#Which is why there's a weird shared pov here
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months ago
@s-sputnik-k #I like to hc Julian has chronic pain and his pain tolerance is pretty high#which I think would also fit with why he related to melora so much and could read her so well
Ohhhh. Oh I'm taking this headcanon, heck yeah!
... I was going to write a little addendum to this with your hc in mind, but it kind of ended it up sprawling into an actual ficlet - thanks for the brainworms!
Jadzia asks him to describe what happened in more detail, and he talks about the constant bite underneath his skin, the shooting growing pains, the headaches and brain fog...
"For two whole months?" she asks, horrified. He shrugs, not quite meeting her gaze.
"The worst of it, yes... But, uh, some of it stayed. After I left the hospital."
"For how long?" Miles butts in, anger rising in his throat. Why had Julian never said any of this before? Being tortured at six years old isn't something he should just be brushing off!
"I mean, it's hard to say, exactly," says Julian. "Over time, you kind of learn to tune it out, so I've never quite been sure how much it's diminished since I was a child, or how much I've simply become better at dealing with it. Or, for example, it got worse during my stay with the Dominion, but I don't know why - you know, if the conditions there added something new, or if the physical discomfort made the old stuff flare, or if the actual pain was the same but my perception of it changed, and it was just mentally more difficult to manage. Sorry, that wasn't a very good answer..."
"Fuck," Miles says, just as Jadzia breathes out, "Julian..."
Neither of them can continue. How do you reply to something like that? Instead, Jadzia pulls him forward into a hug, holding him carefully as though he might break, feeling him tense for a millisecond before relaxing into her embrace.
"Is this okay?" she asks. She doesn't want to hurt him anymore than he has been.
For a few more seconds, he doesn't reply, and then he pulls back, a small smile on his lips. "Thank you," he says. "I think I needed that."
She wants to hold on to him for longer, wants to show him his fiercely he is loved, but Julian is drawing his hands back into himself now, standing up tautly.
"Julian," Miles starts, eyes locked into his friend. "Are you still in pain - now, I mean - from what-- what happened to you, back then?"
Julian smiles again, shaking his head. "You don't have to be worried about me, Chief," he says. "It was a long time ago. Like I say, I've learnt to deal with it."
Miles' heart, already swollen with grief for his friends, has got stuck somewhere between his lungs and his mouth. "I-- Julian," he stutters. "Julian, no - that's not... You shouldn't--"
"Julian, of course we're concerned," Jadzia cuts in. "You're telling us you've been suffering the aftereffects of torture on your own for years. That's--"
"Torture?" Julian asks, laughing nervously. "That's a little hyperbolic, wouldn't you say?"
Jadzia frowns, unable to stop herself from reaching forward and taking Julian's hands into her own. "No," she says seriously. "No, I think that's exactly what you were put through. Torture."
"Jadzia, my parents did their research, they found a decent doctor," Julian replies gently, as though explaining something overly obvious. "I know I don't think incredibly highly of them, but they were still my parents. They'd never have let me be 'tortured'."
Jadzia looks over to Miles, at a loss, and Miles shakes his head wordlessly. He doesn't want to touch that statement with a bargepole, doesn't have any idea how Julian would react if they started poking at that belief.
"No matter what you call it," he says hesitantly, "it shouldn't have happened to you, Julian."
"I know," Julian replies solemnly, and Miles relaxes just a fraction. "It was illegal," he adds.
Miles and Jadzia both stare at him.
"No, Julian!" Miles exclaims. "Not because it's illegal! Because it hurt you! They were supposed to be your parents--"
"They didn't know!" Julian replies hotly. "They weren't there, I-- I guess the hospital didn't let them stay, I-I don't know, but--" He stops, breathing heavily.
"They didn't know," he repeats, more softly. "It wasn't their fault. They didn't-- They... They couldn't have known..."
Miles is shaking with barely-contained rage: he is trying very hard not to punch something because this isn't about him. But god...
"Why didn't you tell us before?" he asks hoarsely. Why didn't I know before? he thinks. How could I not tell? Why have I never asked you?
"I don't know," Julian says blankly. "It just... never seemed relevant, I guess. And I really thought you knew that it had hurt on Adigeon Prime. That's just-- Well." He chuckles, the sound sending shivers across Jadzia's skin with how out-of-place it seems. "I guess I forgot how that kind of pain might seem like a big deal if you're not used to it. But really, Miles, I'm fine."
Miles opens his mouth as though he's about to object, but Jadzia catches his eye, and gives a small shake of her head. Julian's had a lifetime to tell that story to himself; it's not going to come undone in one conversation, and she doesn't want to push it now, in case it pushes him away.
"Alright," she says, meeting his eyes steadily. "But... But if you ever start feeling not fine - or if you ever want to talk about this some more - you know where we are, okay? Even if it 'doesn't seem relevant'. We're here for you."
Julian grins. "Oh, I know that," he replies easily.
Miles takes a seat on the sofa, dropping down heavily onto the cushions. They've all been standing around, frozen in place by the conversation, and he suddenly feel very, very tired.
"Come here," he tells Julian roughly, holding out an arm.
"Miles, I'm fi--"
"Well I'm not," Miles says shortly. "So if it's okay with you, I'd like it if you came over here and let me hug you." Realising how that might sound to Julian, he quickly adds a firm "Not that you have to, of course--", but Julian has already sat down beside him by the time he finishes his sentence.
Julian takes his hand and squeezes it lightly. "You're a good friend," he says, and turns to look at Jadzia. "You both are."
"And you're a pain in my ass," Miles replies with a grumble, even as he pulls Julian tightly into his arms, his friend curling up against him as though it was as natural as a game of darts.
Julian snorts. "And here I was thinking that you loved me," he retorts, humming contentedly as Jadzia sits down next to them and reaches out to brush her fingers through his hair.
Who'd do a stupid thing like that? Miles considers teasing, but bites it back: he can't say it now, even as a joke.
"Yeah," he finds himself agreeing gruffly. "I guess I do."
Jadzia raises her eyebrows at him in surprise, then shrugs, smiling down at Julian sadly.
"We all do, Julian," she tells him softly. "We all love you."
I just want someone to ask Julian if it hurt, when he was enhanced.
You know, just for one of his friends to have really think about what having such drastic bodily changes might include, and what having the procedure done in a place without Federation medical standards might mean...
(Perhaps Keiko or Miles have a moment when they've taken Molly to the infirmary and Julian is reassuring her that it will only hurt a little bit--
Or Odo had been wanting to discuss Dr Mora with someone who might understand a little of what he went through, and ends up noticing that Julian seems to be relating to his past far more than he expected--
Or Ezri overhears some remark Julian makes to Sarina about how he goes his infirmary feels far safer than the ones their parents had left them in--
Or Garak realises why he doesn't feel like deriding the book that Julian has chosen this week, despite the fact that the plot of Matilda is absurdly ridiculous--)
...And maybe Julian would reply that no, it didn't hurt. There's no canonical evidence, as far as I'm aware, and his parents did find a 'decent doctor', after all.
But I think he'd get a funny, unfocused look in his eyes for a few moments, before saying, "No-one's ever asked me that before."
"And? Did it?" they might ask softly, a little unsure if they actually want to hear the answer.
And Julian would frown: appearing puzzled, though, rather than troubled.
"Of course," he'd reply. "I'd thought that was obvious."
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lovebot444 · 6 months ago
Sweet angel of mine - Ballet!Art AU
I apologize for taking so long, school just started again and so did my social life! But here it is, I hope it’s up to expectation💋
Disclaimer: this is barely proofread, and halfway through the writing I realized I sucked at dialogs. English is not my first language. Read at your own risk!
Warnings: slight stalking/obsession. Cursing. Mentions of porn and masturbation. Patrick just kinda pops up out of nowhere. Writing based on Art’s pov, which is why it kind of belittles him.
Art knew her. They never spoke, she has never even looked his way, but he knew her. He has walked by her classes too many times not to.
Not in a creepy way, no! Ask anyone who knows her just like he does, she’s just too enticing to go by unnoticed. Seriously, it’s almost mythical, she is so inhumanly beautiful that it’s sickening. Back straight and head held high, every aspect of her is set to absolute perfection, in a way that it’s obvious she’s either: A) An Angel or B) A ballerina.
C) Both, was Art’s best guess, because she seemed to lack all ballerinas number one characteristic — the crippling fear of being perceived as anything less than perfect. The type of fear that feeds the need to knock down the competition from the very start, a fear that’s hidden by enough fake confidence to present yourself as a higher being, the fear that keeps them skinny, uptight and miserable.
His Angel was never like that, she was only the good parts of ballet. The class and the beauty, but never the pain. Which is why he didn’t dare to speak to her, she’s just so perfect, he can’t risk tainting her pure clear soul with all his greed and shame — infect her — like the disease he is.
He’s happy just memorizing her class schedule, what time she’ll be at the cafeteria, and the exact way she moves behind the big glass windows of the dance studio. Never unhappy, never bothered. After all, she’s his Angel, and he’s just Art Donaldson.
That changes tho, at a college party. Art never went to parties, he uses all his energy studying for classes and practicing tennis. His friends try dragging him out of that lonely dorm room every goddamn weekend. Art never went to parties, and yet there he was at the rooftop looking for Tashi.
He spots her with her back turned, wearing that same pink top from that night at the hotel. It must’ve been destiny, because when he tapped her shoulder and she turned around, it wasn’t Tashis’s face.
“Oh! Uhm… sorry, I was looking for Tashi.”
“No way! I’m her roommate!” Art had to fight the urge of blurting out “I know”.
“What’s your name?”
“Uh, Art”
“No way! I can’t believe I’m finally meeting the Art Donaldson.” The Art Donaldson? Not just Art Donaldson, but The Art Donaldson. She knew him, or heard of him… but still! Maybe this one sided, weird, parasocial relationship he has built her wasn’t one sided after all. Maybe she knew all his classes as well , maybe she watched him play like she watched him dance, maybe he’s her angel too…
“Tashi has told me so much about you! I don’t know why she didn’t introduce us sooner…”. Or maybe she’s his friend’s fucking roommate.
And before he could beat himself for being so foolish, she grabbed his hand. She guided him through the party and talked to him like he was worth talking to. Back straight, head held high, the same drill he had watched from afar, but this time is the first time he can watch from up close. He would’ve described her as reachable, except she has already been reached, since she was holding onto him. She told him how she loves Tashi and they get along so well, well enough to share absolutely everything — especially clothes — and he wondered, if one of those rare times Tashi would hug him goodbye after practice, he was actually hugging her.
Eventually they did find Tashi, and only then she lets go of his hand. Art thinks he might come to parties more often, because this evening went better than he could’ve ever imagined. He got to be part the cool kids in their very secluded and exclusive little group, not talking to loud or being to wild, but still being the stars of the evening.
And he got to know her.
From this night on, she would never be just the girl he’s weirdly obsessed with. Now, she’s the girl who loves iced coffe, the girl who’s only at Stanford until she’s good enough for Julliard. She’s the girl who said she was glad to meet him, that said he is funny, and smart, and they should hang out again some time.
Time flies when it’s spent with endless praise, and soon enough, the pink skies turned a deep shade of blue, most people left and the party is now a game of truth or dare with only their friends.
Tashi had left about ten minutes ago to grab more alcohol from the deli nearby. Art had taken his shoes and socks off for refusing to say both what Patrick used to tell him about ballerinas, and what he used to do while listening. And she has been answering pretty invasive questions, refusing to strip since she was only wearing sandals, shorts, and nothing underneath Tashi’s sweater. The others were merely background characters. And of course, Patrick was the asshole who kept making the invasive questions and disgusting dares.
“When was the last time you touched yourself?”
“What’s your porn search history?”
“Common Art, I think she’d like to hear it”
“I dare you to dance on the edge of the rooftop.”
This time, instead of laughter it was awkward silence, everyone froze.
“If you don’t you have to take your shirt off.”
“Get some music playing then.”
“You don’t actually have to do it!”
“Yeah Patrick is just being a jerk!”
Everyone tried to stop her, but she was already sliding out of her sandals and playing classical music on her iPod.
“Oh my God, I was joking, I just wanted you to take your shirt off!”
Now she pushed herself up the edge, standing until the right part played through. She started slow — but not scared — in fact, she seemed as confident and collected as she always did. The parapet of the rooftop was quite thin, and she hopped and twirled from side to side at such a rapid steady pace that everyone just sat still and observed, their mouths agape but with no sound coming through, scared that if they shouted for her to stop they’d distract her and she’d fall.
The tense atmosphere and background music was abrupt by Tashi barging in through the door.
“What the fuck is she doing.”
She sounds angry, the second most scary thing happening right now.
“Performing Kitri’s variation on the edge of a rooftop…” A girl who Art has seen dancing alongside her answered, she too seemed more mesmerized than terrified.
“And why the fuck is nobody stopping her.”
Tashi started shouting for her to stop. Saying how this is stupid and dangerous and she’s completely insane. As the music intensified so does the choreography, and suddenly she’s pirouetting all the way until the very edge. Tashi’s demands start sounding more like begs, her voice almost crack when she sees her roommate stop, one centimetre forward and she would’ve fallen.
“That was- the most, stupid fucking thing someone has ever done.” She tries to sound tuff, but her heavy breathing makes it obvious she’s in the verge of crying.
“Not if you know you’re good.” She hops of the parapet, walking towards Tashi, close enough to her face to whisper — “And I am.”
God, Art has never been this fucking hard in his entire life.
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lexicorp · 15 days ago
Transformers Earthspark: Another Place, Another Prison
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Holy shite there were so, SO many things I wanted to draw pertaining to this chapter, but drawing was being so fragging hard omg ;-; sooo this got the vibes decently enough at least hopefully llol
aaaaannnd it's a Hashtag POV chapter again! :D
She's really trying to pinpoint how the heck she feels about this junk (def difficult tryna navigate the psych issues round here), and you just might be able to guess what she lands on. Star is still not having the greatest of time, but Hashtag is here to read his aft like a book yet again. For the most part at least.
Previous Chapter: Distractions
First Chapter: The Need For Read
Next Chapter: Helm In The Cloud
Chapter 16: A Game Of Charades
Hashtag had hoped that the game night with Starscream could go better this time around. They’d had fun training together at least. They were all kinda starting to get along. Sharing music, cat videos, comics, their favorite wrestling channel–even Thrash was starting to warm up to this whole thing! Though he DID constantly try and do some silly schemes to test the sketchy seeker, the vibes weren’t malicious or anything. It was starting to feel just a bit normal again. As normal as it could be anyway. So what was the deal?
Why did Bee and Screamer have to get into some stupid fight? Now? Why was he acting all extra weird, this time?
Hashtag squinted her optics at her teacher and…potential second teacher if he stopped being dumb; while leaning her face against a servo.
“C’mon Starscream!” Bee tossed his servos in the air in exasperation at the ordeal. “You can’t hide in there just because you don’t want to lose in Uno again! It’s not THAT bad!”
Starscream was gripping the edge of the entrance to his room, and glaring like he was imagining blasting Bee’s face off. The thought made Hashtag tense. “No! That is NOT what I am afraid of you fool!” He jabbed a digit at Bee. Now…he did actually look oddly on edge come to think of it. “Enjoy your ridiculous games, and leave me out of it! Don’t try to act like my absence will be some tragedy. I’m sure all will go far smoother without–” His optics flickered with some weird mix of red and purple in them–kind of energon-ish color? That was new–and he held his head as his wings went all spazzy. 
Bee tried to reach out but was smacked away. “Dude. Look. I don’t know if you fell in love with isolating yourself after your months of alone time in the Titan, but as your redemption officer, you GOTTA get out of there.”
Starscream ignored him and disappeared deeper into his hole in the wall. Bumblebee tried to follow, and Hashtag couldn’t hear the rest of their conversation, but it only seemed to be going in circles anyway. Bee was wrong though…Starscream has hated being alone since he’d come here. The only time she’d seen him going to hide away like this was when it seemed his social battery had been depleted like Nightshade. 
Something was really off about this. Was that corruption junk just getting to him more today? What even WAS that anyway? She still hadn’t found the right chance to ask him about it! Most of her siblings have assumed he went a bit crazy from chaos magic, being by himself with corpses he convinced himself weren’t actually dead, and that was all it was. That made sense enough, but something about it still didn’t feel right.
Eventually, Bee came back looking a mix of annoyed and concerned as he took his seat next to Dad. “He won’t listen to me.”
“What a shame.” Robby said with poorly masked sarcasm, which earned him a punch in the shoulder from Mo. “What??”
“You know what.” She crossed her arms with a tip of her head back. Mo’s signature sass at their brother would be more funny if Hashtag wasn’t so anxious right now. 
Mom leaned forward and raised a hand in a signal for them to knock it off when they’d started a staring contest. “I’m sure he’s fine. We gotta allow him the freedom to choose what he wants to do. You can’t force it, Bee.”
Bee sighed with a servo over his optics. “Yeah. You’re right. It’s just kinda my job, and all.”
Dad patted his arm reassuringly. “And you’re doing great! How ‘bout we kick the night off with some charades huh? You can be on our team!”
Bee smiled. “Alright alright.”
“The party ain’t stoppin’ for any grumpy ol’ bot!” Twitch cheered in an effort to heighten the mood as she brought forth the bowl of prompts.
Yet as they started the game with Dad rapidly throwing out guesses to Bee’s word, Hashtag’s focus just kept drifting back to Starscream. Sure, they could just leave him alone, but she had a sneaking suspicion that wasn’t actually what he wanted either. He always tried to play up the tough guy scrap, and she wasn’t buying it. Maybe she could try and talk to him. It was worth a shot, right?
Hashtag pulled Twitch aside and signaled for her to keep her voice down.
“What’s up sis? You doin’ alright?”
“Yeah! Totally…Um.” Hashtag fiddled with her digits as she parsed together how to go about this. “I’m just thinking about going over to check on Starscream. I don’t wanna bug Bee or Mom about it though. I think he might come out if I'm the one to talk to him. Or at least–I just don’t like not knowing what’s going on, y’know? So…can you fill the fam in after I bounce?” She gave her sister a pleading grin. She didn’t want to just announce her plan to everyone and potentially make Bee feel bad, or Mom to just deny her from doing it. 
