#Where the little dots are close but NOT QUITE the same
completeoveranalysis · 11 months
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Either Clow’s moon works differently or weird time stuff is already happening because I’m SURE it’d take longer than like 2-3 days for the phase of the moon to shift from a crescent to a gibbous moon. It’d be like a little under two weeks, unless I’m completely wrong. 
Please correct me if I’m wrong I was not good at science.
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And there she goes!
I love it. 
Last time this happened was ALSO the night before they went to the ruins and Evil Wolverine invaded. Of course in that timeline things had (presumably?) been altered so the details were all off, but the Bell of Foreshadowing is striking in the same place all the same. 
In chapter one it was accompanied by Sakura having visions of the future - do you think she gets the same here? 
I guess we’ll find out - immediately! 
Open the next chapter quick I have to see. 
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saeist · 3 months
you and sae rarely argued.
obviously there were a few misunderstandings here and there but given that you two were adults, misunderstandings would often be patched up by the end of the day as communication is something sae values a lot especially with how most of the time, you two are in a long distance relationship with his profession and all.
sae would rather have things said right on the dot than to beat around the bush
however, communicating with the soccer super star sometimes isn't enough. especially when his stubbornness kicks in. when times are in drastic measures and you two are not on the same boat even after talking it out rationally, sometimes all hell breaks loose.
all because sae has a bad habit of ignoring you when your little misunderstanding that turns into a full blown argument that blows out of proportion.
it's very on brand of him to do so if you say so yourself.
one could say it's a force of habit given this is the treatment he gives his own manager when things aren't going the way he envisions it. but some could also say that sae is just a blatant asshole for acting like this at his grown ass age
now you might be wondering, what could you two argue about that ended up with sae ignoring you? well it's because sae can't just bite back his own tongue
you were telling him that he should take it a little slow with his trainings because intense trainings usually bring home an irritated sae that would quite literally berate everything he sees including inanimate objects such as your shared pet cactus
and sae being sae, he most likely have said some not very nice things that may have escalated into whatever predicament you two are in right now instead of compromising and working things out like you two normally would
hours have passed and it's just been silence in your shared apartment. if you listened closely you could probably hear a pin drop with how eerie quiet it was
you've already grown past the issue. in retrospect it was kinda nonsensical now that you were off the intense emotional high. now that you think about it, the whole thing that went between you and sae just sounded stupid
amidst these past few hours, sae would occassionally come out of his office to get himself a glass of water to drink or some shit from the pantry. literally anything he can get his hands on in the kitchen where he needs to pass by the living room where you were currently in
you can feel his gaze boring holes onto the back of your head whenever he was at the kitchen for like 10 seconds. you know that he was itching to talk things out with you but you know better that his pride was on the line
talk about egotistical, right?
it was dinner time when sae breaks. he honestly looks and sounds like a stray cat who just got drenched in the rain and needed to take refuge in your care
"sorry" sae murmurs, looking up from his plate to give you the look of defeat evident in his eyes
sae was sure for a while that you would be the first one to break the ice in this little cold war you two currently have going on. boy, was he wrong.
you thought it'd be time for sae to have a taste of his own medicine for a change. how it would feel to be the receiving end of his silent treatment
noticing that you weren't saying anything and continued munching on your food, he initially thought you didn't hear him clearly. so he clears his throat in attempt to catch your attention.
"i said i'm sorry" he coughs, putting down his fork as he waits for you to lift your head up to look at him in the eye while he was talking to you
sae's eyes widened. usually you'd accept his apology right away. you can't resist him, and neither can he resist you so what's with the sudden switch?
he waits a little more in case you were just busy digesting your food properly but a beat of silence passes by and you were now getting up from the table to put your dishes on the sink.
"y/n" he calls out, running after you to the kitchen. you barely even spare him a glance, maneuvering your way around him to get to the kitchen sink so you could start washing your plate
sae debates with himself if he were to call your name again but quickly realizes that you aren't going to respond any time soon. he sighs, dropping his head. looks like he just lost in his own game
instead, he gets this idea to just follow you around like a lost puppy.
to be frank, you were lowkey enjoying tormenting sae like this. it was too good to be true that he would be the one to grovel and get on his knees to beg for your attention. the way he is literally attached to your hip as you carry on with your daily night routine which should've included doing the dishes together, cleaning up together and his favorite part of the night– doing skincare together
but alas, why isn't it the consequences of sae's actions.
you two were already in bed at this point but still, you have not uttered a word to sae, who was right next to you, eyes glued to your figure, watching you like a hawk.
sae couldn't take it anymore. he doesn't want to end the day like this where you two aren't talking. it was already a hassle for him that you two didn't talk at all for the rest of the day.
not that he's gonna admit it but he misses you. he misses the way you would talk til his ears fall off. he misses your daily reports to him about whatever you did throughout the day when he was out in training. he misses the laughter in the air as you come up with a (not so) funny joke,
sae just misses you. he's not used to your silence and it's killing him
swallowing his pride, sae slowly takes it upon himself to wrap his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest
"look, i shouldn't have yelled at you like that earlier. you were just looking out for me and i've been a little preoccupied with trainings that it's getting to me. i'm sorry for being an asshole recently" sae sincerely apologizes, a hand carefully reaching to caress your cheeks
with a smile, you finally look up at sae, "took you long enough" you tease, poking his nose
sae releases the air he was holding in, now that you were finally talking to him again
"never put me through that ever again. i'd rather walk through a thousand needles than you ignoring me" sae nags, wrapping his arms around you tighter.
"now you know how i feel when you ignore me!" you retaliate, snuggling closer to him
sae suddenly kisses the side of your face. "i mean what i said though, i'm sorry for saying all those words. i know that you're just looking out for me. let me make it up to you, y/n"
you look up at him, shaking your head
"no, i totally understand that you have to go to trainings. it's fine, sae. just ease up on trainings so i don't have to worry too much for your well being. can't have my super star all worn up" you joke, nudging him in the slightest
sae smiles. what did he ever do to deserve you
"whatever. i'm still gonna make it up to you for always dealing with me"
"if it's you sae, i don't mind dealing with you at all"
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
sanemi x f!reader. suggestive fluff, feelings exploration, established relationship (sort of?) | divider thanks to @cafekitsune, wc 1k
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“Hold still.”
The statement isn’t an outright command but Sanemi can tell he is not being asked, he is being told to keep from shifting beneath your touch. You drag a bar of clean scented soap over the back of his neck, reaching over his shoulder to rub the bar across his chest. He captures your hand and takes it from you, finishing the job down the front of his body independently.
He holds the bar over his shoulder when finished and you grab it, placing it on the lip of the tub. The washcloth wrapped around your hand is next to get lathered up. You rub circles between his shoulder blades with the same soft cloth you’ve used on your own skin. The soap leaves translucent bubbles across his skin, popping light as air when you blow on them gently. The temperature difference between the steam rising from the bathwater and your breath causes goosebumps to erupt across his scarred flesh.
“Hey, quit that.” He tilts his head backwards, hair flopping, wisteria eyes locked on your little smile. You know exactly what you’re doing. “You’re supposed to be scrubbin’ not playin’.” Giggling, you nod and dip the cloth back into the water. You dare lean forward until your lips nearly brush against his exposed forehead, breathlessly wondering when he’ll get skittish.
It may not happen tonight considering he was the one brave enough to join you to begin with yet you wait for one breath…two breaths…and his distance never comes. It’s a relief and you proceed with what your heart is crying out for you to do; to simply lavish him with the love you feel he deserves.
“Sorry, sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”
Your lips brush against him with every word you speak, breath fanning against his sweat dotted forehead. This is far from the first time he has been this close to you or seen you nude, breasts swaying with every move you make, it’s merely the first time he's come to the realization that he wants to end his evenings like this every single day - terrifying for a man who resigned as a child to spend his life alone.
Has he ever been handled so tenderly? Perhaps long ago, in days he doesn’t remember outside of tattered pieces he can’t make sense of during nightmares. A time when he was loved and adored; a time he let go of before he could develop any attachment to it. He fears it’s too late for him to do the same with you.
“I need to wash your hair too,” you remind him with raised brows, dropping the cloth to cup your hands and scoop water to dump over his shoulders.
You kiss his forehead and he grumbles in response though you spend little more than a moment doing it. Shifting, you quickly lean backward to let him tilt his head forward, the muscles in his neck taut in this position. Admiring them and humming to yourself, you lift your cupped hands to dump water down the back of his neck and head, droplets sluicing down his back and returning from where they once came. You drag your fingers through his thick strands, gently massaging his scalp and he lets out an involuntary satisfied moan, shoulders hunching forward.
Giggling, you lean forward and rest your chin on his shoulder, hands still working. “Feel good?” Your lips touch his neck, just beneath his ear, eliciting a shiver in response. He allows you a few more moments of indulgence, scrubbing his scalp and gently yanking on the strands before abruptly sitting up and turning to face you, water sloshing gently near the edges of the tub as he does so.
Eyes following his every move, you sit back to accommodate him and rest between his legs that are stretched on either side of you, your knees pulled to your chest. You scoot forward and situate yourself fully between his legs, your thighs and calves thrown on either side of his hips, straddling him. He sighs, shaking his head, one hand falling to the small of your back to keep you upright and steady.
Despite himself, he’s grateful for your attentiveness and eagerness to care for him. Sanemi will always be slightly more subtle in the way he shows his affection but he can tell you feel it judging solely by the way you glance up at him, eyes practically twinkling with adoration.
What did he do to deserve this and how can he get you to stop?
He runs a hand through his slightly sudsy hair. “Why are you doing all this for me? I can scrub my own back and wash my own hair.” Shrugging, you half smile and swipe the cloth over his chest, tracing the pattern of the scars that cross it in either direction. “Because I love you and know that you deserve it.”
You love him. You’ve told him the same thing though in far more compromising positions, babbling it senselessly while he has been between your legs with his lips and tongue, learning how to love a woman without words. You’ve shown him you mean it beyond just this evening spent in cooling water. He opens his mouth to respond but shuts it just as quickly. You continue, scrubbing up his neck and down his biceps, spending extra time on his underarms and the crook of his elbow.
“Are you gonna let me finish washing your hair or did you want to do it yourself?” You interrupt the silence, knowing he’s thinking rather than giving you the cold shoulder. This is new to him and comfort is paramount in dealing with matters of the heart, something you’ve learned during your time spent with him.
Thinking for a beat longer, he finally nods. “Yeah, you can finish.”
Heat rises in your cheeks as he uses his hand on the small of your back to tilt you forward, your chest pressed against his, giving you the exact angle and position needed to complete your task. Sanemi presses a kiss against your clavicle, thumb rubbing small circles against your skin. His eyes flutter shut while you work.
He could do this forever.
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sweetcandyhigh · 4 months
Sending the randomest shit to a pre-relationship Megumi would be the funniest thing. I mean this would before he even realized he had feelings or that you had feelings for him. The poor guy was clueless. And you thought it was hilarious.
Let’s start this off by saying you and Megumi were close, but so were all of you guys, it was a tight nit circle. But Megumi was just different than the rest. So you spent a lot of time together, and texting when you couldn’t be.
So one night you guys as well as Itadori and Nobara were sitting in Megumi’s dorm (the cleanest), just lounging have some random ass conversations. And a few minutes later Megumi was picking up his phone, seeing a message from you. With a raised brow he looked at the simple blue heart emoji you sent, with the most weirded out face you had ever seen him make. Which in turn caused you to burst out laughing getting a few looks from the other two.
Another encounter of this was when you were training. A lax a daisy school day, sparring with each other and some of the 2nd years. And Megumi looked stunning, sweaty and running his hands through his hair every few seconds had you salivating. This garnered another one of your unfiltered texts, and while you knew what you could and couldn’t get away with, you always teetered on that line.
So a “God Damn” text was sent his way. Course he didn’t see that until a few seconds later where he pulled up the bottom half of his uniform top up to wick away the sweat from his face. His eyes went wide as he gave you a look that you couldn’t quite read, a giggle fallin from your lips.
This had happened so many times Megumi decided to enlist Itadori’s help, confused as to what you were getting at. “Itadori,” his calm voice called out, maybe one of the only times he said his name without being irritated with his fellow classmate. The pink-haired teen’s ears perked up, “Yeah Fushiguro?” He called looking up only for a phone to be shoved in his face. Megumi wasn’t good at asking for help and this was the closest it was gonna get, “Read.”
As Itadori’s eyes filtered over the messages a smirk resonated on his face, “I don’t know man, seems like she’s into ya,” he said with a way too toothy grin. Megumi’s brows furrowed as he shook his head, “Not possible,” he huffed out causing Itadori to snicker, “I’m telling you dude that’s what it is.”
And from that day on Megumi was a little too aware of everything you did around him, the dots connecting in his head. But how did he feel about this? He had no clue, absolutely none.
