#White Dragon Sect
momochr0me · 8 months
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Pbss and dd interaction be like-
But I didn't even realize I didn't post this here lol
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mabaris · 7 months
going insane thinking about how the tevinter chantry is like roman catholicism and i wish we got to see more of the schism besides just “one side thinks andraste was a mage and the other side thinks she wasn’t” and what gender their priests are
for example, there’s the irl narrative that pilate didn’t want to kill jesus, he just didn’t want to upset his constituents and it’s actually the fault of the jewish people, didn’t really come about until the 4th century when rome adopted christianity and went “hey it’s kind of a bad look for us because we did kill the guy, we gotta fix that”
like, i wonder if hessarian is a more highly venerated figure in tevinter. i kind of wish he was their invention altogether. i wonder to what extent each faction emphasizes her military involvement (the east sees the rebellion as divinely ordained vs in the west, it’s incidental; after all, she wasn’t the real warlord, her husband was)
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city-of-ladies · 8 months
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Women warriors in Chinese history - Part 2
(Part 1)
"However, court confessions, unofficial histories, and local gazetteers do reveal a host of women warriors during the Qing dynasty when patriarchal structures were supposedly most influential. Women in marginal groups were apparently not as observant of mainstream societal gender rules. Daughters and wives of “peasant rebels,” that is, autonomous or bandit stockades, were frequently skilled warriors. Miss Cai 蔡†(Ts’ai) of the Nian (Nien) “army,” for example, “fought better than a man, and she was especially fine on horseback. She was always at the front line, fighting fearlessly despite the large number of government troops.” According to a folktale, she managed to rout an invading government force of several thousand with a hundred men and one cannonball after her husband led most of the Nian off to forage for food.
Related to the female bandits were the women pirates among whom Zheng I Sao 鄭一嫂†(literally, Wife of Zheng I; 1775–1844) is the best researched. “A former prostitute … Cheng [Zheng] I Sao could truly be called the real ‘Dragon Lady’ of the South China Sea.” Consolidating her authority swiftly after the death of her husband, “she was able to win so much support that the pirates openly acclaimed her as the one person capable of holding the confederation together. As its leader she demonstrated her ability to take command by issuing orders, planning military campaigns, and proving that there were profits to be made in piracy. When the time came to dismantle the confederation, it was her negotiating skills above all that allowed her followers to cross the bridge from outlawry to officialdom.”
We know slightly more about some of the women warriors involved in sectarian revolts. Folk stories passed down orally are one of the sources. Tales that proliferated in northern Sichuan on the battle exploits of cult rebels of the White Lotus Religion uprising in Sichuan, Hunan, and Shaanxi beginning in the late eighteenth century glorify several women warriors. The tall and beautiful Big Feet Lan (Lan Dazhu 籃大足) and the smart and skillful Big Feet Xie (Xie Dazhu 謝大足) vanquished a stockade together; the young and attractive Woman He 何氏 could kill within a hundred feet by throwing daggers from horseback. The absence of bound feet in Big Feet Lan and Big Feet Xie suggests their backgrounds were either very poor, unconventional, or non-Han.
Sectarian groups accepted female membership readily, and many of these women trained in the martial arts. Qiu Ersao 邱二嫂†(ca. 1822–53), leader of a Heaven and Earth Society (Tiandihui 天地會) uprising in Guangxi, joined the sect because of poverty and perfected herself in the martial arts. Some women came to the sects with skills. Su Sanniang 蘇三娘, rebel leader of another sect of the Heaven and Earth Society, was the daughter of a martial arts instructor.  Such sectarian rebel bands are frequently regarded as bandit groups. A history of the Taiping Revolutionary Movement refers to these two cult leaders as female bandit chiefs before they joined the Taipings.
Male leaders of religious rebellions frequently married women from families skilled in acrobatic, martial, and magic arts. These women tended to be both beautiful and charismatic. Wang Lun 王倫, who rebelled in 1774 in Shandong, had an “adopted daughter in name, mistress in fact,” by the name of Wu Sanniang 烏三娘 who was one of Wang’s most powerful warriors. Originally an itinerant performer highly skilled in boxing, tightrope walking, and acrobatics, she terrified the enemy with spellbinding magic. She brought a dozen associates from her old life to the sect, and they all became fearsome warriors known as “female immortals” (xiannü 仙女); three of them, including Wu Sanniang, lived with Wang Lun as “adopted wives” (ifu 義婦). A tall, white-haired woman at least sixty years old, possibly the mother of one of these acrobat-turned women warriors, wielded one sword with ease and two almost as effortlessly. Dressed in yellow astride a horse, hair loose and flying, she was feared as much for her sorcery as for her military skills. Her presence indicates that some of the women came from female-dominated itinerant performing families. Woman Zhang 張氏and Woman Zhao 趙氏, wives of Lin Zhe 林哲, another leader of the cult, were also known for being able to brandish a pair of broadswords on horseback.
Hong Xuanjiao 洪宣嬌†(mid nineteenth century), also known as Queen Xiao (xiaohou 蕭后), wife of the West King of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (taiping tianguo 太平天國), was so stunningly beautiful and impressive in swordsmanship that she mesmerized the entire army during battles. The link between early immortality beliefs and shamanism also suggests that these women warrior “immortals” of sectarian cults may represent surviving relics of the female shamans who occupied high positions during high antiquity.
During the White Lotus Religion rebellion in Sichuan, Hunan, and Shaanxi beginning in 1796, five of the generals were at once leaders and wives of other leaders of the cult. They were Woman Qi née Wang (Qiwangshi 齊王氏; Wang Cong’er 王聰兒), Woman Zhang née Wang (Zhangwangshi 張王氏), Woman Xu née Li (Xulishi 徐李氏), Woman Fan née Zhang (Fanzhangshi 范張氏), and Woman Wang 王†née Li 李 (Wanglishi 王李氏). In the Heavenly Principle Religion (tianlijiao 天理教) rebellion that began in Beijing during 1713, the wife of its leader, Li Wencheng 李文成, led three invasions into the city. There was even a “Female Army” (niangzijun 娘子軍) within the Eight Trigrams (baguajiao 八卦教) uprising in Shandong during the Daoguang 道光† reign (1821–51). The female generals, Cheng Sijie 程四姐†and Yang Wujie 楊五姐, were particularly impressive when they wove among enemy forces in the style of “butterflies flitting among flowers,” wielding broadswords on horseback, their hairpins glittering in the light.
A number of female rebel leaders used religion and magic to buttress their power. Many claimed to be celestials and were leaders of sectarian cults (...). Chen Shuozhen 陳碩貞†(?–653) mobilized a peasants’ uprising by declaring that she had ascended to heaven and become an immortal. Tang Sai’er (ca.1403–20), a head of the White Lotus Religion (bailianjiao 白蓮教), designated herself as a “Buddhist Mother” (fuomu 佛母). The spellbinding old woman warrior in Wang Lun’s Clear Water Religion (qingshuijiao 清水教) sect was known to the rebel community as a reincarnation of the highest White Lotus deity, the Eternal Venerable Mother (wusheng laomu 無生老母). Wang Lun relied on her for performing magic and the rituals for calling on their supreme deity. Woman Wang née Liu (wangliushi 王劉氏), one of the numerous female leaders of the White Lotus Religion revolt, also titled herself the Eternal Venerable Mother. Wang Cong’er (1777–98), originally an itinerant entertainer, became the commander in chief of the rebel army she launched with her husband, a master in the White Lotus Religion.
