#What goes around comes around
pratchettquotes · 6 months
Frantic signals from outlying portions of her mind began to break down her iron-hard conviction that bad things only happen to bad people.
Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters
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odinsblog · 8 months
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...LaTeR ThaT NiGHT
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Only friends is messy and I love the messy! But then I think about the other messy stuff that has yet to be messy but will be messy when it comes to light!
For example, Like is Sand still ‘helping’ Rays Dad? What with?
Wild Ass Theory -
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ANON! You know I love a wild ass theory, yet I have none for Only Friends. The show feels normal to me, and not as unhinged as I need in order to make a wild ass theory but . . . @nothingsbetterthancoffee, I was answering this ask when your ask popped up
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TLWR: Ray's dad is paying Sand to babysit Ray.
And Ray is gonna be really fucking LIVID when he finds out that Sand is working with his dad!
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Because Sand is definitely helping the dad with something.
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And Sand almost getting arrested to save Ray after he made a pact with Nick to move on makes me think that the something Ray's dad asked him was to make sure Ray doesn't end up in prison.
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The dad is too busy to keep in eye on Ray, so he asked Sand to do it instead. Even though Sand has genuine feelings for Ray, the dad is paying him to keep an eye on his son.
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Let me allow Dangerous Romance, where we also see the poor boy x rich boy dynamic, to explain this arrangement.
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Get the poor boy who is close to the rich wild child to monitor him in exchange for money. It's a win win!
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But remember just like his fellow Slut for Christ Kang, Ray is quick to throw out that his poor boy is, well, poor and by extension apparently a money grubbing whore.
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So I'm pretty sure having a magical honeymoon stage
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Only to find out that daddy is paying this whore to take care of you would really set Ray off.
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And to add to this Wild Ass Theory - it'll be Ray's karma.
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I'm not getting into the morality muddy waters about this. I'm not writing if any of this is right or wrong. Instead, let me present the facts:
Boston recorded his friends making out, used it to get Top to have sex with him since he was jealous of Mew, then threw it in Ray's face to ruin his chances with Sand.
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And Nick recorded him having sex with Top, told Sand about it who told Ray, who then told Mew and now everyone hates Boston.
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Play stupid games (record your friends in an intimate moment and use it for your advantage), win stupid prizes (your recorded tapes, plural with an "s", become your downfall).
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Then there is Mew, our beautiful virgin who judges his rich boy friend who does drugs and his other slutty friend.
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Who then gets *cheated on by a rich boy who does drugs and sleeps around, then proceeds to do drugs and attempt to enter his slut era. (I'd argue Top did NOT cheat, but that's not what this post is about).
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Ultimately, you will become the one you hate.
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And now here we are with Ray. Raymond. My Ray of Sunshine. Fellow Slut for Christ. The love of my life! Who constantly degrades Sand by throwing money at him and calling him a whore.
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Sand has tried to be a friend to Ray.
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And yet . . .
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Ray has made it where they can't be friends.
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There are twenty million instances where Sand has told Ray that Ray treats Sand like a driver, a drinking buddy, a cook, a therapist, a nurse, and plenty more, but never a friend. There are fifty million instances where Sand has commented on Ray throwing his money at Sand to avoid acknowledging his fuck ups. Then there are another hundred million instances of Ray implying or directly stating that he thinks Sand is a whore.
So wouldn't it funny if this friend group is actually getting confronted with THEMSELVES?
Boston got hurt by the exact same thing he hurt others with. Mew got hurt by all the things he judged others about and is now turning into that.
And Ray is about to experience his own self-fulfilling prophecy because if you speak of the devil whore enough times, he will eventually appear.
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midnightinjapan · 2 months
Remember when a Trump follower broke into Nancy Pelosi's home looking for her and attacked her husband with a hammer? And then instead of condemning the political violence, Trump mocked Paul Pelosi at a rally?
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downfalldestiny · 30 days
What goes around comes around 🌊🌅 !.
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disasterstans · 6 months
Eddie to Buck: You ever met someone you just click with?
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How does it feel Buckley? 🤺🤺
Does it hurt?
🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾🎶 Karma's a bitch🎶🤸🏽🤸🏾‍♀️
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I decided to talk about a concept in Judaism.
Midah k'neged midah aka measure for measure. (מידה כנגד מידה) Or what most people call "Jewish Karma". Yes, in Judaism what goes around comes around is a big concept of the religion. We have been told from the beginning of our interactions with G-D to "be compassionate to your fellow man or else". And that actions have consequences. Most Jews are taught to be compassionate and to help your fellow man.
I am a big believer that what goes around comes around. So if you surround yourself with hateful things and people you'll probably be surrounded in hate or get it back from the cosmos in some way, you'll never know what or when.
Be mindful of what you do and what you say, because it will come back to haunt you.
I've been reading more into it on Sefaria. I found a great information piece about it.
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lokisasylum · 2 months
Oh mai, how the turntables...
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maximumeffort · 4 months
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cheers to all who celebrate
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boanerges20 · 1 year
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Remember Fam....