That’s when he went to Nobara, once again someone he wouldn’t normally go to. “Nobara?” He called out the same way he did Itadori’s name, and her ears perking up the same way. “Oh?” She said with a soft snicker, causing Megumi to roll his eyes. Once the situation was explained Nobara’s brow never stopped being raised, “So?” She grumbled eliciting a groan from Megumi, “How am I supposed to feel?”
She shook her head, a tsk coming from her mouth, “Now cmon on Megumi, you’d be passing up a great chance with em.” His brows raised before shaking his head, “That’s not what I’m asking.” Nobara was now the one groaning, “Look, I can’t tell you how you feel, but I’ve seen the way you look at her.”
And let’s just say Megumi was even more confused when he left that conversation, and it didn’t help when he bumped into you. His face was beet red, one of the only time you had seen him like that. “Everything ok Gumi?” His heart fluttered as he nodded, words caught in his throat. “Wanna hang out?” You tilted your head, his heart fluttered once more as he nodded. You smiled, happy he was gonna hang out with you, and his heart fluttered once more.
Let’s just say Megumi never thought he’d be the guy to be in a relationship. He wouldn’t be the guy to want someone. And never did he ever think he’d be the first to confess. Yet here he was muttering the words out, the same calm and collected voice now just a little more shaky.
And while you were flabbergasted of course you accepted, cause you felt exactly the same.
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lnlightning81 · 6 months
Dinner - Part Two
Series Title : Younger Sister
Summary: Lando takes you out to dinner with some of the other drivers and he picks up on your nervous habit.
Pairing/s: Oliver Bearman x Norris!Reader, Lando Norris x Sister!reader , Grid x Norris!Reader
Warning/s : Mentions of anxiety and food
Word Count : 1.5k
Series Masterlist
Oliver Bearman Masterlist
Lando Norris Masterlist
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Lando had convinced you to go out to dinner with him and some of the other drivers that he was close with. Which just happened to be most of them. Lando was now walking around the hotel room, waiting for you to finish getting ready.
“Y/N can we please leave?” He whined, throwing his phone on his bed again 
“Wait a second. I can’t get this earring in” Lando rolled his eyes, throwing himself back on the bed, obviously bored of waiting. 
“Okay we can go now” You smiled 
“About fucking time. Let’s go” He got up walking out of the hotel room. You followed behind him trying to keep up with him and his stupidly large steps.
“Lando please slow down” you whined, and he stopped walking in front of the elevator, pressing the button.
“Or just walk faster” He shrugged, and you shoved him. 
“Lando please. I don’t want us to do this thing again” you whispered, stepping into the elevator as it arrived. Lando looked over at you 
“Y/N I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that” Lando wrapped his arms around you tightly. 
“You owe me dessert” you muttered, and he chuckled as the doors to the elevator opened again, and you walked out with Lando’s arms still around your shoulder. Lando unlocked his car, and you got into the passenger seat. You and Lando sang along to whatever song came on the radio, your little disagreement long forgotten.
Getting out of the car, Lando walked in front of you into the restaurant, playing with your fingers. You bumped into his back when he stopped at the welcome table. Lando rested his hand on your shoulder as he led you over to the table where there were at least twelve drivers and some girlfriends. 
Lando sat down, and you sat down next to him. Lando instantly joined in on a conversation and picked up the menu. Pierre’s girlfriend Francisca introduced herself to you as she sat next to you. She gently rubbed your arm with a smile 
“I promise the more you’re around these people, the less intimidating they get. Have you seen anything you want to eat?” She smiled politely, and only now had you realised that you hadn’t even looked at the menu since you got here. Obviously, you looked before you left the hotel room
“I haven’t looked at the menu yet” you replied, and she nodded 
“The spaghetti is really nice if you’re looking for suggestions” She smiled, and you picked up the menu, looking at it. Lando caught your eye as the waitress took everyones drink orders
“Are you planning on going to university?” Charles asked from the other side of the table
“Not just now. I want to follow Lando around the world for a little bit. School is fun but travelling sounds like more fun” You smiled, and he nodded
“I think you’ll love travelling” He smiled. The waitress came back with your drinks and took the food orders. Only ordering a main and dessert, both of which where you go to meals wherever you go to eat. 
“No starter?” Lando asked, and you shook your head 
“There’s nothing safe” you muttered, and he nodded, rubbing your arm. Lando knew exactly what you meant. There was nothing on the menu that tasted the exact same wherever you ate, and most of it you had never tried before. Lando joined back in with conversations with other drivers as you took the time to look around the restaurant, taking in the decorations. 
The lights were dim, which made it quite relaxing. There were plants dotted around the restaurant that looked fake, but they ranged from succulents to pretty flowers. On the table there was little lanterns with some fake tea lights inside and in the middle of all the tables that were pushed together ,a bouquet of flowers, they were fake but beautiful with flowers like roses, carnations, eucalyptus and gypsophila all in a colour scheme that matched the restaurant. 
“So Y/N any fun childhood stories of Lando?” Pierre asked, and you nodded 
“He once sent me to the hospital” you shrugged, catching Lando rolling his eyes. Max laughed, already knowing the story because it actually happened during lockdown while Lando was gaming with both Max’s and some of Quadrant. 
“That’s not a childhood story” Lando exclaimed 
“I was still a child when it happened!” You replied, turning to look at him 
“Not a childhood story” 
“You were twenty. I was like fifteen. Childhood” You argued back
“Okay. What happened, though?” Carlos asked, now interested in whatever had happened. 
“Go on then. You brought it up” Lando pushed, and you rolled your eyes 
“So during lockdown well, it was kinda just after lockdown while you lot were waiting for racing to start again. Lando was gaming and I went in with some snacks for him and to annoy him but he wasn’t happy that I disturbed his game so he pushed me and I fell because I have no balance and I fell into his glass cabinet” You explained and Lando pushed your arm 
“You make it sound so dramatic” He rolled his eyes
“You cut my arm open! It was dramatic. Glass and your stupid helmets aren’t soft to land on” The dutchman on the other side of the table was still laughing as was George Russell who had actually been one person to ask if you were okay after Lando sent you flying. Now, you all laughed about the story. 
“Any other stories?” Alex asked, and you nodded 
“There’s many. Not enough time to tell them all” You were thankful that the food showed up and being high performance athletes they all instantly started eating their starters. 
Ollie, who was at the end of the table next to Liam Lawson, both looked like they had been dragged here by their team members. They were both driving in Free Practice one which is why you assumed they were there. Ollie and Liam were in their own conversation, much like most of the drivers around the table. You didn’t feel like you knew anyone enough to join in on the conversations. 
Lando soon brought you in on the conversation between him, Oscar, and Lily, but you now had to sit and try and figure out what they were talking about. Ah, being at school while connected to F1. Lily explained her experience of random people asking her for her autograph. 
“Any experience like that Y/N?” Lily asked, and you shook your head 
“I actually hid everything about Lando up until graduation when he showed up at it. When he got into F1, I changed my phone wallpaper to a subtle picture of the two of us. Blocked Lando’s main from my instagram following until like the last week of school. I did everything to hide it. Not because I’m embarrassed or anything, just I’m a lot more introverted than Lando” Lily nodded in understanding 
“It’s not easy. I bet everyone freaked out at graduation” She chuckled, and you nodded
“Our sixth form group chat really blew up when everyone spotted him just sitting there. At first no one knew who he was there for until he got a bit too excited when my name was called then the group chat blew up even more especially with the girls who just wanted to date him. The fans were too shocked to do anything” You laughed
“Then Ollie followed me, so the sixth form group chat blew up even more to the point I had to mute it” Ollie looked up as you said his name, and you smiled over 
“I follow you as well” Oscar added, and you nodded 
“Yeah but one you’ve got a girlfriend and two you’re still kinda new to the sport” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“Fair enough” He shrugged as the main meals arrived. You started to eat yours but soon realised that it wasn’t as good as you thought it would be or maybe that was just the nerves of eating in front of so many new people. Lando’s arm rested on the back of your chair as he rubbed your shoulder. You turned to look at him, and he gave you a soft smile 
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly, nudging his head towards your plate 
“Just not too hungry” you replied, and he nodded. 
Soon, you were back in the hotel laying on your bed as Lando sat on your bed 
“Are you sure everything's okay? You don’t have to travel with me” Lando turned to look at you 
“I think it was just anxiety. I don’t know anyone too well yet” you replied, and he nodded 
“Okay well I promise I’ll help you get to know everyone. I think Ollie seemed happy to help you meet everyone” He smiled, and you looked down 
“Yeah, I’m sure he would probably” You smiled, and he nodded, moving back to his own bed. You went back to texting Ollie secretly
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guildofscribes · 2 months
Humans are Weird: Indomitable Spirit Addition.
Okay, so I've been following these sort of posts on the internet for a while now, but now I have a Tumblr and the ability to add my two cents! Humans are stubborn. They're obnoxious and juvenile and too curious for their own good. And they break. So. Much. Stuff! "I just wanted to see how it worked, I'll put it back together, promise!" Humans are incorrigible. There is no changing them into something slightly more sane, on the galactic scale.
Humans don't ever know when to quit. Ahn-skletch (well, that's as close as galactic standard characters could get to the approximation of his name) had been assigned to an away party, to go take samples and verify the habitability bracket on some Nowhere moon close enough to the human's Sol system that they picked up one of those capricious creatures for "diversity within the crew". Convenient. Humans were only ever trouble, but oh well. Maybe it would be funny to watch them. Ahn-skletch had the misfortune to be partnered with the gee-awl-uh-gyst human they'd picked up... the kind that studied rocks. Close enough to Ahn-skletch's field of ecology that they got paired up because those two fields of study were the same thing, right? Beings of the Vlistant species were not known for strict logic alongside their high intelligence rating, and the waves of mild irritation that swept over when that erroneous point had been made were truly immense. Rocks and eco systems.
Perhaps the human had been annoyed as well, but they did not show it. The human stepped over and introduced itself as "Gene, nice to meet ya'."
The human Gene did not stick out its hand, as Ahn-skletch had heard humans greet each other with touching of hands or wrapping appendages around each other, but the aborted movement was there. Which was a relief, for the reason that Vlistants did not generally greatly enjoy unnecessary contact. Humans called the phenomenon "electric shock", but that seemed to be the closest description to the sensation they received upon physical contact with other living creatures, having a slightly greater dormant charge to their organic systems. Contact = discomfort. Why bother? But that did nothing for him on the surface of the moon, where the air was breathable, though not for extended periods. That could be treated for specific species easily enough for colonizing. The ground seemed rich enough, though soft and somewhat crumbly, which likely meant the soil would be easy to work and cultivate the native edible flora. Little pools dotted the landscape with regularity, the liquid inside tested positive for consumption for 73.25% of the galaxy's sentient inhabitants, and recent signs of fauna signaled it to be a thriving system. Very encouraging signs. Until the human Gene insisted on getting a closer look at a large cliff face nearby, one with a convenient shelf to look out over the land below. Ahn-skletch followed. Humans shouldn't be left alone, after all. Too many stories circulated the galaxy for that. While the human Gene touched, tapped, made little scrapings into bottles... did they just lick the cliff wall? Well, humans were weird, after all. Ahn-skletch stepped along toward the edge of the shelf, carefully examining the organic life that stretched out and up towards the atmosphere, taking note of the smaller life forms crawling along the ground and in the flora, glancing back to human Gene now and then, taking peace from the calm and quiet. The oddest sensation came up through Ahn-skletch's pods, and then the ground seemed to rise up before their eyes!
Survival reflexes honed by many training courses were all that allowed Ahn-skeltch to close their hands around a large root exposed in the ground as they began to fell with the collapsed shelf. A singular root, sticking out of the same crumbly soil that had just fallen out from underfoot. Almost immediately, as soon as Ahn-skletch looked from the root upward to gauge how far they had fallen, Human Gene's face appeared over the edge, along with an arm that just barely reached far enough to possibly reach. "Sleechh! Grab my hand!" Human Gene, "The electric transfer will shock your system! You must find something to lower down to me!" What terrible fortune to be paired with a human! So delicate a body system, the energy transfer would surely cause the muscles to spasm and drop Ahn-skletch! What terrible odds! "There's nothing in my pack! We didn't get the climbing cord! Grab my hand! I won't drop you! Hurry!" Human Gene scooted further forward on his belly. "The ground might crumble more, and you don't want to go down with that plant, do you?" By all the low gods of the Vlistants... "There is no way! You cannot abide the electric transfer long enough to pull me up!" Desperation for survival won out. Ahn-skletch let the root go with one per and reached up, grabbed that pale human hand, expected to feel the spasm and release and the short fallback to the root... ...but it never came. That human hand clamped like a vice around it, and with a great shout, human Gene pulled upward. Ahn-skletch could not look away from the human's face as they moved up, slowly inching up the face of the outcrop that seemed to be threatening to crumble again with every particle that bounced downward over an eternity that stretched forever. Then the moment came where Ahn-skletch had to let go of the root.
