#West Virginia Route 12
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ijustwant2ride · 1 year ago
Motorcycle Ride: Howard’s Twisted Tongue
Howard's Twisted Tongue is also known as Howard’s Lick, Lost River State Park Road, and West Virginia Route 12 this is a technically difficult road to ride your motorcycle. It is an unmarked 1 to 2 lane road with multiple 180 switchbacks and hairpins.
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lookingforhappy · 6 months ago
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transcript of Five's case files on the Hindenburg, the case that he solves for the Commission while working in management:
MEMORANDUM ON INTENDED EVENTS RE: HINDENBURG DISASTER May 6, 1937 The airship will complete its first scheduled demonstration flight for the 1937 season, between Frankfurt, Germany, and Lakehurst. It will depart from Frankfurt about 8:15 P.M, G.M.T., Monday, May 3, and will be due at Lakehurst on the morning of Thursday, May 6. It will be due out of Lakehurst at 10:00 P.M E.S.T, that night. Because of unfavorable winds encountered en route, its arrival at Lakehurst will be deferred until 6:00 P.M, Thursday evening, and departure will be postponed until midnight or later in order to reservice and prepare for the voyage. The ship is owned and operated by the Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei, G.m.b. H, of Berlin, W8, under den Linden, Germany. The flight, which is intended to be one of a series to be arranged into the United States territory during 1937, will be authorized by a provisional air navigation permit from the Secretary of the Navy to the American Zeppelin Transport, Inc., of 354 Fourth Avenue, New York City, as general United States agent of the Deutities at the Naval Air Station at Lakehurst. On March, 1937 the German Government will renew the airworthiness certification of the aircraft, reporting that all of its safety devices had been inspected and found satisfactory. Personnel, including officers, numbered 61, will be on board, of whom 22 will die as a result of the accident. Passengers, 36 persons besides the Crew will be on board. Of these, 13 will die as a result of the accident. Other passengers and members of the crew will sustain serious injuries. Total weight of the freight carried will be 325 pounds and will be stowed in the main freight compartment at Frame 125; 2 dogs will be kenneled at Frame 92, and 3 packages will be stowed in the control car. Mail will be carried in a compartment on the top of the control car. Of the freight and mail on a few pieces of mail will be recovered. The ground personnel will consist of 92 naval personnel and 139 civillians. Practically all of the gorund crew will have previous experienve landing airships. One member of the ground crew will die as a result of burns received during the accident. Across the Atlantic from Germany to the United States, the flight will be uneventful, save for retarding winds which will not be unusually turbulent. The route traveresed by the ship on this side of the ocean will be from Nova Scotia, vis Boston, Providence, Long Island Sound, New Forks and thense cruise along the coast for a few hours before retracing its course from Tuckerton N.J., to the naval Air Station.
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ATMOSPHERIC ANOMALIES PRESENT The 7:30 A.M, EST. U.S. Weather Bureau map of the vicinity, including the northeastern tier of states, Shows a disturbance over central New York and northeastern Pennsylvania, with a cold front extending from this center Southwestward to West Virginia. This front separated neutralized polar air to the east of the cold front which had become warmer and more moist and neutralized colder air to the west of the front. The warmer and more moist mass of air covered the Middle Atlantic states, southeastern New York and southern New England. --- The cold front advanced eastward during the day from central Peensylvania at a rate of 12 to 15 m.p.h., passing Lakehurst shortly after 3:30 P.M There was not quite sufficient surface heating during the early afternoon to set off a thunderstom at Lakehurst, and it was not until the front passed and some slight lifting of the air mass occured that a thunderstorm began, The records of the Naval Air Station show that the thunderstorm began at 3:43 P.M and ended at 4:45 P.M --- Telegraphic reports indicate, the thunderstorms in and to the west of New Jersey were not severe; nor were they of a well defined squall character. Between 12 P.M and 1:30 P.M E.S.T., these storms extended in a definite belt over the region of Harrisburg, Pa., northeastward to Bear Mountain, N.Y., and New Hackensack, N.Y. Between 1:30 and 2:40 P.M, none was reported. Between 2:40 and 3:40 P.M, Camden and Fort Monmouth, N.J., only reported thunderstorms. Between 3:30 and 4:30 P.M, Lakehurst, Mtchel Field, N.Y, and Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y., reported them. Between 4:40 and 5:40 P.M. none was reported; and betweeen 5:40 and 6:40 P.M, Floyd Bennett onlt reported one. Summarized, the thunderstorms in eastern New Jersey were of a local character and not severe. --- The New York Weather Bureau office bulletin issued at 1:20 P.M, May 6th, follows: "1800 G.C.T. Moderate wind shift with increasing and lowering clouds possible thundershowers New York and vicinity expected in middle or late afternoon Stop New York Scattered cumulus and small cumulo nimbus approaching from west - visibility excellent surface wind south 12 miles - barometer 29.68 falling steadily temperature 66."
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DATE: May 6 1937 0725 EST OPERATION: Hindenburg Disaster DAMAGE: Catastrophic PLACE: Lakehurst, New Jursey, 40.026088, -74.316592 LOCALE: Open air field WEATHER: Light rain PILOT: Commercial TOTAL HOURS: 567 ALL 63 NO TYPE LAST 90 DAYS: 179 ALL 62 NO TYPE CASUALTIES: Crew: 23; Pass: 13 OCCURENCE: Numerous expert and lay witnesses on the field testified as to where they first observed the fire on the ship. There was great diversity in this testimony for reasons that are very apparent. Among the most important of these reasons were the extreme rapidity with which the fire spread, the different positions of the witnesses with respect to the ship, the size of the ship, more than one-sixth of a mile in length, and an over-all height, equicalent to a twelve story building, and the fact that the interval between the first glimpse of flame and the impact of the main body of the ship with the ground was 32 seconds. The great majority of the ground witnesses who testified as to the first sppearance of fire were looking at the port side of the ship. After carefully weighing the oral evidence and transcribing to a master diagram the numerous disgrams on which the gound witnesses indicated their first observations of fire, we conclude that the first open flame, produced by the burning of the ship's hydrogen, appeared on the top of the ship forward of the entering edge of the vertical fin over Cells 4 and 5. The first open flame that was seen at that place was followed after a very brief interval by a burst of flaming hydrogen between the equator and the top of the ship. The fire spread in all directionsmoving progessively for ward at high velocity with a succession of mild explosions. As the stern quarter became enveloped, the ship lost boutanct and cracked at about one-quarter of the distance from the rear end. The forward part assumed a bow-up attitude, the rear appearing to remain level. At the same time the ship was settling to the ground at a moderate rate of descent. Whereas there was a definite detonation after flame was first observed on the ship, we believe that the phenomenon was initially a rapid burning or combustion - not an explostion. From the observations made, is appears that there was a quantity of free hydrogen present in the after part of the ship when the fire originated.
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HINDENBURG DIASTER INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | Remarks FRANKFURT April | 2. | A deviation occured in the subject's plot to detonate a controlled explosive device on the rear fuel tank of the zeppelin. An alternate plan is underway. | EF 5. | Progress in the creation of the subject's explosive device has stalled. An alternate catalyst is still viable. | SB 7. | The zeppelin has successfully completed it's seventh cross-continent trip carrying 19 crew members | - LAKEHURST May | 9. | Lakehurst Nacal Air Station recevied 8 new directives in preperation for the first cross-continent civilian flight of the zeppelin. German and American organizations continue to increase communications. | EF 12. | Progress continues on the controlled explosive device. Another player emerges in America, a linesman from New York. | SB 15. | The zeppelin is grounded for 2 days as high winds buffer the Western coast of the English Isles. FRANKFURT June | 29. | 300 feet of steel is salwed and loaded up at Frankfurt for repaits to the central gangway after miscalculations in the rate of expansion cause cells 15 and 16 to bend 4 degrees outside of normal variation. | EF Instructions regarding Intelligence Summaries are contained in Regula II and the Management Manual. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.
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The airship will be placed in service early in 1936. It will bear the builder's numer LZ 129 and have been constructed by the Luft Schiffbau Zeppelin of Friedrichschafen, Germany, and organization which also built the 118 Zeppelin type airships. Briefly described, this type of design provides for frame work of duralumin metal girders with tension wires. There is division by fringe wirings of the bosy into different compartments, into which the gas bags are placed to received the lifting gas; a keel walkway to take certain load; a framwork with an outer cover of fabric to give form, and engine cars suspended from the frame outside the ship. The Hindenburg is a Zeppelin type airship, having an axial corridor constructed longitudinally through the center of the hull. During its 9 months of operation in 1936, this airship will make more than 55 flights; flying 2,754 hours, cruising 191, 584 miles, crossing the ocean 34 times, carrying 2, 798 passengers and more than 377,000 pounds of mail and freight, all without mishap. The Hindenburgs length is about 803.8 feet; height, 147 feet; maximum diameter, 135 feet; fineness ratio, about 6; total gas volume, 7, 063, 000 cubic feet; normal volume, 6, 710, 000 cubic feet. Weight of the ship with necessary equipment and fuel is 430, 950 pounds; maximum fuel capacity, 143, 650 pounds; total payload 41, 990 pounds, and total life is 472, 940 pounds. Cruising speed is about 75 statute m.p.h.; maximum speed is slightly over 84 m.p.h. Passenger space is entirely within the hull. The control system is the conventional Zeppelin type control, with two rudders acting as a Unit for horizontal control, and two elevators acting likewise for veritcal control. Emergency elevator and rudder control wheels are installed in the stern of the ship. An electrical gyroscopic device attached to the forward rudder wheel provides automatic steering.
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fishrpg · 9 days ago
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2024-12-25: West Virginia (Hex 25)
Clouds poke at the rounded peaks of these old mountains covered by forest except for the parts where the mining companies saw an opportunity. Rumbles from the distant mountaintops interrupt the sounds of nature; it’s not thunder, but the mountaintops being broken apart by explosive mining. The way to the southeast is prone to delays.
Notable Feature: The Appalachian Tunnel (Hazard)
Only the shortest trips along The Routes in West Virginia don’t go through the Appalachian Tunnel. It doesn’t seem to matter where you’re going or what direction you’re traveling, The Routes will make you travel the tunnel. The Appalachian Tunnel is a twisting 40-ish mile section of enclosed road that has been blasted through the heart of a mountain and nominally paved. Ancient sodium bulbs illuminate some of the dark spaces with erratic flickers, though they are spaced too far apart to do much good and there are things lurking in the darkness that will test the fortitude of even the strongest travelers.
For cars traveling through the area, every passenger in the car must make a DC 17 CON saving throw check. If a majority of the passengers succeed on the saving throw, the car traverses the hex without incident. If the majority fail, the car traverses the hex after suffering a misfortune. Roll a d6 and consult the table below to determine what misfortune occurs. All individuals in the car suffer the same misfortune.
Tunnel Misfortunes (1d6)
The gruesome remains of someone who perished in the tunnel fill you with dread. Gain disadvantage on all checks to avoid the Frightened condition for the next 1d6 days.
Pools of darkness in the tunnel hint at the things nightmares are made of. You do not gain the benefits of your next long rest as you have difficulty sleeping.
Smoke from the burning wreck of a vehicle releases toxic chemicals into the stale tunnel air. You are poisoned for 24 hours.
A poor soul in the car in front of you grew too paranoid from the shadows and started shooting at you for following too closely. Randomly choose 1d4 people in the car to sustain Dangerous (piercing) damage.
Unnatural darkness settles within your soul. For the next 1d6 days, all light within 40 feet of you is one dimmed. Bright light becomes dim, and dim light becomes darkness.
Horrible things seen in the tunnel ruin your appetite and prevent you from eating. After the first day without food, you may roll a DC 15 CON saving throw once each day to end the condition and eat normally.