Indeed, itinerant performers such as Wu Sanniang mentioned above were frequently trained in the martial arts since childhood and must have been skilled at performing magic tricks as well. Lin Hei’er 林黑兒†(?–1900), leader of Red Lanterns (hongdengzhao 紅燈照), the young women’s branch of the Boxer’s Movement (yihetuan 義和團), was also originally an itinerant entertainer (her husband was a boatman). Designating herself the Holy Mother of the Yellow Lotus (huanglian shengmu 黃蓮聖母), she taught her followers the skills of wielding swords and waving fans as well as magic to defeat their enemies.  Wang Nangxian 王囊仙†(literally, Goddess Nang, 1778–97), an ethnic minority of the Miao tribe, was worshipped as a goddess by her tribesmen before she led them in revolt against the Chinese government."
Chinese shadow theatre: history, popular religion, and women warriors, Fan Pen Li Chen
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macsimagines · 1 year
Yandere!Hakkai Shiba w/ an S/O he 'bought'
(I was sick of waiting for him to win the polls and wrote this myself. OOPS. Angsty too. Set in the timeline that Hakkai became the leader of the blackdragons.)
TW: NSFW Minors DNI, Yandere behavior, Coercion, Manipulation, mentions of possible Prostitution.
Your family is in debt. Huge debt. And you have no choice but to try and sell yourself to save them.
Searching for some kind of work you figure out the best way to make back the money they owe is a 'Host' club ran by a man named Nahoya Kawata.
The process is exhausting, they almost don't hire you. You're very shy despite your pretty face and they don't think you'll be a good fit until they hear you're a virgin.
You should have never said anything but you just blurted it out when they asked. Suddenly Nahoya himself contacts you and explains he knows your situation.
He says people will pay top dollar for a young virgin that is as pretty as you. You'll have to comply with some blood tests and a screening to make sure you're telling the truth but that if the results come back good, he can make sure your families debt is payed off within the year.
Its all a lie of course, as soon as your virginity is gone he'll make sure you're stuck with him for the next five years until you're all used up.
But then Hakkai Shiba sees you. He tells Smiley he likes your pretty face, and Nahoya tells him you're a new contracted girl working for him. He explains your situation to him and Hakkai asks to have you entertain him.
Surprisingly, he doesn't want sex. Just wants something pretty and innocent on his arm for one night to make him seem more menacing in comparison.
What he doesn't expect is to fall in love. Your gentle touches, your sweet voice, the genuine concern you have for him when he gets rough with some punk he tried to make a deal with.
You're too good for this. All of it. And he's sick to his stomach to think how Smiley is going to turn you out.
He then buys out your contract. Pays off your families debt. Smiley tells you what happened and now Hakkai owns you. Nahoya has a new contract drawn out for you, and you sign it without looking at it.
That night, Hakkai is quiet, as he slowly pulls you towards the bed. Loves the pure white lingerie you're wearing. Probably courtesy of Smiley.
Lays you down on the bed, and kisses your lips lightly then trails kisses all the way down to your panties. His rough hands run up and down your legs and finally takes the garment off, pulls your thighs apart and stares down at his meal.
You weren't expecting him to start licking you up and down. You thought it would be the other way around. But he expertly eats you out with long strokes of his tongue, gently inserts a few fingers when you start to get nice and slick, groans at all your whimpers and loves knowing you're never going to be touched like this by any one else.
Takes your virginity, and you don't know what's worse. The fact that a man you know to be a murderous gangster had your first time, or the fact that he was so kind and gentle with you that you actually enjoyed it.
He's big- No, he's huge. But you came on his tongue and fingers and for whatever reason having him fill you inch by inch, raw, felt so amazing. You can feel your pussy pulse around his girth, and you swear you can hear him gasp when you clench around him...
You feel him fill you up, and can't even force yourself to stay awake while he actually goes down on you again. Licking you clean with his own cum leaking out of you.
Hakkai never says one word to you...
Congratulations! The Leader of the Black Dragon Sect is now your sugar daddy. And even though he says he's going to help you, you feel like you're sinking more and more into debt.
Hakkai is also stark quiet with you. In his head he thinks you two are slowly falling in love and that you understand the depths of his affections. But you don't understand why a man who only speaks two words to you, Yes and No, when he sees you is paying for your nice apartment and nice clothes....
The paranoia is eating away at you. He's going to want something from you, not just your little hands on his arm and for you to have sex with him occasionally... even if its so amazing.
But Hakkai insists he just wants you with him. Here a new handbag. His sister told him this is a good brand. What about some diamonds for your neck? You're so pretty...
Eventually you tell him, you want to get a job. Pay him back in a real way. Your breaking his heart baby, he doesn't want you to go anywhere. Don't you know he loves you? Don't you know you're married?
You're once again shellshocked. That's not possible, you'll tell him, he just bought out your contract and had you sign a new one right!?
Through his tears and sniffles Hakkai pulls out the contract that Smiley had you sign and that's when you realize it was never a fucking agreement or contract of any kind. It was an incredibly detailed and thorough unbreakable marriage license.
"I-I had no idea!" you tell him, feeling yourself about to cry but for very different reasons, "S-smiley didn't tell me! Pl-please Mr.Shiba you have to-!"
He grabs you and wraps you in a crushing embrace, his huge form needing to bend just so he can fully hold you.
"D-Don't call me Mr.Shiba. I'm Hakkai. I'm your husband. You're my wife."
You can feels his tears fall onto where his head is buried in your shoulder, you see the way his own shoulders shake as he cries.
"Please, I'll be good. I swear I'll be good. We'll be a real married couple. Just please...don't leave me.
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My Grimoire Research Library
this is a list of my major resource I've referenced/am currently referencing in my big grimoire project. For books I'll be linking the Goodreads page, for pdfs, websites and videos i'll link them directly.
There are plenty of generalised practitioner resources that can work for everyone but as I have Irish ancestry and worship Hellenic deities quite a few of my resources are centred around Celtic Ireland, ancient Greece and the Olympic mythos. If you follow other sects of paganism you are more than welcome to reblog with your own list of resources.
Parts of my grimoire discuss topics of new age spiritualism, dangerous conspiracy theories, and bigotry in witchcraft so some resources in this list focus on that.
Apollodorus - The Library of Greek Mythology
Astrea Taylor - Intuitive Witchcraft
Dee Dee Chainey & Willow Winsham - Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests
John Ferguson - Among The Gods: An Archaeological Exploration of Ancient Greek Religion
Katharine Briggs - The Fairies in Tradition and Literature
Kevin Danaher - The Year in Ireland: Irish Calendar Customs
Laura O'Brien - Fairy Faith in Ireland
Lindsey C. Watson - Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome
Nicholas Culpeper - Culpeper's Complete Herbal
Plutarch - The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives
R.B. Parkinson - A Little Gay History: Desire and Diversity Around the World
Rachel Patterson - Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness
Raleigh Briggs - Make Your Place: Affordable & Sustainable Nesting Skills
Robin Wall Kimmerer - Braiding Sweetgrass
Ronald Hutton - The Witch: A History of Fear in Ancient Times
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopaedia of Witches and Witchcraft
Thomas N. Mitchell - Athens: A History of the World's First Democracy
Walter Stephens - Demon Lovers: Witchcraft S3x and the Crisis of Belief
Yvonne P. Chireau - Black Magic: Religion and The African American Conjuring Tradition
Anti Defamation League - Hate on Display: Hate Symbols Database
Brandy Williams - White Light, Black Magic: Racism in Esoteric Thought
Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign - How to Spot TERF Ideology 2.0.