Twitch looked back at the others before landing her rather serious gaze back into Hashtag’s optics, and flew closer to put a servo to her shoulder. “Tag, you know I trust you.” 
Hashtag cringed, “Please don’t let there be a “but” at the end of that sentence…”
Twitch snickered a bit. “Nah…I just want you to be careful. Send me a signal as soon as something wack starts going down. We don’t need that con tryna randomly use you as a hostage or something. Soooo I guess the only but would be–are you sure you don’t want me to come with you for backup?”
She thought about the offer for a moment. It would be nice to know Twitch was there to have her back. Screamer could still be pretty creepy sometimes, even if he seemed to be getting better. But if he’s already in anti-people mode right now, less people would probably be better. Plus, He always seemed to be extra…careful (?) when it came to Hashtag. Like…he felt bad about what happened. She didn’t know why he directed it more at her than her siblings, but she could still use that to her advantage. Twitch might just make things more complicated when she’d inevitably get protective, unfortunately.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll be careful, I promise. I’ll text ya updates if he doesn’t immediately kick me out.” She chuckled. Hopefully that won’t happen, but even if he tried, she was determined to not be deterred so easily.
“You better! Your big sis worries you know!”
“A little bit too much sometimes,” Tag teased. 
Twitch flipped down a servo with a roll of her helm. “Pff, I worry the perfect amount. Now get on over there before I think about this too hard, and I’ll fill the fam in after Mo and Thrash finish their turn.” 
“Thanks sis.” They exchanged a thumbs up and split off to fill their prospective rolls.
Hashtag made her way over to Starscream’s room, suddenly feeling more hesitant the closer she got. The ceiling stars inside were set to night mode from the cycle Nightshade had set for them, but it gave more of a spooky sort of lighting that didn’t help. Especially when his optics and those weird sparks stuck out in the dark.
It’d be fine though, it was just Starscream. Not like he’d killed people, kidnapped dads, or anything. Besides, she knew how to get to him. She knew he wouldn’t do anything crazy. Oh Quintus, did she?! She hadn’t thought he’d do that other insane junk before either! Maybe this was a bad idea after all–no. No. It’d be fine. He’s been chill. He’s actually been kinda nice. There’s nothing to worry about!
Hashtag took a deep breath to steady herself, and knocked on the doorframe to announce herself. “Hey–”
Starscream jerked in a similar way he’d done when she first went to see him in the brig (he was even sitting on the floor for some reason), and snapped. “WHAT? Oh…Hashtag.” His wings relaxed a bit when he realized who it was, but then immediately tensed when he seemed to notice something else as well. “NOT helpful you slagging–ugh…” He muttered and pinched the bridge of his nose as he clenched his optics shut. “You shouldn’t be here. Go back to your siblings.” That part actually seemed to be directed at her, even if he seemed to be avoiding looking in her direction now. 
Why did she keep having that feeling that he was talking to someone else?
Hashtag drifted deeper into the room towards the edge of his berth as she crossed her arms. “I think I’m good here, actually. Oooorrr, you could always come out of here with me, and do something way more fun than sitting there being weird.”
He went silent for a while. He kept being all twitchy, and when he finally opened his optics again he just stared blankly at something in the corner. When she sat down on the berth near him, Starscream skooched a bit away from her. He seemed to be having a heck of a time figuring out how to respond to that, with how hard he apparently needed to think about it. She couldn’t exactly tell if the fact that he wasn’t telling her off meant that he did in fact want her company or not. 
Hashtag had gotten better at waiting though. Even if the suspense was killing her. She wanted to ask so many questions, get to the bottom of why he was acting so funky, but she also didn’t want to overwhelm him. When she was in anxiety mode, questions were definitely the last thing she’d want, after all.
“You don’t want me there. Admit it.” Starscream finally said quietly, only barely glancing in her direction. He sounded…sad. 
“Don’t try and feed me lines Screamy, I’m the director around here,” She put a hand to her chest with dramatic flare, “and I in fact do want you there with us! Megs had his redemption arc, and I’m here for yours! We’ve been having a decent time hanging out these past couple weeks haven’t we? I will admit no such falsehoods! Even if you are still a bit of a jerk.”
Starscream dawned a somber smile. “Hah. Right…You know, you and Thundercracker would have been quite the pair to behold. He’d always adored script writing and those absurd novelas.” His wings spazzed again with a bit of lightning as he started tapping one of his digits. Something about that train of thought had his focus start to go into the abyss again. 
Hashtag leaned a bit forward as she fiddled with her own servos. “Really? Who’s that? He sounds pretty cool!” 
“Yes…” Starscream blinked after taking another long moment to elaborate. “He was Skywarp and I’s trinemate before Novastorm joined us from the Rainmakers. He was a strong, albeit sensitive, seeker. We did not always see optic to optic, but I suppose I could relent to the fact that he was certainly better at orchestrating dialogue. Even so, it was often idealistic or fantastical nonsense. Something I am sure you would’ve been enthralled by had you two been allowed such a partnership. He’d always dreamed of making something of his work after the war…” His expression had gone from detached to angry when another flit of those sparks went through him. He growled as his volume rose and his optics flashed red. “Of course, such frivolous slag could NEVER be allowed to come to fruition! Why would it?!” 
Hashtag leaned back a bit, “Did something bad happen to him? Is he stuck on Cybertron or…?”
“He’s dead.”
Man. Hashtag really did NOT have the credentials for this. Should she just focus on being all positive about it? Change the topic? Or, giving condolences was usually the right response in these scenes. 
“I-I’m sorry you lost your…” Was a trinemate kinda like family? “Brother? I would’ve loved to meet ‘im. Thundercracker sounds like he was a pretty awesome dude. Maybe I could dedicate a character to him someday! Is…that why you’re avoiding family time? It sounds like you miss him.”
Well that was a lie. Starscream was avoiding eye-contact again, and according to the internet, that was the biggest indicator someone’s lying. Plus, he still was all droopy like a wet cat. Maybe seeing Hashtag and her siblings hanging out together just made him feel bad about missing his own siblings. Skywarp had left him behind on that ship too after all–oh man he had fam issues. Is that what got him so upset?
But he kept tensing up like there was something else too. Now his eyes were…purple? The purple thing was DEFINITELY new. 
Oh, now they’re back to blue–scrap they went red glitchy again! Now he’s covering his audials and muttering something. What the heck!
Geez, he’s shaking really bad now. Was it something she’d said? Was this some type of anxiety episode she was supposed to snap him out of? What was the best way to do that?? When she did a quick search, it just said to be a persistent, calm force. Don’t be pushy. Ask for permission to touch them. Oh! Remind them of their surroundings! Maybe she could reference the Seekerz poster that he ripped up? Or maybe he did it for trigger reasons…so that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.
Hashtag slowly disconnected from the berth to kneel down next to him, but not too close. “Hey…Just focus on my voice right now, okay? I don’t know what you’re hearing right now–if it’s a flashback or something–but we’re just in the bunker. We’re chillin’ on the floor in your room, and nothing crazy is going on. We can talk about something else if you want.”
Starscream abruptly threw his arm out to aim across the room as a surge of the lightning went through it. His servo retracted to channel the sketchy power into a blaster and shot an intense laser at the wall that, once he stopped blasting it, left a huge, smoldering hole. Wheeljack’s parole thing on his ped let out an EMP burst that made him recoil in on himself again with a startled yelp. A final shot from his servo flew past Hashtag’s helm before he managed to fix it back to normal. 
“WOAH!” She dodged back in surprise at the sudden outburst.
He finally locked eyes with her again, and he looked horrified. Starscream fumbled away from her with the EMP blasted leg seeming to be offline now when he full-on fell backwards after trying to stand. “Get out.”
“What?” But she was trying to help! Why did this have to be so hard!? He obviously shouldn’t be alone right now, right?
“GET OUT!” Starscream actually aimed his gun arm at her as it was shaking and sparking wildly.
Hashtag shot up to her peds and put her servo’s up placatingly. “Hey! C’mon–” 
Twitch sent her a message that popped across her visor: [Is everything alright over there?? What was that?! Are you okay?!]
She frantically sent back a response: [I’m fine! I think- Just give me a sec!] 
“I know you don’t actually want me to leave–you’re in freakout mode, and that’s okay!” Hashtag tried to stay as still as possible and watched the blaster carefully in case he actually did shoot at her. “How about I just step out for a sec to grab a game we can play one on one or something? Y’know, get your mind off of whatever this is–do you like chess?? You seem like the kinda guy that likes chess.”
Starscream didn’t say anything else, and was just staring right through her. Creepy…He seemed to have a lot of space-out moments. Did he even hear what she said…?
Hashtag slowly began backing up towards the door. “I’ll be riiiight back. Just be cool. Okay? Yeah.” She flipped out her wheels and quickly rolled over back to her fam. 
Twitch immediately flew up to check her over, “What happened?”
Bee was up and looking in Starscream’s direction as a shot of red lighting flew out and hit their skate ramp. “What’s with THAT?? Hashtag, you shouldn’t have gone over there without someone watching your back, what if–”
“GUYS. It’s okay! I got it.” Hashtag rolled past them to look for their bigger chess set. “He’s having a bit of a moment, but he wasn’t actually trying to hurt me or anything. It’s just that corruption junk or something.”
“Sweetie,” Mom started softly but her undertone was stern, “We don’t know enough about what the stone did to him, or how unstable that power is. You CAN’T put yourself in the line of fire like that. Leave him be and join us over here.”
Bee nodded, “You should listen to your mom, Hashtag. He already told me off, it’d be best to leave it alone for now.”
 Hashtag moved aside their tic-tac-toe pieces and found the chess box. She hesitated there for a moment with her servos held firmly around its edges. Were they right? Should she just let it go? He did seem pretty upset…but that could be even more reason for her to go back in! She wasn’t afraid of him, she could handle it. He’d seemed way too freaked out about almost hitting her for him to actually want to hurt her directly. 
Twitch hovered behind her, “Tag, you gave it a shot, and I know you really want to fix it, but it isn’t your responsibility to do that alone.”
Hashtag lifted the box and turned to pass her sister on her way back towards the seeker. “I know. And I’m not alone. You guys are still right here if anything actually happens, right? I’m sorry, but I really can’t just leave it and be fine with that. I’d just be thinking about it the whole time I’d be tryna play the games with you guys, and that wouldn’t be fun…So I was thinking I could try and bring game night to him! Just us so maybe it won’t be too overwhelming, but still have something to focus on. I might not be the best at chess, but it seemed like something he’d like more than the luck based things.”
“...That makes sense.” Mo nodded with a casual show of support. “Right mom? Maybe Starscream’s just a wacky introvert.”
Mom sighed. “Fine. I’m proud of you baby, but…just be careful.” Man, everyone keeps acting like Starscream was gonna rip out her spark or something. Hashtag was supposed to be the drama queen around here.
Bee also didn’t seem too thrilled, yet still seemed to understand as he hesitantly sat back down. “Call for backup as soon as there’s more of that lighting stuff. Alright?”
Hashtag flipped out her wheels again to roll backwards and give him a short salute, “Loud and clear!”
“Text me updates!” Twitch called with an extended servo as it was definitely taking a lot for her to let Hashtag go a second time without her.
“I will!” She sang back as she slid in front of Starscream’s doorway. It was sweet how much they were concerned for her, but also a bit silly. Second chances were all about giving that person the benefit of the doubt, but she still knew how to be careful. They had nothing to worry about.
Hashtag slowly entered the room again, popping back out her peds to ready herself just in case he reactively shot her way. Starscream had his servos to his helm again, and his non-booted ped was rapidly bouncing up and down like he was itching to get up and pace. He seemed to be trying to regulate his breathing and muttering different things about the room like those grounding techniques she had shown him. Huh…he actually did keep it in mind. 
“Heyyy, it’s me again.”
His attention immediately whipped her way, but he hesitated like he was calculating what exactly he wanted to say. The fact that she could practically see the equations floating around his head, almost made her laugh. But this was definitely not the appropriate time for that, no matter how hilarious the image was.
Hashtag took the opportunity to creep up closer and sit down across from him as she set down the box. She opened it, and began setting it up with the black pieces on his side while she took white. It was not only kinda funny with the good-guy bad-guy coding, but also a sneaky way of stealing the first move. She’d need to teach him how to play anyway, so it also just made more sense that way.
Starscream was watching her every move closely. That was better than staring into the void. Then even though it really seemed like he wanted to say something–maybe apologize–he kept getting stuck somehow. 
“Okay, so, the gist of this game is that you’re trying to take out your opponent's king before they get yours. First pawn can go two spaces forward, then they can only move one, and they attack diagonally. Rooks go in any straight line until they hit something. Knights do this weird L move. Bishops go diagonally until they hit something. The Queen can basically do literally anything the other pieces can. And the king can move any direction one space.” Hashtag picked up each piece to give a short display of their moves. “He’s more of the damsel in distress with his absolute unit of a kick butt queen! Then, if you completely lock someone in a death grip where there’s no way they can save their king, you call out Checkmate. There’s a bunch of gambits and stuff, but this is more of Nightshade and Twitch’s sort of game honestly. I like to play more casually than worrying about doing a research project for it. I already had to help Twitch with that once when she got WAY too into it. Then Nightshade just always wins. So I’m good at taking the loss if it’ll make you feel better.”
“You shouldn’t be concerned about “making me feel better”, Hashtag.” He finally said something. Starscream was looking down at the board as he took in the rules she’d just thrown at him. No more weird lightning. That was good.
“Well, deal with it.” She retorted casually as she shoved the empty box out of their way. “I know you wanna push everyone away and stuff ‘cause you think everyone’s gonna leave you first, but there will be none of that on my watch! Not everyone sucks, and you can figure out how to not suck too.”
“Hm. Fair enough.”
Hashtag moved her first pawn, “Your turn.”
He actually moved his knight first. Nightshade did that sometimes. She always thought that moving one of the middle pawns was better though. But maybe she was just biased.
They continued though the game silently for a while, then Hashtag got a ping from Twitch. 
[You doing alright? How’s the game going?]
[Yeah we’re chill. I have no idea who’s winning rn lol. Wbu guys?]
[Bee, Dad and Mom are about to destroy us in Pictionary. Apparently they got adult sync mode on or something.]
[Looolll I don’t think that’s a thing. It’s probs mainly cuz Dad is so Bee obsessed that he has like, a plus five mod to his perception on anything Bee related.]
[That’s so unfair.]
“Fullstasis.” Starscream’s monotonous delivery snapped her from her visor conversation. 
“Checkmate. Whatever it is. Your…king, is cornered. On one side by this bishop, and the other by the rook behind your knight.”
She stared blankly at the board, “Aw dang it! How’d I not see that?!”
“You were distracted. Plus, I baited you to take my queen, which left you exposed.”
“What the heck man. Aaalllright fine, I’ll reset the board.”
[I’ll ttyl, he already checkmated me somehow, you tellin me about unfair]
[lol, maybe he cheated when you weren’t looking.]
Hashtag rolled her eyes and minimized her chat bubble. She would have noticed him cheating. Maybe…No, she definitely would have. She hadn’t been THAT distracted.
Once the pieces were back in their original places, she moved the same pawn she did the first time. It might seem silly, but unleashing the queen from her pawn-y prison always took priority in Hashtag’s book. Besides, that pawn was obviously the main character, destined to reach the other side on their mission to be the queen's successor should she fall in battle for her king. A thrilling narrative could easily take the bored out of any board game.
Alas, as soon as the brave pawn reached their goal and was set to avenge the queen’s untimely demise, they were struck down by the dark king’s cursed knight. She made their death scene as dramatic as possible, of course. Lifting them up and down from their final square as they reached for the heavens.
“This will not be the last you see of ME! I will rise again as many times as it takes to defeat you, not even death will keep me from taking my revenge!”
Starscream chuckled, “Oh, I am counting on it.”
“Pff, you’ve had better monologues than that.” Hashtag placed the briefly royal pawn to the side, and moved her rook to take his bishop.
“Please. I wasn’t even attempting to supply one. Couldn’t such a rivalry between your odd characters be far more interesting if neither truly wanted it to end?” He took her rook with a pawn. Worth it. That bishop was being far too shady.
She shrugged as she moved another one of her own pawns in an effort to defend. “I guess so. But it’d have to end at some point, no story can go on forever. Ooo, maybe it’d be an enemies to lovers arc!”
“Eugh. No.” He moved his knight to some really weird spot that didn’t seem like it was going to do anything.
“It’d be glorious! It’s like the soulmate trope, where they’re destined to meet and stuff, but instead they’re locked in a reincarnation loop! They’re bound to get over whatever got them mad at each other eventually.” She swooped down her bishop in a position ready to take down his king. 
He immediately canceled her plot with some stupid rook from the other side of the board. “That’s absurd.”
“Okay, fun police. Fantasy doesn’t have to be realistic, Screamy.” Hashtag kicked over his rook with her knight. 
Starscream stared at the board for a long time, before finally moving his queen in range of her king and announcing, “Checkmate.” Again.
“You are way too good at this game for being a noob.”
“Its base principals are actually quite similar to Fullstasis. Skyfire and I used to play any chance we could.” He actually began resetting the pieces himself this time. “So I suppose I am not as inexperienced as you first thought. Surely you have merely been holding back on me.”
“Yeeaaah, tooootally! I’m DEFINITELY going to get you this round, just you watch me!” She was so going to lose. Hashtag had thought that she’d at least be on a more even playing field since it was his first time, but of course he just had to have Cybertronian chess stuff with whoever Skyfire was. They were probably a Decepticon and they played it for war strategies, or something stupidly serious like that with how much of a stiff he was.
The next game went on ridiculously similar to the last two, and it looked like it was going to end the same way. Until Starscream suddenly said she won. That his king was doomed and he was no match for her full power. That didn’t make any sense. How did he notice she won before she did? That wasn’t how it was supposed to work! Did he…LET her win? Usually he hated losing. 
Hashtag confidently accepted his proclamation of her awesomeness. She wasn’t going to call him out on it. Yet it was adorable to think how much of a softy the Decepticon actually was.
A bunch more games passed by with a few close-ish ones, him destroying her, then letting her win others. When suddenly, all the squares aligned as she called out checkmate, and he looked surprised. He actually stared at the board with what looked to be unadulterated disbelief this time, and she started to get worried that he was about to get mad and flip the board or something. But then he laughed, and congratulated her in a far more genuine way than his theatrical applause from before. Like he was proud of her. Wow.
