at your wetness and taste, how your pussy drools for more and coats his chin with a slick he devours like a madman deprived.
the small whines you make in your sleep are nothing but precious to simon, burning them into his brain like any other occasion he’s pulled them from your lips. saving them for the later times like when he’s a thousand miles away, locked away in some office, and can’t possibly bring himself to bother you with a pestering, horny phone call.
you turn your head to the side with a hum, empty hands reaching for any semblance of comfort on your abdomen, which rather concerns him for a moment until he realizes just what you want.
he gives you one of his hands and you blindly accept it, wrapping your smaller fingers around his wrist and thumb to pull the appendage closer. resting just below your ribcage, satisfied and holding it close like you would a teddy bear.
“sweet thing… always loved this perfect pussy,” he mumbles right up against your warmth, quiet as to not disrupt your blissful obliviousness in your sleep. he’s utterly drunk on you and your taste, and the alcohol he had beforehand certainly contributes to his filthy, forward language.
“how easy y’get on my mouth, ‘nd yet how tight you are around my cock… fuckin’ hell—”
he watches intently as the tips of his fingers delve between your folds, gradually disappearing whilst your chest begins to heave a little heavier; a faint, broken noise of pleasure omitting straight from your throat. tightening around his digits as he pushes them further in, just as you do wrapped around his cock when you’re conscious.
he’s not thinking straight; he’s merely experimenting with you as he curls his fingers upward, prodding at that gummy spot in your cunt and greedily sucking on your clit to push you over. toying with you, rather, because the face you make when you’re first emerged from your slumber with a mind-shattering orgasm is truly priceless.
your eyes snap open as you come around his digits, squeezing his hands tight with your vision going blank. the high is strong but you don’t allow it to last very long when the dots in your brain are connecting, turning you all excited for the implications of it all.
erratically catching your breath with a huge grin on your face, matching his as he comes up to greet you. he’s stupid, shamelessly drunk on your taste, and it radiates from his expression as if he just witnessed a star being born right before his muddy eyes.
you haven’t a clue what just happened, but you fucking loved every sober second of it.
and before you know it, he’s coming back up to meet your lips with his own, which you graciously accept, taste of slick and alcohol and all. humming as he slips his greedy hands upward and behind your back, giggling when he impatiently flips over on his back and hauls you with him. til you’re curled up by his side, halfway on his chest whilst one leg slips between both of his bulky ones.
“i‘m glad you’re home…” nearly a pout, “really missed you, si.”
you’re the first one to speak, quietly, sincere as ever as you examine his pretty face. the faint bags beneath his lids, the wetness that sticks to his dirty-blond stubble. his rough and gruff exterior that hides behind it a boy who’s absolutely and utterly whipped for you.
“that right?” he taunts, eyes remaining shut. “and my tongue, i bet?”
you shy away with a laugh. he won’t remember these words in the morning, but you’ve always loved how cocky and brazen he gets with a couple of drinks running through his blood.
“i missed all of you...”
his eyes barely have to open for him to effectively, and lovingly, judge you with a mere glance. it’s one of his talents.
“some parts more than others, clearly.”
“that’s not true,” you contest, but the humorous hesitancy and sheepishness in your voice tells him otherwise.
“sure, baby, sure.” he takes a moment to breathe, overtly proud of himself. “y’missed my mouth, n’ my hands. even with how rough they are with ya sometimes, yeah?” you hide your flushed face in his neck with a groan, praying this embarrassment is short-lived though preparing for the worst as you feel his lips inch closer to your ear.
“prob’ly missed me fuckin’ my cock into that tight, little cunt—”
“okay, fine!” you finally admit and pull away defensively, slapping his chest but only earning a laugh from him. “but i definitely don’t miss that dirty brain of yours, you big dog.”
“you love me anyway,” he states, matter-of-factly.
you give a big smooch to his forehead, then the bridge of his nose, and then down to his lips, which he returns.
“i do. a lot,” you add and he hums, feeling fulfilled.
and, oh, he’s so fulfilled with you. you take care of him by allowing him to take care of you, and it’s a two-way street. you ground each other whilst never forcing one to tether themself to earth.
you sit up to fix your top, smoothing over the fabric and shrugging the straps back into place. shimmying back into your shorts when you catch a glimpse of the large man’s dark jeans contrasting your light sheets, belt buckle glimmering in the corner of your eye.
“simon, honey, you need to change before you—”
you look over and are suddenly forced to stifle a giggle when you discover that the poor man has fallen asleep, a droopy smile still ornamenting his slick-covered face. taking your hand and swiping the apple of his cheek with your thumb, you’re pleased when he doesn’t budge one bit. dragging it downwards past his muscled chest and abdomen, landing just beneath his leather belt.
your fingertips trace his hard-on over the jeans, knowing you can’t just leave him like this, all aching and pent up and too exhausted to do anything about it himself.
maybe you could do him a favor and return the sweet gesture? <3
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atyourmerci · 2 months
I don’t care that you’re a stoner
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Dr. A.A
CW: smut, MDNI, dom!abby, mean!abby, sub!reader, light bondage (belt), tribbing brrr, talks of strap usage, tribbing breeding kink brrr, degradation, fingering, cum play
A/N: this is technically a drabble but I gave it a title bc that’s what Chappell deserves
Why Dr. Anderson decided to come to you, your pathetic excuse of an ‘office’ instead of your usual frequent visits to hers, was beyond you. Following her around like a dog to her every beck and call. Having to call her doctor since she insisted on getting her doctorate in finance…fucking prick.
Even your credentials, your place in the hierarchy of the company didn’t exclude you from being her little bitch. She seldom gave you the decency of just looking at you when you did her dirty work. Filing her papers, calling her clients, getting her coffee, black of course, like she would drink anything with an ounce of happiness.
She never thanked you. She made it clear where you stood to her, below her. A bleeding, breathing, able-minded body. It could be you, or the next, as long as it was done correctly.
So nice of her as she glares at you from the door of your office that was always open. “What are your plans for tonight?” She says driving her veiny wrists into her slack pockets, her normal intimidating eyes driving into your soul.
“I should be done that paperwork by six, is there something else I need to get to you?”
“After that,” she remarks sternly, as if you should’ve know that, as if that was something she’d ever asked before.
“Uhh go home?” You answer dumbly, utterly confused by her insistence on your personal endeavors.
“Come out with us tonight. We go to max’s down the road,” it was a question with no opportunity for refusal. You didn’t say no to Dr.Anderson.
“Oh I don’t-“ you shake your head before she cuts you off.
“I know I can smell you. Seven. Tonight.”
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Sprawled out, aggressively stripped of your outing dress, on her luxurious thousand thread cotton sheets. Dr. Anderson’s Louis Vuitton belt tied around your wrist, her attempt to regain dominance.
Even as she’s panting, muffled curses coming out as pleas as she grinds her soaking cunt against your own. Her clit is so swollen now, after completely abusing your hole. Her pent up arousal seeping into the sticky mess she created with her relentless thrusts earlier.
“Couldn’t fucking stop thinking ‘bout this,” she pants out, rutting into you like a dog in heat, her sticky white cum ruining her precious expensive sheets.
You can’t seem to find words to remark her pathetic admission, so completely fucked out from your previous orgasm.
Kneading your breast in her hand she brings her teeth to your neck, biting down on the thin flesh, sure to leave marks for everyone to see. But that wasn’t enough for her.
“Gonna cum in this needy pussy, let everyone know how much of a whore you are.”
A guttural moan leaves your throat, the thought of her marking you, claiming you as hers.
“Hmm the little slut likes that? Getting used as my fucking cumdump?”
The only thing you can seem to mutter out is a sad ‘mhmm’ as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
A ‘fucking slut’ is heard in the background as you feel her reposition herself, turning herself sideways inbetween your legs, throwing your leg over her shoulder. She reconnects your swollen clits, with the addition of sliding two of her thick fingers back into you. Slipping in with ease, coating her fingers with the mix of pearl slick.