Blogs and Websites
Anti Defamation League
B. Ricardo Brown - Until Darwin: Science and the Origins of Race
Dr. S. Deacon Ritterbush - Dr Beachcomb
Folklore Thursday
Freedom of Mind Resource Centre - Steven Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control
Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Royal Horticultural Society
The Duchas Project -National Folklore Collection
Vivienne Mackie - Vivscelticconnections
YouTube Videos
ContraPoints - Gender Critical
Emma Thorne Videos - Christian Fundie Says Halloween is SATANIC!
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - The Source Of All Conspiracies: A 1902 Document Called "The Protocols"
The Belief it or Not Podcast - Ep. 40 Satanic Panic, Ep 92. Wicca
Wendigoon - The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg
Other videos I haven't referenced but you may still want to check out
Atun-Shei Films - Ancient Aryans: The History of Crackpot N@zi Archaeology
Belief It Or Not - Ep. 90 - Logical Fallacies
Dragon Talisman - Tarot Documentary (A re-upload of the 1997 documentary Strictly Supernatural: Tarot and Astrology)
Lindsay Ellis - Tracing the Roots of Pop Culture Transphobia
Overly Sarcastic Productions - Miscellaneous Myths Playlist
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - SATANIC PANIC! 90s Video Slanders Satanists | Pagan Invasion Saga | Part 1
ReignBot - How Ouija Boards Became "Evil" | Obscura Archive Ep. 2
Ryan Beard - Demi Lovato Promoted a R4cist Lizard Cult
Super Eyepatch Wolf - The Bizarre World of Fake Psychics, Faith Healers and Mediums
Weird Reads with Emily Louise -The Infamous Hoaxes Iceberg Playlist
Wendigoon - The True Stories of the Warren Hauntings: The Conjuring, Annabelle, Amityville, and Other Encounters
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wangxianficrecs · 9 months
💙 Crossing Paths by Ilona22
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💙 Crossing Paths
by Ilona22
M, 21k, Wangxian
Summary: In a world where the gentry families are both shapeshifters, and rulers of their territory in truth, a different war is started by greed. During its course the paths of a human and a dragon shifter cross, and from that, something grows. Kay's comments: This story has really enjoyable world-building and I loved to see the sects re-imagined as shifters. Like in canon, a war plays out between the sects in this story. However, the allegiances are different and in the end, the Jiangs are on the losing side and the story follows how Wei Wuxian ended up being turned over to the Lans and then promptly courted by Hanguang-Jun himself. Even during the war on opposing sides, Wangxian had already hit it off and their developing relationship in this story was right up my alley! Lan Wangji truly knows how to treat Wei Wuxian as he deserves and shower him in love and appreciation! Excerpt: Wei Ying’s part of the border had held, in contrast to the one near the coast. And so, it had been deemed more important that he guard their back against Gusu. It meant that Wei Ying had spent the last month skirmishing with Lan Wangji, Hanguang-Jun. Heir of Gusu and, as all of the main Lan clan, dragon shifter. Truly an awesome sight in his dragon form, Wei Ying had never seen anything as beautiful as that. All sleek, white scales, with ice blue accents, swift and elegant in the air. But fighting him directly like that? Not his idea of fun. Bears at least stayed on the ground. It had involved a lot of tactically chosen cover, talisman work and quick, intense duels. He was managing to hold the border, despite still having mainly common troops, and a few of the other outer disciples. But this would not work forever. For the moment, his requests for reinforcement had been denied, due to the Nie and Wen effectively pressing the Jin and Yu – the Nie had been joined by Zewu-Jun and his men, which was making things very difficult for the Jin. As Wei Ying had expected, their side was crippled by power plays and politics. There were factions in the Jin sect, each jockeying for the most prestigious postings. The Yu were too proud to accept someone outside their sect commanding their troops. And Jiang Cheng was terrible at cooperation. It was a mess held together by Jiang Fengmian’s efforts at diplomacy, and the hope for gains.
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, shapeshifters, war, cultivation sect politics, dragon lan wangji, human wei wuxian, war prize wei wuxian, diplomacy, developing relationship, getting to know each other, getting together, falling in love, not jiang cheng friendly, jiang family dynamics
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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best-nun-tournament · 1 month
Round 1, Match 17
Zhou Zhiruo (Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre) vs Mercedes von Martritz (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
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Zhou Zhiruo is a Buddhist nun of the Emei sect.
Mercedes von Martritz is a nun of the Church of Saint Seiros at Garreg Mach Monastery.
Zhou Zhiruo
Arguably the central antagonist of HSDS, an epic novel adapted into multiple 40+ episode TV series. Most powerful female character in HSDS. Using Nine Yin White Bone Claw at a tournament for the position of leader of the Wulin she defeated every other martial artist who came and was crowned leader of the martial arts world.
Mercedes von Martritz
Mercedes was born to the fallen House Martritz and bore a minor Crest of Lamine, a special type of blood that gave it's bearer enhanced abilities. Her father died shortly afterwards and Mercedes' mother remarried into House Bartels, giving birth to Emile von Bartels, who also had a minor Crest of Lamine. Mercie's stepfather was uncaring and only married for his new wife's crest which led to said wife's departure from House Bartels. She ran away with only her eldest child to the Kingdom, where Mercedes would really start her own life as a student of Fhirdiad's Royal School of Sorcery. There, she befriended Annette Fantine Dominic and both girls would later attend Garreg Mach Monastery together. Mercedes is a kind soul with a soft voice and the ability to speak her mind. She's the eldest student attending the Officer's Accademy and takes it upon herself to be a shoulder of support for her classmates, no matter their origin. When the timeskip hits, Mercie returns in a nun's garb and expresses reinforced belief in the Church, even in the route where you fight against the Archbishop. I find her extremely fascinating due to her sub-plot with her brother, Emile. Mercedes held deep regret for leaving her brother behind in House Bartels despite not knowing that he had chosen to stay behind to protect her and her mother. Emile later returns as The Death Knight, a general under the Flame Emperor's command and his story with his sister changes depending on the player's route. Should the player oppose the Flame Emperor, Emile and Mercie can reunite briefly, with The Death Knight granting Mercedes a relic that can only be operated by their Crest before dying in her arms in a later battle, happy to be with his family once again. In the event that the player does side with the Flame Emperor, The Death Knight becomes playable alongside his sister, revealing thatthe years spent in House Bartels changed him, giving rise to two distinct personalities: Jeritza von Hyrm and The Death Knight. Jeritza had been a teacher at Garreg Mach, serving as a spy to the Flame Emperor while The Death Knight quelled his bloodlust under the Flame Emperor's orders. In this route, Mercedes reaches out to both Jeritza and The Death Knight as their elder sister and the exchanges they have are some of my favorites in Fire Emblem history. Also Mercie is bisexual and both M!player and F!player can marry her in the end, regardless of route. Love her for that
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mirageofadesert · 11 months
Roar Of The Water Dragon (Shui Long Yin)
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Today, Luo Yunxi's next big drama was officially announced with him in the lead role. And just because I had so much fun staring at the poster the last time, I'm going to do it again.