It took much effort to let go, to move that grip to human Gene's arm, which brought another loud, strained noise. But human Gene's grip did not waver, and only ever kept pulling upward. Human Gene groaned, little drops appeared on their skin in the effort to keep pulling upward. Further, further, a little more... Human Gene still did not let go. Particles came loose and tumbled by Ahn-skletch, down into the great distance to the ground far, far below. The energy currant cycling through their bodies became uncomfortable for even Ahn-skletch, who was better developed to handle it. Still, human Gene did not falter, pulled a little further, and a little more...
...Then the top! And they scrambled backward to more sturdy ground. Human Gene had to pry their fingers away from Ahn-skletch's appendage, they had so tightly clenched to keep their grip as their body had spasmed with the extra electric energy.
Human Gene just flexed and rolled the joints and panted, "I guess we'll pack a rope next time, yeah?" in a most underwhelming tone. Ahn-skletch could only stare in shock. But they agreed. Always pack a rope. And privately, Ahn-skletch noted to go with a human whenever possible. Humans would not give up. To their own detriment, they would not give up. Human Gene ("For goodness' sake, call me Gene! I don't call you 'Vlistant Sleechh, do I?") suffered muscular strain and subluxation of four joints through the ordeal to pull up Ahn-scletch. Even when it brought them harm to do so, Humans did not quit. Over many cycle, Ahn-skletch would collect many more stories of humans doing similar things to save crew-mates. So many stories ended telling of much damage to the humans for their determination to keep going. Humans are strange. They are illogical, silly, crass, and troublesome. They cannot control their curiosity or their strangeness. They will adopt tiny, dangerous creatures as "pets", and will spend many hours training harmful behaviors out of their wild creatures. Humans do not know when to quit. Perhaps that is why they have spread so fast through the galaxy. They are delicate, but they are not afraid to be wounded. Either they will heal, or they will not, but the risk is worth it. It is their spirit that makes them so. Humans are not the strongest in the universe, nor will they ever be, but they are indomitable.
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
i need to get this out of my head before i continue clone^2 but danny being the first batkid. Like, standard procedure stuff: his parents and sister die, danny ends up with Vlad Masters. He drags him along to stereotypical galas and stuff; Danny is not having a good time.
He ends up going to one of the Wayne Galas being hosted ever since elusive Bruce Wayne has returned to Gotham. Vlad is crowing about having this opportunity as he's been wanting to sink his claws into the company for a long while now. Danny is too busy grieving to care what he wants.
And like most Galas, once Vlad is done showing him off to the other socialites and the like, he disappears. Off to a dark corner, or to one of the many balconies; doesn't matter. There he runs into said star of the show, Bruce who is still young, has been Batman for at least a year at this point, but still getting used to all these damn people and socializing. He's stepped off to hide for a few minutes before stepping back into the shark tank.
And he runs into a kid with circles under his eyes and a dull gleam in them. Familiar, like looking into a mirror.
Danny tries to excuse himself, he hasn't stopped crying since his parents died and it's been months. He rubs his eyes and stands up, and stumbles over a half-hearted apology to Mister Wayne. Some of Vlad's etiquette lessons kicking in.
Bruce is awkward, but he softens. "That's alright, lad," he says, pulling up some of that Brucie Wayne confidence, "I was just coming out here to get some fresh air."
There's a little pressing; Bruce asks who he's here with, Danny says, voice quiet and grief-stricken, that he's with his godfather Vlad Masters. Bruce asks him if he knows where he is, and Danny tells him he does. Bruce offers to leave, Danny tells him to do whatever he wants.
It ends with Bruce staying, standing off to the side with Danny in silence. Neither of them say a word, and Danny eventually leaves first in that same silence.
Bruce looks into Vlad Masters after everything is over, his interest piqued. He finds news about him taking in Danny Fenton: he looks into Danny Fenton. He finds news articles about his parents' deaths, their occupations, everything he can get his hands on.
At the next gala, he sees Danny again. And he looks the same as ever: quiet like a ghost, just as pale, and full of grief. Bruce sits in silence with him again for nearly ten minutes before he strikes a conversation.
"Do you like to do anything?"
Nothing. Just silence.
Bruce isn't quite sure what to do: comfort is not his forte, and Danny doesn't know him. He's smart enough to know that. So he starts talking about other things; anything he can think of that Brucie Wayne might say, that also wasn't inappropriate for a kid to hear.
Danny says nothing the entire time, and is again the first to leave.
Bruce watches from a distance as he intercts with Vlad Masters; how Vlad Masters interacts with him. He doesn't like what he sees: Vlad Masters keeps a hand on Danny's shoulder like one would hold onto the collar of a dog. He parades him around like a trophy he won.
And there are moments, when someone gets too close or when someone tries to shake Danny's hand, of deep possessiveness that flints over Vlad Masters' eyes. Like a dragon guarding a horde.
He plays the act of doting godfather well: but Bruce knows a liar when he sees one. Like recognizes like.
Danny is dull-eyed and blank faced the entire time; he looks miserable.
So Bruce tries to host more parties; if only so that he can talk to Danny alone. Vlad seems all too happy to attend, toting Danny along like a ribbon, and on the dot every hour, Danny slips away to somewhere to hide. Bruce appears twenty minutes later.
"I was looking into your godfather's company," he says one night, trying to think of more things to say. Some nights all they do is sit in silence. "Some of my shareholders were thinking of partnering up--"
He stops. Danny hardly says a word to him, he doesn't even look at him -- he's sitting on the ground, his head in his knees. Like he's trying to hide from the world. But he's looking, blue eyes piercing up at Bruce.
Bruce tilts his head, practiced puppy-like. "Pardon?"
"Don't." Danny says, strongly. "Don't make any deals with Vlad."
It's the most words Danny's spoken to him, and there's a look in his eyes like a candle finding its spark. Something hard. Bruce presses further, "And why is that?"
The spark flutters, and flushes out. Danny blinks like he's coming out of a trance, and slumps back into himself. "Just don't."
Bruce stares at him, thoughtful, before looking away. "Alright. I won't."
And they fall back into silence.
Danny, when he leaves, turns to look at Bruce, "I mean it." He says; soft like he's telling a secret, "Don't make any deals with him. Don't be alone with him. Don't work with him."
He's scampered away before Bruce can question him further.
(He never planned on working with Vlad Masters and his company; he's done his research. He's seen the misfortune. But nothing ever leads back to him. There's no evidence of anything. But Danny knows something.)
At their next meeting, Danny starts the conversation. It's new, and it's welcomed. He says, cutting through their five minute quiet, that he likes stars. And he doesn't like that he can't see them in Gotham.
Bruce hums in interest, and Danny continues talking. It's as if floodgates had been opened, and as Bruce takes a sip of his wine, it tastes like victory.
("Tucker told me once--") ("Tucker?") ("Oh-- uh, one of my best friends. He's a tech geek. We haven't talked in a while.")
(Danny shut down in his grief -- his friends are worried, but can't reach him. When he goes back to the manor with Vlad, he fishes out his phone and sends them a message.)
(They are ecstatic to hear from him.)
It all culminates until one day, when Danny is leaving to go back inside, that Bruce speaks up. "You know," He says, leaning against the railing. "The manor has many rooms; plenty of space for a guest."
The implication there, hidden between the lines. And Danny is smart, he looks at Bruce with a sharp glean in his eyes, and he nods. "Good to know."
The next time they see each other, Danny has something in his hands. "Can you hold onto something for me?" He asks.
When Bruce agrees, Danny places a pearl into his palm. or, at least, it's something that looks like a pearl. Because it's cold to the touch; sinking into Bruce's white silk gloves with ease and shimmering like an opal. It moves a little as it settles into his hand, and the moves like its full of liquid.
Bruce has never seen anything like it before, but he does know this; it's not human. "What is it?" He asks, and Danny looks uncomfortable.
"I can't tell you that." He says, shifting on his foot like he's scared of someone seeing it. "But please be careful with it. Treat it like it's extremely fragile."
When Bruce gets home, he puts it in an empty ring box and hides the box in the cave. He tries researching into what it is. he can't find anything concrete.
Everything comes to a head one day when Danny appears at the manor's doorstep one evening, soaking wet in the rain, and bleeding from the side.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc prompt#man i just really need more dpdc stuff where danny and bruce have a good relationship. like man i NEED it. like i need to see these two#bonding together. and not in a cracky 'oh danny is a distant friend/cousin/etc' stuff but like. active participants in each other's lives#or as active as can be in this case. i neeeeed these two getting along and caring about one another#this idea came to me like last night and hasn't left since nd it was driving me up the wall to think about both positively and negatively b#i neeeded someone to hear about this or i was gonna implode#danny is the first son#tried to just get the general gist of the idea down but i definitely thought of the idea that bruce lowkey suspects vlad for having a hand#Vlad allows Danny to sneak off because he thinks Danny is alone. if he knew Bruce was there he'd be piiisssed and would put a stop to it#Sam and Tucker are alive they just got ghosted for a bit by danny bc he was in Major Grief and didn't wanna socialize. He couldn't go to#them because he didn't wanna put them in danger via Vlad.#oh that thing he handed Bruce? Yeah that's his ghost core. I have a headcanon (that isnt always applied) that ghosts can take their cores#out of their bodies at will and painlessly and without issue. and its common practice actually to do so bc they can be a not insignificant#distance away from said core before problems start to act up. and its common for ghosts to leave their physical cores at their lairs for#safekeeping because as long as the physical core is fine: so is the ghost. they can reform if their body gets destroyed. it also acts as a#fast travel sometimes. where they can reform at their core in an instant. its not inspired in the slightest by SU but i do see the overlap#most cores are pretty small for safety sake: its harder to hit if its small. and they're pr resilient too but its better to be safe than#sorry. so yeah. danny essentially gave bruce the physical embodiment of his soul and indirectly said#'if anything happens to me at least i'll be safe with you'#danny doesn't know he's batman btw#starry rambles.#was gonna go into danny becoming a vigilante beside bruce but im sleeeepy so i'll do that in a reblog. he's gonna go by nightingale if#anyone is interested. stereotypical but to be frank it is a *good* name imo. has a good amount of syllables and consonants to it#and the bird theme. and since its part of an ancestral name it has even more backing for it being bird-y without being meta
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afterglowkatie · 5 months
pair of pests | k.c.c.
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | 1.1k | you and kyra should never be trusted together alone without supervision, especially when alcohol and a marker are involved
ˏˋ°•*⁀this is catley!reader - reader being Steph's younger sister! maybe i'll write more with this pairing bc it's quite fun to think of ideas for!
‘You ready yet loser,’ You heard your best friend call out for you since she let herself into Steph’s apartment where you had been staying since you’d moved from Manchester City to Arsenal. The Aussies internally dreading the moment you and Kyra would be reunited at club since they already had to deal with the two of you together on national camps. You always said Kyra was the fun sister you never had.
‘I’m ready!’ You posed in the hallway just outside your room, quick to pull Kyra into your room closing the door behind, ‘It’s just us tonight. Steph said something about not wanting to babysit us,’ You rolled your eyes, a light smile on your lips while you got out your little alcohol supply you had stashed away in your room.
‘Lame. Well we don’t need her to have fun,’ Kyra smirked, grabbing the vodka and shot glasses you’d pulled out. After a few shots you had an idea, taking the shot glasses and vodka out to the kitchen but demanding Kyra stays in your room. Smiling and laughing a little to yourself while you brought back the three shot glasses only one having vodka in it and the others just water.
‘Russian roulette?’ You laughed, raising your eyebrows slightly at her sitting down on the ground across from Kyra.
‘It’s not the same without a gun,’ Kyra mumbled out a little louder than expected.
‘Maybe one day,’ You casually shrugged before you both laughed out loudly knowing that would never happen. Steph would definitely intervene before the thought even got into action. She’d be able to tell something was up and stop whatever it was you were planning just by seeing the two of you share one tiny look at each other.
‘You totally got the shot! You can’t take it with a straight face to save your life,’ Kyra exclaimed laughing at the way you had scrunched your nose slightly. You did it every time and you’d been around Kyra enough that she had picked up on it.
‘Kyra,’ You whined, ‘No fair,’ 
‘Can’t help that I know my best friend better than she knows herself,’ Playfully flicking her hair behind her shoulder, making you shake your head and roll your eyes, pushing at her arm.
By the time you and Kyra even made it out of Steph’s apartment you were both a little more than tipsy, it was a surprise you even made it into anywhere. Wasting no time in grabbing drinks before you pulled your best friend out onto the floor to dance. Getting lost in the music and enjoying dancing with Kyra, only stopping when your head felt like it wouldn’t stop spinning.