“FUCK,” you come back to your senses at the new sensation, needing to hold onto anything but your hands are still bound by her belt.
“Still so fucking tight, need to stretch her out so it’ll only feel good when I do it.” Her pace beginning to quicken, her hips bucking into your thigh. Her teeth biting into the flesh of your thigh, holding back whimpers of your name.
“B-better take all my cum. Every last drop slut,” she begins losing herself, her thrusts only getting sloppier. Gripping into the flesh of your thighs to stabilize herself, trying to get you off again before herself.
“I-I promise doctor.”
Was what set her off, dropping her head back as her mouth gapes. “fuckfuckholyfuck,” her legs begin to shake, hot white cream dripping out of her pulsing hole, dripping down your clit and finding its home in your own twitching abandoned hole.
Huffing out as she regains her stability, realizing she’s losing time, her cum dripping down to her sheets and spreading. Not where she needed it.
She takes her fingers back to your cunt, scooping up what’s left, pushing it deep inside of you and keeping them as far as she can get.
“This is what you wanted huh? Nasty fucking mess stuffed with my cum,” she says with a grin of the devil herself. So pleased seeing you so dumb for her, another level of submission she could coax you into.
You give a pathetic nod, feeling her cum painting your walls as she’s deep in your cervix. She begins giving tantalizing licks to your clit as she watches your chest rise and fall.
“Abby please-“
Before you could finish you feel a rough grab on your belt adorned wrists, pulling you up to face her.
“Get the rest you missed.” She says pulling you down into the sheets, your mouth opening instinctively. Licking the cum soaked cotton sheets as she watches you from below her.
Once she’s satisfied she grips your jaw in her hand, guiding your gaze to her soaking cunt, still dripping with the mix of both of your orgasms-
“Every. Last. Drop.”
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redwlf843 · 2 months
Basically Abby teaches you how to fuck her or alternatively, Abby topping from the bottom.
“Mmhm that’s it baby, fuck just like that” Abby’s back arched as you fucked into her. You told her you wanted to try wearing the strap, but you’ve never done so before so she told she’d walk you through it. While you were the one fucking her abby was still in complete control. You were merely just obeying as she basically used you as a toy.
“Snap your hips harder baby” you grip her hips and do as your told and the reaction is immediate, her head falls back against the pillows with a porn worthy moan.
“Fuck good girl” you preen at the praise and snap your hips into her again, wanting to please her more.
“Add some deep thrust between” she grunted out “put the whole strap in” she instructed.
You slowed your pace and fucked the whole strap into her, almost cumming at the way she whimpered. Your thrusts were quick yet deep. You can’t believe Abby would do this for hours to you, you were getting tired already. Sweat glistened your body and your muscles burned but you were determined. You were going to make Abby cum.
The view below was worth the pain you’d have later, her hair splayed out on the pillow, sweat dotting her forehead and a flush on her body. Her eyes were half lidded and watching you, her tits bounced with each thrust and if you looked down you could see the way the strap disappeared into her pussy, her slick coating the strap making a white ring form at the base.
You were beginning to understand why Abby loved fucking you so much, if this is the view you got you’d fuck her every chance you got.
The hands on your waist gripped tighter
“So good so fucking good, that’s it baby. Loosen up and let your hips move.”
You thrust with your hips and you’re rewarded with a broken moan as Abby bites her lip. “Mmh atta girl”
“Think you can multi task” she asks panting
You nod your head yes and a slap is placed on your ass
“You know the rules baby. Use your words.”
“Yes Abby”
“There you go sweetheart. Think you can rub my clit while you fuck me?” She asks and you bite back a groan. Fuck god her talking about you fucking her just flips a switch inside you.
“Yes” you tell her determined. You were going to make her cum while fucking her with the strap. Before you began she told you not to feel bad if you had to tap out, because wearing the strap wasn’t for everyone. You were going to show her wrong.
You do something you’ve seen her do a thousand times, you slow your thrusts and spit on her pussy, and she has the exact same reaction you always do. She whimpers.
You use your spit as lube to rub her clit with while you pick up the pace again. It took a minute to get the pacing again but you got it.
“Good girl, good girl good girl…” Abby chanted under her breath as you fucked her.
Her fingers dug into you surely going to leave a bruise. Her cunt was tightening around the strap which made you have to work harder to fuck it in and out of her. Your fingers circled her clit. And you were rewarded for all your efforts.
Abby’s back arches, her heels dig into the bed and she cry’s out your name as she squirts around the strap.
You made Abby Anderson squirt, that’s the only thing you can think of as you watch her unravel beneath you.
You flop down onto breathing heavily. It was worth it but you couldn’t do any more, you can’t believe Abby would go round after round like that.
You buried your face in Abby neck and you felt her trying to catch her breath beneath you. “Holy shit” she breaths out
“Holy shit” you repeat back to her
You felt her press kisses to your head. “You did so good for me sweetheart, such a good girl.” She praises you and you smile against her neck.
She rolls you both over groaning when the strap slides out of her. You feel her undoing the buckles and pulling the strap down your legs. You feel her put your legs on her shoulders and you tiredly look down at her.
She looks up at you her eyes meeting yours, “good girls get to cum too.” She winks before devours your soaked cunt.
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benevolentbones · 13 days
me before you | spencer reid x reader
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warnings: angst!!! kidnapping, graphic depictions of injury, death, female reader
word count: 2.6k
summary: you go missing on a job and spencer goes ballistic
a/n: i hope you guys enjoy a touch of angst! i think this is my longest fic i’ve ever written:) reblogs & comments appreciated <3
“where is she.” spencer’s voice boomed as he bursted into the conference room. every set of eyes in the cramped police department office shot to the loud sound.
spencer stood in the doorway, his fbi vest still strapped to his body. his hair was disheveled and brushed off of his face, his white button up was half buttoned and the sleeves were messily rolled up to his elbows.
his eyes scanned the room, flickering over the local police force until they landed hotch. he stormed into the room, his face contorting with rage. before hotch could even utter a word out, spencer’s hands were on him, gripping a handful of the older man’s shirt.
“where is she, hotch.” he snarled, hotch using his hands to create a distance between him and spencer.
derek immediately jumped up, pulling spencer’s flailing form off of his superior. everyone watched in shock and horror, spencer had never acted like this, and certainly not on a case.
“we don’t know.” hotch stated, a calmness to his voice, but he was as just concerned as spencer was.
“why- get off of me-“ spencer fought back in morgan’s strong hold eventually breaking free after lashing around.
“why did you let her go in without back up- are you out of your fucking mind.”
“outside. now.” hotch breathed, he didn’t want complete strangers to witness whatever was about to occur. he walked calmly through the doors, his oxfords thudding against the marbled floor.
spencer followed suit after shaking derek off, his steps messy as he fumbled behind hotch, who made a turn into a private empty office.
“no. don’t go there- what were you fucking thinking hotch-“
aaron leaned against the desk, his arms folded over his chest. spencer stood a few feet across from him, pacing the room.
“we didn’t know what we were in for, the house was clear..” he trailed off, recounting the events that took place an hour prior.
you, derek and hotch were staking out the potential unsubs house, it was a bungalow in the suburbs and a pretty run down one at that, sitting behind the van you had driven in.
“morgan, take the front. y/n, follow me around the side.” hotch spoke, his dark eyes landing on you.
you nodded, following the older man to the side of the house. from your position you could hear derek shout.
“FBI open up-“ followed by the sound of the door slamming open.
you continued to follow hotch to the back entrance, which he swiftly broke down and then entered the house.
he held his gun up, doing a sweep of the back room. “clear” he yelled out,
from the next room over he could hear morgan yell back. “hotch look at this-“
the dark haired man quickly walked to where morgan was.
they stood in the middle of the living room, the place was run down and smelled like mold. on the weathered coffee table laid a videotape recorder and a note.
hotch bent down, picking up the note. the words ‘i got you, your turn.’ were etched onto the page, hotch turned his attention to derek who beared the same confused expression.