We have some of the same elements as in the last poster: The water, as well as a fox dragon with antlers in the foreground. The man riding the dragon already resembles Luo Yunxi. This is Tang Lici, the main character of this story. This time, the hair isn't completely white yet, rather an ombre of white tips and black roots. I really hope this means he will use his natural hairline instead of a wig for parts of the show.
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Let's look at the details. His eyes are closed and he is reaching out. Just like in the first poster, he looks calm, while everything around him is in movement. There are red, gold and green ribbons surrounding him and some golden glow around his left hand. Next to his shoulder there are loose red feathers and further on top small white-golden birds following the fox dragon. They remind me of swallow, but with fantasy elements. Some of the green-blue ribbons turn into waves further up the painting.
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Next to the dragon are what looks like a couple of significant locations. On the bottom is a ship in a stormy sea. The figurehead resembles the dragon. Next to the ship are fish flying above the wave, which resemble the birds. This might mean a close connection between sea and sky in the symbolism of the show. Just like the flying water dragon.
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There are five other locations between the mountains under the moonlight. The one on the left looks like a bridge, the one on the right like a high tower. The one in the middle, I do recognize.
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It's the Hengyang sect complex, Otter Studio build for TTEOTM and which has since then been used in many other productions, such as My Journey to You and Mysterious Lotusbook Case.
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On top of the poster is a golden glowing lotus blossom. Inside of it sits a man in what looks like meditation position. It's hard to see clear, but it looks Tang Lici, only this time dressed very differently. I'm not sure if I have seen anything similar in cdramas before, especially his hair and crown. It looks almost South Asian to me. It would be funny if it's actually Thai, after Leo became cultural friendship ambassador for China-Thailand. Then again, most of his recent activities ended up somehow connected to this drama, and its production and broadcasters.
The warm, golden light and the position makes me think of enlightenment and even godhood. I will quote a post I found on Twitter. But be aware, that his could be considered a spoiler:
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Going from this, Tang Lici might have a long journey ahead of him, that will turn him from a troublemaker into a saint, by overcoming his own worldly obsessions. Sounds familiar?
Anyway, I'm super excited about the show! Booting ceremony is rumored to be in early December. By then, we might get more info on the rest of the cast. Maybe my wish comes true, and there really won't be a romantic focused story!
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. hello im looking for a fic where wwx and lwj are married but wwx died. wwx is interred in lotus pier and wangxian's kids go to see him and ask him to wake up, iirc. also it seemed unfinished or part of a series bc at the time i read it, the fic ends with wwx still dead. thank you so much for all that you do i hope your dinners are always good ♥️
FOUND? A Baby Dragon's Guide To Seducing Your Huli Jing by sweetlolixo (M, 87k, wangxian, fantasy au, dragon LWJ, fox WWX, younger LWJ, older WWX, fluff, humor, happy ending, WIP)
2. Hi! I want to ask about a fic I read some time ago. 
It was about a Canon Divergence where WWX and the Wens disappeared and years later they come back. They have formed a new sect and were hidden in the Wen territory. And I remember they had as a kind of dome with a fog or something in the Wen territory. And something happens that WWX and the Wens has to return and at the beginning doesn't want to talk to LWJ and always the one that speaks for him is WQ.I hope you can help me find this fic, I'd love to read it again. Thank you for everything 🤗💜 @wangxiansgirl​
FOUND! 💖 Echo, Murmur, Dream, Here by bluerainmist (M, 51k, wangxian, canon divergence, WWX survives, sect leader WWX, yiling wei sect au, slow burn, angst w/ happy ending, getting together, pining, love confessions, reunions, mind all the tags)
Not FOUND! Identity Porn AU by ShanaStoryteller
3. Hi! I've just watched the trailer for the movie "red, white and royal blue" and I remembered reading a wangxian fic based on that novel too!! I cannot find it anymore tho? Does anyone remember that fic? Thank you all guys for your amazing support!! @jaecomments
FOUND! History, Huh? by BaconnEggs (M, 53k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, RWARB AU basically, Modern Royalty, First Son, International Relations, Diplomacy, Multimedia, Miscommunication, Mischief, Royalty, First Kiss, Implied Sexual Content, Friends With Benefits, Oblivious, Sexuality Crisis, Non-Graphic Smut, Secret Relationship, Fade to Black, YZY is a Good Parent, WangXian Being WangXian, Chatting & Messaging, First Time, Twitter) could it be this one? i haven't read it but it's the only one i could find that fits.
4. Hii! I'm looking for this fanfic where Wei ying got cursed or something like that. Because of that he can't see (and feel? hear?) Lan Zhan, Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jiang Cheng (and Jin Ling?). To break the curse they have to admit their true feelings towards him and wei ying  has to acknowledge and accept them. He thinks they all hate him, but that is obviously not the case ^^
I hope you can find it.
FOUND? See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey (T, 29k, wangxian, JC & WWX, LSZ  & WWX, JL & WWX, LJY & WWX, WWX pov, WWX needs a hug, and gets several, WWX’s abysmal self-esteem, emotional healing, angst, curses, JC & WWX reconciliation, hurt/comfort, cuddling)
5. Hi!!!! I'm looking for a texting fic, it's set in the regular mdzs verse (not modern, but like they just invented a version of texting) LXC is like a massive hoe in it. Please help, I'm getting desperate here, Thanks @sad-stucky-shipper-107​
FOUND? Grandmaster of Meme-onic Cultivation by Hades_the_Blingking (T, 75k, LWJ/WWX/MXY, chat fic, canon compliant, memes, polyamory, not everyone dies au)
6. Hey, I have been looking for this fic for a very very loooong time, and still unable to find it. I hope you can find it for me
Here is all the things that I remember of that fic:
- modern setting
-lwj is an actor or singer (not sure which one 🤔)
- established wwx/lwj-i think wwx is a reporter/paparazzi 
-there is a part where other reports think that lwj is dating mianmian
That's all I can remember so far. Hope you can find it 🤞@mayavsworld
7. Hi! Please help me find this fic. It was post canon. LJY night hunting with LSZ, but only LJY come back to Gusu with LSZ's head ribbon. WWX took the news hard that i think its mentioned that he fall sick after that. I think LWJ went to where the night hunt happened and kill the snake yao to at least find LSZ body to have a burial but come out empty. I think it was chaptered fic but im not sure. At near the end of the story, in LP, LSZ turn up and make JWY shocked. He than tells JWY that the snake yao didnt killed him and he get lost when he is trying to go home. Thats all i remember. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
8. a fanfic where wei ying's parents aren't married and he gets turned into a slave @lydiablackrose​
FOUND? To Be Known by kat8cha (M, 4k, LXC/JGY, pre-3zun, wangxian, mildly dubious consent, Captive Prince fusion, sex work, master/pet, something made them do it, non-con situation, emperor NMJ, WIP/discontinued)
FOUND? Leash the Wind by ladyshadowdrake (E, 71k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, NHS/JC, Captive Prince fusion, emperor LXC, fluff & angst, slow burn, dub con, extensive world building, WIP)
9. Hey, I was hoping you could help me find a wanxian fic where wei wuxian gives himself to the Lans to be cleansed from resentful energy in exchange for the Wen's safety. The wens move to cloud recesses, I think. Lan wangji uses his qin to purge the resentment and unknowingly nearly kills wei wuxian. His body starts to deteriorate back to when he had injured himself in the fall to the burial mounds.