He really was just a big ball of mush under all that ridiculous, evil mastermind scrap after all.
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dark-l-angel · 8 months ago
if you want requests, I am so delulu, I'm stuck in my own world 24/7 and my brain refuses to stop.....
Jason, who growing up had a crush on reader, but being the clueless person we are we have no clue (I swear it's a curse, I genuinely don't know that someone is into me until they say it. No flirting computes with me) but then the whole- ya know, not living thing happens.... The thing that leads up to Red Hood (I refuse to say it) and reader is later confronted by either Dick or Alfred at the funeral and they're like
“You know he like you, right?” and readers response is
“Not as much as I loved him”
which I guess causes a whole sad thing that I can't cope with, so you decide what happens from there, but basically the ending is when Jason is not the scary evil Red Hood anymore but more the Jason people fantasize about, he tells reader how he feels and IDK man something cute and fluffy, my brain is just sad all the time so all I have is the sad stuff.
Anyways, this is a lot longer than I thought it would be, but here it is, please ignore it if it's weird or too much 😅
have a nice day, peace out ✌️
Princess, believe it or not i had hundreds of scenarios to this situation at fucking 5 a.m when i was ab to pass my bachelor exam *I'm talking math day 💀
And having your own world is nice actually.. ❤ at least you have an escape place from painful reality and ur comfort character is hugging you in your rough times. Hope happiness strikes you like jason's beauty did to me 😃💝 love u deeply 💖
Jason todd x fem!reader
"You know that he liked you.. right?" Dick's voice ringed in your ear.. even after all this time.. it's like it happened yesterday..
Thinking while staring at a book jason used to read when you both were younger.. before.. that incident..
You put the book away and picked another, you shared the same love of books with jason, that explains why you become a loyal customer to libraries and coffee shops.
It was always a sad thing to go to libraries, yet it felt like happiness to you.. finally some freedom from this cruel world. You don't have to suffer through reading some simple lines with deep meanings.. in fact, it changed you 360 degrees, your vision to the world has changed since ever jason introduced you to the books.
You were walking around the library while hugging different books, looking carefully through the shelves of another chosen one, Losing all connections with your world, not feeling a specific guy staring at you in admiration.
Your eye fallen on an interesting novel, but it was on the top shelf. You tried to reach it but failed, and you got that idea of reaching it through another book was by your hand. You did, the novel is coming out, but still not enough, you had to put extra efforts by standing on the top of your toes.
"Too bad short angel can't reach her little novel" a tall handsome man was towering you from behind, you looked up and his eyes fell into yours, green emerald eyes inspecting your angelic features in admiration carefully *while you took your time to enjoy his mesmerizing gorgeous beauty like the little whore you and i will do*.
He smirked before looking back to the novel and pulling it out for you, gosh he was handsome, but.. you could swear you know him from somewhere.
He reads the title loud before saying "damn baby girl you've got some pretty good taste out there.. i like it" he smirked "oh thanks, I've always liked that type of stuff especially when *author name* added his pov of the topic.." he laughed.
As you both sat at a coffee shop and continued babbling ab different books to different subjects.. almost everything.. as if you actually know this person years ago, the problem was that you weren't the type to get comfy to people easily.. so what's the matter with this guy?.
Probably his smile that cached your mind? or his emerald eyes and their beauty? his funny jocks? Or it's your shared likings? Or the fact that he was the only person to be able to crack his way through your dead heart and plant a rose of adoration that was meant only for him? The only person to have the ability to warm your heart after all these years? Or him being the reason of your tears of laughter?... sooo much questions going through your head.
You finally managed to ask him.. " i feel like i know you from years, never had fun like this since then.. do i know you by any chance?" You said while wiping away the tears of laughing on his stories.
"You didn't recognize me y/n?" You didn't tell him your name yet.. how would he- "i missed you so much actually... i have been thinking about you in everything i was doing back then, dick might probably told you about it, yet i still do think about you all the time..." you watch the man goes on.. but dick? He spoke about jason only.. and jason is.. gone.. "you forget me y/n?" That can be..
He smiled staring at you in pure love and admiration and adoration.. "It's jason.. the dumb boy who fell dumber in love with you, angel ♡".
Hope you like it ❤ baby gurl was here 😘
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sturniolo04 · 9 months ago
Scared Prank C.S.
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Bf!Chris x Gf!Fem!Reader
Summary; in which Chris pranks Nessa.
Chris' POV: my girlfriend Nessa is currently at me and my brothers shared house and one thing about my girlfriend is she is extremely scared of everything just about. So me being the amazing boyfriend I am decided to scare her. Me and my brothers were currently in our living room when Nessa came upstairs from my room finally waking up from her nap
Matt: good morning sleepyhead
he joked as Chris made his way over to his girlfriend hugging her
Chris; how'd you sleep
she just hummed in satisfaction
Nick: i assume that means really good
he states walking past the couple into the kitchen.
Nick: Laura texted me saying we have to be at the warehouse for some meeting are yall ready to go
Chris: yeah let me grab my shoes
he responded attempting to leave his girlfriend's grasp
Nessa: noooo
Chris: Nessa i have to go ill be back
he states confidently knowing they werent leaving at all since he told his brothers about the prank he was pulling
Nessa: no
she simply stated jumping up into his arms his proceeds to catch her and carry her with him back downstairs into his room to grab his shoes
Chris: Nessa come on time to get down
he stated again to his girlfriend rubbing her back with one hand while holidng his shoes in the other
Nessa: fine
she sighs out as he sets her back on her feet
Nick: will you be okay be yourself for an hour
he asks walking downstairs the the front door with Chris and Matt following him
Nessa: i think so
she replys as she watches them walk out the front door
Nessa's POV: its so weird being in the house without them its oddly quiet which was nice but weird just because they are always loud and doing something when they are here. i was scrolling on my phone, when i heard the front door open and close. I just assumed one of them forgot something so i walked out of Chris' room to see who is was
Nessa: what did you guys forget-
she asks loudly halting when she approaches the front door to see a person in all grey sweatsuit with a grey ski mask covering his face
Nessa: um who are you
she proceeded to ask getting no response. Internally freaking out she had no idea what to do she left her phone in Chris' room so she could call him.. she slowly backed away.
Nessa: i dont know who you are go away
she stated again not really knowing what to say and began to make a run back to Chris' room with the intruder chasing after her
she exclaims  crying holding Chris' door closed but ultimately failing to keep it that way because he was way stronger than her. she gave up and ran into her boyfriends closet after grabbing her phone calling Chris.
Chris: why are calling me babe
he asks innocently opening his closet door to find his girlfriend sitting on his closet floor with tears in her eyes looking up at him
Nessa; Chris what the fuck
she exclaims running her hands through her hair and resting her head on her knees in the process
Chris: im just messing with you
Nessa: you were at a meeting you just left- you really scared me dumbass
she exclaims standing up wiping her face from the escaping tears; coming out of his closet walking past and away from him upset
Chris: im sorry..
he trails off as he watches her walk away from him
Chris: Ness nooo
he exclaims catching up to her grabbing her waist and pulling her back into him nuzzling his face in her neck
Nessa: no stop you're so fucking annoying
Nick: so i take it shes upset
Matt: i would be
Nessa; you guys knew
Nick: well yeah how else was Chris going to make it believable
Nessa; unbelievable get off of me chris seriously
Chris: no im sorry i love you
he states again finally turning her around to face him and kiss her
Nick; get a room gross
Chris: forgive me
Nessa: dont ever fucking do that again
Chris: cant make any promises
he giggles out as he hugs his girlfriend again
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hockeyforbabes · 3 months ago
Birds of a Feather Ch. 6
A/N: slight smut at the end of the chapter, first time writing anything like that.
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7 years ago- Luke's POV
"Mom I don't understand why we can't share a room anymore," I argue.
"Because Honey, you two are getting older and that is the rule. We don't let girls sleep in your brothers' rooms," my mom says.
Groaning I try to reason, "Yeah but those are their girlfriends, Addie is my best friend."
Sighing, frustrated with the conversation my mom says, "I know but like I said you two are getting older, your bodies are changing, and you're getting curious-"
"AHHHH!" I scream covering my ears and running away, "ok we won't share a room!"
Present- Luke's POV
When I woke up Addie was wrapped around me. Her head was on my chest, her arms around my waist, and her legs on top of mine.
That was 30 minutes ago and I still lie here in the exact same position not wanting to disturb her. I try to soak in the moment, the feeling of her against me is something I never want to forget.
If you had told me when I was 13 and my mom stopped letting us sleep together that this is where we'd be I wouldn't have believed you. I probably would have told you how gross that is and that Addie has boogers. I didn't mature very fast when it came to girls.
Now though I can't imagine waking up again without her beside me.
I feel Addie start to wiggle and I look down and her eyes are barely starting to open. I gently brush the hair out of her face and lightly rub her bare shoulder.
"Good morning baby," I whisper.
"I'm not ready to get up," she whines burying her head into my neck.
Smiling I say, "I know but we need to head upstairs soon."
"I can think of some better things to do," she says softly trailing kisses down my neck to the top of my shoulder.
"Addie please don't make me turn you down," I choke out, "you know we shouldn't do anything while everyone is awake and home."
Groaning she sits up, "You're no fun, but I guess you are right."
I've seen Addie in the morning before obviously, but never like this. She always has a chance to straighten out her hair or freshen up before she makes an appearance. Seeing her now in front of me in the soft light peaking through the curtains, hair messy, eyes and lips swollen from sleep, too drowsy to put on a front. She is more beautiful than ever and I am so screwed.
Breaking me from her trance she asks, "Should we talk about the game plan here," gesturing between me and her.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Like are we saying anything to anyone? Rules for touching around everyone? You know that kind of thing." She says.
"I think we should keep it to ourselves for a little bit, but only because I don't want any added pressure from the boys," I say.
"I think so too, I don't want to overcomplicate anything," She agrees.
"It's gonna be hard to keep my hands off you but I've waited this long I can wait a little longer," I tell her.
"I believe in you Lukie boy," She teases.
"Jack I swear to God if I get hurt New Jersey is gonna have to find a new center," Addie threatens as she climbs onto the tube.
We've been out on the lake all day and after a lot of convincing Addie is taking a turn tubing.
"Ok just make sure you hold on and stay low, but if you need to get off just let go," I explain.
"I know the drill Lukie, just not a huge fan," she smiles at me.
Jack slowly starts to pull the boat and Addie drags along on the tube. Once she starts getting comfortable Jack speeds up a bit and she is hanging on better than expected.
"Ok I'm gonna turn a bit," Jack yells but Addie doesn't hear him.
Next thing I know the tube hits a big bump and hits at a weird angle, sending Addie up in the air rolling across the water.
Jack starts to turn the boat to head back for her when I notice we can't see her which means her life jacket came off. Before I can even think I'm diving into the water and swimming to where she landed ignoring the group calling my name.
Finding her in the water I grab her waist and kick to the top. Breaking the surface she begins to cough and catch her breath.
"Are you okay?" I ask frantically scanning her for injuries.
"I feel like a truck hit me and I'm beyond embarrassed, but I think I'm fine," She replies.
Pulling her into my chest I let out the breath I've been holding in, "I was so scared when I saw your life jacket came off, I didn't even think before I jumped in."
Carefully we get her back on the boat and I wrap a towel around her holding her close as Jack drives us back to the house.
Once we got back to the house Addie decided to take a nap to sleep off the soreness.
As I play pool with the boys, Quinn is the first to speak up and ask the question everyone is wondering, "So what was that earlier dude?"
"I don't know what you are talking about," I say trying to avoid it.
"Um earlier when you flung yourself off the boat to rescue Addie," Quinn says.
Shrugging I answer, "Her life jacket came off, I was worried. I would do the same for anyone."
"Ok, but what about the way you held her the whole ride back?" Trever pushes.
Again trying to remain nonchalant I answer, "She was hurting and cold. It's not weird for me to hold my best friend."
"Whatever you say dude," Jack shrugs.
I know it's basically pointless for me to keep this from them. We are still trying to figure things out though and I don't want to deal with opinions.
I tried waking Addie up for dinner but she groaned saying she wasn't hungry and needed a little bit more sleep.
Fast forward and it is the end of the night, everyone is heading to bed and Addie still hasn't come up yet.
Quietly walking into our room I see her awake in the bed.
"I thought you were sleeping," I say
Setting her book down she says, "I was sleeping until about an hour ago, when I woke up I just wanted some quiet."
"I get that."
"I'm glad you are here now though," she says giving me a small kiss.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"A lot better," She answers, "I'm still a little sore though, maybe I should take a bath."
"Or we could get in the hot tub," I suggest, "It's just us right now so it will be nice and quiet."
"Sounds perfect,"
Getting up we turn our backs to each other and put our suits on then head to the hot tub.
Once we are in I pull her to me and sit her sideway on my lap and she lays her head on my shoulder relaxing into me. We sit in silence for a while enjoying each other's presence. I begin gently massaging her legs trying to work out the soreness.
"That feels good," she says letting out a soft moan and shifting in my lap when I hit the right spot.
"You can't move like that if we want to keep this PG," I say.
"Who said I want that?" She teases.
"You're hurt baby," I argue.
"Then make me feel better," She challenges, oh God.
"We'd have to be really quiet," I tell her.
She makes a motion of zipping her mouth shut and throwing away the key and starts kissing down my jaw. Well, I tried to be good.
Grabbing her hips I reposition her so she is straddling me and place my hands on her hips. As she continues leaving kisses on my neck she trails her fingers down my abs dangerously low. Letting out an embarrassing noise I move her off my neck and slam my lips against hers.
Letting out a satisfied groan she keeps trailing her hands down and begins rolling her hips against mine and I can feel my dick getting harder under her. If this is how good making out feels I don't think I'm prepared for what's next.
I trail my hands from her hips to the bottom of her breasts gently feeling as I wait for her permission to continue. The next thing I know her hands have left my chest and she is untieing her top. Slowly she lets the top fall down revealing her perfect tits to me. All of a sudden I turn to stone too mesmerized to move.
"You're staring Lukie," She teases bringing my hands up to them letting me know I have permission to touch.
Snapping back to reality I start kissing her again like she is the air I need to survive while I palm her in my hands. I test different pressures and roll her nipples between my fingers as she lets out whimpers in my mouth and our grinding becomes more frantic.
"Baby you are driving me crazy," I grunt out breathlessly.
Giving into my desires I push her back bring my mouth to the top of her breasts and look up at her for permission. She nods a mixture of nerves and excitement on her face. Having the go-ahead I latch my mouth onto her and she lets out the prettiest noises. We're only separated by her bottoms and my thin shorts and her grinding up and down my length bringing me close to the edge.
"Luke you feel so good," She moans in my ear trying to stay quiet.
"You have no idea how long I've been picturing this," I say leaning back to take in the image of her riding my lap chasing her own pleasure.
"I think I'm gonna..." She trails off.
"Oh thank God, I can't hold on much longer," I sigh in relief.
Chasing our highs together I watch her begin to come undone as her movements become jerky and her head falls back with a stifled moan. Watching her finishes me off and I groan into her chest.
Slowly we catch our breath and face each other again. Reaching up I straighten her hair out and place a kiss on her head holding her close.
"That was awesome," I breath out.
Laughing she agrees, "Yeah I hope no one heard us."
"We should probably head inside," I say tying her top back on and standing us up.
Heading inside we both clean up and get ready for bed. Before I know it we are both knocked out holding each other.
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kehideni · 8 months ago
Part 2 of https://www.tumblr.com/kehideni/756020526614478848/the-time-has-come-the-aroacest-person-ever-will?source=share
Spoilers for season 5
When Macaque is going off on Wukong about how his companions are suddenly back and he didn't think that suspicious (which is a valid point btw, when MK forgets to hold his braincells, this season it's Macaque that holds them for him)
Wukong's reaction is to go defensive, because why would he question why they are back, when Macaque is back too.
Wukong will not say it because why would he, but he is most probably glad that his friends are back. I mean Season 4 ended with him saying that's life. Just him and his buddies having a good time on the beach.
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Macaque saying "all his old companions" are back, and leaving himself out of that statement is also a quiet jab. "His old friends, your journey companions are back." What... are you not his friend too, Macaque? Are you not also back?
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That pouty face to me looks hurt, and that's why Macaque backed down. I don't think he knows why Wukong looks hurt, but he is so he backs off to get the conversation back to intended tracks. MK's identity.
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Macaque from his pov was trying to warn Wukong that he is being too careless, but it came accross as criticising, something that Wukong never took well, but when Nezha does it in Season 4 he only gets a crayon thrown at him, when Mac does it, it actually stings so of course he bites back. Not that he doesn't think about what Mac said to him, but well... these monkeys are horrible in communication.
I grade them both -F. Try again next year.
Wukong picks a fight with Macaque again, which wouldn't be strange given the situation, things are tense.
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But it's not like it's unreasonable for Macaque to be upset about being jailed. What is he supposed to do? Cheer?
What makes this scene kind of elevated from being a casual "things are shitty, let's bicker" scene is that... MK takes note of it nonverbally.
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"You think it's my idea of a good time? Trapped in here with you?" *bites his lip
which is... whoaww tsundere much? Not like you are not also trapped there with MK... did you... forget he is there? Weird case of Macaque prioritization no. 1.
And it's not like it was just a gag and we forget it, because a few seconds later MK takes note of this verbally too.
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"Nezha help, i don't wanna be a divorce lawyer." /j
The season is full of Wukong's micro facial expressions.
Half a minute ago he was pissed at Macaque and now he chuckles about how Macaque just outed MK's lawyer bit like it was nothing.
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And he wasn't really laughing about MK specifically, because as MK continues his bit, his expression turns to annoyed.
Nothing, just appreciate him laughing along the get away stunt while you still can
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Wukong's line here is very deliberate
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"I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here with us right now." He knows what he said, and knows who heard it. An olive branch alright, but he still is shocked when his trust is proven to be placed right:
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And one example of rightly placed Macaque-prioritisation (the only example, really)
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Not 3 minutes ago he was laughing along, having fun and we already have the stress lines back.