“what does that even mean? l/n get in here.” he yelled out, attempting to get your attention to see if you could help make sense of things.
a few moments passed before he called out again. “y/n?”
hotch walked to where he had left you, the back door was still wide open, he eyes trailed down to the ground, which was when he saw it.
your gun.
from outside the sound of a engine starting up rattled, the tires screeched as the vehicle pulled onto the road.
“morgan, take the camera and the note- she’s not here.”
“what so you’re telling me you left y/n on her own? knowing that she fit the description of all the unsubs victims- you can’t, you can’t be-“ spencer cut himself off, letting out a choked sob.
“reid i am sorry. we will find her.” hotch reached a hand out to touch spencer’s shoulder, a wave of sadness washing over his body as he watched spencer begin to break down.
with hazel eyes brimming with tears threatening to fall, spencer sunk into hotch’s embrace. letting out shaky breaths in between cries.
“you- have to get her back- i need her- she-i can’t let her- go first.“ hotch rubbed soothing circles on spencer’s back, which proved to be hard through the bulletproof vest.
“we will find her, reid. let the team work, go home. you need rest.”
hotch was right, it was nearing two in the morning and spencer had not slept for almost thirty six hours. the circles under his eyes were noticeably more dark, looking nearly hallowed out.
spencer pulled away from the hug, his doe eyes red and puffy from the crying.
“i’ll send morgan with you, we will notify you when we find something. and we will.”
“okay. thanks.” the younger male sniffled, his tired eyes meeting hotch’s as he walked out of the office.
your eyes blinked awake, a slight grogginess to your vision. the florescent lighting above you hurt your eyes and your head ached.
you attempted to move but felt your hands and legs bound, your eyes darted around the room. you were tied up, sitting on a wooden stool, the room was practically barren except for a pile of sheets in the corner, a table lined with tools and a camera on a tripod. the red light blinking intermittently.
you spotted a small rectangular window at the very top of the wall, it was covered in weeds from the outside. i’m in a basement.
you wriggled, attempting to break free but only causing yourself to get rope burn, you hissed in pain.
“fuck sake.”
the metal door in front of you swung open, revealing a tall man dressed in black. he had an eerie grin etched on his face, his striking blue eyes staring at you like you were something to eat.
“hello agent l/n, nice to see you’re finally awake.” his voice sounded rough, as you ambled into the door, closing the door over leaving it a few inches ajar.
“thomas wilson.” you spat out.
“you have a smart team, y/n. you managed to find me just after five kills. bravo.” his voice laced with a mocking tone.
“it’s a shame they didn’t have your back.”
you stayed silent, eyeing his form as he began to circle the stool you sat upon.
“but i fear- this may be my last kill, so i’m going to be thorough.”
you felt your stomach drop. you were hoping, praying that maybe the team was on the way, that they would be able to get here in time.
you tried your best to read thomas, you could tell by the way he limped around you that he was injured, and he didn’t seem a hundred percent confident in himself. maybe you had a chance.
“how’d you get hurt? i’m a medic, i could help you thomas. you don’t have to-“ your attempt at empathy was cut off by a strike to your face.
the man pulled back his fist, as you slowly recoiled your head. you could feel your eyes swell, staring intensely at him through wisps of your hair that fell over your face.
“silence. we don’t have much time. i need to prepare.” he muttered to himself, walking towards the table to your right.
you racked your brain, trying to think about the other victims and their similarity to you. hair colour, eye colour, frame and stature, age. but they were all single women, involved in prostitution in one way or another. maybe you could convince him that way.
“i’m engaged, thomas.” you spoke, trying to get his attention. “i know your other victims were all single- i have a fiancé.”
“where’s the ring.” he didn’t bother looking back at you, your empty hand flexed into a fist. you never wore your ring on the field.
“i can show you photos- my phone, it’s in my jacket pocket.” you were trying to delay whatever he had planned, you were grasping at straws.
thomas limped towards you, reaching into your pocket and pulling out your phone. it was turned off, but he rebooted it, unlocking it and going straight for your camera roll.
he caught the bait.
“sir- y/n’s phone just turned back on.” garcia practically shouted.
“can you track it? -emily alert the swat team now.”
“on it sir.”
the majority of the team piled into cars, fbi vests strapped to their bodies. garcia sent the location to hotch and the cars sped off, it was just twenty miles from where you were taken.
“you sure this is the right place?” hotch spoke out into his phone, a slight anxiousness to his voice which didn’t go unnoticed by penelope.
“yep. i quadruple checked, the satellites picked up the van dropping the unsub and a victim at this exact address.” garcia stated from the other end of the line, faint clacking of the keyboard could be heard from her side.
“thank you, garcia. keep me posted.” he muttered before ending the call and stuffing the phone into his pocket.
“did anyone tell morgan?” hotch spoke, morgan had brought reid home and was told to stay with him incase of any updates.
“just now sir.” emily spoke, shutting her cellphone.
“see- that’s me and my fiancé, spencer. he works with me.” you stated as thomas scrolling through thousands of pictures of you and spencer.
you could tell this caught him by surprise, you were sure his other victims probably pleaded for their lives, saying they had families and partners to get back to. it made you feel sick.
“it’s not too late- thomas please let me go, i don’t want to leave him.” you mumbled out, fighting back tears at the thought of how distraught spencer must feel right now.
“i- i cant it’s too late. i have to do this.” he stuttered out, still scrolling through pictures on your phone, his face frowning when he came across your engagement photos.
“can i call him, can i say goodbye?” your eyes met his pale ones, you could see from his expression he was thinking things over.
he searched up spencer’s name on your phone, pressing the call button and holding it beside your ear.
spencer was in a car when his phone started to buzz, morgan had received the call about your location and immediately told spencer who refused to let the older man leave without him.
spencer picked up immediately once your contact came up on his phone.
“y/n- are you okay- are you hurt?” he blurted into the phone, putting it on speaker so derek could listen in. he felt a sudden relief at the sound of your voice.
“spence. i- i’m not hurt.” you paused briefly, eyeing the man next to you. he was listening in. “spence, i love you so much.” you mumbled out, white hot tears staining your cheeks.
“baby? what’s happening.” spencer questioned, his hazel eyes beginning to well up.
“i love you- and i’m sorry, i don’t think i have much time left.”
“no. no no no- you promised- me before you-you can’t leave me“ he rambled out, his heart sinking as tears began to flood from his eyes. derek gripped the steering wheel, pressing his foot down on the pedal, they were nearly there.
“i know baby- i tried-“ you choked out a sob, hearing spencer crying broke you.
thomas was getting visibly frustrated, his grip on your phone tightened. “that’s enough.” he muttered out.
“i have to go spence- i’m sorry i love you so much.” and with that, thomas had ended the call. tears streamed down your face as you tried to muster up the ability to stop.
the older man ambled back to the table, he had laid out a number of weapons. you recalled the details of how the other victims died, each one exactly the same down to the last cut. thomas likely suffered from remorseful ocd.
the man turned back to you, a knife in his grasp. he could tell he was battling within himself, he didn’t want to do this, but he felt like he had to. you could faintly hear the sound of cars passing the house, praying that someone would show up.
“i’m sorry” he muttered out as he brought the knife to your collar bone, pressing it into your skin and dragging it across.
you screamed, a wave of pain engulfing you. blood quickly began to trickle from the laceration, staining your white shirt a crimson hue.
if this was how you were going to die, you were going to make sure it haunted him forever. your eyes locked onto his, forcibly making eye contact as he switched to your left side, beginning to slice the other side of your collar precisely.
you gritted your teeth, feeling the cool metal of the knife drag across your skin. he pulled back, now pressing the bloodied knife to your throat. he was behind you, all you could do was stare straight ahead at the door in front of you.
suddenly the door burst open, hotch standing before you with a swat team piling into the room.