Hidden: The Scheming Biker
Waiting near a vocational school that trains people to become mechanics is Buster Morgan. Buster is part of a motorcycle club (the Road Raiders) that was on its way to participate in a rally down in Alabama and he was left behind after a major engine failure. No one wanted to let Buster ride with them, so Buster forced to find a way to repair his bike with limited funds and make his way to the rally. That's why he's helping out at the vocational school to hopefully get his bike repaired for next to free. His club's actions have stirred up massive feelings of resentment in Buster, and he'll ask anyone who is going to Alabama if they would mind helping bring club leadership down a peg by sabotaging or disrupting the club's performance at the rally which will happen in 4 days. Exactly what will be done or how it will be accomplished is up to the party, as long as no one is seriously injured or killed and only people with Road Raiders insignia end up affected.
Hidden: The Misguided Missionary
Brother Abram Ellison is an arrogant priest who presides over the Jordan Salvation Southern Baptist Church. He has heard rumors that there are large black dogs that portend the imminent death of those who see them while driving, and their existence is clearly evidence that the devil is working on the mortal plane and that the dogs have some sort of connection to Hell. He asks the party to collect one of these supernatural dogs alive and bring it back to the church.
He believes that by sacrificing the dog using a particular ritual, Brother Abram can open up a portal to Hell and travel through it to rescue the souls of damned who turned away from Christ. To protect himself from the flames of Hell, Brother Abram will be symbolically baptized again via complete immersion in holy water which will prevent the denizens of Hell from touching him. Brother Abram is correct that the holy water will keep him safe from hellish devils, but he is unfortunately wrong about a very important point: when he steps through the portal into Hell, the flames will almost immediately turn his wet baptismal robe into steam and nearly boil him alive. Within 30 seconds, the water will be completely evaporated and since there is no holy water to protect him, the devils will swarm upon him to enact their vengeance for his hubris.
Attentive characters will be able to memorize/copy the surprisingly simple ritual that opens a portal to Hell after seeing Brother Abram perform it. The hardest part of the ritual is finding a creature that works for the sacrifice. Opening up a portal to Hell doesn't have much of a practical application for most character, but it might be useful in the right situation.
Service Station: Kevin’s Kave
Built halfway up the mountain on a narrow road, Kevin's Kave has the architectural distinction of incorporating a shallow natural cave into the building's rear. The cool stone of the cave walls turn that part of the store into a natural cooler, which is (of course) used as a way to keep large quantities of beer cold. However, the location of the business means that space is at a premium. Everything is spread out in a long line that's about the width of a two-lane road.
The parking lot can hold a total of 4 cars (including one at the lone gas pump). No one can fill up if the fuel tanker is present because the big truck takes up almost the entire parking lot by itself. Thankfully, there's rarely more than one car at the store at any given time.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months ago
Events 4.27 (after 1970)
1974 – 109 people are killed in a plane crash near Pulkovo Airport. 1976 – Thirty-seven people are killed when American Airlines Flight 625 crashes at Cyril E. King Airport in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. 1978 – John Ehrlichman, a former aide to U.S. President Richard Nixon, is released from the Federal Correctional Institution, Safford, Arizona, after serving 18 months for Watergate-related crimes. 1978 – The Saur Revolution begins in Afghanistan, ending the following morning with the murder of Afghan President Mohammed Daoud Khan and the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. 1978 – Willow Island disaster: In the deadliest construction accident in United States history, 51 construction workers are killed when a cooling tower under construction collapses at the Pleasants Power Station in Willow Island, West Virginia. 1986 – The city of Pripyat and surrounding areas are evacuated due to Chernobyl disaster. 1987 – The U.S. Department of Justice bars Austrian President Kurt Waldheim (and his wife, Elisabeth, who had also been a Nazi) from entering the US, charging that he had aided in the deportations and executions of thousands of Jews and others as a German Army officer during World War II. 1989 – The April 27 demonstrations, student-led protests responding to the April 26 Editorial, during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. 1992 – The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, comprising Serbia and Montenegro, is proclaimed. 1992 – Betty Boothroyd becomes the first woman to be elected Speaker of the British House of Commons in its 700-year history. 1992 – The Russian Federation and 12 other former Soviet republics become members of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. 1993 – Most of the Zambia national football team lose their lives in a plane crash off Libreville, Gabon en route to Dakar, Senegal to play a 1994 FIFA World Cup qualifying match against Senegal. 1994 – South African general election: The first democratic general election in South Africa, in which black citizens could vote. The Interim Constitution comes into force. 2005 – Airbus A380 aircraft has its maiden test flight. 2006 – Construction begins on the Freedom Tower (later renamed One World Trade Center) in New York City. 2007 – Estonian authorities remove the Bronze Soldier, a Soviet Red Army war memorial in Tallinn, amid political controversy with Russia. 2007 – Israeli archaeologists discover the tomb of Herod the Great south of Jerusalem. 2011 – The 2011 Super Outbreak devastates parts of the Southeastern United States, especially the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee. Two hundred five tornadoes touched down on April 27 alone, killing more than 300 and injuring hundreds more. 2012 – At least four explosions hit the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk with at least 27 people injured. 2018 – The Panmunjom Declaration is signed between North and South Korea, officially declaring their intentions to end the Korean conflict.
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musicfren · 10 months ago
Protests March 2nd (this Saturday). Mostly USA, some global
Albuquerque, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Tiguex Park
Sponsored by: SWC4P
Alfred, NY
3:00 p.m.
Corner of N Main St and Pine St.
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Angelica, NY
12:00 p.m.
Angelica Park Circle (37 Park Cir)
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Arequipa, Peru
2:00 p.m.
Plaza de Armas
Asheville, North Carolina
2:00 p.m.
Pack Square, N Pack Square
Sponsored by: PSL WNC, ANSWER Great Smoky Mountains, UNCA SDS, ETSU MSA, Unequolada
Atlanta, Georgia
1:00 p.m.
190 Marietta St NW (Intersection of Centennial Olympic Park Dr and Marietta St NW.)
Austin, Texas
1:00 p.m.
City Hall
Sponsored by: PSC and PYM
Baltimore, Maryland
2:00 p.m.
Baltimore City Hall
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, Baltimore Artists Against Apartheid, Hospitality for Humanity, The Banner of the People, Teachers & Researchers United, People's Power Assembly
Belmont, NY
1:30 p.m.
Belmont Park Circle (7 Park Circle)
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Boston, Massachusetts
1:00 p.m.
Cambridge City Hall
Contact: ANSWER Boston -- 857-334-5084 · [email protected] 
Brainerd, Minnesota
1:00 p.m.
Intersection of Highways 210 and 371 -- Baxter, Minnesota (near Kohl's Department Store)
Sponsored by: Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE)
Boise, Idaho
4:00 p.m.
700 W Jefferson/Capitol Bldg
Sponsored by: Boise to Palestine
Burlington, Vermont
1:00 p.m.
622 Main St.
Calgary, Alberta
3:00 p.m.
Calgary City Hall
Sponsored by: Justice For Palestinians Calgary, Independent Jewish Voices, Calgary Palestinian Council
Caracas, Venezuela
9:30 a.m.
Sponsored by: Comuna el Panel 21, Brigada Internacionalista Alexis Castillo, Fuerza Patriótica Alexis Vive, Alba Movimientos Venezuela
Charlotte, North Carolina
3:00 p.m.
First Ward Park
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation; Charlotte United for Palestine
Charlottesville, Virginia
4:00 p.m.
Free Speech Wall on the Downtown Mall
Sponsored by: SJP at PVCC
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
2:00 p.m.
West Side Park (400 W University)
Cincinnati, Ohio
3:00 p.m.
City Hall (801 Plum St)
Sponsored by: PSL SW Ohio, PAL Awda Ohio, Students for Justice in Palestine UC, Ceasefire Now Covington, Coalition for Community Safety
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
11:30 a.m.
2nd and Lincoln Hwy
Chester County Liberation Center
Columbus, Ohio
3:00 p.m.
Goodale Park
Sponsored by: PSL Columbus, ANSWER, SJP OSU, PLM-JUST
Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
1:00 p.m.
Corner Brook Public Library (Courtyard)
Sponsored by: GCSU, CFS-NL
Cornwall, Ontario (Canada)
12:00 p.m.
691 Brookdale Avenue
Davis, California
1:00 p.m.
University of California Davis Memorial Union
Dayton, Ohio
12:00 p.m.
444 W 3rd St
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism & Liberation Southwest Ohio, Code Pink Miami Valley, Gem City Action, YS Uproar, S&F Volunteer Collective
Denver, Colorado
1:00 p.m.
400 Josephine St
Sponsored by: Colorado Palestine coalition, Denver PSL, Denver DSA, Denver Boulder JVP, DAWA, Denver SDS, Denver FRSO
Detroit, Michigan
2:00 p.m.
Hart Plaza
Sponsored by: USPCN, FRSO, SDS, SJP, PYM
Eastham, Massachusetts 
12:00 p.m.
In Front of the Windmill
Sponsored by: Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
Flagstaff, Arizona
6:00 p.m.
Heritage Square Downtown Flagstaff
Falmouth, Massachusetts 
1:00 p.m.
Falmouth Village Green
Sponsored by: Falmouth for Ceasefire Now
Havana, Cuba
8:00 a.m.
Sponsored by: Union of Young Communists, Women's Federation of Cuba
Fayetteville, Arkansas
12:00 p.m.
Wilson Park Gazebo
Sponsored by: Friends of Palestine NWA and Christian Voice for Peace
Fort Wayne, Indiana
2:00 p.m.
Allen County Courthouse
Fresno, California
4:00 p.m.
Blackstone & Nees Avenues
Sponsored by: Peace Fresno
Gainesville, Florida
1:00 p.m.
Corner of W University and NW 13th
Sponsored by: PSL
Geneseo, New York
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Main Street and Route 20A
Sponsored by: Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace, Chapter 23 Veterans for Peace
Grand Rapids, Michigan
2:00 p.m.
Monument Park
Sponsored by: Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids
Hamilton, Ontario
2:00 p.m.
Dundas Driving Park, 71 Cross st
Houghton, NY
10:30 a.m.
9722 NY19
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Huntsville, Alabama
10:00 a.m.
Whitesburg Dr and Airport Rd
Sponsored by: North Alabama Peace Network
Indianapolis, Indiana
5:00 p.m.
Indiana State House East Steps
Sponsored by: ANSWER Indiana, Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine – Butler, PSL Indianapolis, the Middle Eastern Student Association at IUPUI
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 
1:00 p.m.
Cambridge City Hall
Joshua Tree, California
10:30 a.m.
Downtown Joshua Tree (Corner of 62 and Park Boulevard)
Sponsored by: Morongo Basin Resistance
Kansas City, Missouri
3:00 p.m.
Mill Creek Park, 47th Mill Creek Pkwy
Sponsored by: Al-HadafKC, Free Palestine KC, PSL MO
Kingman, Arizona
10:00 a.m.
120 W Andy Devine Ave (Meet at the Route 66 Sign)
Sponsored by: Alohaproj.com
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Sekretariat Solidariti Palestin
Lander, Wyoming 
8:00 a.m.
Centennial Park
Sponsored by: Fremont County for Ceasefire Now!
Las Cruces, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Downtown Plaza
Sponsored by: Las Cruces PSL, Telegram group, NMSU Students for Socialism
Las Vegas, Nevada
2:00 p.m.
3449 s Sammy Davis Jr dr
Sponsored by: Npl_palestine and fifthsunproject
Los Angeles, California
1:00 p.m.
Los Angeles City Hall (200 N Spring St)
Manchester, New Hampshire
4:00 p.m.
Manchester City Hall Plaza
Martinsburg, West Virginia
11:00 a.m.