People have pointed it out already, but you guys are actually correct to notice:
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Wukong, you were not hit on your chest, your head is what's supposed to be hurting. And look at those increasing amount of stress lines, whaow. When MK asks if Mac got away, Wukong knows no.
And let me remind you, in Season 4 Wukong sarcastically says: "Oh right, because you always RUSH to my rescue." Well there you go honey, Macaque rushed to your rescue.
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S5E7 Into the Pagoda
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The thing with the 100 eyed demon is that as we saw with MK, he is looking for THE most traumatising memory with his victims.
Wukong's canonical most traumatising memory *IS* his fight with Macaque, when there could have been hundreds other memories. One of the freshest ones seeing Azure disintegrate in front of him (and yes we did see him be upset about it), but i guess that's not enough to make him cry. But if you want another example of hurtful memory (strictly taking from the show because that's what we know for sure happened) is when Mei chewed him out for being a bad friend to MK. Or... well i guess Wukong is the older brother of MK now.
Look at those stress lines
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Before this scene, let me remind you, the last we saw Wukong was having fun on Tang's expense.
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Macaque once again sees how Wukong is upset but has no idea that he is the reason behind it and ends up being rather inconsiderate of Wukong's mood.
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(This exchange is tonally deaf from Macaque's side.
It's akin to like when you just lost your pet and when you get home your mom goes off on you for not having washed the dishes.)
Wukong really doesn't care in this second that they got captured, nor that MK went off alone in the pagoda. This is Wukong's second case of "weird Macaque-priority". Something that he really shouldn't allow himself in the apocalypse.
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The third time he prioritises Macaque is even weirder. MK just left to KILL HIMSELF. You really don't have time to check on Macaque, Wukong.
But he does.
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Even Macaque calls him out on that:
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"Stop the kid, you idiot!" and Macaque is right. TF you doing wasting time Wukong?
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At the end Wukong is being perfectly open about Mac being important to him.
Thing is, it's also well timed that he starts to care about Macaque again, because alarmingly lot of times this Season Macaque was isolated from everyone. Not in a physical sense, although that too happened, but in imagery as well:
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Everyone is grouped: Mei with Wukong, Tang Pigsy Sandy, Nezha and his father. Note their position too.
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And yes, the hand holding block happened on purpose too, btw:
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Macaque's reward in season 4 for helping the good guys was that he is no longer alone, unlike how he was from season 1 to 3. But season 5 suggests that he *IS* still alone, and while Wukong seeks him out, they are not there yet. Wukong is no longer alone, but Macaque still is.
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sugar-grigri · 3 days ago
Do you think we’ll at least see Asa’s perspective or thoughts on what Yoru has done to Denji? Especially with Yoru’s last statement in chapter 192? It just feels to jarring to see Yoru without any interference or anger from Asa. I’m sure that Asa likes Denji, but I don’t think she would want to pursue Denji like that. I think that logically Asa would want to scare Denji away. Isn’t Yoru’s deal finished? Yoru said she wanted to beat Chainsawman, she technically DID, so by logic Asa should get her body back, no?
I!!!!!! Don’t!!!!!! KNOW!!!!!!!!!!! 😢😢
I've got one side optimistic and the other very pessimistic on this point.
By the way, my recent theory on Asa may be disillusionment, as I refuse to accept what Fujimoto has done with his character.
So here are two answers:
If I'm being pessimistic, even though I'm hoping for more of Asa's POV, I don't think we'll get it.
Fujimoto had a very weird writing style, after the chapter where Yoru masturbates Denji (it's very crude said like that but hey), Asa's only reaction is to be afraid that Denji thinks she's an easy girl
And I admit I was like: HUH ????
What kind of reaction is this?
Either 1) Fujimoto is very based, and shows that Asa whether by her possession by Yoru - her age is unaware of her aggression. That she is once again more focused on her image than on protecting herself.
2) Either Fujimoto considers that he hasn't written an assault scene. I hope this isn't the case, otherwise a lot of CSM's narratives would fall apart, but I think we can get this impression precisely from Asa's lack of reaction/anger/disgust at everything Yoru has done.
Honestly, it all depends on the next chapters, so I can't say for sure.
If I'm being optimistic, maybe we'll get that reaction, but it doesn't really resemble Fujimoto's writing style, which likes scenes to stand on their own.
On the other hand, Asa's future development and actions can deepen his feelings and help us understand her point of view.
The absence of Asa is so glaring that I'm surprised it's a flaw in CSM and not something the reader focuses on.
As for your last two questions, I have to admit that we're in total limbo.
For me, Asa probably doesn't want to haggle over her first time for obvious reasons, but if we're very pessimistic, we could say that she shares Yoru's feelings on this point.
But if I'm being optimistic, I have a more precise reading Yoru wants to sleep with Denji IF he accomplishes her new objective, and since Asa doesn't share this objective, mathematically, she doesn't want to sleep with Denji like that.
As for Yoru's aim of defeating CSM, technically she didn't, and I have to admit that the previous arc is completely muddled on this subject: to the point where I didn't even understand why Yoru was fighting him any more.
In any case, she couldn't completely annihilate him because the devil of aging intervened.
But it's messy again, for example how do we explain that Yoru now has the goal of going after his big sister? The devil of death?
The only explanation is: the law of the strongest
Yoru has gained the upper hand over CSM, and his feelings for him, as well as his superiority in terms of power, allow him to consider turning him into a weapon.
He's a potential weapon, not an enemy
Yoru is the war devil, she needs opposition and fighting, so her next enemy is the death devil.
And when you think about it, I think that's exactly how Fami thought, which is why she insisted that Yoru had to beat the black CSM
1) for Yoru to change her objective on her own (no need to manipulate her)
2) Fami had prepared the ground with the fire demon to give her the means to have this power.
In short, nothing but grey areas! Let's hope Fujimoto doesn't go down a disappointing road!
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imfinereallyy · 2 years ago
#38 "i was eavesdropping and i heard something i can’t scrub from my memory" sounds like it could be very funny, especially from a kid's perspective!
you read my mind, it 100% needs be a kid POV, sorry this one is a bit shorter than my usual but it was fun to write. *it actually ended up being longer than I thought cause I have a problem with not knowing when enough is enough lol* ♡
find the request game here
Lucas was going to throw up. He liked to think he had a strong stomach, he really truly did, but this was too much even for him.
“What the hell is your problem?” Max asked him as he came back to Steve’s living room.
“Yea you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Will pipes up, head leaning on his knee.
Lucas swallowed dryly, he had to phrase this carefully. “Well I was eavesdropping…”
Max snorted from her seat on the couch. “You Lucas Sinclair was eavesdropping? Didn’t think I’d ever see the day. What about the whole ‘respect people’s boundaries’ thing you rave about?”
“And I still stand by that! It’s just I didn’t want to interrupt and…” Lucas thought back to a few minutes ago. He had gone into the kitchen to grab Max an ice pack; she was having a bad hip day. When he had reached the door, he had heard Steve and Eddie talking, and it had sounded serious. Lucas felt bad about interrupting, but he also couldn’t go back to Max without the ice pack. They had been good for months now, and he didn’t want to risk it. (He knew this was ridiculous considering they weren’t really that dysfunctional, and she loved him, a reluctant secret smile confession on her end. But there was this deep part of Lucas who was terrified of disappointing her). So he was content with waiting outside the door until they were done.
Lucas really should have turned around and left.
“What if they don’t…want to be around us Stevie?” Eddie whispered.
“Baby they are just kids. They are good kids. They are our friends. They won’t be upset.” Steve murmured back.
This was the point Lucas should have turned around, but he was confused and wanted to understand.
“You aren’t even the slightest bit worried, that maybe they won’t be accepting? I don’t think any of them have been exposed to gay culture, let alone two men dating?”
Oh. Oh no. This was really private. Lucas should have really turned around but at that point, his feet were glued to the ground.
“I mean yea a little bit…they are shitheads. Especially Mike—“ Lucas had to hold back a snort, “—but they are good. It’s why we are friends with them. As much as it pains me to admit we are friends with children.”
Lucas wished he could see their faces.
“What if…what if they are more than shitheads this time?” Lucas had never heard Eddie’s voice sound so small.
“…do you want to wait a little longer?” Steve’s voice asked gently, with no anger.
“If that’s okay. I just…want to live in our bubble a little longer. Well our bubble plus Robin.” Lucas imagined Eddie biting his hair in that moment.
“Yea baby. We take this at the pace you need. And Robin already knows, which is pretty much the only person I can’t keep a secret from. And I like our little bubble too.” Lucas heard shuffling around, like fabric reaching around itself.
“Yea. I think I can go a little longer without the twerps making gagging noises every time we kiss. We can wait to tell them we’re together.”
“Hmmmm should we do a practice show right now, to prepare for when we need to freak them out?” Eddie’s voice turned suddenly flirty.
“I like the way you think.” This was the last words Lucas heard before the sounds of the two of them clearly heavily making out came through the doorway. It was at the first moan that Lucas ran away.
Lucas was brought back to reality when Max snapped her fingers in his face. “Want to share with the class loser?”
Oh god, Lucas was gonna throw up at the memory.
It wasn’t the fact that they were men and that they were dating. Lucas was, in fact, really happy for them. He had never thought about it, but in a weird way, it made sense. He wanted them to be happy. And if he was really being honest with himself, he was hoping maybe this would get Max to stop staring at Steve when he doesn’t have a shirt on (a few months later, Lucas would be horribly proven wrong of this theory).
It wasn’t this kissing that made him want to vomit either. Sure, the idea of his older brother figure making out with his dungeon master wasn’t a pleasant thought, but he had witness Mike make out with El, so he was pretty immune to grossness.
No, the problem was Lucas realized with great certainty he was going to have to keep a secret.
He gagged at the thought.
Sure, he could keep a whole other dimension and government conspiracy theory a secret from his parents (and, ya know, the world), but he caved relatively quickly when it came to Max. And Max could tell whenever he was lying. But Lucas wasn’t stupid; he knew you couldn’t just tell other people that someone you know is gay. He didn't know the word for it, maybe there wasn’t one, but Lucas knew what it was like to be different. He didn’t want to make Steve and Eddie feel bad, or cause others to be mean to them. He didn’t think the rest of the party would care about the gay? Bisexual? Queer?—wait, that’s a bad word, Lucas thought—it didn’t matter what specifically, but he didn’t think they would care about the gay stuff—more like Lucas knew his friends. El and Max would have a million, invasive questions. Mike would be a dick, but not for serious reasons. More like “I have weird insecurities” reasons. It would probably be good for Will (again, Lucas isn’t stupid). And Dustin, holy shit, he would most definitely either be pissed he didn’t know sooner, or would rub it in everyone’s face that he made it happen. Both of which Lucas knew would be horrible reactions.
God, he was going to throw up. He was going to lie to his friends. His girlfriend. He couldn’t just share this secret. It would go horrible if he told, it’s not his secret! His stupid, stupid friends (not El and Max) would blow up if it came from him first. And then Eddie and Steve would be upset, he told, and they would think that the party hated them for something out of their control, even though they love them no matter what! And oh god, he’s gonna have to lie so much—
He was spiraling, he needed to calm down.
“Lucas?” Max’s face suddenly softened, like she knew he was having a hard time getting the words together. Lucas looked at her face, and took a couple of seconds to count her freckles but lost track quickly. He didn’t mind; he would to start again later. He followed the laugh lines around her eyes that weren’t there last year, and thought about trying to make her laugh.
Max said nothing as he stared, even as the guys pressed him to answer. It was strange, he was terrified of lying to Max, but he knew deep down she would understand. That she would know he was lying but wouldn’t call him out on it.
“I was eavesdropping and I heard something I can’t erase from my memory. I almost walked in on Steve giving sex advice to Eddie, so I walked away before it got gross. I forgot your ice pack; I’m sorry.” Lucas apologized; he did genuinely feel bad he didn’t succeed on his mission.
The guys started chattering behind him, asking questions and yelling out in disgust, but Max stayed quiet for a second, then said, “It’s okay, stalker. Didn’t have high hopes for you anyway. You always get distracted.”
Lucas sent her a grateful smile, and pretended to be offended. “Are you saying I don’t finish what I’ve started? You should know better, Max.”
Max threw her head back, and full body laughed. She scooped Lucas’ hand and wove her pale fingers between his. “That’s me being nice, Lucas. Don’t go around telling people that. Or I’ll have to up the ante.”
Lucas kissed the back of her hand and whispered, “Maybe I like it when you’re a little mean.”
Max blushed and looked to check if the guys were paying attention (they weren’t; they were still arguing over sex they weren’t having), and leaned over to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. Max didn’t ask any questions even though Lucas knew she knew he was lying.
Lucas didn’t let go of her hand, and quietly hoped that Eddie made Steve feel the way Max made him feel.
He deserved something special like that.
I need you guys to know that I had to keep backtracking to correct boys into guys, cause I’m so used to writing from an older persons perspective. But I wanted some steddie and lumax mixed together. And Lucas! Deserves! More! Attention!!!
thank you so much for the ask I had so much fun with this one.
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dirtybitfic · 10 months ago
Here for a good time not a long time
Matt Sturniolo X y/n
contains - party , drinking , smutt, dom matt, choking, slapping, dirty talk, pet names(sweetheart, baby, slut, whore)
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Y/n pov-
I was sitting in my last lecture of the day when I got a text from my friend about a party in the woods tonight. I obviously agreed to go since I had nothing else to do tonight .
Once my boring ass professor ended class I drove back to my house that I share with my best friend and two other friends . I entered into pure chaos the second I opened the door.
Hey y/n how was class my best friend Ally said as I set my bag down
Boring as always ... what the fuck is going on in here I ask as I look around to see clothes scattered across the furniture and my other friend Mara running from her room back to the bathroom .
We're all trying to find outfits for tonight and we're stressing out she answers as I see her pull out mouse ears.
What... why and what are the ears for? I ask in pure confusion. Its never calm in this house but this is a whole new level of chaotic.
Oh did you not see the theme for the party Mara says as she comes out dressed like a bunny .
No what is it ? I ask as I start to panic knowing I probably have nothing to wear either.
Predator and prey ... girls are supposed to dress as the prey obviously she says pointing to her outfit doing a little spin.
Fuck ... I definitely don't have an outfit for this shit I sigh as I walk to my room deciding to look through my closet.
I looked through and found an outfit that could work .
Okay guys what about this outfit I can be a deer? I ask nervously hoping they'd like it .
Ally , Mara and haley look at me studying me making me nervous.
You know what I like it Haley says as she smiles
Yeah me to mara says as she nods in approval.
Wait I think I might actually have deer antlers you can wear Ally says as she scrambles to her room.
Im questioning why she would own antlers but you know what they are coming in handy so Im happy about it.
Okay yep here they are she says as she hands them to me .
Thanks but why do you even have these I ask as I put them on.
Oh I went as a deer to a halloween party freshman year and just never got rid of them she answers with a smile before pouring herself a shot.
Ally was a bunny, Mara was a mouse and Haley was a sheep .
I honestly don't know what to expect with this party tonight since the fraternity thats throwing it is more on the bad boy side . Almost every guy in this group is covered in tattoos and peircings which I find hot as fuck but some others disagree. These guys's parties compared to the other frats are always out of the ordinary but thats what keeps things interesting.
Okay guys we got like 20 minutes before we need to get going haley says as she starts pouring herself a drink.
We turn on some music and dance around in the living room as we take shots and sip on drinks.
The 20 minutes rolled by quickly and we are all now making our walk to the woods for there party. I know having party in the woods might sound weird but its actually pretty fun here. Our college is located in outside of a city in Pennsylvania meaning we're surrounded by woods.
Guys I don't know why but i'm getting a very weird feeling Mara says as we start getting closer to the woods .
Im glad you said that cause ... I am to Ally says in a slightly wobbly tone.
Guys we're fine we drank a lot so maybe its just the alcohol I say trying to reason with how they're feeling
They all laugh and agree with me after realizing how drunk we really are.
We finally reach the opening path that leads down a dark trail to where the party clearing is .
We all take out our phone using our flashlights to see as we stumble into trees and each other giggling .
The closer we get music begins to flood our ear and light from the campfire comes into view.
We enter the clearing entering the crowd of people and making our way over to the line of tree stumps you can sit on by the fire.
We all sit down and take a look around to see all the guys in black hoodies and sweats holding animal masks. Predator animal masks making me gulp. I start to get a weird feeling when the leader of the frat stands on a big tree stump and yelling for everyone to pay attention.
We all go quiet as we wait of him to speak.
Okay you're all probably wondering about the theme right? he asks with a large smirk . All of the girls nod since all of the guys obviously know .
well we decided it would to change things up and ... play a little game she says as he jumps down from the stump smirking and looking around the crowd at all of our confused faces.
Another guy jumps up and I have to keep my jaw from dropping. He is the most attractive man i've ever seen , Tall with blue eyes and brown hair . I stand there in a trance until I snap out of it as he starts to speak
As you can see all of you girls are dressed and animals of prey he says moving his hand motioning to the crowd . Me and my friends share glances sharing looks of annoyance just wanting him to get to the fucking point.
and us guys all have masks of predator animals he says holding up his mask . I look at his mask noticing it's a wolf .
he smiles as he meets eyes with me making me gulp.
We will be matching a girl to a guy based on their natural predator and prey ... and you girls will be given 10 minutes to run and hide and if you are found by your predator we will be mmm let's just say our way with you . he says smirking .
So i'll give any of you girls the chance to leave right now if you do not wish to play this game . There is no shame in leaving I understand this might not be some peoples taste and thats okay I can see a glimmer in his eye as he watches me waiting to see if i'll leave .
I look over at my friends who look apprehensive about the situation.
I don't know about this guys mara says as she turns to look at the way we came in .
Yeah I just... this is not what I was expecting I mean... they obviously mean sexual shit and I don't think I want that haley says as she steps closer to mara.
Me and ally look at each other with a knowing look silently agreeing were staying.
We're gonna stay i'm kind of intrigued about how this will go but we understand if you wanna go I answer and smile at them letting them know we aren't judging them for wanting to leave.
okay well we'll see you guys at home okay be safe please
just text us when your on your way home so we know your alive
we will see you guys at home love you ally answers and I say I love you before they head back down the path we entered through.
