#Where's Jadzia?
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scarywardrobe · 5 months ago
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captainjimothy · 2 months ago
the thinggggg the thing about kira and jadzia is that. jadzia is so so so full of joy and the measured, steady, unshakeable optimism of someone much older than she is. but she wasn't always like that, she was a lonely, anxious, nerdy kid who "grew up" 300 years in the span of a single medical/spiritual operation. and a big part of that experience was the dedicated training she got towards knowing herself, knowing her needs and desires and how to meet them, so that she wouldn't get drowned out by the rest of dax. right
and she comes to ds9 and she meets kira, a lonely, anxious fighter who was an adult by the time she was 10, who never had the opportunity to know more about herself than what was strictly necessary--that she is strong, that she makes a good leader, that she can do anything she sets her mind to. but she never figured out what she might like to set her mind to, because freedom was the only thing it was possible to want.
and jadzia sees her old self in kira's face, in the bowstring-tight lines of her, and jadzia takes her by those aching shoulders and says Hey. do you want to know yourself? do you want to know what joy is? do you want to play?
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dreamerdrop · 2 months ago
it’s very sweet seeing the scene in Equilibirum where jadzia and julian are talking alone in the cramped ship quarters at night, and julian is just.
entirely and completely devoid of his old pushy behaviour even though it’s clear he still absolutely has feelings for her at the time. taking her feelings entirely seriously because she’s his dear friend and she’s scared and confused and he unfortunately knows far more of how she’s feeling that he can let on.
(and more than the writers were aware of at this point, which makes it all the more interesting how much it comes across in that scene tbh, and places his later comments that maybe she just has lots of trauma from the institute in a different light, since with hindsight it comes across less that he’s being dismissive and more that he’s fitting her reactions into a framework more familiar to him: that of nightmares resulting from trauma that hasn’t been processed fully.)
and it very much also emphasises jadzia’s affection for julian too, that she trusts him and is going to him to share her vulnerabilities and discuss her concerns because she knows julian will listen and show sympathy and will just. let her ruminate and wallow for a bit until she feels better.
really highlights the character development and shift in their relationship dynamic.
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randomthunk · 1 year ago
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A DS9 button/sticker set that I've been working on for the past few weeks, that I soon plan on getting made to have available for the 2024 con season. What a fun little gang of space rascals.
Edit: Buttons and stickers both available! Check those out here!
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skybound2 · 5 months ago
Okay so I'm still working through my re-watch of DS9 and my crush on Jadzia has reawakened ever so slightly 😍😍
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mysticaledelusion · 10 months ago
rewatching ds9 for the first time in years and… how did my conservative parents let me watch this?!?!
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the-last-dillpickle · 2 months ago
fic where actually everyone on ds9 is straight, except for O'Brien who realizes five years into his marriage that he's gay and divorces Keiko to be with his true love, Bareil
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ferryfoam · 8 months ago
I just watched Tears of the Prophets girl what was that ??? Jadzia deserved better than to be fucking fire blasted alone halfway through praying what the hell !?! And then there was a significant lack of send off ? They couldn't have done a brief funeral scene where everyone talks about how much she meant to them ?? That faceless captain who crashed on a random planet from a few episodes back got more of a send off than Jadzia come the fuck on man
I'm sure there are behind the scenes reasons why she was killed off (which I will look into shortly. I guess) but seriously they couldn't have given it even a little bit more care ? For the death of a beloved character ? Who's been there for 6 full seasons of show ?
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yeah-thats-probably-it · 4 months ago
I started an episode of DS9 and had the German audio turned on accidentally so I decided to listen for a bit and whoever translated this show put NO effort into determining the correct duzen/siezen distribution
I had to check in another episode for this but Sisko and Jadzia siezen each other and I swear to god I’m just going to *LOUDEST INCORRECT BUZZER NOISE OF ALL TIME* WRONG WRONG WRONG she is LITERALLY like a father to him do you think he was calling her ass Sie when she was Curzon and they were out drinking together? NO and he’s not going to start now!!!