Martinsburg Town Square
Sponsored by: PSL
Memphis, Tennessee 
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Ridgeway Road and Poplar Avenue
Sponsored by: Palestinian Association Community Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1:30 p.m.
Zillman Park (2168 Kinnickinnic Ave)
Sponsored by: PSL Milwaukee, Milwaukee 4 Palestine
Mineral Point, Wisconsin
10:30 a.m.
State Street at the Capitol
Sponsored by: Poor People's Campaign
Nanaimo, British Columbia (Canada)
2:15 p.m.
Maffeo Sutton Park
Sponsored by: VIU Muslim Women Club
Nashville, Tennessee
4:00 p.m.
1 Public Square
Sponsored by: Inspire Youth Foundation supported by PSL Nashville
New Orleans, Louisiana
4:00 p.m.
Jackson Square
Sponsored by: New Orleans For Palestine, JVP New Orleans, PSL Louisiana
New Paltz, New York
12:30 p.m.
93 Main Street
Sponsored by: Women in Black
New York City, New York
1:00 p.m.
Washington Square Park
Sponsored by: Nodutdol, Black Alliance for Peace, No Tech for Apartheid, Audre Lorde Project, Ridgewood Tenants Union, Uptown 4 Palestine, DRUM NYC, Anakbayan, Bayan, Mamas 4 a Free Palestine, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Jews Against White Supremacy, Defend Democracy in Brazil, Al-Awda NY, NYC Dissenters, South Asian Left, Columbia University SJP, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, CUMC for Palestine, Black Men Build, UAW Labor for Palestine, Labor for Palestine, NYC City Workers for Palestine
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Robinson and Hudson near the Skydance Bridge
Sponsored by: Oklahomans Against Occupation
Olean, NY
8:30 a.m.
Lincoln Park
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Peterborough, Ontario
4:00 p.m.
Confederation Square
Sponsored by: Nogojiwanong Palestine Solidarity
Pensacola, Florida
2:00 p.m.
Main and Reus St.
Sponsored by: PSL, Answer, Panhandle for Freedom and Justice in Palestine, Mobile for Palestine
Phoenix, Arizona
6:00 p.m.
Arizona State Capitol
Sponsored by: PSL
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2:00 p.m.
City Hall
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER Philly, Philly Boricuas, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Jefferson University SJP, Philly Liberation Center, AMP Philadelphia, Philadelphians of Palestine, Black Alliance for Peace
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11:00 a.m.
William S Moorehead Federal Building (1100 Liberty Ave)
Contact: ANSWER Pittsburgh -- [email protected]
Pompano Beach, Florida
1:00 p.m.
1641 NW 15th ST -- Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Sponsored by: Al-Awda, JVP, SJP @ FIU
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1:00 p.m.
Market Square
Sponsored by: Occupy Seacoast
Port Angeles, Washington
12:00 p.m.
Clallam County Courthouse at 4th & Lincoln St
Sponsored by: FSP, PSL
Portland, Maine
1:00 p.m.
Longfellow Square
Sponsored by: Maine Students for Palestine, Maine Coalition for Palestine
Portland, Oregon
1:00 p.m.
Lownsdale Square
Sponsored: Party for Socialism & Liberation, ANSWER, Oregon to Palestine Coalition, Portland DSA, Entifada PDX
Providence, Rhode Island
1:00 p.m.
World War 1 Memorial, Memorial Park, South Main st.
Sponsored by: PSL RI, Brown Grad labor Organization, JVP RI, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Falsteeni Diaspora United, SURJ RI, RI Antiwar committee 
Raleigh, North Carolina
3:00 p.m.
201 S Blount St Raleigh, NC 27601
Sponsored by: Refund Raleigh, Migrant Roots Media, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Muslims For Social Justice, Democratic Socialists of America, Muslim Women For, Jewish Voices for Peace, NC Green Party, Peoples Power Lab, NC Environmental Justice Network, PAX Christi Triangle NC
Richland, Washington
1:00 p.m.
John Dam Plaza
Sponsored: Party for Socialism and Liberation - Eastern Washington
Rochester, New York
1:00 p.m.
Rochester City Hall
Sponsored: FTP ROC, Coalition to End Apartheid, ROC DSA, JVP, U of R SJP, ROC Voices for Palestine
Salt Lake City, Utah
1:00 p.m.
Sugar House Park
Sponsored by: Palestinian Solidarity Association of Utah, PSL Salt Lake, Mecha de U Of U
San Antonio, Texas
2:00 p.m.
Municipal Plaza Building (114 W Commerce St.)
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
San Diego, California
ANSWER San Diego -- (619) 487-0977
San Juan, Puerto Rico
12:00 p.m.
El Morro
Sponsored by: Boricua Con Palestina
Santa Barbara, California
11:00 a.m.o
Pershing Park
Sponsored by: Central Coast Antiwar Coalition
San Francisco, California
2:00 p.m.
Harry Bridges Plaza
Sponsored by: Palestinian Youth Movement, ANSWER Coalition, American Muslims for Palestine, US Palestinian Community Network, Muslim American Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Islamophobia Studies Center, Oakland Educators for Palestine, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Northern California Islamic Council, Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area, Islamic Circle of North America, United Educators of San Francisco, Do No Harm Coalition, Arab Resource & Organizing Center, Workers World Party, Palestinian Feminist Collective, QUIT, Labor for Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Democratic Socialist of America - San Francisco, Union Nurses for Palestine, Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, Democratic Socialists of America East Bay
Savannah, Georgia 
2:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall and Senator Warren's Office
Sponsored by: Western MA Coalition for Palestine, Western MA Showing Up for Racial Justice, Northampton Abolition Now, Demilitarize Western MA, Amherst for Palestine, Community Alliance for Peace and Justice, Islamic Society of Western MA, Code Pink
Seattle, Washington
1:00 p.m.
Denny Park
Sponsored by: PYM, PSL, ANSWER, SPV Endorsers: Samidoun, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, South Asians Resisting Imperialism, SUPERUW, Falastiniyat, FGLL, Tacoma DSA, SU SJP, MSA UW, ASA UW, BAYAN, Somali Student Association, NOTA
Seoul, South Korea
3:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: International Strategy Center
Spokane, Washington
Details TBA
Springfield, Massachusetts 
2:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall and Senator Warren's Office
Sponsored by: Western MA Coalition for Palestine, Western MA Showing Up for Racial Justice, Northampton Abolition Now, Demilitarize Western MA, Amherst for Palestine, Community Alliance for Peace and Justice, Islamic Society of Western MA, Code Pink
Springfield, Missouri 
12:00 p.m.
Park Central Square
St. Louis, Missouri
2:00 p.m.
Kiener Plaza - 500 Chestnut St
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, Voices of Palestine Network, American Muslims for Palestine
Syracuse, New York
1:00 p.m.
Clinton Square
Sponsored by: PSL - Syrcause
Tallahassee, Florida
12:00 p.m.
Sidewalks in front of Florida State Capitol Building
Sponsored by: Revolt Collective (rev0ltcollective on Instagram)
Taos, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Outreach/petitioning event, contact Suzie at 575-770-2629
Sponsored by: Taoseños for Peaceful and Livable Futures
Tillamook, Oregon
1:00 p.m.
1st and Main
Sponsored by: Racial and Social Equity Tillamook
Tri-Cities, Washington
Details TBA
Tokyo, Japan
2:00 p.m.
Shinjuku Station South Exit
Sponsored by: Palestinians of Japan
Toledo, Ohio
1:00 p.m.
Franklin Park Mall: Starting location is the corner of Sylvania and Talmadge
Sponsored by: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and Toledo 4 Palestine (T4P)
Troy, New York
11:00 a.m.
3rd & Fulton
Sponsored by: Troy 4 Black Lives
Tucson, Arizona
5:00 p.m.
Catalina Park (941 N. Fourth Ave.)
Sponsored by: Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
Tulsa, Oklahoma
1:00 p.m.
Yale Ave and Admiral Place
Sponsored by: Oklahomans Against Occupation
Ventura, California
1:00 p.m.
Oxnard City Hall
Victorville, California
1:00 p.m.
9700 Seventh Ave.
Sponsored by: Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
3:00 p.m.
March from Wailuku Safeway to Queen Kaahumanu Center
Sponsored by: Maui for Palestine, Hawaii for Palestine, Rise for Palestine, Citizens for Peace, Kauai for Palestine, Kona for Palestine
Washington, D.C.
1:00 p.m.
Israeli Embassy (3514 International Dr NW)
Sponsored by: PYM, MD2Palestine, ANSWER 
Waukegan, Illinois
1:00 p.m.
Jack Benny Plaza (corner of Genesee and Clayton)
Sponsored by: PSL Waukegan
Wellfleet, Massachusetts 
10:00 a.m.
Town Hall Lawn
Sponsored by: Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
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weather-usa · 4 months ago
North Carolina prepares for more as 'historic' rainfall causes widespread damage across the state
A powerful storm system unleashed "historic rainfall" across parts of North Carolina, flooding highways and leaving drivers stranded, with flash-flood watches persisting Tuesday in the state's southeastern region.
Although the storm was not organized enough to receive an official name, it dissipated by Tuesday, still delivering heavy rainfall to southeastern Virginia and prompting flash-flood watches there as well.
Weather Forecast For 32226 - Jacksonville FL
In southeastern North Carolina, the low-pressure system dumped once-in-1,000-year rainfall levels. Carolina Beach, a coastal town about 10 miles south of Wilmington, received over 18 inches of rain within 12 hours, according to the National Weather Service. Nearby towns saw over 12 inches during the same period, causing widespread road closures. Wind gusts reaching up to 77 mph also hit the coastline, according to Weather.com.
Carolina Beach and Oak Island, located about 30 miles south of Wilmington, declared states of emergency following Monday's severe flooding. The deluge caused road closures, damaged buildings, and left some residents stranded on highways. The National Weather Service warned on X that parts of Carolina Beach were submerged in at least 3 feet of water, sharing an image of a van nearly underwater.
Carolina Beach Mayor Lynn Barbee reported that the town's fire department rescued 57 people and 12 animals between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Monday. During the same period, police used a 5-ton truck to rescue 12 additional people, he shared on Facebook.
Some roads in North Carolina may remain closed for the "foreseeable future." The New Hanover County Sheriff's Office reported on Facebook that officials transported children home from Carolina Beach schools using high-water vehicles after buses were unable to navigate flooded roads.
The North Carolina Transportation Department indicated that several roads in the southeastern region will be shut down for an extended period. Drivers are advised to avoid the roads as crews work on emergency repairs, including multiple damaged bridges.
Some people were stranded for hours on Highway 17 outside Wilmington, while others sought refuge at an Exxon gas station along the route, according to the Wilmington Star News, part of the USA TODAY Network.
In Brunswick County, which borders Wilmington to the west, deputies and public safety personnel worked to deliver food, water, and supplies to drivers trapped by flooded roads and highways, as stated in a news release. Public schools, offices, parks, and libraries in the county will remain closed on Tuesday. An overnight curfew has been established for residents and visitors in unincorporated areas, effective until 6 a.m. Tuesday.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in 77840-College-Station-TX:
Southport, a city of about 4,000 on the county's eastern coastline, reported approximately 23 inches of rain over 48 hours. During a live report from the area, AccuWeather meteorologist Aaron Jayjack witnessed a bridge collapse behind him, causing a vehicle and its driver to plunge into the water. Fortunately, bystanders rescued the man, who suffered only minor injuries, Jayjack reported during the broadcast.
Church Provides Aid to Flood Victims
Lifepoint Church in Wilmington is stepping up to assist those affected by the floods. The church has mobilized hundreds of volunteers across its four local locations to distribute essential supplies and assist uninsured residents with cleanup efforts, according to executive pastor Kevin Lloyd.
"We have several individuals who are completely displaced," Lloyd shared. "We're working closely with them to find housing."