“drop your weapon.” he commanded, his voice booming as he pointed his gun at unsub. you have never been so relieved to see aaron hotchner in your life.
“i can’t, i have to do this.” thomas muttered out, his hand shaking as he pressed the knife to your throat. he began to press it firmly against your skin, you winced out at the pressure.
hotch immediately fired a shot, the bullet sinking into the unsubs shoulder causing him to fall back and shout in pain. a member of the swat team rushed to thomas, restraining the male as he put a pair of handcuffs on his wrists.
hotch was by your side in seconds, unbinding your hands and legs. “are you okay?” he questioned, concern lacing his usually stoic voice.
you nodded, rubbing your throat once your hands were free. you attempted to stand up, wobbling as you placed your feet on the ground, you felt weak, the bleeding around your collars had slowed but you were still losing blood.
“let me.” hotch scooped you up in his arms, carrying you up the stairs and out of the house. it was dark, and there was a swarm of swat cars and an ambulance waiting for you.
a car pulled up to the scene, the passenger door swung open and spencer stumbled out, barely getting his seatbelt off.
“y/n?!” he called out, scanning the area, once his eyes landed on your form in hotch’s arms he sprinted over.
“spence-“ you began before you were engulfed in a tight hug, hotch passed you over to spencer, making his way to the ambulance to alert the medics.
“i thought- you were-“ he blubbered out, his eyes puffy from crying.
he fell to his knees, his hold on you not wavering. you wrapped your arms around his neck to the best of your ability. he pressed a kiss to your forehead, rocking you in his arms.
“i’m going to get blood on you-“ you mumbled, trying to lighten the mood.
he let out a short laugh, followed by a small cry.
“i’m okay spence- i love you, i’m okay.” you reassured him.
“i’m never letting you go again.” he rested his forehead against yours, letting out a shaky breath.
taglist!! @0108s22m @rainoftearss @potatovoyager @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @luvmia222 @shardsofmarxx @silver138 @lover-of-books-and-tea
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ares857 · 1 year
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internet find
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cerealmilker · 3 months
while visiting the doctor he asks you if you’d like to participate in highly important medical research for a bit of extra cash, he says they’ll pay five thousand bucks at the end of the research and all you have to do is “run a few standard tests and stay a couple of nights at a research facility”
you agree, i mean he said it was important and the fact they are paying you is a nice added bonus, what could be so bad about a couple of nights in a medical research facility?
the next day you arrive at the address given to you, an empty secluded carpark, with a black SUV parked in the middle. you get out expecting maybe a doctor or a scientist to happily greet you, they did say it was highly important, surely this is normal right? instead four suited men emerge from the doors of the vehicle and grab you roughly by the arms and legs carrying you into the car, kicking and struggling you notice one reach into his pocket, pull out a small cloth and push it close against your face. you only remember the sweet smell as you blackout.
florescent white light invades your vision when you re awake. groggy, you try to stretch your arms when you realise you cant move them, infact, you cant move anything from your neck down. you look down to see you are strapped down on a padded table, arms pinned to your sides, legs spread apart, naked and vulnerable. you were so confused, what the hell was going on?
you see a man, a clean looking older man wearing a white lab coat enters the room holding a clipboard and a pen and takes a seat next to you in a chair just out of your vision. you try to speak, to ask him what was going on but your words are muffled and barely audible, in your mouth was a small gag. after a couple of minutes hearing him writing on a his clipboard you notice a wet squelching sound approaching you, as it got to where you were strapped on the table you heard the man speak. “time is 22:43, first compatibility test starts now”
you felt multiple long slimy tentacles wrap round your already restrained thighs, more made their way onto your chest circling your breasts and eventually teasing your nipples, they began by gently prodding them, tapping and nudging your nipples before placing one of their suckers on each of them. this can’t be happening. you feel your clit twitch. no this- this is so wrong, you didn’t sign up for this, why was this happening to you? what was this thing? and why….why was it making you wet?
you didn’t get the chance to be confused for much longer, feeling another slimy appendage make its way up your legs, it makes its way up your thigh and then stops, right infront of your cunt. slowly it rubs itself up and down your slit, mixing its slime with your wetness before making is way to your clit. again it prods, pokes and taps at the bud between your legs. you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, you really dont want to be turned on by this but something about the way the tentacle on has now switched to suckling gently on your clit has you gushing.
“the subject responds incredibly well to stimulation provided by the first creature” the man speaks calmly, you cant stop your eyes from rolling in the back of your head, every single movement from the appendages had you twitching. its like they new exactly how and where to touch you.
you felt another appendage press at the entrance to your cunt. this one was thicker than the rest, the tip pushes into your hole, and even the first few inches are a stretch. it pushes further and further in stretching your little tight hole nice and wide for it. you cum just from the stretch alone, and the extra stimulation on the rest of your body. whatever this creature is, it does not care that your pussy has never taken anything this big before, it starts brutally shifting in and out of your stretched hole, rubbing up every wall again and again and again. you start to see stars, the overstimulation way too much for your poor body to handle.
and right when you think your on the edge, about to blackout. it stops and pushes deep down, up against your cervix. you feel its hot sticky fluid invade your womb while it twitches up against your walls. all the other appendages stop stimulating your nipples and clit, hearing them slither off and away from the table. you lie and wait, surely it was done secreting whatever fluid has just entered you and will pull out? a couple of minutes turn into ten maybe fifteen, the only sound you could hear being the mans pen on his paper.
again you hear the man speak “test will resume in 3 days, subject and creature will stay linked until birthing”
you start to cry as you hear him leave, realising you’re stuck there. overstimulated cunt stuffed to the brim with alien sperm, and a huge tentacle between your legs to keep you company till the birth of its offspring. lets hope it doesn’t get bored and play with that swollen little bud of yours.
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lvminy · 29 days
mdni. f!reader, double p, oral both receiving, a couple spanks here and then, three way very messy kisses, mentions of reader drinking.
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“she really is pretty when she's quiet, huh?”
truly the urge to bite Satoru's dick off was strong with that sneaky and unnecessary comment of his. “fuck you” you tried to mutter, dropping instead some slurred babbles that resembled a couple words.
“hey, don’t speak with your mouth full, have you no manners?”
“Satoru” this time it was Suguru’s turn to cut the —most likely— never ending back and forth, feeling his body weight dig into the mattress behind your arched form, “although I have to agree, she really looks pretty this way” he finished with a light and playful smack on your half covered ass, adoring the sight of your skin jiggle and cheeks almost hiding the thin fabric of your panties.
the motion forced your body to lean further and, unavoidably, choke on the white haired man’s cock, using your nails to dig crescent shapes on the pale skin of his thighs that twitched slightly under your touch.
“is she wet?” Satoru groaned, humping into your mouth for a bit before leaning across your back, a single hand on the top of your head while the other pushed on your lower back, not giving a damn if you choked again.
“yeah” the other man chuckled, using a single finger to slide the thin strap covering your cunt to let his eyes roam across the dripping soft skin, “she really is enjoying this”
you wanted to complain, really, but the adrenaline and a single glass of alcohol —which you knew wasn’t to blame— pushed you into the current tricky situation, making you whimper Suguru’s name when his fingertips came in contact with your entrance.
“ha, are you going to keep talking?” you bit back, breathing heavily while resting your cheek on Satoru’s upper thigh, lapping at the drooling tip that smeared precum on your chin; yet he didn’t reply, instead, there’s a short laughter before his tongue licks a fat strip all across your slit, paying special attention to your clit before fully diving in, leaving a sharp smack on your ass that causes nothing but another wave of arousal to drip down your hole and into his waiting mouth.
“needy little thing” the blue eyed man speaks, grinning when your eyes roll back and get unable to properly suck him off, it amuses him, how the competitive girl who was always bickering with them over grades could turn into such a lewd state this quickly.