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miqojak · 7 months
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A Jackal always collects its due.
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
Can the hate just stop!
Hi! First and foremost, I’d like to thank all of you guys who are active inter-actors on my blog! All of your likes, reblogs, comments and posts have truly made my whole year already and I enjoy posting things for all of us to enjoy and interpret.
I just wanted to tell all the lurkers around here to stop the hate comments. Why are you hating on me and overreacting about readings that don’t affect you at all.
I have had NUMEROUS hate/trolls since I began this blog and NUMEROUS suing threats sent to me. And I will say that it affects me a lot because all I’m doing are readings for entertainment and to get insight on information we’ll probably never have or get the chance to witness on our social media.
Yesterday, I made a post about the drama Zico was involved in and just for clarification on the situation and to see the outcome. That is literally all I did, then comes this person bombarding my comments.
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Then reblogging my post with this…
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Firstly, this person took the time to actually read the post… if you read the post why are you still mad at me because the last part of the reading literally says that Zico will be okay again once something else is being brought up to the public? I never said he’s going to be arrested or just anything more terrible happen to him in this situation… he will be okay, so why are you fighting me in my comments?
Secondly, I personally felt completely disrespected and disgusted when this person said “no offense” when she knew DAMN well that what she’d say is hella offensive because why call the work I put in horseshit, just because I’m finding clarity on this situation?
Why am I the wrong one for wanting more clarification on a situation that had been debunked but suddenly was brought up all over again…. Like… I’m honestly just doing a simple reading! This is what i always do with trending topics in the K-Industry… hence why I have CARDBOARDHEARTSS NEWSS… I did not do any of this to be malicious. Like why would I do that?
I deleted this persons comment but she came at me saying I’m disrespecting Go Hara and her family just because I did a reading on Zico. My blog is not a place where I would disrespect people who have passed on or just people in general.
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My issue with this person is how they’re saying that I’m spreading misinformation while the interactions on this post are like this…
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Can you all notice the difference on the interactions with my posts about Zico compared to Min Hee Jin. If you look at them, which one do you think is being more spread and actually spoken about highly and is an active trending topic on social media overall?
Once again, this person came at me making it seem as if I was hating on Zico and framing him to be a bad person but these were my posts about this situation… that time these card meaning literally prove that he was not hands on with this situation… like how am I in the wrong for bringing that up?
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so now it’s also a crime to say maybe/could! like what…
Once again, this person came at me and told me that I should only stick to “love and career readings” because those ones seem more normal and avoid dealing with huge criminal cases like this… mind you this was the first case I’ve ever done about this unless we briefly bring up the MHJ vs HYBE issue and even with that I barely got people moaning and whining in my comments too.
I told the person that they have NO right to come tell me what to do with MY blog because… I mean it’s literally MINE. She does not have the right to come and tell me to post what not and this and that because it makes her feel more comfortable. Mind you, she does not even follow my blog and interact with my posts either so.. like what point are you trying to prove?
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I never use tarot to contact the dead or even disturb them with any issue at all, nor do I even do a personality reading because they deserve to rest not be used for clout.
My Zico post did not have high or new interactions nor did even involve Hara or her family I only channeled the energies of the perpetrators involved along with Zico because he was the person I was reading for…
and all of those likes are from people who regularly/frequently like and reblog my posts… I did not gain not even ONE single follower from that post about Zico.
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I told this person in my now deleted comments that I personally do not find her response as respectful at all. Calling my reading horseshit then saying the account i studied tarot for and the account I make sure is a safe space for everyone a JOKE?! I will NOT take any of those words as proper constructive criticisms… it is absolutely disgusting and disrespectful for me and my guides who work to make this account what it is.
If I was not confident in my readings… trust, I know myself and how much I overthink about things I’m not really confident in and if that was the case, I would not have had over 400+ posts, a full master list on my page and paid readings too…
What’s crazy is how, you’re making it seem as if my blog yesterday was spreading malicious hate about Zico when there is only 2-3 posts about him that aren’t even close to being malicious but just answering genuine asks about him and the situation, so my advice to YOU is to scroll by posts that offend you because if ONLY YOU had been more respectful in your response/ “criticism” and other comments, this situation wouldn’t have been taken too far but oh well…🤷🏽‍♀️
anywho! later everyone!🤗
as I close this off, I’d like to thank you all once again for making this blog what it is! I truly truly trulyyyy appreciate every single one of you all and thank you for making this blog a safe space for yourselves and celebrities.📦🤎
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melodiousoblivionao3 · 9 months
Trin and Sanchez are so Lindsey and Sonnett coded and they are so Alex and Kelley coded…
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xenon-moth · 4 months
the other week when i went to mad gears concert some guy threw his shoe up on stage. several people then started to throw their own shoes at the guy who threw his shoe up on stage in the first place, what a great world we live in
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karmaismyfriend · 8 months
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Karma will always come back to you 💜
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downfalldestiny · 5 months
My all-time favorite song ❤️✨👌!.
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