This isn’t Lifepoint Church’s first experience with recovery efforts after a natural disaster; they actively supported the community following Hurricane Florence in 2018. The church is also collaborating with local and national organizations, such as Convoy of Hope, and is encouraging online donations that will be directed entirely toward recovery efforts.
Lloyd noted that the floods affected beach areas quickly and severely, while in other communities, "the damage from flooding didn't begin until late yesterday evening, primarily due to erosion."
In certain locations, water levels remain chest-deep, and people are relying on boats or large trucks to get around.
Until the waters recede, assessing the full extent of the damage will be challenging. "People are doing their best to salvage what they can from their homes," he explained.
Flood Warnings Issued for Florida Beaches; Northern Plains Bracing for Thunderstorms
Parts of Florida are under flood warnings, particularly along the northeastern coastline, which will remain in effect until early Wednesday morning. Beaches in the area are experiencing dangerous rip currents and rough surf of up to 6 feet, according to the Florida Times-Union, part of the USA TODAY Network.
Forecasters predict that the storm system will continue moving northward through North Carolina and into the Mid-Atlantic, causing thunderstorms and heavy rainfall until it is expected to dissipate on Wednesday.
See more:
In the West, a "strong low pressure" system will emerge on Tuesday, advancing across the central Plains and into the Rockies. This will bring a risk of severe thunderstorms, gusty winds, and showers, according to the Storm Prediction Center.
In the northern High Plains, where the risk of thunderstorms is highest, the storm could produce isolated large hail. Northeastern Colorado, northwestern Kansas, and western Nebraska may experience wind gusts exceeding 70 mph.
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birdzflycom · 1 year ago
Mountaineers Defeat Tar Heels in Duke's Mayo Bowl Rout
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Courtesy: wvusports In the inaugural play of the game, West Virginia seized the lead and maintained dominance, securing a 30-10 triumph over North Carolina in the Duke's Mayo Bowl held at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Mountaineers initiated their first possession with a remarkable 75-yard touchdown pass from the game's Most Valuable Player, Garrett Greene, to Traylon Ray. Subsequently, they thwarted a Tar Heel offense, predominantly composed of substitutes, restricting them to a lone touchdown and no points in the latter half. Despite the absence of key players such as All-America center Zach Frazier and top rusher C.J. Donaldson Jr., West Virginia showcased Greene, their starting quarterback. In contrast, North Carolina faced the game without their primary quarterback, Drake Maye, and several other key contributors. Greene demonstrated prowess by completing 12 of 23 pass attempts for 228 yards and contributing an additional 64 yards on the ground, culminating in a total offensive output of 392 yards for the Mountaineers. The standout narrative of the evening unfolded through WVU's defensive prowess, sacking North Carolina's quarterback Conner Harrell seven times and achieving a shutout in the latter part of the game. Omarion Hampton, UNC's leading rusher, was limited to a net gain of 62 yards, resulting in the Tar Heels managing only 140 yards on the ground, inclusive of sack yards. Harrell, despite completing 18 of 27 attempts for 199 yards, faced adversity with two interceptions and incessant pressure throughout the game. Coach Neal Brown expressed, "This is a remarkable group; I've thoroughly enjoyed coaching them, and tonight, we answered the call." The victory held special significance for Brown, given that his team was initially predicted to finish last in the Big 12 but exceeded expectations with nine victories, marking the first time since 2016 that the Mountaineers concluded a season with double-digit wins. Highlighting the exceptional performance, Brown acknowledged, "Our defense and special teams were outstanding, and Mountaineer Nation truly made an incredible showing." Indeed, the crowd of 42,925, predominantly clad in Old Gold and Blue, passionately supported the team. Amidst Ray's touchdown and Michael Hayes' field goal concluding the first half, promising Mountaineer drives faced setbacks, including three holding penalties, an illegal man downfield penalty, and D.J. Oliver's fumble. Nevertheless, Beanie Bishop Jr. provided a brief 11-point lead with a 78-yard punt return for a touchdown, marking WVU's first punt return for a score in a bowl since 2017. The first half witnessed North Carolina's sole touchdown drive covering 76 yards in five plays, benefiting from Malachi Ruffin's pass interference penalty on Jon Jones Jr. WVU's response was swift, with Greene's pass to Clement for 32 yards setting the stage for Hayes' field goal, concluding the half. The second half witnessed Harrell's interceptions and WVU capitalizing on penalties, extending their lead with another field goal by Hayes. As the game progressed, West Virginia's dominance continued, with Greene's 48-yard run and a subsequent pass to Taylor, culminating in White's touchdown run and Hayes' successful conversion. North Carolina's unsuccessful attempts on their own 26-yard line resulted in Hayes adding three more points, concluding the scoring. This victory marked West Virginia's 17th in 40 all-time bowl appearances, securing a 9-4 record for the regular season and instilling momentum for the offseason with key offensive players returning in 2024. In a post-game tradition, the West Virginia crowd remained in the stadium to witness Coach Neal Brown partake in the ceremonial dumping of mayonnaise on his head. Looking ahead, the Mountaineers encourage fans to maintain the momentum by securing season ticket deposits for the upcoming 2024 season, available at WVUGAME.com for just $99 for new season ticket orders. Renewal information for existing season ticket holders will be provided in the coming months. Read the full article
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luke-hitchcock · 2 years ago
For my themed playlist, I have chosen the theme of "journey." This theme is relevant to me because I love to travel and explore new places. Additionally, I believe that life itself is a journey, full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and unexpected detours. The unifying idea behind this playlist is the idea of movement, whether it be physical or emotional.
"Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey (Rock) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k8craCGpgs This classic rock anthem is the perfect starting point for my playlist. The song's driving beat and soaring melody evokes the feeling of embarking on a great adventure. The song's structure is simple, with a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus format. The chord progression is fairly simple, centered around the key of E major. The lyrics are full of hope and optimism, urging the listener to "hold on to that feeling" of possibility and excitement.
"Route 66" by Nat King Cole (Jazz) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCYApJtsyd0 This jazz standard celebrates the iconic American highway that stretches from Chicago to Los Angeles. The song's swinging rhythm and bluesy melody evoke the feeling of cruising down an open road. The song's structure is based on a 12-bar blues progression, with a simple AAB form. The lyrics describe the landmarks and attractions along Route 66, such as St. Louis, Joplin, and Oklahoma City.
"Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z feat. Alicia Keys (Hip Hop/Rap) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk6014HuxcE This hip-hop anthem pays tribute to New York City, the ultimate destination for many dreamers and strivers. The song's melody is based on a sample from the 1970 song "Love on a Two-Way Street" by The Moments. The song's structure is fairly complex, with a chorus that changes slightly each time it appears, as well as several verses that tell the story of Jay-Z's rise to fame in the Big Apple. The lyrics are full of references to New York landmarks and culture, from Yankee Stadium to Broadway.
"Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver (Country) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vrEljMfXYo This country classic celebrates the beauty and simplicity of rural life. The song's melody is based on a simple chord progression in the key of A major. The song's structure is straightforward, with a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus format. The lyrics describe the landscape and culture of West Virginia, where Denver grew up. The song has a nostalgic and wistful tone as if the singer is longing to return to a simpler time and place.
"Homeward Bound" by Simon & Garfunkel (Folk) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAnj2fyjxRw This folk ballad tells the story of a traveler who is longing to return home. The song's melody is based on a simple acoustic guitar riff, which repeats throughout the song. The song's structure is based on a verse-chorus-verse-chorus format, with a brief instrumental break between the second and third verses. The lyrics are full of vivid imagery, describing the sights and sounds of the journey, as well as the yearning for the comfort of home.
"On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson (Blues/Country) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBN86y30Ufc This country-blues classic celebrates the joys of life on the road. The song's melody is based on a simple chord progression in the key of C major. The song's structure is based on a verse-chorus-verse-chorus format, with a brief instrumental break between the second and third verses. The lyrics describe the excitement and adventure of touring and performing, as well as the camaraderie of the musicians on the road.
In conclusion, my playlist showcases a diverse range of genres and musical styles, all tied together through the theme journey.
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conradscrime · 3 years ago
Teenage Drama Turns to Death: The Tragic Murder of Skylar Neese
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June 26, 2022
Skylar Annette Neese was born on February 10, 1996 in West Virginia and was the only child of Mary and Dave Neese. At 16 years old Skylar was attending University High School, worked at Wendy’s, got excellent grades and wanted to be a criminal defense lawyer.
Skylar had two best friends, Shelia Eddy (born September 28, 1995) and Rachel Shoaf (born June 10, 1996). Skylar and Shelia had met when they were 8 years old and had been inseparable ever since. Rachel became friends with the two girls a few years later, but the three of them were best friends, you would rarely see one of them without the other two. 
On July 5, 2012, Skylar had returned to her home in Star City, West Virginia, after working her regular night shift at Wendy’s. The Neese family lived in an apartment building and later on surveillance video showed Skylar leaving her apartment from her bedroom window at 12:30 am on July 6, getting into a sedan. 
Skylar’s father Dave Neese later said that Skylar had clearly planned on coming back later that night, as she didn’t take her phone charger with her and she had left the window open. 
Skylar was at first considered a runaway by authorities and there was no Amber Alert issued for her disappearance because it was clear from the video footage that she had willingly left on her own accord. Skylar’s parents posted flyers about their missing daughter, hoping that someone would know her whereabouts. 
Police soon found out that the sedan that Skylar was seen getting into that night belonged to Shelia Eddy so they brought her in for an interview. Shelia did admit that she picked up Skylar that night, but they had only driven around for about an hour before she dropped her back off at her apartment. 
Rachel and Shelia were interviewed by the police several times, but their stories always remained the same. Shelia even helped the Neeses’ distribute missing persons flyers, and would come over to their house to cry with them about missing Skylar. 
As time went on, Shelia Eddy and Rachel Shoaf began to become suspects to the police, as other schoolmates were claiming they had heard the girls talking about committing a murder at school. One of the girls’ teachers even contacted the police to tell them she had also heard of them talking about murder. 
About 6 months after Skylar had disappeared, Rachel Shoaf admitted that her and Shelia Eddy had been plotting to kill Skylar for 9 months. Rachel claimed that the reason the girls murdered Skylar was because they didn’t want to be friends with her anymore. 
The seemingly perfect friendship the trio shared was anything but, as Skylar would often tweet about how Shelia and Rachel would leave her out of things. It seemed the girls would fight a lot, and Skylar had even written in her diary that Shelia and Rachel had a sexual relationship with each other, and would make-out or have sex in front of Skylar, making her extremely uncomfortable. 
Skylar’s body was found on January 16, 2013, less than 30 miles away from her home. 
Rachel told the police the whole story, claiming that on the night of July 5, 2012, Sheila and her had invited Skylar to go drive around with them. Apparently, Skylar was hesitant of this, as she had recently had a falling out with them, but after the girls texted and called her a few times she eventually agreed to sneak out. 
Rachel told police that her and Shelia had prepared “a serial killer kit” which included kitchen knives, paper towels, bleach, clean clothes, cleaning cloths and a shovel. They had hid the knives in their hoodies. 
When Skylar got into the sedan with the girls, they headed northwest from Star City toward Blacksville, on U.S. Route 19. Rachel and Shelia had originally planned on travelling along W.V. Route 7, but they changed their route once they saw a state police car in that direction. 
They arrived across the Pennsylvania state border, where all three of the girls would occasionally smoke weed there. When they got out of the car, they told Skylar that they had forgotten to bring a lighter with them. Skylar then volunteered to go back to the sedan to get her own lighter, and once she turned her back, Rachel and Shelia both counted to three, which they agreed would be their signal, and began to stab Skylar.
Skylar had attempted to run away, but was only able to get a few feet before Rachel got her on the ground and continued to stab her. At one point during the attack, Skylar had managed to get the knife away from Rachel and stabbed her in the leg, which caused Rachel to back off and stop the attack, though Shelia kept going. 