About 15 other girls left leaving only about 20 of us left.
Okay now that all the pussys are gone lets get started matching up and then ill explain the rules he says with a wide smile that sends chills down my back.
Me and Ally laugh at the fact he called the girls who left pussys and waited for him to continue.
Okay james , Max and Atlas are fox so any of you who are a bunny raise your hand .Ally raises her hand as do two other girls .
Ally is Matched with the guy who's name is Atlas . I have to say he's hot as fuck he has tan skin covered in tattoos, sandy blond hair and light green eyes. I smile at her nervously as she stands next to him.
He gets through everyone else before i'm the last girl unmatched.
You're with me sweetheart he says as he smirks at me motioning me to him . I gulp as I slowly make my way to him.
I step up to his side and notice how significantly taller he is then me .
he looks down at me smirking then looks back at the crowd .
so here are the rules he says as his hand snakes around my side pulling me closer making my breathe hitch. All you girls will have ten minutes to run and hide ... after those ten minutes we will make our way out to try and find you . When we find you we will be able to do anything we want to you ... sexually . Im guessing everyone of you who stayed understood what I was insinuating but just do be safe I need you to confirm to your partner that we have your consent before start the timer.
I watch as the other girls turn and nod smiling giving consent
I swallow thickly as I look up at him and he smiles down at me .
so do I have your consent he asks as he bends down a bit to be closer to my face
yes you have my consent I say with a smile
just so I can gage what you like real quick ... do you like things rough and hard or soft and slow he whispers in my ear making me whimper .
mm rough and hard I say as a smirk plays on my lips . He groans as he looks into my eyes.
Good thats music to my ears he smirks as he stand back to his full height
wait ... I don't even know your name I say softly making him look back down at me .
Its matt and what's yours he asks
Y/n I smile back
Beautiful name he smiles down at me making me blush
Thank you Matt I say and then he turns back to the crowd starting to speak again.
Okay ladies step up behind the stump and stand at the tree line he says . He looks down at me smiling and taps my Sade then let's go letting me make my way to the tree line . Me and Ally stay next to each other .
She grabs my hand and I look at her
We run together okay and then well split apart when we find a good spot to hide she says obviously knowing were both scared of the dark and neither of us want to run alone in the dark ass woods.
Agreed its dark as fuck out there I say motioning to the woods were about to enter.
Okay i'm going to count down from three ... you guys ready? he asks and I look back at him nodding .
3... 2...1! he yells and we all take off going in different directions.
Me and Ally and running getting smacked left and right by tree branches and plants . The moon light is enough to let us see a little bit but not enough to avoid getting smacked by shit around us.
Hold up i'm getting tired lets slow down for one second I say as we slow to a fast paced walk as were both breathing hard.
God it got kinda cold she says and she shivers
yeah my nipples could literally cut through this shirt right now I say making us both laugh .
after catching our breathe we start sprinting again .
why are we running 10 minutes is actually a lot of time ally says out of breathe again.
okay you actually have a good point I say back as I slow my pace but smack my side into a tree making me cry out in pain.
Fuck fuck oh my god that actually really hurt I cry but also cant stop laughing
thats gonna leave a nasty bruise ally laughs making me laugh harder.
One thing about me and ally is we can never be serious any any situation .
We should definitely start trying to find somewhere to hide ally says as she realizes we probably don't have much time left . We start walking until ally finds a large fallen tree to sit behind .
Im gonna go closer to the cliff seems like a safe spot I tell her before hugging her wishing her good luck.
I make my way through the woods following the sounds of water . One thing I love about this part of Pennsylvania is the cliffs something about them is just so beautiful especially at night.
I finally make in to the cliff side and find a large rock to sit in front of and sit quietly looking out at the sky . The full moon shining down as the starts beam around the dark sky . It's so beautiful I almost forget why i'm out here.
Im snapped out of the trance i'm in when I hear a girl scream in the distance making my entire body jolt.
The tension is slowly building as I sit . My heart is starting to race and my legs shake a bit causing leaves under then to shake a bit making me grab the trying to stop them from making any noise that can be detected.
I try and control my breathing to slow my heart when I hear branches snap close by and leaves rustling as someone or something .
the rustling gets closer and I hold my breathe when all of the sudden a red fox appears next to me only a couple inches away.
It looks at me as if its curious I so badly want to reach my hand out and pet it but I choose not too since I don't exactly want to get bitten and end up in a hospital with I don't even know what.
I watch carefully as it inches closer to me sniffing the air i'm guessing it is picking up my scent. It steps even closer not right by my leg its tail grazing my skin tickling me making me want to laugh but I hold it back so I one don't get found and to not scare the fox.
It makes noise almost as if its laughing scaring me a little bit but it rubs on my shoes shocking the absolute fuck out of me because its obviously wild but I let it happen .
I whisper hi baby in the softest voice as It looks back at me but runs away when it hears a deep voice say " hello" making me jump up with a scream.
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST" I yell as my hand flys over my heart and I bend over panting.
He walks closer making me look back up at him .
I would say i'm sorry for scaring you but... I'm not Matt says with a dark smirk making me gulp .
he steps closer making me back into the rock I had been hiding behind.
your so beautiful sweetheart he whispers to me as his hand slides up my arm making me shiver and whisper a thank you.
come with me he says as he grabs my hand leading me back into the woods.
we walk until we find another clearing where another part of the cliff side is with a much flatter surface.
we walk around a tree and their was a blanket layer out on the rocky ground making me smile and look at him.
I just thought I would make it a little more comfortable than fucking you on a jagged rock or against a tree he says with a shrug
I appreciate that I say with a smile
The sweet moment is gone in second when his large hand wraps around my throat and he pulls me into him as his lips hover by my ear sending shiver down my spine.
im going to make you feel really good sweetheart does that sound good to you he whispers in a deep gravely tone making me whimper as his grip tightens on my neck .
I nod my head answering in a shake out of breathe tone y-yes
mm good girl he says as his lips attach to mine is a deep lustful kiss that has me moaning into his mouth.
his free hand comes to my head pulling off my antlers and throwing them down onto the ground then its on my ass grabbing it roughly making me whimper.
he pulls away as he looks into my eyes with a smirk on his face that has my pussy clenching around nothing.
strip he says in a gravelly voice making me immediately tear off my top and skirt leaving me in only a thong the cold air making me shiver and my nipples to literally harden so much they feel like rocks.
god your perfect he groans as he takes in my figure making me feel nervous .
He smiles at me as he pulls me to him again then walking us back to the blanket and slowly lays me down .
I groan when my back hits a sharp rock thats under the blanket
he slowly lowers himself to be between my thighs as his fingers loops around the band of the thong and slowly pulls them off setting it a side .
So wet for me he groans as he takes in the view of my glistening entrance.
I gasp when is mouth meets my pussy and he licks and sucks expertly in all the right spots .
f-fuck oh my god I whine as my legs start to tremble slightly from the pleasure i'm in.
yeah that feel good he asks before going right back to it.
ugh fuck yes I cry out as he sucks on my clit and slips a finger into my entrance heightening the pleasure more than I ever thought possible.
I grab onto his hair pulling it making him groan into me causing me to moan loudly and buck my hips.
fuck -fuck oh m-my g--od i moan and gasp as I feel my orgasm getting closer.
come on slut cum for me I can feel you pulsing he says into my pussy as he sucks harder and his finger speeds up making my legs shake harder and I cry out as my orgasm rips through me and my juices flow out onto his finger and he laps them up easing me through my orgasm.
i'm honestly shocked he made me finish most guys cant especially not from head but that was fucking amazing .
fuck you're really good at that I pant as he comes up and hovers over me as his chain dangles in my face.
yeah? he asks in a teasing tone making me flush red .
mhm I say as I look into his eyes and move my hands to the base of his shirt tugging signaling I wanna take it off . He lets me slide it off and I put it beside us as my hands run down his warm skin.
he groans as his hands glide over my bare body making me sigh in contentment. His hands move to his belt as he unbuckles it and sets it aside than slips his pants off . I watch in awe of the way his muscles move as he undresses the rest of the way.
My eyes shift down to the large bulge in his boxers making me gulp . He's big like really fucking big . He notices by unease and grabs my chin making me look at him.
You'll be okay I promise he soothe me as his thumb traces my bottom lip. I nod at his statement taking a deep calming breath.
He slides his boxers down as his dick slaps his stomach and my eye widen I know this is gonna hurt like a bitch. Don t get me wrong i've had sex just not with anyone this big before.
He spits on the tip and for some reason its the hottest thing i've ever seen . I watch as he he spread it around then he comes back over me as his tip meet my entrance.
You good he asks waiting for my answer before he makes a move to put it in.
I nod my head
words baby he says in a sweet tone making me blush.
ye-yes i'm good I answer
he nods as his tip slides in making me suck in a breathe.
he not only long but also thick .
Fuck so fucking tight he groans as he pushes into me more.
I whimper at the stretching feeling and my eyes squeeze tightly shut.
I know sweetheart I know im going as slow as I can he says .
After a couple long painful seconds he's bottomed out . Over never felt so full in my life. He starts to slowly thrust in and out making me whine and put my hand on his chest pushing him away .
He grabs my hand and holds it down by my head.
I know it hurts but do not push me away he says in a assertive tone making me immediately apologize .
He continues thrusting slowly and the pain finally goes away and I cant help the moans that escape my mouth.
fuck oh my - f-faster please I whine and he immediately does what I ask.
His tip hits my g-spot with each thrust making me cry out repeatedly
fuck you think you can handle it rough hmm he asks in a breathy tone that has my eyes rolling back and my back arching.
I nod my head and he grabs my throat roughly .
use your words when I ask you a question y/n he growls making me moan.
y-yes fuck I can handle it I moan as my stomach starts to feel pressure signaling another orgasm is close.
He starts pounding me rough and hard making me scream out.
OH FUCK M-MATT I scream as my hands move to his back and my nails drag down making him groan and pound me even harder.
such a good fucking whore taking me so well he groans as he lightly slaps me making me cry out.
My legs start shaking and I cant help but scream his name as I cum around him . His pace doesn't slow one bit he continues pounding into me making me smack his bicep repeatedly .
f-fuck I c-cant I whine as my hands come to his stomach as I try to push him away.
he slaps me making me cry out in pain .
Put your fucking hands down he growls and I move them reluctantly .
good girl now take it he groans as one of his hands move to my clit rubbing fast circles making me scream . My hands move as I go to grab his wrist but I stop myself knowing hell just get mad.
you're gonna cum for me again like a good little slut he says as he angles his hips to perfectly hit my g spot making my entire body tremble .
n-no I cant I whine as tears well up in my eyes from how over stimulated i'm becoming from the overwhelming pleasure i'm in .
No ... oh sweetheart your gonna need to learn to do what I tell you too he says as he grips my throat roughly and swiftly lifts my legs onto his shoulder moving his body fully over mine so my legs are pressed into my chest.
He pounds into me so roughly i scream and my hips lift off my ground completely . He just grabs my waist continuing to pound me into oblivion .
I scream as another orgasm rips through me and my hearing goes out as my body shakes and my hands fist .
Good girl thats it he groans as he fucks me through my orgasm and my hips fall back to the ground .
He pulls out and flips me over onto my hand and knees .
Arch your back for me baby he says as his hands moves over my ass cheeks giving them a squeeze.
I arch the best I can and he shoves back into me making me gasp and bounce back into him.
He slaps my ass enough time to leave hand prints on each cheek .
he grabs my hips and pounds into me harder making me scream and my hand flys back to grab his wrist .
FUCK FUCK SO FUCKING DEEP I scream as he hits so deep I can feel him bulging inside of me .
yeah you feel how deep I am he asks in a dark tone as one of his hands moves to my lower stomach and presses onto where hes bulging in me making me cry out .
Im moaning and shaking under him as I bury my face in the blanket .
who's fucking pussy is this he ask as he slaps my ass .
I croak out a "yours" but with my face buried in the blanket he didn't hear it.
He grabs me by my hair pulling my face up .
who pussy is this he demands in a deep raspy tone
yours I whimper out
louder slut
Y-YOURS IT YOURS I scream out as I cum all over his dick again and my legs give out and they shake uncontrollably .
He move with me continuing to pound into me rough and deep.
Thats right all fucking mine he groans as he starts to loose his rhythm .
I know he getting close and I couldn't be more happy about it . Im so overstimulated I cant even form words anymore . Im whimpering and gasping as his his start too sputter and he groans loudly .
Fuck gonna fucking fill this pussy up he groans as he grips my hair tighter .
F-fuck p-please I whine as I push my ass into him .
yeah you want me to breed this little pussy he groans as his dick twitches and his breathing becomes loud .
I clench around him from his words nodding my head over and over
y-yes yes fuck please I want it so bad.
oh fuck he groans as him hips snap into me and I feel his cum filling me up.
He slowly thrusts a couple time before sliding out and flopping beside me on the blanket.
Our breathing is heavy and loud both exhausted from the events.
Wow that was the best sex- ive ever had he says with a smile as he looks over at me .
Same that was so fucking good I say as I smile back at him.
we lay catching our breathes looking at each other smiling.
Its fucking cold I say making him laugh
Yeah it is he agrees as he grabs his boxers and throwing them on.
He rolls me over as he uses his shirt to shirt to wipe me clean making me smile.
He helps me get my outfit back on then pick me up as I keep the blanket wrapped around me .
Piggy back? he asks making me laugh .
I nod my head . My legs are not working so well right now .
He bends down and I hop on as I wrap my arm around him making the blanket now cover both of us .
he starts walking back to where we started as I rest my head in the crook of his neck .
I need you to know that your mine now there is no way i'm letting you go after tonight he says making me smile .
I think I could be okay with that I say placing a small his on his neck making him smile
good he says back as we walk out of the woods and back into the area with the logs and campfire still burning .
I spot ally and dear god she's been though it . Her hair is disheveled her makeup smudged everywhere and she's wearing the guys sweatshirt .
wait go over to ally she's my friend I tell Matt and he immediately heads over to her .
He sets me down next to her and she smiles at me .
Jesus you look like shit she jokes with me making me laugh.
I could say the same to you I joke back as we giggle .
You going home or... she asks smiling at me
I down know... am I I ask looking at Matt next to me
he smiles before answering
yeah ... but with me he smirks as I blush and look at ally who's already smiling ear to ear.
well then I guess I will see you tomorrow ?
mhm I smile as I shake my head
she gives me a hug as she says bye .
Me and Matt make our way back to through the path out of the woods and he leads me to a white convertible mustang .
wow nice fucking car I say as he opens the door for me
thank you he says as he helps me in the car then shuts the door and gets in starting up the car then starting a playlist and pulls out of the spot and onto the road.
1.23.23 by Dominic like plays as we drive though the dark night streets and after a couple minutes we pull up to a gate and he presses a button and it opens .
I watch as light posts pass by up a long driveway up to a large house actually mansion . He parks behind a fountain in the middle of the circular driveway.
He Gets out and comes to open my door .
We make our way up to the large front door as he uses his key to unlock it .
come on gorgeous I think we both need a hot shower he says leading me up a long grand stair case then another one to the 3rd floor .
We make it all the way down the hallways to a large door at the end .
He uses another key to unlock this door and make his way in with me following behind .
My jaw drops as I look around at the huge room .
damn this is nice as fuck I say as I walk around taking in the surroundings .
yeah its a bit... extra but im not complaining .
shit I wouldn't complain either I mean your room is the size of my entire apartment
he laughs as he leads me to the bathroom
he starts the shower and helps me undress then undresses himself .
We take a hot ass shower and he rises me down . I smell like man but I don't care i'm just sappy I'm clean and warm .
After the shower he puts me in one of his sweatshirts and we get into bed .
We lay their cuddling as he plays with my hair . I start to drift in and out as he kisses my forehead and I smile as I nuzzle into his chest more .
good night little deer he say as I fade into sleep .
This is for the anon who requested another story like my other one Hallowseve.
Sorry this took so long I had so much shit going on these past weeks
Taglist- ( If anyone wants to be added to the tallest please let me know I never know if some people only wanted to be tagged in specific series I was writing or like for every story I write so just let me know)
@junnniiieee07 , @riasturns , @lexisecretaccx
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lawqual1ty · 1 year ago
Why...? (College AU! Trafalgar Law x Gn! Reader)
Pov: Hanging out with some of your mutual friends results in you having a new doubt that racks your brain for a bit... Unfortunately (or not) thanks to a twist in fate you end up having to be attended by your roommate where finally your questions are answered...
I got the idea thanks to me actually going through the same thing rn
This is a part 2 following the story line of this fic! Since so many people seemed to want more and who am I to say no?
Warning: Sort of angsty (I was feeling sad sorry), Hurt to comfort, Migraine, curse words
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"Say what now...?" You stopped stirring your coffee with your straw as you looked flabbergasted at the two guys sitting in front of you.
Sachi and Penguin nodded as they looked at you with a same level of shock while Bepo just seemed a tad bit confused by the situation, although judging by his worried eyes it was pretty serious.
"Yeah... He never lets anyone hang around him when he's studying..." Sachi started, a hint of concern in his voice.
"Or worse let them touch him..." Penguin added with a small sweat drop rolling down his temple.
Your brain took an awkwardly long time to process everything... You kept going back and forth between their words and the memories you had shared with Law during these two years that you had been roommates. Something didn't seem right, although yeah he wasn't the warmest or openest guy in the universe he was never very shut off to you... Going from casual hang outs while you two studied to you sometimes helping him out with caring for his tattoos after the previous shirtless incident (you grew used to seeing him bare chested as he began asking you for help with placing some hydrating creams or sunscreen on his back tattoo). Silence surrounded the three of you as you slowly narrowed your eyes in almost a comedic manner.
"You're lying..."
They yelped making both you and Bepo flinch with wide eyes as the poor bear started apologizing profusely while you patted him on the back, he could be quite the fragile guy sometimes, although it was adorable. You looked back at Sachi and Penguin with a confused look.
"But then... Why is it different with me? I guess it's because I'm his roommate right...?" You were reasoning more with yourself than with the two males, you turned your head over to Bepo with a furrowed expression "He's your best friend right? He must let you do that same stuff because he trusts ya'..."
Bepo looked over at you for a minute before gently shaking his head "Not one bit..." His demeanor then turned apologetic as you flinched at his words "Sorry"
You couldn't help but sigh as you kept gently stroking his back "Don't be..."