FOUND? decay by antebunny (G, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, the fluffiest ending, Hurt/Comfort)
10. There’s a fic I can’t track down. It was a bottom Lan Wangji one. I think wwx had been fantasizing about oral sex for a while and I have a rather distinct memory of Lan Wangji sitting down next to him at his desk and sucking on his fingers. The situation may or may not have had something to do with some p0rn Huaisang sent them, my memory is very hazy :’D
11. Hello! Jealous lwj au. Wen ning and wwx are friends. wwx loves making lwj jealous because he gets railed so hard when lwj is jealous and angy. then one time it got too much, wwx suggested hugging or doing something sketchy with wen ning during a party. wwx promised wn that it'll be the last time. then lwj saw it, but sadness was seen in his face not the usual anger that wwx wants from lwj. lwj runs away from the party and lwj throws their ring. then wwx ran after him crying begging. THANK YOU! @jamebyeol-blog​
12. hello!
there was a particular fic where wei wuxian learns how to weild his sword all over again and sword fights with lan wangji under the moonlight and lam wangji is extremely turned on by it.
wei wuxian tries to pick up sword fighting and challenges lan wangji
this and any other wangxian sword fighting fic works too!! @lalalalan​
REC:  与其身后名 | immaculate by auberjing (E, 15k, wangxian, wuxia au, courtesan LWJ, angst w happy ending, revenge, pining, virgin LWJ, getting together, major illness, blood & injury, martial arts, cottagecore, ritual sex, alcohol, mutilation, near death experiences, recovery, implied/referenced torture, bottom LWJ)
13. Hi, sorry to bother, I have two requests for finding a fic. I wanted to know if anyone remembers A) a fic where A Yuan goes with Wei Wuxian to Jin Ling's A one month celebration. This someone changes the way things go. B) Also another one where A Yuan shows up with Wei Wuxian when he's discussing the Wens being prisoners so people see that there are children in the prisoners camps!! Any story where A Yuan changes things for the better before Wei Wuxian's death. Thank you, be well @monicaop21
Hi, thanks for your help but is not the fic I'm looking for, I think it was complete and I do remember A-Yuan is in Koi Tower, he arrives with Wei Wuxian there. Be well!!
Not FOUND I whatever you, I will stand by your side by Lizziewriter07 (M, 63k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Canon JC, Bitter WWX, Cultivation world Bashing, dadxian, Sexual Tension, Pining, Protective LWJ, SongXiao Get a Happy Ending, Protective WQ)
Not FOUND! The Core Issue by Hauntcats (T, 21k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Canon Divergence)
14. Looking for a fic that was on ao3. I remember there was two versions, one where WWX was a man and another where he was a woman and he decided to fake his death I think? And leave the cultivation world behind. He/she had twin sons that were A-Yuan and Jingyi I believe and then in the end LWJ who is the father of the twins but he doesn’t know it, fakes his death and finds them by an anonymous tip *cough cough* NHS who had tried to get WWX to rejoin the cultivation world earlier when NMJ died. @bigmeatycl0ws
15. y’all are doing the gods work with this blog and this is coming from an atheist XD
anywho i’m looking for a specific fic (or was it series?) where the premise is the swords are spirits that can manifest in a human body. wwx is one such sword called suibian, as is lwj. the story starts (i think) with wwx being jc’s sword and they don’t really get along/harmonise (big surprise)
there’s some world building of a story of xxc being a self wielding sword and getting tricked by xy and either doing bad stuff and then dying or just dying.
uh it ends with wwx and lwj proving to the golden tower (the peeps that hold the swords because they’re too innocent or whatevs to be alone out in the wild) that they can handle their own. there’s a line in there about how they’re not self-wielding swords, but swords that wield each other.
wwx was previously lwj’s human under the name wwx something one or both of them forgot.
there’s some scene after about wwx meeting jc’s new sword and there being some antagonism between them (new sword throwing tantrum and wwx being chaotic but solving the problem as usual)???
think author said it was inspired slightly by touken ranbu? or some other sword person anime/game thing?
this is so detailed it’s bothering me so much but i can’t find it and i’m at the point where i’m doubting if it existed ;-; @tabbycallie​
FOUND! swords, i guess by victortor (T, 26k, wangxian, swords au, asexual character, asexual LWJ)
16. Please help me find a fic! I think it was a WWX's Parents Live fic, but I can't be sure. I remember that LQR had a good opinion of him at the start of the guest lectures. There's a scene where LQR is talking about talismans, and has WWX take out all of the talismans he has on him. WWX has a whole system set up for combat talismans in one sleeve and general use talismans in the other, and he lectures about their unique uses and value and a bunch of sect heirs get angry at him for showing them up, and I think there's a fight later? But I really don't remember much beyond that. @lewiscarrolatemybrain​
FOUND! From the Warm Sun by sunshine_sparrow (T, 58k, WangXian, CSSR & WWX, CSSR & LQR, Discussion of Rape, Period-Typical Sexism, Mostly CQL but probably some MDZS too, CSSR Lives, Madam Lán Lives, Qingheng-jun lives, But WCZ Still Dies, Fix-It, Happy Ending, All Soft and Very Little Angst, the wens live, Yīn Iron, Good Person MY, Good Person LQR) The scene with the talismans is in chapter 4.
17. Hello, thank you guys for all of your hard work! Don’t remember if this was book or cql canon but im looking for a fic where post WWX death lwj travels to another world where wwx is still alive during the cr lectures and older lwj, young WWX and young lwj end up sleeping together and then nhs comes and brings lwj back to their og world fulfill his grand plan
18. Hi! I have already asked this before but i can't remember the title again. So i am asking for your help once again.
So like, the cultivation world needs yiling laozu's help and they tried to summon him using mo xuanyu but they failed since yl Iz appeared in his own original body and not in mxy. Anyway so history repeats itself, wwx knows everybody especially lan zhan cuz he his "friend" that time. They became curious about wwx, they found his journal and he kept talking about this certain friend eventually they found out the friend's name is lan zhan lan wangji. Time skip they found out that Iwj reincarnated, he looks exactly the same as wwx's friend. Lxc said it was impossible cuz all their ancestors died because of an explosion that was caused by wwx back in the day.
There is this spefic scene, wwx kept blaming himself because he was the reasom why Iz died, ok so Iz married a woman (arranged marriage) and had child with her, wy was heartbroken and told Iz that he has feelings for him, Iz also has feelings for him, so when Iz heard that the sects will have a siege in burial mounds he went there and protected wy then something happened and the surroundings explode.
Anyway, they have come to a conclusion that wy is an immortal, he took care of Iz's child, Iz reincarnated he fought really hard to keep his body and appearance the same @hellothere9597​
I know I’ve read this one but I can’t remember the name and all the tags I think should be in there aren’t :’) ~Mod L
FOUND? Old Foreshadows by protos_metazu_ison (M, 15k, WangXian, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, War, Universe Alteration, Sunshot Campaign, [Podfic] Old Foreshadows by Saint_tuesday)
19. Ok I'm looking for a fic I read years ago where we have amateur porn channel, lwj is submissive full time and wwx calls him bunny, he's the Dom in the relationship but lwj is the top. It's all lwj pov and he's alone at home and horny but holding back bc he's not allowed to cum without permission even when he's alone. Idk I'm just needing some sub lwj in my life. Thanks so much!