It was admitted that Rachel and Shelia stopped counting how many times they stabbed Skylar once they got to 50, and Shelia had stabbed Skylar until there was silence and her neck stopped making gurgling sounds. 
The pair attempted to bury Skylar’s body, but the soil was too hard and rocky to dig a hole, so they decided to hide Skylar’s body with rocks, fallen branches and dirt. They then returned to the sedan, cleaned themselves up, changed into clothes, and left. 
On May 1, 2013, Rachel pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Rachel actually got a plea deal because authorities believed she had cooperated with them, so the recommended sentence for her would be 20 years of incarceration. 
On September 4, 2013, the prosecutors identified Shelia Eddy publicly as the second perpetrator in Skylar’s murder and stated that she would be tried as ana adult. Sheila was indicted on September 6, 2013, on one count of kidnapping, one count of first-degree murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder. She pleaded not guilty. 
The trial date was set for January 28, 2014. Shelia was facing additional charges from Pennsylvania authorities so she pleaded guilty to first-degree murder. During the trial, Shelia expressed no remorse and did not cry at all. She was sentenced to life in prison and is eligible for parole after 15 years. Because of her plea deal to plead guilty to first-degree murder, Pennsylvania did not file charges against her. 
On February 25, 2014, Rachel received a sentence of 30 years in prison and will be eligible for parole after 10 years. Both Shelia and Rachel are incarcerated at the Lakin Correctional Center in Mason County. 
Due to an Amber Alert not being issued in Skylar’s disappearance due to a waiting period of 48 hours before a teenager is considered missing and the fact that Skylar had left on her own accord and was not considered kidnapped, a new bill was introduced called “Skylar’s Law” which modifies West Virginia’s Amber Alert plan to issue immediate public announcements when any child is missing and in danger, regardless if the child is believed to be kidnapped.
Rachel Shoaf will be up for parole next year, with the hearing on May 1, 2023, though according to WV DOC she will likely be paroled on April 28, 2028. Shelia Eddy will be up for parole in 2028.
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rolandopujol · 3 years ago
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On June 6, 1933, the first drive-in movie theater flickered to life, in Camden, New Jersey. That’s why today is National Drive-in Movie Day. By the summer of 1958, Americans had their choice of 4,038 cinemas under the stars. That summer proved to be the zenith. TVs, VCRs, Nintendos, Netflix: The next half-century of distractions helps explain the decline. But drive-ins, they haven’t played their last reel. In fact, the pandemic led to a resurgence, with pop-ups sprouting up to satisfy the quarantine-weary. And how about this bit of news: The United Drive-in Theatre Owners Association counts 318 drive-ins as of September 2021, up by one from three years earlier. I’m blessed to live in a state, New York, with the most drive-in theaters, at 29. Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Louisiana, and North Dakota have none. (No surprise about Alaska!) The remaining 44 states have at least one. Here are some of my favorites that I’ve photographed on the road over the years: First up is the Googie sign for the Malta Drive-in in Malta, New York, truly a showstopper. The theater turns 73 on July. 1 No. 2 is the Dixie Twin Drive-in in Dayton, Ohio, which opened July 12, 1957, with movies starring Andy Griffith and Jerry Lewis. Our third stop is the Circle Drive-in in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where a film celebrating drive-in culture is playing just as I post this! The fourth is the Mahoning Drive-in in Lehighton, Pennsylvania, itself immortalized in a documentary. We stay in Pennsylvania for No. 5 and the Garden Drive-in in Hunlock Creek, which like many drive-ins doubles as a flea market, like No. 6, Cape Cod’s The Wellfleet. No. 7 is the Hi-Way Drive-in in Coxsackie, New York, which actually added a fourth screen in 2011. No. 8 was said to be the last drive-in west of Oklahoma on Route 66, the Foothill in Azuza, California, until closing in 2001. I shot the marquee in 2014. No. 9 is the former Moonlite Theatre in Abingdon, Virginia, which when I visited last year was hosting live theater. Finally, No. 10 is a remnant of the Twin Hi-Way Drive-in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania. The snack bar is no more, but we are reminded that you are the snack! #retrologist (at United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CefGPv-rv6K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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todaysdocument · 3 years ago
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Map of the Battles of Bull Run, 7/21/1861
File Unit: Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay, 1784 - 1890
Series: Civil Works Map File, 1818 - 1947
Record Group 77: Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1789 - 1999
Image description: Map of the area of Bull Run, showing roads, terrain, troops, structures. There are many notes describing different areas. 
Image description: Zoomed-in portion of the map showing the “Battle Field in the Afternoon” area. 
on the line of Fairfax & Prince William Coes.
on the 21st of July 1861, from 7 A.M. - 9 P.M.
Published by WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 Main Street
Two companies of cavalry of enemy here
as reserve during the day. In the afternoon cavalry
charged towards Geo. 7th and were repulsed with canister.
Enemy's Cavalry
OLD STONE CHURCH METHOD.                        No guard at Sudley's in the morning and the country people would not give information to the southern army of the approach of the columne
SPRING                                                                          This road was used by the enemy in the morning
KNIGHT'S                                                                     The larger number returned by this road in the evening.
DOGAN'S                                                  JULY 21ST, 1861.                 MAJOR SCOTT 4th Alab. wounded in retreat
MAYHEWS STONE                                                                 GENL. BEE & BARTOW'S command were in advance here in the morning
Lt. Davison 2d position
Van Pelt
Genl. Evans H.Q.
Enemy's battery opeed fire in the morning
When the retreating column reached this point and saw our cavalry onthe turnpike the panic seized the entire columne.
Here, wagons sotes, the siege gun or 30 pounder, arms, baggage and every thing was abandoned to facilitate their retreat.
This is the flat side of the creek and back to the road does not usually rise more than 15 or 20 feet above the creek bottoms. All enclosed is in cultivation. Opposite or west wide of the creek is bluff.
N.H.  VT.  R.I. N.Y. 69th                                           Ice House                           CARTER                                                       POPLAR or RED HILL FORD
BOAT HOWITZER              4th ALA.  COL. JONES   BATTLE FIELD in the morning                     BARTON'S horse shot
N. YORK 7TH                                         wounded                         GEO. 8th
N.O. Tigers
The enemy made a stand her about 4 P.M., on the retreat our batteries into their columne and here the rout began.
First colors planted over Sherman's battery were regiment colors of the 7th Georgia.    captured battery
RICKET'S or SHERMAN'S captured here
captured battery Geo 7 Regt.
Jim. Robinson free Negro
N.O. Battery                             Capt. Inboden's battery
Old woman killed in this house
BARTOW killed
Washington Artillery  
Cummings   Allen  Preston  Echols  Harper Gl. Jackson's brigade
PENDLETON'S BATTERY came into action at 12 1/12 P.M. This Battery dismounted Rickett's called Sherman's battery and killed 45 horses. General Bee and Col. Bartow, after their retreat from the turnpike formed under Genl. Jackson's command.
When Genl. KIRBY SMITHS reinforcement (Elzy's brigade) came up about 3 1/12 P.M. Beauregard remarked, Elzy you are the Blucher of the day.
GEN. Bee killed Cumming' Regt. charged and took this battery when Col. Thomas of Mard was killed
Battery twice capture
caisson blew up
Enemy advanced thus far and retreated by Sudley's Ford
The enemy opened fire below Mitchell's Ford in the morning to deceive our officers as to the crossing above at Sudley's Ford. In the afternoon, about 4 o'clock heavy firing was resumed here and was effectual in diverting our troops from the pursuit to this point.
The largest group of the enemy was on the turnpike two miles east of Centreville. The prisoners state they left camp at one A.M. the morning of the 21st July 1861. They turned out at Widow Spindle's about 7 A.M. crossed at Sudley's Ford at 10 A.M., east dinner in the woods and were ready for fight at 12 M. July 21st 1861.
United States reserved forces
High point overlooking the battlefield July 21st 1861.
United States reserved forces
Where Capt. Ricketts and Wilcox were carried after being wounded.
Good skirmishing was done all day by many regiments and stragglers, but Genl. Jackson' brigade held their position during the fight; After they were assigned a place, Seibel's regiment marched 22 in the afternoon.
here at 12 M. marched 4 miles in 30 minutes
Our army was distributed along Bull Run on the 21st of July 1861 from the Stone Bride to Union Mllls. The entire plan of the Battle was changed by the enemy crossing at Sudley's Ford, and taking position about the Carter House.
GEN. BEAUREGARD's Head Quart. after the Battle of July 21st.
GENl. JOHNSTON'S Head Quarter
Major Harrison and Lieut. Miles killed in the battle July 18th, 1861
Washington Light Artillery in the bottom
Enemy's Battery
July the 18th 1861
Many on the retreat after crossing Sudley's Ford did not turn down the run but went across towards the Potomac
ENEMY's Camp    Timber felled around about 60 feet wide as abbatis, and the enhancements in front supposed to have been  done under the flag of truce for burying their dead, July the 19th of 1861
   This Battery kept up firing in the morning of the 21st to deceive Beauregard and Johnston. It fired again in the afternoon at 4 o'clock and cause troops to be sent here that should have been used the the Stone Bridge. It is said a Courier was killed who had orders for Gen. Ewell's Brigade on our right wing to flank the enemy. Ewell's Brigade marched across the run in the afternoon, but returned back on account of false alarm.
GENl. BEAUREGARD'S Head Qrs before the Battle
Miles reserve made a stand on these hills on the evening of the 21st. but as the routed army approached the wing broke and pushed on to Alexandria.
The left wing of the enemy retreated from the Mitchells Farm at 6 P.M. July 21st and held this position in the line of battle until 11 1/2 P.M. when he retreated toward Alexandria
Copy from a lithograph Bureau of  Topl. Engrs. October 1st, 1861
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johnschneiderblog · 3 years ago
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Maybe next time, Mothman ...
A low oatmeal sky was spitting snow as we hit the road Sunday morning.
Light snow-fall continued , off and on, deep into Ohio. Around Cincinnati we broke the 32-degree mark and a shy, in-and-out, sun hung with us the rest of the way.
No complaints; the roads were dry and the Sunday traffic was light for the most part.
We thought we would end this first leg of the journey in Lexington, Kentucky but the navigator inside our phones suggested a better route to Hilton Head Island.
Thus, we spent the night in Gallipolis. Ohio, just 12 miles from the Mothman Museum, across the Ohio River in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
What ...? You don't know about Mothman ...? OK, I didn't either until last night. And, no, we didn't got there; I just read about it.
According to local legend, Mothman is a black 10-foot creature with wings and red eyes who occasionally shows up in town. The museum, according to its website, features "press clippings, documents & memorabilia."
And, of course, "the largest collection of Mothman souvenirs and memorabilia offered anywhere in the world."
I don't doubt that for a second.
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she-who-fights-and-writes · 4 years ago
May you give some tips on how to write about mid-nineteenth century and early twentieth century ?? Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks if there is an answer or not xd 😅 greetings and take good care :) :D
Okay, so I only really know about AMERICAN mid-nineteenth and early 20th century history, so I hope that’s what you mean!!
How to Write About The Mid-Nineteenth/ Early Twentieth Century America
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This post will encompass 1850-1920 in America only. A lot of things happened during this period, so I’m going to try to outline it as best I can! This post is gonna be a long one, so I put all of the specifics under the cut:
The Industrial Revolution hits. We begin this era with horse-drawn carriages and end with planes, tanks, and cars.
Expansion west, “Manifest Destiny”
The Civil War ends slavery in the United States
The Gilded Age marks an era of unbridled capitalism and robber barons, while the Progressive Era following it marks an age of activism and human rights.