Despite your head spinning you both made it back to the bar ordering round after round. You had no idea what Kyra was even saying anymore all you could do was sit there and smile nodding to make it seem like you weren’t just staring at the freckles on her face and how they seemed to be moving around.
Putting your empty glass down on the bar, you let out a huff since you couldn’t work out what pictures her freckles were trying to make. Too far gone to realise that nothing was actually moving around. When you were putting your glass down you’d spotted a marker sitting on top of the bar. Smirking you leaned over to grab it, Kyra watching you intently laughing when she saw you take the cap off and take it towards her face, ‘What are you doing?’
‘Connecting the dots,’ You said it so casually and without any hesitation as if it was just a normal thing to do. Soon enough Kyra’s face was filled with random shapes, hearts and flowers, all things you thought you could see in her freckles. 
‘Let me have a turn,’ Kyra whined and tried to grab the marker from you.
‘But I don’t have any freckles Ky,’ 
‘Don’t be silly, they're everywhere!’ You let Kyra take the marker to your skin, her hand barely able to draw a straight line from how intoxicated you both were.
The rest of the night for the two of you was a complete blur. You don’t remember how you tried to get the bartender to give you more drinks, trying to get them to take you seriously that you weren’t out of your mind even with marker covering your faces. You don’t remember how you tried to dance again but ended up falling onto the floor and having to be escorted out of the bar. You don’t remember sitting on the sidewalk contemplating whether you should call Steph to pick you both up, but you couldn’t see the screen properly, getting annoyed and determinately getting up to walk back to the apartment.
You have no idea how you both even made it back to Steph’s, all you knew was that your neck and head hurt after waking up on the bathroom floor. The tiles were cool against your skin which you were thankful for, wanting to lay there until you could move your body properly. The smell of food being cooked ruined that idea for you, waves of nausea rolling through your body. Managing to lift yourself up you made your way into the kitchen.
‘Mornin’,’ You mumbled out towards Steph before seeing Kyra appear next to you, ‘Ky, how you feelin’?’ You weren’t paying much attention to her, more focused on the food wanting to ease how you were feeling.
‘As good as you look, like shit,’ Kyra shrugged, sitting at the counter grabbing the coffee Steph put in front of her, ‘What’s on your face by the way?’ Kyra was looking at your face, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
‘What do you mean?’ You saw Steph stifle her laughter, so you looked up at Kyra, eyes wide and holding back your own laugh, ‘You should see yours,’ Kyra pulled out her phone, turning to the camera and holding it up in front of your faces.
Fingers traced over the drawn lines that, in the end, weren’t even making any sense, ‘What are they even connecting? Are they supposed to be something?’ Kyra voiced the thoughts you were also thinking. Your memories of the night were hazy and you honestly had no explanation for the state you’d both found yourselves in. 
‘Please tell me you didn’t use a permanent marker,’ Steph’s voice was shaky, trying to hold back laughing at you both but her amusement was evident in her tone. Kyra groaned at the thought, really not wanting to deal with it.
‘I don’t even know where we got a marker from, let alone what type it was,’ You’d thrown your head back, sighing softly. Steph was quick to sneak a photo of the two of you sending it to both your arsenal and national teammates, knowing you’d never hear the end of it for a while.
‘Remind me to never leave you two alone again,’
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spooky-holtz · 4 months
You Don't Need To Keep It Hush
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Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Genre: fluff, VERY suggestive, its so close to being smut
Word Count: 2.7k
Prompt: based on the song 'Toothbrush" by DNCE (cringe, I know)
There is an undeniable warmth coursing through your body when you finally manage to wake in the morning hours of a spring Saturday. The sun that peeks through the open curtains casts your bedroom in a yellow hue, the glow making the once boring room seem so much more enticing. While this helps the warmth you can feel, there is no doubt in your mind that the main culprit is the body pressed against your back.   
A heavy arm is wrapped around your waist and a soft pair of lips exhale gentle snores onto the smooth expanse of your back. You can’t help but smile as memories of the night before come flooding back. Flashing details of red hair and heavy breaths surge through your mind, the heat that was already coursing through you growing exponentially as you remember the sounds that left the lips currently pressed gently to your spine.   
You can feel the smile that graces your lips before you realize it's even there, a blush creeping across your cheeks as the sight of Melissa’s heaving chest comes straight to the forefront of your mind.   
You had never meant for your relationship with Melissa to end up this way. You had simply started as co-workers, but that’s how it always starts, right? What was the odd weekend catch-up over coffee quickly turned into full-blown meals together and now Melissa is like clockwork, always managing to turn up at your apartment door at 6pm on the dot every Friday after school, a bottle of wine and a bag of take-out under her arm. What started as a way to simply relieve stress after a rather tipsy suggestive conversation during one of those evenings has easily become the best part of your week.  
You’re snapped from your thoughts by the arm around your waist tightening, pulling you closer into the redhead as she lets out a quiet groan.   
“Jesus Christ, couldn’t you have managed to close the curtains properly last night?” she asks, her voice thick with sleep. You let out a laugh, a sharp exhale through your nose as she pushes her face further into your spine to escape the harsh glow of the morning sun.   
“You didn’t even give me chance to, you know that right?” You retort, playfulness laced in your tone.   
Melissa’s manicured nails scratch gently at your bare stomach as she stirs, pondering her next comment. You feel her smile as goosebumps erupt across the flesh of your torso where her hand lays, clearly feeling the effect her touch alone has.   
“Touche,” she says through her sleepy grin, “Can you blame me, though? Those plaid pajama pants you had on last night were extra sexy.”   
You turn your head slightly to look at her over your shoulder, only seeing the mess of red hair that is sprawled across the pillows she insists on keeping in your bed. Before this little arrangement you were quite happy with a single pillow but, of course, Melissa had her way and now the head of your bed is adorned with well over half a dozen pillows for the single night she spends here every week. The sound of soft giggles breaks through your faux-offended silence as she chuckles into the skin of your back before pressing a soft pair of lips between your shoulder blades.  
“I’m just kidding, babe,” she says, her voice still incredibly raspy from the slumber she has just awoken from. Your stomach flips at the little nickname. The giddy feeling you always get whenever Melissa calls you ‘babe’, or ‘hun’, or ‘sweetheart’ never gets old, even if she has been calling you some variation since you met in the teachers’ lounge at Abbott. The words carry an entirely new meaning now than they did a few years ago.  
Even if you aren’t technically in a relationship, you know that her words carry the affection that she shows you in other ways. That same affection is there in the sickly-sweet cup of coffee that waits in front of your seat in the teacher’s lounge every single morning, directly next to the redhead’s Stanley Tucci mug. It’s in the requests to get your classes grouped together during every single Abbott field trip. You see it in the way she’s memorized your take-out order for each restaurant this side of Philly, or the tupperware filled with leftovers that she brings you most days. While you both may not explicitly say that you love each other, you hope that these actions speak so much louder than words possibly could.   
“You’re an asshole, I hope you know that,” you say, breaking the growing tension between you. You feel her lift her head from the pillow, the hand that rests against your stomach pulling to roll you onto your back so you can get a real look at her face.   
Her chin is resting on her hand, propped up against the soft mattress and awaiting your gaze. You can’t help but be taken aback by just how beautiful she is. The sun reflects off her fiery hair, giving it a golden tint that creates a halo around her head. Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she teases you, knowing exactly what to say to invoke a reaction from you, only so she can soothe the ‘hurt’ a few seconds later.  
“Yeah, but I’m your asshole,” she says, batting her eyelashes that still wear the remnants of yesterday’s mascara, the makeup collecting under her eyes that are impossibly bright despite her sleepy state. You scrunch your nose at the statement. She does nothing but giggle, seeing your immediate disgust – she knows what she’s doing.
You can’t help but feel all traces of negativity leave your system when you feel her relax against you, choosing to move her head from her hand to rest her chin on the soft flesh of your chest. She looks up at you through her incredibly thick eyelashes and you feel your entire demeanour soften within seconds. You let the comfortable silence take over for a few moments, the two of you simply taking each other in. Her head rests against a chaotic pattern of red lipstick stains that cover your skin from the night prior. You can still feel each kiss that left each mark burning your skin.  
“Morning, gorgeous,” you say, a hint of a smile playing at your lips. She rolls her eyes at the nickname, but the blush that spreads rapidly across her cheekbones and down the milky expanse of her chest reminds you just how much she loves being called that. She’s propped herself up again, looking down at you with unspoken admiration as your free hand traces patterns up and down her spine. She forgoes words and instead trails her hand up your body to rest against the side of her neck, her nails once again scratching gently at the flesh there.   
She pulls you toward her gently, meeting your lips in the empty space between. She’s careful to use a tenderness that is only reserved for you, gently pressing your lips together while you hum your appreciation for the action into the quiet of the room. She moves languidly against your lips, taking her time to show her affection. You automatically move your hand to cup her jaw, moving her head to deepen the kiss and regain your control. You feel her gasp at the action as she reciprocates hungrily, tracing her tongue against the swollen flesh of your bottom lip. You can’t help but groan quietly against Melissa’s lips, feeling her smirk into the kiss.  
With a newfound satisfaction for your appreciation, Melissa moves away slightly and swings her leg over your waist coming to rest on the other side of your waist. She uses the leverage to straddle your hips completely, trapping you on the bed between her thick, pale thighs. As she pulls back from the kiss to look down at you through curtains of red hair, you can’t help but notice the shift in her energy, the relaxed Melissa you had just seconds ago being replaced by one that has an undeniable hunger in her eyes. It’s the same look you’ve come to recognize every Friday evening, and one that you will never tire of.  
You’re half-hypnotized as you look back at her, a mixture of her incredible beauty and intoxicating actions rendering you useless. She just smirks as you stare at her dumbly, knowing that she has you wrapped around her little finger. You find it incredibly easy to lose yourself in these moments, taking in the wrinkles around her eyes that deepen when she smiles, her bright green eyes never leaving your own.  
She’s looking down at you with a similar admiration, her eyes flitting from your own down to your lips and back. You raise your eyebrow slightly in a silent taunt, inviting her to act as she sees fit.  
She wastes no time in leaning back in, this time bypassing your lips completely and attaching her own to your sharp jawline. Her hands rest on the pillow either side of your head, trapping you in place, as if you had any desire to be free from the situation. Though your eyes are closed with pure bliss, you can feel her mussed red hair tickling against the skin of your chest as she moves one hand to rest against your jawline, maneuvering your head to reach the places she needs to reach.  
You whine as she tilts your head, her lips travelling across your jaw and down the expanse of your neck. She finds the sweet spot underneath your ear and latches to the skin there, the firm grip she has stopping you from moving away from the inevitable mark she will leave there. Covering that on Monday morning is the least of your worries right now, with the only thought coursing through your mind being Melissa’s intoxicating floral scent. You can feel her heavy breathing in your ear as she works, the sound only bringing back welcome memories of the night prior.  
As if she’s reading your thoughts, you feel Melissa’s hips push into yours from where she sits atop you. The feeling of her undeniable arousal on your stomach making your head spin, the hands that rest on her hips guiding her and pushing further into you. You’re given a slight reprieve from the overwhelming sensations as she begins to pull away from your neck, moving her head upwards to look at you properly again.  
“I guess I forgot to say, ‘good morning’”, she says, licking her lips. There is no denying that she knows exactly how to rile you up and you know she’s proud of it with the smug expression she wears. Over the last few months Melissa has learned your body like the back of her own hand, knowing exactly what spots will have you melting at her touch and bending at her mercy. She runs her thumb over your swollen bottom lip from where her hand still sits against your jaw, her strong grip keeping you in place. She looks at you almost expectantly but all you can do is stare back with your mouth slightly agape, wondering exactly what you did to deserve this wake-up call.  
“Jesus Christ Mel, you’re going to have to give me a few minutes before you pull that shit again.” You say, sighing through the sentence.  
You feel her giggle as her face breaks into one of those cheesy grins that you love, her dimples becoming more pronounced as she does so. You don’t think you will ever tire of the bliss and domesticity of your Saturday mornings with Melissa. Even if you aren’t in a ‘real’ relationship, it’s an unspoken rule that she’s not allowed to leave before you can cook her breakfast (or brunch, depending on how long you decide to stay wrapped up in bed together). Sometimes she helps you by chopping fruit or brewing the pot of coffee on the kitchen surface, stealing glances from the other side of your apartment’s small kitchen. 
The comfortable silence is broken by a quiet sigh from the redhead before she begins to move off you.  
“I guess I should probably start getting ready for the day,” she says, swinging her leg back over your hip so her bare feet can reach the cold hardwood floor of your bedroom, “Those papers won’t grade themselves.”  
She picks up your crumpled Blondie shirt from the night before from where it lays discarded on the floor at her feet, pulling it over her head before she shakes her hair out. You can’t help but watch her in awe. She truly makes even the most mundane of tasks seem incredible.  