"That's what we're telling you! It's super rare..." Penguin started out as he tapped his fingers on the table only making you grunt further as you squeezed your eyes shut "There's something weird going on here... Maybe something..."
Although you had your eyes closed you could sense how both Sachi and Penguin looked over at each other with a creepy blushing face, the faintest scent of blood coming out of their nostrils making you sigh deeply "Don't..."
They gently stopped although you had a feeling that the idea of it being because of "something else" never left their mind as they started giggling on their own. You rubbed the temple of your nose as you tried to process everything, the mere idea of what you considered to be normal in Law now being rare raised so much questions which, based on your previous experience, know they were going to go unanswered...
One thing to know about having Law as your roommate is that he usually kept a lot of fitness stuff around, being a medicine student he cares a lot about his health together with yours so it wasn't unusual to find some stuff organized to the side of the room where he usually worked out when he had time. You occasionally used some of the equipment since he convinced you to... Much to your complaints, but it's something you have slowly gotten used to.
One of these mechanisms was a bar that was placed at the top of the door frame that lef to the kitchen, it should be perfectly safe if it wasn't for the fact that well it wasn't screwed onto the door... It just was placed there, it had never given you much of a problem until today.
You just got back to your dorm with an exhausted sigh, you kept on pondering about the conversation you just you had with Sachi and Penguin... A confused glint in your eyes as you processed their words about you and Law... You had never seen his behavior as unusual so for them to say it's rare out of the blue sure caught you off guard. You dropped your keys on the key bowl (as you liked to call it) with a loud exhale, the sound of the keys clanking being a clear signal that you could finally relax... Or well...
"I need to study..." You muttered to yourself with a soft grunt, you never got to really catch a break... And honestly it was nerve-wracking...
You walked towards the kitchen to get something to snack on while you studied hoping the small treat would keep your sleepless ass awake in some way shape or form, you were in a pretty grumpy mood so you didn't pay much mind at your surroundings as you leaned a hand on the door frame.
Out of nowhere you heard a loud thud and felt your mind go numb for a moment... You froze, not out of shock but rather because you couldn't move, your body didn't seem to respond at all... You looked at the ground and saw what had produced the loud thud, it was the weird bar thing on top of the kitchen door. As soon as you gained consciousness you started to feel a sharp pain at the top of your head, your vision began to get blurry with tears as the pain was changed from a sharp sting to a numbing rumble that made you dizzy, you didn't want to move at all... Finally everything clicked in your brain: The bar had fallen on your head.
You didn't yelp, you didn't move... You just... stood there trying your fucking hardest to keep yourself a foot, luckily you weren't alone at the time... A loud pair of footsteps came running over to you, Law had heard the loud thud and made its way to you in an instant, you raised your eyesight to meet his... Your eyes blurring with tears as the pain turned into a sharp migraine.
"Ouch..." Those were the only words you could utter as you tried your best to chuckle so that the scene didn't look all that bad, unfortunately for you Law had never been one to fall for your strong acts... If anything he grunted as he gently approached you and with a steady hand touched your head gently, the sudden contact made you jolt away, or well as best as you could in your state, as his skin felt weird against yours... That was never a good sign. He silently looked at you with a stern expression as he analyzed the scene.
"Did the bar fall on you?" His words came out in a concerned yet gentle tone. You nodded, words didn't come out of your mouth and if they did they were a muttering mess, he frowned.
"Do you feel like puking?" You shook your head
"I just..." You paused for a bit, the mere fact of taking seeming like a struggle "Migraine..." You spoke as best as you could, he gently took your arm and guided you to the table for you to sit down "Just stay here... I'll go get something"
He headed off and before you realized he was gone he brought a pill with him together with some water and an ice pack, he offered you the pill and you silently took it... The act of kindness made your tears start to roll down your cheeks in rivers and rivers of salty water, why were you being so sensitive? Was it because of the strike? You had no clue, you just placed the pill in your mouth and washed it down with the water, you suddenly felt a ting of coldness at the top of your head finding yourself with Law who stood really close to you as he placed the ice pack on the spot the bar had fallen on you "This should calm down the pain..." He spoke gently as he looked at you with a furrowed expression, your eyes never left him as a comfortable silence surrounded the two of you... The pain was still there but it was no longer unbearable, the one thing that was a bit annoying to you was how much you were crying... Your mind was racing, going between being completely blank and drowned in pain to being fully covered in weird thoughts about you wanting for Law to stop caring for you that much... Why would he do such a thing? Oh right he's a medicine student... This is normal work for him right? Right...? Then why did it hurt...? You hated feeling vulnerable... You got back to blank thoughts as you played with the glass of water and took a few sips. A caring hand took you out of your trance as it wiped a few of your tears away, gently squeezing your cheeks as it did so... You turned to face the one responsible for such gentle care, finding yourself with those grey eyes that confused you so much... They somehow looked so much... Warmer than usual, almost as if you were a delicate piece of pottery that he really appreciated and wanted to fix as best as he could without breaking it further, you couldn't help but cry more.
"Why...?" You muttered catching his attention
Your lips started trembling, the words not coming out of your mouth as you kept crying.
"Why... Are you so nice to me...?" Your words came out in shaky breaths, your lips trembling as you started crying even more than before... A sense of fear surrounding you as you waited for his answer in between whimpers and hiccups, his eyes widened at your question, you were never one to go ask this kind of stuff and it was rare seeing you in this state. He sighed deeply as he kept his hand on your head with an ice pack.
"You remember when you asked me how I was single...?" He looked away as he spoke, you were surprised... You thought he would have forgotten about that moment but it seems it made quite the impact on him, much to your luck, You just nodded... He took a deep breath before continuing. "Well... It's mainly because I never found a reason for me to be nice to others... Some people could be nerve-wracking in my opinion so I just never thought much of actually dating someone..."
You listened to him attentively as you saw the faintest hint of a smile on his lips, almost as if remembering this amused him, he paused for a moment... His eyes gently closed shut as he thought about his next words and actions, he slowly fluttered them open and looked at you in the eyes but there was something... Different in his gaze... You noticed a small hint of warmth behind those cold grey eyes, it was odd, you assumed your brain was starting to hallucinate thanks to the hard hit from the bar but you had a gut feeling it wasn't the case...
He parted his lips to speak once more, his breathing soft as he looked at you "But then you came... And... Although you were pretty irritating at first I got to enjoy your presence..." He chuckled ever so slightly "I even got worried about you whenever you... Got hurt..."
Your eyes started watering even more... He wasn't usually the one to talk so for him to be so open about it all was... New... It was almost as if he had rehearsed this a thousand times before he talked to you but didn't feel ready until he saw you so vulnerable and felt obliged to do so... To finally open up, to finally show himself bare to you. He took another deep yet shaky breath, he seemed to get even more nervous the more he spoke... Like there was a truth behind his words that he wasn't quite ready to admit, a level of fear that covered his heart as he laid it bare with doubt.
"I just... Didn't want to lose you..." He spoke gently, a soft tear drop rolling down his cheek as he looked away into the distance... Your eyes widened in shock.
"You have... Lost someone already haven't you...?"
He looked at the ground and you regretted your words immediately.
"I'm sorry..."
"I did..." He looked back at you "That's why I acted like a coward in front of you... Always caring but never..."
He stopped in his tracks, his words getting stuck in his throat, you felt a sharp sting in your heart as you looked at him... Something in your gut told you he felt the same way as he saw you get hurt and cry... Your shaky lips parted slightly.
"Is that... Why you're so kind to me...?" You looked up at him "Because you're scared...?"
He chuckled gently "Not just because of that..." He admitted with a soft yet sad smile "You have a knack of getting into people's hearts... And unfortunately I was no exception..."
He gently turned to face you with a warm smile, you must be hallucinating already... There was no way he was smiling to you that way... Was there...?
"I fell for you, Y/N..." His words struck your heart strings, if you could move you would have jolted up but you were still kinda numb thanks to your headache... All you could do was stare in disbelief. There were no formalities in his words, his usual '-ya' was not added at the end of your name... Making it all the more... Close... You felt your heart beat rapidly.
Slowly but steadily your lips started shaking even more as you felt like crying your whole heart out, trying your best to hold it in you bit your lower lip as you let out a few hiccups and whimpers... But alas you weren't that strong... You bawled your eyes out as Law stared at you warmly... He froze for a moment not really knowing how to proceed, with a hesitant hand he pulled you closer to him letting you rest your head on his shoulder as you cried everything you had inside...
"It's okay... I'll stay with you..." He spoke gently as he stroked your back lovingly, now his touch didn't feel so foreign in your skin...
He loved you... He really did...
And you loved him...
You loved each other...
You kept crying on his shoulder for what felt like an eternity, snot and tears ruining his hoodie as you kept trying your best to compose yourself... You wanted to talk... You wanted to yell out to him that you loved him too, you really did... But your headache didn't allow you to do so... You only had the strength to cry, not that Law minded at all... He loved being your pillar of support.
You sniffled as your crying came to a stop (at least for a bit) slowly incorporating yourself, the gentle taps of Law's hands on your back giving you a level of reassurance that made you be able to ground yourself...
"I..." You started out gently "I have fallen for you too, Law... Heck I think I did for longer..." You started chuckling nervously as your hand tried to clumsily dry up your cheeks, to no avail "But I... I was a coward... Fuck... Still am!"
You admitted with a sort of bright smile, Law looked at you with wide eyes before chuckling gently... You almost started blabbering your thoughts, unlike him you didn't take much time to think what you were going to say... You just spoke your heart out, and right now it turned out even messier than usual thanks to your dizzy brain... He rolled his eyes with an amused smile, not that you could notice in between your rambles, and then leaned closer to you...
Silence once more surrounded the two of you as he made you freeze... Not with a glare... Not with words... But with the gentle graze of his lips on yours.
You felt like crying again...
You didn't move... You just drowned in the feeling of his warmth against you... His lips stroking yours in a gentle and loving kiss that none of you realized how much you needed it until it happened... All your emotions, your truth, your hearts... Laid there, bare, a show of love and acceptance for only the two of you to witness...
You gently closed your eyes as the kiss dragged out for longer. He slowly pulled away and smiled at you with a hint of red in his cheeks.
"Did I answer your question now?" He asked with a playful tone, you froze for a moment only to laugh, he sure liked being sarcastic even in moments like these huh? You hugged him by the neck, a soft smile grazing your lips...
"You sure did..."
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spnfanficpond · 8 months ago
June 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @autisticandroids
The Horror of No Detrimental Redaction by sp8ce (AO3)
Really top tier whump that is also a super attentive cas character study which is also willing to sit with him in a really uncomfortable space
The Trapdoor by hal_incandenza (AO3)
it's an epic rewrite of dabb era with a level of attention to detail that i've rarely seen in any fiction. the metatextual elements are carefully woven in and the character beats feel real. plus, it's an almost episode by episode rewrite and the new monster of the week casefic elements are fresh and fun. also it answers the question what if apocalypse world was good.
finer things by @explainslowly
i think it's maybe the ultimate pinnacle of the deancas triangulation of desire genre. when dean and cas have weird sex via a woman... one of my favorite things. and this is my favorite iteration.
By Your Hand by @restlesshush
this is my favorite relitigation of moriah that i've ever encountered. cas is so crazy in it. you can kind of feel that things will eventually work out without that coming off as cheap. it's perfect
Nominated by @candygrammes
LIMBO by entselene (AO3)
It's the creepiest. angstiest, scariest story I've read this year. Sam wakes up in Sioux Falls Hospital horribly injured, with no idea what happened. Not only that, but Dean is nowhere to be seen. Why? Has Dean abandoned him?
Nominated by @charliethealpaccaso
Strange Encounters by deanandsam (Ao3)
I loved the idea that there are dog versions of dean and sam along side the main sam and dean that I found it cute but also opened up a whole side story I wish there was more of.
Dogs Don't Pay Taxes by Zetal (Rodinia) (AO3)
There oddly is a huge lack of dog!sam fics on A03 that I love to try and spread the word of the ones that are out there. This one was cute both prompt wise and just made my day when I came across it
Faithful Companion by brokenlittleboy (AO3)
What if during season two Sam developed a whole new issue with his psychic powers and turned himself into a dog then this is the fic for you. Dean does mess around with him in this fic but I think it was a fun and interesting read for the concept
Nominated by @glygriffe
Why’s every song is about love (or drinking too much) by @quietwings-fics
They didn't give us enough Sam and Castiel scenes in the show. Here's a bitter-sweet one between the two of them, talking about Dean and the whole 'unrequited love' thing. A ficlet the gives a Destiel fan just the right amount of heavy heart.
It’s the Stars that Lie by @seperis
Ok, this fic doesn't need recommandations, but it's still needs public praises. To fully appreciate it, you need to read the fever dream that is Map of the World first, but I love how the author builds on the glimpses that the episode The End gave of the apocalypse!world. The OCs are interesting (and many of them are POC), and the lovely slow burn between Dean and Castiel is spiced up with the fake boyfriends trope.
Since I've Been Loving You - Remaster by tgel210 (AO3)
I like Castiel's first-person POV, Dean being a musician without being a rock star: it feels close to home like my next-door neighbor is talking to me about the love of his life.
Closer than they appear by sunkenfox (AO3)
Dean and Castiel figuring out what their life could be together by looking at Misha and Jensen is interesting. Even more interesting is the concept that like it or not, the Supernatural characters would not exist in their world without the writers and the actors in an other world. That Dean and Jenses share more than a face; same for Misha and Castiel (even if the difference are more obvious between the last two). A story of discorvery on a meta level, hiding inside a cute Destiel and RPF romance.
he feels no control of his body by withthekeyisking (AO3)
A wonderful but sad exploration of Sam Winchester throughout his life; from his lack of bodily autonomy to his dying faith in god(s) and humanity. With just enough brotherly love to leave the reader aching from loss and something like betrayal. (I love Dean, but he his a royal dick to his brother sometimes)
Nominated by @handsliketruth
evergreen endless by @whiskeyjuniper
A glimpse of endverse!Dean and Castiel during the earliest days of The End, via Chuck (prophet? god? something in-between?) as he continues to chart their story...and struggles to keep them from their inevitable collision despite their wildly infuriating pattern of falling into it... (full disclosure, this one was a gift for me, but I would rec this anyway 💛 dark, spicy, funny, clever meta fun)
But I Ain't Dead Yet by @bloodydeanwinchester
I cannot wait to see how this one plays out! Clever and charming with a fun hook: what if s4 Dean and Cas time-traveled back to 1x12 Faith to save Layla? (I would read a million words of Dean watching faith!Dean and Castiel get along 😂)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Bad Day Love by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
it's a cute pick-me-up story with one of my favorite ships. I really like how Arthur is so soft with Dean here.
Bedtime Routine by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
It's another rareship of mine andI love how they care for each other here and take care of Emma.
The Fool's Journey by @ladyknightskye
I know I was the artist for this story but - what Meg wrote for my art is awesome and it features one of my favorite characters - Gadreel. The journey he has in this fic is extremely important
Nominated by @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Presence by @ani-coolgirl
This story broke my heart in the absolute most beautiful way. It's sad and sweet and doomed and it haunts me still.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Stitches by @kittenofdoomage
Its cute! I like it!
Sweet Little Lies by @impala-dreamer
I like how funny it was despite all the angst!!
Nominated by @masoena
Nothing Ever Really Ends by @nyxocity
Beautiful heaven fic with Sam and Dean, bring tissues, post S15E20
In Silence Sealed by @fiercelynormal
Dean loses his hearing but starts talking his thoughts out loud beautifully written Smitty short
Love, Your Brother by @eninkahootz
Sam and Dean communicating by letters btw heaven and earth post-series. Work in progress and so well written
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Cretaceous by tiamatv (AO3)
This is a cute, fluffy romp through Jurassic Park as a Destiel fic! You don't have to love dinos to love this fic, but I imagine it would make it even better. If you're looking for something sweet and light to read before bed, this is the bedtime story for you!
Nominated by @rainythursdaynight
Clean Air by @anactorya
I read this story when I was maybe 16 and re-read it twice or three times in the year after. That being said, I can remember it almost excruciatingly well. I'm a post-apocalypse gal and I crave anything in that genre, so it was doubtless that I'd love this story. But the world-building done in this story? The characterization? The tension it manages to build? It's so gripping and exciting and I remember reading it worried out of my mind for the characters and exhaling the deepest breath as the story drew to a close. It's a not too dense read and an enveloping one, you'll forget you're above ground by the end of it!
Empty Spaces by @schmerzerling
This story made me fall in love with writing again. It's so heavy with how it distributes emotion in its words, but also so soothing too. This reads like watching a glass vase get tipped over the edge of a table and, maybe distantly, wondering if someone will catch it in time. But it doesn't quite matter because the flowers are beautiful and if you're crying then it's about the flowers and not the vase. I highly recommend this story to everyone, heavy as its contents may be. I felt safe reading this, I ached, I adore this story beyond words can capture.
Phantasma! by @thisisapaige
I very rarely read things that are horror inclined (funny as that is given the nature of Spn), and maybe this story is not considered horror either, but it left me just on that edge of eerie and it was exhilarating. Most of the story is sweet, and cathartic, as Dean rebuilds his life outside of his family and finds that in Castiel. But the mystery of it all, the unknown, it left me waiting for the other shoe to drop and this writer was excellent at making that payoff worth it.
The Art of Falling by @zipegs
This story was gritty and ugly and didn't pull back punches when it came to its emotional weight. Recovery is a nightmarish process of relapse and pain and relief and this story embodied this with its characters beautifully. This story was lonely, in the sense that its only two characters yes but it also felt a lot like reading about two characters pitted against the backdrop of everything. The world, the universe, existence. It made me feel small but so vast at the same time, and it was so utterly human (funny given the context of the story). It's a short and beautiful read that left me aching but in a way that was comforting as opposed to alienating.