13th Amendment in 1865 abolishes slavery, 14th and 15th Amendments in 1868 and 1870 gives Black people the right to vote, 19th Amendment in 1920 gives women the right to vote.
World War I marks a major advancement in technology and global affairs, sets the stage for the second world war that will come later.
The Roaring 20s provides a façade of success to precede the gigantic stock market crash of 1929.
I’ve copied and pasted a lot of this information directly from America’s Best History and added tidbits of my own as well!
1. The 1850s
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Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)
Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
James Buchanan (1857-1861)
Important Events:
- Peak point of tension between North and the South, primarily over which states will be admitted as free states or slave states.
- The Compromise of 1850 admits California as the 31st state, without slavery, and adds Utah and New Mexico as territories with no decision on the topic. The Fugitive Slave Law is strengthened under the Compromise, which also ended the slave trade in the District of Columbia.
-1854 - The Republican Party is founded, in opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. (Note: This form of “Republican” is essentially modern-day Democrats. The parties switched platforms later.)
-The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 allows the issue of slavery to be decided by a vote of settlers. This established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and would breed much of the rancor that culminated in the actions of the next years of "Bleeding Kansas."
2. The 1860s
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James Buchanan (1857-1861)
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
Important Events:
-1860- The Pony Express begins. Overland mail between Sacramento, California and St. Joseph's, Missouri is carried over the Oregon Trail for eighteen months by this series of riders on horseback, then rendered obsolete when the transcontinental telegraph is completed.
- 1860 - South Carolina is the first southern state to secede from the Union in response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President.
-The Homestead Act of 1862 is approved, granting family farms of 160 acres to settlers, many of which were carved from Indian territories. This promotes expansion West, and eventually led to the establishment of the state university systems.
- The Civil War 1861 – 1865
Overview: Union won due to their advanced railroad system and industrialization that provided them with clothing and other supplies. South is ransacked by General Sherman, brings about era of Reconstruction. Slavery is abolished, but former slaves are not immediately emancipated.
People to know:
Abe Lincoln (President of the Union)
Ulysses S. Grant (Union General, future President)
William Sherman (Union General)
Jefferson Davis (President of the Confederacy)
Robert E. Lee (Confederate General)
Stonewall Jackson (Confederate General)
 Important Events/Battles:
Fort Sumter 1861- A fort in Charleston, South Carolina harbor is bombarded by Confederate forces after the U.S. Army commander failed to evacuate, thus triggering a declaration of war.
Battle of Bull Run 1861- First official battle in Manassas, Virginia. Confederates emerge victorious as picnicking (yes, you read that right. People were picnicking and using the battle as entertainment) onlookers watch on in horror; realization that this war won’t be resolved quickly or easily.
Emancipation Proclamation is issued by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862 stated that all slaves in places of rebellion against the Federal Government would be free.
Battle of Shiloh 1862- Victory of Union over Confederacy. Led by Ulysses S. Grant.
Battle of Antietam 1862- Bloodiest day of the war in Sharpsburg, Maryland. 
Gettysburg 1863- Considered the turning point of the war. The furthest Southern incursion into the North, where the Union beats back the attacking Confederate troops. A few weeks after the war, Lincoln issues the Gettysburg Address (“Four score and seven years ago…”).
The South Surrenders on April 2nd, 1865
- April 9th, 1865 - Abe Lincoln is assassinated at Ford Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Andrew Johnson takes his place, and he does not keep up Reconstruction and withdrew all troops from the South so they could be left to their own devices. This is said to be the reason for segregation.
- 1866 -The KKK is formed  to prevent Black people from voting. Things such as poll taxes, grandfather clauses, and literacy tests are implemented by states to also discourage Black people from voting as well.
-  1867 -Alaska is purchased from Russia for $7.2 million dollars, approximately two cents per acre, by signing the Treaty of Cession of Russian America to the United States.
- 1869- The final golden spike of the transcontinental railroad is driven into the ground, marking the junction of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads. This act, as much as any other, would signal the marked increase in the settlement of the west.
3. The 1870s
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Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
Important Events:          
-The Gilded Age begins. Characterized by gross materialism and blatant political corruption that gave rise to important novels of social and political criticism.
-1870 - Standard Oil Company is incorporated by John D. Rockefeller.
-1870 - The first African-American to be sworn into office in the United States Congress, Hiram Rhodes Revels, a Republican from Mississippi takes his place in the United States Senate.
- 1870 - The 15th Amendment is ratified. It gave the right to vote to Black Americans. Race would officially no longer be a ban to voting rights, though it continues to be an issue in Southern states.
- 1871 - The great fire of Chicago starts. The fire burned 1.2 million acres of land, destroyed 17,450 buildings, killed 250 people, and left 90,000 homeless.
- 1876 - The Battle of Little Big Horn occurs when Lt. Colonel George Custer and his 7th U.S. Cavalry engage the Oceti Sakowin and Cheyenne Indians on the bluffs above the Little Big Horn River. All 264 members of the 7th Cavalry and Custer perish in the battle, the most complete rout in American military history.
- 1877 - Crazy Horse surrenders to the United States Army in Nebraska. His people had been weakened by cold and hunger.
- 1878 - The first commercial telephone exchange is opened.
- 1878 - Thomas Edison patents the cylinder phonograph and the Edison Electric Company begins operation
4. The 1880s
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James A. Garfield (1881-1881)
Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)
Grover Cleveland (1885-1889)
Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
Important Events:
- 1881 - Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form the Oriental Telephone Company.
-1882 - The Standard Oil Company trust of John D. Rockefeller is formed when Rockefeller places all of his oil holdings inside it.
- 1883 - The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act is passed by Congress, overhauling federal civil service and establishing the U.S. Civil Service agency.
- 1884 - The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions in the U.S.A. call for an eight-hour workday.
- 1885 - The Statue of Liberty arrives for the first time in New York harbor.
- 1886 - The Haymarket riot and bombing occurs in Chicago three days after the start of a general strike in the United States that pushed for an eight-hour workday.
- 1887 - Congress passes the Interstate Commerce Act to regulate and control the monopolies of the railroad industry.
- 1888 - The prototype for the commercial phonograph is completed by Thomas A. Edison
- 1888 - The Washington Monument officially opens to the general public.
5. The 1890s
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Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
Grover Cleveland (1893-1897)
William McKinley (1897-1901)
Important Events:
- The rise of Imperialism.
- 1890 - The Battle of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, occurs in the last major battle between United States troops and Native Americans. Hundreds of native men, women, and children are slain.
- 1892 - Ellis Island, in New York Harbor, opens as the main east coast immigration center, and would remain the initial debarkation point for European immigrants into the United States until its closure in 1954. More than 12 million immigrants would be processed on the island during those years.
- 1892- Nativist sentiments rise with the immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans flooding into the country. Italian, Polish, Russian, and other immigrants face significant discrimination.
- 1895 - The first professional football game is played in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
- 1896 - Plessy vs Ferguson decision by the Supreme Court states that racial segregation is approved under the "separate but equal" doctrine. This paves the way for Jim Crow laws in the South.
- 1896 - The first modern Olympic Games is held in Athens, Greece.
- 1896 - Gold is discovered near Dawson, Canada, setting up the Klondike Gold Rush
- 1897 - The era of the subway begins when the first underground public transportation in North America opens in Boston, Massachusetts. 
-1897- The Progressive Era begins
- 1898 – The Spanish- American War begins. It lasts one year and ends in U.S. victory. It was triggered by United States battleship Maine exploding and sinking under unknown causes in Havana Harbor, Cuba, killing two hundred and sixteen seamen. 
- 1898 - The United States annexes the independent republic of Hawaii.
- 1899 - The Open Door Policy with China is declared by Secretary of State John Hay
9. The 1900s
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William McKinley (1897-1901)
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
Important Events:
- 1901 - The American League of Major League Baseball is formed.
- 1902 - The first movie theatre in the United States opens in Los Angeles, California.
- 1902 - Cuba gains independence from the United States.
- 1903 - Inventors Wilbur and Orville Wright succeed in the first sustained and manned plane flight.
- 1906 - The Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act is passed due to the efforts of “muckrakers” that worked to expose corruption. “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair, which described the horrible conditions in the meatpacking industry, helped sponsor outrage that would get these laws passed.
- 1908 - The first passenger flight on a plane occurs when Wilbur Wright escorts Charles W. Furnas in the Wright Flyer III at Huffman Prairie Flying Field in Dayton, Ohio.
- 1908- The first production Model T is built at the Ford plant in Detroit, Michigan.
10. The 1910s
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William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Important Events:
- 1911 - Standard Oil is declared a monopoly by the United States Supreme Court and ordered dissolved under the powers of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
- 1913 - The first moving assembly line is introduced and adopted for mass production by the Ford Motor Company, allowing automobile construction time to decrease by almost 10 hours per vehicle.
- 1915 – The first telephone conversation is conducted by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson between New York and San Francisco.
- 1915 - The British ship Lusitania is sunk by a German U-boat submarine, causing 128 American passengers to be lost. Germany, although it warned of the pending crises to passengers, issued an apology to the United States and promised payments.
- 1918 - The influenza epidemic Spanish flu spans the globe, killing over twenty million worldwide and five hundred and forty-eight thousand people in the United States.
- World War I 1917-1918
Overview: After three years spent remaining neutral, the United States joins World War I. The U.S. made its major contributions in terms of supplies, raw material, and money, and its joining into the war helped to turn the tides against the Germans and Ottomans.
People to know:
Woodrow Wilson (President)
John J. Pershing (General)
Important Events/Battles
The United States declares war on Germany in 1917 after the Zimmermann Telegram is given to the United States by Britain on February 24, showing the offer by Germany to give Mexico back the southwest United States if they would declare war on the United States.
June 26th, 1917 - The first troops from the United States arrive in Europe to assist European allies in World War I. Troops engaged in World War I would include conscript soldiers authorized by the passage of the Conscription Act, the Selective Services Act, on May 18, 1917. General John Pershing would be placed in command of the American Expeditionary Forces during the campaign.
1918 - The United States military forces has over one million troops in Europe fighting in World War I.
May 28, 1918- United States forces are victorious in the Battle of Cantigny, the first independent American operation.
September 26, 1918- Allied forces begin the attack at Meusse-Argonne, the final offensive of the war.
November 11, 1918 - Hostilities in World War I begin to end with the Austria-Hungary alliance for armistice with the allies on November 3. Armistice Day with Germany occurs when the Allies and the German nation sign an agreement in Compiegne, France. Woodrow Wilson would become the first U.S. President to travel to Europe while in office when he sails to attend the Paris Peace Conference on December 4.
1919 - The Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending World War I.
- 1919- The 18th Amendment is passed, bringing about the era of Prohibition
11. The 1920s
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Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
Important events:
-1920 - The League of Nations is established with the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, ending the hostilities of the first World War. In a final vote, the United States Senate again votes against joining the League.
- 1920 - Women are given the right to vote when the 19th Amendment to the United States constitution grants universal women's suffrage.
- 1920 - The National Football League is formed
- 1921 - A national quota system on the number of incoming immigrants is established by the United States Congress in the Emergency Quota Act, curbing legal immigration.
- 1923 - The first sound on film motion picture Phonofilm is shown in the Rivoli Theatre in New York City by Lee de Forest.
- 1924 - The Indian Citizenship Act granted all Native Americans citizenship that had been born within the territory of the United States.
- 1925 - Nellie Tayloe Ross is inaugurated as the first woman governor of the United States in Wyoming.
- 1925 - Radiovision is born. The precursor to television is demonstrated by Charles Francis Jenkins when he transmits a 10 minute film of synchronized pictures and sound for five miles from Anacostia to Washington, D.C. to representatives of the United States government.
- 1928 - The first appearance of Mickey and Minnie Mouse on film occurs with the release of the animated short film, Plane Crazy.
- 1928 - Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean.