She moves toward the bathroom as you sit up in bed, wrapping the now warm sheets around your torso to cover the smattering of lipstick stains across your chest that will probably sit there for another few hours. You can hear her as she rummages through her bag, no doubt trying to find the toothbrush she always swears she packed before leaving her own home the evening before. You sit cross-legged as you wait for the rummaging to stop and the sound of running water to start. As if she can hear your thoughts, her head appears in the bathroom doorway, a sheepish smile on her face.  
“You wouldn’t happen to have a spare toothbrush I can borrow, do you?” She asks. Her fingernails drum on the doorframe as you stare back at her, the soft smile on her face relaxing her anxiety radiating from her.  
“Check the cabinet. I bought you one while I was in the grocery store yesterday.” You say, your smile growing wider with the evident relaxation on the redhead’s features. “You can always just leave it here then, ya know? You’ll never have to remember a toothbrush if you already have one at my place.”  
She cracks a grin from where she stands, hand removed from the doorframe and playing with the rings that sit on her fingers. “Thanks, hun,” she says quietly, the sheepish grin back on her features, “I really appreciate it.” 
She disappears again and you can feel yourself slipping away with the easiness of these mornings. There is a domesticity that you’ve found yourself craving since meeting Melissa that you can only find in the Saturday’s you spend together tangled in sheets. You know that there is something more to it but the thought of ruining this near-perfect arrangement stops you from taking the next step with her.  
“Hey, how would you feel about going out for breakfast with me this morning?” You blurt out into the empty room. You can hear Melissa’s actions freeze as the quiet swishing of her new toothbrush against her teeth stills. She pads toward the doorframe again, toothbrush still in hand and foamy toothpaste covering the corner of her mouth. The sight of her makes your heart melt in your chest, knowing that nobody else gets to see her this vulnerable.  
“What, like, out-out?” she asks, her brows furrowed slightly. The question makes your gaze drop to your hands, suddenly incredibly distracted by the way that you’re picking at your cuticles.  
“Yeah, I uh, I thought that maybe we could actually go on a kind of date instead of, you know, just doing this and then not seeing each other until Monday?” You say, more to the bed sheets than to Melissa herself. You’re trying so hard not to be offended by her lack of answer, knowing that even saying anything that could hint toward your real feelings was the worst decision you could have made.  
Before you can decide to get up and remove yourself from the situation you’ve created the bed dips in front of you and a warm hand comes to rest against the side of your face. Melissa is kneeling on the crumpled white sheets that are half-wrapped around you, the grin she’s wearing showing you her newly cleaned teeth. You don’t have a chance to react before her lips are on yours, the redhead’s grin making it impossible for her to kiss you the way she really wants. She holds you delicately, the softness of her actions a sharp departure from the night before.  
It’s a short few seconds before she pulls away and meets her eyes with yours, her chest still heaving from the exertion.  
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
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stxrrynightskies · 6 months
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✩°。⋆ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: m. fushiguro x reader
⋆。° ✮ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: you pull megumi out on a particularly rainy day, and end up soaked
‧₊˚✩ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒: canon universe but isn’t related to the plot, fluff, a little kissy kiss, dancing in the rain, established relationship, megumi being a sweetheart, cuddling, megumi’s divine dogs are just really cuddly puppies
ೃ༄ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1.5k
⋆ ˚。⋆ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: i wish i lived somewhere where it rains more frequently so i could dance in the rain with someone (oh and my requests are open)
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You look out of the classroom window and notice the rain pouring down on the street. The class seems to be going very slowly and Gojo is rambling on and on about something. Everyone is on the verge of falling asleep, especially Itadori and Kugisaki. You glance at Megumi to see that he is already fast asleep with his head down.
“You’re all free to go.” Gojo swung his legs off of the table and simply walked out of the class, completely disregarding the four of you.
“Finally.” Kugisaki followed closely behind, most likely heading towards her dorm.
You watched as Itadori did the same, stretching his arms and waving goodbye to you as he left the room, leaving you alone with Megumi, who was still sleeping.
“Megumi.” You poked. “Come on, class is over.”
All you got in response was a soft hum as Megumi shifted slightly, turning his head to face the other direction, a low grumble escaping as he did so.
“Five more minutes…” He waved you away.
“Fine, I’ll just leave you here then.” You shrugged, standing up and slowly making your way towards the exit.
Before you could fully make it out of the room, Megumi was right beside you. His looming figure staring down at you with a hint of annoyance.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He scoffed.
“Anywhere that’s not in there.” You shrugged. “Class is over and I’d rather not spend the rest of my day in the classroom.”
You began walking in silence down the hall, occasionally sneaking glances at each other and linking fingers as you went. As you got closer to the front of the school, you were suddenly reminded of the fact that it was raining outside. The sound of the rain hitting the ground drew you in as you stopped to look outside.
Megumi stopped as well, his eyes switching from you to the weather outside. His eyes narrowed as if he knew what you were thinking. And he was right. You turned to look at him with wide, mischievous eyes.
“No.” The boy stopped you before you could suggest some stupid idea.
“But.” You pout.
“Absolutely not.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, looking up at Megumi with pleading eyes. He already knew what you wanted to do without the need to say anything.
But when he looked away with a stern resolve, your fake sadness started turning into disappointment.
“Alright…” You feigned innocence before stripping off your jacket and shoes.
If he wasn’t going to join you, you might as well have a little fun yourself. You toss your jacket to Megumi and kick your shoes to the side.
“What are you doing?” The boy eyes you.
“Enjoying the weather!” You yell as you rush through the door into the courtyard, quite literally soaking up the rain.
Megumi just watched as you began splashing around the puddles, a small smile ghosting his lips. You were in your element, happily spinning around and the rain as it dotted your face.
As your excitement began to fade into something more serene, you thought it would be a good idea to lay down, looking up at the sky and the rain continued to pour, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. You stared up, admiring the clouds that filled the sky before eventually closing your eyes to focus solely on the feeling of the water.
It wasn’t until you felt a presence approaching that you opened your eyes to see a pair of dark eyes staring down at you.
“I thought you weren’t coming.” Your face splits into a grin.
“Shut up.” He mumbled, helping you stand up.
You take his hand, pulling him to a large puddle forming in the middle of the courtyard, jumping straight in without a second thought. And because you were holding onto his hand, he had no choice but to follow.
Despite his dislike for the rain, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort wash over him as he watched you smile, drenched hair clinging to your face. He was absolutely smitten with you, even if he would never admit it to anyone.
His thoughts were abruptly stopped when you took his hand with yours, placing your other on his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” He looks down as your feet start to move, guiding him back and forth.
“Dance with me!” You continue to move, pushing him back and pulling him forward as you smile.
Megumi couldn’t help but return your expression. Your smile was just so contagious. His body moved on its own, leading you, spinning you, smiling when you would step on his toes. He completely ignored the dizziness that followed once you stopped moving.
You stared into his eyes, taking in his soaked form. Hair sticking flat on his face, clothes dripping with water. His gaze flicked from your eyes to your lips, a certain look on his face. A begging look. For permission to kiss you. Not because he’s afraid you’ll reject his affections, but because he wants to make sure you want it too.
His silent question was answered when you leaned in, pressing your lips together. He was quick to wrap one hand around the back of your neck, the other finding its way to your waist, pulling you closer. Once you pull away, you notice he was shivering. Which also led you to start shivering.
Megumi was quick to notice your body shaking as he started pulling you back towards the school entrance. “Come on, you’ll catch a cold.”
“‘Kay.” You follow him.
When you walk in, you’re immediately greeted by Megumi’s divine dogs, quietly watching over your belongings. Once they spot you, they immediately abandon their sitting position and run over to the two of you, tackling you.
“Hello, my little cuties! Did you miss me?” You happily begin playing with the pair. Megumi usually doesn’t call upon them unless they’re necessary when fighting curses, but sometimes, you get lucky and he summons them for you.
As you continue showering them with affection, you can hear Megumi grumble from beside you. Even after the past few months of dating, he still can’t believe that his divine dogs always choose you over him.
“Don’t be jealous, Megs. I’m just that lovable.” You flash a sly smile.
“‘m not jealous.” He quickly refutes.
“Sure you’re not.”
With a quick roll of his eyes, Megumi retrieves your belongings and starts walking back to your dorm rooms, already knowing you’d follow. You get up and trail just behind him, his divine dogs on either side of you.
Once you finally arrived in front of Megumi’s dorm, you stopped, fully prepared to say goodbye and walk back to your own room. But Megumi had other ideas.
“Aren’t you coming in?” He asked once he noticed your figure standing outside the door.
“Huh? Oh- I was just gonna go back to my room-” You started.
“Just come in.” The boy was quick to cut you off, gesturing you inside.
Before you can protest, you feel one head nudge you into the room, while the other closes the door behind you. Megumi sets all of your stuff down by his bed and gestures to the shower.
“You shower first.” He points.
“Shouldn’t you shower first? It’s your room.”
“Not the point. I don’t want you getting sick.” You hear a slight grumble in his voice.
Megumi didn’t look like he was going to give it up, leaving you no choice but to step into the washroom and shower.
Once the two of you finally warmed up thanks to the shower (and an oversized sweater that Megumi so graciously threw at your face to wear), you settled on his bed, wrapped up in his blanket, his divine dogs nestled on top of you.
“I like this.” You smile.
“You like my dogs.” The dark-haired boy rolls his eyes. “You always beg to see them.”
“They’re adorable! Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because they’re meant for combat against cursed spirits? And besides, you should be wanting to see me more than them.”
The last part of his statement made you laugh. Though it came out as more of a mumble, you were still able to hear it quite clearly.
“I knew it! You are jealous of them.” You poke the boy’s cheek.
“Am not.” He swats your hand away.
“Are too!”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Your playful banter continued going back and forth until Megumi finally decided he had enough, grabbing your face with both hands and placing a firm kiss on your lips. One that you happily reciprocated.
He pulls away, a triumphant look on his face. “There.”
If the flush on your face wasn’t a telltale sign of defeat, your reaction was. You buried yourself under the covers with an audible grumble. A small “I hate you,” to be exact.
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too.” He said softly.
You couldn’t help but appreciate moments like these. Where it was just the two of you, loving each other without others watching. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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imthebadguyyy · 10 months
Hey, hope you’re doing well? 😌✨ I saw you opened requests for Lewis and I thought about one where reader and him are out somewhere at an event and the subtle physical affection they have. They’re both rubbing the inside of each others arms at different moments and they’re also smiling at each other when the other isn’t looking 🤭 I miss seeing fluff so that’s why I’m requesting it 🤣😭😭
Sugar Sweet Kisses and Velvet Caresses
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pairing : lewis hamilton x reader
fandom : f1
synopsis : lewis can't quite keep his eyes off at you at the fia prize giving, but little does he know you can't keep your eyes off of him either.
a/n : thank you sm for requesting and interacting it means the world to me!! and i hope your enjoy it ☺️ also this image of lewis goes so well with this prompt
warnings : tooth rotting fluff
while lewis did generally enjoy galas because it meant he could go all out and dress up to the t, the prize giving gala was just plain boring.
it was the same droll jokes and mildly tense atmosphere as both toto and christian made petty speeches, that had him rolling his eyes and downing shot after shot of the non alcoholic beverage that had been provided for the table he was sharing with valterri, and his girlfriend tiffany.
he was mildly placated by the fact that you had accompanied him to the awards show, finding time out of your busy schedule of recording and touring to join him, looking etheral beside him, albeit bored out of your mind as the both of you exchanged quiet murmurs of sarcastic comments and disguised smirks.
as the ceremony unfolded, you had also exchanged discreet yawns and shared amused glances behind the veil of forced smiles with valterri and tiffany, who also did not enjoy the formalities of the ceremony. you found yourself becoming very good friends with the finn and the aussie, and you had spent many a race in matching mercedes caps with tiffany, cheering on your merc boys.
even after valterri joined alfa romeo, your close bond remained, and you found yourself in the alfa romeo garage when the mercedes one became too unbearable.
muffling a deep sigh, your fingers couldn't help but fidget with the silky material of the pink Versace dress you had chosen for the night, eyes taking in the dimly lit room and all the people in it.
from the table next to you, susie shot you a sympathetic smile, and you smiled back, giggling when she rolled her eyes and pointed discreetly to the stage.
you missed the way lewis' eyes were resting on your figure, a soft smile gracing his lips as he took in the wide smile on your own lips, the way you seemed to glow like a flickering candle, glimmering softly in the chandelier light. he couldn't help but feel a warmth rise to his face as he took in the curve of your nose and your long eyelashes, glittering with the sparkly mascara you had worn, to the outline of your cheekbone melting into your round cheeks, and the curve of your lips, painted in a glittery nude that suited you to perfection.
he took in a sharp breath, feeling mildly winded as he saw the way a stray strand of hair framed your face, slipping out of the neat bun you had elected to don, to the way your skin shimmered softly from the highlighter your makeup artist had put on you.