Odo and Quark do NOT call each other Sie they have NEVER called each other Sie and you WILL not convince me otherwise (however I would believe the Ferengi language has a complicated system of formality levels based on the relative wealth of each party and whether they’re actively negotiating a business deal at that moment. But Quark would not use the formal pronouns with Odo because their relationship evolves from open mutual contempt to grudging friendship and that’s the point)
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phiatheox · 2 years ago
okay so I understand that "if wishes were horses" could be a difficult episode for #bashirnation because if you take fake! Jadzia at face value then he becomes insufferable. but as someone who is unable to take off my queer-tinted glasses at any time I would like to put forward the interpretation that it serves as a strong case study for Julian suffering from comphet.
now, it's been a while since I've watched the episode so I cannot provide an extremely detailed analysis, but I remember that in the scene where fake! Jadzia is first introduced Julian's initial reaction was to reject her (yes this can be seen as just responding to context clues and being polite but we're having a gay time here), and it's only after she asks him why he's fighting this that he thinks *you're right, society says I SHOULD want this*, and starts kissing her back.
afterwards, when he learns that she's just a manifestation of his thoughts, he responds to her propositions with embarrassment at best and outright repulsion at worst, as if the idea of a version of Jadzia that reciprocates his feelings fills Julian with discomfort. at one point, the alien even says something along the lines of "why would mine create a woman to reject her?" and that's the thing, because to me this episode confirms that Julian doesn't actually like Jadzia: he's just chosen her as the one to safely project his desire to fit into cishetero patriarchal norms onto because she's never actually going to like him back, which is why when faced with a version of her that does, he completely loses interest.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years ago
Benjamin Sisko is an amazing man, but it's still hilarious that so many people to fixate on him as their personal rival.
Dukat, Eddington, and Solok are the most notable three. And all three all wind up completely changing their personalities to revolve around one-upping Sisko and he winds up beating them anyway.
After Dukat destroys his career, he re-fashions himself into what is essentially the Emissary of the Pah-Wraiths. He's always been fixated on Sisko to some degree, but the final season takes it up to eleven.
Eddington becomes fed up with his career and projects his frustrations on to Sisko, re-imagining their relationship to be one where he's the noble criminal and Sisko the evil, relentless enforcer. But reality was never going to conform to his imaginings.
Solok, the Vulcan who was so obsessed with one-upping Sisko that he also developed an obsession with baseball. He drags his crew into it. He taunts Ben with it, makes things personal in a way the other two can't. In part because Solok is so incredibly petty. The other two are so grandiose in their methods, but Solok takes the petty route every time.
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spitblaze · 1 year ago
I generally do not engage with star trek shipping stuff but I am now shipping Kira and Dax out of spite because the writers keep trying to pair her up with seemingly arbitrary men and trying to make us care about it
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theonlyfeckuser · 6 months ago
reading fanfic isnt enough i need to lie on my fav like a weighted blanket and chew on their hair
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youngpettyqueen · 7 months ago
I love thinking about the physical affection aspect of Worf/Jadzia/Julian because youve got Worf who won't go out of his way to initiate physical affection but then youve got Jadzia and Julian who are all about the touchy feely and Worf doesnt, like, mind this and lets them do what they want so he just has them clinging to him at all times. Worf is trying to sit and eat and he has to do so around Jadzia who is perched in his lap and Julian is hanging over his shoulders like a scarf. he's walking somewhere and the both of them are hanging off his arms. getting out of bed in the morning is an entire ordeal because he is sandwiched between the two of them. cant hand him shit because his hands are always being held. they are so goddamn obstructive but Worf just lets them do their thing because its not worth the argument and also he maybe (definitely) likes the affection
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skiitter · 1 year ago
one of the objectively funniest things to happen to me since i've started watching ds9 is that i bought a t-shirt at comic con with a picture of the cast on it and didn't notice until i got home that it was actually a massive spoiler.
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unsurprising but endearing that sisko is a kirk girl
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