With The End Came You by @lotrspnfangirl
I adore zombie apoclaypse AUs but so few of them focus on the characters' growth alongside the events of the series. And so few of them do side characters justice. This story was THE exception. Not only does the progression of the characters not sideline the plot and vice versa, but the story handles people so so well. You have those that stick around for long, and those that don't, and it treats both parties so faithfully that I'm left emotional over side characters I've only had a page worth of content with as much as the main characters I'm with the entire time. This is a zombie apocalypse AU that puts people first and foremost, and its so human and such a rewarding story to those that have even the smallest interest in these types of AUs. And the progression of the plot is so smooth and natural, TWD could never (and I love that show so take with that as you will).
Nominated by @samanddean76
Dark As Midnight (And You Don’t Look The Same) by @kassyscarlett
This is a story that follows a young Dean (17 years-old) out looking for a good time and running into an older man that gives what he wants. Not realizing he knows him, that he is in fact his Sammy. This story is so good! Time-travel, the follies of youth, needing to be protected from yourself, and realizing years later what that random encounter really was. It is part of a series, but works as a stand alone. But the entire series is worth checking out.
Coming Out Of The Dark by firesign10 (AO3)
It's a story about others helping one they know is broken, giving him what he needs so he can move on and live the rest of his life. The Richesters visit Sam in the bunker after Dean's death, and give him one final night together, so that he might carry on. It tragic and beautiful and has all the feels. Highly recommend.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Interspecies Romance and Its Associated Perils by suspiciousflashlight (AO3)
I have read this story many, many times. It’s adorable and hilarious. It’s cute and awkward in a way that someone who isn’t sure how to tell about a weird scar or birthmark is. The ending is the best part of the entire thing.
A Helping Hand and Thrilling Touches by mydestielbabies_67 (AO3)
I don’t normally nominate smut but this was just amazing. It was beautiful, and what and intense.
The Cherry Pie Club by zation (AO3)
This is a work in progress. It’s great! Zariah is such a great writer in so many genres. This one is about Dean exploring bdsm for the first time and ends up also realizing things about himself too. Poor Dean learns the hard way that it is Cas he loves about bdsm but still. Their connection and energy with each other is felt as you read. Highly recommend reading!
Absolute Beginners by @ahurston
Chapter 5 made me scream then go feral and foam at the mouth.
Dancing moves by faithlesshunter (AO3)
I am not normally one to read infidelity fics; however, this is destiel. It’s the holidays and Cas and Dean get left alone to reconnect. They tried to be a couple at the beginning once Cas came back from the Empty but they weren’t ready for it. Now, years later and they are! The confessions and the hot smut is just so exacting for them. It’s gorgeous! Dean has always loved Cas and Cas still loves Dean. Oh, I’d love to see how it works out but this reconnection is just purely intense and the dopamine is addictive. Good luck. MUST READ!
The Case of Dean and Castiel's Extremely Resolvable Tension by CanonFodder (Tartan_Temptation) (AO3)
This is hilarious and hot AF! It starts out explaining the premise and drives right into it where Dean finally gives in. He is so happy he does too. He gets a wonderfully deserving reward. Poor Sam and his need for eye bleach. Lol!
Objects May Appear Smaller by @valandrawrites
The instant connection of Cas and Dean, and the science of this story makes this a one-of-a-kind a/b/o. Despite it being incomplete, it’s such a fluffy and fascinating read. It keeps you wanting more with every one of the six chapters. I hope one day they get inspired to write more.
Sentinel by Followsthebees (AO3)
I love this story. I love that it’s a different take on Castiel—he’s a gargoyle. It’s such a fascinating story and their connect is seen by the readers but not Dean. It’s interesting how Dean starts to notice and how intense and romantic it gets. Sex and flying are fascinating, man. This is written oh so well!
Three's Company by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Cas x f!Reader that becomes Cas x f!reader x Dean. It shows a very healthy ethical non-monogamy relationship. I love how the Reader initially freaks, I think, and when Cas and them come to talk to Dean, he freaks too. Everyone is patient with each other though. It’s as it should be when introducing polyamory to non-poly experience people. It’s so sweet and wonderful to read. It’s adorable. This is how poly fics should be.
Ketch and Release by NichePastiche (AO3)
Oh, the fluff and growth! I love this series so so so so much! I always get excited when I see they wrote more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nominated by @spnbabe67
Finish What You Started by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
I love the tension that melts into silly goofiness.
Spin Cycle by @winchester-girl67
I usually don't do a lot of fluff but I loved the way the writer did this one.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Take A Shot by @rizlowwritessortof
It's just so sexy and Dean. Guh.
Rest by @zepskies
It's swoony and cozy and melancholy, and I love that for us.
The Iceman Cometh by @talltalesandbedtimestories
Ice play is one of my favorite things. Pair that with Dean Winchester, written by Sandra, and, well, you've got a winner.
Damned If I Do by @zepskies
I liked Lisa and Ben, and this is a very satisfying way to show that!
Nominated by @whiskeyjuniper
Truth & Despair by @shallowseeker
It's so compelling, every time a new chapter is posted I'm so excited to see what happens next. Also it's Shal's first fic and they're almost done with it so I wanted to celebrate it :)
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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kleinv01 · 9 months ago
After imagining that our workaholic boss has a certain affection for Al (for his effort at work) I can't help but think of a scenario where he discovers for himself that Al comes to leave sweets on our table daily (and that he consequently likes us). And with his past not very well resolved with his ex-wife, he would be furiously screaming internally knowing that his precious pupil is SPENDING MONEY aka TIME on someone who is not interested in him, even in the same way and intensity or much less knows about his existence !! (who knows how much more time Al dedicates to us each day)
Mr. Dolores pov: "how can you do that after everything I taught you"
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I think I'm thinking a little too far... but what if Al could somehow influence the "relationship problem" that Mr Dolores has, despite insisting to Al that it's not worth it. Even if he stays with us. MC could still leave him or betray him or do something that could hurt him a lot and doesn't know how to handle it.
Imagining how Al has a certain obsession with us (and we have no idea what level this goes to), despite always being shy and insecure, I don't think it would be that easy or even possible to convince Al of something like that. Idk, even so, coming from someone who went through an experience like Mr. Dolores, who is aware of how it has affected his life and how difficult it can be to deal with, and tells it as advice, with a tone of someone who really wants to help because they care.
I think Al would appreciate it... but it would take more than that to make Al really believe that we would deceive him if we ended up together or to make him really not interested in us... if that's even possible. sorry, just rambling.
But it's funny to imagine someone with Mr. Dolores's personality going determined to change Al's mindset to stop caring about MC so much, cuz it's a waste of time and how he can be more than he imagines. alone.
But while talking about it he come across another side of Al that he didn't expect. Al didn't even say a word, but he knows, he can feel, which surprisingly and frighteningly is very decided on this issue.
Suddenly the scenario changes. Mr. Dolores ask deeply intrigue why, why we are so valuable to him? Despite everything he said, the consequences...the pain...
And gives space for the shy pink hair man speak... Somehow, in some way is managing to change the perspective of a man who was firmly decided of his conviction. Being taken to a point of view that he would never have thought of or perhaps even felt, but he can't say anything, because he is too perplexed and strangely surprised, without even thinking about interrupting. listening and listening, without knowing for sure when he got so caught up in the speech of that man who seemed so young, so inexperienced, but said his words with such ardor that no matter how much he wanted to refute them, he couldn't refute it.
Now the room is faced with a situation where a man with certainty in his words and beliefs was easily influenced by someone who was not confident in no one's eyes to the point of hiding something as dense as the reason behind us.
*BOOM* (PLOT TWIST, cuz the influencer was influenced) (This didn't go exactly as I had planned, but I think something make sense)
fun read. i didn't expect anyone to even pay attention to their relationship this much so i really enjoyed reading it, thank you for sharing it with me (and don't be sorry for rambling at all plz)
i can't really say much here because eventually you'd be able to learn why Mr. Dolores is so fond of Al despite his quirks and despite most of the people in the office finding him a weird guy to be around/even outright reject him from situations sometimes. for now, all i can say in the simplest way is that how Mr. Dolores treats Al is similar to how a dad treats his son
i don't really have any good response to this but i'd like to share it with others following this blog <3
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serpentarii · 5 months ago
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M O R D L U S T ; september 22nd, 2024
finally getting around to doing these more often now that i'm making money moves in the draft (this is a lie, i am making moves into my friends' dms to scream) so that means i have an excuse to make self-indulgent WIP edits.
my primary protagonist vératre, formerly known as voir, has been made sufficiently weird, and i think i've found a way to smoothly integrate all of the new scenes i added when i reformatted her half of the plot.
i've also been in my overthinking era to make sure that everything from color symbolism, animal motifs, to the specific variations of words characters use has a purpose. 90% of it will not be apparent in the actual draft so, to paraphrase myself, i'm like gay sisyphus opening and closing notion.
but, i do plan on making some character aesthetic intros, tv show edits, and finally getting around to that animal symbolism post 🐯
transcript below the cut:
Pale blue light flooded into the crate as the lid was pried off, then abruptly overturned, sending Aleksander tumbling out between a set of familiar armchairs. His attention traveled up the front of a familiar desk and landed at an unsmiling familiar face.  Sitting quietly on the other side of the desk was Lady Kos, regal as a queen and ten times wealthier, with pearl droplets woven into her dark braids, dressed in chiffon and lace from trailing hem to high, starched collar.  She was melting wax, her movements swift and assured as she poured a small pool onto the folds of an envelope and stamped it with a sigil Aleksander knew to dread. She took a sip of riesling, soundlessly replacing her glass onto the wood, before setting her sights on him.  “Herr Aleksander Fox,” she said at last. 
and since i haven't done this in like 4 years, surprise bitch. i'm doing a novel prep tag in here now.
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first look ;
describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch) ;
a businessman-turned-thief finds himself entangled with a pair of opposing assassins and the roles they unknowingly play in a much grander conspiracy.
how long do you plan for your novel to be (novella, standalone, series, etc.)? ;
a standalone, thank god. the technical term would be roman fleuve, since i am planning future standalone works that take place within the same universe.
what is your novel’s aesthetic? ;
ancient buildings overtaken by nature, cemeteries at midnight, poisonous flowers, venomous snakes, whispering in shadowy alcoves, masquerade balls, bloodstained feathers, veiled truths
what other stories inspire your novel? ;
the his dark materials series by philip pullman, uprooted by naomi novik, classic gothic lit, fairy tales in general, and uh,,,,,,,exodus.
share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel ;
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main character ;
who is your protagonist? ;
my two main protagonists/POVs are liferuiner and wannabe businessman aleksander fox, and vératre, a notorious poisoner struggling her way through a quarter-life crisis.
who is their closest ally? ;
aleksander's closest ally, at least in the beginning, is his friend heidi, an information broker with a secret :) and vératre begrudgingly accepts the help of salicaire, another assassin, since they are both nosy and want answers.
who is their enemy? ;
aleksander vs. the ospirin family (a fight he is nawt winning) and the church
what do they want more than anything? ;
so, to be cryptic, 3/4 of the leads in mordlust are all reflections of each other, what they could have been and what they want to be. the last of them is the mirror. they see in him what they want to see. and what they want, shockingly, is prestige, power, belonging, etc. they've always felt like strangers in their own skin and will go to terrible lengths to fit themselves into a society that was not made for them.
why can’t they have it? ;
dirty dirty politics for which they are mere pawns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what do they wrongly believe about themselves? ;
that because they've been hurt, they are justified in hurting others in pursuit of their goals.
draw your protagonist! (or share a description) ;
aleksander is a classic dandy with a hyperfixation on his vintage fox fur coat, which he wears even when it's wildly out of season and out of fashion because it's the nicest thing he owns. he's also usually seen wearing kid leather gloves and a golden cravat pin he received from his patroness. he's got green eyes, short auburn hair, lots of freckles, and more people would find him handsome if he didn't smile like he knew your fly was down and was refusing to tell you.
vératre's lips are stained purple due to. reasons. and so she wears a veil, which is not uncommon for particularly devout women. she has medium length brown hair she keeps pinned up into tight plaits and a notably long neck. also, she has pretty privilege because shits fucked and having attractive lay servants representing the house/church is common practice. since she works as a kitchen maid most of the week, she's often wearing her uniform w/ an apron. and sometimes she wears isme's black feathered cloak.
drawing wise, i do have this chart, courtesy of alex @bitethebard:
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plot points ;
what is the internal conflict? ;
aleksander and vératre, being parallels of each other, have somewhat similar internal conflicts. they both came from nameless villages out in the countryside and share a burning desire to be more. in vératre's case it's v much a "be careful what you wish for" situation, because in receiving everything she thought she wanted she's no longer herself and unhappier than ever. aleksander is younger and earlier along in his journey, but barreling down the same path. except the choices he makes fucks shit up for the people around him more than they effect himself.
what is the external conflict? ;
again, cutthroat politics (literally). everyone has something they'd kill for.
what is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist? ;
other than dying horribly, probably being tethered to an uncaring master, praying to uncaring gods, and trying to find comfort in an uncaring church for the rest of their miserable lives.
what secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story? ;
aleksander is entangled in a pseudo-liar revealed plot, which i kinda hate, but as an extremely unreliable narrator his priorities are not in proper order... vératre is witnessing the horrors.
do you know how it ends? ;
bits & bobs ;
what is the theme? ;
blind faith is dangerous. you must learn to take responsibility for both the good and the bad actions you take, and attaching yourself to someone or something at random to validate your own existence isn't healthy. holiness exists not only in gods but in small moments of happiness and in the people we love. and lastly don't fucking steal someone's skin and sell it on the black market.
what is a recurring symbol? ;
where is the story set? (share a description!) ;
niederbrinn, the capital city of falkenreik, which is loosely inspired by pre-german empire prussia. it's filled with tons of gothic™ architecture and fun locations like cathedrals, catacombs, and creature shops. it's situated closer to the malevolent eldritch forest than most would like.
do you have any images or scenes in your mind already? ;
hell yeah
what excited you about this story? ;
mostly isme. and then the other 3 protags ig 🙄
tell us about your usual writing method! ;
these days, i usually write a rough outline and expand it using the snowflake method, incorporating ideas, themes, and worldbuilding along the way. then i make a proper outline where i figure out chapters, acts, the dreaded midpoint, etc. i don't write in chronological order so this helps a ton with out-of-context lines since i have a reference for where i want them based on the location/emotional state of the characters. getting myself to actually sit down and WRITE the damn thing is the problem, shout out to my fellow procrastinating perfectionists <33
if you made it to this point you are sexy and i love you, byeeee !!
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iztarshi · 29 days ago
Viktor observations (S2, Act 2)
The first interesting thing about Viktor talking to Jayce through Salo is that Viktor’s body language is a lot more his in Salo’s body than in his own body right now. It might be partly a function of only Jayce being present, but the Herald doesn’t act the way Viktor did in front of crowds, either. In Salo’s body Viktor moves like he and Jayce are in the lab, restless, curious, pacing around his project and looking between it and Jayce. He talks like they’re in the lab too, excited to share his new research and ideas.
Aside from being in Salo’s body the thing that’s off here is that Viktor seems unaware of Jayce’s hostility towards him. The question is whether this is something the hexcore is doing to his perception or far more mundane denial. Potentially going to go with denial because that parallels how Jayce was acting when Viktor came out of the cocoon, saying things he’d clearly been planning to say and not paying attention to the lack of response.
Salo’s state is, as most things are at this point, ambiguous. His breath doesn’t steam in the air, implying he’s not breathing, which doesn’t necessarily mean he’s dead although it means he’s been changed beyond having his legs fixed. Personality-wise his speech and body language aren’t unlike him, although “Who else could mend such a broken creature” and “I owe Viktor everything” are weird sentiments from someone as entitled as Salo. It seems like at best light mind-control and at worst the hexcore puppeteering Salo’s corpse, but either way Viktor doesn’t seem aware of this. It also leaves me with a lot of questions about Viktor’s relationship to gratitude. The idea that people would be grateful enough to him to change their entire lives to live a way he approves of, to let him enter their bodies at will, that’s weird. But also, Viktor is someone who undoubtedly had expectations of gratitude placed on him for being allowed to remain in Piltover, and I don’t know that he was grateful, but this feels not unrelated to him having been taught some messed up ideas about it.
“I was clouded by emotions,” Viktor says to explain why he said he was done with hextech and with Jayce. Undoubtedly, yes, although he had very good reasons to be angry with Jayce, but Viktor always thinks he’s being rational in the present and he’s also acting on emotion right now.
Viktor’s so excited to share everything he’s been doing with Jayce and it’s interesting that, despite the mystical trappings we’ve seen, in this situation he talks about it all as science. New breakthroughs to share with Jayce, progress that’s “somewhat beyond where we left off”. They both conflate their friendship with their work, but Viktor does it especially. He left Jayce when he wanted to give up on hextech, now he’s convinced hextech can help people he immediately wants to share it all with Jayce.
Did Viktor just give control back to Salo so Salo could compliment him and then take over again?
It’s Jayce rejecting hextech that makes Viktor finally notice something is wrong and want to know what happened.
Huh. Jayce is not doing a terribly good job of explaining anything but he does try to talk to Viktor. Announcing that hextech is a curse and they have to end it with no explanation is not all that convincing - but, rather than ask Jayce why he thinks that, Viktor concludes that Jayce’s mind has been damaged by the Arcane and then immediately switches back to Salo who tries to leave. At least part of the lack of communication here is on Viktor for being so certain of his own rightness he takes Jayce’s disagreement as a sign of damage rather than trying to hear him out.
I am… unsure whether episode 6 begins with a flash-forward or with Viktor having a vision of his own death. Or with Viktor having a vision of contextless elements of what will turn out to be his own death. It seems like it might be a vision since we are seeing from Viktor’s POV for the all the other scenes here, which would potentially give a different context to the gear if he’s carrying it around partly because he had a vision about it.
“That isn’t Jayce. There is another will at work within him.” This declaration is made with great confidence and we never receive any evidence that it is true. I think pretty much everything Viktor says from now on requires fact checking, but this one was especially confusing on a first time viewing, because Viktor’s hanging out in the Arcane, he seems to know what he’s talking about, so it’s easy to take him at his word. The simplest answer, however, turns out to be that this is Jayce and Viktor just can’t handle the idea of Jayce killing Salo. Then again, Jayce will spend a lot of act 3 insisting that Viktor isn’t Viktor and I’m not sure either of them actually believe it, so they’re just being weird about being at odds with each other in the exact same way.
