gamelpar · 2 days
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throws book at wall sobs hysterically jumps out the window
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
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War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
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wetsocksinbed · 4 months
something I find incredibly funny is that in the current Planet of the Apes movies, the only time apes are villains is when it’s bonobos (Koba, Proximus)
for those who don’t know much about apes in the wild, Bonobos are one of the (if not THE) most docile ape. They are incredibly intelligent and, for a lack of a better word, absolute hippies. they have never been recorded to have ever committed a murder, unlike chimps, who are ironically a very agressive and violent species. They go out of their way to end fights, and make sure to share food. The hierarchy is Female, with families being lead by a matriarch.
Bonobos hate fighting, and become incredibly stressed at the idea of doing so. So instead they fuck. No, seriously. Stress release? Fuck. Want to share some food? Gotta fuck first. Happy? Fucking. Sad? Fucking. If it’s an emotion, it results in getting hot and steamy. Male on male, female on female, male on female, they don’t care. It’s like shaking hands for them.
the writers are accidentally using the Jaws Effect (the jaws effect is where a movie/show/book takes an animal that is rarely, if ever, dangerous, and uses it to be the main antagonist, therefore creating a false narrative that this type of animal is a common aggressor and there’s a high chance humans can be harmed by it. The Jaws movie turned Great Whites into villains, when they’re actually fairly calm creatures, and the movie sparked a massive manhunt for Great Whites. Granted people aren’t out there with guns taking on Bonobos, but I do find it ironic that the one species of ape to be featured in the reboot that was branded “dangerous” is the one that would probably protect humans most in a fight
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marstar13 · 1 month
Since a lot of people loved the first two parts, here is part 3 🤗 I also enjoy making these so much and having to laugh at the idea for 10 minutes before even putting the text 🙏😭
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This one is mostly bout wftpota since the last ones were mostly focused on dotpota
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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rlbblt · 3 months
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monkey brain activated
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ape-apocalypse · 30 days
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damnflirtyape · 7 days
I like to imagine that Lake became the leader of the apes after Caesar's death. I think we're given some hints in War that she's quite possibly the best candidate to fill the role. We're shown from her first moment on screen that she's compassionate and reliable, entrusted with the care of young apes and confident in her work.
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She's included in Caesar's counsel when discussing the Clan's future and plans. She's not afraid to speak her mind and does not hold back when she disagrees with Winter. It's bittersweet to see her and Blue Eyes; they're a good balance, he's matured since the events of Dawn and now acts as peacemaker, they would have been good leaders together.
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Even though she shows a deep respect for Caesar and doesn't challenge him, she does openly question him. She doesn't hide her shock or confusion at his choice to leave the Clan and his son, but still acquiesces to his request. She trusts him and demonstrates he can trust her.
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And this trust is deep. She's one of the few apes taken captive who still trusts and believes in Caesar after everything they've endured. She's the only one who will still speak to him, to not treat him with contempt. She's patient and resilient, not unlike a much younger Caesar.
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I think it's a testament to Lake's character in how she doesn't lose that trust and belief in Caesar, even when he's not thinking his actions through. Sure it spurs all the other apes on, a show of strength and defiance, but she understands how dire their situation really is, even before the Colonel gives Caesar a brutal demonstration.
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And she takes it upon herself to protect their Clan. It's desperate, she's terrified, but someone has to protect the apes when Caesar is lost in his desire for revenge. It's a show of strength and defiance in a way, but not to challenge the Colonel's authority, it's a message to the apes that they can endure this together, together they are strong.
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And the Clan listen to her. Someone has to have some sense and her compassion is not a weakness, it's a strength and keeps her thinking straight, keeping the apes safe from as much harm as possible being her priority.
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And I feel like there's an echo of the first time we see Caesar in war here, apes parting to allow their leader through. The apes trust Lake's judgement; her strength, compassion and resilience make her a natural born leader. I feel like with Rocket and Maurice as her advisors, she could have been an amazing leader.
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federfleisch · 21 days
Maurice is such a God tier character. When a little girl who is all alone in the world finds companionship and comfort in the apes she asks "am I ape?" and instead of telling her no, making her feel othered, he says "you are Nova" - giving her a name and identity while simultaneously saying "you belong here". I also adore that he cared so much about Nova that her name remained even ages later, with Raka saying "we name them [humans] all Nova"
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maxhp2910 · 3 months
These are the 2 moments in which I, with the most certainty saw Ceasar in Noa.
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diaphene · 4 months
war for the planet of the apes
caesar : yea i'm gettin' kinda tired of this whole ... responsibility thing .. so i think i'm just gonna ... not
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choppedupsanity · 10 days
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Caesar guiding Noa.
Caesar: We're gonna have to kill this guy, Noa.
Noa: Dam.
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gamelpar · 3 days
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proud adoptive parents
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
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War For the Planet of the Apes (2017)
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woodswalker96 · 2 months
Don’t take the wrong way. This franchise (specifically the rebooted version) is up there with my favorite franchises.
But I have one critique that has been eating me up lately since I saw the newest one: I want the apes to be, in a way, more ape-like.
Let me explain: I simply want them to incorporate more of the species-specific behaviors we recognize in the apes to shine through in conjunction with their heightened intelligence.
For example, if modern gorillas have a social structure dominated by a dominant male (the silverback), with a harem of females and associated lesser males (known as blackbacks), then I’d like to see that translated into a higher intelligence gorilla society. Perhaps you could have them be a largely agrarian species with a focus on agriculture (since they’d still be vegetarian) and a strength based culture where a wanderer male could ritualistically challenge a silverback for the harem.
Another example could be how in some species, it’s the females who leave to find new troops, so perhaps there could be ceremonies where different ape tribes (of appropriate species) come together and exchange females.
Another thing related to this statement is that I want the main ape characters to look more ape-like. Like you can literally see it in Caesar and Noa how the creative team made them more appealing to the human audience (I get why they did this, I’m not stupid, but I just want them to appear just a little more like actual chimpanzees). Such traits I focus on are the eyes. If you look at a chimpanzee, they have instead of whites in their eyes, they have “darks”. I wish this would’ve been more incorporated into the designs. The other apes also have whites but in some species this may be present versus with chimps. And if it isn’t then it’s done less obviously than with the main ape characters.
Anyways, those are my only two real critiques, which aren’t even really critiques as in nitpicks or “this is how I would’ve done it”. I was a little sparse about the details about ape eyes and social structure but that’s because I primarily know only bare basics of those subjects and did not have time to research them properly (this was written on the fly). I may rewrite this and add more details later if this is received well.
Thank you.
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lunastar92 · 4 months
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Karin Konoval & Amiah Miller
Maurice & Nova
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
Behind the scenes!
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snailwitdamail2 · 4 months
Caesar x Koba this Caesar x Koba that. when are we going to hop on that Rocket x Bad Ape train!!!!!!!!!!!
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