FOUND? The impatient rabbit by BCat13 (E, 3k, WangXian, Somnophilia, BDSM, Dom WWX, Sub LWJ, top LWJ, Bottom WWX, Soft Dom WWX, Service Sub LWJ, Bunny LWJ, Emotionally overwhelmed LWJ, Breeding Kink, Exhibitionism, Art)
20. ​hey! can anyone help me find this wangxian fic set in the burial mounds days where jgs (?) found this one artifact that would enable him to see inside of the burial mounds, called a meeting with all the sects and everyone saw that they were harmless or something among those lines, thanks!
FOUND? A Step in the Wrong Direction by pupeez4eva (Not rated, 4k, wangxian, canon divergence, humor, everyone realizes WWX and the wens are innocent, the Jins have a lot of answering to do, JGS pov)
FOUND? Through A Looking Glass by Purplepulu (Not rated, 21k, wangxian, canon divergence, Families of Choice, Wēn Remnants Live, Fix-It of Sorts, Creepy JGS, JZX Tries, Cultivators with One brain cell, Crack Treated Seriously, Humor, Angst w Happy Ending, Oblivious WWX, Pining LWJ, Matchmaker LXC, Mastermind NHS, Traumatized A-Yuan, Fluff, NMJ Lives, Soft NMJ, BAMF WWX, POV LXC, POV JGS, Protective JYL, JZN Being an Asshole, Everyone Lives au, Except for JZN, Good Sibling JC)
FOUND? Revealing Truth by DreamNightmare (G, 2k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It)
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bnnywngs · 2 years
when wei wuxian asked lan wangji to marry and received a positive answer, most of the lan sect knew there wouldn't be grand courting gifts, nor it would be expensive, as he and his parents were rogue cultivators.
what they didn't expect was wei changze himself arriving in cloud recesses with four big wooden chests, intricately carved with wedding symbolisms saying it was his son's gifts.
they sat inside the formal room, curiously waiting to see what was inside the chest. lan wangji looked impassive as usual, but his fingers were twitching with barely stifled desire to open the chests himself.
the first one was opened.
"lan-er-gongzi, here's the first gift from your betrothed." wei changze smiled softly and brought his hands out of the chest, a beautifully made sky blue robe with a silver dragon embroidered on the back "a robe for you made by your betrothed's hands. a-ying not only embroidered but also sewed the cloth he himself chose especially for you."
all the lans were surprised and impressed, it was clearly well made, it could easily pass by professionally made.
"the second gift" wei changze continues, opening the second chest "is a pair of bunnies carved in white jade by your betrothed." he put the, frankly big, pair of jade animals on the floor in front of lan wangji, who immediately snatched one to look up close.
again, the lans were impressed. who would know that wei-gongzi was so accomplished.
"the third and last gift for now" wei changze opened the last chest "is a pair of guans carved in wood, a pair of hairpins of blue and white jade, and a pair of tassels in the same colors." he put one by one beside the lonely bunny "all made and carved by a-ying himself."
the lans were truly astonished. the gifts were all beautiful and well made, almost as if wei-gongzi was a professional in these sections. and were all of immeasurable price. blue jade! the boy had blue jade to carve! and many white jades to choose what to do with it!
lan xichen could barely blink! lan qiren felt his own mouth open.
"thank you.... a-die." lan wangji bowed, showing, for once, his shy side.
wei changze just chuckled "there's nothing to thank me, a-zhan, just make our a-ying happy."
"mn." lan wangji nodded firmly "will make beautiful gifts for wei ying."
the rogue cultivator chuckled again, and bowed "for the next round of gifts, a-ying wishes to focus on cultivation, if it's ok with you?"
"definitely." lan xichen said, before coughing softly into his hand and smiling "we will be happy with anything wei-gongzi thinks is valuable."
"of course." wei changze nodded with a smile.
later that night, past curfew, most lans that were inside that room would find hard to sleep, thinking about the gifts received and the ones yet to come.
all but one.
lan wangji slept soundly, a tiny smile in his lips as he dreamed of his future.
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flock-from-the-void · 7 months
♾ (for the story based on song game)
Hi! Thank you for participating! Sorry that it took this long, haha...
Anyway, the song is 🥁🥁🥁
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wc: 1395 universe: Mirage of Spring tw: self harm, suicidal ideation, cursing
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“Rú Zhèng!” sect leader Wǔ screamed, her eyes filled with a fury of a snowstorm. “How dare you? For the minister of ceremony to disrespect a sacred sect this bluntly!”
Rú Zhèng starred in the abyss before her. Her robes, wide at the hemline and collar tightly hugging the woman’s neck, were giving her an impression of a lonely mountain. Tiny figurines of high-mountain birds were sitting on her silver hairpins and her face was so pale as the snow.
Sect leader Wǔ couldn’t look at this expressionless white sheet. “Does this mean nothing to you?! So insolent!”
Loud slap pierced the room, all the elders of Dòng​chuān sect froze in place. A splash of blood stained the snow – Rú Zhèng’s cheek turned bright red. Regardless, Rú Zhèng bowed deeply. “This lowly minister will pass on the sect leader’s response to her majesty. Thank you for discussing this matter with me.” She turned in place and, followed by dozens of eyes, she left the main hall.
Outside the snow quickly covered her blush. She was slowly passing the buildings of Dòng​chuān. Like a noble crane she was taking slow steps, her wide sleeves turned into wings by the wind. Only up close to her face, examining her eyes, one could see a hint of tears.
She was breaking.
She went through the sect’s gate and turned left, towards the mountain’s base. It wasn’t the time to leave the mountain yet – a small group of servants was waiting for her in the guest room. Her steps were turning into springs. She didn’t want to see them. They still didn’t dare to insult her directly but whispers and glances pained even more – like a precise needle could cause worse injuries than a punch.
This crane flew through the mountain until the snow made the air so dense, she couldn’t see a thing – only endless whiteness. She was truly just a part of nature, her soul just as blank and full of mourning.
She tripped. The coldness covered her, and the only thing she wished for was becoming one with it, like a snowflake that falls and fades, and not even a memory of it remains. Who would look for her? Who would cry for her?
“Hey, someone lies there?” a voice rapidly stopped her thoughts. A slender face full of beauty marks broke through the nothingness. A rough hand swiped down the frost from her chest. “Zhèng-jiě, what on earth are you doing?”
Rú Zhèng rubbed her eyes. Was it…?
“Come on, Zhèng-jiě,” the person helped her to stand. They hold her close. A warm sincere hug was something she hadn’t experienced for a long time, a faint blush bloomed on her cheeks.
“What are you doing here, cultivator Rú?” she asked, as they were strolling in an unknown to her direction.
“What am I doing here? Sweet idiot, you’re maybe an hour away from my sect. It would be surprising if I wasn’t here.”
“You have a point,” she murmured.
“And don’t address me so officially. Please, we’re family. And friends, hopefully.”
Rú Báiyàn was her cousin from the father’s side. Usually they were meeting under official circumstances. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure if they had ever talked like this, without formalities and prying eyes of others. Rú Zhèng was a bit uncomfortable with familiarity glazing her words, yet being called “Zhèng-jiě”... it had a certain… appeal. Warm and sweet appeal.