“pay attention to me” he mutters, annoyed but teasingly, slapping your cheek with the tip of his cock all through the slurping wet sounds the dark haired man makes, causing his dick to throb and drip further.
you huff, mumbling a “childish” under your breath before taking him in your mouth once again, bobbing your head up and down until you feel his balls twitch under your chin, your own moans causing waves of pleasure to curse through his whole body.
“good girl” he exhales, jerking his hips up in sync with your mouth, “gonna let Suguru fuck you, hm?”
you nod, giggling your hips in an attempt to chase back Suguru’s mouth that detached from your drooling cunt much to your dislike.
the sound of a zipper and shoes clacking against the ground are quickly followed by a pop, from where Satoru took his dick out of your mouth, leaving only webs of drool connecting your lips to his tip.
“think you can take me now?” Suguru speaks with what seems like a smirk on his lips, giving Satoru a glance for him to push on your shoulders until your back is flush against Suguru’s chest, knees bent across the man’s stretched out legs, positioning you right above his hard length.
“stop acting like you’re the best shi— oh” both men chuckle at your lack of words since the engorged tip of Suguru caught your hole and began to stretch out your velvety walls, filling you so deliciously until your ass was flush against his pelvis.
“we should do this more often, when you’re not trying to fight us, of course” Satoru says while climbing closer to where you lay on Suguru’s chest, cupping the back of your neck to position your head slightly to a side, “stick out your tongue” his voice is low and demanding, forcing you to obey before feeling his and Suguru’s tongues mingling with yours, licking all over the muscle and your swollen lips.
there’s drool dripping down your collarbone that Satoru is quick to catch, making you mewl his name at the same time the dark haired man starts to thrust up into you, his hips precise and strong, making his cock fill your hole perfectly each time you breath.
“don’t stop” you whine, arching your back for Satoru to bite and lick your nipples to his heart’s content, while at the same time, guiding his cock to slap on your clit, purposely jerking himself off with the up and down of your body with each one of Suguru’s thrust.
“she’s squeezing me so much, I'll cum soon” Suguru groans, digging his fingers on your hips to help you ride his cock, feeling his own high approaching soon before getting rudely interrupted by the other man pulling you out of him.
“its my turn then” he smirks, sitting on the bed before impaling you down his own throbbing length, using his hands to cup your ass and drag you up and down his cock at a rapid speed, leaving an occasional slap on your ass that will most likely leave a mark the next morning.
“fucker” Suguru mutters, using the mattress to rub his cock while laying down and attaching his lips to your clit, forcing an orgasm out of your body in merely seconds, screaming both of their names.
“shit! I'm so close” Satoru growls, stopping himself from filling you up with his cum and instead, pressing you down on the bed, using your ass cheeks to fuck himself and cum all across the expanse of your back, while Suguru took your mouth and stained your pretty dizzy face.
“this doesn’t mean we’ll let you get better grades than us”
“fuck off”
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bambiesfics · 4 months
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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗘𝗹𝘀’ 𝗖𝗼𝗰𝗸 — Ellie x Bimbo!reader
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𝜗𝜚 Author’s notes ✦ Butch/femme dynamics, Ellie’s butch, wears a strap. Refers to it as cock, dick etc. Reader’s a bimbo. Just a filthy, filthy description of how you have to cockwarm your butch girlfriend, Ellie. Slight aftercare at the end too for you, considering how much she just stretched your tiny hole.
𝜗𝜚 If you find yourself uncomfortable with the themes in this fic, maybe try educating yourself on Butch sexuality. This heartfelt post may give you a sense of Ellie’s headspace. And this
!!! [ Please help Palestine ] !!!
kisses u. ⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡.
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You were restless and lonely. Ellie had spent the better part of the afternoon preoccupied with the LED modules shuffled in her laptop, attempting to receive her ServSafe certificate. The online test had been eating up all her time, and Ellie sometimes chastised you for being overly needy n’ pouty when she had her hands full with things to do. So you tried to not add to her plate by pressing for attention, or conversation today. No matter how much you wanted to chit-chat with her. You wanted to be good more than anything.
No one saw you and Ellie as a compatible match, if it wasn’t already made visually obvious, it was definitely made obvious the second you popped your pink lips open to speak, while the brunette butch brooded behind you. This was a chance to shush all those insecurities that crept over you and told you that Ellie could be with a smarter, more capable, more self-reliant girl. You wanted to be a good fit for her. So you distracted yourself by jumping through social media apps, flipping through old cosmo magazines, and touching up the corner of your acrylic toe set with some white polish you kept carefully placed in her desk. But none of that worked. You were bored with everything you’d tried. Worse, your girlfriend had been looking so handsome in her loose plaid button up and dad jeans, as she slumped in her kitchen stool. It was getting so hard to remain detached and unaffected by the pristine silence in the house when you would pass by to check up on her.
Every so often Ellie’s pretty face would cutely scrunch up whenever she was puzzled by a question, which made for very testing times. But not as testing as when Ellie did that thing where she yanked at and ruffled her scruffy wolf cut, when she was in deep concentration. It was the cutest little boyish tic. You had nearly broken your own resolve to go run to her arms and litter her cheeks in glossy kisses. Which all made it so hard to have her near, as handsome as she was, and have her not even look up at you once. Not even allowed to step in her embrace, held by her toned arms, her sweet cologne and that woodsy scented jacket.
You were moping, and that moping turned into whining, and whining turned into annoyed flashes from Ellie’s eyes every time you got too squeaky. Those flashes turned into scowls, and that led to Ellie groaning at you.
“Can I help you with something?”
Ellie’s face was unamused, and it made you straighten your spine.
“Great. Thanks.” She replied, her voice was just dripping in sarcasm. But that little flash of attention you had received filled your tummy with happy butterflies, until it went right back to her laptop.
You felt a twinge in your chest at how quickly she tuned you out. Did she not wanna talk to you at all? Ask about your day? Wanna know about the influencer gossip you found online? None of it?
“Meanie” you pouted while nudging your chin into your palm and clacking your acrylics on the granite. She didn’t have to say it so mean, she was usually sweeter n’ sillier. But today Ellie was a big meanie.
Ellie huffed and held back a massive eye roll. She stuck her head deeper into her laptop, she had to pretend you weren’t there. This test was important to her. You were too, but this seriously mattered more. Ellie needed more money. She needed to find a better apartment to rent, she needed to be able to support you the way she wanted too, and she needed a position with better hours so she could visit Joel's grave more regularly. You knew all that, so Ellie knew your whining wasn’t from ignorance, it was from childishness. She hated indulging you when you were childish. It was bad manners.
But she also knew if this went on long enough you might start silently crying in your pillow because you felt like your girlfriend hated you. You were clearly feeling neglected by Ellie, and coupled with her little sarcastic quip just a moment ago, Ellie wouldn’t put it past you to start sniffling within the next few hours. You were so pathetic. Ellie often joked that if you weren’t human you would’ve been the little runt abandoned by your pack for being so weak and whiny. And Ellie would’ve been a large reptile; a komodo dragon, who felt bad enough that instead of eating your tiny ass she would’ve raised you. Ellie had a weird little obsession with pliocene history, and because you were dumb, with a brain full of makeup and miniskirts, it went over your head 99% of the time. But Ellie knew you well, and she knew that more than outright being ignored, you hated the feeling that you made Els upset with you. It was your little runt nature, to always seek the validation of the large cold-blooded reptile in charge of your care that could still decide to eat you if you pissed her off enough. This relationship was almost ironically engineered.
Ellie understood you way too well.
Ellie tugged at her hair, because GOD you were such a piece of work. An adorable one, but still, a piece of fucking work!
“Okay.” Ellie breathed out. She ran her palms down her jeans, and spread her thighs farther apart. When Ellie manspread like that, you knew what it meant. But you still wanted her to say it. “Come here baby, come take a seat on me.”