he took in the sight of your bare arms, the matching butterfly tattoo you both had on display on your forearm. his eyes trailed down to your hands, nails done in the same shade of pink as your dress, and fingers adorned in multiple rings, many of them gifts from him.
he took in the sight of the deep pink dress you were wearing, hugging every curve of your body like a glove, eyes softening as he took in the roll of your tummy in the dress and the way your it highlighted your collarbone, letting him glimpse into the dots that formed constellations on the bare skin.
he followed the trail to the way your leg peeked out of the slit in the dress, to the heels that adorned your feet, and shook his head softly with a smile as he saw that the heel on your left foot was dangling off your toes, since clearly his earlier warning of aching feet had come true.
he smiled as he recalled the way you had raised an eyebrow at him, and pursed your lips into a pout, and told him "i can't, not wear these heels babe, i got them just for this event!"
he felt his heartbeat quicken as he thought to himself for the millionth time, how in the hell had he gotten lucky enough to be with the goddess of a woman sitting beside him.
of course mr smooth wasn't as smooth as he thought he was because soon enough you felt his eyes delicately tracing the expanse of well, you, and you had to hide a blush at the thought.
lewis was snapped out of his daze when george and his girlfriend, carmen, came over to talk to him as the proceedings took a break.
as he turned to talk to them, his hand reached for your leg, resting on your thigh, gently squeezing it reassuringly.
as he engaged in polite conversation, he missed the way that your gaze settled upon him, taking in the sight of him in all his glory.
he had opted for an all black outfit , and he looked nothing short of jaw droppingly stunning. you took in the slightly crooked curve on his nose, smiling softly as you remembered many a night of pressing soft kisses to it, to the gentle smile he wore, a contract to the rough beard he adorned, to the little gap in between his teeth that you so adored, that flashed when he grinned at people.
you took in the silky black suit he was wearing, compliments his features so well, and the Cartier pearl necklace that he loved so much. the v cut of his suit allowed the necklace to gleam, and his tattoos to perfectly compliment it.
you took in the sight of his hands, littered with tiny tattoos that held so much meaning to the rings that rested on his fingers, many of which were gifts from you, some silver some gold, fingers intertwined with your own.
you took in the sight of his hair in a bun as well, a few loose braids framing his face making him look godlike.
you could feel your heartbeat flutter as you questioned how exactly you had gotten lucky enough to be with the man who sat in front of you.
lewis' hand trailed up from your thigh to gently grasp your arm, rubbing it softly, making you smile.
it was your way of reminding each other that you loved each other so much, when there were others around, since neither of you were really keen on pda. after all, as taylor swift had once said, "romance isn't dead if you keep it just yours"
the both of you were the definition of 'private, not secret' everyone knew you were together since about the beginning of 2020, and you two showed up at each other's races and shows, galas and awards shows. but it was a rare occassion where you were blatantly affectionate in public. you were shy, and lewis respected that and kept public displays of affection to hand holding and feather soft kisses after wins.
as alex and lily joined the six of you, you moved your chair closer to tiffany's, and lewis moved his closer to yours, so the two of them could sit as well, and lewis found himself reaching for your hands again, thumb tracing your knuckles and bringing your hand up for a quick kiss to your knuckles.
you couldn't help but flush at the chuckles from the others, while reaching out to gently rest your hand on his arm, while your other hand remained interlocked with his on his lap.
it was no secret that the both of you were absolutely head over heels for each other, and everyone knew it. they saw it in the way lewis' looked at you, as if you had hung the sun stars and moon in the sky, and how you looked at him, as if he was the softest sunset and the brightest sunrise.
they could see it in the way he spoke about you on the rare occasions he did, with nothing but awe and admiration for the woman he loved.
they could see it in the way you wrote about him in your songs, how you called him a gentleman in a world of boys, or how he was as handsome as a mansion with a view.
so when the camera panned to the both of you, showing the both of you gazing at each other with lovestruck gazes, eyes sparkling softy and sugar sweet smiles gracing your lips, and when the world champion was announced and lewis' name resonated on the speakers, it only felt right to press your lips to his.
your lips met in a sugar-sweet dance, a delicate blend of tenderness and warmth. it was a kiss that tasted like stolen moments and whispered promises, leaving a lingering sweetness on your mouths—a delightful confection of affection that resonated long after your lips parted.
his hand squeezed yours softly as he got up to get his prize.
you couldn't help the proud tears that sprung to your eyes as you watched him get up and accept the trophy for his eighth title, marking his place as a race in a league of his own.
everyone stood up as he made his way to the stage, and to your surprise, everyone stood up and clapped, and ginger spice even mouthed a sweet "congratulations!" your way.
as lewis began his speech, you couldn't help but snap a picture of him earning giggles from everyone around you.
"today, I stand before you not just as an individual but as someone profoundly indebted to the unwavering support and love of an extraordinary woman. my heart is brimming with gratitude as i attempt to express the depth of appreciation for the incredible person who has stood by my side through thick and thin.
to my dearest y/n,
In the rollercoaster of life, you have been my anchor, my steady compass guiding me through stormy seas. your unwavering presence has been the bedrock of my strength, and your love, the fuel that propels me forward.
in moments of joy, your laughter has been the melody that serenades my soul, making the highs even more euphoric. and in times of despair, your comforting embrace has been the sanctuary where my troubles find solace.
together, we've weathered storms, faced challenges, and celebrated triumphs. your belief in me has been a constant source of inspiration, pushing me to reach for the stars even when the night seemed impenetrable.
you, my love, deserve the glory of this moment just as much as I do, because without you pushing me to be the best, i wouldn't be here. thank you for being my confidante, my partner in crime, and my greatest supporter.
to the woman who has turned ordinary days into extraordinary memories, thank you for being the sunshine in my darkest hours and the reason for my brightest smiles"
as he ended his speech, you could feel tears dripping down your face and watery laughs from all around you, as carmen lily and tiffany all hugged you and wiped tears away from their eyes. you couldn't help the happy sobs leaving your lips, mouthing a quiet "i love you" to lewis, who was making his way back to your table.
as he approached, you couldn't help but kiss him again, hands gently resting on his chest as you kissed him deeply.
as the ceremony wrapped up and everyone began to get ready to leave, your hands remained interlocked, even as toto and susie suggested getting dinner with all the mercedes members present at the event.
you were content. you were happy. and you were oh so in love.
a/n : i hope this is what you were looking for!! as always likes reblogs comments opinions etc are appreciated!! ☺️
f1 : @superlegend216 @ivegotparticulartaste @moon-enthusiast @ssararuffoni @theonly1outof-a-billion @ihateyougunthersteiner
all : @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
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kaiijo · 1 year
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characters: welt, gepard, sampo, jing yuan, tingyun, kafka content: gn! reader, food/eating in jing yuan’s and kafka’s, mentions of drinking (tea!) in tingyun’s
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welt yang ✶
you love the way the lights of the stars reflect in welt’s eyes as the astral express rockets through the galaxy. he points out a line of stars, telling you, “that’s lan the reignbow’s constellation.”
the observatory car on the astral express is surprisingly underutilized. You figure it’s because you can see the universe through every window of the train. but the observatory car is special; the windows stretch from the ceiling to the floor and the seating is oriented to face outwards. there’s a robotic guide that you can ask questions to, but you turned it off when welt and you settled into the car. he’s better than any automated infobot.
you blink at the thousands of stars that dot the sky and squint. “i don’t see it.”
welt chuckles and stands, holding his hand out. you take it and he leads you to the window, using your intertwined hands to trace the outline of the constellation. “see?” he asks, as patient and affectionate as ever. “there’s his arm and his bow stretched to the sky. it’s quite an extraordinary sight.”
you know it’s a damn cliché, but you’re only focused on the calm on welt’s face and the glimmer in his eye as you reply, “yeah, it is.”
when you turn to face the constellation, you don’t realize that welt does the exact same thing.
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gepard landau ✶
this is actually your third attempt at a first date with gepard. the first two were, unsurprisingly, interrupted by an urgent matter he had to attend to with the silvermane guards and pela calling because she needed help getting a drunk serval home safely. (serval felt so bad about stealing her brother away that she sent you a pretty bouquet of flowers the next day.)
you figure out that paying for movie tickets and making reservations is pointless, given the unpredictability of when gepard will be needed again so you decide instead to just take a walk around belabog.
your walk quickly turns into a game of ‘stay away from the silvermane guards because you know gepard will rush to fix any problems they have and you’ll be damned if he’s taken away from you again.’
“i’ve never actually read these before,” gepard admits to you as you stand in front of the wall plastered with posters of famous belobogian plays and movies. you stand close together, arms brushing, as he pauses to read the captions.
out of the corner of your eye, you see the familiar glint of silver and blue armor and you quickly slip your hand into gepard’s. “let’s go make a wish in the fountain.” you drag him along, praying that he doesn’t see dunn on patrol. that guy always has something to say and it’s usually asking about serval.
when you glance back, your pleasantly surprised to see dunn nowhere in sight and a pink tint to gepard’s face.
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sampo koski ✶
leave it to sampo to take you to the fight club on your first date. “got us premium, front row tickets to the hottest fight in town,” sampo says as he leads you with a hand on the small of your back into the fight club.
“can’t anyone just walk in?” you ask him.
he wags his finger at you, smile broad and blindingly white. “not this one!”
you find yourself smiling at his enthusiasm. “alright, well, thank you for bringing me then.”
sampo replies, “anything for my favorite person.”
when he walks in, dr. dig rushes up to him. “where’ve you been, man? you’re ten minutes late!”
“sorry, sorry,” sampo says, though he doesn’t sound apologetic in the least. he nudges you towards dr. dig. “take care of this one while i’m occupied.”
you raise an eyebrow. “and where are you off to?”
sampo’s smile only widens. “didn’t i tell you? i’m fighting in this tournament.” your eyes widen and sampo continues, “and if i win all my rounds, you’ll go out with me again, right? please say yes or else you’ll break my fragile little heart.”
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jing yuan ✶
jing yuan’s already lounging on the picnic blanket when his secretary shows you to the gardens. his eyes lift and a slow smile spreads across his face. “a sight for sore eyes,” he says as you sit down with him. there’s an array of xianzhou delicacies like berrypheasant skewers, songlotus cakes, and tuskpir wraps.
you’re a little shy under jing yuan’s gaze, carefully lifting a cake to your mouth and taking a bite, the cake making its signature laughing sound as you do. as you chew, jing yuan reaches over and tilts your chin up with his fingers, thumb coming to graze the corner of your mouth.
your face explodes into flames as he says, “just some crumbs,” in that low drawl. it sends pleasant shivers down your spine.
as you finish your cake, jing yuan stretches up with a groan and looks at you with half-lidded eyes. “would you mind if i rested? i’m quite tired from the day.”
“not at all,” you reply but you don’t expect him to lay his head in your lap. your face feels even hotter but you choose to rub your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. you swear you hear jing yuan purr.
“tell me about your day,” he says. “i like hearing your voice.”
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tingyun ✶
tingyun’s fluffy tail brushes against your leg as mengming leads you to a table. “do you come here often?” you ask her.
she giggles, “i think you need a better pick up line.”
you pout a little. “it was a genuine question, tingyun.”
“i know, i’m just teasing,” she says. “yes, i come here when i need a break, which doesn’t really happen often but mengming has the best tea.”
“what do you like here?”
she hums and says, “i like their immortal tea. it’s a good amount of sweetness and a great price too. it’s definitely a favorite.”
you nod, glancing at the menu. then, you look back at her sitting across from you and say, “did you do something new to your ears? they look extra soft today.”
“oh! you noticed! yes, it’s a new shampoo,” she says. with a wink, she tells you, “keep talking like that and you’ll be a favorite of mine too!”
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kafka ✶
you narrowly dodge an attack from one of the citadel’s soldiers, instead dropping down and using your momentum to kick out the soldier’s leg instead. they drop instantly and it allows you to dive off the side of the municipal building, opening up a portal.
you land besides kafka, who’s already inside the building’s main ballroom. all the entrances and exits are sealed off due to the lockdown protocol, and you have no doubt that kafka incapacitated all the soldiers who had the misfortune of running into her.
you look around the grand room, then at her and say, “this is an odd place for a stellaron.” even odder, there’s a table in the middle of the room with lit candles, glasses of red wine, and plates of rich pastas. the gramophone in the corner plays a languid, elegant violin concerto.
kafka says, “that’s because there isn’t one here.”
you tilt your head. “come again?”
she chuckles and pats your cheek. “you’re so cute. i made the whole thing up. apologies but i wanted to surprise you for our first date.”
you blink owlishly at her as she sits down at the table, placing the napkin delicately on her lap. she looks at you expectantly and you snap out of your surprise, a small laugh leaving your own lips. you slide into your own seat. “you certainly have a flair for the dramatics, kafka.”
she smirks. “had to make an impression.” she lifts her wine glass and you do the same, clinking them together. as always, kafka achieved her goal. you don’t think you’ll ever forget this first date.