Viktor’s appearance in the Arcane is much more like himself than the Herald is. His body is almost abstracted away (and I would be fascinated to know whether that’s the nature of the Arcane, since people are just spirits within it, or some effect Viktor’s having on his space within the Arcane since he’s not very comfortable with any version of his body) but his face is his own, including expressive golden eyes. He’s much less sad and withdrawn than the Herald and talks to Sky in a similar way to he would talk to Jayce in the past.
Although Viktor clearly does feel some attachment to his body, shown by wanting to meet Jayce in person, this almost feels like some kind of magic assisted dissociation. The core of Viktor is in this safe place with all sorts of things to explore and Sky as the perfect, non-judgemental partner. The Herald is acting as a public figure while constantly hurting himself to heal others, but part of Viktor can just escape from all that and watch it through a screen.
Viktor is so excited about the wildrune. I wonder whether he’d feel differently if he knew about Ekko’s tree? It’s a big contrast with Jayce taking one look at it and going, “what have we done?”
Huck does not react normally to having a weapon drawn on him. Also, Viktor’s commune really does not seem to have any way to defend itself except asking people nicely to leave their weapons outside.
Everyone in the cult does show emotional reactions but extremely muted ones and ones that are unrealistically productive, if that makes sense. It would be nice if people didn’t react badly to someone clearly having a bad time getting startled, even if they’re a large wolf-man, but… yeah, that’s not what happens. Viktor’s whole thing feels very naive, it’s the sort of community building done by someone who doesn’t see why you’d need conflict resolution because people could just be reasonable. The idea that humans are basically good so if you take them away from all the bad systems then they’ll do everything right.
Viktor’s commune is so pretty in a way that is clearly inspired by the wildrune or the Arcane in general and Huck describes it as “the Herald’s vision” so it does seem this is coming entirely from Viktor. It’s, um. Cute? That he wanted everyone to have pretty homes and everything. It’s not the same understanding we see in Ekko’s commune that people need a chance to play and to create art, everyone seems to be working at all times. But it’s at least an attempt in the direction of enrichment.
At first I thought Viktor’s blanket didn’t cover any less than his followers’ robes, but it’s just that his body doesn’t exactly look like a body so the fact that the blanket only covers half of him doesn’t show the same way it would over flesh. I’m not sure whether it’s a sign that Viktor doesn’t feel like this is his body enough to be modest about it or whether… he does still seem to have emotions, although muted as the Herald, but he seems to have lost any sense of embarrassment. I think that’s what’s hardest to imagine about season 1 Viktor starting a cult, he’s got too much of a sense of humour not to find that a bit silly and be embarrassed.
It’s fascinating that the hexcore seemingly can’t stop Viktor from burning himself out trying to save Vander. Sky tries to talk him out of doing it, and there’s certainly no advantage from the hexcore’s perspective, but Viktor can’t be swayed from doing what he believes is right. He’s still got agency here, it’s just that he’s been convinced to go along with the hexcore so far because it seemed like the right thing to do.
It is kind of adorable just how much Viktor admires Vander. I don’t think it’s really helping him get along with Vi and Jinx, since his admiration for Vander’s dream is so different to why they care about Vander and also because Viktor’s talking like he knows things about Vander that they don’t.
Jinx manages to annoy him! I think it’s good for him to interact with real people. Maybe it would be better if they liked him a bit better, but at least it’s something to react to. It’s easy to not have feelings when everyone around you is just doing whatever you want. (I don’t think Jinx and Viktor were ever likely to get along. The things they have in common - sharp-edged pride fighting a fragile desire to be useful - aren’t things they like about themselves and the ways they differ - Jinx’s vengefulness, Viktor’s pacifism - are only likely to make them despise each other.)
I think the gear isn’t the original from when Jayce and Viktor invented hextech because it’s not the same shape and it probably is just from the machine Jinx broke. But as for the reason Viktor’s carrying it around, that’s either because he had a vision of it, because it reminds him of the invention of hextech, or both. It’s also slimed with corruption which I think might be a sort of arcane lichen? It feels like a side-effect of Viktor feeding his commune on magically grown plants. Which seems to be a sort of theme with Viktor (and Jayce, but Viktor continues it with projects where Jayce isn’t there) that he uses magic he doesn’t really understand and ignores the side-effects.
There’s something so innocent about the version of Viktor in the Arcane, treading through Vander’s brain with the same wonder as a cathedral. If there’s anything that indicates he’s not yet destroying the people he heals, no matter how strangely some of them are acting, it would be this I think. That he finds people’s minds beautiful. And he genuinely does seem to do some good for Vander.
Jinx’s estimation of whether this could work is “maybe when Piltover slides into the Sump” which makes her smarter than Viktor. He doesn’t seem at all prepared to defend himself here.
Fascinating that Viktor rubbing his hands when they start sparking is maybe the most natural body language the Herald has had. I don’t know if it hurts, but there’s something about his body failing that makes him more grounded in it.
The revelation that Singed is doing this for someone he loves and isn’t quite what Viktor thought him, combined with the realisation that Vander and Viktor himself are still like Rio to Singed, just experimental subjects. This time I think Viktor’s lack of visible emotion is entirely intentional, his defences are going up against Singed. It’s certainly the first time we’ve seen him subtly fidget with something (the gear).
No one knows what evolution is although Singed describing it as “forever in flux” is better than the absolute bullshit Viktor is talking.
They do fight over Vander the same way as over Rio - what to Singed is an experimental subject is to Viktor someone he cares about and wants to help.
“If you perish, this community is soon to follow.” I wonder if Singed is right that Viktor realises that? When Singed says it it sounds like a threat. Ambessa will destroy the community as soon as Viktor is gone because he’s the only one Singed is interested in preserving. But in retrospect it’s not a threat, doesn’t need to be a threat, everyone will die as soon as Viktor does. And I suspect Viktor doesn’t know that because he’s willing to martyr himself here to save Vander, but I can’t see him being willing to take others down with him.
The church music combined with Jayce being led by a child is referencing “and a little child shall lead them” right? Viktor is about to remake the earth and bring about a new age.
The trust Viktor shows in Jayce is astounding. Jayce has been aggressive and unstable on his way through the commune but he still gets led straight to Viktor, and with a weapon in his hands too. Viktor isn’t even in his own body to receive him, meditating with his eyes closed as if Jayce couldn’t possibly be a threat to him.
I’m not sure why Viktor’s death affects Vander the way it does. I’ve heard it said Singed injects Vander with something earlier, but to me it looked like Caitlyn stopped him injecting Vander. It might be because Viktor hadn’t finished healing Vander? The ones fully assimilated just keel over, but because Vander’s not fully healed he’s also still alive but wounded.
“I understand now. The message hidden within the pattern. The reason for our failures in the commune. The doctor was right. It's inescapable. Humanity. Our very essence. Our emotions… Rage. Compassion. Hate. Two sides of the same coin. Inextricably bound. That which inspires us to our greatest good… is also the cause of our greatest evil.”
I feel like this revelation isn’t as deep as Viktor thinks it is, but he’s certainly not wrong. (Also I feel that maybe using weird magic you don’t understand on a bunch of people to create a hive mind is a bigger reason for the failure of the commune, but I digress.) It’s important to Arcane’s themes, anyway, since a lot of what works about the characters is that their virtues are the same as their flaws, just in different circumstances.
Even if not having had this revelation until two thirds of the way through the second season makes me think that Viktor is very naive, it does make sense for his character specifically if I look back through the lens of him not realising this. The assumption that good people will do good things for good reasons and bad people will do bad things for bad reasons goes some way to explaining the complete refusal to make weapons, which are designed to do harm, but lack of concern with possible side-effects from things intended to do good. Also his confusion at some of the things Jayce does, because Jayce is a good person in Viktor’s eyes, so it’s hard to understand when he does bad things.
Viktor also remains not very self-aware about this revelation, since he continues to not see how damaging his own compassion can be despite realising that people can be motivated to do harm as much by “good” emotions as “bad” ones.
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tom-hunter-summah · 6 months ago
Born in the Wrong Era pt. 3
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a/n: it's finally here! sorry it took so long and thank you to @iluveveryone for sending your ask. i hope all y'all enjoy it!
edit: I linked pt. 2 because I forgot to last night.
warnings: shouting/screaming, flirty best friends, mentions of death/trauma, mentions of mr. martin, hitting (not a person but inanimate object(s))
word count: 2k
pt. 2
Reader’s POV
A frustrated noise leaves your mouth. You really wish you hadn't let Wally get into your head about Bea. You knew he had a point but could Bea have really been that different? Insistent, maybe but not stubborn. And it was always for the other person's good because she knew their potential. Bea was the only person in your life that actually listened to you. But this was her son. He knew her first. And in some weird way you knew Wally. You knew that he loves Bea with everything he has and then some. 
"Damn it. Hey Siri?"
Siri Dings.
"How do you apologize to a ghost?"
Tuesday-Wally’s POV
“Can we change? Or do we simply live in the heart of the mulberry bush destined to return where we once started?”
As Mr. Martin started on whatever pseudo-sophical rant he was going on Wally perked up. The dead have no choice to change do they? Wally remember’s Charley going on about this movie with Cybill Shepherd and Robert Downey Jr and how her dead husband was able to  cross over after living as him. Wally knows he’s missing some details but that’s besides the point. Almost every ghost movie ever made has some plot-point that the dead have to cross over and they have to grow and all that other shit before they can cross over and start their afterlife.
Wally had been here for 40 years. That’s forty years longer than he ever wanted to be in high school. But how is he to change? 
“Wally? Is there something you would like to share?”
Wally didn’t even pay attention to the last five minutes of whatever Mr. Martin was spewing this morning. Now there are many pairs of expectant eyes on him. 
“We’re debating whether or not people can change. Dead or Alive. I’d like to hear your thoughts Wally.”
Wally goes to open his mouth but his8 voice isn’t the one that’s heard. 
“He’d have to have a brain for that.” Oh Rhonda, always quick with a jab to the ego.
“Well you should start with getting a new heart, Rhonda, because the one you have now is cold and shriveled.”
Rhonda breaks out one of her sarcastic grins. “Finally someone sees me.”
There are a couple of chuckles from the circle before Mr. Martin clears his throat.
“Wally, please continue”
Wally gets one more taunt in by squinting at Rhonda before he starts talking. 
“I think when you die, you break the circle around the mudberry bush as you put it–
Wally catches Charley mouthing something out the corner of his eye but can’t make out what it was.
“And can give you the room you need to change.”
There are a couple of murmurs of agreement around the circle which made Wall feel proud of himself. 
“That’s interesting Wally. But before we break the circle; why don’t we move to the center of it?”
This made Wally think. “Maybe. Thanks Mr. M.” 
Mr. Martin gives Wally a tight-lipped smile that never seems to bring comfort to Wally but what’s new. 
Soon the morning circle is dismissed but Wally lingers for a minute after everyone else left. Or so he thought. 
“Hey Wally?”
It was Janet. Even after 40 years Wally still wasn’t used to her 60’s fashion. Her light pink gingham dress with matching ballet flats and white gloves on her hands. Compared to the others in the group it was a silent rebellion that was all Janet’s. Which is pretty rad if you ask Wally. 
“Hey Janet what’s up?”
“I was wondering; what was on your mind earlier? You don’t really space out like that.”
Wally hesitated. “Uhh.. I was tired from… working out earlier.” Wally barely believed himself.
Janet’s furrowed brows had him coming up with another lie in seconds. Before he could though; Mr8. Martin called Janet away. 
Before Janet left the gym she turned and waved goodbye. “We’ll talk later Wally!” 
Wally returns the wave and once Janet and Mr. Martin are out of sight, Wally lets out a sigh of relief. 
“Hey Wally you okay?”
It was Charley this time, luckily Wally is able to keep his shock to a minimum. 
“Yeah, it’s just sometimes the morning circle makes me want to…”
Charley interjects. “Die all over again?”
Wally snaps his fingers and points. “Yeah! I mean I know he just wants to help but Jeez sometimes it’s agonizing.”
Charley laughs. “Well, Hippie dude has a sub and they’re watching a movie. Wanna come?”
Wally pretends to think about it. “Is it Rudy?”
Charley sighs in defeat. “I don’t know what movie it is but I’m almost 100% sure an AP Lit Class will not watch “Rudy”.”
“Where is there “enjambment” in “Finding Nemo”, Charley?”
“Where is the ‘allusion’ in ‘Rudy’, Wally?”
“What are you talking about, all Rudy does is dream!”
Charley pinches the bridge of his nose. “Allusion not ILLusion!”
“You’re literally saying the same word.”
“I- you know what? Sure. Anyway if you get tired of working out you know where I’ll be.”
Charley walks off, leaving Wally alone with his thoughts. He needs to find some answers. And there’s only one person who can give him that. 
Reader’s POV
There’s a sense of comfort you feel when “Bad Reputation” flows through your ears. You wish you were more like her. Letting things roll off your back and not listening to what others say. You feel for Wally, you do. You’re not going to agree with your parents about everything but to insinuate that they don’t care? Ridiculous. Wally’s feelings are still valid though. Eye twitch inducing but valid nonetheless. You don’t know how to summon him (and you’re not sure you want to know?) but when you see him you’ll apologize for being impudent. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when “Fat Bottomed Girls” starts to play and your eyes widen. It’s not Queen that shocks you so much as this may 8be a clue as to what his type is. Not that it matters. Not that you care. 
The next thing you know there’s a giant pair of hands waving in your face, luckily they’re attached to your good friend Jacques. You take off your headphones so you can hear him. 
“Hey Jaques.”
“Hey dorkalicious!” You chuckle. “Where were you yesterday?”
“Just getting tickets to Horror Con.”
You stop in your tracks. “You’re joking.”
Jacque fights a smile as he shakes his head. “Waited in line all day for these. I can’t wait to go next week.”
“Wait tickets? As in, plural?”
“I’m pretty sure “tickets” means more than one ticket.”
You have to jump a little bit to properly hug him because he’s so damn tall but you can’t contain your happiness. 
While horror isn’t your biggest interest you’re utterly obsessed with the cinematography of it all. Plus dressing up has always been a favorite pastime. 
“Merci mon cher ami!”
Jacques blushes. “Alright, alright get down before you start licking my face dork. And stop speaking to me in french, it shifts my beret.”
You laugh as you pull away from him. “Oh shut up you’re like a quarter french.”
“My name makes it half.”
Before you can continue to call him on his bullshit, the bell for class rings and you have to go to third period which is Mr. Anderson’s class.
“Oh Jacq, do we have a sub in Anderson’s class?”
“How’d you know?”
“ I didn’t. I was hoping for it though. I had a weird interaction with Anderson outside of class.”
“Is it because you guys argued about which decade was best again?”
“It’s not my fault we had better movies! Plus peak television. I’m still looking for who shot JR. And there was history made when Alexis called Krystle a bitch. The first time it was ever said on primetime TV.”
Jacques sighs, filled with regret. “Why did I even ask? Look for whatever happened, I’m glad you can avoid addressing it for another 24 hours. Just like I will do to you if you don’t shut up.”
“Like you could go that long without talking to your personal musipedia.”
“They have this thing called shazam.”
“Yeah but I’m cuter.”
Jacques ruffles pats your head. “Yes you are. Now go make me proud okay?” You smile at him “C+ it is.”
Jacques dabs fake tears from his eyes. “I’ve never been more proud.”
“Do I want to know?” It’s Ms. Fields. You and Jacques' favorite teacher. 
You answer. “It’s best if you don’t.”
She nods her head. “Good to know. C’mon Jacques, today we’re going over the war of 1812.”
“So nap time?”
You slightly shove him into the class which makes Ms. Fields chuckle.
“Be good.”
“Bite me.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m sorry about him. I’ll catch you later Ms. Fields.”
“I’ll see you in class, hon.”
You nod and keep making your way to class. You decide to switch out Wally’s tape with your own. You love Wally’s taste but the music definitely got better later in the decade. Which is why when you hear “Raspberry Beret” You smile. 
You walk into mr. Anderson's class still smiling, causing everyone to look at you. Including the dead. 
You quickly make your way to your seat. You wait a couple of moments and are shocked when you don’t see Wally at your desk. You turn your head and your brows can’t help but furrow when you don’t see him.
You’re slightly disappointed but you figure he’ll come around when he’s ready. 
Wally’s POV
They still make walkmans? No, they still have cassette tapes? Wally only half circles Retro as to not draw attention. He sees the walkman hanging on the waist of their jeans, and gently pulls it up. As he inspects the walkman he can tell it looks a little worn; like they bought it from a secondhand store.
Then he sees It. “W.Clark” written in black sharpie.
He drops the walkman but catches it last minute, so as not to break it. There’s too much going on in Wally’s brain to process what any of this means. 
Wally takes the walkman and storms out of the classroom. He puts the headphones on his head only to hear “Never Gonna Give You Up” which is the icing on the cake to his frustration. 
He knows you and Bea are close but that close? Wally knows it’s been 40 years but it still feels like yesterday. That tackle. It was so fast Wally barely felt the weight of the Behemoth that ended his life. It doesn’t mean it stung any less. His moms last words to him. 
“Make me proud”
It comes flooding back at the memory. That anger, the exhaustion and defeat. 
Letting these emotions consume him, with a scream Wally’s fist connects with a locker. And again. And again. He eventually has enough and has his forearms resting on the lockers while he catches his breath. Somehow, while his head is hanging low, his headphones catch his ear just in time to hear the beginning of “Deacon Blues”. 
He chuckles. “The kid’s got taste.” 
“Of course I do. And who are you calling Kid?”
Wally’s head turns in Retro’s direction. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”
“I had to take a leak. The bigger question is, how the hell are you able to listen to my music?”
“I can interact with the physical world but I don’t make an impact on it. So I can listen to your surprisingly good mixtape but I can’t skip a song I don’t like.”
Retro’s eyebrows furrow. “That doesn’t make sense. I mean have you tried with the walkman? It is yours afterall.”
Wally shakes his head with a chuckle. “I don’t think it’s going to make a diff–
Wally is cut off by his own shock as deacon blues cuts to September.
“See I told you.”
If Wally could pass out he would. 
“Walls, you okay? You look like you’re gonna be sick.”
“I knew it. You’re the answer.”
“To what?”
“You’re going to help me cross over.”
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