“You sure?” you said hesitantly. Your gaze nervously flickered between her lap and floor.
“Need my baby girl right here,” Ellie said. She cocked her eyebrow and grabbed her bulge tightly. Enticing you.
Your eyes flew open. Your mouth opened and closed repeatedly, like a gaping fish. You wanted Ellie’s attention, maybe to perch on her lap while she worked, but that movement meant something else entirely.
Ellie continued on, enjoying the surprise on your face a little too much. “Since you can’t sit still, come sit on this.” Ellie pulled her zipper down slowly, and shoved her fist in the opening; to fish out her hard cock out of her boxers, and rest it on her thigh. You gulped.
Your eyes fluttered between looking at Ellie's long shaft, and at her face. You could tell from her expression that she wasn’t bluffing. She looked very amused, and very curious as to what you’d do next. “W-what about your test?” You quipped. She lifted the base of her cock, “don’t worry about that, just come take a quick seat on this until you feel better.” You went to her lap, and nervously kept looking back at the cock she expected you to sink onto as you backed up on Ellie’s thighs. Ellie whispered “Why are you nervous princess? You’ve taken this before.”
Which made your hole flutter from the teasing smugness in her voice.
You had taken Ellie’s cock before. But after some prep, after lots of kisses from her, and after your slick was coating your engorged pussy lips from intense arousal. Not by just sitting on it while she was busy attacking a server’s exam.
Your eyes were glossy, Ellie found them so sparkly. You bunched your babydoll camisole higher up your tummy, and spread your ass cheeks. It was a good thing you loved prancing around Ellie’s apartment with no panties, it made spontaneous poundings so much easier. You lined up your hole with Ellie’s cockhead. “Good, now just sink down.” She fisted the base of her dick towards your vagina to help you. You slowly sunk onto her cock, taking it inch by inch. “Nhng, Ellie! feels too big, too big!” You clamped up as another inch forcefully popped through that tight little entrance. Ellie shushed you softly, rubbing circles in your back as she fed you her cock, until she was buried only a few inches deep. You couldn’t take her all the way down, and somehow you were so full. It felt like Ellie’s cock was pressing deep into your tummy. You had to hold back from whining to her about how her cock was definitely in your stomach, probably poking around in there. She’d shushed you for that silly idea once before and teased you for being so airheaded. Not like Ellie had expected you to have any better than a ditzy girl's understanding of anatomy anyway.
But as you felt her cock stretch you open, it was starting to feel like that again, like her cock was in your womb. It felt like Ellie was taking up all the space inside of you. She stretched your plump walls around her like you were her fleshlight. A fleshlight that was stretched to mold around every vein and ridge in Ellie’s cock.
You flexed your ass cheeks, and clamped your cunt around her cock, you tested for how much give you had to bounce up and down. But you gave up almost as soon as you tried lifting off the first time. The base of her cock was just too thick. Ellie felt stuck inside you. Like a wedding band wrapped around a chubby finger. You whimpered at the way her cockhead bumped all those squishy places inside your cunt. Ellie reassured you “Shhh don’t worry about bouncing baby, I’m nearly splitting you open. Just stay right here and get used to this angle.” Ellie turned her gaze back towards her laptop, and picked up from the last module she left off at.
Meanwhile your lower lip was trembling because your girlfriend's cock was resting inside your vagina, it was poking your cervix and rubbing along your walls in ways that made your tummy feel funny. The soreness was starting to subside but the fullness didn’t, and you wanted to move around a little bit. “E-Ellie i-it’s hard to move. No room,” you pouted over your shoulder.
“You don’t have to move, baby. You’re in timeout. Just sit and get my cock nice n’ warm.” Ellie turned her gaze back to her laptop as her other fingers drew slow circles in your lower back. It was such a brazenly lazy attempt at support, but Ellie’s main goal was to distract you — not make you feel pampered.
But you’d get that after anyway.
You tried grinding her cock in you, just to put the pressure of her cockhead in other places and not directly kissing the roof of your cunt. Ellie’s eyes flickered to where you two were connected and she thumbed the sensitive skin there. Which made you pull off slightly, you mewled at the sensitization you felt from her ministrations. Your hole was throbbing everywhere.
Ellie moaned at the sight, “you’re stretched so thin here, how did I fit inside you?”
You kept up with your poor attempts to grind n’ gyrate, so Ellie’s gaze traveled up towards your hips. She palmed your squishy ass; then skirted her fingers over your asshole. Ellie sunk her thumb into your asshole, just stopping at the first knuckle where her metal ring rested and whispered in your back. “I told you to stay baby.”
“Ellie no! Don’t touch over there!” You cried from embarrassment, you got so hot when she did that.
She smiled into your back “Why you shy cause I’m thumbing you right here? After your tiny cunt just swallowed my entire length? Please” Ellie smiled into your back.
Ellie’s attention kept jumping between completing her modules and questions and groping some sensitive part of your body. She’d mutter “You’re so tiny, wish you could see how much you’re stretched around me, plugged you up good.” Just to watch the hairs on your nape rise and watch how your hole contracted around her length from her words. Ellie rolled her narrow hips in circular motions, letting you get some little relief from the fat cock bullying your hole, by giving you some friction. The friction felt amazing on her clit too, rubbing along the puffy nub in a way that made heat pool in her belly.
Soon enough Ellie was biting back her own horny grunts, pressure building in her own cunt from the press of the harness. She kept up a slow circular grind to make her little baby feel good, and not feel so stretched out. But Ellie really considered chasing a silent orgasm for herself, it felt delicious to be in you.
You were dizzy with sensations, cock bumping your spongy g-spot just right. Your neglected clit was angry and red, but you were drunk on Ellie’s grinding. You were slurring all whiny “love your fat cock s’much Ellie. S’much ahh, love your coo-ock ahnnng.” Ellie’s hands came up to grope and squeeze your fatty tits. Because FUCK YOU for nearly making her bust after saying that. She kept grinding until your sloppy hole was doing butterflies on her cock. Slick dripping past the seal where you were wrapped around her shaft. Your hole was squeezing and releasing, over and over again as your orgasm tipped you over the edge and your toes turned pointed straight. The bottom of your fingers and palms had turned pink and red from how tight your fist was.
Ellie slowed down the grinding, she was happy enough you got your orgasm. The grinding felt nice on her clit, but she was more grateful at the fact that you might get sleepy and tap out. And she’d actually get some work done for once.
Ellie pulled you off her cock, and onto her lap. She smoothed a hand down your back as you winced when she pulled out. Your cum dribbled out of your weeping little pussy, globs of stringy cum seeped into Ellie’s pants after being plugged up by her cock. It was a mess you frequently made on Ellie after sex. It was evidence of a job well done; and a satiated princess.
You sniffled as you turned in Ellie’s embrace. “You sleepy?” Ellie asked
“Mhmmm” you moaned in her shoulder.
“I got you, you little princess. C’mon hold onto my shirt” Ellie guided your trembling hand to the collar of her button up and shushed you with sweet words about how “well you took her.” Ellie rocked you softly as she went back to her test, by the time you’d knocked out she’d completed a good chunk of her modules. She rocked you until your sniffles had quieted and you were fast asleep on her lap. She tucked her cock haphazardly into her boxers. You could sink onto it again after you woke up from your short nap.
Ellie spanked your ass, and felt the recoil jiggle against her palm. She shushed you again as you stirred from the assault. She whispered “I deserve a little treat after dealing with this bratty ass all day. I’m joking… I got you baby.”
After 45 minutes of not a single distraction to pull her attention away, Ellie completed her test. A solid 93%, way above a passing grade. Good enough to get her ServSafe certificate, and definitely good enough to start serving at her restaurant, and get better pay and better tips.
Ellie kissed the top of your head,
“Did it, peach.”
“Did’itttt wedidi...” You slurred into her chest. She smelled like sweet cologne. Your dreams were so happy.