They entered a cave. It was lightened with candles and lanterns, and full of things of all kinds. Rú Zhèng sat on a blanket and covered herself with another one. While Rú Báiyàn was boiling the water, she inspected the space. The walls were painted in random patterns. Dragons, butterflies and clouds were flying above the mountains of real bamboo strips and empty wine jars. Some poems were dangling under the lanterns, and she noticed a bunch of colorful instruments. Among all that, some lonely pots, fans and shoes were wandering.
Rú Báiyàn noticed the movement of her eyes and started to explain: “the sect leader doesn’t like excessive drinking, so we created this place. I’m pretty sure she knows about it but isn’t evil enough to end it. I mean, it’s not without a benefit for her, the bonds among the disciples and masters of Dòng​chuān were never this tight. Nothing brings people together like a good wine, right?”
“I suppose.” But what she could know about it?
Rú Báiyàn stretched her hands and gave her a cut cup filled with the water. She sat next to her. Without any shame, she rested on Rú Zhèng’s arm. The latter halted for a second, moved by the sudden touch. A drop of ink could change the color of a cup of water, a warm gesture could change the mood of a person. And so Rú Zhèng felt faint happiness.
This wasn’t good. After all, Rú Báiyàn was from the Rú family – from the people who abandoned her. Without their support, she lost everything to Dū Cuán, her right-hand man who she was supposed to trust. Even if they didn’t care for her, they should at least protect the honor of the family, but they ignored every humiliation. No one saw her as a part of the Rú clan anymore. She had no family.
Thoughts were painfully pulsating in her mind. Her skin was itching. If only she could shed it like a snake… but she couldn’t. Snakes were leaving their past life behind and just starting anew with a fresh form – she wasn’t seeking that. Maybe she was more like a squirrel who had changed her fur for the winter and now desperately tried to get the previous one back; yet she could only wait for the change in the world.
Her fingers wandered towards the fireplace. They were like… Ah, they weren’t like anything, she shouldn’t be… She should be… She should be here… Just a little bit further and… She dipped her fingertips in a flame and let go a sigh of relief. She became physical again.
Her hand was forcefully removed from the fire but she felt refreshed already. She took the hand back and glanced at Rú Báiyàn. “Sorry,” she said icily. There were no tables, so she put her empty cup on the floor. The blanket became a neat rectangle in her hands. She stood up with grace. “Thank you for trusting me with this place and your hospitality, táng​mèi.”
Rú Báiyàn’s face was frozen in shock. The second she came back to her senses, she shouted: “Zhèng-jiě!”
Rú Zhèng felt silent. She was so confused.
“How could you…” Rú Báiyàn’s brows met in the middle, the flickering light of the fire made her look more aggravated than she really was. She caught Rú Zhèng’s arm again and then she said slowly, carefully articulating every syllable: “I want to help you.” Even though Rú Zhèng gave her a confused and angry look, she didn’t fight back, so the woman continued: “tell me, why should you bear the weight of Rú Sàizhuàn’s decisions? That old ungrateful bitch pushed you to a puddle of mud and expected you to stay servile. But you can pull her in, can’t you?”
“But they are…” Rú Zhèng bit her tongue. She was not a part of the Rú family, so she was not bonded by any duty. It was as if a wall in front of her was turned into rubble and she could see a rising sun again. A mass of flaming red rage which filled not only her view but also her soul. 
She crouched, dragging Rú Báiyàn with her, and picked another charred stick. It moved so rapidly, as if gods were supporting her case and hand – a mere martial artist couldn’t avoid it. A scream filled the air. Never in her life Rú Zhèng was so free. Her wings grew again on her back – from a crippled crane she was reborn into a hawk.
“Please, forgive me” she said with no remorse in voice. “Your only sin is being of the Rú family, Yànyan, but it’s a sin nonetheless.”
Laughter exploded from Rú Báiyàn’s mouth and she couldn’t help joining in. Shivers were flaring up and dying out in her body. She felt so purified.
“Now,” Rú Báiyàn cut the laughter abruptly. “Let’s fry the rest of the pests, right?”
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Mirage of Spring taglist: @cruorons, the taglist is always open!
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web-novel-polls · 6 months
Web Novel Weapon Tournament
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[Please be courteous in the notes.]
Bu’gui [“No Return”] / Guilai [“To Return”] - Mo Ran’s sword from 2ha
“No Return… Affairs of the past upon vermillion bridge in emerald green; Another year goes but still you do not return.”  - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 81 
Bu’gui was Mo Ran’s sword in the original timeline that he received by bringing a plum blossom branch to an old dragon named Wangyue. He had Chu Wanning seal it until he could think of a name for it, and it was only named “No Return” after Chu Wanning’s death.
In the second lifetime, he received Jiangui instead, but Bu’gui appeared once more at Xuanyuan Pavilion and was auctioned off to the Rufeng Sect for 5 million; this time it was referred to as Guilai or “To Return.”
Wiki Link
Cheng Luan - Liu Qingge’s sword (SVSSS)
It is very large and is obviously enough to carry Liu Qingge and company. The sword is the size of his ego…
Final battle sword (TGCF)
The sword of several gods put together to fight the final Boss of TGCF. I think it at least deserves a chance lol
Wind Master Fan (TGCF)
Owner: Shi Qingxuan
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Wiki Link
Xue Zhengyong’s fan (2ha)
“Xue is beautiful, others are ugly.”  - Chapter 31
While this fan is never named, Xue Zhengyong’s fan is well-known due to the writing on it - “Xue is beautiful” (which faces others) and “others are ugly” (which faces him). It really is iconic
Zheng Yang - Luo Binghe’s sword (SVSSS)
Submission: Something about a childhood sword that was broken, then preserved, then restored, and in the end was the one that remained, instead of the more powerful one that brought only misery. 
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
I have no idea why but I absolutely hate how Ameridan' story was handled, they basically dumbed it down to him worshipping both the creators and andraste/chant of light, which kind of proved Cassandra's dumb (and incredibly disrespectful) point of an inquisitor having "room for another god". It's also so unfair how they made the evanuris to just be power hungry slavers and tyrants, my only hope is that if the creators were disproving then I hope it would be the same for the chant of light and maker (seeing asnit was solas who made the veil and not the creator) I really hate how centrist the game has gotten, like flat out, whenever I hear the words grey morality and nuance I can't help burn cringe, that's how much dragon age has ruined it for me.
It's also so incredibly funny how the devs are genuinely surprised that most of the players are pro mage, like of course we are?
i think it's particularly extremely aggravating, the way bioware writers write about a pantheon as if polytheistic religions are simply a thing of the past and dead and some kind of mystery/mythology. according to bioware, this kind of writing for polytheistic religions is fine because no real religion these days would everrrrrrr worship multiple gods /sarcasm. (note that the links are just some examples and not comprehensive in the least)
there's a lot of writing choices i quite simply disagree with in dai, and there's some that are just... i don't even disagree with them because that implies it's something to argue about. some of their writing choices are just wrong. after borrowing so heavily from ethnic groups to shape their fictional histories, the disrespect of writing their fictional oppressed minorities as being responsible for their own oppression because they were not "open" enough to include/absorb expy christianity into their religious beliefs and fought back against violent colonialism. the resulting clumsy collation between isr*el and the indigenous people of the americas wanting to reclaim their lands stolen from them by white colonisers makes my blood boil.