- 1929 - Postwar prosperity ends in the 1929 Stock Market crash. The plummeting stock prices led to losses between 1929 and 1931 of an estimated $50 billion and started the worst American depression in the nation's history.
Hope this helped, and happy writing!!!!!
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babbushka · 4 years ago
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Clyde Logan x Reader 
3k ; Minor angst (Military past/reuniting with military buddies) it’s really very fluffy I promise
(originally posted on AO3 12/28/2018, cross-posting here for my tumblr friends)
Most Monday mornings found you in the front lawn, tending to the flowers you had planted there before the heat of the day set in, and this particular Monday was no exception. 
The birds were chirping brightly, your watering can was full, and the day just seemed glad to see you. Clyde was back in the small house the two of you shared, and was just waking up. 
He always slept in late after the weekends when Duck Tape was at its busiest, so you had taken up this routine as a way to be productive while letting him get some much needed rest – on days where he let you out of his python grip, that was.
A bonus to being outside early was you got to greet the neighbors and various people passing by your property. People walking their dogs or taking their kids to the nearby school all got a friendly greeting from you as you tended your garden, and the mailman was no exception. You usually had a small token of appreciation for him on Mondays, as a way to start the week off nicely.
“Good morning ma’am! Only a couple letters for y’all today.” The mailman said as he pulled up in his truck outside your house.
You brushed your hands off on your gardening pants and took the small stack from him with a smile. You knew you were the last house on his route, he had told you as much one morning a few months ago, and so you didn’t worry about the fresh loaf of homemade bread getting squished or damaged in his care. It was wrapped in brown paper and tied with butcher’s twine like it was every week, with a small paper tag on it that you wrote down this week’s flavor – roasted garlic and rosemary.
“Thank you Patrick, here’s something nice for you and Shelley. Have a good day!” You handed him the loaf and he didn’t hesitate to take in a big sniff, the garlic was pretty strong but he grinned like it was Christmas morning.
“You’re always so kind (Y/N), thank ya! It smells delicious, you have a good one.” He gave you a small wave before driving down the block.
Heading back towards the house, you started leafing through the letters. One was the cable and internet bill, another was a weekly newsletter of the local community that you had subscribed to, but the third was addressed to Clyde specifically.
It was small and rectangular, and a little dinged up, but it looked like it had traveled a long way to get to Clyde. His name and address was inked in blue pen that had gotten a little smudged, and you could only wonder how many times it had gotten delivered to the wrong place before it finally arrived to your humble home.
“Clyde honey, something came in the mail for you today.” You said as you walked through the door. Your boyfriend was fully awake and munching on some frosted flakes at the kitchen table, reading through a new book he picked up at the library.
“Just put it in the pile, I’ll sort through it later.” Clyde responded sweetly, making you giggle.
“It’s not a bill, someone sent you a personal letter.” You leaned over the table and gave him a morning breath kiss, placing the letter on the table next to his book. “Return address is from Utah, do you know anyone from there?”
You had thought all of Clyde’s family was here in West Virginia. Well, now with Jimmy across state line that might no longer be true, but still you had never heard your man talk about anyone from all the way across the country.
“Can you get me a butter knife?” Clyde asked, his voice gone quiet as he stared at the letter.  
“Sure thing honey.” You said with a slight frown, grabbing one from the drawer and handing it to him.
Clyde didn’t respond, using the butter knife as a makeshift letter opener to tear through the envelope carefully. Inside was a single sheet of paper, folded into thirds, and was completely covered in more blue ink. From your angle you couldn’t make out the writing exactly, but Clyde’s reaction to it was more concerning to you than the contents.
“Is everything okay? You look a little pale.” You asked, sitting down next to him and hugging yourself close to his arm, the scarred one. He hadn’t yet put on his prosthetic since he had just woken up, but you didn’t mind in the least. You liked that he trusted you enough to be comfortable around you.
“I’m okay.” He said with a deep breath, folding the letter back down and tucking it under his book.
You didn’t want to press the issue, so you just gave him a kiss and moved to the cabinet to get a bowl so you could have some breakfast with him and spend the rest of the morning together.
The next day, Clyde came home early from work and surprised you with takeout from your favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. You had been watching TV, waiting for him to come home, and at the sound of the front door unlocking you were already running across the house to jump into his arms and cover his face with kisses.
“Honey you’re home!” You grinned, laughing as he lifted you and spun you around.
“Yup, I felt like spending the evening with my favorite lady.” He smiled back at you, giving you one long kiss before releasing his hold on you.
You giggled, still dizzy from the spinning, and took the heavy takeout bag from him. He followed you into the living room where you laid out the spread of containers, and you caught him fidgeting with the buckle on his belt – a nervous habit of his that you picked up on pretty early on.
“(Y/N)?” Clyde said, and you frowned slightly at the apprehension in his voice. “I was wonderin’…if you wouldn’t mind accompanyin’ me to a function this weekend.” He finished, and you were relieved that you didn’t have to prepare for dreadful news.
“You know I’ll always join you wherever you want me to.” You said, sitting on the couch and inviting him to his favorite spot: his head in your lap. “Is this about your friend from Utah? Are they going to be in town?” You asked, thinking about the letter.
“Yup. It ain’t just Tony either, it’s…” Clyde trailed off with a sigh, and your chest tightened for him. You knew there were a lot of things in Clyde’s past that you didn’t really know about, because he had had such a hard time living through them. The last thing you wanted to do was to make him deal with something he wasn’t ready for.
“You don’t have to tell me if it’s hard Clyde.” You said, stroking your fingers through his thick and luscious hair.
“I want to tell ya because it’s hard.” Clyde said, sitting up and taking your hand. He took a deep breath and looked you in the eye, something he was trying to be better at when he was nervous. “I know I don’t talk about it a lot, especially with me losin’ m’ arm and all, but I made some good pals overseas in the special forces. Some of them are having a bar-be-cue, a reunion of sorts, and I’ve been invited to go.”
He looked at you almost like he was afraid you’d say no, but you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face, and he felt a little more relaxed.
“Do we need to bring anything? I can whip up my famous mac n’ cheese.” You said, wanting him to know that you accepted every single part of him and his history.
“You don’t mind bein’ around a whole bunch of tough military types for the day?” Clyde asked, sounding slightly incredulous.
“If they mean a lot to you, they mean a lot to me.” You said, leaning in for a kiss.
Clyde’s heart soared, grinning against your lips as he kissed you back. He hadn’t spoken to his army buddies in a long time, at least since he had gotten a phone – otherwise he would have given them his number to call instead of having Tony send him a letter as the only way to reach him. He was nervous showing you more of that side of him, the side that had gotten injured and all the baggage that came along with it, but you had always been supportive and understanding, willing to listen and to help him through all the other bad parts of his life, he should have known you would be there for him during this too.
For the whole week leading up to the BBQ Clyde was nervous with excited energy. He had done a fashion show for you of different outfits he might wear, wanting your opinion on how he should wear his shirts. Should he shave? Should he cover his arm? Hat, or no hat?
You were patient and glad to help, giving your honest thoughts, like he should wear his shirts how he always does; tucked into his trousers and buttoned all the way up. No he shouldn’t shave, he looks handsome with the scruff he’s got, and no hat, it’ll get too hot.
You were an angel, and Clyde kept telling you that on the three hour drive up to Pittsburg, where Emmanuel lived and was hosting this whole thing. Before you two got out of the car, he gave your hand a firm squeeze, and you simply brought it to your lips and kissed the knuckles with a warm smile.
“Clyde Logan, you gentle giant how are ya?” A stocky man emerged from the front of the house when Clyde’s car beeped locked.
“I’m doing alright Emmanuel, it’s good ta see ya, you’re lookin’ pretty fit.” Clyde said, his demeanor immediately lightening up as he was crushed in a bear hug. The man, Emmanuel, ducked his head in a mock shy manner, before flexing and showing off his muscles.
“Thanks buddy! I’ve been spending a lot of time at the gym; they say swimming helps the back.” He shrugged, and Clyde just laughed. It was the first time he had laughed at something other than a corny joke you had made, and it made you grin.
“Clyde you never told us you had a smokin’ hot girlfriend!” Another man stepped out onto the front lawn, he was taller than Emmanuel, but not as tall as Clyde. You were pretty sure Clyde was always going to be the tallest man in the room, even among these guys.
“Shut up Mick,” Clyde teased without any real malice.
“Come on out back and come meet everyone!” Mick said, and the two of you followed him and Emmanuel through the house to the backyard, where it looked like a picture perfect scene out of a movie.
All the guys who were able rushed over to Clyde, and you couldn’t help but get emotional at how they all pulled him into a hug. It was clear to you that they hadn’t been together in a long time, and it warmed your heart to see them still caring about your man.
He managed to push through their wall of affection, and held out a hand for you, which you happily took.
“Everyone, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Mick and his wife Kayla, Tony and his wife Anna, Ozzie, Emmanuel, and Reuben.” Clyde introduced you, and you shook hands with everyone, leaning over to give them kisses on the cheek like you had known these people your whole life.
“It’s so nice to meet everyone.” You said truthfully.
“I bet Clyde’s told you nothin’ about us!” Ozzie laughed, giving a playful elbow to Clyde’s side. “He still the strong silent type we knew back in the day?” He asked with a grin.
“I’m afraid you’re right. But I wouldn’t have him any other way.” You said, making Clyde blush scarlet. He kissed your cheek and the whole group of men wolf whistled, but you didn’t mind, you liked showing off how in love you were with this handsome man. “I brought mac n’ cheese, I hope that was alright.” You suddenly remembered the huge tinfoil covered tray you were holding.
“Damn Clyde, she’s gorgeous and brings food? You got yourself a keeper.” Tony winked, making Clyde wrap his good arm instinctively around your waist.
“You keep your hands to yourself now Tony.” Clyde warned, but he still had that smile on his face.
You stuck by Clyde’s side the entire night. You didn’t say much, but you didn’t have to. It was the men’s night to reconnect with one another after all these years away. Clyde wasn’t the only one to have gotten injured in the roadside mine that took his arm; it took Reuben’s right leg, and had caused Tony to go deaf in his left ear, and partially blind. None of them paid any attention to anyone’s prosthetics, unless it was to comment on how nice Clyde’s arm looked, with how high tech it was.
As the day progressed and more beers were consumed, they started to reminisce about the days when they were together overseas, each one having a different version of the same story. You couldn’t help but laugh at how Clyde seemed to be the mediator whenever two men bickered over minor details in a story, he had always been the calm and collected one in the group, that much was easy to tell.
Emmanuel brought out his tripod and camera, and they set up a timer to take a couple big group photos right when the light was golden, and you offered to take some photos of just the men. Tony had taken the camera from you afterwards, and told you to go stand over by Clyde, and he snapped a couple pictures of the two of you, grinning at one another like the love sick fools you were.
Everyone talked about what they were up to in life. Mick and Kayla were starting to try and have a baby, Emmanuel was the regional manager for a real estate firm in the area, Ozzie and Reuben were both working on memoirs of their time in the war, and Tony had just gotten married to Anna not five weeks earlier.
Clyde was very humble about his life with you, only saying that he was the owner of a bar back home, and that he spent every minute there or with you. You felt like the luckiest lady in the world with the way he smiled down at you, all you could do was sing Clyde’s praises and tell them about the wonderful things he does for the folks back home.
With the evening came s’mores and the passing around of old photo albums. You couldn’t help but snuggle close to Clyde on Emmanuel’s couch as you tried to get a good luck at a young Clyde with nearly shaven hair and a boy’s face. It struck you then just how young all these guys had been, but how young Clyde was in particular. He looked like he joined right out of high school. Clyde’s grip on your hand tightened as they flipped through the pages, some a little older, one in particular of Clyde showing off the tattoo he had on his forearm. You simply put your other hand on top of his, and squeezed back, silently letting him know you were there for him.