She smiled into your hair.
Mhm yeah. We both did it.
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
im gnawing at puppy!satoru.... like pookie.... i didnt know I'd be obsessed with that.......... IM DESPERTLY WAITING FOR PUPPY!SATORU 😭 😭 😭
18+ mdni; gn!reader
puppy!satoru, who sits in front of your bed with the biggest and prettiest wide-eyes. tears pool in the corners of them, wetting his angelic eyelashes in the most beautiful way. a pretty baby blue collar hangs from his neck – it's tied to one of your desk's legs and it's the only thing that's keeping him from lunging at you. whimpers fall from his wet lips and drool dribbles down his chin; his tongue hangs from his mouth as he pants in desperation. he wants to taste, he wants to touch – but he's being punished right now.
he has been a bad pup.
a muzzle rests on his face, the straps sink into his soft flushed cheeks and you can already see the faint red marks that they're leaving on his perfect skin. you almost feel bad. almost. his hands are tied behind his back and he's completely at your mercy.
sitting down on his knees, he slightly bounces up and down on his legs just to get some relief. his tail thumps against the floor so hard that you can hear it. his fuzzy ears are bent back and he looks oh, so cute like this. they flop a little every time he raises his hips from the ground and you coo at him.
the sudden murmur makes them perk up again, his eyes growing even bigger than before. please, please, please. you grin at him from your place on your shared bed.
the thing he desires the most, the heaven that sits right between your legs, your soft thighs – it's exactly at his eye-level. this is pure torture.
he watches you touch yourself, play with yourself with slow movements; he can see the slick glistening on your sensitive skin and he'd do anything to lick you clean. he just wants to make you feel good! white tufts of hair fall in front of his eyes; they're starting to cling to his forehead from the way he's sweating. it's too hot in the room - he's not even wearing anything other than he stupid collar!
his rock hard cock bobs in the air, his balls twitching every time it hits his own lower belly. there's pre-cum smeared all over his happy trail and he's making such a big mess even without your help. your dirty pup...
another pretty little mewl tumbles from his swollen lips and he tugs harshly at his leash, but winces when it doesn't let up. a soft gasp followed by loud panting, his tail smacks against the floor. c'mon, he's being so good. he's so good for you. please, just let him taste you.
"does puppy wanna play, hm?"
his eyes roll back into his head at your sultry voice and he's nodding his head so strongly that he starts to feel a little dizzy. the collar around his neck only seems to be getting tighter and tighter, his airways getting blocked by his suffocating desire. a glob of pre-cum spills from his slit and it slides down the side of his shaft. he feels it. he imagines you wiping it off with your finger, with your mouth. he's so fucking hard.
his eyes are glued to your center – his least meal, his only solution to his unquenchable thirst. he wants to bury his nose into your crotch, he wants to breathe you in, he wants you to be the only thing on his mind.
(as if you aren't just that already.)
more. he needs more.
the silk ropes around his wrist dig into him, and even those just seem to be getting tighter by the second. he can't stop moving around, he can't sit still – he's the one that's making it worse. it hurts.
he likes it.
satoru's glassy eyes follow your free hand as it trails all over your thigh and your stomach and he can't surpress the saddest little whine that crawls up his throat. your lips stretch into a wide grin while raising your hand to play with your nipple. your other hand stays playing with yourself, filling the room with the slick delicious sounds.
you watch him lick his lips, you watch him pant, you watch him yank at the collar again – he's like a magnet, drawn to you always and forever.
he humps the air and a tear falls from the corner of his eye.
"aww... you crying, puppy?" voice far from sincere, his cock twitches. your teeth sink into your lower lip and your eyebrows furrow in a fake, mocking expression. "oh, you poor thing..."
his sharp fangs glimmer in the low lights of the room. "please..."
his tail swishes behind him, he can't help himself. he has no control over his own body.
"please what, baby?"
"taste, please, can i have a taste?"
you laugh at his neediness and you hear the little metal parts of his collar cling together. he's getting impatient now. "i don't know... can you?"
pushing yourself off your back, you crawl over to your pup. he's sitting so pretty, harboring a big aching mess between his legs. you reward him with another teasing coo as you situate yourself on the edge of the bed – close enough for him to drown in your scent but far enough to shed another miserable tear.
his eyes fall shut as he lets you properly fill his nostrils, all of his senses. a shiver runs down his spine when he feels your fingers on the side of his face and his pretty blues snap open in an instant. he's staring up at you – hungry and eager to please, ready to take whatever you'll give him—
—ready to give whatever you'll take.
you push his head back a little, tilting his head so he's getting a good look at you. in this position, you tower over him so easily and he feels like putty in your hands. combing through his hair, you scratch right behind his ear and watch him lean into your touch with hearts in your eyes.
but then you tug on his white strands, intoxicated by the smallest sounds that keep falling from him. forcing him to keep his gaze on you, you widen your legs in front of him. it's so, so hard for him to obey you, to be good, when it's right there. his lip wobbles behind the restriction and another quiet plea echoes the room.
"are you gonna behave, puppy?"
"yes." the speed at which he answers is almost ridiculous, but you can't tease him for it. not when your own stomach fills with butterflies aswell. you want him just as much.
loosing the grip in his hair, you let him slowly sink toward your center; he keeps his eyes on you, not daring to look away for even a second. the scent is so strong now, his balls twitch as pre-cum dribbles down them. just another inch, just a little more. he's right there. right fucking there.
the muzzle barely bumps against your crotch and eyes fall shut with a dramatic sigh. his ears flop down so fucking cutely; he's literally a breath away but the damn thing is in his way, it's ruining him, it's killing him. and to add to that, it seems like the collar is just about an inch too short aswell because there's a big vein running on the side of his neck – a clear sign of him not getting enough air.
but he doesn't pull away. his tail thumps, it never stopped. he bounces on his heel and tilts his head to meet your gaze again. he rests his cheek on against your thigh and you take the second to admire the mess he's made already. his skin is all flushed, from his chest and up to the tips of his ears; red markings peek from behind the straps of the muzzle – the contrast between those and his marble skin is just exceptional.
drool trickles through the miniature cage and straight down onto your thigh but you don't mind. he looks absolutely fucked out like this. you allow yourself to card through his hair again, unable to keep your hands off of him for more than two minutes and he hums at your soft touch.
"such a cute, pup, hm?"
you cradle his jaw as best as you can and hold his face to yours again before leaning down and pressing a kiss onto the muzzle, just above where his nose would be. and then another to the side of the thing. he squirms in your hold, overwhelmed by your sudden touches. he feels like he's going to melt into a puddle when you press the next one to his jaw.
he can smell your arousal. it's... so fucking good. he hums as he tries to nuzzle further into you. all he can think about is filling you up and giving you his knot. c'mon, he's been so, soooo good... he deserves it, right?
you will let him breed you, right? you're gonna let him have a taste? gonna let him pump you full? gonna let him give you his knot?
+ @staryukis & @ohimsummer hiiiiiiii guuuyss.... puppyboy!satoru on my mind so i just had to tag you two too hehehehe:333
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nachojaehyun · 2 months
first fuck
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pairing. office co-worker! mingyu + fem! reader
summary. fucking on the first date may not be acceptable for many, but when your date was that hot and signing the cheque at the end of the night, who were you to refuse having him in your bed?
playlist. first fuck by 6LACK and Jhene Aiko
warnings. [PLEASE READ] oral (f), lowkey pussydrunk mingoo, fingering, scissoring, kissing, clit play, mingyu is pussy whipped, slight gagging, gentleman mingyu, asking for consent <3 use of nicknames (love, mostly) — 18+ MINORS DNI!
note. i got 8 asks about mingyu, so here it is. also thank you guys so much for your support on the wonwoo fic! more soon <3
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“we’ll have the cheque please,” his deep voice said, making you shuffle your thighs closer.
as he signed the paper with his expensively heavy pen, he shot you a smile, carding his fingers through his hair.