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nats-bottom · 3 months
NR - Rescued
Summary: Reader gets captured on a mission and Natasha goes to rescue her.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff and Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, swearing
I also have accounts on Wattpad and AO3! The users there are @ paige_vers
Please give me requests! You can submit them here or on my insta, @ scarlettsoutset
"Fury any word on y/ln?"
"Not yet Romanoff, but my agents are still looking. She's out there somewhere." Fury says.
"Well, hurry up would you! I- We need her back." I say, trying not to sound too desperate to see my girlfriend. 
"We're working as hard as we can Romanoff." Fury says sternly. "I'll let you know as soon as we have anything."
"Thanks Director." 
My girlfriend, y/n y/ln went on a solo mission three weeks ago to get some information from a so-called abandoned hydra base. Apparently, the abandoned part wasn't so true and they closed in on her and captured her, took her in. We lost contact from her four days into the mission. She said she could handle it, but she sounded pretty worried. I am of course worried for her, but she's been through a lot, so what's a few hydra agents, right?
Dinner has gotten lonelier and lonelier. Every time Tony makes a sarcastic remark or Steve gets confused about something, I turn to her like I always would, but she's not there. I just end up picking at my food, but it just doesn't taste the same. These three weeks have felt more like three years. 
Tonight is movie night. But I'm skipping it again. I don't feel like socializing with, or even seeing anyone. The only person I want to see is y/n. I walk slowly to our room, ignoring the texts from the team asking me to join them for the movie. When I get to our room, I lazily plop down on my side of the bed, not even caring to change out of my clothes from the day. After laying there for what seems like hours of staring at the ceiling, I finally drift away into a dreamless slumber.
"Romanoff, I need you to come down here immediately. We have a sign of y/ln. Figured you'd like to know." Fury says on the other side of the phone.
"I'll be right there Director." I respond, trying not to sound too desperate. I quickly met up with Fury and the rest of his team, only to see them all hoover over a single, beeping screen with a red dot on it, showing y/n's location. "So where is she then?"
"Dauriya, Russia. Hydra must've set up in the outskirts of the town. We'll send a Quinjet to get her. You up for it?"
"Always ready for a mission." I say, scurrying off to go get ready. 
"You can't hold me here much longer. Soon enough my family will be here to come and get me, and we'll take you guys out while we're at it." I say to the Hydra agents that I know are watching me though the hole of the door of the cell they're keeping me in. I'm strapped to a table in an all-enclosed cell with only one little peephole in the door.
"They'll never come for you. They'll never be able to find you here." Someone responds in a thick accent I can't quite distinguish.
"We've cut off all communication with the outside world. Not even people in the nearby town know we're here." Someone else says. And just as if on cue, I hear sound yelling and crashing. Has someone come here to rescue me? Or is this just the guards trying to trick me? 
The door goes flying across the room and the cuffs and straps keeping my on the table are released. In all the smoke and debris flying through the air, I stand up and run out to the hallway, where I see a certain redhead. Not just any redhead. My redhead. 
"Natasha!" I run up to her, giving her a soft, but passionate kiss on the lips. After a few moments, she pulls away, holding both of my hands.
"Not now моя любовь (my love), we've got to get go before anyone wakes up." She says as she rushes me out of there. As soon as we're on the Quinjet, Natasha wraps her arms around my neck, and I wrap my arms around her waist. We stand there for a minute, just taking in each other. 
"I've missed you," she says after a few minutes.
"I've missed you too baby. So fucking much." I say, putting my hands on her cheeks, and my lips on hers. 
"I'm just glad you're back."
"Me too." 
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ssivinee · 1 year
✧Mirroring Bluebird✧
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BEBE! Bada Lee x BEBE! F Reader : You are the younger sister of Noze and had gone viral at the same time as her. While working under SM, you meet Bada and become a core member of Bebe, but what if you get the same treatment your sister does, just like in the first season?
Word Count: 2.3k
Note: Basically doing my req for the next few days, lol. Reader goes by a stage name! Something light as of rn. Also very much not proof read.
Character Vision Board
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Gaining popularity in the Kpop industry as a dancer was quite common. There were multiple examples, but one of the most viral ones to date was the Noh sisters, Noh Jihye and Noh Y/n.
Generally known as Noze and Nova, the two of you were cast by Kai while he was looking for dancers for his debut. Kai was certainly particular with the dancers he chose, being meticulous about the entire process but seemingly making the right decision for his career when the two of you blow up. How couldn’t the people fall in love with the two of you? Your visuals were practically the same.
As the younger sibling, the only noticeable difference was your height, hair color, eyes, and lips, yet if you took a selfie with your sister, there wouldn’t be much of a difference. You were known for your iconic hair, which was colored black with a hefty midnight blue ombre, and full lips that were usually colored in a dusty pink.  
During your time as Kai’s dancer, your sister began to stray away from SM entertainment, trying out for other artists, but you were content, staying put in the current company. That’s when Bada started appearing as Kai’s dancer during festival performances.
The very first time you and Bada crossed paths, an in-house choreographer was instructing her on how to perform a routine for the water bomb. During that encounter, you not only met Bada but you also got acquainted with Lusher and Tatter. You hit it off quite nicely with the trio, but you couldn't help but be captivated by the tall dancer. Her natural leadership qualities and the budding connections she formed with all three of you marked the start of your group, which would later be known to the world as Bebe.
After a year of being friends, you and Bada put on your big girl pants, deciding to act on these feelings. So, after dating for a few months, you two became a couple. 
It was pretty cute. At first, you'd post pictures of your charming little dates with the dancer in the background, yet her face was always out of the frame. As you softly launched your relationship to the world, people in your comments went into a frenzy, assuming you were dating a man because of the clothing glimpses they could catch.
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As time went on, your posts started to take on a distinct resemblance to Bada's. The timing, the themes, and even the locations you both chose became remarkably similar, to the point where your fans couldn't help but connect the dots. That's when all hell broke loose, as the realization hit: two of the hottest dancers in the K-pop industry were, in fact, a couple.
Of course, they’d eat it up. 
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Four months ago, Bada had accepted the invitation to Street Woman Fighter, but she had to complete the team first. Bebe only currently had you and the Lee duo and Tatter, so you and Bada took some of your friends and students to achieve a successful team. Minah was a dancer in SM who had been close to you and Bada for some time, so picking her was a breeze. Then Kyma and Cheche were Bada’s students, while Sowoen has been yours for the past year.
So when the time finally came when every group was introduced, while crews were still shocked over Jam Republic, they couldn’t help but be surprised at the two big names under Bebe.
“Bada?” Lady Bounce Biggy gasps, seeing the tall dancer and her resume. Then the screen flashes again, showing your face and work experience. Everyone is shocked; your pretty face is an unanticipated surprise. “Season 1 had Noze, and now we have Nova in season 2?” Cera of Mannequeen says, choking a little when seeing your face. “Aren’t her and Bada together?” Halo of Wolf’Lo asks, pointing accusingly at the screen as her team nods.
“Is that healthy for a relationship?” 
“Will they be able to compete properly?”
“Doesn’t seem like they’ll be taking the competition seriously then.”
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Those were just a few comments the two of you got. Expecting that already, you walked in with your crew as you were the first to enter the fight zone. As you all entered, Sowoen was the first to hit the stage and saw your team logo on the screen. “Bebe~” The maknae squeals as you enter. You, hand in hand with Bada, smile at the youngest.
“Okay. Let’s take a seat,” Bada announces, and everyone sits, you positioning yourself between Bada and Tatter. “I can’t believe this,” Lusher tells the crew, and Tatter nods, “Me either.” “There must be other teams,” Lusher says as she scans the room, seeing everyone else's crew logo.
Bada hypes herself up, saying she likes it as her grip on your hand tightens. You smile, rubbing your thumb over her knuckles, but you hear “What It Is” by Doechii playing on the large monitor before you can speak. The younger girls send a yelp, seeing the crew's evaluation video playing.
“Who’s the most popular choreographer on that team? Bada?” they hear Mina Myoung say. Then 1Million shows up on the screen, Lia Kim saying a few words, “The choreographer, sweeping the choreography field. A hot choreographer,” the girls cheer their leader on at the soft praises as you lean your head on her shoulder, a proud smile beginning to form on your face after hearing all the recognition your girlfriend got. 
“Nova is really popular, too,” Yeni Cho points out, and Baby Sleek nods, acknowledging your skills. “She’s a really entertaining performer. An eye-catcher for sure.” Chocol states, and you redden at the statement, causing Bada to pinch your side. You look at her, offended by the action, but she gives you a fake look of irritation, “Try not to fall for anyone else here.” 
You giggle, seeing her pout a little, “You know you’re the only one for me, baby.” She smiles, leaning her head on top of yours as the video continues to roll. “Other than Bada and Nova… the others are just kind of there,” Capri says, and you shake your head as Bada scoffs, “Shall we watch it over there?”
She doesn’t even wait for a response, just pulling your arm to the center. When everyone follows, they listen to Ling of Jam Republic, Gooseul of DeepNDap, the rest of Lady Bounce, and some of Wolf’Lo stating things about Bada and your crew. 
Yeni Cho popped up on the screen again, “She’s more popular compared to her dance skills.” That makes Bada chuckle, finding the comment amusing. You knew your girlfriend wouldn’t be affected by the comments made about her. She would be by what was said about her crew, though.
Of course, you weren’t safe either. “She’s just a pretty face like her sister,” Yoonji of Mannequeen says, and the other girls nod. “She’s just gonna be another Noze of this season,” Redlic points out, more in an evident tone than a hateful one. 
“Her and Bada are gonna have to carry Bebe hard.”
“Nova’s Bebe’s mascot. She doesn’t have to do anything.”
You laugh at the comments, none affecting you in the way they're supposed to, but Bada, on the other hand, seems to be fuming. As much as you got praised, most of it was for your looks. You had told Bada beforehand not to let it get to her and just to expect it, but Bada couldn’t help but fume at the comments.
As you all sit down, you notice her face going red and squeeze her hand in reassurance, whispering to her, “It’s fine, babe. We just have to show them why they’re wrong.” 
“They must be idiots to think you aren’t a good dancer just because you're pretty,” she tells you, rolling her eyes. You softly turn Bada’s head with your fingers, “Calm down.” Bada sighs when making eye contact with you, her body relaxing as you all wait for the next team. “They really shouldn’t underestimate pretty faces,” She says with a hum as she fixes the strands of hair covering your face.
Lady Bounce then comes in, a bit too rowdy for Bebe’s liking, and as the purple team took their seats, your gazes never wavered. You and Bada stared hard, causing some girls to shiver, especially with the dark glint in your eyes. Bebe loved calling you a serpent because you are the scarier sister, and your tall height also added to the scary factor. Your eyes are as compelling as a snake's and always intimidate people who meet you. Lady Bounce's face going a bit indifferent at the dancer's glares.
Then Mannequeen comes down, Bada meeting Yoonji’s gaze. As they come down, the team stands in front of the two tall ladies, and the rest of Mannequeen hype the girl who dances the Rover choreo in pure silence. All you could hear was her dress and heels clacking as the young girls of Bebe giggle. Bada just smiles condescendingly and bows, “Thank you~.”
You kept the unamused look, brows almost furrowing in disgust as Yoonji stopped. You mumble, “What was that?” yet make sure she hears your words. Seeing her hesitant face told you that she heard it loud and clear. As everyone begins taking their seats, Kang Daniel comes out, gives the introduction, announces the judges, and goes to change as they’re told.
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When returning to your seat, everyone’s eyes go wide at the sight of your pants. You had a row of stickers on one leg, back and front. “She got like 7 on one leg, right?” Kristen mumbles to Latrice, who nods after counting the stickers on her leg. “Damn, that's rough,” Audrey says, knowing none of those stickers weren’t from anyone on Jam Republic.
“I’ll prove them wrong,” You tell your entire team, who look obviously angry for you. “They targeted you, and for what?” Tatter frowns, and you just pat her head with a tight-lipped smile.
When the battles are announced, 1Million’s Redy is called first, and she picks Bada. You were aware of the situation before. Bada explained that she was beginning to get too busy then, and Redy had already blocked her number before she could reach out. The timing was wrong, but you also understood the younger girl’s perspective.
“I just don’t respect you,” Redy simply states, but when Bada calls the girl “Soobin-ah,” everyone feels the second-hand embarrassment of Redy. When the battles begin, Redy isn’t bad, and you feel like you saw similar aspects of Bada’s style, probably due to them being on the same team previously. When Bada began, though, all eyes were on her, and NO ONE looked away, not even for a second.