ameridan is just another piece of the puzzle that makes me seethe. we have a man who apparently ~existed before hostilities between the elves and the humans~ which is now the fault of drakon's son who invaded the dales after ameridan was long gone. that's already absolute bullshit because ameridan lived in the fucking dales. elves only started living in the dales AFTER ANDRASTE'S REBELLION. after the fall of arlathan, and hundreds of years of enslavement at the hands of tevinter humans???
additionally, the battle of red crossing happened in 2:9 glory, but tensions between the elves and humans had been building up since the second blight. drakon the first died in 1:45 but the elves apparently did "nothing" to help montsimmard when it was overrun by darkspawn in 1:25 divine - twenty years before his death, there was already simmering resentment. additionally, it was drakon the first that expanded the orlesian empire and the orlesian chantry - wotv2 notes his battles against the darkspawn did more to spread the chant of light (specifically, the orlesian chant of light which he, yknow, fucking made up) than any of his other attempts. by the time the exalted march on the dales happens, over three quarters of thedas is under orlesian rule. maferath himself handed the dales to the surviving elves from andraste's campaign in -165 ancient and the elves lived in the dales peacefully until the orlesian chantry was salivating at its borders. and the orlesian chantry has a history of wiping out "cults" - i.e. other sects of their own religion that differ from belief, no matter how minor, to their own. including, notably, the wholesale genocide of a non-violent sect centered around fertility rituals and, later, the dragon worshipping sect in haven off their own land. (and i'm willing to BET MONEY that they were originally alamarri themselves, considering that andraste was brought there to rest, and considering how cultural variance in religion usually occurs [i.e. through the blending/adoption of folk beliefs or the cultural/religious practices from Before]. so the andrastians slaughtered the cult AND THEN TOOK THEIR FUCKING LAND.)
the entire way andrastianism is treated in inquisition makes me violent. and unfortunately, it does not look like it's going to change - there's been multiple statements about how the maker's existence will continue to remain "a mystery" out of a reluctance to confirm or deny the existence of a One True God which, coupled with how they've shat on every other religion in the game - the tevinter chantry, the qun, the stone, the elven pantheon, every other sect worshipping the maker/andraste - gives me absolutely no hope that the writing team is going to get their heads out of their asses about it.
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mikkeneko · 5 months
Writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @fortune-maiden.
It probably said a lot about the kind of person Shen Qingqiu was that when he awoke to the sight of a white gauzy canopy overhead, perfumed sachets hanging from all four corners, that his first thought was not What a lovely morning! even though it was, since mornings on Cang Qiong Mountain were always exquisite. - In Durance Veil 
The great empire of the Wen stretched from sunup to sundown. From the rigid mountains to the edge of the sea, across lakes and rivers and all through the jianghu, the flaming red sun rose over every house in the land. - The Ghost Robbers of Yunmeng 
One of the imps in Mobile-jun's palace says it, when he doesn't realize Luo Binghe can hear -- doesn't realize just how good his hearing is, enhanced by years of spiritual cultivation training. "Well, I'm just saying, it's a waste of space!" the imp says. - nostrum 
Shen Yuan came back to awareness to the sound of a distant buzzing, threading through a heavy gray fog that seemed to have swallowed him. - Immortal Lamb Crusader Way
It was nice to get out of Golden Scale Tower on a night hunt, and it was nice to spend time with his jiujiu. In fact, those were two of Jin Ling's favorite things! - Bringing Up JC 
Jiang Cheng sat in his father's office, waiting for his siblings to appear in response to his emergency meeting summons. No, damn it all, he had to stop thinking like this. It was his office -- the Sect Leader's office. - (say hello to my) thirty million little friends (Latest chapter, since the first chapter of this item was posted like four years ago.)
Somewhere lost in the clouded annals of myth, in the vague spaces beyond the edges of the map where only dragons lie, in places unknown and untread by mortal feet, (do not pass Go, do not collect $200), in just such a dim and murky place, resides a tavern. - Never Gonna Tell A Lie 3: Sexily Sinister Sorcerer Spree 
Light flared in the darkness, and someone off to his left hissed a warning. Hastily, Sergeant Major Havoc cupped his hand around the match, angling the cigarette between his teeth to light the end of it, and then shook the match out. - Countdown Till Dawn 
A phone rang. The sound was flat and tinny, a default ringtone on a phone that had never been customized, barely ever been touched. - You Only Die Twice 
It was a pleasant day in upstairs rooms of the second-nicest teahouse in the city, because it turned out that the second-nicest teahouse in the city was where a lot of the really bad ideas came from. - Yunmeng Shuangjie Reconciliation Speedrun, Any %, No Yanlis, 8.5k 
Looking over it... As usual there seems to be a divide between comedic fics (which start off with overblown portentiousness, then devolve into something silly) and serious fics, which simply open with a scene description.
One common theme seems to be that a serious story starts on a sudden flare of something -- of light (a match) or sound (a phone rings, or a buzzer sounds) and then orients from that point and goes forward. And Shen Qingqiu's stories seem to consistently start with him waking up, while other POVs don't.
Other than that, I don't see a lot of commonality.
Tagging @cerusee, @nyoomerr, @jingyismom, maybe @tavina-writes if you wanna!
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ryin-silverfish · 8 months
You mentioned the Azure Lion, what background does he have here in fsyy? Are the Yaoguai that serve as mounts in JTTW part of the Jie sect? Can you mention what they are please?
Obligatory Disclaimer: FSYY was written after JTTW, the two novels don't take place in one universe, ppl simply like to HC they do.
But yes, the three yaoguais that serve as the mounts of Manjusri, Samantabhadra and Guanyin——Azure Lion, White Elephant and Golden-haired Hou——are all Jie Sect disciples in FSYY.
They are called the Dragon-headed Immortal(虬首仙), Spirit Tusk Immortal(灵牙仙), and the Golden Light Immortal(金光仙). First appearing in Cha. 72 as one of the many Jie Sect immortals angry at Guangcheng Zi during his visit to Biyou Palace, they are in charge of the Taiji Formation(太极阵), Twin Polarity Formation(两仪阵), and Four Bearings Formation(四象阵) during the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation arc.
Unfortunately for them, the three future Bodhisattvas transform into their Dharma Bodies(法身) and, with the help of the Pangu Banner, Taiji Talisman and Three-treasure Ruyi, break the formations. Then they are all forced to revert to their original form, made into mounts, and paraded before Patriarch Tongtian for extra insults(Cha. 83).
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vahntares · 2 years
When a Huli Jing loses his golden core something unique in his nature happens.
Everything in him goes.
His hair turns white, his eyes lose the ability to see and, were it not for the fact that there is still warm blood in his veins, his skin would be as pale as that of a corpse.
Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji believed that they could endure that, that the sacrifice of Wei Wuxian losing his core by impromptu destroying the Stygian Tiger Seal would not be too high a price for his own live that was constantly threatened by other sects.
Both of them would support the recovery of the Huli Jing.
But...there was something else he lost.
His soul.
His soul had also been emptied and turned white. Most of their memories had been left in limbo between dreams and oblivion.
As soon as they realized this they tried to find a solution, Wei Wuxian had stopped recognizing them and, as a result, had stopped trusting them.
The Huli Jing fled from their hands, unwilling to recover his memories.
How could they be good if they had forced him to stop being himself?
And so, stories were created of a Huli Jing whiter than snow and whiter than Lan dragons. A beautiful creature who fled from the great sects and smiled at everyone but the cultivators.
Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji never stopped looking for him until one day they found him.
(Like when your brain shuts down at the best part. Ciao)
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