“come, i’ll drop you off at your place.”
his car reeked of a musky wood, deliciously enticing just like him.
kim mingyu, as he told you he was called, was making your head spin.
conversations with him were easy, flowing simply between tongues, even though you wished his tongue was in your mouth—
the drive back home had your heart jumping. his white dress shirt was tucked into black slacks. taut muscles peeking under the folded sleeves, a shiny gold watch nearly blinding you.
everything about kim mingyu was luxurious.
you would be lying if you said it wasn’t making you drool. “oh, it’s this gate!” you squeaked, clearing your throat after.
unbeknownst to you, mingyu smiled at your nervousness, swerving the car to enter the gated community.
your apartment was quite easy to spot. as he stopped the vehicle in front of the building, you felt your heart about to leap out of your chest as he parked on the side and ran out to hold your door for you.
“mingyu-ssi,” you spoke up after thanking him. he was leaning against his car, hands stuffed in his pockets as he intently listened to you. “yes, love?”
red creeped up your cheeks.
“would you uh…” your fingers fiddled with the strap of your Coach purse. “would you like to come inside?”
“i thought you’d never ask.”
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inside your humble home, you opted to brewing some coffee for you and your date. mingyu waltzed back and forth, analysing every detail of your apartment.
the cutesy decorations, the books laying around the house, the towels and clothes hanging to dry in the balcony— mingyu felt like he was learning every detail about you.
and it felt so right.
when his co-worker had asked him if he was interested in going on a date, mingyu had initially wanted to refuse. he had no luck with women for his entire life, despite being raised by a hardworking mother and two sisters.
however, when your name was mentioned, he couldn’t help but immediately agree to the meet up.
you were his favorite thing to watch in the office when he was bored. his favorite workplace muse. his favorite person to look at when he was stressed. his favorite picture to eye as his hands gripped around his c—
“mingyu-ssi?” your pretty voice beckoned. “yes, love?” his attention returned to you. “the c-coffee…”
the nickname rolled off his tongue like he was born to call you that. god, you were so pretty.
“ah,” he hurried over to the kitchen counter, smiling.
the dark roast made his lips tingle as he gulped it down. the coffee tasted amazing. he listened to you talking as his thumb traced the raised pattern on his mug.
“and then he said ‘it’s your fault for not buying more ink for the printer.’ can you believe him?”
your chuckle made his lips curl up. “he’s an idiot.”
“yeah,” you trailed off, resting your empty cup on the counter as you stared at the ground, fiddling with the ends of your red dress.
when mingyu called out your name, your breath hitched in your throat.
his mug was long forgotten on the marble countertop, as kim mingyu inched closer to your body. his knee touched yours, and it sent little sparks of electricity up your spine.
“can i… can i kiss you?”
you nodded slowly, watching his mouth split into a smile. within moments, you felt his lips on yours, softly engulfing your mouth.
his lips were pillowy as you grabbed onto his collar, pulling him impossibly close. with one soft bite onto your bottom lip, you gasped. your open mouth invited his tongue as he licked the inside of your mouth, groaning when your fingers bunched up his shirt.
he pulled away after a second, panting through his mouth as a string of salvia connected your mouths. “fuck,” you whimpered, glassy orbs melting into his dazed ones.
“bedroom?” mingyu smirked, grabbing your waist as he pulled you up from your seat. “straight down the hall, second door to your left.”
your knees were shaky as you stood up. chuckling at your state, mingyu pulled you close, tapping your ass as a signal. accepting the offer, you jumped into his arms.
your hands were slung around his neck as he carried you to the bedroom. however, your mouth was relentless, placing small kisses all over his neck as you unbuttoned his crisp shirt.
his scent was making you dizzy as you inhaled, licking up the sweat that gathered on his skin.
“shi- feisty aren’t ya?”
you were laid down on the comfort of your bed, back hitting the soft mattress as he laid you down.
kim mingyu stood between your legs, towering over your figure in his casual outfit. he looked absolutely delicious.
you made grabby hands at him, pouting at the distance that had manifested. with a chuckle, mingyu all but pounced on you.
his lips found purchase on your skin, teething it like a madman. your fingers clutched onto his strands, whimpering softly when he licked over the material of your dress.
“as much as i love this on you,” he started, licking his lips. “i think i would love it on the floor even more.”
you could only stupidly grin as you yanked the material over your head. the simple black underwear you wore had mingyu going feral.
how could someone be this fucking beautiful?
while he was analyzing your body like it was a work of art, you tugged at his shirt, giggling. “you want this off baby?” he smiled. when you nodded, he nearly ripped the expensive fabric in two, before leaning down and hovering over your body.
his lips trailed your stomach, leaving a trail of spit in their wake. when he reached the hem of your panties, he looked up at you.
despite the fire burning in his irises, he smiles at you. “may i?”
with a shy nod, you allow him to continue. he mentally thanked you. mingyu thinks he would have jumped from the balcony in your room if you would have denied.
you lift your legs as he pulled your underwear down, groaning into your thighs when he caught a glimpse of your pussy.
“perfect, so fucking perfect.”
he discards the ruined cloth on the floor, grabbing your thighs as he parted them. face to face with your cunt, mingyu feels his consciousness falling into the chasms of insanity.
he places a kiss on your inner thigh, before leaning his head on your skin. his hair tickles you as one of his hands come up from under your thighs.
“wow,” he gasps to himself, tracing your wet folds with his fingers. the contact has you moaning out loud, too desperate to feel any friction.
the pads of his fingers glide over your cunt, messily collecting the moisture. you think mingyu purposefully ignores your clit.
but the man was transfixed by your pussy, eyes drowning in wonder as he picked up his pace. “this is okay right?” he questioned, looking up.
he sees your face contorted in pleasure as you nod. “more than okay, minyu-ssi!”
“hmm?” he teases, slowly using his middle and ring finger to push inside your walls. “how about this?”
“f— hah! mingyu-!”
“answer me,” he demands.
“yes! so good!”
using his fingers, mingyu scissored your walls open, mesmerized by the squelching noises that came from within. your arousal dripped out of your hole in copious drops, and mingyu couldn’t help but lean forward, catching it on his tongue.
“fuck…” you groaned, clutching your new bedsheets.
“love… you taste so good,” his eyes roll back. mingyu wraps his mouth around your clit, sucking the bud into his mouth as his fingers fastened inside you.
your gummy walls squeezed his nimble digits for all their worth as his tongue laved over your puffy clit.
spit and arousal formed a puddle underneath you, as mingyu pushed his face further into your pussy.
his fingers had reached a heavenly pace, toying with your folds and curling into that one spot that had your toes quivering.
“you close, hmm? can tell by the way you’re shaking,” mingyu chuckled. his laugh sent vibrations all the way up to your lower back, making you shiver in pleasure.
“alright then love, cum on my tongue. make a mess with this cute pussy of yours.”
“s— shit!”
with a loud moan of his name, the knot in your stomach came undone. your orgasm crashed on mingyu’s tongue as the man between your legs slurped up every drop you gave him.
the aftershocks of that intense pleasure had you feeling incoherent, mind numb as you looked at him with blurry eyes.
tears coated your lashes. no one had ever made you cum so quickly. hell, no one had ever made you cum like that.
“no no, stay with me baby,” mingyu tutted as he got up from his knees, unbuckling his slacks at your already fucked out expression.
“i have so much to do you, we’re just getting started hmm?” he smiled, pushing his boxers down.
you were looking at him with hearts in your eyes. “i think… i love you,” you giggled out, biting your lower lip.
“yeah?” mingyu’s thumb grazed your chin, before slowly slipping past your lips as he forced himself into your mouth.
his thumb pressed down on the back of your tongue, making you choke loudly as you batted your lashes at him.
“i think you’ll love me more after this first fuck.”
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© nachojaehyun, 2024
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