Bada entertained the crowd, making sure to have her own fun. As she ends the dance, she peaks at you, winking, making you laugh. She sure knew how to tease people, you included, and used it to her advantage. Sometimes, it made you wanna curse how attractive she was. The battle concluded with Bada winning 3 to 0, and she smiled. 
She runs over to you in a crushing hug, and you giggle due to her heavy breathing. “You did good,” she nods as your hands caress her long hair. More and more battles then transpired, and you pretty much only paid attention to a select few. That was until you hear Tsubakill’s Akanen being called up. “The person I have no-respect for is… Bebe’s Nova.” You perk up at your name, smiling at your first battle of the night.
“Akanen-san, why did you choose Nova?”
“To see if the pretty face can show a pretty dance,” her tone felt intrigued by the idea of you, and you smirked, “I can show a dance. It just won't be pretty,” all you heard were “Oo’s ~” and “ah’s~” from other teams as you jump a bit, shaking away any straying nerves. Akanen goes first, and you hated to admit it, but you were impressed. She did her best to taunt you despite your height gap, which made you look down on her. At some point, she approaches you and imitates a hitting motion. Bada, her girlfriend reflexes kicking in, pulled your arm back, trying to create space between you two, but you weren't budging.
So when the music switches, you feel yourself getting hyped at the sound of “Kiss Kiss” by Chris Brown. When the chorus hits, you hit an air baby, and when landing on your feet, you glided on the floor only using your knees. You ensured everyone’s eyes stayed on you, commanding the stage in a way every other crew wasn’t expecting.
As everyone hears ‘kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss,’ you imitate kissy faces while shaking your hip as you follow it with a head whip. Following the synth in the back, you hit a crisscross that goes into a heel-toe pattern, and as you hit that, you end the dance with a slight shuffle.
While you danced, you heard basically Minah, Sowoen, and Lusher could be heard cheering for you loudly. You check back behind you, Bada giving you a proud smile and a curt nod as her arms stay crossed. That’s when the judges also reveal your score of 3 and 0. Bebe jumped and cheered, bringing you into a large group hug as Bada stood back, watching the younger ones praise you. “Okay, okay, stop hogging her,” She tells them, pushing their heads away jokingly.
Bada pulls you into a hug, arms embracing your neck as she gives your head several pecks. You giggle at the feeling, and you just smile, slightly looking up at her. “You did amazing out there.”
“Thanks, leader-nim,” you tease, and she pokes your side, rolling her eyes and letting out a light laugh. “Oh, be quiet,” she says, giving you a quick peck to shut you up real quick.
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Tag list (OPEN): @chipswsauce @nimixe @yooqui @eeeetaetterswife @efyyylee @froufrousnowman @amararosesblog @ssc7514 @kayascar @mrsdacherry @angel-hyuckie @letthemagicc @linda-botello @hyynee @only-minghaos @noraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @sun-nyy @tikitsune @xiakiyama @v2br33zyy
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
okay so I just saw a tiktok and my brain is exploding...can I request smth where reader has feelings for Vox and they accidentally confess to him while drunk and he just basically says "called it" or something like that and reader thinks he's rejecting them but it's quite the opposite-
Thank you have a wonderful day drink water stay safe <3
Already Knew
Wait a second. . . I don’t have tiktok but I think I know what you’re talking about. Is it this video? I too saw it today. (The day you sent this in, not the day I’m posting this)
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You’d been dragged out by Valentino. You and Vox both along with Velvette who was much more enthusiastic. There was a difference between how you and Vox handled the situation. He took advantage of the drunken fools there. You became a one.
You were starting to stagger when Vox found you. He wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you steady. Your arms went around his shoulders.
“Hello, handsome,” you said, voice slurred no matter how hard you tried to keep it steady.
“Hello, doll face,” he replied back with humor in his voice.
Tomorrow, to your absolute horror and embarrassment you would realize the little red dot that came up on his screen meant he was recording you but now you didn’t notice.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you asked.
“Your face—“
“—I wanna kiss it.”
He leaned close to you, conspiratorially. “Oh, do you now?” smugness entered his tone.
“Very much.”
“And why’s that? Is this just sexual or something else?”
You should have shut your mouth. You should have stayed quiet but the words tumbled out before you could even think about it. “Something else.”
His smile widened. “Knew it.”
“What?” you asked, brows furrowing.
“I knew there was something about how you acted around me that was different. Don’t forget, I have eyes everywhere.”
“Wait, so you not feel the same way?”
“I didn’t say that.” He pulled you closer. “But right now you can barely even stand so we’ll have that conversation later. Let’s get you home.”
The next morning you woke up with your head pounding. A notification popped up on your phone. You recognized the ring tone as Vox’s special one.
Despite yourself you reached for it. You lifted your head up off the pillow and squinted at the video he sent you. Then you felt like a deer caught in headlights.
Meet me in my office at 12.
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OMG I just read you fic where Hook drinks the love spell and I need either a part 2 where we see the relationship out of the love spell or another Needy!Hook x Fem! Reader please please please 🙏🙏🙏
Nothing like some fluff to pull me out of my writer’s block ❤️
This is just Hook being needy tbh but if you want to see it as a part two to that story it could easily fit into that category
Edited this to Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson on repeat, it adds to the experience
Wake Up Slow
Needy!James Hook x Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: everyone needs a place to be fully relaxed, James found his in soft duvets and needy touches
Warnings: no plot just fluff, gentle make out session, Morgie is not rocking with their odd behavior - he just wants people to be normal around him and instead they keep saying odd shit
Word Count: 1.7K
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    It was in no way a rare sight, (Y/n) and Hook taking up the same space in his bed. The couple a mess of limbs, you’d have to squint to trace the lines of legs to know whose were whose under the thick maroon duvet. It had been late last night when the two stumbled in, up far past the point of exhaustion and giggling messes. Hair still slightly damp with enchanted water and clothes far more casual than anything that either party would let the general public see them in. The two barely keeping their laughter down to avoid waking the sleeping sorcerer who took up the bed next to his. Too focused on each other, on the hands that found their places on shoulders or wrists. Falling into the bed with exhausted smiles and soft, touchy hands. Hook’s face buried into her chest as he drags her closer, letting out a little whine as he waits on her to hold him back. (Y/n) nuzzling her nose into his hair and wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders, cooing nonsense to him as she sleepily clings to her boyfriend. Tangled, intertwined, two bodies as close as they could possibly manage to become before morphing into one. Warm and safe, the most comfortable home the pirate had ever known. Maybe it was the only one he'd ever known, in moments like that he felt like he could never be too sure.
   Or perhaps, in moments like this were when he felt that way. He’s always the first to stir awake, the sun making its way into his dreams. Waking him with a heated gentleness he couldn’t ignore. Hook didn’t mind being woken up to this view though. Hard to be bothered by the sight of that little white tank top so close to his face. With collar bones and the slightest ghost of cleavage nearly pressed to him, skin on display and within his reach. He can’t help himself but to nuzzle his nose against the same exposed flesh he fell asleep against. Dragging the touch slowly over her skin with the ghost of a smile. He thinks he’ll remember the way she smells for the rest of his life. Not something identifiable, yet he’d be able to recognize the scent on anything. It was intoxicating, pulling him in and seemingly lighting his senses on fire. Just as much as he couldn’t help nuzzling against her, the soft, ghost-like kisses that follow the motion come naturally. Lips brushing across her chest and collar bones, his head raising ever so slightly to press a few soft pecks to her exposed shoulders. Lazy and soft, hoping not to wake her as he takes her in. James was pretty sure he could stay like this until the Earth quit turning. There was nothing like the slow and soft pace of lazy mornings next to someone he loved. Even the seven seas held no candle to having her so, so close. He’d give his ship to wake up slowly with her every morning. For breakfast in bed and wasting days away on her chest. 
     He’s letting soft kisses fall back over previous ones when she stirs against him. A hand sliding up his back and tangling slightly in the boy’s sleep mussed hair. She tugs on it slightly, guiding the boy to show her his face. She’s beautiful, even with sleep dotting her eyes and her hair splayed out around her in messy tangles. As she moves her hands from around him to rest on his face, James is pretty sure the correct word to describe her is actually enchanting. The first kiss she places on his face falls onto his forehead, more dotting down across him as if she’s on a half-awake mission to make him melt. Peppering soft adoring touches across his face like that was the only thing she’d been put on that planet to do. His hand grips at her top, fisting the material as he lets out what can only be described as a whine. 
   “Kiss me, please?” His voice is deeper than normal, gravely with sleep as he nearly begs her to end his gentle torment. She can’t help but give in, slightly chapped lips finding his pouting ones for a tender kiss. Lips moving against each other’s in a languid and gentle pattern. She pulls away for a moment, giggling softly as the boy whimpers at the loss of contact. (Y/n) wiggles down on his bed, putting them nose to nose. She nuzzles against his softly, a sweet smile crossing her lips as she props herself up on one arm. Leaning over James as she swoops back into his lips, connecting them again as his head lulls back to give her better access to him. They pick up right where they left off, that pattern coming back to them like soft, exhausted kisses were second nature to them. They basically were though, this little display came far too easily to them. It was their preferred state of being, much to all of their friends' playful dismay. His hand drags from where it was bunched up in her shirt to rest on her shoulder, slightly pulling her down to get her closer to him as his tongue finds its way between her lips. She’s humming into his mouth, tucking the hand that isn’t holding her up back into his hair to tug at it from the root. 
    Both teens are breathless as they pull away from one another, (Y/n) letting herself fall back onto the mattress, smiling at the way his eyes stay shut. A smile pressed to his kiss reddened lips as she adjusts her head back onto his pillows. James lets those big dark eyes flutter back open, flickering over her as he moves back onto his side. “Com’ere.” She’s pretty sure that his mumble is supposed to be two solid words, but the half awake boy is sewing his words together as he reaches back out for her. The girl lets out a giggle, scooting closer to him and lifting her side ever so slightly for his arm to slide under her ribcage. Hers tuck back around him, one under his neck and one over his side. Fingers finding his hair to play with the ends of silky strands as she nuzzles her nose against the top of his head. A needy hand slips under the back of her tank top, tugging her as close as he can manage. The entirety of their bodies are pressed together, Hook’s forehead tucked against the top of her shoulder, his head just barely touching the pillow. 
    They don’t talk, they don’t need to, everything they could ever need to say is slipping between them from just the physical affection. I’m here for you, I’ve got you. You’re so loved, you mean so much to me. I never want to lose you. James’ lips brush over her collarbone again and she laughs, feeling him attempt to pull her closer than they already are. Legs tangling as he hooks his knee around her thigh. Completely wrapped into him and his adoration of her, as if they might just be the only people in the world. As if she’s the only girl in his world. 
    “You are the neediest boy I have ever met.”  His eyes flash up to her face, taking in the glow that covers her features as she laughs at him. Looking down at him from their tangled closeness. He could connect their lips again, she has them so close, just there for him to take them. “You love it.” Another kiss falls onto her collar bone as he nuzzles back against her. “I think you’d morph our bodies into one if you could,” the words are a coo, the air of her laughter still drenching her tone. He smirks, rolling his eyes just past where she can see it. And then, with a sarcastic and playful air he seems to agree, “I’d crawl into your skin if I could.” 
   “What?” The shout is accompanied by the sound of bed springs creaking as Morgie le Fay forces himself up in his bed. Book falling to the floor from his sudden movement. His bewildered tone causes the couple across the room from him to break out in giggles. James’ laughter sends hot puffs of air across her chest with every shake of his shoulders. Her own breath messing up his hair as her laughter blows the strands around. “You two are the most bizarre people I have met in my entire life,” Morgie is getting up from his bed now, tugging his shoes on with one hand while the other reaches back down for the novel he’s reading. “I mean seriously, who in their right mind tells their partner that they want to crawl into their skin? What, are you going to tell her next? That you want to curl up in her ribcage?” 
    Hook’s laughter gets heavier, words coming out on heaving breaths, “It doesn’t sound like the worst idea. Bet it’s nice and warm in there, I could be all snuggled up to her heart. Love hearing her heartbeat.” Morgie lets out the most exacerbated huff she’s ever heard, hands flying around his head wildly as he does. “See, who in their right mind says that? What is wrong with you?” The boy storms out of the room, book in hand as the couple on the bed fall into each other laughing. A duo of crashing limbs and shaking shoulders as the air in their lungs dwindles. Tears in their eyes with shaky breaths as they finally calm down. Letting out little sighs as they come back down from the emotional high. 
    “Oh, that poor boy is terrified of us, you have terrified your little friend.” Hook hums, leaning back to look at her face, “He’ll be okay.” There’s a moment that the two of them don’t speak, instead letting hungry eyes eat up the other. A plump lip finds its way between Hook’s teeth, big dark eyes trained on her lips as if he was a starving animal looking at prey. She can feel it, brow quirking as the corners of her mouth curling up into a smirk, “You wanna make out again?” And who would he be to say no?
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