Not so long after that came the somber goodbyes, seeing as you and Clyde had three whole hours to drive back home. It was bittersweet, no one knew when they would all have time to coordinate like this again.
“I’m real glad you came.” Tony said, as he held out his hand for a goodbye shake.
“I’m glad y’all invited me.” Clyde said shyly.
“Are you kiddin’? I went through hell tryin’ to find out where to mail that letter! You’re not an easy man to find Clyde Logan.” Tony laughed, deep and scratchy, like he had been smoking a pack a day since the war.
Clyde released your hand for the first time all evening, to pull out a piece of paper from his pocket.
“Here’s my phone number, I want you to give it to all the guys. In case y’all ever want to call or something.” Clyde said, addressing the whole small party.
As Clyde started to say his goodbyes to the folks he had missed, you went around the room and hugged everyone goodbye yourself. As you pulled away from Mick he discreetly slipped the photo of a young Clyde Logan into your hand.
“I don’t know what you’ve done to him,” Mick started with a hushed voice, “But you’ve lit a fire in him like I’ve never seen before. I’m glad he has you.” He said.
“I’m glad to have him.” You said back, with a heartfelt smile, as you hugged him again.
A week or so later, the mailman brought you a small package from Utah, and some postcards from all over the country, no doubt sent by the other members of Clyde’s group. This time you happily recognized Tony’s handwriting and left it for Clyde to open, as he hadn’t come down for breakfast yet.
You had gone to work, but when you came home you noticed a few additions of décor to your kitchen; framed photographs of Clyde and his friends from the BBQ. One of the group, one of just the men that you had taken, and one of the two of you, smiling down at each other.
Clyde’s arm and tattoo was on full display, but so was the love you two had for one another, and that outshone anything else in the world.
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weather-usa · 4 months ago
Chances rise to 50-50 for tropical development off Southeast coast as region prepares for heavy rainfall
As remnants of Hurricane Francine bring heavy rain to parts of the Deep South, the Carolina coast faces the potential for more downpours, with a coastal low possibly developing into a tropical system over the weekend or early next week.
Following Hurricane Francine, which is dissipating over the Tennessee Valley, the FOX Forecast Center is keeping an eye on an old frontal boundary off the Southeast coast. This area could become the season's next tropical disturbance. The National Hurricane Center has assigned a medium chance of development over the next week. Regardless of whether a tropical cyclone forms, the Carolinas can expect rainy and occasionally blustery conditions throughout the weekend and into the first half of the workweek.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in 29609 - Greenville SC:
"A front extending from the remnants of Hurricane Francine in the Midsouth through North Florida and into the Atlantic will serve as the catalyst for a low-pressure system to form offshore near the Georgia coast," explains FOX Weather Hurricane Expert Bryan Norcross. "Northeast and east winds will collide with tropical moisture from the south in the development zone, promoting atmospheric spin." While environmental conditions aren't ideal for rapid development, some gradual organization is possible as the disturbance moves north and west, approaching the coastline.
Weather Forecast For 77059-Houston-TX:
"If winds reach 40 mph within the circulation, as several computer models suggest, the system will be named Helene," said Bryan Norcross.
"Warm waters will fuel the system," added FOX Weather Meteorologist Kendall Smith. "We could easily see a tropical or subtropical depression by early next week. But don't get caught up in the terminology—the impacts will remain the same."
Forecast models predict widespread rainfall of 2-5 inches, with locally higher amounts possible, particularly east of Interstate 95. Coastal areas like Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, as well as Wilmington and Morehead City in North Carolina, are in the main impact zone.
NOAA's Weather Prediction Center has identified the Carolina coast as a potential flooding area on Monday, while more moderate rainfall is expected in inland cities like Raleigh, Charlotte, and Richmond, Virginia.
"Residents along the Carolina coast should prepare for an extended period of gusty winds and unpleasant weather, with conditions expected to peak on Monday," said Bryan Norcross. "At this time, there's no indication the system will develop into a hurricane, though we've seen similar situations intensify near the coast in the past."
Rough seas will bring the risk of rip currents and beach erosion The increased ocean activity will lead to rough surf, a heightened risk of rip currents, and the potential for additional coastal erosion. The coastline around the Outer Banks and southeastern Virginia is particularly vulnerable to rough seas, as demonstrated by swells from Hurricane Ernesto, which was over 1,000 miles away.
Waves generated by the former Category 2 hurricane caused flooding along North Carolina Highway 12, the primary route through the islands. At least one abandoned home fell into the ocean as a result.
Following this collapse, parts of Cape Hatteras National Seashore have been closed to swimmers due to concerns about debris in the water.
While authorities have not indicated that the surf will surpass the swells caused by Hurricane Ernesto or lead to further property damage, the local National Weather Service office in Morehead City, North Carolina, has issued various advisories for beachgoers and boaters, cautioning about the rough conditions.
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spurgie-cousin · 4 years ago
Weird History Wednesday: UFO Encounters in American History (Part 2)🛸
(feat. my 2 favorite international UFO stories of all time!)
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1. The American Airship Wave (1896-1897) Beginning in California in 1896, sightings of strange ships and lights in the sky began to be reported in unprecedented numbers across the Western United States. Many of the encounters describe hearing singing, voices, or strange noises accompanying the sighting of strange lights or crafts. One account by Colonel H.G. Shaw from Stockton, CA claims while driving his buggy, Shaw came across a strange metallic object rested in a field. He stated that 3 slender figures around 7 ft tall approached his buggy making a ‘strange warbling noise’, and tried to force him back to their craft with them. Despite their size, he was able to fight them off, after which they fled back to their craft and disappeared into the sky.
2. Mantell UFO incident (1948) A little before 2pm on January 7th, 1948, Kentucky Air National Guard pilot Thomas F. Mantell was sent out in a P-51 Mustang Fighter to pursue an unidentified flying object in the vicinity. The only description of the object was that is was circular in shape and around 80-90 meters in diameter. Mantell pursued the object until he encountered an unstable altitude that caused him to spiral downward and crash, resulting in his death. Some have wondered if the object was a military weather balloon, but the object in question has never been definitely identified.
3. The Flatwoods Monster (1952) The Flatwoods monster is an entity reported to have been sighted in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, United States, on September 12, 1952, following the appearance of a bright object crossing the night sky. After seeing the strange object seemingly crash land on a neighboring farm, 3 boys went to notify the owners of the farm, and they walked as a group into the property’s woods to investigate. While looking for the object, they describe encountering a humanoid figure approximately 10ft tall, with glowing green eyes, small ‘claw like’ hands, and a head that resemble ‘an ace of spades’. It appeared to glide toward the group making a hissing noise, before the residents dropped their flashlights and fled.
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4. The Incident in Aurora, Texas (1897) Another bizarre encounter from the airship ‘wave’ of 1896-1897 happened in Aurora, Texas on April 17, 1897. According to reports, a strange metallic craft reportedly crash landed on local farm after hitting a windmill. After finding the site of the crash, the residents are said to have found metallic debris along with a body described as ‘not of this world’. The farmers, for some reason, decided to dispose of the craft remnants in a well, and buried the strange body on the property with traditional ‘Christian Rites’ as well as a grave marker (which has since been taken down). 5. Allagash Abductions (1976) Brothers Jim Weiner and Jack Weiner were on a camping trip in Allagash, Maine with friends Charles Foltz and Charles Rak when they claimed that they were abducted by aliens on August, 20, 1976. During a hypnosis session, they recalled being taken aboard a circular UFO and being "probed and tested by four-fingered beings with almond-shaped eyes and languid limbs". In a later interview by the St. John Valley Times, Charles Rak changed his story, saying he saw strange lights during the camping trip, but the abduction part of the story was a fabrication. The other three members of the group though stand by the abduction story, saying that “...after all these years, (we) are still in agreement with the Eagle Lake event as we remember it. We also accept the results of the hypnotic regression sessions and subsequent polygraph tests as supportive of an abduction scenario".
6. Nash-Fortenberry UFO sighting (1952) The Nash-Fortenberry UFO incident was an unidentified flying object sighting that occurred on July 14, 1952, when two commercial pilots (William B. Nash and William H. Fortenberry) claimed to have seen eight UFOs flying in a tight arrow formation over Chesapeake Bay. The crafts were described as balls of light flying in an eerily precise manner. The case was listed in the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book as an "unknown” and there has still been no credible explanation found for the incident to this day.
7. Japan Airlines Flight 1628 incident (1986) On November, 17, 1986, Japan Airlines Flight 1628 was en route from Paris to Narita International Airport, near Tokyo, with a cargo of Beaujolais wine. While flying over eastern Alaska, the crew witnessed two unidentified objects flying to their left. According to their accounts, the figures abruptly rose from below and closed in seemingly to escort their aircraft as it flew. Each object had two rectangular arrays of what appeared to be glowing nozzles or thrusters, though the bodies of the crafts remained obscured by darkness. When the objects were at their closest, the aircraft's cabin lit up and the captain described being able to feel their heat on his face. When the two craft disappeared, the crew noticed a third, much larger disk-shaped object had began trailing their aircraft. The sighting lasted 50 minutes and ended in the vicinity of Denali National Park, Alaska.
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Illustration of the first two objects, based on Captain Terauchi's drawings and descriptions. 8. The Stonehenge Incident (1975) The ‘Stonehenge Incident’ or the ‘North Hudson Park UFO sightings’ occurred on January 12, 1975 in New Jersey, at a tall grey apartment building nicknamed the ‘Stonehenge’. According to resident George O'Barski, while out driving he began hearing static over his radio and saw in North Hudson Park a dark, round flying object with brightly lit windows hovering over the ground. He then observed ten small, hooded, identically-dressed figures emerge from the UFO and appear to dig up soil, collect it in bag-like receptacles, and return to the craft. O'Barski returned to the site the next day and claims to have found the holes in the vicinity of his sighting. Months later, O'Barski told the story to ufologist Budd Hopkins, who with other ufologists allegedly found other independent witnesses (like the doormen at the Stonehenge) who also reported seeing the strange object.
9. The Ariel School Sighting (1994) In 1994 at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, over 60 students reported witnessing a strange craft land on a lawn near their school in broad daylight. Several students reported feeling compelled to approach the object, and said they were communicated with telepathically by the beings inside. The students report feeling an extreme urgency combined with a message of conservation for the earth, nature, and our natural resources, as well as being given visions of possible disaster scenarios if humans didn’t heed these instructions. Many students who experienced this stand by their stories to this day, and say that it affects the decisions they make regarding conservation to this day.
10. The Celestial Phenomenon Over Nuremberg (1561) On the morning of April 14th of 1561, a mass UFO sighting was recorded via broadsheet in Nuremberg, Germany. The story says that around dawn, residents of Nuremberg saw what they described as an aerial battle, followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and then a large crash outside of the city. The broadsheet claims that witnesses observed hundreds of spheres, cylinders and other bizarre-shaped objects that moved erratically in the sky. It also describes objects of various shapes including crosses, globes, two lunar crescents, a black spear and tubular objects from which several smaller, round objects emerged and darted around the sky at dawn. A quote from the original report states: “...there stood on both sides and as a torus about the sun such blood-red ones and other balls in large number, about three in a line and four in a square, also some alone. In between these globes there were visible a few blood-red crosses, between which there were blood-red strips, becoming thicker to the rear and in the front malleable like the rods of reed-grass, which were intermingled, among them two big rods, one on the right, the other to the left, and within the small and big rods there were three, also four and more globes. These all started to fight among themselves, so that the globes, which were first in the sun, flew out to the ones standing on both sides, thereafter, the globes standing outside the sun, in the small and large rods, flew into the sun. Besides the globes flew back and forth among themselves and fought vehemently with each other for over an hour.”
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An illustration of the Phenomenon over Nuremberg
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